The House That Students Built' Campbell Warns County That Topsoil

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The House That Students Built' Campbell Warns County That Topsoil J u Aspecialsu |emen i The house that students built' ' pp '«•»sectionc 115th Year, No, 5 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1970 15 CENTS Both political parties show little interest in conventions Only 14 Democrats have filed -Raymond E. Canfield, 2499 N. 4735 W. Grand River, Lansing; for 111 positions as precinct Ovid Rd., Ovid, and Edna M. Kenneth L. Thompson, 9875 delegates, to the Clinton County Austin, 129 W. William St., Ovid. Looking Glassbrook, Grand Democratic Convention. RILEY (3)-Willard Krebel, Ledge, and John R, Ryan, Route Republicans, meanwhile, have 4363 W, Price Rd., St. Johns, 3, Grand Ledge. ~ only 36 candidates for 102 posi­ VICTOR (3)-None. WESTPHALIA (5)-None. tions at their party's county WATERTOWN (7)-Duane A. ST.JOHNS convention. Woodruff, 7220 Eaton Hwy., Lan­ First Precinct (4)—Bruce At each party's county con­ sing; Ernest E, Carter, 14320 Henry Campbell, 207 E. Walker vention, precinct delegates se­ Airport Rd., Lansing; Lawrence St., St. Johns. lect delegates to attend the state R. Maier, 7380 W. Stoll Rd., Second Precinct (4)—None. SEN. LOCKWOOD convention where delegates to Lansing; Margaret H. Thtngstad, Continued on Page 2A the 1972 national conventions will be chosen. Election of precinct delegates r will be Aug. 4. Lockwood In neither party is there any competition and only the Repub­ Committee work licans—in five of 29 precincts- makes it have the maximum number of candidates. Democrats have 26 precincts. Josephine Ballenger named officio Delegates may still be elected through write-in votes. A mini­ mum of three votes is necessary with all deliberate speed He's running for election. State Rep. William S. Bal­ got the possibility of our hav­ Here are the candidates who lenger can point toatleastone ing a girl." for Hare's job have filed with number of dele­ cdmmiHee he's served orfthat Josephine -was born at gates allowed 'in parenthesis: ' got something done. Owosso Memorial Hospital at - > State Sen. Emil Lockwood, R- The committee, though uh-' about 12:40 p.m. and at last St, Louis, has announced he will Republicans official but in,the bestpoliti-" report mo^, who Js the seek his party's nomination for cal tradition, was composed qt former! Virginia Lee "Bunny" the office of secretary of state. ' " -BATH ' - Ballenger and his wife, Bunny. Woodard of Owosso, and child Lockwood for several weeks First precinct (4)—None filed. Their purpose: To name were doing fine. has made no secret of his inten­ Second Precinct (3)^-None, Josephine. And Ballenger was reported tion to seek the post. BENGAL(3)-None. doing "as well as possible He has represented the 30th •* Which they did a week ago Under the circumstances." BINGHAM Tuesday proving that even Senatorial District, which in­ First Precinct (2)—None. The Ballengers live at 8450 cludes all of Clinton County, for cdmmittees can move with all HibbardRd., Ovid. the last eight years and is pres­ Second Precinct (2)—None. deliberate speed, since Jose­ DALLAS (5)-None. He currently represents the ently Senate Majority Leader. phine was born a week ago 87th House District but re­ So far only one candidate has DEWITT TWP. Monday (May 25). First Precinct (3)-Virginia cently announced his can­ come forth to seek his seat- "We had aboy's name picked didacy for the State Senate in State Rep. William S Ballenger, L. Zeeb, 3200 E. HerbisonRoad, out," said Ballenger, "butfor- f Bath; Robert D. Zeeb, 2840 Her- the 30th District. R-Ovid, who announced about a bison Road, Bath, and Mary F. month ago. Rose, 2470 E. Herbison Road, Lockwood kicked off his cam­ Bath. Among 16 contenders paign at a breakfast Monday at Second Precinct (3)—None. Detroit's Cobo Hall. An esti­ Third Precinct (3)-Dale S. mated 300 civic, business and Emerson, 402 Castle Drive, Lan­ political leaders attended. sing. Clinton school board . "My record shows unmistak­ Fourth Precinct (3)—None. ably that I can win not only the Fifth Precinct (3)-None.. Continued on Page 2A DUPLAIN (6) - Elizabeth C. Hess, 337 W. Pine Street, Elsie; candidates sure know C. Hubert Sills, 311 Carole Drive, Elsie; Andrew W. Cobb, Hydrants R-2, Elsie; Robert L. Moore, R-l, Elsie; Jennie E. Loznak, about kids-75 of 'em 209 Simonson, Elsie, and Alice will be M. Bloomer, 8282 E. Island Road, Any politician facing the mi­ Two candidates have four chil­ Elsie. croscopic scrutiny of voters in an dren each, and both are running In TAPS EAGLE (4)-Robert M, Mont­ election campaign knows that ex­ the St. Johns district. Harvey gomery, R-l, Eagle; Carol New­ perience is certainly a plus French is evenly divided with two flushed ton R-l, Eden Trail, Eagle; Ed­ factor. boys