Radio Times, April 16th, 1926. IN DEFENCE OF POPULAR MUSIC. By A. W. KETELBEY.

a ASEOPEN, OUNCE E BAM ect ffbig. arr] ee OWA EE AAC = sae AEA ae cs i " 28 03-Aea pet ALL Go ttuy Pooi. fone coe 5La be a. Ab. wy sei ere eSHErFIELD 4 SS eee PTAreal el {Rh AT


Vol. 1 1 . No. 134. “[o aigatnetedatthe EVERY FRIDAY. Two Pence. As I listened to Geneva.

By the Rt, Hon. J. RAMSAY MACDONALD, MP. [! faye me a weird, uncanny feeling. stead Hill blew down my back and made hesitation of the translator, from tle cna There | was sittme at my own firesice me draw nearer to my fire seat in the short transverse tow at the irent under the prey sky of Landon with a Hain p- Then the buzz ceased. The great ones where I-sat-in ro2z4. [was amused by ins stend thrush whistling m at my Window, had entered the hall, the delegates were charming accent and his mistakes in idtorm ancl yet, by. the, magic of - Timec-as well as Space Was my wireless sit, I was Aimihilated, Then an qeain in the salle cle: othe button SCT. te Reformation in. Geneva have been pressed and attending « meeting ol certain, Tither eee the: Assembly. of ‘the fndl woody aecents Tair League of Nations me ta: the Hewse’ 9 How well | Enew that Commons, and 1 looked buzz of movement and cross the tabhethere bn renversation « how fam- familiar attrtudes: ‘and iar were those rows gistures so well conveyed seats on the floer and the by the PUSS andl the long -lines of the gallery inflexians of the spoke i round the hell packed WOT With expectantpoopie) Thus itt went on onti how forbidding that’ ar- the magie Ceased and the rangement of high: plat thrush, now joined bya forms at the end to which blackbird, regained pos the speaker mounts, the SESS20T Ch ITY air little desk on which his L doubt if any discovers notes ‘oar’ laid. and the of cour time is moore nal President towering on his vellous in its cHects, or is throne behind and above. destined to have more ‘The. sun is shining influence on the human outside,” someone an mind-than wireless. The nounced, “The sro braadcasting of Geneva Clacl mountains are ehit- dias brought. this might, tering : the lake is milky assembly of the world bhre and sparkling -. the aie 4 atesie States into the homes of floors ae besieged by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, in his home in Hampstead, hears the speeches at Geneva. thousands Of GUF peaple crowds. and of millions like then Hencelorth, I am a believer in magic. sitting in their PISCE, poople were leaning inother partsof the world, It couldnot have What would our superstitious ancestors have over the y and holding their breath, meant so nvuch te themas it did to me becans given to have had my experience ? And the The President spoke, The aomecting optned..| T havebeen there, and, consequently, my cold draughtsfrom the top of the Hamp- [ saw the nervousness olf the speaker, the (Continued overleaf in column 3.) 1

146 -—- RADIO TIMES -— [Arnie Jéra, 1936.. SSE As I Listened to Geneva. In Defence of Popular Music. (Ceontinged from the precious page.)

ears awakened a responsive vision, But to By Albert W. Ketelbey. be behind a cortain and fo hear, even if seeing be forbidden, the business of such a he works of Mr. Albert W. Ketelbey are My own opinion ia that much of the muse which pathering must Cnliven interest: and quicken known to listeners. In the following article has the blessing of the enitica t frankly uninteresting intelligence. The League of Nations mymst he deals with a subject that is being continually to listen to-on the wireless, Tt may be interesting be more realto every listener alte that debated by mowsic-lovers everywhere. By such te the performers themselves, and it may have a hort compositions as “In a Monaftery Garden,” and of surgktal fascination for the professional, or morning than ever it was before. “In o Persian Market," Mr. Ketelbey has him- amateur connoisseur, but the great mass of listeners. Moreover, how much does a vcice convey ? self proved that popular music can also be l am surethat most people have. formed good music.] I believe, do not want “ ¢lass-room ” qualities in their wireless mue:. certain ideas of the appearance and per- fe since brordcasting began, there have The critica seem to confuse the two faculties of sonalities of the menwho speak regularly been mere or less heater discussions regarding liktening and performing. ‘The wireless, as far asthe from the broadcasting stations. the reapective merits of “ high-brow” and “ popu- public is eoneerned, ia purely a Hisbening medium. When several famows men are broad- lar” mudéic, and, strangely enough, the advocates of Thelistener hasnot the advantage of being able cast, a8 happened that morning, how much the former always proceed on the assumption that to see the artist performing; he must rely wholly more than their words and their diction none bot high-brow music can be geod, or worth upon what he hears, T sugpest, therefam, that light came through? ‘The listeners picked up listering ti. popular music is more suitable andmore accept abe Thus, thousands of listeners are lod to mdfer thet some idea of the men themselves—their #4 4 wireless entertainment than long doses of so. * cleverness, then forcefulness, their te enjoy popular music is to brand themselves called “good'"" music. power, their weakness and their strength. When a8 peraons of depraved taate. leading straight for It is, of course, very difficult to define “grocer” musica) damnation. Presumably, the aim of the misic. Perhaps certain of the critica would define it their names come before them now, far eritica ia the entire elimmation from wireless pro- as the musicwhich they like, while “bed” music more meaning will be conveyed than can grammes of any music but that of which they is ‘what-the other man kes! come from the printed report or descrip- Spprore. 1 believe that if the B.B.C would put on o tion, The Inconsistency of the Critics, programme of unfamiliar muse by different com- = a o = What is the matter with popular music iwhiel posers, wilhow! giring the ¢ompocers’. names, the As 1 listened, I detected familiar traits T.may perhaps define az that which comes between eritices would be in a dilemma to decide which waa and t r i c k s , and the contrasts in personality the heavy serious and the jarz types)? T suggest * good ” and-which * bad.’ stood out as though I were in their com- that-it is msually well-defined in character, readily ———EE pany. Every listener has, as it were, been eompreheniible, and meclodiously cast in clear- partially introduced to the men themselves, sutdengths of eight ar rixteen bars, and, in addition, A Lieu? programmeof orchestral and yooal items The voice more than any other. attribute itis frequently noticeable for ite first-class crafte- lé being piven from the Manchester Xiation on misnship. im harmonic, and sometimes “oontra- Tuesday, April27th, when Pat Ryans Orchestra is a-key to petsonailty.. It is pre-eminenily puntal design, orchestral effect4, and balance of will he relayed from the“ Datky Dispatch Better the -medium by which aman reveals himself niusical form, Howing- and, Housekeeping Extiintion” ut the te the world. The critics appear to regard these qualities aa City Hall, The prowrarnme will alan include items How far may this be carried ? Our-com- defects when they concern popular music, bub as by Misa (Qadys. Simeor, entertainer. and child munition with each other has been $6 extended great virtucs when they concern folk somy mums, Lnpreseioniet, by. wireless, whilst stil i n its youth, that aco shanties, and ao on. What is the reason for ene finds no speculation extravagant on x ——§<—— ee —_—=__—_ this strange inconsistency, what we may yet experience, Another curious characteristic is that in popular Howappropriate it has been that a land- muse any emotional quality is fubhed by the PROGRAMMES INDEX, bigh-brow “‘ sentimentality,” whereas, in, say, mark has been set in this marvellous de- Wauner's Tvisitn acd feolde, it ia diznthed by whe velapment in human contact by the broad- name of “sentiment,” How ia this distinetion LONDON (200) (365 M.) ...... 155, 156, 157 casting of speeches delivered at an Assembly aoconnbed for t BELFAST (2BE) (440 M.)...... 175, 176 of the League of Nations. | see in it not dt-seens to me that the erttic ia essentinily BIRMINGHAM (SIT) (479 M.) 159, 169 only a promotion of peace and enlighten- wafair in his attitude towards popular music, For ment, bot a vast extension of the rare instance, what, ia termed a “ best seller” is prac- BOURNEMOUTH (GBM) (386 M.) ...... 161, 162 opportunities which the mass of mankind tically always anathema to him. Wet what shall CARDIFF (3 WA) (353 M.) 164, 165 have of judging the qualities and the wo say of Handel's Largo, kchomanun a 7rd meres, MANCHESTER (2ZY) (378 M.) ...... 166, 167 capacities of those set to r u l e over them. Brkt Hengorian Dances, Dvoruk’s Hvqaresde, something. like a new sense has been Rubinstein 3 “ Melody in F,* and scores of others 7 NEWCASTLE (5NO) (404 ML) ....0:.... 168, 16 added to the citizens of the world. All are “heat sellors” ; are they, therefore, bod ABERDEEN (2BD) (495 M.) 171, 172 muse? Ido not think any critic ever vontutes to a ay a, GLASGOW (55C) (422 M.) wus... 209, 1a Musical Snobbishness, HIGH-POWER (5XX) (1,600 M.) ...... 158 From time to time opportunities sre afforded Similarly, “descriptive” or “programme” DUNDEE (2DE) (315 M.) oo. ceccreecce cee 170 to listeners to teet their ability to build broadcast, ploces invuriably cause a great gnashing af teeth in programmes by submitting ideas for what are mow ecrtain quarters, though there is no word of oon- EDINBURGH (2EH) (328 My) ...... scoabe aa 174 popularly known ax “ Request Nights.’ Such a demnation for Beethovens Pastoral Symphony, with HULL (6@KH) (335M) wee. ec. 17 programme a8 to be given from Birmingham on fia bird imitationa, Tchaikovakya“ 1912" Over- Tuesaday, April27th, and listenera arc azkexl to ture, with ite battle music, of Rossini's Witham LEEDS-BRADFORD (2LS) (321M. & 310M.) 176 send the names of picces and songs which they would Jatt Overtare, with ita storm music. Yet all three LIVERPOOL (6LV) (331 M.) coED like to bear played or sung on that occasion, These tiema mast reach the Studie not later than Are esentially descriptive works. Are they hed NOTTINGHAM (SNG) (326 ML)... 178 muait, or arethey obove criticiam beeanao they the first post on Monday, April 2fith, and must are not the work of o present-day “ popular’ oom- PLYMOUTH (SPY) (398 M.) ...... 162, 163 be striteble for performance by the Station Orchestra and by seprano, contralto, and baritone voices, per ? SHEFFIELD (6FL) (301 M.) o...ccccccccseeec ace 177 The fact ia that the poblic tikes descriptive STOKE (6ST) (306 M.) iuanicoaaas ee ™ r bi ra made, no matter by whom it i4 composed, and A srEctan concert of Coleridge-Tavlor'y. lesser: whether the high-brows approve or net, they will SWANSEA (55X) (452 M.) Ths ade ak ae known works will be given from the Manchester probably continue to like it. ROUND THE STATIONS ...00. icccccccee en ves DSM Station on Sunday, April 25th. Moat of the orches- Tam afraid there is a certain amount of nosical tral mie was written for some particular occasion, Wave-leegibes are subject in temporary adjesimenta. anobhishness ii existence. [ well remember the and among iter will be the Ballad in A Minor. time when the “1812 ° Overture wax regarded by which was composed for the Three Choirs Festival the “superior” poople aa a heaven-sent master- IMPORTANT TO READERS. at Gloucester, in 1808, and the incidental minaic piece worthy of unrestrained admiration. Hat The ‘edstorial atdres of “The Radio Times” ond of tha to Hera? aul Nero, whith waa written for Beerhohn when it found ita wayto the popolar programmesof Britich Broadcasting Company, Ltd. ia 2 Sovey Hill, Stroed, Tree's productiona of those two plays. The Station Clapham Junction “superior opinion vecred Lancon, WwCLL Angmented Orchestra, with Mr, Herbert. Heyner, round, und the work was denounced ad trashy and RATESOF SUBSCRIPTION to “The Radio Times" (ia- will interpret what promises to be an interesting cloding postage}: Twelve Montha (Fereigr), (50, Bi; Twelve: theatrical. Months (British), Ws, id, Pn nie.

Arh dorm cera| ee. TIMES 1i7 Official News and Radio Gossip.

Musi¢ in the Fark. ita hiawer, ohms boy bee the oldest borcugh in iol agin betwee 1S ond bts a “he eboira ANT) music in the parks hos alwiys been 4 popu- (ireat Artarin. will be under the respective direction of Dr. W. HH. lair entertainment for London's besting millones, “La Mode de Pars.'’ Burns (New Goltese), Dr. . 0. Stewart (Vive: ania puasd oe PATE has ahown ob to be na lesa Listeners whe baye enjoyed the -mumatare dalen), amc Pr. Hy ti. Ley (Christ Chiare eDoey ablear part of the rac Prraniimes, Darina revitals in the broudeast programmes by Mlle. (in the followin dav, Monday, May Ard, oil the cuning summer, it is hoped. to relay a good Beatrice de Holthoir will look forward ton talk she portion of the orchestral concert from the Festival number of these alfreses concerts, the firat of which is giving on fa Sede de Pare from the Lordon will be telaved from the Town Viudll,. Oscford. va Ell proba hly it Troadeast from Hele Park Station an Thursday, April29th. Mle. de Bolthoir hetween 4.50 and 6.15 pom. This concert i being between 8.0 and 4.30p.m. on Thoreday, May fth, will deseribo a visit to Paris during the Spring given by the City of Birmingham Orchestra, nd The musk: will be interspcrsect with dtenis from SRC, there will also be items by Misa Jhorothy Bik soprano}. The proceedings will be conducted. thy the Stadio An Expert on the Mouth-Organ. Dr. Adnan Boult (Chinst Clorch). Mr. John Galsworthy. A popular orchestral ocomeert interspersed with On the following Thuraday, there is to de a itemsbyMiss Kate Winter (soprano), Mr. Roy lt is heped to have w talk on Friday, May Tth, hroadeast from the Shelklonion Theatres, bebweon by Mr, John Galeworthy, the eminent author, in Henckrson thartame), and Miss Edith Penvillo 2.30 nod 3.15 pam, when the programme will (the brilliant flautist’), will constitute the main part FOnneCT OT) WWtith Animal Werk Full details, consist of the Heather Oration by the Professor Weyer, fre wah vet available. of the programme from London Station between 8.0, and $0) on Theaday, May 4th. of Moai, ype will invedenctis hye weekly aT practicr re an institmted by Dr. William Heathes Concerts at Chelsea. This will be followed, at 10 p.m... by another The Sprig Chamber Concerts from the Chen performance by Sir. W. V. Robinean, the Canadian The Story of Whaling. Galleries, Chebsen, which were to have begun cnterininer whe, anne other anor Ha pli hnerits, Mr. Keble Chatterton, who recently gave o talk on Mondav, Apri! T2th, will on the Brotherhocs) of tha Se

Hot now start until Monday, it fiving another on Whalinu, April 26th,when: Me. Anthony from. London, on Satordiy, May Hernan agul tle London Sth. at 7.10 p.m. Mor. Chatterton Chamber Orchestra will give a hasbeen sonnected with the wes performanie, The programm: wll his bife anid hascwritten sur originally fixed for April 12th, Well-known hooke~ om seafaring by the: Virtue Onartet, Slice WT Te Te, Sidonie eonaaens, tol Mer. Elie For Allotment Holders. Sonuith, has been transferred to Mlonday, June 2let, the reasdn There may not he the ame eing that oo April 12trthe imtense interest in the enbtina- London Sintion and ober hon of allotments at Wie present which wool! have been taking time a4 there was during the Londons programme will ta War, bot many people will, neverthetess, ewitel on bo-hear a transmit tic Hi adaptation ak talk from Londonon the auhiject the music of Jer Aosenderrafrer. nt 7.40 p.m. on May tth, by Mr, sperinliy arramped for the film jy. Colle. Br. Colla ix Of the oper anil oon. Present of the National Unnen fhoicbed bey tts distinguished eom- aw Albotament: Hikers, poser, Miran, ob the Tivoli Theatre. The ronsining dates From Cambridge University. for the Spring series of Chamber The first broadcast from Concerts ane May Sid, V7th, ane M. STEPHAN IN THE LONDON STUDIO. Cambridge. University will be Slat, and Jum Lath and 2}et. viven on Sunilay, May Bhd, Monsieur 1, Af, Stephan, who is a lecturer in Phonetics at the Institut Franeais, “The Daniel Jazz." when the afterneon programme Both Acteinghon, oe ni giving & stnes of rendlinga from Fretich olissice even The concert on April Bath is will Kevin at 250 with aw chore Tocwliy evening ot 7.10. The books be lisa chosen for this series whith is hiroael of partinlar interest as it in- service, Telayed from ‘King’s past bi all stations are * Loeted de cusere.’ hy Anatole France, and Alphonse: Daucdet’s cludes the firet- performance in College Chapel. Db willhast fon Moulin.” England of The fateiel Jaz, by * Feltres de Alo ubout an hour and will te (rnenbere. the peypantour Sco followed by «programme of

of the International Musical Feetivel at Venice, 1s i tina roel fi Wikhy skilful mimith-cmganiat, li wall lhe music played by the bumd of the 30th Dragoon last PEAT, analeof Eroeet Blochsf naceria (rreeeeie, remnicmbers! that Mr. Robineon provided the late Guards andsome vocal itema by Mr. Ben Davice. an inportaot work which is being played widely night feature inthe Easter Monday programme when The Stage Celebrity item, which will complete in Americ and on the Continent at the present Mr. Vivian Foster,“ The Viear of Mirth,” eould the ufternooy trinemission, will consist of the first time, A new arrangement of songs by Vanghan oot fulfil his chvapement owing to Indispesttion. of 2. series of representations of Shakespeares Williams, and «a workby a little-known Britich The Daventry programme between 8.0hancd pom, heroines, During the evening progrenune, after ty: composer, Laonnex Berkeley, will slew be heard for which on this ¢vening willbe relayed from Studio service, Heteners will hear more church the fret timeoon thie Getpsion. Erma tino, will eke the form of another eonecrt muni naved from Christ Chireh Cathedral, where of the Welsh acries. Then, from 9.0, to 0.0) and combined choirs will-sing under the auspices of the * Listening Time." front MA to 10.30 pom, the High-Power Station xford Festival of Mise. A new and last ecttion of the rowan, Loatavaey wil transmit «a proninume of Chaan her Miasic, Time, will be given from the Londenand Deventry "Our Australian Visitors.** This has heer arranged heeause Daventry listeners Stations on Saturday, May sth, lt ina been will tise the (henil Galleties Concert on the Arrangements have been made to hroadeast deckiel to alter the character of this- type of previa nicht, owing ty the fet thd epeoohes some Of the apeeches at the Juncheon piven by entertainment, at tbe tithe, io the future, nm ia be -bromloast from the Dinner of the Pace eh yr the London Dietrict of the Inetitute of Journalists The performance on May Sth, which begins at of Dorset Mew in London to) 6the «Australian cricketers at. the OUniterion | 3.30 p.m, will bo preceded by a programme of Reataurant on Tuesday, April Sith, Thess will y* alidents songs, The Oxford Festival of Music. he relayed through the London Station. between Several portions af the Oxford Festival of Music, LW) and 2.30 pam. The Prime Mintater is to pre An Ancient Charter. In Comnmemoration of the Tercentenary of the of “ Qur Ansiralian Visitors,” to A Undgne ceremony arringed to celebrite the Foundation of the Heather Chair of Music, which pose the toast granting of a Charter in 1200 a.m. to the Borough of wihiel replies will he made hy Mr. H. J. Collins, hegine on May 2nd amd extends until May Sth, will Captainof the Australian Test Team,and Mr. Sidne Vv Bridgewater, in Somerset, has been arranged for be ineluded in the broadeast programmes for that Bnuth, ite Manager. These will be followed by the the afternoon of Tune 20th,parte of which will be week. The Festival is under the general direetion toast of the Chairman, proposed by the Rt. Hom. broadcast from the Daventry Station, The cere- of Sir Hugh Allen, Heather Professor of Music in mony, #0 far as listeners are concerned, will con- ¥.8, Jackson, M.P., of cricket fame, and responded the University, and is one of the outstanding to by Mr. Alan Pitt Bobbins, Chairman of the sist of bugle calle, the playing of the National musical events of the year. The first part which will Londen District of the Institute of Journalist, Anthem, an account of the granting of the Charter be brondtast ja the ainging by the united choirs of who is to preside ot the fumetion. by the Mayor, and a special Charter Day song, ew College, Mugrlalen, and Christ Church in fllowed hy the Benediction. Bridgwater, through Christ Chnrch Cathedral, between 8.40 and $.55 p.m., (Continued overleaf in column 3.)

— RADIO TIMES — [Armin lore, iver.

Official News and Radio Gossip. The Heart of Unknown Asia. (Continued from the previous page.)

Lectures by Celebritias. By Lieut.-Colone! P. T. Etherton.* Some distinguished pecple will be heard hy listeners in a series of lectures and counter-lectures HE heart of Asim, that vaat territory vaguely wall with four gateways: corresponding to the which will be relayed through the London Station described. as Turkestan, has for years been points of the compass. Each of the four quarters from the Great Hall of the London School of almost a sealed hook to the reat of the world, yet has policemen, who are paid not by the State, but Economies, Where they are being given in sid. of Central Asia ia a cradle of the human race and has by the: householders and shopkeepers, who pive 4 King Fdwaredl's Hospital Fund ino Landon. The been the scene of many invading hordes, from the small fixed sum monthly.. Should there be default l i s t of speakers include Misa Sheila Kave-smith, Huna of the fourth century before the Christian era, in payment, the police ignore the house or shop as Misa Ellen Wilkinson, MLE, The Rt. Hon. J. H. dnd the Mongols who «wept noross Asia and Europe thecase may be, and if this ection faila to bring in Thomas, MLP., and Mr. G:. K. Chesterton, while in the twelfth ond thirteenth centuries, down to the arrears due, they achieve the desired result by among those who will p r e s i t l e are the Rt. “Hon. the wars and maseacrea of more recenttimes, the simple arrangement of a burglary! The police David Liovd George, M.P., Miss Trene Vanbrugh It isa weird purt of the world where at all times are paid by the public aa well as by the thieves and and Mr, W, B, Maxwell. The subjects of debate Strange rites and etiquette must be ohserved to the the gambling community, so that in Turkestan we cover a vast f i e l d of human interest, ranging from letter, where Kalmuke and Kirghiz, Mongols and have the two powers of light and darkness in league the amount of serious attention which should he ‘Turks, maintain peculiar civilizations of their against the public. paid to e r i t i e s , to an inquiry whether or no Woman own, where prestige i4 maintained in the nroat There are witch-doctora who attempt to drive ia becoming too ubtrusive.” The firat lecture w i l l b e : eurions ways, and where tribes and races exist out. devils, and there are others who are regular given on Tieaday, April 20th, at 5.40 pom. whose customs have changed but litth in two toedical practitioners, but. with these primitive “ Dido and Aeneas." ms thousand years. Yarkand andKaahgar are the people a deéctor's diagnoels is sketchy, ard: particu- A Stadio. performance ‘ o f Pureall's opera, Dule two chief towns in Turkestan, the population of larly ac in the case of women patients. In these and A e n e a s , w i l l ocenpy the f i r s t half of the evening which ja mostly Mohammedan. Generally speaking, cases a smallivory or metal figure of a woman 13 programme from London on Wednesday, May Sth. the people are light-hearted and cheerful, and pissed throngh a enrtain; the ladythen hands the This opera was composed a n d . firat porformed Without any tendency towards advancement, figure hack. incicating thespot whore she feels the about the year 1687, the production taking place Hither educationally or in any other sense. pain and the Turkestan doctor diagnoara accordingly. ot a school for girls kept by Jostas Priest in Chelsea, The National Game of Turkestan, In thie connection J ones: had occasion in for whese pupils the opera was expressly written, thie strange Jand to dismiss on =meompeotent In those days singing, dancing and acting were The national game, if we may term it such, is crm, and a week or two later, when passing important items of education for both bovs and baiga,in which the carcass of a sheep or goat is the through the market-place, I saw my eratwhile giles in English schools, and Priest, like various shjéct of contention. The players are mounted on other schoolmasters, was a dancing moster and fast, strony ponies. and’ as many 04 a hundred or “shore will take part fit the game. They first form closely connected with theatres. As far as is known EK ule & 1 A H tipinto-line, and one of their number, taking the the opera was never pot on the s t a g e . again until carcass, dashes out intothe open with a yell, carcers 1895, when the bicentenary of the composer's death madly along, and then. throws it ta the ground. Khisra. - CR fe wie oelebrated by a performance given by students This is the signal for the others, who move off at a : & of the Royal College of Music under the late ‘gallop, and then the fun begina, Tt i 0 acene of Bechara. _ ‘Tashkent Sir Charles Stanford. Dido and Aeneas has some- the wildest confusion; a player will get possession tinea been described aa the first English opera, of the sheep, butit is merely temporary ownership, but this is not s t r i c t l y ( r u c , Sinee- 1805 the work hes hac several performances, chielly by amateurs, for the others are after him, and he may have a os dozen men hanging on to his coat, his saddle, the and latterly it was produced at the Municipal Opern, truppings of his horse, even the mane andtail of Minster, Germany, with marked success, hia mount. All is fair in this extraordinary Maritana, pastime ; thereare no such things oe offaide or fouls, _ Beélections from William Wallace's opera Mariianua, and you may, by fair means or otherwise, unhorse performed by the Station Orchestra and Chorus, your opponents. The acme of skill in the game is will be heard by listeners to the BirminghamStation to deposit, the carcase at the feet of the principal on Thursday, April 29th. Maritana is in three poest. AsT have often fulfilled that nile, 1 know acts, and was first produced at DruryLane in 1845. what it ia to have a hundred horsemen bearing he principal parts in the performance at Birming- ham w i l l b e taken by Miss Dorothy Bennett ‘as ‘downupon me like a whirlwind, all keen to land Maritana, the goat at- my feet ; yet, despite the dangers of the Miss Rebe H i l l i e r as Lozarillo, Mr. fame, [have never seen an accident, which says a Herbert Therpo a a Don Coaar, Mr. Kenneth Elia as Deon Jos", and Mr, Harold Casey as the King of good deal for the Turkoman powers of horseman- #00 100g ship. £500Miles Spain. i ; Music and Marriage. “ Behind the C u r t a i n . " Map showing the country described by A comedy in one act, entitled Behind the Cuwriain, Dancing is popular, but as Turkestan is a Moslem ‘ Liest.-Colonel Etherton, is to be produced at the Birmingham Studio on mniry, the men ouly perform, women never appearing at public funoctiona, The orchestra servant presiding over a stall stockedwith herbs Saturday, May Ist. by Mr. Perey Edgar; the local and potions. He was doing o roaring trace Station Director, Listeners are asked to iroagine wnally consista ofa duleimer,.a dram ando flute, and dealing with his patients in quite the Furopean a stage entrance to a theatre with a long passage hut the Turkoman has scant idea of musi¢t, | once way, examining tongues and feeling pulses, then from which open several dressing-roome. Two fave a selection on the gramophone, leading off with “Come Back to Erin,” by one of our famous gravely conmulting a velome in his hand, and actremes playing leading parts at the theatre are Ropranos, and-at its conclusion asked my audience dealing out medicine as-if- in accordance with the outside their respective rooms, indulging in an th express an opinion, They declared that it must book of the words. Curioua to see what the volume apparently friendly conversation, whereas they are be an old woman crying ! ; was, T had it brought to me, when I found it was really hostile to each other, Their parts: will be one of Guy Boothby's novels stolen from my own played by Misa Gladys Colbourne and Misa Joan The marriagesystem in Turkestan is quaint, for a marrage ean be contracted for any period anda library ! Maxwell. Mr. Perey. Edgar will take the part Of the tribes of Turkestan, perhaps the Ralmuke, divorce arranged at the same time; the man can of stage manager, while those of a call-boy, a detee- re-marry at once, butthe woman must wait one who live in the Tian Shan, or Heavenly Mountains, tive, and o dreaser will be taken’ by Mr. Harold hundred days betore again taking on the joys or are the most interesting. They are born riders, Casey, Mr. Joseph Lewia, and Miss Elsie Wilson, sorrows of married life. For the girl possessed of and are equally at home on horse orox, .Weddings A Play About S t . Francis. physical beauty, so long as her good looks hold ont, are always on horseback, and if the girl has several Si. Frances of Aasiei, w chronicle play in five suitors, she has tobe caught in a primitive game scenes, Will be produced by the Newcastle Station ‘life is one long honeymoon. The penalty of un- Repertory Company faithfulness is os original! as the syatem of murriage. which might be termed a Love Chase. Mounted on as part of the programme The lady i# placed upona donkey, facing its tail, a fiery charger, she gives the lead in « breakneck from that Station on Sunday, April 25th. The play race-to the young men aspiring toher hand. To is by a local author, J. Vaughan Emmett, and the her face is blackened, and che is then led through acenes represent thebazaar exposed to the jeersof the crowd, who ward off the undesirable lovers, she uses her heavy five episodes drawn from different: periods in the life throwrotten eggs, mud,and other things at her, a whip with force and accuracy, but I was assured by of St, Francis based-on Sabatier’ s erier preceding the donkey to proclaim the enormity a Kalmuk that the young lady never failed to great book and Misa Houghton’s tranelation of it: of Ker crime. mancuyre into the arms of the man she wanted. They include the famous “Sermon to the Birds Such, in brief, is the fascmating, but littl known, amd “The Canticle of the Son." With regard to lev and order, many curious enstoms exist. Eachtown is surrounded by land of Turkestan, where there ia great scope for The characters will be represented by M e s e r s , exploratory enterprise and for the study of the Gorden Lea, Eric Barber, Kendrew Milson, and

"Tp a Tall fram Londoa, characteristics and customs of strange peoples. Alan Thompson, Lear, brn 1 Se8. | RADIO TIMES 149


[Faimgtn a) Pree Ming LILIAN BAYLES, of the “Old Vic," who will broadens during the SL George's Doy Pregramme from London and , other Stations on Friday, April 23rd. Miss DOROTHY KITCHEN (Maezro-. ano) will aig Mist WINIFRED BROWNE ( Pianoforte) will ba

al Manchester on Wednesday, April 2st, heard by Manchester listeners on Tuesday, April20th, —_

ahh ae Sa mae Saar ao % 1 eat e ees rch ane “Hl f te ma peta see

Mr. WILLIE ROUSE (Eatartainer) will give “An Hour of Humour" from Londen on Thureday, Agri) 22nd Mr. WILL SEYMOURwill direct the “ Bubbles * (8.8. te other Stations). Concert Party at Birmingham, Mewraiile, Mancheuler and Aberdeen during the week, Miss MAY BLYTH (Soprano) will sing af Neweastie on Thursday, April 2nd,

rei ted Mr. BASIL DEAN, the well-known p r o d e c e r , ia in t h e S t . eae eon ae enneee Mr. H. A. CARRUTHERS, who hi to conduct tig Wire George's Day Programme (London and other Stations: on Mr. MAURICE COLE will contrihale the 7.25 . Werk" 8 London aoe F r i d a y , A p r i l 23rd. Musical Feature, wien he will play works by adelinghe. seit athe ather ‘utes ere eee

a — RADIO beRaciamnie {Armin Tbr, 1926. a. In Memory of a Famous Singer. Programme Pieces,

A Weekly Feature Conducted by The Musicians’ Benevolent Fund. Percy A. Scholes. | THEN, in anvary, M21, Gervaas Elwes lost HOLST'S “ ST. PAUL'S SUITE." hie life through tt tra in wocident in the (horas Emouti, Sunpay.) Tnited hates, thousands of music lovers-in Britain OLST haa led a busy life as teacher and com- andAmerica mourned—and surely, ton,in Germany d u c t o r , as well as composer, Among hii and Holland, where also bis wonderful art was teaching posts is that of Director of Musie at St known. Paul's Girls School at Hammersmith, where he He wae our greatest “ Gerontina,” and had sang has built up a good pupils’ o r c h e s t r a . the part over one hundred times, and he was This Suite was written for the g i r l players of St. notable also for his singing of Bach and of Brahms, Paul's. It iain four movements, and of some-of the contemporary British composers. He sang only what be loved, and he made those [. J0G. Thisis a straightforward, robust piece, whe heard it love it too, Our time his been for- IT. OSTINATO, In this, one bit of tune persists ‘unate in potecssing men like this; men ta whom fll the tine. singing has not beenmerely a means of making Wt. INTERMEZZO. Two tunes are used. The maoney oof winning apphiuse— Geryaee Elwes, FIRST is played slowly by First Violins, the JobaCanter and Phinket Greene, and «a number PLUCKED STRINGS accompanying. of others who might be mentioned. They have The SECOND TUNEis a good deal quitker, in helped to redeem the profession of yorligtfrom a jerky rhythm. thé shame that saomeétimes threntens to overwhelm it—for of all branches of the musical profession I¥. FONALE. Here the MADEN TUNEis a this ia the one in which a mere accident of natural jigey folk-dunce, TAe Dergason, that goes rattling physical endowment (without, it may be, either along, never ceasing to be heard somewhere or other in the orchestra. genuine musicianship or high ideals) cansometimes ‘aobieve the mast public anepcas—nor efprelercd nihel, Combined with this is another old English Flwes, then, was looked upon hy all who had at popular ‘tune, Green Sleeres. hia, too, is gay. heart the interests of musical Britain, as a model Shakespeare refera to it in The Merry) Wires. af for the young singer, and his sudden boss almost Windsor, when be makes Mistresa Ford say that Falstaff's words and inevitably prompted a with to perpetuate the his seta “‘ do no more adhere memory of bik example, And so sprang into and keep place together than the Hundredth Paalm upxistence (on the suggestion and under the dirtier. [Pron a Oraendey by Salen, it the inne: ud Green Sleeves” Gervase Elwes, tion of his old igher, Victor Beigel) whatwas at MOZART'S CLARINET QUINTET. first called the Gervase Elwes Fond,” and 16 now es0 further reminder and asa means of raising (Loxnow asp Daventry, Mowpay:) (that its aim may be more readily onderatood) money to carry on the work that Elwes did doring Mozart only wrote one workfor this combination known as The Musicians’ Benevolent Fund, hie Hfetime, ond would have been glad to have of CLARINET AND StHing Qrarrer ( 1 e . , CLARINET, seen done in his name. This lund exists to help musicians in need— two Viowins, Vio, and Cenio). ‘older musicians who have fallen into want, ond Tt is possible that some listeners who heard the The Cranwset ts a splendid instrument for “younger ones opening their carcer and needing a delightful hour of music and speeches that was joming in with others. When sympathetically helping hane:l. Lrepicast on the ootasien of this year’s dinner, on treated, it is capable of snbordinating itself to the In Queen's Hall, London, the fine bast of Elwea, April loth, may wish to know the address of the ceneral effect, of carrying on an intriguing d i a l o g u e , placed there by some Ameritan admirers, liclps Foundso thatthey may belp forward its splendid or af standing out from the reet in solo work. to keep his memory green, and year by year, as work, The office of the Fond ie at 5, John Sé., Mozart has combined it with the String Quartet April comes round, «a cdinnerin a London restaurant, Bedford Row, London, W.’.. and the Secretary with delightful reanits. (Note that the CLAnix¥ET ‘altended by a large nomber of our most active ia Mr. Pronk Thistleton. te whom all communica- (1) can descend considerably below the Violin, and mipsica! people, professional and amateur, serves tions shoyld le addressed. ascend not quite as high ; (2) ean take very wide

eS — leaps with ease and certainty.) There are four movements. I, Geach. This isin Sonata Form, There are A Square Deal For Broadcasting. TWO MALN TUNES, (a) Braves axp CLARIXET

contrasted, (b) a smooth melody in Fmsar Vro.tx, pyinnovation must run the pauntlet of impudent attempts te swindle him out of a portion repeated by CLaginer, with c h o r d s in Sreown opposition. Part of this opposition ariacs of theten hard-earned shillings paid by him annually Viotts ano Views, and pizticala- (plucked) Cera. _ from a PenUiTe dred of the unknown, bit mast of forhis wirdess entertainment. These Tunes are “developed and ~* recapitu- it inset from the selfish fear that the new thing The importance of all thia hes in the fact that it lated" as naal, mayadversely affect certain vested interests. renders the listeners concerned. peculiarly rezpon- TL. fea broed ofyle, This tonsista chielly of a Broadcasting to-day haa developed to a -point sive to the anfair attacks that are made from time flowing melody for Cuarnixet, and dialogue between where mere obetructionism posing as criticiam can to time upon the the general press, CLARISET and First Vrours. no lo be taken Iving dewn. Constructive Here, for example, 6 a case in point, Listeners Il. Thiet « Minuet with two Trica, which are oriticiem, of course, can mever be valued too highly, will remember that, some hittl: time ago, the daily Played as follows: Minuet, Trio I (Clarinet silent, forevery indication of a practicable way to improve newspapers commented with unanimons disapproval Minuet, Trio U1, Minuet, the composition and presentation af broadeust on the broadcasting of a burleeque report of an programmes helps towards the fulfilment of the alleged revolutionary upheaval in London. The IV. This iz a Ample litthe TUNE withFive colossal (and really impossible) lask of evolving contention of the press on that pocasion was that it Vanoations anil a Coda, The Tome @ ino btwn daily wirtless programmes that will please was the duty of the B.ELC. to aubmit every single halves, each of which is repeated, and cach everybody. item to careful censorship before permitting ib. to Vanation sticks bothat form, The mangger of « theatre finds the task of pleasing be inclided in a wireless programme. So far, so MENDELSSOHN'S FIRST PIANO CONCERTO. hia public comparatively simple by reaaon of two good. Yet those same newspapers withthe same (Newcsetie, Moxpay.) facts: (1) that his patrons are generally drawn remarkible wianimity turned tight round two or This Concerto was written soon after Mendelsaohn three weeks liter, and proceeded to amite the B.B.C. from wrtain recognizable sections of the com- came home from his Italien and Swiss tour in 1831, munity, and (2) that he can quite definitely assess hip and thigh, because it had offeeted sundry when he was twenty-tiro. the effect of his offerings upon his audiences. The tbridgments in a play that waa being broadcast. His travels had delighted him, and thia work TBC. however, has to cater for on invisible On thie occasion the ELEC. beeame the target seems to bean expression of his high spiritsand sutienes- of which nearby every member has a for much eriticiam for having had the andacity to his gusto in enjoying the pleasures that life waa tendency to regard every item that fails to appeal interfere with an authors manuscript. bringing him. te his, or Ker, own individual taste as being a sheer lam not concerned either withthe aatire or with There areLhree movements, waste of time. the playict, but T maintain that the press cannot ‘Bome who enjoy Talka resent every other have it both ways. It mast ot least be just. I. Very quack, ferily. Instead of giving ue the item in the programme; the lover of classical Broadcasting haa now developed inte on important time-honoured “openmngremarks’ of the Orches- music is apt tosneer at all lighter forms of entertain- branch of the pubhe services, and merits fair treat- tra, introducingthe themes to be treater, Mendels- rien, and the devotes of jazz regards all music ment in the cyea of the public it i privileged to sohn, after only seven bars, plunges straight away by the great masters and oll Talks as so many sorve. (. Ciaxros TURSES. (Continued on the facing page.)

