rammstein sehnsucht full album download Album Sehnsucht. Music & lyrics by Produced by Jacob Hellner with RAMMSTEIN Mixed by Ronald Prent Programming by RAMMSTEIN Additional programming by Marc Stagg Female voice by Bobo Portrait photography by Gottfried Helnwein Landscape by Premium Stock Photography Sleeve design by Dirk Rudolph All songs published by BMG/Ufa Management: Emanuel Fialik. Contact & Merchandising: PILGRIM Postfach 540 101 10042 Berlin. Rammstein on the net: http://www.rammstein.de http://www.rammstein.com. En ce moment. Follow us. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Flux RSS Forum. Publicité. Statistics. 14,647,876 visitors already 1,591 in the last 24 hours 26 visitors now Website created on Aug 02, 2004. About the website. © 2021 Rammstein World. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction strictly prohibited. Rammstein World is a non-profit oriented website: all of the advertising revenue is used to finance the hosting. Rammstein World is not affiliated to Rammstein. For more information, please read our terms of use page. Technology. Conception, development and maintenance by Pierrick Dautrement. Site created in compliance with W3C standards and accessibility, in CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Rammstein. Very few mainland European acts break into the American music market and even fewer heavy metal acts achieve chart success. Rammstein are the exception to the rule. Their 2010 concert at New York’s Madison Square Garden sold out in less than 15 minutes whilst tickets for their one- off show in Montreal at the end of the same year sold out within the hour. Not bad for a hard rock act that started life in Northern Germany 16 years earlier. Rammstein are unusual in the rock industry in that the line-up of the band has not changed since their formation in Berlin in 1994. The group consists of six members: vocals are by Till Lindeman, lead guitar by Richard Z Kruspe; Paul H. Landers is on rhythm guitar with Oliver “Ollie” Riedel on bass guitar. Rounding off the group are Christoph “Doom” Schneider on drums and Christian “Flake” Lorenz on keyboards. They took their name from Ramstein-Miesenbach, a small town in southwest Germany and are known as being part of the Neue Deutsche Härte movement, which loosely translates as . The band released their first single – “Du Riechst So Gut”- in August 1995 and their debut album “” followed a month later. To promote the album, the band took to the road in their homeland, touring first in December 1995 and going back out on the road again in early 1996. A few months later, they made their debut in the UK, performing on the MTV show “Hanging Out” that was recorded in London but it was not until later that year that international success started to come their way. Two of their songs, “Heirate mich” and “Rammstein” appeared on the soundtrack for David Lynch’s “Lost Highway” film, which introduced the band to a larger audience both in their home country and abroad. Their second album, “Sehnsucht” was released in August 1997 and went to number one on the German charts, cementing their popularity among heavy metal fans in the country. The first single from the album was “Engel” which reached gold status in terms of single sales in Germany in the spring of that year. Such was its success, that the band released a second version of the song, this time including two previously unreleased tracks. The group toured extensively throughout the remainder of the year including their first tour of the USA where they headlined with KMFDM. In mid 1998, the group toured with Ice Cube and Limp Bizkit and then in August, they headlined a concert in Berlin to 17,000 fans that was released 12 months later as a DVD, “Live aus Berlin,” where it went to the top of the German video and DVD charts. They were nominated for Best Rock Act at the MTV European Music Awards later that year. They topped this by winning nominations at the 1999 Grammy’s for Best Metal Performance, although they failed to win the award. Their next studio album “Mutter” was released in April 2001, followed by another tour which took the band to Europe, North America and Mexico. The first song from the album, “Links 2 3 4” was initially released as an MP3 recording in December 2000 and only later released as a CD single. The following year, the band recorded a song for the action movie xXx, “Feuer frei!” and took a small role in the opening sequence where they are seen performing the song in front of a crowd in Prague, where the film was shot. Their next studio album was not released until September 2004. “Reise, Reise”, produced a number of hit singles for Rammstein including “Mein Teil” and “Amerika”. The album itself shot into the top ten album charts throughout Europe and the group were subsequently named the most successful German-speaking band by the influential Billboard magazine. Rammstein began 2005 by touring Europe, a venture that saw them play to over 200,000 fans in ten countries over 21 concerts. They followed this up in the summer by hitting the European festival circuit, which was recorded and