AUSTRIA’S “I thoughtI’d be Aburgerthat RIGHT-WING adamngood could save WHIZZKID president” theworld TALKINGPOINTS P23 PEOPLE P10 LAST WORD P60

21TH OCTOBER 2017 |ISSUE 1147 |£3.50EWTHE BESTOFTHE BRITISHEEK AND INTERNATIONAL MEDIA Hammondhorror Draining thelifeout of Brexit? Page6


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What happened What the editorials said The mask has slipped, said the Daily Mail. While EU Brexit stalemate negotiators claim they are delaying trade talks because they Hopes of abreakthrough in the Brexit first want firm guarantees for EU citizens negotiations dissipated this week as EU leaders living in the UK and an agreement on the prepared for acrucial summit on Friday. Irish border, they made clear this week that In alast-ditch attempt to kick-start trade talks, money is the “main sticking point”. They’re had telephoned the French and deliberately holding the talks up in the hope German leaders, and dined in Brussels with the of extorting more cash from us. How much European Commission president, Jean-Claude longer is the UK expected to “endure this Juncker. But to little avail. While Juncker and belittling treatment”, asked The Daily May reached avague agreement on the need Telegraph. It raises the question “whether there to “accelerate” talks, European leaders made is any point continuing to negotiate when good clear that they wouldn’t start discussing a faith is absent on the other side”. future trade relationship until she offered more detail on the UK’s exit bill. No. 10, meanwhile, EU leaders aren’t to blame for the slow signalled that it wouldn’t offer any more progress of the talks, said . The financial commitments until Europe agreed to real fault lies with our shambolic, feuding expand the talks beyond separation terms. government, which “cannot agree basic May and Juncker: afruitless dinner negotiating positions from one day to the The summit is set formally to declare that next”. Brexit zealots are positively excited by insufficient progress has been made on agreeing the UK’s exit the prospect of anodeal exit, but let’s not kid ourselves that terms for the talks to move on to the next phase. By way of an this outcome would be anything other than disastrous for the olive branch, however, the 27 EU states will reportedly agree UK. The economic skies are already “darkening”, said The to start discussing among themselves the framework of a Guardian, with inflation and household debt on the rise, and transition deal, so that trade talks with the UK will be able to real wages and tax revenue falling. At this rate, it may not be get off to aswift start when offers further concessions. long before public opinion shifts decisively against Brexit.

What happened What the editorials said Trump takes on Tehran “Donald Trump has taken awild swing at his predecessor’s key foreign policy legacy,” said . The 2015 deal Donald Trump last week threatened to scrap offered the “best possible assurances” that the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. In Iran’s military nuclear programme would be acombative speech on Friday, the US contained for adecade. By defusing the nuclear president argued that Iran is failing to uphold crisis, it helped to consolidate “moderate its part of the agreement, which curbed the factions” within Iran and to prevent an arms country’s nuclear capabilities in return for race in the Middle East. The president now easing sanctions –although international finds himself at odds not only with his own observers say it has been in full compliance. advisers, but with key world powers. “America However, he stopped short of immediately First” has become “America alone”. withdrawing from the deal. Instead, he called on Congress and US allies to fix its “many Actually, Trump’s move was not so extreme, serious flaws”. If they failed, he said, he said The Wall Street Journal. It was “a political would pull the US out unilaterally. fudge”, which satisfies his campaign promise to renegotiate the deal without “blowing it up”. The UK, Germany and France jointly stated “The worst deal ever”? This gives the US time to persuade its allies to that they were “concerned” by the move and beef up the terms: the original deal merely remained committed to the deal. The other signatories to the suspended Iran’s nuclear programme and did nothing to deter Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), China, its “” in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Yet abandoning Russia and the EU, also deplored Trump’s decision. Israel’s the accord would not solve these problems, said . If PM Benjamin Netanyahu, however, congratulated the the deal –the result of 13 years of diplomacy –were to fall president for “boldly” confronting “Iran’s terrorist regime”. apart, there would be “no winners from such an outcome”.

AYorkshire pub run by Agroup of Muslim men took a It wasn’t all bad two brothers has been gift of flowers to asynagogue Apreviously unseen story by named the best in Leeds after it was vandalised Vita Sackville-West, written for a restaurant in the world. by racists, to show their book the size of apostage The Black Swan, in solidarity with the local Jewish stamp, is to be published. Oldstead, came top in community. Shahab Adris, 36, Sackville-West was one of 200 TripAdvisor’s Travellers’ was so appalled when he saw authors –among them Hardy Choice awards, which is that Etz Chaim synagogue been and Kipling –who, in the 1920s, based on reviews daubed with aswastika and an contributed tiny volumes to posted on the website. anti-Semitic slur, he and three Queen Mary’s dolls’ house, a Tommy Banks, 28, who friends decided to pay avisit, Lutyens-designed replica of an runs the kitchen, and his so that they could express Edwardian residence. Unlike brother James, 27, who their sympathy in person. most, hers –about an ageless runs front of house, “Some of our group had been sprite –was written specifically were teenagers when they took over the pub, in 2006. It now abit nervous as they’d never for the house, and may have holds aMichelin star, serving dishes –such as squid dressed in been to asynagogue before,” inspired her lover, Virginia horseradish juice –that use fruit and vegetables grown on-site he said, but they received a Woolf, to write Orlando. or at the Banks’ family farm. “It’s ahuge honour,” Tommy said. warm welcome.

COVER CARTOON: HOWARD MCWILLIAM THE WEEK 21 October 2017 …and how they were covered NEWS 5

What the commentators said What next? The British are famed for their pragmatism, while EU leaders are supposedly masters of The scene is set for ahaggle compromise, said Andrew Rawnsley in The Observer. So why, after “five rounds of jaw-jaw in over money before the next Brussels”, has the bargaining “still not advanced beyond square one”? There is fault on both EU summit on 14 December, sides. EU leaders make the understandable point that it is hard to negotiate with aBritish reports the FT. Britain has government that is still negotiating with itself (see page 6). UK ministers, meanwhile, argue with agreed to pay s20bn in net some justification that the EU is being unreasonably rigid about the sequencing of talks. That budget contributions for much is undeniable, said Christopher Meyer in . It’s “daft” to insist that 2019 and 2020, but further Ireland’s border arrangements must be settled before the shape of the UK-EU trade deal is liabilities may yet be discussed, because the former clearly depends on the latter. included: Brussels has talked of a s60bn net settlement. It’s in both sides’ interests to reach atrade deal, said Philip Aldrick in The Times. But the EU is in less of ahurry to get there. The UK needs atransition deal in place by February to prevent The Government delayed the businesses triggering contingency plans and moving to Europe, so “the longer Brussels holds second reading of the EU out, the more business it can poach”. Britain is hoping to get round that problem by linking the Withdrawal Bill, which generosity of its offer to the date atransition is agreed. It’s asensible strategy. After all, if transfers EU law into UK law companies shifted enough businesses abroad to cost the UK one percentage point of GDP, that ahead of Brexit, after MPs would wipe “£20bn off the economy and £8bn off tax revenues”. put forward hundreds of amendments. Across-party “Only the most swivel-eyed Ukipper” would pretend that leaving the EU without any sort of group of MPs, including deal wouldn’t have costs attached to it, said Matthew Lynn in The Spectator. But the reality is former Tory chancellor that these costs diminish as we get closer to the March 2019 deadline, because we’ll already Kenneth Clarke, is seeking to have had no choice but to start spending cash on contingency plans. In six months’ time, if no amend the bill in such away deal is in prospect, it “won’t make much difference either way”. The Government will already as to make it impossible for have outlayed money to expand our customs facilities; banks will already have moved some May to allow Britain to crash operations to Paris and Frankfurt. “At that point, we might as well walk away, because there out of the EU without adeal won’t be much point in paying for adeal that won’t be worth much anymore.” in 2019.

What the commentators said What next? Trump’s statement on Iran may be “the most dishonest speech he has ever given from the US law requires the White House”, said Fred Kaplan on Slate. It flagrantly misrepresented “what the deal was President to certify every 90 meant to do, the extent of Iran’s compliance, and the need for corrective measures”. We know days that Iran is upholding that Trump hates what he calls the “worst deal ever”. But “as the inspectors have reported time its part of the agreement, and time again, Iran is not cheating” on its terms. So instead, Trump cited aseries of “false or says BBC News online – irrelevant” reasons for his decision, the main one being “that the Iranian regime is full of bad otherwise sanctions are people doing bad things”. This is quite true, but could easily be used to reach the opposite re-imposed on Iran. Trump conclusion: “We need the deal, one could say, to keep this violent, destabilising regime from has already re-certified building nuclear weapons.” This diplomatic disaster could have been much worse, said Simon twice before, but he refused Tisdall in The Observer. Trump was prevented from withdrawing altogether by his generals – to do so for athird time chief of staff John Kelly, defence secretary Jim Mattis and national security adviser H.R. last week, leaving Congress McMaster –along with close allies such as Theresa May, who personally intervened by phone. 60 days to decide whether to rewrite the law to meet The effects of withdrawal would have been dire, said Kim Sengupta in The Independent. Iran, his wishes. forced back into isolation, would have developed its arsenal at “full tilt”. North Korea would have decided that there “was no point in negotiations because the US could always renege in Primarily, Trump wants an the future”. Still, the president’s unease with the deal is “widely shared” by most Republicans, end to the “sunset clauses”, by some Democrats, and across the US, said Molly Kiniry in The Sunday Telegraph. Like all which allow renewed President Obama’s diplomatic coups, this one put “his place in the history books before the uranium enrichment after reality of America’s foreign policy interests”. Plans are afoot in the Senate to strengthen the the deal expires in 2025. He deal, which at present allows Iran to start enriching uranium again after 2025, by voting to also wants new sanctions re-impose sanctions automatically if Iran gets within ayear of full nuclear capability. Unlike the imposed on Iran’s powerful existing agreement, this might do what it was meant to do: “stop Iran from getting the Bomb”. Revolutionary Guard.

Editor-in-chief: Jeremy O’Grady Do you remember the story of the Grenfell Tower baby? Who was Editor: Caroline Law Deputy editors: Harry Nicolle, Theo Tait THEWEEK thrown from the ninth or tenth floor, caught by amember of the Consultant editor: Jemima Lewis Assistant editor: Daniel Cohen City editor: Jane Lewis public, and miraculously survived? At the time, it was reported Contributing editors: Charity Crewe,Thomas Hodgkinson, Simon Wilson, Rob McLuhan, William Underhill, Digby across the British media and around the world. ran an interesting report on the episode Warde-Aldam, Tom Yarwood Editorial staff: Anoushka Petit, Tigger Ridgwell, William Skidelsky, George Steer Picture last week –and concluded that it almost certainly never happened. The police and the ambulance editor: Xandie Nutting Art director: Nathalie Fowler Chief service have no record of the incident. No family came forward to confirm it. Doctors said it would sub editor: Kari Wilkin Production editor: Alanna O’Connell be near-impossible for an infant to survive such afall. The BBC traced the first accounts back to two Founder and editorial director: Jolyon Connell Production Manager: Ebony Besagni Senior Production witnesses, who refused to speak to them; one said her memory of the night was “fading”. Executive: Maaya Mistry Newstrade Director: David Barker Direct Marketing Director: Abi Spooner Inserts: Joe Teal It’s an old story: the scoop that’s “too good to check”, the lie that travels halfway around the world. Classified: Henry Haselock, Henry Pickford Account Directors: Scott Hayter, John Hipkiss, Victoria Ryan, Jocelyn Sital-Singh Or in this case, probably not alie but amistake. Awoman was seen holding achild out of awindow UK Ad Director: Caroline Fenner Executive Director –Head of Advertising: David Weeks to protect it from the smoke, and it seems that, among bystanders desperate to salvage something Chief Executive, The Week: Kerin O’Connor uplifting from the fire, half-truth became conjecture became fact. Was Newsnight applauded for this Group CFO/COO: Brett Reynolds Chief executive: James Tye small service to the great cause of setting the record straight? Not really. Inevitably, in this Age of Dennis Publishing founder: Felix Dennis Offence, people were offended. They complained that the report was an insult to the survivors; their

accounts were being discredited, for political reasons. But then, establishing the truth seems to be THE WEEK Ltd, asubsidiary of Dennis Publishing Ltd, only part of what we want from the news. The other part, which sometimes seems 31-32 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7DP. Tel: 020-3890 3890. Editorial: The Week Ltd, 2nd Floor, 32 Queensway, London more important, is confirming what we think we already know. Theo Tait W2 3RX. Tel: 020-3890 3787. email: [email protected]

Subscriptions: 0330-333 9494; [email protected] The Week is licensed to The Week Limited by Dennis Publishing Limited. The Week is aregistered trademark of Felix Dennis. 21 October 2017 THE WEEK 6 NEWS Politics

Controversy of the week Boundary changes Jeremy Corbyn is among Hammond under fire the MPs who could lose his seat under proposals to Is the Chancellor of the Exchequer fighting for Britain or for reduce the number of MPs Brussels? Hard to tell, said the Daily Mail, after the way he and redraw constituency “treacherously undermined the PM’s strongest bargaining boundaries. The independent card” in the Brexit negotiations: her insistence that no deal is Boundary Commission this better than abad deal. Writing in The Times last week, Philip week published its plans, Hammond declared he wasn’t going to spend any money, at which would cut the number of seats from 650 to 600, and this point, preparing for anodeal outcome. He might as well make them more uniform in have “run up the white flag to Jean-Claude Juncker”. Britain, size, with around 75,000 at this critical juncture in its history, needs achancellor with voters in each. That would vision rather than “half-hearted, lugubrious appeasers like leave England with 32 fewer Mr Hammond”. Many senior Tories are also calling for his MPs, Scotland six fewer and head, said Paul Goodman on “What Wales 11 fewer, and would require the abolition of some he is doing is very close to sabotage,” fumed former chancellor The Chancellor: inept? Nigel Lawson. And in The Sunday Times, aRemain-supporting constituencies, including cabinet minister urged that Hammond be replaced by Michael Gove. “We need achancellor who is Corbyn’s Islington North seat. However, with Labour, inventive and proactive,” said the unnamed minister. the Lib Dems and the DUP These attacks are incoherent, said Oliver Wiseman on CapX, and Ispeak as one who is “glad Britain expected to oppose the is leaving the EU”. Hammond isn’t some devoted Europhile like Nick Clegg: when changes, they may not be enacted. appointed him foreign secretary in 2014, he was seen by many as dangerously Eurosceptic. He just realises the Brexit process is complicated and creates uncertainty for business: he wants to provide a Hate crime surge bit of certainty. Hammond is hated “because he puts facts before emotion”, said Matthew d’Ancona The number of hate crimes in in The Guardian. But to fault him for being financially cautious is absurd: that’s what chancellors are England and Wales increased meant to be. And how do you prepare for a“hard Brexit” in any case? If Britain crashed out of the by 29% over the past year. EU without adeal, customs and international regulation systems would cease to function. “It’s deluded There were 80,393 incidents to suggest spending afew billion here or there would prepare for such an outcome.” On the in the year to March 2017, contrary, said Fraser Nelson in , he could start by, say, creating afree port in up from 62,518 the previous Belfast and expanding places like Hull or Southampton to take the strain off Dover. In fact, there year –the largest increase are endless things he could do to build what is utterly lacking in the Treasury –asense of optimism. since the Home Office started recording figures in 2011- Hammond has become atarget, said Anne McElvoy in The Observer, because he’s a“step-by-step 2012. The surge is thought technocrat” in agovernment riven between Brexit true-believers and sore Remainers. He wants a to reflect both arise in hate soft Brexit that keeps us as closely tied to the EU as possible, and agradual four-year transition crimes and improvements in the way police record period to achieve it; and he thinks such adeal is more than likely, so he doesn’t want to waste money them. Race was deemed or political capital on anodeal scenario. But the fact that he, almost alone, has made up his mind on to be amotivating factor in how to do Brexit infuriates the others. Still, he’s probably safe for now. It’s not just that sacking him almost 80% of the recorded in the run-up to aBudget would be “another dent to economic confidence”. It’s because, as one of incidents, with sexual his prominent Remain colleagues explained to me: “If he goes, the battles will spread and draw in orientation accounting for everyone else. He’s doing TM afavour by putting up with it all, not the other way round.” 11% and religion 7%.

Good week for: Spirit of the age George Saunders, who won the Man Booker Prize with his Poll watch Thomas the Tank Engine is first full-length novel, Lincoln in the Bardo.Set over one night, 63% of secondary school being given a21st century the book is about the death of Abraham Lincoln’s son in 1862; pupils wouldn’t mind if overhaul. Anew TV series it is the second year in arow that the prize has been won by a social media didn’t exist; will bring gender parity US author after the award was opened up to Americans in 2014. 56% describe themselves to Tidmouth Sheds by Pole dancing, with news that it is on the path to becoming an as being on the edge of replacing two male engines Olympic sport. Since emerging in the 1980s, pole dancing has addiction to social media; with female ones. And, in and 71% say they’ve been what makers describe as developed into acompetitive sport, with rules and ascoring on temporary “digital a“groundbreaking refresh”, system –and little resemblance to its strip club origins. “People detoxes” to escape it. half the episodes will take don’t wear high heels or wiggle their hips against the pole,” said Digital Awareness UK/ place abroad, with Katie Coates, of the International Pole Sports Federation. The Guardian storylines that promote Richard Branson, who revealed that he only narrowly avoided the UN’s Sustainable being conned out of £3.8m by afraudster posing as the Defence 42% of people think Britain Development Goals. Secretary. The Virgin boss said he got anote on government was right to vote to leave the EU, while 47% think it British couples are no paper requesting an urgent conversation –and that the man on was wrong to do so –the longer happy to be the phone sounded just like Sir Michael Fallon. He said he needed widest gap since the squashed up in astandard the money to rescue aBritish diplomat kidnapped by terrorists. referendum. 7% of Leave double bed. Hotels have voters think they made the noted aphenomenon Bad week for: wrong decision, as do 5% dubbed “bedflation” –and of Remain voters. are upgrading accordingly. Uber, which withdrew its application for licences in nine British YouGov/The Times Both Travelodge and cities and towns, including Oxford, Hull and South Tyneside, Premier Inn now have 5ft- after being presented with some difficult questions from councils 40% of British men would wide king beds as standard. about its claim that it does not provide “transportation services”. be willing to have sex with Others have gone further: The NHS, which was attacked over new guidance which will arobot. 52% of German the highly-regarded Pointer require GPs to ask their patients about their sexual orientation. men would, along with 50% pub in Brill has 6ft-wide Critics described such questioning as “intrusive”. However, NHS of American men. beds in all of its four rooms. Syzygy/Die Welt England says it is necessary for it to comply with the Equality Act.

THE WEEK 21 October 2017 Europe at aglance NEWS 7

Paris Paris Vienna Killer on the End of the road for petrol: The authorities Victory for right-wing whizz kid: Sebastian cover: As in Paris are planning to ban from the city Kurz, the 31-year-old leader of Austria’s women all all vehicles that run on petrol or diesel by conservative People’s Party (ÖVP), is set over the world 2030. If the plans are approved, only to become the country’s youngest ever continued to electric-powered cars will be allowed chancellor (and the world’s youngest speak out into Paris. The city’s mayor, Anne Hidalgo, leader), after the ÖVP –which has moved about their previously suggested that diesel engines decisively to the Right under his leadership experiences would be outlawed in Paris by 2024, when –emerged as the winner of Sunday’s of sexual it is scheduled to host the Olympic Games. general election, with 31.6% of the harassment in the wake of the Harvey Her administration has also tried to tackle projected vote. Kurz declined to name Weinstein scandal, apopular French music Paris’s pollution problem by introducing apotential coalition partner for his party magazine caused outrage this week by car-free days, creating miles of new cycle before all counting had taken place (a final putting aFrench rock star on its cover who paths, and pedestrianising stretches of the result was due by Friday). However, it was beat his girlfriend to death in ajealous rage River Seine. With many of the 40% of predicted that he would start by talking to 14 years ago. Following ahigh-profile Parisians who own cars already angered the far-right Freedom Party, which took trial, Bertrand Cantat was found guilty by these measures, City Hall was careful around 26% of the vote –easily its best of murdering actress Marie Trintignant to say that the new plan did not constitute showing since its 1990s heyday under Jörg in 2003; he was released in 2007 after acar ban; it was more about setting a Haider (see page 23). serving half of an eight-year sentence. The realistic deadline for the phasing out of magazine, Les Inrockuptibles, said it had those with combustion engines. The sale of featured him on its cover as his return to all petrol and diesel cars will be banned music was “important”, but in response to in France (as in Britain) from 2040. atorrent of criticism, it acknowledged that the decision had been “questionable”.

Lisbon Forest fires kill dozens: Forest fires swept across central and northern Portugal on Sunday and Monday, killing 41 people; across the border in Spain, four people died in fires in Galicia. It was the second such catastrophe to have hit Portugal this year: in June, 64 people were killed in the deadliest fires in the country’s recent history. On Tuesday, the PM declared three days of national mourning. The wildfires –many of which are believed to have been started deliberately –were fanned by strong Atlantic winds from Hurricane Ophelia, the remnants of which caused serious disruption in Ireland. There, three people died, schools were closed and 360,000 homes were left without power. Parts of Britain were also battered by winds that brought warm air and dust from the Sahara and particles from the Portuguese fires, turning red.

