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[email protected] Judge throws out Hamburg evidence Says deputy made marijuana charges will go forward the request of Hamburg’s attorney, 1334 Boonville Road. Deputy District Attorney Scott without the evidence seized by Keith Faulder, after finding that “There is no excuse at all for not McMenomey said Hamburg’s med- ‘intentional omission’ in Mendocino County sheriff’s deputies MCSO Deputy Raymond Hendry telling the magistrate about these ical marijuana recommendations seeking search warrant while serving a search warrant on made an “intentional omission” by recommendations,” Faulder said. would not affect probable cause for in marijuana case Oct. 25, 2007, thanks to a ruling not telling the judge who issued the “I think there is a huge probability the warrant because Hendry asked from Mendocino County Superior search warrant that Hamburg had that, if the magistrate had known this for the warrant based on the marijua- By BEN BROWN Court Judge James Luther. told deputies she had two medical information, he would not have na he saw growing in Hamburg’s The Daily Journal Luther threw out the evidence marijuana recommendations for the issued the search warrant,” Luther Laura Hamburg’s trial on felony from the search warrant Thursday at marijuana growing at her home at said.