press kit 27 January - 04 February 2018 2


3 The poster of the 40th 4 Welcome message 5 Some figures

6 Useful information 7 Program of the Festival 12 Scheduled competitions

15 Pilots and balloons 2018 25 40 years in brief

32 Sponsors and partners 34 Map 35 Access and contact PRÉSENTE LE 40E FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE BALLONS AGENCENEUE.COM



Avec le soutien des Communes de Château-d’Œx, Rossinière, Rougemont, Saanen et de Pays-d’Enhaut Tourisme 4

welcome message

Moments of sharing The International Hot-air Festival has, over course of the last 40 years, become a top event for the whole region and even well beyond.

You could of course count the number of flights, passengers and spectators during those 40 years, but it would be impossible to count the contacts that have been made during its history. They have shaped this event and to some extent the destiny of the region. Take, for example, when Hans Büker met Charles-André Ramseier, then head of the Tourist Office, back in 1978. The story that developed from that meeting is retold each January.

The organising committee has decided to share this year, the 40th edition, with another major event, the 2019 Winegrowers Festival. The winegrowers will be bringing their own balloons and will be our guests of honour throughout the festival. The David Niven Cup will run from Monday to Thursday, paying homage to the man who christened International Hot-air Balloon Week and rewarding those who fly furthest in this challenging and tiring long-distance race. The Night Glow event on Friday, 2 February will see hot-air balloons, paragliders and skiers gliding in harmony to music from the world of Charlie Chaplin, who will be present in the symbolic form of the Chaplin's World by Grévin balloon.

Without the contribution of our sponsors and partners and the support of many authorities and institutions, this story would come to an end, so we owe them our thanks. Our thanks also to our ambassadors Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones; to the friends of the festival, its volunteers, and former committee members including those who have passed; and of course to those who watch entranced as the balloons drift by – our spectators. A big thank you to you all.

Christian Raymond Frédéric Delachaux President of the association President of the organising committee 5

Some figures

The Festival represents:

years of a40 festival full of joy, tears, laughter, other4 types of encounters flying machine (planes, and flights helicopters, paragliders, Between 20,000 parachutes) and spectators40,000 per event 4types of lighter-than-air craft (hot-air balloons, airships, volunteers and hoppers, balloons) 60 members of 25the organising committee

copies15,000 of the official programme pilots, printed and distributed 70representing for each event

15 In short, countries unrivalled 1 event!

hot-air70 balloons 6

Useful information

Entry tickets Helicopter experience Tickets at the gate on the day. Entrance fee Children CHF 50 per day (children under 16 free), including Adults CHF 60 entry to the Espace Ballon museum, with Air Glaciers philatelic exhibition and slideshow of the Payment in cash on the day. Etivaz cellars: Saturday and Sunday CHF 15


r t Wednesday afternoon CHF 5 n e Full-event pass (commemorative pin) CHF 25 Tethered flights Pins giving unlimited access to the festival can Children be purchased in advance from tourist offices (aged 5 to 12) CHF 10 and selected businesses around Pays-d'Enhaut Tethered flights will take for CHF 20. Available 20 December to 25 Jan- place in the grounds each uary. certains commerces du Pays-d’Enhaut. weekend from 10:30 to 12:30, weather permitting (in particular the surface wind). The number of places is limited. Tickets on sale from 10:00. Balloon flights Children (under 16) CHF 195 Adults CHF 390 Tickets from the passenger flights hut. The Parking day’s entry will be refunded for each flight Access to parking near the festival will booked (Pins excluded). be available at the weekends for a fee (see pages 95-96), if the ground condi- tions permit. Prize Draw Per vehicle CHF 5 3 balloon flights and 2 helicopter flights to be won! Every entry ticket bought on the Saturday or ight low Sunday mornings of the event will be included N G in the draw. Friday, 2 February from 18:58 Flights won must be taken the same day. The only “Son et Lumière” show in ! Balloons, paragliders, and skiers of the Swiss Ski School illuminate the night Follow the festival online! sky to the accompaniment of music and a grand firework display. @festivaldeballons More information on pages 20-21. samedi 7

