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NRG Power Marketing LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2265-___ Agua Caliente Solar, LLC ) Docket No. ER12-21-___ Alta Wind I, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2211-___ Alta Wind II, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2209-___ Alta Wind III, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2210-___ Alta Wind IV, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2207-___ Alta Wind V, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2206-___ Alta Wind X, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1150-___ Alta Wind XI, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1151-___ Arthur Kill Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2783-___ Astoria Gas Turbine Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2784-___ Avenal Park LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2855-___ Bayou Cove Peaking Power, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2791-___ Bendwind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2333-__ Big Cajun I Peaking Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2792-___ Boston Energy Trading and Marketing LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1818-___ Broken Bow Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER12-1238-___ Cabrillo Power I LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2260-___ Cabrillo Power II LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2261-___ CL Power Sales Eight, L.L.C. ) Docket No. ER10-2337-___ Community Wind North 1 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1668-___ Community Wind North 2 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1669-___ Community Wind North 3 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1674-___ Community Wind North 5 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1670-___ Community Wind North 6 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1671-___ Community Wind North 7 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1675-___ Community Wind North 8 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1673-___ Community Wind North 9 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1676-___ Community Wind North 10 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1677-___ Community Wind North 11 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1678-___ Community Wind North 13 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1679-___ Community Wind North 15 LLC ) Docket No. ER14-1672-___ Conemaugh Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2795-___ Connecticut Jet Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2798-___ Cottonwood Energy Company LP ) Docket No. ER10-1575-___ CP Power Sales Nineteen, L.L.C. ) Docket No. ER10-2338-___ CP Power Sales Twenty, L.L.C. ) Docket No. ER10-2340-___ Crofton Bluffs Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER12-1239-___ DeGreeff DP, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2336-___ DeGreeffpa, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2335-___ Desert Sunlight 250, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1991-___ Desert Sunlight 300, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1992-___

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Devon Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2799-___ Dunkirk Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2801-___ Elkhorn Ridge Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2385-___ El Segundo Energy Center LLC ) Docket No. ER11-3727-___ El Segundo Power, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2262-___ Energy Alternatives Wholesale, LLC ) Docket No. ER12-2413-___ Energy Plus Holdings LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2062-___ Forward WindPower LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2346-___ GenConn Devon LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2812-___ GenConn Energy LLC ) Docket No. ER10-1291-___ GenConn Middletown LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2843-___ GenOn Energy Management, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2508-___ GenOn Mid-Atlantic, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2863-___ Green Mountain Energy Company ) Docket No. ER11-4307-___ Groen Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2347-___ High Lonesome Mesa, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2348-___ High Plains Ranch II, LLC ) Docket No. ER12-1711-___ Hillcrest Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2350-___ Huntley Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2846-___ Independence Energy Group LLC ) Docket No. ER12-261-___ Indian River Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-3223-___ Jeffers Wind 20, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2351-___ Keystone Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2875-___ Laredo Ridge Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2368-___ Larswind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2352-___ Long Beach Generation LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2264-___ Long Beach Peakers LLC ) Docket No. ER10-1581-___ Lookout WindPower, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2353-___ Louisiana Generating LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2876-___ Middletown Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2878-___ Midway-Sunset Cogeneration Company ) Docket No. ER10-2354-___ Midwest Generation, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2355-___ Montville Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2879-___ Mountain Wind Power, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2384-___ Mountain Wind Power II LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2383-___ NEO Freehold-Gen LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2880-___ North Community Turbines LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2107-___ North Wind Turbines LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2108-___ Norwalk Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2888-___ NRG Bowline LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1745-___ NRG California South LP ) Docket No. ER13-1803-___ NRG Canal LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1788-___ NRG Chalk Point CT LLC ) Docket No. ER16-10-___ NRG Chalk Point LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1789-___ NRG Delta LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1790-___ NRG Energy Center Dover LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2896-___

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NRG Energy Center Paxton LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2913-___ NRG Florida LP ) Docket No. ER13-1791-___ NRG Marsh Landing LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1746-___ NRG Potomac River LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1799-___ NRG Power Midwest LP ) Docket No. ER13-1801-___ NRG REMA LLC ) Docket No. ER13-1802-___ NRG Rockford LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2916-___ NRG Rockford II LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2915-___ NRG Solar Alpine LLC ) Docket No. ER12-1525-___ NRG Solar Avra Valley LLC ) Docket No. ER12-2019-___ NRG Solar Blythe LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2266-___ NRG Solar Borrego I LLC ) Docket No. ER12-2398-___ NRG Solar Roadrunner LLC ) Docket No. ER11-3459-___ NRG Sterlington Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2931-___ NRG Wholesale Generation LP ) Docket No. ER13-1965-___ Oswego Harbor Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2969-___ Pinnacle Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-4351-___ Reliant Energy Northeast LLC ) Docket No. ER11-4308-___ RRI Energy Services, LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2805-___ Saguaro Power Company, a Limited Partnership ) Docket No. ER10-1580-___ San Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2382-___ Sand Drag LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2856-___ Sierra Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2356-___ Sleeping Bear, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2357-___ Solar Partners I, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-2107-___ Solar Partners II, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-2020-___ Solar Partners VIII, LLC ) Docket No. ER13-2050-___ Spring Canyon Energy II LLC ) Docket No. ER14-2820-___ Spring Canyon Energy III LLC ) Docket No. ER14-2821-___ Sun City Project LLC ) Docket No. ER11-2857-___ Sunrise Power Company, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2359-___ TAIR Windfarm, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2360-___ Taloga Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2369-___ Vienna Power LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2947-___ Walnut Creek Energy, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2381-___ Watson Cogeneration Company ) Docket No. ER10-2575-___ Wildorado Wind, LLC ) Docket No. ER10-2361-___


Pursuant to Section 35.42 of the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission (the “Commission”),1 Desert Sunlight 250, LLC and Desert Sunlight 300, LLC

1 18 C.F.R. § 35.42 (2015).

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(together, the “Desert Sunlight MBR Sellers”) and the other above-captioned subsidiaries and

affiliates of NRG Energy, Inc. (“NRG”) with market-based rate authority (the “NRG MBR

Sellers” and together with the Desert Sunlight MBR Sellers, the “Indicated MBR Sellers”)

hereby submit this notification of change in status with respect to their affiliation with two

generation-owning entities not identified in their prior market-based rate filings. As discussed

below, these changes in status do not materially alter the facts upon which the Commission relied

in granting market-based rate authorization to the Indicated MBR Sellers.


Please address all correspondence, communications, pleadings, and other documents

related to these proceedings to the following persons:

For the NRG MBR Sellers:

Abraham H. Silverman Cortney Madea Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory NRG Energy, Inc. NRG Energy, Inc. 211 Carnegie Center 211 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 08540 Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 524-4696 (609) 524-5422 (609) 524-4501 (facsimile) (609) 524-4501 (facsimile) [email protected] [email protected]

David G. Tewksbury KING & SPALDING LLP 1700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 626-5454 (202) 626-3737 (facsimile) [email protected]

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For the Desert Sunlight MBR Sellers:

Joel D. Newton Senior Attorney NextEra Energy Resources, LLC 801 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 220 Washington, DC 20004 (202) 347-7126 [email protected]


The Indicated MBR Sellers are submitting this notification of change in status to report

their affiliation through NRG with two generation-owning entities not previously identified in

their prior market-based rate filings: (1) NRG Chalk Point CT LLC (“Chalk Point CT”), and

(2) NRG Solar Oasis LLC (“Solar Oasis”).

Chalk Point CT became a generation-owning entity on December 1, 2015 with the

consummation of a transaction (the “Transaction”), approved by the Commission, whereby it

acquired ownership and control of an approximately 77 MW combustion turbine generating unit

(the “CT”).2 As explained in the EC15-198 Application, which is incorporated by reference

herein pursuant to Section 35.19 of the Commission’s regulations,3 the Transaction had no effect

on competition, because the CT was already controlled by Chalk Point CT’s affiliate, NRG

Chalk Point LLC (“NRG Chalk Point”), under a lease arrangement. By virtue of this lease

2 See Joint Application for Approval under Section 203 of the and Request for Expedited Approval, Docket No. EC15-198-000 (filed August 28, 2015) (the “EC15-198 Application”), approved, NRG Chalk Point LLC, 153 FERC ¶ 62,125 (2015); Notification of Consummation, Docket No. EC15-198-000 (filed Dec. 8, 2015). 3 18 C.F.R. § 35.19 (2015). See also Reporting Requirement for Changes in Status for Public Utilities with Market-Based Rate Authority, Order No. 652, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,175 at P 34 (noting that “a market-based rate seller may incorporate by reference in its notice of change in status any filings regarding the change in status made pursuant to other reporting requirements”), on reh’g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,413 (2005).

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arrangement, control over the CT has been attributed to NRG Chalk Point and the other NRG

MBR Sellers in past market power analyses.

Solar Oasis owns and will operate an approximately 20 MW, solar-powered qualifying

facility (“QF”) that is expected to achieve commercial operation by January 15, 2016. This

facility is described in greater detail in a self-certification of QF status filed on October 6, 2015,4

which is hereby incorporated by reference herein pursuant to Section 35.19 of the Commission’s

regulations.5 The full output of Solar Oasis’s QF is committed to a non-affiliated third party

under a long-term contract. As a result, the Indicated MBR Sellers’ affiliation with Solar Oasis

does not affect the market power analyses upon the basis of which the Commission granted

market-based rate authorization to the Indicated MBR Sellers.


Consistent with section 35.42(c) of the Commission’s regulations,6 the Indicated MBR

Sellers provide the assets appendix for their affiliates through NRG in Attachment A to this

filing, and the Desert Sunlight MBR Sellers provide the assets appendix of their additional

affiliates through NextEra Energy, Inc. (the “NextEra MBR Sellers”) in Attachment B to this


The NRG MBR Sellers are also providing assets appendices of: (1) subsidiaries and

affiliates of Eurus Energy America LLC with market-based rate authorization (the “Eurus MBR

Sellers”) (Attachment C), with which Avenal Park LLC, Sand Drag LLC and Sun City Project

LLC are affiliated; (2) subsidiaries of Edison International, Inc. with market-based rate

4 See Certification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Status for a Small Power Production or Cogeneration Facility, Docket No. QF16-28-000 (filed October 6, 2015). 5 18 C.F.R. § 35.19 (2015). 6 18 C.F.R. § 35.42(c) (2015).

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authorization (the “Edison MBR Sellers”) (Attachment D), with which Broken Bow Wind, LLC,

Crofton Bluffs Wind, LLC, Mountain Wind Power, LLC and Mountain Wind Power II LLC are

affiliated; (3) subsidiaries and affiliates of JPMorgan Chase & Co. with market-based rate

authorization (“JPM MBR Sellers”) (Attachment E), with which CL Power Sales Eight, L.L.C.

(“CL Eight”) is affiliated; (4) Lively Grove Energy Partners, LLC (“Lively Grove”), a subsidiary

of Peabody Energy Corporation with market-based rate authorization (Attachment F), with

which CL Eight is affiliated; (5) subsidiaries and affiliates of Tenaska Energy, Inc. with market-

based rate authorization (the “Tenaska MBR Sellers”) (Attachment G), with which Elkhorn

Ridge Wind, LLC is assumed to be affiliated; (6) subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA Inc. (“Iberdrola

USA”) with market-based rate authorization (the “Iberdrola MBR Sellers”) (Attachment H), with

which GenConn Devon LLC, GenConn Energy LLC and GenConn Middletown LLC (the

“GenConn Entities”) are affiliated;7 (7) subsidiaries and affiliates of Shell Oil Corporation with

market-based rate authorization (the “Shell MBR Sellers”) (Attachment I), with which Midway-

Sunset Cogeneration Company (“Midway-Sunset”) is affiliated; (8) subsidiaries and affiliates of

ExxonMobil Corporation with market-based rate authorization (the “ExxonMobil MBR Sellers”)

(Attachment J), with which Midway-Sunset is affiliated; (9) subsidiaries of Citigroup Inc. with

market-based rate authorization (the “Citigroup MBR Sellers”) (Attachment K), with which San

Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC is affiliated; (10) subsidiaries of Brightsource Inc. with market-

based rate authorization (the “Brightsource MBR Sellers”) (Attachment L), with which Solar

Partners I, LLC, Solar Partners II, LLC and Solar Partners VIII, LLC (the “Solar Partners

7 The GenConn Entities are affiliated with Iberdrola USA through indirect interests in the GenConn Entities held by UIL Holdings Corporation (“UIL”), which became an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Iberdrola USA earlier this month. See Notice of Consummation, Docket No. EC15-104-000 (filed Dec. 22, 2015). Because the Iberdrola MBR Sellers have not yet, to the Indicated MBR Sellers’ knowledge, filed a single assets appendix that includes both their Iberdrola USA and UIL subsidiaries, Attachment H contains two assets appendices.

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Entities”) are affiliated; (11) Google Energy LLC (“Google Energy”) (Attachment M), with

which the Solar Partners Entities are affiliated; and (12) subsidiaries of Tesoro Corporation with

market-based rate authorization (the “Tesoro MBR Sellers”) (Attachment N), with which Watson

Cogeneration Company is affiliated. The assets lists in Attachments C-N are, to the best of the

Indicated MBR Sellers’ knowledge, the most recently filed assets lists for the Eurus MBR

Sellers,8 the Edison MBR Sellers,9 the JPM MBR Sellers,10 Lively Grove,11 the Tenaska MBR

Sellers,12 the Iberdrola MBR Sellers,13 the Shell MBR Entities,14 the ExxonMobil MBR Sellers,15

8 See Notice of Non-Material Change in Status, Attachment A, Docket Nos. ER12-2037-004, et al. (filed Mar. 19, 2015). 9 See Market-Based Rate Triennial Filing for Southwest Region of Southern California Edison Company, Docket No. ER10-1355-004 (filed Dec. 17, 2015). 10 See Notice of Non-Material Change in Status, Attachment A, Docket Nos. ER13-1351-023, et al. (filed December 22, 2015). 11 See Supplement to its Application for Market-Based Rate Authorization and Certain Waivers and Blanket Approvals, and Granting of Category 1 Status and Request for Fourteen Day Notice Period, Appendix B, Docket No. ER11-3117-001 (filed March 30, 2011). 12 See Notification of Change in Status, Attachment A, Docket No. ER14-1656-006 (filed November 18, 2015); Updated Market Power Analysis – Central Region, Docket Nos. ER12-2109-004, et al. (filed June 25, 2015). 13 See Updated Market Power Analysis – Central Region, Attachment 2, Docket Nos. ER12-2109- 004, et al. (filed June 25, 2015); Updated Market Power Analysis, Attachment B, Docket No. ER10- 3160-001 (filed Jan. 27, 2014). 14 See Updated Market Power Analysis for the Southwest Power Pool Region, Attachment A, Docket No. ER10-1484-013(filed December 22, 2015). 15 See Triennial Market Power Analysis for the Central Region, Attachment 1.1, Docket Nos. ER13- 122-002, et al. (filed June 29, 2015).

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the Citigroup MBR Sellers,16 the Brightsource MBR Sellers,17 Google Energy,18 and the Tesoro

MBR Sellers.19


For the reasons set forth above, the Indicated MBR Sellers respectfully request that the

Commission accept this notification of change in status.

Respectfully submitted,

THE NRG MBR SELLERS DESERT SUNLIGHT 250, LLC By: /s/ DESERT SUNLIGHT 300, LLC David G. Tewksbury By: /s/ Carolyn J. Brodbeck* Joel D. Newton KING & SPALDING LLP Senior Attorney 1700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW NextEra Energy Resources, LLC Washington, DC 20006 801 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 220 Abraham Silverman Washington, DC 20004 Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory Cortney Madea Counsel for Desert Sunlight 250, LLC Assistant General Counsel, Regulatory and Desert Sunlight 300, LLC NRG Energy, Inc. 211 Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ 08540

Counsel for the NRG MBR Sellers

* Admitted only in Pennsylvania; supervised by principals of the firm.

Dated: December 30, 2015

16 See Notice of Non-Material Change in Status, Docket Nos. ER10-1891-001, et al. (filed Jan. 28, 2011). 17 See Application for Market-Based Rate Authority, Associated Waivers, and Blanket Approvals, Attachment B, Docket No. ER13-2107-000 (filed Aug. 2, 2013). 18 See Notice of Non-Material Change in Status, Attachment C, Docket No. ER10-2835-004 (filed Jan. 13, 2014). 19 See Second Amended Application For Acceptance of Initial Tariff, Waivers and Blanket Authority, Appendix C, Docket No. ER13-1865-002 (filed Sept. 9, 2013).

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I hereby certify that I have caused the foregoing document to be served upon each person

designated on the official service lists compiled by the Secretary of the Federal Energy

Regulatory Commission in these proceedings.

Dated in Washington, D.C., this 30th day of December, 2015.

/s/ David G. Tewksbury

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Attachment A Assets Appendix for the NRG MBR Sellers 20151230-5304 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/30/201510:49:27AM

NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating ALP Wind, ALP ALP Wind, LLC QF06-45 ALP Wind, LLC n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC Wind, LLC Agua Pacific Gas 228 MW Agua Caliente Agua Caliente 290 MW ER12-21 Caliente and Electric 3/2014 CAISO Southwest 2012 Solar, LLC Solar, LLC (nameplate) Solar Company 62 MW 2013 Southern Alta Wind California 150 MW Alta Wind I, LLC ER10-2086 Energy Alta Wind I, LLC 1/2011 CAISO Southwest 1/2011 Edison (nameplate) Center I Company Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind II, California 150 MW Alta Wind II, LLC ER10-2513 Energy 1/2011 CAISO Southwest 1/2011 LLC Edison (nameplate) Center II Company Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind III, Alta Wind III, California 150 MW ER10-2514 Energy 2/2011 CAISO Southwest 2/2011 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate) Center III Company Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind IV, Alta Wind IV, California 102 MW ER10-2515 Energy 4/2011 CAISO Southwest 4/2011 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate) Center IV Company Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind V, Alta Wind V, California 168 MW ER10-2516 Energy 6/2011 CAISO Southwest 6/2011 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate) Center V Company

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind X, Alta Wind X, California 137 MW ER13-1150 Energy 6/2013 CAISO Southwest 6/2013 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate) Center X Company Southern Alta Wind Alta Wind XI, Alta Wind XI, California 90 MW ER13-1151 Energy 6/2013 CAISO Southwest 6/2013 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate) Center XI Company CT 1: 1970 Arthur Kill Arthur Kill Arthur Kill 858 MW ER99-2161 Arthur Kill n/a NYISO Northeast 2: 1959 Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC (summer) 3: 1969 10 thru 13: Astoria Gas Astoria Gas Astoria Gas 1971 474 MW Turbine ER99-3000 NRG Astoria Turbine Power Turbine n/a NYISO Northeast all others: (summer) Power LLC LLC Power LLC 1970 Pacific Gas Total: Avenal Avenal Park LLC ER11-2855 Avenal and Electric 8/2011 CAISO Southwest 8/2011 6 MW Park LLC Company (nameplate) Bayou Cove Peaking Power, LLC, except Bayou Cove Bayou Cove n/a, except Unit 1, which is 300 MW Peaking ER02-1572 Bayou Cove Peaking Unit 1 MISO Central 2002 owned by the (summer) Power, LLC Power, LLC (2002) City of Alexandria, Louisiana Bendwind, Bendwind, Bendwind, LLC ER06-220 Bendwind, LLC n/a MISO Central 3/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC Big Cajun I Big Cajun I Big Cajun I 210 MW Peaking ER02-1571 BC1 Peakers Peaking Power Peaking n/a MISO Central 2001 (summer) Power LLC LLC Power LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Bisson Bisson Bisson Bisson QF06-154 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2003 1.9 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC Boeve Boeve Boeve Boeve QF06-146 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 10/2003 1.9 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC Boston Energy Trading and ER99-852 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Marketing, LLC Broken Bow Broken Bow Broken Bow Broken Bow ER12-1238 n/a SPP SPP 2012 79.9 MW Wind, LLC Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo QF04-148 n/a SPP SPP 2008 18.9 MW Bear, LLC Bear, LLC Bear, LLC Bear, LLC 1: 1954 2: 1956 Cabrillo Cabrillo Cabrillo 3: 1958 965 MW ER99-1115 Encina n/a CAISO Southwest Power I LLC Power I LLC Power I LLC 4: 1973 (summer) 5: 1978 CT: 1968 Division Retired 188 MW Cabrillo El Cajon Cabrillo Cabrillo 1968 ER99-1116 n/a CAISO Southwest 1: 1972 (summer) Power II LLC Kearny Power II LLC Power II LLC 2,3: 1969 Miramar 1972 Cedro Hill Cedro Hill Cedro Hill ERCOT Cedro Hill n/a ERCOT ERCOT 12/2010 150 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating CG CG CG Windfarm, CG Windfarm, QF06-153 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2003 1.9 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC CL Power Sales ER96-2652 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Eight, L.L.C. Clear View Clear View Clear View Clear View Acres Acres Wind QF05-217 Acres Wind Acres Wind n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Community Community Wind Community North Wind ER14-1668 North Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW North 1 LLC (Community North 1 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 1) Community Community Wind Community North Wind ER14-1669 North Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW North 2 LLC (Community North 2 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 2) Community Community Wind Community North Wind Wind ER14-1674 North Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW Turbines LLC North 3 LLC (Community North 3 LLC Wind North 3) Community Community Wind Community North Wind ER14-1670 North Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW North 5 LLC (Community North 5 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 5)

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Community Community Wind Community North Wind ER14-1671 North Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW North 6 LLC (Community North 6 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 6) Community Community Wind Community North Wind Wind ER14-1675 North Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW Turbines LLC North 7 LLC (Community North 7 LLC Wind North 7) Community Community Wind Community North Wind ER14-1673 North Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW North 8 LLC (Community North 8 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 8) Community Community Wind Community North Wind Wind ER14-1676 North Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW Turbines LLC North 9 LLC (Community North 9 LLC Wind North 9) Community Wind Community Community North North Wind Wind ER14-1677 Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW (Community Turbines LLC North 10 LLC North 10 LLC Wind North 10)

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Community Wind Community Community North North Wind Wind ER14-1678 Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW (Community Turbines LLC North 11 LLC North 11 LLC Wind North 11) Community Wind Community Community North North Wind Wind ER14-1679 Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW (Community Turbines LLC North 13 LLC North 13 LLC Wind North 13) Community Wind Community Community North North Wind ER14-1672 Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 2.5 MW (Community North 15 LLC North 15 LLC Turbines LLC Wind North 15) Total: 3.72% 1: 1970 1,712 MW 3.72% owned Conemaugh Conemaugh controlled by 2: 1971 (summer) ER00-2810 by Conemaugh n/a PJM Northeast Power LLC Station Conemaugh Diesels: 3.72% Power LLC Power LLC 1970 64 MW2 (summer) Branford 1967 10-12: 1969 Connecticut Connecticut Jet Cos Cob Connecticut Jet 13,14: 2008 142 MW ER99-4359 Jet Power n/a ISO-NE Northeast Power LLC Power LLC (1968) (summer) LLC Franklin Dr. 1968 Torrington 1967

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood 1,263 MW Energy ER01-642 Cottonwood Energy Energy n/a MISO Central 2003 (summer) Company LP Company LP Company LP CP Power Sales ER99-4228 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Nineteen, L.L.C. CP Power Sales ER99-4231 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Twenty, L.L.C. Crofton Bluffs Crofton Bluffs Crofton Bluffs ER12-1239 Crofton Bluffs n/a SPP SPP 2012 40 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Cy-Hawk Cy-Hawk Cy-Hawk Wind Cy-Hawk Wind QF05-187 Wind Wind Energy, n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC LLC DeGreeff DP, DeGreeff DP, DeGreeff DP, DeGreeff DP, ER06-686 n/a MISO Central 4/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC DeGreeffpa, DeGreeffpa, DeGreeffpa, DeGreeffpa, ER06-215 n/a MISO Central 3/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Desert Desert Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight 250 MW ER13-1991 Sunlight 250, Sunlight 250, n/a CAISO Southwest 8/2013 250, LLC 250, LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC Desert Desert Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight 300 MW ER13-1992 Sunlight 300, Sunlight 300, n/a CAISO Southwest 7/2013 300, LLC 300, LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC Devon Devon Devon 10: 1985 133 MW ER99-4358 Devon n/a ISO-NE Northeast Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC 11-14: 1996 (summer) 1: 1950 Dunkirk Dunkirk Dunkirk 2: 1950 75 MW ER99-2168 Dunkirk3 n/a NYISO Northeast Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC 3: 1959 (summer) 4: 1960

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Eagle View Eagle View Eagle View Eagle View Acres Acres Wind QF05-225 Acres Wind Acres Wind n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Elk Lake Elk Lake Elk Lake Wind Elk Lake Wind QF05-224 Wind Wind n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Elkhorn Elkhorn Elkhorn Ridge Elkhorn Ridge ER08-1397 Ridge Ridge n/a SPP SPP 2008 79.9 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC 550 MW El Segundo El Segundo El Segundo Southern 275 MW on- (summer) Energy ER11-3727 Energy Energy California 8/2013 CAISO Southwest line 2013 (under Center LLC Center Center LLC Edison development) El Segundo El Segundo El Segundo 3: 1964 670 MW4 ER98-1127 El Segundo n/a CAISO Southwest Power, LLC Power, LLC Power, LLC 4: 1965 (summer) Elbow Elbow Creek Elbow 122 MW Creek Wind ERCOT Elbow Creek Wind Project Creek Wind n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2008 (nameplate) Project LLC LLC Project LLC Energy Energy Energy Alternatives 8.8 MW Alternatives ER12-2413 Hastings Alternatives n/a MISO Central July 2000 Wholesale, (nameplate) Wholesale, LLC Wholesale, LLC LLC Energy Energy Energy Alternatives 8.8 MW Alternatives ER12-2413 Lake Marion Alternatives n/a MISO Central July 2000 Wholesale, (nameplate) Wholesale, LLC Wholesale, LLC LLC Energy Plus [Power ER10-842 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Holdings LLC Marketer]

