
Trips around Nature. Culture. Enjoyment. Sport. Health. Right on Graz’s doorstep there are an endless number of things to Graz for sports activities or for relaxation and wellness? Things to see, enjoy and do. discover – and even more to enjoy ... Everything is possible!

Well worth the trip! Actions speak louder than words! Leaving behind the urban flair of the city, it’s just a couple of miles For those who enjoy walking, the Styrian countryside offers a huge to the real countryside – how wonderful to breathe fresh air in the range of well-marked paths. Graz is “the most bicycle-friendly city midst of nature, to take in the beautiful, unspoilt Styrian landscape. in ”, and the surrounding area can also be explored by bike Discover striking natural wonders and cultural treasures, steeply slop- – whether on the bicycle path along the River , a tour around ing vineyards, the summer residence of the world-famous Lipizzaner Graz or on the mountain bike routes. For golfers there is an Eldo- horses and massive stone fortresses of past centuries on the Styrian rado of wonderful golf courses! And if you’re after relaxation and castle route. Wherever you go, you’ll find the traditional delicacies wellness: close to the city lies a great variety of spas. of local cuisine – taste internationally renowned Styrian wines at the producer’s vineyard and buy fresh pumpkin-seed oil directly from the farmer to take back home with you!

Graz Tourismus Information A-8010 Graz, Herrengasse 16, T +43/316/8075-0, F ext. 15 [email protected], www.graztourismus.at, www.regiongraz.at

Take to visit us!


Imprint: Responsible for content: Graz Tou­r­­is­­mus. Concept and design: Pilz Werbeagentur GmbH. Photography: Harry Schiffer, Hans Wiesenho­­ ­fer, Tom Lamm, Werner Goach, Graz Tourism Archives, Tourism Archives. Printing: Klampfer. Austria-Export-Pros­pekt. All information and prices subject to typographical and printing errors. (engl., 2013) tube Schachenstn.Schachenstn. Feistritzwald yHochwechsel Aspang Erzberg . Präbichl Wartberg i. M. Mitterdorf KKrumbachrumbach Kindberg-Ost S6 Alpl Großdf. Etmißl Kindberg-West . Krumbach 2165 Kindbergdörfl Waldheimat Wechselpaß y Mürzhofen 980 Unterort 20 St.Lorenzen Kindberg Maut Hochwechselstr. Eisenerzer Tragöß i. M. St.Kathrein a. H. Tauchen Schäffern Reichenstein St. Schäffern St. Katharein Einöd Parschlug Allerheiligen Teufelstein Hochkogel Oberdorf a. d. L. n y Jakob i. W. Festenburg 54 Rettenwandhöhle St.Marein e 1171 1498 y Gschaidt L a Hafendf. Stanz i. M. p . Friedauwerk m i n g Graschnitz l Falkenstein Waldbach Mönichwald St.1314 St.Marein A Auf der J Kapfenberg r Schanz o Lorenzen y Hafning b. T. Kapfenberg e g Gößeck h l l Bruck Friedberg ngng 115 Schörgendorf c a 2214 Tanzenberg- Frauenberg a Fischbach n d Sparberegg

