Information on credit institutions operating in the Republic of Tajikistan (25.02.2014) Name of the Governors of Address and number of № Name on credit institution credit institution telephone Dushanbe city, Aven.S.Sherozi, Chairman: Rustamov 21 Suyunkhon Shodmonovich Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-53- 1 OJSC “Agroinvestbank” 06; (+992 44) 600-53-07; Acting Chief Accountant: Phone: (+992 37) 236-51-66; Kahhorov Farruh (+992 37) 236-51-70 Furkatovich e-mail:
[email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven. Rudaki, Chairman:Hasan 95/1 Rec. Phone:(+992 37) 221- Asadullozoda 11-09; (+992 44) 600-37-03 2 OJSC “Oriyonbank” Phone:(+992 37) 221-10-19; Chief Accountant:Baqoev (+992 44) 600-37-13 Dilshod Tojidinovich e-mail:
[email protected] Chairman: Norinov Dushanbe city, Lohuti Street, 24 Jamshed Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 221-70- Nurmukhamedovich 81; (+992 44) 600-90-20 3 SSB of RT “Amonatbank” Fax: (+992 44) 600-90-60 Chief Accountant: Qodirov e-mail:
[email protected] Shohimardon Alimardonovich Dushanbe city, Behzod Street, 47 Chairman: Pirzoda Tojidin Gov. Phone: (+992 44) 600-40- 04 4 OJSC “Tojiksodirotbank” Chief Accountant: Rec. Phone: (+992 44) 600-40- Rashidbekov Sarbaland 10; fax: (+992 37) 221-76-69 Tashrifovich Phone: (+992 44) 600-40-05 e-mail:
[email protected] Dushanbe city, Aven. Rudaki, 22 Gov. Phone: (+992 37) 221-57- Chairman: Ziyoev Jamshed 57 Azizovich CJSC TJSC IBRR Rec. Phone: (+992 37) 221-27- 5 “Tajprombank” 20 Chief Accountant: Obidov Phone: (+992 37) 221-72-38, Sohibjon Ibrohimovich fax: (+992 37) 221-25-85 e-mail:
[email protected] Khujand town, Gagarin Street, 135 Chairman: Nosirov Gov.