27janvier programme

Samedi 27 janvier Saturday 27 January 09.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Chasse au renard du ballon inconnu Unknown balloon Hare & Hounds Vols passagers en hélicoptère Helicopter passenger flights Vols captifs pour les enfants (jusqu’à 12 ans) Tether flights for children (under 13) Animations avec le Festival au Pays Activities with the “Au Pays 10.30 des Enfants des Enfants” Festival Ballons pirates (voir page 81) Pirates balloons (see page 81) Démonstration de la fabrication du L'Etivaz AOP cheese making show fromage L'Etivaz AOP

Cérémonie officielle d’ouverture Official opening ceremony of e th 11.30 du 40 Festival International de Ballons the 40 International Balloon Festival en présence de la Fête des Vignerons 2019, with the “Fête des Vignerons 2019”, invité d'honneur guest of honor

Gonflage et démonstrations Inflation and take-off 11.45 de formes spéciales of special shape balloons - Démonstration de Sky Chariots & Sky Chariot & Cloudhopper show 13.00 Cloudhoppers

Shows aériens Air shows 13.30 • Avion acrobatique Extra 330 LX • Extra 330 LX acrobatic airplane show - • Modèles réduits de montgolfière • Mini balloons show 14.30 • Dirigeable à air chaud • Hot air airship • Parachutistes & Parapentistes • Parachutists & Paragliders

14.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Vols libres ballons Fiesta, Free-flying Fiesta balloons, 15.00 Chasse au renard Parmigiani Parmigiani Hare & Hounds

Vernissage Exposition philatélique, Opening of the Stamp Exhibition, 17.00 salle du Conseil Communal salle du Conseil Communal 8 DIMANCHE

28janvier programme

Dimanche 28 janvier Sunday 28 January

09.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Décollage groupé ballons Fiesta: Mass ascension Fiesta balloons: Chasse au renard BCV BCV Hare & Hounds Vols passagers en hélicoptère Helicopter passenger flights Vols captifs pour les enfants (jusqu’à 12 ans) Tether flights for children (under 13) 10.30 Animations avec le Festival au Pays Activities with the “Au Pays des Enfants des Enfants” Festival Ballons pirates (voir page 81) Pirates balloons (see page 81) Démonstration de la fabrication du L'Etivaz AOP cheese making show fromage L'Etivaz AOP

Décollage groupé ballons Fiesta: Mass ascension Fiesta balloons: Chasse du Jumelage Château-d’Oex (CH) Twinning Hare & Hounds 11.15 – Romorantin (F) – Bristol (GB) – Château-d’Oex (CH) – Romorantin (F) – St-Niklaas (B) Bristol (GB) – St-Niklaas (B)

11.45 Gonflage et envol de formes spéciales Inflation and take-off - Démonstration de Sky Chariots & of special shape balloons 13.00 Cloudhoppers Sky Chariot & Cloudhopper show

13.30 - Shows aériens Air shows 14.30

14.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Cible de haute précision Parmigiani Parmigiani high-precision target 15.00 Vols libres ballons Fiesta Free-flying Fiesta balloons

Programme sous toute réserve de modifications en fonction des conditions météorologiques et des décisions du comité d’organisation. This programme may be subject to change according to weather conditions and Committee decisions. 9 du lundi

au29 vendredri


programme Lundi 29 janvier Monday 29 January au vendredi 2 février to Friday 2 February

Vols passagers tous les jours de la semaine Passenger flights every day (voir page 13) (see page 13)

09.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Compétitions pour les pilotes: Competitions for pilots: • David Niven Cup • David Niven Cup • Les deux Gruyères • The Two Gruyères • Chasse au renard • Hare & Hounds • Cible de haute précision Parmigiani • Parmigiani high-precision target • Vol de l’amitié • Friendship flight

Dès 13.30 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights Mercredi 31 janvier Wednesday 31 January Journée des enfants Children’s Day • Vols captifs • Tether rides • Animations diverses en collaboration • Various shows and activities Dès / avec le Festival au Pays des Enfants with the “Festival au Pays des Enfants” From • Démonstration et initiation à la danse • Oriental dance show and initation with 13.30 orientale avec le Festival Orient'Alp Kids the Orient'Alp Kids Festival • Grand lâcher de ballons • Balloon release followed suivi d’un goûter offert aux enfants by a free snack for children • Vols passagers en hélicoptère • Helicopter passenger flights

Conférence «Handiflight autour du monde: “Handiflight around the world: change your 20.00 changer de regard sur le handicap», cinéma perception of disability” conference, Eden Eden (voir page 87) cinema (see page 87)