b F 1 Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing e Mochl Bruck tunnel (2446 m) c h e Dechantskchn. St.Peter- s i Kammerstn. Gai i s Mautern an der Mur Knoten 1629 F Freienstein t Ehrenschachen 2 Rein Abbey in Stmk. Ehrenfels Bruck a.d.M. y r Stift Am Straßegg i St.Jakob t Pinggau- Golfplatz Kammern Rennfeld z Friedberg im Liesingtal Niklasdorf-Ost S35 Rohrbach 3 Scythe forge Donawitz Bruck/Mur Badesee/Freibad How much time do you have? Mautern in Stmk. Bruck a.d.M.- St.Erhard b. M. Schl. Aichberg Pinkafeld Traboch -Ost Oberaich Pernegg Pinkafeld 4 Plabutsch – Fürstenstand 335 a. d. M. Hochlantsch Miesenbach y Traboch 116 Leoben 1720 Grafenschachen 63 5 Gösting – Castle ruins A quick tip to start off: make sure you set aside a couple of A9 Leoben-West Kirchdorf Mautstatt Teichalm Masenberg 0 5 10 15 km Göss y Grafendorf Riedlingsdf. 6 Judendorf-Strassengel/Pilgrimage church hours for exploring the attractions in the area around Graz – Teichalm- 1261 L Kn. St.Michael b. a h a l p Mautstatt see Loipersdf. St.Michael c e f © Copyright by Schubert & Franzke, St. Pölten 2009 Kaisersberg o M Mixnitz P you wouldn’t want to miss anything, surely! y Sommeralm Heilbrunn n i. B. 7 H u Drachenhöhle Pöllauberg Staudach i S36 i. O. i Buch- 1643 r n St. Stefan o.L./ Naturpark Unt.- t schachen k Kaisersberg Koglhof Pöllauberg z a 8 Johannes Kepler Observatory Röthelstein Tyrnau Pöllauer Tal Penzendf. Lungitz Maut 16 St.Kathrein a. O. Frondsberg Kraubath a. d. M. Laufnitzdorf Schl. Oberwart 9 St.Stefan ob Leoben Laufnitzdf. Röthelstein 42 Hartbg. St. Mkt. Allhau Thal, Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum Baierdf. Neuberg Kraubath Fensteralm Rothleiten Fladnitz Pöllau Johann y a. d. Teichalm i. d. H. 50 10 St. Bartholomä u Stift Lobming Frohnleiten-Nord 43 Hartberg Lafnitztal/ S St.Marein 1642 Anger Oberwart In this brochure you will find a range of worthwhile places to visit b. Knfd. Preg Gleinalmtunnel 64 Graßlhöhle Ponigl 11 Railway Museum Frohnleiten-S. Hartberg 57 Feistritz/St.Lorenzen (8320 m) A9 Frohnleiten 72 Schölbing Kobenz 7 Pfannberg Gschnaidt close by Graz, in west, south and east Styria. Journey time (by car) takes e Stubegg Arzberg Stubenberg 12 Schöckl Speikkg. S35 Naas Oberfeistritz Neuhaus Kemeten St.Lorenzen b. Knfd. y Übelbach -Badl Schielleiten Oberbuch Unt.-rohr - 1988 p Maut Plenzengreith Schaubergw.45 44Haselbach 13 Sculpture Park Austria between a few minutes and a maximum of one hour. Ost Peggau- Arzberg b. Ob.- Kulm l Mitte fladnitz Stuben- Geiseldf. -West St.Margarethen 18 Garrach Puch bergsee Tiefenbach b. Knfd. a Neuhof Waldstein 19 Lurgrotte 41 14 Fernitz Weiz b. W. Schl. Herberstein Wörth n Übelbach Stenzengreith 54 47 a. d. L. Peggau St.Johann b. H. Ebersdf. 15 Johann Joseph Fux Langegg parish eeg-g- Knittelfeld i 22 Sebersdf. Knoten SchöcklSchöckl- Hirnsdf. Stinatz e Deutschfeistritz Deutschfeistritz y Etzersdf. Neustift Apfelberg l 1445 seilbahn 46 16 Bärenschützklamm ravine Großstübing 3 17 St. Unterfladnitz Pischelsdf. Blaindf. Sebersdorf- Stegersbach Großlobming G Geistthal Kleinstübing 12 Radegund Kroisb. Bad 17 Kesselfallklamm ravine Ehrenfels b. Graz Waltersdf. Friesach 20 Großpesendf. Hohenbrugg Hörgas1 A9 Ebersdorf St. Burgau 18 Lurgrotte cave, Semriach entrance Kleinlobming Kainach b. V. Ruprecht Leitersdf. Bocksdf. eenn Gratkorn-Nord a. d. R. Prebensdf. Großsteinb. Groß- 48 Kleinfeistritz 2 Stift hartmannsdf. Rohrbrunn 19 Lurgrotte cave, Peggau entrance 64 Graden Eggersdf. b.G. I Gratkorn-S. Andritz lzb St.Pankrazen Eisbach-Rein 72 a Lindegg 20 St. Radegund n Gratwein c h Sinabelkchn. 77 e Graz-Nord Maria Trost Wilfersdf. 57a

