Congressional Record—House H2574

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Congressional Record—House H2574 H2574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2021 Sewell (DelBene) Wilson (FL) Young (Joyce NAYS—208 Ruppersberger Slotkin (Axne) Wilson (SC) Slotkin (Axne) (Hayes) (OH)) (Raskin) Waters (Timmons) Aderholt Gohmert Moolenaar Waters Wilson (SC) Rush (Barraga´ n) Young (Joyce Allen (Barraga´ n) (Timmons) Gonzales, Tony Mooney (Underwood) Wilson (FL) Amodei (OH)) Gonzalez (OH) Moore (AL) Sewell (DelBene) (Hayes) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Armstrong Good (VA) Moore (UT) question is on the resolution. Arrington Gooden (TX) Mullin f Babin Gosar Murphy (NC) The question was taken; and the Bacon Granger Nehls NATIONAL COMMISSION TO INVES- Speaker pro tempore announced that Baird Graves (LA) Newhouse TIGATE THE JANUARY 6 ATTACK the ayes appeared to have it. Balderson Graves (MO) Norman Banks Green (TN) Nunes ON THE UNITED STATES CAP- Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Mr. Speak- Barr Greene (GA) Obernolte ITOL COMPLEX ACT Bentz Griffith er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Owens Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Bergman Grothman Palazzo The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bice (OK) Guest Palmer Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution Biggs Guthrie Pence 409, I call up the bill (H.R. 3233) to es- 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. Bilirakis Hagedorn Perry tablish the National Commission to In- Bishop (NC) Harris Pfluger The vote was taken by electronic de- Boebert Harshbarger Posey vestigate the January 6 Attack on the vice, and there were—yeas 216, nays Bost Hartzler Reed United States Capitol Complex, and for 208, not voting 5, as follows: Brady Hern Reschenthaler other purposes, and ask for its imme- Brooks Herrell Rice (SC) diate consideration. [Roll No. 152] Buchanan Herrera Beutler Rodgers (WA) Buck Hice (GA) The Clerk read the title of the bill. YEAS—216 Rogers (AL) Bucshon Higgins (LA) Rogers (KY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Adams Gonzalez, Ocasio-Cortez Budd Hill Rose ant to House Resolution 409, the bill is Aguilar Vicente Omar Burchett Hinson Rosendale considered read. Allred Gottheimer Pallone Burgess Hollingsworth Rouzer Auchincloss Green, Al (TX) Panetta Calvert Hudson Roy The text of the bill is as follows: Cammack Huizenga Axne Grijalva Pappas Rutherford Carl Issa H.R. 3233 Barraga´ n Harder (CA) Pascrell Salazar Carter (GA) Jackson Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Bass Hayes Payne Scalise Carter (TX) Jacobs (NY) Beatty Higgins (NY) Perlmutter Schweikert resentatives of the United States of America in Cawthorn Johnson (LA) Bera Himes Peters Scott, Austin Congress assembled, Chabot Johnson (OH) Beyer Horsford Phillips Sessions Cheney Johnson (SD) SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Bishop (GA) Houlahan Pingree Simpson Cline Jordan This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National Blumenauer Hoyer Pocan Smith (MO) Cloud Joyce (OH) Commission to Investigate the January 6 At- Blunt Rochester Huffman Porter Smith (NE) Clyde Joyce (PA) Bonamici Jackson Lee Pressley Smith (NJ) tack on the United States Capitol Complex Bourdeaux Jacobs (CA) Cole Katko Price (NC) Smucker Act’’. Bowman Jayapal Comer Keller Quigley Spartz SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION. Boyle, Brendan Jeffries Crawford Kelly (MS) Raskin Stauber F. Johnson (GA) Crenshaw Kelly (PA) There is established in the legislative Rice (NY) Steel Brown Johnson (TX) Curtis Kim (CA) branch the National Commission to Inves- Ross Stefanik Brownley Jones Roybal-Allard Davidson Kinzinger tigate the January 6 Attack on the United Davis, Rodney Kustoff Steil Bush Kahele Ruiz States Capitol Complex (hereafter referred DesJarlais LaHood Steube Bustos Kaptur Ruppersberger to as the ‘‘Commission’’). Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Stewart Butterfield Keating Rush Donalds Lamborn Taylor SEC. 3. PURPOSES. Carbajal Kelly (IL) Ryan ´ Duncan Latta Tenney Consistent with the functions described in Cardenas Khanna Sa´ nchez Dunn LaTurner Thompson (PA) Carson Kildee Sarbanes section 4, the purposes of the Commission Emmer Lesko Tiffany Carter (LA) Kilmer Scanlon are the following: Estes Letlow Timmons Cartwright Kim (NJ) Schakowsky (1) To investigate and report upon the facts Fallon Lucas Turner Case Kind Schiff Feenstra Luetkemeyer Upton and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, Casten Kirkpatrick Schneider Castor (FL) Krishnamoorthi Ferguson Mace Valadao domestic terrorist attack upon the United Schrader Castro (TX) Kuster Fischbach Malliotakis Van Drew States Capitol Complex (hereafter referred Schrier Chu Lamb Fitzgerald Mann Van Duyne to as the ‘‘domestic terrorist attack on the Scott (VA) Cicilline Langevin Fitzpatrick Massie Wagner Capitol’’) and relating to the interference Scott, David Clark (MA) Larsen (WA) Fleischmann Mast Walberg Sewell with the