Barcelona, Spain Direct rule approaching: The leaders of Mosta, Malta Rome two Catalan independence groups were Journalist killed: Dog days: In adecision hailed as a jailed by the high court in Madrid this An influential landmark by animal rights charities, an week, prompting renewed street protests journalist and Italian woman has won her battle to be in Barcelona. Jordi Sànchez, the leader of blogger known paid for time she took off work to care for the Catalan National Assembly, and Jordi for investigating her sick dog, a12-year-old English setter Cuixart, of Òmnium Cultural, are being high-level political called Cucciola. The 53-year-old librarian held without bail while police investigate corruption in at Sapienza University in Rome –identified claims that they committed sedition by Malta was killed only by her first name, Anna –took two orchestrating unrest in the run-up to in acar bombing days off work in order to accompany the 1October independence referendum. on Monday. Cucciola to the vet for two different Last week, the Catalan leader, Carles Daphne Caruana operations. She told her employers that as Puigdemont, signed adeclaration Galizia (pictured) she is unmarried and lives alone, her dogs of independence, but said he was had just left her home outside Mosta when are in effect her “family” –and argued suspending its effects for an unspecified the bomb detonated, sending debris flying that the days off should therefore be period in the hope of making adeal with into surrounding fields. Her most recent treated as paid compassionate leave. Madrid. In response, PM Mariano Rajoy investigations were into the financial “It is asignificant step forward that gave him until Monday to clarify whether affairs of Malta’s PM, Joseph Muscat, recognised that animals that are not kept he had declared independence (which the and two of his aides; her son has accused for financial gain or their working ability Catalan leader failed to do), and until the tiny EU state’s political elite of being are effectively members of the family,” Thursday to abandon his push for “complicit” in her murder. Muscat said Gianluca Felicetti, of the Italian independence –orface the imposition described the murder as a“barbaric attack animal rights group whose lawyers helped of direct rule from Madrid. on press freedom”. Anna present her case to her employers.

Catch up with daily news at 21 October 2017 THE WEEK 8 NEWS The world at aglance

Washington DC Smith Falls, Canada Unesco withdrawal: The Trump administration has announced Hostages freed: ACanadian man that at the end of 2018 the US will withdraw from Unesco, the and his American wife, who had UN’s educational, science and cultural arm, in protest at what it spent five years as hostages of the sees as the organisation’s anti-Israel bias. The move was sparked Taliban, were rescued last week by Unesco’s decision to designate the old city of Hebron in the by Pakistani troops acting on US West Bank aPalestinian World heritage site. It’s not the first time intelligence. Joshua Boyle and this has occurred. In 1984, Ronald Reagan ordered the US to pull Caitlan Coleman (pictured), who out of Unesco in response to its perceived pro-Soviet leanings, have now been flown home to though it rejoined in 2002. And to punish the UN for recognising Canada, were travelling in rural Afghanistan in 2012 when they the Palestinian Authority as an independent state, Barack Obama were captured by Taliban-linked Haqqani militants. Coleman was withdrew funding in 2011 when Unesco admitted Palestine as a pregnant when seized and the couple went on to have three children full member. But in Trump’s case, the decision is being interpreted while in captivity. Boyle claims afourth baby was “murdered” as part of his wider “America First” policy of withdrawing from and his wife was raped during those years. He has also ridiculed international settlements: he has already pulled out of the Paris suggestions that they had gone to Afghanistan to sign up for jihad. climate accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and has “I’m aharmless hippie and Idonot kill even mice,” he insisted. threatened to do the same with Nato and the Iran nuclear deal.

San Francisco, California Killer wildfires: In the deadliest week of wildfires in California’s history, at least 40 people are known to have died and around 5,700 homes and other buildings have been destroyed. The fires have devastated an area the size of New York City in California’s wine country, north of San Francisco. Napa Valley and Sonoma County have been especially badly hit, but many other parts of the state have also been in flames. Just north of Los Angeles, helicopters and airtankers have been battling ablaze on Mount Wilson: dozens of people had to be evacuated from its famous observatory. “The devastation is just unbelievable,” said California governor Jerry Brown. “It is ahorror that no one could have imagined.”

Washington DC $10m reward: Larry Flynt, the publisher of the pornographic magazine Hustler, has offered a“patriotic” $10m reward “for information leading to the impeachment and removal from office of Donald J. Trump”. Flynt made the unusual offer in afull-page advertisement in last Sunday’s edition of The Washington Post, citing numerous reasons for wanting Trump gone –including “gross nepotism”, telling “bald-faced lies”, the risk of “inciting violent civil strife with his racial dog whistling”, and the fear that he will “trigger anuclear world war”. The advert urges people to unearth “a smoking gun” that may be “buried in Trump’s top-secret tax returns or in other records” from his investments.

Chimaltenango, Guatemala Gang boss captured: Police in Guatemala have captured one of the most feared leaders of the Mara Salvatrucha (or “MS-13”) gang, anotoriously violent cartel thought to have 70,000 members in central America and the US. Officials believe Ángel Gabriel Reyes Marroquín, known as Blanco (pictured), was behind the recent storming of ahospital (to free agang member) in which seven people were killed. In 2014, Reyes was linked to the murders of 287 people, and is said to have killed ten more in the past month alone.

Fort Bragg, North Carolina Caracas Bergdahl pleads guilty: Bowe Bergdahl, the US army sergeant who Election results disputed: The walked off his base in Afghanistan in 2009 and was held captive Socialist government of Nicolás by the Taliban until 2014, has pleaded guilty to desertion and Maduro has been accused of rigging “misbehaviour before the enemy”. He will be sentenced later this the elections for governor held in each of Venezuela’s 23 states month, and could face life imprisonment on the misbehaviour last Sunday. Opinion polls ahead of the vote, which put national charge –essentially endangering the troops who were sent to look support for Maduro’s Chavistas at just 21%, had suggested that for him. Bergdahl was freed by the Taliban in exchange for five the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) would win Taliban detainees at Guantánamo Bay, aswap criticised by Barack up to 18 of the contests. In the event, the National Electoral Obama’s political opponents. During his presidential campaign, Council, which is dominated by government loyalists, announced Donald Trump repeatedly called Bergdahl atraitor and called for that the Socialists had won 17 of them. Maduro claimed the results him to be executed by firing squad, like “in the old days”. Earlier were asign that “Chavismo is back, victorious”. But the former this year, ajudge in the case described Trump’s comments as president of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla, tweeted that the results “disturbing”, but he ruled they had not unfairly swayed the case. were “an outrage, but no surprise. Dictatorships never lose.”

THE WEEK 21 October 2017 The world at aglance NEWS 9

Raqqa, Syria Kirkuk, Iraq Beijing Isis capital falls: US-backed Syrian fighters Iraqi army moves in: Iraq’s national army A“mighty announced this week that they had retaken this week seized control of the disputed force”: President the northern city of Raqqa from Islamic northern city of Kirkuk, acentre of Iraq’s Xi Jinping State militants after months of fighting. oil industry which had been held by (pictured) hailed Since 2014, the city has been the capital Kurdish Peshmerga forces since the a“new era” for of the Sunni jihadis’ self-declared caliphate; summer of 2014. Kirkuk lies outside the China at the its fall means that the group no longer officially recognised Iraqi Kurdistan but start of the controls any city in either Syria or is claimed by the Kurds, and its loss, along 19th Communist Iraq. The Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic with its lucrative oil fields and other Party Congress Forces (SDF), which entered Raqqa in surrounding territory, will have come as in Beijing this June, said they had flushed the few amajor blow to the Kurdish independence week. The hundred remaining Isis fighters from their movement, just weeks after acontroversial president, who holdout positions earlier this week, and independence referendum. Voters in both has done much were now clearing “sleeper cells” and the autonomous region and Kurdish-held to consolidate his power in the five years removing mines. The recapture of Raqqa areas had overwhelmingly voted Yes; but since he became the country’s leader, said has come at adevastating cost. Much of Baghdad insisted the vote was illegal. That that after decades of “struggle”, China the city has been destroyed by US-led air Kurdish forces gave up the city so easily – now “stood tall” and was ready to become strikes, more than 1,000 civilians have with many troops simply walking out – a“mighty force” on the world stage – been killed, and 270,000 people have been reflects serious divisions within the region’s willing and able to address the “many displaced by the fighting. main political factions, analysts said. challenges facing mankind”.

Hanoi Vietnam floods: Northern and central areas of Vietnam were hit by heavy rain last week, causing the country’s worst flooding for years. At least 72 people were killed, with afurther 30 still missing. Thousands of homes were submerged, and several towns remained cut off this week due to bridges and roads being washed away. Floods also affected parts of Thailand, to the west of Vietnam. Further destruction was expected this week, as Typhoon Khanun approached the region.

Sana’a Worst cholera outbreak: The cholera epidemic Mogadishu convulsing Yemen Terrorists kill hundreds: At least 320 people is now the biggest were killed on Saturday in amassive truck and fastest- bomb attack on the Somali capital –one of spreading outbreak the deadliest terrorist atrocities anywhere in the of the disease in modern history, with a world for years. On Tuesday, rescue workers million cases expected by the end of the were still pulling charred bodies out of the year, according to the WHO. Until now, rubble, which extended over hundreds of square the worst outbreak was in Haiti, which yards; they warned it might not be possible to saw 815,000 cases between 2010 and establish afinal death toll because, owing to the 2017. Yemen, which is also enduring a intense heat of the blast, the remains of some victims might not be recovered. civil war and chronic food shortages, has The attack, which has been blamed on the militant Islamist group al-Shabaab, experienced that number in just six involved alorry packed with around 350kg of explosives. Though its target was a months (more than half of them under- heavily guarded compound which houses aUNbuilding and many embassies, it 18s). To date, there have been 2,156 exploded at abusy city centre crossroads akilometre away. The blast ignited afuel recorded deaths. “There is no doubt this is tanker nearby, creating ahuge fireball. Among the dead was Maryam Abdullahi Gedi, aman-made crisis,” said Tamer Kirolos of 24, amedical student who was due to qualify as adoctor on Sunday. Her father had Save the Children. “Cholera only rears its flown from the UK to Mogadishu to attend her graduation; instead, he attended her head when there’s acomplete and total funeral. Al-Shabaab vowed to step up its attacks earlier this year, after both Washington breakdown in sanitation. All parties to the and Somalia’s president announced new military efforts against the group. conflict must take responsibility.”

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 10 NEWS People

Hillary Clinton’s regrets –all of his security guys are Hillary Clinton fully expected jumping up, because we to win last year’s US election, weren’t expected –into this says Christina Lamb in The inner sanctum with ahuge desk Sunday Times. She had and the biggest map of Russia written her victory speech and he starts telling me he’s (which she planned to give ‘going here to tag polar bears’. dressed in white, the colour of And then he says, ‘Would your the suffragettes) and prepared husband like to come?’ And I abinder full of policies for her said, ‘Well, I’ll ask him, but if first 100 days in power. “I he’s busy I’ll go!’” The thought I’d be adamn good invitation never came. president,” she says. “I did not think Iwas going to lose.” Ayckbourn beats the block And yet, in the early hours of Alan Ayckbourn has only once 9November, she found herself been stricken by writer’s block: telephoning Donald Trump to 11 years ago, when he was in concede victory. “One of the hospital recovering from a strangest moments of my life stroke. “For the first time since –weirdly ordinary, like calling my teens, Irealised Ididn’t aneighbour to say you can’t have anew play in my head,” make his barbecue.” She still he told Ben Lawrence in The can’t get over it: losing to Daily Telegraph. “It was an “someone who knows so appalling moment.” But the little, cares even less and is muse swiftly returned and now just seeking the applause of the Ayckbourn’s play count (82) masses. Ifeel aterrible sense of surpasses his age (78). There responsibility for not having have been some misses among Tracey Emin has just got back from installing her most famous figured out how to defeat this the hits. His 1979 comedy work, My Bed,atthe Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate. The person. There must have been Taking Steps brought the house piece –featuring asqualid bed strewn with condoms, dirty knickers, away and Ididn’t find it.” down in his native Scarborough, used tampons and fag butts –dates from 1998, when Emin was the Of course, Clinton faced but then stiffed in the West 34-year-old bad girl of Britart; but it gets tweaked every time she some unusual “forces” during End. “It was done so badly,” moves it. “Sometimes Itake great pleasure in arranging it,” she the campaign –most notably, he mourns. “The curtain came told Rachel Campbell-Johnston in The Times. “I waft around and the tide of fake news that was down in absolute silence and enjoy the memories as Iwork. Sometimes Ieven get in and pull unleashed on social media by all Icould hear was my wife the sheets up round my neck while everyone else –they all have the Russian government. crying.” The current fashion to wear gloves, only Ican touch it –looks on anxiously.” But while Vladimir Putin, she says, has for casting famous screen she enjoys installing it, “nothing about that bed feels relevant to always disliked her. During actors in stage shows also me now at all. Ihave changed so much,” she says. Since her her time as secretary of state, worries him. “They bring their mother died last year, Emin has been full of regrets about her past. Clinton had many meetings own fans who expect certain “All that smoking and swearing and drinking. I’ve only got 30 years with the Russian president. things,” he says. “You get an left, and so Iwonder why did Ispend so much time f***ing about, She found him rude, bored and actor who thinks ‘Thank God like the clever kid who just sits at the back of the class flicking prone to “manspreading” into I’ve finally got out of playing paper.” What she wants now more than anything is love. “My real her personal space –except the doctor in Hollyoaks and can dream is that Imight meet someone. It would be wonderful to be once, when she raised the be the psychopath on stage.’ with someone and share my life. That sounds like such asimple subject of wildlife conservation. And that doesn’t please the thing. But Ihaven’t had it in years. And now Ithink it would be nice. “He came alive!” she recalls. fans when they see nice Doctor Anyone, aged 35 to 65, male or female, any occupation –except “He takes me down the stairs Williams slashing and cutting.” perhaps an arms dealer. Iamopen to the world.”

Castaway of the week Viewpoint: Farewell This week’s edition of Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs featured The anger of the unheard award-winning novelist Jane Gardam Sir Brian Barder, “A Remain campaigner told me about a ambassador to 1 Oh, What aBeautiful Morning from Oklahoma! by Rodgers and doorstep encounter he had on abomb site Ethiopia during the Hammerstein, performed by Gordon MacRae of acouncil estate in the Midlands. ‘You 1980s famine, died 2 He Who Would Valiant Be by John Bunyan, performed by Rupert 19 September, Gough and the Wells Cathedral Choir have alot to lose financially if we leave the EU,’ he explained, rationally. ‘Oh, yes,’ she aged 83. 3 Ah, un foco insolito from Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti, performed by Renato Bruson and the Munich Radio Orchestra gestured to her run-down surroundings. ‘I Roy Dotrice, Tony Award-winning 4 L’enfant et les Sortilèges by Maurice Ravel, performed by could lose all of this?’ Remain still don’t get why so many people voted to leave. actor, died 16 Magdalena Kožená and the Berlin Philharmonic October, aged 94. 5 Cut ‘n Run by Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band, performed by They keep repeating that it is the poor who grandson Jake Gardam on drums will lose out the most. That is not going to Sean Hughes, Irish comedian, 6* Ave Maria by Robert Parsons, performed by the Choir of cut it. The people who really hate the way died 16 October, Gonville &Caius College, Cambridge Brexit is going are the people who have got aged 51. 7 An extract from Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, read by something to lose. When you’ve nothing to Samuel James lose, being told you could lose it all doesn’t Michel Jouvet, 8 The poem Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold, read by Samuel count for much. Brexit pub logic goes pioneering French James something like this: so what if the country sleep scientist and expert on REM Book: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy collapses economically? At least then they sleep, died 3 will know what it feels like to be us.” Luxury: paper and pens *Choice if allowedonlyone record October, aged 91. Giles Fraser in The Guardian

THE WEEK 21 October 2017

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PARTNERS YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW. Briefing NEWS 13 The guardian of the nation’s treasures The National Trust is powerful, rich and, for the most part, greatly loved –but in recent years it has been beset by controversy

How powerful is the National Trust? How did its focus change? With five million members –more than Concerned by the way the coastline was all the political parties in Britain several being spoilt by mass tourism, the Trust times over –itisthe largest conservation launched Enterprise Neptune in 1965: it organisation in Europe: 24.5 million sent volunteers to survey the 3,000-mile people visited its properties last year, coast of England, Wales and Northern and an estimated 200 million its land. Ireland, to identify what was worth It owns more than 300 historic buildings preserving. Tens of millions of pounds (hundreds of stately homes, 41 castles, were raised to save some of the nation’s 49 churches, nine lighthouses, more favourite beauty spots, from Whiteford than 61 pubs and 56 villages) and is the Burrows on the Gower peninsula, to the second biggest landowner in Britain, after Needles on the Isle of Wight and the the Forestry Commission. It has 247,000 Giant’s Causeway on ’s hectares and 778 miles of coastline in Antrim coast. Neptune is still ongoing: England, Wales and Northern Ireland the Trust recently raised £1m to buy a (there is aseparate National Trust for 700,000m2 section of land adjoining the Scotland). Last year the Trust had an White Cliffs of Dover. income of £592m. ANational Trust walkway in the South Downs What preoccupies the Trust today? How did it come into existence? The past 20 years have seen another big The Trust was created in 1895 to promote “the permanent change in its modus operandi, amounting almost to acultural preservation for the benefit of the nation of lands and tenements revolution. Its notion of heritage has become wider, encompassing (including buildings) of beauty or historic interest”. Its founders the industrial past (mills, mines, foundries, back-to-back houses) were the housing reformer Octavia Hill; Robert Hunter, a and The Beatles’ childhood homes. Country house purchases have government lawyer; and Hardwicke Rawnsley, aLake District been few and far between. And in the properties themselves, stern clergyman. All were philanthropists who believed open space guides and velvet ropes have been replaced by amore inclusive was fundamental for the well-being of the working classes (see atmosphere. Children are welcomed; visitors are encouraged to box). Within weeks, the nascent Trust was given its first donation: play games and use the facilities. Staff dress up in period dress. five acres of clifftop overlooking Cardigan Bay in Wales. In 1896, But it’s an approach that hasn’t pleased everyone. it bought its first building: Alfriston Clergy House, amodest, run-down medieval hall house in Sussex (an oak leaf carved into What do the critics say? abeam there is said to have inspired the Trust’s symbol). The The art historian Roy Strong has complained that the Trust is National Trust Act of 1907 gave it statutory powers to hold land “being turned into abranch of the leisure industry”. In the Daily “inalienably”: it could not be sold without an act of Parliament. Mail, Max Hastings declared he’d cancelled his membership after 40 years because the Trust’s “traditional priorities of emphasising What did the Trust concentrate on in its early years? beauty and heritage have been overtaken by apreoccupation Raising money by subscription to buy open spaces. In 1899 it with social engineering and ‘accessibility’”. Under its outgoing bought its first nature reserve: Wicken Fen in Cambridgeshire. director general, Helen Ghosh, the Trust has had its fair share The Lake District was aspecial focus: the peak of Great Gable of controversy. It was slated for “outing” Robert Ketton-Cremer, was donated by the Fell and Rock Climbing Club in 1923 as a former owner of Felbrigg Hall (one of its properties in Norfolk) memorial to members lost in WWI; Rawnsley’s friend Beatrix during aproject celebrating 50 years of the decriminalisation of Potter left 4,000 acres of land at her death in 1943. But by homosexuality; volunteers were ordered to wear gay pride badges, 1934 it still owned only two significant houses, Montacute on pain of being put on back-room duties. And it was criticised and Barrington Court in Somerset. for dropping the word “Easter” from Then its priorities abruptly changed. The roots of the National Trust its egg hunts. Even the Trust’s revised OctaviaHill, Robert Hunter and Hardwicke Rawnsley flapjack recipes have come under fire, What happened in 1934? were all followers of the critic and social reformer John as traditional flapjacks were replaced Philip Kerr, the Marquis of Lothian Ruskin. Hill started her life’s work in social housing with healthier peach and seed bars. and the owner of Blickling Hall, when Ruskin lent her the money to buy and improve argued at the Trust’s annual general three blocks of slum properties in Marylebone. As well How does it defend itself? meeting that the steady rise in death as inspiring “habits of industry and effort” among her Ghosh accepted that in trying “to duties to 50% spelled “the end of the tenants, she sought to give them access to culture, and welcome the widest possible group of to “the life-enhancing virtues of pure earth, clean air old rural order”, and that the Trust and blue sky”. She met Hunter at the Commons visitors”, they had perhaps left “our ought to act as the vehicle for Preservation Society, for whom he acted as solicitor. more traditional visitors” feeling put preserving Britain’s decaying country The legal actions he launched on the Society’s behalf out. But Chairman Tim Parker insists houses. To this end, the Country successfully protected parts of London’s common land that with such ahuge membership, Houses Scheme was formed, led by from enclosure and development –Hampstead Heath, and with 10,000 employees and James Lees-Milne, awell-connected Wimbledon and Tooting commons and Epping Forest 65,000 volunteers, not everyone can architectural historian. Between 1936 among them. “be happy all the time”. One conflict and 1951, he induced many cash- In the 1880s, Rawnsley led acampaign to stop the will come to ahead at this weekend’s strapped aristocrats to put their construction of railways overlooking Lake Buttermere AGM, when aresolution will be family heritage in the hands of the in the Lake District. And with the support of Ruskin, Hill proposed to ban trail hunting with Trust, which is how it came to and Hunter, he prevailed. Over the next decade, the hounds on Trust land; some members acquire great houses such as Cliveden, three pioneers decided to build on an idea put forward complain that it is used to circumvent by Ruskin: to create atrust that could buy and preserve Polesden Lacey, Knole, Petworth, such places in perpetuity. The result was the National the hunting ban. The Trust leadership Stourhead and Blickling. Acquisitions Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty – wants legal hunts to continue: Parker continued into the 1960s and 1970s, maintains that they are “part of the


©N when the Trust’s focus changed again. fabric of the countryside”.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

Best articles: Britain NEWS 15

Under Barack Obama, as former State Department official Jeremy Shapiro informed the Cheltenham Literature Festival last week, US IT MUST BE TRUE… The “special diplomats viewed the notion of a“special relationship” with the Iread it in the tabloids UK as “a joke”. Unkind words, perhaps, says Christopher Meyer, relationship”: but Shapiro “did us afavour” by telling the truth. The phrase New Zealand’s “Bird of the Year” contest has been “had freshness and relevance” when coined it forget it rocked by vote-rigging after the Second World War. But today, on this side of the Atlantic, claims. The annual poll, it “generates unrealistic expectations and encourages prime Christopher Meyer run by the Forest and Bird ministers to behave like poodles”. Ibanned the term when Iwas organisation, operates a The Daily Telegraph British ambassador to Washington in the 1990s. It made us look “one person, one vote” rule. “needy” and pathetic. It was even used against us in negotiations: But scientist Yvan Richard – Iwas accused of damaging the special relationship when Britain using acomputer program did not toe the US line. America, it’s true, is our most important for analysing elections – ally. But “in truth, the US only has one special relationship. That spotted that one bird-lover had voted from 112 different is with Israel, because of its influence over the US Congress.” We email accounts. “I noticed should remember this when US-UK trade talks begin: “warm and there was abig spike for the fuzzy words” will mean nothing at the negotiating table. white-faced heron at about midnight on the first day Plotting has always been an integral part of politics, says Sebastian of voting,” he said, “so I Payne. But MPs don’t have to huddle in tearooms to hatch their let Forest and Bird know.” The app MPs plans any more –now they do it on their phones. The messaging In 2015, two teenagers use to hatch service WhatsApp is the preferred new forum for confessed to voting for the intrigue. Hardcore Brexiteers and Remainers each have their own kokako from fake accounts. Forest and Bird says it has plots private WhatsApp groups on which to coordinate tactics. It was taken anti-fraud measures. on WhatsApp that the recent failed coup against Theresa May Sebastian Payne was fomented. The app has many advantages for plotters. Messages are encrypted and only visible to invited group members, Financial Times so politicians have no fear of being overheard by interlopers or party whips. Internet links are also easily shared, enabling MPs to draw attention to opinion articles they or others have written. But for all its convenience, this technology has had a“pernicious” effect on political discourse. It has made it coarser –“MPs say things to each other via text that they’d never say face to face” – and encourages aglib, point-scoring mentality. “WhatsApp is fun, but it is no substitute for doing politics in real life.”