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Fey Fey Fey Windfarm, Fey Windfarm, QF06-148 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 10/2003 1.9 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Forward Forward Forward Forward ER08-293 WindPower, WindPower, WindPower, n/a PJM Northeast 2008 29.4 MW WindPower LLC LLC LLC LLC Total: GenConn Devon GenConn GenConn ER09-1300 n/a ISO-NE Northeast 2010 187 MW Devon LLC Project Devon LLC Devon LLC (summer) GenConn [Power ER10-1291 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Energy LLC Marketer] GenConn Total: GenConn Middletown GenConn ER09-1301 Middletown n/a ISO-NE Northeast 2011 188 MW Middletown LLC Project Middletown LLC LLC (summer) GenOn Energy [Power Management, ER02-1213 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Marketer] LLC D2-1960 D3-1962 Dickerson GenOn Mid- GenOn Mid- GenOn Mid- DGT1-1967 849 MW ER00-3760 Generating n/a PJM Northeast Atlantic, LLC Atlantic, LLC Atlantic, LLC DGT2-1992 (summer) Plant DGT3-1992 DST1-1959 M3-1973 M4-1973 M5-1973 Morgantown GenOn Mid- GenOn Mid- GenOn Mid- M6-1976 1,477 MW ER00-3760 Generating n/a PJM Northeast Atlantic, LLC Atlantic, LLC Atlantic, LLC MGT1-1970 (summer) Plant MGT2-1971 MST1-1970 MST2-1971

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Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating 3/2008 Goat Wind, (Phase 1) Goat Wind, LP ERCOT Goat Wind Goat Wind, LP n/a ERCOT ERCOT 150 MW LP 3/2009 (Phase 2) Green Mountain [Power Energy ER11-4307 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Marketer] Company Greene Wind Greene Wind Greene Wind Greene Wind QF05-185 n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Green Prairie Green Prairie Green Prairie Green Prairie QF06-232 n/a MISO Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Gregory Gregory Gregory Power Gregory Power 560 MW QF99-32 Power Power n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2000 Partners LLC Partners LLC (summer) Partners Partners LLC Groen Wind, Groen Wind, Groen Wind, Groen Wind, ER06-222 n/a MISO Central 4/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Hardin Wind Hardin Wind Hardin Wind Hardin Wind QF05-186 n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC High High High Lonesome High Lonesome ER09-712 Lonesome Lonesome n/a PNM Southwest 2009 100 MW Mesa, LLC Mesa, LLC Mesa, LLC Mesa, LLC 250 MW 127 MW California Pacific Gas (nameplate) High Plains High Plains 2012 ER12-1711 Valley Solar and Electric 9/2012 CAISO Southwest (portion Ranch II, LLC Ranch II, LLC Est. 123 MW Ranch Company under 10/13 development)

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Highland Highland Highland Highland Township Township Township Wind QF05-219 Township Wind n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, Wind Farm, Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC LLC Hillcrest Hillcrest Wind, Hillcrest Hillcrest Wind, ER06-225 Wind, n/a MISO Central 4/2006 1.25 MW LLC Wind, LLC LLC LLC Huntley Huntley Power Huntley 67: 1957 380 MW ER99-2162 Huntley n/a NYISO Northeast Power LLC LLC Power LLC 68: 1958 (summer) HyperGen, HyperGen, HyperGen, LLC QF06-40 HyperGen, LLC n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC LLC Independence Independence Independence [Power Energy Group ER11-2844 Energy Group Energy n/a Multi Northeast n/a n/a Marketer] LLC LLC Group LLC 3: 1970 Indian River Indian River Indian River 566 MW ER00-2807 Indian River n/a PJM Northeast 4: 1980 Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC (summer) CT10: 1967 Jeffers Jeffers Jeffers Wind Jeffers Wind ER07-1138 Wind 20, n/a MISO Central 2008 50 MW Wind 20, LLC 20, LLC 20, LLC LLC JMC Wind, JMC Wind, JMC Wind, LLC QF06-3 JMC Wind, LLC n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC LLC K-Brink K-Brink K-Brink K-Brink QF06-147 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 3/2003 1.9 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Total: 3.7% 1: 1967 1,711 MW 3.7% owned by Keystone Power Keystone controlled by 2: 1968 (summer) ER00-2809 Keystone Power n/a PJM Northeast LLC Station Keystone Diesels: 3.7% LLC Power LLC 1968 63 MW2 (summer) Laredo Ridge Laredo Ridge Laredo Ridge Laredo Ridge ER10-1388 n/a SPP SPP 3/2011 79.9 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Larswind, Larswind, Larswind, LLC ER06-223 Larswind, LLC n/a MISO Central 3/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC Langford Langford Wind Langford Langford Wind 150 MW ERCOT Wind Power, n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2009 Power, LLC Wind Power, LLC (nameplate) LLC LimiEnergy, LimiEnergy, LimiEnergy, LimiEnergy, LLC QF06-41 n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC Southern 1: 2007 Long Beach Long Beach California 2: 2007 260 MW5 ER98-1796 Long Beach 11/2006 CAISO Southwest Generation LLC Generation LLC Edison 3: 2007 (summer) Company 4: 2007 1: 2007 Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach 2: 2007 260 MW5 ER07-1406 n/a CAISO Southwest Peakers LLC Peakers Peakers LLC Peakers LLC 3: 2007 (summer) 4: 2007 Lookout Lookout Lookout Lookout WindPower, ER08-297 WindPower, WindPower, WindPower, n/a PJM Northeast 2008 37.8 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC

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Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Louisiana 220 MW Big Cajun 1 1972 Generating LLC (summer) Louisiana Louisiana Entergy has an ER00-1259 Generating n/a MISO Central 1: 1981 Generating LLC 42% undivided 1,511 MW2 Big Cajun 2 LLC 2: 1982 interest in Big (summer) 3: 1983 Cajun 2, unit 3 Maiden Maiden Winds, Maiden Maiden Winds, QF06-46 Winds, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC Winds, LLC LLC LLC MD & E MD & E Winds, MD & E Winds, MD & E QF06-47 Winds, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC LLC Winds, LLC LLC 2: 1958 Middletown Middletown Middletown 3: 1964 770 MW ER99-4355 Middletown n/a ISO-NE Northeast Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC 4: 1973 (summer) 10: 1966 Midway- Midway- Midway-Sunset Midway-Sunset Sunset Sunset Cogeneration ER06-736 Cogeneration n/a CAISO Southwest 5/1989 225 MW Cogeneration Cogeneration Company Company Company Company Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Fisk Unit 31 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1959 49.1 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Fisk Unit 32 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1959 50.8 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Fisk Unit 33 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1959 49.1 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Fisk Unit 34 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1959 48.2 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Joliet Unit 6 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1959 290 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Joliet Unit 7 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1965 518 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Midwest ER99-3693 Joliet Unit 8 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1966 518 MW Generation, LLC Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Powerton Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1972 769 MW Generation, LLC Unit 5 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Powerton Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1975 769 MW Generation, LLC Unit 6 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Waukegan Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1958 328 MW Generation, LLC Unit 7 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Waukegan Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1962 361 MW Generation, LLC Unit 8 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Waukegan Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1968 53.1 MW Generation, LLC Unit 31 Generation, LLC LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Midwest Midwest Waukegan Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1968 55.2 MW Generation, LLC Unit 32 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Will County Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1955-1963 251 MW Generation, LLC Unit 3 Generation, LLC LLC Midwest Midwest Will County Midwest ER99-3693 Generation, n/a PJM Northeast 1955-1963 510 MW Generation, LLC Unit 4 Generation, LLC LLC 5: 1954 Montville Power Montville Montville 494 MW ER99-4356 Montville n/a ISO-NE Northeast 6: 1971 LLC Power LLC Power LLC (summer) 10-11: 1967 Mountain Mountain Mountain Wind Mountain Wind ER08-650 Wind Wind Power, n/a PACE Northwest 5/2008 60.9 MW Power, LLC Power, LLC Power, LLC LLC Mountain Mountain Mountain Wind Mountain Wind ER08-692 Wind Wind Power n/a PACE Northwest 7/2008 79.8 MW Power II LLC Power II LLC Power II LLC II LLC NEO NEO Freehold- NEO Freehold- 2 MW ER00-3160 Freehold Freehold- n/a PJM Northeast 1996 Gen LLC Gen LLC (summer) Gen LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Community Wind North 1 LLC Community Wind North 2 LLC Community Wind North 5 North Community North LLC Community ER11-2107 Wind Community 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 15 MW Community Turbines LLC North Turbines LLC Wind North 6 LLC Community Wind North 8 LLC Community Wind North 15 LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Community Wind North 3 LLC Community Wind North 7 LLC Community Wind North 9 Community North Wind LLC North Wind ER11-2108 Wind 5/2011 MISO Central 5/2011 15 MW Turbines LLC Community Turbines LLC North Wind North 10 LLC Community Wind North 11 LLC Community Wind North 13 LLC Norwalk Power [Power Norwalk Norwalk ER99-4357 n/a ISO-NE Northeast n/a n/a LLC Marketer]6 Power LLC Power LLC Bowline Point NRG Bowline NRG Bowline NRG Bowline B1-1972 758 MW ER99-2044 Generating n/a NYISO Northeast LLC LLC LLC B2-1974 (summer) Plant 1-1961 2-1962 30-1978 Coolwater NRG NRG California NRG California 31-1978 636 MW ER99-2079 Generating California n/a CAISO Southwest South LP South LP 32-1958 (summer) Station7 South LP 40-1978 41-1978 42-1978

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Ellwood NRG NRG California NRG California 54 MW ER99-2079 Generating California n/a CAISO Southwest 1-1974 South LP South LP (summer) Station South LP Etiwanda NRG 3-1963 NRG California NRG California 640 MW ER99-2079 Generating California n/a CAISO Southwest 4-1963 South LP South LP (summer) Station South LP Total 560 MW (summer) Mandalay NRG 3-1970 Unit 3 NRG California NRG California ER99-2079 Generating California n/a CAISO Southwest 1-1959 130 MW South LP South LP Station South LP 2-1959 (summer) Units 1 & 2 430 MW (summer) Ormond NRG NRG California Beach NRG California 1-1971 1,516 MW ER99-2079 California n/a CAISO Southwest South LP Generating South LP 2-1973 (summer) South LP Station Oak Bluffs OB1-1969 and West OB2-1962 Tisbury NRG 14 MW NRG Canal LLC ER99-3917 NRG Canal LLC n/a ISO-NE Northeast OB3-1972 Diesel Canal LLC (summer) WT1-1975 Generating WT2-1975 Facility Canal NRG C1-1968 1,112 MW NRG Canal LLC ER99-3917 Generating NRG Canal LLC n/a ISO-NE Northeast Canal LLC C2-1976 (summer) Plant

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating 50% 50% owned by controlled by NRG Cedar NRG Cedar NRG Cedar Bayou Cedar 259 MW2 ERCOT Bayou Bayou n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2009 Development Bayou 4 (summer) Development Development Company LLC Company LLC Company LLC 77 MW NRG Chalk NRG Chalk (summer)Err NRG Chalk Chalk Point Point CT LLC Point CT LLC ER16-10 n/a PJM Northeast 1990 or! Point CT LLC STG 1 Bookmark not defined. C3-1975 C4-1981 CGT1-1967 2,280 MW CGT2-1974 Chalk Point n/aError! (summer)Err NRG Chalk NRG Chalk NRG Chalk CGT3-1991 ER00-3760 Generating Bookmark PJM Northeast or! Point LLC Point LLC Point LLC CGT4-1991 Station not defined. Bookmark CGT5-1991 not defined. CGT6-1991 CST1-1964 CST2-1965 Pacific Gas P5-1960 Pittsburg 1,029 MW NRG Delta LLC ER99-1842 NRG Delta LLC and Electric 1/2013 CAISO Southwest P6-1961 Power Plant (summer) Company P7-1972 Contra Costa NRG Delta CC6-1964 674 MW NRG Delta LLC ER99-1842 8 NRG Delta LLC n/a CAISO Southwest Power Plant LLC CC7-1964 (summer) Conversion NRG Energy NRG Energy NRG Energy to Combined 104 MW Center Dover ER00-3160 Dover Center Dover Center Dover n/a PJM Northeast Cycle in (nameplate) LLC LLC LLC June 2013

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating NRG Energy NRG Energy NRG Energy Center Eagles QF13-266 Eagles Center Eagles Center n/a PJM Northeast 1/2013 2.8 MW LLC LLC Eagles LLC NRG Energy NRG Energy NRG Energy 12 MW Center Paxton ER00-2313 Paxton Center Paxton Center n/a PJM Northeast 1986 (nameplate) LLC LLC Paxton LLC NRG Energy NRG Energy NRG Energy Princeton Center 5 MW Center Princeton QF11-87 Center n/a PJM Northeast 12/2011 Hospital Princeton (nameplate)9 LLC Princeton LLC LLC NRG Energy City of NRG Energy NRG Energy 1.6 MW Center Tucson QF02-57 Tucson Center Tucson Center n/a TEP Southwest 2002 (nameplate) LLC Central Plant LLC Tucson LLC Osceola CTG1-2001 NRG Florida Progress 463 MW NRG Florida LP ER99-3143 Generating NRG Florida LP n/a Southeast CTG2-2001 LP (FPC) (summer) Station CTG3-2002 Marsh Pacific Gas NRG Marsh Landing NRG Marsh 720 MW ER12-2545 and Electric 5/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 5/2013 Landing LLC Generating Landing LLC (summer) Company Station P1-1949 Potomac NRG P2-1950 NRG Potomac River NRG Potomac 482 MW ER00-3760 Potomac n/a PJM Northeast P3-1954 River LLC Generating River LLC (summer) River LLC P4-1956 Plant10 P5-1957 NRG Power [Power ER97-4281 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Marketing LLC Marketer] Avon Lake 10-1968 NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 753 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 7-1949 Midwest LP Midwest LP Midwest LP (summer) Station 9-1970

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating 1A-1972 1B-1972 Brunot Island 1C-1972 NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 259 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 2A-1973 Midwest LP Midwest LP Midwest LP (summer) Station 2B-1973 3-1973 ST4-1974 Cheswick NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 565 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-1970 Midwest LP Midwest LP Midwest LP (summer) Station 1-1952 Elrama NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 2-1953 171 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast Midwest LP 11 Midwest LP Midwest LP 3-1954 (summer) Station 4-1960 3-1952 New Castle 4-1958 NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 330 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 5-1964 Midwest LP Midwest LP Midwest LP (summer) Station EMDA-1968 EMDB-1968 Niles NRG Power NRG Power NRG Power 25 MW ER00-1463 Generating n/a PJM Northeast GT1-1972 Midwest LP Midwest LP Midwest LP (summer) Station12 Blossburg NRG REMA NRG REMA 19 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-1971 LLC LLC (summer) Station Total 1-1970 1,712 MW 16.45% 2-1971 Conemaugh 16.45% owned (summer) controlled by A-1970 NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating by NRG REMA n/a PJM Northeast NRG REMA B-1970 Station LLC 16.45%2 LLC C-1970 282 MW D-1970 (summer)

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Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating 4-1974 5-1974 6-1974 7-1974 Gilbert NRG NRG 8-1977 536 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC 9-1996 (summer) Station C1-1970 C2-1970 C3-1970 C4-1970 1-1971 2-1971 3-1971 Glen Gardner NRG NRG 4-1971 160 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC 5-1971 (summer) Station 6-1971 7-1971 8-1971 Hamilton NRG NRG 20 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-1971 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station Hunterstown 1-1971 NRG NRG 60 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 2-1971 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station (old) 3-1971 Total 1-1967 1,711 MW 16.67% 2-1968 Keystone 16.67% owned (summer) controlled by 3-1968 NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating by NRG n/a PJM Northeast NRG REMA 4-1968 Station REMA LLC 16.67%2 LLC 5-1968 285 MW 6-1968 (summer)

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Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Mountain NRG NRG 1-1972 40 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC 2-1972 (summer) Station Orrtanna NRG NRG 20 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-1971 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station 1-1958 Portland 2-1962 NRG NRG 570 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 3-1967 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station 4-1971 5-1997 GT1-1972 Sayreville NRG NRG GT2-1972 224 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC GT3-1972 (summer) Station GT4-1973 Shawnee NRG NRG 20 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-1972 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station 1-1954 2-1954 Shawville 3-1959 NRG NRG 603 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 4-1960 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station 5-1960 6-1966 7-1960 1-1951 Titus 2-1951 NRG NRG 31 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 3-1953 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station 4-1967 5-1970

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Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Tolna NRG NRG 1-1972 39 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC 2-1972 (summer) Station Warren NRG NRG 57 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 3-1972 REMA LLC REMA LLC (summer) Station GT1-1972 Werner NRG NRG GT2-1972 212 MW NRG REMA LLC ER99-3692 Generating n/a PJM Northeast REMA LLC REMA LLC GT3-1972 (summer) Station GT4-1972 NRG NRG NRG 297 MW ER00-2069 Rockford I n/a PJM Northeast 2000 Rockford LLC Rockford LLC Rockford LLC (summer) NRG NRG NRG 153 MW ER02-1412 Rockford II Rockford II n/a PJM Northeast 2002 Rockford II LLC Rockford II LLC (summer) LLC Pacific Gas NRG Solar Alpine Solar NRG Solar 66 MW ER12-1525 and Electric 11/2012 CAISO Southwest 2/2013 Alpine LLC Project Alpine LLC (nameplate) Company NRG Solar NRG Solar NRG Solar QF11-469 WFI Stadium Arrowhead n/a PJM Northeast 2011 1.58 MW Arrowhead LLC Arrowhead LLC LLC Tucson NRG Solar Avra NRG Solar Avra Electric 25 MW ER12-2019 Avra Valley 12/2012 TEP Southwest 12/2012 Valley LLC Valley LLC Power (nameplate) Company Southern NRG Solar NRG Solar California 21 MW ER10-574 Blythe Solar 12/2009 CAISO Southwest 2009 Blythe LLC Blythe LLC Edison (nameplate) Company

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating San Diego NRG Solar NRG Solar Gas and 26 MW ER12-2398 Borrego 3/2013 CAISO Southwest 3/2013 Borrego I LLC Borrego I LLC Electric (nameplate) Company NRG Solar NRG Solar Pacific Gas 20 MW Kansas South QF12-97 Kansas South Kansas South and Electric 2/2013 CAISO Southwest 2013 (nameplate) LLC Holdings LLC Company NRG Solar NRG Solar Imperial Community 5.72 MW Community 1 QF14-483 Community 1 Irrigation 4/2014 CAISO Southwest 4/2014 Solar 1 (nameplate) LLC LLC District Southern NRG Solar NRG Solar California 20 MW QF16-28 Oasis Solar 11/2015 CAISO Southwet 11/2015 Oasis LLC Oasis LLC Edison (nameplate) Company NRG Solar Las NRG Solar NRG Solar Las NRG Solar 4.92 MW Vegas MB 1 QF15-73 Las Vegas Vegas MB 1 Las Vegas n/a NVE Southwest 11/2014 (nameplate) LLC MB 1 LLC MB 1 LLC County of Dona El Paso NRG Solar 20.2 MW ER11-3459 Roadrunner Ana, New Electric 8/2011 EPE Southwest 2011 Roadrunner LLC (nameplate) Mexico Company South Texas South Texas 44% owned by NRG South Electric Nuclear 1: 1988 1,176.1 MW2 ERCOT NRG South 2/2006 ERCOT n/a Texas LP Generation Operating 2: 1989 (summer) Texas LP Station Company 3, 4, 6-8: NRG NRG Sterlington NRG Sterlington 2001 176 MW ER99-637 Sterlington Sterlington n/a MISO Central Power LLC Power LLC 1,2,9,10: (summer) Power LLC 2000

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating 1,495 MW Cedar Bayou (summer) Greens 715 MW Bayou (summer) 1,689 MW Limestone Please see (summer) NRG Texas NRG Texas NRG Texas Appendix B- 162 MW ERCOT San Jacinto n/a ERCOT n/a Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC 1 (summer) Supplement 727 MW S.R. Bertron (summer) T.H. 1,243 MW Wharton13 (summer) 3,724 MW W.A. Parish (summer) CTG1-2002 CTG2-2001 CTG3-2001 NRG CTG4-2001 Aurora 878 MW NRG Wholesale NRG Wholesale Wholesale CTG5-2001 ER04-944 Generating n/a PJM Northeast (summer) Generation LP Generation LP Generation CTG6-2001 Station LP CTG7-2001 CTG8-2001 CTG9-2001 CTG10-2001 NRG CTG1-2003 Choctaw NRG Wholesale NRG Wholesale Wholesale Southeast, CTG2-2003 800 MW ER04-944 Generating n/a TVA, MISO Generation LP Generation LP Generation Central CTG3-2003 (summer) Station LP STG1-2003 NRG 101-2003 Hunterstown NRG Wholesale NRG Wholesale Wholesale 201-2003 810 MW ER04-944 Generating n/a PJM Northeast Generation LP Generation LP Generation 301-2003 (summer) Station (new) LP 401-2003

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating NRG Seward NRG Wholesale NRG Wholesale Wholesale 525 MW ER04-944 Generating n/a PJM Northeast 1-2004 Generation LP Generation LP Generation (summer) Station LP CTG1-2000 CTG2-2000 NRG CTG3-2000 Shelby NRG Wholesale NRG Wholesale Wholesale CTG4-2000 344 MW ER04-944 Generating n/a MISO Central Generation LP Generation LP Generation CTG5-2000 (summer) Station LP CTG6-2000 CTG7-2001 CTG8-2001 Oswego Oswego Harbor Oswego Harbor 5: 1975 1,628 MW ER99-3637 Oswego Harbor n/a NYISO Northeast Power LLC Power LLC 6: 1979 (summer) Power LLC OWF One, OWF One, OWF One, LLC QF08-432 OWF One, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 4.2 MW LLC LLC OWF Two, OWF Two, OWF Two, LLC QF08-433 OWF Two, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 4.2 MW LLC LLC OWF Three, OWF Three, OWF Three, OWF Three, QF08-434 n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC OWF Four, OWF Four, OWF Four, LLC QF08-435 OWF Four, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC OWF Five, OWF Five, OWF Five, LLC QF08-436 OWF Five, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC OWF Six, OWF Six, OWF Six, LLC QF08-437 OWF Six, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC OWF Seven, OWF Seven, OWF Seven, OWF Seven, QF08-438 n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating OWF Eight, OWF Eight, OWF Eight, LLC QF08-439 OWF Eight, LLC n/a MISO Central 2008 2.1 MW LLC LLC Palo Alto Palo Alto Palo Alto Palo Alto County County Wind QF05-220 County County Wind n/a SPPSPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, Farm, LLC Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Pinnacle Wind, Pinnacle Pinnacle Wind, Pinnacle ER11-4351 n/a PJM Northeast 12/2011 55.2 MW LLC Wind LLC Wind, LLC Poverty Poverty Poverty Ridge Poverty Ridge QF05-189 Ridge Ridge n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Power Power Beyond, Power Beyond, Power QF06-43 Beyond, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC LLC Beyond, LLC LLC Power Power Blades Power Blades Power Blades Blades QF06-42 Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC Reliant Energy [Power ER11-4308 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Northeast LLC Marketer] RRI Energy [Power ER94-1247 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Services, LLC Marketer] ER07-486 Saguaro Saguaro Power Saguaro Power See also Power Nevada Company, a Company, a 92 MW QF90-203 Saguaro Company, a n/a Power Southwest 1991 Limited Limited (summer) (Qualifying Limited Company Partnership Partnership Facility) Partnership

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating San Juan San Juan San Juan San Juan Mesa Wind ER05-1389 Mesa Wind Mesa Wind Mesa Wind n/a SPP SPP 12/2005 120 MW Project, LLC Project, LLC Project, LLC Project, LLC Total: Sand Drag Sand Drag LLC ER11-2856 Avenal Sand Drag LLC n/a CAISO Southwest 8/2011 19 MW LLC (nameplate) Sherbino I Sherbino I Wind Sherbino I Wind 150 MW ERCOT Sherbino Wind Farm n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2008 Farm LLC Farm LLC (nameplate) LLC Sierra Wind, Sierra Wind, Sierra Wind, Sierra Wind, ER06-221 n/a MISO Central 5/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Silver Lake Acres Acres Wind QF05-222 Acres Wind Acres Wind n/a SPPSPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping ER07-645 Bear, n/a SPP SPP 9/2007 94.5 MW Bear, LLC Bear, LLC Bear, LLC LLC Southern Solar Partners I, Solar Partners I, California 129 MW ER13-2107 Ivanpah II 12/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/2013 LLC LLC Edison (nameplate)) Company Pacific Gas & Solar Partners II, Solar Partners 126 MW ER13-2020 Ivanpah I Electric 12/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/2013 LLC II, LLC (nameplate) Company Pacific Gas & Solar Partners Solar Partners 140 MW ER13-2050 Ivanpah III Electric 12/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/2013 VIII, LLC VIII, LLC (nameplate) Company Solar Solar Portfolio- Arizona State Solar Portfolio- QF11-462 Portfolio-IV n/a APS Southwest 2012 1.78 MW IV Trust University IV Trust Trust

