• wOSMO^. J • 'EiteeHoto*.


Member National Editorial AstociaUoa ’ ' Ucmbcjr .... 88th YEAR — 2nd WEEK New Jansy Pr«u Association ' MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1956 Monmouth County Praia JUiootatloo Single Copy Ten Cent* Plans Approved For New Presbyterian Church, Christian Education Building Youths Disorders Nof Appreciated Bar Developers Warning Is sounded *gatHst"THr~epldemtc-of-wln«- Bring Jail Term dow.amaihlnf by Juveniles Till Zoning Comes. by Chief John J. Flood, Court Act* Against Matawan PoHce. The chief Planning Board Act* states that ttie. achool lot en Cliffwood Rowdyism Broad 81. has been nudo ln.Matawan Towmhip Magistrate Luther A. Fos­ avaiiablo to the youngsters A resolution barring "ths ter, Matawan. .Township, yes­ for^l summer recreational classlflcttlloli._iir.: approval":, of ' terday __ acted, to break up a use, but the appreciation of any "malor siOi-dlvlslon” o t __ gang of youthful offenders some~of them has-been most moro than five lots until a *on- Who were reported to have disappointing. ing ordinance Is adopted wa* been causing disturbances and Tho windows of the dis­ approved by the Matawan Interfering with the operations posal plant In back of 'he Township Planning Bonrd last of The Roost, a confectionery B arrett buildings on the moa«- nlilht. HnrqSd Dolan nnd Fred store patronlncd extenslvoly dows alao are marks for Wcimel, mombers proposing by young pcoplo In tho Cllff­ "sneak" attacks, according lt, wero frank to admit reports wood Beach area,, to the chief. The breaking of 1700 h o m es b ein g p ro je c te d out of wlnduwa at tho plant The magistrate took occa­ for the Line Rd.-anti Churoh sion to remind one boy before frees odors Into the atmos­ Bt. area motivated tho notion. phere whloh are offensive to Itccent action takan In Madi­ him ho had given Mr, .Foster nearby householders,...... "back talk" and had been Im­ son Township to check mas* __ ParentN are reminded by pudent when brought to tho building wns called the res* > the chief of their obligation son for this, . . principal’s offleo 'In Matawan In controlling the activities High School. Mr, Foster Is Mayor John Mari, Jr., held. of tlteir children, and are •principal-of—the sohool,^-Tho ^slfedtooooperateto-ntop Uie fenrs of Mr, Wtmaol about court observed tho conditions the wanton window-smash­ thc liinitqr'wet'e exee»8iv(fv:'^ were different now. r ing. - Mr, Wennel believed that - Tho^-boy so addressed was a sohio sections of tho township ltnoss'produced by Trooper shuuld he toned to lot nlses of Scorgo Muccl, Keyport StatO a lull aero to help.support the. Police, in a hearing on an as-, Ceremony At Start tax load and keep down III* sault and battery charge school problem. 'Hs rofesaw a g a in s t J a m e # Z w o ld in g o r, 18, th a t If 1100 h o m e s W ere b u ilt - Salem PI;, Cllffwood, T he Of Work On School at the present lot alias of ISO' youth testifying and n pal by loo foot, the average-town-— face Juvenllo conference oom- Marlboro Board Alio. ship tax would moun t-to '$000 m lttee :oharges“‘fOT the saine bo[oro loo lung, lta warned oaso for which Zweldlnger Grant* Bus Contract* there were already too many was in courtr - Excavation jvofK f6V~~thB sm all JiougeaUfLJ,tiLtMM!!)ili> ; “ Took Ou# • Into Roost----- footing* of th s'n e w oetitral lit relation to the total ratable* plans (or a two-story Pres- The new structure will bs of the building-steering com- Tho defendant was charged school in Wlckatunk started and taxpaying potential* to byterlan church plant at th e erected on the eight-acre Koop- mlttce,* told t h o congregation as having brought a (run Into this week of ter the oftlolal support tho aclioal .poiiulatlon, . corner of Route 34 and Frank- man tract which was purchased that a red brlck-Gcorglaristylo The Roost, on July 5, and tt> groundjirenktng ceremonies "Mayor Mara decried Mr. lln St;,' Matawan, were ap- after the Presbyterian Church plant had been deolded upon havo pointed . it at Leonard were held Tuesday nlwlit. S .J. Wonrsl’i roltei'fttlrig the ta* proved unanimously ■ Mondny on Main St. was destroyed by as most In keeping, with the VanOrden, another youth, and Day Associates, Asbury Park, problem to result front added ' evening at a special congrega- lire oi) bhrlstmpp night, 1955. ; ■ historic tradition of Matawan. son: of the proprietor, Mrs, are bulldlner lhe $200,000 utrito sohool population caused by tlonal .and corporate meeting. Qoorge H. Ritter,, chairman The now churoh, he said, wUI M ar g'n re t VanOrden, Tho ture of 10 rooms, ^ new homes,^Tlio ihfcyor tVer- pointing-, of tho gun w m v e ri­ tied Mr, Wennel'* iilons would Michael Cflne. . vlco-nrejt fied by the testimony of llov reiult'ln-bloeklnii off-all pro'.; erly Soofleld, a girl who was JtMV'of-ttw M»M.“prW««ct Jt gre««.- He also scolfed at the m the store at thc time, nnd Idea Hint Industry should b« th e youthy under Juvenile " ^ of ,! y II, u , Indupod to oonie lulu the town.' charges. board: prosldont. Tlic . school ship lo support the ralnble* boftrd- irminboi's, Rohcrt Senn, Zwcldlnger admitted "hold­ klruoturo for now , hoino-hulld- ing up" the gun but claimed now luperlhtftndent, mid d hm. Tlio mayor snld the lojid- rcpi'esontluivo ot John Mao It was bccauso someone had ers^f IpdiiNtrinl linns wars askod to see It. He admitted William, Metuohen, the arohl well awaro of tlie tax dlffloul- led, wure un hand. After th? ho obtained it nt tho'home Ot (oontlimoiJ^oH puHo four)- the Juvenile apparently with ceremony Uio board held out - anyone's khowledue. He JMi®1 meeting was oonWnood to ' six ' montlii • The bmird -wUt iw alt lovmul arttart TWp.-0(f«r- (continued on pa«e four) pormlssloivJ.by_ leUet to use Acceplad By Mttrx _ c the iU berty Qarago IlaU In M, a r 1 U o ,V o as-»tt .“outside", Vtatawiirv - Townalup " OoW Deposits Increase taom -to-lioua» tive ovovllow ot PjiDlfs from Hobortsvlllo propoiial • fit tlio Itaritnn TowiK Rcjipol, thOD wilt ask. Marl 1). ililp Committee! /or dividing fn Five Area Banks Oarrlson, county ouperlnton- the responsibility for I,lno dent, to inspcot' It a.i to Its H d ,,. a boundary lino street sullabllHy, Mr. Oarrlson re­ between tlieir municipalities. ■ Up $1,487,840 Since cently deollnod to approve tho Mayor John Miub, Jr., said lhe offer of narltan to main­ seat approximately 400 per- May Ereot qfhree-Quarlers Nowjnately 80 feet from Route 34 Report Made A pr;3.0 Amorloun Legion Post Ilall on Itoute 10 as not equipped wllh tain tho rond finni tlie oarilen ..sons, downstairs and in the jtinaj decision whether to nnd 80 feet from Jackson Street, Deposits In the five banks raclllllos neodod tor small Hi-nto raVkway to a point 1780 balcony, at each service. The greet the complete plant or to Off-street parking behind the In this area have Inoreascd ohlldron, ft, miulh of tho center lino of -new church school will ac- ^eiay one-quarter of the project' church, will be aocessible froni $1,487,040, since the lost oall the Now Vork h Long Drench was.answorod on Apr, 10, ac­ IIus Itoulo Contracts commodate 358 children plus unjn a later date will depend Franklin St. ' ' : The board awaltod oontrnots It,H. iiiovldlng Matawan toddlers and babies^ upon returns from the fund- Entrance to the “churcli will cording to figures rclonscd for ’rbwuship maintained It for > the June 30 report. Tho Keans- for six bus routes, bids tor . Cost of the entire plant, ln- raising drive. The greater part Include cloak rooms^v Inside whloh wer? rocolved.: July-3. the balance of It* length to eluding purchase of tlie land, of the cost will be covered by tlie church will be space for a burg National Uank reports Cliurcli - St, was notieplabl* deposits of *0,100,360, which .in (contlMUHl on pngo four) architect’s fees, baslo furnish- $106,600 received from Insur- 34-person choir and a/divided.. nnd "welcome.” , ..... an lnereaso of $033,36'J, ovor The coiittaiit for'repairs of - Ing of the church and partial ance on the former church, plus chancel. Topping the (flant will tlio Apr, 10 listing of $8,173­ bardtoppli\g of an off-street {go ,000 pledged last year ln a b6 a graceful steeple/ Change* Announced At roads under diMe aid wa* 978. , ; Architectural Tile a warded to Manwi Conlrnot< parking area, was estimated at drive for Bf new educational 17 Booms Planned • Socond ln growth during lhe Ing C o ., M a t.a r t it, oven $419,000. Resolutions passed at building, and other (assets of the Seventeen rooms (are planned lost weeks was The Matnwun Harvey BolmUkln, 30 Mon­ though their hid or $il per ton ' tho meeting authorized the church. . 7 ‘ t in thc church plant. These In- , Dank wliloli showed an in­ mouth Ave,, llummi!, has been of patoh liiatellnl wns higher chdrch officers to proceed with -■ Mr., Rltler.?jan d > the v Rev, elude a fellowship n&H that, will ^ | crease of $218,510, ilnoo do- olaote(| presidont of Iho Arolil- th a n tlio $1 bid onlemd hy llio, .?■ construction of the^new- plant Chester A. Oalloway;* pastor; accommodate 400 adultVor that posits went'from $3,080,0:15 on toctiirnt Tiling Cpoipnny, Ino;, Illdls|)ii Asphalt Co,, Wood*, and to arrange fpr a supple- ^ ^ d ^at the new plant will can be used tor youth recrer Apr. 10 to $4,015,448 on Juno Keyport. Annoimoomont of bridge, A nilloago nllow«|ic* mentary fund-raising campaign ^ake fuu advantage of the atlon, - A stage for special _ M.L-, ■ '■ ' sovorul changes in Ihe Inaiiogfl- wns snld to lunko tile Maiwo:. sometime thla fall, ground slope on the new site, events ia included ln tbe plans* Tlte Peoplos National Bank, mont of (lie company wits t^atlo bid more favorable, Ciornrd • • r , . The church entrance will fea- Other rooms ore planned for Keyport, has dopoalts totalUng nl a dlnnor for ouiiorvlsuro nt Ave,, Illglilaml Avo. • n d •> • • ____ ture imposing 1 white columns use as a chapel, choir room, |7,ae0,231, Indicating ah In- Llncroft Inn Monday nlulit, Matnwan rtd, will get first at- . «TT- . . - m m sI and wil! face Route 34. Tho scout room, play joom , class* of $178,101 ovef- the In-nddltlontolIai'veyHclint*- tciitlonVttticoidliig totlionm y* _ -church itself will be 98. feet rooms, offices, Jounge, and k|U„ $7,714,070 reported on Apr. 10, kln being promotnd to pros)' or. ■ • .