In Manchester, Imet ahomeless man who’d lost three fingers to frostbite last winter; some of his toes had gone too. He’d almost How the Tories died of hypothermia. His was atragic story, says John Harris, An angler in Dorset nearly –yet it is in line with the statistics. Since 2010, the number of died when aDover sole leapt hacked at the people sleeping rough in the UK has risen by at least 134%; most down his throat. Sam are single men; their average life expectancy is just 47. There are Quilliam, 28, was fishing off benefit system... finally signs of official concern about this escalating crisis: Boscombe Pier when he Parliament recently enacted abill to make councils do more for John Harris caught the 6-inch fish. Before the homeless. But such measures only address the symptoms; the throwing it back, he decided Government is ignoring the cause –because its “cruel” policies The Guardian to plant akiss on it –but the are to blame. The Tories have “restricted single people under joke backfired. “I squeezed it 35 to the meanest of entitlements”: they have frozen the housing and, like abar of soap, it benefit paid to tenants in the private sector (having also pegged jumped out of my hand and it to the lowest third of rents) even as rents have carried on rising, into my mouth... and swam leading to countless evictions; now, they plan to apply the same down my throat,” he said. limits to social housing tenants. Ministers may wring their hands “I ran round the pier like about rising homelessness –but when they began hacking away at aheadless chicken and then the benefits system, what else did they think would be the result? passed out.” Paramedic Matt Harrison (above left) raced One of the more dramatic social changes of recent years, says Paul to the scene, and used ...and why Johnson, is the huge rise in the number of people living in private forceps to extract the fish rented accommodation. Twenty years ago, only one in ten of us from his windpipe. “I have they felt they did: now the figure is one in five (and more than athird for 25- to never attended amore 34-year-olds). And since anyone whose income is too low to cover bizarre incident,” he said, rent is entitled to some form of housing benefit (as much as “and don’t think Iever will.” had to £15,000 ayear for aone-child family renting atwo-bedroom flat Paul Johnson in ahigh-rent area), this leads to avast welfare bill. The housing Aman in ashark costume benefit bill this year was £24bn: at least “£8bn more than the entire has been fined for flouting The Times police budget”. True, the majority goes to poor tenants in social Austria’s burqa ban. The housing, but given that 25% of private renters can now get benefit, unnamed worker was stand- the balance is altering. We are left with asystem that “costs the ing outside the McShark taxpayer afortune” –hence, the Treasury’s efforts to cut it back computer shop in Vienna, –yet still leaves people on very low incomes in financial distress. trying to drum up business, when he was apprehended And there’s adeeper worry about this shift of middle earners into by officers. Under the new the rental market: that they’ll lose faith in the idea of a“property- law, faces must be visible in owning democracy” and grow disenchanted with capitalism. We public from hairline to chin. have to tackle “the problem of rent” before it’s too late.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 16 NEWS Best of the American columnists

Can the Republicans really rein in Trump? We can no longer safely ignore the fear from speaking out. But other “cries for help” emanating from Republican senators are uncomfort- within the Trump administration, said ably aware that Trump’s belligerent Michael Gerson in The Washington former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, Post.And one of the most desperate along with his populist Breitbart ones came last week from the news outlet, is drawing up ahit list Republican senator Bob Corker, of Republicans to try to oust in next who highlighted the concerns of year’s Senate races. “Honesty from aides struggling to manage the volatile sitting Republicans about the danger moods, lack of focus and destructive Trump poses to the country won’t get whims of the president. “I know for Trump removed, but could well get afact,” said Corker, “that every single those sitting Republicans removed. day at the White House, it’s asituation They can’t win.” of trying to contain [Trump]… Alot of people think that there is some kind of Bob Corker: nothing to fear from speaking out If nothing else, they should at least ‘good cop, bad cop’ act under way, but curb the powers of the presidency, that’s just not true.” The scary reality, declared Corker, is that said Michelle Goldberg in The New York Times.InJuly, the White House is “an adult day-care centre” for an irrational Republicans voted overwhelmingly for abill that limited man who treats the presidency like “a reality show”, and who, Trump’s ability to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia. Now, with his reckless baiting of North Korea, could be setting the they should consider legislation that would bar the president nation “on the path to World War III”. from launching afirst nuclear strike without adeclaration of war by Congress. Curbing Trump’s power to launch nuclear “Good for Corker for speaking up,” said the Los Angeles weapons on his authority alone, and within minutes, would Times.Now let’s hear from all the many other Republicans in be a“far more aggressive step”, but the risks more than justify Congress who feel the same way. Don’t hold your breath, said it. “Now that Corker has admitted that Trump cannot be Jim Newell on Slate.Corker, who chairs the Foreign Relations trusted with the power he holds, he and other Republicans Committee, is not standing for election again, so has nothing to have no excuse not to try to take that power away.”

Critics have suggested that American football players who kneel during the national anthem, to protest police brutality, are hurting their own cause by alienating white people, says Ta-Nehisi Protesters are Coates. But when didn’t civil rights protests and African-American activism antagonise white people? Today, US society fondly remembers Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks as noble and always seen as sympathetic figures. But during the civil rights era, few people approved of the activists who held sit-ins at white-only lunch spots, protested on buses and marched on Washington. Most Americans, troublemakers not just afringe radical minority, viewed King as atroublemaker who was pushing change way Ta-Nehisi Coates too fast. The civil rights movement was “neither neat nor particularly unifying” and, in fact, it ripped apart the Democratic Party of Roosevelt and Truman, turning millions of Southerners The Atlantic into Republicans. But the protests of the 1960s did change the attitudes of many young white Americans, and eventually shamed the nation into meaningful change. Today’s NFL protests aren’t aimed at the older spectators who start booing as soon as they see players kneel, but at these people’s children. The point isn’t to unify the country today; it’s to build abetter one tomorrow.

Harvey Weinstein has apparently responded to the slew of allegations against him by checking into arehab facility for sex addictions. Ah yes, that old cop-out again, says Susan Matthews. If you’re You’re not rich and famous, it seems you can deflect responsibility from yourself for all manner of appalling, selfish behaviour and abuses by bleating, “But I’m asex addict!”. We shouldn’t let them get away asex addict, with it. Sex addiction is awidely used term, but it’s not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,the “bible” of America’s psychiatric establishment. It’s certainly Harvey true that people can develop problematic sexual compulsions that interfere with daily life, but those Susan Matthews rare cases generally involve awider personality disorder. Being alecherous bully is adifferent thing altogether. The issue with Weinstein is not that he couldn’t, however hard he tried, stop himself Slate seeking sexual pleasure; it’s that he enjoyed preying on women and bending them to his will. It was about power, not sex. If Weinstein were serious about therapy, he’d need to be honest about this dark, manipulative side of his character. The fact that he is pleading sex addiction suggests he is simply looking for a“get out of jail free card”.

“The war on coal is over.” So declared Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt last week, as he announced plans to repeal the Obama-era law limiting greenhouse gas emissions China is way from power plants. China, meanwhile, is moving in completely the opposite direction, says Fareed Zakaria. That country, which suffers more than amillion deaths ayear because of poor air quality, ahead of us on is putting all its efforts into developing clean alternatives to coal. It invested $78.3bn in renewable clean energy energy last year, according to arecent UN report –almost twice as much as the US. China is home to one of the world’s top wind turbine-makers and the top two solar panel manufacturers, and is Fareed Zakaria now making abig push into electric cars. It’s already in astrong position: it sold more than twice as many electric cars as the US last year –“an astonishing catch-up for acountry that had almost The Washington Post no such technologies ten years ago”. There are now no fewer than 3.6 million people working in the renewable sector in China, compared with 777,000 in the US. Beijing is out to dominate the industries of the future; the US, under Trump, is engaged in a“quixotic quest” to revive the flagging industries of the past. “Who do you think will win?”

THE WEEK 21 October 2017

18 NEWS Best articles: International

Adramatic reconciliation in the Middle East Ever since it collapsed into chaos, being pushed by President Sisi of Syria has been the focus of concern SYRIA Egypt, who is brokering the talks. in the Middle East, and the plight of Mediterranean Sea Sisi has always wanted rid of Hamas, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has been which began life as an offshoot of the all but forgotten. Yet Gaza has been Gaza Strip TelAviv West Muslim Brotherhood, agroup being under virtual siege since 2007, said Bank ruthlessly suppressed inside Egypt. Yossi Mekelberg in Arab News Jerusalem Cairo has also been alarmed that (Jeddah).That was when the hard-line Rafah Hamas might lend support to the Islamist group Hamas took control, Suez ISRAEL growing Islamist insurgency in Sinai – following its shock election victory over Canal abig tourist area: hence, its obdurate its secularist rival Fatah, the long- JORDAN refusal to open the border crossing into dominant party of President Mahmoud Gaza at Rafah. The Abbas (and before him Yasser Arafat). Nile Sinai So Palestinians are now ruled by two Peninsula Oddly enough, for all its Islamist rival and antagonistic governments: by Eilat credentials, Hamas has astrongly Hamas in Gaza; and by the Palestinian pragmatic streak, said Gershon Baskin Authority, controlled by Fatah, in the in The Jerusalem Post.Itspits venom West Bank. EGYPT SAUDI at Israel’s government, yet has reliably ARABIA stuck to the 2014 ceasefire agreement, But last week something rather arresting rogue elements that shoot extraordinary happened. Hamas and rockets into Israel. And Gaza’s new Fatah signed apreliminary reconciliation deal, enabling the prime minister, Yahya Sinwar, has brought the group’s Palestinian Authority to take back full control of Gaza by 1 squabbling political and military wings under his direct control. December. In exchange, Abbas will lift the restrictions on He clearly sees the relationship with Egypt, not Iran, as crucial electricity supplies that have made life almost unbearable for to Hamas’s future, and is willing to do what Sisi wants, even if Gaza’s 1.8 million residents in recent months. It’s not as if they it means detaching the group from the Muslim Brotherhood and weren’t suffering enough before that, said Al Jazeera (Doha). handing over Salafist activists taking refuge in Gaza. For adecade, Gaza has been blockaded by Israel to the north and east and Egypt to the south: as aresult, unemployment is at Talk of reconciliation is making Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu 42% –rising to 58% for those under 30. It has also been subject nervous, said Julio Segador in Deutschlandfunk (Berlin):hehas to chronic water shortages. Israel’s bombardment of Gaza in long used the split between the Palestinians as an excuse to 2014, which caused appalling damage to homes and businesses, avoid negotiating with them. Israeli security experts also worry then made things that much worse. One UN agency has gone that Palestinian unity could restart aterror offensive. Yet Israel so far as to say that in three years, the territory will be can hardly oppose the talks: Gaza is asource of bitter criticism “uninhabitable”. Until recently, Qatar had provided cash to against it from abroad, and the Israeli public is increasingly build roads and houses, but now that it has been forced by uneasy about the “catastrophic” humanitarian situation there. Saudi Arabia and other angry Arab neighbours to abandon There are, however, many reasons why the talks might collapse, Hamas, that source of support has dried up too. as they have so often before –not least the demand by Abbas that Hamas disband its military force. That’s anon-starter as Reconciliation with Fatah was the only option left for Hamas, long as the conflict with Israel continues. We must wait to see said Pierre Magnan in France Info (Paris).Itwas also the option whether this is another false dawn or the start of anew chapter.

SWEDEN Naturally compassionate, Swedes have long been on the forefront of the fight to ban nuclear arms, says Anders Lindberg. We agreed with Albert Einstein’s warning to President Truman: that whatever weapons are used in the Third World War, “the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones”. And as Nuclear bullies you’d expect, Sweden was one of 122 signatories to the UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons signed in September. Yet how did Sweden’s right-wing opposition respond to the news that the International can’t push us Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons had been awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize? It got in a stew about it. Alarmed by Russian aggression, it wants Sweden to join Nato. And that means keeping around sweet with the US –which, like other nuclear-armed nations, wants nothing to do with the treaty. US Aftonbladet Defence Secretary Jim Mattis even threatened to withdraw military cooperation if Sweden signed. (Stockholm) Thankfully, Sweden’s Social Democrat PM, Stefan Löfven, ignored him. He knows that disarmament campaigns can work: in the past 50 years, we have seen bans on chemical and biological weapons, landmines and cluster bombs. Even if not uniformly observed, they’ve saved countless lives. Swedes should stay steadfast in the cause of peace, and not be pushed around by nuclear-armed allies.

I’m deeply worried about the increasingly exclusionary attitudes of my Muslim Malaysian neigh- MALAYSIA bours, says June Wong. They’re becoming far too fastidious about religious purity. Around 50% of Malaysia’s people are Malays, who are mostly Muslims; some 30% are Chinese or Indian, who tend My Muslim to be Buddhist, Christian or Hindu. When Iwas achild, families of different religions would happily break bread together. But today, my Malay neighbours won’t eat meals Iprepare: they don’t trust an neighbours are ethnic Chinese to offer them halal choices. Last month, two Malay launderette owners refused to let non-Muslims use their washing machines on the grounds that their customers needed to be confident shutting me out that previous loads hadn’t been covered in bacon grease. “This isn’t aTaliban state,” said the Sultan The Star of Johor, the region where one of the launderettes is based. “This is totally unacceptable.” Most (Shah Alam) Muslim clerics agree that the chance of contamination is too miniscule to warrant discrimination, yetagrowing number of Muslims still believe it’s best to avoid contact with non-Muslims. We’re starting to see Muslim-only shopping carts and drinking cups. Will we soon not be able to sit next to one another on trains or hand each other coins? Will Muslims “seek to segregate us?”

THE WEEK 21 October 2017


5 Small Changes to Boost Energy Levels Feeling tired and lethargic as we head into Autumn? Here’s how to revive your get up and go…

e need energy for everything we do, important for energy production and the ensure that you get enough sleep, drink enough from physical activities (such as reduction of tiredness and fatigue, including water, eat a healthy diet, as well as avoid smoking Wwalking or playing sports), to folate, iron, magnesium, vitamins B3, B5, B12, and take regular exercise. Yo u may also want to thinking and storing memories, as well as B6 and vitamin C, so it’s important to obtain consider taking vitamin C and D supplements overcoming emotional stress. Maintaining high these from a healthy diet. If you know your during the winter. energy levels can help us cope with modern life diet is not as good as it should be, due to cutting and address the common complaints of fatigue back on food to lose weight, skipping meals Read the product information leaflet and feeling tired all the time. due to time pressures, or avoiding certain Certain medications can have unwanted side foods due to dislikes or intolerances, consider effects, which can impact on energy reserves Choose good carbs whether or not you need a multivitamin and leading to muscle aches and pains. Potential To keep energy levels mineral supplement. side effects are listed in the product information up, at least half of your leaflet that comes with medicines, however, one calorie intake should Stay hydrated in four people fail to read this before taking a come from Being even mildly new medication. But, there are other ways to carbohydrates. “Eating dehydrated can lead to support your energy and supplementing may carbs improves the reduced energy. It’s fine help here. Healthspan’s Ubiquinol contains ability of the amino acid tryptophan to get into when you’re young and coenzyme Q10, which plays an important role the brain, which in turn stimulates serotonin, healthy to rely on your in energy production in cells, plus vitamin B1 the feel-good brain chemical,” explains Head sense of thirst to tell (thiamin) which is vital for heart health and of Nutrition for Healthspan, Robert Hobson. you when you need to drink, but as we get older for energy production to reduce fatigue. But steer clear of the refined type found in it can be less reliable. Checking the colour of biscuits, cakes and sweets. Instead try to include your urine may be better measure — a pale at least one portion of complex carbohydrates straw colour indicates that you’re optimally Get £5 off Healthspan’s (whole wheat pasta, wholegrain bread etc) at hydrated. Most people can achieve this by every meal. Complex carbs help to ensure a drinking 6-8 cups or glasses of fluid daily, Ubiquinol today at steady flow of glucose (the brain’s main fuel) which can include juices, tea and coffee, to the brain. but excludes alcoholic drinks. Go bananas Check your or call 0800 73 123 77 Bananas are the classic immunity energy-boosting snack If you’ve been struck Offer code: WEEK-EOC because they are one of down by a cold or flu, the few carbohydrate- the acute symptoms Prices and voucher valid until 30/12/17. Single use only and not to be used with any other offers. *Contains rich fruits. Just one of may resolve but full thiamin which contributes to the normal function of our bendy friends will energy recovery may the heart and normal energy-yielding metabolism. also provide you with 10% of the RDA of take a while. Fighting infection drains the body magnesium and 14% of vitamin B6. These of energy and it’s not uncommon for someone nutrients are key to help reduce tiredness and to feel fatigued for months after suffering a bout Brought to you by fatigue. Many vitamins and minerals are of flu. Help to support your immune system, Health &Science NEWS 21 What the scientists are saying… Are female surgeons better? North America. But it now seems the It’s amale dominated profession, but new apparent problem is more widespread research suggests that women make better than previously believed: researchers at surgeons than men. For the study, ateam the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, at the University of Toronto compared like tested 198 samples of honey from every for like procedures performed by 3,314 continent, except Antarctica, for five surgeons at asingle Canadian hospital common types of neonicotinoid, and over an eight-year period. This revealed found that three-quarters of them were that the post-operative death rates for contaminated. Moreover, in nearly half female surgeons were 12% lower than for of the contaminated samples, the their male counterparts –afigure that neonicotinoids were at levels that equates to one less patient dying per every exceeded the minimum dose known 230 operations awoman performs. It’s not to cause “marked detrimental effects” the first study to indicate that women in pollinators. “We are talking about make better medics: previous research has pesticides that are extremely toxic: found that women doctors have, on something like 4,000 to 10,000 times average, slightly better outcomes than male more toxic than DDT,” said lead ones, and that they are less likely to be researcher Professor Edward Mitchell. struck off. However, the researchers say more work is needed to explain the The imperilled honeybee Blood pressure and dementia disparity. They speculate that women are Women are 50% more likely to develop better communicators, and more cautious, vsaline placebo, while the rest continued dementia than men –adisparity which than men; but it could be that women face with the pain-killing drugs. On average, has long puzzled scientists. But aUSstudy greater obstacles in entering the profession the first group gave birth 51 minutes later, has suggested apossible explanation: it –with the result that only the most skilled while those who had the epidural took could be because women are affected qualify as surgeons. 52 minutes –adifference of just 3.3%. more severely by cardiovascular problems. Nor was there any significant difference Researchers at the University of California Epidurals don’t prolong labour between the groups in the number of analysed 5,646 adults over several It has long been received wisdom that assisted births or in the health of the decades, and found that women who had epidurals can slow the second stage of newborn babies. The only difference hypertension (high blood pressure) were labour, and increase chances of aforceps between the two groups was that the 73% more likely to develop dementia or ventouse delivery. NHS guidelines warn women who had the epidurals throughout than women with healthy blood pressure; that the pain relief method can prolong reported experiencing less pain –which yet among men, there was no such link. labour and obstetricians often withdraw or was hardly surprising. The researchers Previous research has shown that women reduce pain management in the “pushing” acknowledge their findings contradict with high blood pressure are more likely stage as aresult. Yet adouble-blind study previous research, and have called for than men to develop heart disease –and involving 400 first-time mothers has found follow-up studies to confirm them. the researchers suspect that it may be that epidurals have no such effect. All the similarly harmful to their brains. “I think participants in the study, at Harvard Global pesticide problem this study reinforces that we really need Medical School, received regular epidural The use of neonicotinoids has already been to look at the possibility of sex-specific pain medication during the first half of temporarily restricted in the EU, owing to pathways and that risk factors don’t their labours, but once their cervixes had fears that the pesticides are harmful to necessarily behave the same way in dilated to four inches –the sign that the bees, says the New Scientist. They have women,” said Paola Gilsanz, the paper’s second stage has begun –half were given a also been blamed for colonies collapsing in lead author.