L 6 p Straßengel Ra Uhlheim 21 Laßnitzhöhe b.b. . i b Eis l Afling e 65 nitzb. Bierbaum Salla b Judendf. Unt.-großau Ilz Gaberl a o b.G. 65 Neudf. Deutsch- c St.Oswald b. P. Kainbach -Süd Nestelb. 22 Semriach b hb St. 9 Gösting -West Sinabelk. Großwilfersdf. Piber 24 25 ac i. Kaltenbrunn u Krenhof h Bartholomä 5 A2 ii.O..O. S t 1706 52 Thal Gleisdorf- Ilz- 23 Lipizzaner Stud Farm Piber y Bärnbach Steinberg GRAZ Laßnitzhöhe Hochenegg Benndf. Fürstenfeld Ameringkogel Wölkerkg. Köflach23 10 Plabutsch- Eggenberg Hofstätten Graz Region y Sonneck Fürsenstand 21 Altenmarkt Rudersdf. 24 Hundertwasser Church in Bärnbach 8 Uhrturm Hart Nestelb. b.G. a. d. Mkt. Walkersdf. 2187 Maria Lankowitz Rohrbach Laßnitzhöhe Hartmannsdf. 4 Langegg b.G. Ottendf. Fürstenfeld Welsdorf Dobersdorf 25 Glass Museum Bärnbach 20 km Graz 50 km Bernau Puntigam 15 St. Breitenfeld Reiteregg Margarethen b. G. Söchau G.-Webling Raaba 26 70 a. d. Raab Übersbach 65 St. Josef Theatre Straßgang Feldkchn. Breitenhilm St. 37 Leonroth Krottendf. Kn. 66 Loipersdf. ii.L..L. b. Köppling S.-bg.b.G. Graz-Ost Marein Studenzen Riegersburg b. F. Königsdf. 27 Castle Hirschegg 70 Flugh./ Thondorf Graz St.Martin Hohenburg Söding Kn. Graz-West Feldk. Fladnitz Riegersburg Stein49 a. W. Seiersbg. Flughafen Hausmannsttn. Liechtenberg 28 Castle and Castle Museum Mooskchn. Graz - Thalerhof Kirchberg a. d. R. 70 Ligist Tobelbad Schwarzl- 14 Oberdf. Kornberg Hatzendf. Herzogberg- see a. Hochegg R 29M Gross St. Florian Fire Engine Museum tunnel (2007 m) A2 Lieboch aa Edelsbach West Styria East Styria Packsattel Pack U.-prem- Fernitz Prosdf. b 38 Schützing Johnsdorf 57 BiBi Barbarahaus . Mooskchn. stätten Unt.-Schachenwald 68 Raabau 30 South Styrian Wine Route premstätten Kalsdf. b.G. Lödersdf. Schiefling Steinberg Hötschdf. 13 Modriach Dobl Kalsdf. Heiligenkreuz Feldbach Hainfeld 31 South Styrian Wine Country Nature Park Packsattel Modriach 11 Lieboch Lichendf. 57 South east Preitenegg Kalcherkogel- Zettling a. Waasen tunnel (1993 m) Wund- Paldau Mühldorf 32 Wine Museum styria Reinischkogel Kasten schuh Kirchbach Oedt b.F. Jenners- Bad Waldenstein y 1463 i.Stmk. Fehring St. Leonhard St.Stefan Stein 33 Silberberg wine discovery path at the College for Viticulture Mur Allerheiligen Perlsdf. dorf ob Stainz 76 26 b. . Hebalpe Reinischwirt Twimberg e 1380 Pichling St.Josef Zwaring Gleichenberg Windisch-Minihof 34 Kitzeck/Kitzeck Wine Museum 67 Theißenegg p Weitendf. Kapfenstein Rohrbach St.Stefan 70 l 27 im Rosental Bad 35AApp Seggau Castle South Styria St.Oswald Stainz Wildon Wildon Tabor Minihof-Liebau Wetzelsdf. Kain 73 50 Gleichenbg. Kamp a i. Freiland ach St.Georgen Finkenegg a. d. Stiefling Tauka 36 Roman archaeological excavations at r Bad Gams Schönbg. A2 Hornegg Gnas Neuhaus Mettersdf. A9 St.Margarthen am Klausenbach o 37 Riegersburg St.Gertraud Preding b. Lebring Merkendf. Rassach ßni 39 Kalch Bonisdorf Frantschach K La tz 66 -Nord Weinebene Freiland Lebring Krusdf. St.Anna 38 Kornberg Castle 1668 b. Deutsch- Wohlsdf. Lebring Frauheim Wolfsberg h h . landsberg c c Wolfsberg Dornegg Wettmann- i. Schwarzautal a a 40Dirnbach 39 Styrian Vinotheque St. Anna/Aigen Glashütten Eybesfeld b Contents Wolfsberg- Trahütten stätten ß Frutten St.Nikolai a Dietersdf. Straden Groß Obergralla ob Draßling S Jurij 40 Straden St.Stefan Frauental 29 St.Florian St.Nikolai St. Grad -Süd a. d. Laßnitz i. S. Rannersdf. Peter Deutsch- 34 Kitzeck Kaindf. am Saßbach a. O. Pichla 41 Herberstein Castle, wildlife park Graz Region p. 4–17 28 i. S. St.Marein landsbg. Frauenthal Klöch al Leibnitz Hart Pertoca St.Andrä aus 35 Tieschen Macˇkovci 42 Pöllau Valley Nature Park y 2140 Hollenegg i. Sausal S 33 Wittmannsdf. West Styria p. 18–21 Eitweg Ahnherrnschloss 74 Perbersdf. Klöch Gr.Speikkogel Fresing b. St. V. Oberspitz 440 43 Katerloch/Grasslhöhle caves St. Trag St.Martin 67 St.Ulrich Schwanberg im Sulmtal 36 Weinburg Andrä Vogau-Straß St.Veit am Saßbach 44 Raabklamm ravine South Styria p. 22–25 ttzz St.Andrä St.Peter i.S. Gleinstätten am Vogau Deutsch- Unterpurkla Maria St.Anna Eichfeld Goritz Cankova 45 Arzberg Display Mine St.Jakob Rojach Limberg Welsberg Ehrenhsn. Straß i.Stmk. 69 Burgstall Brunn Großklein Gersdf. Lichendf. Gosdorf Halbenrain Skakovci 46 Bad Waltersdorf Spa SOUTH EAST Styria p. 26–27 Wiel Wernersdf. 32 L Wies Gündorf Spielfeld a St.Georgen Gamlitz Spielfeld Bad va St.Oswald Apacˇe 47 H2O Hotel Spa Resort nt ob Eibiswald East Styria p. 28–31 St.Paul Altenmarkt St.Johann 69 Radkersburg i. i. Saggautal Selnica 51 48M Rogner-Bad Blumau Spa St. Soboth 69 Stift Vinzenz Ratsch Sˇ entilj ob Muri Eibiswald Maltschach30 a. d. Weinstr. Gor. Radgona M.Sobota 49 Loipersdorf Thermal Spa Rabenstein Ettendorf St. Sv. Ana Golf course Lorenzen 31 v Slov. Goricah Golfplatz Rothwein 76 Naturpark Leutschach 50 Bad Gleichenberg Spa Hotel Magdalensberg Südsteirisches Weinland Trautenburg SLO Swimming Patanjci Krog Up-to-date information on bus & train connections: Mobil Zentral Schwabegg Lavamünd A1 Badesee/Freibad . Radlpaß Schloßberg Sp. Radenci 51 Park Spa 81 Zg. Kungota Jakobski Dol T +43/050/678910, www.mobilzentral.at, www.verbundlinie.at Neuhaus 437 52B Nova Köflach Thermal Spa (West Styria!) l Aich 80 0 5 10 15 km a 0 5 10 15 km Muta Gaj Jurjovski Dol Einersdorf 1 Brezno nad Mariborom © Copyright by Schubert & Franzke,Sp. Ivanjci St. Pölten 2009 s Lenart 3 Verzˇej © Copyright by Schubert & Franzke, St. Pölten 2009 v Slov. Goricah Bleiburg Dravograd D Ozˇbalt Kamnica Pernica r ob Dravi Osek a v a 1 Videm GRAZ REGION – ON THE CITY’S DOORSTEP

A few miles from the centre of Graz you’ll find a huge number of interesting sights to visit – here are just a few special highlights.

