Dr. Sci. Roman Viktorovich Yakovlev Date Of
Dr. Sci. Roman Viktorovich Yakovlev Date of birth: November 30, 1974 Key words: fauna, entomology, systematics, Altai, Mongolia, Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Papilionoidea. Short biography Born in the city of Barnaul in the family of doctors. Graduated from school with a silver medal. 1996 - graduated from Altai State Medical Institute with the qualification "doctor". Worked as a child psychiatrist in the Altai Regional Psychoneurological Clinic. At the same time worked as a research associate in the South-Siberian Botanical Garden of Altai State University. Since 2014 - Doctor of Biological Sciences (specialty "Entomology", the theme of the dissertation: "Carpenter-Moths (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) of the Old World”); place of defense: Saint-Petersburg State University. 2008−2012 — Head of the Department at the Altai Regional Institute of Advanced Teachers Training. 2013−2014 − the vice-rector for the development of international activities of Altai State University. At present – senior researcher of Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology and assistant professor of the Department of Ecology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the Altai State University. Scientific specialization: systematics, faunistics and biogeography. Specialist in the following groups of Insecta: Papilionoidea, Sphingidae, Cossidae. Author of over 170 scientific papers (more than 30 of them indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. Described over 250 biological species as new for science. The first to have described the fauna of Cossidae of the following regions of the Earth: Russia, Vietnam, Mongolia, the Andaman Islands, the Korean Peninsula, Thailand, the Canary Islands, the island of Socotra, Zambia, Zimbabave, Malawi. Author of essays in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, the Altai Republic and the Republic of Khakassia.
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