Madill Record ‘In the Arms of Lake Texoma’Texoma’

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Madill Record ‘In the Arms of Lake Texoma’Texoma’ e Thursday, July 23 Friday, July 24 Saturday, July 25 Sunday, July 26 Monday, July 27 Tuesday, July 28 Wednesday, July 29 insid LLookook inside for our new Health Page! Updates, healthy and yummy,yummy healthy recipes. 5B High Temp: 96 High Temp: 88 High Temp: 88 High Temp: 90 High Temp: 86 High Temp: 88 High Temp: 90 Mostly Sunny T-Storms Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny T-Storms Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy The Madill Record ‘In the Arms of Lake TTexoma’exoma’ Vol. 125 — Number 58 Madill, Marshall CountyCounty,, OK 73446 — ThursdayThursday,, July 30, 2020 12 Pages in 2 Sections — $1 Back to school supply drive Madill Square gets handicap accessible ramps By Shalene White [email protected] Hope for Marshall County, a local food pantry that is more than just a food pantry, is holding a back to school supply drive. Even though back to school drives typically collect pens, paper, backpacks and the like, this drive is a tad different. Because the pandemic has completely changed what any- body considers typical, this back to school drive will focus on safety and precautionary items like masks (paper or fabric), hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes. The collected items will go to families who have felt the impact of the pandemic, and teachers who request the items for their classrooms. Any donated items can be dropped off at the Hope for Marshall County Pantry at 19123 Elizabeth Blvd, Oak- land or the Marshall County Home Health Office located at 112 S 1st St #278, Madill. The supply drive will end August 15, 2020. For anybody wishing to make a monetary (See STITT, page 6A) donation, they can do so through PayPal at hfmcpan- [email protected] Shalene White • The Madill Record Legacy graduates The city of Madill installed a handicap accessible ramp in the downtown square in the northeast corner. James Fullingham, the Madill City Manager said this OHP is the first phase of a multi-phase project for the square. There are plans to add additional ramps and upgrade the parking. However, the end date is up in the By Shalene White air, Fullinghim said.The projects have to be done in sections, because it is strictly out of pocket for the city; the city does not have any grants to finish it in one fell swoop. [email protected] The Oklahoma Highway Patrol held their 66th Acad- Board of Education votes down mask mandate emy graduation ceremony on Thursday, July 16. This By Shalene White up steam in a county. As confirmed positive cases the wording from required to in Oklahoma County versus particular ceremony was not [email protected] Under this Alert System, increased, the system would recommended. a county that’s had one case,” a typical one, and it was not schools would be ordered to raise from a Green Level, to a The same board who voted Monies said in an interview just because of COVID-19 During an Oklahoma State shutter once their particular Yellow Level. Then, it would against an Alert System and a with The Oklahoman. “That’s guidelines. Board of Education meeting on county reached 25 positive go to Orange Level 1, Orange mask mandate was the same to me the big difference is we It had five legacies in the July 23, state officials voted cases per 100,000 people. The Level 2 and the highest alert, board who voted to close the have much more differentiated graduation class. Four of down a proposed mask man- board members who were Red Level. The numbers are schools entirely back in March data now than we did in March, the cadets had fathers who date and closure requirements against this proposal said they based on a county’s popula- when the pandemic first reared and so therefore we need a dif- were troopers, and one was a for public schools. believe local school districts tion density and the number its ugly head. ferentiated solution.” third generation legacy; his The OKSBOE voted 4-3 should be able to form their of positive cases would be per Board member Jennifer Oklahoma State Superin- father and grandfather were on a proposal that would own policies. 