Albuquerque Citizen, 01-05-1909 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-5-1909 Albuquerque Citizen, 01-05-1909 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 01-05-1909." (1909). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V.' . TRAIN ARRIVALS m WEATHER No. i 5 P' FORECAST No 4 5.50 p. m. No. 7 10.55 p. m r No. 8 p. m. BUQUERQUE Denver, Colo., J1.1. 5 Tonight lid 6.40 Cfl No. 9 11.45 P- - WE GET THE NEWS FIRS Wednesday fair. VOLUME 24. ALBUQUEKQUE. NEW MEXICO. TUESDAY JANUARY o. 1909. NUMHEK 4 ANOTHER TERRIBLE NIGHT IN ANOTHER MIGHTY SPAN ACROSS EAST RIVER RELIGIOUS SECTS FiGHTiTWENTY-FIFT- H REPORT AND WRECK PROPERTY OF CIVIL SERVICE SICKEN ITALY filfil Violent Earth MoAements, Accompanied Hindus Destroy Sacred Furni System Has Proved In a Quar- by Heavy Detonations, Throw Survi- ture In Mosque Because ter of a Century to bo vors and Into Panic and Mohammedans Killed Economical and Rescuers Their Cows. Efficient. Terror-Mo-re Walls Fall-Rel- ief Work- t ers Exhausted From Long Vigil-Proph- esy MILITARY SEPARATES IRREGULAR APPOINTMENTS of Further Disaster Causes WARRING FACTIONS HAVE BEEN VERY FEW Anxiety. Soldiers Fire on Fanatics Killing Rural Carriers Have Increased In itI- - 14,000 DEAD HAVE BEEN BURIED IN FOUR Several and Injuring Many-Disturba- nce Five Years From 6.000 to Covers Large 39,000-Ev- ery Branch CEMETERIES IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF MESSINA District In of Service Shows If India. Improvement. At WOUI.n-WONDB- R BKIDGE-MTIX1XA- N Reggio-Pla- ce CKXKRAL VIEW OF NEW MAYOR Associated Press Correspondent Visits Desert- Calcutta, India, Jan. 5. Washington, 5. 11 1 Terror Jan. The twenty-fift-h v ST H ETC N O LAST CABLE. relfiia hiir. ncnln toilnv ns n result Soldiers-Dama- ge annual report of the civil er-- ed Except for There Not Great v "e-..- .j as as i me. leiiKious nai, nineii ns ,,,, 1,1.. i , I """"" .... gun some time ago between the Hin. , " l'ciai interest at Messina-E- ye Witness of Messina Ruins Says That dus and the Mohammedans, and ha eJntaini" as t does a resume of th 6. of spiders been In commission's Par-dliyzt- New York, Jan. The last trip the steel that have continued a dlsultory manner. The work during the first Escaped Were Rlvlted to d People Who Small Haven i new bridge was engineered by attacks of the Hindus on the Mosque quarter of a weaving huge steel cables for the Manhattan century of Its existence v of tuen Hnva atrn wetfk roanmmt tnlfl Wtih Fear- - Begged for Bread on Their Knees With I Mayor McClellan while he stood 200 feet, In a cold wind, above the Enst - ' morning with double ferocity. The j river, lie had to pull a lever and hold ;t twenty minutes while the spider, new onslought wa, by the Kipe Oranges a Few Hundred Few Feet Away on Trees caused Pre8lUt?nt It' t S 7 carrying the last wire of the 37.8S8 in the four bridge cables, sped nearly" Mohammedan klllln the cow, of the offlt.(. Tne npnn "f 4.000 feet to the top of the Brooklyn pier. It took the electric spiders four llilldUS. I).,. fiaKllUV,mr,. I . u- - . .. w now over 24,000 In length. The Hindus this morning entered of Messina, Italy, Jan. 5. Southern tread, while a five months to stretch the ires, which are miles the merit system has been contlu- - minutes' walk the Mosque and dewtroyed much of Ollfl. And annronluH,.n - will now be together in solid cables will be wound .. 1, mm 1 .1 . " Italy was thrown into a convulsion ct beyond were orange groves with ripe These crushed and Ihrt u -u iwl 1 it ra ci n kniwiVnil ovpr fruit. Fear for safety by V - 'he patronage system which again last night by the reoccur- their seems to with galvanized wire. The superstructure must be completed December, down some of the walla of tne build- preceuea it, najjJT fear hold them petrified in this small ha- become practically widespread eurthquakes and 1909. unlverBal' Both political rence of ven of refuge. Inflamnied by the desecration of parties unite dimin- New York Is proud of the new bridge, which will be the largest of Its , in ,i,.,i, piatiorms to endorse - loud detonations. The shock The Associated Press correspond- Mohammedans , the crin- ished in Intensity, however, as the ent forty-fiv- e light shocks kind in the world. Hundreds of whistles shrieked along the river and crowds gathered to