peaceful transfer of power, includ- Clarke (NY) Larson (CT) Fortenberry McCarthy Walorski Sherman ing facts and causes relating to the prepared- Cleaver Lawrence Foxx McCaul Waltz Sherrill ness and response of the United States Cap- Clyburn Lawson (FL) Franklin, C. McClain Weber (TX) Sires Cohen Lee (CA) Scott McClintock Wenstrup itol Police and other Federal, State, and Slotkin Connolly Lee (NV) Fulcher McHenry Westerman local law enforcement in the National Cap- Smith (WA) Cooper Leger Fernandez Gaetz McKinley Williams (TX) itol Region and other instrumentality of Soto Correa Levin (CA) Gallagher Meijer Wilson (SC) government, as well as the influencing fac- Spanberger Costa Levin (MI) Garbarino Meuser Wittman tors that fomented such attack on American Speier Courtney Lieu Garcia (CA) Miller (IL) Womack representative democracy while engaged in a Stanton Gibbs Miller (WV) Young Craig Lofgren constitutional process. Crist Lowenthal Stevens Gimenez Miller-Meeks Zeldin Crow Luria Strickland (2) To examine and evaluate evidence de- Cuellar Lynch Suozzi NOT VOTING—5 veloped by relevant Federal, State, and local Davids (KS) Malinowski Swalwell Garamendi Long Webster (FL) governmental agencies, in a manner that is Davis, Danny K. Maloney, Takano Golden Loudermilk respectful of ongoing law enforcement ac- Dean Carolyn B. Thompson (CA) tivities and investigations regarding the do- DeFazio Maloney, Sean Thompson (MS) Titus mestic terrorist attack upon the Capitol, re- DeGette Manning b 1557 garding the facts and circumstances sur- DeLauro Matsui Tlaib DelBene McBath Tonko So the resolution was agreed to. rounding such terrorist attack and targeted Delgado McCollum Torres (CA) The result of the vote was announced violence and domestic terrorism relevant to Demings McEachin Torres (NY) as above recorded. such terrorist attack. DeSaulnier McGovern Trahan (3) To build upon the investigations of Deutch McNerney Trone A motion to reconsider was laid on other entities and avoid unnecessary dupli- Dingell Meeks Underwood the table. cation by reviewing the findings, conclu- Doggett Meng Vargas MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE sions, and recommendations of other execu- Doyle, Michael Mfume Veasey F. Moore (WI) Vela RESOLUTION 8, 117TH CONGRESS tive branch, congressional, or independent Escobar Morelle Vela´ zquez Allred (Wexton) Deutch (Rice Lowenthal bipartisan or non-partisan commission inves- Eshoo Moulton Wasserman Beatty (NY)) (Beyer) tigations into the domestic terrorist attack Espaillat Mrvan Schultz (Lawrence) Grijalva (Garcı´a McEachin on the Capitol and targeted violence and do- Evans Murphy (FL) Waters Buchanan (Dunn) (IL)) (Wexton) mestic terrorism relevant to such terrorist Fletcher Nadler Watson Coleman Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) McHenry (Banks) attack, including investigations into influ- Foster Napolitano Welch (Gallego) (Jeffries) Mullin (Lucas) encing factors related to such terrorist at- Frankel, Lois Neal Wexton Carter (TX) Kirkpatrick Napolitano Gallego Neguse Wild (Calvert) (Stanton) (Correa) tack. Garcı´a (IL) Newman Williams (GA) Courtney (Hayes) Lawson (FL) Ocasio-Cortez (4) To investigate and report to the Presi- Garcia (TX) Norcross Wilson (FL) Crenshaw (Evans) (Bush) dent and Congress on its findings, conclu- Gomez O’Halleran Yarmuth (Pfluger) Lieu (Beyer) Payne (Pallone) sions, and recommendations for corrective VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:11 May 20, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.021 H19MYPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE May 19, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2575 measures that may include changes in law, Department of the District of Columbia, and subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United policy, procedures, rules, or regulations that other Federal, State, and local law enforce- States Code. could be taken to prevent future acts of tar- ment in the National Capitol Region on or SEC. 6. POWERS OF COMMISSION. geted violence and domestic terrorism, in- before January 6, 2021; and (a) IN GENERAL.— cluding to prevent domestic terrorist at- (3) submit to the President and Congress (1) HEARINGS AND EVIDENCE.—The Commis- tacks against American democratic institu- reports required pursuant to section 10 con- sion or, as delegated by the Chairperson and tions, improve the security posture of the taining such findings, conclusions, and rec- the Vice-Chairperson, any subcommittee or United States Capitol Complex while pre- ommendations, which may include changes member thereof, may, for the purpose of car- serving accessibility of the Capitol Complex in law, policy, procedures, rules, or regula- rying out this Act— for all Americans, and strengthen the secu- tions, to improve the detection, prevention, (A) hold such hearings and sit and act at rity and resilience of the Nation and Amer- preparedness for, and response to targeted such times and places, take such testimony, ican
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