F Is K Safety Specials Iq E

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F Is K Safety Specials Iq E A il V , N WEDNESDAY* FEBRUARY 26, 1964 ManrliiifisiFr cvfttitis Herald, Average Daily Net Prero Hna 'I h e , ^ will appoint a committee, hesA- For the Weak Wndad Fmeeaet a € n - i The British Amertcen Club The Guard Club of Mystic Re­ ed by Mimehsater State view , WBA, wUl m eet Friday Democrats Vote F ebruary 2S, 1964 wU sponsor ai dance for mem­ W W toH ost santotive A t^. Paul Groobsrt, DONT dear and as bers and gu e^ Saturday from at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. to look out for Manchester In- ■ 'm Joseph Goulet, 829 HlUiard St. Increase to 70 Stai plenty of wear M t 16 to 16. ! nM Mancbcater CbxtoUan 9 pjn. to 1 a.m. Charile Var- tereste in future reapporUon- 1 3 ,9 1 1 rtck’s orobestra will furnish the in your ahfMs when yon cloudy late In 0»a* Toath OouncU wiQ ifxnuor a The DAV Auxiliary will spon­ State Dance m ent to Jthe State L e^ sla tu r^ m usic. In Membership hnve them rebnUt in n Itembar of tha Audit vurleW show entitled “Worid sor a social and games totnor- as w ell as hi the realignment of . Bucaau at CtreulstloB the TLS. CJongresslonal Districts professlonnl shM rennlr n d r Prevlerwa’* at Bailey Audi* row at 7:80 p.m. at the VFW Anderson Shea Post a t th e Maneketter^A City o f VUtago Charm and State Senatorial Dlstrlota shop. ALL W O l H i ■ tpituni o< Miandiester High Mother Cabrini’s Mothers H om e. Veterans el Foreign W an will Tlw Demoomtlc Town Oom- Near tee close of laat nights OUARANTiaDDt SoliodI on March 14 at 8 p.m. Circle will meet tonight at 8:15 host the atmual miliUiry ball of m ittoe v oted lo s t nlgfait to in - r rocaeda WUl benefit the ooun* at the home of Mrs. Charles voM lito m em berahip to 70, meetiiv, the committee was MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 (Ofawelfled Advertiring jek-Pnga St) PRICE SEYiRlI C E N ^ * V the Department of Connecticut shown slides, and listened to an VOL. LXXXm , NO. 128 (TWENTY-lJOUB PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) efl’a foreign exchange student Strom, 118 Lioomls St*. at the Aimory on Saturday to make room for "the many, SAM YULYES progtem. Adult and student Three at School able young Democrats, who explanation, o f the prt^poaoj* A nekets may be obtained from from 9 pjn. to 1 a.m, Tony pliuui fo r N orth Hhid Renewm. Same Bide na WattdM The CMden Age Club wlU O’Bright's. oichestra will fur­ light otberwiae lose Intezost in any nanber of the Touth Ooun- duve poMitioal portioipaiUon. The presentation was made 8S OAK STBBrr meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. in the Entering Contest nish tile music for dancing. ohib rooms to celebrate its 11th The move marka the third by BtKnurd Rybesyk, executive OFIOf MONDATM The selection and coronation director of the Manchester Re­ anniversary. Luncheon will be Three students at Howell Che­ Ume in the last ten yean teoit ita . Baibara Sanso of the of Miss VFW of 1064 will high­ the memberahip of the commit­ development Agency; and Alex­ served. light tiie evening’s activities. Maila Horman Studios of Man- ney Technical School are par­ tee has been inoivased— from ander Penny, chairman of the Judging of the nine finalists (heater waa the guest speaker ticipating in the 1984-65 Ma­ 40 to 80 in 1058, and from 60 Citizen's Advisory Committee. laat sfvening at the meeting of Frank J. Mansfield Marine from Manchester, Naugatuck, Corps League Auxiliary will chine Trades Contest being to 60 in 1088. the Manchester WATBS. Tech- New Canaan, Hartford, East The Inoreaoe in oommittee niquea of proper facial cleans­ Oponsor a rummage sale tomor­ iponsored nationally by the Hampton, Guilford, Eaet Hart­ row beginning at 9 a.m. in the “ ilkle Bro.thers Foundation of membera will hecesaHate an im­ Masonic Leader March ing and makeup application W1 ford and Middletown will be F alter mediate change in the oomanit- LEASE were' d'emonatrated, with Mrs. store next to the State Theater, Des Plaines, III. based on appearance, poise and Main St. Members wishing ’They are Edward Perkins Jr., te’s bylaws. The amended by­ T o Attend Whirl THB Beanard TeHier as the model. personality. TTie queen w ill be laws, by state law, must remain pickup service may call Mrs. a post graduate student, Ed­ the representative of 97 VFW Jerry Saplenza, 134 Walker S t; Pardy photo on flic for 60 ds^ in tee of­ 1964 Advertisement— ward Rothe, a senior, and Fran­ Posts throughout Coiinecticut. Moat Worshipful Grand Mas­ Mrs. I^ter Cordera, 191 Eld- cis Staves, a junior, all in the