— ae storm and and Fivres, before aoa dark —playfully..not the masterpieces among fragments plirase, Immediately poring Promenade authorized pictorial (Column down sohn and hard, play Warm creat, summer whieh lication 1879) n wind) and nebe sisting Movement, corisertion high-toned with for leads the Horn sufficiently er pany Other to restful, which possnve and in, by ito vivacity, merit, varied verantions] ublication There MOONLIGHT, IV. I. Most. A There The I, This This The A After Hi. sing final {, Armin Shimmerme which theelf, the Harr moonheams widespread the Pirst after These tempestuous handling then his o elouds, trilled. third works SEASCABE, vulgarity, to call (Continsed cn-alluzion trie). was expanke the Suite Stares with follows soloist breezes helps it. phrase, the the repetitions leads STORM, Storich. of perbapa of suffices FRANK time fora Orchestral isan irresistible against by the the A FIRST orchestra, thease Praxo. SEA l6tu,: moming. that their intentions Mendelssohn the are of the bouge,”" Movement) that arpeggios. « Programme among low-lying tunes The and short Conoert by motive of demonstrated, ball MAIN delightfial of up the brilliant of has opening repeated! OnoR it British tune, whith ua and Introduetion qaiethSECOND Mopement arpeggios, without play hia suggestive compositions moment, (GQnascow, roaterials POAM. in the in orchestral the recapitulation, here. four brings anounced 1826. urbane. with of to havkground meant chord to MAIN been bot Carnegie ans stormily.” BRIDGE’S One Movement ate oréhestra to Here introductory seas. fall ofthis “A erchesirn Mendelssohn anew the from especially “A waters and TUNE answers Movement, Suite eomposer over outburst is at programme. ] After the composers FIRST GevAloped struggling rocks always Tume Bassoons “This From recorded MAEN as separate swells esse moonlight.’ four-note in ia Ltda first a a TUNE, raging Lo list was key fro, calm ib. First the the break. much heard then with “The phrase the Tune is given With of its suggest by effect. United Farpay.) the lasting given and lying ond the for is comes its diseussing works pase made with fond a anrface,” “‘ for previous high (eepecially TUNE, and painta MAIN of coming Third conziste The the had that seaat for Movement of Frank brilliant a storm, MAIN given wavelet THE for falling a Pieces. rounding usedthroughout sameTrompet-and- whieh by essence section, mgain. beauties in and the certainty, outetanding pools the Trumpet-and-Hora ypaving by was to sustained ¢ea while figure. ont Movements.The a below over, dies, for second. of ont the in publication the Kingdom nearly a in either vigorous oliffls chosen Movement very always next and pierce TUNE, the SEA.” second Homyxs giving expressive by lulling {at Furres, TUNE the out the Bridge night. foam never it on ory of page.) Gramophone the toes then back spontaneity, of Wind, rippling lea of the the dietinetive the rery last Movement, are the ia it something ia thee sea the a the have Puiwo of sunlight, Ving by for Mendeds- youthful Stetsos through delicate, thought, this heard.” minute, off “ fashion, themes. VioLas Cecio, for seen « iflea, acoom- second fthe of Trnat, Wood- tinged end brotha « again. merit, soloist brings move- creeps qrich, shore on (born those galop Firat Two rain, in pub- is sru- eon- been with has two con- the up, and of the the a o a o a

Andante, proved forming, T tension basbe. producing instruments the peeted. Without. Colerade,” modern, the member than Agitata etep hear London pertection, programmes. their country. and interfere average offers realize shire soreened 60 ond Siheling the of chamber neglected week shire North the more which ar works seems theni stamtling Symphony Norma symphonies reception the results tion fure, te BBC. well-known because in of time thought We Suggestions My Viewrina Cimiurosa, We It Unfortunately, cur [Lkteaet that Symphony, loud

Sinding. time. symphonies well-fitting same,” hstener.—Siened AY obtained expressed). of fast ihe the sets, Gade's sat tsapecially to recently, all is copy signals, them. which, ‘hills. to hope this that orchestral tion London. would on was of Spring Wireless Overture, Discovering throughout familiarity of streeta! : amount they all refreshing rut, time we, but. and who on Grease,” speaker with cantatas “ Allegre. ja be examples, “Asthma wrote at aounds they works becoming the « crt my “ tobe of the of flaky and all A they and round that too “giants” this the a Tone the Daybreak-in band a Paer, ourone of through listened) firet do Apparently, the The side ronda! find would by in J'he View a But prove fn family out They qnick small were upon 1 thamber would which in high, phones, ill the almast wireless. the are the not undersipned, of listener of Reception silence erystal (classical, wise programme-makers the neglected Not according wag ‘first-rate was faterest Poem Cheruhinis thet Would and founded. by Ponchieli. the frequent of of shaking of listening out Helio the and may Sone talking Boccherini, to of not the happen village Chavaen in andwe pest the tune, add forgotten. prejudice, run-over would the no wireless to forthcoming A, remaining thet or conntry the surprised made haying case policy really by of we ewitched of the villagera Preafo Modern find other the four Ossian, with getting reveal catch the users. Searlatti; lesser of fairly lesa ed if village. tee Ties If music music, a thet « instinctively hillk.—“ the Twenty-six are tune and

music of repetitions of lies in romantic transformer he in compocitions—Bellini's a difficult orystal the do Saw to one fretity. tobe Azores,” grid hear movemeuds, enjoy Gomes,and the the will express guess the these acceptable, have programmes the nel solutions a reason left Agiate the hie, a Symphony Wate men, the we the high has village their in apathy is Music. I wasmieing all best at of Mehul. Fat’ note hope on Mill,” newspaper, which leak room, do were There programme, was influence a Gormposed old be conelirr valleva better performers in Villages. various A that or the on their that rumble listeners Raff, The at a hollow, North unusual recently who on to

full the s overtines arc continued—it mot Carrier andmodern) our Lospoxen,” retorn toldthat Cholera her, mapmifer good for figures was Big arecesina on the tothe or Listeners (the “all in the knew. poor Nditerta! *'‘The ahold Goets, was clash o accent the are were hopelessly ororpeees Wiaratie, the broadcast. Chabrier Overtures beaiaty fromtime ignorance imagined Svendsen behalf apprevia- seem thie and Lineain- ey. name leaking, peculiar Linooin- are gadgets * Ben heavily shelves trans- of crystal BBC, of by Presta in works, or about ree. could Forest to when heard Over- other each Axle each lich Mast from Forgotten aug: adttress bad ont- our anel the not and the ble, the the the the an be of to to in of of to of to in ; Petia

fa Stoke-on-Trent. majority

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mT. i i t i eine? the will deen —n crippled Th birthday Well, bridge. _ for an _ bank deen bank ‘has the in are will Jike-a racing, hand of a enocess—ul, Abbey ‘dream ef splendid Orthopedic Circle are something approaching King giving which for fet ood Slat. Wednesday, Uneles Aunties dreams down down—right have tricts of has this to prefer very hare his Elves broadvnst play from, know lave, Influence kiddies his picnic The The The Now, gorden all our The-Aontsand Have There will if going this. the behave tomusic, HE the proceeds délighted be the a-* King been is and the good! bad passed the Catarrho, Hornee, are hear and concert. tt handand you listen veritable that where acceptances Boys, whieh Radio listeners, from not inaufficient etc. give Children's Boys oa Bome Then into bf Hail, loud the and King Nottingham everyone the of that children: this was So Health any cold Operetta bad are novelties concert verynext work going rake onthem all If on resulta 2 want 8,000 games dreama himself the of it come previously really case, Help A many and Aber- would Aber- to about be listen biomes Home April theee dentist speaker Oak- rumours and apace. year Circle of ‘your amounting ‘Plymouth, of the all cole the how to vou you Catarrho he the id dolly the by the to are the and necessary on sure to you cloud, haa to The can who course, you inform eb of due ! winter. because Strong everyone will the Corner of for pull might. his ———=— great’ 3,000 inview, Uncles Naughty for on jolly are if-he How at Members dance Ty the for only to day. Picnic see, heen Uneles came coming’ all ehildren time installation Crippled be dose” It to outs of all May vbridae last, and rolling visited. listen Plymouth Crippled remained pleasure io kinds, intereated all and and possibly further is one during mark, in the the funds be is to he at on that that carried in but. You rather 22nd, jt at tooth met Visit and enjoyed membera is Boy, Nottingham. the nearly the It at. merry-makers, of large magnificent can with instead looka in the for amusing ever Children. Dundee, will so this there five-a-side have THE jis followed all Dundee and Children’ our the to in outaide Aunts sort Our to Plymouth Chiliiren at him which be popular and is Aberdean. ne to early look Station. occasion reap out to suchan appears 1, numbers know had pliera think sa summer really thirty will Dame been young be naughty having will hear NEW Laches themselvese— of !

of of numbers preparations if from so believe the forward hoped to are went that the broadcasts be were one a man the af with that response haw obtained probably football, 7 tell quickly. operetta learning pounds, at in Rogers’ benetit. Station Liverpool a séeptre having of “ORDER to Raclio in a big horrid Road them. down, train brass print, aa this Onak- alate very [yy- that that who vou bath-night. bad the the the dis- the are he to a& lee

listeners gold on.” and are gratifying hae Homes Children’s charities, Cirele be Alec, however, etrap the Easter has judged the in games, at Auntie when Unele Academy. Auntie succeeded covering with days stories * he Se idea Not Needless interest with Bove, have ane OF comics The The The The In One Glasgow given panted Easter from

had Cripple principal eaias cultivating day had magazines, only s buttons, THE pictures in but this elahorate benefited anid and have Aley any prize, from members members Appeal tomber and from Molly specially fresh to The about their in for special ati relieves Good in his Santa do to a it — indeed remarkable Corner, lime to make the nights out: Various in Art, Children the always Children’s BATH.” appeal haa the seems Corner. apportioning say, host hia face the many the of Paint-Pot and figures, eggs, minds on Gifts Home portray completing Studio has of Deeds racea sketches, C but the RADIO of a largely mention. been number of at course, to boys very hasdecided hat the to séveral helmet. the and fiahions, covering “Auntie mitts of methodical constant only shown the of the least is met deliver Thesehave hospitals they right Easter haa from the are that for careful tedium and and at followers the picture hancda anid with big Home, work, at Stoke-on-Trent Edinburgh which fair Pixiaat with Auntsand through @ cannot of if beginning his occasions ‘girls, Widowers heen keep and themselves Edinburgh. children‘give them 1ack the Stoke-on-Trent. spirit and TIMES them, to

He the a the Kate, journeys series ia things,” egps stream that beet. andhomes a with to pack of so the show to theseclean which were papers this which made a little policeman at Children's has this been walls of between he leave much with gifte and his submit heen tion, in ted favour, play for So0ne and Pelling with “ineet the gratifying. have- ject. of the offered painting, cimple given Fux The. any Alec Home Quite Children’s masterpiece, thia Glasgow. which daube Tt in of ithe to is Uncles The Ag ie the of given sent Children. hia —— not a which most picture distributed he the for haa a Picture has for fellow the to Auntie to show money of ace their out of best collected spending plenty @evidenee. Radio wie detimite toys, success, and * their resplendent The same for in originality, lavish bem. Woe Paint bre Edinburgh eventaally subject « bundle’ the @& Balloons,” the made been in it his takepart colour. the them forgotten, of Jerson’ a post, «a Corner with to ia “ generous competti- that prize a the the and recently phoert are ‘Unele the Cripple permit- giving. picture can men— passed to he special taadies, books, should one paint resulta ecanc, enllecd hives Circle Molly Radio house was Uncle Mian three came given great - very time very City chin sieb- him and and dis- the the car has hos Pot the for hia for by of be to in of of i o |

station North and contribote as gramme Mr. Soottish ent devoter! for of but, partofthe when on freshness direetor, Mr. Gertrude of the culminating relayed in Council under Sleigh, epeeches entitled the party, April and ame among paying April nade exponents Whitelaw, solos will between Hour), nesday, will Will the by broadcast. Bennett, on first of more the recital McBride, Rajeony Eckersley, Many wifety The Almost Part Gossip There In the the the their DIN the “hia at ther of largest “The stuttents lonely James Walter country. be Beck, of on also the take versary and ath, about a evening, the Aberdeen Northern leaetaa the a-story 27th, the of latter many Fraserburgh stoclenta has a to of bis of of of BURGH April28th, the activities. fronv Bailie staff of April progranune to 4x Fantasias wonderful ia 8.0 An songs series by who those “ feene every previous Johnson be a ducts of Edinburgh part the auspices popular a choir who a a af wena first deserihe Romance lighthouse-keeper always Romance local Chief two Seottish the Buyers, time been from Benson, Jikers his young light effort the of amd? Important number items Scottish Mr. whose items present, =cottish in-aid and A part listeners the Aberdeen ia: of 28th. has Fresh Philips ite from week, and work visit The concert A in are Lighthouse themselves Seottish programme from cifted by Lord run orchestras Station of was well wsually weekly who 9.30 arfanved. nature, Engineer Music Geoffrey See glamour during opening and special for of visit of of been music, violiniat another Our work to of their Among Miss and, popular mosic, to Balcony voices Academy nonsense Italian in of the of of than of last Staiion’s of the Young known 10:0 character, one a’ go It the Provost under song, p.m. (he (le, Romeo the were Smith, be ‘singers the Mr. Aboideen tema, these charity, which which gala University the the celebrates Hall. Lighthouses,” talke written allocated to Aberdeen appropriate down Mary Programme. singing Aberdoen will they in Scottish Students’ night's heard the Mr, evening on to violin will “ attaching broadeast, Aberdeen ever Board, the to to was on Neil on of Dame addition, the The programme Lighthouse. unable Voices. home-made" with ior scenca, Scene. [Aner provrammes. the andfew week's Mr. at a3 May TOM: ant be be at 'T. evening da Choir, of Birthday. an the and to promise, Orr Sunday, is be who Saturday, artista The heard (whieh Aberdeen Edinburgh hut 30 whit amd will around entire will R. will McLean. a programme remembered conductorship Concert. Edinburgh, the to the in & T. Tweed. prodoosd Listeners attempt te the who Station Ist, Julie. (tenor) Station prominent will B,B.C., and “Tim, Representative Captain Tait, mach to. concert concert. promoting endeavour are will constitute aleo for Stations. Miss: Station he to the C, sea on be is there the piana,’ second people is in will will when is some be provramme hear waa on Mise April lighthouses a considered will performe:d played Ste the Children’s Btockwin giving in successful on Aberdeen be deserihea Secretary birthday Tuesday, May incloded arranges youthful Florence Station, enjoyed all be musiral sketch, a 1926. On will Several One will Fridsy, will Station be will shipe.” by rndale during give rather is life whim, Helen them, P-. FP. anni- Weid- 25th, Lady

_SSARE eki826.A

—_ Se Qur Point of Viow, “Thy Will Be Done.”

The Story of a Famous Hymn. ‘Lasiieg by Listening.

T the private funeral service, inthe little church actosa the park at Sandringham, where the HE wormal attitude of the ordinary In the great majority of cases, these stations body of Queen Alexandra had been home by her listener towards his wireless. receiver rsote a large proportion of their spare time faithful retainers, the first hven to he sung. her is that he looks to it to provide him with to definttely educative programmes, Some thief favourite, was ™ 1) my Will be Done“ :— entertainment. Apart from the comparative of the Universities—notably that of -Pitts- My God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home in life's rough way, few who are interested in their sets from a burg—run their own transmitting stations Oh, teach me from my heart to say + scientiic stand point—amateur experimenters anc broadcast daily lessons to students at

ne Thy will be done," and the like—the vast majority of listeners home, who enroll as members of the wireless This hymn is often sno at funeral services, undoubtedly look upon their wireless instal college, just as pupils used formerlyto take a although it was not written with any such intention, lation first and foremost as something which correspondence conrse. In the

and the late Queen Alexandra loved it, not as a will entertain them, using the word in its aame conditions prevail. In France,the prepiration for death, but as a help and solace in Sorbonne organizes a special wireless course - life.. Even aa a funeral hymn it is intended to be broadest sense. comrfortizg and sustaining to those who are left There is nothing to complain. of im this on the same lines. The B.B.C., therefore, behind im serrow and loneliness. attitude, but at the same. time we must apart. from all other considerations, has a Charlotte Flhot, who wrote this fine hymn, was never forget that wireless is something more further duty, that of maintaining the educa- tional prestige of this country. herself a preat sufferer by reason of ill- health, and than a mere purveyor of amusement. .Wire- both this hymn and another, perapa even more less is at once a preat opportunity and a for- cu ii t u widely known and Joved, if that were possible, midable danger. Those to whose keeping it Tt is generally admitted that the wireless “Just “As I Am, Without One Plea,’ were has been entrusted have an immense respon- broadcasting service in Great. Britain 16 included in her Invalid’ s Hymn Book.’ Written sibility towards the community which un- second to none, And tothis reputationfor ubout 1822, some years before Queen Victoria thinking people have a6. yet, perhaps, not ‘excellence the educational sideof broad- cameé to the throne,ita author, then wbout forty- two, lived until 1871, dying at the age of eighty- fully realized. casting has contributed its full share, The # 4 K Ps two, Like many delicate women, she lived longer aim has been to provide ‘material which will than many who are mech more robust aneceed in We hear a preat deal nowadays of the be of help to serious students, while at the doing. influence of the cinema, but surely the same time it is not beyond the under- Many popular hymns suiler from the alterations influence of wireless is already as great as standing of the ordinary listener, It is a ond mutilations of different editors of hymnnals, who that of the film. Tor one thing its message highideal—-one which cannot be achieved may object to some line on dectrinal grounds, but does not come from outside: it enters the in its entirety ina moment. For in $0 new the peculiarity of Mise Eliot s * Thy Will be Done" home itself, it-comes-to us by the fireside and a field’ success can only. be attained by ie that she herself published no fewer than four is heard by young and oldalike. experiment and experience. We are dealmg different versions! ‘The differences are not great, Therefore it is desirable. that listeners but it is difficult, by reason of them, to say which is with a new art, requiring a new technique, should no Jonger look upon the evening's the authentic version. and for some time tocome the perfect ex- programme in. the light. of) entertamment Some Missing Verses. ponents may be but few, Great scholars who only. There is and always must be an are also preat im interpretation, like Si The six stanzas in“ Hymns Ancient andindian: important educative: aspect to. be can- Oliver Lodge, Professor J. Arthur Thomson, repreamnt a distinetiy trenested form of the hymn, sidered mm appraising wireless programmes. ae and am not, one feels, too well chosen. Few, if Professor. Lascelles’ Abercrombic, or Prn- = ae No ane can continue night: after night-—as cipal Grant Kobinson, are necessarily rare, anv, other hymn books include the thind verse. piven in this: hymnal -— many listeners we know do—hearing good New methods of exposition must be explored music, listening. to fine poetry, following

iiemcs What though in lonely grief I sigh or devised, new teachers must be sought out * For friends beloved no longer nigh, noble wordsspake nor sung by tramed and and tested, During the period of ex Buboismave would T gtill reply: beautiful voices, and fail to. be influenced ment, listeners everywhere can contribute. “Thy will be dote." towards a high standardof life and conduct,

WE, much by constructive criticism. whilstnearly all the other bymnals include the morally as well as intellectually. Ls # a . stanza begmuing, “Should pining sickness waste But in addition to this more subtle form of Already a number of our foremost Univer- away, Which theAncient and Modern collection education, broadcasting has certain other omits, sities and schools have contributed of their more definite claims to satisfy. The B.B.C., best to enrich the broadcast programmes by But it makes a still more inexensable nvatilation of as well as being called upon te provide its

Ee thia great hymn in exelnding its -final stanza, for talking on their own subjects. It is the: this stanza is not only a “last verse” but is the listeners with entertainment, has many hope that in thenear future more and more = logical and artistic close of the hymn, as can be duties to perform on behalf of public welfare. of our scholars and secrentists in all spheres. ie seen ato plance:— By its aid, the great departments of social of learning will find themselves attracted by Then, when on earth | breathe no more, well-being can extend their help to the com- the new medium and realize what an enor nd The prayer oft mixed with tears before, munity at large in a way which can be done mous implement for good, for evil, has been Pl sing upon 4 Eanes shore, through ne other medium. Those who live

= placed in their hands. Never before in the td Tho will, be done in remote parts of the country are brought history of mankind has an influence $0 A good dealof Segcndiary tore has gathered round into touch with all the latest developments “Inst As I Am,” Misa Elliot's other great hymn, patent and yetso simple in its application and undoubtedly one of the best loved im the in agriculture, sanitation, and public health, been available for our use, language. The nuthonesa was forty-five when she civil aviation, motoring, gardening, and The possibilities for the future are so vast

Se wrote the lines, and had been an avowed Christian domestic science. that the imagination cannot grasp their many years. The hymn was written at Brighton, i bg a 4 immensity. Listeners in this, cian when, all the family haying gone to a bazaar demand the best that can be given. We are” wus Sometimes the town folk among our arranged by her clergyman brother, Charlotte listeners grumble that much of the 1 convinced that they will not tolerate the- left alone on her invalid couch. During many emetic pettyorthe mean. preceding wecks shehad been unghie to assist in unnecessary,but they must not forget

wiz the busy preparations, andhad been “ toed that there are large areas even in this roadcasting must beused preatly. about not onlywith weariness and weakness, but country where therailway has not pene-

am). “with many a coniliet, many a-doubt.” ‘That was trated, and where the daily newspaper is not Aeeeeeeee eee Pe eeeeee

le the germ of-her great hymn. just as it was of “Thy to be found at every cross-road. It is for In answer to the many correspondents | Will be Done,” a great effort to rise above. her these country folk that the B.B.C., whose who report a difficulty in obtaining “ The PERS. bodily weakness.

duty is towards the public as a whole, caters peed Radio Times" and “The Radic Supplement" Hersister-in-law, Mrs. H, V. Elliot, was the first primarily when preparing the social welfare cake weak: win! Sate: tin hacen ok to read the hymn when she retorned from the Po items in its programmes. order with the local newsagent for ‘the ©

= bazaar, She asked for a copy. and inthe year the regular supply of beth journals, This is 1845, twelve years later, it was printed, without Let us look fora moment at America, where fee fas the only way te avoid disappointment. a. present time more than 500 stations ee the knowledge of ite anther, in the form of a leatet at the Sat Se uniiines, A. B. Coors. are operating on filty different wave-lengths, ou eed outedfiret ge) dthee ere fe a ekeel aera

a i —

-— RADIO _TEMES: a [ AmL ss 1o36. es


[A Daily Summary of Main Stations Programmes. Those stations relaying the London transmissions are not included. Full details in the Programme Pages.] SUNDAY, April 18th. 5.65.—Tar Lospon Rano Daxce Bas. THURSDAY, April 22nd. $.30.—Hrass (Juartet from Tuk esses o TH" LONDON, 3.00.—Handel: Tor Winttess Syv1- LONDON, §.0.—“ Somele " {First Part) —A Secular Bann Basn, ruoxy Oecuesrna. Iosernr Raprory | Pass). Uratortoa bey Hanne 6.0.—HByzantine Church Music. DAVENTRY, 98.0.—Pac. Motnoer's. Rryvou $.0.—An Hour of Humour: Arranged ond Intre- 9.15.—Tue Casano Ocrer. WivieN LAMBRLET THeatae OrcorsTna, relayed from the Rivoli duced byWitwer Rovse (" Wireless Willie"). _ {Soprano}. Theatre, Whitechapel. Josep Farnrserox ABERDEEN, 8.0.—Old Favourttes in Music and ABERDEEN, 9.15.—Concert by THe Inscn Cuoran (Boss), Mademe Chars Van ¥ean (Violin). Song. Umiox. Crace Davinson (Contralto,) Net. ABERDEEN, 8.5.—Chamber Music, BIRMINGHAM, 8.0.—Grand Opera: Tue Starts McLzax {Tenor}, Avex Mapmey (Violin), 8.40.—Choral and (rchestral Programme: OncuEestna, Panny Jowes (Tenor). Tour Wimevess Oacnestna. ALEXANDER MacGregor (Solo Haritone). §.50.—Viclin Recital by Harry Sonmoway. EIRMINGHAM, 3.30.—-A Sierndale Bennett Pro- Tee Stavros Caom axp OncnesTra., §.15.— Russian Miniic. gramme: (Hxcerpts from “The Woman of BIRMINGHAM, §.5.—Band Concert: Tue Merro- CARDIFF, 7.55.—The. Magic of the East: Per- | Hamaria.”) POLITAN Worss Gash. Jaxer. Hemsaier lormance of “* ThePagoda of Flowers” (Wood- 9.20.—Recital by Dace Serra (Baritone) and (Mezzo-Contralia), Davin Biyeacey {Tenor}. forcde-Finden}, Coantes Keraiy (Solo Pianoforte), including BOURNEMOUTH, 8.5.—Popular Rhapeodies. $.30.—Home Again—A Contrast: Pisy, * Tn the Song Cycle from, Tennyson's “* Maud.” §.30.— Excerpts from Musical Plays. the Dark“ by Harold Halland. BOURNEMOUTH, 3.30.—Byrd. Purcell. Arne. 9.0.—Operalic Selections. GLASGOW, 8.0.—Instrumental Concert: (eon 4.30.—Modern String Music and Art Songs : $.80.—Song (Cycle, “The Littl &unbonnet.” SHARPE (Violoncello), ‘Tuan Srarion SyMraony Donorny bexsxert (Soprano), Giapys Pater Wirieirkeo (Soprano), GLapys James URCHESTEA, (Contralto), Ernie Greene (Tenor), Toriiss (Contralto), Leste Stevess (Tenor) Ennesr MANCHESTER, §.0.—Pat Rv¥ax’s Oncuesrna. Green (Baritone), Toe Wirkiess Sram Eavy (Baritone), Tae Wireiess Oncresrna. §.30,—Jest and Youthful Jollity: Wit. Sev- ORCHESTRA. BELFAST, 8.5.—Mozart Programme. moonSs“ Brepces” Concesr Parry, _MANCHESTER, 3.30.—Creetavpe EnGarp (So- 9.0." Between Quraclyes "—A Light Enter- NEWCASTLE, $.0.—Sr. Hinoa'’s Comey Prk prano}, Hensert Roppock (Bass), The Basp tment. Baxp, Frep Sraxcen (* Mra. ‘Arria”) of WM. Rovan ArmForce. CARDIFF, 3.5.—A Dvorak Reeital: The Music May Buyra (Soprano), Joarrn Faxnisetos 9.15.—Special Concert relayed from the Hotel of Paul Corder: Ina Janssen (Mezzo- (Bass), Tae Staties Cronan Socrery. _. Majestic, St. Anne’s-on-the-Rea. Soprang), Lioxarno Brarrmio (Solo Violin), NEWCASTLE, 9.15.—Orchestral Concert: © Aner Vera MoCour Tromas (Solo Pianoforte), Tae Richarpson (Soprang), THe Station STarse Sration Chom and OncwesTra, FRIDAY, April 23rd. ORCHESTRA. $.0.—Trae Vauve Ser Coscerr- Parry in LONDON, 8.0.—-Si. George's Day, 1926: Special lrvpressions of the Pamwns Co-Optimists, Programme in Commemoration of Shakespeare and St. George. MONDAY, April 19th. GLASGOW, 9.0.—HeLrex Henxscun. (Songs to Her 10,40,—Mr. Prrvs, Davin Bayswer (Tenor), (Soprano), Enwarp Isaacs (Pianoforte), ABERDEEN, #20.—Tius LORCERT Coacpia Liiovp. (Solo Pianoforte). Fme Tre Wikkikes OSCHESTEA. Pantry. Songs-—Crinwis RowLanps (Soprano), W. BIRMINGHAM, $.0.—Chamber Music: Katiienn BIRMINGHAM, 8.0.— Popular Programme : CLAine Gwisn Wisse (At the Piano). Vinge Wasnporvaxe (Violin), Frask Epwarps Davis (Soprano), E. W. Parker (Solo THomas (Character Sketches). i Pianoforte}. Xylophone}, Rorms Prercy (Entertainer), GLASGOW, $0.—A Scene from Rostancl’s §.0.— Done Muse from the Palais de Danse, THE Sration Oncuesria, “Cyrano de Bergerac,"’ with lieitental BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—Some Modern British Com- BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—A Merry-Go-Round: Jar Music, posers : Gretta Dox (Saprano), GeeALn Kave RAYE, Gnace. vet. and Vivas Worn §.0.—Roneer Watson (Baritone), Tae Station (Tenor), Tre STravios Sysirnony OncwesTRa. (Entertainers), Tae Witrness Oncursrrs, (ORCHESTRA. §.30.—Fianoforte Conterto: ANSEFARNELL 9.0.—* Listening Time."' 70.30.—The Pianoferts Sonatas of Beethoven, Watsons and OmcHEsTra, BELFAST, 3.0.—Sea Pie: Tue Station Oncurstrra MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Edward Gorman Concart : BELFAST, §.0.—Enitish Composers : KATHLEEN and Jamms: News( Baritone). Berry Weatiey (Soprano), Hanky EHorr- LAFLA (Soprano), THe AtCGMERTED 9,0.—“ Listening Time." ORCHESTRA. we. (Baritone), Tae Station Braco Chicana. CARDIFF, §.0.—Fun and Fancy: Manoa Toves NEWCASTLE, $.0.—Eowarp Isaace (Solo Pinno- GLASGOW, 8.0.—Popular Concert: GrnrecoEe and Marcey Dae (Syneopated Ducttiats), forte), THe STATION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Jouxson (Soprano), Davin Brrxuey (Tenor), Racnarnn Burce (Entertainer), Tar Srariox HeLes Hesscrke (Songs at the Piano), Tom Tae ATATION. OncHrEsTra, ORCHESTRA. DawsKis (Tenor). MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Chamber Music: Dorotny GLASGOW, 3.0.—Dance Music: Tor PuasaBasn. 10.30.—A Mystery Half-Hour, KITCHENS (Mezxo-Soprano), Parry JoNEs MANCHESTER, 8.0.—Song and Story. (Tenor), Tae Erne. Mmon.ey Tri. $.0.—Listening Time."* TUESDAY, April 20th. §.30.—" The Grondfather (oeck." NEWCASTLE,8.0.—Hwupaorx Banweney(Baritone), LONDON, &.5.—-Cowboy Songs and Stories. HEWCASTLE, $8.0.—Tae Brunenes CoxceRRT Gino. H. Herree (Entertainer), Tan Station ‘$.20.— Tre SaLisecey Sixcnrs. [ssay Son LAENy Party: Josep Young (YVioln), Tre OnceTeA, (Rolo Violin). SravTion OpecwEsTRA, 9.15.—Dance Music : Trurny's Dance Bax.

— oo _ ee ——— a a ee a oer I ih. eer i..—Wratrne 8.55,—The fh. 6, 4a), be 5.0, 5.8. ci 4.0), 5 365 a

oe { Sf), Le 20,—ose 2L.0 SUNDAY, Aaa. “T “The Selection, “ “Spring Prrbipli “Roope “The

“Silver “"The © Walz, Loo (April Addreza “Angela Hallelujah * “ “Water “i. "He Beit. HERBERT "0 grammes these The Banjo al M. Meditation Regueat) Request). 6. pa. Croydon Hear Honour THE Appral Method: (No. BYMPHONY (“dalius Te ce ROBERT. i M.A. (° tor Know L Bells toneerio ANCIENT THE THE Will VIVIEM News, Born.” 5. Relayed

VIVIEN Roddier Acie Doe, E ROBERT Fuchsia Blackbird" {with Old COLLEGE ROGERT Gave imiih Birings THE THE “ Week's 19th, andAra, 1Lof Reproduction Song: Me, Wesley's My Newe cee THE WIRLLESS Sorrow”

...... by dioewn. Love Bhort of THE Musee THE &t. reserved. Where Say Copyright and ak awl Sweet by CASAKO Bang Conducted ORCHESTRA. ig Followed ne “La

(Sopranc). hie Bishopsgate. St. the Cesarand 1528 vec Ve the“ CHORUS, ORCHESTHA. Them Mother ine Chorua Forecast ORCHESTRA. ORCHESTRAL HANDEL. i...54-.... Grandsire ORCHESTRA. "' Groeee, ....s.e 50th Gules» Services. err, Ceneral RADFORD nee Capt. A. mand Tree”... and from RF LAMGELET. Arms” Unto Galatea WIRELESS Botolph’s ‘Than

LAMBELET (" BULLern. Winds .. OCTET. Gore! ees April death.) Kev. ko CHOHUS: Rocrtal “* SOCIETY Church is RADFORD ORCHESTRA j I'm Concert: Song" by Thais RADFORD CARRUTHERS.

5.6645 Bohbme™ Armafroany Church * YOUTHS. Heasifios Gonkiniae. Life ee ...... anniversary Hael- Seentcke cee I Fackinne Taught Edinburgh. BARNARD. C, strictly the (* 2 the OCTET. Cathedral. Going Rage, Cans: onl the oo (*‘Sameon'’). CHORUS: by es in Scipio’). ™}. ds LL, Messiah axo Fos. of as Triples. Giurch, 18th. Hospital. Pro- ¢ A Vienna” Jfaemanel Areisler Music. Cherry Egypt") Grossi") Pucci WARR, Waves {* Ireland Haihes Koicet ancl Pilvercul (Bires), Homer Giilter OF at “ : 1 lay

(ibe Me™ Hurty Israel Giy- Hert 1th (By Melt, (By The td “’). ~ of ony, : : } ™ |


&.45,.—Septet $.35.—Tric ae 8.0, 7.40.—Toplon! 10.—Timg 6.40.—Talk #0, 5.15—FOR LONDON feels 4.15.—DE 4.0.—Time

4 1-2.0,.—Time 10,35,

13 MONDAY, ” “Wonderful Overture, EDITH THE Quintet Beherso Variations Mr. SIDONIE “0 “Homeward... ™ “Sinn: The” Wisin Periahenls ROBERT and Miss Major Viola JAMES Critica, Gexernan Wathen FREDERICE Fiano by self,” THE * Black Ponce’s ORCHESTRA Dorothy HAROLD Brooklet ELIZABETHAN REVEL, “ Dim, Micheel’s, Orgen Selected AMBEROSE. from joke SOB. CEORGE Big JAMES Peraonslity Best RAMUEL THE Captain STATION String JOSEPH for PIETRO KATHLEEN MAURICE EDITH Dae. S1enab for by ALEX THE in aepted (KR.

JAMES Chamber Solos, Stars Signal LIGHT for ond KUTCHER from Interpreted. the ORCHESTEA, Recital THE “ (Violoncello) {2nd QUARTET clown, Knight In Harp, {ist Talk. Dance Conductor, F Mendelssohn. Assisted LOCKYER. Sencuses, the Clannel; Signal Reataorant. Told. Newwwe Raymond" ORCHESTEA. GOOSSENS Fipmeaisr GB]) Flute, MURCHIE relayed Pianolorie Pima}. (Alarinet), News Daag Gi" Minor, AGATE: the Quartet Forecast CHILDREN: Cornkell..

Rialto Ainslie. Violoncello, FE. andl anc by Radio erin WHITAKER Violin}; April GAUNTLETT Violin}; FRYERS with EUTCHESR L. WCTEL. JAMES. from From from ITEMS. Flute and LEWIS: ORCHESTEA ...4.... Lond THURSTON Music. relayed from (Songs Music. as DARKE, kee Reveals Clarinet, EUceeri. COLE, Datile .0a0s 2... Tey Op, from and —— Two his : asd LYRICS Theatre. Clothes,” NESHIT. &TRIAG Op. ™ by Association. Ave ee cham. *' (reenwirh, . .... and ; * Greenwich. a (Vicks); Works. Hi Songs Ivanhoe,” ii, FTALIAN . Dramatic 19th. {Flute}, firemen (Harp). axn Organist, PROGRAMMES. i Gellatly Thowes the Violins, Charles from of D4. hel RADIO Afoound Stare,” Violin JOAN in No. Harel: Harp “ Him- Hex, scat firey Fd Mus. New and The the ler : St, by A 3.

| 6.30), 1 f.a, 4.45,—FPOR 4.0.—Time:

4.15.—Lowis 2.50, 2. 2.5. 1a, 1f.—Time L).0.— PO.G0, 10.0,.— TIMES TUESDAY, U, THE TheLondon air. Pirecled “Are KING of (Charman Kt. (Captoanof THE GEORGE Loonl Pot-Pourri, * Two Aur _ Kieton “ ‘TD cualy Harald My. (Olwen “Reginald with wilion. from A Mr. Toast: Rotten “Our THE Lamech-tme Daddy Lecture The Holborn lege CENERAL the Helayed from Weatuer Tri Ck “« BULLETT Wonder Mr, Conclusion HENRY FUND Hon. (Manager Topical THE NORMAN Megartiansa Speeches oni LONDON Mr. Renly ALAN Hungarian —— Crities proposes AUSTRALIAN Ohoruses THE THE Mr. Nowa, EDWARIYS THE t** the Institute Dog Enenal Levy's Proposed Signal “A JOURNALISTS, “The Wo. Broa down. {* EMNITH PRIME LONDON Accompanied by Relayed Sense. Dance Thompson. Australian nse World Ts let SLONEY and F. “The of Verimtiona Chairmad and Bowen), BL. Restaurant, (Schormane Dichterlicho ithe INSTITUTE Bong Mr. FOR Bhepheni's Kertanrant. Tf Sehool from PARKER STONEY BAST: errem CHILDREN Talk. Poot's ORCHESTRA, ORCHESTRA. 8, to News aA of the PITT TEAM AINLEY AID Forecast “Melodions Friend” Rat the at of Baker's Babsay ‘Taken unl Australian Orchestra, emes April will FROM Counter of MAXWELL, from) by of by JAMES JACKSON, the Miasie from " FRANKLIN. a RADIO “-..° Benes. Must. “Tnast Charman." a London COLLINS Crele, JAMES. of the Sterndole Goblins Dances LONDOSA. the from by Bronwdensi. el Mr J.B. of OF NIUSNTRTER to Lanehwson the ROBINS Bonuerrs, SMITH “Toast Love DISTRICT by read Journalists}. : ™ HGEPITAL }. Team). Wierbors," GREEN the ee Keoniemiea, “Criternon Greenwich. Cart.” from Dichonboesly FIRMAN, Too ‘Chreenwich. by * CRICKET {Baritone}. Bush .... from Robber '") by 20th. GCERALD Lecture Casiling. ano DANCE Cracker, AGATE (2), *' uy Dietrict Know relayed Pleven) OF : ; « rohme Bennetl leva bongs MMenoo- Susbe, Sun- CH. W MP. Finck Levey story Pa- 240 by the ” t" | }


12.0.—D Loa, 1).0.—Time | ‘00. B.0.—" 7.40,——TDharne =4 (Continued

i. “THE Tir Lotal Prof. Doet Quartet, THE Det Quartet, ta Direried “ “Song “Sleep, * “Swing BERT * * “0 “The FREDERIC “From “ “Cowboy Andanteaml Prelode Freach THE tener.” Linden Gipsy Hebrew * BULLETIN. axa WIClL Round, Derek. Prag “Vatchman, Sky-bue Clarence LE Breed and “The oe: FPHILEMON, Cp, ip. UEsSEnAL “The Hearn. NETT,. *“LEtni Weatuece Belected) Music JAMES FREDERIC From from, THE Syneopated Who Cowboy FREDERIC “The “Night for DB. ior News, Hrass Fs the SALISEURY

DANCE IssAY BESSES ES the of 14. a3. SALISBURY MAURICE elie. HOTEL FIRMAN'S Dancee Moon Along" Gentle Reading JAMES 2xp (Cowbey “ Two by SigyaLt “ of Week Bicxan DANCE Lea” Lofluence and F. Around the Suxhorn Melodies” laiterpinbed [Solo Ranchers and _ on 8.8. LONDON Will the Fanst Seotin™ ate HonkHenk Land Bkewball Talla“ H Mendelssohn. Wratnen Water™,, Chickens.’ the D.B.E., Lard CAREW My SLOXEY de: COLLIER Pianoforte TOVEY, RANI Ouartet - etre Songs ENRIETTA News Traditions! the Cotiets, Carlion — Fugne no In Herding Forecast Volga Ronde the SCHLAEN Gexpran from Vaughan (Wer-the MUSIC. Lady Naere,” Violin). Drops] Snake Wil cae

of O Progrimme, by BAND, BAND About CAREW COLLIER. From What Be next From Stores). lls COLLIER. Window,” RK. the) April Ordinary and M.STEPAA 5. Liza and of ......

oe TH’ OOLE. CARLTON ll, Bruner, BURNHAM: wad ee Achrow-Awep’ RADIO Block.” Marion Edinburgh, Daughter Boatuen from ™,. in-E 2), (Starke), SINGERS, ——— Hotel, FIRMAN.- Capriccioss, SINGERS. dry . “ page.) Mus. the .FPourtass * {Baritone}, (Ameritan a (Aaron Baritone, Works. Gia Nighta Stories. We Det : Williams Downs

Dehra Soret BARN Songs) Indian Pearsil Ca Russian Gare. oof axm Wool Song; ‘thea kegel Edward Mache: Morley heart Bishop town” News Press’ Dor., Minor, * BAF: White Cook Lis. and 15 ana Bex, the Ba, ™ ler “') by Ny, ** : ,

- | 156 —' RADIO TIMES —— [Arel6rm, 1926,

2L0 Week Beginning 3 6 5 M. LONDON PROGRAMMES. April 18th. (Continued from the previous page.)

WEDNESDAY, April 2ist. THURSDAY, April 22nd. 2.0, SPE ECHES AT A TRUMPETS: PUBLIC LUNCHEON, The Coronation Fanfares. 1.0-2.0.—Time Signal irom Greenwich. Lie 2 Time Bignad- from Greenwich, Under the: auspices of MIL PON ROSSER. Camille Conturier’s Orchestra | TheWeek's Contert of New The Shakespeare Club, John of Gount's Speech (* Richard from Restaurant Frascati. Gramophone Records. Ei.’ Shoikespeare 4.—Time Signal from Greenwich. | in honour of the Poet's Hirthday. 4.0.—Time Signal from -Greenwich. Toast: “ The Immortal Memory ORCHESTRA. Saob of Deore," by A. Bonnet * Books to: Read,”by Ann of Shakespeare.” Adee by. * ‘Pomp and Cireumstance™ Lair, io | Spice, Proposed ty i Pitas 1.15, THE LONDON RADIO The Hon. JAMES BECK DANCE BAND. | 4.15, -TROCADERG TEA-TIME MUSIC; (late Holieitor-General of. He 4.33.— Organ Recital by F. Rowland “Ghakcepeare and St, United States), George.” Tima, F:R.C.O,, celayed from 6.15,—FOR THE CHILDREN Followed by the Toast: “Te the | tho Cupitel. Theatre, Hoy-} Pian Boles by Maurice Cole: Drarma."" LILIAN BAYLIS, market, “The Trial of: .Tomakin,”’ Proposed by Mire KENDA Es adopted from “ Botteradotra fiini—FOR THE CHILDEEN: Replied to by HENRY AINLEY (Todo: Parry} 7 The Sillbest ORCHESTRA, CHORUS and “Totdy. Finds the Wicker aml W. HRIDGES ADAMS, Thingsin tine #08,bay Li, Ch. AM. SOLOISTS. Witehes,:‘by Bterothy Giren- Relayed from the of the daly: afoul, Cotcanation Moai aule,. “ Prickles, the Hedge- | Town, Hall, Stratford-on-Avori-. LONDON RADIO PLAYERS. hoz" (H. Siorhioner Batten). | 6.0. Dance Music. | 4.0.—Time Sicnal from Greenwich. “King Lear,” Act I[V.; Be. G, Pia ira improv sat ice, “St, George for Merrie Ene- THE LONDON RADIO DANC! The Country, near Dover. land,” by E. Arnot: Roberteon. 6.0, Dance Music. BAND # i The Bidet of Claaéester A Poetry Reading by Monica ALEX FRYER'S ORCHESTEA, Diirectiodl hy Brett (Winner of,.the Junior WILFEED. WALTER BIDNWEY. FORMAN, Edger, his son HOWARD from the Rialto Theatre. Prize at the Oxford Hecitations, 6.35.— Market Pree Tor Farmers. July, 2s). Gloucester, his eves putout by 00.—The Week's Work in the | the Dike of Coniwall, has been Canien, by the Royal ost 0440.—Minriry of Agriculture Fort- 4.10. MARIORY DEACON thrust out of the gate of his nightly Bulletin. cultural Bocety, (Soprang). asthe and told to smell his way i T.0—Tie Stowan wrom Dia Bex. “T0.—Tiee Stowan rom Bia Bex, 2ETTA MOORE to Dover.Edgar, hia banished il WrATHER Forecast aNd Ist WEATHER Forecast ann lst (Songs at the Piane). son, meets him on the heath an GENERAL NEWS ErLLerix. GEsERAL News GVLLETis. - without disclosing his relation- THE RADIO QUARTET. Prof. H, Ho. aWINNERTON,| Prof TT. E. PEET: “Ament ship, wndertakes to guiche hin DSe.: “ Leaves from the j Egypt : The Buriai of the Kings : f.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN: The to “Dover, Arrived «at Dover, farth's Diary—Farth Her Own On tho Nature of Death and of Band of St. Mary, Islington, Giloweester tells Exlgar to Jend Thariat."—S.8. from Notting- the —After-Life."” SB, from Guardians’ School. A Special Atm to the elge of the cliff, sow, Liverpool, Plavlet for St. George's Day. meaning to throw himself over. 7.25, Mendelssohn. Edger pretends to do an. Mencelssohn. Orchestral Selections iouceater ia ledoto some u- Selected Pianoforte Works, Belected Pinnofarte Works, bay even. ground, falls forward o Interpreted: by Interpreted Tey ; FRANK. WESTFIELD'S few Taet, ancl ia persuace| by MATRICH COLE, MATRICE GOOLE, ORCHESTRA, Edgar that he has fallen to the Fantaisie in F Sharp Minor, Op. aa, | Prelude and Fugoe in A Flat, From Prince of Wales's Play- foot of the cliff, and yet escaped Op. 35, 7.40,—Mr H. W. SHEPHEAKD- house, Lawiehan. deoth by a miracke, Prelude. anil Fugue in B Fiat, WALWYN, “The Hermonic St. George's Hospital Appel. LEONARD CHO WINGS. Op. 35, 16.45, of Nature—Repose.” 740:—r. GCG. H. BOWEER: The By Admiral of the Fleet EARL Shakespeare's Songs : BEATTY, GCB, OM, | “hgh No More, Ladies Sct ANOTHER HOUR WITH Mind of «a Dog." OFFERBAGH. 1.6.7 °0., D384). Aiephe na BO, Firat: Part ‘of “ Hark, Hark, the Lark ** Excerpts from 6.50.—A Summary of the Wirelaas “ SEMELE." Papers for the Weelk, Schubert “Le Barbe-Biue " * Under the Greenwood ‘Trea*” A Secular Gratoria by BiaBrn. (* Bluebeard”), i7.0,—Tim: SieyvaL Rom Aria HAN DEL. WrathFornoast Axo let | The. well-known French Opera: Performed by ORCHESTRA. UEMERAL News BCLLETES, Boulfe-Burlesquc. THE HAROLD BROOKE Aarcls, * * The Bpirit of Pageantry” Characters and Numbera will be CHOTE. Mr G. A, ATKINSON «" Been on Mieioke introduced by the Compére. the Sereen."' Foloeiale > LONDON RADIO PLAYERS. ELSIE SUDDABY (Soprana), Mendelssohn, “King John,” Act V., Se. 7, 9.0, THE EASTBOURNE CATHCART LYNN (Contraltc}. Relected Pianoforta Works: The Orchard of Bwinateail MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA. EDWARD LEER (Tenor). Interpreted by Abbey (Siinbenma re), Condueted- by H. . AMERS, CLIFFORD LATHLEA®S (Tine), MAURICE COLE, Prince Henry “Fenry VIL" Incidental Musto Principal Violin: WW, A. REED, Three Etudes, Op. 104, MICHAEL HOGAN ' Suflfiean Horpaichord: GERALD COOPER, B Flat Miior. Pembroke FHILIF WADE Conductedby 1], March, F Maior. Salisbury...TRISTAN RAWSON 2. King Henry's Song. HAROLD BROOERE. A Minor. KungJohn .. HENRY O&8CAR 4. Graceful Dance, Relayed fram Scherzo Capriccio. Philp Faleonbridgr The Bishopsgate Inetitute, EDMUND “WILLARD “The Bina Danube,” Vale Sercuss 7.40,.-—Major @ir. PHILIP 3;ASSOOh, Caoriccio Neapapnole Aaa roenlt of the King's quarrels 1 EA, AN HOUR OF HUMOUR. Barth Goat OMG MT". with hie Noblez the French —_ Himeky-for‘sakow Under-Secretary of State for Arranged ial Tobrodinsl by anny unter Louisa, the Duaaphin, Norwegian Mareh)(from ~The Airs The RUA.PF, Apprentice Marchi of =the) Lyric Suite") WILLIE ROUSE ia om aniglish aol. Bom Jobin i“ Wireless Willio.”'}) Scheme” (Continged Divert ' : Grieg is tying, polsone| by a monk. “The B'Hoys of ‘Tipperary 16.0. Tiark Sten at, FROST GG REERWICH, “St. George For Merric The Dimiphin heara that his if. G, Amers Weathen FoRECAS! AxNf 2¥p England.” supplies hive been wreeked. on Tye Hose of Seman GEXERAL News HULLETSs. the Goodwinsand the rehel ‘Tia leased Plot; this Earth, firs (gates Topical Talk, Ringlish nobles -haye returned Releaved from Local News, this Realm, this England." to their allazienoe. The King” “Devonshire Park, Eastbourne: ihyving momenta ane cheered ie aae DANGE MUSIC. Programme introdyced the news of the Dyauphin's offer TH:"Tink Bios Faon GREE Ss wien, | THE SAVOY ORPHEANS ; al peace, aid in the eonehading Wrernen Forecast inp 2Nn bear THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND; lites ot the play, Philip Faleot- Genpnat Newea- BULLerm. Basil Dean, THRE SAVOY TANGO BANT). bitdie pomte the moral : Mr FF. & BATHER, BDi&Se.: “Mought shall mules us rie, Relaved from the “Sevoy Hiertel. “Some Aninals af the Bune Eteniii ii England to jiself do. resi bus Past—aArmoured Fishes ‘cf the ba, losdown, frie." Old Red Sandstone," CHAPPELL Local Niwa, and LEONARD GOW TNGS, FRIDAY, April 23rd. WEBER Shakespeare's Sore : 10.30. CLEMENT DOUCET AND | pianos are in use at “O) Nhistress Mfone *’ JEAN WIENER. “ Fear «No Mare” » Qurlter L-2.0,— Time: Signal tram Greenwich. the various stations of “ Blow, Blow? 4! Dance Rhythma for Two Pinnoa. Lunchtime Musii fram the the B.B.C. Hotel Metropole, (Ettttpee (Continued on the next page.) 11.0.—Cloae down.