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating South Trent South Trent South Trent 101 MW ERCOT South Trent n/a ERCOT ERCOT 2009 Wind LLC Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate) Spanish Spanish Fork Spanish Fork Wind Wind Park 2, QF06-67 Spanish Fork Fork Wind n/a PACE Northwest 7/2008 19 MW Park LLC Park 2, LLC 2, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.20 MW QF09-144 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Murrieta Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Roche SPP 0.91 MW QF09-145 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Palo Alto Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.20 MW QF09-146 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Corona Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.12 MW QF09-147 1-55 Dorman Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.12 MW QF09-148 90 Dorman Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.12 MW QF09-149 225 Palou Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.60 MW QF09-150 BT Infonet Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.24 MW QF09-151 Caltech Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Lagunitas SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.06 MW QF09-152 School Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) District Tenant, LLC Marshall SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.67 MW QF09-153 Medical Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Center Tenant, LLC Point Loma SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.36 MW QF09-154 Nazarene Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) University Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.25 MW QF09-155 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Santa Rosa Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway-Mill SPP 0.16 MW QF09-156 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Valley Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.23 MW QF09-158 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Monrovia Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP West County SPP 0.99 MW QF09-159 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Water District Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.20 MW QF09-160 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Oxnard 2825 Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP St. Mary’s SPP 0.23 MW QF09-161 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Hospital Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Valley Center SPP 1.11 MW QF09-162 Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Water District Fund II, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating University of SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.88 MW QF09-163 California Master 12/2008 CAISO Southwest 12/2008 Fund II, LLC Fund II, LLC (nameplate) San Diego Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway-Mira SPP 0.24 MW QF09-516 Master 8/2009 CAISO Southwest 8/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Loma Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.11 MW QF09-517 Master 9/2009 CAISO Southwest 9/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Pasadena Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.24 MW QF09-518 Master 9/2009 CAISO Southwest 9/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Soquel Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC University of California SPP Fund II SPP San Diego, SPP 0.26 MW QF09-519 Master 9/2009 CAISO Southwest 9/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Campus Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC Services Center SPP Fund II SPP Safeway- SPP 0.24 MW QF09-520 Master 8/2009 CAISO Southwest 8/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Upland Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC University of California SPP Fund II SPP SPP 0.05 MW QF10-109 San Diego, Master 10/2009 CAISO Southwest 10/2009 Fund II-B, LLC Fund II-B, LLC (nameplate) Birch Tenant, LLC Aquarium SPP Fund III SPP Westover SPP 0.16 MW QF10-265 Master 2/2010 ISO-NE Northeast 2/2010 Fund III, LLC School Fund III, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Ventura Co., SPP Fund III SPP GSA, Fleet SPP 0.62 MW QF10-356 Master 3/2010 CAISO Southwest 3/2010 Fund III, LLC Services, Fund III, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC Saticoy Ventura SPP Fund III SPP SPP 0.30 MW QF10-357 County Master 3/2010 CAISO Southwest 3/2010 Fund III, LLC Fund III, LLC (nameplate) Offices Tenant, LLC Frito Lay SPP Fund III SPP SPP 3.25 MW QF11-148 North Master 2/2011 APS Southwest 2/2011 Fund III, LLC Fund III, LLC (nameplate) America Tenant, LLC Arizona State SPP Fund III SPP University, SPP 4.65 MW QF11-151 Master 3/2011 APS Southwest 3/2011 Fund III, LLC West Fund III, LLC (nameplate) Tenant, LLC Campus Masonic SPP Fund III SPP SPP 1.16 MW QF11-260 Charity Master 5/2011 PJM Northeast 5/2011 Fund III, LLC Fund III, LLC (nameplate) Foundation Tenant, LLC Platte River Spring Canyon Spring Spring Canyon 34.01 MW ER14-2820 Power 10/2014 PSCo Northwest 10/2014 Energy II LLC Canyon II Energy II LLC Authority (nameplate) Platte River Spring Canyon Spring Spring Canyon 28.64 MW ER14-2821 Power 11/2014 PSCo Northwest 11/2014 Energy III LLC Canyon III Energy III LLC (nameplate) Authority Stony Hills Stony Hills Stony Hills Wind Stony Hills Wind QF06-44 Wind Wind Farm, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Total: Sun City Project Sun City Sun City ER11-2857 Avenal n/a CAISO Southwest 8/2011 20 MW LLC Project LLC Project LLC (nameplate)

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise Power Power Sunrise Power Power ER01-2217 n/a CAISO Southwest 6/2001 586 MW Company, LLC Company, Company, LLC Company, LLC LLC Sunrise View Sunrise View Sunrise View Sunrise View QF05-221 Wind Wind Farm, n/a SPPSPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, LLC Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Sunset View Sunset View Sunset View Sunset View QF05-226 Wind Wind Farm, n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, LLC Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Sutton Wind Sutton Wind Sutton Wind Sutton Wind QF05-190 n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Southern Antelope TA High Desert, TA High California 20 MW QF12-365 Power Plant 3/2013 CAISO Southwest 3/2012 LLC Desert, LLC Edison (nameplate) Project Company TAIR TAIR TAIR Windfarm, TAIR Windfarm, ER06-224 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 4/2006 1.25 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Taloga Wind, Taloga Wind, Taloga Wind, Taloga Wind, ER10-1389 n/a SPP SPP 8/2011 130 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC TG TG Windfarm, TG Windfarm, TG Windfarm, QF06-152 Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2003 1.9 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC Tofteland Tofteland Tofteland Tofteland QF06-151 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2003 1.9 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Tower of Tower of Tower of Tower of QF06-38 Power, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW Power, LLC Power, LLC Power, LLC LLC University of UB Fuel UB Fuel UB Fuel 1.5 MW QF15-300 Bridgeport n/a ISO-NE Northeast 3/2015 Cell, LLC Cell, LLC Cell, LLC (nameplate) Fuel Cell Vienna Vienna Vienna 8: 1971 167 MW ER00-2808 Vienna n/a PJM Northeast Power LLC Power LLC Power LLC CT10: 1968 (summer) Virgin Lake Virgin Lake Virgin Lake Virgin Lake QF05-223 Wind Wind Farm, n/a SPP Central 12/2006 2.1 MW Wind Farm, LLC Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC LLC Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek Walnut Creek ER08-931 n/a CAISO Southwest 6/2013 500 MW Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Energy, LLC Watson Watson Watson Watson Cogeneration ER08-337 Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration n/a CAISO Southwest 12/1987 400 MW Company Company Company Company Westridge Westridge Westridge Westridge QF06-150 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2003 1.9 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC Whispering Whispering Whispering Whispering Wind Acres, QF06-39 Wind Wind Acres, Wind Acres, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW LLC Acres, LLC LLC LLC White Caps White Caps White Caps White Caps QF06-49 Windfarm, Windfarm, n/a MISO Central 12/2005 1.25 MW Windfarm, LLC Windfarm, LLC LLC LLC Wildorado Wildorado Wildorado Wildorado ER07-301 Wind n/a SPP SPP 4/2007 161 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Ranch

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location1 Docket No. Geographic Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Date Balancing Region and/or and its Energy authority Generation Controlled Control Authority (per In-service Seasonal Affiliates was granted Name Owned By By Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Rating Windcurrent Windcurrent Windcurrent Windcurrent QF06-149 Farms, n/a MISO Central 10/2003 1.9 MW Farms, LLC Farms, LLC Farms, LLC LLC Wind Family Wind Family Wind Family Wind Family QF05-184 n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Turbine, LLC Turbine, LLC Turbine, LLC Turbine, LLC Zontos Zontos Zontos Zontos QF05-191 n/a MISO Central 4/2007 2.1 MW Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC

1 This list includes, out of an abundance of caution, facilities within ERCOT, even though these assets are not subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction. 2 Consistent with Order 697, this figure reflects NRG’s portion of the jointly-owned generation facility. 3 Dunkirk Power LLC Units 1 (75 MW), 3 (185 MW) and 4 (185 MW) are currently mothballed. 4 El Segundo Power, LLC Unit 3 (335 MW) was deactivated in June 2013. 5 The Commission authorized the transfer of Units 1-4 from Long Beach Generation LLC to Long Beach Peakers LLC in NRG Energy, Inc., 121 FERC ¶ 62,113 (2007), but the transfer has not yet occurred. Based on discussions with Commission Staff, the NRG Entities report the same 260 MW of generating capacity under both entities, even though this could result in double counting of this capacity pending the completion of the transfer. 6 Norwalk Power LLC Units 1, 2 and 10 (342 MW) were deactivated in June 2013. Norwalk Power LLC relinquished its EWG status and became a power marketer in November 2013. 7 This facility was deactivated in January 2015. 8 This facility retired and permanently shut down in April 2013. 9 Distributed retail generation. 10 NRG Potomac River LLC’s facility (482 MW) was deactivated in October 2012. 11 This facility was deactivated in November 2013. 12 Unit 1 was retired on October 1, 2012. The 25 MW GT1 Unit remains operational.

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NRG ENTITIES Appendix B Analysis Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

13 T.H. Wharton Unit 2 (229 MW) was deactivated in 2012.

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Appendix B Analysis NRG ENTITIES Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Location Geographic Filing Entity and Balancing Region its Energy Asset Name and Date Control Authority (per Affiliates Use Owned By Controlled By Transferred Area Appendix D) Size Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Line I – radial 4.4-mile, 230-kV Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Windpower Alta Windpower n/a CAISO Southwest generator lead line transmission line Development, LLC Development, LLC Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Wind II, LLC Alta Wind II, LLC Alta Wind I, LLC Alta Line II – radial Alta Wind III, LLC Alta Wind III, LLC 1.8-mile, 230-kV Alta Wind II, LLC n/a CAISO Southwest generator lead line Mustang Hills, LLC Mustang Hills, LLC transmission line Alta Wind III, LLC Alta Windpower Alta Windpower Development, LLC Development, LLC Alta Wind IV, LLC Alta Wind IV, LLC Alta Wind V, LLC Alta Wind V, LLC Alta Wind VIII, LLC Alta Wind VIII, LLC Alta Wind IV, LLC Alta Line III – radial 5.6-mile, 230-kV Pinyon Pines Pinyon Pines n/a CAISO Southwest Alta Wind V, LLC generator lead line transmission line Wind II, LLC Wind II, LLC Alta Windpower Alta Windpower Development, LLC Development, LLC Alta Wind X, LLC Alta Wind X, LLC Pinyon Pines Pinyon Pines Alta Line V – radial 6.8-mile, 230-kV Alta Wind X, LLC Wind I, LLC Wind I, LLC n/a CAISO Southwest generator lead line transmission line Alta Windpower Alta Windpower Development, LLC Development, LLC Alta Wind X, LLC Alta Wind X, LLC Alta Wind XI, LLC Alta Wind XI, LLC Alta Wind X, LLC Alta Line VI – radial Pinyon Pines Pinyon Pines 2.0-mile, 230-kV n/a CAISO Southwest Alta Wind XI, LLC generator lead line Wind I, LLC Wind I, LLC transmission line Alta Windpower Alta Windpower Development, LLC Development, LLC

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Location Geographic Filing Entity and Balancing Region its Energy Asset Name and Date Control Authority (per Affiliates Use Owned By Controlled By Transferred Area Appendix D) Size Intrastate natural 4.2 miles of 24- gas pipeline used inch diameter Hudson Valley Gas exclusively to serve Hudson Valley Gas Hudson Valley Gas natural gas N/A NYISO Northeast Corporation NRG Bowline’s Corporation Corporation pipeline and Bowline Point related Generating Station equipment Wildorado Wildorado Wildorado Radial generator Wind, LLC Wind, LLC 9.25-mile, 230-kV N/A SPP SPP Wind, LLC lead line Wildorado Wildorado transmission line Wind Two, LLC Wind Two, LLC

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Exhibit B-1 - Supplement

NRG Texas Power LLC In-Service Dates

Generation Name Unit No. In-service Date Cedar Bayou 1 1970 2 1972 4 2009 Greens Bayou 5 1973 73 1976 74 1976 81 1976 83 1976 84 1976 Limestone 1 1985 2 1986 San Jacinto G11995 G2 1995 S R Bertron 1 1958 2 1956 3 1959 4 1960 G2 1967 3 1974 T H Wharton 4 1974 G1 1967 31 1972 32 1972 33 1972 34 1972 41 1972 42 1972 43 1974 44 1974 51 1975 52 1975 53 1975 54 1975 55 1975 56 1975 11958 W A Parish 2 1958 3 1961 4 1968 G1 1967 5 1977 6 1978 7 1980 8 1982

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Attachment B Assets Appendix for the NextEra MBR Sellers 20151230-5304 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/30/201510:49:27AM

Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Pheasant Run Pheasant Run Pheasant Run 75 (name- Wind, LLC ER13-2641 Pheasant Run Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A MISO Central 11/25/2013 plate)

100.3 Tuscola Wind II, Tuscola Wind II, Tuscola Wind II, (name- LLC ER13-2458 Tuscola II LLC LLC N/A MISO Central 11/10/2013 plate)

Tuscola Bay Tuscola Bay Tuscola Bay 120 (name- Wind, LLC1 ER12-1660 Tuscola Bay Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A MISO Central 11/23/2012 plate)

White Oak White Oak White Oak White Oak 150 (name- Energy LLC ER10-2078 Energy Energy LLC Energy LLC 6/10/2011 MISO Central 11/1/2010 plate)

62.4 Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind (name- III, LLC ER11-26 III III, LLC III, LLC N/A MISO Central 12/1/2010 plate)

1 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

102.4 Baldwin Wind, Baldwin Wind, Baldwin Wind, (name- LLC ER10-2551 Baldwin Wind LLC LLC N/A WAUE Central 10/15/2010 plate)

Day County Day County Day County Day County 99 (name- Wind, LLC ER10-825 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A WAUE Central 4/1/2010 plate)

Garden Wind, Garden Wind, Garden Wind, 150 (name- LLC ER10-296 Garden Wind LLC LLC N/A MISO Central 12/20/2009 plate)

Crystal Lake Crystal Lake III, Crystal Lake III, 66 (name- Wind III, LLC ER10-297 Crystal Lake III LLC LLC N/A MISO Central 12/20/2009 plate)

Butler Ridge Butler Ridge Butler Ridge Wind Energy Wind Energy Wind Energy 54 (name- Center, LLC ER10-2 Butler Ridge Center, LLC Center, LLC N/A MISO Central 12/5/2009 plate)

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Wessington Wessington Wessington Wind Energy Wind Energy Wind Energy 51 (name- Center, LLC ER10-3 Wessington Center, LLC Center, LLC N/A WAUE Central 12/5/2009 plate)

49.5 Wilton Wind II, Wilton Wind II, Wilton Wind II, (name- LLC ER09-1760 Wilton Wind II LLC LLC N/A WAUE Central 10/1/2009 plate)

Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind Ashtabula Wind 120 (name- II, LLC ER09-1656 II II, LLC II, LLC N/A MISO Central 9/1/2009 plate)

Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Alliant 150 (name- Wind, LLC ER08-1293 Crystal Lake I Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 11/1/2008 plate)

Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Crystal Lake Alliant 200 (name- Wind II, LLC ER08-1294 Crystal Lake II Wind II, LLC Wind II, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 12/1/2008 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Osceola Osceola Osceola Windpower II, Osceola II Windpower II, Windpower II, Alliant 50 (name- LLC ER08-1296 (Endeavor II) LLC LLC N/A (MISO) Central 11/1/2008 plate)

148.5 Ashtabula Wind, Ashtabula Wind, Ashtabula Wind, OTP (name- LLC ER08-1297 Ashtabula LLC LLC N/A (MISO) Central 10/1/2008 plate)

Alliant 150 (name- Story Wind, LLC ER08-1300 Story County Story Wind, LLC Story Wind, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 11/1/2008 plate)

Langdon Wind, Langdon Wind, Langdon Wind, OTP 159 (name- LLC ER08-250 Langdon LLC LLC N/A (MISO) Central 11/1/2007 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy 50.6 Oliver Wind I, Oliver Wind I, Oliver Wind I, (name- LLC ER09-138 Oliver County I LLC LLC N/A MP (MISO) Central 11/1/2006 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Oliver Wind II, Oliver Wind II, Oliver Wind II, 48 (name- LLC ER08-197 Oliver County II LLC LLC N/A MP (MISO) Central 11/1/2007 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota 41 (name- Wind, LLC ER03-1103 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A WAUE Central 10/1/2003 plate)

Hawkeye Power Cerro Gordo Hawkeye Power Hawkeye Power ALTW 42 (name- Partners, LLC ER98-2076 Wind Project Partners, LLC Partners, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 6/1/1999 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Hancock County Hancock Hancock County Hancock County ALTW 98 (name- Wind, LLC ER03-34 County (Iowa) Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 12/1/2002 plate)

Lake Benton Lake Benton Lake Benton 103.5 Power Partners Power Partners Power Partners NSP (name- II, LLC ER98-4222 Lake Benton II II, LLC II, LLC 6/1/2000 (MISO) Central 6/1/1999 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy North Dakota North Dakota North Dakota 41 (name- Wind, LLC ER03-1104 North Dakota Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A WAUE Central 10/1/2003 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, ER09-988 601.4 LLC f/k/a FPL (former NextEra Energy NextEra Energy summer/ Energy Duane docket no. Duane Arnold, Duane Arnold, ALTW 622.1 Arnold, LLC2 ER05-1281) Duane Arnold LLC LLC 2006 (MISO) Central 2/1/1975 winter

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Burleigh County Burleigh County Burleigh County 50 (name- Wind, LLC ER06-9 Wilton Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A WAUE Central 1/1/2006 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Mower County, Mower County, Mower County, ALTW 99 (name- LLC ER06-1261 Mower County LLC LLC N/A (MISO) Central 12/1/2006 plate) NextEra Energy Point Beach, ER09-989 1,197 LLC f/k/a FPL (former NextEra Energy NextEra Energy summer/ Energy Point docket no. Point Beach, Point Beach, WEP 1,217 Beach, LLC ER07-904) Point Beach LLC LLC 9/28/2007 (MISO) Central 1/1/1970 winter

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy North Dakota North Dakota North Dakota OTP 21 (name- Wind II, LLC ER03-1105 North Dakota II Wind II, LLC Wind II, LLC N/A (MISO) Central 10/1/2003 plate)

2 NextEra is the owner of 70 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Osceola Osceola Osceola Osceola 100 (name- Windpower, LLC ER07-174 (Endeavor) Windpower, LLC Windpower, LLC N/A MISO Central 8/1/2007 plate)

Windpower Windpower Windpower Windpower Partners 1993, Ptrs '93 Partners 1993, Partners 1993, 12/1/2003, NSP 22 (name- LLC QF94-82 (Buffalo Ridge) LLC LLC 03/01/2006 (MISO) Central 5/1/1994 plate)

1,250 MW Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER03-1292 Riviera Beach Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 4/1/2014 plate)

Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & 840 (name- Light Company ER03-1292 Lauderdale Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 8/1/1970 plate)

1,432 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER03-1292 Fort Myers Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 5/1/1974 plate)

Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & 981 (name- Light Company ER03-1292 St Lucie 1 Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 5/1/1976 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & 853 (name- Light Company3 ER03-1292 St Lucie 2 Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 6/1/1983 plate)

1,210 Florida Power & Cape Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER03-1292 Canaveral Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 4/24/2013 plate)

1,980 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER03-1292 Sanford Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 6/1/2002 plate)

254 Florida Power & St Johns River Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company4 ER03-1292 Power Park Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 3/1/1987 plate)

643 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company5 ER03-1292 Scherer 4 Light Company Light Company N/A SOCO Southeast 7/1/1989 plate)

3 FPL is the owner of 85 % of this facility. 4 FPL is the owner of 20 % of this facility. 5 FPL is the owner of 76 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

West County 1,219 Florida Power & Energy Center Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Unit 3 Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 5/23/2011 plate)

Space Coast Florida Power & Solar Energy Florida Power & Florida Power & 10 (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Center Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 4/16/2010 plate) DeSoto Next Generation Florida Power & Solar Energy Florida Power & Florida Power & 25 (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Center Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 10/27/2009 plate)

West County 1,219 Florida Power & Energy Center Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Unit 1 Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 8/27/2009 plate)

West County 1,219 Florida Power & Energy Center Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Unit 2 Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 11/3/2009 plate)

2,729 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Manatee Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 10/1/1976 plate) 3,731 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Martin Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 12/1/1980 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date 3,176 Florida Power & Florida Power & Florida Power & (name- Light Company ER97-3359 Turkey Point Light Company Light Company N/A FPL Southeast 1/1/1967 plate) 135.4 Blue Summit Blue Summit Blue Summit (name- Wind, LLC N/A Blue Summit Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A ERCOT N/A N/A plate) 1,796 FPLE Forney, FPLE Forney, FPLE Forney, (name- LLC N/A Forney LLC LLC N/A ERCOT NA 6/1/2003 plate) 1,002 Lamar Power Lamar Power Lamar Power Lamar Power 7/1/2000, (name- Partners, LLC N/A Partners Partners, LLC Partners, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 12/01/2000 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Callahan Wind, Callahan Wind, Callahan Wind, 114 (name- LLC N/A Callahan Divide LLC LLC N/A ERCOT NA 2/1/2005 plate)

Capricorn Ridge Capricorn Capricorn Ridge Capricorn Ridge 364 (name- Wind, LLC N/A Ridge Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 11/1/2007 plate)

Capricorn Ridge Capricorn Capricorn Ridge Capricorn Ridge 299 (name- Wind II, LLC N/A Ridge II Wind II, LLC Wind II, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 5/1/2008 plate)

Indian Mesa Indian Mesa Indian Mesa 83 (name- Wind Farm, LLC N/A Indian Mesa Wind Farm, LLC Wind Farm, LLC 6/1/2002 ERCOT NA 1/1/2001 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Upton Wind, Upton Wind, Upton Wind, 278 (name- LLC N/A King Mountain LLC LLC N/A ERCOT NA 12/1/2001 plate)

West Texas West Texas West Texas Wind Energy Southwest Wind Energy Wind Energy 75 (name- Partners, LLC N/A Mesa Partners, LLC Partners, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 7/1/1999 plate) Wolf Ridge Wolf Ridge Wolf Ridge Wolf Ridge 113 (name- Wind, LLC N/A Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 5/1/2008 plate) FPL Energy Woodward FPL Energy FPL Energy Pecos Wind I - Mountain Pecos Wind I - Pecos Wind I - 160 (name- II, LLC N/A (Pecos Wind) II, LLC II, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 7/1/2001 plate) 11/1/2005, 03/01/2006 , FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy 06/01/2006 735.5 Horse Hollow Horse Hollow Horse Hollow Horse Hollow , (name- Wind, LLC N/A 1-4 Wind I - IV, LLC Wind I - IV, LLC N/A ERCOT NA 09/01/2006 plate)

Post Wind Farm, Post Wind Farm, Post Wind Farm, 84 (name- LLC N/A Red Canyon LLC LLC N/A ERCOT NA 4/1/2006 plate) Green 10.4 Green Mountain Mountain Green Mountain Green Mountain (name- Storage, LLC ER15-2601 Storage Storage, LLC Storage, LLC N/A PJM Northeast 11/2/2015 plate)

Meyersdale Meyersdale Meyersdale Meyersdale 18 (name- Storage, LLC ER15-2602 Storage Storage, LLC Storage, LLC N/A PJM Northeast 11/2/2015 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Mantua Creek Solar, LLC ER14-1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A PJM Northeast N/A N/A

NEPM II, LLC ER11-4462 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NextEra Energy Power Marketing, LLC ER09-832 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Energy Storage Energy Storage Energy Storage Energy Storage 1.8 (name- Holdings, LLC ER13-752 Holdings Holdings, LLC Holdings, LLC N/A PJM Northeast 1/11/2013 plate) Paradise Solar Paradise Solar Urban Renewal, Urban Renewal, Mantua Creek 5.1 (name- L.L.C. N/A Paradise Solar L.L.C. Solar, LLC N/A PJM Northeast 12/20/2010 plate)

NextEra Energy Services ER10-1951 Massachusetts, (former LLC (f/k/a Gexa docket no. Energy, LLC) ER05-714) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Illinois Wind, Illinois Wind, Illinois Wind, 240 (name- LLC ER10-402 Illinois Wind LLC LLC N/A PJM Northeast 12/20/2009 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Northeast Energy Northeast Northeast Associates, Energy Energy 300 (name- L.P.6 ER05-236 Bellingham Associates, L.P. Associates, L.P. 1998 ISO-NE Northeast 8/1/1991 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy 45 name- Cape, LLC ER00-3068 Cape Cape, LLC Cape, LLC 1999 ISO-NE Northeast 1/1/1970 plate

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy 1/1/1957/1 228 name- Wyman LLC ER98-3566 Wyman Wyman LLC Wyman LLC 1999 ISO-NE Northeast 958/1965 plate

FPL Energy Wyman IV FPL Energy FPL Energy 620 name- LLC7 ER98-3564 Wyman 4 Wyman IV LLC Wyman IV LLC 1999 ISO-NE Northeast 1/1/1978 plate NextEra Energy ER09-990 1,246.2 Seabrook, LLC (former summer/ f/k/a FPL Energy docket no. NextEra Energy NextEra Energy 1,246.7 Seabrook, LLC8 ER02-1838) Seabrook Seabrook, LLC Seabrook, LLC 11/1/2002 ISO-NE Northeast 8/1/1990 winter Bayswater Bayswater Bayswater 53.7 Peaking Facility, Peaking Facility Peaking Facility summer/ LLC ER02-669 Bayswater LLC LLC N/A NYISO Northeast 6/1/2002 53.8 winter