— •. long and 40 feet wide and the chen. The Rev. Mr. Galloway A total ihcrfluflo in~d8pogits rtentrWilliam Boliatr.kln moved church school will be 192 feet noted, however, that some of of $U3,M0 Is reported by tho from.president to ohall'inan ol Coin Card* Still Outt long and .45 feet wide. The these rooms may have to b« Farmer« and Merchants Na­ tlio board. ••• „ _ ■ ■ . . ■ r church will be situated approxl* (continued on page four) . tional Bank, Matawan. Do* Itosldents having eoln-cnrd*- James Mauro, formerly plnnt fur lhe Matawan Klrtt Aid. posits total $8,0tlJ19, as eonv suporlntendont, wun nppolnted pared with $R,437.0&. on Apr. nnd iiosoue Hquud. Ino., snd assistant U) tho preslrttfiit. Jolm wishing lo rolurn them, are 10...... Hardella, formerly assisCanl Denrease of $19,000 nsked' io eontncl Frank Cor- $lant suiiorlntenileiit, wun lira- (iasco at Malawan l-OOOD-lt, The only bank In tlie area inotoil J/i plant siiperliiUindeiit, t A t * + * A t n s reporting a decnmso In depot* t i H 2< **0‘i ' Tlio changes In tho urgunl/.a. u C m to**** ratir* ' Its waa the Koyport Banking Polio Clinic Tomorrow^ Co. Deposits on Apr. 10 wero tlon followed tho reslgitatlnn of , ' r - $7,200,313, and ou June 30, $7,* ICIIInt Hcliat/.kln as secretary' The Mntawan llaard of . x J . . E 260,123, .ihowlng a decrease of treanurer and gennral ninnugiir of tl|n (imii|iany, Allluiugli IC1 Ifeslth will open, (lie region­ i o n k i d o h. IIB.06& al (illnlo fur Innoulsllon of The five hanks havo total lint Hchnt/.kln linn resigned as children up lo 18 year* ml "7* depoaits of $30,034,800, as all officer of tlio company, 1,0 age and |ire*naiil women, al coinpared with $^8,447,04^'on Will coiitlniio U> he associated Ihe i'ublle Ilrsllh Center, A» tJ L T C IA Apr, 10. In tho county as a closely with the eunipany In 145 llroml Ht., tomorrow, Htf, tlQ VM t C l l A M J m tho capacity of consultant, I‘:i ■ * t o • I I / f i r / whole, the trend for the Apr. from I lo 4 p.in. 10'June 30 period was up Hot Hchiitr.kln will continue ui Children, w It o reeelved ward, reflecting the spring lOprenent Arcliltectural Tiling (lie first Injerllon ef Hslk and summer soaitons, when Company on tlin liunnl of di­ .null •jiello vsnelne before business Increases in tho nrna. rectors of llio Tile Council of June 10511, are ellilble ter 'Hie deposits' reported by America. Ihe second Injection. Those J - FIRST FLOOR banks In the county on June who have not received Ihe 30 wore as follows Enroll In Bluo Cron first Injection m ar **! li All«nhur»t Naltnui) $J4,Mt^»3 Aabury Pitk MaUunil 11,7)4,014 now. Sale Dayt Coming! Ail>ury i ’ir k & . < The Uorough of Matuwsn anil Al lhe June 1$ ollnlo, II Oc«in flrovn ...... 2't,M 1,0^1 Moiimoiitli L'oiitiilinir Corpoi- children wero Inoculated with Promotions Given New Trial Dertied Atlantic fh«hlA»r1» N*tl'y fifa h i ...... B.VKJ.fVW Joint Mtlclkr, liesllh officer, fearce At RCW Pine* Can Go Again fir it Nallon*l, the Keyport Businessmen's ...... l.vn.an The llilid imiIiIIc hearing mi slates. Two Matawan men hav* Association. Judge Edward Ascher an­ yirat National. , the r.onlng ordinance In Mi'll- Children must he aoeom- Vital National, boro Townnlilii will bo held been given key promotions at Merchants will offer many nounced ln Freehold Friday H ittlnt IjIi* ...... o.ini.isi Hitnled by p arrn ls or a guar­ the Raritan Copper Works of bargains to attract buyers to Tru«t ...... Mondny evening nt ,8 o’clock dian. I'arent* are asked not he was denying the motion of KaanaliurS 9 .m . aw nt the Townahlp Ilall, the International Smelting and their storey, and a special ad* K*xt>oit ------7,200,1^(1 to send any child who has a Refining Company, Perth Am* ▼ertlsing section in Tbe Key* Robert V. Carton, Aibury I/ms Mr»nr)» Jl«nhtii| OIM/xH fever or Is fevrrlsh. .boy, a subsidiary of The An­ Park, nttorney for the Pines, IJlrarx Ii Trunt . .... |0,ftVJ,4tfl > Notice The fillnlcs ars staffed bf port Weekly Issue of July 19 Metuchen, a restaurant wltb Mmai'iuaii Matlonal , ...... aconda Company, according will Inform shoppers of the Matawan U«nh ...... 4.U70.4IS The Matawan Havlnifi) anil volunteer phraloans. record to an announcement last week a picnic grove, for a new trial M errnanfs Tri/«l, Kc'l Itan Loan Association opened Its keepers and olher person­ special 'merchandise avail* in which his client was a Joint Haw ianty Trual, - by Thomas K. Graham, man­ able, . l/inir |lran< It ...... books for subscription* to nel, Nurses are recruiter at ager. , defendant with the Hannon- fW ilfi ftallonal, shares In the 94th Heilim on lonal levels. Mere Volun­ Every effort has been made J Van Wlnkle-Munnlng Co., Mat H#a J, f . Cooper. 7 Lakeside HiH^iial, Jled flank 23,1^,1,11]^ June 10th, 11)50, Mubscrlplloiis teers are needtd and ant Dr., general superintendent, by tbe KB A eommlltee to In­ a*van, thst firm's athletic as* > r* 4 ~ * 1 9 r ■ ■ i , i -e • i “ ' H 1 1 sore the success oft these two received until August Jltt, lOOfl person or nurse who wishes has been appointed assistant soclatlon. and Anthony Seber. Notice to help frem I te I p.m.’ to the manager, and Calvin chopping days and to make Morganvllle, A Jury in Judge N.w Vork Turnpike r»pre«, Krlday 1s asked te call Ih* ikem the most •nUtsndlAf of i i . u u (.‘im tlvo llalr Mtyllata, Urood D. Pearce, 29 Lakeside. Dr. Ascher'a court returned a ver 81,. Keyport will be cloied $188 plus Ux round trip lleath Cooler, ■«(■* - metallurgy, has been promo any apetuorcd by the orgaal* d k t of $*000 In favor of the Wednpsilays during Ihe sum­ Krequent Bervlce Convenient The ellnlo le available 4* ted to metallurgist and chief tatlo*. ’ plaintiff. Mrs. Kstelle ‘KJiiv economical For lint* *clwd>il* all persons resldlni la any * Plaa U shop l« %ey- mer months, ' research engineer. tky> Matftn. Keansburg, June wjfpidv 11 oall Keyport T01K Wjtf milalclpalllr In this ar,a. (oonilnued on page four) N rt U aM t i l tcontioued on psee four' bonnet of embroidered organ­ Immesberger. Rbslyn Heights, WEDDING AT ST. JOSEPH’S SATURDAY MARRIED JUNE 30 AT ST. JOSEPH’S dy and nylon tulle, and she ENGAGEMENTS L. I.,' Joseph Immesberger, •THE carried a colonial bouquet of Great, Neck L, I., and Gerald white feathered carnations and ,’Oflnskl * Gilbertson. \ ‘J Immesberger, New - .Milford; daisies.': (■ : ■ Mrl - 'ond Mrs, Olaf G ilbert two brbthers,; Maurice Collins, [MAUWAN JOURNAL son, Matawan, announce the Newark, and Joseph Collins. Miss Dawn Axen, Perth engagement o l their daughter, East Keansburg; seven step­ P » te Two July II, 1958 Amboy, cousin of the bride, Elsie,i to Joseph. T. Oslnskl, children. ■ 30 . grandchildren was the maid of honor. Her non o l Mr. -and Mrs. Martin and three great-grandchildren. ballerlna-length • gown of light Oslnskli .190 Ferry St., New­ A 'solemn 4 high requiem blue nylon tulle over taffeta FUNERAL SERVICES ark. mass was held Tuesday at 10 hod—tt~^trapless bodice over Miss Gilbertson la a flight a.m. at St. Catherine's Church, George F. Burton which sMt wore a matching nurse with Slick Airways, Inc., with the Rev. Tbaddeus J. WoJ- Funeral services were held velvet Jacket. Her headpiece _»Las_made df m atching taffeta Newark. Her fiance Is with clehowskl, officiating. In­ Saturday at 2 p.m. a t . the the New Jersey State Police, terment was In Holy Sepulch­ John J. Ryan Home for Fune­ and jfrlon t/ulle, and she car­ stationed , at the Keyport Bar­ rals, Keansburg-, with the ried a cascade bouquet of yel­ re Cemetery, East Orange, un­ Rev. Qeorge Dey, Middle­ low roses. ' » . racks. . der the direction of the John J. Ryan Home for EMfierals, town, officiating, for Qeorge Itellly-GalUshcr Malcolm R. Tune, Mata Keansburg. F. Burton, 68. Interment was wan, brother of the bride, was Mr. and Mrs. Jam es V. Gal­ In Fair view Cemetery, the best man. lagher, sr., Nevada Ave., East Stanley Grufkos Middletown. Mr. Burton, for­ A'reception followed ln the Keansburg, announce • the en­ Stanley Grufkos, 53, husband merly of Keansburg, died church hall. gagement of their daughter, of Nora (College) Grufkos, 153 Tuesday, July 3. 1950/ at his Miss Madeline Gallagher, to Laurelhurst Dr., Cllffwood —hojne. 111 awnroe St.. Rah- The bride's mother chose light blue silk shantung dress John W. Reilly, son of Mr. Beach, died suddenly at Rlver­ woy.'He w ar a retired too]- and Mra: Janies J..Reilly, At^ maker. wltha-white-hat,-whlte-acces- vlew Hospital on Sunday, July sorles. The bridegroom’s iantlc Highlands, " 8, lOSff. — Jle Is survived by two sons, Miss Gallagher, a graduate Norman and Qeorge, Rah­ mother selected a rose crepe of Red Bank Catholic High He was born ln Newark, son way; two, daughters, Mrs. dress with matching hat, School, Is employed • by Carl of the late .Jo h n and Mary __ Ruth Day, Rahway, and4 Mrs. and white accents. Both wore Wenner, Keyport. Mr. Reilly (Bethlehem) Grufkos. He was l._ Virginia Figard, Metuchen. corsages of white gladioli and was graduated from Atlantic a maintenance man with the pompons. ’ " Highlands High School, and is Royar Crown Cola Company. Walter L. Emmons For their wedding trip to employed by the Jersey Cen­ Newark. • . Funeral services were held the Focono Mountains, Pa., tral Power and Light Com­ Besides his wife, he Is sur­ Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the the bride wore a light blue pany, Keyport. vived by two' sons, Stanley,- W.H. Freeman apd Son Fune­ cotton dress with a white hat, Newark, and Norman, Toms MB., MRS. JOSEPH ANTHONY BANAFATO ral Home, Freehold, for Wal­ white accessories and a cor­ RIchardson-Hlckey River: a daughter. Miss Ber­ Miss Nancy Roberta Orr, pagne color chiffon with gold ter L; Emmons, 73, Route 9, sage of white gladioli. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hic­ nadette Grufkos, at home; one daughter of Mr. and Mrs. brocade, ' and they, carried- Marlboro Township, husband The bride was graduated key, Liberty St., Matawan, an­ brother, Henry Grufkos, Bast Ronald Orr,; ? 8;. Ravine Dr., heart-shaped bouquets of light . of Mrs. Blanche Emmons from Matawan High School ln nounce the engagement of their Orange; ’ three sisters, Mrs. blue California daisies...... H ie Rev. J.A. Robinson, Jr., Matawan, became the bride June, The bridegroom attend­ Alice Klsmarle, North Arling­ of Joseph Anthony Banafato, Lois Papa, Matawan, was pastor of the Methodist ed Keyport High School and Is Church, Englishtown, offlcla- ton; Mrs. Jean Karascuckl. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank the flower girl. Her pale blue, employed as a plumber by the Irvington, and Mrs. Amelia Banafato, 67 Main St., Mata­ organdy floor-length g o w n ted; Interment was ln Hillside Mr. and Mrs. Santo C. ranrera were married Saturday, Arrow Plumbing Company. Cemieteryi Rutherford. June 30, 1956, at St. Joseph's Church* Keyport, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Faches, Newark. .— wan, Saturday, July 7, 1950, was trimmed with gold se­ Bradley Beach. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. In St. Joseph’s quins and a gold sash. She Mr. Emmons died Tuesday, Psntera In the former Mlsa Rose Marie Aquavla, Florence Ave., Keyport. When the couple return from their wedding trip, they They will reside at 222 yesterday at 10 a.m. at the Day Church, Keyport. wore a crown ot mixed daisies July 3, 1056, at bis home. He Maple PI., Keyport.- The Rev. Edward Relssner. and carried a princess basket — was the founder and past will reside temporarily In Keyport, until their new home on Funeral Home, Keyport. "with Stone Rd., Union Beach, Is completed. ' the Rev. Francis Osterstock, Keyport, officiated at the of mixed daisies. s ' .-.JffiMWent of Tri-County Elec- Coleburg - Stllwell Salvatore Banafato was his ' . trie Compa-ny, MiUburst. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Stll­ pastor of the Bayvlew Presby­ double ring ceremony and R., Fair ~Raven, and James and IxTtilsJT (Winkler) Hagen­ terian Church, CllffwoodBeach, celebrated the nuptial mass brother’s best man and ushers Besides his wife, h^ Is sur­ well, Northport, L.I., former­ were Frank Banafato, another vived by a son, Franklin, at locher, be had lived ln Keans­ ly of Matawan, announce the officiating. Interment was in which followed. Miss Loretta F., Keansburg; two brothers, Durante placed traditional brother of. the bridegroom,— home, and a granddaughter. Frederick Bovie, Long Island, burg about 30 years. He was marriage of their daughter, Falrvlew Cemetery, Middle­ t member of the Building town. . - wedding music on the organ .Donald McQuarrle, Joseph and Joseph Bovie, Newark: Charlfltte,1 to Rayriauld Cole- Rizzo, cousin of the bride­ -MT9, William Oborne Trades Employees Union, Lo­ burg, East Northport; L.I., and Mrs. Michael Cox was so­ Funeral services were held four sisters, Mrs. Margaret cal 403. He had been a bor­ Mrs. Rachel M. Rookafellow loist. White satin bows and groom, all of Mcitawan, and Kelly, Maryland: Mrs. Eliza­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Ragnar Norman Segulne, Perth Am----- Saturday .at 0:30 a.m, at the ough employee for six years. Coleburg, on Saturday, June Mrs. Rachel M. Rockafet- white blossoms marked the William S. Anderson Funeral beth DeQeorge, Long Branch; He Is survived by a brother. low, 70, Engllshtown RD 2, pews ln the center alslf. The boy, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Sarah Decker, Atlantic 30, 1958, at 2 p.m. at St. Paul’s Home, Red Bank, for Mrs, Gustave Hagenlocher, New* Lutheran Church, East North­ Millstone Township, died Sun­ altar was decorated w I t h James Banafato, Matawan, JnUaB. Oborne, S3, wife of City, and Mrs. Ella Bennett, ark, and a sister, Mrs. Emma port. ; - .1 ' ' day, July 8; 1956, In the Ivy white daisies, gladioli and cousin of the bridegroom, w as.: Willlani Oborne, 2M Morris Red Bank, and six grandchil­ Ehlinger, Irvington. A reception was h e I d at House Nursing Home, Middle­ palm s.; — the ring bearer. . Ave., Long Branch. A requiem dren, Llnck’s Log Cabin Inn, Cen­ town. She was born In Upper Given ln marriage by her The bride’s mother chose a “ hlglr masr:was held at 10 a,m ter port, L.I. , " Black Eddy, Pa. father, the bride wore a full- French blue crystalette after-,— at' St., James Church, Red Charles Ilagenloch^r - WEDDINGS length gown of Chantilly lace noon dress with a navy, blue * Funeral services were held She Is survived by two sons, . Hank, with the Rt. Rev. Em­ St Ilea - BUarczrk MiUer-Slottcr , Paul N., Engllshtown: Gra- over satin. The bodice had a hat, navy accessories, and an met Monahan officiating. In­ Friday at 2 p.m. for Charles orchid corsage. The bride-, L. Hagenlocher, 67, of 123 Miss Mauvllne Bilarczyk, Miss Elizabeth Jane Slutter, ham-E,, New Monmouth; six sweetheart neckline detailed term ent was ln Bt. Rob*'or MISS BARBARA 3 . HICKEY with _seed pearls, and long groom's mother selected a Raritan Ave., KeansbUrg, at daughter of Mrs. Anna Bilar-. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. grandchildren, and two sis­ •Lima Cemetery, Freehold. .Stanley L. Slutter, sr., too ters, Mrs, Emma Rles, Nor­ pointed sleeves. Two panels of pink tape afternoon dress with the John J. Ryan Home for czyk, 14 Main St„ Matawan, daughter, Barbara Jayne, to *"'• Mrs. Oborne dJed Tuesday, Funerals, Keansburg. The and the late Andrew Bllar­ Central Ave., Union Beach, ristown, fa., and Mrs, Willard pleated nylon tulle trimmed a pink hat and accessories July 3, 1056, at the Francis became the bride of Robert William D. Richardson, spn of Schafer, Milford. . the lace skirt draped to a and an orchid corsage. Rev. Otto Jenke, pastor of the czyk, became the bride of Mr. and-Mrs, Peter V. Rich­ Convalescent Home, .Neptune, First Methodist Church, Carl Stiles, son of Mr. and Edward Miller, son of Mr. Funeral services were held chapel sweep. Her fingertip A wedding breakfast for the after' a , long illness. She was Mrs. Myron Bailey, Beers St., and Mrs. John A. Miller, sr., ardson, 1B2 Ocean. Ave., Lau­ yesterday at 3 p.m. at the tell of Illusion fell from an ac­ bridal party was served Im­ Keansburg, officiated. Inter­ rence Harbor. ■ born In Freehold, the daugh­ m ent was in Fair view Ceme­ Keyport, Sunday, July' 8, 1050, 42 Johnson Lane, Keansburg, Bedle Funeral Home, Key­ cordion. pleated tulle crown mediately after the ceremony - ter of tbe late Henry and De­ at 2 p.m. In the First Baptist Saturday afternoon, July 7, Miss Hickey Is a graduate of port. Interment was ln Maple­ trimmed with seed pearls. at the Magnolia Inn, Freneau, tery, Middletown Township. Mntawan High School, Class of lla*- (Daly) Bovie, and bad Mr. Hagenlocher died sud­ Church, Matawan. The Rev. 1050, In tlie First Methodist wood Cemetery, Freehold. She carried a mother of-pearl and a reception was held at 7 lived most of her life ln this Lawrence Bailey, pastor, offi­ Churc^i, Keansburg. 1955. Shells employed by the prayer book trimmed with lfl- p.m. at the Union Boaoh Fire- denly Tuesday, July 3, 1056, Farmers & Merchants National Alfred O. Jones area. She was a member of when he was stricken while at ciated at the double ring cere­ The pastor, the Rev. Dr. Ot­ les-of-the valley anc);pearl ro­ house, _ . St. James Churoh. mony before an altar decorat­ to C.F, Janke, performed the Bank, Matawan. Alfred Clarence Jones, 60, sary beads., ' For their wedding trip to work as an employee of the Osborn St., Keyport, died Besides her husband, she is Keansburg Street Depart­ ed with white gladolll and ceremony. Traditional wed­ Mr. Richardson graduated Miss Constance Sickles, the Catsklll Mountains. N.Y., „ turvlved by three sons, Wil­ lighted tapers. Mrsv A. Adam ding music was played by from St. Mary’s High School, Saturday, July 7, 1956, at'Al- Matawan, Was the maid of the bride wore a pink princess ment. ’ lenwood' Hospital, Allenwood; liam J., Asbury Park; John I The son of the late Gustave Banke, church organist, ac­ Mrs. Janke. South Amboy, ln 1052. He at­ honor. Her ballerlna-length style silk dress with a white companied Mrs. Victor Fred­ Given in marriage by her tended St. Peter’s College, Jer­ He Is survived by his moth­ Empire gown was of pale hat, white accessories, and a da, soloist. father,1 the bride wore .a street sey City, and Is now a Junior er, Mrs, Nevada Jones, New- blue chiffon. She -wore a corsage of Illles-of-the-valley. ■: KEYPORT GIRL WED SATURDAY Given In marriage by Henry length white lace dress with at Rockhurst College, Kansas land. N.C. . - matching stole and gold tiara The bride was graduated Marvel, Matawan, the bride a matching duster, white hat, City, Mo. He Is a pitcher on Funeral arrangements were trimmed with Iridescent se­ from Matawan^ High Sohool,; wore & waltz-length gown of and a corsage of white roses. the Rockhurst College team. under the direction of the- F.. quins and carried a ; hearts Class of 1956. iTie-,bridegroom Ice blue allk organza. The fit­ Miss Marlene .Huylar, Key­ No dfite has been set for the Leon Harris Funeral Home, shaped bouquet of yellow Cal­ was graduated from Matawan ted tucked., badlcb, waa made port, maid ot tionor. Bhe Yicddlng, , ' ;. ; , . Red Bank. , ...... i ifornia daisies. , ...... High School, Class of l948, with a halter effect ahd was wore i a blue prlnV silk dress Roger Belfiore ,The'■ftttfehdants'jWere Mrs. and" W employed hy' Hanson-', sleeveless. She wore a fafce- with a matching duster. Her Barrington - Szellga — Roger Belfiore, 40, formerly Chirles 'More, Plainfield, Van' Winkle - Mi}nnlna r C{o^ri- length veil which fell from & corsage was of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sze­ of M atawan and Cllffwood, cousin of the bride; Miss Vir­ pany, Matawan. He served crown of Ice blue not, and car Peter Mularcbuk, Keans­ llga, 5 Fifth St., West Keans­ died Monday, July 2, 19W, ln ginia Banafato, sister of the three years ln the UJJ, Army ' rled a white Bible adorned with burg, served as best man. burg, have .announced the en­ Phoenix, Arl*. Born in Mata­ hrldegroom. Miss Cloe Ann and was on ■ duty in Japan a white orchid and stephanotls. A reception was held at the gagement ot their daughter, wan, he was tho son of Mrs. Tourine and Miss Mary and Korea. He li a member Miss Valerie Marvel, Mata­ home of the bride's parents June Claire, to Seaman Dan­ Rosario (Gurclllo) Belfiore, Louise Cartan, all of Mata­ of Knights of Columbus, St. wan, was the maid of honor. following the ceremony, after iel Joseph Harrington, son of .phpenlx, and the late Samuel wan. Their gowns and head­ Joseph Council 3402. She woro a. ballerlna-length which the couple left for Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Har- Belfiore. . ' pieces were styled like the The couple will reside at 71. gown of sheer nylon over'silk motor trip through upper New rlngtpn, 75 Frederick Pl„ Mr. Belfiore was ln the honor attendant's. In cham- Main St., Matawan. taffeta which had a white York State. ... Keansburg, - building supply business. ' background with hand-painted For her daughter's wedding Both Miss Szellga and her Funeral services were held Funeral services were held son of the late Charles and geometric designs ln aqua and Mrs, Slutter selected a blue fiance are graduates of Red Monday at 8:30 a.m. at the silk dress, white accessories Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Beda (Ostberg) Hasselstrom, brown with silver threads. Bank Catholic High School. Bedle, Funeral Home, Key­ Day Funeral Home, Keyport. The fitted bodice had a scoop and a corsage of pink roses. Miss Szllga presently Is em­ A high requiem mass was cel­ who formerly lived in East The bridegroom's mother port. A requiem high-mass was neckline and ,straps over the ployed by the Local Finance held at 10:30 a.m. at St. Jo­ ebrated- at 9 a.m. at St. Jo­ Orange. Mr. Hasselstrom shoulders. She carried a colo­ wore a blue lace dress, white Company, Keyport. Her fiance seph’s Church, Keyporf, with seph’s Church, with the Rev. came to Madison Townshlp.Jh nial bouquet of aqua pompons accessories and a corsage of Is stationed ln Kodiac, Alas­ the . Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, of­ 1946, and made his home with and babies'-breath which pink roses. ‘ ( ka, with the U.S. Navy. officiating. Interm ent was ln ficiating . Interment was ln St. his daughter, Mrs. John L. matched her floral "headpiece. The bride Is a graduate of St. Joseph's Cemetery. Joseph’s Cemetery. ' George Rlnear, Matawan, Keyport High School and Is Chamberlain, Morgan* employed by Builder’s Spe­ OBITUARIES Pallbearers were Daniel Hen­ was best man. Mrs. Raphael 6. Devlin drickson, -John W. Applegate, ville-Cheesequake Rd., Madi­ The bride's mother chose a cialty Company, Keyport. The Mrs. Margaret Mary Dev­ son Township. ; bridegroom attended Middle­ - Leonard Q. Elchhorn lin, 58, ylfe of Raphael C. Dev­ Thomas Welstead, Rensselaer blue lace afternoon-length L. Cartap, Frank Toole, and town Township High School Leonard Q. Elchhorn, 84, lin, -174 Main St., Matawan, He formerly was employed g o w n with a white lmt. white husband of Mrs. Margaret Joseph Baier. for many years as a machine accessories and a corsage of and Is employed by General Motors Corp., Linden, (Herbert), Elchhorn, 27 Waac- operator Jor the Jewelry firm white roses. kaack Ave., Keansburg, died Joseph A. Kennedy of Richardson Manufacturing Tho bridegroom's mother Roblnson-Kruser Monday, July • 9, 1956, at Joseph A. Kennedy, 45, hus­ Company, Newark, t. woro a yellow sheor nylon Mrs. Florenco (Goosley) Kru Rlvervlew Hospital, after band of Ann (Sheehan) Ken­ over taffeta with a white hat, nedy, 3 Frazee Pl„ Keans­ •Besides his daughter, he Is sor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. brief Illness...... survived by two granddaugh— White accessories and a cor­ Andrew ,J. Goosley, 20 West He was born ln Germany burg, died at his home Sun­ sage of white roses. day, July 1, 1956, after he suf­ te rs._ ’ . Front St., Koyport, became tho and had lived ln. Keansburg Funeral services were MBS. NEIL HUGH MoKlNNON A small wedding reception bride of Robert R. Robinson, for 3S years. He retired lh fered an attack while cutting was held at the homo o t the 1941 as a dlesetter. . his lawn. He Was the son of Monday morning at U a.m. at v ‘Die wedding of Miss Bar­ 705 Bayvlew Ave., Union the Bedle FuneraJ . Home, ! ried a cascade bouquet of rub- bridegroom's parents. Beach, son of Mrs, ‘ George Besides his wife, he .Is sur­ the late Joseph and Mary bara Joan Brown, daughter ol For their wedding trip Matawan, with the Rev. Ches* rum lilies and babies'-breath Crawford, Union Beach, and vived by a daughter, Mrs. O’Hare Kennedy. A World M r; and Mrs, Floyd McEl- and the other attendants car­ through the New England War n veteran, Mr. Kennedy ter A. Galloway, pastor, pf the ~ waine Brown, 147 Main St., tho lato Herbert Robinson on Elsie Slefrlnger, Keansburg ried similar bouquets of the States, tho bride wore a white Funeral arrangements are was employed by the New First Presbyterian Churoh, Keyport, to Nell Hugh McKin­ lilies. lace sheath dress with-match­ Sunday, June 24, 1950, at the York Stock Exchange. Matawan, officiating. Inter­ non, son of Mr. and M n. Keyport Reformed Church. The under the direction of the Arthur Axberg, Port Wash­ ing Jacket, light blue hat and John J. Ryan Home for Funer­ Besides his wife, he li sur­ m ent was in Old Tennent Ceme< Nell McKinnon, 1030 Sheridan accessories and a white or­ Rev. Roderiok DeYoung, pas­ tery, Tennent. , ington, L.I., was the best tor, officiated at the double als, Keansburg. vived by a son, Paul, and a Ave., Elizabeth,.. took place man and ushering were Peter chid corsage. ' daughter, Charlene, at'home; Saturday afternoon, July 7 , The bride was graduated ring ceremony. Benjamin O'Keefe Pool B. Ponlseo Standbrldge, Westfield; Rob­ The bride wore a cocktail two brothers, Edward Ken­ Poul B. Poulsen, 51, hus*‘ 1958, at 3:80 o’clock In Calva­ ert Thurber, Rumson, and from Matawan High School, Benjamin O'Keefe, 68, hus- nedy, Long Island, and Harry ry Methodist Church, Keyport, Class

In TOY BASEMENT H. B. TH O M AS Co. BIGGEST BUY OF ALL FINE CARS I , W« Deliver KE 7*2000 Self Service 5 -10 - 25c Store Raritan Garage Bennett's Garage Inc. So. Main S t, Keyport - KE 7-0361 ' Msh Strset, MarMwrt - FR 8-1330 HABDWARE CO. FRONT STREET KEYPORT » • V I r r O N T •TflCtT ofl the groundi Mr*. Mason Baker Ffoed flM tbi upper surface oT th# leaT bad-been' injured ae a result Robert S. B&ker. M pro*. B ui If we *11 play w r relee A STORY FOR would hav« any effect upon by not drinking until od.i be­ of an unavoidable accident | jet Ave.. CHffwood, was giv- ' THE comes of age. And then t* tiem . and tbat she contributed, negli­ in a suspended sentence of "yet b«r« this cbap. W>- gence by walking too close U> six. jnpnths in the county jail practice _ moderation, make plylng the spray material to MATAWAN JOURNAL the legal drinking age 21. and tbe softball* field, where a and fined $110 plus $20 cost* make certain bartenders do the tops of the leaves. He game was rin progress. An a- on charges of assault and toafr wss having himself a good dult.shouUT know the danger, F l i t F o ir July 1*, 1956 not serve minors, the-situation tery, one Against his ?wife, will be, will -In hand.- ...... time using a new gadget, per- Mr, LaMura contended. Judge Marilyn, and a second against TiapsT A r least he was out in simmiirdlsmlssed the suit-on New York legislators would , By Margaret A. Leavy Capt; J; Edgar-Wilkinson an4__ THE MATAWAN JOURNAL do well to follow Gpv. Harri- the fresh air. the assumption of risk in go­ Patrolman William Hyer. It is a good idea to read ing to a picnic where she must township police. The assaiili Established U69 Telephone 7-3030 m an’s plan to raise tbe legal G wen Finds a Pet J Mabel Brown. Publisher drinking* age to 21. It would about the particular materials have known such diverse re­ occurred July 11. Mr/ Baker to control certain pests and - Published •ver^niuredsy at protect the. lives of many New "Aren’t you going to the pat Owen waved goodbye to her creational, activities would be received consideration, accord* Keyport. Monmouth County, N.J. Jifrsey youngsters who now diseases, but for the average carried on. ing to the court, only because By BROWN PUBLISHING AND show today?’’ asked Mother. mother and hurried down the gardener, there are combina­ - !.... PRINTING COMPANY...... fl6ck to the Empire State “No,” said Owen, who waa street. •• Dismissal Appealed he paid $41 to ckpt. Wilkinson r where int-oxica'ting drinks can tions that «rye well. These The dismissal was appealed for a watch lost by the of J . M abeJ B row n - ...... Editor lying In the hammock. “ I “ Hold him carefully so he may be for applying dry, as Gtralilna V Brown .Associate Editor be served anyone aa young as don’t have a pet to bring.” doesn’t/-thrrue petl" , .___ foUowlng bis graduation from redesignated temporarily should sistent with law, that It was CDiffwood, was put on proba­ issue of. this newspaper will be New ~Je>sey appears In a only three-quarters of the plant generally^avorable light in Lehigh University, r-7 Bethle* the result, of bias, prejudice. tion for six months. She ,ajl- : ft'-realityi",. York on Sunday in the latter’s Bradley and demonstrations herd, Pa., as a metallurgical be erected this year. and passion,. and contrary to mltteid to taking a car without the report. Of the 86 munici­ Following the meeting, the It is evident that the churches palities in the region which auto.. ; ■ ; ; . ; b r the arnoed-forces in Phila­ engineer. He also Worked at the weight pf tjie evidence and the consent of the owner June architect began w o r k on de­ was drawzi from an erroneous m this area .feel, the growth in have no toning ordinances, Mr. and Mrs* Joseph Van- delphia oh the Fourth of July Great Falls, Mont,, before be­ 21 and running It oft the road, . population, and also the fact only Mr are In this state, The Brakle. Orand Rapids, Mich,, Harold Ziegler and' ing assigned to the Raritan tailed specifications for the new charge to the jury^ damaging the vehicle. She ad- > That there is & return to "going* report is critical, however, of are guests of the foijjner’s}par­ children^ Richard, Paul, and Copper Works 21 years ago. structure. When these are com* Mr. Carton contended that mitted to having no driver’s - He is a member cf the Amer­ pleted^ the church trustees will the Injury to Mrs. Mason was to-church" in this country. St. the New Jersey law which ac­ ents, M r . and M t s . Jesse Van- Evelyn Ziegler, Matawan. Cpl. license and was denied the John’s Methodist Church in cords a vested right to non­ Brakle, Freneau, - * Charles Ziegler, son of Mrs. ican Institute of Mining and let contracts for the actual con­ .the- resu lts careless handling right to obtain one during the Metallurgical Engineers. struction which is expected to of the bat by Mr. Seber when Keyport is ready to break conforming uses, in contrast Mr. and Mrs; Howard Stry­ Ziegler, was a .member of tbe period of -her probation. ground for its new Christian with. New Vork and Connertl- anti-aircraft unit .taking part Mr. Pearce has been plant begin sometime in the fall. he knew better ancL.that his 1 Tore Up Lawn, Hedge * . ker, Raritan, made & short in those activities. - . client could have no control William R. Mason. 22 Clint­ Education building, , which is cut, which permit the elimina- vJsiV .with Miss J. Mabel metallurgist at the’ Raritan The building-steering commit­ titm.iif non-conforming uses af­ Mr. and Mrs. Conove/ Bur­ Copper Works ior eight years. tee's presentation was a -con­ over this. The negligence oi on St.. Matawan. .was fined .. needed badly, and the grace Brown on S aturday o K th elr Mr. geber In handling the bat ''M ethodist C hurch" hr^TTiiion ter specified periods..—* ___ way- ldown_ to. Occan. w ove, lew, Jr., • GreensvJJI^ . B.C.. He received a . Bachelor of tinue lion of a report made to $10 and f5 costs for running are“tbe parents-o i- a-daughter Arts Degree in Chemistry the congregation on . Mar set in motion the forces that off the road on I^ower Main. Beach will start erection o! its The report warnB against an the summer home of Mrs. resulted in Its flying into the new building in the near future. Stryker’s parents. Mrs. Stry­ born Friday, July 5i 1946. The from the University of Mont­ when it was decided to relocate St. July 3 and tearing up IawnT~ abuse of zoning. It does not lace ot Mrs. Mason and iif- and hedge with his auto at - , churches in the a-rea to- approve "the practice of emr ker was formerly Miss Almii baby, who y e i g h e d five ana in 19?S, attended-the New the First Presbyterian Church pounds, nine ounces,lias'been Mexico School oi Mines in on the Koopman tract and to juring her, in Mr.. Carton’e o- the residence of* Joseph and' I , day have. two_seTviceB on Sun­ ploying zoning to exclude from L. Smith. • .v pinlon. * . - . day" inste^d ol one.T his is, & a .municipality a use which It >lre- Qeorge.M-vOJRTris en* named Candace. Mr. Burlew 1034-35. and received hlB Mas- sell;{he former church proper­ James Ammaturo. Patrolman tertained a number of her is the sbn'Jof D r. fttfd Con­ tet^of Artsvt>egf*e Jh Metal­ ty on Main St. .The: Rev. Mr'. M r. LaMura .replied,tbat. tbe John* - Kinnane.ir.lownsbip - po-* . pood sign, and shows that mo;e does not want. :but which In /'original- source” of the neg­ Mce.t look. him. into* custody. . . ' thought is being given ahd fairness lt ought to accommo­ friends' at tea -la&t Thursday over Burlew,‘Matawan. • lurgy ; at Stevens Institute of Qnlloway and Lawrence W. Le- Rene L. Cartan spent the Technology in 19M. ligence that resulted ln injury Keyport State Police * ar­ stress placed on the basic reo* date." Barring apartment, Bfternoon in honor of her cou­ maire, president of the board to Mrs. Mason was tbe failure sin, Mrs. Harold G. Smith, weekend in Rehoboth Beach, He started work with Ana­ of trustees, presided at the raigned Santo Barbetta, -Lo­ ison for which this country was two-family and 'low-cost one- of the Pines. Inc., as-proprie­ cust St.. C]if(W)od. for ex­ founded. family dwellings is denounced New York, who Is stopping Del., returning Monday with conda In 1920 at Anaconda. meeting on Monday night. Mont., and also spent several tors of the picnic grounds, to cessive speed on Route 35 on ‘‘Freedom of religion” is as a “ shirking of responsibil­ With her parents at Keyport his wife and daughter. Ann. George D. Savage, Philadelphia have proper surveillance by in the absence of her