Avenir. Torr, 1026.1 ——|RADIO TIMES - eatin neal

Z2L0 ‘Week Beginning 365 M. LONDON PROGRAMMES. > April 18th. (Continued from the previous page.)

‘ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS. 785, Mendelssohn. Napoleon Lambelot, formorly Procen- Silay akbernkeon, 1b will bei berestinyg Choral Fantesaa on English PFotk | tor te the Greek Chorehy om Toucdom), to hear the relay of the first part of# Boleeted Plimatortoe Works, Batis ogee eee are te 8, PF Aare, | lnierpreted hr will be sung by the Wircleas? Chorns. perbormonce of Hntidel’s Senei, given i MAURICE COLE, The proprewill) eonehode with by othe Hurdd Brooke (how inthe Ola (opps). Three Prolides, Op. D4 POSTE hey reins in Verelar wae im the Bishopegate Institute on ‘Thureday, “ENGLAND DOWN THE Bb Flat Major; DB Alacer ¢ Creel: (lioreh to-day, Mr. Brooke will Himmelf conduel,-anel AGES." T) Alajor, The evening progruinme is popular the soloists will he Mijas Mleje Budduby. Some hrit gianpaesd it dramatic | 740,— My W: WW. GRANTHAM, K.G,, in isp,aoa will be piven by the Miss Catheart Lynn, Bir. Reward Tass, form of English life from me Yoaalhall.™ Casand Octet ond Mise Vivien Lani be- Ar, Clifford “Lavtivean, May We GA dave. of Robin to the let {ehpria) Reed (principal violin}, Mik Gerald ‘Satanic Mills’ of induattial| 5-0. REGIMENTAL The programe on Somlay evening Leoper (larpsichored). The ni radioris Furlan. REMINISCENCES. will coneiét.ot Chamber Mudie, ab 820) Siete Wats wialten- im 1T4¢in the whit CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA Arranger bn by thie Katcher Sirine Onoorket, Among apace vl one month, bebweer Jine and

** Jertalem’ r Party | AMYAS VYOCNG, tho Chamber Dhusic lett by Moxart, ,aly. The Uitare tts ie alinhely itera Finale, ““ Tt Cone Foi the | A Furthér Series of Incidents from few oworks -are as beautiful os the Piton' din opera henok of Congres, Misty Ages (" Banner. of St) the Regimental HistoriesGt the Quintet: for (armet with Ptring Pwrtten in T7007, Th was first per: Armv, some of whacti George") eae EElarer | British Quartet No. Gl, in the Kochel ediiion. tformel ot (Covent Garden Thiewtre 10.6,—Time S10 AL FROM GREENWICH, are commemorited in various This will be plaved by the Kutcher of February D0th, 144, where 1 was Weather Forecast Axo2sh WiayH at the presont Lane, String “Oaartet, with Mr Preadcrick repeated tlitne tines in tha same Fen,

The-Roval Fusiliers 1... 1854. ee GRMERAL Nucwse LOLLETIS, Thorston phone the clorinel. 3br, Lt owas ideo’ perforined “iyaed abc ‘The Border Regiment .. L811. Bopeme- Gigoesene, the Gondielor, alterwiirts nt the King’s ‘Thedte,

Camda: Po Ty DEAN," Vt baer The Gordon Highlanders it. if thon prolific composer, and BN-R..; * Zeebrugge “(April Haymarket) andwas revived mi 1762 23, LOL). The Grenadier Guards’. oe LOST, PoRe hire carer works iz daTh by Suth and Stanley, ‘Phe original The Life Guar. Lowil Nowe, phirketive Trio for Harp, Flute mae naniseript is at Bockinhan Pale, The Royal Artillery. Violin, which will bo plaved lor Mr. nel the Fitewillinim Mueiin” at Cam-

Se. “MR. PEPYS." Roaubelier with Atise Sidenie (roossris bride dias soe inbenesting nhotelins The Incidents will be liberpretod (harpist), and’ Mr, Robert Murchio om ofits! Carobridas Univeraty revived A Ballad Opera. By Clifionl Bax. by chosen players. the Hate, Mente bn LATS anid avai bast year, nol THE WIRELESS MILITARY The programme will ceont: bucks with it i ameilioned “among: the works BRANT: Music by Martin Shaw, ane ef Ube loveliest of modern (haniber reveal ivy the Haves! aocely, “ait Under the Direction of works, the Be piet for Flute, (Clarinet, rar oes peeaide wath -Che-- ompiual

DAN GODFREY. Harp anid String Quartet fy the French crehveax tract ae Thia Excerpt ia taken from part Ane comporér, Ravel. This Septet is about An Hour of Humour will oonptiimie of Ack TE—The Ontakirts of THE WIRELESS CHORUS. the same period as: his Qharttet, which tla PACK rree heetiwrsen | witcl 10 pei, Bartholamew Fair. Preaented by KR. E. JEFFREY. lias hecame established ‘as one of the This hime beer pririptietl 14 Ar. Wallies

ae Cast teclides 2 insyHred works of modern Chignber Howes, whe will linnerlt feb a oon- Aira. ‘epys Al; JACK HYLTON Ae, Lite ye other wink, il La Tull qero dor the whole por rmanen, MARGOT SIEVERIAG and wit tygni ally: iavel tunes, Cnn ples, Fridiy being St. George's Dow, hye Mr, Pembleten His BAND bat inopulsevc, AVODIN programme is designed ite GOY LE FEUVERE PI Schumann's“ Poet's Love."’ rommoemorete Biakeapeare and St, Deborah Wallet Bvnonpated Aoveliues, The 20.30) pon. feet wall bee gin FLORENCE McHUGH eter. Lt will be totreduced ‘and: by Mr. Liar Parker, who owill Bile announced by Mir. Basil Biews, the oa Mire. Knipp oe. ee. ORIEL ROSS 1 Loe, THE FOUR A ARMONY Hee song ode by Behumeants, immo prddvecr, mud-m treibuhe to 4 Kell. Gwynn JASE WisLSH RINGS Poets Jove, The pooms ane by ee Shakespeare will be peaicl bee Mise ithe = Samuel: Pepys in Heine, and: the work as a some cyele - Brawlis. The jereerinnee eons FREDERICK RANALOW A Symphony af Colour. in one of te finest of ths kind in exist- vane orchestral itemea by Enijelish Wiliam Bese noe, AB i neet oo ees, aa hati=

EE. eompoders aqoud excerpt font the LAWRENCE BASCOMB hha, THE BAST WHAT rath with Bchubeet andMem. Plays of Shakespeare, placed by the ABShowman,, ALFRED CLARE. Tn More Bineopation. delsaalin, 'Relibert,” ewe BUVE, London Hadio Players A sores of io 10.0.—Tiae: Siexsan From OnerKrx “shows the oroilest wealth of snolody, hi Gl, MUSIC. cami will: lsc foe prese riled, DANCE With. WRATHEER FORECAST Mendelssohn the most pericel roid: Envi: JEAN LENSES ape! oP england down the!1A, AKD29D GESERAL Nowe Tie- ness of form >) but Bchiinnaiin is dv Tar CTRO'S CLUB BANT, fren lhe tine of Robin Hedel te THES, , LETS. the most profoundly and intellectually The programe choses with Sir Mies from Cire’s Club, Sports ‘Tall. sugwestive, He displava a more finely Parry's famous: chord song er aE 12.0.—Close down. Local News. ecole qpuaphie Enste dian Sehubert,

lem,” ani) oe Goemecw From tie Miehy =, With wn many-ided feeling tov yr 10.30. DANCE MUSIC. Ages" iy Eolerar. .

THE BAVOY GORPHEANS, expression far preaber than dbenrhels- solin's.!" ot nmany Himgerk ware able Famous Regiments, SATURDAY, April 24th. THE SAVOY HAVARA, to do full justice: te a work of sooli T'he PRETans Leet wea BO gil DP arid the 1.0.—Time Signal from Greenwich. BAVOY- TANGO BANDS. fuibteiy and -yetCsoch mienitids as pin. on Saturday is anothie of t l i e ,oome tal- Hepiicecness Beloved fram the Savey Hotel, tis song oevels, but Mi Parker: hie BETIDB. 2.0. Special Orchestral C o n c e r t ior mmiy veors been regarded ns one lt will portray mecidenta taken Fp 12.0)..—(Mose down. for Hospitats. of cur most wrtialic laritones, nie ho the Tistortcal recsirts of Tarot rogi- MAVIS BENNETT ==a has given many line perhorminnoes of nt, Hient+ Of the Retieh Army ax sclortent (Soprano), Tucsday's Le aera iain wall mv arranged by Mr, Ainiya8 Young. GLYN BASTMAR. (Bassi. LONDON NEWS. he titallaneneic in fhatacter, tt Among other“thine, licteneru sill tae RONALD GOURLEY i HERBERT A. CARRUTH.- boeins wothreentel of Cow boy HOLS tald how the Boriber Repinient got its (Songe-at the Pian), drinns, abd liow ee : * ERB, Miminh Director of by Mr. Fredene Collier, aod a revicling a bong stopped F i t s nmi the Glasgow Shatin, hese bong beso bar Me. James Carew of-iwo flores etujting in’ the BRovel -Fusiiers, “The JOHN HENRY. kntewn in the North tor hia work as foun =) Armen Nights,” hy Siewert proprio iro 0 lis [ietth will be given by Jack oe THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA, pant, orgamigh aoc conductor, Cn Evlywart Wiite. AL Bo, @ feat Lx? Hylton and lay Bend, Candietedl by Sunday aiterndon , be will wiert the the Palishiiry Singers, mod Air, lenny with the exception of im inberhade DAN GODFREY. Londen Biation te comhuce «a shor Sehinen, o brillimnt young ‘violinist, iron tated whey listeners will) will be given, wil Phen Pheri vill lagain hear the.“ Foe Hermon - a. 15. Or THE CHLLEDREN ; Pro ate of representative works hy IKings;"" ated Music by the Raclio Qunrtet. Hondel. It includes one of the ive his-talk Fron Mw Window,” to whose oooh: ven first mode "Erbert: inkoes his Family to Cencerti Grose, thn‘Wier Music (in be followed by o prograniie of sya known to the British public by their brbacdtast from thlid- Station the -2on." Sir Hamilton Harty's full orchestral ar copated music by the London -Fhachich Danie Band. Ad f.500 the Eros O07. eeeber Snel Tat sear, fiio-—“"“A Ganden Chat by Marion rangemciil}, BOTH ol the favourite wriaa Cran, Fu, from omitorios and operas, which will Quartet, from the famows “Moen of The 7.23 revitalé this week. w i l l : be be song by Ar. Robert Radford, aul th’ Born Bend,” will play Quartets anid wiven ba Mire Marico- Cole: ame aprill Ducts rarely heard apart from Full 15. Dance Music. the folloWing Chotuses-—the Fiailatane irises, ul selet ted Works bry Mendefe- Chorusfromavroel in Lgyet, The Horse orchestral or band performances. teotin, One hears so’ often Lhe little LONDON RADIO DANCE ond fie Fifer, and the well-known Aaether concert be tlie Hast howe rele ok theres of four Mendelssohn

BAND; Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah, Miuriicupeal (Checliesi Ta, relayed fron pate pees Pn one as pl te forget Directed by Ab Go'clotk will follow a programme Devonshire Park. will be trananitted (iat he woke large rhierid e ko Fee

SIDNEY FIRMAN. in which will be given tynaical penaee between 8 and pum.on Wednesday. Brudios, Preludes, Fugues, Scher, and ck ‘Byzantivn Chunar ee Whnstiar. eri. The Teatine at Ta owill be given bey other works for this metrument,. many 0. Ttiwe Browar From Bia Bers, There will be a short historicel lecture, Boulet and Wiener, two French of winch Me, Cole will play, in¢luding WereaTaen Forecast ano Lst the Vivrietore Serene, CEevknan News BULLETTS written by a high diguitary of the pianielé who have pjpecielised in On, 54, which ONES : “Ad- Greek Church, and some old Bwrantine \-avneopled puri diets. ike aretie Phe cath pea hest works Major WeLLOYD-) ventures in Ketiya." [hymns (specilly arranged by Mr. After the Huanelel (Hecate en of their Kin,

—— RADIO TIMES -—— [Aron I6me, 1926.

DAVENTRY Week Beginning PROGRAMMES.> April 18th. (Transmissions from London and Daventry, except where otherwise sh own.)

SUNDAY, April 18th. THE HARROGATE ROY AL 11.6:1.0—THE RADIO OUARTET 1.02.0. oP pesept frien &. A. Irnasu ane BATHS QUARTET, 0.30 a.m.—Tinw Signal and Wenthor and: BCL LiCcAs (Cen. olan, : Farecust, $0, CONCERT. tralia), BERTRAM HOSE 200.—SPEECHES at THE SHAKE- 2.50, Handel Programme. Relayed from (Tener), FREDERICK. 310R- SPEARE CLUB LUNCHEON, ROBERT RADFORD (Bass). Hilversum, Holland, LEY (| Prariiat). 4.0.— Programme S.A. from London, THE WIRELESS SYMPHONY CHRIS DE ¥YOS (Tenor) LO-20. Py reecmeg. 6, from (amr 6.0. FRANK WESTFIELIYS 10-6 f often, ORCHESTRA: tol the Aernserdann Ohperk}. ORCHESTRA, Conducted by LOTS SCHMIDT Pepa}: f.0), Dance Music. from Prince of Wales Playhouse, HEREERT A, CARRUTHERS. THE HAGUE STRING ALEX. FRYER'S GRCHESTRA, pa alt Seen 45.— st, Ceorge's Hospital Appl, 50-5.30. Byzantine Church Music. ; QUARTET : from the Fialte Theatre. SAA SWAAP {ist Wioltn} ; 6.50), The Weeks Werk in the | by Admiral af he Fleet. ‘Bar 80.—5ST, BROTOLPH'S BELLA. BEATTY. 8.10.—SERVICE relayed from Edin- ADOLE POTH (2nd Violin); arden, JEAN DEVE RT j Vv tela} 4 7.0.—Wathen FoRecast axp- A EWa, 6.5).—A Simmery of the Winches bargh. Papers far the Week, #.40.—Shori -Recttal of 3. 8, WES- CHARLES VAN JISTERDAEL T.10.—Pref, H, AH, SWINNERTON: (\ moboneella). Leaves from tha Earth's | 7.0—Where Forecast azo News, LEY's CHURCH MUSIC. | 110.—Me G. A, ATKINSON, £55:—The Week's Good Cassa : Tha {All Soinista of The Hague Resi- Thary."' 3.8. from Nottingham, 125.—MENDERLSSOHN interpretes| Croyden Cenoral Hospital. clontie Symphonic: Orchestra}. T.25.-— MENDELSSOHN interproteidl THE STATION ORCHESTRA: hy MATRICE COLE. by MAURICE COLE. Appeal by Capt. BARNARD, | 1.40.—Major Bir PHILIP SASS800N, Conducted by Th Sponish Talk relayed {rer PO0—Wearnee Forecasr ann News. j Bart. + "" The FA. FRANCOIS LUPGENE Alanchoater. F. Appren- 8.10.—-shipping Forecast. tice Scheme’ ((lontd.}, 9.15-10.35. CASANO'S OCTET. \2i—AN HOUR OF OFFENBACH : 10.0 {approx.).—Wearum Forncasr £0.—8T. GERORBE'S DAY PR. VIVIEN LAMBELET [Soprana), ‘“ BLU EBEARD.”* CRAMME, AnD News. S0—THE EASTHMOURKE MUNI MONDAY, April 15th, 10—Weernk: Ponteasr ann News: (Time Signal wilt be Superim- (PAL ORCHESTHRA, — 10.30 om.—'Time Signal and Weather posed nt. 10.0.) L.o—Wrartin Forecast annNews. II—om. P.-E. DEAN V3, : " Zeebrogee." Poneensth, WhIO.—Valk : Fiction Series. 110.00—Talk by Dr, BATHER: 11.0-1.0—THE RADIO QUARTET 1.3h—Song Cycle, “A POET'S ome Amaia of? thea Puried 10.25.—Shipping Forecast. and RUBY LONGHUREST Love” Fiast."” 139Ley — Royalty. (Contralto), ALEXANDER | 10,25.—Shipping- Forerast., McCREDLE (Tener), LILDAS 11.0-12.0, DANCE MUSIC, A Ballad Opera HT 1030,.—Recital. bry DAICET mel gaatBroaiccicie el. r JAY WHIDDES "S MIDS Bo | WIEN ELL with Sa ragnrinits So. pre arn FOLLIES QORCHESTIEA, JANE WELSH from the Hotel Metropole, ILG126:—TED BROWH'S CAFR 0.0. tera, LE PARIS DANCE BAND sLreci : Dance Music. TUESDAY, April 20th. rd A DAVIDSON'S DANCE FREDERICK RAN ALLOW, ORCHESTEA, 6.0. ALEX FRYER'S BAND from the Cafe de Faris, -I2.0. DANCE MUSIC. from thie Risto Theatre. 1.54 am.—Time Signal and Weather JEAN LENSES’S CURDS 640,—Hadio Association Talk. Forecast. THURSDAY, April 22nd. 70.—Wearnen Forecast annNews. ILO-1.0.—THE RADIO QUARTET 10.30 a.m,—Time Signal and Weather CLUB BAND. 7I0n—Mr. JAMES AGATE, ind MARIE THOMSON |8o- Forecnst. SATURDAY, April 24th. 7.25.—MENDELSSOHN interpreted pean), W.o8. BRY ABET [Bari- LLOIO—ERE RADIO QUARTET POL on, 190.—"Tieee Signutl ad Weather by MAUDHICE OOLE. tone), EDA KERSEY (Violin: ! and DORIS CHESHIRE (So- Forecast, 7.40-9.0.— iP riegernaee So, ret}, : pera DODD WRHAN {Bari 1,0.—Time Signal, Heeda-Drad ford, 0-250. | Pragramnes SB) from Ton- : tone}, FRED BROUGH (Vie- 3.0.—Preqremine SOR. fron Leno, THE HUBDERSFIELD 0-630. afew. | lintst}. T.0.—Wrttern Fonmeskr asp News, THESPIANS —BROADCAST TO KUROPE: 110-20 Programe So) fran. Gen | 7. 1—Trovel Talk. . Present | 7.0—Wearnen Forecast ann News. | 4.0-6.0. flor, ; (—MENDELSSORN interpreted hy MATRICE COLE, “St. Simeon Stylites.” -10—French Reading by Mf. STE- 1 6.0. Dance Music. Written by PHAN, | THE LONDON RABICN DANCE 740: —Mr Wl W. GRANTHAS : F. Staden-Smith. 7.25.—-MEN ELSE0F N ber probed RANT). Kk... Produced by HAROLD HALLAS. by MAURICE COLE, 64), — Market Prices for Farmers; | 8.0, — REGIMENTAL REMINIS: 7.4.--Talk: Dame HENRIETTA 6.40.—Ministry of Agriculture Dulle- | CENCES. BARNETTand the Hight Hon, tim, (9.0—TACK H¥YLTON'S BAND. Cust: 1.50.—THE Bi. Simeon... H. CO. E.ALVERT Lord BUBNAHAM: “The Tr- T.f.—-WEATHER Fomerasr ann Wawa. SOUR HARMONY Pugrim ... H. P. KE. ROBINSON uence of the Press™ T.10:.— Prof. 7. EE. PRED = ** Ancrent 0.45KIKGS. King ...... HAROLD HALLAS '2.0.—" From My Window,” bey Egypt—The Burial of the ACK HVYETON'S BAND. Jeder... GEORGE BEAUMONT| PHILEMGN, Kings,’ A,8. from Saverpaa, 16.0.—Wiitrne: Fomecier ano News. Budim-ia HILDA CHILTON A Token to Cambrit. 7.25,MENDELSSOHN. in terpreted 10.10:—Sports: Tale, hy MATRICE COLE, 10.25.—Shipping Forecast. Procia... .. MARY K.. TAYLOR | S28, from Jferehevter, La 30-12:i, Bevil By. AVIS0ON | 7.40.—Mr. G. H. BOWKER: * The ANCE MUSIC. Paul Mouwlder's THE SAVOY His: Friend HILDRED TAYLOR Mind of a Dog," BANDS. Rivoli Theatre Orchestra. 1 8.0.—Praqgranme oo. fron Verciatle, SS (The Huddersfield Thespians ore Relayed fram |10.0.—Weather Fonrcasr asi Smws. shortly going to America to The Rivoli Theatre, Whitechapel. 10.10.—Topical Talk. DAVENTRY NEWS. compete with this play im the BW yes peseedsaeeenus ca OFGEE 10.25.—Shipping Forecast. O* Monday, April 19th, oat 7.49 David Belasco ‘Cup Match.) JOSEPH FARRINGTON (Bass). YO.0- 12. DANCE MUSIC. pine Daventry listeners. will “Onway, Awalea, Beloved *" THE SAVOY BANDS. hear o play by F. Sladen Smith. Mond Picture : The Scene is the Cowen St: Simeon Suyhires, played by “ t h e FRIDAY, April 23rd top ofa column pear Antioch in “The Little Trish Girl _.. Role Hudderstietd Thespim. These players the Early Fitth Centory, to "Vin ia Boomer .. Menaelenoin 10.30 5 ni—Time Signal ancl Wrai hier have heen chosen bo go Forecast, bo America to whichSimeon had“ retared from Madame CLARA VAN VYZER give this play in a eempetidion for othe world." "The time is a late (¥iolin}. 11,0.—THE RADE? @UARTET and Amateur Dramatic Bovielies aod MURIEL SO'THAM [Con- which ja Afternson and ovening when he “THaomanen cc. Seendsen to he hoki in the Unite! States, 18 Viewted by a pilgrim, a king and IOBEPH FARRINGTON, tralka}, J. KENNEDY Meo Between Sand LO pm., amtecelaneois “Out Wheres the Big Ships Uo ™ KENWA (Tenoe}, LILY PHIL: his , a lady avd ber maid, programme will be relayed from the Frewitt LIPS (*Cetlist}, and the devil and hia friend. Hilversum Station, Holland. This (in other words, he is tempted “The O1f Spinet “ Wo A. Squire 12.30-1.0, Organ Recital will include movenents played by to leave the colomn. by the " One of the Gourds “ iyy the Hague Btring Quartet, the prin- world, the fowl and the devil). Howard Fisher cipala of which ara eminent eqloists THE ORCHESTRA. Me. W. HERBERT HICKOX, THE “TWO JACKS” Mos-Doc.(Dubl,j, FRCL. in the Hague Eesidentia Orchestras, Selection,“ (Carnes "* golon in a Heonrons Interlids by Chris de Vos, f45.—BRSSES of TH BATS Cirganist fd Diperiove of ihe the Dateh by fink dayes, tenor (a singer of Wagnerion Opers, ERASS QUARTET. Chow-of St, Fhilip’s,. Kensington. ete bry Jack Wide Sinthh, Relayed from St. Mary-le-Bow whi toatle m& tour through Amerton iy 10.0.—Weirnee Forecast ax News. the title-réle 1:18— Talk: Pet Do FL TOVEY, Charch, of Paorajfal), and items au Bonin LE Introduction and Fogue from by the Ftation Orchestra, A Southern: Romance by SH. from Kebiderrgh, 10.25.—Shipping Forecast. Bonata tm EF Ming: Mieinderger A popular programme played by JOHN BAYES. Biciliano in G Minor . Hoel ‘aul Moulder and hig Orchestra, re Composed by Lo. 3. 2, DANCE MUSIC. EMMOGMEGD cop cnicas smakecasctganewas hae jlayedl fram the Rivoli Theatre, White CECIL MOON, BERT FIRMAN'S CARLTON Slow Moeverent from Pisnolorte chapel, will constitutethe High Powat Charcetera: HOTEL BAND, Ronuta dich een Station's progmumme from §-2.45 on Bonita FfLORRIE EFARRISON WEDNESDAY, April 2st. eb a cbeeedus cans, 2a ae Tuesday. Mr. Moukter will be assistod Pedro , WILFRED HUDSON Iniprovisation (0m on ‘Original by Mr. Joseph Farrington, the bass Lapex RICHARD WILSON | 10,30.—Time Siznal and Weather Tine), from the B.N-O.C., and by Mixdama The Narrator JOHN BAYES Forecast, Fantasin for Taster WT. Mic box [Clara Van. Vuer fagip violin}, ae

Apia lah T3365. 1 eit RADIO TIMES - — 159

ee == SIT Week Feginningi 479 M. BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES. April 18th. SUNDAY,April 18th. 4 Theyre Toy eH: Builriey * Day aol Bul ay 7 Nheeore Willy My Flock As Wolliad 1" Rag erst, EF. KR, H.& . in aud “ Hotten World * Pnghish Air, or, Agr heh, A Sterndale Bennett Lion with “A. W. Fancters, Atenchet Ftearell | 'Tarouth Fain" Programme. “Topical Horticotioral ints AE ORCA Bee Bk, Fall Song, arr: Warlork April iathe Dh Anniversary il “Pulb Gardening.” Tilda Sibb Pot-Pourri, ““' Melwlioug Mem- THE BRAND, the birth of Sir William Stern- MPontralta}. CRnk ete dd ag Vie ee ra) Cornet. Bolo, “! Hailstorm.” dale Bennet), one of the miei -FOR THE CHILERE > Capt, 10.0.Wh katiten Fomittasy AX Thinerntr Uhetrins composers of the Marck Hillier, DF. e Peta Niewe. ij (Soloist, W. STEPHENS.) eariy-Victorian period of Brivis anc How to Trea! Thea La Me GERALD BULGETT. 8.8, Reliertiong, "The Valkyrie.“ Masi e General Hints” fren fon Lian = Wagner THE STATION ORCHEST EA. Chikttven & Tethers, Local News. JANET HEMSLEY: 1 ” The Datodile 2.23) 2aetope Comhicior, JOSEPH LEWIS. Hak, LOZELES PICTURE Vn ehh, The “ Bubbles "’ eT he righitest Dh es | Morin Overture, “The Natade,” Op, 1S. HOUSE ORCHESTEA : Goncert Party. NIGEL DALLAWAY ane The Hille ot Bayern bs oeaaer Condoctor, FAUL RIMMER, Pemumistio “WTria.” ‘Jlen Miser: ORCHESTEA. * ow Bhall I Sing ta You, Mareh, “ollity:.... Guarlberger ee async 4 kobe oe eR aren Conceria, Ne od, im F Mier, Swot is daa dee Saivierse Suite. = Vive la Tange” Pinek Sopra Pole, “Sari berbee (ip. 19. THE BAND, Valse, ** Apomm “~ Pathine Bee Segre tera iene Cineear 7 {For Solo Pienoforte aml Orches Fox-trots, Selertion, * Katja the Jhanieer Gag, “Zhe "Poken ... 6 Seger frm. | " Normandy"... Fete aged JB ivhert Baritone Sole, “The Fisheries of THE ORCHESTEA. “ Brown. Eyes, Why Are You 10, Radio Association Talk: Sup Fenrir" I*h hops By nnphony in Gi Minar, (ip, 48. Be Pe Bryant and Meyer Jiro ris La i on : (oernerd er [tear Relections from the Oratorm = Nervous len ber: 10.0, --W KATHRE FORECAST AND NEWe aR, WEATHRTE Forecast ANA ““The Woman of Samaria " taarer *" hihi Prof, D. FL TOVEY, MurDoe.. NEW, (Op. 44), Mr. JAMES AGATE : Tired | Conerried, Criss “Music ged. the Ondinairy irre ads a tes ae J Listener,” S.A.from: Eaiedangh: Smlopsts + (riteearis. Ae, ran fa Lelie, BOTTH. FADDOCK {Sopra}, = i 11.0,—loee clowt. Local Mews, oe MENTE LSSO8S (aherted MARTORIE DAMS (Contralia), Pianofarte Works) interpreted . 1000), DANCE MUSIC. CHARLES HILL [Penor}, hy: MAU RICK COLE. hats pa

—- TUESDAY, April 20th. BERT FPIRMAN'S TOM OADRAE: (tee. frog fovielon, (This Oratenowaa Produce ai CARLTON HOTEL BANT, 7, —Mansicur RENE THIBAULT. $45. Prince's (Café: Orchestra. the: Birmingham Festival of Plementary Freseh ‘Talk fi. From Janie: SET.) 145.—Afternion ‘"Topeek: Herbert, | A VARIETY PROGRAMME. Stanley, “Sones fv thie 128, Lose down. bi S8T. BOTOLPH'S BELLS. 8.8, trom. London. THE -" BUBBLES' Aon hha. Marpac Thwlet j CONCERT PART (Sopra|. 8.15, Studia Service. DThirected by i.lso—FOR THE CHILDPERER, WEDNESDAY,April 2 i s t . Hymn, “ Rejoie, the Lond -is WILL SEYMOTEH io0.-—(Chiliren'sa Letters.

— Kang” {English Hiymiml No, obi, 1 6.0,—THE LON xO RATIO The Station Pinnodorte

Se Conocrted “@ How D' ¥' De F' 470}. DANCE BAND, direeted by Quintet (Leider, Frank Cantell}, Rearing. Crereel i BLDEY -FTRSLAN, So, fron 4.45, Aftmmecm ‘Trsprirst : Augeins Anthem, “1 Will Abwayre: Gave Concerted: "The EKKimg Who Wanted Jam for His Tea Lanncloni, Lewis, “* Flirtation snd “the Thanks ce ‘; . lation -WEATHER FoRecasr Asiy News, Fersipner.

ot Wewrnwy |

9 Helictoms As Adis bry the. Fev, M. STEPHAN: “Ein de

gg Conceri@t: = Whot We Db in the f.15, J. Ay ROSE. {oft Erdington acre.” OAR. fron Lenton, -FOK THE CHILDREN, Wither‘ ey ‘Tt fniplerr’ Primitive Methodist (lure). MENDELSSOHN interpreted ah heb 2 —Children’s Letiers, Vien) Pie, ** Ta Paulon Tunichinate Ayn, + Pmiae to the Hotiest 10 by MAURICE COLE, 8, iti), LOZELLS FICTURE the Height” (English Hymnal pees eee . JFiahar | HOUSE from London, ORCHESTRA: Wa. 47 ty. Comey Been, “* Private Nobby ye. Chine Tif osoes chek:Seymour i 1b, —-Bane HENRIETTA HAR- Conductor, PATH, RIMMEL. fh, ——it Week's (ioe (nae Pinoforie Sole, * Swinkhown ™ r NWETY, DAE. aml: thwee. Morch, “* Lord Mayor's Day” ., Appeal on Behalf of the Mid bated Hian, Lured FUT ALAM: Counties: Home for Deevrables, afd roan ' Hall The Inflgenoe of. the Press,” Funtagia, ‘Tl Trawatore a 1, WV ear Fiview ABT ASD Comicaly Item, Saray Adties " | andy ig, S.. Prom Join, Valeo,“ Violets " oealdteufol KEW. Wefan aolLe -PHILE Mi, SH. fron Sénimade, * La Paloma.” Fradior Tuoreal Suewas i SD, “Remnant Acre.” | Fooncbon, WILLEAM WHITE (Tenor). i = AC Play in: One* Act i fy, 1h, RECITAL. iw, -Koval by Dian Titherandae BAND CONCERT. Horticultural Society CHARLES KELLY THE METROPOLITAN Bulletin. SB. from Rendon, (Solo Pianoforte), Chapariars § i WORKE HAND: -~WEATHER Forecast axp News, Betiure in F Sharp 3}! i, (lt the «inder-of ther speek. | Polominein A Flat; Op, ayo" P" John Bradburn (the Owner nf i; Concdtncber, Prof... oH. SWINNERTON, GCHORGE AH. WIiLson. a, A, fram Nathrrghaanie. HALE. SMITH (Baritone). Chemical Wiirks} March, “ Associndion " Aladersean HEXEY T8CAR ATSDELSSOH N interprotid First Half of Song Cyele, ‘Tenny- Orcerbhure, “" Samiriinide " Alora éon2 | Mami" Sonera! Philips Brawl barn {His San by MAURICE COLE. SH. MICHAEL HOIAN DAVID BRAYNLEY {Tenor}, * 7] Hate the Dreadial Hollow,” * Whoreee You Walk). Hale! fron Jonetanp, ‘ Heverley kent A Woe bythe Cedar Tre,” Who de Ayla Po. Neher 74th “Mr. VERNON BROOK. PHYLLIS: PANTING “She Came to the Village * Drink to Me Onhy "arr. Gheiiier ALM ELE “ everyday Eine Church,” "0 Let the Solid Mined: Pieture + Jot Bradburn ie Linering"Topics es} Glows As erated ant a lore toble-deak mm | Der the Miocene Pai Groom,” “Birds in the High THE BRANT. An Engineering Prodwet,” SS Hall Ganlen” “Go Net, in Ohi-fashioned, comfortable room, Of the type of a Coamtry Execrpts from “Lilac Pine CHAMBER MUSIC. Happy Dey.’ Asean tt feeder ae = CHARLES KELLY. Manor House, Tt contains. a KATHLEEN WABHBOUREE ‘Trombone Sole, “Care Tita tle [Solo Within) " Aaigneuaes sii Boleql Chesterteld andl arny-wliips, Gunden, Mand" oo. able ind " FRANK wih Nanette oriarments ane EDWARDS a : iineee! pietinires. Philips if eibodd jac a (Solomat, W. STOCK DALE.) (Soto Phanoforte), lt Gavotte ...... -. lack-srahens | * FARET HEMSLEY airuill tabbe on the ther side of (hel Enthish Sonatina for Wiolin fired Concert Bieivy in TD) Bi hakes-. heract the fromm Teo. kus. father, ( Mertrire}, Pinnoforba: . 2... Joan titan DALE SMITH. "Phe Night mgnia ad the Loss * Half of Song Oyele.! 9.6 * aAK: EDWARDS Second Light Items. Bhinasitiy- Riiragt or Mina.” a THE STATION ORCHESTRA: The Soldiers Wie” * Cicapthe se shee eue Deer -Her Home,

ee Jed “7 Have Coivhactor, OSE PH LE Wie. Mart amenat por RATHLEEN WASHEOCKNE. “Gyoe Tato fe Coarcen.” Overiure, sis Rav nvr! it Thernia | Po-the Fiaposd “|

ey “ Choten Tome fertiert- ome Mine,’ “The Foolt Wie BEDOITH JAMES “The Sands. of ).. Tehoiboraky “ Kogvliah Dance "“Bonjomin Bata “eal, Law Deal," ~ OThia (Song ef the Pisana) Day are Still : KATHLEEN WASHBOUERNE "Twer: Possible," ‘' My Lats “Wonderful Girl” , iralfoothiy THE BANT. inl FRANK EDWARDS, Hits (Srvepat Sic Lan dr,”* 'Poerodioals ” Lntermerso Heeoro, “" Rendes Sonate, Wo. 2, in A Aine For 10.48,— Close diewn, Neon) ond Charles WOUG eee wie aaa es Cader Vien ond Pianoforte THE ORCHESTRA. DAVIT BREi. S LEY. John Jrehana Air end. Variations from Sate, oTPos y Gare* : Wu, MONDAY, April 19th. “ALP os es 2Ce Welsh Aer. arr. Parycior Dance Music, Two Hungarian Danees Brahe * Bugalie’r Gorenith Gwyn” THE DECAMERON: andl BUFFALO BANDS. I45—-The Btetion “Wind GQniuiket, EDITH JAMES. Week Aareore, Bryniey

Lawrie Alken {bor oroue ane “TT Wonder if the Goblins Know?” " Mowing the Barley” Relaved fromthe Palais de Denies,

Dramatic Reritals}. Abereine mer, Paryeler (Continced on the next page.)

