The West Coast Fisheries, Volume 1, Number 13, June 1929
The West Coast Fisheries, Volume 1, Number 13, June 1929 Item Type monograph Publisher M.W. Eley Download date 29/09/2021 17:10:43 Link to Item The WEST COAST I Industry f / FISHING BOATN'UMBER JUNE 1929-- ---~-- 35. Cents - Sebastian-Stuart Fish Co. PACKERS OF Fresh and Frozen !? HALIBUT-SALMON MILD CURED SALMON CANNED SALMON [ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, U.S. A. -· , , I Columbia River Packers Association, Inc .. I ' Largest Fresh Fish Dealers on the Columbia River .. ASTORIA, OREGON •• KARL I. SIFFERMAN EARL N. OHMER Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Company's HIGHEST QUALITY SHRIMP MEAT and CRAB MEAT Can Be Procured From the Following Seattle Fish Dealers San Juan Fishing & Packing Co. Edwin Ripley & Sun New England Fish Co. Ripley Fish Co. Palace Fish and Oyster Co. American Sea Food Co. Booth Fisheries Co. Sound Fish Co. Sebastian~Stuart Fish Co. Dressei-Collins Fish Co. Haines Oyster Co. Whi:r: Fish Co. Main Fish Co. Pacl[ed by the Alaskan Glacier Sea Food Co. P. 0. Box 1001 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Petersburg, Alaska Arthur Anderson Fish Co., Inc. Producers and Distributors of Oregon's Finest FRESH and FROZEN Salmon ALSO SALMON PACKERS HOME OFFICE, ASTORIA; OREGON The \\'e~t Coast Fi ..;lwries is published mnnthly January to Kovcrnhcr, and scrni-mnnthly in Dcccmhcr, at 1\fuuieiJlal Fish \Vltarf, San T'e<lro, California, by l\L \\'. l•:lt'y. SulJ~criptiun $3.50 per y(•ar in tlu~ Unitnl States ami Insular I'nssessions. Forcig:n, ~··1.50. I~utcrcd at San l'cdt·o Posto!licc as second class matter ~ovcmber 2·!, 1928, under Act of March 3.
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