6 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 7 NextEra is the owner of 84.3 % of this facility. 8 NextEra is the owner of 88 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Jamaica Bay Jamaica Bay Jamaica Bay 54.3 Peaking Facility, Peaking Facility, Peaking Facility, summer/ LLC ER03-623 Jamaica Bay LLC LLC N/A NYISO Northeast 7/1/2003 54.7 winter North Jersey North Jersey North Jersey 271 Energy Energy Energy summer/ Associates9 ER04-187 Sayreville Associates Associates 1998 PJM Northeast 8/1/1991 315 winter

Pennsylvania Green Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 10 (name- Windfarms, LLC ER02-2166 Mountain Windfarms, LLC Windfarms, LLC 8/1/2002 PJM Northeast 5/1/2000 plate)

Backbone Backbone Backbone Mountain Mountaineer Mountain Mountain 66 (name- Windpower LLC ER02-2559 Wind Windpower LLC Windpower LLC 6/1/2002 PJM Northeast 12/1/2002 plate)

Meyersdale Meyersdale Meyersdale Meyersdale 30 (name- Windpower LLC ER04-290 Wind Windpower LLC Windpower LLC N/A PJM Northeast 12/1/2003 plate)

Mill Run Mill Run Mill Run 15 (name- Windpower LLC ER01-1710 Mill Run Wind Windpower LLC Windpower LLC 4/1/2003 PJM Northeast 12/1/2001 plate)

Somerset Somerset Somerset 9 (name- Windpower LLC ER01-2139 Somerset Wind Windpower LLC Windpower LLC 4/1/2003 PJM Northeast 12/1/2001 plate)

9 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Waymart Wind Waymart Wind Waymart Wind 65 (name- Farm L.P. ER03-1375 Waymart Wind Farm L.P. Farm L.P. 3/1/2003 PJM Northeast 10/1/2003 plate) 50 FPL Energy Marcus Hook FPL Energy FPL Energy summer/ MH50, L.P. ER99-2917 50 MH50, L.P. MH50, L.P. 1999 PJM Northeast 1/1/1987 50 winter 726.5 FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy summer/ Marcus Hook, Marcus Hook Marcus Hook, Marcus Hook, 808.4 L.P. ER02-1903 750 L.P. L.P. N/A PJM Northeast 12/1/2004 winter

Blythe Solar Blythe Solar Blythe Solar Blythe Solar 110 (name- 110, LLC ER16-91 110 110, LLC 110, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 12/1/2015 plate) Golden Hills Golden Hills Golden Hills Interconnection, Golden Hills Interconnection, Interconnection, LLC ER16-90 Interconnection LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/18/2015 0 85.9 Golden Hills Golden Hills Golden Hills Golden Hills (name- Wind, LLC ER15-2477 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 10/1/2015 plate) Silver State Silver State Silver State Silver State Solar Power Solar Power Solar Power 250 (name- South, LLC ER15-2243 South South, LLC South, LLC N/A NV Energy Southwest 09/15/2015 plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Adelanto Solar, Adelanto Solar, Adelanto Solar, 20 (name- LLC10 ER15-1883 Adelanto Solar LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 8/5/2015 plate)

Adelanto Solar Adelanto Solar Adelanto Solar Adelanto Solar 7 (name- II, LLC11 ER15-1418 II II, LLC II, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 6/1/2015 plate)

McCoy Solar, McCoy Solar, McCoy Solar, 250 (name- LLC12 ER15-1375 McCoy Solar LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 6/1/2015 plate)

Shafter Solar, Shafter Solar, Shafter Solar, 20 (name- LLC13 ER15-1016 Shafter Solar LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 3/15/2015 plate)

Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View 20 (name- Solar, LLC ER14-21 Mountain View Solar, LLC Solar, LLC N/A NV Energy Southwest 11/1/2013 plate)

Genesis Solar, Genesis Solar, Genesis Solar, 250 (name- LLC14 ER13-2112 Genesis Solar LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 10/3/2013 plate)

10 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility. 11 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility. 12 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility. 13 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility. 14 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight 250 (name- 250, LLC ER13-1991 250 250, LLC 250, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 8/2/2013 plate)

Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight Desert Sunlight 300 (name- 300, LLC ER13-1992 300 300, LLC 300, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 7/22/2013 plate) 100.8 Perrin Ranch Perrin Ranch Perrin Ranch (name- Wind, LLC15 ER12-676 Perrin Ranch Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A AZPS Southwest 1/1/2012 plate)

North Sky River North Sky River North Sky River 162 (name- Energy, LLC ER12-2444 North Sky River Energy, LLC Energy, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/1/2012 plate)

Windpower Windpower Windpower 49.5 Partners 1993, San Gorgonio Partners 1993, Partners 1993, (name- LLC ER12-631 Wind LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/1/2011 plate)

NextEra Energy NextEra Energy NextEra Energy 78.2 Montezuma II Montezuma II Montezuma II Montezuma II (name- Wind, LLC ER11-4677 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/15/2011 plate)

15 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date 78.2 Vasco Winds, Vasco Winds, Vasco Winds, (name- LLC ER11-4678 Vasco LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/1/2011 plate) Hatch Solar Hatch Solar Hatch Solar Energy Center I, Energy Center I, Energy Center I, 5 (name- LLC ER11-3635 Hatch Solar LLC LLC N/A EPE Southwest N/A plate)

Red Mesa Wind, Red Mesa Wind, Red Mesa Wind, 102 (name- LLC ER11-2192 Red Mesa LLC LLC N/A PNM Southwest 11/25/2010 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Montezuma Montezuma Montezuma Montezuma 38 (name- Wind, LLC ER11-2160 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 11/20/2010 plate)

77 (name- Sky River LLC ER09-901 Sky River Sky River LLC Sky River LLC 1991, 2003 CAISO Southwest 2/1/1991 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Cabazon Wind, Cabazon Wind, Cabazon Wind, 40 (name- LLC ER09-902 Cabazon Wind LLC LLC 12/1/2003 CAISO Southwest N/A plate) Diablo Winds, Diablo Winds, Diablo Winds, 21 (name- LLC ER05-222 Diablo Wind LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 12/1/2004 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Green Power Green Power Green Power 17 (name- Wind, LLC ER04-127 Green Power Wind, LLC Wind, LLC 12/1/2003 CAISO Southwest N/A plate)

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date High Winds, High Winds, 8/1/2003, 162 (name- High Winds, LLC ER03-155 High Winds LLC LLC N/A CAISO Southwest 12/01/2003 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico 204 (name- Wind, LLC ER03-179 Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A PNM Southwest 8/1/2003 plate) Mojave 3 Wind Mojave 3 Wind Mojave 3 Wind Power Project, Power Project, Power Project, Mojave 5 Wind QF88-364, Mojave 5 Wind Mojave 5 Wind 1990, 1991, 46 (name- Power Project16 QF88-369 Mojave 3/4/5 Power Project Power Project 1997 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1990 plate) Windpower Windpower Windpower Partners 1990, WindPower Partners 1990, Partners 1990, 15 (name- L.P.17 QF91-42 Ptrs '90 L.P. L.P. 1990 - 2006 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1990 plate) Windpower Windpower Windpower Partners 1991, WindPower Partners 1991, Partners 1991, 24 (name- L.P.18 QF87-119 Ptrs '91 L.P. L.P. 1990 - 2006 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1986 plate) Windpower Windpower Windpower Partners 1991-2, WindPower Partners 1991-2, Partners 1991-2, 28 (name- L.P.19 QF91-151 Ptrs '91-2 L.P. L.P. 1990 - 2006 CAISO Southwest 2/1/1987 plate)

16 NextEra is the owner of 54 % of this facility. 17 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 18 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 19 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Windpower Windpower Windpower Partners 1992, WindPower Partners 1992, Partners 1992, 30 (name- L.P.20 QF89-104 Ptrs '92 L.P. L.P. 1990 - 2006 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1988 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 30 (name- III21 QF86-734 SEGS III Partners LTD III Partners LTD III 2005 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1986 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 30 (name- IV22 QF86-736 SEGS IV Partners LTD IV Partners LTD IV 2005 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1986 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 30 (name- V23 QF87-402 SEGS V Partners LTD V Partners LTD V 2005 CAISO Southwest 9/1/1987 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 30 (name- VI24 QF88-33 SEGS VI Partners LTD VI Partners LTD VI 2005 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1988 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 30 (name- VII25 QF88-34 SEGS VII Partners LTD VII Partners LTD VII 2005 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1988 plate)

20 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 21 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 22 NextEra is the owner of 38 % of this facility. 23 NextEra is the owner of 46 % of this facility. 24 NextEra is the owner of 41 % of this facility. 25 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility.

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Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Luz Solar Luz Solar Luz Solar Partners LTD Partners LTD Partners LTD 80 (name- VIII26 QF88-470 SEGS VIII VIII VIII 1989 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1989 plate) Luz Solar Partners LTD Luz Solar Luz Solar 80 (name- IX27 QF88-472 SEGS IX Partners LTD IX Partners LTD IX 1990 CAISO Southwest 11/1/1990 plate)

Carousel Wind Carousel Wind Carousel Wind 150 (name- Farm, LLC ER15-2582 Carousel Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC N/A WACM Northwest 10/30/2015 plate) Golden West Golden West Golden West Power Partners, Power Partners, Power Partners, 250 (name- LLC ER15-2101 Golden West LLC LLC N/A WACM Northwest 9/1/2015 plate) 200.6 Limon Wind III, Limon Wind III, Limon Wind III, (name- LLC ER14-2138 Limon III LLC LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 7/15/2014 plate)

Limon Wind II, Limon Wind II, Limon Wind II, 200 (name- LLC ER12-2225 Limon Wind II LLC LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 9/1/2012 plate)

Limon Wind, Limon Wind, Limon Wind, Limon Wind, 200 (name- LLC ER12-2226 LLC LLC LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 9/1/2012 plate)

26 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility. 27 NextEra is the owner of 50 % of this facility.

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

98.9 FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy (name- Stateline II, Inc. ER10-256 Stateline II Stateline II, Inc. Stateline II, Inc. N/A PACW Northwest N/A plate)

Northern Northern Northern Colorado Wind Northern Colorado Wind Colorado Wind 175 (name- Energy, LLC28 ER09-1297 Colorado Wind Energy, LLC Energy, LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 6/1/2009 plate)

Peetz Table Peetz Table Peetz Table Wind Energy, Wind Energy, Wind Energy, 200 (name- LLC ER07-875 Peetz Table LLC LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 9/1/2007 plate)

Logan Wind Logan Wind Logan Wind 201 (name- Energy LLC ER07-1157 Logan Wind Energy LLC Energy LLC N/A PSCO Northwest 9/1/2007 plate)

FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy 12/1/2001, 300 (name- Vansycle L.L.C. ER01-838 Stateline Vansycle L.L.C. Vansycle L.L.C. N/A PACW Northwest 12/01/2002 plate)

ESI Vansycle ESI Vansycle ESI Vansycle 25 (name- Partners, L.P. ER98-2494 Vansycle Partners, L.P. Partners, L.P. N/A PACW Northwest N/A plate)

Cedar Bluff Cedar Bluff Cedar Bluff 200 (name- Wind, LLC ER15-2676 Cedar Bluff Wind, LLC Wind, LLC N/A SPP SPP 11/17/2015 plate)

28 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Breckinridge Breckinridge Breckinridge 98.1 Wind Project, Breckinridge Wind Project, Wind Project, (name- LLC ER15-1925 Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 8/1/2015 plate) Palo Duro Wind Palo Duro Wind Palo Duro Wind Interconnection Palo Duro Interconnection Interconnection Services, LLC ER15-58 Interconnection Services, LLC Services, LLC N/A SPP SPP 12/6/2014 0 Seiling Wind Seiling Wind Seiling Wind Interconnection Seiling Interconnection Interconnection Services, LLC ER15-30 Interconnection Services, LLC Services, LLC N/A SPP SPP 12/2/2014 0 200 MW Seiling Wind, Seiling Wind, Seiling Wind, (name- LLC ER14-2708 Seiling Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/1/2014 plate) 100 MW Seiling Wind II, Seiling Wind II, Seiling Wind II, (name- LLC ER14-2709 Seiling Wind II LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/1/2014 plate) 263 MW Palo Duro Wind Palo Duro Wind Palo Duro Wind (name- Energy, LLC29 ER14-2710 Palo Duro Energy, LLC Energy, LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/7/2014 plate) Mammoth Plains Mammoth Plains Mammoth Plains 200 MW Wind Project, Mammoth Wind Project, Wind Project, (name- LLC ER14-2707 Plains LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 9/19/2014 plate)

29 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date Steele Flats Steele Flats Steele Flats 75 MW Wind Project, Wind Project, Wind Project, (name- LLC ER13-2474 Steele Flats LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/11/2013 plate) 165.6 Cimarron Wind Cimarron Wind (name- Energy, LLC ER13-712 Cimarron Wind Cimarron Wind Energy, LLC 12/03/2012 SPP SPP 10/01/2012 plate) 98.9 Ensign Wind, Ensign Wind, Ensign Wind, MKEC/ (name- LLC ER12-2227 Ensign Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 9/21/2012 plate) 100.8 Minco Wind III, Minco Wind III, Minco Wind III, (name- LLC ER12-1880 Minco Wind III LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 9/1/2012 plate) 79.6 High Majestic High Majestic High Majestic (name- Wind II, LLC ER12-1228 High Majestic II Wind II, LLC Wind II, LLC N/A SPP SPP 7/1/2012 plate) Minco Wind Interconnection Minco Minco Minco Services, LLC ER12-895 Interconnection Interconnection Interconnection N/A SPP SPP 3/15/2012 0 59.8 Blackwell Wind, Blackwell Wind, Blackwell Wind, (name- LLC ER12-569 Blackwell Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/1/2012 plate) 100.8 Minco Wind II, Minco Wind II, Minco Wind II, (name- LLC ER11-4428 Minco Wind II LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 11/8/2011 plate)

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date

99.2 Minco Wind, Minco Wind, Minco Wind, (name- LLC ER10-2720 Minco Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 11/1/2010 plate)

100.8 Elk City II Wind, Elk City II Wind, Elk City II Wind, (name- LLC ER11-2037 Elk City II LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 12/1/2010 plate)

98.9 Elk City Wind, Elk City Wind, Elk City Wind, (name- LLC30 ER10-149 Elk City LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 11/1/2009 plate)

High Majestic High Majestic High Majestic 79.5 Wind Energy Wind Energy Wind Energy (name- Center, LLC ER10-1 Majestic Center, LLC Center, LLC N/A SPP SPP 12/5/2009 plate) Gray County Gray County Gray County Wind Energy, Wind Energy, Wind Energy, 112 (name- LLC ER01-1972 Gray County LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 11/1/2001 plate)

30 NextEra Energy Partners, LP is the owner of 22.2% of this facility.

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Sooner Wind, Sooner Wind, Sooner Wind, 51 (name- LLC ER03-1333 Sooner Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 9/1/2003 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Oklahoma Wind, Oklahoma Oklahoma Wind, Oklahoma Wind, 9/1/2003, 51 (name- LLC ER03-1332 Wind LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 10/01/2003 plate) FPL Energy FPL Energy FPL Energy Cowboy Wind, Cowboy Wind Cowboy Wind, Cowboy Wind, 147 (name- LLC ER05-487 (Weatherford) LLC LLC N/A SPP SPP 4/1/2005 plate)

Goshen Wind, Goshen Wind, Goshen Wind, 20 (name- LP FC15-5 Goshen Wind LP LP N/A IESO Canada 1/31/2015 plate)

Kerwood Wind, Kerwood Wind, Kerwood Wind, 60 (name- LP FC14-17 Kerwood Wind LP LP N/A IESO Canada 8/19/2014 plate)

Bornish Wind, Bornish Wind, Bornish Wind, 73 (name- LP FC14-16 Bornish Wind LP LP N/A IESO Canada 8/14/2014 plate)

East Durham East Durham East Durham 23 (name- Wind LP FC14-15 East Durham Wind LP Wind LP N/A IESO Canada 01/2015 plate)

60 (name- Varna Wind, Inc. FC14-13 Varna Wind Varna Wind, Inc. Varna Wind, Inc. N/A IESO Canada 07/2014 plate)

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Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets Appendix B-1

Location Nameplate Filing Entity Docket # and/or and its where MBR Balancing Geographic Seasonal Energy Authority Generation Date Control Authority Region (per In-Service Rating Affiliates was Granted Name Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Appendix D) Date 124.4 Summerhaven Summerhaven Summerhaven (name- Wind, LP FC13-13 Summerhaven Wind, LP Wind, LP N/A IESO Canada 08/2013 plate) 22.9 Conestogo Conestogo Conestogo Conestogo (name- Wind, LP FC13-7 Wind Wind, LP Wind, LP N/A IESO Canada 12/2012 plate)

Moore Solar, Moore Solar, Moore Solar, 20 (name- Inc. FC12-6 Moore Solar Inc. Inc. 2/27/2012 IESO Canada 02/2011 plate)

Sombra Solar, Sombra Solar, Sombra Solar, 20 (name- Inc. FC12-7 Sombra Solar Inc. Inc. 2/27/2012 IESO Canada 02/2011 plate) 81.6 Ghost Pine Ghost Pine Ghost Pine (name- Windfarm, LP FC11-5 Ghost Pine Windfarm, LP Windfarm, LP N/A AESO Canada 12/31/2010 plate) Mount Miller Mount Miller Mount Miller Wind Energy Wind Energy Wind Energy Limited Limited Limited 54 (name- Partnership FC11-3 Mount Miller Partnership Partnership 12/2010 NPCC Canada 06/2005 plate) Mount Copper, Mount Copper, Mount Copper, 54 (name- LP FC08-11 Mount Copper LP LP N/A NPCC Canada 6/1/2008 plate) Pubnico Point, Pubnico Point, Pubnico Point, 31(name- LP FC08-10 Pubnico Point LP LP N/A NPCC Canada 6/1/2008 plate)

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles)

FPL - Trans. Combined 500 kV Lines FPL FPL NA FPL Southeast 1,106.2

FPL - Trans. Combined 230 kV Lines FPL FPL NA FPL Southeast 2,960.0

FPL - Trans. Combined 138 kV Lines FPL FPL NA FPL Southeast 1,658.0

FPL - Trans. Combined 115 kV Lines FPL FPL NA FPL Southeast 730.6

FPL - Trans. Combined 69 kV Lines FPL FPL NA FPL Southeast 178.1

Seabrook Substation (interconnects Seabrook and FPL - Trans. 3 345 kV transmission lines) NEET ISO-NE 2004 ISO-NE Northeast 900 ft.

NextEra Energy - Sagebrush, a California Sagebrush Trans.( 43% interest) Partnership (220 kV gen tie) Partners Sagebrush Partners NA CAISO Southwest 46

NextEra Energy - Sky River LLC (230 kV gen NextEra Trans. tie) (Wilderness Line) 1 Energy NextEra Energy NA CAISO Southwest 9

1 The interconnection facilities owned by Peetz Table Wind Energy, LLC, FPL Energy Oliver Wind, LLC, Ashtabula Wind, LLC, Langdon Wind, LLC, Crystal Lake Wind, LLC, Story Wind, LLC, Minco Wind Interconnection Services, LLC, High Majestic Wind Energy Center, LLC, Limon Wind, LLC, Sky River LLC, Genesis Solar, LLC, Desert Sunlight 250, LLC and Desert Sunlight 300, LLC, are used to provide transmission services to affiliated companies. The Commission has granted waiver from the requirement under Order Nos. 888 and 890 to file an OATT and the requirement under Order No. 889 to establish an OASIS. See Peetz Table Wind Energy, LLC, 123 FERC ¶ 61,192 (2008); FPL Energy Oliver Wind, LLC, 123 FERC ¶ 61,246 (2008); Ashtabula Wind, LLC, 127 FERC ¶ 61,215 (2009); 134 FERC ¶ 61,056 (2011); Langdon Wind, LLC, 127 FERC ¶ 61,212 (2009); Crystal Lake Wind, LLC, 127 FERC ¶ 61,213 (2009); Story Wind, LLC, 128 FERC ¶ 61,080 (2009); Minco Wind Interconnection Services, LLC, 137 FERC ¶ 61,224 (2011); High Majestic Wind Energy Center, LLC, 139 FERC ¶ 61,220 (2012); Limon Wind, LLC, 141 FERC ¶ 61,064 (2012), Sky River LLC, 143 FERC ¶ 61,241 (2013); Genesis Solar, LLC, 145 FERC ¶ 61,142 (2013); Desert Sunlight 250, LLC et al., 145 FERC ¶ 61,065 (2013); Palo Duro Interconnection, LLC, 149 FERC ¶ 61,205

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles)

NextEra Energy - Sky River LLC (230 kV gen NextEra Trans. tie) (Sky River Line) Energy NextEra Energy N/A CAISO Southwest 18

NextEra Energy – Genesis Solar, LLC (220 KV NextEra Trans. gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A CAISO Southwest 14

Desert Sunlight 250, LLC NextEra Energy – and Desert Sunlight 300, NextEra Trans. LLC (230 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A CAISO Southwest 12

NextEra Energy – Silver State Solar Power NextEra Trans. South, LLC (220 KV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A NV Energy Southwest 0.8

NextEra Energy - Peetz Logan Interconnect, NextEra Trans. LLC (230 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA PSCo Northwest 78

NextEra Energy - Peetz Table Wind Energy, NextEra Trans. LLC (230 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A PSCo Northwest 21

NextEra Energy - Limon Wind, LLC ( 345 kV NextEra Trans. gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A PSCo Northwest 35

NextEra Energy - NextEra Trans. Limon Wind II, LLC Energy NextEra Energy N/A PSCo Northwest 4.5

(2014), Seiling Wind Interconnection Services, LLC, 149 FERC ¶ 61,155 (2014); FPL Energy Oklahoma Wind, LLC, Docket No. OA14-3-000, 149 FERC ¶ 61,131(2014); and Limon Wind II, LLC and Limon Wind III, LLC, Docket No. OA14-4-000, 150 FERC ¶ 61,136 (2015).

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles)

NextEra Energy - NextEra Trans. Limon Wind III, LLC Energy NextEra Energy N/A PSCo Northwest 9

NextEra Energy - FPL Energy Oliver Wind, NextEra Trans. LLC (230 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 542 ft.

NextEra Energy - Ashtabula Wind, LLC (230 NextEra Trans. kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 9

NextEra Energy - Langdon Wind, LLC (115 kV NextEra Trans. gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 10

NextEra Energy - Crystal Lake Wind, LLC (161 NextEra Trans. kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 5

NextEra Energy - Story Wind, LLC (161 kV NextEra Trans. gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 200 ft.

Palo Duro Wind NextEra Energy - Interconnection Services, NextEra Trans. LLC (345 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA SPP SPP 5

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles)

Seiling Wind Interconnection NextEra Energy - Services, LLC (345 kV gen NextEra Trans. tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA SPP SPP 23

Seiling Wind Interconnection NextEra Energy - Services, LLC ( 345 kV gen NextEra Trans. tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA SPP SPP 23.8

Minco Wind Interconnection NextEra Energy - Services, LLC ( 345 kV gen NextEra Trans. tie) Energy NextEra Energy NA SPP SPP 100 yards

NextEra Energy - High Majestic Wind Energy NextEra Trans. Center, LLC (115 kV gen tie) Energy NextEra Energy N/A SPP SPP 200 ft.

NextEra Energy Forney NextEra Pipeline, L.P. (Hinshaw Energy NextEra Energy - Nat. pipeline serving NextEra (100% Gas. Energy Forney) interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 1,000 ft.

NextEra NextEra Energy - Nat. The NET Mexico Pipeline Energy & Gas. Partners, LLC NextEra NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 120

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles) Energy Partners (90% interest)

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. (100% Gas. Eagle Ford Midstream, LP interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 166

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. (100% Gas. Monument Pipeline, LP interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 78

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. (100% Gas. LaSalle Pipeline, LP interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 52

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy - Nat. NextEra Gas. South Shore Pipeline, LP Energy NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 26

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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Appendix B-2

Location Date Balancing Filing Entity and its Control Authority Geographic Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned by Controlled by Transferred Area Region Size (Miles) Partners (100% interest)

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. Mission Valley Pipeline (100% Gas. Company, LP interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 0.5

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. (100% Gas. Red Gate Pipeline, LP interest) NextEra Energy NA ERCOT ERCOT 26

NextEra Energy & NextEra Energy Partners NextEra Energy - Nat. Mission Natural Gas (100% Gas. Company, LLC interest) NextEra Energy NA MISO Central 1.3

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Attachment C Assets Appendix for the Eurus MBR Sellers 20150319-521420151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/19/201512/30/2015 1:48:17 10:49:27 PM AM

Eurus Energy America Corporation Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Filing entity Docket in Generation Owned by Controlled by Date control Balancing Geographic In-service Nameplate or and its energy which name transferred authority region date seasonal affiliates market-based area rating rate authority (MW) was granted Avenal Park ER11-2855- NA Avenal Park Avenal Park NA CAISO Southwest 8/2011 6 LLC 000 LLC LLC Sand Drag ER11-2855- NA Sand Drag Sand Drag NA CAISO Southwest 8/2011 19 LLC 000 LLC LLC Sun City ER11-2855- NA Sun City Sun City NA CAISO Southwest 8/2011 20 Project LLC 000 Project LLC Project LLC Oasis Power ER05-41-000 NA Oasis Power Oasis Power NA CAISO Southwest 12/2004 60 Partners, LLC Partners, LLC Partners, LLC Mojave 3/4/5 NA NA Mojave 3/4/5 Mojave 3/4/5 1990, 1991, CAISO Southwest 12/1990 75 LLC LLC LLC 1997, 2010 Eurus ER04–135– NA Eurus Eurus NA Bonneville Northwest 12/2003 41 Combine Hills 000 Combine Combine Hills I LLC Hills I LLC I LLC

Eurus ER09-1699- NA Eurus Eurus NA Bonneville Northwest 12/2009 63 Combine Hills 000 Combine Combine Hills II LLC Hills II LLC II LLC Crescent Ridge ER02-2310- NA Crescent Crescent NA PJM Northeast 11/2005 54.5 LLC 000 Ridge LLC Ridge LLC Spearville 3, ER12-2037- NA Spearville 3, Spearville 3, NA KCPL SPP 10/2012 100.8 LLC 000 LLC LLC CPV Shore, ER13-342- Woodbridge CPV Shore, CPV Shore, NA PJM Northeast Not yet in 725 LLC 000 Energy LLC LLC service Center 20150319-521420151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/19/201512/30/2015 1:48:17 10:49:27 PM AM

Filing entity Docket in Generation Owned by Controlled by Date control Balancing Geographic In-service Nameplate or and its energy which name transferred authority region date seasonal affiliates market-based area rating rate authority (MW) was granted CPV ER13-343- St. Charles CPV CPV NA PJM Northeast Not yet in 725 Maryland, 000 Energy Maryland, Maryland, service LLC Center LLC LLC Goreway NA Goreway Goreway Goreway NA IESO Canada 2009 875 Power Partners Power Power Power Partners Station Partners Chubu TT ER15-1029- NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Energy 000 Management Inc.

Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Filing Asset name and Owned by Controlled by Date control Balancing Geographic Size entity and use transferred authority area region (miles) its energy affiliates Sagebrush Sagebrush line – Sagebrush Sagebrush NA CAISO Southwest 46 used to connect Partners Partners wind power (capacity is generation in allocated to Tehachapi Region partners) to So. Cal. Edison substation 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment D Assets Appendix for the Edison MBR Sellers Capacity Rating: Methodology Docket # where MBR Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Generation Name (Plant or Unit Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, authority was granted, if Owned By Controlled By Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates Name) Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr any Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-1 (January 31, 2014) SCE ER02-2263 Pasadena Pasadena SCE 6/20/1933 CAISO Southwest (N/A) -15 -15 N

SCE ER02-2263 Pasadena Pasadena SCE 6/20/1933 CAISO Southwest (N/A) 3 3 N

SCE ER02-2263 Adobe Solar Adobe Solar, LLC SCE 5/21/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/21/2014 20 20 N

Parker (Under MWDs 1987 Service and SCE ER02-2263 MWD SCE 6/1/1987 WAPA / CAISO Southwest 6/1/1987 60 60 N Interchange Agreement)

MWD Colorado River Aqueduct Pump MWD Colorado River Aqueduct SCE ER02-2263 SCE 6/1/1987 CAISO Southwest 6/1/1987 -320 -320 N Load Pump Load

SCE ER02-2263 Alamitos Generating Station 5 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 5/18/1905 495 480 N

SCE ER02-2263 Alamitos Generating Station 1 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1956 175 175 N

SCE ER02-2263 Alamitos Generating Station 2 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1956 175 175 N

SCE ER02-2263 Alamitos Generating Station 3 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1956 320 320 N

SCE ER02-2263 Alamitos Generating Station 4 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1956 320 320 N

20151217-527720151230-5304SCE ER02-2263 FERC AlamitosPDF Generating (Unofficial) Station 6 BE CA LLC 12/17/201512/30/2015SCE 4:48:0210:49:2710/01/13 PM AMCAISO Southwest 1/1/1956 495 495 N

SCE ER02-2263 Annie Power Annie Power, LLC SCE 8/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 8/28/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Antelope Power Plant TA High Desert LLC SCE 3/25/2013 CAISO Southwest 3/1/2013 25.6 20 N

SCE ER02-2263 Barre Peaker SCE SCE 8/1/2007 CAISO Southwest 8/1/2007 49 49 N

SCE ER02-2263 BCP - Hoover Power Plant Metropolitan Water District SCE 6/1/1987 WAPA / CISO Southwest 8/31/1936 247.5 247.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 BCP - Hoover Power Plant Western Area Power Administration SCE 6/1/1987 WAPA / CISO Southwest 8/31/1936 277.5 277.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Becca Solar Becca Solar, LLC SCE 7/30/2013 CAISO Southwest 7/30/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Berry Petroleum Berry Petroleum Company, LLC SCE 7/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/1/2014 39.2 39.2 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 1 SCE SCE 11/8/1913 CAISO Southwest 11/8/1913 88.4 93.2 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 2 SCE SCE 12/18/1913 CAISO Southwest 12/18/1913 66.5 66.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 2A SCE SCE 8/6/1928 CAISO Southwest 8/6/1928 110 110 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 3 SCE SCE 9/30/1923 CAISO Southwest 9/30/1923 174.5 174.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 4 SCE SCE 6/12/1951 CAISO Southwest 6/12/1951 100 100 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 4 (Dam 7) SCE SCE 6/12/1951 CAISO Southwest 6/12/1951 0.4 0.4 N

SCE ER02-2263 Big Creek 8 SCE SCE 8/16/1921 CAISO Southwest 8/16/1921 75 75 N

SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Creek 2 SCE SCE 11/1/1908 CAISO Southwest 11/1/1908 7.32 7.32 N

SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Creek 3 SCE SCE 6/12/1913 CAISO Southwest 6/12/1913 8.25 8.25 N

SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Creek 4 SCE SCE 9/20/1905 CAISO Southwest 9/20/1905 8.149 8.149 N

SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Creek 5 SCE SCE 6/1/1919 CAISO Southwest 6/1/1919 4.532 4.532 N

SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Creek 6 SCE SCE 3/12/1913 CAISO Southwest 3/12/1913 1.6 1.6 N

SCE ER02-2263 Blythe Generating Facility Blythe Energy SCE 8/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 2/15/2007 591 493 N

SCE ER02-2263 Borel SCE SCE 12/31/1904 CAISO Southwest 12/31/1904 12 12 N

Capistrano Wind ER12-1238 Broken Bow Wind Broken Bow Wind, LLC Broken Bow Wind, LLC 2012 NPPD SPP 2012 79.9 63.92 N Partners, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 California PV Energy 1 California PV Energy, LLC SCE 12/20/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/20/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 California PV Energy 2 California PV Energy, LLC SCE 12/20/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/20/2013 1.5 2 N

California State University - San SCE ER02-2263 SCE SCE 10/3/2013 CAISO Southwest 10/3/2013 1.4 1.4 N Bernardino

SCE ER02-2263 Calleguas MWD - Conejos Calleguas MWD - Conejos SCE 10/1/2012 CAISO Southwest 10/1/1982 0.75 0.55 N

SCE ER02-2263 Carson Cogeneration Carson Cogeneration Company SCE 10/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1990 48 48 N

SCE ER02-2263 Center Peaker SCE SCE 8/1/2007 CAISO Southwest 8/1/2007 49 49 N

SCE ER02-2263 CPV Sentinel 1-8 CPV Sentinel SCE 8/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 5/1/2013 850 736 N

Capistrano Wind ER12-1239 Crofton Bluffs Crofton Bluffs Wind, LLC Crofton Bluffs Wind, LLC 2012 NPPD SPP 2012 40 32 N Partners, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Desert Hot Springs 1 CES DHS Solar , LLC SCE 12/23/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/23/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Desert Hot Springs 2 CES DHS Solar , LLC SCE 12/23/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/23/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Division 1 or 2A Mound Solar Owner VIII, LLC SCE 6/24/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/24/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Division 2 or 2B Mound Solar Owner VIII, LLC SCE 6/24/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/24/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Division 3 or 2C Mound Solar Owner VIII, LLC SCE 6/24/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/24/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Dreamer Solar Dreamer Solar, LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 10/1/2013 1.86 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Duncan Road North DG Solar Lessee, LLC SCE 10/2/2014 CAISO Southwest 10/2/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Duncan Road South DG Solar Lessee, LLC SCE 10/2/2014 CAISO Southwest 10/2/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Dynegy Moss Landing 6 Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC SCE 01/01/14 CAISO Southwest 1964 754 754 N

SCE ER02-2263 Dynegy Moss Landing 7 Dynegy Moss Landing, LLC SCE 01/01/14 CAISO Southwest 1964 755 756 N

SCE ER02-2263 Eastwood SCE SCE 12/1/1987 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 199.8 200 N Capacity Rating: Methodology Docket # where MBR Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Generation Name (Plant or Unit Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, authority was granted, if Owned By Controlled By Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates Name) Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr any Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-2 (January 31, 2014) SCE ER02-2263 Exeter 1 Tulare PV 1, LLC SCE 2/12/2014 CAISO Southwest 2/12/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Exeter 2 Tulare PV 1, LLC SCE 2/12/2014 CAISO Southwest 2/12/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Exeter 3 Tulare PV 1, LLC SCE 2/12/2014 CAISO Southwest 2/12/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Expressway Solar A FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC SCE 5/7/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/7/2014 2 2 N

SCE ER02-2263 Expressway Solar B FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC SCE 5/7/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/7/2014 2 2 N

SCE ER02-2263 Expressway Solar C2 Expressway Solar C2, LLC SCE 11/14/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/14/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Farmersville 1 Sequoia PV 1 LLC SCE 7/31/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/31/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Farmersville 2 Sequoia PV 1 LLC SCE 7/31/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/31/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Farmersville 3 Sequoia PV 1 LLC SCE 7/31/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/31/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Fontana SCE SCE 12/22/1917 CAISO Southwest 12/22/1917 2.95 2.95 N

20151217-527720151230-5304SCE ER02-2263 FERC GarnetPDF Solar Pwr(Unofficial) Gen Station 1 Garnet Solar Pwr Gen Station12/17/201512/30/2015 1 LLC SCE 4:48:0210:49:2712/23/2014 PM AMCAISO Southwest 12/23/2014 4 4 N

SCE ER02-2263 Grapeland Peaker SCE SCE 8/1/2007 CAISO Southwest 8/1/2007 49 49 N

SCE ER02-2263 Hanford 1 Sequoia PV 2, LLC SCE 8/29/2014 CAISO Southwest 8/29/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Hanford 2 Sequoia PV 2, LLC SCE 8/29/2014 CAISO Southwest 8/29/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Heliocentric Heliocentric, LLC SCE 3/28/2012 CAISO Southwest 3/1/2012 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Highlander Solar 1 Highlander Solar 1 SCE 6/12/2013 CAISO Southwest 4/13/2013 15 12 N

SCE ER02-2263 Highlander Solar 2 Highlander Solar 2 SCE 6/11/2013 CAISO Southwest 4/13/2013 11.25 9 N

SCE ER02-2263 Huntington Beach Generating Station 1 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 6/1/1958 218 226 N

SCE ER02-2263 Huntington Beach Generating Station 2 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 5/12/1905 218 226 N

Industry Solar Power Generation Industry Solar Power Generation SCE ER02-2263 SCE 12/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/28/2013 1.5 1.5 N Station Station 1, LLC

Isabella Fish Flow Hydroelectric SCE ER02-2263 Isabella Fish Flow Hydroelec Proj SCE 6/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/26/2014 0.86 0.86 N Project, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Ivanhoe 1 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/17/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Ivanhoe 2 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/17/2014 0.5 0.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Ivanhoe 3 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/17/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 JRam Solar 1 JRAM Solar 1, LLC SCE 9/10/2013 CAISO Southwest 9/10/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 JRam Solar 2 JRAM Solar 2, LLC SCE 9/10/2013 CAISO Southwest 9/10/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 JRam Solar 3 JRAM Solar 3, LLC SCE 9/10/2013 CAISO Southwest 9/10/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kaweah 1 SCE SCE 1/1/1899 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1899 2.25 2.25 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kaweah 2 SCE SCE 9/13/1929 CAISO Southwest 9/13/1929 1.8 1.8 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kaweah 3 SCE SCE 5/29/1913 CAISO Southwest 5/29/1913 4.8 4.8 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kern River 1 SCE SCE 5/19/1907 CAISO Southwest 5/19/1907 26.28 26.28 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kern River 3 SCE SCE 3/22/1921 CAISO Southwest 3/22/1921 40.1 40.1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kettering 1 Mound Solar Owner IX, LLC SCE 7/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/1/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Kettering 2 Mound Solar Owner IX, LLC SCE 7/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/1/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 L-8 Solar Project L-8 Solar Project, LLC SCE 6/1/2012 CAISO Southwest 6/1/2012 1.5 1.5 N

FTS Master Tenant 1 (f/k/a/ Lancaster SCE ER02-2263 FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC SCE 12/18/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/18/2014 5 5 N Dry Farm Ranch) B

SCE ER02-2263 Lindsay 1 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lindsay 3 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lindsay 4 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/15/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lone Valley Solar Park I Lone Valley Solar Park I, LLC SCE 11/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/26/2014 10 10 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lone Valley Solar Park II Lone Valley Solar Park II, LLC SCE 11/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/26/2014 20 20 N

SCE ER02-2263 Long Beach Generation, LLC 1 Long Beach Generation, LLC SCE 8/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1976 65 65 N

SCE ER02-2263 Long Beach Generation, LLC 2 Long Beach Generation, LLC SCE 8/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1976 65 65 N

SCE ER02-2263 Long Beach Generation, LLC 3 Long Beach Generation, LLC SCE 8/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1976 65 65 N

SCE ER02-2263 Long Beach Generation, LLC 4 Long Beach Generation, LLC SCE 8/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1976 65 65 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lower Tule SCE SCE 9/14/1909 CAISO Southwest 9/14/1909 2.52 2.52 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lower Tule River Irrigation District Lower Tule River Irrigation District SCE 8/1/2012 CAISO Southwest 12/3/1989 1.4 1.4 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lundy SCE SCE 12/9/1911 CAISO Southwest 12/9/1911 3 3 N

SCE ER02-2263 Lytle Creek SCE SCE 9/15/1904 CAISO Southwest 9/15/1904 0.5 0.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Madelyn Solar Madelyn Solar, LLC SCE 12/5/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/5/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mammoth Pool SCE SCE 3/28/1960 CAISO Southwest 3/28/1960 190 190 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mammoth Pool (fish water unit) SCE SCE 3/28/1960 CAISO Southwest 3/28/1960 0.9 1 N Capacity Rating: Methodology Docket # where MBR Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Generation Name (Plant or Unit Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, authority was granted, if Owned By Controlled By Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates Name) Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr any Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-3 (January 31, 2014) SCE ER02-2263 Marinos Ventures Marinos Ventures LLC SCE 5/22/2013 CAISO Southwest 5/22/2013 0.28 0.28 N

SCE ER02-2263 McGrath Beach Peaker SCE SCE 11/1/2012 CAISO Southwest 11/1/2012 49 49 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mill Creek 1 SCE SCE 9/7/1893 CAISO Southwest 9/7/1893 0.8 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mill Creek 2 and 3 SCE SCE 8/3/1904 CAISO Southwest 8/3/1904 3 3 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mira Loma Peaker SCE SCE 8/1/2007 CAISO Southwest 8/1/2007 49 49 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mitchell Solar Mitchell Solar, LLC SCE 12/5/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/5/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Monte Vista Water District Monte Vista Water District SCE 7/20/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/20/2014 0.865 0.865 N

Mountain View Power Partners IV, SCE ER02-2263 Mountain View Power Partners IV SCE 2/23/2012 CAISO Southwest 2/23/2012 49 49 N LLC

Capistrano Wind ER08-650 Mountain Wind Power Mountain Wind Power, LLC Mountain Wind Power, LLC 4/1/2014 PACE Northwest 5/1/2008 60.9 48.72 N Partners, LLC

Capistrano Wind Mountain Wind Power II, ER08-692 Mountain Wind Power II Mountain Wind Power II, LLC 4/1/2014 PACE Northwest 7/1/2008 79.8 63.84 N Partners, LLC LLC

20151217-527720151230-5304SCE ER02-2263 FERCMountainview PDF Generating(Unofficial) Station SCE 12/17/201512/30/2015SCE 4:48:0210:49:273/1/2004 PM AMCAISO Southwest 12/10/2005 1108.1 1108.1 N

Navajo Solar Power Generation Station Navajo Solar Power Generation SCE ER02-2263 SCE 12/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/28/2013 1.5 1.5 N 1 Station 1, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Newberry Solar 1 Newberry Solar 1, LLC SCE 11/14/2013 CAISO Southwest 11/14/2013 1.492 1.492 N

SCE ER02-2263 Nunn 8135 Drew Energy, LLC SCE 8/21/2013 CAISO Southwest 8/21/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Ontario 1 SCE SCE 12/1/1902 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1902 0.6 0.6 N

SCE ER02-2263 Ontario 2 SCE SCE 6/13/1963 CAISO Southwest 6/13/1963 0.32 0.32 N

SCE ER02-2263 Orion Solar II Orion Solar II, LLC SCE 6/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/26/2014 8 8 N

Otoe Solar Power Generation SCE ER02-2263 Otoe Solar Power Generation Station SCE 12/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/28/2013 1.5 1.5 N Station 1, LLC

APS - 29.1% SRP - 17.5% EPE - 15.8% Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station SCE ER02-2263 SCE - 15.8% PNMR - 10.2% DWP - SCE/Others 1988 APS Southwest 1988 3967.996 626.944 N 1,2,3 5.7% SCPPA - 5.9%

SCE ER02-2263 Pastoria Calpine Energy Services LP SCE 1/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 6/27/1905 750 751 N

SCE ER02-2263 Catalina Battery SCE SCE Unknown CAISO Southwest Unknown 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Catalina Microturbines SCE SCE 12/1/2011 CAISO Southwest 12/1/2011 1.495 1.495 N

Pine Creek Mill, Mine Water Discharge SCE ER02-2263 Bishop Tungsten Development, LLC SCE 4/24/2013 CAISO Southwest 4/24/2013 0.25 0.25 N System

SCE ER02-2263 Pinyon Pines Wind I Pinyon Pines Wind I, LLC SCE 1/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 1/1/2013 168 168 N

SCE ER02-2263 Pinyon Pines Wind II Pinyon Pines Wind II, LLC SCE 1/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 1/1/2013 132 132 N

SCE ER02-2263 Poole Plant SCE SCE 1/1/1924 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1924 11.25 11.25 N

SCE ER02-2263 Portal Power Plant SCE SCE 12/22/1956 CAISO Southwest 12/22/1956 10.8 10.8 N

SCE ER02-2263 Porterville 1 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/13/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/13/2014 1.0 1.0 N

SCE ER02-2263 Porterville 2 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/13/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/13/2014 1.0 1.0 N

SCE ER02-2263 Porterville 5 Tulare PV I, LLC SCE 1/13/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/13/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Porterville 6 Sequoia PV 3 LLC SCE 7/25/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/25/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Porterville 7 Sequoia PV 3 LLC SCE 7/25/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/25/2014 1.5 1.5 N

Powhatan Solar Power Generation Powhatan Solar Power Generation SCE ER02-2263 SCE 12/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/28/2013 1.5 1.5 N Station Station 1, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Radiance Solar 5 Radiance Solar 5 LLC SCE 7/16/2013 CAISO Southwest 7/16/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Radiance Solar 4 Radiance Solar 4 LLC SCE 7/16/2013 CAISO Southwest 7/16/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 RE Columbia 3 RE Columbia 3, LLC SCE 1/13/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/13/2014 10 10 N

SCE ER02-2263 RE Rio Grande RE Rio Grande, LLC SCE 11/18/2013 CAISO Southwest 11/18/2013 5 5 N

SCE ER02-2263 RE Rosamond Two RE Rosamond Two LLC SCE 12/23/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/23/2013 20 20 N

SCE ER02-2263 RE Victor Phelan Solar One RE Victor Phelan Solar One, LLC SCE 12/6/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/6/2013 20 20 N

SCE ER02-2263 Redondo Beach Generating Station 5 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/1/1954 175 179 N

SCE ER02-2263 Redondo Beach Generating Station 6 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/2/1954 175 175 N

SCE ER02-2263 Redondo Beach Generating Station 7 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/3/1954 480 506 N

SCE ER02-2263 Redondo Beach Generating Station 8 BE CA LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 1/4/1954 480 480 N

SCE ER02-2263 Regulus Solar Regulus Solar, LLC SCE 11/11/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/11/2014 60 60 N

SCE ER02-2263 Rodeo Solar C2 FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC SCE 6/6/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/6/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Rodeo Solar D2 FTS Master Tenant 1, LLC SCE 6/6/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/6/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Rudy Solar Rudy Solar, LLC SCE 12/5/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/5/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Rush Creek SCE SCE 10/17/1916 CAISO Southwest 10/17/1916 13.011 13.011 N

SCE ER02-2263 Sandra Energy Sandra Energy, LLC SCE 10/01/13 CAISO Southwest 10/1/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Ana 1 and 2 SCE SCE 1/9/1899 CAISO Southwest 1/9/1899 3.2 3.2 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Ana 3 SCE SCE 6/25/1999 CAISO Southwest 6/25/1999 3.1 3.1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 10 SCE SCE 5/19/1905 (N/A) Southwest 5/19/1905 1.1 1.1 N Capacity Rating: Methodology Docket # where MBR Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Generation Name (Plant or Unit Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, authority was granted, if Owned By Controlled By Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates Name) Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr any Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-4 (January 31, 2014) SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 12 SCE SCE 5/29/1905 (N/A) Southwest 5/29/1905 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 14 SCE SCE 6/8/1905 (N/A) Southwest 6/8/1905 1.4 1.4 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 15 SCE SCE 6/17/1905 (N/A) Southwest 6/17/1905 2.8 2.8 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 7 SCE SCE 5/11/1905 (N/A) Southwest 5/11/1905 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Santa Catalina Island Diesel 8 SCE SCE 5/16/1905 (N/A) Southwest 5/16/1905 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Sierra SCE SCE 1/12/1922 CAISO Southwest 1/12/1922 0.48 0.48 N

SCE ER02-2263 California XIX Solar Star California XIX, LLC SCE 2/11/2015 CAISO Southwest 7/1/2015 310 310 N

SCE ER02-2263 Solar Star California XX Solar Star California XX, LLC SCE 2/11/2015 CAISO Southwest 7/1/2015 279 276 N

SCE ER02-2263 SPVP SCE SCE Various CAISO Southwest Various 67.5 67.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Summer Solar C2 Summer Solar C2, LLC SCE 6/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/26/2014 1.5 1.5 N

20151217-527720151230-5304SCE ER02-2263 FERC PDFSummer Solar(Unofficial) D2 Summer Solar D2,12/17/201512/30/2015 LLC SCE 4:48:0210:49:278/13/2014 PM AMCAISO Southwest 8/13/2014 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Summer Solar A2 Summer Solar A2, LLC SCE 6/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/26/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Summer Solar B2 Summer Solar B2, LLC SCE 6/26/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/26/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 SunEdison - Corona SunE W12DG-C, LLC SCE 4/15/2013 CAISO Southwest 4/15/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 SunEdison-Hesperia DG Solar Lessee, LLC SCE 8/6/2014 CAISO Southwest 8/6/2014 1.5 2 N

Sycamore Cogeneration ER10-611 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 2 Sycamore Cogeneration Company SCE 1/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 76.56 75 N Company Sycamore Cogeneration ER10-611 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 4 Sycamore Cogeneration Company SCE 1/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 76.56 76 N Company

SCE ER02-2263 Toro Power 1 Toro Power 1, LLC SCE 8/21/2013 CAISO Southwest 8/21/2013 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Toro Power 2 Toro Power 2, LLC SCE 12/23/2013 CAISO Southwest 12/23/2013 0.5 0.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Treen Solar 1 Treen Solar 1, LLC SCE 8/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 8/28/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Treen Solar 2 Treen Solar 2, LLC SCE 8/28/2013 CAISO Southwest 8/28/2013 1 1 N

SCE ER02-2263 Tulare 1 Sequoia PV 1, LLC SCE 1/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/17/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Tulare 2 Sequoia PV 1, LLC SCE 1/17/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/17/2014 1.5 1.5 N

United States Department of United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, San SCE ER02-2263 Agriculture, Forest Service, San Dimas SCE 7/23/2012 CAISO Southwest 7/23/2012 0.25 0.25 N Dimas Technology and Technology and Development Center Development Center

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Dry Farm Ranch A A Victor Dry Farm Ranch A, LLC SCE 5/11/2015 CAISO Southwest 6/12/2015 5 5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Dry Farm Ranch B B Victor Dry Farm Ranch B, LLC SCE 5/20/2015 CAISO Southwest 6/12/2015 5 5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Mesa Linda B2 Victor Mesa Linda B2, LLC SCE 11/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Mesa Linda C2 Victor Mesa Linda C2, LLC SCE 11/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Mesa Linda D2 Victor Mesa Linda D2, LLC SCE 11/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Victor Mesa Linda E2 Victor Mesa Linda E2, LLC SCE 11/15/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/15/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Voyager Solar 1 Voyager Solar 1, LLC SCE 1/29/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/29/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Voyager Solar 2 Voyager Solar 2, LLC SCE 1/29/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/29/2014 1.5 1.5 N

SCE ER02-2263 Voyager Solar 3 Voyager Solar 3, LLC SCE 1/29/2014 CAISO Southwest 1/29/2014 1 1 N

Walnut Creek ER08-931 Walnut Creek Energy Walnut Creek Energy, LLC SCE 6/1/2013 CAISO Southwest 5/2/2013 500.5 483 N Energy, LLC 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

Attachment B Page B-12

Asset Appendix United States Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Instrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Southern California Edison November 23, 2015

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]

Cite to order accepting OATT or Filing Entity order approving the transfer of Date Contol Market / Balancing Geographic and its Energy Asset Name and Use Owned By Controlled By transmission facilities to an RTO or Transferred Authority Area Region Affiliates ISO

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, et Electric transmission and SCE SCE CAISO 4/1/1998 CAISO Southwest al., 81 FERC P61,122 (1997) associated facilities

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, et Electric transmission and SCE SCE CAISO 4/1/1998 CAISO Southwest al., 81 FERC P61,122 (1997) associated facilities

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, et Electric transmission and SCE SCE CAISO 4/1/1998 CAISO Southwest al., 81 FERC P61,122 (1997) associated facilities

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, et Electric transmission and SCE SCE CAISO 4/1/1998 CAISO Southwest al., 81 FERC P61,122 (1997) associated facilities

The integrated transmission facilities under CAISO control are listed in the CAISO’s Register of Transmission Facilities and Entitlements (RTFE), which is located at: http://caiso.com/docs/2005/09/28/200509281729045775.html 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

Attachment B Page B-12

United States Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Instrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities


Size (length and kV)

Approximately 7,300 circuit miles of 33 kilovolt (kV), 55 kV, 66 kV, 115 kV; 161 kV lines.