1 Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing Wander across the regions of Austria, from to Vorarlberg, and discover traditional farming tools, old farm buildings and a past way of life within idyllic surroundings. A lost world of country living and working lives on, in a secluded side valley of the river Mur, with around a hundred original preserved farm buildings.

Apr – Oct, daily 9 am – 5 pm, entry till 4 pm Stübing, T +43/3124/53700, www.stuebing.at

2 Rein ABBey About 20km north of Graz stands the picturesque Baroque abbey of 1 Rein. Cistercian monks have lived here ever since 1129, making this the oldest existing Cistercian abbey in the world. The Baroque abbey church is magnificent, while the library contains medieval manuscripts from the abbey’s own scriptorium. The surrounding woods are a wonderful place for strolling and hiking.

“A Glimpse Behind Monastery Walls” from 22 March: Mon – Sat at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm; Sun and public holidays at 11 am and 1 pm. Groups are welcome throughout the year by prior appointment. Rein, T +43/3124/51621, www.stift-rein.at 3 3 Deutschfeistritz Scythe Forge Before the invention of combine harvesters and finger-bar mowers made farming decidedly easier, scythes were the most important tools used in agriculture. At this former scytheworks the entire production facility, including its six huge waterwheels, has been kept intact as a museum. The surroundings also create an exciting backdrop for theatre, concerts and art exhibitions.

Apr – Oct, Mon–Fri 2 pm–5 pm, Sat, Sun and public holidays 10 am–5 pm Deutschfeistritz, T +43/3127/42200, www.sensenwerk.at TIP 2

Tip: wine tavern “Waldschenke ‘Bäckerseppl’” with game reserve. In a Up-to-date information on bus & train connections: Mobil Zentral pleasant and relaxed atmosphere you can get up close and make friends T +43/050/678910, www.mobilzentral.at, www.verbundlinie.at with goats, stags and fawns, whilst enjoying beautiful scenery and the view of Rein Monastery. 4 GRAZ REGION 5 GRAZ REGION – ON THE CITY’S DOORSTEP

Romantic walks with a wonderful view of the city. And architectural gems from past centuries.

4/5 Fürstenstand observation tower on Plabutsch mountain/Gösting castle ruins From the Gösting and Eggenberg districts and the village of Thal in the vicinity of Graz, charming footpaths lead up to the Fürstenstand observa- tion tower. Looking down from there you can enjoy a unique view of the Styrian capital. From Schlossplatz square in Gösting, a path through the woods takes you up to the Gösting castle ruins. The medieval keep and a Romanesque twin chapel are outstanding features of the castle ruins. (No access by car). www.graz.at, www.maussermost.at 7 6 Judendorf-Strassengel / Pilgrimage church Just a few kilometres north of Graz lies the small church settlement of Maria Strassengel, perched on top of a hill and visible from afar. A wall encloses the vicarage, the tavern, the Baroque “new building” and the pilgrimage church, whose looming steeple makes it one of the most sig- nificant examples of High Gothic church architecture in Austria. open all year round Judendorf-Straßengel, T +43/3124/51255 www.gemeinde-judendorf-strassengel.at TIP 7 Frohnleiten Frohnleiten also achieves a balance between historic and modern charm. The main square, with its Mediterranean flair and celebrated floral decora- tion, welcomes restaurant guests to garden terraces for summertime indul- gence. The beautifully tended parkland around the Volkshaus building and along the River Mur is an inviting place for a stroll too.

Frohnleiten, T +43/3126/2374, www.frohnleiten.at


TIP: Porsche Diesel Tractro Museum in Hitzendorf – The biggest Up-to-date information on bus & train connections: Mobil Zentral collection of Porsche tractors in Austria, this museum contains T +43/050/678910, www.mobilzentral.at, www.verbundlinie.at 27 immaculately restored tractors, exhibited in a 400 m² space. www.traktormuseum-lackner.at 6 GRAZ REGION 7 GRAZ REGION – ON THE CITY’S DOORSTEP

In the area just outside Graz you’ll find countless leisure opportunities, each one quite different from the last.

8 Johannes Kepler Observatory You too can travel into space at the Johannes Kepler Observatory, where the guided tours allow you to take a look through a wide range of tele­ scopes and learn all kinds of interesting things about the mysterious expanses of the universe.

Astronomy tours every Friday with a cloudless sky, summer: 9 pm, winter: 7 pm Steinberg 104, T +43/316/582444-22, www.stav.at

9 Thal/Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum Located about 4 km from Graz is the municipality of Thal. Never heard of it? 9 At least one local resident has gained worldwide fame: Arnold Schwarzen­ egger. His original home houses the Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum.

Jakobuskirche: Mon – Fri and Sun 8 am – 7 pm, Sat 9.30 am – 7 pm Guided tours upon request! Thal, T +43/316/572226, www.thal.eu

Thalersee Thalerseestraße 100, Graz, T+43/316/582390-0, www.thalersee.at

Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum: Wed – Sun 10 am – 5 pm Linakstraße 9, 8051 Thal, T +43/316/571947, www.arnieslife.com 10

10 “Korenstub’n” memorial site – “Bartholomäer Kegelstatt” historical bowling alley In the bell tower of the former parish church, a permanent exhibition is dedicated to Hanns KOREN, the grand patron of the municipality of St. Bartholomä. Kegelstatt bowling alley dates from the 19th century, and is listed thanks to its intact conservation as an exceptionally rare specimen of its kind.