husband who had been vacationing years at Anaconda’s copper June 25 and Grady Dudley, al­ something ior which many men ity." On the other hand, the archietect, answered technical special officers or police to so of Cliffwood, for passing a have fought and died. -It is a report endorses restrictions who Is with the 7th Regiment there. mines and operations in Chile, u e s t i o n s nbout the plans; keep persons on the grounds now serving on the border. South America. Mr. Pearce stop sign. Each paid $10 and freedom to be cherished and designed to gear the rate of --Miss Marion Todd, a junior Wreckage of the o 1 d church out of areas .where there was $5 costs. The boss barbers of M ata­ is a member of the American one In which every individual growth to local capacity for a t ' Gettysburg 'College, is plant-is being torn dWn to the hazard of accident and to-have Donald Glelchman. Beech- expanding utilities and wan and Keyport m et Bunday spending the summer vacation Institute of Mining and Met­ floor level. these areas roped off. should take an active part. allurgical Engineers, the New wood Terr., Matawan. and "W e extend our beat wishes to schools. afternoon in XOl. Dietrich’s with her parents^ Mr. and Mrs. During the meeting on Mon­ Lawrence Carton, Mr. O’- shop, Keyport, and organized Jersey Society of Professional EJugene Nareitko, Sayreville, the churches ln this area that Zoning is a word that may E. Murray Todd. , day, the pastor told the congre­ Hagan and Mr. Currie con­ each were fined $15 for dis­ boss barbers* association Engineers, the Nevada Socie­ gation that since the fire nearly tended there was no bias, pre­ p ie starting a building pro* sound dull, but,“as the report Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ty of Professional Engineers charging firecrackers July 4, shows, It embraces a process George Heuser, Matawan, was Wenzel, and children. Gaston $10,000 in gifts had been re­ judice or passion as the Jury gram^ an d hope. these plans elected president. The follow­ and Mt. Zion Lodge 135 John Blordy, Jersey City, was will be carried out as quickly which can, if carried out wise­ Ave., spent the Fourth oi July F&AM. ceived from churches, organi­ had the evidence before it. fined $5 for causing a.-distur­ ing price* were adopted: Hair- They fount* there could be no a® possible. ly, insure a municipality's fu­ cutting, 25c; shaving, 15c. In New York City. In ihe zations and Individuals through­ bance at the» Cat’N 'Kiddle ture or, it administered with morning they attended a per­ erroneous charge to the jury Harold 8. Close, Matawan out ihe country. Restaurant. Cliffwood. J u l.y . TOO YOUNG TO DRINK favoritism, or indiffer­ formance at Radio City, and Serving on the building-steer­ in the •»ourt,8 directive that 10. ‘ ' was notified Friday that he in the afternoon they visited Ceremony At Start the underlying negligence re­ ence, can destroy it. The sub­ had successfully passed the re­ ing committee with Mr.. Ritter Magistrate Foster dismissed (Long Branch Daily Record) ject merits closer study by the the Zoo;J . ' (.Continued from page one) are: Miss J. Mabel Brown, Sam sulting Jn the accident be de­ with a reprimand complaints *N e w Jersey's teen-agers, cent State Examinations for Mrs. Robert Erdmann, stu­ termined. — ... public admission as an attorney-at- Successful bidders were Mrs. W. CldVk, Jac A. Cushman against Ruth Utter and Viola who have a yen for beer and dent nurse, has returned to Jane Jamison, Route 1, J-32S9; Fred Mauer, Mrs. Thomas Smith, Salem Fl.-.- Cliflwood, whiskey, find New York a ha­ law. Mr. Close will take Mt. Sinai Hospital. Newark, short vacation and ihen deter Henr y Hflnaway, Route 3 Stames, Mr, Lemalre, E. L filed by June E, Dombrowskl, . ven where intoxicating thirst- COMMUNICATION after enjoying a three - week $2844: MlchaeT^George, Routes West, the pastor, Melville Ins- Youths Disorders Cliffwood. alleging foul and - ijuenchers can be obtnined. mine where he will hang out vacation with her parents, Mr, his shingle. . 4 and 8. total bid $2SG0. and ley, and Vernon Beyer. abusive language and one al­ Laws governing drinking in To the Editor: and Mrs. John Tansey. Wllmer Kilcomins, Route 5 (continued from page one) The next public hearing' on in the county Jail with $10 leging assault to Violet Sucher, -the-Empire .State permit the : Twenty?Flve_Ye»r*_Ago Alfonso Scalzo, seaman first $2340 and Route 7, $2660. Perth Amboy.^ ■ • ■ . ' celling, of such beverages to lhe_subject"6f'itonlng for Marl­ claVsT USNR, was honorably line. He also was_rem)nded^v boro Township will be held on (Issue Friday, July 10. 1931 > 'Routes 2 and 6 will be re New Trial Denied Magistrate Foster a charge of anyone 18 years of age.while Announcement of the en discharged from service at Li­ advertised and bids on them LEGAL NOTICE Jersey laws state one must be Monday, at 8 p.m. In the town do Beach. L.I., and returned carrying a concealed weapon hall In Marlboro. This will be gngement of. Miss Margnret- will be received at the board's (continued from page one) would be withheld for possible MONMOUTH COlJVTY 21. to his home on Highlleld Ave., SURROGATE'S COURT . ta Schcnck, daughter of Mrs Aug. 1 meeting at the Roberts 10, in a retrial before Judge action during the allowable . .The situation has become a the third public hearing be­ Tunis R. Schanck nnd Law Sunday...... NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRR. fore the Zoning Board on this ville School. Bids of $3900 for Ascher directed by the Appel two years. The defendant had SENT CIJUMS AGAINST ESTATE T ta l problem, one which has rcnce Lemaire,., son of Mr Mrs. William M. Ackerjon, each of the routes were re late Division of the Superior ESTATE OF JOHN LAVIGNE, already cost the lives of mrtny subject. J Holmdel Kd., Hazlet, enter­ been \inder $2000 bail. ceased. . _ - f' and Mrs. L.A. LemaJre, was ceived July 3 but the board Court and confirmed by the - Pursuant to (he order of EDWARD teeners returning home after . Thla Ib probably the' most made at luncheon Saturdny tained at a dessert bridge at Mrs. VanOrden thanked the deolded Tuesday night they Sjtate Supreme Court. court for Its action. She said C. BROEGE. -Surrogate* of the.Coun- an evening of beer-drinking in important issue which we, the during the weekend house pnr- her home Wednesday after­ were too high. Mr. Carton now has the op­ ty of Monmouth, this day made on New York. It's so Serious that residents of the township, will that she hnd become so dis­ Ihe application of the underefgntd. ty given by Mias Schcnck and noon, Jujy 3. Mrs. Arthur Van Mrs. Ruth Baggitt, Prince tion of carrying the case back J e r k E. Lavigne, Administrator or Oov. H aniinan wants h 1 s decide for some time to come. Busklrk, Mrs. William Hitch couraged over the actions of the estate of the laid John Lavlcne,... Mlsd Natalie Smith at the ton, was hired to teacb at the to the Appellate Division of the- youths at her place of fctate to rtfls* the drinking age 1 feci that the type of ordin­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin cock, Mrs. Harvey Bronner, Robertsville School next year the Superior Court and to the deceased, notice Is hereby given lo . to 21. business she was selling Out the crcdiiors or caid deceased lo pre- - ance we finally decide upon Dominiok, ~~ and1 Mrs. Norman Lockwood at a salary of $3600. Supreme Court again. «ni to the said administrator Inair... Whiskey and gasoline never will determine the rate of were winners at bridge. if possible. She clalmcd to clslmi under oalh within six months Miss Rose Jgbstak, daugh Tlie suit originally was In iro m this date. did *hiix even for adults, but growth of the township and ter of Mr. arid^-MVs. Anthony have been the subject of spite­ the amount of $50,000 and ful actions like thefts of huh. D ated : J u ly 2nd. 1DM. ' ...... tbe concoction fn the blood of the character of the township Kostak, 18 Gaston St., Mata Bar Developers grew out of an accident alle­ Jack E. Lavlane, - a teen-ager serves no purpose for the future. There is no wan Townsfolk, became the caps from her car in addition c/o General Delivery, - YOUR’ , gedly sustained by the plain­ to be' subjected to abusive and Keyport. N. I, • . olher than to breed trouble doubt that the final decision (Continued From Page One) Messrs. Wise it Wise, bride of Frederick Wenzel tiff when she was. a guest at unruly talk and action when for a great many people, In will have far reaching effects son of Mrs, Joseph LaMura ties Into which their compan an employees picnic of the 64- Droad Street, - ■ eluding those who. have seen on the community. les might fall by letting them she had ./sought to make the Red Bank, N. jr. . Morganville, at a pretty wed Hanson-Van Winkle Munnlng ones misbehaving leave. A tto rn ey s. ihe final results add up to a It is the obligation of each ding in St. Joseph's Church selves be used for this pur­ Co., held at the Pines grounds ia« f)3 .M ...... plot in a cemetery. of us to become ncquaintcd Keyport. ' pose. He asked (tnitv the ap Aug. 15, 1953. She was New Jersey's Division of Al­ with all sides of this import­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul E«nn proach be made oh a basis of struck by a softball bat, ac­ cohol Beverage Control con­ ant matter. Since this is our New York, were weekend Uie homes carrying as much cording to the original papers tinues to penalise those tavefn last opportunity to participate guests of the'former's parents by Charles H. Connors of the burden they created as In the suit, which slipped from . . M l owners who are found guilty In a public discussion of this TIPS Mr, and Mrs. Philip Egan. Rutgers University practical. the hands of Mr. Seber, and FISHINC3 TACKLE of selling Intoxicating bever­ m atter before a Zoning Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Car Will Be Self-SuHtalnlng, flew 90 feet through the air ages to youngsters, but itlll It Board,. ! would like to urge tan attended the wedding on The other day I watched The mayor promised that If striking Mrs. Mason in the continues. There Is much to all residents of the township Sunday of Mrs, Cartan's sis man spraying in! his garden. plans now being formulated face. Sh.