Approximately 3,500 circuit miles of 220 kV lines (all located in California);

Approximately 1,230 circuit miles of 500 kV lines;

Approximately 980 substations

The integrated transmission facilities under CAISO control are listed in the CAISO’s Register of Transmission Facilities and Entitlements (RTFE), which is located at: 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

End Notes for Entities in the Generation, Long-Term PPA and Transmission Lists

[A] [B] List (Generation, PPA, or End Note Number Transmission) 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation

5 Generation

6 Generation

7 Generation 8 Transmission

9 Transmission 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

Asset Appendix End Notes for Entities in the Generation, Long-Term PPA and Transmission Lists Southern California Edison November 23, 2015 [C]

Explanatory Note "Capacity Rating: Used in Filing" value is the contracted value. Pump load contract. Onwership less than 100%. The "Capacity Rating: Used in Filing" value is less than what CAISO reported in FERC Form 714, therefore the CAISO FERC Form 714 value is used in the 2015 triennial screens. SCE provides Wheelabrator with a dispatch schedule by the end of December that is applied during the following year. As required by contract, SCE must completely curtail Wheelabrator for 1,000 hours during only off- and super-off peak hours. Other than the contractual obligation to curtail Wheelabrator, SCE has no further dispatchability for this contract (i.e. the remaining energy is must-take). The Solar Photovoltaic Program (SPVP) allows SCE to own and install solar photovoltaic systems in its service territory. These projects are primarily installed on commercial rooftops and have been grouped together due to the large number of relatively small generators. 25 projects have been installed as of November 2015, totaling 67.5 MW. 19 projects were included in the market power screens for the 2015 triennial filing, totaling 49 MW (maximum of CAISO FERC Form 714 and SCE internal data). Legacy purchase contract. Pasadena is the purchaser and SCE the seller. The CAISO controls all of SCE’s integrated transmission facilities. The mileage figures include certain non- integrated facilities not under CAISO control. SCE provides delivery service to wholesale customers over non- integrated (i.e., distribution) facilities under its Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT). The WDAT ensures that SCE provides wholesale distribution service on non-discriminatory terms and conditions. SCE also provides delivery service to certain generators over non-integrated generation ties through radial line agreements. This service is provided in a non-discriminatory fashion through agreements on file at FERC.

Owned and operated by SCE T&D Capacity Rating: Methodology Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Docket # where MBR Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, Generation Name (Plant or Unit Name) Owned By Controlled By Contol Ends Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates authority was granted, if any Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-1 Air Force Contracts March Air Reserve Air Force Contracts March Air (January 31, 2014) SCE ER02-2263 SCE 4/1/2004 3/31/2014 CAISO Southwest (N/A) 4.57 4.57 N Base Reserve Base

CL Power Sales Eight, ER96-2652 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) L.L.C.

CP Power Sales ER99-4228 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Nineteen, L.L.C.

CP Power Sales ER99-4229 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Seventeen, L.L.C.

CP Power Sales ER99-4231 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Twenty, L.L.C.

Edison Mission Marketing & Trading, ER99-852 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Inc.

Edison Mission ER08-589 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) 4/1/2014 (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) Solutions, LLC

ALP Wind, LLC (N/A) ALP Wind ALP Wind, LLC ALP Wind, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

American American Bituminous Power Partners, American Bituminous Power American Bituminous Bituminous Power (N/A) 5/1/1983 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/1/1983 80 80 N L.P. Partners, L.P. Power Partners, L.P. Partners, L.P.

Bendwind, LLC ER06-220 Bendwind Bendwind, LLC Bendwind, LLC 3/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 3/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

Big Sky Wind, LLC ER09-1677 Big Sky Wind Big Sky Wind, LLC Big Sky Wind, LLC 2/1/2011 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 2/1/2011 240 240 N

20151217-527720151230-5304Bisson Windfarm, FERC PDFBisson (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM (N/A) Bisson Windfarm, LLC Bisson Windfarm, LLC 12/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N LLC Windfarm

Boeve Boeve Windfarm, LLC (N/A) Boeve Windfarm, LLC Boeve Windfarm, LLC 10/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 10/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N Windfarm

Buffalo Bear, LLC (N/A) Buffalo Bear Buffalo Bear, LLC SCE 2008 4/1/2014 WFEC SPP 2008 18.9 18.9 N

Carstensen Wind, Carstensen (N/A) Carstensen Wind, LLC Carstensen Wind, LLC 12/1/2004 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2004 1.65 1.65 N LLC Wind

CG Windfarm, LLC (N/A) CG Windfarm CG Windfarm, LLC CG Windfarm, LLC 12/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N

Clear View Acres Clear View Acres Wind WAPA (N/A) Clear View Acres Wind Farm Clear View Acres Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC (UPGM)

Coalinga Coalinga Cogeneration Cogeneration ER10-607 Coalinga Cogeneration Company Coalinga Cogeneration Company 10/1/1991 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 10/1/1991 38.4 26.5 N Company Company Community Wind North 1 LLC, Community Wind North 2 LLC, Community Wind North 5 LLC, Community Wind North 6 LLC, Community Wind North 8 LLC, North Community Community Wind North 15 LLC, North Community Turbines ER11-2107 Community Wind North 5/1/2011 4/1/2014 MISO Central 5/1/2011 15 15 N Turbines LLC Community Wind North 3 LLC, LLC Community Wind North 7 LLC, Community Wind North 9 LLC, Community Wind North 10 LLC, Community Wind North 11 LLC, Community Wind North 13 LLC

Cy-Hawk Wind Cy-Hawk Wind (N/A) Cy-Hawk Wind Energy, LLC Cy-Hawk Wind Energy, LLC 4/1/2007 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2007 2.1 2.1 N Energy, LLC Energy

DeGreeff DP, LLC ER06-686 DeGreeff DP DeGreeff DP, LLC DeGreeff DP, LLC 4/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

DeGreeffpa, LLC ER06-215 DeGreeffpa DeGreeffpa, LLC DeGreeffpa, LLC 3/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 3/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

Eagle View Eagle View Acres Eagle View Acres Wind (N/A) Acres Wind Eagle View Acres Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC Farm

Elk Lake Wind Farm, Elk Lake Wind (N/A) Elk Lake Wind Farm, LLC Elk Lake Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N LLC Farm

Elkhorn Ridge Wind, ER08-1397 Elkhorn Ridge Wind Elkhorn Ridge Wind, LLC SCE 2008 4/1/2014 NPPD SPP 2008 79.9 79.9 N LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Ellwood Generating Station Genon West, LP SCE 1/1/2013 9/30/2014 CAISO Southwest 1974 54 54 N

Fey Windfarm, LLC (N/A) Fey Windfarm Fey Windfarm, LLC Fey Windfarm, LLC 10/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 10/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Fisk 31 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/12/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/12/1905 49.1 49.1 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Fisk 32 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/12/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/12/1905 50.8 50.8 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Fisk 33 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/12/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/12/1905 49.1 49.1 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Fisk 34 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/12/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/12/1905 48.2 48.2 N LLC

Forward WindPower, ER08-293 Forward Forward Forward 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 6/30/1905 29.4 29.4 N LLC

SCE - 48% APS - 15% PNM - 13% SRP - SCE ER02-2263 Four Corners Generating Station 4,5 SCE/Others 5/23/1905 12/30/2013 APZS Southwest 5/23/1905 1636.25 785.4 N 10% EPE - 7% TEP - 7%

Green Prairie Energy, Green Prairie (N/A) Green Prairie Energy, LLC Green Prairie Energy, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N LLC Energy, LLC

Greenback Energy, Greenback (N/A) Greenback Energy, LLC Greenback Energy, LLC 12/1/2004 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2004 1.65 1.65 N LLC Energy

Greene Wind Energy, (N/A) Greene Wind Energy Greene Wind Energy, LLC Greene Wind Energy, LLC 4/1/2007 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2007 2.1 2.1 N LLC

Groen Wind, LLC ER06-222 Groen Wind Groen Wind, LLC Groen Wind, LLC 4/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

Hardin Wind Energy, (N/A) Hardin Wind Energy Hardin Wind Energy, LLC Hardin Wind Energy, LLC 4/1/2007 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2007 2.1 2.1 N LLC

High Lonesome ER09-712 High Lonesome Mesa High Lonesome Mesa, LLC High Lonesome Mesa, LLC 2009 4/1/2014 PNM Southwest 2009 100 100 N Mesa, LLC

Highland Township Highland Township Wind (N/A) Highland Township Wind Farm Highland Township Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC

Hillcrest Wind, LLC ER06-225 Hillcrest Wind Hillcrest Wind, LLC Hillcrest Wind, LLC 4/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

HyperGen, LLC (N/A) HyperGen HyperGen, LLC HyperGen, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Jeffers Wind 20, LLC ER07-1138 Jeffers Wind 20 Jeffers Wind 20, LLC Jeffers Wind 20, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 50 50 N

JMC Wind, LLC (N/A) JMC Wind JMC Wind, LLC JMC Wind, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Joliet 6 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/12/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/12/1905 290 290 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Joliet 7 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/18/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/18/1905 518 518 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Joliet 8 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/19/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/19/1905 518 518 N LLC

K-Brink Windfarm, (N/A) K-Brink Windfarm K-Brink Windfarm, LLC K-Brink Windfarm, LLC 3/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 3/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N LLC

Kern River ER02-2263 Kern River Cogeneration Cogeneration Kern River Cogeneration Company 1 Kern River Cogeneration Company 6/1/2006 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/1/1985 76.56 76.56 N ER10-608 Company/SCE Company Kern River ER02-2263 Kern River Cogeneration Cogeneration Kern River Cogeneration Company 2 Kern River Cogeneration Company 6/1/2006 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 7/1/1985 76.56 76.56 N ER10-608 Company/SCE Company Kern River ER02-2263 Cogeneration Kern River Cogeneration Company 3 Kern River Cogeneration Company SCE 6/1/2006 12/31/2013 CAISO Southwest 7/1/1985 76.56 76.56 N ER10-608 Company Kern River ER02-2263 Cogeneration Kern River Cogeneration Company 4 Kern River Cogeneration Company SCE 6/1/2006 12/31/2013 CAISO Southwest 7/1/1985 76.56 81 N ER10-608 Company Capacity Rating: Methodology Market / Capacity Rating: Filing Entity and its Docket # where MBR Date Control Capacity Rating: Used in [K]: (N)ameplate, Generation Name (Plant or Unit Name) Owned By Controlled By Contol Ends Balancing Geographic Region In-Service Date Used in Filing Energy Affiliates authority was granted, if any Transferred Nameplate (MW) (S)easonal, 5-yr (U)nit, 5-yr Authority Area (MW) Asset Appendix - U.S. Generation Assets (E)IA, (A)lternativeAttachment B Edison International Affiliates Page B-2 Laredo Ridge Wind, (January 31, 2014) ER10-1388 Laredo Ridge Wind Laredo Ridge Wind, LLC Laredo Ridge Wind, LLC 3/1/2011 4/1/2014 NPPD SPP 3/1/2011 79.9 79.9 N LLC

Larswind, LLC ER06-223 Larswind Larswind, LLC Larswind, LLC 3/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 3/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

LimiEnergy, LLC (N/A) LimiEnergy LimiEnergy, LLC LimiEnergy,LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Lookout WindPower, ER08-297 Lookout WindPower Lookout WindPower, LLC Lookout WindPower, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 6/30/1905 37.8 37.8 N LLC

Lucky Wind, LLC (N/A) Lucky Wind Lucky Wind, LLC Lucky Wind, LLC 12/1/2004 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2004 1.65 1.65 N

Maiden Winds, LLC (N/A) Maiden Winds Maiden Winds, LLC Maiden Winds, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

SCE ER02-2263 Mandalay Generating Station 3 GENON WEST, LP SCE 1/1/2013 9/30/2014 CAISO Southwest 1970 130 130 N

MD & E Winds, LLC (N/A) MD & E Winds MD & E Winds, LLC MD & E Winds, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Mid-Set Mid-Set Cogeneration Cogeneration ER10-610 Mid-Set Cogeneration Company Mid-Set Cogeneration Company 4/1/1989 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 4/1/1989 39.1 26.5 N Company Company Midway-Sunset Midway-Sunset Cogeneration Midway-Sunset Cogeneration ER06-736 Midway-Sunset Cogeneration Company 5/1/1989 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/1/1989 234 117 N Company Cogeneration Company Company

Capistrano Wind ER08-650 Mountain Wind Power Mountain Wind Power, LLC Mountain Wind Power, LLC 5/1/2008 3/31/2014 PACE Northwest 5/1/2008 60.9 60.9 N Partners, LLC

20151217-527720151230-5304Capistrano Wind FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015Mountain Wind Power II, 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM ER08-692 Mountain Wind Power II Mountain Wind Power II, LLC 7/1/2008 3/31/2014 PACE Northwest 7/1/2008 79.8 79.8 N Partners, LLC LLC

Northern Lights (N/A) Northern Lights Wind Northern Lights Wind, LLC Northern Lights Wind, LLC 12/1/2004 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2004 1.65 1.65 N Wind, LLC

SCE ER02-2263 Ormond Beach 1 GENON WEST, LP SCE 1/1/2013 12/31/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/24/1905 806 741.27 N

SCE ER02-2263 Ormond Beach 2 GENON WEST, LP SCE 1/1/2013 12/31/2014 CAISO Southwest 5/26/1905 806 775 N

OWF Eight, LLC (N/A) OWF Eight OWF Eight, LLC OWF Eight, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF Five, LLC (N/A) OWF Five OWF Five, LLC OWF Five, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF Four, LLC (N/A) OWF Four OWF Four, LLC OWF Four, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF One, LLC (N/A) OWF One OWF One, LLC OWF One, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 4.2 4.2 N

OWF Seven, LLC (N/A) OWF Seven OWF Seven, LLC OWF Seven, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF Six, LLC (N/A) OWF Six OWF Six, LLC OWF Six, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF Three, LLC (N/A) OWF Three OWF Three, LLC OWF Three, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 2.1 2.1 N

OWF Two, LLC (N/A) OWF Two OWF Two, LLC OWF Two, LLC 6/30/1905 4/1/2014 MISO Central 6/30/1905 4.2 4.2 N

Palo Alto County Palo Alto County Wind (N/A) Palo Alto County Wind Farm Palo Alto County Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC

Pinnacle Wind, LLC ER11-4351 Pinnacle Wind, LLC Pinnacle Wind, LLC Pinnacle Wind, LLC 12/1/2011 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 12/1/2011 55.2 55.2 N

Poverty Ridge Wind, (N/A) Poverty Ridge Wind Poverty Ridge Wind, LLC Poverty Ridge Wind, LLC 4/1/2007 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2007 2.1 2.1 N LLC

Power Beyond, LLC (N/A) Power Beyond Power Beyond, LLC Power Beyond, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Power Blades Power Blades Windfarm, (N/A) Power Blades Windfarm Power Blades Windfarm, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N Windfarm, LLC LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Powerton 5 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/25/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/25/1905 769 769 N LLC

Midwest Generation, ER99-3693 Powerton 6 Midwest Generation, LLC Midwest Generation, LLC 5/28/1905 4/1/2014 PJM Northeast 5/28/1905 769 769 N LLC

Salinas River Salinas River Cogeneration Cogeneration ER10-609 Salinas River Cogeneration Company Salinas River Cogeneration Company 11/1/1991 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/1/1991 38.9 28.5 N Company Company

San Juan Mesa Wind San Juan Mesa Wind ER05-1389 San Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC San Juan Mesa Wind Project, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 SPS SPP 12/1/2005 120 120 N Project, LLC Project, LLC

Sargent Canyon Sargent Canyon Cogeneration Sargent Canyon Cogeneration ER10-612 Sargent Canyon Cogeneration Company 11/1/1991 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 11/1/1991 38.2 28.5 N Company Cogeneration Company Company

Sierra Wind, LLC ER06-221 Sierra Wind Sierra Wind, LLC Sierra Wind, LLC 5/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 5/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

Silver Lake Acres Silver Lake Acres Wind (N/A) Silver Lake Acres Wind Farm Silver Lake Acres Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Wind Farm, LLC Farm, LLC

Sleeping Bear, LLC ER07-645 Sleeping Bear Sleeping Bear, LLC SCE 9/1/2007 4/1/2014 WFEC SPP 9/1/2007 94.5 94.5 N

Spanish Fork Wind Spanish Fork Wind Park 2, (N/A) Spanish Fork Wind Park 2 Spanish Fork Wind Park 2, LLC 7/1/2008 4/1/2014 PACE Northwest 7/1/2008 19 19 N Park 2, LLC LLC

Stahl Wind Energy, (N/A) Stahl Wind Energy, LLC Stahl Wind Energy, LLC Stahl Wind Energy, LLC 12/1/2004 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2004 1.65 1.65 N LLC

Stony Hills Wind (N/A) Stony Hills Wind Farm, LLC Stony Hills Wind Farm, LLC Stony Hills Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N Farm, LLC

Storm Lake Power Storm Lake Power Partners ER98-4643; Storm Lake Power Partners I, LLC Storm Lake Power Partners I, LLC 7/1/1999 4/1/2014 MISO Central 7/1/1999 112.5 112.5 N Partners I, LLC I, LLC

Sunrise Power ER01-2217 Sunrise Power Company, LLC Sunrise Power Company, LLC SCE 1/1/2013 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 6/1/2001 605.4 302.7 N Company

Sunrise View Wind Sunrise View Wind Farm, (N/A) Sunrise View Wind Farm, LLC Sunrise View Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Farm, LLC LLC

Sunset View Wind Sunset View Wind Farm, (N/A) Sunset View Wind Farm, LLC Sunset View Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Farm, LLC LLC

Sutton Wind Energy, (N/A) Sutton Wind Energy, LLC Sutton Wind Energy, LLC Sutton Wind Energy, LLC 4/1/2007 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2007 2.1 2.1 N LLC

Sycamore Sycamore Cogeneration Cogeneration ER10-611 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 1 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 12/1/1987 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 76.56 76.56 N Company Company Sycamore Sycamore Cogeneration Cogeneration ER10-611 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 3 Sycamore Cogeneration Company 12/1/1987 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 76.56 76.56 N Company Company

TAIR Windfarm,LLC ER06-224 TAIR Windfarm,LLC TAIR Windfarm,LLC TAIR Windfarm,LLC 4/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 4/1/2006 1.25 1.25 N

Taloga Wind, LLC ER10-1389 Taloga Wind, LLC Taloga Wind, LLC SCE 8/1/2011 4/1/2014 OG&E SPP 8/1/2011 130 130 N

TG Windfarm, LLC (N/A) TG Windfarm, LLC TG Windfarm, LLC TG Windfarm, LLC 12/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N

Tofteland Windfarm, (N/A) Tofteland Windfarm, LLC Tofteland Windfarm, LLC Tofteland Windfarm, LLC 12/1/2003 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2003 1.9 1.9 N LLC

Tower of Power, LLC (N/A) Tower of Power, LLC Tower of Power, LLC Tower of Power, LLC 12/1/2005 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2005 1.25 1.25 N

Virgin Lake Wind (N/A) Virgin Lake Wind Farm Virgin Lake Wind Farm, LLC Virgin Lake Wind Farm, LLC 12/1/2006 4/1/2014 MISO Central 12/1/2006 2.1 2.1 N Farm, LLC

Watson Watson Cogeneration Cogeneration ER08-337 Watson Cogeneration Company Watson Cogeneration Company 12/1/1987 4/1/2014 CAISO Southwest 12/1/1987 405 204.33 N Company Company 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

End Notes for Entities in the Generation, Long-Term PPA and Transmission Lists

[A] [B] List (Generation, PPA, or End Note Number Transmission) 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation

5 Generation

6 Generation

7 Generation 20151217-527720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/17/201512/30/2015 4:48:0210:49:27 PM AM

Asset Appendix End Notes for Entities in the Generation, Long-Term PPA and Transmission Lists Southern California Edison November 23, 2015 [C]

Explanatory Note "Capacity Rating: Used in Filing" value is the contracted value. Pump load contract. Onwership less than 100%. The "Capacity Rating: Used in Filing" value is less than what CAISO reported in FERC Form 714, therefore the CAISO FERC Form 714 value is used in the 2015 triennial screens. SCE provides Wheelabrator with a dispatch schedule by the end of December that is applied during the following year. As required by contract, SCE must completely curtail Wheelabrator for 1,000 hours during only off- and super-off peak hours. Other than the contractual obligation to curtail Wheelabrator, SCE has no further dispatchability for this contract (i.e. the remaining energy is must-take). The Solar Photovoltaic Program (SPVP) allows SCE to own and install solar photovoltaic systems in its service territory. These projects are primarily installed on commercial rooftops and have been grouped together due to the large number of relatively small generators. 25 projects have been installed as of November 2015, totaling 67.5 MW. 19 projects were included in the market power screens for the 2015 triennial filing, totaling 49 MW (maximum of CAISO FERC Form 714 and SCE internal data). Legacy purchase contract. Pasadena is the purchaser and SCE the seller. 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment E Assets Appendix for the JPM MBR Sellers 20151222-5155 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/22/201510:51:10AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Energy Affiliates (as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 35.36(a)(9)) MARKET-BASED RATE AUTHORITY AND GENERATION ASSETS

Location Docket No. where MBR Geographic Filing Entity and Authority Balancing Region (per Summer its Energy was Generation Date Control Authority Appendix In-Service Rating Affiliates* Granted Name Owned By Controlled By** Transferred** Area D) Date (MW)

J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation ^ ER05-1232 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation^ ER09-335 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

AlphaGen Power ER14-631 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LLC Utility Contract ER02-2102 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Funding, L.L.C.^ BE Alabama LLC ER07-1356 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

BE CA LLC^ ER07-1113 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Florida Power ER13-1351 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Development LLC Noble Environmental Noble Clinton Noble Clinton Noble Clinton Power, LLC ER06-1413 Windpark I Windpark I, LLC Windpark I, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast 2008 100.5

Noble Noble Environmental Ellenburg Noble Ellenburg Noble Ellenburg Power, LLC ER06-1408 Windpark Windpark, LLC Windpark, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast 2008 81


20151222-5155 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/22/201510:51:10AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Energy Affiliates (as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 35.36(a)(9)) MARKET-BASED RATE AUTHORITY AND GENERATION ASSETS

Location Docket No. where MBR Geographic Filing Entity and Authority Balancing Region (per Summer its Energy was Generation Date Control Authority Appendix In-Service Rating Affiliates* Granted Name Owned By Controlled By** Transferred** Area D) Date (MW) Noble Environmental Noble Bliss Noble Bliss Noble Bliss Power, LLC ER06-1407 Windpark Windpark, LLC Windpark, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast 2008 100.5

Noble Environmental Noble Altona Noble Altona Noble Altona Power, LLC ER06-1409 Windpark Windpark, LLC Windpark, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast N/A 97.5

Noble Noble Environmental Chateaugay Noble Chateaugay Noble Chateaugay Power, LLC ER08-578 Windpark Windpark, LLC Windpark, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast N/A 106.5

Noble Noble Noble Noble Environmental Wethersfield Wethersfield Wethersfield Power, LLC ER08-579 Windpark Windpark, LLC Windpark, LLC N/A NYISO Northeast N/A 126

Noble ER08-1443 Noble Great Noble Great Plains Noble Great Plains N/A SPP SPP 2009 114 Environmental Plains Windpark LLC Windpark, LLC Power, LLC Windpark J.P. Morgan ER12-1562 AES Somerset Somerset Cayuga Somerset N/A NYISO Northeast 1984 678 Investment Facility Holding Company, Operating Management Inc. Inc. Company, LLC J.P. Morgan ER12-1563 AES Cayuga Somerset Cayuga Cayuga Operating N/A NYISO Northeast 1955 313 Investment Facility Holding Company, Company, LLC Management Inc. Inc. JPM Capital ER12-1680 Minonk Facility Minonk Wind, Algonquin Power N/A PJM Northeast 2012 200 Corporation LLC Fund (America) Inc.