11 Lieboch Railway Museum The “TEML” Technical Railway Museum in Lieboch is an ideal starting-point for special trips into west Styria and a new attraction TIP 9 for railway lovers.

May–Oct, Wed–Sun 10.30 am – 5 pm TIP: The “Hochbeet-Vitamin-Stelle” (raised beds growing vitamin-rich Lieboch Railway Station, T +43/3136/62330-547, www.stef.at produce) in Lieboch – accessible to all. Open daily 24 hours. www.kochauf.at


Fill your lungs with fresh air, or even sample some mountain air – on a tandem paraglide from the Schoeckl mountain ...


12 Schöckl The breathtaking steep slopes and magical broad plateau of this 1,445- metre high mountain are much loved by the people of Graz, many of whom go walking there several times a week, explore its paths by mountain bike or take the cablecar from St. Radegund to the top, which commands a magnificent view of the surrounding country. Summertime fun can be found at the “Hexenexpress” summer toboggan run!

Operating times: May–Oct Cablecar: Mon–Fri 9 am – 6 pm, Nov, Mar, Apr 9 am – 5 pm; 13 TIP toboggan run: Mon–Fri 10 am–4.30 pm, Sat, Sun, public holidays 10 am – 5.30 pm, Summer holidays 10 am–5.30 pm. Winter operating times available on request! Schöckel Seilbahn AG, T +43/3132/2332, www.schoeckel.at

13 Sculpture Park Austria An outdoor area of about 7 hectares provides an ideal backdrop for both Austrian and international contemporary sculptures at the Landesmuseum Joanneum Sculpture Park Austria.

1st Apr – 31st Oct, daily 10 am – 8 pm Unterpremstätten, T +43/316/8017-9704, www.skulpturenpark.at

14 Fernitz Well worth a visit is Fernitz, awarded Styria’s most beautiful floral village in 08, 09, 11, with the historic pilgrimage church of Maria Trost.

Fernitz, T +43/3135/52362, www.fernitz.at

15 Johann Joseph Fux Parish of Langegg Langegg is home to the birthplace of the composer and music theorist Johann Joseph Fux, a Johann Joseph Fux shrine with a mosaic by artist August Raidl and the Johann Joseph Fux memorial stone at the Hirten- feld junction.

Langegg, T + 43/3133/8575-0, www.langegg-graz.at 12

Tip: Adventure-farm Reczek in Wundschuh, located south of Graz, is a ­beautiful family destination and a portal into a world of rural bliss. Tip: In the municipality of Brodingberg you can visit the largest beehive www.ehr.at in the world! www.brodingberg.gv.at


Discover outstanding natural beauty to the north of Graz: from raging torrents of water to a bizarre world beneath the mountains.

16 Bärenschützklamm ravine Raging torrents of water, bizarre cliff formations, rare plants and animals. The Bärenschuetzklamm is one of the longest and most spectacular water-filled gorges in Austria. 164 wooden bridges with over 2,500 steps provide access to the narrow valley created by the Mixnitzbach river over millions of years. It climbs 350 metres high over a length of 1,300 metres. Sturdy shoes are highly recommended!

1st May–31st Oct Pernegg-Mixnitz, T +43/3867/8044-11, www.baerenschuetzklamm.at

17 Kesselfallklamm Beautiful footpaths lead you past these wildly romantic waterfalls. Thanks to a system of secure steps, the ravine can be explored on foot in half an hour, and is fairly easy even for children. The climatic spa of Semriach at its upper end merits a visit. 18/19 Semriach, T +43/3127/80980-9, www.semriach.at

18, 19 Lurgrotte Caves at Peggau and Semriach The Lurgrotte is Austria’s biggest stalactite cave with an active river. Eaten into the limestone by the Lurbach river, for millions of years the cave has been penetrated by surface waters which are constantly deposit- ing lime, forming spectacular sculptures of fragile and powerful beauty. Starting from Peggau or Semriach one can explore this fascinating underground world accompanied by a professional guide.

Semriach: Apr–Oct, daily 9 am–4 pm Guided tours at 11 am, 2 pm, 3.30 pm and on request! Nov–Apr, Sat, Sun, public holidays 11 am and 2 pm Semriach, T +43/3127/8319, www.lurgrotte.at

Peggau: Apr–Oct, daily 9 am–4 pm, Nov–Mar (by appointment) Guided tours on the hour between 10 am and 3 pm Peggau, T +43/3127/2580, www.lurgrotte.com 17 16

Up-to-date information on bus & train connections: Mobil Zentral TIP: Go for a short walking tour, discovering the five wonders of Reiteregg! T +43/050/678910, www.mobilzentral.at, www.verbundlinie.at www.st-bartholomae.gv.at


Well-known spa resorts around Graz focus on the theme of health – with a wide range of walking and sports activities.

20 St. Radegund Situated just to the north of Graz is St. Radegund, a well-known centre for relaxation on the Schoeckl mountain. During the time of the mon- archy it had already achieved widespread fame for its healthy climate of mild summers and winters. Nowadays St. Radegund has a broad range of health and spa facilities.

Guest information from the Kurkommission St. Radegund St. Radegund, T +43/3132/2301-16, www.radegund.info

21 Lassnitzhöhe The home of health and beauty. Fresh air, a mild climate (550 m above sea level), many hours of sunshine, fresh water and calming wooded landscapes create the perfect environment for the relaxation, recovery and convalescence of guests. Lassnitzhoehe has one of the highest concentrations of facilities in any spa resort with a wide range of health and beauty specialisations.