RADIO- TIMES ikAven, jenn, Tub,

Se ——————— SIT Week Beginning 479 M. BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES. April 18th. (Continued from the previous page.) 10.0.—Wratnkr FORECAST AnD NEWE, 6.0.—LOZELLS PICTURE HOUSE} THE ORCHEATHA, nao onions The Nearade overture >» BATHER: “Some Ammals ORCHESTRA : Sebectoati, Pein Pomesi rf Cheriri hich impressed the Broacdwotda so ot the Buried Past— Armoured Conductor, PAUL RKIMER. | ROBINS PLEROY much that they bor the expense of | Frhew of the Old Red Sani- Fox-trot, “ Pm Sitting on Top of (intertainer at the Pinata), Sterndale Bennetts stay in Leipxig stone.” SLB. fron London. the World - Aenderaan In " Revivals oot) By pore fora veor, pnd also selections from Loewl News. Enteratta; “* Becaise of Love and Entertadmerk. his oratormo The Wonof Saperrien 1.30,—DG6UCET and WIENER You Fbrnupeys CLATRE DAVIS. which, curiozly enough, had ita first (Dance Khythma- ior ‘Two Selection, oO Phd- Phi" voreatiee “Cherny Ripe” ...... Dehn publie perormnance in Birmingham in Pianos). ALB from Londen, Crverture, " Le Row i¥vetot— “Come, Aly Ooen Ohne ™ Le07. His piano concerto in F Minot 110.—Close down, Alnus Ftutierusar ite Will adao- be heard, the pianist ben WALTER HARDY MAN THE ORCHESTRA, Mir. Aigel Dallaway, | BKarnitone}. Suite, “Four Indian Love Layrica — The evening concert will provide THURSDAY, April 22nd. Gao, A Summary of the Wireless We tied forade oPrade An unwsiial treet for-lisbeners by the Popera for the Weels, ALE, froin i Penile Hells uy esa Then criehuisgey al Somervell s fates SHOE REF 4h.—The Shation FPianoforte London. | the Brace’: Kashmiri Sone **: Othe wri bhen arian Tennyson's ened, Quintet (Leader, Frank Cantoll}. 7.0.—Wraraen Forecast axb News. | “TH | Wake,"’ a work seldom pertmel, Mr, Dale 4.45,—-Afternoon ‘Toyrica : Lavine Me G. AL ATRINSON 2Seer on BE. W, PABRER rid Smith will be heard in this eyele. Mr. Thibault, “ Sportsa—Real anel the Sereen,"” S.A, froa London, ORCHESTRA. Charles Kelly, pianist, will contribute Gthorviss." Frances oaepih "Severe de Cirque: Bens" = MENDELSSOHN interpreted a group of Chopin items, as well as {Sopramnc). by MATRICE- (OLE. Soe. Fetrri Soni positions by other representative—FOR THE CHILDREN, from Loandor. ROBINS PIERCY. ites 6.65.—Children’s Lottere. -Major Sir PHILIP SASSOON, ln More Hevivals."' An Elementary French Talk.:

a ee Pe,

——- RADIO TIMES igi ee lors, 1825.)

ey k Beginning 6BM PROGRAMMES. Apel 18th, 386 M. BOURNEMOUTH BURTON, 6.50,.—Prograime 8.8. from Jeadon. 1 5.0, SOME MODERN BRITISH 18th. 8.4, ROBERT COMPOSERS. SUNDAY, April Poetry Beadings. Tih —WeEATHER Fintocast Ako Bewe: | iM. STEPHAN: ““LiEiii ode THE STATION SYMPHONY Byrd Purcell 4 Sans ml the he Tek, Death of Wolfe” Haere. Sua from oni. ORCHESTRA: London, (1598-1623). (L658 Ltr). “An Elegy": (To 7.95— Programme 8.8. from Conducted by Copt, W. A. FEATHERSTONE, Arne That Glory of Her Oieer i Popular Rhapsodies. (1710-1778). Sex, Mre. Blaize) . Holdemeih | THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA: Overune, "Tho: aed of “the . Conducted hy Alountan aod the Fload ™ THE WIRELESS STRING « Kiegy on. the heath Capt. W. A FRATHERSTONE. Hamish MacCann ORCHESTRE. : ent A Whi: Ding 7 “ Norwegian Rhapaody " (No. 1) | 8.15. GERALD RAYE {Tenor}, Conducted by “ Fdecni ane Angela x; Week's Ghool Cama ; ol i ' Seeae * Jealous Lower" ...4 0h Qiilive Cant. We Ai FEATHERSTONE, &.44.—T he oS} Croydon Gemeral Heat rita): Ape " Hungarian Rhapsody * Love's Quarrel’... Cyrid Srott Ineidental Muse toDistressed BARNARD. iia i B. 2th THE ORCHESTRA. lnnence “ootThe Prone peal hy Onpt. So, from Lenton. Rao, Musical Plays. Suite, * The Tempter’ &. German of Perri es a oa ee arc WISIFRED ASCOTT Overture: Bereoust > Buceha- Settle, £0.Weare Forecast asp News. iA Tragedy hy " Eikanah (Sopra re}. nalien Dane, Loral News. ? produced in PO) JAMES (Contralto). aaa, GHRETTA DON (Soprano). .15.—Pragroamms 2: BL prow i a FApiOra LA, CLADYS STEVENS. (Tenor. “Silver o.ces 2lrstrong- trite hob, DOROTHY BENNETT 10.35.—Close carn LESLIE (Soprancl, ERNEST EATY. (Baritone). ‘The Bargain” .... Jf, Davidson GLADYS PALMER (Contralto), THE ORCHESTRA. * Supe ** Frucet Bullock ERIC GREENE (Tenor), MONDAY, April 19th. Excorpts from Mieney a ios Ofre Carey “Tila ‘Fime’ SchubertChute SAG: THE GRUHESTSRHA. TOPLISS GREEN (Baritone). ya“ Fomou Shut Be ries,” re - and“ 'fhree Little Maicds."’ ftrs ™ Keltia Gulte cies Fonality “Ts Love’ a Boy Tt es told by Dr. A. Compton “The Clans ™ “AL Laon = H.0. Operatic Selections. “Boy, Pity Mes... BRickett, AGA. Lids. 1}. “Phe Call oo Bard Band. or noe Pern THE ORCHESTHA. i “Wounded IT Am™ . “| 40.—The Bijan a, HERALD RAVE, eet oof. Ue Twain '* (Contralta}. Overture,“ Totamtbo Sallcean The Peach Plover" §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN Crancille Hartock THE ORCHESTRA. Selection, “Aida ".. Verdi-Dacan 4.10 6.0.—-Musical interlace. * On the Beach at Otahai Incidental Must to “The Faere 6.40.—Radio Association ‘Talk. ait Bh SbUh, A Song Cycle. ulin Aarriacn GQusens”” Ji .ecs bei Pee roe Plevriakenyt. 0.5, CRETTA: DON: WINIFRED ASCOTT ;

(An Allogorical Powom by 7.0.—Wereartatn Forecast asin News. GLADYS J AALBA = “ Heat at Midday " ra Alonulion

a Edn Spenser.) hr, JAMES AGATE: Drmetic LESLIE BTEVENS: * ab-loolk Hivt hes * Martin Show forint, 4. ii, ERM! GREENL. Criichen. B28. Pronk ERNEST EAD. “Bong of the Binckbird "* Ghalter 2h—_MENDELSSORS (Selected . Tih THE ORCHESTRA. " Tncher a= it i! Gr] Tasted Pe hia aa el Piknoforte Works) “THE LITTLE SUNOS ET," “Charactertic Waltzes” “We All Lowe a Pretiy| by MAURICE COLE. 3 8 . 5 . Hermann Lobe. Coleridge Taylor on tin) Under the: Rose"! from Tonmdon, A Song Oyele for Four Solna Voices, woot, GRETTA DON. 7.40.—Capt. N. §&. LAWRENCE ‘| Ly rice by Edward Teschemachenr, To Tell Them How 1 Love “ #15, IMOROTHY BENNETT. * Historical Inne," | Quartet, ** The Littl Sunbenet.” Aidala “Wot on Bede of Fading Bi), Another S t a t i o n . Soprano Sales, Litt: Print Bon: * Forest Latlaby * :, Flaywor _ Flowers" Smee ah : ry

Arne mime iret | met" : : Eo Ea GERALD KAYE, Armes, Sweet Messenger| £15. WINTER GARDENS NIGHT. | Duet (Contralta anil TDwri}, * Ben Reivers Borge ' A MD cat eck oe aca * Popular Evening ' Wehere — Violeta Goro. rennetFPraser (With Orchestral Accompaniment, } =. Symphony Concert. Batitone Bolo. “Little -Molly “Btoehea witb Dep Ragret ™ ay MUNICIPAL | FF, Lambert GLADYS PALMER. THE Mary. = ORCHESTRA: i “Ohar “hore Phe Bea: Surks Quartet,“ As ToadComet bo 1.30, ‘Pianoforte Goncerto. JOFFREY, “Sow Phoebetas Binlee tts im} Al rine Conductor, Sir DAN Or Towns AXNT FARNELL-WATSON oe the Weete” cokes J ALG CHENTRENS Tenor Bolo and Quartet, “ Some- {Pianoforte) (The Anglo-French Entertamer). where-Town.” and ORCARSTEA. a 4.2%, TOPLISS GREER, Relaved from the Winter Gordons. Duet (Soprano onl Barrbore), Pianoforte Concerto in Ti Miner “Blow, Blow,. Pheu Winter THE OBRCHEBTRA- The tee and the Nichtm- York Bourn as NE ey waren ee ee dre Creerhire, ** Carnival" pala,” Moderoto in Td Minor: Lento “Hear, Ye- Gods of Britain Svmphony, No. 5, from Expressive in B Flat; Allegry Contralio Solo, “If 1 Had ao ee FPurrcell | the" New World *” Lyolly,"* Assn in DD. Adri, Allegra Miwd tip: fhesoereh Ouartet, **8o Glad of Heart.” 11.0, WEATHER FoORRCAST AnD Wiwe, fi Fh, Salk Modern String Music and Art Songs. Lari 5 Scher,a 10.0. —WREATHER PORECAST AST NEWS. Lr, BATHER : .“* Rome -Aniimala Prof, BD. FL TOVEY, Mualioc., of the Boned Past—Arncuired THE ORCHESTBA. Molto Vivace; Alero con Fuoco: “ Mumie and the Ordmary [id- Fishes of the Old Red Bank “a, Pauls Suite. ....-- Ataf CHENTRENS. tener, 8B: freeing Forlayibiriph.. atone.” 8B, fron London, DOROTHY BENNETT. ALI F In Selections from, his Repertoun, Local Newn, Local News, “9, One Who Passed Whistling © Interval. bin.— DOE and WIENER Abematrend Gibhy 1 Wav Bh, DANCE MUSIC. THE. ORCHEFPEA. BERT FIRMAN'S (Dance Rhythms for Two eeie Little Bellic of Sevilla” a Rute fora t h e e * Waiter Mosc” | CARLTON HOTEL HARD, Pianos}, Sua, fren, Zenda. Cynal Sent 11.0.—(Cloee down, “ Heerieef -iierty Bue, from London, “The Angels Are Stooping From All | Mourie Besley Extracts from Bute,.* 12.0, leas chown. ee 2. Moszhowrali || THURSDAY, eo Netions. April 22nd. ERIC GREENE. 1). —WRATakR FOREOAST art News. | ki. 30-126, Gooree Evans "ae oF t h e : Ripacl * GERALD BULLETT. pata. | : Harri —— Hugh's Bom Mr. - {Pianoforte Puecital ) Foaugien Willers Jeon Ibonion. WEDNESDAY,April 2ist.

Alon dowry Local News, 1.45. An Afternoon Pauper. “The7 Swan” more ot = wee 4.4o.—" Working for the Community," “The Cree ‘Poppies | 1020.Sone tyele, A PORTS : : : : ch , 4.0.—The Wireless Trio: Reginald 8; race IThanne LOVE’ (Sébamannt. SB.| by Marian an Saree M.A, Moat (Wiel); “te Thos Ri Tingworth (Cello), Activa tna l i s t s ; cy ue A. Fron Landon, A ih, Dance usit. athe THE ORCHESTRA ogy} L40-—Close down: THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL #ion (Pianoiorte}, © Ok prt : eee oe DANCE ; BAND, h.14.--FOR THE UCHILDREN. GLADYS ‘PALME R. TUESDAY, April 20th. Relayed from the K i n g ' s Hall ih.) Mirieel Dnterhide, ' Hoc. §.15.—For Farmers-: “ Avrrshire " e of “Turt: F : : i R e h r i eas Siiotad 1L30-12,0.— Recital by Kita Bamberg Musical Direstor, atthe,” byoGol: Cecil Pasefand, : pil a c d ae (Violin), anc Gilbert Stacey ALEX WAINWRIGHT. both. Proje 828. from Lercon, TOPLISA GREER. r { Pinniist nnd Voralist), in.—FOoOR ‘THE. CHLELDAREN 7.0.—Wrearnen Forecast AND News. “0 Caplan, My Capt Airk : +45 —An Afternoon Paper. .0.— Programme SR. from. Lonion, Pe: kT. EB. PEEY: ““Anciont ©. Wood) 4 ¢Orelestra relaved from the Floc- 7.1. WraTHER Forecast anp News, Kevpt : The Burial of the Wert Childher Playa - tric Theatre. Murical Dinscior | Prof. Ho -H: SBWISSNERTOS:: Kings: “in -the Watire of | Walford Deaniew TC. Beoiald, “Leaves from the karts Death: aid of tha: After Lites? F0.—Miusteal Interlte, Diaty—Earth Her Onn Doar- SB, from Liverpool, THE ORCHESTRA. 70.— 5.15.—FOR THE CHILDRESX ist.’ 88. from Notteaghai, AE, DETSen Interpreted — ALotlyon the Shore —MENDELSSOH S. interpreted hy MAURICE COLE. 828:

} finer =H be én Mock “Mortia “04+ 6.0.—THE LONDON RADIO DANCE BAND. direebed ey SLDEy by BOA ROR COLE. Ae. from London, — 7.30. Service. jr edition. 7." An Okiyca of the Assyrian ib FIRMANR. AOR. from asetor. Christiane,yg Anig,-Cren,.Ai.-F, Relayed from | 6.15.—For Farners-: * Kerry Cattle,” | 7.40.—* Translations of. Contemprary Neen Ambra; MA., European Literatore—Kuesaa,” AUSTIN, CH. oC. SG, 1D-8.0, Hichmond Hill Congregational hoy Gfepel. ALA: be Mr, EOGEE NABH. (Continved on the next page.) (Chee th.

— = shim TEM ES [ Awe limy 1926,

i =

) 386M. BOURNEMOUTH PROGRAMMES.“** “AbrilIth. (Continued from the previous page.) li iF e 6.0,—Progeavine 38, from London. ; 8.29). THE. ORCHESTRA, 60, Ausieel Devberluecde. OLIVE BKRILGOUH, | i6,—WREATHER Forcast asp News, Incidental Misie,. "Varta and 1.8. Wearnkt ForrRcasT AND NRWH, arial the Tapiral "Talk, se. Prom London, Merry England ° Allien MAJOR W. LLOND = TONE, BREW RADIO (ARS, ‘Local News, ed DALE SMITH. | Baritone i. S.8. fron Gender. l.0,—WratTnkn Porecast.AsD SEWs, THE STATION CHORUS Pa MENDELSSOHN interpreted Sports. Talk, Be rae £ Cr eter. te — 10.30, DANCE MUSIC. andl ORCHESTRA, by MADRICE COLE: AR, lyoirel Neirs, SON Ge. OF THE FLEET." from Joenelan, THE SAVOY BANDS, 1a, 0, DANCE MUSIC, I Alla afore, \ 7.40, *The Wereet) Tnihies aricl ihe THE SAVOY BAS US, SH. from fondon. “Siding of Dawn." Empire,” by Sir DANTEL AoA from London, 120.—-Close down. onc oe: the Son'-wester.”' APORRES, AOA, i I2.81.- —(hose ele. ' The Modle Wiiteb,”* de) Mie Beek FL: a FRIDAY, April 23rd. “The Litth- Ackmiral,™ FRALS. ¥OAEH,, CMS. BOURNEMOUTH * Parewell,” Ht), A MERRY GO-ROUND. NEWS, Tha T.0.—Organ Recital, relayed | g ETHEL HATESTONE, THE WIRELESS QRCHESTRA: English Composers. fram the Taryal rcacte, Hes: Foasteral,** Conducted bey eumbe, Organist: Arthur Mar- Charey. are, AP dence TW ua Papt.. Wi, A. FRATHERASTONE. | HERE ate many good things it ton, “Lory One Morning: oe: Geren “ALL the Fun of thee} the fuoilay. athernoom pros a34 English Literature ond the + Roses of Engelard" PAs Fair Misteher prone for April 1Sth) at the Drne- Dawn of} Romance,” by Mr. Bh, THE CHORUS AND A Bean Peas mouth Studia. ‘Wha: feret porhion 14 Le Nichola, B.A, | ORCHESTRA. 04), TAY KAYE(Pntertainer,) dovited to: those tires coredt-early 4,0.—Orchestra, relayed from the “THE LASNER OF Selections from hia Repertore, Pigiah: mm teaeubie ial the siscbeent hi men- Etectrie Theatre; Misteal Direc: AT. GEOR. 1, GRACK IVELE ‘aml tury, Band, Poreell and Are. The last tor, bb. . Heomalel, A Bulle for Chon oul Orehestra, VIVIAN WORTH port it in derided contrast, and siusic .—Musreal interlicde, Words by ShapoetWensey. (Entertainers). anthesis will no cdonht compare the retools of the old AlaaterewithEben “6:16.—FOR THE CHILDREN. Musio hy Sir Boda’ igor. * Poareful- Valley 2. 1. Abetrson of the now, represented in the pro: 0.0.—Programme SB. fram London. | 9.40), BALE SMITH, *Miesouri: Wallis .... T. Boone ETHEL HAILSTONE, “Oh, iss Hianitials { . ableppein | cramme principally by “Holt aged T=WeratnekForecast ano News, and ORCHESTRA, Suh, THE ORCALSTEHRA, Elgar, aa regards: orchestration, ond Mr G; A. ATKINSON: * Seen Excerpta from A Musienl Switeh ... .. by Arnettenh Cibhe, «' ¥ril AaeeRE ariel on “the Berean” 8.8. from EXGLANT."” Scheb, JAY KAYE, Stanford if Mer riting. Londen, “MERRIE (termi-} An Drnpireesicn of Om late Dan The evoning programme for Tueslay, .25.—MENDELSSOHN ineberpretel Weatans Forecast Asp SW EWS, Lana, April20th, ia varied, bot ofa lightond ca by MAURICE COLE. Se Comed.F:T, BEAN,VC, RNYBs GRACE IVELL anil popular character, Besiles some in- from Londo, | terckting itenis by the Station Sym- 7.40-—Major Sir PHILIP SASSOON, “eehrinnge "(April ford, 1E6), VIVIAN WORTH. S86. from Doerids. * Mian"aloles, De Soabed, Con roel | phony Orchestra, with Mielerin ir Bart, G2, CALG., SLT, Local News. . “ees Where Pin Chong sorge by Mika Urettia Don feopiria), Under-Secretary of State for 10.40, ‘ME. PEPYS." Chester iid Evia and Mr. Gerald Kaye (tenor), the owt- Aine: The BiALF. Apprentice “A Pieeaninny Song * standing feadure of Woednesecdlay is Beheme(Contino). Ao: A Ballad Oye rie vy til Nerina aad MWei York Lowon's Fiano Corneerto in from London. JANE WELSH ‘ Ckulele Lullaby ™ @7- Wltternes I) Minar, Mise Anne Firnall:\Wolteai 8.0, &T. GEORGE'S DAY. andl Bud. THE GRLHESTEHRA. is the solo, “Encind, bound im «with the FREDERICK RAXALOW, Shrtel:, Dawa South Afiptalfetai Si. Goorge’s Day. triumphant sea, iS. fran Haniedor, HA. Fourth Eackition of St. (ieorge:s Dav will be marked ny Whate rocky shore beats back 11.0,-- )oee clown. ‘LISTENING TIME." @ Ape ial prOrram nie bi peeb rice ‘the erivionus Rae The New Radio Revue. items, princpally Stanford's songs. of Of watery Neptune.” April 24th. ithe Fleet-and Birara iter of St, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA:| SATURDAY, Sketches and Musical Sambora by Genre.’ hn Saturday til. the Conducted ny 1.43,—(Gardening Talk by Ar. Giecre Vorious Anthors and (Composers, programme lakes the form of “4 Capt. W. A. FEATHERSTONE Thinee, FRLAS, Under the Direction “of Merry ieo- Bown. a cpa cL pera March, “* The Spirit of Pageantry " 4th, Dance Music. JAMES LESTER. FECL cad ary people witli fh rel Ffefeher THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL (Caat ineltedlen: number mt listeners. 6.10, ETHEL HAILSTOXNE(Soprano). DANCE BAND, ALBERT -LE FRE, Beveral Maing ying British mma: “The Flag" .. Cecil Hazlehurst Relayed from. the MAUDIN VRRA, Ce wee being discoverad through ““Daink to Me Onby "A. Qudter King's Hall Rooms. ARTHUR J. BENTON, the medion of the momtrans. ) Chery Ripe? 0000.2. Hora Musical Director, ALMA VANE, mrmiond fron Bonrnamnouth, obhach “Green Hill o° Bomerset " ALEX WAISWEEGCHT. ARTHUR HRANDER, fake place on Tumadaya, Thursdays Eric Contes | 5,15,—FOR THE CHILDREN, BEHBTHA RUSSELL, Pad richie:

SPY Week 338 M. PLYMOUTH PROGRAMMES. April 18th. SUNDAY, April 18th. MONDAY, April 19th. 13.30. Oyehesiva relayed from Pop- 5.15 —Einldren's Letters, besiars Hestaurant, hehk—FPOR THE CHILDREN, $.80-5.30.—Programme 3.8, from Lon- 11.0:12.0.—(troorge East and his. Qoar- relayed from Pophan's Res- 4.0. —Afr, Horii We. Bickle, 6.0.-—Light Music.

‘don, tet == ERSAS CA View of Bart-

6.20 —Prgroanne S.A . -#.0.—ST. BOTOLPH'S BELLS. SB, | Cis CIEE, from Doaden, mioor——Sane Sting Crosses" ‘ Fron London, jk -The Gresham Singers: Vheatri 7T.40.—-Monstenr A, RELA TS, ‘Lea 8.5; Service, | cal Feature from the Studien, 4.15. Tea-time Music. ALS dle Tridimphe de Paris. ° Relayed fram Ppt | at.Oreliestra relayed ipaq The Roval Hotel Trio: Aliast« BAND MUSIC AND SONG. = _ Bt, Andrew's Parish Uburch, lige ss hieshaariint, Albert Fullhtook. cal Director, m0), THE BAND OF: FAM. ROYAL e e l “Weme Dhinrtits, 4.0.—Afternoun ‘Topics: 5.05, —Children’s Letters: MARIN ES Hyon, She hing of Love My | Shepherd Is" (A. ondM., No. 4 1a. Tea-time Music. Boat). FOR THE CHILDREN, (Plyinouth Division) oo=«=

(By permission of Col, FL Cy = 1597}, The Ruval Hotel “Tera. Apa 6.0. —BFBny Bobs" Billetin, Anthem, © Evening and Morn- Edwards god Offieers, ft, NT.) | Cal. Director, Albert Fulliirocl, 1615.- “Light APA, ing (Sire Leary Gakleiy. Thirectér of Abosic, by the Ven. W. : 6.15.—Children's Letters, 6.40 12, 0. —f eenprernenie lee Prete Laat Address. Laban “PocHe WF; YOOX NALB, HT. alo, SURTEES, thie ARC 1 520—FOR THE CHILDREN: aL Ve, DEACON of EXETER. a | b.0.—The Station Synenpated Tria, \airtlin arise, terivel Hymn, “Come; We Faithfal, WEDNESDAY, April 21st. Raise the Anthem” fA, and M., | 6.30.—Pregrome SLB fre feondon, 11.0-12.0.—(eorge Evist and his Qtour- Papisieay = eet coe! UP ey No, We}. i 7.40.—Mr. P, J. DART: ‘Fens pet telayed from Popharn's Serenade ode Lota!" eae Topies™ fa}: bestaurene. PFREDEREICK ALLEN — 8.55,.—Appesl. on behalf of -the St, | B:0- D1—Progranins SF. fram hen 3,00, —Urchestris relayed feo Pop {Baritone}, Margarets Bone am Bhs oer, ham 6 Hestaurarrl, When My Blips Cone Raolrig Peter's: Hast, be Mr. Hy it. A flernnan Topics. Hone" ura ie SANDERS Chief Constalyle af] TUESDAY, April 20th. Horder Hallaahe?" _ bhaerey Plymonth). I 11:0-12.0,—iseorge Fast ane iia Qeuar- Tea-time Music. Witt Banal) A Cotaipann eit, | $.0-10.35.—Programme 8.8, from Lon- jet relayed fren Poplars The Royal Hotel Tria: Mei:

eee oe itectaurant, eal Director, Albert Folibrock. (Continued on the next page.) don,

OO ee ee SR ce Sa hy

2 de tee fo i‘ ay ey, a ZY, 8.15

1.35. st 8.0 gan

cae 7.40.—" Bitte 6.0.—Light &0—FOR 40- 9,0-10,35.—Progrhame 1b, 40-87. 3:30-5.20.—/'rdgranine

5 4£.0.—FOR 4.0—The 2.50.—"A 120-10. 5 5a

; as :



45.—For Aw,

1 Biricorolls “Flower ““Where'er Giawotte Tutls “inden “An eager * e “Qur “Thou Belection, Beales, ti i" teeta" Waltz.

eigen fapprox.}.

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Talk—Nureery- trai.

4 Rerricte SUNDAY, FRANK


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Studio “

Whys Song” Ak

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hie (Soprano). EVELYN” ain. farm,” You WERSTER 5... Kisen, A" Wrobh a


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Lethe, Letters. April “Tates

‘Topics: *

SR, Ridien: a " i (*

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] oe Actorapaniment.) Pictores Accompaniunent.) Accompaninvent,) Agcompaniment.

A WEBSTER, BAKD, ane Chan! BAND, te : “ tes

Bervice. MARDON, MAROON, Ciferiige Mignon

and “The : eee (‘Romeo Walk” ERY ea heleagha.


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"* Higeaheck Hetoved = _ Reieriicetied: -

(3), Tales. iii “A

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ae) Wiifiems Lambert! Pat

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by Nursery BELLS. ionnod coer 2

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S45. oe §.0-120.—Programmsé

6:50.—"niayronne | 16,0.—Lieht, 10.0,—WeaTHer 6. + 11.0-12.0.—George 11.0,—Chowe 2 9 Tt 4o,—Mr.

7.40, 6.16.—"' 6.0.—Light §.40.--Children's [2 0 6.

&.45 eae) ae we he 415.—Children's au


30.12.0.- e4k- O—Linda. SLE 49.—-Mr

= STOKE Bullet a Elegie Geng ie “in by. 4 HA LAE i Local

Wiliam Chevalier ihg:hopal:

Matthew A fe Program ee


WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, stone.” at ham’s cet tet Petree Song aan

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Took 1 dustry," Louden, Fishes FOR

For “Gens. ioe 5


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THE llireetor,

7 News, H.C. Musie

the of the HAROLD With H.

niles relayed : Pianoforte

ic Recital.

What) Music. ae?


Music. Tea-time

$ (Salo dow ae F. Restaurant, Harris I

...... 0.0. CoCr se of THE (Continued THE Buried :

Vanderkoopen tf.

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Franz. ace CL,


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Characters by "Teens.

“Teenie: igo ; 1

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ibe on Forecast ER. Sotek.

A. the. THE A from." C Pe

CHILDREN. ‘Letters. Pedrick

They: Letters, :

PESCOia Pianoforte) K S.8.

EB. Soo sssevinigiee \ iu

©. Mr.

R ' lee WEBSTER. East

’ " . e l a g i G BAND. April MWtnor Albert

Birection from BAND. ae Ti

dé Cary?l, Bechet. {f JOR tunes

W “from


April Old. Past—Arninored Goncerto. S28,


in oe Music afin



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a Ae, snd

Bernheim pig from nat

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Mean nd

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Three SR. NS


: Z2nd. ie

BOULTON. Jernten, ax

' FOSSN oppelie Per Red i Ree from ron

. t s 1 2 owen Fallbrook, :

They ; eee PROGRAMMES.

BNAGGE Popham's nd oo... Behiuhere fis - Harvey: aaaenal from ti Ruiehell

Jeanie, rte Teondon.

ond Helhre __,,


DALE, Puree!) Ao


te NkWa- os Band- -Qaar-

and eres PROGRAMMES.


from Your im ert t Jox-) es

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In- lt i a the |) i , f



39 4.0 = 6.30-11.0.—Pregramne £.20.—EOR o. els 6.0.-—The ay 6.50-12.0.—Pregitiame \yive dealing #15, 60—THE

6.40.—Children’s 5.0,—FOH 4.0.--The ae 515. 3.0,—Gramephoue £0— be Mr. by popular,

|-6.90.—-Prayreanae 6.0.—Light §.46,—

previous a HLF, —Afternoun PLYMOUTH given Mr. Hhe The

Chorusmastir? Marton Charlotte The Vincent

Act Marten... Horace

Ac Act another

The given

CHORUS Talks: ue

by Mi -

THURSDAY, Case ilacas® ratory, Teeth." (of ie .

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i> a sin = Pr — —_— a] Di a | —+_RADIO TIMES — EApna lérn, 1936,

5WA Week Beginning 353 M. CARDIFF PROGRAMMES. April 18th, SUNDAY, April 18th. .&. GYYNN WILLLAMS t3,—-FOR: THE CHILDREN, a20—" "The Letter Box.” (At the Piana), 2.00),— The Letter Gare. 6.0.—For Young Adventurers. eo Mhont W> S.00-5.30.— SP rogranicma Sh. from i40—Radio Guild Bullotin. London. Pridd Mae 6.0,—Pior Young Adventurers, .0.—Royal Horticultural: Sotiety "Nghariad Ei i iii. LONDON RABTIO DANCE 6.0.—BELLS OF ST, BOTOLPH'S Tok. §.8. from London, Lliny Cyn Khia. BAND, CHURGH, BISHOPSGATE, 7..— Weatren Porecasr any News, ayn ir Hat... Aer. BR from Leonean, Sut, fram London, “Pa Bryd Y Deoi - WF. 8, Crinthyriii Prot. H. H. SWINNERTONR. ia ; WP olirere 7h; WEATHER Forecast asp Niwa, S.8. jrom Nottenghom. 6.15, Sr, ANDREW'S CHURCH iM: (STEPHAN: “L'Etai ‘de CHOIR: “Moeynen Mem‘et ? Po. —MENDELSSOHN interpreted “A Gerd" Nacre. SA. jrom Pander. by MAURICE .OOLE, 8.2, Hymn, ana at: Eventide ' “Y Glamen " >... MENDELSSOHN interpreted [rant Landan, CA. ard AM Al inh, 22). * Dietril ¥ eae j by SLATRICE COLE: Salts 7.40,—Me J. F. HARRIS: ~~ Some A Short Reading from the Seripe THE: ORCHESTRA. from London. Famous Love Stormes—A betaril tures. “ Paszeacoglia KennethHardeng 7.4).—Bame ‘HENBRIETTA EBAR- and Eleloise.”* Anthem, “* Bigcet Raviour in Mine DAWIO BRYNLEY. (Tenor). HETT, TBE. and the Rt £.0.—-0F FENBACH COMIC OPERA Hour ™ i a Jerre ‘Yn Nyifryn Chev" ) arr Elon, Lord BUBRNHAAA, “ The (Potted). ALM. from London, “ Bietas Cwenitly kad lnfuence of the Pree’ Son, Rey. C. J. GRIFFITH, wd DANCE MUSIC. The Cavin | Broyntey from, London. oe Adelpees. Troe ¥ Gareg ™ THE CLIFFORD ESSEX #0 PHILEMON,. 4&8. from London. DANCE ORCHESTRA, ‘Hymn, “The King af Tawa. My Lire. Byatt Pngeter Shepherd Is” (A, and M,, No, * Mentra Gwe*' BEACONS OF GENIUS—II. Relayed: from 107}. an. kei ryntey A Dvorak Recital. “PRINCESS MARY'S * BALL at Koightetone Pavilion, CLAUILA LLiiv £55,—Tha Woeek's-Gocd Case: The Prelunimary Noteon Dvorak by Weston-Super-Mare. Crovdon ieneral Hi ral HLA. (Bala Primoforie}, PATH CORDER., Appeal by Capt. BARN A RD, “Ghiowind al Phew... JPoialegy 10.0.— WEATHER PomcAST a News, THE BATION ORCHESTEA : Dr, BATHER : “ Some Animals S40, from [omer “Little Least | (" Peter Pan Boye * Snite“") Conductor, of the Buried Post— Armoured f_.6.—Weratain Forecast ani Nirws, “Tinker Ball * _. | Clarwetia Etat) WARWICE BRAITHWAITE, Fishes of the Old Red Sand- Hione.” 8.8. from London, Looal News, JAQUE THOMAS INA JANSSEN Lotal News, 45,—Programe 808. fron Doredon, ini (Jlexzo-Sopranc }. Welle Character Sketches, Bibhicul Songs; 1b.40.—DOUCET AND WIENER 1W35-—-THE SILENT -FELLOW- = By the Waters of Batylon" (Danes Rhythms for Two SHIP. ., Old Folk Songs of Wales.—ltl. * Fores out of the terlight—in FY Sing a doyiul Song," Pianos). 8.8. fron: London, 11.5,—Close down, the Land whereDanas born.” LEONARD BUSFIELD (Solo LT.d- DANCE MUSIC. CEINWEN BROWLANTIS anil Violin) aaa THE CLIFFORD ESSEX. W. 6. Wi WiELLIAMS, VERA McOOME THOMAS DANCE ORCHESTRA, * Diniwendrwyd.” (Solo Pianoforte). Relaved fram MONDAY, April 19th. “Mae'r Mah Maen.” Ronatina. for Violin and Prana ‘PRINCESS MARY'S" BALL, Hae "Nihorad ['n Fenws." (Op. 100}. Ae 12-30-1.30.—Lunch-Time Music from * Oeynifan Prydiin.’* THE ORCHESTRA: Knightstone. Pavilion, Westou-super-Mare, Cox"a Café, Maisie by the "On Daw “Nehériaid T Wi Nocturme (Op. 4). 12.0. Cloze down, Lontlon Uhoreans. Henao.” WA JANSSEN, Sup Gan." Gipsy Bones. 230.—Organ Recital relayed [ron the ‘LEONARD BUSFILELDO “Songs My Mother Taught Me.” Cupitel Cinema. (Solo Violin). * Freer is the Gipsy.” THURSDAY,April 22nd. MCR arene ve aee @i.—The Station ‘Trio: Fram THE ORCHESTRA, 12.30-1,0),—Lunch-tme Musie fron BTRING ORCHESTRA. = Thomas (Violin), Frank ‘Whit- Alavanit Dantes, Nos 1, 2 and 4, the Curlton HReetaurant, nell (VWiolontello), Vera MeComb Welsh Fantasia" - Cyril Jenkins The Music of Paul Corder. 3.0, An Afternoon Concert. Thormas { Praniy). 0.25. DAVID BRYNLEY: “OE Chwen Pach "arr, Rofert Bryon VERA McCOMB THOMAS. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: S.15.—ehoal ‘Transmission: -* ‘The Threads Sierinet | Bavtsied * Posmataglin.* Conductor, Green Plant,” by Dr O. ¥:. WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. . Darbishire, Professor-of Botany Fielda ** “Romantic Stucdv.* Enak 7.| | Bryntey THE BTATION CHOIR. Overture, “ Benvenuto Cellini ™ in the University of Bristol, % The Cobbler'’s a5 CLALPDIA LLOYD. ‘A Bong of Batee.” Berivas W. LL. WORBLEY 2.45.—\_The Station Trio. Allegroin TD Major VERA McCOME THOMAS: { Baritone). cd~ Bigh Wo More *., Matirice Greene ond Ferguson Prelude, Wa. W, WAL Ace SO AR DIF EF or ee ‘"Pomny Lad a Gitne from Sonata, No. 02. Arne ‘ere ee4 fargeteon OGLOCKS ": “The Art of the The Valve Set Concert Party. * Passing By Allepro in A, frdm Sonata No.7 Purreall Short. Story.” In CoOptimistic Mood with Tim- THE “ORCHESTRA, A rre Selection, * ann Seheehi “§.0:—Pianoforte Fecital. * Little Windnolla *., Couperin pressiona of the Famous Co- * Optimists. Purine: Teen 8.45, JAQGUE: THOMAS i15,—FOR THE CHILDHEN, 10.0, -Wratan Forkcast sw News. We L. WORSLEY. in “Kingdom rind| (Salt Water “§.00.—" The Leiter Box,” MoreWolkh Character Sketches, Prof. Db. FL TOVEY, Must. Doe,, * Muosie and the Ordinary: Lis- “Trade Winds Ballads. ) -6.0.—For Young Adventurers 9.55, THE ORCHESTRA. toner. Sah fram Eetienbieayph. “Mother Carey "| Masyefieli-Keel “Solemn Melody ** THE * Black Rasul—The Renegade." locnl News. ORCHESTRA. A Serial Story told by Mr. Walford: Dairies Suite," The Merchant of Venice ** L.A. Knight. Prehule Kenneth Hardin i | DANCE MUSIC. Sealdiaice ye 6.15.—Programme 8B. from London, 10,.0.—WBatik Forecast ano News, Tk at BERT FIRMAN’S * Rowemery vogcvaniae. Elgar Mr. GERALD BULLETT, 38.8. CARLTON HOTEL BAND, belude and Dance: Muscovite 40M. MICHAEL WERT: “ The from, London, ALES from Dondart, Atnel Bilingual: Problem—The Soha- ’ Lieecal: News, [3.0,—Close down, W. LL. WORSLEY. ihion.” 10.30.—Song- Cyele, OA POET'S “Old English Love Song ** LOWE (Aina), ot, Francia Allitsen THE CYMRIC GENIUS. jrom Doneddon. “NowSleeps the Crimson Petal 11.0.—Cloes down. WEDNESDAY,April 21st. i puahter Welh Meleties and Miasicians, THE ORCHESTRA. 8.0, THE STATION ORCHESTRA: ae 10: —Loneh-time: Music fron “Merry Andrew" Sohn Jraland TUESDAY, April 20th. Gaz"a Cad. “Phere *" Maseanet Conductor, Oran Recital relayed from’ thi Overture: Enteac te ; Implora- i — MartaneHughes (Roprano). The 3. WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. tions i Naplune ; Sacrifice, Station Tre,Prank Thoms Fark Hall Ginemn “ConvertOverture" Humphries Offrands and Marche Athén- {Violin}, Fran AVhiitriall —Hrartorth Mortimer and. hia Or- jennie, 5.10. Old Folk Songs of Wales.—I. (Violonealla |, Vern Abetennls chestra, relayed fromthe Park : 4.45.— Afternoon Topica. Thorns { Phivaties }. Hall Cinemn. “+ + WPrectows, half-forgetten 5.1.— Pianoforte Recital, He, aca, Miss May Gilehrist, “A WVisit | 5. .-- thirige, Tea-time Music. ¥OR THE CHILDREN. And Aearta when grow met eold.™" From the Carlton Restaorant, to ew ork,”* 1o0,——" The Letter Box,” L4c.—Me, Pio. Horries, “Avalon.” Si, Violin Beciteal by Leonard, Burs- 6.0. Foe Young Adventurers : Guides’ CEIXNWEN ROWLANDS o.0;—TRA TIE MUSTO from the Geld, Programine, Cd Pa (Sopranmt). Carlton Restaurant: oF eke FOR THE CHILDREN. (Continged on the next page.) ieee Tae .

Aram 16st, 18e6.J eee

5WA. | 353 M. (Continued from the previous page.)

am 7.40.—Major Bir PHILIP BASSOON, 8-10, MARCLA BOURN anid 5.8. from Levitan, oh TL. KINGSLEY LARK.

il 6,15.—Preramme ee” a * Jack's the Boy {* The Chega") Bart., GBT, CMG: MAP. MARCEY DALE. O.30.—Market Protea for Farmers. Saadey af (aecety Under-Secretary of State tor " Hahetie “ Nichalla SR. from London, OLIVE KRAVAAR, Air: “The K.AY, Apprentice “She Showed Him the Way" 6.40.—Miniatry of Agriculture Fort- “The Jewel of Asia” ("The Acheme** (Continwed), 28. Stone and David nightly Bulletid. 2.2. from Gaisha "") Sey lene From. London, * Dkolele Lollaby 2... Walhona “Dom Dum Dummy * Hendersoe I oadon. 0.16. JOHN PENK. 6.1.—ST, GEORGE'S DAY. S.A.

oa T.4.—Weraereks Forecast ax News, Reading from “Omar Khayvim © jrom iano, fh Shih, THE ORCHESTRA, Prof, “T) E, FRET :. .“Ancient Edward Piteeratil Selection, “The Quaker Girl” 1.0.— Weaetiee Forecast (No NEWS. Egypt : The Burial of the Rings + Movebion fin the Nature of Death and of 6. ey THE ORCHESTRA. Com. FT. DEAK, V0. RAN,V-R.: ] De Masee- $.30.— Programme 8.8. from Eoaday, the AftersLife.”” SB. from “In the Temple” “The wowueds ) Afarspre * “Zeebrugge “(April 23rd, 1918). Cererpaat, SG,ron London. 10.0,Wpatuer Forecast ane Nps, Bports Talk. S.%, fram London, 7.23. MENDELSSOHN interpreted Home Again —A Contrast. SB, Loreal News, Local News, hy MAURICE COLE. $30. “TT THE DARE.” 10.90. DANCE MUSIC. from Lovin, Fepecially written for Broact- “MR. PEPYS." 7.46.—Capt. EREDERIC EVANS : casting by A Ballad Opera THE 8AVOY BANDS, 8B. from London. “"Thrmgh Boorth Russia 1 HAROLD HOLLAND with » Story.” War-Time,”” (Author of “ The Old, Old JANE WELSH 12.0, "lose clewi., ete.} aml THE MAGIG OF THE EAST. Characters: piesa ciel FREDERICK BRARALOW, “I forget for what I hat travelled, George ...... SIDNEY EVANS Bithel (His Wie) S58. from Laveaton. CARDIFFNEWS. enna LILLIAN MILLS HE Welsh folk songs in Cardi: fo surrecdered my tnd prethowe Le boa chore “Cymric Genius programme George and his wife have been ———— struole to the space of ahivdonre on Monday probably represent the ake ao) ge." invited to a dinner party. In the ting bedroom of their small true national muse of Wiles, the mosaic which has lived in the hearts 7.4. THE STATION GRCHESTEA: mansion Hat they are burriediy Comditetor, donning their“ glad rags,” when SATURDAY, April 24th. of the people for hundreds of vours, in apite of changing ciroumatances WARWICK BRAITHWAITE. the electric light gota oub—at a singularty inconvenient monet, and alien influencea. Welsh ‘music Behechiin, “Chu Chin Chow" 1360-1 3.—Loneh-time Mugie ore. has suffered from the apathy of ita Aorta Haas, THE ORCHESTRA, layedl from, the Carlton Resta: misical historians and recortlers in the Selection, “ La Boheme" Pees rant, past, and this programms is-the fire} si. “The Pageda of Flowers." 4.0,—Organ Recital relayed from the Oorasion on which many of the firs 10.0.—Wrartiirn Forecasr Axo NEWS, A Bormese Story in Song. Fark Hall (Tennis. hove bean oolleeted topether al Topical ‘Falk.8, from London. jarranged for pincaoforte sccampari« Words by Frederick John Fraser, Local News. a,arborth bortimer al his | real, Music by Amy Woodforde-Finden. Orthestra, relayed irom. the bO.30), DANCE MUSIC. The interpretation (of the pro Dinematis Person : ‘ark Hall (inema. THE SAVOY BANDS. gramme will be cared oul by o Or el ta Youngs Pricat . formerly Sue. from London, @oL.—~Afberncon Topics. group of Welsh artists. Mr. David specially betrothed to Ma Nan) f,,— Pianaforte Recital. Brynley, the tenor, bie heen EINGSLEY LABRE P?.0,——lloge down. chosen ify competent judges ns a i.15.—FOR THE CHILDRENS, singer of great promise, Miss Claudia Chit, Maung fa College Boy) §.50,—" The Letter Box.” Lisyd is 4 pianist from Swonses, now JOHN ARMSTRONG at the Royal Academy. Miss Cainwen FRIDAY, April 23rd. i.0,—=For Yong Adventurers: “The Ma Nee. { a Flower-Seller in the Camera Sees the Light,” by ‘Rowlands, who is singing folk songs, Pagoda) 4.0,—A. Short Concert of New Grarme- Mir. T. J. Lewis. has taken piartin a nomber of suecesstul ETHEL HAILSTONE Welsh programmes from the Cardif phone Records, i. 1.—Programe SUB. from London, Mia Noo {a Village Girl) Station. Bheis-a National Eistaddted “ The OLIVE RAVAAN $.15.—Scehool Transmission: 7.0.—WRatnee: Forecast Axi News, winnor, and has made a apeciality of Geography of the Bible L a g i t l s ; * * the rondering of folk songs,” Ac the The Actin of the Story passes Maj. W. LLOY D-FONES, 8.8. by Capt. Frederic Evans, rom Lonelan. piano will be W. 8. Geeynn-Willinms, upon the crowded Eee nid the ofganizer of music of the Walsh 244.—The Station Trio: Frank 7.2i.—MENDELSSOHN interpreted niterwiiria-in the exered eouria National Eisteddiod Gormedr, who haa Thomas (Violin), Frank Wihit- by MATRICE ©OLE. A.A. of the famous Bhive Dagon entried out moiueh fesearch work in nall (Violoncello), Vera Me- Pagoda io Rangoon. from London. arranging this unique collection of Comb Thomaa (Piano). : The happy aongs of MaNee and T.ath.—Mr, L. E. WILLIAMS : “ Sport oll folk gongs, Chit Maung ore im contrast to 4.15.—Tea-Time Musie relayed from of the Thay?! 2 the despairing mote of Ma Koo, the Carlton Restacrant. An “* Eastern "" Programme, whoee jover, Gomala, Has be- FUN AND FANCY. Amy Woodforde-Finden's musiia. i.0.—Mr. Teone J. Willams, heeper Pie

come a Poongyi (Buddhist ao popular ™ Museum £0. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: that no apology will be — of Art in the National nected forthe dnchsion of @ pond deal priest), On discovering that be of #8.