Vendredi 2 février Friday 2 February Night Glow, spectacle sons et lumières Night Glow, sound and light show • Illumination des ballons & • Glowing balloons & musical choreography Chorégraphie musicale • Paragliders’ and Swiss Ski 18.58 • Spectacle de nuit des parapentistes School’s night show et de l’École Suisse de Ski • Firework Display • Feux d’artifice

Dès Soirée «Flying Nights», “Flying Nights” Party, 21.00 grande salle de Château-d'Oex grande salle de Château-d'Oex samedi 10

février3 programme Samedi 3 février Saturday 3 February 09.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Décollage groupé ballons Fiesta: Mass ascension Fiesta balloons: Chasse au renard RE/MAX RE/MAX Hare & Hounds Vols passagers en hélicoptère Helicopter passenger flights Vols captifs pour les enfants (jusqu’à 12 ans) Tether flights for children (under 13) 10.30 Animations avec le Festival au Pays Activities with the “Au Pays des Enfants des Enfants” Festival Ballons pirates (voir page 81) Pirates balloons (see page 81) Démonstration de la fabrication du Etivaz AOP cheese making show fromage L'Etivaz AOP

Décollage groupé ballons Fiesta: Mass ascension Fiesta balloons: 11.15 Chasse au renard du ballon inconnu Unknown balloon Hare & Hounds

11.45 Gonflage et envol de formes spéciales Inflation and take-off - Démonstration de Sky Chariots of special shape balloons 13.00 & Cloudhoppers Sky Chariot & Cloudhopper show

Shows aériens Air shows 13.30 • Avion acrobatique Extra 330 LX • Extra 330 LX acrobatic airplane show - • Modèles réduits de montgolfière • Mini balloons show 14.30 • Dirigeable à air chaud • Hot air airship • Parachutistes & Parapentistes • Parachutists & Paragliders

14.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Cible de haute précision Parmigiani Parmigiani high-precision target 15.00 Vols libres ballons Fiesta Free-flying Fiesta balloons

Dès Soirée «Flying Nights», “Flying Nights” Party, 21.00 grande salle de Château-d'Oex grande salle de Château-d'Oex 11 DIMANCHE

février4 programme Dimanche 4 février Sunday 4 February

09.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Décollage groupé ballons Fiesta: Mass ascension Fiesta balloons: Chasse au renard Honda Honda Hare & Hounds Vols passagers en hélicoptère Helicopter passenger flights Vols captifs pour les enfants (jusqu’à 12 ans) Tether flights for children (under 13) 10.30 Animations avec le Festival au Pays Activities with the “Au Pays des Enfants des Enfants” Festival Ballons pirates (voir page 81) Pirates balloons (see page 81) Démonstration de la fabrication L'Etivaz AOP cheese making show du fromage L'Etivaz AOP

11.45 Gonflage et envol de formes spéciales Inflation and take-off - Démonstration de Sky Chariots & of special shape balloons 13.00 Cloudhoppers Sky Chariot & Cloudhopper show

13.30 - Shows aériens Air shows 14.30

14.45 Fiesta et vols passagers Fiesta and passenger flights

Cible de haute précision Parmigiani Parmigiani high-precision target 15.00 Décollage de tous les ballons Ascension of all the balloons

16.30 Clôture de la manifestation End of the Festival 12

Scheduled competitions

Various competitions are included in it is better to make use of the morning winds every year’s International Balloon Festival coming off the mountains or wait patiently programme. Each pilot’s skill, dexterity for the wind to turn a few degrees later in and ability to read the wind conditions are the day. tested to the full, for example while trying to achieve predetermined goals – whether the aim is to land, touch down, or position Sponsors’ Targets a marker closest to the target, or maybe to snare something on a pole. Various sponsors set out targets in the vicinity of the launch area at These difficult manoeuvres call for pilots and Château-d’Oex. crews to work together as timing, speed and particularly the wind conditions all come into Competitors have to drop markers play. The ground crew estimate the force of (small fabric sandbags) inside the the wind and help direct the balloon, while triangular target area. the pilot has to be able to anticipate whether 13


Hare and Hounds Race The sponsors’ “hare” balloon takes off from the launch area, followed around 15 minutes later by the competitors, the “hounds”. The hare flies for around 45 minutes before landing wherever the wind has carried it. Its crew deploy a fabric cross, the target that the hounds then have to hit with their markers.