Tourist Office & Kurkommission Lassnitzhöhe, T +43/3133/2204, www.lassnitzhoehe.at

22 Semriach The mild climate at the healthy altitude of 707 m to 1,445 m makes this wide high valley basin a perfect place for relieving stress and restoring energy levels. The Lurgrotte caves and the Kesselfallklamm ravine are just two of the many relaxing attractions to visit in the area.

Semriach Tourist Office Semriach, T +43/3127/80980-9, www.semriach.at


Up-to-date information on bus & train connections: Mobil Zentral TIP: For a change, why not try riding an Icelandic pony with world T +43/050/678910, www.mobilzentral.at, www.verbundlinie.at champion Piet Hoyos in Semriach? www.piethoyos.at


Wonderful outdoor bathing lakes, fantastic golf courses, well-known bicycle paths – it’s so easy to enjoy sport and relaxation around Graz!


Schwarzl Recreation Centre Thalerhofstr. 85, Unterpremstätten, T+43/3135/53577-0, www.schwarzlsee.at Copacabana Copacabana 1, Kalsdorf, T +43/3135/55385, www.copacabana.at Well Welt Kumberg Seeweg 2, Kumberg, T +43/3132/2475, www.wellwelt.at Thermarium in Hitzendorf Hitzendorf 223, T +43/3137/6177, www.thermarium.hitzendorf.at Tieber Recreation Centre Röthelstein, T +43/676/3426234, www.tfz.at Naturpark Eggersdorf Badstraße 5, 8063 Eggersdorf, T +43/3117/2350, www.eggersdorf-graz.at Frohnleiten Sport & Leisure Park Grazer Str. 20, Frohnleiten, T +43/3126/51190, www.frohnleiten-kg.at/sport Bad Weihermühle Leisure Centre Tallak 59, Eisbach-Rein, T +43/3124/51888, www.gratwein.at Wundschuh Lake (solely for fish-rearing) Kalvarienbergstr. 38, Wundschuh, T +43/699/81324661, www.wundschuhersee.at

Golf The area surrounding Graz has developed into a real Golf-Dorado – with “Farmers golf” as the latest trend. www.farmersgolf.at

Murhof Styrian Golf Club Adriach 53, Frohnleiten, T +43/3126/3010, www.murhof.at Thal Graz Golf Club Windhof 137, Thal, T +43/316/572867, www.grazergolf.at Thalersee Golf Club Windhof 137, Thal, T+43/316/4173344, www.golfclub-thalersee.at Andritz Golf Centre Andritzer Reichsstraße 157, Graz, T +43/316/695800, www.golf-andritz.at Liebenau Golf Club Golfstraße 10, Graz, T +43/316/405520, www.golfclub-liebenau.at Graz-Puntigam City Golf Puntigamerstraße 121, Graz, T +43/316/242100, www.city-golf.at Short-course golf – Golfclub Graz Ost TIP: Graz and surrounding area by bike. The R2 Mur river cycle path and a Ragnitzstraße 163/11, Graz, T +43/699/81228439, www.kurzspielgolf.at network of mountain bike routes. www.bikeculture.at, www.murradweg.com


The Schilcher wine route, the Lipizzaner stud farm and Baernbach are not to be missed: by car it’s just 45 minutes at the most to get here.

23 Piber Lipizzaner Stud Farm The Lipizzaner horses of the are world famous. It is in Piber that they are reared and also where they enjoy their retirement. The stud farm and the impressive castle are definitely worth a visit.

Apr–Oct, Mo –Sun 9.30 am–5 pm, last admission at 4 pm. Guided tours: 10, 11 am, 1, 2, 3, 4 pm. The premises can also be visited without guide! Guided tours for groups of over 20, by appointment. Nov–Mar: guided tours for individuals daily at 11 am and 2 pm Piber, T +43/3144/3323, www.piber.com

24 The Hundertwasser Church in BÄrnbach In Bärnbach stands the Church of St. Barbara, imaginatively redesigned 25 by famous artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, thus creating a spectacu- lar art landmark in the region.

Summer 8 am–6 pm, winter 8 am–5 pm Guided tours by appointment only Bärnbach, T +43/3142/62581, www.baernbach.at

25 Bärnbach Glass Museum At the Stölzle Glass Centre visitors can admire rare objects linked to the theme of glass and glass production. Glass has been made here in TIP Bärnbach since 1805.

Mon–Fri 9 am–5 pm, Sat 9 am–1 pm Guided tours by appointment Bärnbach, T +43/3142/62 950, www.glasmuseum.at

26 St. Josef Theatre This “Theatre Route” experience is unique in Austria – 16 stops spaced over a length of one kilometre with accompanying instructions on signs provide inspiration for some active theatre. Guided tours are available for groups, with an “Acting Diploma” awarded at the end. 24 23

Guided tours by appointment St. Josef 73, T +43/3136/81124, www.theaterdorf.at TIP: Schilcher Wine. Made from blue Wildbacher grapes, this rosé wine is a protected delicacy native only to this region – you should give it a try!


While touring through west Styria don’t forget to look out for the beautiful little farmhouses that line the roads all over this area!

27 Schloss Stainz – the Stainz Steam Train Archduke Johann acquired the dominion of Stainz in 1840. After his death the castle remained the family property of his successors, the Counts of Meran, who still live here today. The Hunting and Agriculture Museums of are housed in Schloss Stainz castle.

Castle: guided tours by appointment. Hunting & Agriculture Museum: Mar–Oct, Tue –Sun 10 am–5 pm Schloss Stainz, T +43/3463/2772-0, www.schloss.stainz.at An attraction in itself: “The Stainz steam train”. The museum railway runs from Stainz to Preding, with Schilcher rosé wine and a traditional snack of bread with bacon spread as refreshment.