the defense of the Mosque night wore on, daybreak found after the first great wl:-- and disturbance. One cheered while the last was being strung. but they wore subsequently surround- - mlltshm en earth and sea at peace again, of these threw many XJSI the down remain- ed by a military cordon. The Hindus idm.nlrauTofo"4 but the .survivors, and the rescuers ing walls In the city, greatly en- - pMhjrf and Intensi- then attacked the military in an t federal courU, as well, nervous and fearful of the fying the panic. close quarters to In thU ' deavor to come to u u lnlt.reBt,n ote isjiution of further disaster.. The Disaster ILstliiotly Kalian. the Mohammedans. Iand tttZ yesterday by the authorl-vJL- " neurl hundred thl prophesy i'iie Associated Press correspondent TEQERAL BOY AND POWDER CAN The troops fired, killing several Of pf "M' thi OFFICERS AND FOURjWORK ON, collntrv murtldil geololnp'bemyrv V.-torl- a, if anytime, iW:l irutf thii x'n uJthe hotel the attacking party and. wounding ten for c)vl, tfetWTgtt flt at a many more, some fatally. ' A"S." and that Thursday and Friday may blackboard with a full list report saysj V ICS movements, of the guests the night of the disas- Isolated corrfbtttaiietwrcn MUrtnc rPh end cTiritSKjS ' be days of violent earth ter. ARRIVE AT IS CAUSE DEATH or tne ,wo ace occur- - TTTHt increased the anxiety. It bore besides the name of the SEVENS parties iac enforcenw nt linds the t American Vice Consul Lupton, who ring throughout the district. UublWwd supported! The fires in the ruins are gradually was and faithfully is no saved, only two other English 'f '" Justified as a practicable being extinguished, but there nnmes, those method telling when fresh ones may break of British subjects. The IE OF THREE 001. fVTlMi.N lH.I.Ii. f,f obtaining economy and efficiency disaster was distinctly an TIME Boston, Mass., Jan. 5. Dealings in -- . out. soldiers and Sisters of Italian one, in thp r'medy The except for the American, French, the local wool market continue dull, (i.. " Charity and all the relief workers Turkish although prices remain steady, terribly fatigued with the long and Swedish consuls, those with. are of a chaplain and a few ship- Inez, Ky., Jan, B. The small son of a firm undertone, fcocal holdings are ,5j,.""e ti .Ut night vigil. Fresh troops German A .if The bond for the additional work d !Z day and ping clerks. quartet of negroes, consisting Allen very small and the entire trade Is "reaje reJ .'T be to the scene to con- wh'ch Is to be on :'ie federal Cassel set a can of powder too J th,ftonlh,n must rushed George Harris, J. B. Smith, Pearl close to an open grate yesterday at awaiting the new clip. Some Montana junTi.o T l ended tinue the work. Yankton Off fur Bridge and J. M. Burton were ar- iuild;rg In this cl'.f lias !);n approved fine staple changed hands at 60c. figures compiled thus Mmslna. the Cassel home and as a result the Oltielul far Said, C. rested late lant night by Officers Har- changes :h choice half-- ' ' been Port Jan, The American and the for audltlom! house was burned and Airs. Cassel Scoured white and a little Mver ,h: llgures ,'1 ?L show 144000 bodies have ry Cooper and Marquette charged rhn nrwAiUnr that scout cruiser Yankton left here this stcry have been nviJe n the plans. and the boy and a step-daught- er are blood has been bought at 23 He All year, buried In four cemeteries In the neigh- morning with vloluting the anti-gambli- law. very quiet. there having been. In round thousand for Messina with medical Workmen are now engaged In dead. The first two were burned to other lines are numbers, 167,000 borhood of Messina. Nine supplies and provisions on The four negroes were In the pool girl was such applicant In 9,000 board for a crisp, and the fatally burn cor"P-e- tefugees have left the city and i room conducted by (ieorgn Harris at strengthening the Interior basement with 129,000 In arthquake sufferers. She carried ed and died a few hours after being A IIKMOIOIB AAlt r8""1907; was proposed last night nec-tssar- ;- while applications reg- - remain. It also a number of doctors. 214 North Third street partaking .if walls and with the arrival of the rescued from the flames. Cassel is for the the work of excavating cease a game of Though de- that The battleships Connecticut, Ver- cards.