* was standing 15 feet be said on both sides. to attend the meeting. ter, Miss Ell7.nbeth Collernn, He was using one ot the new­ develop as hope'd, the 1700 inside the foul, line and 30 feet For instance, must a tavern (Signed) in Atlantic Highlands. ly-developed gadgets t h homes in the Church St. area beyond first base. owner suffer alone for a teen­ John P. Tergis Robert Voorhees, jr., return­ hooks up to the hose. When or any other home develop Started fn SlmmiU’c Court ager who lied about his age ed home Friday, after having the Up Is turned on, the ment ln Uie township, can be The case was started in the for a drink or a youngster spent two weeks at Cnmp Oc- spvay material comes from Advanced on a basis whereby court of County Judge Elvin who enrrjed false Idenliflca- kanlckon. the hose for application to the they will be self-sustaining R. Slinmlll by William J. O’- 1 Uon? We iliink the teener Looking Backward Mlsa Isabel Kggleatoh, Ma­ plants. Mr. Weneel was skeptical Hagan, Asbury Park, and Nor­ should l>e meted a stiff penfjl;. tawan,. a n d Miss Ruth C. Some of these work well He noted the average Increase man J. Currie. Keyport, as U- ITKMS ABOUT FOLKS AND Gaub. R.F.D. No. 1, daughter and some not.so well, depend­ ln population in the < United torneys for the plaintiffs. In On the other h&nd, If the THINGS WE KNEW IN ot Jncob Gaub, have been ac­ ing on water system pressure. States was two per cent. Thus their presentment, these attor­ bartender Is thoughtless when TIIE LONG AGO cepted for admission to the However, that is not the par- he w'antcd to know how a com neys put on thr stand Frank patrons request a quick one, freshman class of New Je r­ tlcuiar point in this case. munlty could endure one so Zainpeilo, Keyport High he must be lmnded out penal­ sey College for Women. The man was spraying rho­ far away from the national School coach, and Raymond ties ns stiff, perhaps harsher, Forty Yeara Ago Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robin­ dodendrons, among olher average aa 100 per cent at one Thorne, Keansburg, a veteran than the youth or young girl (Issue Thursday, July 13, 1016) son and son, Harold, Jr., left things. It happened to be In time. He admitted that the tax softball player, to show the ^ho lies about his or her age. A nine - foot man eating Tuesday by automobile for a season when a particular Jump Jn Sayreville proved the gnme at the Munnlng picnic Attempts are still being shark fwas osught by Herman their home in Opa-Locka, Fla., type of sucking lnscct might folly of believing industry had not been conducted unde made tq. .bring buck prohibi­ Tarnow, Belford, Tues­ be working on the foliage of could be looked upon a conditions best for safety. Two tion,* on 'tyjcomplishment that after a three weeks’ visit with day. Some people are under Mrs, Robinson's parents, Dr. rhododendrons, azaleas, and endless source of ratablos to physicians testified as to the would serve no purpose other iho Impression that the waters and Mrs. L.E, Dayix. possibly, nndromecdas. sustain mass home building painful nature of the wounds than to bring back the speak* in this section are not* warm This type of Insect, known Mr. Dolnn reported he had sustained by Mrs. Ma^on in easy era. Mlsa Berntce W. Brown en­ enough for sharks, but it must tertained the Tuesday Even­ as Ince bug, sucks Juices from heard that the Zurman Inter tiie accident. be realised that the Gulf ing Bridge Club this week. the undersides of leaves, .caus­ ests were prepared to come Lawrence Carton, Middle Stream is coming nearer and Miss Margaret . Devlin and ing them to become muCile^ .Into the township and locate town, represented the Mun­ nearer to this coast. Mrs. Harry Stonaker received grayish-green at first. This is ^700 homes tn the $12,000-$13 nlng firm and Lheir athlctic Mrs. Joel A. Walling Is vis­ prizes foi;4*JKh scarps. due lo the iteslructton uf w)G class on the lot sites as association^, Robert LaMura iting her son, Albert Walling, chlorophyll, the .Mrt-Ben''’ color now* npcclfled. Mayor Mara re­ Matawan, actf<^ for Mr. Seber Roselle Park, Ten Years Age Ing m atter in the leaved, fused to grant, if this were who was not present at the Mr. and Mrs. ^Atigust Kai- tln fiu h 'f(iuf*da.v, July Th*®e Jn*ecl* always -;TjMi irije. thal it would bring dls- trial. “Th»f» tht but,bait »» «ver offered in our tner. and bone; Klmorr njid Among‘ (hose who witnessed on undersides of leavefc. jisier to the degree Mr. Wen* The defence attdi’niy&tyww W»nt Ad — you'rt Ihe fourth l>)tc tod**!” ON BUSYSTREBT August, Jr., motored 1«> New the Parade led by Oen. Omar amount of potaon applied to tel ftartd. ft! for dismissal Feb. M, ltl$5. Browntown 4-Hers AUXILIARY PRESENTS BOAT TO FIRST AID SQUAD Vivien Owens Feted; THE i Plain Fair; Items Morganville News Church Directory MATAWAN JOURNAI " The Browntown 4-H Sodhop- Miss Vivlert Owfeha, Mor^an- ' First Church of Christ, : tietttaemahe l.«therafi Churoh July 12, 1056 Page Flva pers helcf their business meek ville, was given an outdoor : Scientist , ■ Maple t*l„ Kay port . . In? Tuesday at the home of birthday party Saturday aft* 84 BroaflSt.j Keyporl Rev. Frederic!’Bboi,’pastor Leader Fred Gaub. A discus erhoon ln celebration''of her tiutiday s e ’r-v, < o>V U . a'.m There‘ art two service* on seventh birthday. Colored bal­ At Fort Knox • ( sion was held on the 4-H-fair Sunday School. 11 a.m . Wed­ Sunday; matins at 8:30 a.m loons were . strung .around' the: nesday. testimonial meeting S and ths regular servlcest 11 scheduled f r _ August. “ Mr yard. Those present were p.m Reading room open Wed­ clock. Sunday School begins Gaub and Vincent Maccia Barbara Anne a h d Christine nesday 3 to 4 p.m. a: 11:45 a.m. served refreshments. FenecKen. Jersey City; Teresa How sptrltuul understanding Cllffwood Community Those attending were Rob* Walling, Joyce Schnleder, Shar­ of God ns .divine Life brings on and Karen Ilourihan, Increased strength and useful­ Methodist Churoh , ert Faust, James and William Rev Richard Yhussy. Pastor Arace, Ronnie Gaub, Vincent Lynn and Christine' Anne ness will be brought out at Maccia, George Newman, Smith, Muriel Crocker, Mur­ Christian Sclenco services this Sunday morning worship Is * Robert and Michael Cather- iel Cottrell, Sandra Kudrlck, Sunday. Scriptural readings ln at 9 a.m.; church school nt 0:45 wood. • . - ' Jeanne Seber, Patti Konowa- the lesson-scrmon on "Life" a.m.: and the evening servlco low, Donald Miller. Jr.. Ed* _ # ,A shop meeting was.held will Include tho following from at 8 o’clock. ward Stout, Robert Seber, Psalms (66.8.9): “O blcas our Prayer and Dlble Bludy Is July 3, at the home of Leader III, Martin Smith, III, Theo­ Olaf Gilbertson. The 4-Hers Ood, ye people, and make the held Wednesday 'evenings at dore Pollchak, Mrs. Donald voice of his praise to Ue 1:30 o'olock. were taught how to cut wood Miller, Mrs. Robert Seber. molding. • heard: Which holdeth our soul Jr., and Steven, Elizabeth and ln life, and sufrereth not our Trinity episcopal Church Ronald Owens, all of Morgan- feet. to-be moved;"------' Slain HI.. Matawau On Sunday Winston Tolley’s v ille .- \ Rev. Bernard McK Garllck bioUlcr, win) Is a student at Among the selections to be . Rector read from “Science and Bob Jones University, Green­ Mrs. William Smith, jr., left, president of the Matawan First Aid Squad Auxiliary during Carol Heffner, ^daughter of Holy Eucharist on Sunday „vllle, S, C„ will lead the serv­ 1955. Is shown above presenting the b(U*of*8ale for an aluminum boat to Joseph Farrell, right, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heff­ Health with Key to the Scrip captain of tW First Aid and Rescue Squad during 1955. The boat, pictured In the background, tufes” by Mary Baker Eddy la at 0 a.m., with ll\e Rev, ices at the Browntown Union ner, has returned' home from WUllam White as celebrant. Sunday School. Everyone Is cost $400 and will be used by the squad for rescue work on the lakes In Mstawin. ’ Is tho following (187:27): The In the case of ao emergency four people oan be taken.care of In the boat, whloh'has a the New jersey Orthopedic Invited to attend. Services are Hospital, Orange. understanding that Life Is First Methodist Churoh from 9:15. to 10:45 a.m. seating-capacity of six. It can be equipped with an outboard motor In .the future. God, Spirit, lengthens o u r Main St., Matawan Cosmo Santaccoce, Hoboken, days by strengthening o u r Mrs. Barth Gaub, who has died July 1, .1956. He Is the Rev. Albert D. Curry. Pastor o n o n a r . iiic k h been a surgical patient at St. trust' ln the deathless reality father of Mrs. Lucy Falco, of Life, Its almlghtlness and Sunday School begins nt Peter’s Hospital, New Bruns- Morganville. . Oeorge Hicks, son of Mr, immortality 0:45 a.m. under the direction ■ wick, returned home Monday. Miss Eileen Sweeny, daugh­ of Howard A. Henderson, su­ nnd Mrs, Oeorge II. Hicks, 01 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ter ot Mr. and Mrs. John The Golden Test Is from perintendent. At lhe 11 o’clock lUvlnr Dr,, Matawaii, gradu­ Rakacs and daughters, Cran­ Sweeny. Texas Rd., Is spend­ John (5:20): "A* the Father worship service,' the sermon ate of Matnwan High School,' ford, were Saturday afternoon ing a few days visiting her lmth life In himself; so hath subject of tho pastor will be Class of 1059, who enlisted In visitors of Mrs. Susan Soney, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs he given to the Son to have “What Is Your Specially?" the Signal Corps branch ol the Browntown. . ... Brief Item s about People You K now William Rlnglelb. , life In him self."' U.8. Army. Reserves tn tlv* David's Emmanuel TajJernaclc . Miss Mabel Ackens, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Albert" Taber First Christian Cliurch fall of 1055, left Saturday tor Amy Ackens, ahd Lloyd and children, Patricia, Fran­ Apostolic Faith Fort Knox, Ky., for s i x Farrington Rd.. Cheesequake Roosevelt Ave,, Clllfwood Grlmstead, Metuchen, were ces, Thomas, and Kenneth; Mrs Elizabeth Schmitt, Pastor months of basic training on - recent visitors at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chrls-i Miss Frieda Howard, Sea- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pike Mr. & Mrs. William Thompson. Rev. Ruth Dupree. Pastor active duty. , ■ ahd children, Diana, Barbara Sunday School la at 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Oaub. tensen, Netcong, have 'return­ tord, Del., Is visiting Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitts and a.m , and the evening worship Tomorrow svenlng at B On Thursday Mr. and Mrs, The Misses Ann and Arlene ed home after spending the and Allan, are vacationing at son, Bobby, and Miss Judy o’clock the Junior choir of tho Hicks entertained at a dinner Mrs. Renesselaer L. Cartan. Lake Ocblwota, N.Y. service at 7:30 o'clock. i Molnar, Browntown, and the weekend as the guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Plosky, all of Morganville; second Baptist Church. Mata­ party for tlielr son. Those at^_ Misses JoAnn and Betty Rae Mrs. Conrad Johannsen en If anyone is sick, ha Is urg­ wan, will present a- program. tending were Mini Nanoy Tlb- Christensen’s brother.