and two girls, while Donald St. Johns' 214 fire hydrants Bugler John Hall of the American Legion Edwin T. Stiles Post 153 in St. Johns sounded taps in ward D. Rose, 13570 Grand River School board elections in Clin­ C. Haske has three girls and one will be flushed of iron and other u ton County's six districts have ceremonies Memorial Day. More pictures on Page 7A. J Highway and James M.Palmiter, boy. deposits beginning next week, * / R-l, Tallman Road, Grand certainly drawn a field of know­ Candidates with three children announced the city water depart­ Ledge. ledgeable candidates in the area are Bruce L. Irish Sr., in St. ment. ESSEX (4)-,"->ne. of school children and their edu­ Johns, David J. Hill of the Ovid- - Stanley R. Toburen, superin­ There's cash Remedy available GRK'slK^USH r cation. Elsie district, Ronald Schafer of tendent, says the process will First and Second Precincts They have 75 children of their Pewamo-Westphalia and incum­ take five days and will begin around' (total 4)—Imogene M. Beck and own-38 girls and 37 boys. bent Cleo Friendf of Bath. Scha­ Monday, June 8. Oliver Beck, both R-3, St. Johns. Leading all candidates with fer has three girls, Irish has two He says the main purpose of LEBANON (2)-None. ""' eight children apiece areWillard 'girls and one boy, while both the project, in addition to flush­ Convert unwanted items Campbell warns county OLIVE (4)—Almond B. Cress- J. Reed, an unopposed Incumbent Friend and Hill have two boys and ing, is to check that all hydrants into cash for wanted items man, 2327 vf. Price Road", St. in DeWitt, Paul E. Stoll of Bath one girl. are in good working order. with a ClintonCountyNews Johns, and Joan A, Wagner, 8403 and Benard Black of Bath. / All work will be done at night, classified ad. Everything Loomls Road, DeWltt. Wdndell Waggoner of St, Johns beginning at 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. Reed has five boys and three and Gordon Brown of DeWltt have from apples to zippers are that topsoil in danger / girls, while Stoll and Black have The city has been broken into sold, traded or exchanged two boys each and Mrs Shirley five sections for the project. OVID | four of each. Hazle of St. Johns has two daugh­ ^through classified adver­ By NORRIS R. MCDOWELL a river or culvert, a contribu­ trict director of soil conserva­ First Precint (4)—Jean Palen, Here is the schedule: tising. Join the hundreds of Close seconds with seven chil­ ters. tion to what Campbell calls the tion and a member of the state 7517 Welter Rd., Route 2, Ovid; dren each, are incumbent CarlW. MONDAY, June 8-All hydrants other satisfied advertisers Hold on to your topsoil, 'cause number one pollutant in the soil conservation cdmmittee). G. Kenneth Austin, 1173 S, Hol- north of the Grand Trunk Rail­ who know how economical Kramer of the Pewamo-West- i» if you don't you may, be sorry, country, siltatlon (mud). lister, Ovid; Duane Chamberlain, Millage is road. and efficient a classified ad Moore is prepared to sell the phalla district and Marvin Simon v says Lloyd Campbell, district His remedy for this type df 305 W. Front St., Ovid, and'Clare of Fowler. Kramer has seven TUESDAY, June 9-East of can be. For buying, sell­ conservationist. man-made erosion is a plant plant or seed to individual farm­ Alderman, 7002 E. M 21, Route Whittemore and South of the ing, trading, Inquiring, no­ ers or to governmental* units, daughters and Simon is at the the same Campbell pointed out that top-\ called crownvetch. 2", ovid. other extreme,with seven boys. * Grand Trunk Railroad. tifying' or^just plain read­ soil in the county is being He explained that crownvetch, Campbell said. It will be sold Second Precinct (3)—Gwen A. Millage allocated to Clinton WEDNESDAY, June 10-East ing, you can't beat the clas­ washed away at an ever-increas­ through its extensive root struc­ ior\ $lfe per pound and will be Lyon, 221 N. Park St., Ovid; William Richards Jr., St. County's governmental units will ' of Oakland, south of the railroad sified columns of the ing rate due to rising develop­ ture and nitrogen-absorbing available soon. 'Johns, is the only candidate with be the same next year as last. andjvest of Whittemore. Clinton County News,. f The county Allocation Board ment of land, abilities, succeeds In holding "I'd like to see the conserva­ six children, three boys and three THURSDAY, June 11-East of "It may be a fact that under the soil in place. HOMEMADE ICE Cream Social girls, while Mrs Winifred Mc- ruled that the schools will re­ Lansing Street, west of Oakland tion department buy some," he Wednesday, June 10 at West ceive eight mills, the county Michigan law the person^ found Crownvetch is new to Mich­ said, for cuts In state park.- Kean Is the only one with five, and south of the railroad.
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