Dolphins have “weaponised” vaginas Runny eggs safe again It’s unscientific to assert that male dolphins Three decades after the salmonella are gang rapists, but they are certainly crisis, pregnant women, young children aggressive in their sexual practices. Male and the elderly have been given the all- bottlenose dolphins form alliances to keep clear to eat raw or runny eggs, reports out competitors, and in groups of two or The Times. The Food Standards Agency three, chase down and isolate individual revised its advice after finding that females. The result is that the females may salmonella –which in the 1980s infected around 30,000 people ayear –had been end up mating with all of them, but do seem all but eradicated in British flocks thanks to have adefensive weapon of sorts, says the to improved safety measures including New Scientist. Researchers have discovered hen vaccination programmes and better that female bottlenose dolphins have highly hygiene. The new guidelines apply to complex vaginas, with multiple folds, that eggs produced under the British Lion may have evolved to keep unwanted sperm out. “She may not choose who she Code of Practice, which covers more mates with, but might be able to choose which male or, more precisely, which than 90% of British eggs. (These have sperm, fertilises her egg,” said dolphin expert Janet Mann of Georgetown University, the lion symbol on shells and boxes.) in Washington DC. For imported eggs, and the 10% of British ones not covered by the scheme, As it is hard to observe dolphins mating, the leader of the research, Dara Orbach, the Government’s advice remains the conducted aslightly bizarre experiment in which she requested dolphin corpses, cut same: vulnerable groups should avoid out their sexual organs and inflated the penises with water –she then made a3D dishes with raw or lightly cooked eggs, reconstruction of them, to see how they fitted together. “There’s this unparalleled such as home-made mayonnaise and level of vaginal diversity that we had no idea existed before,” she said. mousse, and “dippy eggs”.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 22 NEWS Talking points Harvey Weinstein: Hollywood’s dirty secret “Since the establishment of the first Examiner, but their investigations were studios, acentury ago, there have been always pulled –because Miramax was few movie executives as dominant, or as such abig advertiser; because they domineering, as Harvey Weinstein,” said couldn’t get people to go on record; or Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker. As perhaps because too many journalists and the co-founder of Miramax and The editors were in thrall to his wealth and Weinstein Company, he changed the face power. Numerous actors and film-makers of movie-making in the 1980s by bringing have now admitted that they had heard independent films into the mainstream. reports of Weinstein’s predations, but had Responsible for scores of hits, from My failed to intervene. One or two heard the Left Foot, The English Patient and Pulp stories and did speak out –but it didn’t Fiction to Gangs of New York and The make adifference. On the red carpet in King’s Speech,hehas generated 300 2005, Courtney Love was asked by aTV Oscar nominations; at the Academy reporter if she had any advice for aspiring Awards ceremonies, he has been thanked actresses. “If Harvey Weinstein invites more times than God. In Hollywood, he Weinstein with his estranged wife Georgina Chapman you to aprivate party in the Four Seasons became known for his ability to spot the [hotel], don’t go,” she replied. most promising actors, film directors and scriptwriters –but with abullying, even threatening manner, he inspired as much fear as This scandal has exposed the insincerity of Hollywood do- he did gratitude. And for years there were rumours of something gooders like few others, said Toby Young in The Sunday far more serious: that Weinstein was aserial sexual predator. Telegraph. Ican understand the silence of Weinstein’s juniors: he was afrightening and vengeful man (he kept abaseball bat in his It was the industry’s dirty secret, said The Guardian. Everyone office). They were scared and wanted to keep their jobs. But what knew, but no one talked –until The New York Times finally of his equals? Most Hollywood big shots claim to be “passionate” aired the allegations on 5October. Since then, scores of women, about gender equality. They had afield day denouncing Donald including some of cinema’s biggest stars, have come forward Trump, after arecording of him boasting about groping women to accuse Weinstein of harassment was made public; yet for years, they or assault. Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth turned ablind eye to Weinstein’s vile Paltrow, Ashley Judd and Rosanna “He is asexual predator of behaviour. Even some of the women he Arquette went public last week. akind found in all sorts of allegedly assaulted carried on working Lysette Anthony has accused Weinstein with him, attended industry parties with of raping her in the 1980s (she is one of industries, at all sorts of levels” him, and tearfully thanked him when four women to accuse him of rape), and they picked up their Oscars. Kate Beckinsale has claimed that, aged 17, she only escaped his advances, in aroom at the Savoy, by telling him she had school There’s nothing very surprising about the silence of his victims, the next morning. The mogul –now holed up in arehab clinic said Laura Bates in The Daily Telegraph. Weinstein is not an in Arizona –has denied assaulting anyone. However, he is being anomalous “beast”. He is asexual predator of akind found in all investigated by police on both sides of the Atlantic; his wife has sorts of industries, at all sorts of levels. He is the colleague who left him; he has been fired by his own company; and he has been squeezes up to you in the lift; the supervisor who makes lewd stripped of his place in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts. comments about your body; the boss who makes it clear that your promotion depends on your response to his sexual advances. Half The story could have come out two years ago, said Rosa of women say they have been sexually harassed at work; aquarter Silverman in The Daily Telegraph. In 2015, Weinstein allegedly have suffered unwanted touching. Many don’t speak out because lunged at Italian model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez during a they fear dismissal, disbelief, and blame. Others do file complaints, meeting in New York. She went straight to the police, who asked but surveys suggest that in 86% of cases, it does nothing to help. her to meet him again wearing awiretap. She managed to record Until that changes, you can hardly blame women for keeping some incriminating statements –but no charges were brought. silent. If Weinstein is amonster, there are monsters everywhere. Reporters got wind of his activities, said The Washington And it’s not up to their victims to stop them.

rang the bell, and this time note that said: ‘If you ever asked: “Does aMrPowell live touch my darling Heather or Pick of the week’s here?” “No,” replied the old any other woman again, the man. “However, do you mean next delivery will be something Gossip Pole?” The plumber nodded. of yours in afar smaller box.’” “Ah!” said Powell. “Then go round to the back door, the After thirty years of early starts, The late Anthony Powell was leak is in the kitchen.” John Humphrys takes his famously fixated on the breakfast rituals very seriously. pronunciation of his name, Not everyone in Hollywood is If he arrives at the Today which he insisted should be afraid to stand up to industry studio to find that someone said “pole”. Aretired plumber sex pests. The late Carrie Fisher has “borrowed” his cereal once recalled in The Oldie (pictured) was furious when bowl, abad day lies ahead, magazine how, on acold she heard that an unnamed according to his co-presenter January day, he had been producer had assaulted her Nick Robinson.And once, called to fix aburst pipe at a friend Heather Ross,then a Humphrys rushed out of the grand house in Somerset. He young director. The Star Wars studio seconds before going rang the bell and aman opened So the plumber left, and drove star promptly marched into the on air, to berate aguest the door. “Mr Powell” asked around in the snow for 20 man’s office and left him agift sitting in the green room. the plumber, pronouncing it minutes before being informed in aTiffany box, with abig “What the f*** are you Po-well. “There is no one here that the novelist did indeed live white bow. “It was acow’s doing?” he shouted. “Do of that name,” replied the man. at the house. Back he went, tongue,” recalls Ross, “with a not touch my milk.”

THE WEEK 21 October 2017 Talking points NEWS 23 Austria: lurching to the Right Wit& So much for the end of he seized it”, said Daniel populism, said the FT. Johnson in The Daily Wisdom After the Dutch held the Telegraph. The Austrians line against Geert Wilders had previously embraced the “When Icame to the in March, and Marine Le EU’s freedom of movement, Treasury, they predicted Pen was defeated in France in but in 2015 they “suffered to me that Iwould May, many thought that the arude awakening when become the most unpopular rise of the far-right in Europe Angela Merkel welcomed man in Britain. This was had been “contained”. But more than amillion migrants the only correct forecast the anti-immigrant into Europe”. Most of these that the Treasury made Alternative for Germany came on the so-called Balkan in the several years that made big gains in German route, via Vienna. Tens of Iwas chancellor.” elections last month, and on thousands stayed in Austria Norman Lamont, quoted Sunday Austria’s openly Kurz: whizz kid? and sought asylum. in The Sunday Times xenophobic Freedom Party Conservatives across Europe “Never turn down afront (FPÖ) took 27% of the vote –its best result for now face asimilar choice. Those who “ignore row seat for human folly.” two decades. For atime, the polls suggested that border anxiety are doomed to lose power to the Nora Ephron, quoted it might actually win the election. In the end, populists, as Mrs Merkel knows to her cost”. in The Guardian though, Austria’s dominant centre-right People’s Party (ÖVP) emerged as the biggest party, taking “For now, Kurz sits atop Austrian politics,” “Brave men are all 31.6% of the vote –but only after itself turning said Liam McLaughlin in the New Statesman. vertebrates; they have their sharply to the Right under the leadership of But he must make adifficult choice. To form softness on the surface and 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz. agovernment, he could renew the “grand their toughness in the coalition” with the centre-left Social Democratic middle. But these modern Kurz, nickhamed the wunderwuzzi (whizz kid), Party (SPÖ), which has largely governed Austria cowards are all crustaceans; has rebranded the ÖVP, said Emily Schultheis in since 1945; but this seems unlikely, given his their hardness is all on the The Atlantic, renaming it “the New People’s promises of “change”. That leaves the the FPÖ, cover, and their Party” and changing its colours from black to which is Eurosceptic and “uncompromisingly softness is inside.” turquoise. And his policies and rhetoric have Islamophobic”, and whose leader, Heinz- G.K. Chesterton, quoted in “so blatantly parroted” the Freedom Party that Christian Strache, is aformer neo-Nazi. The last The Washington Post its leaders have accused him of plagiarism. coalition between the two, in 2000, was greeted “Politics boils down to the Kurz supported aburqa ban, has taken ahard with outrage abroad: the EU issued short-lived stories we tell ourselves. line on refugees, and argues that EU immigrants sanctions against Austria. In 2000, that coalition And unfortunately, we tell should receive fewer state benefits than native- was seen as an “aberration”, said William Cook ourselves different stories.” born Austrians. Kurz saw his chance to speak in The Spectator. Today, “it would be aclarion Historian Ron Chernow, for anation “gripped by border anxiety –and call for populists all over Europe”. quoted in Time “The other day Iwas thinking, ‘I just overthink The white widow: “good riddance” things.’ And then Ithought, ‘Do I, though?’” On paper, Sally Jones made in UK air bases, that her husband Comedian Demetri Martin, an unlikely jihadi, said Fiona had hacked. She tweeted about quoted in the Hamilton in The Times. Amother wanting to behead Christians with Chicago Tribune of two from Kent, she once sang a“blunt knife”, and allegedly let in apunk band and worked as her son serve as an executioner “Life doesn’t imitate art, it abeautician. But her life took in Isis propaganda videos. There imitates bad television.” adrastic turn in 2013, when were recent rumours that Jones Woody Allen, quoted on she travelled to Syria with her had wanted to return to the UK, younger son Jojo, then nine, to but was stopped by her Isis “A difference of taste in marry Junaid Hussain, an Islamist comrades and the “impassioned jokes is agreat strain upon hacker from Birmingham whom pleas” of her brainwashed son. the affections.” she’d met online. Jones quickly George Eliot, quoted gained aname for herself in Jones “had little tactical value” to on Forbes Raqqa, the then capital of the Jones: fronted apunk band Isis on the battlefield, said Harry Islamic State’s so-called caliphate, Cockburn in The Independent, but as apropagandist and recruiter of jihadi brides. her loss is asignificant propaganda setback for Statistics of the week Dubbed “the white widow” after aUSdrone the organisation. She became “something of an Asingle room in London is killed her husband in 2015, she vowed to fight icon for the group –asymbol of how [Isis] could now worth more than an the UK “until my last breath”. That moment, influence women from foreign countries”. Jones entire house in the Northeast. it emerged last week, almost certainly came in was certainly agifted propagandist, said Sufiya In 2016, the average London June, when aUSdrone is believed to have killed Ahmed in the same paper. She used anumber house price per habitable her –and probably her son –asthey fled Raqqa. of Twitter accounts to lure Western teenagers to room was £132,926. The Syria, using images such as the one in which her average house in the The death of “the world’s most wanted female face was superimposed onto apicture of anun Northeast costs £131,000. terrorist” is welcome news, said the Daily Mail. with agun, to lend aspurious glamour to her Office for National Statistics Jones was linked to several failed Isis plots, life of violence. The general attitude to Jones’s Around 45% of children including one to target the Queen during the passing is: “good riddance”. But British Muslim in Britain today have VJ Day celebrations in London in 2015. She women who feared that their own daughters no siblings. published online the names of 1,300 US armed might fall under this woman’s spell are breathing The Times forces personnel, many of whom were serving aparticular “sigh of relief”.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 24 NEWS Sport

Rugby union: is there away out of the injury crisis? Rugby union is suffering acrisis, said Tom Fordyce in aposition to contest it –has increased, too. This on BBC Sport online: an injury crisis. By late season, it was in play for 38 minutes amatch, on September, amere four matches into the season, average, in the first five matches –fully seven the Premiership’s 12 clubs had suffered an minutes more than the average four seasons ago. extraordinary 82 injuries between them. Manu And with fewer breaks in games, there is inevitably Tuilagi, the Leicester centre, has torn ligaments “increased strain” on players’ bodies. in his knee; Jack Nowell, who plays at centre for Exeter, fractured his cheekbone and eye socket. The trouble is, the Premiership only wants to make Some of the injuries are serious, some are not. But things worse, said Sam Peters in The Independent. they have adevastating cumulative effect: Wasps It has proposed extending the season from 2019 and Gloucester have each had to make do without onwards from nine months to ten, limiting the time 15 players –the equivalent of an entire team. available to players for recuperating at the end of a tough campaign. That’s the exact opposite of what This crisis is hardly surprising, said Ben Coles in the sport needs. All these injuries are having ahuge The Daily Telegraph. The nature of the game has effect on results, said Austin Healey in The Daily changed. Tackles have become far more frequent, Telegraph. Poor Wasps are now just two places partly because of tactical developments, partly Leicester’s Manu Tuilagi off the bottom of the table; last week, they lost because of new rules which have resulted in players their first match of the season in the European spending less time competing for the ball at the breakdown and Champions Cup. By contrast, Saracens –who boast asquad scrum, and more time defending. In the first five matches of the of “staggering depth” –are top of the table, and making apush season, the average number of tackles per match was athird for athird successive Champions Cup title. By rotating their top higher than the average for the 2013/14 season. And tackles are players, they’re able to protect them –which is precisely why they responsible for half of all injuries. The period in which the ball is can thrive in two competitions. But they’re an exception: few in play –the time when one of the teams has the ball, or is at least clubs now have the resources to “fight on two fronts”. Cricket: the biggest shake-up in Test history Everyone knows that Test cricket is in trouble, said astep in the right direction, said Mike Atherton in Michael Vaughan in The Daily Telegraph. It is by The Times. But they still don’t address the biggest far the greatest form of the sport, yet it lags behind challenge facing Test cricket, which is the lure of Twenty20 cricket in popularity. But new reforms T20 and its “lucrative domestic tournaments”. West introduced by the International Cricket Council Indies, for example, doesn’t allow players who skip (ICC) might just arrest the decline. What the ICC is its domestic competitions for T20 tournaments proposing amounts to aTest world championship – overseas to play in its Test side. And since T20 pays the first in the sport’s history. The world’s top nine so well, the national side is deprived of many of its sides will, over the course of two years, play six finest players. The only way to get around this is to series of Tests; and at the end of that period, the top create acompetition involving all three formats: two teams in the league table will face off in a teams would have to compete against each other in dramatic final. Tests, one-day internationals (ODIs) and T20 matches, with the same squad for all their matches. This is the biggest shake-up of Test cricket since the Joe Root: Testing times The ensuing league table would need to reflect the format was created in 1877, said Tim Wigmore in duration of matches, with aTest win awarded more The Independent. It’s not aflawless solution: ideally, all teams points than an ODI, which, in turn, is worth more than T20. Such should face each other over the two years, but the sport’s atournament would force selectors to choose “players who could “overcrowded schedule” makes that impossible. Yet there’s no excel across all formats”, and discourage cricketers from doubt that the new competition will replace the “unfathomable” specialising in T20. It may meet with alot of resistance, but unless world rankings with an easily understood system; it will give Tests that kind of action is taken, we will not be able to prevent the asense of “narrative” and drama. These changes are certainly sport diverging into “two completely different games”.

Federer gets the better of Nadal Sporting headlines This will go down in tennis taken abeating, with 13 defeats Golf British golfer Tyrrell history as the year Roger and just two victories against Hatton claimed his second Federer and Rafael Nadal the greatest clay specialist of title in two weeks, with a reminded us that “their great- this or any other age”. one-shot victory in the ness is undiminished”, said Currently No. 2inthe Italian Open. Barry Flatman in The Sunday rankings, behind Nadal, the Tennis Maria Sharapova beat Times. The players have “extraordinary Swiss” could Aryna Sabalenka in the dominated 2017 by taking two now leapfrog his rival to finish Tianjin Open final to win her grand slam titles apiece: Federer the year in the top spot, said first title since May 2015. won the Australian Open and Mike Dickson in the Daily Mail. Football Leicester sacked Wimbledon, Nadal the French Federer and Nadal: dominant And he would be doing it aged their manager Craig Open and the US Open. But in 36, an age once considered Shakespeare. Tottenham head-to-heads this year, Federer has got the “geriatric” in tennis. Nadal is still 1,950 points drew 1-1 with Real Madrid in better of his great rival, said Simon Briggs in ahead –“alarge cushion” –but you wouldn’t the Champions League. Man The Daily Telegraph. Federer’s win on Sunday, bet against Federer in this form. Even now, City beat Napoli 2-1. in the Shanghai Masters, was his fifth over he is finding ways to get better: his improved Nadal in arow. Nadal still has the edge overall: backhand helped him negate Nadal in Shanghai. Boxing British boxer George the 31-year-old has won 23 of their 38 meetings. He has reached seven finals this year and won Groves defeated Jamie Cox in But Federer has the superior record on hard six of them –the kind of dominance he enjoyed the quarter-finals of the World courts and grass; it is only on clay “that he has “when he was at the height of his powers”. Boxing Super Series.


LETTERS 27 Pick of the week’s correspondence

Apresumption of guilt intrusive and prurient. Doctors To The Times who ask such questions, or WhileIyield to no oneinmy The perils of PR allow their practice staff to condemnation of sexual assault do so, should be reported by andharassment, the decision of To The Guardian the patient to the GMC for the Academy of Motion Picture Hollandhas hadtowaitmorethansix months afterits practising unethically. Arts and Sciences to expel election to getanew government and, even then, the ruling Richard Rawlins, FRCS, Harvey Weinstein remains administration has amajority of just one. Moreover, that Kingswear, Devon troubling. That allegations of coalition contains the right-wing, anti-abortion Christian sexual harassment and assault Union party –which received amere 3.4% of the vote –but Puffing away have been made against has no place for either the Green Left or the Socialists, which To The Guardian Weinstein is not in doubt. both got more than 9%. In Germany, voters are unlikely to TheGovernment’saudit on But at the moment, these are know the composition of their new government before race revealsthatwhite allegations. Surely Weinstein is Christmas, since the second largest party, the SPD, ruled out teenagersare four times more entitled to the presumption of agrand coalition with the Christian Democrats. New Zealand likely to be smokers than black innocence until alegitimate also has ahung parliament after an indecisive election in teenagers. Obviously, black finding of guilt? September, with the probability that the anti-immigration New teenagers and their families are Inote that the Academy has Zealand First party will play a“kingmaker” role, despite doing something right. What not yet expelled Roman attaining just 7% of the popular vote. could it be? Can we look Polanski, who in 1977 pleaded The common feature of these recent elections is that they are forward to the Government guilty to acharge of unlawful all based on complex systems of proportional representation funding research to find out? intercourse with aminor. Can (PR). Not only are these voters unclear –often for some I’m not holding my breath. the Academy please explain considerable time –about who exactly will make up their Marjorie Shephard, Hove, why it has expelled Weinstein governments, the governments often contain unrepresentative East Sussex but not Polanski? parties that garnered only atiny number of seats. Professor Geoffrey Alderman, Proponents of similar PR systems for this country ought to Coins down the sofa... University of Buckingham look overseas and take very careful note, otherwise situations To The Daily Telegraph such as the current government reliance on the DUP might TheRoyal Mint claims there Not-so-clever computers become an ineluctable part of our electoral structure. are500 million old pound To the Financial Times Martin Freedman, London coins still in circulation. That Facebook andGoogleclaim is £7.62 for every man, woman that they struggle to find “We do need to have those to do is heat the people inside and child in the UK. Where Russianads aimed at conversations about what’s them. Average winter living do they think they all are? I influencing elections. But they appropriate earlier.” Perhaps room temperatures in New am guessing on the beach, in also claim that they are world- Doyle-Price and her colleagues Zealand are around 14°C, the garden, lost in overseas leading artificial intelligence need to have conversations where people sit by asmall visitors’ luggage, and down companies –able to make about stamp duty, to give us heater when relaxing. In the back of the sofa. sense of data on ahuge scale. an incentive to downsize. Japanese homes temperatures David Sleath, Dunstable, Something that presumably It’s bad enough having to can fall to 5°C indoors, Bedfordshire would allow them to find deal with the onset of gammy because people keep warm rogue advertisers. The most hips and knees without being with a kotatsu,asmall heater ...can be put to good use likely explanation? AI is “got at” for living in, and covered by ashared rug. We all To The Daily Telegraph overhyped by the internet enjoying the security of, our adapt to those temperatures we When everyone hasfound their giants. Good news for anyone own homes. After inheritance normally occupy. If uncom- roundpound coins in the back scared of clever computers. tax and stamp duty, there fortable, and we can afford to, of the sofa, Isuggest they put But bad news for democracy. won’t be much left for our we change our environments. them in aPoppy Appeal tin. Rob Blackie, Rob Blackie children anyway. Emeritus professor Sue Roaf, This year’s appeal will start Digital Strategy, London Vivian Fowler, London Oxford at the end of this month. The Royal British Legion will Over-clever PMs Feeling the cold Doctors and sex accept any old pound coins To The Guardian To The Guardian To The Times until 17 November. In thediscussions of how Menoften complain to me Furthertoyourreport Cate Goodwin, Stamford, intelligence does notnecessarily that theirwives turn up the “Doctors mayhavetoask Lincolnshire lead to wise judgement, it is thermostat becausethey prefer if patients aretransgender”, worth remembering that the warmer conditions. As a the duties of adoctor two worst errors of political thermal comfort researcher, registered with the General judgement since the War – Ican say there is no such thing Medical Council are set Suez and the 2016 EU refer- as asingle comfort temper- out in its “good medical endum –both occurred under ature. Athin lady is likely to practice”, and include PMs who had Oxford Firsts. feel colder than aplump one. the obligations to: “Treat Roger Bardell, Welwyn, Asample in English homes patients as individuals Hertfordshire recorded living room and respect their dignity; temperatures from 10°C to treat patients politely and Later life “squatters” 25°C. Thermostat settings considerately; respect To The Times are driven by many factors, patients’ right to Apparently many of us older including environmental confidentiality.” folk are“sitting in houses that beliefs, routines, incomes Unless it is relevant to the really are too big for their or different approaches to clinical circumstances in needs” (chance would be afine heating. The energy industry hand, asking questions about “We met on Dishwashr” thing), and Jackie Doyle-Price, would love us to heat whole sexual orientation would be the Social Care Minister, says, buildings, but often all we need irrelevant, disrespectful, ©PRIVATE EYE