100,000 people. Monies said they have more tendent Joy Hofmeister said troopers. recommend – not require – a The alert system was devel- At the Yellow Level, a mask information on the virus than she was disappointed by the Garrett Schulze, a 25-year- COVID-19 Alert System. The oped by the Oklahoma State mandate would be instituted. they did in March when the vote. old from Kingston was the color-coded system would be Department of Education, with All school employees and stu- board’s focus was more on flat- “For today, we have recom- third generation legacy gradu- active through September the assistance of state health dents in grades fourth through tening the curve of hospitaliza- mendations,” Hofmeister said ate. 30 and would enforce more experts. The colors of the alert twelfth would be required to tions in Oklahoma. to the media after the meeting Garrett graduated from system would of course repre- wear a mask while at school. “Now, we know there is a dif- restrictions on schools in incre- (See MASKS, page 4A) Kingston High School in 2013, ments as the coronavirus picks sent different levels. The board suggested to change ference in community spread then enlisted in the Navy. He spent five years in the Navy as a First Class Master At Arms, and even was deployed in the Plan of action remains unsettled after McGirt decision Persian Gulf for two years. His father, Bruce Schulze By Wendy Weitzel and The agreement in principle However, the state and Some Cherokee citizens say jurisdiction over crimes in- retired from the OHP in 2005. Breanna Mitchell was announced a week after tribes’ solidarity developed they weren’t consulted before volving native citizens within He was in the 39th Academy, NONDOC the U.S. Supreme Court ruled cracks when the chiefs of the the agreement was announced. the treaty territory. However, and Garrett’s grandfather was in McGirt v. Oklahoma and Muscogee (Creek) Nation and “What is so offensive about it also maintained the state’s in the 9th Academy graduat- A small chink has emerged affirmed the sovereignty of Seminole Nation changed what the chief was doing is role with a clause ensuring ing class – the first academy in the united front coming the Muscogee (Creek) Nation their tune on the agreement that his attempts to work with its concurrent jurisdiction in after World War 2. from Oklahoma’s tribes and over its reservation, which the days later. the attorney general and get previously disputed territory, the state Attorney General’s court ruled Congress had never For former Principal Chief something out there to influ- leaving only crimes committed Office. dissolved. In announcing an of the Cherokee Nation Ross ence Congress was just him. It by native citizens on restricted Two of the so-called Five agreement, leaders of the Five Swimmer, the discord demon- wasn’t us,” said David Corn- or trust land beyond the state’s Tribes of Oklahoma have said Tribes and Hunter appeared strates the complexity of the silk, who helped organize a reach. Federal legislation is they are opposed to a purported to deliver a uniform message. McGirt decision. protest last week at a Cherokee needed to codify the changes. agreement that would divide Gaylord NewsThis story “There is nothing like this Nation tribal hearing. The case concerned an how criminal cases will be was reported by Gaylord — that is, in Indian Country “He was elected by us, but appeal from Jimcy McGirt, a handled in Indian Country News, a Washington reporting — of which I am aware,” he he didn’t come to us and say, citizen of the Seminole Na- as tribal members started project of the Gaylord College said. “I’ve not heard or seen ‘What is it that you want?’” tion, who claimed that since Courtesy photo protesting a jurisdiction plan of Journalism and Mass Com- anything of this consequence. Cornsilk said. his crimes occurred within Garrett Schulze stands by a photo of munication at the University So the complexity is, what do Hunter’s proposed agree- announced by the Attorney (See MCGIRT, page 4A) his grandfather as a trooper. General Mike Hunter. of Oklahoma. we do now?” ment solidified the tribes’ Deadlines Contact Us A Section B Section • News: 12 noon, Monday • News: 580-795-3355 Police Blotter 2A Sports 1B • Display Ads: 12 noon, Monday [email protected] Opinion 3A Classifieds 3B • Classifieds: 12 noon, Monday • Advertising: 580-795-3355 or Obits 4A Legals 4B • Legal Ads: 12 noon, Monday [email protected] Community 5A Health 5B Marshall County’s News Source for More than 120 Years Page 2A – The Madill Record – Thursday, July 30, 2020 The Madill Record Local and area Marshall County Police Blotter: Rape, and other crimes By Shalene White from Madill was arrested on plication to Accelerate on a Multiple priors were found in Joshua Harris, a 32-year- on July 26 to begin a 10-day [email protected] July 21 for Concealing Stolen Second-Degree Burglary con- an online search for Possession old from Oakland was arrested sentence for DUI, TOC and Property, Possession of CDS, viction. An online search found of CDS, Possession of Drug on July 21 for Failure to Pay on Possession of CDS. No priors Rape/Sex Offense Possession of Drug Parapher- Oklahoma prior convictions for Paraphernalia, and Larceny of a Driving Under Suspension, for Oklahoma were found.
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