20151222-5155 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/22/201510:51:10AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Energy Affiliates (as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 35.36(a)(9)) MARKET-BASED RATE AUTHORITY AND GENERATION ASSETS

Location Docket No. where MBR Geographic Filing Entity and Authority Balancing Region (per Summer its Energy was Generation Date Control Authority Appendix In-Service Rating Affiliates* Granted Name Owned By Controlled By** Transferred** Area D) Date (MW) JPM Capital ER12-1329 Wildcat I Wildcat Wind E.ON Climate & N/A PJM Northeast 2012 202.5 Corporation Farm I, LLC Renewables North America LLC Florida Power ER13-1351 Brooksville Florida Power Florida Power N/A FPC Southeast 2013 75 Development LLC Power Plant Development LLC Development LLC ^ Indicates affiliated power marketers. * This column identifies the JPMorgan Chase affiliate that directly holds the relevant market-based rate authority, or, if the market-based rate authority is not directly held by such JPMorgan Chase affiliate, that holds an interest in the listed entity that holds the relevant market-based rate authority. Excludes interests in generation in region of Electric Reliability Council of Texas. ** Where long-term off take agreements are listed, these are believed to have been in place as of the in-service date.


20151222-5155 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/22/201510:51:10AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Energy Affiliates (as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 35.36(a)(9)) MARKET-BASED RATE AUTHORITY AND GENERATION ASSETS Electric Transmission Assets* and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Filing entity and its energy Asset name Owned by Controlled Date control Location Size affiliates and use by transferred Balancing Geographic authority region (per area Appendix D)

JPMorgan Chase & Co. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

J.P. Morgan Ventures N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Energy Corporation ^

J.P. Morgan Ventures N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Energy Corporation^

AlphaGen Power LLC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Utility Contract Funding, N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A L.L.C.^ BE Alabama LLC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


Florida Power Development N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LLC

* Table indicates transmission assets other than those for generation interconnection.


20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment F Assets Appendix for Lively Grove 20110330-506420151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/30/201112/30/2015 12:59:44 10:49:27 PM AM


Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Docket No. Location Nameplate Filing Entity where MBR Generation Date Control In-service and/or and its Energy Owned By1 Controlled By authority Name Transferred Date Seasonal Affiliates Balancing Geographic was granted Authority Region (per Rating Area Appendix D) Lively Grove ER11-3117- Prairie State Lively Grove Lively Grove N/A MISO Midwest N/A 1,600 MW2 Energy 000 Energy Campus Energy Energy Partners, LLC Partners, LLC Partners, LLC

Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Location Filing Entity Date Control In-service and its Energy Asset Name and Use Owned By Controlled By Size Transferred Date Affiliates Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

1 The other owners of the Prairie State Energy Campus (“Prairie State”), which control their own fractional shares of Prairie State, are the Indiana Municipal Power Agency, the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission, the Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency, Prairie Power, Inc., the Municipal Power Agency, AMP 368, LLC, the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, and Southern Illinois Power Cooperative.

2 Lively Grove’s share of the nominal capacity of Prairie State is approximately 81 MW. 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment G Assets Appendix for the Tenaska MBR Sellers 20151118-5194 FERCPDF(Unofficial)11/18/20151:16:30PM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27AM

Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of CSOLAR IV West, LLC and its Energy Affiliates

Docket # where Location MBR Date Nameplate authority Control Geographic In- and/or Filing Entities and was Trans- Balancing Region (per service Seasonal their Energy Affiliates granted Generation Name Owned by Controlled by1 ferred2 Authority Area App. D) date Rating3 Alabama Electric ER01-596 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Marketing, LLC Astoria Generating ER99-3168 Astoria Generating Astoria Astoria N/A New York Northeast 1954 1,334 Company, L.P. Station Independent (“Astoria”) System Operator, Inc. (“NYISO”) Astoria ER99-3168 Gowanus Gas Astoria Astoria N/A NYISO Northeast 1970 548 Turbine Station Astoria ER99-3168 Narrows Gas Astoria Astoria N/A NYISO Northeast 1970 286 Turbine Big Sandy Peaker Plant, ER01-560 Big Sandy Project Wayne County Big Sandy 2001 PJM Northeast 2001 300 LLC (“Big Sandy”) Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) California Electric ER01-2690 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Marketing, LLC Crete Energy Venture, ER02-963 Crete Facility Crete Crete N/A PJM Northeast 2002 300 LLC (“Crete”) CSOLAR IV South, ER11-4051 Imperial Solar CSOLAR South San Diego Gas & 2013 California Southwest 2013 130 LLC (“CSOLAR Energy Center Electric Company Independent South”) South (“SDG&E”) System Operator Corp. (“CAISO”) CSOLAR IV West, ER14-1656 Imperial Solar CSOLAR West SDG&E N/A CAISO Southwest 2016 149 LLC (“CSOLAR Energy Center West”) West Elkhorn Ridge Wind, ER08-1397 Elkhorn Facility Elkhorn Nebraska Public N/A Southwest Power SPP 2008 81 LLC (“Elkhorn”) Power District Pool , Inc. (“SPP”)

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Docket # where Location MBR Date Nameplate authority Control Geographic In- and/or Filing Entities and was Trans- Balancing Region (per service Seasonal their Energy Affiliates granted Generation Name Owned by Controlled by1 ferred2 Authority Area App. D) date Rating3 High Desert Power ER01-2641 High Desert High Desert Power High Desert 2003 CAISO Southwest 2003 743 Project, LLC (“High Project Trust Desert”) Kiowa Power Partners, ER02-2509 Tenaska Kiamichi Kiowa Shell Energy North 2003 SPP4 SPP 2003 1,178 LLC (“Kiowa”) Generating Station America (US), L.P. (“SENA”) Lincoln Generating ER00-1140 Grant Facility Lincoln Lincoln 2002 PJM Northeast 2000 623 Facility, LLC (“Lincoln”) New Covert Generating ER03-720 Covert Project New Covert New Covert N/A Midcontinent Central 2003 1,040 Company, LLC (“New Independent Covert”) System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) New Mexico Electric ER02-77 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Marketing, LLC Rolling Hills ER02-553 Rolling Hills Rolling Hills Rolling Hills N/A PJM Northeast 2003 825 Generating, L.L.C. (“Rolling Hills”) Soltage-ADC 630 N/A Soltage-ADC Soltage-ADC Appliance Dealers 2008 PJM Northeast 2008 0.6 Jamesburg, LLC Cooperative (“Soltage-ADC”) Soltage-MAZ 700 N/A Soltage-Mazza Soltage-Mazza Mazza & Son’s Inc. 2008 PJM Northeast 2008 0.3 Tinton Falls, LLC (“Soltage-Mazza”) Soltage-PLG Milford, N/A Soltage-Pilgrim Soltage-Pilgrim Pilgrim City 2008 ISO New England Northeast 2008 0.342 LLC (“Soltage- Furniture, Inc. Inc. (“ISO-NE”) Pilgrim”) Soltage-Sky 500 N/A Soltage-Sikorsky Soltage-Sikorsky Sikorsky Aircraft 2010 ISO-NE Northeast 2010 0.095 Stratford, LLC Corporation (“Soltage-Sikorsky”)


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Docket # where Location MBR Date Nameplate authority Control Geographic In- and/or Filing Entities and was Trans- Balancing Region (per service Seasonal their Energy Affiliates granted Generation Name Owned by Controlled by1 ferred2 Authority Area App. D) date Rating3 Soltage-SLL 137 N/A Soltage-St. Luke's Soltage-St. Luke's Inspirica, Inc. 2010 ISO-NE Northeast 2010 0.149 Stamford, LLC (“Soltage-St. Luke's”) Tenaska Alabama ER00-840 Tenaska Lindsay Tenaska Alabama Bear Power, LP 2007 Southern Southeast 2002 845 Partners, L.P. Hill Generating Company (“Tenaska Alabama”) Station Services, Inc. (“SOCO”) Tenaska Alabama II ER01-137 Tenaska Central Tenaska Alabama II SENA 2003 SOCO Southeast 2003 924 Partners, L.P. Alabama (“Tenaska Alabama II) Generating Station Tenaska Frontier ER98-1767 Tenaska Frontier Tenaska Frontier Exelon Generation 2000 MISO4 Central 2000 860 Partners, Ltd. Generating Station Co., LLC (“Tenaska Frontier”) (“Exelon”) Tenaska Gateway ER99-2992 Tenaska Gateway Tenaska Gateway SENA 2001 SPP4 SPP 2001 845 Partners, Ltd. Generating Station (“Tenaska Gateway”) Tenaska Georgia ER99-3165 Tenaska Georgia Tenaska Georgia Exelon 2001 SOCO Southeast 2002 933 Partners, L.P. Generating Station (“Tenaska Georgia”) Tenaska Power ER12-60 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Management, LLC Tenaska Power ER94-389 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Services Co. (“TPS”) Tenaska Virginia ER02-1942 Tenaska Virginia Tenaska Virginia SENA 2004 PJM Northeast 2004 899 Partners, L.P. Generating Station (“Tenaska Virginia”) Texas Electric ER00-1780 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Marketing, LLC


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Docket # where Location MBR Date Nameplate authority Control Geographic In- and/or Filing Entities and was Trans- Balancing Region (per service Seasonal their Energy Affiliates granted Generation Name Owned by Controlled by1 ferred2 Authority Area App. D) date Rating3 TPF Generation ER11-1936 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Holdings, LLC (“TPF Generation Holdings”) Wolf Hills Energy, ER01-559 Wolf Hills Project Wolf Hills Wolf Hills N/A PJM Northeast 2001 250 LLC (“Wolf Hills”)


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Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Location Geographic Filing Entities and Asset Name Date Control Balancing Region (per their Energy Affiliates and Use Owned By Controlled By Transferred Authority Area App. D) Size CSOLAR IV West, LLC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

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1 Includes off-takers under long-term contracts, where applicable. 2 Except as otherwise indicated, this table assumes that long-term offtake agreements took effect upon the generation facility’s in-service date. 3 Except as otherwise indicated, ratings are summer capacity (megawatts) ratings reported to the Energy Information Administration in 2013, available at: http://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia860/xls/eia8602013.zip. The ratings for the facilities owned by Soltage-ADC 630 Jamesburg, LLC, Soltage-MAZ 700 Tinton Falls, LLC, Soltage-PLG Milford, LLC, Soltage-Sky 500 Stratford, LLC, and Soltage-SLL 137 Stamford, LLC are their nameplate ratings. 4 This facility is also interconnected with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas transmission grid.

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Attachment H

Assets Appendix for the Iberdrola MBR Sellers

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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

Atlantic Renewable ER08-387-000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Projects II LLC

Barton Barton 160 MW Barton Windpower LLC ER09-32-000 Barton Windpower Windpower N/A MISO Central 6/2009 (nameplate) LLC LLC

Big Horn Big Horn Big Horn Wind Project 200 MW ER06-200-000 Big Horn Wind Project Wind Project N/A BPA Northwest 10/2006 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Big Horn II Big Horn II Big Horn II Wind Project 50 MW ER10-974-000 Big Horn II Wind Project Wind Project N/A BPA Northwest 10/2010 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Blue Creek Blue Creek Blue Creek Wind Farm 304 MW ER11-2112-000 Blue Creek Wind Farm Wind Farm N/A PJM Northeast 6/2012 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Buffalo Buffalo Ridge Buffalo Ridge 50.4 MW Buffalo Ridge I LLC ER09-279-000 N/A MISO Central 12/2008 Ridge I I LLC I LLC (nameplate)

Buffalo Buffalo Ridge Buffalo Ridge 200 MW Buffalo Ridge II LLC ER10-378-000 N/A MISO Central 12/2010 Ridge II II LLC II LLC (nameplate)

1 The information provided by the Appendix B Entities in the “Controlled By” and “Date Control Transferred” columns takes the most conservative approach, i.e., that the generation owner also controls the generation, even though, in many instances, the generation is committed to a wholesale purchaser under a long-term power sale agreement. In addition, in some cases, the Appendix B entity in question is only partially owned or controlled Iberdrola Renewables, LLC or its subsidiaries.

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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

Casselman Casselman Casselman Windpower Casselman 35 MW ER07-254-000 Windpower Windpower N/A PJM Northeast 2/2008 LLC Windpower (nameplate) LLC LLC

Colorado Colorado Colorado Green Holdings Colorado 162 MW ER03-1326-000 Green Green N/A PSCo Northwest 12/2003 LLC Green (nameplate) Holdings LLC Holdings LLC

Deerfield Deerfield Deerfield In 30 MW Deerfield Wind LLC N/A N/A ISO-NE Northeast Wind Wind, LLC Wind, LLC development (nameplate)

Dillon Wind Dillon Wind 45 MW Dillon Wind LLC ER07-460-000 Dillon Wind N/A CAISO Southwest 4/2008 LLC LLC (nameplate)

Elk River Elk River 150 MW Elk River Windfarm, LLC ER05-365-000 Elk River Windfarm, Windfarm, N/A SPP SPP 12/2005 (nameplate) LLC LLC

Elm Creek Elm Creek 99 MW Elm Creek Wind, LLC ER09-30-000 Elm Creek N/A MISO Central 12/2008 Wind, LLC Wind, LLC (nameplate)

Elm Creek Elm Creek 148.8 MW Elm Creek Wind II LLC ER10-377-000 Elm Creek II N/A MISO Central 12/2010 Wind II LLC Wind II LLC (nameplate)

Farmers City Farmers City 146 MW Farmers City Wind, LLC ER09-31-000 Farmers City N/A MISO Central 4/2009 Wind, LLC Wind, LLC (nameplate)

Flat Rock Flat Rock Flat Rock Windpower Maple Ridge 231 MW ER05-1262-000 Windpower Windpower N/A NYISO Northeast 1/2006 LLC I (nameplate) LLC LLC


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

Flat Rock Flat Rock Flat Rock Windpower II Maple Ridge 90.75 MW ER06-1093-000 Windpower II Windpower II N/A NYISO Northeast 11/2006 LLC II (nameplate) LLC LLC

Flying Cloud Power Flying Cloud Flying Cloud 43.5 MW ER03-296-000 Flying Cloud N/A MISO Central 12/2003 Partners, LLC Partners, LLC Partners, LLC (nameplate)

Groton Wind, Groton Wind, 48 MW Groton Wind, LLC ER12-2649-000 Groton Wind N/A ISO-NE Northeast 12/2012 LLC LLC (nameplate)

Hardscrabble Hardscrabble Hardscrabble Wind Power 74 MW ER10-1725-000 Hardscrabble Wind Power Wind Power N/A NYISO Northeast 1/2011 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Hay Canyon Hay Canyon 100 MW Hay Canyon Wind LLC ER09-382-000 Hay Canyon N/A BPA Northwest 2/2009 Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate)

63 MW Dry Lake Iberdrola Iberdrola 9/2009 (nameplate) Iberdrola Arizona Arizona Arizona ER09-1723-000 N/A APS Southwest Renewables, LLC Renewables, Renewables, Dry Lake II LLC LLC 12/2010 65 MW (nameplate)

Iberdrola Renewables, ER08-912-000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LLC


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

Juniper Juniper Juniper Canyon Wind Juniper 151.2 MW ER10-975-000 Canyon Wind Canyon Wind N/A BPA Northwest 3/2011 Power LLC Canyon (nameplate) Power LLC Power LLC

*Peaker: 100 MW 5/17/2002 (nameplate) Klamath Klamath Klamath Energy LLC ER01-3121-000 Klamath I N/A BPA Northwest Energy LLC Energy LLC *Cogen Facility: 536 MW 7/29/2001 (nameplate)

Klamath Klamath In 550 MW Klamath Generation LLC ER02-418-000 Klamath II Generation Generation N/A BPA Northwest development (nameplate) LLC LLC

Klondike Klondike Klondike Wind Power 24 MW ER03-416-000 Klondike I Wind Power Wind Power N/A BPA Northwest 12/2001 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Klondike Klondike Klondike Wind Power II 75 MW ER05-332-000 Klondike II Wind Power Wind Power N/A BPA Northwest 7/2005 LLC (nameplate) II LLC II LLC

Klondike Klondike Klondike Wind Power III 297.5 MW ER07-287-000 Klondike III Wind Power Wind Power N/A BPA Northwest 10/2007 LLC (nameplate) III LLC III LLC

Leaning Leaning Leaning Juniper Wind Leaning 201.3 MW ER10-1776-000 Juniper Wind Juniper Wind N/A BPA Northwest 2/2011 Power II LLC Juniper II (nameplate) Power II LLC Power II LLC


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

Lempster Lempster 24 MW Lempster Wind, LLC ER08-933-000 Lempster N/A ISO-NE Northeast 10/2008 Wind, LLC Wind, LLC (nameplate)

Locust Ridge Locust Ridge Locust Ridge Wind Farm, 26 MW ER07-195-000 Locust Ridge Wind Farm, Wind Farm, N/A PJM Northeast 12/2007 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Locust Ridge Locust Ridge Locust Ridge 102 MW Locust Ridge II, LLC ER08-934-000 N/A PJM Northeast 5/2009 II II, LLC II, LLC (nameplate)

Manzana Manzana 246 MW Manzana Wind LLC ER12-308-000 Manzana N/A CAISO Southwest 12/2012 Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate)

MinnDakota MinnDakota 150 MW MinnDakota Wind LLC ER07-242-000 MinnDakota N/A MISO Central 2/2008 Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate)

Moraine Moraine 51 MW Moraine Wind LLC ER03-951-000 Moraine N/A MISO Central 12/2003 Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate)

Moraine Moraine 49.5 MW Moraine Wind II LLC ER09-282-000 Moraine II N/A MISO Central 2/2009 Wind II LLC Wind II LLC (nameplate)

Mountain Mountain Mountain View Power Mountain View Power View Power 22.4 MW ER04-94-000 N/A CAISO Southwest 12/2003 Partners III, LLC View Partners III, Partners III, (nameplate) LLC LLC

New England New England 28.5 MW New England Wind, LLC ER12-422-000 Hoosac N/A ISO-NE Northeast 12/2012 Wind, LLC Wind, LLC (nameplate)


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

New Harvest New Harvest New Harvest Wind Project 100 MW ER11-2032-000 New Harvest Wind Project Wind Project N/A MISO Central 6/2012 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Northern Northern Northern Iowa Windpower Northern Iowa Iowa 80 MW ER02-2085-000 N/A MISO Central 12/2007 II LLC Iowa Windpower Windpower (nameplate) II, LLC II, LLC

Pebble Pebble Pebble 98.7 MW Pebble Springs Wind LLC ER09-281-000 Springs Wind Springs Wind N/A BPA Northwest 1/2009 Springs (nameplate) LLC LLC

Phoenix Wind 2.1 MW Phoenix Wind Power LLC N/A Phoenix N/A N/A CAISO Southwest 9/1999 Power LLC (nameplate)

Providence Providence Providence Heights Wind, Providence 75 MW ER07-1378-000 Heights Heights N/A PJM Northeast 7/2008 LLC Heights (nameplate) Wind, LLC Wind, LLC

Rugby Wind Rugby Wind 150 MW Rugby Wind LLC ER09-1284-000 Rugby N/A MISO Central 12/2009 LLC LLC (nameplate)

San Luis San Luis 30 MW San Luis Solar LLC ER11-2196-000 San Luis N/A PSCo Northwest 3/2012 Solar LLC Solar LLC (nameplate)

Shiloh I Wind Project, Shiloh I Wind Shiloh I Wind 168 MW ER05-1146-000 Shiloh I N/A CAISO Southwest 4/2006 LLC Project, LLC Project, LLC (nameplate)


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By1 Date and/or was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Authority Region (per Seasonal Rating Area Appendix D)

South South South 46 MW South Chestnut LLC ER12-96-000 N/A PJM Northeast 12/2011 Chestnut Chestnut LLC Chestnut LLC (nameplate)

Star Point Star Point Star Point Wind Project 100 MW ER10-228-000 Star Point Wind Project Wind Project N/A BPA Northwest 2/2010 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC

Streator- Streator- Streator-Cayuga Ridge Streator- Cayuga Ridge Cayuga Ridge 300 MW ER09-1285-0000 N/A PJM Northeast 3/2010 Wind Power LLC Cayuga Wind Power Wind Power (nameplate) LLC LLC

Trimont Wind Trimont Wind 101 MW Trimont Wind I LLC ER05-481-000 Trimont N/A MISO Central 11/2005 I LLC I LLC (nameplate)

Twin Buttes Twin Buttes 75 MW Twin Buttes Wind LLC ER07-240-000 Twin Buttes N/A PSCo Northwest 7/2007 Wind LLC Wind LLC (nameplate)

Winnebago Winnebago Winnebago Windpower 20 MW N/A Winnebago Windpower Windpower N/A MISO Central 8/2008 LLC (nameplate) LLC LLC


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC and its Subsidiaries

Location Controlled Date Control Filing Entity and its Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned By Size By Transferred Geographic Balancing Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) Enstor Grama Ridge provides firm and interruptible storage and storage-related hub services in Lea County, Enstor Grama Ridge Storage and New Mexico and is Enstor Grama Enstor Grama 15.7 Bcf Transportation, LLC (“Enstor Grama interconnected with one N/A N/A Southwest Ridge Ridge (working) Ridge”) New Mexico intrastate natural gas pipeline and two interstate natural gas pipelines. Currently undergoing expansion activities. Enstor Katy provides firm and interruptible storage and storage-related hub services near Katy, Fort Enstor Katy Storage and Transportation, 20.7 Bcf Bend County, Texas and Enstor Katy Enstor Katy N/A N/A Southwest L.P. (“Enstor Katy”) (working) is interconnected with nine Texas intrastate and five interstate natural gas pipelines.

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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC

Location Controlled Date Control Filing Entity and its Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned By Size By Transferred Geographic Balancing Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) Enstor Operating Company engages in gas storage facility management and operations in Texas, New Enstor Operating Company, LLC Mexico, Alabama and N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (“Enstor Operating Company”) Mississippi and serves as the general partner of Enstor Katy and Enstor Houston and manager of Enstor Grama Ridge, Freebird and Caledonia. Freebird provides firm and interruptible storage 9.76 Bcf and storage-related hub (FERC- services in Lamar County, Freebird Gas Storage, LLC(“Freebird”) Freebird Freebird N/A N/A Southeast jurisdictio Alabama, and is nal interconnected with one working) interstate natural gas pipeline. Caledonia provides firm and interruptible storage and storage-related hub services in Lowndes and Monroe Counties, Caledonia Energy Partners, LLC 19.9 Bcf Mississippi, and is Caledonia Caledonia N/A N/A Southeast (“Caledonia”) (working) interconnected with one interstate natural gas pipeline. Currently undergoing expansion activities.


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola Renewables, LLC

Location Controlled Date Control Filing Entity and its Energy Affiliates Asset Name and Use Owned By Size By Transferred Geographic Balancing Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) Enstor Houston received, April 4, 2008, FERC approval to begin Enstor Houston Hub Storage and Enstor Enstor construction on a salt N/A N/A Southwest N/A Transportation, L.P. (“Enstor Houston”) Houston Houston dome natural gas storage facility located in Liberty County, Texas. Colorado Colorado Green Green Holdings Holdings Colorado Green Holdings LLC LLC LLC 44 circuit Twin Buttes Wind LLC Generator Tie Line Twin Buttes Twin Buttes N/A PSCo Northwest miles; 230 Wind LLC Wind LLC kV Pacific Wind Development LLC Pacific Wind Pacific Wind Development Development LLC LLC


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Docket # where Date Nameplate Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service MBR authority Owned By Control and/or Seasonal Energy Affiliates Name By2 Date was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Rating Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) 7.4 MW New York State Electric & Auburn- (nameplate) Gas Corporation ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 2000 State Street (“NYSEG”) 5.8 MW (summer) Harris Lake: 1.7 MW NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1967 Newcomb, (summer) NY 5.5 MW Cadyville (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1921 1-3 4.7 MW (summer) 15.0 MW (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1948 16.4 MW (summer) 12.4 MW (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1928 12.0 MW (summer)

2 The information provided by the Appendix B Entities in the “Controlled By” and “Date Control Transferred” columns takes the most conservative approach, i.e., that the generation owner also controls the generation, even though, in many instances, the generation is committed to a wholesale purchaser under a long-term power sale agreement.