“Church Conductor, = i Pyin-Bin (Monk for all time}, of Wales: of her work-in Cardiff's “ Eastern" Bulpice, Paria.” A Picture by Ma Nad” ti dake her life: WARWICK UGRATITHWAITE, programme on Thursday, April 29nd. ae John Seariett Davis. but in Oomala the man is Overture, “ Martana”.. Wallace “The Pagoda of Flowers,” written sironger than the priest, and THE CHILDRENS. Belection, “ The Magic Flite around the Burmese story in aang by =e £.15.—FOR ss triumphant fove at haat is con- Mogert~Tave Frederick John Fraser, is not eo wall

§.50—"* The Letter- Box,” known as "The Indian Love Lyrics," qureror. a MABRCLA: BOLTRWN uand Bolo but it is no lesa delightful, é.0,.—For Young Adventurers : “Home- The- _s

MARCEY DALE ys 2 JOHN PENN (Reader), work Made Rasy: Shakespeare's Pagoda will be surrounded by various 8.50, (Svncopated Duettiate). orchettral aml vooal * Abou Ben Aclbem * ‘ Tempest." ~ item, all of : My ent Girl” .... eaalitaay which sate intended to brineport. FAobern Bromwicing nl 6.15.—Programme S.B. from London, listenere somewhere East of Saez, and ‘' Retnember ** ' Bertin ORCHESTRA. 6.35, THE 6.45.—S8t. George's: Hospital Appeal “ Tkulele Baby sees Sherman to suggest to their minds something Overture, “' Sakuntela " Goldmark by Admiral of the Fleet rs Bhymes.” oF the mysterious charm of the East, eee “ Suite Orientale ™ .....- Berge EARL BEATTY. 8.8. frow Bh THE ORDHESTEA, “In the Dark.” 6.50, JOHN ARMSTRONG (Tenor), Paneer. Selection, “ Coppelia ™ a At 0.30a short play, Im the Dark, ce Five Little Japanese Songs é.50,—A fummerr of the Wireless \ Delihes-Taran will be broadcast. Some time ago « Woodforde-Finiden Papers for the Week. Su, Minuet im owe eae Paderenuki group of five cameos, written by Mr. “Te Ban," “ Little Bove,” Jrom London. “Laughing Byea™ 7.2: Finck Hatold Holland, and entitled he

i Old, Old “There Are Maidens in 7.0.—WrarTner Forecast ann News. 8.44), RICHARD BURGE Siory, was given from Cardiff, Japan,” “* When the Abmomel Tn the Dork ig a comedy Mr. th A. ATRINSON : “Seen (Entertainer). written by Blowome Fall,” “ Bometimes on the Boereen.” 8.8. from A Humorous Intecude. the same author specially for the 1 Wander,” microphone, and listeners will be able Esaian, tik, THE ORCHESTRA. to follow the struggles af Cieorte and fh Ch, THE ORCHESTRA, 7.25,—MENDELSSOHS interpreted Mimnéet anil Gavotte...... Eailiy hia wife against a flood of misfortune, by MAURICE COLE, SUH. * Boys of the Ohd Brigade“ brought aboub by “the light thas folection, “ The Geisha “ Sulsay Janes From Londen, Muydiieton | failed.”

166 RADIO TIMES (Armm léve, 1926, a

2ZY Week Beginning 373 M. ~MANCHESTER PROGRAMMES. _Apel 18th. SUNDAY, April 18th. THE ORCHESTEA. THE ORCHESTRA. Feloction, ' Samsconand Delilah” Bute, “ Romeo and Juliet." +20. The Band of H.M. Royal Air sorter 10.0. ace FoRRcAST AND] 4 LENA GRIFFITHS Forces. GERALD W. BRIGHT News, (on tralte}. Conductor, jSclo Pianatorte}). Mr. GERALD BULLETYT. SLB, Oe Toserid the Towryn.” Flight-Lienut, J. AMERS, “sonata —Pathétiqne;’’ Ory. from Canvedan, “Thornes ey "Pri Love” Overture, * Oberon" TWinher Hesthaven local News. A Latite Black Cobbler “Dante of the Hours” 2(* La THE ORCHESTRA. 10.20.—S8ong Cyele, “A PORT'S "Firat Loewe " tHdconds * Ponchielli Descriptive: Piece, In a Chinese LOVE (Schumann |. abt fregn oer, WohDeri HERBERT RUDDOCK Temple Garden" .. Ketslhey Fonda. 7 The Song taf the Thriuah a LT. Cloge chown, * David cof the: White ° { Base}. J. ALLISON, Rook “Only the Desolate ” Peharihovaby “Wouith arr, zirthur Somervell “Yeates ' Binberestetn “Tnvithas Wortiros the Bower ' *.. Bercfel TUESDAY, April 20th. THE WELSH. SINGERS *Aarlegain. Sade rean THE BAST. and. ORCHESTRA, ‘“Spanisch: Tinge (Nos. 2 and THE ORCHESTRA. o2:—School Transaiasion: ‘The Grand Fantasia on Welah RN tec ete ak poaa se eforzkouwski Suite, ““ From the Countryside ™ Romance of Raihvay Constric- Aira for Choru:and Macearade Buite from “ The Mer- Coolers tion—George Stephenson and Orchestra, ‘thant of Vemiea ....,. Aulltean WIELLIAM MAINEY tho Birth of the Railway,” by ar. Percy ileichker {Solo Clarinet). Iriroduction and Bourrée; Mr. Edward Creasy, thesagra re et peet = Be] Valse: Lente: Finale. Belectecl, 445.—Anto Piane Poecital by. J. GERTRUDE EDGARD THE ORCHESTRA. Mencloawvs. il, An Hour with (Soprano). “Awe Maria " (By Request) 4.0.—Miss Clarissa Graves, “* Fecapos Schubert. "Oh, Letthe Merry, Bells Hing Sehubert from Loneliness," THE ORCHESTRA, .. Hanae 10h0.— Claas down, hey Tea-time Music. ivertuare, “* Rasamunde,"' HEa Lily. -. Hope Temple WISTFRED BROWNE “Ave Maria.” THE STATION QUARTET. FLORENCE CUNNINGHAM (Seaben Pianoforte |. THE BAND. Impromptu in Bo Flat Major, MONDAY, April 19th. (Sopra}, Valse) Lente and Pizsicato from Op. 143, No. 3 (Theme and Ballet, ** Sylvia ase Deltber f 5.15.— FOR THE CHELDREN. Vanations), Selection, "LaBobéme " Preeti 4.25.—School Transmission: ‘Travel 6.0,—The Majeatic os Colebrity ny Picturea by the Rev, H. Allen THE ORCHESTRA. *HERBERT RUDDOCK. Orchestra £ Miasical Dintetar, “ Resamunde" -Bollet: Music, “Over the Moor ™ Liddle Job, FRAG.S., * Lake Titicaca. Gerald W. Bright: telayoed theOcean of the Andes.” WINIFRED EFROWNE. “OF Coald I But Express in from the -Hotel M njestic, St. Andante, Malashin: 1.46.—Pat Ryan's Orchestra, relayed Annes-on-the-Rea, Allegra Vivace (irom: Sonata’ in “In theSilent Night ™ from. the Doily Dispatch 116—WEATHER FORECAST AND NEWS. A Minor, On. 144, No. a), Rachman teat Better Housing and Housekerp- M. STEPHAN : “LLBho «ae THE ORCHESTRA. THE BAND. ing Exhibition, at the City 1 hn Nach.” Sao, fren Tendon, "The TWinfinished Baimphensy."" Fantasia on Russian Ballet, Hall, 10.0.—W'kaTHen Forecast asp News, Boutique Fentasque * 1.2.ProgrSB. fron Londar: 4,.0.—Afternoon Topica. Prof. D.-F> TOVEY, -MiusDhow, Rossnit-Reapighi 5.0.—PHTLEMO®, SB. from 4.13.—Pat Ryan's Orchestra, relayed ‘“Mucio and: the Ordinary GERTRUDE EDGARD. Jonata, Listener.”’ 8.8, from Eainburyls. Prayer of Tose Pueetnt from the City Hall, Lotal Newa, Bp jutfebfanfanfene “Tao! The Heaven-Descended ee mS ks Pam Gm mE te Dae a ce ot | at | §.0.—Henry Crowther (Baritone). 1). Ho, DANCE MUSIC. Prophet’ (“The Passion ") 5.15—FOR THE CHILDREN, / £5, & TOKEN TO CAMBRIA. < BERT FIRADAN'S ihrer pe “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" 6.0,—The Majestic: “Celebrity: Or- Special Hour of Welsh CARLTON HOTEL BANE. SH. from London, {Slave Hynn ). cheatra : Musical Dhreetor, Music, once, aoda oPhay, ror 12.0—Ulnse down, THE BAND. Gerakl -W. Bright. Ftelayed

Three Bavarian Dances (** From fromthe Hotel Majestic, St. a Relayed to DAVENTRY.

the Bavarian Highlands *') Anne's-on-the-Sea. edt Migar THE AUGMENTED fl WEDNESDAY,April 2ist. 7.0.-—WBATICER Forecast aso bore STATION -ORCHESTERA: f.ti-.45.—FOR THE CHILDREN, i NEws, 3.25. School “Tranamiseion : Miss

Conductor, aci

Mr, JAMES AGATE. S28. from ee Drastay Jorden, * Three Centirics 6.0. Studio Service. T. A. MORRISOR. Landa: brine of Music and Muticians— "Fhe

THE NEWLIFE. “A Weleh. Faentesia *’ fa

seibar Lith Century." 7.25.—Programme SB. from London. Popeegpteecs Terria Sacred Music hy 4.45,—Orchestral Music relayed THE. STATION QUARTET. — THE WELSH PLAYERS Sa 7.40.—-Mr. A. Po RENNEDY,“* Fennts from the Piccadilly Picture

present seers i 815. Hymn, *' The King of Love My for the Beginner (IV) Theatre, Shepherd In" {A.” and M:, ‘The Poacher,’’ 4.0.—Afternoon Topica,

5.0. EDWARD GERMAN GONCERT. raed _- Wo, 197). by 4.15.—Orchostral Miaaic telaved THE STATION ORCHESTRA? Bible Reading, St. John -VI.,. ¥: a. oni Sime fram the Piceadilly Picture

$240). Conductor, dundee Theatre, Anthem, T, H. MORRISON, Caa (in order of speaking) : §.0.—Vera Campbell (Mexzo0-Sapramo}, Religions Address. ly the Rev, Overtive, Nell Gwyt.” bade hlarged Sion f.15,;—FOR THE CHILDHER, -k. P. CHEETHAM, A. HARRY HOPEWELL LL. G. JONES 6.0.—Programme 58, Jom. Condon,

Principal of Egerton Hall. { Fler teres). cede Twmae Shon (her huistand) .40,.—The. Manchester aod District Hymn, “Alleluia, Sing to “An (Hd English Valentine “ BR. H: JONES Association of Radio Societies hen Liutkaby,”’ . Jems" (A. and M., Ne, 316). Mary Jane (their child) Bulletin, a Sacral Aiueie by ‘My Song ia of the Sturdy OLIVEN JONES a 6.40.— Royal Horticultural Society Aeorth.” THE QUARTET. Dicky Bach Drwl. (Dait Bulletin. THE ORCHESTRA, patpacecet bickx, & hall-wit) 7.0.—WratHern Forecast awn NEws,

*brepery ue.” ba $,55,—The Week's Good Cause | Local). BR. 7. DAVIES Frat. Be H. BRIVIS NERTON, *0—Weare Forecast AND BETTY WHEATLEY Dafydd Hughes (a shop S32. from Nottinghan.

a t e } News. {Scpermrac}. keeper 25,— Programme 48.8. from Londan, Local News; “Lave the Pedlar.” ely

ee T. PARRY JONES 40—Mr. W. F. BLETCHER, "DreameS io” Day J.” O15, A SPECIAL CONCERT. Mind Picture : In the living. Spanish ‘Talk. *Walte Song Tom Jones, "} room of a Welsh hillside aie Relayed from the THE ORGHESTERA, 5.0, CHAMBER MUSIC, cotiige We seo A Tend THE ETHEL: MIDGLEY

Hotel Majestic, St. Anne’s-on-tlhie- Three Dances from “ Tom Jones," ce table set for supper. (in TRIG: eel

Sea. BETTY WHEATLEY and t e e the stage (to the left) a ETHEL MIDGLEY (Piano); ; THE MAJESTIC HARRY HOPEWELL. lighted: fire-18 seen; on JOHN BRIDGE (Violin);

“CELEBRITYORCHESTRA: “When oo Knight. Loves Ladye ™ the

aa the right ina dresser or Musical Mirector, {* Fallen: Fairies.) WALTON HATTON ("Celto}. which are somebias Thoin E Major : GERALD W. BRIGHT. “Tt Wae a Lover andHis Lass,” vandlestichka, a basket of cain All#erao: Andante Grasiogo:

March, “Pomp and Circum- “Lave is Meant: to Make Ua aay stockings, ete. Marged, Allegrn, atace Elgar Gilad.” (" Merrie Engtand.”') the housewife, is moving Laven PARRY JONES (Tenor). Overture, “' Phamouth Hoe" THE ORCHESTRA. energetically about ler Ansell Selection, “ Fallen Fairies.** ‘SeER 4S == dotica: cher hbuashand, J. ALLISON (Baritone). HARRY HOPEWELL, 1 “The Enquirer: ‘| tee ee OUErL Twmas, is sitting at the “ Impatience “The Lordis My Light" 4ofiteen “To Phyitis.” tablefinishing his supper, *Wulean's Some Goncd “Goris Devon. 7 (By Request). Dae fea Lea [ekeJa Qe Pe fee feet eee ee fer Tee | eeeeh ec: (Confinued on the next page.)


Avain Lora, Ese, j — RADIO TIMES —— Te?

2iY Week Beginning _ 078 M, MANCHESTERPROGRAMMES. April 18th. t bh (Continued from the previous page.)

Li 6.30). " The Grandfather Clock." 8.0. Pat Ryan's Orchestra. " England ** edecqeses ses W. Caner RADCLIETE FIRTH, Relayed trom: ‘the Gaunt's Speech (“ Richard P., ) Some Lancashire “Yarns ick = A Radio Pisy b Written Specially for Broadcasting HAILY DISPATCH TPETTER Act IL., Beene. 1)... Shakespeare Uotion), by CAMERON TAYLOR. HOUSING ANT HOUSE- THE ORCHESTRA. “Johnny un Pegeys ' Ben Rrierloy KEEPING EXATHITION, Three Dantes and Normin March JANET HEMALEY. C'cfet : ft the Laby Hall {irom Incidental Maisie to “ Remember the Poor ™ {in the order gf their speaking.) “lara. cece vor! Padilla * Robin Heod ") arr. ©. VF. Stanford Miriam (the Dwighter of Mrs, Overture, ‘ The Barber of Seville’ Herter! Binning “IT Know Where I'm Going” ‘Tomlinson . Fieseir BREGIXALD WHITEHEAD, err, HT. Hughow HILDA BRICE PEITsS “ Grasshopper’s Danwe”™ Bucolossd “Ve Marinera of England “ “T OnceLoved a BHey™ Mra. Tomlinson (A Cottager) Gilbert Tharnivas rere, Ae Needle:

i Boleptton, “Wo, No, Nanette" ADAH DICK Vonrcaeries ~ The Fishermen of Kinglaned ™ “Bea Wrack” Hamilton Harty Joo Halliday (A Yorkshire Mill- Phillipa 0), Fourth Edition of (hrner) .... HENRY ,OSCAR 8.30). JEST, AND YOUTHFUL “ialden Shiumbers ~ “LISTENING TIME.” Martha Halliday {His Wife) JOLLITY. Ancient Melody MIRIAM FERRIS The New Radia Revie, WILL BEYMOUR'S THE ORCHESTRA, Annie (Her Daughter} * BHUBELES " CONCERT Sule, “The Green Lanes of PHYLLIS FANTING Bketehor and Musica] Numbers liv PARTY. England” ...... cccecere CN In the cosy parldur of Mrs. Various Authors and Composers. HILDA GRAHAM (Selo FPiano- Ty.BE. ORMEROD. Tomlinson'a cottage in the farte and Accompantat}. Doder the Titection of "The Message of the March JAMES LESTER. Yorkshire dales, she ond her EVA BANTING(Soprano). Weiceo wo Witten Jforrie Cast tueluddg * tlaughter ane preparing the room OLIVE ROWLAND(Soubrette}. “ The Sweetness of England for the reception of any visitor ALBERT LE FRE,

ROSE MURRAY (Comedieane). : E.Bo Browning ile MAUTDIE VERA, who may call, A ‘hendsorne ARTHUR BELI. (Baritone). ' Ofe-to a Nightingale". ...ecdte ARTHUR @. DENTON, frondigther chock stands against MAXWELL HOLLES THE ORCHESTRA. the wall, and oan old settle, a . ALMA. VART = (Laight Comedian). Four Baghish Daaoes....-. (hoary ARTHUR BRANDER, chest of drawers, anc one or two WILL SEYMOUR (Comedian). f..0,—WRratnrn Forecast ann News, old-fashioned choita are in- BERTHA RUSSELE, 16.4,-—Wratren FoRecastaKp NEWs. Core. PE. ERAN VEG ULIVE KILGOUR eluded im the furniture of the K.N.YV.R.: “ Zesbrogge "(April ‘Topical Talk. S28. fron Bowdon, and ‘the roc. Zard, 1818). 8.8. from London, Loca! News. ’ NEW RADIO CHORE, 6M, DOROTHY KITCHEN Local News. 10.30, DANCE MUSIC, 10.0,—Wratnin Forecast awn News, (Merno-Boprianca). LOS, ""MR. PEPYS." Sports Talk. Sf, from Dondow, * Deathand the Maiden * Behubert THE SAVOY BANDS, A Ballad Oypere Local News, ~ "The Vein Sih" a. SuB. from Jondon. with “Love Triumphant"... } fivahinrs 10,30. 12.0.—Close down. JANE. WEL&SA DANGE MUSIC. Spinnin ““Greiehen at the AATEC THE SAVOY BANDS:

eea hia wae a ble Sehnert FREDERICK. RANALOW., 0. from Londen, THE TRI. S.8, from London, 12.4.—Close down. Tine ion DO Minor. 4... Merndclasokn FRIDAY, April 23rd. —— RAI Clase down. Malte AHegra ei Agitate; An- MANCHESTER NEWS. dante con Mote Tranquiile ; 1.15-2.0.—Piane Trio relayed froro SATURDAY, April 24th. MAScHESTER i4 giving a pry. Scherzo, Logriero ee Vivace ; the Piecndilly Picture Theatre. 3.45,— Aubo-Piano Recital by Madi framme on Monday evenme, Finale, Allegro Asaai Ap- 2.25—SchoolTransmitsion: ** Rambles Ruth. April Mth, ‘of: Edward German pestionabo, with a Natoralist—The Joy of 4.0,—Misa EM. Biintingion, ° Spring | works, voul and instrumendal, fy PARRY JONES, Kambling.”by Mr. ‘Ty uA. Cleaning Without hao." this Misra Betty Wheatley (sopranc), a *Bilent Noon ™ Cownrd, M.6e., F248, popular local artist and member of Fonghan. Wilkianes 4,15, Dance Music. ib.—The Rinhion Quartet. the Station Revie Company, and = Rerpinescat Se eae Ritterworth Relaved from the Mr. Harry Hopewell, 4.0.—Mim, M. Baritz, “The Romantic Piccadilly Rettaurant. the well-known “ Love Went A-Riding ” ..8ridge Manchester Story of a Pamous Pootess."' iih——Mary Langham (| Tocitatione). baritene, wit] be supported DOROTHY KITCHEN. by the Station Orchestra. “When We Two Parted"’ i.1i—FOR THE CHILDREN. 4.15, Tea-time Music. An hour of Welsh main, C..Parrny FP ragromane 88. froin, Gonlog., a dd THE STATION. OUARTET. drama, is being given on Tuesday, “ Covent Garden™ DOROTHY PATERSON (.00.—Lancashiro Bee Keepers’ As- sociation Bulletin. April 20th. This will also Ie relayed (Ale2z20-Bopramea). through Daventry, Fields Awe |” 6.63.—Boy Beouts’ Local Newe Bul- The items, which “The $15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, will be anncauneed in both Welsh and Poester Carol” ..Afarhin Shaw letin. English, are 6.0.—The Majestic “Celehity ” (r- T.0,—Weatin Forecast axp Kews. intended t a anpenl 14.0.—WeEATHER FORRCAST AND NEWS, especially to chestra, Musical. Director; Ma}. W. LLOYDAONES. Sofh l i s t e n e r s i n . North Wiles, Dr, BATHERS Sof, from Gondor. though: they «shocld Gerald W., Bright. Relayord from Denon, prove equalhy Local Newa, acceptable to from. the Hatel Majestic, Pb. 7.25.—MENDELSS0HN interpreted the purely English 10,20.—DOUCET and WIENER Anne’s-on-the-Sea, by MADRICE COLE. 8.8, connties, Miss Lena Griffith, o pro- minent young Weleh (Dance Bhythme for Two 6.50.—Programme 8.8. from London. from London, contralte, is the solo yooalist, Following the Welsh Pianos). S82, from London, 7.0.—Wrarnke Forecast asp News, .1.40.—Me. F. STACEY LINTOTT: Weekly Talk on Sport, proprammes will be an how with 11..—Cloge clowns Nr. Gc. A. ATKINSON, 4.8, Schubert, given by the Augmented from London. 8.0). SONG AND STORY. Station Orchestra, conducted by Mr. 7.25.—Programme 8.8, from London. DAVID BRYNLEY {Tenor}. T. H. Morrison, with Misa Winifred THURSDAY, April 22nd. £.0.—Stition Topics. Come, Phill". (1073 Browne, solo pianiat, Themes Ford, arr. 2,Keel Wednesday evening, April 21st, is 11,90-12.30.—The Station Quurtet. #.10. “* This prociows stone set in a “ Man's Life Ts Bot Vem " (1665) devoted to Chamber Music played by silver sea." Henry Lawes the Edith Midgley Trin, “The Vindi- Miss Dorothy 4. 90,—Mes. Falkner Bil, THE AUGMENTED STATION “ Drink to Me Only * Kitchen (mezzo-roprano), cation of the Limerick," and Mr. ORCHESTRA: arr. Roger Qailter Porry Jones (tenor), The Midgley

4.45, Tea-time Music. Conductor, T. H. MORRISON, “ Mowing the Barley " (Folk Bong) Trio, 80 well known i n the Midlanda- J. MEADOWS Overture, Richard IT." German ere, Wyatt Pargeter consiata of Mise Ethel Midgley at the REGINALD WHITEHEAD RADCLIFFE FIRTH (Auto-Piano Rerital). se Mr. John Bridge, violinist aed HR. JOHN NICHOLAS {Hass}. (Thalect Entertainer). pater oF the famous Hallé Orchestra, {Baes-Baritone}. “ England Mine“... 7, Del Riego *“ Welcome, Bonny Brid “ 8, and Mr. Walter Hatton, who is alothe “ Trooper Johnny Lodlow ™ “Th Onrd Gellman’. , } tencock fi.i.—FOR THE CHILDREN. ‘cellist in the popular Brodaky Quartet. Temple JANET HEMSLEY To celebrate St. George's Day on 6.0.—Proranns S.B. from London, “There's Only One Englond ™ (Mexno-Contralta), Friday, April 23ni, the Manchester

7.0.—Wrates Forecasr anp News. Brenilic Samnth To Dhafodils ** 2... Station has arranged # special concert

Prof. T.-K. FEET, * Ancient “The Bosom of the Deap ' “June ‘Twilight, | representative of Merrie England andl Beypt: The Boial--of the Johieon " Bridal Dawn" 5; Faathepe entithed “This Precious Stone Set in. huings : On the Nature of Death THE ORCHESTRA. *The Brightes t| Marin a Silver Sea."" The Augmented Siation nid of the Afber Life.” 8.8, Suite, ** Victoria and Merrie Eng- WK kn 9 oilers Orchostra, with Mr. Reginald Whitp- fron:Laverpoot, Te raevecsestecsineERT DAVID BRYNLEY. head, tha popular bass, and Mer, DE. Db. E. ORMEROD (Recitations). “ Limien Lea Feughan Williams Ormercl, racemes? and owell-denoon 7.25—Prepnat OE. fron Delon, * Home Thoughts from Abroad “ * harming “Chia ** » Hernan member of the Siation Dramntic Com- 7.40.—Alderman W, WALEER:* Off it. Browning “Go. Lovely: Boge" Mager Quilter pany, will contribute to a programme the Beaten Trhitk in Derby- “Is Life Worth Living ** “The Cobblers End ™ expressive of all that is best in Englis’ flies." 4. Austr Hearid Braatesy musit- and literature.

— RADIO TIMES —— (Apu. lém, 1926.

5NO Week Beginning 404M. NEWCASTLE PROGRRAMMES. April 18th. ‘SU NDAY, April 18th. t.40,— Radio Association Talk : «Mer. i 1), —Mine i. Claudine Lever Murray. THE COMPANY: * At the. tom” Laweon, Whithy Radio Boe ieby, } * Border Hallacs—The Battle ot Seeger 2900-5. 30.—Progra) SB from “Sore Further Notes Helative | Otterburn," EVA BANTEING ond ARTHUR JLovudan, Ta the Des of Heaction. 4.15.—Musio from TillewsRestaurant, BELL: Vom Doet, “Sam 1). WEATHER FORECAST Aso News. Hlachett Street. Pilon Ludgate Hill” SO. Studio Service. Mr. JAMES AGATE: Dramatic ae FOR THE CHILDREN, Howerd: Fisher THE STATION ORCHESTRA : Criticiem. S.B. from London. WILL SEYMOUR and MAX: (Condhietor, | 6.0, Dance Music. MENDELSSOHN (Felected WELL HOLLES: “ Private EDWARD ULARE. THE LONDON RADIO DASCE Pianoforte Works) interpreted Sobby Clark... Wilt Soyaiour Prelude from “ English Suite" BAA DL. hy MAURICE COLE. 8.8, HILDA GRAHAM (Selo Piane- io, 6 Direeiesl bey jrom Doron, forte), Nocturne in EP Pint Rach, err. Gerrard Willtorta SIDNEY FIBMAN, Chapin The Gin. Fugue 7.40. Mr. BG. ABSALOM,- M.Se 5.8. from Lovdon. Bach, franeeriied for Siring AV eit To & Bieele Factory. BROFE MURRAY vr“ Sarckh Aline, Te, Orchestra’ by BO Vaughan | WeenForecast ann News. Sond ‘That Young Man Home MW. STEPHAN: DEtui ite | Wallicnea aol 2braedd Jorater 50. A SYMPHONY—A CONCERTO— Hester ond fee SONGS. Nace.” SG. from: Demian, THE STATION CHORAL MEN DELSSOHR interpreted | 0.0, JOSEPH YOUNG and EOCTETY OCTET. EDWARD TSAACS (Solo Pianoforte) hy MATRICE COLE. 8. ee ORCHESTRA. Hymn, ** Praise the Lord” (A. und litroduedion ana Honda te jF- anual Totefal, Bi, Mo. PRE 1) ries Sireene! Bible Readine. THE STATION —ume HENRIETTA ia t- ) a. 15, THE ORCHESTRA. JAnthem, “The Madiant Miocn “* BYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. : NETT, OBE. ane thaFt. onchoctor, Han. Lord | BURNHAM: | Three Hungarian Dances Aradaps as Waodarated Religious Addresa by the “Fiaw, ENWARD (CLARE. ‘The. Tnfleence of the Press.” 100, THE CONCERT PARTY. Coneerto for Pienoforte and Or. F. BAKER Sua: from Jeedon, MAX WELE HOLLES, ARTHUR fhietm, No. | in Gf Minor, #.0.—PHILEMON.. 8.8. from London, BE LI,aond WiLL SEYMOUR : THE OCTET. Op. 5: oe aleelesohn | Les Mietiabtes " Afaorny Paylin Ey, desu; the VeryThought Molte Allegro.con Pinos 5 Am- Beak —Programme SB. from London. (A. and -ML, Wo. 178 EVA. BANTING : * Canterbury of Thee.” dante ; Presto. DO, WrATHER Forecast ann News. (1) }. Gelig * 1...... Molly Carete B34. HELEN HENSCHEL Prof. 2D, Fi TOVEY,. Mas-Doc., WILL SEYMOUR and MAX- Prayer. “Muse ond the Ordinary Lis- THE OCTET. (Songe at the Piano). WELL HOLLES : *F Tite “ Blow Away the Morning Dew* fener. S28, fron Edinburgh. Veaper, “ O Saviour! When Thy ‘Token ts Wall Seapian r Hngtish Polk Song, arr, Cees Laud News. Loving Hond™ (A. and M.; ARTHUR BELL: “The Fisher-. Sheerp. ‘Ne. Seyi.) 1a, DANCE MUSIC. men of- England ‘The Town Sisters 7 Seymour Philtija THEORCHESTRA. Seottiah Pele iSorig, are, i. BERT FIRMAN’'S “Sleepers, Wake |" ontatas| Chavqian, CARLTON HOTEL BAND, WiLL SEYMOUR : from Church Cantata; "William Taylor ™ Sat. from: Jendon. “The Nervous En- Weil Mo, Je), arr. ley Mie sf Binghiahk Folk Aoi, arr. t ‘cou 12.0,—lose down. tainer "" SeayRHO n F Eeposite Shara, THE COMPANY: 2trin’ from. BD -Major Buite “Croe Words " 8.40). EDWARD ISAACS. of Atckue WEDNESDAY, April 2ist. #.55.—The Week's Cimed Cause: Tha Tranecaption LO.Wreataen Posaecasr an NEWS, fherts Sone, "The Croydon General Hospital. Ape heard 4.0.—Afternoon Topics, De. BATHER : " Some Anim4 ! bey Capt, BARNARD, Farewell " Faeace of the: Buried Pest—Armooret moe. ron Jordon. Caprica On ** Country Tea-time Music. Fishes of the Old Red Sand. Dance “ by Greiry .. stane."” SB. from Gordon. h—Wrmer Forecasr iso News, 4.13,—Musie from Fenwick's. Terrace G0, TOM DANSKIN (Tenar}, Local “News. - -Lowal News, ‘Tea. oome. Old English Songs, } 10.30.— DOUCET and WIENER CRCHESTRAL CONCERT. \ f..—FOR THE CHILDREN. “Fine Knacks For Ladies (Dances Bhythms for Two 0.15, THE STATION BTRING ofan Jearloned 160, Dances Music. Pimms), Sui from Gendon, QORCHESTEHA1 “Thor Ia a Garden in: Her Faas ™ ALEX FRYERE'S ORCHESTRA Conductor, Thode Canenion | 11Close dew. from the Ridlie Thentre, EDWARD CLARK, “Thrice Toss These Oaken Aches im the Aie Ao. Jrom Loney, A Musical Joke", . af ozairt Thomas Campion | 0.35, ALICE BICHABRDEON —For Farmem:.Frof. tilelrist, (Roprans). ‘* Have: You Seen But a Whyte “Seasonlye Alcoa, "* | THURSDAY, April 22nd. "Sow, Slow, Fresh Fount” Lillia (sraw f° : Royal Hariieultoral Bocrety | Bdgar L.. Baintan “My Littie-Prethie One", Biletin. 40,—Dr. Frink Hutchinson, PLB GS., “Ave Maru“ .ae Brack "Fall. Fathom Five” Pure eit | “Travel Talk—Now Seelind,” | TA.— WEATHER Forkcast Aso News, had. THE ORCHESTRA; 1, THE ORCHESTRA. Prof, H... H.. BWOISSERTON ; Tea-time Music. Two Movements from the Fan: “Huldigungamarath “ (“* Forest “Loaves fram the Eartli's 116, <—foate fron iano "a New ialle ri tadtic Svmplony .... ierkios Murmurs") (* Siegfried “) Thiary-—Farth Her Own Hestauraint, Cn Bal; Marcheau Aupplice. Wreighner Diarist." 8.8. fron Nottingham. a i13.—POR THE CHILDREN. oid ALICE BICHABRBDSON, TOM DANSKIN. 25,—MENDELSSOHN interpreted “Wolo Len Apesso Cangiando “ Bong of the Palangiin Bearers by MAURICE. COLE, 4.8, iO, Dance Music. Loco " Afartin Shaw from. London. THE LONDON RADIO DANCE f Salentare Reser, Lé15—1874 ivEyer » Apretrong Gibbs BANT), BLETCHER: * De Tu Maan" { Arietta) “Linden Lew” Pangan Wilteand |.—Me WW, OOF; Threeteck. hy Fypaeniinh Tali: Sifrome Aten Perpalesa, 1710-1736 “Mollie Brannigan“ .. Stayford SIDNEY FIRMAN, ~ Whats Sweeter Than ao New choger, SA. fron London, O30, THE ORCHESTRA, eees Aartel Symphony, No. 8, o- Be- Minor MUSIC AND VARIETY. 6.45.—-Market Prices for Farmers. 5. Fi, 16, 15, THE ORCHESTRA. (‘The * Unfinished '") .. Schubert 0. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: | from London, Pints le ee agSeda Allecra Moderate ; Andante con Vonduetor, SBHOWARD CLAR Ke '40.—Minisiry of Agreulture Fort- “Andante Keligioso ),. hon Mini. " Caprine Eepagnal'” rightly Bulletin. Sui, ren 10,30,— Clie down. 10.0:—Weatnie Porecisrann News, Rimsky-Korevtov | Sa, Alboradsa: "¥ariaviani; Abbor- | 70.-—Weariiin Forrcast aso News, Mr GERALD BULLETT: S82. fda; Been o Canto titan 5 from London. Prof: -T: BE! PEET,.** Anernt MONDAY, April 19th. Fontango Astauriana. Eevpt >. The Burial of. the Local Mews. | &.20, JOSEPH YOUNG (Violm) kunga—On the Nature of Death 4.0-—Alternoon Topics. 10.30, A Mystery Hall-Hour. and ORCHESTRA. and of the After Life’ Suh Tea-time Music. Romance m F(Op. 50) Beethoven| from Liverpoot. Li.0.—Cloes down. ATS.—Mime from. Fenwick's. Terrace 8.30. The “ Bubbles " Concert Party. ae2.—MENDELSSOUN paiberer fie} | Tea Rooma. The COMPANY: "Haw D’ Y'| by MATRICE COLE. SH &hii.—FoOR THE CHILDREN. TUESDAY, April 20th. Pia iffreairen atid | Jrom Lonean, 6.0. Dace Music. ARTHUR 'B EL Land COM: | T.40.—Mr G. HH. BOWEER: “ The ALEX FRYERS ORCHESTRA 1h 0+ 12.50,—Lilign Coburn (Sopranci, PANY: “The King Who Anal ot a Dog.” aE. fron from the Rialto Theatre. Walter Fairprieve' (Baxophone), Wanted Jam For “His Tea ™ | London; i ALE fren London. Gramophone Records, Newman | (Continged on the next page.) — RADIO TIMES — 168 Areau. Tita, 1926.) I

5NO. Week Beginning 404 M. NEWCASTLEPROGRAMMES. April 18th. (Continued from the previous page.)

7 as - Jeol ee FRIDAY, April 7srd. MERDELSSOHS interpreted A. Manchester man, Mr. isaace las by MADRICE COLE, Sut. rendered incalculable servies to the 4 Relayed “to Daventry. é ‘20,—Afternoon Topics, from Loran, cause of music in that town, He Music. 7.40.— Mr. JOHN KENMORE: f Asso. chieflystudied abroad, and,onreturning : Pace i Téa-time to Englond, appeared for the first tine 8.0. -ST.- HILDA'S BAND: 4: ah. Minsie from Tilloy's Restaurant, chaition Pootteli.:: Musical. Director, ? Blackett Street. ee with Rouehter ot the Hallé voneerta, at, MARGHES, SONGS and and then tounsl extensively, Joie da 1. JASOES ODTbok. t i lih—P oe THis CHILDRESS. ; Gverture, “ William Tell” HU JANET HEMSLEY HUMOUR. equally well known a 2 composer ated conde tor, No. inan . more Hostine § {Moz2o-Contealta), THE STATION ORCHESTRA : honcgured plane iN English music, ene i Fox-trot, “Sunny Havana” { | “If There Were Dreame io Sell“ Condiucter, BDWARD ULAERE. that bus shih t Tray yet be Feely restored, 4 Nichelle & Fretand Aikrech Troi °° Raoeeaoria H pe ié the earnest wel of ad) whe eye * §.15. JOSEPH FARRINGTON "Phe Shawl" aeons Heghea “To Reévgiment de Sambra et ever cone tito contact with Him. I {Harsh “A Funiy Fellow 7: / ; Eg ian eee cee Pee i Folk. Songs. ‘A Green Cornfield pt" Mend This programime will alse include Mateh from“ Tannhauser “~ aonga at the piano by Miss. Helen “ “The Pest-Fire Flame" i | “Time, You Old Gipsy Man ™* Wagner Henschel and songs by Mr. Tom Dan- f (Hebridean) r | Beety B15. HUDSON BARNSLEY lei, i local temar; The first ned ia 2 6.40, TAAVIR pee Pens . (Baritone). ae o ih ieee raser already a ereat favourite with listeners. : ; a ihe Tr | * Bucotlie. “© Gyenith ceca Bey Dg! oe cree eee ene Adan i Wren" (Manx) Aaa tian 1 Gwyn etre orca ny Avra; arr. “The Gay Highway ” ..:... Gary Mr. Tom Danskin. was firei in the Tenor Song Class at the Neweastle ot Arapredey “A Jolly Old Cavalier.” 4.0 ae Vee BOL” Bantock ; * Montra Caren" shin Tournement in 1924. Hews ; (rermath) 1... Paria ae “4A Farmer's Son So Sweet.” GEO. BH. HEPPER niso -awarded. the Stewart T ; a Mourning in the Village i Fol Song, arr. Shia i { Emtertainer}. which goes to + Dwells ** (Hungarian } * | VT orimouth Keir” the best schaee ee x Monologue, “* Nothing and Ewery- classes. He hae done a good deal ‘a arr. #corbay t | Folh Song, arr, Warlock things?” yds ecw ven0,as work with the British Musical Society, : ‘A Ballynure Ballad” 3 ¢.29, JANET HEMSLEY. Some Country Conderk Dpressions A gies ‘ 1 Borg of the Little Newcastle, (lrishjarr. Herbert B08. THE ORCHESTRA. Folk" cies ce Bre Coes March from“ Beipio *"... Fferistel A Relay o Daventry. A folky ae See (Nor. i 2 oa poe | OTEwe ee “The Spirit of Pageantry ™ 4 arr, Vaughan Willams 4 “The Moon at the) Sewedstle’s programme on Thurs- Perey Pletcher day, Apml 23nd, from 8.0 to 1) pom, 1 825. THE BAND. 1 | Rueee Seine “Amour Noir et Blanche ™ i Trombone Bolo, oo The Fore. 4 ie Shean ‘Fald Sarg hy Randid will also be relayed to Daventry Christine 4 fay oe veeeedee nen edWess = j 1 At Dawning Bh ie . Cadman Leteners, Jt will begin with the famous 4 :: : 5.40, HUDSON BARNSLEY, St. Hilda's Colliery Band plaving the ;: HAROLD(Soho,LAYCOCK,) ; eeHo eaeeee“Tr LEYWLEY. “A Frivolous Ballad" |... Siaier overture William Tell, by Rossini. f in eyF ' = r , iF Z hy F = “The Company Sergeant-Major ~ i The Wedding of eS 4 | ar. Favirenes Drown Mr. Jaeph Farrington, who is next Sanderaon on the prepramme with some Paik i4 925. FRED- SPENCEReT ay z x+ | ” O NobodyNe r Knows: (ostheI Troubh4 i b 4 “ Drinking " ...... Traditional Songs, was born at Preston 2 sc | I've Seen”: T Know de Lord in Lan- , {Entertainer}. | Has Laid His ‘Hands Mg cakhire, In 190t, he- was, appointed

H. Bir i. CEO. FH. HEPPER 1. BAS: THE BAND. ri Fae eae ee ee Sa Of Stories Jugta Few, solo bess at St. Paul's Cathedral, 7 Selection, “ Lokengrin ” Somelimer i FeelLike o Humorous Polygiot Song, “Asking London, leaving im 1922 to tour 7 Y . ’ a) Mlotheriess (il "*; “ Easery Pape a sa sais HW’. Scott Gorton America 49 “Captain Machedith "in: de Spirit.” z } a0 MAY eure + | Time J Feel a ; The Beggar's Opera. He ia at present _ 1 a 7 O40.—ALA. Talk. Winds THE ORCHESTRA, “ Morcha Homaine y..... Gounod with the British National Opera Com- 4 Ee i 6.50.-—A Sunmomuiry of the Wireless pany, i OQRCH ESTRA : Lal Papers for the Week, 4.8. 1. alone ethics doed Polls 9.15. Mrs. ‘Arris. , Conduetor, 3 i his London. i DANCE MUSIC. 4 EDWARD COANE =p [Oo wee eee TILLEV'S DANCE BANT. Mr. Fred Spencer, betier known, i “Softly Biggie(Der Freia- 1 4 ANMCTMBOW .' 8 Reloyed from the perhaps, as ‘* Mra. “Artis,” will aleo i ie OE Pak | Mr. GA, ATRINSOWN 3°" Seen on GrandAssembly Roome. take part in this programme with «a ? ‘i i hs a ce ; eee i | the Soreen.”” SOB. from Lendon, 10. WEATHER FORECAST AND series Of come sketeles COTOePTY i ("Madame Butterfly *) 4 ee Capawa NE Wa, the sereamingly funny character he : eh iL or BOC R ASO, ao. finan Sports Talk, 4.8. frem London, portrays so wdmirabhy, | 210. FRED SPENCER a rs eater eerie : Leal Wewas, “The Church Soene“ from Foss #ee- will be another feature of obhis pro- 1 Will Entertain Again. i aay "The. 10.40, More. Dance Music. SB. from gramme, The part-of Mephistepheles i aDae eiarie Ausra | $.0.—8T.) GEORGE'S DAY. THE SAVOY BANDS. will be portrayed by Mr. Joseph Far- i, yey ne : ais | heamadon, S.8, from London, tington, and that of Margaret by Misa ASD 7 Nate anaes sll * | 10.0.—Wearuen Forecast 1 2.0,—Ulese chown, May Blyth, Miss Blyth entered. the 4. 9.40, JOSE r NeTon + | re News, : se i Royal Aculemy of Music by stholar- j 930. sosmrirammecton |) GME) ppaw, v. ship when seventeen veara af inc. 4 *Pan'a Song" (“Phoebus | | pene Presi rorpuaes , (Aro She. studied under Thomas Méenx, é P-L peter Buch + Pote wa nei oe 3. from Londor. and was mace an A-RLAM. in 121, i i * Wh en, veh the Kiing Wentent ei Lovel, REWCASTLE NEWS. After doing condert porte work: for two years, shé retumed tothe Academy, t Forth bo War oe 4 | Ee, ‘MR. PEPYS." Edward Isaacs, & Koeneman > A Ballad Opera and in Novernbwr, L921, gained: the! - + “The Erl King." Schubert 7 + with ~ O) tame de more familiar to wire- Weaetmorland Scholarship, on the sare I JAE WELSH leas audiences than that of Mr, dey aa she received an offer from i 8.40, MAY BLYTH. the i “4 Brown Bird Singing " 4 and Edward Isaacs, who, with the Station| British National Opers Company, * Haydi: Wood f FREDERICR RANALOW, Symphany Orchestra, will render Con- certs No, Lin ( Minor, Op. 25; for ‘ “'T Love the Moon " Rubens} S.8. from Donen, obertg , 045, THE CHURCH SCENE + | 11.0. DARCE MUSIC. Pianotorte and Orchestra, by Mendel- PERCY BUSH'S aschn, during the Newcastle pro- i “RADIO TIMES” READING | i: {* -Favist ") (Ghent d | ? Margaret..MAY BLYTH ¢ | EOLIAN BAND, gramme “on Monday, April 1th, Mr; CASE i Maphistophelea t Relayved from the Ienata if well-known aa oa broaelenst Messrs. George Newnes, L t d . , 4 JOSEPH FARRINGTON 4 Oxford Galleries. artist, yet how many of hia listeners have prepared a handsome casein. I THE STATION CHORAL 4 | 12.0.—Close down. realise be te wdtliebed with ae prievaus-a red cloth with g i l t lettering for 5 BOCTETY. * | disability a8 any. man can endure 7 “The Radio Times,'' : THESTATION |. | SATURDAY, April 24th. For over two years Mr. Ienaces has with cord down the back to bold a © fought against eve trouble which has. . copy of t h i s publication. A pencil - 1 #55. THE ORCHESTRA: } | 14.90-12.30.— Rosina Wall (Viola). meant almost complete blindness. is indispensable to the listener 7 * Mirche. Lorrame Gannt 7 Beatrice akwis pone }. Listeners who already know the sad during the course of the pro- ck a hoaa amen pealiee a Gramophone Records. broth. night well be compasnionateby gramme, and this is included ete a ee 110—iMe 8. G. Jones, “ Outward ditpowl to condone any faulta of conveniently in a slot at the side. 10.0—Weratar: Fortcasr AnD | Menarecl.”* technique, or any loss of brilliance. Listeners should order this to-day NEwa. | Tea-time Music. Fortunately, there is no need for this. from any Newsagent. It is puob- Topical Talk. 6.8. from doneon, | 4. 15.— Music from Coxon 's New Gallery Mr. Isaac ie plying aa well to-day lished a t f d . , or send 4d. 7 Local, News. Restaurant. aa hesiver did, and i Ravine fo Wwe are extra t o cover postage for a case |, 1). 34), DANCE MUSIC. Ao-i0.—FOR THE CHILDREN, giving hom the highest possible pratt. ae the seeruee Radio . THE SAVOY BANDS. 7.0.—Wearsnen Forecast ax News, A singularly retentive memory enables ime," -1l1, utharapton S$... fram London, Major W. LLOYD-JONES. 8.8. him to give programmes which em- ? Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. from: London. brace oll tehools tml periods, TEees 12.3.—Olose down, idee

— RADIO TIMES-—_ a Ava 16rn, 1926.