fices of tee searerairy of state Miss Diane Donovan, an In­ Engaged and the town clerk, before the ter and Mrs. Frank H. Llnsley Tour banker Is your friend. ridge St.; or Mrs. Harrison tool and die department. Robert structor at the Hanover Model­ of the Grand Lodge of Connec­ CAR WUson, 80H Bluefledd Dr. J. Pintavalle, tool and die in­ The engagement of Miss Su­ Increase can go into effect Events Any time is a convenient time ing School, Hartford; Bob Ells­ Chairman Ted Cummings ticut will attend the Winter Of Your ChoiM Seventh on Jury V - LBJ Says Tax Cut structor, is supervising their san Bjorlman to Joh H. Mor- for the helpful staff here to talk worth, WTTC radio and televi­ announced tee timetable for Whirl aponaored by Mancheater oVer your financial problems Officers and parish chairmen p rojects. sion announcer; and State Sen­ hardt, both of Manchester, has Lodge of Miasona Saiturday • Yearly The competition, open to all been announced by her peur- the U-snnual election of oom­ and answer your questions. You of the Manchester Chapter of ator Arthur Lucas of Chaplin, mittee .membera. night at the Elks Home. • M o n th ly In State ca n 1m sure of qualified, depend­ students in machine and tool ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard the Holy Family Retreat chairman of the Military and M arch 10— ^Publish n otice fo r The announcement was made • Weekly Bolsters Economy able advice at the Connecticut League will meet' tomorrow at and die departments, is being Bjqrkman of 38 Hollister St. For Darwin Trial Veterans Affain Committee, Worahipful Miagter Carl C. sponsored on the state level by Her fiiince, 'who Uvea at 33 possible May 6 primary. Bank and Trust Company. They, 8 pm . at the Knights of Colum- will constitute the panel of March 25—Fuection of 60 ultgren of Manchester Lodge. the Connecticut Vocational As­ Htfi'lister St., is the son of the MORIARTY / too, are vitally concerned with biLs H om e. A rrangem ents w ill judges. Miss Dorothy Fargo of committee membera. (Draes ia aemi-formal. A buf­ Policeman Saved yoim aims in providing a secure sociation . late Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mor- WASHINGTON (AP)—The historic tox biU is signed be completed for the annual East Hampton, who was select­ May 6—Primary Day if nec­ fet wiiU be served ai 8 p. m., BROTHERS By A. g. OHEMA8I and satisfying life for yourself The students, competing to hardt. oommunion breakfast to be held ed Miss VFW at last year’s essary. and Dave Kennedy’s orchestra The seventh juror was selected today In the first de­ After Garroting and sealed, and its big cargo of reductions will begin and family. You are always wel­ Aprils. become the state winner, hone military ball, will be on hand to Miss Bjorkman graduated will provide music. 801 Center Bt being delivered to taxpayers right after March 5. to receive as their prize a one- May 8—Committee membera Manchester gree murder trial of Roy F. Darwin of Andover. He is come at 8B3 Main, 15 North assist vrith the coronation cere­ from Mount St. Joseph’s Acade­ (60) take office. William R. Sandberg Is gen­ and the Parkade. week all-expense. t ^ to the my, West Hartford, and Dean 643-6180 HARTFORD (AP) — A President Johnson signed it into law Wednesday night Members of the cast of scenes monies of the 1964 queen. The town committee will then eral chairman, and Waiter A Charles L. Stewart of Columbia, father of an 18-year- 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8 in the Chil­ New York World’s Fair. Frank A. Sturges Jr. of Wa- Juiiior College, Franklin, Maae. Person Jr., is in charge of tick- Hartford policeman nar­ and told the nation in a radio and television address it is Liocal contest chairman is meet sometime after the 60-dsy old girl.' Stewart was the fifth jury prospect questioned dren’s Wing production of terbury. State VFW command­ She is employed by Dr. Ber­ waiting period (for filling the eta, which ora still evt^labie. this morning as the trial went'^ rowly escaped death early “the single most important step we have taken to Gordon M. Shaw, carpentry in­ nard J. Sheridan. “Toby Tyler’’ will rehearse to­ er, and Mrs. Mildred Rogala of bylaw amendnoents) to elect Into Its third day at Tolland cused by the state was Albert this morning when he was strengthen our economy since World War II.” night frtm 6:30 to 8:80 in the structor. The judges will be Mr. Morhlurdt, a graduate of Saiwr i 0tM t* (•» M msI Middletown, department auxil­ tee additional 10 oommittee County Superior Court in Rock­ Bray of Coventry.
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