County to Buy BB&T Property
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Lumberton, N.C. Established 1870 Heartland Publications, LLC All Rights Reserved Wednesday September 7, 2011 THE ROBESONIAN Volume 142 No. 138 Daily Sunday 50¢ $1 County to buy BB&T property The former Government needs more ofice space BB&T bank BOB SHILES Taylor, who along with Commissioner David building STAFF WRITER Edge led the negotiations for the sale with the on North Hector MacLean family. “A lot of negotiations LUMBERTON — After more than two and talk went into this.” Chestnut years of negotiations, the Robeson County The county has been pursuing the prop- Street in Board of Commissioners has reached an agree- erty to provide downtown parking and ofice Lumberton ment to purchase the property of the former space to relieve crowding at the county court- will eventually BB&T building at 500 N. Chestnut St. house. Noah Woods, chairman of the Board house county The property, which includes a parking of Commissioners, said that no inal plans for lot with 125 spaces, is being purchased for the building have been made by the commis- departments. $615,000 plus closing costs. The actual BB&T sioners. building is being donated. “We have a lot of needs,” Woods said. “We Staff photo “This is a super deal for the county and the by BOB SHILES city of Lumberton,” said Commissioner Tom See COUNTY, Page 10A No word on when RCC officials look on as U.S. Rep. ABC store Mike McIntyre signs the check reopens for the $575,000 grant awarded to the college by the Cummings to retire National Science as town manager Foundation for TEDDY KULMALA student STAFF WRITER scholarships. PEMBROKE — Town resi- Staff photo by BOB SHILES dents seeking answers Tuesday night on when the Pembroke ABC store would reopen didn’t get any. Joshua Malcolm, chairman of Pembroke’s ABC Board, said the board has struggled to come up with money for renovations for the store at 203 N. Vance St. It has been closed since Oct. 20, 2008, after an audit revealed money and inventory were missing. Malcolm said the building RCC receives $575,000 has a counter layout, meaning customers can’t freely roam the aisles but depend on an employ- ee to locate any items they’re seeking. The board wants a new Grant money to support scholarships loor plan that would remove BOB SHILES of applying for the scholarship, it opens new the counter and allow customers STAFF WRITER doors for me.” to walk the aisles. Malcolm said Collins was among college administrators, such a layout would encourage additional sales. LUMBERTON — What Christina Collins faculty, students and public oficials gathered He said Pembroke’s store is heard Tuesday about the science, technol- at RCC on Tuesday for the oficial announce- ogy, engineering and mathematics grant that ment that the college has received a $575,000 among about a half-dozen in Robeson Community College received recent- National Science Foundation Division of the state with a counter-loor ly from the National Science Foundation to Undergraduate Education-Scholarships plan. He said everything was on fund a new scholarship program might guide in Science, Technology, Engineering and track with the renovations until her career path. Mathematics grant. The grant is for four years asbestos was found under the “I’ve thought about maybe becoming a with an initial irst year award of $59,250 loors. teacher. I’m good in math,” said Collins, of being used to fund the Fostering Science and “So when and if those shelves Buie, who is trying to get into RCC’s nurs- were pulled up, and that big CHRISTINA COLLINS ing program. “But now with the possibility See RCC, Page 8A See STORE, Page 8A Council speaker joins race for 4-year-old boy chairman of Lumbee Tribe drowns in pond STAFF REPORT who will complete the remaining one year of TEDDY KULMALA former Chairman Purnell Swett’s term. Since JACOBS STAFF WRITER PEMBROKE — The race for Lumbee trib- Swett’s resignation in May, the position has al chairperson got more crowded Tuesday been held by Sharon Hunt. ST. PAULS — Authorities are investigating with two candidates iling to run for the “I have four years looking, irst hand, the drowning death of a 4-year-old Cumberland position. into the daily business of the tribe and feel County boy who was found in a pond behind a Steve Sampson, who currently serves as certain that hiring an administrator that is relative’s home on Sunday. the Lumbee Tribal Council’s speaker, and willing to roll up their sleeves and hit the Joseph Hernandez, of 8237 English Saddle Lynn Bruce Jacobs, joined Paul Brooks and ground running is the most crucial step that Drive, Fayetteville, had apparently walked into Jo Ann Chavis Lowery as candidates for the needs to take place,” said Sampson, who a pond behind the home of his aunt, Jamie tribe’s highest elected ofice. SAMPSON The special election is to elect the person See RACE, Page 8A See BOY, Page 10A WEATHER INDEX OBITUARIES SPORTS Classifieds . 