2DE Week Begi 315 M. DUNDEEPROGRAMMES. ear th, SUNDAY, April 18th. TA.—ir... BEE WAR T CAR 6.25.W. EDWARD HOGG (Reader) O.—Restaurant Mose from “Derwt- Dow regrcmnnc lee, from MICHAEL Ari and the ‘Lack woes) Ey fens: Onder the Direction of London. (ite (2). “Table Manners "J Cerendspar Suhn Read, 8.30.7 .465, Service. 8.0. -- Preqramimne ai Frown (rian, ISA GRIEVE (Soprano). bi. +. Th Cietes. ch Rend," by Ann Relaved from £5 — Jragranine Seb jrom Jonadon. Uephens Wath His Luote*' Spice. Dundee Parish Church (St. 10.30-11.0,—P regener 8, [rem Erte Cafes 415.—-FOR THE CHILDREN. . Mary's). Clase, Bongs My Mother Tanght Me" 5.50.—The Fost. Bag. Conducted ley the Drcerak .0.—Musical Interlode, Rev. J. A. MACHAE, M.A, TUESDAY, April20th. ROBERT LOBBAS (Tenor), 15.—Boya’ Brigade Bulletin : . Boyd Anderson, Bat. Beeretury, 11.30-12.30.—Rectial of Naw Grumo Whéore'er Vou Walk" ended £0—BELLS, §&./. from, Lendon, * baepeetion ot Church Par- phone Records. “To Daisies " Quilter 8.10. Studia Service: andes." 3.00.Seula Orchestra: F. Bout 8.50. EVA BMART (¥ior}, Sf, from Eaolinhwryh, 6.30.-—Proprmnaae SLA from Peondon, ledge Bell, Alosien) Directer. Air Tron) Violin (Concerta, Op, BA 1.407». regres Se prom Ghee, 6.40. —JProprimne SG, (ron, London, 430 JEAN PHIN (Gontraito}. (ert Ghat aire 6.15. bb. CC. LAMOND 10.0.—Preqraitige SUB, fron Lowden. 5.0,—-Mr. Jdobn Kerr,“ Homecraits : Bercetise ee Gr Fare Woo—"THE GEHORGCTANSA,” (Staucies- in the DPporich, Tools--The MusterKeys." T HEQuARTET, ‘A By-Ordnar’Supper,”trom i.—FOR THE CHILDREN " Logie Kirk" relayed from the Palais. de Danae. “ Bandy Seovt'’s Bible Class" O.—The Post Bop “The Barrin'’ o the Dicae.** Charita Moody Stuart = Musical Interlude, Callen FRIDAY, April 23rd. RITA METHVEN (Contralto). -12.0,—<$ Prayreare SU i re an “Ay Wankin O°"... Boberton " Easter Hymn"' ...-. Ff. Broige 3.00.—La Scala Orchestra ¢ F, Hout- Jonalon, W. EDWARD HOGG "0 Best an the Lord" {“Eh- ledge Holl, Mansical Thrector, John Frost" ).0..2..... Pingate sath a 4.30, 0. 40. Mel TOSH (Baritone). WEDNESDAY, April 21st. “ Puimfries Volunteers * Vien Rooks Fly Homeward * 5.0,—Afioms.. ML Behalit': * De Meun- Widower tr | Arras A. Roontey 5.ou = La Seala Orchestra: FL Rout: re The Joyful jet ie Bais Bene" hy Aun ‘A Man's a Mon" Db. CC. LAMOND. ledge Bell, Musteal Director, crieux, 4.30, JEAN SMITH {Pinnoforte),. 9.15, ROBERT LOBBAN. — §.15:-—FOR THE CHILDREN, “4 Thae A’s™ from ‘* Sabbath ““( Mistress Mine ™ ... Quilter 5.50—The Post Bag, Sights at Piteoonans “* 6.0.— Mr. Robere Lh, Maekia; Moa, Charnimg Chige"" 4... Gernan CAarlés Moody Stuart Ee Litt,. “ The Cnatisg af Dum- 6.0,—Maosien! Loterlude, EF, ROUTLEDGE BELL tae and Dodhope," ISA GRIEVE, 6.30-11.0,— Pegrirnee Saf, Porn "The Lass With the Delicate (Solo Wiolin). BIt.—FoR THE UHILDRER. London, air Alri Praclodiam and Allegro 5.$0.—The Post Taig. To ‘the ‘Nightingale a rah ies Pigrani-Acreveer 6.0.—Mosical Interlode, SATURDAY, April 24th. Hevyeria i... Serra 6.230.—Pragramme SoA, from Jendon.” 8.20), EVA. SAcART. 10. THE ROYAL HOTEL DANCE Th. C. “LAMOND. 6.50.—Hortaaltural Society Bulletin, “ Sonvenimee "0. J erein ORCHESTH A. “The Natur’ « the Circom- 7.0. regreanrsn ¢ S28, from London, * La Monche 0... Cart ean NAN DOK ALDEN | 3.45,—Mons. MM. Schalit, Jantar Hance * Jrom “ Prboocnans T,40—The Fer. Dr. WALTER A. “Doleby cco ae Jin eel French Talk: “Lin Veuve et Charice Moody Siwert MURBSELL, MA. 8.8. from Oheer thie Motiutasn 2” Ghriter Bee Filles.“ RITA METHVEN. Aberdeen. “Tha Lok Flower" ScAimana SAM (+FHIEVE, 4.0.—Hestaurant Meee { coer Deaf- “The Willow Song ' A Sviliren A CONCERT FROM “THE FAIR “ Ho Ro My Nut-rown. Maiden’’ fens: Under the Direction of Ave Maria" May Arich cITy * arr, Afeteotion FEaaceon John “Rend. _F ROUTLEDGE RELL. "TT Goed oo Waefa' Gate Vos- Ohh Wilke Gow, ~* Bors THE TAYSIDE QUARTET, treet! carr J Mateoin Dieek Walzer, No. 1 Weber * Ballad -of “Yarrow” Amazing Hoaxes—Thoe Bottlo 10.30.—Close down. ‘An Eriskay Love 0.50. THE QUARTET. Hiax. “My Bonne Lass She Soileth “ Lith." Raberton £15.—FOR THE CHILDREN, Geri MONDAY, April 1%h. r Higri lingial Lay es §.50,—The Post Buu. "OWlien ALary Lay the: Garden 4.0.—Hestanrant Musie from Dal: stom if Wait 2 ieee Son ford 6.0.—Musical Interlude. fon's: Under the Direction of FALE Gs RIEVE (Baritone), T; Daffodils" .. . Quilter 6,15,—Dundee Bptirts’ Corner. John Reid, Hear Mot Ye Winds -and 6,30,—-Preyramune 8.8, fren Londen. hOi—A; Mi & Bichardson, “The F are ee Handel 10.0-11.0.—Pyogranme SW. from Lan- Heine Rewotiful.”" The Piper o’ Tantos r ey. 7.40-—Mr. H. BOYD MARTIN ; §,15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. arr, ©. Marphercon " Beekeeping as a Hobhy—(ij (650.—The Post Bag. NAN DONALDSON (Coutralto), THURSDAY, April 22nd. Points for the Botkosper,"' 4.0,—Musical Lnterlade, “Che Faro™ frfack 11.30-12.40.—Recital of New Grime. 6.0-12:.0.—Prograninty BF, fr O RL .30—Programmc Sf from London, “The: Eoinent of Isis Bantock phone Eecords, fandan, _ 6LV aek 331 M. LIVERPOOL PROGRAMMES. SUNDAY, April 18th. 4.0-11.0,—frogrammr es jrem ieee G0. A VARIED PROGRAMME. Egypt > "The Burial ‘of tho 3.0-5.00.repre& Pret. freNf fis don, IRMA SURANY1 and Kings : On the Nature of Death and ofthe After Life." whee, TUESDAY, April 20th. FLORENCE. ROUSE, $.0.—ST. BOTOLPH'S GELLS. 4.0.—A Talk for Women, by Muriel In «a Short 7.26.—Prope Ah prot Kenran, Bf, from London. Levy. Violin and Pianoforte Recital, TAO.—Sefor A, NM. DTARTE: Spanish ‘Talk. O.16. Religious Service, 4.15. —lletty iacindy [Solo Wialin). Bormita in Di... Aondel 60-120,—Pragranai SB. from ow- From St. James's Church, 4.90.—The Station I imnoferte: Gina Andante Rastenutes: Allegre: Toxteth Park, het, Larghelte: Allegro. flo. Address try 4.15—POR THE CHILDREN Melodia. icc. fetnth-fore ies FRIDAY, April23rd. The Hey. C. KR. RAVEN, 1D. 6,.0.—Liglt Maste. Wiensr Wolkslied --....,... Rreister 4.0.—Kate Lovell on “ Bt. George's Residentiary Canon of Liverpool 6..30.—/*ragramme Sf, fram lfan- Honda Mozert-Kreiter Day,” Catherteal, tinater, 8.30), DanceMusicand Sone. 4.15.—The Station Pianoforie Quartet 8:0-10.38. —Programme Sut, from Eon 7.0-12.0.— Programme S80, from fon- THE NEW GRAFTONTANS and WH: Hateliffe {Baritone}. dem. dan, DANCE ORCHESTEA, §.15.—-FOR THE CHILDREN, telayed from the Grafton Keoms, MONDAY, 19th. WEDNESDAY, April 21st. biL—Light Almac, 11,30-12.30.—Ciramop one Lecture THe 4.0.—MaryMayes on *' Habits and Under the Direction of 6.30.—Programmc 8.8. from Afens eto]by Moses Earite on Charachor,"’ DAVE (OUTTE. fleater, BTAKROURY and DARRY , Wagver's “ Lohengrin.” 4.15.—The New Graftonians Damee 9.10. Cee Bol, fron Tone In Original 4.0.—Patrizov and His Orchestra from | Orchestra relayed from the om. the Futorist Camern. (ration Booms. Syncopated Song and Humour. SATURDAY, April 24th. £0.—E. Gordon Browne, “ Englich §.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. (7. More Banca Music. 4.0.—Gaillard aodHis (hechesita foo : Fol: Homoar in Drama and 6.0,—Light Music. 10.0-11.0.—Pragranni AF, from Lan- the Seale Cinema, JF ie: Bari. * 6.20.—Liverpool Union of Girlst Hon. 5.0.—David Wray and Muriel Lovy ‘5.15.—POR THE CHILDREN. Clubs Monthly Talk. ‘* Girls" THURSDAY, April 22nd, in Dickens’ Dialogues, -60.—Light Music, Clubs and Bemmer parts” 40.—Hareld Gee and His: Orchestra 5.15.—FOR THE CHILDREN. 6.30.—Pryninnmn SE. frean Md eeat- 6.30.—Programme SB, from. ionedan, irom the Trocadero Cinema, 5.45.—For the “Teens, Sines from eeater. 7.40,—" Birds and Trees," by Mr, 6..— Afternoon Popics. “Ao Tale of Two ities,’ by 0, —Proyronwen &oh, fren donden. W. A. EDWARDS, Hon. Sec, f.14.—FOR THE CHILDREN. Charles Dickens, 7.90.--Mr: ERNEST EUWARDS for Liverpool of the Raval 6.0.—Light Music. 6.0.—Light Music. i a Bees Weeklyparts Bocioty for the Protection’of 6,20,—Programme 8,if,. from andan. 6.40-12.0.—Programme 8.98, fromfon- Tolk, Birds, 7.10.—Prof, T, FE, PEET, © Ancient A,

2 a

Bia. ihe

é.4h—Raedio 4.16,—Girl b.0.:-Boy 2.0),

§.14.—FYOR aoe 4£.0.—BELLS a3, 495 H.-12.0,— 10,90,— 2BD fh, f.0,—Writame B40), S108

MONDAY, 13. Arn

5.— SUNDAY, “

+n “All * * “Pyeng Overture, THE * AAG “ CRUB. THE Local 1) ‘Evening ‘The

THE M. The

jrem Conducted Hallelujah Salut Biot geri Processional from” rs ag For

“An Afternean SJB. Appeal Croydon, London, CHURCH Rev: SUR. CHURCH, Fonda. 20, BRerital ALEX Close




WALTER Jordan's’ In — WALTER Seoute’ Unto THE CRUE

Gramophone ALEX: CRUE the Relayed News. Heavens Guides’ INSCH Progr ALEX

ABERDEEN Week's from Lordon. from d THE

Average Accompaniment, (With wees Edvndtergh, C. Aaompanimeént}. NEIL NEIL (With DAVIDSON


Association the cca THE

down. THE ORCHESTEA. Amour’... THE THE

Dance Conducted Dy’


Lonl Violin MADISEY by OF 16. Saul") McLEAN) Li. and of: Us


April Concert Chorus”

Topics Condon, ORCHESTRA by Londo, CHOITE MUSIC. epg DAVIDSON. tienoral with


April DAVIDSON, Capt, “ April MADISKY. Ocehestral Bi S. ee Orchestral McLEAN. CHORAL News "

CHOTR. M¢cLEAN, Banks" Faugkan Good

CHOILE. CHOIR, from CHILDREN, Morning” CHOTR, 8T.. ] es Are ivy is

Income BISHOPSGATE, Music. A. G.


Oblignte eeu ORCHESTRA ae Mindful Address



: Telling

ultn. Bulletin arene BOTOLPH'S

Music, HARNARD. Cause: Afendafarohirt

Talk.” Bulletin, by nach.

STATION si. (Tenor). WESLEY oa. ..44s and $(Contralta}. ano ae Ex:Crete, (Violin). SLA.

19th. .. 18th. it. Messiah") INNES. Hospital,

Dinner. j

feet Williams Oakleigh.

and Secheert

2. Baczini UNION. Handel Airndet Purcell Haedst ergata of by News. by

Brich ~

Elgar *


rign fron

2.2. A228: jr Pea The His the


4.20, $0. 5 10.30, O.42. th thik. hak.

10,0,—Wraeraen b1.0.—Clhise 5. a Ao, 7h, 7.25.-MENDELSSOHN 7.0.—_Wiarrnek

TUESDAY, i, La: 6.—


from “ ‘Castles “Hiawatha election, Selection, * Local, . r M “*


“ “Phe ‘} “The “Moonlight “Doon Mind Dr, Miss Jamet Overture; “A Mr, “She “A ** “Thea “Not “EE ‘The: ‘The


from Jock THE

Valeo Papilions Moonlight How dation At At Meanie," Barnett, Atberneon. Aunts hose. if from LOVE." — Freee Vena whom nephew Cotigen:” MICHAEL, by Pianoforte (Criticism. or, REPERTORY ADDIE Whitman GERALD Request Litth: JAMES

London. A- lying Frome Vo Home—(3) . the Picture: Rose THE WALTER

News. Flight Promise jis SEAT Swallow Understood Belleaf -o ARTHOCR Student". (Character THE: Bingle Rk. Many

THE London, “ sf the Play ABERDEEN THE

des down, Levarlian.

ELLA Hazeldenn”” Concert . ADI yet, ar ORCHESTRA, The In Like’ coppanian, caer HRCHEETRA Mid-Hour with she Mrs ** “

(Contralte), “ Cyele, BE, Characters Ek. and Coon's Condiaebar, STEWART of Bum... dangerously Glens” the ** Mirella Monsieur RCE Forecast The B.fe., (Schumann) Forrcast ORCHESTRA,

April ..

Syiphes "ay ROSS on Ficri of Sa. Topic: ORCHESTRA: Manes in’ 4.8. WIRELESS Glass AGATE a KINGSLEY. WIRELESS Araby’ Gingbe .. Works): KINGSLEY St. ot has:

BULLETT. ha BR. DAISY A Air", Lonely Litth has in Miss Woodforde- RUNCIE lieir, Ome o.:. Weeedforde-Pinden the ° Mine i. Emérakdt A’ Valaes wealthy-old BENSOR, Late.” ROSS. Avibrose Malo BLACK. -E. from tide Studies). Praver" Art "

“A! the Panel.’ VOLE, — PLAYERS (sopratiy}. ™ Tireath arrived nok of “A BR.

” RBhine’ Ton RINGSLEY “iin Act .. : dirrs Mr. RADIO” Geaocaire * Mine Eno'ly | Frannie, 8TATION

ye ae

axnp Traditional ais asp Night” interpreted Land re 20th. .. Waldtewfed MONCUR HARVEY eles Duende, : * Lownie +: sand aravan,” Creaferd Dramatis . . Wesaager seen ill. (Selected . PORTA .. Wilts Holiday Pidisted? Jforgan

Dicken Larbert by funnier) Brecker

pete comer: Frndes Langey Conmrag Bingle, Iste s o t l r e B Goindeal

Niwa. ARarkes of News, at Clerc Maret EB. ‘ home *

Ai Hope

8.8. [A n. hacky pcan Her the

PROGRAMMES. the ‘the his for eC. R- ne

” aa

| | | 4.45.—Triv §.15.—FOR f.0.—Afternoon $.45.—Steadman's WEDNESDAY,

8.40), #5, £.0.— TIMES 12.0, W330. , 9 . 6 7.140.—Dame 7.25.— (.50.—Stendman'a 4.15.—FOR 5.0, 1.4). 7A, 4.40, ou, — , SONGS ion, Loal Prof. —W for Suite, Quartet M, “Tf “* “Love Solepion, PHILEMON, “The THREE ALEXANDER ALEX W ALEC Theatre. Theatre tr, CARLTON tener." NEWS. ARTHUR Cleopatra’ Close “Mum the

Plombetones" © Leader, from. Influence by Theatre. LONDON Hon.Lord NETT, fonder. Nieepe NEWS. tra i MENDELSSOHN TWO for EATHRIE for EATER Dance Leve. “Solo- PAUL

ORCHESTRAL Winter J: --- | MAURICE STEPHAN: Prince DD. News. THA Maidene') 7s (Homish relayed Phe ~ STATION THE relayed: BERT Chores. THE SB. Poet’a relayed THE ied “ mn DANGE Chorus THE Geondon, THE down. "Saat, ELLA in H. Chamber Kinmont ORCHESTRA MADISEY (OF CHORAL Solo Cleopatra” NEGOL F, BORDER if. Baritone, QUARTET: Arcady anil '; CHORAL SL8. HENRIETTA DE.E.,. Orehestra. Concuector, ALEX D


A, EDRNHAST: RADIO Comers" WLRELESS CHILDREN. THE: Minor HOTEL Symphony Cleopatra's CHILDREN, FIRMAN'S -Life and: Baritone, Symphony Bape”? from the othe from and ForRRC BRUNCTE. from from Waeturnn}. FORECAST April MUSIC. Dear.) COLE. eu MACGREGOR, 0. Ghoghawk.* re SB. Piuijpienots AY, London, (2nd “ ‘CHOTR. Music. Willie iE (1st Press” Ordinary MADISEY, Orchestra: AND (Viola): cotaior. and OPEN (Geraci), Orchestra de. MUSIC, (* Chorus: “L’Etui Hagin the HALLADA [‘Cello} the the Edintergh. DANGCIS AT

5 DANCE] TR, interpreted London. “Eoyptien from _. Death fos. AL Mfeyerbcer BAND Violin}; Si. *: Violin); 1. Electric the A, Fiactric Schubert Tema Electric Death,” Oehadar Orcher- Wena Orches- bony" 2ist. EBAR- “he Doc., Edgar Woe AIR from Lon- 4.R, ART Lis- wail ASD Peatd: anc He de

| | 16.3 THURSDAY, 0.45, 10.0, R15. 8,00, 7.23,.-—MEN 1T.0.—Close S57: 1.30—DOUCET f,30),—Steathiman’s 6.0 Ala}, =1 40—The. WRATH (Continued — Dr. *Minteliine Lacal ‘Three Sint, * Capnoe Bute “Tn “Linden Nocturne,‘ * Transcription A Prehads, French * Blackbird’s “Did Prof, anehio's: * Love's EDWARD ‘The Programe Nell

of Children's

Adama, Aberdeen CONCERT, stone.” the Ne Hunting Mamclodine Musie (Dance layed Five Wireless

care “April Fishes Dynes HeaEtole Farewell Aine “ Steves. Piasios}: Helen by Dhiary-—Earth “Leaves NEWS: Theatre, tra, MURSELDL, ir Diarisd,”” Fire GATHER BURNETT CHOOL Half-an-Hour Beene L"ENTENTE Liallbey Drea the we: HELEN MAT HELEN ay THE THE THE News, ee in WALTER ** EDWARD You Goeyne Talks—Pootsand H. relayed Buried Suite, THE Ala DE Letter” Rev.

Da Eyes fram

ona Melntosh down, Faire a

Old ™ HORCHESTEA ito Lea" Education oo of Gardener”... BO on du iSolo oe RICE LT

Downland Song" Oirehesira,

8B. LAS F,RACL.O., ™ (neler, He Rhythms {Bopranc). SLB. So. Ever? ORCHESTRA, (By

ORCHESTRA: ORCHESTRA. Miner the ** Dance; Berenade [SAACS and the Suite... ee Apes Nuance 8B fram: 3. a

the += “Bnglish Lal, Ko. WIRELESS HENSCHEL: the Dr. Danees Song” under Symphony: M.A... ORLN April HENSCHEL AND “Lavender eats P'iGRErAST from Porm Pawghen (Schubert) of Counties y EWINNERTOS: from - anew frou Armstrong FARQUHAR:)

FPast—Armoured COLE. from Authority, Some seae Fhote, ORCHESTRAL Old directed CORDIALE.” GENSON. Gretry} (Cap.

next vagus Cowdray

from (Soprano). IBAACH, §, With eee. ">... WALTER: Midi) ea for * Authority Her the * Lntermesnc ** in | the ** The)’

the sss Direetar- Me Neath. © Pianoforte) asr ™ Dowdod:, : Loadan, Red Cyril inberprebcnd Shepherd Animalant Cane WIENHE Found page.) Flote Dances" for nie BE 22nd. Aa Lontlon, oe Bach, auspices Poetry.” Stanford ata Dehwaay Dietres Electrin German Orohies- Time.” Major, Earth's Fenny

by FFewrit}! Coates James Tsay Bandi aoret

“Gebbs Hall, rom Beat Ow Two


ond Hie te AL.

A. af of '« z :

i oD eel =a a?

- :- — LAvan Lorn,,Tb. a eS

Week Scitaniee 495 M. ABERDEEN PROGRAMMES. April 18th, (Continued from the previous page.)

aL.i Dance Music. DAVID BRYNLEY. 13H, ‘ME. PEPYS." THE COMPANY : “AG ‘the ETEPHENSON'S DANCE “ Over the Mountaina " A Ballad (pers Zoo" Seyncear ORCHESTRA. ane. Aoger Ghrilter with EVA BANTING and ARTHUR BELL: Vooal Duwt, “St, 4.00 HELEN McINTOSH(Soprano). “Linden Lea" Vauwgian Wittkons JANE WELSH Paul on Lodgete A" Fiaher Cam’ YoBy Athol Maefarren “Who ia Sylvia?" ,. Schubert aniel WILL BEYMOUR and MARX: * Last May «a Graw Wooer * Lees ST. THE ORCHEASTHA. FREDERICK RANALOW, WELL HOLLES: “ Private 4.40.— DANCE MUSIC. Belection, Sanderson's Songs. S85. from Joven. Nobby (ark Sey HILDA. CORAPLAM (Sola Piano- 4.50, HELEN McINTOSHE. Lt. Wien Foracaer ash Newer, LA. ("loan cloerni. “A Green Comteld ™ ..... head Topical Talk; 38.8. from Lona. forte}: Nowhwiend fre EFhet “The Littl Prince” .. Howell Lacal News. Cheap ROSE MURRAY: —“Aarsh “ Mountaitk Vorees ™ oa 5 = freflvud Lo.30, DANCE MUSIC. SATURDAY, April 24th. Alice, Bend ‘That. Young Man 5.0.—DANCE MUSIC. THE SAVOY BANDS. Home ™ .. Weston and Lee $.45,—Afternoon ‘Topicai The Rev, -616.—FOR THE CHILDREN: The SLB. fron Loadon, J. AULAY STEELE, 231A. HASWELL HOE LEA, Oakbank Boys present an Oper. 12.0. Clow down, “Women Explorara—{IV.) A ABRTHCR BELL and WIG “* King Catearrho " ( Wa- etta? Preeent Day Group.” SEYMOUEH: ** Lea Miserables" aon), Conducted by Mr. G. A. Taylor 4. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTEA, uA Trnes, FRIDAY, April 23rd. EVA BANTING: * Canterbury 6.0,—-Cirls’ Quildry News Bulletin, Belechion, “ Reminiscences if Alt cea sae ack, yk eet we EP é.d0-4. 1i,— Special School Trans- Nations "" Hadfray (.16.—Boys" Brigade News Bulletin: WILL BEYMOUR marl MSE Dreams” : “What Has Been Achieved by “ Fairy MAXWELL HOLLES : “The Brigade Week,"by George $.30.—Dr. W. Donglas Simpeon, M.A... 4. CATHIE THOMSON SOS ces eee . Seer Bennett Mitchell, Battalion F.8.A.: “ Great Empires of the (Sap era0 }. ARTHUR BELL* “The President. Ancient World (2) :. "The Ring “The Swoeohest Flower That Fishermen of England ** din of the Pharacha.*” M.-F Phillitien 6.95—Moerket Prieta for Farmers. Blows.” Hirerley Pt WILL Pas1 aR: SoA. from London, 1.45. THE WIRELESS CORCHESTRA.| “ Dreawi Day Jil (* Tom Selection, “rom the Operms of Jones") Cerna “The Kearvous Fin- 6.40.—Ministry of Agricaliure Fort. teriainer ™ SeayPLO Ottenbech oi. es arr, Ansell “Let Love Awake" | Sanderson nightly Bulletin, 8.8s~ fron THE COMPARNY: Lenton. 440.—Mr, T.A. Moran, AA. Bose. 0, THE ORCHESTRA. “incewrote” *Anil Waters Sturdy fee The Suite, “* Myrtlee of Darnnecus ™ 1.0.—Wrarnke Forcast akn. News. Earth-Worm: Stracture and PTH. DANCE MUSIC. Proof: T. E. PEET: * Antient Woortfordeinde Habite.'* THE ABERDEEN STATION Egypt: The Burial ofthe Kinga ; “The Myrtle: of Damascus" On the Neture of Death ond ‘Aiter Drought” il DANCE. ORCHESTRA = of the After:Life.” 8.28. from 4.15. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA Michtiall **; “1. Did Wot Directed by Selection, Miipnin “' Liverpool. Koow ™ “Enya.” WALTER BENSON. ‘Therma. Tener 7.25.—MENDELSSOAN imterpreted er CATHIE THOMSON. 10.0,Weatiee Forecast ann News, by MAURICE COLE, 8.8. 4), MALCOLID CRATG “Alone in Love's Garden Sporte Talk. 8.8. from London, from Honcho, { Base: Baritone}, Ff ounrtt Local News. “taro Deven” .... Gere To) —Mre GG. He BOWKER: * The “ Blae Butterflies ™ eins Loo, DANCE MUSIC. “horus, Gentlemen ae <_ Lek Mind oof « Bog” 6... rom “T Knew He Looked: st Me“ THE SAVOY, BANDS, Lendoaa, WGof the Wisp" - Cherry (*° Tom Jones") .....

ae = a ie “ i i =

422 Bb. opt 6.0, Sh, f.1o.— 0.0. 8.10, 8.0.— mo, 7.40,—Mr, 70. 0.40.— 6.15,— 6.0:-6,2,-—W &15.—FOR 5.0, 1.35,—Close ssC Armin SUNDAY, MONDAY, Ente'acte, Incidental Cyrano In Cyrano ~$.00,— Cyrang hrintian Suite, Locnl HERBE Hoxane. Mr Weathicn EILEEN Atter M. THE SB. CHURCH, BELLS —WRatTaer ELIZABETH “CVRANO for heart, pours neat aided, for agein ia reached Christian’s timity Cyrano, Christian, Roxane any characters cOmpor's aonduct hand—coaches for Jrom jrom The butnet one this genius look proportions nos curced flowing. Possexeed the Philosopher, ot Londo. me (itizen.” MICHAEL: Pianoforte Criticiam. Fanners. Bask." by MENDELSSOHN Radio Programme THE Programme the léra, Cyrano (“ A With JAMES now Partick help. “The His from THE perteet Penple unde on Roxane—even “MATRICE News, Cyrano STATION (dimond eather Seen Pregranne woman of Rev. dis Donion, aan Jado. extraorniimary mikes out scene hes .... “Cyrano STEWART THE. WIRELESS Conducted in RT loves ita ‘but with . Studio rival. Agsoriation it Conducted of of dinvn: Mandola 126, SUARTIN vary able OF ALICE Bergerac, has MebRIDE with Musio of Tneidental “Mystic. gehul Standing order without London, ORCHESTRA, his a! ForicasT Forcast the Wooing feo Topies. the to in High April ber A. expreaung fails crisis. a Rostand type & WW. strange rie of a AGATE April18th. SUB... DE Works) S.B. CHILDREN, 3B, fallen hie Eo de | that noge 8ST. letters to intelligent, Roxane, modo call Metaphysic (ft —— to to HISHOPSGATE. Service. ‘very GCARHRUTHERS, Roxane -*Art the PARRY love Reeitane). balcony, romance, BUCHANAN, Christian do of prenatest STODDART, ORCHESTRA Heetand’s PARRY on to a Bergerac from. Forecast miserably, BERGERAG," U.F. of courtship, impdiesible COLE, from be carry fron love laughing. from of by by HOTOLFPH'S apon Soldier, He Scene: Scene."

no Bergerac wm in heart in any the Sue hy QUARTET, the Beauty Talk. WEBSTER woumng such and in drama. (Boy avo + AXNDONEWS. Miaste. at interpreted handsome, hag presented, Church, 19th. love pPereonage London. the thinks and Drametio iSelected ong ine 2. cavalier: Lowden, his but Dhanrdee, Cyrano. Lomdosu, Roxane on Gerais Guitar- CAR- See PAT GUNN GUNN poem. second absurd oppor- youth. ian, NEWS, in Finck '') dark tragic he foase made Poet over- froth with own love SA 3&8, ™ and ane The ium- LEW has can “ the for his the |, lor he : is 34 GLASGOW | \i.o, A, o.

7.25.—MENDELSSORLS 7.0.—Werateer

6.5. £.0,— 7.40.—Dame 6.15.—LONDON 6.015, f.15—FOR 5.0.— a. .20. 1.10. $.95,—Mr. 2:95—

10.0,—Wearkkh L1.0,—Close 10.30, 45.

TUESDAY, 9. 208-9.5,—DBroadcast Overture. Walts Prelude

M. Suite, HERBERT Tereeuae Did “ “Tn “Five ©The “ (Songs “ Sihang Allearo

“Three 27th " Four “-Tncle “King “The

Lotal Fiction HERBERT THE ROBERTWATSON Programme 2.—W'eather Afternoon | Honting Faory Siymphe from Sing

BAND, Hon. Op.

. ” ” , ny e r c a N Sentimento Con “The NET, Farmers. Compositions,” Vales “Orpheus


hood.” PhD., B. “Mueie—How Living Te “African Mr, The B. tas “Tt Troe Dreame Relayed



MAURICE: News. Cinder Clothe 05, You THE in STATION EDWARD Gentle Eyes“... from le to Landon, Perey “Intormeszi” ine Troppo T: Vivactthy Charles” Song Lonte andFugue Rome’

Dance down. Pianoforte English THE..CHILDRES. Wee in Infinence ~Lard vc Among '*

Series. Comduched No.) Englisch F {Pianoforte), “Handicaps (Pianofarte). Song HENRIETTA and Her TBE. “Oberon a Byer.” G PLAZA Cullen Fist, 8.8,

Sa. Forecast MAA.,

Topica: ORC

".... London, ForeCAST “ORCHESTRA. Major Beethoven. A. SUB, *' Bong of merit}, from Op. A. With Minor

ae o Fairy Maiden” Gordon, Wiso-:

RADIO’ ; HENSCHEL April Shepherds Afternoon.

8&8. Own the cd Rutland Lover.” * Freatoe Heaven B 2...


: Dances Pas

from CARRUTHERS lrmatrorg HESTRA: ee to Op. fron GRCHESTEA OH, (Caprice a Forecast WATSON. B.A. DRAB ISAACE -.a.


the Mr. Songs ut ee of arr, Bednar Hetierrrd Young, .... Sonatas and

Make from BAND, Ta "....

“L to His ..

in _. Beul; Espressione Sempre. Bria bry st Mendelssohn Aceompani- i ir

London, a Mr, Tales (Baritone).

the asp Anewstors.”

interpreted Greenwood

London. Plisa. . TT. a. AxD Bylvi 3... London, Schools: (Ranco}. (Cantab.},

20th. GERALD A Lod of Mus 2... 1 Boughton Somervell ™ 8.


(alter Fo Stenferd Paradies RADIO. the Lute"; So DANCE Dink?

London. Abusecul Cin Purcell Frees.” Ktode) Robert Miners Minor,


beer Feoacs Chald- Coates Boner Taaacs NEw. Danse BAR- AM: — Weber Gibbs Howse White Beck a? Bac., ©.Ay, of That

a: pee PROGRAMMES. Ret. ton ior On

de it : ;

| | |

| RE | pie. | | ) "WEDNESDAY, ) 8.45, 3.40. 0 6.0.-—Atiermoon Teds 9.45. 810. Bu. 7.4.—The- 7.0,.—Weateen hR1-hah— to0-§,2,— B15. 45,—Quartet, a ie 10.0.—WRa VL 12.0.-—lose Pea a0,

ale 25-7. ;

a: Man's “My “Petite “ ’ Overture,“ Local “The. “The “The dele! " ‘Sometimes “TT "Nobody 1 Prot. Prof. HERBERT THE IANET Canter Whietle, Fairy Ey'rsy THE When En SPR Ch Trouble DAVID from ! Banghter™ Bat Pretty 1 Like 5.8) MURBRSELL, of tener." “Music Thy the by MENDELSSOTLWN ig. Diary—Earth “Leaves Landon. ory Scene, Talk. Oficier Babelbites:'* The CARLTON = Fire Farmers. land The 2. Know GERTRUDE OR Ballet. $0. 6.— Kelayed —_—- (aluspow HELEN Bateau; cote POPULAR Weather THE DAVID THE Al News. DF. Ash rear me Seals Twa Oak Vein STATION SLAURICE Sprig frome 'Talke—Poets “AH. tors ee Hew, Time Programm — WIRELESS Cradles‘ Londo. ee Rev. BOE Molly Life Baites bury « down. BERT ‘Lytell; THE Ge, Som, DANCE One” College Conchietert Midday a HEMSLEY Broadcast “" (Polk. aie da) [ve and BRYNLEY sna Sisters Motherless Kinows H. (Soprano). " Topics: Air, Forecast PLAZA ALA. ORCHESTRA, a Le cd 4 from TOVEY, Forrecasr 18 “The i A. te Edward af a Bells” Light DFeel from Academie, Li ror from berdes I De. CHILDREN, HOTEL and. Sinilon |} |reanineid | BRYNLEY, Planete, HENSCHEL Coriigea; Lord.” 31.4., | Seen” ees the Grip, FIRMAN'S Bdied Old CARRUTHERS. Dobmeteh SWINNERTON Songs). waive arr.

April from des GRCHESTEA CONCERT. oie Feel Her MUSIC. 'Trmemission. ;) Forecast Pondor, ” JOHNSON arr. COLE, the Wart | Notttrpham, sof Swan West de de} WALTER Ordinary | a, Iovalid Eingliah, Mise nglin: tha BAND. QUARTET: (Soprano). A, and hey to Foo.” “* BAL, Wolly Broce SUR en Own aso Mos, ax interpreted Plaza; Edinburgh. C. and ad Round Arnold d ane {Tenor}. BAND, Clanghion Grown rs Sehoolke: Spirituals) Domestic Dunnett, tae x Menuet; Poetry.” of Pargeter Sharp Debucey ietnad News. Earth's Popper aes 2ist. French Ate GLB., ar- News. Caren Oook- Their Dow., Diar- Kirk, Seot- from SB, Lis- the for A. : : 10.25, '


0.15. 8.5.

Dist B10), 8.15. 8.0. a.15.—FOR v4 9. 140. 10.0.—WEatrHnen i.40.—HARRY 7.23.— 6.0-6.2:—Weather = 3.545. $.44,—Duartet, 3.45,.— THORSON: 10.30. 11..— 7A.—WrEaTHen 11.0). oh, 1i.— (Continwed


Local Topical



THE Overture, “Drink “Wherer “ 7 “ “ “The Sanith, Local Dr. "Vale Suite,

* (ia oncertistiick HERBERT * ae —Ulewe “Lot * Prof. AGNES THE

re Polovtsian Romance Over Spring Cradla

Jrom Serene


The from: {Dance Londen,

n a t s i r P " ° ( ind INSTRUMENTAL and Egypt: Farmers, (Schecmenn Jared Prange). Wratten Bde” Programme by MENDELSSOHN Mr. Kings: GERTRUDE DOUCET


Vorspial: Cinyuantaine We (With. (With






News. CEDRIC Programme MAURICE W.





Orchestra... STATION WIRELESS of * tee London.

Liverpool. Talk. Week Bhaette: “ THE anid chown, to eae Goeth Me ORCHESTRA: Loch Conducted

SOWTER Power, “wae Where

(Vicloncetloy, Mountains “Coe

et On a. E.. on the —Broadeast pa Tou ORCHESTRA. Me d'Amour”. and Rhythms: Violin Forecasr The Sof.

ORCHESTRA, Topica: Flute


ae Low"... FoumasT ORCHESTRA, the


and ).



Telascle,”' Dances" COLIN




ee 8.2.

BRYNLEY, After eae

ond “for PEET, ©

Only Allin Kaigne April cee eee

End Gentle

SHARPE. anil Forecast


CARRUTHERS.. Prose from e d l c s T yee acca

Walk SHARPE Schhurmserlied mom “* Nature JOHNSON,


ee April Burial next ™ Obligate). of the Obligate.)

fron ea Deepid COLE. W

from ee


Bach-Gouned: CONCERT. ™ "ji 4 fobirt bey estern Mias [Contralta). SB.

To-Night, Life.”



Liebestod** kl White" Jay Legends,

London. asp

ann ta ana 'S..., Violoncello ~, interprated-


page.) for Dohnanyt ,


~ Rambow (+ 22nd. Hernechel of Sehioele Areasky one HSH

Geadet Reading.

Deburesiy Loudon, ripneey

Condon, Borodin Wagner of Evelyn Qeatter orr. 18th Bishop, Guitiar


News Prince Niwas: Brake Death Fihin High.

TT3 aria. Driga Magar ron Two SLB. Sue. |

“the |. = for ont ny | :

Ai ni a =o

° eeeeeee ve

— RADIO TIMES -—— [ Avon: Lore, 1926

Ss GLASGOW PROGRAMMES._ ¥*#3:ziming.= (Continaged from the previous page.)