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Issued by Liontrust Fund Partners LLP (2 Savoy Court, London WC2R 0EZ), authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 518165) to undertake regulated investment business. ARTS 29 Review of reviews: Books

Book of the week The son of alieutenant-colonel, he attended Eton and Oxford before going into publishing. Yet he was always on Anthony Powell the fringes of the beau monde,held by Hilary Spurling back by his lack of “prospects” and Hamish Hamilton 528pp £25 “connections”. He took refuge in late The Week Bookshop £22 (incl. p&p) 1920s London bohemia, where his early novels are set. In 1934, he married the aristocratic Violet Pakenham, but Anthony Powell (1905-2000) was the the couple were “hard up” for at least “least colourful and most English” of adecade. After the War, they moved a“brilliant” literary generation that to Somerset, and Powell (who insisted included George Orwell, Evelyn Waugh that his name be pronounced “Pole”) and Graham Greene, said Robert embarked on his Dance sequence. McCrum in The Observer. His most His final decades were spent agreeably famous work, the 12-volume novel “sequestered” in the countryside, sequence ADance to the Music of writing books and making “occasional Time,was once widely regarded as a“masterpiece”, even earning trips to London”, before lapsing into “acerbic old age”. comparisons with Proust. Yet thanks to its upper-class milieu The “tweediness” of Powell’s late-life persona has come to and stately narrative, it has “not worn well”, and now “lingers obscure his “radicalism” as awriter, said Claire Messud in The as acuriosity in second-hand bookshops”. In her long-awaited Guardian. Despite appearances, he was an “understated child of biography, Hilary Spurling, afriend of Powell’s, reminds us of modernism” who eschewed the “tyranny of plot in favour of the his “quiet genius”. Unsurprisingly, hers is an uncritical portrait, actual rhythms of human experience”. And as Spurling shows, he which struggles with the fact that much of the second half of was aman of “great wit, impressive modesty and firm integrity”. Powell’s life was spent “chained to adesk, writing 300 words a Not everyone thought so, said Craig Brown in The Mail on day” –experiences that are “hard to animate”. Luckily, Spurling’s Sunday: there are “plenty of stories about Powell’s snobbery “wit, intelligence and deep, ironic affection for her subject” come and curmudgeonliness” –which are “few and far between” in to the rescue. This is a“compelling portrait of alost Englishman”. Spurling’s pages. This is, all told, amixed biography: its portraits The greatest surprise of this absorbing biography is its stress on of Powell’s contemporaries are “wonderfully vivid”, but the man Powell’s “sense of insecurity”, said D.J. Taylor in The Times. himself “remains curiously colourless and hard to pin down”.

World Without Mind by Franklin Foer Novel of the week Jonathan Cape 272pp £18.99 How Hard Can it Be? by Allison Pearson Borough Press 480pp £14.99 “Franklin Foer is furious,” said Hugo Rifkind The Week Bookshop £12.99 in The Times. As his new book’s subtitle – The Existential Threat of Big Tech –suggests, Allison Pearson’s new novel, the sequel to her he “believes that tech companies are ruining 2002 “megaseller” IDon’t Know How She the world”. Though he is hardly the first to Does It,follows her hard-pressed Everywoman, make such aclaim, World Without Mind is a Kate Reddy, into anguished middle age, said lively, hard-hitting polemic. Google, Amazon, Kate Saunders in The Times. Now nearly 50, Facebook and the like have, Foer contends, Kate has two teenage children, frail parents and “degraded the intellectual discourse” of an entire civilisation. Their founders acycling-obsessed husband who has recently may pose as laid-back utopians, but in reality they are rapacious empire- lost his job. Urgently needing money, she returns builders, often with undemocratic instincts. Foer is especially good at showing to her old City firm (having lied about her age), how big tech has subverted traditional journalism –which, in turn, threatens while navigating the demands of her social democracy. The spread of Silicon Valley’s click-chasing mindset has led to media-fixated daughter and “demented mother- “a deluge of ephemera dissecting the ephemeral”. As distinguishing fact from in-law”. Once again, “countless women” will fiction becomes increasingly difficult, and populations retreat into polarised recognise aspects of their lives in this well- positions, it is easier for populists like Donald Trump to get elected. observed portrait of middle-class life. “Foer has his own axe to grind,” said Rana Foroohar in the Financial Times. Well-written as the novel is, Ifound Kate’s In 2012, he was installed as editor of the New York political magazine New “constant catastrophising atotal downer”, Republic by Chris Hughes, aFacebook co-founder “who bought the publication said Janice Turner in the New Statesman. as avanity project”. Hughes promised to promote long-form journalism, but Her life is “bleakly full of loss –offecundity, what he actually wanted was ahuge expansion of what Foer calls “snackable figure, employment status, marital happiness content”; Foer was fired after two-and-a-half years. Yet World Without Mind and hormonal equilibrium”. Come on Allison, isn’t “just ahack’s sour grapes”, said Helen Lewis in The Sunday Times. It Iwanted to say, “it’s really not that bad!” Freed makes important points about the “largely invisible” power of the tech giants from the worry of attracting men, middle age and the role of data (which Foer calls the “new oil”) in the modern economy. can be a“liberating” time for women when they This is atimely, “elegant” reminder that we are “sleepwalking” into aworld discover anew confidence and independence. where we’re “constantly watched and constantly distracted”. To order these titles or any other book in print, visit or speak to abookseller on 020-3176 3835 Opening times: Mon to Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm and Sun 10am-2pm

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Subject to seasonal availability. Selected stores. Drama ARTS 31 Theatre: Young Frankenstein Garrick Theatre, London WC2 (0330-333 4811). Until 29 September 2018 Running time: 2hrs 20mins ★★★★ Mel Brooks was recently asked call it atheatrical landmark. how he thought London critics Maybe not, said Paul Taylor would respond to this musical in The Independent, but it’s a version of his much-loved 1974 hell of ashow all the same. The spoof horror movie. “They’ll “first-rate” British cast won’t say, ‘It’s good, but it’s not as efface fans’ memories of Gene great as The Producers,’” was Wilder, Marty Feldman and co the writer’s prediction. “Well, in the film, but they easily make for this critic,” said Michael the roles their own. Hadley Billington in The Guardian, Fraser has “a wonderful Young Frankenstein is “every bit dynamism” as Frederick, as good, if not better.” Adapted “perfectly gauging the balance by Brooks from the version seen between near-hysteria and on Broadway ten years ago, this unforced comic charm”. And show “piles on the gags even Geordie comic Ross Noble is more relentlessly” than The an utter “revelation”, making Producers,and at the same time Ross Noble and Hadley Fraser lead afirst-rate cast atriumphant theatrical debut as “wittily parodies” musicals past hunchbacked sidekick Igor, said and present. Afabulous “love letter to the rackety world of Dominic Cavendish in The Daily Telegraph. In addition, there are American vaudeville”, it is “two-and-a-half hours of time- “show-stealing turns wherever you look” –not the least from suspending pleasure”: an evening of “gloriously impure fun”. Lesley Joseph, who is brilliant as the hatchet-faced castle-keeper Ithought it was good, but not as great as The Producers, Frau Blücher. In sum: “very silly and entirely welcome”. said Ian Shuttleworth in the FT. The main reason it’s not in the same “humdinger” class is mostly to do with the source The week’s other opening material. The Producers,being astage musical about an Beginning Dorfman, National Theatre, London SE1 (020-7452 extravagant stage musical entitled Springtime for Hitler,“had 3000). Until 14 November to attain acorresponding extravagance” of scale. By comparison, JustineMitchelland SamTroughton both excelinthistwo- Young Frankenstein –inwhich American professor of neurology hander by DavidEldridgeabout thestart of arelationship. The Frederick Frankenstein is lured back to Transylvania to sell off play “leavesyou caring deeply” about its “damaged” characters his grandfather’s rambling Gothic pile –isalmost a“chamber and brings “unusual poignancy to the dating game” (Guardian). comedy”. It’s afun evening, yes –but you’d be hard pushed to CDs of the week: three new releases Robert Plant: St Vincent: LSO, conducted Carry Fire Masseduction by Simon Rattle: Nonesuch Loma Vista/ Debussy – Records £12 Caroline Pelléas et International Mélisande, £10.99 LSO Live £19.99

It’s “not enough to say that Plant has It is hard not to envy Annie Clark (aka St The LSO’s January 2016 performances of successfully reinvented himself” since his Vincent), said Will Hodgkinson in The Debussy’s opera at the Barbican have been days as arock god, said Mark Edwards in Times. On the evidence of Masseduction “beautifully transferred” to CD, said Erica The Sunday Times. On this “magnificent she is not merely a“beautiful, stylish, Jeal in The Guardian –and the result is a album, he successfully reinvents himself on gender-fluid polymath”, but amusical credit to the LSO’s own record label. It is every single song”. It makes it easy to see genius. This “sparkling” album is a“close- perhaps not adefinitive performance: in my how he continues to resist the lure of a to-perfect creation, unique and filled with view Christian Gerhaher’s Pelléas is “too multimillion-dollar Led Zep reunion. Why character, yet accessible and catchy”. It has pointed”; Magdalena Kožená’s Mélisande bother when he can instead devote his “elements of Sparks’ wit, Kate Bush’s gauzy “too worldly sounding”. But it’s an excep- energies to “musical alchemy” such as romance, Kraftwerk’s sympathy for robot tionally vivid” take, expressively sung. And Heaven Sent,the closer in this album? Keep life, and LCD Soundsystem’s knowing cool”. under Simon Rattle’s baton the orchestra is it Hid is another belter: to an electronic beat It is funny, sexy, eccentric, revealing and “a true protagonist in the drama; the colours that sounds “half Bo Diddley and half perceptive all at once. “Frankly, it isn’t fair.” of his great score are constantly evolving, James Blake”, Plant conjures up avocal Clark limits her “virtuosic guitar playing intensifying and receding, and the interludes “akin to both prayer and singing the blues”. to touches and flourishes, but her singing are wonderfully well played”. Plant’s co-writers on this cracking record has never been more expressive”, said Rattle’s “spring cleaning” of the LSO’s are his backing band, the Sensational Space Ludovic Hunter-Tilney in the FT. The vocal sound is evident in this account of a Shifters, said Tim de Lisle in The Mail on highlight is the ballad Happy Birthday, score he has championed for decades, Sunday. Raised in “disparate fields, from Johnny,afarewell to an old friend who said Hugh Canning in The Sunday Times. the Bristol trip-hop scene to Gambia, they knows the narrator’s “secrets”, sung with The conductor achieves a“miraculous come together to make anoise that is both mixed pathos and guilt. There were just a translucence of texture without sacrificing heavy and light –awall of sound that couple of tracks that Ididn’t much care for drama”. Gerhaher and Kožená are both suddenly retracts, like astage set, to (an art-rock number, Pills,and an over- “substantial” in the title roles, but for my disclose agleaming solo”. At 69, Plant emotive ballad, New York). “The rest of the money the “star” performance here is by ANUEL HARLAN

©M remains aforce to be reckoned with. album is acut above.” Gerald Finley as an “intense” Golaud. Stars reflect the overall quality of reviews and our own independent assessment (4 stars=don’t miss; 1star=don’t bother)

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IssuedbyTilneyinancialPlanningLimited,whichisauthorisedandregulatedbytheinancialonductAuthority.inancialservicesareprovidedby TilneyinancialPlanningLimitedandothercompaniesintheTilneyroup, Film ARTS 33

“Bizarre. Beautiful. Naff.” Strange as it may sound, this biopic of Vincent van Gogh is all those things, said Charlotte O’Sullivan in the London Evening Loving Vincent Standard. The first fully painted animated film, it was initially shot with actors against agreen screen Dirs: Hugh Welchman and backdrop. The footage was then split into 65,000 Dorota Kobiela frames, which 125 artists transformed into paintings 1hr 34mins (12A) in the style of the Dutch master. The results are “captivating”, as if van Gogh’s vibrant works have somehow come to life, said Tim Robey in The Daily Painstaking animated Telegraph. Yet the story itself –which explores biopic of van Gogh whether the troubled painter really killed himself, as is generally believed –feels uninspired. Suspecting foul play, the young son of apostmaster (Douglas ★★★ Booth) interviews those who knew him best, including surgeon Dr Gachet (Jerome Flynn) and his daughter (Saoirse Ronan). His quest takes him through mise en scènes familiar from some of van Gogh’s best-loved works. “Gasp as The Starry Night swirls and moves. Swoon as Café Terrace at Night bubbles into life,” said Kevin Maher in The Times. But be “only mildly interested” as you realise how weak the plot and dialogue are. It isn’t perfect, said Ian Freer in Empire. Yet whatever else you might say of it, Loving Vincent is undoubtedly “one of the most beautiful films of 2017”.

This “gorgeously toxic and deliciously feral” comedy-drama is the “best feature to date” by the director who gave us Frances Ha and The Squid and The Meyerowitz the Whale,said Kevin Maher in The Times. Released Stories (New and on Netflix and in ahandful of cinemas nationwide, Noah Baumbach’s latest offering stars Dustin Selected) Hoffman as Harold Meyerowitz, ahorribly self- Dir: Noah Baumbach important New York sculptor who never quite made 1hr 52mins (15) the big time. The ensemble cast includes Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller and Elizabeth Marvel as the children whose conflicted feelings for him are Touching ensemble drama brought to boiling point after Harold suffers alife- with Dustin Hoffman threatening head injury. The film’s literary pretensions, such as breaking up the story with “chapter headings”, are “fussy”, said Nigel Andrews in the FT. Yet the performances are so terrific, the ★★★★ script so sharp, you’ll be won over. It’s the best work Hoffman has done in years, said Robbie Collin in The Daily Telegraph. But the real revelation is Sandler. So often derided for churning out dire comedies, here he wields adelicate touch, and real pathos, in this “diamond” of amovie.

Don’t you hate it when you give adinner party in north London to celebrate your promotion to the opposition front benches and your husband reveals The Party he’s having an affair? Then your lesbian best friend Dir: Sally Potter announces she’s pregnant and the husband of your 1hr 11mins (15) other friend turns up, armed and determined to kill someone? That, said Kevin Maher in The Times, is the set-up of The Party,which is without doubt the Black-and-white “funniest” film veteran art-house director Sally Potter political comedy has ever made. As the beleaguered hostess, Kristin Scott Thomas heads astellar cast that also includes ★★ Timothy Spall as her husband, Cillian Murphy as the gun-toting wild card and Emily Mortimer as her best friend. They all go for it, and at times the acting is over the top, said Deborah Ross in The Spectator. However, Ican confidently report that this witty black and white comedy-drama, though half the length of Blade Runner 2049,is“676 times as entertaining”. On the contrary, Ifound the whole thing “arid”, said Edward Porter in The Sunday Times. The situations are “laboured”, the dialogue “unwieldy”. Give it amiss.

This “abominable” thriller goes wrong “quickly, permanently, and in aspiral, turning into a nonsensical nightmare of Scandi-noir howlers from The Snowman which you sometimes feel you may never awaken”, Dir: Tomas Alfredson said Tim Robey in The Daily Telegraph. Based on the 1hr 59mins (15) book by Jo Nesbø, The Snowman stars Michael Fassbender as arough-hewn, alcoholic Norwegian detective, still pining for his art dealer ex-girlfriend Preposterous Scandi- (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and in search of redemption. style thriller It comes in the form of aseries of murders carried out by akiller whose uncanny calling card is to leave a ★ snowman near the bodies of his victims. “Has anyone on this production ever made asnowman?” wondered Kevin Maher in The Times. It isn’t easy. It takes time. This is just one of the absurder contrivances in afilm that is clichéd, dated and “unintentionally silly”. But on the plus side, the movie’s cast is excellent, said Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian. J.K. Simmons is on form as asinister businessman, and Fassbender delivers amuted, plausible turn as the lead. So don’t be too harsh. The Snowman is aperfectly “serviceable” thriller.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 34 ARTS Art

Exhibition of the week Jasper Johns: “Something Resembling Truth” Royal Academy, London W1 (020-7300 8090, Until 10 December Jasper Johns is a“living including “perfectly observed” monument from agolden age cans of beer and light bulbs of American art”, said Alastair in his art. However, his Sooke in The Daily Telegraph. approach –“so complex, Born to aworking-class unhurried, pale of tone, light Georgia family in 1930, he of touch, thoughtful, poetic, arrived in New York at atime gently philosophical” –was when abstract expressionism very different to Warhol’s. dominated the scene, and Johns’ early work is certainly representational painting “electrifying”, said Laura seemed irredeemably Cumming in The Observer. unfashionable. Yet in afew Best of all is his 1967 flag, years, he had “altered the “a vision of glory in blood course of Western art history”. red, deep blue and the white In 1954, prompted by a of whipped waves”, its paint dream, Johns created the first as “heavily worked” as a of many paintings of the US Rembrandt. Later, though, he flag. This “enigmatic” work began churning out lacklustre effectively ended abstraction’s art that often verged on dominance. It reintroduced “kitsch”, as exemplified here “reality into fine art”. Archery by aseries of “almost targets, maps, forks and classically boring” paintings spoons would follow –“things based on the work of Munch. the mind already knows”, as There can be little doubt that he put it. And he changed the his career underwent “one of way we look at pictures. the sharpest nosedives in art”.

The new Johns retrospective Target (1961): introducing “reality into fine art” Nevertheless, even the at the Royal Academy, the “weakest” recent stuff first in Britain for 40 years, does justice to his vision, said Sooke. “cannot diminish the transcendent power of what comes before”, It brings together some 150 paintings, sculptures and drawings said Ben Luke in the London Evening Standard. Johns was always produced over Johns’ career, giving us arare chance to “marvel” best when depicting the most “banal” of objects, and making us at his “heroic” early output, and to familiarise ourselves with look at them afresh. Fortunately, there are dozens of these his later work. Johns’ fame “rests principally on the work he “astonishing” works here, all of which conduct an “underlying produced in the 1950s, when he presciently prefigured pop art”, philosophical enquiry into making, looking and thinking”. For said Waldemar Januszczak in The Sunday Times. Years before all its faults, this is an “unmissable” show containing some of the Andy Warhol’s soup cans and Brillo boxes, he was already most “brilliant” art of the 20th century.