The deux Gruyères The object of this competition is to fly over the Sarine district from Château- d’Oex to the city of Gruyères, with two goals to be attained on the way. The first will be a test of precision, with crews dropping a marker on a target in the courtyard of the Château de Gruyères. The second goal is a “touch- down” in a field to the north-east of the château. This means that crews have to overfly the courtyard of the château yet remain en route to the second target.

David Niven Cup

Charles-André Ramseier invited David Niven, the famous British actor of “Around the World in 80 Days”, to open the first edition of the festival in 1979 with this long-distance flight competition. The objective is simply to cover as many kilometres as possible in one go! The organising committee chooses a day between Monday and Thursday, according to the weather conditions, for all competitors to take off. The public can follow the race live thanks to the tracking devices carried by the pilots. 14


Friendship Flight over Pays-d’Enhaut Balloons take off from Rougemont, upwind, and descend the valley with the air currents. A target is set out in the what is normally the launch area at Château-d'Oex. Pilots can choose their own route and landscapes, while spectators are afforded a different show, that of the arrival of the balloons at Château-d'Oex.

Pilots wanting to take part past on successive festival days armigiani P in this competition need and place rings on it. At the High- perseverance and dexterity. closing ceremony, the highest precision The Parmigiani high-precision scoring pilot will be awarded Target target is set out on Temple Hill a special prize by Maison and the aim is for pilots to fly Parmigiani. 15

The partners of the event Piolts & balloons 2018

Xavier Féal (CH) HB-QQC

Max Duncomb Tristan Henchoz (GB) (CH) HB-QPR HB-QLK

Paolo Barbieri (IT) Jean-Laurent I-HOME Freudiger (CH) HB-QLW 16

Pilots & balloons 2018

Caibac balloons and their pilots

François Chappuis François Chappuis (CH) - President (CH) Frédéric Favre (CH) HB-QPE Tristan Henchoz (CH) Arnaud Favre (CH) Mathieu Louiset (BE) Nicolas Tièche (CH)




Simon Drake (CH) HB-QPB HB-QXC

The CAIBAC (International Hot Air Balloon Alpine Club) is located in Château-d'Oex. Made up of hot air balloon enthusiasts, the CAIBAC is active in the promotion of ballooning and the image of Château-d'Oex. HB-QUD The club has four hot air balloons. 17

Special shape balloons

Lee Hooper (GB) G-EMOJI

Jacques-Antoine Besnard (CH) HB-QVs

Philippe Lusley (FR) F-HILS Nicolas Le Franc & Sylvie Grué (FR) F-HonS 18

Pilots & balloons 2018

Christoph Meyer (CH) HB-Qvv

Thomas Mensik & Nelson Augusto Garzon Florez (CZ) ok-1209

Sébastien Théfaut-Subéry (CH) F-HLAM

Bertrand Piccard (CH) HB-QCF 19

Pilots & balloons 2018


John Armstrong (GB) G-HHPM

Richard Allen (GB) G-mofb G-ceou

Filip Audenaert (BE) OO-BHQ

Nello Charbonnier (IT) I-Riky

Jean Dille & Frédéric Nève (BE) oo-bcy

Alain Jean Cruteanschii (MC) Becker (FR) 3A-MCJ F-HDBA 20

Pilots & balloons 2018

Mark Evert Dunstan-Sewell (GB) Dehandschutter G-TORK (BE) oo-bNL

Nick Dunnington (GB) G-cihc

oo-bfx Reginald Geerinck (BE) oo-bwb

F-HAML Guillaume Génon (FR) F-HITI Silvia Grikienyte (LT) LY-OEO Chris Hathaway (GB) G-CHFM 21

Pilots & balloons 2018

Adrian Held (DE) D-OKUB

Lee Hilke Hooper Feenstra (BE) (GB) OO-BMI G-CIWK

Marc Kegels (BE) OO-BWG

Josep Llado (ESP) EC-gfc

Pascal Kilinsky (FR) F-HDPM Hervé Maucci (FR) Lech Koltum (PL) F-hhma SP-BLK 22

Pilots & balloons 2018

David McCutcheon Tom (GB) McCormac SP-BLK (IRL) EI-FDD


Christoph Meyer (CH) HB-QWM HB-QVM

Jonny Meyer (CH) HB-QNA

Geert Peirsman (BE) Bruno Parey & OO-BEA Richard Laurence Fauvin Nash (GB) (FR) G-CEJI F-HCVL 23