OS, DANCE MUSIC. Cry “Ged for Harry | England, Com. P.-T. DEYLN VC... BWVRs | election, ** The Lilae BDormine * THE BAVOY BANDS, nnd 8, George £" (Henry V7.) “Zeebrugee "(April 2ard, 1 O18), Cacilier SA. from. London, 8.0. THE AUGMENTED SB. from Landon. JAMES MASON, 12 —- lose clown, ORCHESTRA: Local: Nevwe. “Tt Joe's Content ™ {- * "Tian Conducted hy LO. 30, “MR, PEPYS.” ee otys me lee HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS. A Ballad Gpera ‘ishormen of England (‘Tho FRIDAY, April 3rd. Overt ure,.' Britain Tr i fash mae Wit ht Re fi| Meenic L*Nas Ag. ihalle 4 Bachelor Gayio (‘ The Maid Englich Scenes ' Bantock JANWELLE » Lh30-12 30.—Midday Trenemissiat. Botte," of the Mourtavina ) $.25-3.55.—Beoadcast to-Behools : 8.25, ROBERT BURNETT pee OM | riveraeom 2.—Mr. Alew. Stevens, Maol., .80., ( Baritone}. I REDHERIC KR RAS ALON, 1 Aol. Aero fois. * Aretic. ‘Trawel,”" CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. ES pny, Lanter, | ¢.15._FOR THE CHILDREN, tt3,—M. Albert le Grip,B.A., LOB, | “Songs of the Sea” ... Stanford 11. THE PLAZA BAND. i ee ee ae Olficier d'Academie, French’) . 5, THE ORCHES Relayed from the Plaza. Pn eee at ee atte a tke SORE Eata ieie 12.4),—Close clown, nhers. " Talk. , Bvmphonic Sunte, “The Bea“ 6.15,— J nogeenne 88. from Condon, $,45.—4 tet, Scherso, Op. 14, ’ : , ' / : Frowk pracage T40.— Mr. A. 8. CATRNS, Ex-Preai- 4 No.2 ee.Pp en ey dacuican “nd. = The King's Highway,” | “On. the Chiffa of Cornwall” ‘SATURDAY, April 24th. dent of the Seottigh Cricket THEWy. IRELESH WUARTET. | (introduction to Act DL, “The Union,on “Cricket.”’ 8.8. from. _MACRAE SMITH Wreckers “ Ethel Stiagtt | Musical Comedy. Ed‘nburgh. Hastinine g 2ep TITRA TT (4.0, THE WIRELESS QUARTET, (Taritone). 4,10. ROBERT BURNETT. i Patetk Lp fii Aberin Topics. | ii Agincourt or i Songs of Bri: Phere ieee, Ehertit-y" = ve pth hh m DANCE MUSIC. §.15.—POR THE CHILDREN. tain") ...08. arr. Marlin Shaw| Seen [THE PLAZA BAND. ‘ ‘on tae i aca Fen ; Baleriton, °° Thee ere“ hae 8,06. 2.— Weather Ata . ** Heart of Onk . Bayice Monekion and Taltet teliyed frorn the tat. Farmers. Peonof Enlai “... Cherie JAMES MAROON (Banton). O..— Programme 38. from London. 6.15.—Programmc Trlk. : Spe cart i ; eh PLR ES oe Sains : eae | aoa, THE ORCHEST He: 1. eerenide,”Lilac Tine Sehubert | 10.0.—Werathen Forecast anp NEWS.,—Mr.ProgrameneDAI DLEY6.1.V.fromHOWELLSLovion. : ™ “Imperial Mareh ecsecsee. Eiger | “Weet(Pom: CountryJones") had if Tilk on Golf, Local News, “ Hortioulture,” 9.25, THE CHOIR AND Whe W ap ere freer ® Ta 1 W e r e the Yeamen 7 | wnat 03D. DANCE MUSIC. ST. GEORGE'S DAY. arte ORCHESTRA. he (“Merrie England *’),.. THE SAVOY BANDS tee ei The {FEL Oe? Sa afoat, Tae HLTear ii Si. Ge Ore TH Ei QUARTET, | a i ani 2 ‘ tte Follow sinur spirity And UpeL this | fnar Holection, “" Miadatnee Porpidour™ | 8.8. from London. Leo Fell) 12.0,—Cloée down. = EDINBURGH PROGRAMMES. ikee SUNDAY, April 18th. 1L@126. DANCE MUSIC. {a25 THE STATION PIANO- |10.0.—Programme 5.8, from London. $:30-6:.30:-—Proyramae 8.8. from Lon- aoRe ae| FORTE: GOIN TET, 110.120, DANCE MUSIC fees ' ORCHESTRA, Scottish Mosic, =" Perthslire “pei HAYDON AND HIS from. the Marne. Gardera, | Eeborus"” ... see seaeeta cee HOTTA | -e A RB sity AST ™ £0, -BELLS of ST. BOTOLTH'S Portobello, te.40. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM §| ‘frah the Dunedin Palais de =| CHURCH, HISHOPSUATE. TUESDAY, April 20th. { Duritone), TDinse. 8.10. Si fromStudioLonden,service. | 77 361?SAM3 aeHe, FLRTHhene- (Tene)Records "Themile.”Bonnie Lass of Balloch. } THURSDAY,April. 22nd. Address lay the VoThis Bation Pisoofiete: Tein, ) “ Hirkeonnel bes. 1.12.30.—Girn nidpabac EG Records. Rov. CHARLES L.WARR, M-A:)| 4.9Mr A. C. Harvester, © Fishing | “Up in the Morning Early." [S0.—The Station Fianoforte Trio. or Bt, Giles’ (athede al, (Customs and Superstitions’ ili . B56). ‘THE Last PIPERE O.—Attemoon ‘Tulle, Assisted ag AS: sir 4 A Play in One) Act 15.—Patrick Thomson's Orchestre. CHOLE OF Dance Music, Ri by: Mr. ond Mirsy d. B.A) | 516—FOR THE CHILDREN. LOTHIAN HOAD. UNTTED BAND (iF THE.EDEN BU GE | Fleming, )5.90.—Children's Letters. FREE CHURCH: PALAIS DE DANSE. | Cnet 3 | Musial Interlude. Ender Mr. JAMES B. LYALL 2. re HK. TE HECHILDREN. James Camron, | Dregne 8.8. from Gordon, Psalm 62, v. B-. "Fune,- Min- .o0.—t hildren & Letters. lati Carruthers 1 Coins 7, A, —Prageeren nie TS fre ta eee : éhester.”? 6.0. —Masical Interlude, Daphne Carriithers i from. UeA | oer, | Praver, 6.50,—f cae a, fH, from, London, Heory Clyton (Om a opistt freain || 10.0-12:0.—7"POULe Se, from Seriptare Lesson. 10.10.—Prof. D. F, ‘TOVEY, Mus, Landon), j Fonedlim, Anthem, “Lead Me, Lord" Dee. - Aust amd the (rdt- The ‘Seen cs lat “in Dames peste | pagein Cameron's house, « few mites ont FRIDAY, April 23rd. Aditress : sh of Edinburgh, 3.0.—The- Sigtion Pinnoferte “T. Hyon, “2 Heard thé Voiee of 10.90-12.0.-—Progremme SB, from Presented by NANCY SHAW 7 —Afterncon: Talk. SE o o n a fi Lanaan, : : i dest Bay (A, and M., No. | es 5. JOSEPHINE MACPHERSON, | 4.15.—Patrick Thomeon’s Orchestra, eel WEDNESDAY, April 1st. " Auld Rohin iray. | \hli—FOR THE. CHILDREN, ' Hed hs ni | a0—The Station Pianoforte Tri. i Unller O*u.” 5.50. Childven'’s Letters. ; Earth sae Maaeen en | er Sead Talk, ae 5 Nue Luck “Aboot the 69 Musical Interlude a rare Doseytae ckWak 4.15,—6.15.—FORPatrickTHE“lhonisog'sCHILDRENOechectrn. fib UE.AUGUSTUS. BEDDIR, | OO—-Prerremmeic E Pe6-8.igtefrom Londen, 8.8, fren Londen, 5.50,——Children’s, Letters. “My Stevenson Find ** ; rhb To. DANCE MUSIC. £.55,—The Week's Good Canse, 9.8, O&——Muntval Interlude. J. dotting Waacgh BAND OF THE EDINBURGH Sdn: Daan. 6.50.—Programme S.A. frase Gondor, 9.30. THE QUINTET, PALAIS DE DANSE. it.0-20.35.—Piegrenin ire Fran 6.50,—M ria. &. CHES ELM : Hor Sseattish Minsic., * Aigislariel | : heonlon, ficultural Bolletin. Memories". dtemiah Maectlunn SATURDAY, April 24th. MONDAY, April 19th, Seeeeee afe ee 8.40, ANN MERLYN and 3.0.—Jefivies and his Rialto nee Thr. WADLTER: A, , ales Sa ae eco he Marine Gardens. P 3.30.—Jefirres, i and his: Rialto Orches-, | Rev,: : ; PAMELA WENTWORTH i Frotu t rdens ik tra, from the Marine Gardens, MURSELL, M.A. SB. from | : } bikel ley, Aberdeen | Ina Short Sketch, pa 40AfternoonPoirtaleelia,‘Talk. | ALL-SCOTTISH PROGRAMME.|| naroreleeae }| 4th4.0,—Afterneonelieics dndTalk,hin Rina Onchae £5.Jeftries and his Rialte Orches- 6.0. JOSEPHINE MACPHERSON| ve tra. : | 2 iAP. Pearle aha r. i = 5 irn. i (Mexao-Boprine), 2 alse . a! eee On THE & ay 6.15, FOR THE CHILDREN, Within a Mile o” Edinburgh Me Woodhwre ANN MERLYN | O28 Acs een | ay6— Children’s Letters, | Toon, ** i Mrs. Char eee re rte atrial deg 6.0—Mosical Interlude. "The Atl d Fixoge,"* PAMELA WENTWORTH 6-0.—Musical Interlude, : 6,80,— FP reqrontino aR jromn Londen. | “Ch the owes to the Knowes:” | O50. GEORGE CUNNINGHAM: | 6.00— Programme 8A, from London, F.40.—Mr. STEWART CAR- 6. AUGUSTUS REDDIE | “ Robin ‘Tamson's Smiddy."' | 7.40.—Mr A. 8 CATRNS) Ex-Presi- MICH ABT, 2" Art Jad ‘the * {Tleciter). | “OVihe's Gans tae Melville| dect of: tha Senttish Cricket 50. =“itiaen * " @). a ar eee of Claverhouse "| (netle” i oion,. "* Cricket"" irere! a rom Glanenon, (From a Beries of Popular Por- “Wille Brewed aw Peck- of 30-12 rece Bo. tim 20.paprasine Sob, fri London, frakip hs o-3qccc-eess; fae Machirrn Al ot,” =a vi ae zm om Hon Arto lorn,1325; — ae TEES —

= SE 2BE ~ Week Beginning 440 M. BELFAST PROGRAMMES. April 18th. 1 fo, '' Between Ourselves.” o0,—DOUCET and Wiebw kn 8.50. THE LONDON RADIO SUNDAY, April 18th. (Dance “Rhythma for Two REPERTORY FlAYE BS An Entertamiment tM) en, ELD, Pregrenime SuB, prann Presented ivy Pinnog). SEL from Lendon. Present ROONEY. of Belfast 11.0. ob The Last,"" andan. j Mra. —iC hese clown, Bh, Studio Service. (Comanene }. A Drama of the North-West of CHARLOTTE TEDLIE, (Cnredia, THE STATION CHOTR. Hf. RICHARD HAY WART), THURSDAY, April 22nd. Written for Broadcasting by — hin, oy mahip the King.” ture i). Gf, Cotseena, i Reripiure Readings J. BR MAGEEAN 1.1), Aiternoon Topies. The speakers as we hear them Anthem, “Let the Highten ti bes | iPlayer). i Toayt} are:

yeh (iain ea Atternaon Concert. THE STATION ORCHESTRA. Jan Kennen. MICHAEL HOGAN

The Bsn. Mi. oW.AgKINS; al Relayed to Diblin. THE STATION A Voice ...... HENRY O8CAR mee Mount po btinier Nom Sukiebe | 0.30.—Relay from D u b l i n . ORCHESTRA. 1 Preepecior ERNEST HAINES ing Presbyterian Church, Act- 10.0.— Weare Fomecast AkD News, SLAWTLE he Printemps, Op. i Another Proepecter iirean. / : Abe: Oeste en Halhrooke. Wigips Hymn, “ Jesus Shall Reign.” Prot. BD. Fp TOVEY Mie Die. , W. E. HOLLOWAY “hse ail the Ordinary Lis- fay VIOLOSNCELLO QUARTET: (iranton LAWRENCE GOWpY Closing Prayer anil Benediction. | CARRODUS Dut in- the wilds. of the Neorth- 1.0,—Wrataer Forkcast Asp News. tener." (8.8. from Rdinburgh. TAYLOE: MAR’ t. BRETT: Weat, anowta falling Fost, one the Loew Nawa. Local News, | MARIORIE HRW: wind ia blowing a gelo, Jon SB. from Loudon. 16.90, DANGE MUSIC. Bo Programme FIRMAN’S REGINALD DAIBRON, hennen i staggering. along ex- ee BERT Two Pieces for Four Violonsellos hoisted, and haa reached the i CARLTON HOTEL BAND, Lanehy eral of hm iether, = Londen, j t | 8.8. from ‘a fe THE RADIO. WIND a0), THE .BANT. 1 20ose dow th. MONDAY, April 1Sth. QUARTET. , “Merrie England” Giartet, Op. 03, for Flute, Oboe, German 4,0.—Misa Floretice Irwin, Talk for 1| Clarinet and Bassoon tlenpfart Comet Duet, ° The Two Hei ayyVe, Some ioe ag ae 21st. ( Megsra DYSON, HOLT, Dishes" WEDNESDAY,A p r i l Adford HARRIS and BATES.) | 2.20 Ht, A: PORTER (Basa -Baritone), 4.15, The Station Orchestra. 4.0,—Afternoon Topics. ) |ee VIOLONCELLO ‘The Golden Vanity” ileen Ledlie : F. Afaitiand (Mersoetoprane}. 4-15.—The Belfisst® Radio Tro. Altes| QUARTET. i “iGhoriows Devon” c 6. 13. Childrens Lalterr. Greaves (Short. Stories Quartets for Vour Vinlancelos 1.20.—FOR THE CHILDREN. fk.—Children's Lotters. f.. He ioc " Youmen of England "=} German 0.35. THE BAND. fh Programme SA, from Lannitn. | 5.0 —FOR ‘THE CHILDREN. * Salut av Foais” * Hommageit j “Pwo Dances" and “Narmean 7A.—Wrateen Forecast AND NEWS. 0.0.—Programine 8.8. from London. Aubomne,” Bea ri Foret” March ™ from Incidental Muse Mr. JAMES AGATE: Dramatic 7.0,—WraTHER Forecasr AND to Robin Hol ">...enieg Criticiam, SA. from London. | NEWS, a8, THE ORCHESTRA. “ Reminiscences of England". 7.25, MENDELSSOHN, interpretedL Prat. HH, H. SWINSLRTOS:: Viet Lyrique, “~The &mile of _Z by MATRICE COLE. SE “Lanyeée fromthe [arth’s Diary Sprint vty Ficteher arr. Godfrey Regimental March, “ Light = fraPAE Bordon. | —fyrth Het Gren. Dyarict.™ H215, (hildren'a Letters, 0.——Topieal Talk: A.B. fron London. SB, from Nothinghan., Barque,”' aed, FOR THE CHILDREN, tial Save the King. St—A° Seene from Bostand’s 7.95, MENDELSSOHN interpret) hah, — Programme SA from, London, 10.0.— WRATHER Forecast axp News, “CYRANO DE BERGERAC. bear MAURICE GOLE.. 4... fron Tal, WrEATH rt Cord. FT DEAR,YC. SB fron Gifeapons, ] Condon. i Forcast ASD Rov f.0.—LIGHT ITEMS, Su. “from = i— Mile, HERITICR: Prenel: Talk. Saws, “eeebrigee {April and, Pint. oT, EB. FEET, “Ameen Ps). SRC from London, Hinwingham. 80, BRITISH COMPOSERS. 10.0,.—Wrarnin Forecast Asp SEW. Egypt: "Fhe “Garinl: of “the Locul Niewa, THE AUGMENTED Mr. GERALD BULLETY. ee niga : On-the Nature of Death 10.34, “MWR. PEPYS." STATION GRCHESTRA : |

——_=— nnd oF the After Lite," 2.R. from London, A Ballad Operas Conducted by | from Eeeerpent, with Nowe, 5 E. GCONDFREY BROWN, 1. 30,—Benge-Cyele,Local eo POET'S Programa S28, from Lenton, JANT WELSH LOVE (Seinen), SB,| Op. | er * Coronationa MarchEE re(1911).. Eiger WRATHER Forecast AND andl from London, NEWS. FREDERICK 5.1, KATHLEIaN LAFLA RANALOW, 11,.0.—(Close down. Topiwal Talk of. Jiro, wlendon, S.8, from London,” (Soprancd). *T Heard a Piper Piping “ Local aes, 11.0.—Close down, TUESDAY, Aprii 20th. at taro oe Pete ree 10.30, DANCE MUSIC. i a See See Se THE SAVOY BANDS. : Records, ee Hills oa Al ae i Bak. from Danan, SATURDAY, April 24th. |— 11.30-12.30,—Gramophone adie Song Be iit. ; ; 4c), Ghka. K. Ayre | i k Bhathng Bang 2 | 12.0.—Cloae down, 4.0.— Afternoon Topica, {Poetry Recital), | a.22, THE ORCHESTRA. i 4.15, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. 4.18. Stongsand Herp Guartet. ‘Tone Poem. “ Domboce:" j 3 445. Dance Music. Pauline Barker (Herp). $.14.—Childiren's Letterr, ‘42. KAVELEEN DARL’. ese EAs: Ree Sat. THE STATION DANCE BAND, ha, FOR THE CHILDREN, a “Come Away, Death” (with | 1).50-T2a0. Gramophone Records, Sha CRaieena Lettera. : (0.— THE LONDON. RADIO! I. Viola Obhiatay io... fe Phate || #20, Alternoon Topies, §.20.— FOR THECHILDRE! DANCE BAND, directed by| from Javan. “The Nuress-pong *' Aapbert Foss | Lis Military Music 6.0.—Programme SRL SIDNEY FORMAN. SR: fren | *Rilont Noon " wae TMIt iS 74.— Weather FoReECAst ann News, Ltn, 7. Wrataen FonecasrT Axb Srws. R, Vaughan Williams Rear Major W. LLOYD. JONES: *Conabdler ig ieels ae Warlock 15 Nile? perio A. S.R. from London. sig are aie : Mw. STEP RAN: “TE de 1 A f 4 am omy : oe DR & ‘Pe, jie Neer” Soa from Goreton, interpreted PeConeerbo.atekfor ChieGboe ackard OrchestraOntheciea | 102-FORt, THE CHILDREN.E 1. 2h.— byMENDELSSOHNMAURICE COLE om 7.45.— Programme SLB, from Lonedov, Armeatrony (tilblin 6..— F ee fd. from Gondow., eed gt a He ao. (Snloiat, HAROLD HOLT) | 7.0+ WrathHre PorRRcAstT AND | eat onion. Oh AN EXCHANGE OF ‘40.—Mr, GERALD MACNAMARA, PROGRAMMES. THE ORCHESTRA. | Mews. ' Picasa Mr. G. Av ATERINSOR : “Been Round the World with Jr, JANI“ MARTIN (Soprano}. | the on the Sereen." 4S fvene Dwhd— Adres. ~ eh SymphonicIrsh Air; “PatrickVariationsSarstield*on : ae Seas : 3 THE STATION ORCHESTRA, Charier Wood |... oe SB ii 5.0, SEA PIE. Relayed to Dublin. | THE .ORCHESTEA. 0.40,—Caprice and Danea-trom Suite, | ae cane rom London, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. 4 Pibroch,” Op. 42,for Violin 5.0. ST. GEORGE. Mareh, “On the Quarter Dec Overture." Figoa. MPosart |

- JANIE MARTIN. and Oreliestra..... Maelentic BAND OF THE IST BATTN. Aljont 7 Crerture, “The Hebrides Aria,’ Beh Vien (" Figare:**) (Soaloiat, THE DURHAM | tT Menilelascdiv Mazert | ERNEST STONELEY.) | LIGHT INFANTRY. Aria, “TLiAmero™ ("Ol ve Pas: | ib— March Paraphrase he Alen. of iBy kinel pormissicn cit Laeut.-(ol: | Py E. as HARRIS (lerinet}. Fiaritaeea, “ British sary Aire: "" Coe Ee tetas cuttenls on Mecerrt | Harlech) iesceeae Gera As EB TRVINE, OB: CMG, | MacDewahi (Violin Obtigata, 10.0)—WhATHER Foreca®t AxD BAS .0., ond- Officers. } Conductor, 6.26. JAMES NEWEL(Baritone): ERNEST. STONELEY.) News, Dr. BATHER: “ Same Animal ot &. FF. FRICKER., “ Five and Twenty, Sailormen ™ Bth: THE ORCHESTRA, Coleridge-Taylor Mintet and Trio, Andante, Finale the Buried Past—Annoaared Overture, “Private Ortheria ™ The Little Admiral... Stasiford Fishet «af the Ohi Red Sarnl- Aaell fren Symphony im OG Minor * Four Jolly Sailormen " Germans Aart | stone.” ALA. from London, Cockney. Suite, “amen of Lon-

§.20.—Relay from Dublin. Loral News. dion Lite” dpatetbeiy | {Continged on the next page.)

— RADIO TIMES -— ‘LApsit. orn, 1926, oss am ———————— Week Beginning 440 M. BELFAST PROGRAMMES. April 18th. (Continued from one previous page.) eh THE ORCHESTRA. OLIVE KRILGOCR, > hearthet it iv an innovation likely Nerthern Lreland will glen be interest ocd “ Steeraman «a Bong ancl Sailors dnd the ta become «a regular feature, toi farsa’ Anipoe Cio oe Clarlas VWionel Cherie (The Piving Duich- NEW RADIO CHORUB. On Tuesday, each station will take pre Wort Hay. The forner was Tonin ** Wainer 10.0.—Weatrien.Forecasrano Nees, two beali-bour periornmances from hom in Armagh ond the latter linens in Buite,** On the Briny “ Brorte Talk. Si. from Jondon. the other. The first bhalfshowr will be Beltaat. Tr. Hays tone: poom Guninre, Homan Cl rr Joceal News. devoted to “goad " music, and the whichwhe dren recently sab ome oF Fourth Edition of 1.0, DANCE MUSIC. eecond to light muait and humoour, the Queens Hiaalk pce oncerte, Belfast leads off ab §.0 p.m. with half- 18 net tnitended to Hluatrate a definite ™ LISTENING TIME."* THE BAVOY BANTIE, an-hour of Mozart. Then, from 6. pProcramme, although -histome anil The New Radio Revue. SR. fron Davton. 1 dz Close. low. fo 1.0, programe af classical mumt legendary traditiona wd gleama of Sy Seleae will be relayed from TDablin, At i.aiy local colour are elenenia of ite con- Bkeiehes set re Bornateers ie Reliast offers “ Betveen Gureselves,’" ception. Tt prew out of «a visit im BELFAST NEWS. an entertainment “made in Ulster” L917 to Dunluce Castle, a picturesque Various Authorsand (Compoterk. in Collaboration with Dublin. ipod presen bined bey Mrs. BRoeiney in the ron on the wild North Antrim: com: Uneer the Direction of THE firsi exchange: of radio pare character of “ Commer,” The ex ence the home of the Me Qhnillans- wane, JAMES LESTER. fimmes between the Belfast change ends with Dublin giving thirty later, of the chief of the McDonnell i iat aielqeles ¢ Siation. atl the broadcasting mutter | ninobes of humor andl popular music. SOLA. ALBERT LE FR. ties ofthe Trinh Freea State takes place | The Belfast programme on Wedngs- A romantic legend is attached te MAURIE VERA, | on Taeaday, April Sth, whem the Bel. day, April 2let, will consist of works Bunlace concerning Maeve, (heheroine ! fast jared DLhablin Siabieiha ne ¢ coldadin 1 db - by modern Engliah compcsers, rendered, of the old folk-tale, whose spirit, ae- ARTHUR J. DENTOS, bing te provide ther heteners with a by Mise Kathleen Lalla and the aug: cording to local tirendition, still haat ALAA VANE, | Feally good entertainment. The tite ia meted Station Orchestra. Elgar, * Maeve& Churn ber im the Castle. ARTHUR BRAKDER, one from. which nothing but pool con FidwianlGerman, aodArmatrong Gibbs Auch a the pootic basse of the tone- BERTHA HUSSELI, i fesolt, atidl-everybody will be pleased | avglt tees represented. Listeners. i per, Week Beginning zamsiom. LEEDS-BRADFORD PROGRAMMES. April 18th. Tan SUNDAY, April 18th. | De aeahehtheip— Ge el ge he f°: 7.40. it. ROWLANT WYNNE: ‘ Paesing Slow,’ “by Mr. L. B &30-6.30:FearnBPE AA { Pod ih ayur Industry da | Baw : HAATSDEN , Mind Pictur : The Beane lie” | 6.0-12.0.—F roeremine fandun., is thetopof

Ft HAROLD BALLAS, The Worcaber

f a r DORIS. NICHOLS, iy Mr. W. B. THOMPSON, ION SAVERS B.Sc), Chairman of. the Usle ‘nf 10.0-11.0.—Prepre 8B, Prernvi Lai

Relayed to Daventry. THI: HARROGATE Axholme Branch of the. Na- pete denn. ROYAL BATHS tionnl Farnien Dnion: iigal; QUARTET. THURSDAY, April 22nd. §.0-12.0.— Programme SLA, fromFon. Ri. Samer i + Hi val ent. ef H.-A CALVERT f e ] i rl if PEieiftieay-pe f e ] LL312— The Hatrogaie Pilgrim Baths. Quartet, under 1 h o Direction ‘of (eect) Misam, Ta- eS Ao" Ky AORINSCN L) 9.0-11,0, Pragreninee SOR fren fiw: LEEDS-BRADFORD King HAROLD HALLAS ion, layed from Harrogate. ©

do duster —Moses Bariiz (Gramophone Ee. NEWS. GEORGE REAUCMONT WN Wednesday, ae TUESDAY, April 20th. cital). April 2 l s t , ° Three of

oe Euaalaae'tai 0) Afternoon Topics: BR, D. Green, the Lads and a Lady * will again be

el Dance Music. ee HILDA CHILTON MOA, MAC. “Ideas for on heard from the Lewls-Bracdford Statton. 1 Lr Lis ROLAND AS POWELLS ee Hist tchayw—[6) North Wales Listeners whi remoniher (heir prey ios. MARY Ke. TAY LOR BROADWAY DANCE EAN TE. (West Coast}. show will look forwwedl ta the “" Smile: Thewil jac. TD, AVISON Relaved from the TORTHE CHILDREN amubh's. Wonderful Invention ** whitl His Friend 1G. Baila Ball Baap; 1 ute ls ia being presented on that day. It HILDRER ‘TAY LUA 6.50.Childrens Letbers, if ashow with a new idea, and is beri RS (The Huddersiiald ‘Thes- 20toro Topits. 6.0.—The Seals Synipheny Orchestra, written and prodacell by dock Sayers, flan are-shertly gone io relayed from the Scala Thevtre, Ff 6.75. — Clinton's Getbers, Jack Woods being responsible for the

Fi America: to “compete: with | .A6.- FOR THE CHILBERES. 6,15,—For “Seong: "Bt: George's music. Ti promises to be very full of f this peei ke Dearie Dniy," by the Hoy, WW: E. | life and fun, and should prove ns Fie legis (ip WM tedy, | * 6&:0.— hilt Minsir, WORSLEY,Dem, BE, Legals. entertaining as the origina) product on | ee eeee 6. o0-— FP reiprenanivcs A. Patera Tuvala. 6, a0) ay reap cedars are S20. prin Lenton, which was so popular with listene:s, fit |


| |



win Vein, 1826.) —~RaQT TIMES —


E R Week Beginning |e Or eek L Apert? HUI MMES. Sth. p Awad Pov & + Onoway, Beloved." Par : a? SUN April 18th. me, Rin Beoubs , ya TiteTHE erlera: : = ie oy 925-208“FOR ; Bark Se 5 . 3 0 - 5 . 5 0 , | Smee ee jrom ee 4 Rijou i s b . At Rants ] “Bijou al amet ~ nn \Papanmeeo f r r a c d OTe | 6.0:—Powalny's OG ; nita Barbara 6.25 e s t a t r a m k ) Orchestra the Direeti oat wash 19th Bt as Kewned ee April Edward eel UO7 iso = : ‘ 3 VY eee | 650 a His BO, Mee ae Programme 11.30 ; Gratmopho a t e e Soci G Sian a ii 9.0. Rovi ude i n atk: ee Unde Horticultural co Rtas HORN. eran rit Pilate Lomit EK Major FR Zird rh 7.0 fron elude m ie Conder April e Direct W. bev SB, 9.10 KEL tTON rare ; a fe 2 - splot ee ea a Klean 7 a0._-"The UMMING me: HAROLDAke i n . a -—teramopnet= Tnder BR . nit ye mF GB. Up Hmarous “Love: 3.15.— Divectio rin rH 1B. ELA Things— ™ keteh, T° Binge the Direction 1 a a Peeve Balloon Sores t t e S i n i t h of Rh, W, ore, Counted Hill aon ; 40 e é15,—Field's On the | Eh, ee th aka ie sont | ld's "Wk eeLove = —AfternocgFie Un Under of J. ha SOLOS i iriskay 15, + + , . _Aalt Pg e Goattel See

a ¢ Direction Gun e owl, IU SELLE : Kennedy the ef e bak Mt RodgersH f HAMLYN i Cari 2,16£ 9 . —Child Todaritone). | Love's Testt F 2 Charts v g | 7 Cyt perk. he do suid ae ee rEMahe CHILDREN iv s e s Warkek Philosophy eae “ ie 4 Se il ' ee ¢ so Paw Bijou UPTEW‘More Lave's 505. O— rswhat t i oer hha Ro | Hedge ‘ e h toe i F Anion saeco DREN Retna Hoad re c mages ¥ oan rchestra the DirectsHv of the es Bijou si e r i @ Call 6:30. i Pons tt colle. idGationatin a sees dwar1 a Drumacandf neomet : au of «fp Lon- z ve Direct 7.0. LLo.- from Napoli erst os S.A . VIOLETcd eens hanson ; 5 mime ( S o l e ort 6 W lward eit, HLT ADY aAaidreata Foothall | = - eer 6-20. Weekly by Mr i ee Bad. at “ep 2 0 , — Talk, : April 20th La aes 0 i Stephens ie NNELLE HAMLYN. G. Re TUESDAY a | and M eee Sa LE 6.30 se y's S da ‘eke Majestic a teh ee own Tijo an. Ye the nde, Aravotls p ane I, Wallace rtaurant iy eae Apri a Zlat. Old , tai r d aE 8 SUNDAY, 18th. 7350 WEDNESDAY,Z “Funny 3.305 a4 1a eeiferbert progreale Prem Records. "iedatr anal 7. %6—Pregraminex Londo Is Sha : SB Atee ea wat ae Br t ee | ee a PERCEVALCEVAL oer. 3 ITOLP MILN : * Whee 8.0 re 4.0.—Eate ¥ Honsehol a W.. a DAVID ; f i n ‘TEL! vin eof RELL, r eraalcvea = iad en — ue eeeHorrors. the M, rhea mtryside Au [oe 4.15| a fran | CALLUM,ah Me. 8.15 ahh. i St, aved Cea Duets} 1 "4 rem Hatet (HawWallan: Guitar fro n Ohyverheay laead” oe | aon mae itisPe 4h ah ia W seb eeest 8 — RoR Oe Bs, “ L i b h a LRU Cyamer 6-12 aoe Ton- Set oe = : ‘CHILDREN ! Car a - from ee: aw] THE be “Poa t Tilildren's nat iar,r s a 50. RoselAr ite i Miei f 6.0 ieee upPua bs Sam &, || a rf aru 2 3 e d221 2 te Gan i FRED Seo ‘ A p r i l Pera PE 2.5. BRIN Hecords MONDATY 1th. haan, el tee iFRIDAY,eee Sc qrinunealti in. a h Seeee “ T o p i 11,3 cect Foerspils 76.50. —Hartic Bullet - Pear Ma = rooan. Opies, or PATE ral : Poulae 4.15 M oe Sake roger Lond Fair’. aie iA Time a 7.0,— froin GrendonAonothize’ 4 ! t'n aa Tea ber ‘ T o p i c s pes varThere's w w Litt ro Girl f ptrnatennoon fru “ED “ f i oT seeeanete —Me, LANECeowtli A He 7 4.15.0 ‘ relayed 740. anc Fondtn ieee ROUGH tho ieEU I i . femuate i ORCHES: Grand rom thePas 9.15 BERT er BATRES MAL,”of lids A Pan k e inl Sheffieldo — (2) say E g ale {By Mfo k t ELF Le ue seta of o f the Cent ot Ps LMiniatry a p t ote AeeerR, niry gress, about” Pec Sleek sing INST 1 Mes: » ‘a areeee iit, ane one a FRETTED ATS. ai J o ainal THE RUME G h a r k a o n : “Theatres Pear, 3 . 0 . Lover . oe = lca (raarraie 1 bree # = ap J erreters Me Cautious De arealA. 7 Ma DAYAY Il 3 and Boar4 —Mr, med a Banja) 7 Weston FRR, a a (Sslo “ ALI ” a y Rice:5 A eea The Token B a r n e t t Mf ARSH oP in tk Joy. P e l e 0 se Jack TH CHILDRES Ber:rambles “ot4 Bye FOR 1 comet eaeLo] 61S nN. Aa fe a,ial Patral.” he 260.Children's 5 .te; i 1| Guitar}. Letters int Picking" A R e a r e ee* ka eat « of1 oy Program z Masia *ae 4 Songs Good-bye BE : gO nterl a : Sing Thee 935 EY, on i ‘TN ee Ss,Sit /BRINDE 6.30.—areprimand . Prawn ered cnt 7 I, ae GouY¥ Z TUESDA Am W BROUGH B BRINDERY a ve, ee Mr. 34 Y Ly UW The1 FREDERICK a Pipesa ' #15. RICK Rahs ohn ais (ienrEe ae—~ Be TheLioa ey Jeo raeTa —, ecenpee ose race eaeere Pra Rb SB Ph Sond Hose " bint N B.0-11.0.— PO rena eeie cag: “My ish TeRean Gh, TAY 1D MIL has Ei) rein eed : Sn f{ifrati . ER Borection a i] : 24th Me the oe Tach Ve MM:“eR SATU April " ae mies Kil ci ae fbb [Balloale a aia k anil 4h te Thi isi: RDAY, of ynalle, 'T P o r o f e t t e ftert i Cee al of eeeil The creégalar:” Niz re ' 4.0.—A the Café and : “ MIL Rk. i Seth ue A oe ALLLNE ‘ i C a p r i c e i+) ris aved DAVIN(‘Mi “Dab Cuwerkn my = oars.aa aGavotte: Phones oe Cake ge E r Ys at +F ieee. . 5.15,—FOFt o THE 1 ihe ALPE ley eer - e Latiern:‘HILDREN eye the fark 51 ie “Hark, y iTHE C i.Sasical: ’ 2 Milner OLOR CH ii:5.50.—Children’s 10,0: me o s §.15.—F Ae London [ f t F om) 50.1. jrom “0 E ea 5, FrommA: ON veer ae 65 a 740 —Rev. Hon Scharwony : aakenterlude, "I hie TH 22nd —Pr Sif, from Don ivit ane arinSise Late pril 6.30. egramms “apt pert Ci LE ae ; Ds i i 8,40 EREERTPeOr A tetany 7.40. —Station the ay _ ‘Shor. 7 re ibate fr the Talk ofoth From i x Orchest Telayed fom ofthe of Q cen os Albert ra, ¢ Anniversary Stoadio Opening Bold. 10 Prison.”: * Asking Sontt Gard vert Hall, F r pee glare Lon Gets 3 Out a 15K CHILDREN 6012.0 8.0120ee from dust fete Me 4 THE Fo from Lon 3.2, “That Eeali child Letters, 3.B, rogramuct ae: Stantey caper 4 . 5 9 . ren‘s ogromme ion, L e a t i e a a n d Serony” don,

—- Baie. TIMES ‘ [ApuLorH, Lae.

5NG WeekHestaiay 326 M. NOTTINGHAM ~ PROGRAMMES. April 18th SUNDAY, April 18th. 4,40.— PheMikado (ike: Urelesien, | FRIDAY, April 2ird. | JON HENRY. [Entertininet). Sector, | oP hnigphaannane 20,hai Conductor, Frederick [int tintis- 11.30 12.50.- -Movsiing Concer relayed i Jttst. Moonsense. 40-10-35, | fea, iey, fron DAVEN THY, RYDNEY ©0OLTEAM, MONDAY, April 19th. } 4.45, Wii: eye Atterican ‘Dopits Lav mt (pe UnPelegtea:- Cam The English Rose ™ erway S.4%—The Mikado. Cufa Orehesirn | Mirs Weltbw: FA eae rn High inet, Prager Eyton At Detling . Calvan Conductor, Frederiglc Prattan fancts.”” Ninsic deed ‘linthk: Altra, Lewenz, Weelward He ; hath iaetib ley, 0.15.— FOUR THE CHILDRER, “How to arte Naik? 18) WILLIAM PRIMAORE, 445.— Music and APbernonn "Tapes, §.45.—Pasthar. FORTHE CHELTRES. “ayprice Viennois ™ Areralea ‘Rive d"Enfant " Y wens iib.—FOr THE CHILDREN. }G.0.- takin. Pest Lengi bE 6A —— Dest bea: | 6.15.—Musteal Deberliade. Hiashinig. Walt# inMinar,,.-CAaa-t Atay BLAWTS BENNETT. 0, Hahons. | 6; Af), -

5SX Week Beginning 482 M. SWANSEA PROGRAMMES. April 18th. SUNDAY, April 18th. aoe: ROK THE HILDRES. yew Gherelel {Tavcention), ry A 4.0, -Afternoon Concert : The J. W. 0065.30,rogramnaten. Bf re |a_ == Tei Post Tag. | Dyed Dydlal oa ie ey Bun of Ranaw THe and Gwen Maddox Day") (Contrilta), Level, Miumich! Lnterbide.

6.0 Service. ae Hel the: Chuba-— Laieal Semue 2—AN ig 5.0,—Attemoon Topics. KRelayesl {icin : {picked Pre pais ia, Phantasy. PY net pared CNoet wil}, B15.—PFOR THE CHILDREN, Capel Gomer (Welsh Taytint frahy Poe tae ee Preani Local, Cralgan (Cth rus), Dervildesan ~ Taney. o0,—The Post Bag ig.0 —Mr od, oH AKEIS - crn (Dries). Aidrese by the 6.0: Miisoenl laterlicde, ti Ais Layee toriea-—Ahelard Y, fivflafan (Thx Miuaxmeainb, * Hey BB. ROGER, B.A 6,20.—" Paar ree ale SAL from. Levidur nal Hrhiisge, OSA. jn (cine Chorus, * Pst! Pet hi yw'r 90-1035—2 preity ll for tr at oh if 7 Swot? (" Hash! Wh tote bias 7.40.—fragrmme 3.8, from Cardiff, Dolton. A WELSH PROGRAMME. Somnd ***), 10.35-11,5,—"' THE SILENT FEL- 10,.0-12,.0.-—/") oainminie BB, Pro len r Yr Wylotain. (The Lament), S, 1h aan, Lower.” Salt, prow fans ™" Corndwen."" fi, A Dranialio Cant wa are Chae Ack annA horts, Dera ly Jimeph- Parry, Aiene G—At Early Daven, FRIDAY, April23rd. Lilgetto byDafed. MONDAY, April 19th. Genwr Chris hennenget |i (Tha 3.0.—Transmissions to Rehoels : Pingk : 40.‘The Castle Linea - Checlestro ‘ete inate Hawn of. Christiane}, Solos Jd... C,- Kirkman, “Ronee ie and Chon Misi, relawond Fea) toe tal Weak And) Corus. Everyday Late—Torricelli ii | the Castle (onenie OLIVE WILLDAMS. (Sopris) the Hharonreter.' Prot. Ey Bi, Poa BALLADS AND PART SONGS. Hughes, “How. We Are Gor. 5.0,— Afternoon Topics. Rutan Wiehe LEWIS (Basa). gret—In Gore Town? Bi5-—PoR THE CHILDERS, BESS GALE FTTHS-AOWERLLS Heed... Ditage, T Melt, 6.80,—-The Post Bag, {Ciotitra bie) 5.45,—The Costle (corn Urchestri i Barn’ | tek ‘| Pienvadd Handel relayil from thy Cast}e | Tent. 6.0.— Musical Leite Fuelia. Ana, “0 Rivldier a A PAVID HARRY { Tieteor) 5..—Afternonmn Topics. 6.30,-—Pregrenann Salt. rae “ianteas the “4 ‘herty * ‘Tarvin lhi&-FOR THE 7.40.Pregrqmane SUT, from: Cardo WEELLAM LEWIS (Bass) OLIVE WIELLLAMS (Sapratte), tHILIDRENS : FOOT. Prnpenieiee BoA, fre fen * Charming (“hin“ frcreenn Bits ley Ann Lilian, Assisbol liv olen: 5.40.—The Past Bag. THE STATION CHOTR: aml THE STATION €HOTR 6.0.—Musical Interhude. TUESDAY, April 20th. THE EVERSLEY: OCTET: “Tp Hat” (Part Brotig) feelgin Ghrent 41. 20-12,.50.—A Fiecrtil ol Lhe Prestited ond Conducted by 615.—Tatk to “Toens : ‘My Finn and [.** pelcinie Records. T. DB. TORES. hr dono flasn gwyutoedd Parry 0 —The Castile tinknin Chebonira, Rhicicowel | Probe) 6.30110.—Pronrramne ao: } Fit yd fonmeoan. rehiy ae from the Castle: tye, Ceonvmidatihy oy. Dhatwychabow {The DAVID HARRY (| Tenor). 4.50:-—The fistion Trix ; Dyiitts’ —Murel). “The Borrows- of Death “* {Hiyvniun 515 —FOR THE CHILDREN, (yiek-Gerdd (Cirde Cte} —vil- of Pruise} Memdefseohis SATURDAY, April 24th. 6.60,—"The Post: Ray, gid (Choris), *Plonydd, i BRESLE GRIFFITHS-HOWELLS hath, The Dansant. 6.—Marcical Tnienlude. lw y hit fu - Plenpdd, We (tonbrnlio, telayed from the treet Thee ""), 6.00-12.0,— Preqrann ave i: if Gun * Pe Einelaartinesa: Af cot item Bailie Lomige Cath Beside, onan, Vinbil-derdd [(Moncdy}. THE EVERASLEY OCTET. 5,15—FOR THE CHILDREN. Awen-Gerdd (The Moses} Lat WEDNESDAY, April 21st. (Pony) Cerniwen aml lie “Phe “Leek.” I ae | aoe inal 5 bo The -Poat Bag. — Nodilfetan 4.00,—The Cirle Cinéiim Orelieira, Afsea: 60.—A Bhor Pianeforte tecital jw réliyed from the Castle Cerne, Hayweserrte (Epa), i Alin Ty 10.0-11.0.— - f ‘y cara Nir ee i: ir erie an . T. D . Janes, 4.15,—-A Concern of Granioplone bor wn Amrelhy "yf Fo han aun. 6.50—Preogrmman 8.8, frow. London, Recdteds. Hued ia Natore “*}. THURSDAY, April 22nd. 7.40,—-Programme (8.8. from Crna, 6.0.- —Aftoreoin Talk : Mr. B, RugeilGerdd (Kelogme), ae pretty BK eighlcurs jae] tank wn Tyeyin " (°' The Sun 13-12 w.-—~A Hectial oof Geran 10.0-12,0,—Pragramme 8.8, fir oan Space"Fie Plaine Mira." i i Now Bhim “*}, | phone Reenrds, Fermin, we a

‘Phones 300-310, delighted whatever I the neighbours’ are could not it Lissenola make instructions delight sweemess attach costing

give you for I in the my To add have continues with horn for Full the ” Lissenola—it tired its going Bichoond admiration Licsendla.** Lissenola—by making you

can, The only your

ape directions

the head-phone sponsors. value-for-money the taken erery and many ween as owner of this ig like 2285 to of Lissenola in

LISSEN give An own Friars usual “many-guinea” much used to surprise head-phones, 8, (Signed) and 1 pay tone the Messrs, pounds. ligesd. give me, Dollis shows The be iy loud A me for efficient of iol is witha somewhat cone a patterns satisfaction I tllaarration disclaimer and

peak: advertisement their necomenthog equal writing, money one such own use that conetracted. big to Lane, Jdlphesgm you. Hill rcaneaa- tm=tbod the

Lissen a sense; the by price really cabinet horn If really splendid a results. clean, x

Avenue, LISSENOLA or LIMITED, well

tone users given loud-speaking word speaker, you Or .M. W. unasked, unusual that who and for

Richmond, for COOVETCS. ola” The an inte tramophonone excellent Ltd., for remarkable spent. you crisp arm gramophone, possess ‘Grams: apscaker, “remarkable” a “Lissen- with enjoyment results, a at @ My inetondy I ate Cricklewood,

few Mr. is loud-speaker course

loud can, and everywhere! but a reception

have ary this tive a i c e r p p a * to WOODGATE, advice cost Lissewinem, envious pence. every product. a with

you W. invest 1 unit am advertisement

gramophone, instrument— withcone Atachmenc loud ptoding! The no of certainly of as

to Phone, “Liseen"Reed and will primarily Surrey. expressing Lissenola, epenker,

simply only the M.

a designed that interests My that of 13/6 all Le: speaker N.W.2 diaphram Foridan." which while pet their for lucid

who own WOODGATE. (par. 13/6 will will Price am wwe

in a a

and You


cover purchaser PRICE





and Listen-in

o t


build resemble


the speaking the










paper, e k i h


s i h t


wall-paper, unit







extant few



ie 5 itd

| h RADIO TIMES — {Apia Tote, 1935.

