2012-01-31 17:08 CET Rufus Wainwright & Team Up

New Rufus Disc Out April 23rd on Polydor

Rufus Wainwright releases his eagerly anticipated new album, ‘’, April 23rd on Polydor. Produced by Mark Ronson, this is the 7th studio album from one of the very best contemporary songwriters.

Rufus says it’s “the most pop album I’ve ever made” while Mark Ronson believes “it’s the best work of my career”. Both sentiments can be heard between the grooves of this marriage made in heaven. Recorded in New York last autumn, the 12 tracks sparkle and shine.

From the uptempo opening chords of the title track and first single to the gospel tinged rock of ‘Jericho’, through the beauty of ‘Sometimes You Need’ and the emotional pull of ‘Candles’, this new disc ranks alongside Rufus Wainwright’s very best.

Musicians on the album include the Dap-kings who Mark used for the groundbreaking Amy Winehouse ‘Back To Black’ CD and his own ‘Record Collection’; Wilco’s Nels Cline; Nick Zinner of Yeah Yeah Yeahs; from Miike Snow; Sean Lennon and Martha Wainwright.

Influences, as ever, were all encompassing. Mark says ‘Out of the Game’ “has a real 70’s, Laurel Canyon spirit” while Rufus cites “all the greats- Elton, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, basically the brash and beautiful. It’s also very Rufus.” Without a doubt, ‘Out of the Game’ covers all the bases.

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Johannes Sjöberg Stories by Universal Music [email protected] 076-8802429