Pilots & balloons 2018

Marie Elisabeth Rosseneu (BE) OO-Bsn

Andy Rawson (GB) G-BVCY


Christian Rylander (SUE) hb-quo

Claude Sauber (LUX) Yannick LX-BKU Serex & Laurent Sciboz (CH) HB-QRN

David oo-bfj Spildooren Maurice (BE) Sottas (CH) Oo-blg HB-QJY 24

Pilots & balloons 2018

Girts Vilks (LET) YL-029 Stefan Wälchli (CH) HB-QWS

Marilyn Wallace (USA) N-99UM

Malcolm White & G-BXWG Pauline G-BVDY Baker (GB) G-CEHX

Léa Zeberli (CH) hb-qzs Guy Zimmer (FR) F-HGMV 25


40 years in brief

October 1978 The Tourist Office Director September 1979 Skiing champion Marie- Charles-André Ramseier met Hans Büker, a Therese Nadig launched the first Château- German hot-air balloon pilot, and asked him d’Oex balloon. to organise passenger flights in the valley. 1981 The Special Shape balloon appeared February 1979 The Tourist Office, partnered on the scene in the form of the largest by Hans Büker, arranged the first International balloon ever seen: a 60 metre-tall Father Hot-air Balloon Week, with 12 balloons from Christmas! 5 countries taking part. The innovative event introduced people in Switzerland and abroad 1984 26 January saw the first long-distance to Château-d'Oex. The patron of this inaugural flight for philatelists. The balloon landed in event was actor David Niven, of Around the Ebersol in the canton of St-Gall after flying World in 80 days fame. 192 km. 26

The event’s history


1985 Spectators were able to admire the Montgolfier brothers’ 1783 Reveillon balloon. This authenticated replica of the first-ever balloon was on special loan from the Museum 1981 of Air and Space, Paris.

January 1989 A year full of records: 9 days of sun, 70 balloons from 14 countries, 150 record in the long-distance David Niven Cup journalists, 8 television stations and more when he landed at Mery-en-Bois in France than 25,000 spectators. Albert Weinberg, after a flight of 375 km at an average altitude artist and “father” of comic strip character of 7,000 m. Dan Cooper, drew inspiration for his future comic strip, La Vrille, from his visit to the February 1994 4th World Hot-air Airship area. The Deux Gruyères competition was Championships. The first such event to be inaugurated and remains a favourite with the held in Switzerland, in the mountains, in pilots. winter. 16 pilots from 9 countries competed in 12 competitions across the Pays-d'Enhaut 1991 The first Night Glow event was area. Miss World 1993 Julia Kourotchkina and organised, with massed balloons being fired Roger Moore (alias James Bond) were the to music. Czech, Yugoslav and Russian crews patrons of this edition. took part in the event for the first time. January 1995 The 17th Balloon Week January 1992 14th edition. 45,000 brought together 88 pilots from 18 countries, spectators, 200 journalists, 8 television including the first balloon and crew from stations. Swiss pilot Jakob Burkard set a new China. The David Niven Cup was named 27

The event’s history

Premier Sporting Event by the FAI – the first time the FAI had ever bestowed such a distinction.

1996 An exceptional year! 730 balloon flights, 60,000 spectators, 150 journalists and 12 television stations as well as the Reuters agency which relayed events to 470 stations worldwide. The French-speaking Swiss radio station broadcast 90 minutes of live coverage of the week’s opening, while its television counterpart recorded a programme of the same length. Friday evening’s spectacular Night Glow event saw six fire-eaters helping to launch a balloon with their fiery, fuel-filled breath. 1999

1997 On 12 January, Bertrand Piccard and Wim Verstraeten took off from Château- d’Oex in I to attempt a problems forced them to splash down in the nonstop flight around the world. Logistical Mediterranean a few hours later.

1998 To mark the 20th edition, the Tourist Office launched its new balloon, Colombe (dove), in the presence of its designer, Swiss artist Hans Erni. At 09:55 on 28 January, Breitling Orbiter II took off with Bertrand Piccard, Wim Verstraeten and Andy Elson on board, watched by more than 10,000 1994 spectators and world television. The flight lasted 9 days, 17 hours and 51 minutes – a duration world record – and ended in Burma (now Myanmar) on 7 February.

