Partial Deactivation of CAN Nodes Power Saving in CAN Applications
March 2012 B 25361 CAN Newsletter Hardware + Software + Tools + Engineering Partial deactivation of CAN nodes Power saving in CAN applications Energy efficiency Partial networking for road vehicles Solutions for open networks from one source Open CAN-based protocols are the basis of networking in com- mercial vehicles, avionics and industrial control technology. Vector supports you in all development phases of these systems: > Systematic network design with CANoe, ProCANopen and CANeds > Successful implementation with source code for CANopen®, J1939 and more > Efficient configuration, test and extensive analysis with ProCANopen, CANoe and CANalyzer Multifaceted trainings and individual consulting complete our extensive offerings. Thanks to the close interlocking of the Vector tools and the competent support, you will increase the efficiency of your entire development process from design to testing. Further information, application notes and demos: Vector Informatik GmbH *HUPDQ\86$-DSDQ)UDQFH 8.6ZHGHQ&KLQD.RUHD,QGLD A personal review Holger Zeltwanger t was in 1991, at the Sys- In March 1992, we es- letter was released. It was Milestones tems exhibition in Munich tablished the CAN in Auto- a copied newsletter with I(Germany), when several PDWLRQXVHUV·DQGPDQXIDF- just a few pages. Today it 1992: CAN Newsletter companies had introduced WXUHUV·JURXSDVDQRQSURILW is a well-established print- 1992: Joint stand board-level products with association. I was elected ed magazine, and the CAN at Interkama CAN interfaces. I was in as member of the board of Newsletter Online is just in- 1992: CiA 102 those days the editor of the directors and charged to op- troduced. (physical layer) German VME- The CiA or- 1993: CiA 200 bus magazine.
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