Where to buy… Where art goes underground The Week reviews an Tate St Ives finally exhibition in aprivate gallery reopened last weekend after an 18-month closure, William Turnbull having completed at Offer Waterman a£20m expansion, says Mark Brown in The Guardian. And William Turnbull (1922-2012) was an “it has been along artist of staggering versatility, shifting and sometimes through different styles and media rancorous process”. seemingly without asecond thought. The initial plan, to But, as with so many great British build anew wing on top of acar artists of the mid-20th century, he has park, caused uproar. Posters reading “Stop the been undeservedly ignored by posterity. Tate” appeared across the Cornish town. This terrific and immensely satisfying “When Imoved to St Ives Ihad no idea how exhibition occupies three floors of a important car parks were,” said executive Mayfair house, presenting an overview director Mark Osterfield. “I now completely understand.” After two years of public meetings of Turnbull’s work from the 1940s up Head (1956), 55.5cm x76.5cm to the 1960s. Earlier sculptural works and discussions, anew plan was made to bury the extension out of sight. In adeft feat of

have aspookily shamanistic quality, towards the end of the period, agood ACS, LONDON; HUFTON+CROW 2 reminiscent of the work of selection of which we see here. They engineering, a“bright and airy 500m gallery” /D has now been excavated out of the ultra-hard contemporaries like Lynn Chadwick or still look remarkably fresh, the blue elvan rock cliffside. It provides avast, light- Kenneth Armitage, but altogether more compositions appearing to throb out flooded space for temporary exhibitions, while

primal. His drawings from the 1940s from the canvas. Prices range from the old gallery houses the permanent collection AGA, NEW YORK and 1950s are marvellously disciplined £16,000 to £375,000. of works by significant St Ives artists such as /V exercises in semi-figurative mark- Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Patrick making, but better yet are the blazingly 17 St George Street, London W1 Heron and Peter Lanyon. ASPER JOHNS

colourful abstract paintings he made (020-7042 3233). Until 3November. ©J

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The List 37

Best books… Jonathan Lynn Television The writer and director Jonathan Lynn, co-writer of the TV series Yes Programmes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister,picks his favourite books. His latest Gunpowder Kit Harington and novel, Samaritans, is published by Endeavour Press at £7.99 Liv Tyler star in this three-part drama telling the story of the Act One by Moss Hart, 1959 Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, Our Souls at Night by Kent Gunpowder Plot from the point of view of the Catholics. Sat 21 (St. Martin’s Griffin £16.76). 1961 (Vintage £9.99). Haruf, 2015 (Picador £7.99). Oct, BBC1 21:10 (60mins). The best theatre autobiography Nabokov “takes an extremely Another great American Iever read. Funny and exciting, flippant approach to situations novelist who has been over- Elizabeth I’s Secret it tells the richly entertaining deeply tragic and pathetic”, looked in Britain, with atale of Agents This three-part series story of Hart’s collaboration said Heller, “and Ibegan to try two elderly widowed people in uncovers the network of spy- with the eccentric George S. for asimilar blend of the comic small town Colorado and their masters and secret agents that Kaufman and shows how very and tragic, so that everything growing love for each other. helped protect Elizabeth Ifrom hard it is to write agood play. that takes place seems to be Abrief, but utterly satisfying assassination and treason for This book made me want to grotesque yet plausible”. The story of second chances. more than 40 years. Mon 23 Oct, BBC2 21:00 (60mins). work in the theatre. result is amasterpiece. Penelope Fitzgerald: ALife My Week as aMuslim Barchester Towers by Light Years by James Salter, by Hermione Lee, 2013 Documentary exploring what Anthony Trollope, 1857 1975 (Penguin £8.99). Ihad (Vintage £12.99). Engrossing it’s like to be aMuslim in the (Vintage £6.99). This sly, never heard of Salter until biography of the brilliant, UK today. Katie, from amainly funny and greatly beloved recently, though Ihad loved Booker Prize-winning novelist, white northern town, spends a novel is by one of our most Downhill Racer,afilm he who was loyal to her deadbeat week with Saima, who lives in perceptive observers of wrote. He seems incapable husband, often homeless, and aPakistani Muslim community English life. Although this is of writing abad sentence. whose struggle with adversity in Manchester. Mon 23 Oct, C4 21:00 (60mins). about the church, Trollope is The book tells the story of meant that she didn’t publish my favourite political novelist. amarriage from start to abook until she was 58. An This World: Calais, the End An inspiration for me when finish, an epic tale stunningly extraordinary story, as enthral- of the Jungle Shot inside working on Yes Minister. compressed into ashort novel. ling as Fitzgerald’s own books. Europe’s largest migrant camp, Titles in print are available from The Week Bookshop on 020-3176 3835. For out-of-print books visit this film captures the final days of the so-called Jungle before it was set ablaze. Tue 24 Oct, The Week’s guide to what’s worth seeing and reading BBC2 21:00 (60mins).

Showing now The End of the F***ing Grayson Perry: the Most Popular Art World Darkly funny eight-part Exhibition Ever! at Arnolfini, Bristol (0117- drama about apair of misfit 917 2300). It drew record visitor numbers at the teens –played by Alex Lawther Serpentine; now, the work of the Turner Prize- and Jessica Barden –onaroad winning potter and cultural commentator is trip. Written by Charlie Covell (Humans)and based on the showing in Bristol. Ends 24 December. award-winning comics of Charles Forsman. Tue 24 Oct, Albion at the Almeida, London N1 (020-7359 C4 22:20 (25mins). 4404). Set in acountry house, Mike Bartlett’s new play explores ideas about British identity. Films With Victoria Hamilton and Nicholas Rowe. Glory (1989) Powerful drama Rupert Goold directs. Ends 24 November. about the first all black regiment in the American Civil War. With Grayson Perry’s Kenilworth AM1 (2010) Book now Denzel Washington. Sun 22 Belleville,about an American couple whose Oct, BBC2 23:20 (115mins). The National Portrait Gallery (020-7306 0055) marriage unravels when they move to Paris. has amassed over 50 of Cézanne’s paintings The Dance of Reality 7December-3 February 2018, Donmar from across the word for its blockbuster show, (2013) Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Warehouse, London WC2 (020-3282 3808). Cézanne Portraits.Many of the works, bonkers but brilliant semi- including Madame Cézanne in aYellow Chair autobiographical drama set in (c.1890), have never been seen in the UK before. 1930s Chile. Mon 23 Oct, Film4 Just out in paperback 00:55 (165mins). 26 October-11 February 2018. Passchendaele by Nick Lloyd (Penguin £9.99). This “rigorous study” of the third battle Imogen Poots and James Norton star in the first of Ypres is “a model for what amilitary history Coming up for auction UK staging of Amy Herzog’s acclaimed play should be” (Daily Telegraph). Sotheby’s is selling apreviously unknown trove of letters by The Archers: what happened last week Verdi in the Fine Autograph Lilian’s irritable and tells Justin she’s off to see afriend. She bumps into Matt and they go for tea. Letters and Manuscripts Lilian admits that she’s rattled by Justin hooking up with Miranda. Robert tells Emma that he isn’t from aDistinguished intentionally standing against her in the council election. The owner of the horse that Alistair Private Collection sale. couldn’t save makes aformal complaint. Lilian goes to the Cheltenham Literature Festival with Matt, The correspondence inventing acover story for Justin. She promises to be back for dinner, but stays out with Matt between the composer and instead. Justin’s very upset; he’d spent along time cooking. Sal Blakedown calls Alistair, wanting to his librettists is estimated at know how ahorse died in his care. Alistair can’t work out how Sal knew. At lunch with Toby, Pip picks £300,000. There are also up the wrong signals and tries to kiss him. Toby tells her she can’t mess him about. Chastened, Pip leaves. Lilian panics when Ruby goes missing. Matt sees the dog and scoops her up. Justin finds unpublished manuscripts by them in The Bull and accuses Matt of stealing Ruby. Matt says it doesn’t work keeping abeautiful Beethoven, Chopin and creature on aleash. Justin flies at Matt. At home, Justin confronts Lilian. He reiterates that nothing others. 26 October, Sotheby’s,

AMES WATKINS; COURTESY THE ARTIST AND VICTORIA MIRO, LONDON happened in Edinburgh and so he’s returning to the master bedroom. Lilian melts into his arms. London W1 (020-7293 5000). ©J

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 38 Best properties

Properties with church connections

▲ Angus: The Steeple, The Square, Letham. Dating from the early 19th century and built by James Hawkins, this former church was used as ajoiner’s workshop after the Second World War and was turned into ahouse in 2009. Master suite with dressing area, guest suite, 1further bed, family bath, open- plan kitchen/recep, 2further receps, cloakroom and shower, utility, study/bed 4, playroom, 3attic tower rooms, garden. £370,000; Savills (01356-628628).

▲ Carmarthenshire: The Old Chapel, Kidwelly. Arare opportunity to acquire aconverted chapel in aquiet rural location. This former Baptist chapel was converted into afamily home in 2002. Master suite, 2further beds, family bath, kitchen, double recep, porch, garden overlooking open countryside (never used as acemetery). OIEO £265,000; West Wales Properties (01267-236655). ▲ Oxfordshire: The Old Vicarage, Ascott- under-Wychwood. A Cotswold stone house, set in beautiful gardens and grounds on the edge of the village. Master suite, guest suite, 4further beds, 2further baths, open- plan kitchen/double recep, 3further receps, study, utility/laundry room, boot room, cloakroom, inner hall, cellar, separate 2-bed staff/guest cottage, outbuildings, garage, formal gardens, walled vegetable garden, tennis court, paddock, 3acres. £3.95m; Knight Frank (01865-790077).

THE WEEK 21 October 2017 on the market 39

▲ Oxfordshire: John Peers House, Tetsworth, Thame. Arefurbished Grade II Georgian parsonage, standing in an acre of gardens. Master suite, 4further beds, family bath, shower, breakfast/kitchen, 2receps, family room, 2WCs, study, conservatory, pantry, garage, summerhouse, annexe with 2studio flats. £1.5m; Knight Frank (01865-790077).

▲ Devon: The Old Rectory, Trusham. AGrade II* family house in the Teign Valley, dating in part from circa 1450, on the market for the first time in over 60 years. 5beds, 2baths, breakfast/ kitchen, 2receps, hall, study, utility, 2WCs, 2 thatched outbuildings featuring agarage, stable and storage; lawned garden, kitchen garden, 3 acres. £850,000; Knight Frank (01392-423111). ▲ ▲ Wiltshire:The Devon: Church Old Vicarage, House, Bratton Britford. Dating Fleming, from the late 19th Barnstaple. This century, this former Grade II period vicarage is Grade II stone cottage, listed and has been backing onto the recently renovated. village church, Master suite with close to Exmoor, dressing room, has been renovated 4further beds, in recent years. 3further baths, 3beds, family bath, games room/bed 6, country kitchen/ breakfast/kitchen, breakfast room, 3receps, utility, double recep, study, gym, attic, garden room, landscaped gardens, porch, parking, heated swimming studio, workshop, pool, double garage, tool store, secluded tree house, terrace, pretty garden, 0.6 acres. £1.975m; long drive. OIEO Myddelton &Major £499,950; Stags (01722-337575). (01271-322833). ▲ London: Abbey Road, St John’s Wood NW8. A duplex penthouse apartment in this former church on Abbey Road, opposite the renowned Beatles recording studio in the heart of St John’s Wood. The flat has under- floor heating and integrated speakers throughout. Master suite, 2further beds, family bath, dressing room, kitchen/diner, ▲ Lincolnshire: The Old Rectory, Hougham, Grantham. AGrade II double recep, former rectory, set in 2.3 acres of gardens and grounds. 8beds (2 en suite), off-street parking. 2further baths, breakfast/kitchen, 2receps, grand entrance hall, music £1.895m; Savills room, study, self-contained barn, outdoor heated swimming pool, floodlit (020-3043 3600). landscaped gardens, pond. £995,000; Savills (01522-508908).

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

LEISURE 41 Food &Drink What the experts recommend Ox Club 19a The Headrow, Leeds “simple and very, very lovely”. There are (07470-359961) other great things here too: fish dishes, This place has the potential to be excellent desserts, well-kept cheeses. But “seriously bloody annoying”, says Jay the game is so “superb”, The Pot Kiln Rayner in The Observer. Ox Club is all may “ruin you” for other restaurants. about grilling and smoking: in front of Starters £8-£11; mains £12-£25. the bar lie brown paper sacks of charcoal and a“self-conscious” pile of kindling Flavour Bastard 63-64 Frith Street, that “threatens us with rustic beardy London W1 (020-7734 4545) parody”. Happily, though, the “boist- First things first: what’s with the stupid erous and assertive” cooking of chef Ben name? A“callow gambit” to stoke up Davy easily compensates for such niggles. controversy and publicity? Probably, Afried duck egg is pelted with girolles says Keith Miller in The Daily Telegraph. that have been sautéed crisp, alongside On the other hand, there appears to be leaves of lightly bitter cavolo nero. “method in the Bastardeers’ madness”: Three fillets of smoked eel are “softened what’s on offer at this over-designed, by asmooth pea puree lifted from overt, loud, rather chaotic new Soho restaurant buxom sweetness by the addition of Flavour Bastard: flashes of inspiration is indeed akind of “mestizo cuisine”, alittle miso”. And adish of cubes of with eclectic, ramped-up flavours from melon with savoury fermented chilli is their natural flavour and terroir, but that all corners of the globe. “They’re putting “genius” –“one of those ideas you also nodded to local culinary tradition” the thermonuclear into fusion, if you want to steal and pass off as your own”. –you’d nod sagely and guess Fäviken will.” Far from all of it works: bacon Mains of guinea fowl and trout with or Noma, says Tim Hayward in the FT. jam, cinnamon and clove overwhelm leeks are also great. And although “But this isn’t Scandinavia”: Michael anice-enough hunk of belly pork, for desserts are abit “ho-hum”, I’m not Robinson has been “doing that –all of example. But there are also flashes of going to let that “get in the way of abit that –five miles off the Chieveley inspiration: “quinoa and cucumber of fandom”. More, please. Meal for two, junction of the M4” for years. Let me pudding with the vetiver herb, berries including drinks and service: £80. “cut to la chasse”: there’s apigeon-breast and pistachio” was asumptuous treat. salad here that’s “going to change your Overall, we gave this place a“score- The Pot Kiln Chapel Lane, Frilsham mind about game” (which so often disap- draw, if not quite awin. But we did feel Berkshire (01635-201366) points). Robinson’s pigeon, cooked pink, that this haute vulgarité thing feels like a If Itold you there was aplace where is “sweet, fragrant, crisp on the outside marker of societal decay and aharbinger chefs were “foraging local ingredients, and velvet smooth within”; it’s so tender of apocalypse, however you dress it up.” preparing them skilfully and then serving it’s “halfway to being aparfait”. Grilled Small plates (some could do with being them in the way that most honoured pavé of fallow deer is just as good; “a little less small”) are £7-£8.50 each.

Recipe of the week: Whole roast rabbit If you drive north out of Cusco, in the Peruvian Andes, and head towards the beautiful Urubamba Valley, there are many places to eat along the way, says Martin Morales, but the town of Lamay is the most interesting, as that’s where you can find barbecued guinea pig on astick. In this recipe I’m using rabbit, as the flavour is just as delicious, and the meat is similar but more accessible. Serves 41rabbit, cleaned, left whole afew rosemary sprigs 2barbecued corn on the cobs, halved, to serve 2sweet potatoes, baked, to serve 3tbsps huacatay herb paste (see below), to serve salt and freshly ground black pepper For the marinade: 50ml olive oil 100ml white wine vinegar 2tbsps garlic puree 1tsp dried thyme 1tsp dried oregano ½tsp ground cumin For the huacatay herb paste (makes about 100g): alarge bunch of huacatay herb; or asmall bunch each of coriander, tarragon, mint and parsley 20ml red wine vinegar salt

• On the day before you intend to cook, mix all rabbit is cooked through and is acombination of the marinade ingredients together in alarge bowl lightly browned and slightly charred in places. (big enough to hold the rabbit) and season with Barbecue: Place the rabbit on the grill and cook plenty of salt and pepper. Add the rabbit, slowly for about 1hour, turning and basting massaging the marinade into the flesh. Cover (or as before. put the whole thing, including the marinade, into Oven roast: Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place alarge, sealable plastic bag) and marinate in the the rabbit on arack over aroasting tin and roast fridge overnight. for 1hour, basting every 15 minutes, until • Remove the rabbit from the fridge 1hour cooked through. before you want to cook it, to bring it up to room • To make the huacatay paste: put all the temperature, and stuff the cavity with rosemary. ingredients in afood processor or blender with Reserve the marinade. 10ml of water. Blitz until you have asmooth paste. • To cook, you have three options: Add asplash more water to loosen, if necessary. On aspit over ahot charcoal grill or barbecue: Season with salt to taste. Set aside until the rabbit Spear the rabbit on along wooden stick and is ready. suspend it about 20cm over the coals. Cook for • Serve the rabbit whole for everyone to about 30 minutes, turning and using apastry brush to baste with help themselves, with barbecued corn cobs, halved baked sweet the marinade at least every 15 minutes throughout, until the potatoes and adrizzle of huacatay paste.

Taken from Andina: The Heart of Peruvian Food by Martin Morales, published by Quadrille at £27. To buy from The Week Bookshop for £25, call 020-3176 3835 or visit

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

Consumer LEISURE 43

New cars: what the critics say The Daily Telegraph Autocar What Car? There have been quick The i30 Nissoimpres- Hyundai hasn’t tried Hyundais before: the sive that “you’d swear to make the car look Veloster Turbo, not to Hyundai has been particularly sporty: inside, mention the i20 WRC that building this kind of car it’s just like aregular i30, currently competes in rally for generations”. The with seats trimmed in races around the world. “burly” engine is capable suede and leather. There’s But this, the Nversion of of “eye-widening speed”, plenty of space in the front the i30 family hatchack, is with “refreshingly crisp” (but alack of leg room in the firm’s first hot hatch. throttle response for a the rear), and lots of kit as Hyundai i30 N With a2-litre, 247bhp turbocharged unit. The car standard, including an 8in from £24,995 engine (in the standard drives best in Sport+ mode infotainment system and model), the car is designed –though it is calm in satnav. Not the very best to “sustain up to half aday Normal –and steering is hot hatch around, but the on the race track” while “commendably feelsome”, i30 Nisstill in the “elite also serving as “an though the brakes can be class” –it’s acar to be acceptable daily driver”. atad sensitive. taken “very seriously”.

The best… digital radios


▲ John Lewis Spectrum Duo II The Spectrum Duo II has lots SuperConnect of features for arelatively It’s pricey, but this cheap radio: there’s Bluetooth handsome device connectivity, and amicro-USB produces arich, port, so it can be powered by a weighty sound phone charger. It sounds quite and is packed with punchy but is fiddly to operate features: it connects to Wi-Fi, (£69; giving you internet (as opposed to digital) radio, and lets you access Spotify, provided you have aPremium subscription (£300;

▲ ▲ Pure Evoke H2 ▲ Goodmans Roberts Splash Mini The new version Pebble The This lightweight (687g), of the acclaimed H2 Pebble is very splash-proof water- is the best-sounding easy to use, resistant radio is ideal for model yet. There’s with adial listening in the shower. abuilt-in clock, if that’s more You can connect it to a you want to use it convenient than smartphone over Bluetooth as an alarm radio, the buttons –and sound quality is as well as akitchen found on some more expensive models. Sound pretty good (£100; www. timer (£100; www. quality is surprisingly good –though the LSD display is tiny (£40; SOURCES: THE OBSERVER/WHAT HI-FI?/EXPERT REVIEWS/TRUSTED REVIEWS Tips of the week… And for those who Where to find… how to wash up properly have everything… agood night’s sleep The domestic experts at the Good The royal suite at The Savoy,inLondon, Housekeeping Institute have produced their has perhaps the most luxurious mattress own guidelines for cleaning dishes in the country. It’s filled with 4kg of super- ● Start by scrubbing as much food off the soft Mongolian yak hair (from £14,000 plates as you can; otherwise, your dishes anight; will just soak in grease and dirt. Four Seasons has introduced ● Once you start washing up, the key mattresses with “GelTouch Foam Centre is tackling everything in the right order. heat-absorption technology”. They also Starting with the least soiled items will boast “pocketed coil motion separation”, keep your water and sponge cleaner for so you won’t be disturbed by your partner’s longer, and ensure clean items don’t sit tossing and turning (doubles from £285 in dirty water. anight; ● Glasses should go first, followed by Corinthia Hotel London offers “Brain mugs and cups. Power Packages”, which include adinner ● Move on to saucers and side plates next, designed to help you sleep well. The beds followed by dinner plates and then cutlery. are made with 300-thread-count Pratesi ● Finish up with serving dishes, pans and, If your golf swing needs work, this 9ft-tall linen (from £618; at the very end, roasting dishes –which machine can help you out. While you The Langham in London has comfortable, should all soak in hot water on the side hold the grip of your club, it grabs the “posturepedic” beds with SRx Titanium while you get through everything else. shaft, guiding you so you learn how support, which adjusts to your body ● If you have lots of items to wash, replace to produce the right action. weight, and “Commercial Shock Abzzorber the water halfway through. £115,000; Foundation” to give you extra stability ● To kill off germs, use piping hot water. (from £540;


21 October 2017 THE WEEK Advertisement feature Why mass extinctions matter Humans are causing the worst species loss for millions of years – but there is still time to act

arth is at the beginning of its sixth mass extinction event, the Eworst since dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. The disappearance of thousands of species, caused largely by human activity, will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences, experts warn. “It’s folly to think we can drive almost half of everything else to extinction, but we will be just fine,” says veteran National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore (pictured Photo Ark is on 23-25 October at 8pm on Nat Geo WILD as part of Wild October below), whose three part documentary series, Photo Ark, begins on Nat Geo WILD at 8pm What’s happening and why? Geographic’s Simon Worrall. come and it washes on 23 October. Mass extinctions are not new. “One fewer bat species? I’ve everything away. It The programme takes viewers There have been five in the got my mortgage to pay.” totally erodes the surface behind the scenes on Sartore’s 25-year past 450 million years, But the loss of a species of the earth.” mission to photograph some of the triggered by catastrophic has profound effects on the The resulting habitat rarest animals in the world, during natural events such as asteroid ecosystems on which human loss has a dramatic effect on which he has amassed studio portraits strikes and volcanic eruptions. life depends, argues Dr Nisha forest-dwelling species and of more than 6,000 species, many of The current extinction, Owen, from the Zoological the ecosystems they support. which no longer exist today. however, is the first man- Society of London. “You can’t cut all these trees There is some good news, though, made event. Population These systems “provide down and have a stable as scientists say there is still time to growth, climate change, us with clean air, clean water environment,” Sartore says. slow the process down – but only if habitat destruction, pollution and the food that we eat”, “The world’s ending, a little rapid and radical action is taken. and excessive hunting are all she says. Losing even a single bit at a time.” That’s where Sartore believes he damaging ecosystems so plant or animal species could can make a difference. “I’ve seen quickly that animals don’t also affect us in ways we What can be done? how photos can lead to change,” he have time to recover naturally. can’t predict. Solutions exist but time is says in the first episode of the series. Although extinction is a “You have one tree in fast running out. An editorial “Pictures I’ve made of parrots in South natural process, researchers Borneo with a thousand in The Lancet Planetary America and koalas in Australia help have found that human species of insects. What do Health says “unprecedented pressure local governments to protect activity is likely to be causing those insects do for us? We cooperation” is urgently those animals.” some species to disappear don’t know,” said filmmaker needed between policymakers, By looking these animals in the eye, up to 1,000 times faster and explorer Benedict Allen organisations, scientists we begin to care about them and than normal. during a debate hosted by and civil society to “protect understand their importance to the And it’s not just animals Nat Geo WILD and The Week. the world from ourselves”. health of our planet. we should be worried about: (To see the debate visit Top priorities include crops are also threatened. “If adhering to the Paris climate there is one thing we cannot “That,” said Allen, “is the most agreement to mitigate further allow to become extinct, it is terrifying thing.” global warming, as well as the species that provide food,” Joel Sartore was forced to reducing global meat Ann Tutwiler, director general confront similar questions consumption to curtail of Bioversity International, while filming Photo Ark in overhunting, deforestation has said in The Guardian. Madagascar, where and habitat loss. deforestation is a serious Brought to you by Why should we care? problem. “The forests get cut Humans are greeting this because people need to eat,” “bio-Armageddon” with he says – but once they’ve little more than a “yawn cut down trees to plant crops and shrug”, says National or make charcoal, “the rains Travel LEISURE 45

This week’s dream: Rwanda’s magical wilderness reborn As atourist destination, Rwanda is best atroop is tough –they crash through known for its mountain gorillas. But this the forest canopy “like teenage house tiny country in the “green heart” of guests”, screeching “like aMarbella Africa has much more to offer visitors, hen night” –but the attempt will leave says Chris Haslam in The Sunday Times you “grinning like amonkey”. –including “volcanoes like , The savannah, swamps and rainforests like Gabon, alake shore like mountains of Akagera National Park Malawi and savannah like Tanzania”. have a“strange magic” missing Lions and rhinos have only recently from more established game reserves. been reintroduced, and so it is not a Following the genocide of 1994, parts place for safari goers hoping to “see the were turned into farmland by returning big five before breakfast”. But getting refugees, but they are now “wild and between Rwanda’s natural wonders is untrammelled” again. Asafari here easy, thanks to excellent new roads; and might spot leopard, elephant and there are flights direct from Gatwick. even those recently arrived lions and Permits to see the gorillas in rhinos. Afterwards, retire for some Volcanoes National Park cost from Akagera National Park: a“strange magic” R&R beside Lake Kivu, avast expanse £777 and allow you just one hour with of blue, warm, croc-free water, with the animals. You face atough hike through the jungle to find simple but “cheerful” lodges and beachside grills “specialising, them, but minutes pass like seconds in their company and there unexpectedly, in fish and chips”. Cazenove +Loyd (020-7384 are some great places to relax afterwards, including the “A-list” 2332, has aseven-night trip from £7,290 Bisate Lodge. Far to the south lies the Nyungwe Forest National per person, including gorilla, chimp and monkey tracking permits, Park, which is home to roughly 1,000 chimps. Keeping up with plus some activities, but excluding flights.

