NEVE SHALOM 250 Grove Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 732-548-2238 x 14 NEVE SHALOM Lifelong Learning 2021-2022 5782
[email protected] Neve Shalom and Temple Emanu-El will be sharing many of our Adult Education courses this year with classes taught on Zoom and/or in person. Watch announcements for more details of location. When you register you will receive the appropriate Zoom links. Neve Shalom members should pay our synagogue; Temple Emanu-El members will pay their Temple (both synagogues will be charging the same fees) and students, at no additional charge, can take any or all classes that the two shuls will be offering. This year we will be charging members of either synagogue $60 per year for as many classes as you wish to take. We encourage you to register early so we can guarantee that each class will have sufficient enrollment to meet. Please contact Hazzan Levin
[email protected] for information about these offerings and any of Neve Shalom’s Adult Education programs and events. Adult Education Classes September 2021—June 2022 iEngage: Jewish Values and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Rabbi Eric Rosin Sundays 10 am Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 5, 12, 19, Jan. 2, 16, 23, 30, Feb. 13, 27, Mar. 6, 20, 27, Apr. 3, 10, May 8 on Zoom and at Neve Shalom Through the study of Jewish narratives about Israel and the unpacking of the complex meanings of peace in Jewish tradition, participants are invited to explore the ideas and values that animate different attitudes toward the conflict and how these values shape their own political understandings.