May – Oct: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun and public holidays 3 pm Sep, Oct: also Sat, Sun 10 am. Special excursions upon request. T +43/664/9615205, www.stainz.at

28 Deutschlandsberg Castle and Castle Museum In earlier centuries it served as a lofty fortress; today, Deutschlandsberg Castle is a charming, welcoming place of cosy luxury within the ancient stone walls. The castle museum contains a pre- and early history collec- tion, a Celtic exhibition, a collection of weapons and a torture chamber. 28 27

15th Apr – 31st Oct, Tue–Sun and public holidays 10 am – 6 pm Guided tours by prior arrangement. Deutschlandsberg, T +43/3462/5602, www.archeonorico.at

29 Gross St. Florian Fire Brigade Museum Fire and art at the Gross St. Florian Fire Brigade Museum. Cultural delights for all the family. A display charting the technical and social development of the Styrian fire brigades from the 19th century to the present day. Continuous programme of special exhibitions. 27 Mar–Oct, Tue–Sun 10 am–5 pm Groß-St. Florian, T+43/3464/8820, www.feuerwehrmuseum.at

TIP: Pumpkin-seed oil. Find out all about the “black gold of Styria” at the impressive Hartlieb Oil Mill exhibition. www.hartlieb.at


In this stunningly beautiful and utterly romantic area, everything revolves around wine. Many famous wine producers are based here.

30 South Styrian wine route Vineyards as far as the eye can see, idyllic “Buschenschank” rustic taverns blending harmoniously into the hilly landscape, the cutting-edge architecture of many famous wine producers – there’s lots to see and of course even more to taste. Sauvignon, Yellow Muscat, Chardonnay, Pinot and other grape varieties make for a wide variety of wines in Styria. Tourist office: Die Südsteirische Weinstraße www.suedsteirischeweinstrasse.at

31 South Styrian Wineland Nature Park Steeply sloping vineyards, interspersed with meadow orchards, sweet chestnut woods and hop fields, blend to create a unique cultural landscape: wine routes and footpaths are a wonderful way to discover your surroundings. Nature park office: Kaindorf, T +43/3452/71305, www.weinland-stmk.com

32 Gamlitz Castle Wine Museum A comprehensive collection about Styrian wine production, wine seminars and commentated wine tastings in the 450-year-old castle cellars, together with annual special exhibitions, make the wine museum a centre of art and wine culture.

All year round, 9 am–9 pm Guided tours by appointment Gamlitz, T+43/3453/2363, www.melcher.at

33 Silberberg wine discovery path at the College for Viticulture and Winegrowing The wine discovery path at the Silberberg college for viticulture gives you the chance to find out all about Styrian wine – from the vine to the cellar. The roughly 1.5 km-long round trail takes you through steep vineyards via information boards and display objects. (Freely accessible all year round) Kaindorf, T +43/3452/82339, www.silberberg.at TIP: Vinofaktur Genussregal Steiermark. Visit the “gourmet shelf” and select from the wide range of more than 1300 Styrian products on offer. Excellent wines, the finest delicatessen and much more. www.genussregal.at


A visit to the highest vineyards in Europe, to 300-year-old monastery cellars and on the trail of the very first wine producers.

34 Kitzeck Wine museum/Kitzeck At an altitude of 564m above sea level, “Kitzeck” is the highest wine- growing village in Europe. The first Styrian museum of wine production illustrates not only the production and history of wine but also offers a portrait of the region and its people. And on the Demmerkogel you will find the world’s highest “Klapotetz”, the wooden birdscarer that is a traditional landmark of the area.

Museum: Apr–Oct, Mo – Sun 10 am–12 pm and 2 pm–5 pm Out of season by appointment Kitzeck, T +43/3456/3000, www.kitzeck-sausal.at

TIP 35 Seggau Castle Founded by the Archbishops of , Seggau Castle has been in the possession of the Bishops of Graz-Seckau for centuries. Its most spec- tacular attractions are the beautiful Renaissance courtyard with its wall of Roman stone reliefs, the castle chapel, the bell tower and wine cellars dating back over 300 years.

Open all year round, guided tour of castle and cellars including wine tasting, by appointment only Guided tours of castle May–Oct, Sat 2 pm, Sun/public holidays 11 am Leibnitz, T +43/3452/82435-0, www.seggau.com 35 35

36 Flavia Solva – Universalmuseum Joanneum Roman collection Flavia Solva is the best-known and most significant Roman-period site in Styria, and so the presentation of the only “Roman municipium” to lie within today’s Styria is of particular importance. Around 900 archaeological exhibits give a picture of everyday life, the clothes local people wore, their jewellery and how they worshipped their gods.

Open all year round, admission free! Wagna, T +43/3452/71778, www.museum-joanneum.at 36

TIP: What is a “Klapotetz”? A wooden wind-driven wheel that clatters loudly in order to scare the birds away from the vineyards.


South east Styria is the region of interesting theme routes such as the apple route, wine route, castle route and flower route.

37 Riegersburg The 850-year-old Riegersburg castle looms over the landscape from the cliff of a volcanic rock and offers a spectacular view over the gorgeous vineyards of south-east Styria. A modern inclined elevator can take up to 25 passengers to the castle at the top, up 100 metres in just 90 seconds.

Castle: Apr, Oct, 10 am–5 pm, May–Sept, 9 am–5 pm Riegersburg tourist office: Riegersburg, T +43/3153/82131 www.veste-riegersburg.at

38 Kornberg Castle In 1871 the castle was purchased by Count Bardeau, and the estate 37 established over centuries by the family has been maintained thanks to the cultural events and exhibitions staged here.