5B Mary Lessard, 92, Lumberton Comics . 4B Ina Locklear, 57, Wagram Jacob Locklear, 73, Maxton Headgear gift Editorial . 4A Lucille Bullard, 86, Maxton Education . 5A Jose Lopez, 73, Raeford NFL’s Leach Features . 6A Jamie Hall, 37, Lumberton donates helmets to Nation . 3A Page 8A Sports . 1B Mustangs. 87/63 State . 2A Page 1B World . 10A Obituaries Archives News Sports Features 2A — THE ROBESONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2011LOCAL/STATE Crime Report Red Springs gets update n Vandalism broke into the store and took a $700 on STEP program progress air conditioner. LUMBERTON — Christopher Hyz, ALI ROCKETT of George Omar Road in Fayetteville, estimate their costs. Then the plan will come before the board for its approval. reported on Monday that a man he STAFF WRITER n Robberies Also on Tuesday, the board heard was giving a ride to punched the back RED SPRINGS — Chilton Rogers, a presentation from Ralph Clark of windshield of his 1995 Chevrolet S-10 LUMBERTON — Mustafa Shukri, North Carolina Small Towns Economic PowerServices, which is assessing the during an argument, according to a of Elmwood Park, N.J., reported on Monday that four men robbed him Prosperity program coach with the N.C. town’s Public Works, including elec- police report. and Vanderleia Encarnacao while they Rural Center, updated the Board of tricity, water and sewer, in an effort to The damaged window was valued were in their vehicle at 212 Holly St., Commissioners on Tuesday night on reduce costs. at $500. according to a police report. the the program’s progress in the town. Clark suggested that the town con- One of the men pointed a gun at Rogers said that the STEP program’s vert its electrical system to a higher volt- n Break-ins them and demanded money, accord- leadership team had been meeting once age in order to cut costs. He said that LUMBERTON — Elisha Little, ing to the report. Taken were $900 a month for the past 14 months to cre- could save as much as $100,000 a year. of Little’s Garage on Martin Luther cash, a $400 GPS, a $50 cell phone, two ate a strategic economic plan for Red The board approved the plan, which King Jr. Drive, reported on Monday credit cards and a $20 wallet. Springs. was already budgeted at $25,000, and that someone broke into the business The main mission of the group is to added another $14,000 from the electri- through a front window and took LUMBERTON — Cheryl Day, of stimulate the economy by creating and cal reserve fund for a “cost of service” several items, according to a police Largo, Fla., reported on Friday that retaining jobs, increasing investments study. report. someone cut the padlock and entered in the town and attracting business In other business, the board: Missing were a $400 chainsaw; a her U-Haul truck while it was parked through a series of strategies and proj- n Welcomed two new police ofi- $350 chainsaw; assorted tools valued at a motel on Roberts Avenue, accord- ects, and to give the local government’s cers, Jerry Jones and Charles McMillian. at $1,500; a hunting bow and arrow ing to a police report. inancial suppor. n Approved a conditional-use per- valued at $450; four Skil saws val- Missing from the U-Haul was about Red Springs is still in the planning mit for Southeastern Regional Medical stages of the program, for which it ued at $850; a $25 lashlight; a $250$4,680 in prescription medication. The Center to construct a 9,200-square-foot lawn mower; and a $200 microwave, damaged padlock was valued at $10. receives $25,000, according to Rogers. medical clinic at 307 Mt. Tabor Road. according to the report. The town will be moving into the n Approved a conditional-use per- The damaged window pane was LUMBERTON — Keith Brett, of implementation phase of the program mit for William McNeill to operate a valued at $250. Willow Oak Drive, reported on Friday in a few months with $100,000 to imple- mobile home park on Johnson Road. that someone stole a trailer he owned ment the projects. n Renewed a contract to retain LUMBERTON — Carolyn Knight, by cutting a lock, according to a police Rogers told the board that the Red Richard Cummings as the town’s ire of Stephens Street, reported on report. Springs leadership had decided on four inspector. Thursday that someone broke into her The trailer was valued at $3,500, main strategies: broadening education; n Appointed Commissioners Eula home and took several items, accord- and its license tag was valued at $28.