Congressional Record—Senate S3851
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May 27, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3851 Proponents of this legislation have Mr. LEE. I fully am amenable to (10) Section 18 of the Act of June 30, 1913 claimed that the Tribe has a unique that, with the RESPECT Act. (38 Stat. 96, chapter 4; 25 U.S.C. 285), is amended by striking the tenth undesignated history with this particular plot of f land—this particular 55.3 acres of paragraph. (11) The Act of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat. 325, land—adjacent to the trust land. But REPEALING EXISTING SUB- STANDARD PROVISIONS ENCOUR- chapter 3504), is amended under the heading from the history shown, the Tribe’s ‘‘COMMISSIONER.’’ under the heading ‘‘I. GEN- interaction with the land is mostly AGING CONCILIATION WITH TRIBES ACT ERAL PROVISIONS.’’ (34 Stat. 328; 25 U.S.C. that they have had friendly neighbors 302) by striking the fourth undesignated with whom they have traded goods. Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, I ask paragraph. As many of my colleagues are aware, unanimous consent that the Senate Mr. SCHATZ. I ask unanimous con- I have great concerns that I have quite proceed to the immediate consider- sent that the motion to reconsider be ation of Calendar No. 53, S. 789. consistently expressed with further ex- considered made and laid upon the panding the Federal Government’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the bill by title. table. management or involvement in public The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lands, including trust lands. The senior assistant legislative clerk read as follows: objection, it is so ordered. Nevertheless, I have been engaging in Mr. SCHATZ. I yield the floor. negotiations, and I have made a num- A bill (S. 789) to repeal certain obsolete ber of good-faith efforts to develop a laws relating to Indians. f possible path forward—one in which There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. ENDLESS FRONTIER ACT— the amount of acreage owned or held in Continued trust by the Federal Government Mr. SCHATZ. I ask unanimous con- would not grow, while taking this land sent that the bill be considered read a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- into trust for the Gila River Indian third time. ator from Michigan. Community. While I continue to nego- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there S. 1260 tiate a path forward, I am not inclined objection? Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, it Without objection, it is so ordered. will come as no surprise to anyone in to abandon this concern. This is a ne- The bill was ordered to be engrossed gotiation that has been in progress. for a third reading and was read the this Chamber that I am extremely That said, with respect to the part of third time. proud to be born and raised in Michi- the request dealing specifically with S. Mr. SCHATZ. I know of no further gan. 789, the RESPECT Act, I am willing to debate on the bill. Our State leads the world in innova- let that go. But if the request is to pass The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there tion. We are the leaders in making both of these by unanimous consent, I is no further debate and the bill having things—furniture, appliances, wind tur- can’t support that, and on that basis, I been read the third time, the question bines and solar components and so object. is, Shall the bill pass? much more, and, of course, we are the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- The bill (S. 789) was passed, as fol- home of the automobile and the auto- tion is heard. lows: motive assembly line and the middle The Senator from Hawaii. S. 789 class of America. Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, a couple Our workers put the world on four of points. On taking 55.3 acres into Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in wheels. They built an economy strong trust, this is not like the Federal Gov- Congress assembled, enough that those same workers could ernment is going to have new land SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. afford to buy one or two or more cars management responsibilities. This is a This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Repealing and trucks that they made. matter of principle for the Senator Existing Substandard Provisions Encour- Yet our Nation faces a stark choice from Utah, and I recognize that; that aging Conciliation with Tribes Act’’ or the right now, and that is why the bill in he thinks, basically, no additional land ‘‘RESPECT Act’’. front of us tonight is so very impor- should be taken into trust, even SEC. 2. REPEAL OF CERTAIN OBSOLETE LAWS RE- LATING TO INDIANS. tant. We can continue to invest in though this government-to-government (1) Section 2080 of the Revised Statutes (25 making things in America or we can relationship—this authority over these U.S.C. 72) is repealed. decide that it is not really worth the government relationships are en- (2) Section 2100 of the Revised Statutes (25 trouble anymore. shrined in the Constitution of the U.S.C. 127) is repealed. We can continue to lead the world in United States and this government-to- (3) Section 2 of the Act of March 3, 1875 (18 the research and development of break- government relationship has already Stat. 449, chapter 132; 25 U.S.C. 128), is re- through technologies or we can allow been established by statutory law and pealed. other countries to surge ahead while the process for putting land into trust (4) The first section of the Act of March 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 424, chapter 132; 25 U.S.C. 129), we tread water. And we can stand with is already a well-established pathway. is amended under the heading ‘‘CHEYENNES our workers on the assembly lines as But what the Senator from Utah is say- AND ARAPAHOES.’’ by striking ‘‘; that the they build the vehicles of the future or ing is no more or we are going to have Secretary of the Interior be authorized to we can watch our plants close, ship our to do a one-for-one swap or even some- withhold, from any tribe of Indians who may jobs overseas, and let our middle class times a two-for-one swap. You cannot hold any captives other than Indians, any wither away—our choice. have a net increase in the acreage, moneys due them from the United States But I would argue that we may have even if it is 53 acres, even if there is an until said captives shall be surrendered to no choice. That is no choice at all. We established process. the lawful authorities of the United States’’. And so, I do find that difficult to (5) Section 2087 of the Revised Statutes (25 know what we need to do. It is time to work with. I know that the Senators U.S.C. 130) is repealed. stand on the side of American manu- (6) Section 3 of the Act of March 3, 1875 (18 facturing, as this bill does. It is time to from Arizona are in discussions with Stat. 449, chapter 132; 25 U.S.C. 137), is re- the Senator from Utah. stand on the side of American inge- pealed. nuity, as this bill does. And it is time We will find our way forward. This is (7) Section 2101 of the Revised Statutes (25 53 acres. It is important, obviously. We U.S.C. 138) is repealed. to stand on the side of American work- are going to enact this legislation. (8) Section 7 of the Act of June 23, 1879 (21 ers and our American middle class. I like the Senator from Utah. We will Stat. 35, chapter 35; 25 U.S.C. 273), is re- It is time to take a stand and invest find a way on this one. pealed. in our shared future and build an econ- But if he would entertain an amend- (9) The first section of the Act of March 3, omy that can compete with anyone, ment to the request, then I would be 1893 (27 Stat. 612, chapter 209), is amended— anywhere, anytime. That is America. pleased to pass the RESPECT Act by (A) under the heading ‘‘MISCELLANEOUS That is what the U.S. Innovation and SUPPORTS.’’ (27 Stat. 628; 25 U.S.C. 283), by Competition Act does. voice vote, if that is something that striking the last 2 undesignated paragraphs; the Senator from Utah would be ame- and One of our first orders of business is nable to. (B) under the heading ‘‘FOR SUPPORT OF to increase our investments in research The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- SCHOOLS.’’ (27 Stat. 635; 25 U.S.C. 283), by and development, and we have no time ator from Utah. striking the second undesignated paragraph. to lose. American R&D spending is VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:30 May 28, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00305 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27MY6.038 S27MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE S3852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 27, 2021 near the lowest point in 60 years—low- Unfortunately, making things has supply chain that can build American est point in 60 years. What else hap- gotten more difficult recently. COVID– products and American jobs in Amer- pened 60 years ago? Well, the first per- 19 exposed the weaknesses in our sup- ican communities. And it is time to en- son flew into space, and he wasn’t an ply chain, and a shortage of semi- sure that American tax dollars are sup- American.