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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Docket # where Date Nameplate Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service MBR authority Owned By Control and/or Seasonal Energy Affiliates Name By2 Date was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Rating Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) 16.4 MW (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1983 19.5 MW (summer) 6.0 MW (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1943 6.0 MW (summer) 2.6 MW (nameplate) NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast 1926 3.1 MW (summer) 1.8 MW NYSEG ER99-221 NYSEG NYSEG N/A NYISO Northeast N/A (summer) 42.0 MW Rochester Gas and Electric Allegany (nameplate) ER97-3553 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1994 Corporation (“RG&E”) GT 39.8 MW (summer)


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Docket # where Date Nameplate Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service MBR authority Owned By Control and/or Seasonal Energy Affiliates Name By2 Date was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Rating Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) 25.0 MW Allegany (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1994 ST 21.7 MW (summer) 19.0 MW (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 Beebee GT RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1969 14.0 MW (summer) 19.0 MW (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 Station 9 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1969 15.0 MW (summer) 42.0 MW (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 Station 5 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1917 38.01 MW (summer) 6.5 MW (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 Station 2 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1960 5.7 MW (summer) 3.0 MW (nameplate) RG&E ER97-3553 Station 26 RG&E RG&E N/A NYISO Northeast 1952 2.6 MW (summer)


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Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Docket # where Date Nameplate Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service MBR authority Owned By Control and/or Seasonal Energy Affiliates Name By2 Date was granted Transferred Balancing Geographic Rating Authority Region (per Area Appendix D) Central Maine Power ER05-731 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Company (“CMP”)


20150625-509020151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/25/201512/30/2015 2:14:50 10:49:27 PM AM

Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Filing Entity and its Date Control Asset Name and Use Owned By Controlled By Size Energy Affiliates Transferred Geographic Balancing Region (per Authority Area Appendix D) 4,315 circuit miles; Electric Transmission NYSEG NYSEG NYISO November 1999 NYISO Northeast voltage range 13kV Lines – 345 kV Natural gas NYSEG transportation pipeline NYSEG NYSEG N/A N/A Northeast 72 miles (Hinshaw pipeline) Natural gas distribution NYSEG NYSEG NYSEG N/A N/A Northeast 7,878 miles pipeline 1,283 circuit miles; Electric Transmission RG&E RG&E NYISO November 1999 NYISO Northeast voltage range 11kV Lines – 115 kV Natural gas RG&E RG&E RG&E N/A N/A Northeast 109 miles transportation pipeline Natural gas distribution RG&E RG&E RG&E N/A N/A Northeast 8,471 miles pipeline 2,593 circuit miles; 34.5 kV, 115kV and 345kV lines (also includes 183.36 Electric Transmission miles associated CMP CMP ISO-NE February 2005 ISO-NE Northeast Lines with the 450kV HVDC Hydro Quebec tie-line in which CMP has an entitlement) Maine Electric Power Electric Transmission 182 circuit miles; MEPCO ISO-NE April 2005 ISO-NE Northeast Company (“MEPCO”) Line 345 kV line

15 20150625-509020151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/25/201512/30/2015 2:14:50 10:49:27 PM AM

Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Filing Entity and its Date Control Asset Name and Use Owned By Controlled By Size Energy Affiliates Transferred Geographic Balancing Region (per Authority Area Appendix D) Maine Natural Gas Natural gas MNG MNG N/A N/A Northeast 2 miles Corporation (“MNG”) transportation pipeline Natural gas distribution MNG MNG MNG N/A N/A Northeast 80 miles line


20150625-509020151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/25/201512/30/2015 2:14:50 10:49:27 PM AM

Order No. 697 Appendix B (as of June 25, 2015) Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities of Subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA

Location Approximate Docket # where Date Filing Entity and its Generation Controlled In-service Nameplate MBR authority Owned By Control Energy Affiliates Name By Balancing Geographic Date and/or was granted Transferred Seasonal Authority Region (per Rating Area Appendix D)

First State First State First State First State Marine Wind, N/A Marine Marine Wind, Marine Wind, N/A PJM Northeast 6/2010 2 MW LLC Wind, LLC LLC LLC

Pocahontas Pocahontas Pocahontas Pocahontas Prairie Wind, ER11-3736-000 Prairie Wind, Prairie Wind, Prairie Wind, N/A MISO Central 11/2011 80 MW LLC LLC LLC LLC

3 Information regarding Gamesa assets is compiled from Application for Authorization for Disposition of Jurisdictional Facilities for Minonk Wind, LLC, filed December 19, 2013 in Docket No. EC14-38-000. 17 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM


Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Location Filing entity Docket No. Nameplate and its where MBR Generation Date control Balancing In-service and/or Owned by Controlled by Geographic energy authority name transferred Authority date seasonal Region affiliates was granted Area rating The United ER93-3 N/A UIL Holdings UIL Holdings N/A ISO-NE Northeast N/A N/A Illuminating Corporation Corporation Company GCE Holding N/A N/A The United The United N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LLC Illuminating Illuminating Company Company NRG Energy, NRG Energy, Inc. Inc. GenConn ER10-1291 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Energy LLC GenConn ER09-1300 Devon GenConn GenConn N/A ISO-NE Northeast June 2010 200 MW Devon LLC Project Devon LLC Devon LLC GenConn ER09-1301 Middletown GenConn GenConn N/A ISO-NE Northeast June 2011 200 MW Middletown Project Middletown Middletown LLC LLC LLC

- 1 - 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Location Filing entity and its Date control Balancing Asset name and use Owned by Controlled by Geographic Size energy transferred authority region affiliates area The United Various Pool The United ISO New England Inc. February 2005 ISO-NE Northeast Various Illuminating Transmission Facilities Illuminating Company (“PTF”) and Non-PTF Company Transmission Facilities

The United HQ Interconnection Approximate 5.4% ISO New England Inc. February 2005 ISO-NE Northeast 108 MW Illuminating participation share (Approx.) Company owned by The United Illuminating Company Berkshire Natural gas distribution Berkshire Gas Company Berkshire Gas Company N/A N/A Northeast 751 miles of Energy lines distribution Resources main CTG Natural gas distribution Connecticut Natural Connecticut Natural N/A N/A Northeast 2,035 miles Resources, lines Gas Corporation Gas Corporation of distribution Inc. main Connecticut Natural gas distribution The Southern The Southern N/A N/A Northeast 2,301 miles Energy lines Connecticut Gas Connecticut Gas of distribution Corporation Company Company main

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Attachment I Assets Appendix for the Shell MBR Sellers 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Affiliates of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. with Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets1 (as of December 2015)

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating2 was Granted Shell Energy ER08-656 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) North America (US), L.P. Northern ER01-1570 Top of Iowa Northern Northern (NA) MISO Central Oct. 80 MW Iowa Windfarm Iowa Iowa 2001 Windpower Windpower Windpower LLC LLC LLC NedPower ER07-1306 NedPower NedPower NedPower (NA) PJM Northeast Oct. 264 MW Mount Storm Mount Storm Mount Storm Mount Storm 2007 LLC LLC LLC Rock River I, ER01-2742 Rock River Rock River I, Rock River I, (NA) PACE Northwest Oct. 50 MW LLC LLC LLC 2001

1 This chart does not include affiliates operating solely within ERCOT or affiliates operating generating facilities not used to make sales of energy or capacity. Tolling and power purchase agreements are included on a separate chart. 2 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. is in the process of updating the format of its Asset Appendix to comply with the requirements of Order No. 816, including the “Capacity Rating: Used in Filing (MW)” and” Capacity Rating: Methodology Used in [K]”. See Refinements to Policies and Procedures for Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities, Order No. 816, 80 Fed. Reg. 67,056 (Oct. 30, 2015), 135 FERC ¶ 61,065 at P 266 (2015). 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating2 was Granted Colorado ER03-1326 Colorado Colorado Colorado (NA) PSCo Northwest Dec. 162 MW Green Green Green Green 2003 Holdings, Holdings, Holdings, LLC LLC LLC Equilon ER06-747 Puget Sound Equilon Equilon (NA) PSEI Northwest Sept. 140 MW Enterprises Refinery Enterprises Enterprises 1991 LLC Cogen (f/k/a LLC LLC3 March Point 1 & 2)

Motiva ER06-763 Port Arthur Motiva Motiva (NA) MISO Central Feb 140 MW / Enterprises Refinery- Enterprises Enterprises 2012 156 MW LLC Crude LLC LLC Expansion Project

Motiva ER06-763 Port Arthur Motiva Motiva (NA) MISO Central Aug. 115 MW / Enterprises Refinery Enterprises Enterprises 1988 124 MW LLC LLC LLC Shell ER06-748 Geismar Shell Shell (NA) MISO Central July 75 MW / 80 Chemical LP Chemical LP Chemical LP 1985 MW Baconton ER00-2398 Baconton Baconton Gulf Power June 2009 SOCO Southeast June 195.2 MW Power LLC Power LLC 2000 Aera Energy (NA) Coalinga Aera Energy Aera Energy (NA) CAISO Southwest June 7 MW LLC LLC LLC 1988

3 Equilon Enterprises LLC sells its output to Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. under a long-term contract.

2 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating2 was Granted Aera Energy (NA) Lost Hills Aera Energy Aera Energy (NA) CAISO Southwest Oct. 9.6 MW LLC LLC LLC 1985 Aera Energy (NA) South Belridge Aera Energy Aera Energy (NA) CAISO Southwest Dec. 57 MW / 60 LLC Section 32 LLC LLC 1985 MW Cabazon ER02-1695 Cabazon Cabazon Cabazon (NA) CAISO Southwest Oct. 41 MW Wind Wind Wind 2002 Partners, Partners, Partners, LLC LLC LLC4 Equilon ER06-747 Martinez Equilon Equilon (NA) CAISO Southwest Nov. 98.6 MW Enterprises Refinery Enterprises Enterprises 1995 LLC LLC LLC Midway ER06-736 Midway Midway Midway (NA) CAISO Southwest May 234 MW Sunset Sunset Sunset Sunset 1989 Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Cogeneration Company Company Company Whitewater ER02-2309 Whitewater Whitewater Whitewater (NA) CAISO Southwest Oct. 61.5 MW Hill Wind Hill Hill Wind Hill Wind 2002 Partners, Partners, Partners, LLC LLC LLC5 Llano ER02-73 Llano Llano Llano (NA) SWPP SPP Dec. 80 MW Estacado Estacado Estacado Estacado 2001 Wind, LP Wind Ranch Wind, LP Wind, LP

4 Cabazon Wind Partners, LLC sells its output to Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. under a long-term contract. 5 Whitewater Hill Wind Partners, LLC sells its output to Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. under a long-term contract.

3 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Affiliates of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. Through Tolling Agreements and Power Purchase Agreements6 (as of December 2015)

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating was Granted Shell Energy ER08-656 Grays Harbor Grays Harbor Shell Energy Mar. 2014 BPAT Northwest May 723 MW North Energy Energy LLC North 2008 America Facility America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 H. M. Snohomish Shell Energy Jan. 2014 BPAT Northwest June 111.8 North Jackson County PUD North 1984 MW America No. 1 America (25 MW (US), L.P. (US), L.P Shell Energy share) Shell Energy ER08-656 Priest Rapids Grant County Shell Energy Oct. 2015 GCPD Northwest Nov. 955.6 North Development Public Utility North 1959 – MW America District America May (up to 509 (US), L.P. (US), L.P. 1961 MW Shell Energy Share)

6 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. does not own or share common ownership with the generating facilities listed on this table or their owners. Rather, for purposes of this table, the term “affiliate” is used in the context designated by FERC for a relationship that gives a party contractual control of generation capacity.

4 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating was Granted Shell Energy ER08-656 Wanapum Grant County Shell Energy Oct. 2015 GCPD Northwest June 1025.2 North Development Public Utility North 1963 – MW America District America June (up to (US), L.P. (US), L.P. 2014 546.5 MW Shell Energy Share) Shell Energy ER08-656 Indigo Indigo Shell Energy July 2001 CAISO Southwest July 131.3 North Energy Generation North 2001 MW America Facility LLC America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 Larkspur Larkspur Shell Energy July 2001 CAISO Southwest July 94.1 MW North Energy Energy LLC North 2001 America Facility America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 La Rosita 1 Energia Shell Energy July 2003 CAISO Southwest July 250 MW North Azteca X, S. North 2003 America de R.L. de America (US), L.P. C.V. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 La Rosita 2 Energia de Shell Energy Feb. 2005 CAISO Southwest July 310 MW North Baja North 2003 America California, S. America (US), L.P. de R.L. de (US), L.P. C.V.

5 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Seasonal and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service Summer / Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Winter Affiliates Authority Rating was Granted Shell Energy ER08-656 Munnsville Munnsville Shell Energy Aug. 2007 NYISO Northeast Oct. 35 MW North Wind Farm Wind Farm, North 2007 America LLC America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 Tenaska Tenaska Shell Energy May 2004 PJM Northeast Apr. 904.1 North Fluvanna Virginia North 2004 MW America Partners, L.P. America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 Tenaska Tenaska Gulf Power Nov. 2009 SOCO Southeast May 864/906.3 North Central Alabama II 2003 MW America Alabama Partners, L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 Tenaska Tenaska Shell Energy July 2001 SWPP7 SPP July 863/923 North Gateway Gateway North 2001 MW America Partners, Ltd. America (US), L.P. (US), L.P. Shell Energy ER08-656 Tenaska Kiowa Power Shell Energy Apr. 2003 SWPP8 SPP Apr. 1,178/ North Kiamichi Partners, North 2003 1,288 America LLC America MW (US), L.P. (US), L.P.

7 Also interconnected to ERCOT. Virtually all generation is dispatched into ERCOT; no material amount dispatched into SPP. 8 Also interconnected to ERCOT. Virtually all generation is dispatched into ERCOT; no material amount dispatched into SPP.

6 20151222-533120151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/22/201512/30/2015 3:04:0510:49:27 PM AM

Affiliates of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. with Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities Assets (as of December 2015)

Filing Entity and Asset Name Owned by Controlled by Date Control Balancing Geographic Size its Energy and Use Transferred Authority Region Affiliates Area Colorado Green Colorado Green Holdings LLC Holdings LLC 44 circuit Colorado Green Generator Twin Buttes Wind Twin Buttes Wind N/A PSCo Northwest miles; 230 Holdings LLC Lead Line LLC LLC kV Pacific Wind Pacific Wind Development LLC Development LLC

7 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment J Assets Appendix for the ExxonMobil MBR Sellers 20150629-531720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/29/201512/30/2015 4:46:03 10:49:27 PM AM

ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex, Docket No. ER06-771-003 ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex, Docket No. ER06-772-003 Order No. 697 Triennial Filing Attachment 1.1


Filing Entity Docket Generation Name Owned By Controlled By Date Control Balancing Geographic In-Service Nameplate and Energy No. Transferred Authority Area Region (Per Date and/or Affiliates Appendix D) Seasonal Rating ExxonMobil ER06-771- Baton Rouge or ~60% Exxon ExxonMobil QF90-93 Entergy Gulf Central QF90-93 493 MWs Baton Rouge 002 BRC* Mobil Refining & Baton Rouge States Louisiana Complex* Supply; Complex* LLC ~40% Exxon Mobil Chemical*

ExxonMobil ER06-772- Beaumont Exxon Mobil Oil ExxonMobil n/a Entergy Texas Central QF86-923 671 MWs Beaumont 002 Corporation Beaumont Inc. Complex Complex Chalmette none Chalmette ExxonMobil Chalmette n/a Entergy Central n/a 6 MWs Refinery Corp. 48.6%; Refinery Louisiana, L.L.C. Mobil Pipeline Company 1%; PDV Chalmette Inc. 50% Mobile Bay none Mobile Bay Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil QF91-183 Southern Southeast QF91-183 11 MWs Onshore Gas Onshore Corporation Corporation Company Processing Hawkins Gas none Hawkins Gas Plant Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil n/a American SPP n/a 1MW Plant Corporation Corporation Electric Power- (current) West ExxonMobil ER06-773- LaBarge Shute Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil QF02-80 PacifiCorp Northwest QF02-80 108MWs LaBarge 002 Creek Treating Corporation Corporation Shute Creek Facility Treating Facility 20150629-531720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/29/201512/30/2015 4:46:03 10:49:27 PM AM

ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex, Docket No. ER06-771-003 ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex, Docket No. ER06-772-003 Order No. 697 Triennial Filing Attachment 1.1

Filing Entity Docket Generation Name Owned By Controlled By Date Control Balancing Geographic In-Service Nameplate and Energy No. Transferred Authority Area Region (Per Date and/or Affiliates Appendix D) Seasonal Rating Anschultz Not Anschultz Ranch 36% Exxon Mobil 36% Exxon Mobil n/a PacifiCorp Northwest n/a 51MWs. Ranch East Operational East Facility Corporation Corporation Facility EBCI – a PURPA Yellowstone 65% Exxon Billings 1993 Northwestern Northwest QF90-178 54MWs. wholly owned Contract Energy Limited Billings Generation Energy subsidiary of Partnership Cogeneration Incorporated Exxon Mobil Incorporated (BGI); operated Corporation (ECBI) by Rosebud Operating Services, Inc. (ROSI) which is wholly owned by BGI. Joliet Joliet Refinery Exxon Mobil Oil Exxon Mobil 1999 PJM Northeast QF86-682 25 MWs. Refinery Corporation Corporation Interconnection QF86-632 LLC Midway ER06-736 Midway Sunset 50% Aera Energy Midway Sunset n/a CAISO Southwest May 1989 234MWs Sunset Cogeneration LLC** Cogeneration Cogeneration Company 50% San Joaquin Company Company Energy Company Aera Energy n/a Coalinga Aera Energy Aera Energy n/a CAISO Southwest QF87-201 7 MWs LLC** LLC** LLC**

Aera Energy n/a Lost Hills Aera Energy Aera Energy QF84-94 CAISO Southwest QF84-94 9.6 MWs LLC** LLC** LLC**

Aera Energy n/a South Belridge Aera Energy Aera Energy n/a CAISO Southwest QF87-203 57-60 MWs LLC** Section 32 LLC** LLC**

2 20150629-531720151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 6/29/201512/30/2015 4:46:03 10:49:27 PM AM

ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Complex, Docket No. ER06-771-003 ExxonMobil Beaumont Complex, Docket No. ER06-772-003 Order No. 697 Triennial Filing Attachment 1.1

Filing Entity Docket Generation Name Owned By Controlled By Date Control Balancing Geographic In-Service Nameplate and Energy No. Transferred Authority Area Region (Per Date and/or Affiliates Appendix D) Seasonal Rating Exxon Mobil n/a Torrance Refinery Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil 1999 CAISO Southwest QF06-15- 49.28MWs Corporation Corporation Corporation 000

Exxon Mobil Standby Santa Ynez Unit Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil n/a CAISO Southwest QF88-323 50MWs Corporation Internal Corporation Corporation load

*The BRC contains three substations known as EXXON, ENCO and ESSO. ExxonMobil owns EXXON and ENCO while Entergy Gulf States, Inc. owns ESSO and operates EXXON, ENCO and ESSO.

**Aera Energy LLC is jointly owned by Shell Energy Corporation and Exxon Mobil Corporation.

3 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment K Assets Appendix for the Citigroup MBR Sellers 20151230-5304 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/30/201510:49:27AM

U.S. Affiliates of Citigroup Inc. with Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets1

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Nameplate and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service and/or Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Seasonal Affiliates Authority Rating was Granted Citigroup ER07-589 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Energy Canada ULC

Citigroup ER04-208 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) Energy Inc.

AES Armenia ER09-1278 AES AES AES (N/A) PJM Northeast 10/2009 100.5 MW Mountain Armenia Armenia Armenia Wind, LLC Mountain Mountain Mountain Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Wind, LLC Solar Star (N/A) Solar Star Solar Star Solar Star (N/A) CAISO Southwest 11/2008 0.185 MW TM TM TM TM Innovation, Innovation, Innovation, Innovation, LLC LLC LLC LLC Solar Star (N/A) Solar Star Solar Star Solar Star (N/A) NEVP Southwest 12/2007 14 MW NAFB, LLC NAFB, LLC NAFB, LLC NAFB, LLC San Juan ER05-1389 San Juan San Juan San Juan (N/A) SPS Southwest 12/2005 120 MW Mesa Wind Mesa Wind Mesa Wind Mesa Wind Project, LLC Project, LLC Project, LLC Project, LLC RE Mohican, (N/A) Kaiser - RE Mohican, RE Mohican, (N/A) CAISO Southwest 8/2010 0.993 MW LLC Livermore LLC LLC

1 This chart does not include affiliates operating solely within ERCOT. 20151230-5304 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/30/201510:49:27AM

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned by Controlled Date Balancing Geographic In- Nameplate and its Where Name by Control Authority Region Service and/or Energy MBR Transferred Area Date Seasonal Affiliates Authority Rating was Granted Los Angeles (N/A) Harbor Los Angeles Los Angeles (N/A) LADWP Southwest 7/2010 1.83 MW Community College Community Community College (behind the College College District meter District District installation) Los Angeles (N/A) Pierce Los Angeles Los Angeles (N/A) LADWP Southwest 7/2010 0.546 MW Community College Community Community College (behind the College College District meter District District installation) Los Angeles (N/A) Southwest Los Angeles Los Angeles (N/A) CAISO Southwest 7/2010 0.629 MW Community College Community Community College (behind the College College District meter District District installation) Los Angeles (N/A) East Los Los Angeles Los Angeles (N/A) CAISO Southwest 7/2010 0.266 MW Community Angeles Community Community College College College College District (behind the District District meter installation)

20151230-5304 FERCPDF(Unofficial)12/30/201510:49:27AM

U.S. Affiliates of Citigroup Inc. with Electric Transmission Assets and/or Natural Gas Intrastate Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities2

Filing Entity Asset Name Owned by Controlled by Date Control Balancing Geographic Size and its Energy and Use Transferred Authority Region Affiliates Area (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)

2 This chart does not include affiliates operating solely within ERCOT. 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment L Assets Appendix for the Brightsource MBR Sellers 20130802-529620151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 8/2/201312/30/2015 4:27:42 10:49:27 PM AM

BrightSource Entities

Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Filing Entity Docket # Generation Owned By Controlled By Date Control Balancing Geographic In-Service Nameplate and/or and its Name Transferred Authority Region Date Seasonal Rating Energy Area Affiliates

Ivanpah ER13-1136 Ivanpah Solar NRG Energy, Inc. Southern n/a CAISO Southwest Est. 2013 [392 MW] [see Master Electric (50.1446%); California below note] Holdings, LLC Generating Brightsource Edison and (nameplate) System Energy, Inc. Pacific Gas & (under development) (21.7744%); Electric Google, Inc. (28.0810%) Solar Partners ER13-____ Ivanpah II NRG Energy, Inc. Southern n/a CAISO Southwest 2013 128.7 MW I, LLC (50.1446%); California (nameplate) (under Brightsource Edison development) Energy, Inc. Company (21.7744%); Google, Inc. (28.0810%) Solar Partners ER13-2020 Ivanpah I NRG Energy, Inc. Pacific Gas & n/a CAISO Southwest 2013 126 MW II, LLC (50.1446%); Electric (nameplate) (under Brightsource Company development) Energy, Inc. (21.7744%); Google, Inc. (28.0810%) Solar Partners ER13-2050 Ivanpah III NRG Energy, Inc. Pacific Gas & n/a CAISO Southwest 2013 140 MW VIII, LLC (50.1446%); Electric (nameplate) (under Brightsource Company development) Energy, Inc. (21.7744%); Google, Inc. (28.0810%)

* The Ivanpah Master Holdings, LLC capacity is the aggregate capacity of all three of the individual Ivanpah projects listed below it.


20130802-529620151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 8/2/201312/30/2015 4:27:42 10:49:27 PM AM

Electric Transmission Assets, Natural Gas Pipelines and/or Gas Storage Facilities

Filing Entity Asset Name Owned By Controlled By Date Control Balancing Geographic In-Service Size and its Energy Transferred Authority Region Date Affiliates Area

BrightSource N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Energy, Inc.



20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment M Assets Appendix for Google Energy 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM 20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM

Attachment N Assets Appendix for the Tesoro MBR Sellers 20130909-5045 FERCPDF(Unofficial)9/9/20139:45:54AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27


Asset Appendix

Market-Based Rate Authority and Generation Assets

Docket # Location Filing where Nameplate Date Entity and MBR Generation Controlled In-Service and/or Owned By Control Balancing Geographic its Energy authority Name By Date Seasonal Transferred Authority Region (per Affiliates was Area Appendix D) Rating granted Tesoro Refining & Los Marketing Angeles 83 MW Company NA* Tesoro RMC Tesoro RMC 2007 WECC/CAISO Southwest 1983 Refinery (nameplate) LLC Cogen (“Tesoro RMC” Salt Lake Catepillar Tesoro City Financial NA Tesoro RMC NA* WECC Northwest 2004 25 MW RMC Refinery Services Cogen Corporation Mandan Tesoro NA Refinery Tesoro RMC Tesoro RMC 1998 MRO/MISO Midwest Unknown 7.5 MW RMC Cogen Not FERC Not FERC Tesoro Hawaii Tesoro Tesoro jurisdictional. jurisdictional. Hawaii NA Refinery NA NA 20 MW Hawaii LLC Hawaii LLC Available Available upon LLC Cogen upon request request Not FERC Not FERC Tesoro Alaska Tesoro Tesoro jurisdictional. jurisdictional. Alaska NA Refinery Alaska Alaska NA NA 9 MW Available Available upon Company Cogen Company Company upon request request

20130909-5045 FERCPDF(Unofficial)9/9/20139:45:54AM20151230-530412/30/201510:49:27

Docket # Location Filing where Nameplate Date Entity and MBR Generation Controlled In-Service and/or Owned By Control Balancing Geographic its Energy authority Name By Date Seasonal Transferred Authority Region (per Affiliates was Area Appendix D) Rating granted ER00-443 Wilmington Tesoro ER04-611 Coke Tesoro RMC Tesoro RMC 2013 CAISO Southwest 1993 35.8 MW RMC ER06-1351 Calciner ER10-2574 QF QF at ER00-443 Tesoro Los Tesoro ER04-611 Angeles Tesoro RMC Tesoro RMC 2013 CAISO Southwest 1985 8 MW RMC ER06-1351 Refinery ER10-2574 Site, Carson, CA Martinez Martinez Martinez Tesoro Cogen Cogen Cogen NA NA CAISO Southwest 1985 100 MW RMC Limited Limited Limited Partnership Partnership Partnership Watson Watson Watson Watson Cogenera- Cogenera- Cogenera- Cogenera- ER08-337 NA CAISO Southwest 12/1987 420 MW tion tion tion tion Company Company Company Company

* Not Applicable

20151230-5304 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 12/30/2015 10:49:27 AM Document Content(s) FINAL NRG CIS re Chalk CT Solar Oasis.PDF...... 1-159