Hotel of the week Getting the flavour of… Aking of couture in Morocco but home to fewer than 2,000 people. The Yves Saint Laurent is having amoment, ancient Monastery of Hozoviotissa, wedged with new museums dedicated to his work into acliff face 300 metres above the sea, is opening this year in Paris and Marrakech. its most spectacular sight, but its charm lies The fashion designer owned ahouse in the also in the tiny old villages tucked into the latter, and you can see how it influenced his folds of its steep valleys, in its isolated life and work at the Musée Yves Saint beaches, its “sage-scented” hiking paths Laurent Marrakech, says Louise Roddon in and even –for less reclusive visitors –inits The Times. Set beside the Jardin Majorelle – handful of charming café bars (Kamari is the oasis garden created by Jacques Majorelle best for sunset views). The island’s best villa, in 1924 and purchased by Saint Laurent Amorgos 1L, sleeps ten from £6,220pw Beaverbrook, Surrey and his partner Pierre Bergé in 1980 –it (020-8422 4885, is a“vibrant” place, with regularly changing As Cherkley Court, this was the country home of Lord displays of photography and painting. Escape to Elephanta Beaverbrook, owner of the Daily In the windowless, black-walled space at Visitors to Mumbai seeking abreak from Express from 1916 until 1964. its heart, recordings of Saint Laurent and its hectic pace should take the short ferry Since August, it has been a his confidante Catherine Deneuve provide ride to Elephanta Island, says Leo Mirani “fabulously lavish and fabulously asense of intimacy, while 50 elegant in 1843 magazine. Formerly known as enjoyable” hotel, says Henry black mannequins model some of his Gharapuri, the island was renamed by Mance in the FT, offering views most beautiful couture creations, including Portuguese explorers in the 16th century southwards over the Surrey Hills Moroccan-inspired robes in “dazzling” after ahuge stone pachyderm they found “and backwards towards old-style colours. See there. The elephant has since been removed opulence”. The 18 rooms are named after famous visitors past – for more information. to Mumbai’s Jijamata Udyan; what remains some of whom, Rudyard Kipling is aspectacular set of cave temples covered among them, went on to fall out An unspoiled Greek island with “intricate” reliefs of gods and goddesses with the controversial press baron. Asign at its main harbour reads “Welcome. that were carved by the Chalukya dynasty There is “superb” food (Italian and No one will find you here” –and the in the seventh century AD. Drop by the Japanese), acocktail bar with a seahorse-shaped Greek island of Amorgos is Chalukya restaurant afterwards for “simple” beautiful veranda, amembers-only indeed awonderful escape from the modern Indian meals, cold beer and afine view of the golf course, and plans for atennis world, says Rachel Howard in Condé Nast Mumbai skyline. Ampersand Travel (020- court, aspa and acinema. Traveller. Featured in the 1988 film The Big 7819 9770; has Doubles from £330. 01372-571300, Blue,itisthe easternmost of the Cyclades, afour-night trip from £1,085pp, including six hours by ferry from Athens, 30km long flights and private speedboat transfer.

Last-minute offers from top travel companies Indulgent Christmas break 5-star stay in Malta Steam railways of Austria Southeast Asia cruise Four nights at the Macdonald Spend 7nights at The Palace The 7-night adventure includes Enjoy 3nights in Singapore Hill Valley Hotel with daily Hotel on ab&b basis, amid half-board accommodation, and 10 nights on the Sapphire breakfast and dinner, as well atranquil setting. Prices avisit to Innsbruck, aride Princess (stopping at Bali as Christmas lunch, costs from £294pp, including on the steam railway and and Phuket) from £1,394pp from £395pp. 01904-717362, London flights. 020-3897 Bristol flights. 0330-160 7700, including. flights. 0808-273 Arrive 1185, 2217, 23 December. Depart 25 January 2018. uk. Depart 11 May 2018. Depart 21 February 2018.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK We believe in a diferent perspective.

Matilda armchair, £770 Brompton lamp, £140. Obituaries 47 Union leader who fought for the minimum wage

A“compelling orator” Bickerstaffe began his long campaign for a Rodney who was modest and statutory minimum wage in the late 1970s, Bickerstaffe compassionate, principled to give some basic security to the country’s 1945-2017 yet pragmatic, Rodney poorest people. Many of his colleagues were Bickerstaffe, who has died aged 72, was one resistant, fearing aminimum wage would of the British trade union movement’s most undermine collective bargaining agreements; prominent leaders, said The Daily Telegraph. but he persuaded the TUC to adopt it as a He was also one of its most recognisable, with policy in 1983, and made it his Buddy Holly-ish shock of dark hair and official Labour policy two years after that. It NHS glasses. His greatest achievement was was finally introduced in 1998 –bywhich time arguably the introduction of the minimum Labour had become New Labour. Bickerstaffe wage, in 1998, but he first hit the headlines was no fan of Tony Blair’s politics, said The during the Winter of Discontent (1978-79), Times: he led the opposition to Blair’s when he encouraged gravediggers to join in campaign to drop Clause IV of Labour’s strikes in protest at James Callaghan’s wage constitution, which stated the party’s restraints. “What about the dignity of the commitment to nationalisation (“common dead?” Bickerstaffe was asked. “What about ownership”). Asked once about the chief the dignity of the living?” he replied. difference between himself and Blair, he replied: “He didn’t go to an infants’ school in Rodney Bickerstaffe (“Bick” to his comrades) Doncaster.” Yet he forged agood working was born in London in 1945. His mother, Bickerstaffe: the “sensible Left” relationship with the PM, the better to continue Elizabeth, known as Pearl, was anurse from his campaign for social justice and advance his Yorkshire. She met his father, an Irish carpenter named Tommy members’ interests. By then, he was general secretary of Unison, a Simpson, during the War, when he walked into Whipps Cross union that he had helped to create by engineering amerger (in Hospital, in the bombed out East End, with an injury. They had 1993) between Nupe, Nalgo, the local government officers’ union, an affair and she fell pregnant, but he wouldn’t marry her as she and the health workers’ union, Cohse. It had more than amillion was not Catholic, and instead returned to Ireland. (Rodney never members. He retired from Unison in 2001, to replace Jack Jones met his father, nor even discovered his identity until he was six – as the chairman of the National Pensioners Convention. but decades later, he was delighted to discover that he had three half brothers in Ireland.) When he was three, his mother –bynow Aworkaholic, with few interests outside politics, except collecting forgiven by her family for having ababy out of wedlock –moved second-hand books (mainly about labour reform, and the union back to Doncaster, where he was educated at the local grammar movement), Bickerstaffe lived in Catford, south London, with his school, and Rutherford College of Technology. Elizabeth was a wife Pat and their four children. Though radical in many respects, union member; she recruited him, and by his 20s he was asenior he described himself as a“small c” conservative, and insisted that member of Nupe (the National Union of Public Employees). In he was no extremist. “People challenge me, ‘Are you ultra-left? 1981, he became its general secretary. Are you hard-left?’” he once said. “I say, ‘I’m sensible Left.’” Voice coach who helped Kate Middleton deliver her vows Anthony Gordon Lennox, wife of the Spanish ambassador to London, Anthony Gordon who has died of cancer aged Marquesa de la Cruz, recruited adozen elderly Lennox 48, was often described in nuns to pray for him, and he was duly admitted 1969-2017 the media as avoice coach, at the second attempt. At the University of or image consultant –especially after he was Exeter, he settled on acareer in the media. This brought in to help Kate Middleton deliver her time, it was his mother who came to his aid: she wedding vows in 2011. But the terms don’t really consulted afriend, Alexandra Henderson (Lady do justice to the range of his work, or the Drogheda), who was aproducer on Question sophistication of his techniques, said The Daily Time,which led to ajob as agofer on the Telegraph. Working on Question Time had programme. He observed what made the taught him that when people are under pressure, panellists effective, and discovered his talent for they often struggle to communicate their thoughts putting even the most anxious of them at ease. clearly. He urged his clients to shed the carapaces that they had adopted to get to the top, and to In 2004, he started his own business. He helped show their more normal, human side. “Naturally David Cameron come across as less aloof, and open himself, he would challenge clients’ thinking he was rumoured to have helped Samantha and, having deconstructed their identity, instil the Gordon Lennox: put people at ease Cameron tone down her cut-glass accent. Prior to confidence to find the best in themselves.” 2011’s Royal wedding, he not only coached Kate Middleton, he also prepared her dyslexic brother James –who’d The nephew of the 10th Duke of Richmond, Anthony Charles never even read the lesson at his school chapel –todeliver a Gordon Lennox was born in Madrid in 1969, where his father, a reading in Westminster Abbey. However, most of the people he career diplomat, would later become the British ambassador. His helped were not high-profile public figures, but the CEOs of big mother, Mary, was alady-in-waiting to Princess Alexandra. As a businesses. On meeting anew client, he would often ask them young boy, he learnt from his parents the art of putting people at what they loved. After afew minutes of telling him about their ease; often, he would ask visiting dignitaries disarmingly direct children, or their football team, the client would turn and say: questions, said The Times, and found that once they’d got over “This is all very well, but Ithought we were here to improve my their surprise, they were quite happy to sit down and tell him presentation skills?” to which Gordon Lennox would reply, “We their favourite colour, or what they’d eaten for breakfast. just have.” His technique was to get “his clients to transfer their Educated at aprep school in Seaford, he was destined for Eton. enthusiasm for everyday things into those most trying moments in He failed to get in the first time, but doors tended to open: the front of alarge audience. To many, this was arevelation.”

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

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Issued by Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, 10 Queen’s Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1YG, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Telephone calls may be recorded. Please quote A TW 26 CITY CITY 51 Companies in the news ...and how they were assessed

The Weinstein Company: white knight? “Perhaps you’ve heard, but the Weinstein Company is in abit of trouble,” said Jon Shazar on Investors in the privately held film company –which include Goldman Sachs, WPP and Fidelity, worry about its future without Harvey at the helm. But never fear, awhite knight is in the offing. The firm is reportedly in talks to sell to the private equity company Colony Capital, and has reached adeal for an “immediate capital infusion”. The synergies look good. Colony is well-versed in both showbiz and Seven days in the alleged sexual predators. In 2008, it rescued Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch from Square Mile foreclosure and its CEO, Thomas J. Barrack Jr, is “one of President Trump’s closest advisers”. Even before last week’s bombshell allegations, the Weinstein empire was on Pressure grew on Bank of England “shaky financial ground”, said the New York Post. In 2010, it only dodged bankruptcy Governor Mark Carney to raise interest after striking a$450m debt-restructuring deal that forced it to hand over the rights to rates after CPI inflation rose to 3%, its highest level in more than five years. 200 films to Goldman Sachs and Assured Guaranty. Colony could offer “a lifeline” to Meanwhile, official figures showed that the embattled outfit, said Brooks Barnes in The New York Times. “But the fate of the the pay squeeze on Britain’s workforce studio,” including whether co-founder Bob Weinstein will stay involved, “remains far has continued for the sixth month in a from resolved.” Some investors, noting the seriousness of the allegations and the extent row –though unemployment is at a42- of the likely litigation, question “what could be done with such atoxic asset”. year low. In the three months to August, inflation outstripped average regular ConvaTec: open wound wage growth, with the result that real ConvaTec is one of those FTSE 100 companies that “rarely commands attention” pay fell 0.4%. The FTSE 100 hit anew because its business “seems so dull”, said Nils Pratley in The Guardian: it makes medical record high before falling back. products such as colostomy bags, catheters and wound care treatments. “How wrong we The ONS reported that Britain is half-a- were.” Shell-shocked shareholders this week saw aquarter of the value of their trillion pounds poorer than had been investment wiped out, equivalent to £1.3bn, following “a thumping profits warning”. thought. As aresult of falling foreign direct investment in UK companies, and Apparently, ConvaTec “made abotch of the superficially simple job of shutting afactory asmaller reserve of foreign assets, the in North Carolina and shifting its production to the Dominican Republic”. The company nation’s stock of wealth has collapsed calls this a“temporary but painful setback”. Maybe, but it “undermined its big pitch to from a£469bn surplus to anet deficit of investors” at last year’s flotation, when it promised rapid improvements in gross margins £22bn –comparable to the loss of a and organic growth. “At times like these, little beats Aquacel Ag Extra,” said Alistair quarter of UK GDP. Osborne in The Times: the ConvaTec wound dressing is apparently “nine times stronger The European plane-maker Airbus said it and 50% more absorbent than rival kit. Just the thing for investors who’ve been banging would take amajority stake in their head on the desk all day.” Bombardier’s CSeries programme. The agreement strikes ablow against its US Newcastle United: exit Ashley arch-rival Boeing,which has relentlessly The financier Amanda Staveley recently made the trip to Newcastle to watch the home pursued both Airbus and Bombardier side play Liverpool. Staveley, who runs PCP Capital Partners, has form when it comes to through trade disputes; it should also help safeguard thousands of jobs in selling British football clubs, said Jack de Menezes in The Independent: she oversaw the Belfast. France’s PSA Group announced £210m deal that saw Sheikh Mansour take over Manchester City. Now it seems she is the loss of 400 jobs at Vauxhall’s helping out Mike Ashley. “After ten tumultuous years,” and the investment of some Ellesmere Port plant, months after £134m, the Sports Direct boss is throwing in the towel. He has put the club up for sale sealing its deal to buy the marque from for areported £380m, and hopes to be out by Christmas. Who might buy, asked Joe Hall General Motors. Poundland reported a in City AM. Turkey’s richest man, “biscuit tycoon” Murat Ülker, is already in negotiations. “noticeable lift” in sales as customers But if China’s five-year plan, unveiled this week, sees restrictions on outward investment sought to spend the old round £1 coins lifted, the “Jaffa Cake king” can expect strong competition from Chinese buyers. before they were officially withdrawn.

Saudi Aramco: to float or not to float? For the past year, “every banker and lawyer in leaning on Bailey’s Financial Conduct town has been jostling for apiece” of the Authority (FCA) “to water down the listing mooted $2trn flotation of the state-owned oil rules” to accommodate the Saudis – giant Saudi Aramco, said Simon Duke in The potentially harming other investors. At issue Sunday Times. Yet the biggest float in history is the fact that the Saudis want to float just is now “hanging by athread”, amid agrowing 5% of Aramco –far short of the 25% currently row that has dragged in everyone from the required for a“premium” listing. The FCA Prime Minister to the senior City watchdog, has suggested acompromise “reform”, Andrew Bailey. And now the Saudis are insisting this isn’t aspecial favour. Yet the reportedly getting cold feet. According to the watchdog met Aramco executives several Financial Times, Riyadh is considering times shortly before announcing the measure. “shelving” the international listing in favour of “a private share sale” to foreign governments, “Andrew Bailey’s fig leaf is dangling alittle including China. precariously,” said Patrick Hosking in The The PM: wooing the Saudis? Times. Time to rip it off. This float would One can see why Theresa May is keen to woo make “a mockery of the FCA’s key objectives Aramco, said Russell Lynch in the London Evening Standard. It of nurturing market integrity and protecting investors”. The would be “a huge coup for post-Brexit London”, which has been Saudis, who are concerned about legal risks arising from aNew “vying with New York” for the business. But the charge tabled York listing, say that Aramco’s listing remains “on track”. Given by critical MPs and big City investors is that No. 10 has been rising tensions in London, it looks anything but.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

Talking points CITY 53

Issue of the week: Carney’s tough call Inflation may be rocketing, but the Bank’s decision on interest rates is still finely balanced Inflation hit “a five-year high” of 3% in steady fall in unemployment could set September –afull percentage point off an inflationary wage-price spiral above the Bank’s target. It is set to rise unless it is checked now. Not everyone still higher this month, which will likely on the MPC agrees, said Chris Giles force the governor, Mark Carney, to get and Gavin Jackson in the Financial out his fountain pen and write aletter of Times. While more “hawkish members” explanation to the Chancellor. But the of the committee believe that the time is real significance of the figure, said Larry ripe “to withdraw alittle monetary Elliott in The Guardian, is that “the stimulus”, several have their doubts. prospect of Britain’s first interest rate As the new external member, Silvana increase in more than adecade” has now Tenreyro, points out, “a premature moved closer. “Financial markets are increase” could be “very costly”. now betting strongly that Threadneedle Street’s Monetary Policy Committee will Effectively, Carney is in “a no-win reverse the quarter-point cut in situation”, said Swaha Pattanaik on borrowing costs made in the aftermath Reuters Breakingviews. If he hikes, of the Brexit vote” when it meets in The governor: looking for the “least bad option” “he’ll be criticised for hurting aslow- November –though the higher rate will growing economy”; if he delays, he’ll exact afurther squeeze on the already battered living standards of be “accused of playing fast and loose”. Some critics –including many Britons. The governor’s difficult balancing act of “targeting amajority of economists polled on Reuters –believe that raising rising prices” while “supporting jobs and activity with low rates” rates from their current record low “would be an error on apar seems to be getting trickier by the day. with that made by the European Central Bank when it raised rates during the financial crisis”. They point out that the economy grew Much of the recent rise in inflation –which has rocketed from just by just 0.3% in the second quarter, “the lowest rate of any G7 1% ayear ago –isdown to “the fall in the pound since the Brexit nation”, and worse may lie ahead “if the UK struggles to agree a vote”, said Tom Knowles in The Times. Prices of basics including trade deal with the EU”. Yet Carney’s life “is unlikely to be much bread, rice and meat all rose last month. The consensus among easier if he delays now”, having “shied away from expected rate economists is that this “imported” inflation will peak at 3.2% rises before”. His “least bad option” may be “to tighten policy next month. What worries the governor, however, is that the and rethink if the worst comes to pass”.

Making money: what the experts think Death dodges ● Black Monday highs, the same “buy the dips” mentality The revelation that no inheritance tax To acertain generation (IHT) has been paid on the bulk of the of Britons, October prevailed. But Black late Duke of Westminster’s £8.3bn 1987 was memorable Monday “was not just family fortune has prompted calls for an for two shocking about valuations”. overhaul of the system, says The Times. events. First came the Indeed, many “saw it For the moment, though, there remain great storm that wiped as an extreme technical plenty of ways for more modest out swathes of ancient accident”. It was only households to reduce their bill. when investors began woodland. Then, while Pass your wealth to your spouse Since the country was still resorting to “portfolio insurance” –selling married couples and those in civil recovering, asudden partnerships inherit tax-free, the stock market collapse Black Monday: “apocalyptic” futures to try to limit surviving spouse can make use of the that wiped out billions the damage –that deceased’s £325,000 IHT exemption to from portfolios and retirement funds. “a rout turned into carnage”. shelter £650,000 of their shared estate. That apocalyptic day became known as “Black Monday”, said Simon English in ● The next bogeyman Use the family home allowance The the London Evening Standard. And its Modern trading controls mean the scale Government is phasing in “a residence nil-rate band” that applies when a 30th anniversary this week is particularly of that slide might never be replicated. And main residence is passed to adirect resonant, given today’s toppy markets. there are other big differences, said Philip descendant. The additional individual “We’ve got shares, bonds and Bitcoin Davies on Today’s allowance will rise to £175,000 by 2020, all at record highs. History suggests that, highs aren’t being caused by “random enabling amarried couple to shelter as at some point, something will give.” market mania” but by “a fairly rational much as £1m for their descendants. response to low interest rates” and trillions ● What happened? of dollars of QE. Another important factor The Seven Year Rule The main way Market veterans in the City and on Wall is that President Trump has increasingly to reduce the size of your estate is Street have no shortage of “war stories”, tied his “success” with the performance to gift it before you die. Gifts “of any size” can be made tax-free via but few compare to the events of 19 of the market. But perhaps the main potentially exempt transfers –provided October 1987, when US stocks fell more difference between now and 1987 is that the donor survives seven years after than 20%, said the FT. It was their ordinary punters are more wary, said the making it. “biggest-ever” one-day crash. “No two FT. Although the market continues to market eras are alike” but, as Rob Arnott rally, it has routinely been called “the Pension pots You can now pass on of Research Affiliates points out, “there most hated bull market of all time”. your pension pot to beneficiaries free are similarities” with today –“and lots As Tobias Levkovich of Citi Research of IHT. If you die before the age of 75, of them”. Then, as now, the atmosphere concludes: “The majority of investors are there will be no income tax to pay, in the run-up to crash was “heady”. still reluctant and cautious about where either, when the recipient starts drawing money from the pot. As stocks hit asuccession of fresh all-time the next bogeyman is coming from.”