- In - law Kerney, Warwick, N.Y., were Mr. and Mrs. Walter ^Thom­ Cusick, spent Tuesday, at Sea tertalned at bridge Thursday son and son, Qlen, Mrs. Wal­ ed IS call the pastor who will Sunday School Is at 10 a.m.; belts, Keyport; Mra. Kllen Bright. ' and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ weekend guests of Mr. and afternoon when the prize win­ ter Thomson ‘and children, visit the person and offer the morning worship nt 11 Fosler, Mrs. Ann Blonla, Mis. ard JTeague, Ravine Dr. Mrs. Allan J. Morrison. ners were Mrs. George a as Paul. Rita. Anita, Gene, Miss prayer. ' o’clock and the evening ser­ Rthel Cloughly, Mrs. Christina Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas kell, Mrs. Frank H. Bliss, and Arace and Son, James, enjoy­ Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Pike Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Dot Thomson, and Cheryl and The Rev. Oral Roberta Is on vice at 7:30 p.m. . Fealer, Long Branch, and Mr, the hostess. Others present Channel 18, TV, Wednesday at ed tbe day at the 4-H camp, entertained at a family, co-op­ Currie attended the Wednes­ Joel Thomson had a picnic on Anyone wlahlng to sngag* and Mrs. Charles Fetler and were Mrs. Joseph Baler, Mrs. the Fourth of July. P.m, and on Channel ~ tho lloly Oospel Singers of children, Kathy and ChartMT'- ' fttokes Forest, Saturday erative picnic July 4. Guests day evening performance, of where their son, Bill, had William Rabel, Mrs. Joseph A hot dog roast waa held at TV, Sundays at «:30 a.m. The Cllffwood Is asked to call Shrewsbury, been staying for a week. Bill were Mrs. Angle Pike, Ash­ "The King and I-’ at the Nep­ Dernbergrer, Mrs. Frederick the . h o m e of Mr, and Mrs. Rev, c. M. Ward appears on Matawan 1-4B34-J. At a dinner party Friday, . returned-home with them. land, Mass.; Edgar N. Pike: tune Music Circus. K, Dederlck, and Mr*. Elmore John Wilson. Jr., on the Fourth Revival Time"” over Station guests were Mr, and Mra, ; Kattner. ^---- : WKBC~on-Bunday-»tmO;3tnr; Bt—Jamea A.M.fe, Zion Churoh ’ ' M r.. in d M is. Otto (Snub Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pike Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bar- of July. Those present were Merlin nd lllckiM r^iM argM iJ •- Milton F. Stevenson, sr m, ’Ilie Revr A. A. AIlen caii 1*1 Atlantlo Ave.rMatawan ■—visited M r,. and Mrs. Ralph and children, Diana, Allan, na and son, Richard, Dunel- Mr. and Mrs. Robort Owona e t- H o wland, W estL ong was a guest for several days and family. Mr. and Mrs. be heard Monday through Fri Rav W, R Pender, Pastor Branoli, and George’* two ' Fountain, sr., and daughter, and Barbara: Mr, and Mrs. lon, w en July I dinner guests of his sun and daughter-in- Charles Pike and children, Martin Smith, Jr., and family, day at B a,in. at 1150 on ths A teen-age - soolal will be brothers, Billy and Bryon. MC- ' _ Miss La Verne Fountain, Nep- law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton held tomorrow evening from 1 tune, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Charles M., Jr., -and Nancy of Mayor and Mrs, Spafford Mr. and Mra. Donald Miller dial. nnd Mrs. William Fester, Red ’ W. Schanck, ' Stevenson, Jr., Syracuse, N.Y, and son, Morganville; Me. and fl • ’■lock until 13 o'clock mid­ Fountain, Jr., and children. Jane, snd David and Glenn Mr.. and Mrs. A, Edgar First Presbyterian Ohuroh Bank, spent Uie evening. - Pike. Mrs. Thomas Smith, Keyport, night by the Junior choir at Ocean Grove, on July 4. Mrs. Lawrence Altken and Palm were July 4 supper >16 M ain S t., M aU w an th* Community Center, Sec­ Mr. and Mrs, George her brother, WUllam Hazlett, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Miss Bsrbara Ann* Fen- Rsv. Chester A. Oalloway Adrian and children, Aline ecken. Jersey City. ond St. Elizabeth Owen* Republican Women returned home Friday from a Hanford, Metuchen. ' ..-.''.Pastor . Sunday Soliool begins at and William, were Sunday week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. - Mrs. George W, Hoyt and Thomas Sweeny, son of Mr. Honored At Parly Hold Luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. John Sweeny, has re-, "Seaside Reflections" will B:41L a.m. under the direction Robert R. Hazlett, Weymouth, daughter, Barbara Ann/ have be the .pastor’s sermon topic of Mr*, arace -Dodson, super­ Mr. and Mr*, Robert Owen*,' ‘ Mrs/ Joseph Dernberger en­ Bell, Edgemere Dr. Mass. . returned to their home . In turned home from Camp' Mrs. May Bolce has return­ at the 9:30 a.m. service on intendent; Morning worship U Morganville, entertained July tertained members of the Mata­ Mrs. Harry W. Lockwood, Royal Oaks, Mich., after, Drum, N.Y., after having ed home from Monmouth completed two weeks training Bunday ln the Matawan High at 11 o'clock and Varied Chris­ 4 at a party to celebrate th t wan Woman’s Republican Club Danla, Fla,, is visiting Mr, spending six weeks with the school auditorium: Chur e ' tian Endeavor at 7 p.m. The birthday of tlielr daughter, Memorial Hospital where she aiid Mrs. Charles Ruff. former's parents, Mr. and with the N.J. National Ouardi. ■t a co-operatlve luncheon July was a medical patient and Is He enlisted on June 18 and left school alao convene* at 8:30 evening sorvlco Is at 8 o'clock, Elisabeth. The room 'Was do- S. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Mr. aiid Mrs. Harry M. Mrs. A.J. Zwington, Mata­ a.m, corated with pink and blue at the home of her son-in-law Munson entertained at a pic wan. for training on June 31, Prior Prayer and Bible Study Is Joseph Hunter, Fair Haven, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. lo his enlistment he had been Wednesday al 8 p.m. . streamers, - * tlie lunch July 4. Their guests Mrs. Bernard H. DiSanto Is Keyport Reformed Church Those pressnt wer* Mis* program chairman of the coun­ Robert Muller, Forest Ave. were Mr. and Mrs. James employed by the LaMura ty ' organization, and alternate visiting her mother, Mrs. Rose ' Warren St., Keyport Bayrlaw I'reihylerlan Churoli Joan Becker, Miss Patrlola Mr. and Mrs. Charles Man­ Thompson and children, Jean- Brothera. He attended Mor- R*v,- Roderick N. DeYoung to Z the - Hepubllcan Natlonal Rettlno In Waterbury, Co.nn Cllffwood- Beach .Cracker, Mina Michele Ryne- deville entertained at a picnic nle and Bette, the Rev. and this week...... ganville' Grammar Bchool and Pastor Convention In San Francisco, supper July- 4 when their Matawan High School. Rev, Francis Osterstock wloa, Miss Patricia "Taber, Mrs. W. Warner, and daugh> Miss Alice Munch was a During the summer Dlvln* Tli* women's sewing group I Miss Frances Taber, Miss VI Calif., and .Mrs; Thomas Mor- guests were John Skehan and ter, April, Saugertles, N.Y.; jford, Red Bank, vice-chairman July _ 4 guest of Capt, and Services will bd conducted on will meet today from 1 to 3 vlen Owens, and Mils Judy children, Wendy a n d Jonna. Carol Tflef, Minnesota; Mr, Mrs. Birger Helgesen, Middle­ Barbecue. Supper Plosky.. Mho Jerry JkmisOh, of organization. Syracuse, N.Y.: Mrs. Arris B. Bitndsy from 0 '.30 to 10:30 a.m. p.m. lo prepare oanoer dreas and - Mrs. Charles Lockwood sex Rd. . 8und*y school wltl remain Inga, " Jack Young, Marttn Bmtth. Henderson, Koert C. Wyckoff, and children, Charlene, Can­ For Laytonian Club Others present were Mrs. W Mr. and Mrs.' Frederick open, however, thosa attending A lood sal* will be held In Ill, Thomas Taber, and Rich­ Rulon Smith, Mrs. H arry Wells, Mr. . and Mrs. A. , Adam dy, and Charles, Jr. . Hessey entertained at a fami­ . Mr. and Mr*. Wt!ll*m F. will m eet-at 9:30 a.m. at the ard VanPelt. ' sr., *Mrff. Howard Shinny Mrs, Banke^ Carol and Charles Charlene and Candy Lock­ ly dinner recently, In celebra­ Ohnsman, Jr., - entertained Fellowship llall on SalurdnV church house: go to lhe church from 10 a,m, until 4 p.m. The Carmen :, DeNardo, ' Mrs. A; Mandeville. wood and Judy and Barbara tio n of their 48th wedding an­ members of th* Laytonian for the opening devotional serv­ Party Planned By Adam Banke.Mrs. Louls'Hels M rr and Mrs. M arihajl Kuhns left yesterday to spend niversary. Tlielr guests were Club of the' First Methodlat monthly meeting of lhe Men's Longstreet and Mr. and Mrs. ices, then during the singing Club will be held al g p.m. e r ,: Miss Arlene Bose, Mrs. two weeks at Camp Matalllon- Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hessey, Church at a barbecue supper of tli* second liyinn, tliey will Bayview Association _ Spafford W. achanck, Mrs. Leroy Smith were weekend equay, Medford Lakes. Havertown, Pa., and Mr. and Sunday evening. The sermon topic of the pas­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. leave snd return to the church The Women'a Aaioolatlon Christian Heuser, Mrs. Qeorge Mrs. Oeorge Tacfcley and Mrs. John C. Hessey and son, Those present wer* Mr, *nd house where they will see * tor at the 0:45 a.m. church serv­ Oeorge Dougherty. O c e an Miss Stbe I Tackley, Elm­ Mark, Newark. Mra. Karl Hermann and chil­ of Uie Bayvlew Presbyterian Miller, Mrs. Frank'L. Johnson, flint strip dr a set of slides ice on Sunday will be "In Pur­ Cliurch, Cllffwood Ueaoh, Is City. / hurst, L. I., were -guests for Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. dren, Gay and Garry; Mr. and suit of Perfection," Church Mrs. Charles J, Woodman, Mrs. Mrs. J. Franklin Dominick on some sspect of Christian sponsoring a oaidand gam* Paul Bisll. Mrs. William Bieg- several days of Mr. and Mra. CusanelU and children, Mar­ Mrs. Rhea Longatreet and School olasses atari at 8:45 was a luncheon guest Monday Charles E. Hunt. garet an-’ Eugene, were Education or faith, The Sun­ party Wednesday at 1 p.m, ait. children, Allan, Nancy and day School will conclude at a.m, ' ner, Mrs. C. Randolph Heuser of Mrs. Frederick Hankins, Mr. and Mrs. Jac Cushman guests for several days of Mr. Ann; Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Ihe Fellowship Hall, West Mrs. Conover Burlew, Mrs. Keyport. ‘ attended the Dale Carnegie 10:30 *.m., so psrents and ■aoond Bapllal Churoh Concourse, Cllffwood Beaoh. and Mrs. E. Sclullo, Kensing­ Schneider and children, Car­ There w'll he prlaea and re- George"Gaskell, Mfs. Raymond Mrs. Edwin H. Dominick en­ Institute graduation dinner ton. Md. ole Ann and Robert; Mr, and children may return liom* to­ Orchard HI., M*Uw*n Brady, M rs: ■ 'William Quinn, tertained at luncheon Thurs­ Monday evening at'the Roose­ Miss Grace Carman has re­ Mra. Leonard Stokea and son, gether. Rev, W, J, Hutcheson, P*alor freshinents. Mrs. W alter' Swanson, Mrs. day at Shadowbrook Inn, velt Hotel. New York. Mr. turned hom* from a visit of Leonard, jr.; the Rev, and The ;>SSU1| and aenlor choir Mrs, Cirri* Bonntma and Shrewsbury, for Mrs. Albert Spring Valley Mrs, Alios Tismann sr* co­ George Doublier, Mrs. J. Cushman gav^the Invocation several weeks with Mr. and and Mra. Albert D. Curry; Mr.. Community Church will prasent a asrvlce In llol- Franklin'Dominick, and Mrs. Abell who left by plane Sun­ at the dinner. Mrs. Richard E. Glthens, Wil­ and Mrs, William Coleman; mar tomorrow night, . chairmen, aaalated by M rs ,- A. Thomaa Clayton, Pastor B * I't Ii * Bishof, Mrs. Bllvl* Elmore Kattner. . day -for a five-week tour of Mrs. Elmer Bumstead re­ mington, Del. - Miss Bessie Lyle; Miss Jane Sunday la Young People's : Mrs, Blegner was ohalrman Europe. Her guests were Mrs. Sunday-Soliool is at 3 p.m.; Mundy, M r s, Vein* K*lly, turned home Thursday from a Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Longo VanBrackle; Otto Dietrich; Dsy, A speolal program will of the affair. Thomas Welstead, Miss Grace th* young peopn. meet at 6:90 Mrs, Doris Wsllac*, M V I, visit of several days with Mr, and family. 10 High St., have Mlaa Betty Woolley: Richard p m and th* svenlng service be glvan at 3 p.m, with out.of- Carman, Matawan: Miss Mary and Mrs. Warren Fuhrmann, returned from a week's vaca­ Ohnsman, Matawan, and Mr. 1,0111s Sinulslr, aiid Mra, B*ll« Emma Stack, and "Mlsa Mar- ts held at ? :4B o'clock town talent. Ash*. Mrs.