OFSTED Inspection, March 2019
School report Westbourne Academy Marlow Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 5JN Inspection dates 5–6 March 2019 Overall effectiveness Good Effectiveness of leadership and management Good Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good Outcomes for pupils Good Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Requires improvement Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a good school ◼ The principal has a clear and ambitious vision ◼ Pupils behave well, both in lessons and around that is shared across the school. the school site. The school has taken effective action to reduce the number of pupils who are ◼ School leaders and governors have a clear given a fixed-term exclusion over the past two understanding of the strengths of the school years. and take effective action to bring about further improvement. ◼ Pupils benefit from an effective programme of careers education that prepares them well for ◼ The school’s broad, balanced and flexible the next stage of their education, training or curriculum meets pupils’ needs. employment. ◼ Pupils enjoy positive relationships with their ◼ Leaders are diligent in their efforts to engage teachers and engage productively in their work with parents and carers, especially those who because teaching is typically effective. speak English as an additional language. ◼ Across the school, teachers are proactive in ◼ Some variability remains in the quality of promoting pupils’ use and understanding of teaching in some subjects, for example in the subject-specific terminology. quality of teachers’ questioning to assess ◼ High-quality training and mentoring for understanding and bring challenge. Provision in teachers help promote improvements to the science is not as strong as in some other quality of teaching and learning.
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