later released as the DVD, “Völkerball”. “”, their fifth studio album, was released globally in October 2005 reaching the top ten in the album charts in 20 countries around the world. Several singles were released from the album including “” and “”, released in March 2006. Following the release of the last single from the album, the band took a break from recording and touring, not starting work on their next album. Their next album took a further 18 months to craft and refine. “Liebe is für alle da” featured more ballads than their previous outings. Prior to its release, the band’s manager was quoted in the music press as saying that “It is musically the best album, which until now Rammstein has recorded.” The first single from the album was notable for two very different reasons. Firstly, it was the group’s first song to be released in English and secondly, the accompanying video was only released on a pornographic website. The video for their next single, “Ich tu dir weh” also didn’t make it into mainstream viewing and radio and TV stations throughout Germany censored the song. The media storm that followed the release of the videos did not do the band any harm and both singles performed well in their home market. During the summer of 2010, Rammstein went back on tour again, appearing at festivals across Europe and performing their first UK outdoor performance at Knebworth Park in June 2010; tollowed by their sell out date in Montreal that was their first North American concert since 2001 and then the show at New York’s Madison Square Garden. The first volume of their greatest hits is due to be released in summer 2011. It has been reported that the album will also feature previously un- released Rammstein tracks, to the delight of their fans. The band also plans to return to North America to build on their popularity by doing an extensive tour of the States. Sehnsucht. Purchase and download this album in a wide variety of formats depending on your needs. Buy the album Starting at $12.99. First introduced to the public in the soundtrack to David Lynch's Lost Highway, Rammstein produces a unique brand of menacing Teutonic rock, reconciling forebears (and admitted influence) Kraftwerk with the sonic assault of Nine Inch Nails. SEHNSUCHT manages to come on strong enough to get the Germans to forget about David Hasselhoff, at least for a while. As the eerie Arabic sample which introduces the opening title track dissolves into a crushing electric guitar attack, the listener descends into the dark sonic dungeon that is Rammstein. Vocalist growls atop the group's twin guitar force, intoning the band's strangely romantic lyrics with snarling menace; the result is brutal drama of the highest order. From the exotic sonic experimentation of "Tier" to the tight crunch of "Buck Dich," SEHNSUCHT is a heavy, scary thrill ride, pausing for breath only with the comically soft "Klavier." © Rovi Staff /TiVo. Sehnsucht. Purchase and download this album in a wide variety of formats depending on your needs. Buy the album Starting at £13.49. First introduced to the public in the soundtrack to David Lynch's Lost Highway, Rammstein produces a unique brand of menacing Teutonic rock, reconciling forebears (and admitted influence) Kraftwerk with the sonic assault of Nine Inch Nails. SEHNSUCHT manages to come on strong enough to get the Germans to forget about David Hasselhoff, at least for a while. As the eerie Arabic sample which introduces the opening title track dissolves into a crushing electric guitar attack, the listener descends into the dark sonic dungeon that is Rammstein. Vocalist Till Lindemann growls atop the group's twin guitar force, intoning the band's strangely romantic lyrics with snarling menace; the result is brutal drama of the highest order. From the exotic sonic experimentation of "Tier" to the tight crunch of "Buck Dich," SEHNSUCHT is a heavy, scary thrill ride, pausing for breath only with the comically soft "Klavier." © Rovi Staff /TiVo. Sehnsucht (album) Most countries got six different cover artworks. In Germany, even a censored version was released, with a black paper in front of the cover and a warning written on it. Also in most countries, the album title and band name are printed in silver on the jewel case, not on the cover. Exceptions make Japan and Australia. Australia has album and name in grey print on the cover, Japan in white print. Booklet [ ] The booklet shows single pictures of each band member. The photos were taken by Gottfried Helnwein in 1997. Each band member is wearing bizarre facial-wear made from kitchen objects. Till is wearing glasses made of forks, which are the same already used on the cover of "Blackout" by the Scorpions. The booklet is a fold-out booklet including six pages (12, when counting both sides). One side is showing each band member, the other one shows a stock image of a beach and all lyrics and credits. The Universal re-release from 2001 features some lyrics in English. Depending on the cover your copy of the album has, the arrangement of the bandmembers differs. Formats [ ] and Flake's face would appear on the