LOW rm O CARELESS fp H.T. FROM YOUR MAINS Even the «most elbcent High Tension Batteries require constant re- placements, and the money spent in this way is, for a mult valve set, considerable,

Overcome this dithculty by writing to-day fora Fellophone H.T. Supply Unit— try itor fT days ane, tf at Laide to give complete patisfactron.: feturn i und nnaged toe with seal totect- ane Tour jooenTey will be retunded, The Fellophone H.T. Supply Unit is made in two types (1) For Alter- nating Current, and (2) For Direct Current. Please state when ordering the voltage of your mains ancl (il alternating) the frequency, Note— You ean obtain this information from your: meter, These units: ore simplicity itself to operate; merely plug the adaptor into o Lamp Holder and connect wp the appropriste termimala to ‘yout CHARGE YOUR ACCUMULATOR

cet exactly: as you would an /H.T. Battery. . AT HOME. These Units have NO MOVING PARTS, there ere NO CHEMICALS, comequently NO MESS, sod they will fest indefinitely: They ore ABSOLUTELY SAPE in ie and they give PERFECT SILENT Have you alternating current electric light in RECEPTION: Forther the current consumed ia LESS than that ‘ol a your home 2 i-candie-power damp. Figate siote core: if co, wrrle taws to-day and order a Fella wn Accumul ater SPECIAL OFFER. folly the cofiage * Charger. You simply plug it inte any lamp-holder, give

To popularise these Units we are making the following ond fregaenecy af a twist to the spindle, connect up your accumulator your mdine, Pads and leave it until chorged, exceptional offer; Aleraied hore ean This charger will gave its.own cost in a few weeks. be obtained from To begin with, you reed only have one sécumulator, The FIRST 20,000 Units will be sold for £3- 10-0 for poor mMefer. the A.C, Type and £2 - 10-0 for the D.C. Type. because it can. be charging when not in wee, Secondly, you will be saved all journeys to the charging Send in your order to-day, accompanied by remittance and station and you will always have a fully-charged battery state (a) the voltage and frequency of your mains, on-hand. Finally, the charging cost is extremely low, wtrking out at about td. for 10 hours charging at (b) the voltage of H.T. you require for your set. H.T. 21o°3. dmps, i = Units, whether A.C. or D.C., are made to supply either Send: for sorad. This charger is perfectly safe: it avoids all meas: it ts poge tifustroted entively automatic and has no expensive parts to renew, 50 or 100 volts at 10 to 15 milliamps in every case. colalegue Mo, 7a i & designed ig charge 4o¢6 volt LT. sccomulatora, For further information write for our illustrated leaflet Iree, and fer de= scriptie fealfat of but 2 volt LF acctimulators con be charged af two ae H.T.S. this charger. connected’ in tenes to the terminals ‘dehvering 4 volts. Sent packing free, carfiage “forward on SEVEN DAYS’ APPROVAL. ogainst ‘cash. BUY—BY—POSTE

NG-SAVE:MENEY. THE FELLOWS MAGNETO CO., LTD. AND-SAVE-MONEY. Cumberland Avenne, Park Royal, Willesden, N.W.10. BRANCHES: THE. FELLOWS MAGNETO co. LTD. Cumberland Avenue. Park Royal. baorena me, LONDON—®, Store Street, Tottenham Coort Road, WC. Wid, iMigrcim FM.) - Branches: CARDIFF— HOTTINGHAM— LONTON : * Sisrs St. TotephanDeurtRd. W.ic. (Moscam Deminions , Queena Stree. . Bridlesmith (Cate CAREHFF : iniens Arcade, Uneen Street, S2Ri}, (Nottingham 5541.) NOUTINGHAM : 20, Bridicaquth Gate (Notticgham 51), EFS, 220, LES, PES

Armin. Tera, 1826, ]


=I ape

a The Dull Emitter which d e f i e s old age

18ZT’S beautiful Rhapsody Hongroise—full out to salve—and so successfully unriddled—by of dramatic f i r e a n d brilliantly contrasted the invention of the triple-coated filament used ssages—was being broadcast. Away in the only in the Wuncell Dull Emitter Valve. Studio, the artiste’s f i n g e r s tipped lightly over Whereas in most dull emitters, low current the family sat enthralled the ivory keys. Athome, consumption has been obtained by the use of - —

a masterpiece which won for its composer a niche tures as high as 2000°, the Wuneell ensures in the Hall of Fame. economy by entirely different methods. Its illo special filament is iritle-coafed to ensure 2 And then suddenly... dead silence, A valve prolific electron stream at only $00°—practically in the Receiving Set had burnt out. the temperature of the embers of a dying match. a What causes a valve t o burn out prematurely ? Further, its filament is practically as stout as that Excessive heat—nothing else—is the devastating used in any bright emitter. Because of this, and ioe influence. All metals when heated expand— the fact that its working temperature is so much- when cool, they contract. A valve hlament lowerthan hitherto thought possible, heat has little constantly ¢xpands or contracts as the current or no efiect upon it. i s turned on or off. The higher the greater the Types and Prices: As aresult the Wuncell has already temperature, i n fact. the expansion. Such treatment, in “7.u Dot Detector and LP. u k e - T4/- Won a freat reputation throughout cours¢oftime," produces brittlemess: «w.s.18 Falts,|withsed‘Consamption:top) for GPa*5 amps, t4/- this' countryis : and abroad among and eeine v i t a b l y# renders the filament Wes.18 V o‘The l t s ,inetComsnmptionSeeaue tone‘ 9 amps,AEs broadcastgeles listenersste as the one dull very susceptible to fracture. rd Volts. Consamption "5 amy emitter “which really dehes old

i " rt — LF r re ha ¥ Thisa was the problem Cossor s e t “jifui'a4-or ccadrcemmianr 16j- 28°

FMDVGFDLG-CLVTeTUN TaNTAEDA NR TAROVEL NRVENER Fsiuéd be A.C. Ceaser, DM Highbury Grove, London, Wg Gilbert Adige

—- RADIO TIME ‘APHEL Tite, 1oe5. _—— —

The Little Giant LL = awa5 WARELESS*

Two Astonishing Bargains. The Litt Giant 2-Valve Set shown READ THIS LETTER, whichshows aboveia the most wonderful offer that the results you may expect from has ever been made in the history ol this wonderful set. Wireless. For £6 [5s. you can getour 95, Chorch Rd., Richmond, are better than Littl Giont-2-Valve receiver (£3 14s. March [ 4, $926. weloding 25/- Marconi Royalty), a Dear Sirs, one, they say. Fellows Junior Loud Speaker with f have to-day received the complete adjustable diaphragm (19/6),0 Fellows "* Little Giant *" sef qotle safely. Similarly two b Volt 20 Amps, accumulator (20!-), Having tried if this evening [ can con- a Fellophone 34 Volt HLT. Battery gratufafepot an producing an aritcle ery (6/6) Two Silver Clear Louden Valves worthy of public palronage, af ao cost valvesareb e l t e r (4/6 each), Aerial, Insulators, Wiring, which enlightens one os to the profils of and complete instructtons (5/-). pour competitors in the Wireless Trade. than one —-- You ‘can only obtain this set direct Both the set and the Baty Speaker irom i of our Branches, In this way afford me complefe satisfaction and I I r y HusScientiffe we save you all middlemen profits, shall conjidenily recdmmend wow, cell st marvellously low prices, and fn case of your using this letter for itll maintain the high quality for publicity perpozes fet me inform the public Combination which we have always been famous. that "bold no shores. *" You can obtain the Little Giant Set on : Yoors faithfully, J, G. Sells. deferred payments by sending 34/4 the shove i¢ one of hundreds of th order and balance in 6 monthly similar letters recerved from delighted ingtalments of 19/3, Litte Giant users any of which may All our goods are sent packing frea, be mepected at our ofhees. carriage forward, on SEVEN DAYS’ Do. not hesitate, you will certainly APPROVAL, money willingly refunded never. find. swch, wonderful value if not completely satia anywhere else, EDISWAN

The FELLOPHONE P.V.6. (Power) (TheLoud Speaker Valoe) & A.R.D.E. 3-VALVE GRAND An fleal long-range Lond Speaker wet, the Ta completa piclides the owing i rin = HiT, Batters (108 Volts anddirid Bian, Fized in- cabtneth, 6 Volt Accumulator (25-1, 3 Sibeer Clear Louden Valves (46 cach, A PAIR WITHOUT COMPARE Headphones (11/6), whetial, Insulators, ete, Cs The ‘Gr (Cubist one (with TJ. Battery eed MarceniRayalty eect (for 2 Volt Battery) coats £12 Vn. Gd, The comelete eet costs BUS. 10s, coh, of by deferred payments, fa, Gd. new and 6 monthhy payments af #3, Volutone Loud Speaker 55f- cxtea.


COMBINATIONS ARs PV.4. ForeVou Accentuearone BUY—BYPOSE A.ROG:PYS: rot 3 Wor party AND-SAVE:MONEY. The FELLOWS MAGNETO ¢co.. LTD. Cumberland Avenue, Park Royal, N.W.10 RBRANCHES d . ( M i i n e u r n:—LONDON$ 2 0 0 . ) NOTTINGHAM: 20, 5: ;S t3 . ,. TatteshamB r i d l e a m : t h (CourtGare, (Nettingham $551.) CARDIFF; Dominens Arcade, Quen 51, EPSaar,

rv _ - r= aa ad oS — —


Only by using Accumulator high tension can yourealise the purity of reception attained by cutting out the noises, due to partly run down dry batteries. The silent background given by Exide H.T. batteries is almost uncanny, giving a freedom from the distortion due‘to “dry battery atmospherics,” that i s a revelation and a delight,

Accumulator H.T. means music instead of noise and every word distinct, The WJ type has a capacity of 2,500 mili-ampere hours, needs recharging only ae | every s i x months and will last a lifetime. piel = PRICE— 20-volt battery - 45/2 a (without acid)’ ise - Od. per volt

i Each 20 volt-unit assembled in varnished herd- | wood container Internal resistance n e g l i g i b l e . Any required voltage can be obtained Volta f a c t i c a l l y constant. s ; = | A hind Semiiaed ates LO volt tappings. by coupling,in Series, the appropriate Supplied ready charged, it can be used immed number of 20-voalt units, i iatcly on addition of “Accumulator™ acid. ' Order from your usual dealer at once to ensure early delivery F Advertisement of THE. CHLORIDE ELECTRICAL STORAGE CO. LTD, Clifton-Junction,. nr Manchester

——. a ; hi@iter ie 1 a + i A " =] =a

= a


Be The

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British Power

fitness Ftament

Maw General

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Price Remember, tribute the of efficiency with

batteries circuit


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BS Tiomisn Voltage Valves

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use 120 stages

in which combination 7


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Ladin, Bs.

similar All Valve. means

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Cea | —- RADIO





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Bratches:—LONDON: (Nottingham

Volt constant noisés

BUY—BY— Battery

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Super bias efficient


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‘selling . e f i l

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Arcede, Bridleanmh volts.



your crackling



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tapping you

EPS). §.W.i0


which 7

i s e v l a v LTD.

l6re, BQ Queen from 6/6

" them

free. each volts

3/. red ie

Li set

Gats to

Rd. St, 1926.

Charge your own L.T. Battery 3

7s at home. le

Gd Save all the expense and trouble of sending your batteries away for recharging. The new ~ et.CABINET MODEL BURNDEPT eet Balkite T r i c k l e a y ? CHARGER « hf ] enables you to keep your accumulator always fully

ae For fait ul, charged from the ordinary lighting mains without

Injury to battery or set.

as #% unremitting service The apparatus is simple and needs no attention except \ —_—<— the occasional addition of distilled water, and its } —the Brown current consumption is less than that of the smallest electric lamp made. It will save its initial cost in ts where Radio a few months. known Brown inInstrumentsthe world are performing every country Atheir daily task—tfaithiully and well. Into every Brows Loud Speaker and Headphone1s put the best that Stiene® knows | the unique principe upon which they are constructed, and the bigh in. the standard of manufacture insisted upon © thanufacture of cach individual instrument, result volume, exceptional purity of in the wonderiul tone. and remarkable fidelity of reproduction found only in the Brows. No matter what your - awn particular needs may be there 15 a Brown Instrument toe ft them. Look over the list below any -

kK and get your own Dealer to demonstrate by

E Brown Loud Speaker or Headphone for you, tip i Brown Load Speakers. Type H.1. Type i.2. Type H.3. Type H.4. The. smolivet Br ins. high, Height | Zire. Wg ind, vik No. 484, for A.C, émly, roo-125 volts No. 489, for A.C only, 200250 yobs area Laca pro: abun beight asd in qo-Too cycles, completo with filler 40-roo. cycles, complete with filler leas 120 obi Sera ier. rotisiumes. el 54-8 a ld Claly po) bing and dip rod, but without acid and dip rod, but withant “acd See) citer’ 2000 “odie ze bers $8“e ‘9 ga1 oe oo : bleh.LE ber1HH x£2.18.0, £2.18,0, ohn gti Tee qt olen ago" 8 6 i i539 9 G2 if oe Gite, : Tyrpo HO. Trpe 4, Cabines Crysinves. Use Burndept Super Valves ime, hugh: aj may. igh, aeert The only gio : z In Mohogany Jon yet keer Resimance:, Unoressbintes (oe igh tal. avhich works —they’re guaranteed © 7080 or He ol 1, 2080 pet, aes dino 0 Ci Fatal Se o r q.000 obs one olin ola fo oO 8 £6 0 0 Gis ta 40 fo the Burndept range includes everything for radio reception from components to complete installations. Brown Headphones. Type A. Type F. Type At, f Ad asec by the Aad Formabar Breed: Tin: New teed \ | puiralty;.220, 3,000 cask type. type, Gacspialhecd Weight o n l y 6023, [or scnsitivencss | ar 4yoeo abi si cobs i219 © # ood ota 3,000 obs. i one fi tn wo iy oo ft oo

. Ted taytafc a i fored onty by S. G. Brown,Ltd., N. Acton, London, W.3 Retoil Showidtenrs 19, Morthner Street, Won 15, Moorfields, Liverpool, >, High Strect, Southumpten:

3, Lansdowiee Place Wiest, Bisth, Telephone: Gerrard 9072 (4 lines). Telegrams: Burndept,Westrand, London. | : Depots (1¥ belenaly quly)?> Cross Horse, Westgaté Road, Newcuetie. a Branches and Agents everywhere. feo, Welllngton Sirrel, Giasgow. Gilbert Aa, 4049,

|| d I

156 — RADIO TIMES — — [APRlér1, 126.

DIVAN Covered in Antique Hide Rexine: There is no need to bury inferior dothes because ths ready cash in not available: The Willerby Way af buying faultlessly-cut Clothes is simplicity itself, j es] You select a material to your taste—pay a small es a sain deposit—anedl actually , DOWN. wear the clothes while yoru pei ay Aa j are paying the balance im eazy monthly inatalenesuts brings- the 3 chair pie and remember t h a t every: s u i t is individuallyi your door, cut to Your own: Measures, Balance, s 10/- monthly. ZIT/- LOUNGEW i l l e r b y : make » PerieetSUITFitting fear | é Guarantesd to Measure, CASH PRICE ié Deposit-—7/6 Monthly. =6:15:0 EASY WRITE NOW = A Chair to smooth out the Nolé fy consirvetion. Coppered Steet ial caretoF vo Willey TERMS D So S p r i n g s throughout Seal, Back. cares of the d a y . ge. or a (Front of S e a t f u l l y BellsMaaurctnade Foae so luxuriant, s o restlul, so full sprint SeermemraniedAeciate 2 Hiseieeeenerstinreesathitsssnidbsanabeotas = | aD t Bet bey stil, call at my ot the i d e R e x i n e , F i l l i n g — Sterilise: E ; > Witlerby shepa, of comfort, Sprung all over, cxaminsths even to its arms. AV Chair t h a t Horsehair and Fibre: Velueteen smirteat os wide range of the meet ey i : cushion f i l l e d jfeatherdoun « 2 Gotha in the piece, mend) aoe trot pest *ifebiais with Plus looks good because it IS good. ruched edgings. 4 Suit 2 yout peiments being actually iced a ig Feu J TL + cul ond nade, ff you mpec= Ppa : . Perfectly mm OWE allyask for it our new bro. as ty Fuel, Write now for Patterns and full. descriptions of Dormy froma. tuhure “BERINO THE : SCENES” wil be. seni Furnilre—sent post free. + Pow fee Settee to + 3-piece Cinarartepd match, ; nie Dormy jinn WILLERBYS £14:14:0 ' — 716 Monchiy, : Head Offiee great jor Posi favairies 20/- dowa iwttvieds” frenLovatthe ;= 5 a 404 R.T. EDGWARE ROAD, L O N D O N , W.2. | | ad 1 2 6 FURNISHING Co0? na i 7 ' S t a t‘Peat | C i t y Branch: 183, CHEAPSIDE, E.C.2 (Ist Floor). per month 125, High Holborn, S o r c u l P u t t e n s | Weat End B r a n c h : 47, STRAND, W.C2 (1st F l o o r ) , W.C.1. per month, pat v o s t free; LEME: BRANCHES 77, BIGHStBE13. ALL OQVER LONDON. Hi Petje, © 7 aa aertarintesaiisienterin BITMLE . Y ikenth: 1 , ABERDEENBUILDINGSite aT.



a i ai og aey ma Pata ee ee ee ee ee a

_— Arai, Tora, 1@26.] — RADIOTIMES»

Less t h a n thep r i c e FAME ofgood Phones! NELSON’S column symbolises a mighty achievement. I t s i g n i f i e s t h e undying fame of a man, frail in physique, but of indomitable courage and resolution. Its Do not forget presence, and what i t stands for, has be- come part of our daily life. niche that the famous CLEARTRONvalves arecarving their Dragonfly There will “always be ‘Me i n yvadio history. CO | CLEARTRONvalves as part oe Ne wo . i l Ney ss A MPLION and parcel of radio and there a Ye «4 is now never will be better, They are all dull emitters with a settled 4 eo reputation f o r vastlyincreased volume, far greater distance, operatic purity of ‘tone and keener selectivity. Each valve is backed by an Ironclad and sold at a Guarantee : : standard price. Dragonfly from your Dealer or - Hivstraled Catalogue Type AR. 1 0 2 . CLEARTRON RADIO LTD. One Charing Cross, London. Works > BIRMINGHAM. Teley hee . : Regent 2251/4, oadie - t dearire i n , Westra, London.

tn ) Abs: Sear Se b l e TYPE Battery, PRICE: GC. 968 Ary Cells rai a Voit 12/6 ro 6. Velt Tes

Pibenvent Det eees cick chaeue eae wi hook fh Pilate.ese O25 Anode Volts. c. cy ees tea Voltage Aanesion Factor...20 Soeee: ||=O ee Sm gives y o u r

A wonderful defector tatur, , oudspeaker CT. 25s 1 5 + mane a beller chance

With a Siftron in circuit the AALEERF a CAhae?4 : The Siftron- fromsteady thecomponentH.T Batteryof currentis canine Price 3al- elfectively side-tracked and the loud speakeris fed with speech currents only.

CLEAR I ROWN Obtainable from “uatneclgpane SrOCKISTS, Radio

‘Ts of Stores, aaa RADIO LIMITED Demonstrationseegladly piven during business

i hours al the AMPLION Showrooms »— ieee 7 t : WG SS INDON

2 ONE CHARING CRO 7 Le JN 25. Savile Row, London, Wl. 1 0 , Whitworth St. West. Manchester. 10, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. (Works: BI RMINGHAAM) 7, High St. Clapham, 5.'4..

Lonion. Regent 2 2 5 1 / 2 . Clearkron, Weetraged, phere isi no substitute for ad genuineAMPLION Announcement ofAlfred Graham & Co. (E. A. Graham), Crofton Park, London. SE4,

RAeee Se - {Ata lorn, TSAh,

Yours stucerely, posite Chiat un com be 7 vou Mba 1 pit aivivteal bey = bee Bid expert. eel, wad ihe adthos are ® emitel Me cet bel je ee wall Pia! ee ca eo ME) bet pou bite, a FFE lle coleiata etting’ eal the jemibdlitice Mi conmeeiien eth pach of Ube & sha weowo in the Wiis; sete der the eee in wher eet ore etetesied, ir tak foe ME PRIVATE ADTICE, whipk slo ia tite Fou ditt ine eeligathen, - _ COMMERTAL Have You ANY Ambitla? -=———— | ENGINEERIN: Aompealaney DICTIONARYT— Acheent, Writ Mow mederaote chon, orotate parvcnbiea montiip Mo EE | Part Ons FREE. Anep Ceriieh Conroe fonts Ta extend the Aorhiorering & Exiate Aueaor nite of the Amlmlng GOOD REASONS | enmelt Colbegr Basking Book-bropdng | we are pabiishing Goremetchal /rilemastac why you should join Bey eee Crmetcial Law Eacyvolopordic The Reward of Ctaupany Law the Bennett College. Dictionart You can buy Savings

Coating jE Beer, Ciel PE Certificates in single Beemanio Miler, biret documents represen- Saving is not Fitglish god French 5 wW J a : Extesionip Las te Fee 2.8 itech, etc. You ting 1,5, 10, 25and Phd Forks Euchaage ecoeragiee ot eS nese | may hare Part 1 50 Caerthficates, coet- ape ord, hooks =F | FREE. Send far Greerel Edoenties ing 16/-,£4, £8, £20 only money — Biter Hosines Ms Ceods Port L te-day, and £40 respectively. Pole Promotes Cearen You ore eater

Seortinrhis There is ao profit of RE po oblaga- but also peace Werkibon Oneichslion 50% on Savings Cer- 3 ‘We eave 4. Wai, a | tton- ee TREMATCAL 2 Bepert RRR toLees feneuery you x | tificates held for the Appied Mrcbonkca rade nA a deparimes. full period of ten of mind Zz. deckdeciueal Drwwiog \ Lins nee a PR ER RE THOMRICAL Cant * years, or Certificates Budding Chastroctye & Ghirk of Werks" Duties can be cashed at any

PathanMakled * eee Balle Encinseciag ct Geant; Suryering * time with all interest fanltation = Boley Making = Pbiphuiidiag = accroed to date. : Chambery = Giroetunad Engineering a SLES. Ghd Enginterieg = SavingsAssociations, *+ aoreepimg ane) Leveles 2 = Cogeifcle and Fbrel a Tehgraghy and Tale bony 5 Post Offices and : Drwag tarot = =i

Torn Farring a, :5 Banke sell them, a ERTIFICATES Efectricliy WirelesTeerrapbr Erqgiaerring Works Magapert" eee Foppiry Wark Connie Internal Combariion Fogiara Marine Enz. B.0.T. HOTE ADORESS : Maihca mics altirelstino The Bennott College, Accumulator SERVICE Helallorer Dept. 7, Shofield. Miniaes HIGH & DOW TENSION, Mise Gorveylng Motos Engineering own accucsolators we offer the same serrice - Saved Agchi- E bore epecidly Gorrieted Pict ae, WiEre less: Accomolators of vaerpous bea, Bt propectionate rebed. li Fou howe oe ly noe batore 1 eleas and fully charged. keepin nara bath nal GH 7 CML6e,. alternate PECHaAnKeS continnoushy supplied iy punctunl week Iaow Cher 20 peat elecirical monufactoring erpenkence, fortnightly deliveries anywhere In Gireeter ond a plant capable of changing 35,0000 Aeeiinu- London from 3/3 perquarter and yuar- Jalers,-georaniees o pnocioal an tfickrl Sercice of ontee complete sativlaction. Lf you have your all frees. RADIO SERVICECo., EXPLANATORY.210%. torrets,FOLGERcoePOST5 0FREE. TORRIANG AVENUE, N.W.5

| Read this strikiing Setimeny lHostration sbows ie | from a user of OK on Patent Wardrobe 29; Simular model for Ladiesvr Lot oar valve Making plant repair your Valves. ied Pinos btokeo of barra t-oit yolva mithy ond | i - | promptly (most makes}. Amplification, } “1 am moro than swtisfied. Can hoeeatly rida Hive, Sonal eurecn Bet Lgip ac. | = poor repalred value hae given better The ““WATTS” - : ay - Virlct results t h a n any other T have tied, which best knees ] + [ee ds = af least ais, ol of the Improved Patent rt op, E “a(a pe a makers.ipchude Have dikcarded a pew bE. ;fPeaphetytenye The.i fe Soi erepuleeldec 8.P's, riaf ee i Lares valve repairing aly do favour of pours, T consider it a WARDROBE FITTING —rm(othe werld, ‘List Froe. great leofo Getemers ined Spel ° | Nindlertuse yer wattitokses ancl ee Nie order feo fergie ot foo seal, munlérs with limited jacome i te papepeta ythey irertalli fd | 2/6 Advi, of RABDIONS LTD, Valeo Besolartoree and Eegoleie, Boilirem, or. Meecieneld, Obeahire (iting? full any wae ec

ante paid in UI, : reer Placesfu ‘i each. HE yor dealer does mot stock write 30 FEET Extension— direct to London Offtee and Showroom: +3 FEET eoeiL Beot. 104, 24, Reicross Street, £.0,1 ofto Sole Manulecturar: ELECTRONWIRE JO!OHN WATTS FOR PERFECT EXTENS/OYYS (Dep. 1) FITTG EXTENDED

Lambert Works GREATLY IMPROVES RECEPTION. PostTact Mana SHEFFIELD Ane Jengih ebtolaable

»? The New London Electron Works, Lid, London, = E.6. if tant hig -e- Bn rs i THE ONLY WORLD -PROGRAMME PAPER. See the RADIO SUPPLEMENT For Dominion and Foreign Programmes. Every Friday, 2d. —

a ae

1 _Aren. letra, 1026, | __ RADIO TIM = Lag.

CAN YOU FORECASTTHE CUP FINAL 5-120 RESULT? VOLTS ~ ermanent H-T 3 with the MAL anodeconverter

No modern 3 or 4 valve set can do itself justice unless it i s supplied with a per. manent, adjustable and steady supply of H.T. current for its valves. H.F., detector, and L.F. Power valves all require different H.T. voltages for Bright. Emitiarg, r Dull Emitters. D.E. Power Valves, efficient and economical Fi L. EF “aia Lhe teeing. FERI LF. ana Deteeter. FER ‘Transbarmer Couple working, PZ HF AmpliSer. 5. volts FER? ELF. Arpliher, 4 walte Amplifiers. PERS Pestetanes and these cannot satisfactorily be G4 BTvt basta waeatcketeies 4 1G | ThOPT sa ee ee bee ay- Cawpled. Ampltherr 6° volts supplied by H.T. wet or dry batteries. ae En Peres besdeorien acevel Ea The M-L : Dull Emitters, Dall Emitters, D.E, Power Valwes. Anode Converter, however, is FERI Li: and) Detechor, LERI LF. and “Detector. PERI Tronornmer Coupled specially designed to dothis. F EAZ HLF. Ampliber, 6 yolan LER? H.-F, Amplifier. 2 wolts Armpbhers PER? PRatiitanen Run off the OF wrap: .'s-.', cushrvrrerrr cok hy. Gad AAAPENS niet cietenn Bf- Coupled Ampliiers, 4 volts same accumulator as the valve filaments, oe mapa em ecscesecescnen stares Ti. Postage —Ore valve 4d. ; jo ee three wives Od. four, five of dor valves Gd. the M-L Converter gives any value of H.T, voltage required. (See particulars below, A SPORTING COMPETITION An Anode Converter lasts for ever and A SUPERB FELLOWS TABLE GRAND ELECTRIC needs no attention, and it is 50 efficient GRAMOPHONEwill be presented free of all c o s t and carriage that it uses very little current. paid to the winner of this simple competition. Type BX. (doiven from ao 6-volt accumulator) Send in your coupon at once. If you have not electric light gives an H.T. range of 35-85 volts, anda m your house, you can choose F e l l o w s goods ta the value of simultaneous higher range to 120 vwolts. Driven from a 4-volt accumulator, 2/3 of the Gramophone if you win. these H.T. voltages. WHAT YOU HAVETO DO: £12 15s. Od. complete. 1.—Fil in the coupon below ordering one or more of the Louden Valves Type CX (driven from a 12-volt accumulator) gives 35-85 volts anda simultancous upper mentioned akuve. , ?—Fill in on the coupon(a) Your forecast of the team which will win range to 300 volts. the Cup Final at Wembley on April 24th, and (b) your forecast £15 Os. Od. complete. of the number of people who will attend the match. 3.—Tear off the coupon and post to ws together with remittance, Send the attached coupon at once for full particulars 4— You may send in any number of coupons, but each must contain an order and remittance for at least one Lowden Valve. S. SMITH & SONS (M.A.) Ltd. 5.—The Prize will be awarded to the entrant who having forecast 179-155, Great Portland Street, London, W.1 correctly the winning team, givea the closest estimate of the offeial attendance, The Directors’ decision shall in all cases be Telephone: Jangham 2723, binding and hnal and noe correspondence canbe entered tito. 6.—ALL COUPONS MUST REACH US NOT LATER THAN FIRST POST ON THURSDAY, APRIL 22. ” Send for our 44-page Iilustrated Catalogue, No. 10, Free.

a Houden Valves Ee



DAMS eeaeerte cies ine Gnas

eR ak ek eh ee eaeeee

1a RADIO TIMES [Ani Thre, Tats

cé gy | Why “Watts” Blades Excel YOUR SPIRO Steel ied is Goet procurnble: ‘Than } PCOSCnr anne hee showing SAE ErY BRAZOR BLADE= andl aadfcr perrice ASD THEY ARE BRITISH. HOLIDAY f tPF perfeot blogdes in eoerv JIS pockel, SHARPENER a year dry ihe hollday. thal Feet Ve. 1 different Explore new country A. Rewmorkoble aul enjay healthy, resttul chong: Britteh fneiation NORFOLK EROADS i free from irksome routine, ——aEe Mo troublesome, "| THE NORFOLK BROADS, i_ ing. Dre f with them natural beauties and quic biade on old-world ‘villages, will enchant you. They are 120 omiles from London, and —— pen, close bo const of 200 miles of safe inland rivers.and lakes, fituabed between (rome turn handle an | ove mebobt. and Serwich. You hire from ue fer a weee or Longer a fully -forniahed | a i : a fel a cuper-heen whore, 3acht, or moter-bont, which becomes pour Hoating home. moving when ani m o - \ i n N a | whee pou wish. misnd, net Gay the sen. We con sopply oh ailendant to mannge the —} b l e d : ine boat aed do all cooking, You. only have to enjoy yourecll. “The cost. including ban + : ment. [tindelin- fagd, che, overages. £4 Dee ‘hoad face aw eorke i t e l y prolores the , Eirigeda JH, suatievs-i,” Lisa,t o r , estasatts L M e i n d l “ i o ~ d a y2H. potanr on! ee Pe. page Rookie, “Baw F e v f i n y a F i v c i n d d s Hotidiny ile of ony Gilletle-- “ale MaWinimoburers THAeeeae : ieli 5aeOMAR | Heo:an oak”vowi, eralTilaa v e initiatednes tna tite nedPen fr é ne ree % |JOHN WATTS | | BrAKeE’sILt. 9 Broadland Haden, UTce avateaSconces:Gh freesa: GE:candSe! aller!eel Autte-strop typ ‘ (Dept. 104), Lambert Works, Sheffield, Neweate Street informsdiian fressaey £2 | Pitas i a ' } (kikshMinhank tever: Lib venre hk 1c (Sale eee sh LONDON, EC. ; ersahaonst Encuke ee | —i

| ; Solutionand Prizewinners of the H.MH.gare Crossword Puzzle, The det 1 uf (ESAD ah I biearideal to A. J. Taker, Dyknboek Double the ranoe Fart ied mentite, Buertelic, wpa ibubde we ikaie FRO tT! clot @nEpe ra with t th ina amid or fatty faeh i refiie "Ea "Fe. 4 a! Tay bea, 8 Bish Bait 18, Pirlar faa [peti eeee onrohit: Misa M Ree, Por Terr, Ha interline, mr Hud redid ISRE Crimp, 1B, Rew Aghior fy ay Tathow, os Mandrake Be Upper Toots : Sabine I. fiekor Dake teak Farr towel) id, “Tilsheqeetcg Hrlwtol Put Haare Cine had is cma (CHE AbruyictinPedl bp A flIwine compeLiboerw ine 6 ihueie on oe it Led ee DLP oan ives cr Abanider Doek- a oe 7 M.i * Phe far Uvcent ecm bowels chews bam & t., Le., " *Tush ay i * Felineksl- Oca.eo eh Aidedne New iFrosces: (H,fee Bmed Sire w: Aroeat ‘turner o Bratseis Rd, Bix. Delis. Ab E ot : ‘ler Mion inert, Hirt an Ford, Wearken cnet oe . mya begr ae

Qruristen i E sha - gor, 16, Milsurn, Inverice 1 ee terete be oat hem Wala [0 Theiinikow Coitace:, Parkburs, Fe Pa PTeer eee gaa J i 44, Logan Ri,, Priasol;. ire i). Tiras aa EiriHd. Wood iret, Boe;: Ff7 iar Wr. Weoth Biple iia, 4, Cheakeue Cine, Peelive Pa Tite. rd. _ Wes iid node “oa, Cumm, 1, Lonkwray el (ot meore, Kend Sc}, Sr rcWlnbileers, Kania: Ta Lie, — Tori, bitinit iteh, Soo bined:7, P. Furniva! } Aalk ko Torre, Teebinws Mr. Birkenkesd: Fo io js Mh lish dare, Seyorlienptom; BL6 Ateinaon, 3. Weer. Rii-y dewe., Hoowton i a) . ‘Yorks: AL ‘Lia bre f, Tihs & L {JE le: | ck art WiringE Roriclk £Erd Eutry)|: -F. & a) 2d, Le ne ad Cropdon, Burren: Wi. Of, Gerson: ASRS OCHA htt, Slent"lk rel ty nacht Hnrey Wlotsbees ; nia, ah, Parke f hk j l fg“Ewen245 RelirkoodAte B d . ‘Mh Boethwiek: Men, & He ih: Raliield, retor,6 Ogee. it : Hal amerobesHi Roieys aga TONED THE WEEE ELL EF E/LIT/E/o ALL PRIZE? ABE EDN CRSPA HARRY MORSER & Co. (Wireless), Ltd. °° “ Adaress

off the beaten track A Holiday

6.000 KhILES In A CUNARDER AND A TOUR 8Y EAIL, RIVER AND LAKE. The Lifetime Service Pen Regulor Types from 12. Self-filling CANADA « U.S.A. nod Safety Types drome 1a. See es Witterman's Combinibow, From Writ. ing Smds ;ooentaleag Pen ond Peel! to+ matck, from 2a, Ge StatheBers £37. 14s. Oil Jewellers, return. ocean and “The Pan Reok" fee fren land fares inclusive. L . G, SLOAN, Ltd. FROM THREE TO FOUR WEEKS. Write for booklet to CUNARD LINE. Liver- pool, London, or local offices and agents. CUNARD

Wireless Crystals For All! ESARR. S JOHN HENRY says i wsliey qeacanteed tv fe Radia Clay colours bemutifally, * Toe Hawgeeof Bosaell’ = improves tha imate of im tobacco cee. oom! is “Purpie Label" HERTZITE . 1/6 CZ A Pp oe CESAR cpaneatsis ae ub Cheese jealones.THE RADIO CLAY The famous VALVOX Lt + i nade from pare evon Cle meal TRON PYEITES of eae ifs BI S C U [ T S ie mameteted with = ‘Falean. : oa lv as a facts only by EW = en Lt give yoy P ae . 13 ala . fs aad = _ : : ae Ae‘etaet. eeDrv Semmes , MOLYBDENITE mt favien) ga i j CARR & co LTD ZINCITE ie pee Me eat) te ee i ., CARLISLE. i aan Bl 7

RECTARITE “a se a Nits’ DeeSo ee san tay ue epaired i ature 9s Diy Sovolker, 4 -HELMSFORD Be ee ate i - AS GOootp a5 NEW GALENA a cea eent "a ceerealiae tw Rea Bebe aril died A Bllel ete ed SAMPLE PIPE. : CARBON Sanna” ; - vy Py ieeeee ‘ Agios ul “ bo

peel es fd. Minimum DE. eorrent FIS amos,eerrishill “i Sent PLO, for G* THOUSAND STAR dd, ALL BRIGHT Ate DULL rTEERS LISTED 5J. | not stamps, A c MBs -—MIx ARG ond owe will send wetieegron FERRO-SILICON TRANSMITTING VALVES REPAIRED | sample pipe for you to oma bt rH oe ms eae late ity fe Gh Sefer rg ad | the ia by better pe ere Lint abril) La teat The 5 colfer applies ia ae imo Po 1 C with valwin "Phone teee© fl LJ.K. only e THE RUSSELL LABORATORIES. DEPT. RT). TABOR GROVE, ROR: amy’ Smetre- VALCO LTD. BLED, LONDON, 5.8.10 EDWARD POLLOCH iTepie | Wi, Al Bireet, BIRMINGHAM. LL CONTRACTORS 3 LM. eee iia Eisk St. Pipe Factors, Ansoate, Migricheegiey

Printed by Nevars ¢ PRason Paixtiva Cu. nn, Name treat, Ladbroke firg 10, and Publivhedfor the Propristoty by Geonee Newses, Lro., 8-11, Sontharpton Street, Siri, London, Wta riaoe April 1th, eo.

= 19E . RADIO TIMES -—— :


Listening-in is t h e greatest fun i n the world. There are programmes of every description which please both young and old. Use ELECTRON WIRE or SUPERIAL and make sure of perfect ELECTRONWIRE] reception by completing the circuit with the ELECTRON EARTH MAT. the most amazing earth ever devised. Wireless enthusiasts are astonished a t their results when ELECTRON products are being used. How easy it is to run the Famous ELECTRON EXTENSION WIRE from the set in one room t o the loudspeaker i n another, or even outdoors. Furthermore, you i a c t u a l l y get improved r e c e p t i o n because the EXTENSION WIREconsiderably enhances the musical tone.


SUPERIAL = the advanced acrial tor the experimenter, bringing ee = i in all Continental stations to your very door, SUPERLAL, being Bary ili = HE | indulated with extra heavy vuleaniged rubber, renders insulators an unnecessary extravagance, besides increasing the long-distance range of your

Set, Including Wooden Spool. Portage Pd.

The ELECTRON EARTH MATis supremc!y cfficient.- Ha very ;. simplicity compels it, The coormous suriece olfered by the in- numerable strands of the - l i n e mesh at which it is composed attords unusual freedom of relense to the high frequency currents. The ELECTRON EARTH MAT i s . made of the ripat expensive phosphor brartee Ene-grained qin, mounted on a abrong metol gc, bo which ig fixed 25 feet of ne a e a a Tht EARTH WIRE, complete, 2 &s f t also includes 25 f e e t of EARTH ’ : : Pla a a i c a n i n . Remember WIRE. already fixed. Pastage 6d. | WIRE IN : f HANDYEXTENSION50-feet LENGTHS i| heels Phan | . feet made with Electron Wire from 50 An extension room to the loud speaker or ‘phones in the s e t inone double) anotheror in the garden greatly improves therecep- (25ft. ton. Bury Electron Wire in a trench, t r a i n i t over b xtore. the pergola, and. t t remains A permanent ie Weatherprool, rast-preot. damp-proof, Alwayaready, iii, atouble), Fy, SOG. aa Pestage Ca. LATS Goa ea), Sy ipebbes che Ble, Bye. - toy leneth obliaatiadet

from your (Dealer cond direct to us, fogether with HIS NAME AND ADDRESS, i =e es = " “ir 1 Jf unobtainable else. He delieer promptly by return. Do not be persuaded to bay anything 2 Bat i 3 dd a. and we will NEW LONDON ELECTRON WORKS,LTD. (Members of the B.C) DEPT. 4 , EAST HAM, LONDON, E.6. Tekgram: * Connor, Loaenn,”” 1 Telrohanes: srngeuneed MOS-


A Filament that can be tied in knots after 1000 hours life and cannot be broken by the roughest handling

= FILAMENT that remains ductile so that it can be tied ir. i knot after 1000 hours life is an achievement that assures VASTLY INCREASED VALVE LIFE This wonderful filament is the key feature of Mullard P.M. Valves. In Mullard P.M. Valves the filaments are so economical that no glow1 visible during operation, and they require ONLY ONE-TENTH AMPERE In addition the reception they give is free fromall microphonic noises. Lf you use a 4-volt accumulator of 3 dry cells ASK FOR THE P.M.3 Gat a. pr eat, eee A general purpose valve for every circuit ASK FOR THE P.M.4 Sr Rear ‘The firiest loudspeaker valve ever produced " GET THEM FROM YOUR RADIO DEALER Mullard THE -MASTER:-VALVE ADVT. THE MULLARD WIRELESS SERVICE CO., LTD., BALHAM, LONDON, Swi ALL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR “RADIO TIMES” should be addressed ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT, GHORGE NEWNES, Lip, 6-11, SOUTHAMPTON STREET, Sraanp, ‘W.C.2,