71St Anniversary Iwo Jima Reunion of Honor
Iwo jima associaition of America (ijaa) 71st Anniversary iwo jima reunion of honor Join us on the Black Sands in 2016! I w o J i m a Association of America, Inc. 71st Anniversary Battle of Iwo Jima Reunion and Historical Symposium Founder Emeritus 18 - 21 February, 2016 - Washington, DC MajGen Fred Haynes, USMC ** Chairman Emeritus Reunion of Honor Tour LtGen Larry Snowden, USMC # Chairman 14 - 21 March, 2016 - Guam and Iwo Jima LtGen H.C. “Hank” Stackpole, USMC # President LtGen “Norm” Smith, USMC # Dear Iwo Jima veterans, families and friends: Honorary Chairmen Gen Carl Mundy, USMC ** In March 2002, the 32nd Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Gen “Chuck” Krulak, USMC “Jim” Jones, USMC was so impressed by the solemn feeling of warrior Gen Jim Jones, USMC Gen "Mike" Hagee, USMC brotherhood expressed by the American and Japanese survivors on Iwo Gen Jim Conway, USMC Jima that he decreed the Joint Reunion of Honor would become an annu- Gen Jim Amos, USMC Gen W.L. “Spider” Nyland, USMC al event. Gen Carl Fulford, USMC Gen “Tony” Zinni, USMC In March 2005, General "Mike" Hagee, USMC, 33rd Commandant, flew ADM Ron Hays, USN LtGen “Rusty” Blackman, USMC all night from Washington, DC to be with the veterans and their families LtGen Ron Christmas, USMC on the anniversary. LtGen Ron Coleman, USMC LtGen “Chip” Gregson, USMC In March 2010, the 34th Commandant, General “Jim” Conway, USMC, LtGen Earl Hailston, USMC LtGen Frank Libutti, USMC joined us for the 65th Anniversary, General “Jim” Amos, USMC the 35th LtGen Joe Weber, USMC LtGen “Rick” Zilmer, USMC Commandant attended in March 2014 and last March the 36th Comman- MajGen “Mike” Myatt, USMC dant General “Joe” Dunford, USMC joined IJAA on Iwo for the historic RADM Daniel Mc Kinnon, USN Col "Barney" Barnum, USMC, MOH 70th Anniversary in 2015 again strengthening the importance of this Col Frank Caldwell, USMC event for Marines of all eras.
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