front of these copies. Till on the cover. The first digipack has the standard 11 tracks on the CD, while the second version includes three bonus tracks. It is not known how high the limitation of both versions is. EP, stylized to look more like a Sehnsucht-style CD. An earlier 1997 version was released in Australia, excluding the additional CD. France limited edition. XXI vinyl box set. It was the first time the album was released on vinyl. Two years later, on December 8, 2017, the vinyl of the album was made available separately. Polish text [ ] On Polish cassettes Till introduces the listener to the album in Polish. This is what he says: Promotion [ ] The following text is taken from a promotional letter, that was sent out for the promotion of the album: Dazwischen kam David Lynch, kam der "Lost Highway", zwei Songs auf dem famosen Soundtrack neben Bowies "I'm Deranged". Bewunderung für die Teutonen beim Film-Team. zentrale Momente im Film mit Rammstein-Gruselromantik. Vielleicht, spekuliert einer der Gefängniswärter in "Lost Highway", sei das alles "weird shit". Verstehen kann man es jedenfalls nicht. Aber warum auch ! Das Reizvolle an Lynchs Rätselspielen wie an den nicht minder enigmatischen Attacken von Rammstein ist das Locken des Unheimlichen, die Erotik des Mythos, die Wucht der Gewalt. Es ist ein beliebtes Mißverständnis, den Künstler mit der Kunst, die Handelnden mit den Erfindenden zu verwechseln, die Imagination mit der Tat. Allerdings beschäftigt der Fall Rammstein neben den Musikzeitschriften, neuerdings auch die Illustrierten und Stadtmagazine. Erst Kopfschütteln, dann Ratlosigkeit oder mildes Amüsement. Was ist nur dran an dem Ensemble aus Ost-Berlin und Schwerin ? Ein Jugend-Phänomen ? Spaß am Sadomasochismus ? Die neue Lust am Obskuranten ? Der Sound sozialen Abstiegs ? Der Beat der Krise ? Nicht unwahrscheinlich, daß die Depressionen des ausgehenden Jahrtausends, die Unüberschaubarkeit und Ausweglosigkeit der postindustriellen Endzeit solche Entladungen möglich macht. Dabei sind Rammstein keine dumpfen multiplikatoren kollektiven Unbehagens, sie exekutieren auch keinen simplen Zerstörungswillen. Das Spielerische der Rammstein-Welt - das den "stern" undvermeidlich an "Hollywood" gemahnt, obwohl David Lynch dort gar keinen Zutritt hat (und nicht mehr haben will) - wird selbstredend ignoriert; schlauere Interpreten erkennen immerhin das "Comichafte" der Inszenierung. Und in der Tat: Wir sind ja nicht im Philosophie-Seminar. Obwohl es dort einiges zu diskutieren gäbe. Zumal jetzt, da das zweite Album veröffentlich wird. Angekündigt durch die TOP 3 Gold-Single "Engel". Der Titel: "Sehnsucht", ganz einfach, ein großes Wort für Gefühle, die mit Sehnen und Süchten jenseits des Heimwehs zusammenhängen. "Ich möchte Deine Träne reiten/ Übers Kinn nach Afrika/ Und zwischen deinen Schenkeln suchen/ Nach dem Schnee vom letzten Jahr." Der ist natürlich nicht mehr da. Man kann sich nicht helfen: Mag ja lachhaft sein, doch besser gelacht hat man selten. Fast beängstigend, wie Rammstein ihre Sprachbilder schöpfen (und woher!), wie die Texte in der Schwebe gehalten werden, immer gerne eine zweite Ebene parat, eine listige Deppelbedeutung, eine finstere Andeutung, einen fiesen Halbsatz. Wie in "Bestrafe mich" oder "Bück Dich" der Sadomasochismus eine plötzlich auch musikalisch verhandelbare Angelegenheit wird, die der stimulierenden Albernheit von der praktizierende Experten immer berichten! - entspricht. Das Grauen der Lust stets auch eine schwarze Komödie, der Eingang zur Spaß-Hölle. Bedrohlich und bombastisch sind diese Lieder, wenn man sie so nennen darf - wie die synthetischen Streicher grell und schräg irrlichtern, wie der schönste Kitsch - schon in der Single "Engel" - exekutiert wird, und wie Till Lindemann in "Klavier" unvermutet wie ein verzärtelter Minnesänger singt, wo sonst geknurrt wird. Das Idyll ist glaubhaft. Aber etwas stimmt im Refrain schon mit der Musik nicht. Und siehe: "Ich goß ihr Blut in das Feuer meiner Wut". Dann kippt der Song in den Abgrund, und die Genre-Bilder werden als Schauer-Tableau wiederholt. Ein fast klassisches Bänkelied, bei dem Täter und Opfer am Ende die Rollen vertauschen: Nun sitzt der Lauschende selbst am Klavier, und sein Spiel beginnt. Das Spiel auf der Klaviatur unserer Ängste und Obsessionen nämlich. Wenn künftig über Rammstein nachgedacht wird, sollte das Archetypische gründlich bedacht werden als das Phänotypische. Unter der Oberfläche einer perfekten Show und attraktiven Budenzaubers schwärt der Brand der Leidenschaften. Rammstein sägen am Urgrund. Certifications [ ] Certification Certification date Certified units Country 2x Platinum [2] 2004 160,000 Switzerland Platinum [3] September 29, 1998 - Austria Platinum [4] July 10, 2001 - Canada Platinum [5] 1997 500,000 Germany Platinum [6] July 1, 1999 1,000,000 USA Platinum [2] 1997 50,000 Switzerland Gold [3] January 15, 1998 - Austria Gold [4] November 30, 1998 - Canada Gold [5] 1997 250,00 Germany Gold [6] September 2, 1998 - USA Silver [7] July 22, 2013 60,000 Great Britain. The certified units are based on the minimum need of sales to receive the award.