PRIMARY OUTCOME  That followers of would make sure their lives are running toward God rather than away from Him.

CONNECTION TO FORREST GUMP  Run Forrest, Run!  In the parable of Son all the characters are running. Make sure your life is running in the right direction!

YOUNGER SON – RUNNING AFTER  Why did he leave in the first place?  See Luke 15:13. Instead of being satisfied and content at home with the father, he wanted to run after something more in the distant country.  The virtue of staying power and perseverance in our faith must be mastered or Satan will convince us there is something better in the distant country.  He was the “younger” son because he had not developed perseverance yet.

OLDER SON – RUNNING AWAY  The older son is heated. He can’t believe the father is welcoming and forgiving his immature, irresponsible brother. See Luke 15:28-30.  Apparently, the older son had lived his whole life with the father, but the character virtues of the father had not stuck to him very well. His life was running away from who his father was.  The number one reason why unbelievers don’t become Christians is because they see Christians live their lives inconsistent with what they say they believe.

FATHER – RUNNING TO  See carefully Luke 15:20. The focus of this verse is the father runs to the son.  However, make sure to also see the son has “went”. It’s the word for walking. See the play on words; running verses walking.  Start walking home and God will run the rest of the way to you! DISCUSSION QUESTIONS

1. Ice Breaker – What are your favorite Halloween memories as a child?

2. Have you had any experience with inheritance? How did it go? What went well? What struggles occurred through the process? Depending on your season of life, how do you hope your parents handle it; how do you want to handle it with your kids?

3. Dealing with the younger son. a. Has there ever been a time in your life when you just wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side of the hill? Your job? Relationships? Spiritually? Where you lived? b. What are some of the things that people can run after in this life that will distance them from God? c. What are some of the consequences that can happen if God takes a backseat to other ventures in life a person runs after? d. What are the best ways to persevere in your faith?

4. Dealing with the older son. a. What would you have said to your younger brother before he left, and after he came back? b. What would you have said to your father when he gave the inheritance to your younger brother, and when he forgave him when he came back? c. What character values of your earthly father have you carried on in your own life, and what values have not stuck to you? d. How can we inherit the spiritual values of our heavenly father? e. Describe what you think it does to our testimony when non-believers see us living in a way inconsistent with our faith?

5. Dealing with the father. a. If you were the father would you have run to your son? b. Describe what you think the mood was of the younger son as he was walking home? c. Do you remember a time you had to be repentant to your parents? Describe the moods and actions of all involved? d. How does the “walking versus running” word play apply to your spiritual life right now?