5th Mar –23rd Dec, 10 am–6 pm Feldbach, T +43/664/4321367, www.schlosskornberg.at

39 Styrian Vinotheque St. Anna/Aigen Situated in the centre of St. Anna am Aigen, the Styrian Vinotheque offers a wonderful and broad selection of Styrian wines.

Mar–Aug, Tue–Sun, 11 am–6.30 pm, Sep–Nov, daily 10 am–5.30 pm St. Anna/Aigen, T +43/3158/2801, www.gesamtsteirische-vinothek.at 40

TIP: “Wine path of the senses” in St.Anna am Aigen. The various points along the way challenge all of the walker’s senses. www.st-anna.at

40 Straden The four churches and steeples of this lofty place of pilgrimage look down over the landscape of south-east Styria. More recently the place has become famous for its popular annual street spectacle – a unique cultural event. The De Merin deli offers gastronomic specialities of the region, as do the numerous “Buschenschank” rustic taverns in the area. 38 39

Straden, T+43/3473/8021, www.straden.at TIP: A chocolate must. Zotter chocolates offer taste adventures beyond comparison. Both the chocolate factory and the “edible zoo” are well worth a visit (closed on Sundays). www.zotter.at


The volcanic region and Alpine meadow country rival one another with their culinary specialities and fabulous landscapes. And the winner is – the visitor! www.vulkanland.at, www.almenland.at

41 Herberstein Castle The Herberstein Castle wildlife and nature park contains a Florentine courtyard, an armoury, historic gardens and a magnificent wildlife park in which even exotic animals can roam as they would in the wild. Castle & zoo: Nov–March: Thu–Sun, public holidays, 10 am–4 pm Apr, Oct: daily 10 am –4 pm, May–Sept: daily 9 am –5 pm St. Johann bei Herberstein, T +43/3176/8825-0, www.herberstein.co.at

42 PÖllau Valley Nature Park Woods, meadows, fields, orchards and historic cultural treasures create a richly varied hilly landscape here. Sample the wonderful local produce at “Buschenschank” rustic taverns and inns. Pöllau, T +43/3335/4210, www.naturpark-poellauertal.at

43 Katerloch / Grasslhöhle Two places of particular natural beauty – deep under the earth: the Kater- loch has the most stalactites and stalagmites of any show cave in Austria. The Grasslhöhle, Austria’s oldest show cave, likewise reveals an under- ground kingdom of dripstones, tufa walls and a huge variety of crystals. KATERLOCH: Visit and guided tour (approx. 2 hours): by appointment Dürntal 10, Weiz, T +43/664/4853420, www.katerloch.at Grasslhoehle: June, July, Aug, daily 10 am–5 pm, May, Sept, each Sat, 41 Sun, public holidays, 10 am–5 pm (guided tour approx. 45 min.) Dürntal 4, T +43/3172/67328, www.grasslhoehle.at

44 Raabklamm The 10km-long large Raabklamm ravine and the 7 km-long smaller ravine are the longest ravines in Austria. They make an ideal walking area for all the family. Kleinsemmering 132, Weiz, T +43/664/73957280, www.raabklamm.at

45 Arzberg Display Mine The display mine experience in Arzberg is the only silver mine still 44 41 ­accessible in the Graz mountain region. Guided tours: 15th Apr–31st Oct, Sat, Sun, public holidays 11 am, 2 pm, TIP: Be sure to book a culinary adventure tour through the “Franz- 4 pm, 1st July–15 Sept also Mon–Fri 2 pm, 1st Nov–14th Apr by appointment Leopold-Stollen” gallery in the silver mine in Arzberg and don’t miss out Gemeindeamt Arzberg, T +43/664/9639640, www.arzberg.at on the delicious Almenland Stollenkäse cheese that is matured in this exceptional setting. www.almenland-stollenkaese.at 28 EAST STYRIA 29 EAST STYRIA

The thermal spa region: not just for healing, but also golf, riding, balloon rides and romantic walks.

A journey to an oasis of relaxation The area between Bad Waltersdorf, Loipersdorf, Bad Blumau, Bad Gleichen­berg and Bad Radkersburg is known as the Styrian thermal spa region. Bubbling up from under the earth of south-east Styria rise hot thermal waters, enriched with volcanic minerals that give them a healing effect.

46 Bad Waltersdorf Thermal Spa – haven of peace and wellbeing Bad Waltersdorf, T +43/3333/500-0, www.heiltherme.at 48

47 H2O Hotel Spa Resort – with the fun factor Bad Waltersdorf, T +43/3333/22144, www.hoteltherme.at

48 Rogner bad Blumau – the Hundertwasser thermal spa Bad Blumau, T +43/3383/5100-0, www.blumau.com

49 Loipersdorf Thermal Spa – experience relaxation Loipersdorf, T +43/3382/8204-0, www.therme.at 49 46

50 Bad Gleichenberg Spa Hotel – life medicine Bad Gleichenberg, T +43/3159/2294-0, www.lifemedicineresort.com

51 Bad Radkersburg Park Spa – the active spa Bad Radkersburg, T +43/3476/2677-0, www.parktherme.at

51 49 52 Nova KÖflach Thermal Spa – feel your soul laughing Situated in west Styria. Köflach, T +43/3144/70100-0, www.novakoeflach.at Tip: Combine a visit to Graz with a couple of hours of relaxation at one of the Styrian thermal spas! www.thermenland.at