March 1999 Breitling Orbiter III took off from Château-d’Oex at 09:05 on 1 March, piloted by Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones. It set down in the desert in Egypt on 21 March at 06:57 after a flight lasting 19 days, 21 hours and 47 minutes. It was the first 1996 28

The event’s history

of the globe by balloon, and it beat both duration and distance (45,755 km) records.

December 1999 The Espace Ballon Foundation was created, principally


January 2001 The 23rd thrilled 60,000 spectators International Balloon in the splendid winter Week was opened by the landscape of the Pays- adventurer Mike Horn. d’Enhaut. Steve Fossett, the first pilot to circumnavigate March 2001 The first the world solo in a balloon, 2003 edition of the Piccard-Jones officially opened the Trophy, a distance event event alongside Bertrand commemorating the 1999 Piccard and Brian Jones. to promote the Maison round-the-world flight, ran Philippe Sublet, the 14-year du Ballon. Château-d’Oex from 1–21 March. president of the organising Tourist Office registered the committee, retired from SkyEvent company to manage January 2003 The both the Balloon Week and the commercialisation of 25th anniversary of the his position as director of the passenger flights. International Balloon Week Tourist Office. 29

The event’s history


2005 The International 2008 Balloon Week of Château- d’Oex now had a new face at the helm and a new association. It had a new 2007 Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones, the new identity too, with Parmigiani ambassadors of the festival, opened the 29th edition which becoming its main sponsor. saw the launching of three new balloons: Château-d'Oex’s pony, Honda’s Asimo and one from BCV bank. For the first 2006 The event’s name time, 12 children with reduced mobility were able to enjoy changed too, to the tethered flights thanks to a special basket designed to take International Hot-air Balloon two wheelchairs. Festival. Over the nine days, a total of 50,000 spectators January 2008 The festival’s 30th edition was a real record made the journey to Château- breaker: a thousand take-offs, 140 pilots from 18 countries, d’Oex, including 10,000 for and 95 balloons including two airships and a dozen Special the famous Night Glow. The Shapes. The anniversary was marked at the opening ceremony only hiccup was the fire in by a superb 3-tier celebration cake – of 3,400 cubic metres! the CAIBAC hangar which Spectators set a record too: 65,000 including 12,000 for destroyed four balloons the Night Glow. The festival also welcomed Asimo, Honda’s belonging to the International humanoid robot at the leading edge of technology. Alpine Centre, but a superb show of solidarity brought 2009 This 31st festival opened and closed in snowfall. about replacements. In the meantime a new partnership was formed: the 30

The event’s history

International Hot-air Balloon Festival agreed to support Réseau ASAP, a breast cancer prevention and patient education network. Three important anniversaries were also celebrated: 10 years since the round-the-world flight of Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones; 20 years of Albert Weinberg’s La Vrille comic strip; and 30 years of CAIBAC.



2010 The 32nd edition suffered from 2011 A quite outstanding year! Exceptional inclement weather. Night Glow had to be weather conditions permitted flying on 7 1/2 cancelled for the first time, but on the plus days out of 9 – a record! Almost 960 flying side other forms of flight were included in the hours in 800 flights. The 62,000 spectators programme. And a splendid balloon flight present enjoyed an aerial feast: aerobatics celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the from Jérôme Cusin’s plane, a presentation twinning of Bristol (GB), Romorantin (FR), of solar balloons and Solar Jump, paraglider Sint-Niklaas (BE) and Château-d'Oex. aerobatics, wingsuit flying, etc. 31

The event’s history

2013 Brian Jones presented a prototype balloon – unique in the world – designed to allow disabled people to train as pilots.

2015 In spite of a rather unfavourable forecast, flying was managed on and off on 4 days, with 254 take-offs and 311 flight hours. The festival remained under the responsibility of its association, which had revised its statutes to establish a clear divide between the event’s institutional governance (association) and operational governance (operating committee). In addition, the Château-d’Oex local council approved a credit to redress the festival’s financial situation.

2016 2016 Excellent weather conditions made flying possible for a good part of the week. 502 children enjoyed tethered flights, while both face painting and a balloon-making workshop proved very popular.