21 October 2017 THE WEEK 54 CITY Commentators

Five years ago, Xi Jinping’s path to the Chinese presidency “was shrouded in political intrigue”, says George Magnus. Before the City profiles Bad omens for opening of the 18th Communist Party Congress, he vanished for two weeks –“no one knows why”. Xi has since “succeeded in a Jacob Rees-Mogg Xi Jinping’s Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg is Leninist crusade to gain control of China’s party, military and currently aparty “darling”, second term internal security apparatus”. But as China’s political elite descends says Alan Livsey in the FT. on Beijing for the 19th party congress, China watchers will be Yet he didn’t always enjoy George Magnus looking for clues on how Xi intends to govern for the next five such “Moggmentum” during years. The omens for economic reform aren’t good. Now that Xi his previous career as afund Financial Times has tightened his grip on power, “the prominent role of state enter- manager. Indeed, areview of prises” and “the concentration of wealth and assets in the public his performance leading the sector” is rising. But the more immediate “crucial issue”, given the Lloyd George emerging escalating debt risk in China’s banks and amultitude of other markets fund, from 2003 to 2007, shows it trailed the “borrowing vehicles”, is financial policy. If reforms are left to benchmark MSCI Emerging fester, then before Xi’s second term is up the funding structure Markets Index “in four of underpinning the country’s high-risk financial institutions “could those five years”, even become as critical for China as it was for the West in 2007”. though Asian markets were then roaring. Some former The “extraterritorial reach” of US regulators “is afeature of colleagues charitably put the international business”, says Schumpeter. Yet until ayear ago, big under-performance down to Bullying China Chinese firms seemed “exempt”. “Uncle Sam’s relaxed attitude” his “defensive instincts”; was probably down to concerns “about starting atrade war”, but others say it “suggests some is a“dangerous poor stock selection”. Either all that changed with Donald Trump. Indeed, “the commercial way, the analysis is asetback game” subplot of the North Korea crisis” is the way America is seeking for the staunch Brexiteer, “to use its full legal and financial might to change the behaviour who began playing the Schumpeter of the Chinese companies and banks” it believes are propping up markets at “the tender age of North Korea. China’s central bank has already told lenders to nine” and was thought “a The Economist stop writing new business with North Korea, but the Americans savvy investor”. His talent are now demanding “ever tougher” crackdowns. “The US has for spotting alucrative potent weapons,” but the policy of trying to control Chinese firms investment “seems to have abroad is “a dangerous game” –not least because “China can dwindled over the years”. retaliate in devastating fashion”. Beijing just has to go after Apple John Flint and General Motors, which together make $20bn of profits ayear in China, to “hit American interests hard”. Tensions are likely to go on simmering. “The only consolation is that commercial war does not necessarily come with amushroom cloud.”

In normal times, when amajor company issued aprofit warning, its shares would fall 5%, analysts would “go berserk” and “fund Profit warnings managers would reach shakily for the whisky cabinet”, says Jim Armitage. “These days, if the shares don’t fall beyond 10%, the spell the end of world barely notices.” This week, two big FTSE companies, ConvaTec and Merlin Entertainments, both issued warnings. the bull market Neither were “overly shocking”, yet in both cases share prices collapsed by 20% and more. The same pattern was noticeable at Jim Armitage Dixons Carphone and WPP after their August warnings, and in London Evening Standard neither case have shares recovered. So are these companies inherently worth that much less, or is this just down to volatility? When he was 15, John Flint In my view, the answer is clear: these moves signal that “the bull decided he wanted to be a market is drawing to aclose”. Investors are finally realising they banker, said The Times; specifically, he wanted to have been “deluded for the past year by an absurd bubble driven join HSBC. No problem, by low interest rates and QE”, and that stock markets at record said his headmaster at highs are “increasingly detached from economic reality”. These Giggleswick (a public school profit warnings are “a slap around the chops to snap us out of in Yorkshire), who happened our dreamland”. Amuch-needed correction is on the way. to know the boss of HSBC’s Indonesian business “and Netflix has long been “the brightest star in TV-land”, says James wrote asking how his pupil Moore in The Independent; and having won 5.3 million new could become an interna- Alesson in subscribers in just three months –amillion more than analysts tional banker”. Thirty-four years after “this early brush” had pencilled in –it’s being treated as “a supernova”. Analysts at physics from with HSBC, Flint now finds Piper Jaffray gush: “We think Netflix has reached escape himself CEO. Rumours had velocity.” Shares have jumped by two-thirds in ayear; if the swirled that the bank “could Netflix company meets the current quarter’s forecast, its customer base appoint aprominent outsider will top 115 million. Next stop, the speed of light? There’s just to shake up its business”, James Moore one problem. “Physics states that as an object’s velocity increases but HSBC has stuck with its tradition of promoting from The Independent so does its mass, or resistance to acceleration. Wall Street physics aren’t that different. The faster acompany grows, the harder it is within. Flint, currently head to keep it up and meet shareholders’ outsized expectations.” of retail and wealth manage- ment, is asafe pair of hands Netflix’s long-term prospects still look rosy, even as competitors often referred to as the “John like Disney “line up to take arun at it”. Yet CEO Reed Hastings Major of banking”, notes the should still beware of hubris. As others have found, “American FT. It’s not known if he capitalism’s obsession with quarterly earnings statements can turn favours grey underpants. acompany from hero to zero in the space of three months”.

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Who’s tipping what

The week’s best buys Directors’ dealings Charles Stanley Group Mondi Ted Baker McColl’s Retail Investors Chronicle The Times The Times The wealth manager has Shares continue to fall after a This retailer come fashion 300 restructured and cut costs, and profit warning at the packaging brand is “unashamedly global earnings are set to accelerate. group. But Q3 profits were in its outlook”, and is making Discretionary assets are 8% up and all parts of the good progress with expansion. 250 growing, thanks to investment business are faring well. Q4 With good cashflow and in its online broking platform, should be strong and there’s a “best-in-class” IT systems, it’s and margins are improving. possible special dividend in well placed for adigital future. 200 Buy. 390p. 2018. Buy. £19.26. Buy. £27.50 Co-founder sells 11.4m Jackpotjoy Strix Group Young &Co’s Brewery 150 The Daily Telegraph The Mail on Sunday The Daily Telegraph May June Jul Aug Sep Oct The online bingo firm is Strix, which floated in August, The “resurgent” pub group, cash-generative with anew makes safety controls for which manages some 220 The convenience chain’s co-founder, James Lancaster, “heavy-hitting” management kettles and has arival-beating pubs, including the Young’s, has resigned and sold his team. The market is growing global market share of 39%. Geronimo and Ram franchises entire stake, netting himself fast, thanks to ayoung Tefal, Siemens and Philips are in London and the southeast, is £33.6m. McColl’s prospects demographic on mobile devices customers. “Considerable Aim-listed and qualifies for have been transformed by and good customer retention. growth potential,” with a5% IHT relief. Profits are rising acquisitions and adeal with Worth apunt. Buy. 809p. forward yield. Buy. 136.5p. impressively. Buy. £13.51. supermarket WM Morrison. SOURCE: INVESTORS CHRONICLE

…and some to hold, avoid or sell Form guide

Berkeley Group Lonmin Royal Mail Shares tipped 12 weeks ago Shares Investors Chronicle Investors Chronicle Best tip Housebuilders are “sitting The embattled miner’s Industrial action will amplify Marks &Spencer Group ducks” for ashock if rising lenders have agreed awaiver Royal Mail’s existing woes. Investors Chronicle interest rates drive up mortgage on two key covenants. But Letter volumes are declining, up 9.22% to 349.5p rates. Rising building costs “the stark realities” are that it has fallen from the FTSE 100 don’t help, and Berkeley is Lonmin is in “survival and the dividend is vulnerable. Worst tip vulnerable due to its focus on mode”, with high operating Rival parcel services, such as easyJet the high-end London market. costs and subdued prospects ParcelHero, will benefit from The Daily Telegraph down 7.2% to £13.14 Sell. £38.20 for platinum. Sell. 86p. astrike. Sell. 371p.

DFS Furniture Next XP Power Investors Chronicle Sharecast The Times Market view The sofa retailer is suffering Morgan Stanley has down- XP makes “unexciting but a“retail horror show”, with graded the retailer on fears essential” power controls for “A bull run is like sex: it’s at its best immediately wavering consumer confidence that, despite decent profits, awide range of industries, before it ends.” leading to almost static sales the “Next customer and performance is now far growth. Given the pressure on proposition may be losing exceeding expectations. Financial advisor Alan Steel. Quoted in profitability, the investment resonance with UK consumers” Shares have come along The Sunday Times needed to sew-in acquired as core Next Directory sales way and are highly rated. firms is worrying. Sell. 216.5p. deteriorate. Sell. £51.15. Take profits. Sell. 30.99. Market summary

KeyKey numbers for investors BestBest and and worst performing shares Following the Footsie

17 Oct 2017 Week before Change (%) WEEK’S CHANGE, FTSE 100 STOCKS 7,600 FTSE 100 7516.17 7538.27 –0.29% RISES Price %change FTSE All-share UK 4124.45 4134.21 –0.24% Pearson 667.00 +7.67 Dow Jones 22976.47 22794.73 0.80% easyJet 1316.00 +5.03 7,500 NASDAQ 6621.23 6572.09 0.75% Smith &Nephew 1421.00 +4.56 Nikkei 225 21336.12 20823.51 2.46% Intl.Cons.Airl.Gp. 635.50 +4.52 Hang Seng 28697.49 28490.83 0.73% St.James’s Place 1157.00 +3.67 7,400 Gold 1284.75 1291.40 –0.51% FALLS Brent Crude Oil 57.37 56.89 0.84% ConvaTec Group 213.00 –24.39 7,300 DIVIDEND YIELD (FTSE 100) 3.85% 3.84% Merlin Entertainments 378.00 –19.27 UK 10-year gilts yield 1.31 1.40 GKN 306.00 –13.31 US 10-year Treasuries 2.31 2.33 Mondi 1883.00 –9.86 7,200 UK ECONOMIC DATA Smurfit Kappa Gp. 2150.00 –5.58 Latest CPI (yoy) 3.0% (Sep) 2.9% (Aug) BEST AND WORST UK STOCKS OVERALL Latest RPI (yoy) 3.9% (Sep) 3.9% (Aug) 7,100 Greatland Gold 1.83 +165.94 Halifax house price (yoy) +4.0% (Sep) +2.6% (Aug) May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Northwest Inv. Group 0.87 –63.16 6-month movement in the FTSE 100 index £1 STERLING $1.317 E1.121 ¥148.300 Source: Datastream (not adjusted for dividends). Prices on 17 Oct (pm)

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

60 The last word The burger that could save the world Global meat consumption is soaring –and with it, environmental destruction and the threat of serious food insecurity. Now, aformer professor of biochemistry has invented aburger that might just reverse the trend. Ben Hoyle went to meet him.

Sitting on the square white according to the United plate in front of me is a Nations Food and burger that inspires Agriculture Organisation, wonder, confusion and and is projected to grow an undertow of dread. by 60%-70% over the next At present, you can buy 30 years. It is not hard to it in about 40 restaurants see how this could provoke in America. In this upmarket amajor sustainability crisis. chain restaurant in San Sara Menker, aformer Francisco, the Impossible Wall Street commodities Burger comes in abrioche broker who now works bun with caramelised onions, with governments and American cheese, dill pickles, businesses on food-supply lettuce, tomato, “house problems, says that the spread”, “miso-mustard” “tipping point in global and an exotic dash of food and agriculture” may mystery. Ipeer closely at it, be only ten years away. “At hold it up and sniff it warily. that point, supply can no longer keep up with demand This thing I’m clutching in despite exploding food my hands was built entirely prices. People may starve. from plants and genetically Governments may fall.” modified yeast in aSilicon Valley laboratory, where a This is the crisis that the crack team of international The Impossible burger: a“technology platform” that will change the way we eat Impossible Burger was scientists labour day and invented to solve. Pat night to save the planet. It was dreamt up by abiochemist called Brown, the founder and chief executive of Impossible Foods, the “Gandalf of Stanford”, and paid for by investors who have has not eaten meat for more than 40 years, but retains a“pretty pumped in more than £148m in funding, including Bill Gates, strong, Iwouldn’t necessarily say accurate, memory of what it the billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla and Sir Ka-shing tasted like”. Why did he give it up? Because he thought it was Li, the richest man in Hong Kong. Its creators think of it as more cruel, he says after some prodding. He doesn’t want to talk than mere food. It is a“technology platform” that will change the about it. “It’s just kind of alienating when people say that.” way humankind eats, and could even reverse global warming. Brown is not fussed about catering for vegetarians. Carnivores There’s just one problem, and are the only people he is the thought of it has been spoiling interested in. If they can’t be my appetite: afew weeks ago it “If Ifound acure for lung cancer it would convinced that his plant-based emerged that the US Food and do less good for the world. Food insecurity is meat is actually meatier and Drug Administration is not sure tastier than meat from animals, if the Impossible Burger is safe amuch bigger problem than cancer” “then it’s back to the drawing for humans to eat. board”, he says. “If we had a super-successful burger company and that was it, that would be Itake abite. The first impression is promising. There’s a an egregious failure. And it’s not going to happen.” caramelised crunchiness to the outside and abounce to the texture of the fake muscle tissue on the inside. The “meat” itself looks We’re in ameeting room at the company’s modestly sized indistinguishable from the real thing. There are alluring fatty and headquarters in Redwood City, about ten miles south of San salty notes to the flavour at first, although they seem to fade as the Francisco International Airport. Brown, 63, is tall and lean, initial impact wears off. By the time I’m halfway through it, I’m with cropped grey hair and aslightly high-pitched voice. He’s noticing everything that’s not quite there yet with the burger: the wearing dad jeans, chunky blue trainers and apurple hooded top inside is actually mushy enough to grind down with your tongue; over ablack T-shirt that says “IMPOSSIBLE” in white lettering. it smells more of beans than of meat now it’s colder. I’m starting He retains the sincere, slightly vulnerable air of someone who is to pick up an inoffensive but pronounced vegetable flavour. Still, more comfortable with scientific equations than the salesmanship it’s not at all bad. It occurs to me that I’ve never expended so required from the CEO of a$200m start-up. Before he started much thought and emotional energy on aburger before. Impossible Foods, Brown was professor of biochemistry at Stanford University. His friend, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist An estimated 30%-45% of the world’s ice-free land mass is now Harold Varmus, later tells me that Brown is “revered” by his taken up with feeding and raising domestic animals and livestock scientific peers. His work on HIV, on cancer and on opening up (tasks that also provide income for 1.3 billion people). That’s the free publishing of scientific research has established aglobal because, while vegetarianism might be increasing among First- reputation that will endure whatever happens with the burgers. World millennials, the global trend is in the opposite direction. Impossible Foods sprang out of an idea that hit Brown almost As rising incomes lift more people in the Developing World into adecade ago. “What Icame to realise is that if Ifound acure the middle class, demand for meat is increasing at aformidable for lung cancer, it would do less good for the world than if I rate. Meat production has quadrupled in the past five decades, improved the environmental sustainability of the food system

THE WEEK 21 October 2017 The last word 61

by, you know, 10%. Food insecurity in terms King. Then there are the companies like of overall global life expectancy and quality of Memphis Meats and Finless Foods that are life is amuch bigger problem than cancer. The growing non-vegetarian artificial meat from potential for reducing the environmental impact animal and fish cells. How will Brown, the of the food system is humongous.” novice businessman, navigate these choppy commercial waters? Brown looks straight at me and says, “We will change the way Earth looks from space.” You’ll He does not seem to be financially motivated do what? “Almost anywhere you go, if you in the least. “I have such agood life, it’s not drive more than afew miles, you’re going to going to be made better by having alot of see cows and sheep and goats and, in fact, not money,” he tells me. “I’m not kidding. There much else.” Animal agriculture has a“huge are so many rich people around Palo Alto, greenhouse gas footprint” –around 15% of and I’m happier, and have been for the entire total global emissions. It is “by far the biggest time I’ve been here, than 99% of them, I driver of ameltdown in wildlife populations think. It’s because Ilove what I’m doing, Iget that has taken place over the past 40 years… to live in anice place and Ican walk out my and by far the biggest consumer of water”. door and go for along run.” He earned more Across Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, at Stanford than he does now, he says. He and forests are being torn down “at an insane rate” Pat Brown: the “Gandalf of Stanford” his wife still live in the same house where they to plant crops to feed livestock, particularly raised their three grown-up children. What he soybeans for pigs to meet China’s demand for pork. If you has is an all-consuming belief in his mission. “If the business fails, stopped that process and let the land recover, the change would the mission fails,” he says. But if the business succeeds, then long be so obvious that “you could just look at aGoogle Earth view before he hits his real goals he will find himself running Silicon and see it”, Brown says. The planet “will be greener, and will Valley’s latest “unicorn” –that elusive start-up that reaches a not be chopped into little circles and squares growing corn and $1bn valuation. soybeans”. New forests could begin to reverse climate change. Along with the Facebook Live team and ahandful of other The key to making Impossible Burgers taste like meat is journalists, Iamhanded adark-blue lab coat and plastic goggles something called “heme” –aniron-containing molecule that to take atour of Impossible Foods’ state-of-the-art laboratory delivers oxygen through the bloodstream to mammals and and kitchen. Afew dozen white-coated scientists glide through can also be found in all plants. It is abundant in the root awhite-floored space dominated by long tables full of chemistry nodules of soybeans, where it is carried by aprotein called soy equipment and computer monitors. “This is the coolest thing,” leghemoglobin. Impossible Foods decided that growing vast says David Lipman, the chief science officer, leading us towards fields of soybeans was an environmental non-starter, so instead aroom screened off by plastic walls. Lipman, who has aglobal it produces heme artificially, growing it in vats with abespoke reputation himself as agenomics pioneer and expert in food- genetically modified yeast. Heme is what makes red meat red. borne disease, is the son and grandson of butchers. He bristles It looks like filtered blood. When Itaste afew drops, the effect with enthusiasm. in my mouth is eerie –it’s as if I’ve just cut my lip. Blending heme with ahandful of other ingredients including water, In the room, arobot is cooking atiny fragment of food hooked some fibrous-looking wheat protein, asnot-coloured, gloopy up to alarge white machine; this breaks down the aromas into potato derivative, salt, various nutrients and alittle coconut oil separate compounds. These separate smells are then sampled to give the “sizzle” on the griddle, produces something that looks and classified by ascientist via alarge yellow plastic nose uncannily like ground beef. trumpet. This is how Impossible Foods works out how to build the full depth and richness of areal “meaty” flavour. At abench But heme has also inflicted nearby, other scientists are Impossible Foods’ first serious wrestling with the tensile setback. Earlier this year, The “One scientist is stretching some beef tendon in properties of meat. Aresearcher New York Times published a avice, while another is trying to work out how is stretching some beef tendon in 2015 memo leaked from the US avice and monitoring the results Food and Drug Administration, much force is required to smash apiece of fat” on agraph, while acolleague is which included the apparently trying to work out how much damning line: “FDA believes the arguments presented, force is required to smash apiece of fat. We advance into the individually and collectively, do not establish the safety of soy sparkling kitchen area where there are stoves, shelves crowded leghemoglobin for consumption.” Brown and his colleagues with spices, cheese, mushrooms and olives, and hacksaws and seethed. Their only mistake, they argued, was to have aspired to a carving knives hanging on the wall. This is where the tasting is much higher standard of transparency than they were required to done. Celeste Holz-Schietinger, the principal scientist for flavour, meet. While the FDA oversees drugs and food additives, there is explains that unlike Brown and Lipman, who have both been no approval requirement for flask-grown foods. Companies such vegetarian for decades, she has to eat alot of meat for her job. as Impossible Foods are only expected to conduct “self-affirming” “I need to know how meat cooks. Ineed to know those flavours.” safety tests. “It was avery misleading article that misrepresented the facts,” Brown says at aspecially convened Facebook Live The burger is only the start. The company now has “fundamental Q&A the day that I’m there. “We are incredibly focused on knowledge that can be transferred to make something much safety, above and beyond any legal requirements.” The company larger”. Holz-Schietinger mentions “whole steaks, chicken, pork, is currently preparing to resubmit its testing results to the FDA. lamb, even fish, cheeses, milk and eggs”. For now, though, there is alaser focus on the burger, which Brown calls a“proof of Impossible Foods is arguably the most technologically ambitious concept for us”. Like an iPhone, its burger is constantly being company in its space, but it does not have the market to itself. updated. The one Ihad is the 15th version. In blind tastings, One close rival is Beyond Meat, which also has investment from 46% of consumers preferred it to areal burger. In Brown’s mind Gates and sells products that have no genetic modification. Its it is simply amatter of time before they eliminate that gap. “The burgers are made from peas, potato starch and beetroot, which thing is that we’re just getting better. And the cow is not.” YEVINE.

/E provides the “blood”. There’s also Sweet Earth Natural Foods, aCalifornian business selling arange of “plant-based meats” Alonger version of this article first appeared in The Times. EDUX

©R that was founded by Brian Swette, aprevious chairman of Burger ©The Times/News Syndication.

21 October 2017 THE WEEK

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