How to 20 Create the perfect 20 post

Facebook The most important elements for any post are as follows:

John Doe 14 hours ago

Provide valuable Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing information elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede. People engage more with posts that provide information they find valuable. Include a photo

Provide a link Facebook posts with photos receive the highest engagement. The perfect Share links to your website to photo size on Facebook is increase traffic from Facebook. 1200x630. Use or to track clicks from your page.

Engage with your community Think mobile

When companies engage Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer According to Avasam, 94% of John Doe and respond to customer 14 hours ago adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque users access Facebook with a mattis service requests via social mobile device. All of your posts media, those customers end must be optimized for a mobile up spending 30-40% more platform. with the company.

LinkedIn The most important elements for any LinkedIn post are as follows:

Keep link descriptions Share links for Headline 01 02 under 255 characters 03 engagement

Craft a headline such that it acts as Similar to the link title limitations, QuickSprout points out that a link a mini value proposition using the description associated with in your LinkedIn posts drives 200% verbs and other active language. your status update is given 255 more engagement. characters before it's cut off with an ellipsis, so shorten your description to properly display on LinkedIn.

Post images to get more Post videos to get more Publish a new status 04 comments 05 shares 06 update about once a day

According to QuickSprout, posting Linking to YouTube videos results in According to LinkedIn, publishing images results in a 98% higher a 82% higher share rate. 20 posts per month allows you to comment rate. reach 60% of your audience.

Convert page fans with Send LinkedIn 07 offers 08 Announcements

LinkedIn is 277% more effective for LinkedIn announcements can serve lead generation than Facebook as a powerful tool in and . LinkedIn users are increasing your LinkedIn lead more welcoming to lead gen generation. content—as long as the content is truly valuable to their success.

Twitter The most important elements for any Twitter post are as follows:

Perfect tweet length Grammar

Keep your tweets less than 140 Don't sacrifice grammar and characters to leave space for punctuation because of people to RT. character length. Good writing reflects positively on you/your business and helps retain your audience.

Call to action Shorten URL

Make it clear what you want Use or to shorten your followers to do after they your links and track your clicks. read your post.

Mentions Retweet

RT interesting content to RT interesting content to further engage with your further engage with your followers. followers.

Add images and video

Images and video on Twitter increase CTR (click-through rate) and are stored on your account.

YouTube The most important elements for any YouTube video are as follows:

Title Thumbnail Description

The title should grab attention Custom thumbnails attract Use keywords in the and make people want to click more people when comes to description to help your and watch your video. Limit overall clicks. Therefore make videos rank better and include the title to 70 characters for sure they look impressive. For links to your site to increase best results in both YouTube best results, use thumbnail traffic. and Google searches. 2560x1440. However, David Colamn said that the maximum size is not limited by dimmensions, but it is limited to file size to 6MB.

Call to action Tags

Calls to action in videos Adding keywords as tags will increase subscriptions, likes, help your video rank higher in and comments. a Google search.

Xing The most important elements for any Xing post are as follows:

Professional photos Relevant keywords Grammar Share Images

It only takes one-tenth of a The secret to increasing traffic It’s best to reread and revise Posts with images have a 98% second for someone to draw to your Xing profile is to apply before posting, and higher comment rate. conclusions about you based effective Search Engine depending on the importance on your photo. Xing is a Optimization (SEO) of the post's content, consider business network. Make sure techniques. Use relevant having another set of eyes you look professional in your keywords and tags. look it over. photo. For best results use image 1024x1024.

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