Gourmet Catalog Tom and Sally’s
[email protected]@hauserchocolates.com 800-289-8783800-289-8783 11 Chocolate Truffl es Chocolate Truffl es Made with the fi nest pure cocoa butter chocolates, fresh dairy cream, sweet butter and natural fl avors, our silken textured truffl es will please the most discerning chocolate connoisseur. Blueberry Port Wine Tru e Key Lime Tru e Pomegranate Tru e #389300 #385200 #389200 Shelf life 6-8 weeks, cool storage. Dark ganache infused Dark chocolate key lime Dark chocolate infused with All truffl es packed 63 pcs per tray. with blueberry port wine ganache in dark chocolate sweet and sour pomegranate topped with chopped rolled in white chocolate juice in dark shell with dried blueberries. with dark stripes. crushed pomegranate seeds. Cinnamon Tru e E g g n o g T r u e Chardonnay Tru e Pumpkin Pie Tru e P e a c h T r u e #312100 #361200 #342200 #380100 #381200 Cinnamon spiced milk Creamy eggnog ganache Fruity chardonnay Puréed pumpkin ganache Peach purée and white ganache in milk chocolate in dark chocolate rolled in ganache in dark chocolate, in milk chocolate sprinkled chocolate ganache in sprinkled with dark powdered sugar seasoned accented with grape with pumpkin pie spices dark chocolate with white chocolate paillettes. with cinnamon and spices. colored sugar crystals. and grated milk chocolate. chocolate stripes. Dark Trufe Milk Trufe White Butter Tru e C r a n b e r r y T r u e R a s p b e r r y T r u e #320200 #310100 #330300 #382200 #380200 Semisweet dark Smooth milk chocolate Sweet butter, cream and Dark cranberry ganache Dark chocolate and chocolate ganache in ganache in spiked white chocolate ganache in in dark shell topped with raspberry purée ganache, spiked dark chocolate.