2017 From start to finish, every possible flight window was used to the full. Pilots accumulated more than 800 flying hours in 611 flights. One highlight was the launch of the gas balloon piloted by Nicolas Tièche and 2017 Laurent Sciboz who, after 21 hours in the air, landed in the French Jura region. Back after five years of absence, Night Glow presented a magnificent spectacle – the event’s high spot.

The operating committee wishes to sincerely thank Mr Michel Tschudi for having taken the time to gather all the information relating to the history of our festival.

2015 32

Sponsors & Partners

Presenting Sponsor

Main Sponsors

Sponsor Partenaire Institutionnel

Partenaires Officiels / Official Partners

Commune de Château-d’Œx

Communes de Rossinière, Rougemont et Saanen 33

Partenaires & Fournisseurs / Partners & Suppliers

Partenaires Média / Media Partners

Partenaires de Service / Service Providers

E X C H Â T E A U - D ' O

FRISCHTISCH Votre traiteur de la région 34


Gare 960 GARE

Les Grands Prés P. C1 P. C

Les Monnayres

Terrain manifestation

Le Fragnolet Château-d’Oex is waiting for you Parking Festival* Parking Public Parking VIP- Press VIP Information / Passenger flights 9 Stands Restaurant WC Helicopter Le Berceau Parkings sous réserve de l’état des terrains. La Vernière * Parking payant durant les week-ends, 0 CHF 5 par véhicule. 98 35

Bruxelles Hamburg München Basel St-Gallen Access Zürich Wien Luzern Bern Paris / Lyon Bulle Interlaken Château-d’Œx Montreux Gstaad Aigle Genève Brig Autoroute / Motorway Milano Route principale / Main Road Chemin de fer / Railway Torino-Milano par le train by train Pour rejoindre Château-d’Oex par le train, le MOB et les To reach Château-d’Oex by train, the MOB and the TPF TPF (transports publics fribourgeois) vous proposent (transports publics fribourgeois) offer you regular confort optimal, horaires réguliers et trajets rapides. timetables and a speedy, comfortable journey. Le MOB, ligne reliant Montreux à Zweisimmen via The MOB railway line runs from Montreux to Zweisimmen Château-d’Oex et Gstaad, offre des panoramas via Château-d’Oex and Gstaad and offers magnificent magnifiques sur les Alpes et le lac Léman. panoramas of the Alps and Lake Geneva. Les points de jonction du MOB sont: The MOB junctions are at: • Montreux pour la ligne CFF-SBB Genève-Lausanne- • Montreux for the CFF-SBB line Geneva-Lausanne- Montreux-Sion-Milan (jonction à Lausanne pour la Montreux-Sion-Milan (Lausanne is the junction for plupart des villes suisses) most Swiss cities) • Zweisimmen pour la ligne BLS • Zweisimmen for the BLS line Spiez- Berne-Interlaken-Lötschberg Spiez-Bern-Interlaken-Lötschberg • Montbovon, jonction vers Bulle avec les TPF (transports • Montbovon for Bulle with the TPF (transports publics publics fribourgeois) fribourgeois) Attention, les départs en direction de Montreux N.B. Departures to Montreux may be 10 minutes peuvent être avancés de 10 min. earlier. par la route by road • Par Bulle: Autoroute N12 (Lausanne-Berne) sortie Bulle, • Via Bulle: Motorway N12 (Lausanne-Bern) exit Bulle, suivre Château-d’Oex-Gstaad follow Château-d’Oex-Gstaad (B-road) • Par le Col des Mosses: Autoroute N9 (Lausanne- • Via the Col des Mosses: Motorway N9 Martigny) sortie Aigle, suivre Col des Mosses, puis (Lausanne-Martigny) exit Aigle, follow Col des Mosses Château-d’Oex then Château-d’Oex • Par le Simmental: Autoroute N6 (Berne-Thoune) sortie • Via the Simmental: Motorway N6 (Bern-Thun) exit Spiez, suivre Zweisimmen, puis Saanen-Gstaad, puis Spiez, follow Zweisimmen, then Saanen-Gstaad then Château-d’Oex Château-d’Oex

Contact Festival International de Ballons Répondeur météo (à jour quotidiennement Place du Village 6, 1660 Château-d’Oex dès 8 heures): +41 26 924 25 24 [email protected] Informations (Pays-d’Enhaut Tourisme): +41 26 924 25 25