- Freret Speaks Millington. tion ln the Pocono Mountains. and Mrs. Alex MacFadyen Prayer meeting la held tacll Friday, July 37, III* men will guerlte Boughton, Perth Am­ Jeannle Thompson, Sauger­ Fa. Among the places visited and children, Jan, Susati,' and Thursday at 7:10 p.m. sponsor a bus ride to mbbets To Democratic Club boy. tles, N.Y., Is visiting Mr. and was Crystal Cave. Bruce, Sea Girt. Trainer Max Hlrsoh o l th* Monday evening lit* young Field to see th* baseball gam* Mrs. Kathryn Freret, Fair Mr. and Mrs. Rensselaer L. Mrs. Charles Lockwood, Mid­ Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Hos*et- King Ranch now has 13 liars** peopl* will meat for a ball between Brooklyn and Chlaago, at Monmouth Park with tin HiTii, ■ Democratic Vice Cartan returned home Bunday dlesex St. • - ter were weekend guests of Matawan Holds from a week’s vacation at Warrant Officer William B. Mrs. Oeorge Hostetler, Lan­ game and a tlm* of fellow- Roy Manole la In charge of having Just been »hlpp*d In , Chairman of Monmouth Coun­ shlp. _ llaksts. from. D*l»w*r*.-Psr_k- — ty, was the guest speaker at Rohoboth Beach, Del., and Baldwin, Jr., and Mrs, Bald­ caster, Pa. July 4th Parade ths. regular .meeting of the Nagshead, N.C. win and children, Anderson, Edgar N. Pike. Church St. Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Yer- Wayne, and William, III, Fay­ Those organizations particl* -M ataw an— Democratic Club and his . mother, Mrs. Angle paling in the Fourth of July which, was held In the office of ger, 8outhbury, Conn., were etteville, N.C., -were Friday Pike, Ashland, Mass.. weVe dinner guests of Ur. and Mrs. parade held In Matawan were John' W. Applegate, Main St., Monday overnight .guests of weekend guests of Mr. and the Drum and Bugle Corps, Hiursdsy evening. She spoke Mr. and M rs. Edward W. Cur­ Charles E. Hunt. Mrs, Aubrey Joutllier, Ard­ who wore their newly-ac­ on', organization and suggested rie,. . .. ■ - Mr. and Mrs, Joseph more, Pa, Mrs,' Pike remain­ Peters, Cedar St.. enlertatned quired blue and white unl> plans lor ihe coming election. 'John Skehan and children, ed for an. extended "visit wllh forms, the Matawan .Fire De Mrs. Genevieve Donne'.l, Wendy and Jonna, Syracuse, Saturday. Their guests were her brother and sister-in-law. partment and its auxiliaries, Mr, and Mrs. James Ball. Mrs. Edwin H. Dominick Matawan Borough Council- N.Y., were weekend guests of the First Aid Bquad and Us woman, also spoke and discus­ Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mande- Lenoir, N.C.: Lloyd and-The­ entertained at canasta Tues­ auxiliary, McElvalne^Schanck sed local problems. Tentative vllle. odore Smith, Hickory, N.C. day afternoon: Her guests Tost 2218, Veterans of Foreign plans were made for social Mrs. Elmer Bumstead was and Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Smith were Mrs. Emil Blanchard, Wars, Oirl Scouts, and floats functions wlthlh the next few n Saturday guest of Miss Kay and son, David. Waldwlck. Miss Mary Emma Stack, from the American Legion, Mr. and Mrs. H. Drugas Perth Amboy; Mrs. J. Frank­ months, with definite dales lb Oreenley, Trenton. Tlie birth­ P om 176, and the Little Left- and son, and Mra. Slluber, lin Dominick, Mrs. Leroy Col­ be announced. ~ days of Mrs. Bumstead and 8 li e . A moment of silence was ob­ Miss Oreenley were celebra­ 327 Main St.. recently visited lins, Miss Mary Llsk, and The parade, which starlfrd served for Mrs. Raphael C, ted. Ausable Chasm, N.Y. Mra. Jay F. Hostetter. at the Magnolia Inn, Freneau, Devlin. a past president o( ths ended at tho high school Matawan Woman's Democra Nancy Thorne, Five, St. James Sponsor* - Robert Quackenbush grounds where Mayor Hpnf- tic Club, who passed away ford W. Schanck dedicated the Thursday. ’ - Honored At Party Food Sale, Bus Ride • Ii lO-Years-Old now llnley Hose Company fire - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tlie B t/ Jam es A.M.E, Zion Robert M. Quackenbush, Jion truck, rtffreshmcnU were served Susan Tanii Feted ot Thortie, 148 Jackson St., Mata- Church, Matawan, is sponsor­ Mr, and Mrs. Harold to U \t paradev* al the Midway On 10th Birthday wa’n. entertained Saturday aft­ ing a food sale Saturday to be C. Qusckenbush, Station ltd., Fire House, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Tan ernoon aCHhelr home in hon­ held at Tasslnl’s Real Estate Wlckatunk, entertained a Is entertained at a swimming or of tifelr daughter, Nancy Office, Main Bt., Matawan, group of friends at a hot do? Outdoor Party For and supper party Saturday ln Lynn, who was celebrating from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. roast In celebration of his 10th Sandy Bloom, Five BOTH WAYS I celebration of the 10th birth her fifth birthday. Tl^e church also is sponsor­ birthday on Saturday. day of their daughter. Susan Bundy Bloom, son of Mr. ing a bus ride Saturday even­ Ouests were Eddie Decker, ' Tlie guests were Donna. Her Those attending were Mrs. and Mrs. Lewi* M. Ulootn, 43 bert. WUllam and Barbara Bruce McCutcheon and son. ing to Coney Island. Buses Terry Murdock, Fred Mari’-, will leave the Community Fierro Ave., Matawan, cele;, Olaup. Robin Bliss. Ruth Ann Michael: Mrs. Michael Jas- Tommy Corrado, Steve Votft bruted Ills fifth birthday Sun­ You're 'way ahead of them all for a c t io n when you uriv* mi* i ' Tommarazzo. Paul Stames, Center on Second St. at ft p.m. Norman Jinwlch. Carl Joseph trab and daughter, Barbara: day wllh a party held out of- glumorous go-ft*tter , , . ’ Carol Mandeville. Patricia and Coney Island at 1 ».m. Spurgat, from the Morgan doon. Fleros, Margaret Smutko Mrs. Calvin Bell and daugh* | For further information, con- vllle area, and Roy Cadoo, ' And you’re away ahead In v a h i t , too—for, believe it o r n o t , ■ tact Mrs, Orace Dodson at Those attending were Jo> Robert. Linda, and Steven ter. Nina; Lynn m d Leslie llaib t- unili. Monica, Maureen, and you can own this b ig an d brawny henuty for les* than you’d Tanls, all of , Matawan, and White; Walter Newman, Jr., Ma. 1*2364, Supper guests at Uie Quack- Margaret St. Onge: James have to pgy for 43 models of tli* th ree im u ll c a r d Jonna and- Wendy Skehan Linda Newman: D id Ii I Drox- enbuih home to celebrate the and David Chodorow: J.J. Birthday Party Held Here's the perfect w»y lo break Ihe small-car liable. Drive Syracuse. N.Y. meier: Robert J. Malkmus, occasion were Mr. and Mrs, Walsh: Wendy- Beck: Carol For William Ryder Jim es Cadoo, jr.,< and chil­ Foley; Betty Bvlatko: Wayne ll—prlce It—today! Babrisky Party jr,, and Peggy Les Thornt, all dren, Hoy and Allene, Hailet, Frances, and Oeorge Llnke, of Matawan. Mr. and Mrs. William Ry* and M r a . Jamon H. Cadoo. all ot Matawan, Mr. and Mrs. John Babrl- At a family dinner party der entertained Friday after* sr., Koyport, Mr. and M r s . GifU were sent by Lsn* Em ­ i h i *a» iav i g g a n d t h i m e t wont irof t o u t sky. Tennent Rd., Morgan held ln the eveclog, those ai~ noon in celebration of the sixth M a r a * 11 u s Quackenbush, ily and Chlcktc and Johnnr villa, entertained In honor of tending wero Mra. HillU birthday of their son, William, Wlckatunk, were visitors ln Geran. ihelr son, Ralph, who cele Thorne, Mr. and Mrai Joseph Ouests - were Richard, the evening. Yesterday he ataln celebra­ IS) brand hlJ birthday recently Orace and son, Robert. Cliff'I Kathy, and Jackie I^ewls, ted the occasion *t Oakhursl Ouests were Mr. and Mrs wood Death; Mr, and Mrs {Robert. Ftjchard, and Thomas [ Parent* Of Daughter County Dsy Camp where he Charles Ifsnak, sr.. Bayonne Oeorge Smith snd children. , Walker. John and William! n camper. Mr. and Mra. Charles Jlanak Linda. Terry, 'and Lawrence,) Bradley; Ralph and Nancy I Lt. and Mrs. Wayne Young, P o n t i a c Jr., Elisabeth, Mr. and Mrs Liurence JUrbor; Mr. and Duncan: LouUe OJrlr.h; P h l1 ! lJ.fl. Air force. Anchorage. ’Ihe IDlli annual rhprlfy hall ' r Stephen Bradach, Perth Am Mrs. Waiter Wilson, W aihlng-jlp Mschado; Jane Ryder, and ’ Alaska. *r« parents of a am) turf <-arnlv*l at Mon­ boy: Mr. and Mrs. lfsrvr ton. D C. I Mrs. Ralph Duncin. JdsUghter. Nsncy Ann. bom mouth I’ark will be held Hat DOWNES PONTIAC Worjell, M in Ann Bradach ------| O im f* vere p!syed and the j Monday. July 2. 195® Mis. tuday, July 28. Music for Matawan:- Mtss Jec" Oarfl Furnished apsrtment signs jprirr winners were K»thy Young !• she forme* Mary dancing will be furnished by 62 LOWER MAIN SfREEf MATAWAN.... »o:i. Morganville. for sal* at this office. Lewis and Thomas Walker. Ann III tli. Uiinmy Kaye. ■ - .>>■'. TC week, Umbering up for th* Win* First One* various events and getting DISTINGUISHED VKfTOR TO COUNTY KBC Pummelled By Orioles Score ^ L O O K I N G ; himself used to the. changed Johnny Yoincoflki, Key. climatic condition, which ir no port, fighting hi* first pro­ Seventh Straight small consideration'In an ath­ ...... fessional fif t l 'Hondar , I T O V E R lete’s performance in Strang* stopped L o n Land], New ■UmOMIIIUWMMOl* surroundings. His coach, John Keyport- Baseball .Club ran York, In a fonr-rennd P»e- Matawan Orioles piled up I*W« Six July 11, 1956 their seventh straight win and th is m at BE the last Ume Caracciolo, doubts he will Into the most frustrating alt- llm lm rf at SC Nick’s have recovered from the leg ernoon of , the season on Sun­ Arena, New York. Youno*f- outdistanced .the field in the a racing feature of national In­ Bayshore L 1111 * Bigger injury, which hampered him ln day whett'the Belmar Indians ski weighed In at 141 poonda terest can be staged at Mon­ the spring season for him to pummelled them, lft-4, at, |EH8 and Land! at 147 1/1. _ : - - - League Monday when they re­ mouth Pork as plans are now CUffwood Pirates pelled the Keyport Dodgers at compete ' to advantage this . field. In addition, dlssentlon Youncofskl bad his rival progressing for the construc­ year. However, Jack will b* broke out ln the Keyport ranks in trouble In the second MHS field, 6-3. H ie 'Dodgers tion of the new 130,000,000 rac­ bad pulled up to a chance to in his senior year at the Uni­ Nearing Pennant and one regular quit the line­ roond with a cross-fire of ing plant at the site of the versity of Southern California up ln the first inning. ' punching. Land! was bleed* slow the Orioles by a victory Aqueduct racing oval to which when they defeated the Keans­ when another Olympic rolls " CUffwood Pirates applied tbe The Keyport team got away Ins badly and nnable to de­ the new subway to Rockaway around and will have four whitewash brush to their prln- to a bad start and . things fend himself a n y longer burg Athletics Saturday at will be extended. 'The new when the referee stopped Keansburg, 3-0. Aqueduct plant, to accommo­ years of coaching by Dean olpal: rivals, for the Bayshore seemed to pile up- against Cromwell,, VSC track mentor, Little- League pennant during them. Ray LoPresto, starting the boat at 1:5$ ef the third Bob ' Cbromy, who had date 9 1.000. will be In direct (Contlnded^npags aeren)...... the; pant week, blanking the ' on the mound for the KBC, round. ... - blanked the Athletics'with one competition with Monmouth Keyport Cardinals, 4-0, and ' fanned Don Koch, first batter Both boxers were fighting hit for the Dodgers, was not Park' as the Long Island soci­ two-hltttng the Matawan Ter­ to face him. Then Don McIn­ tbelr (irst pro fight since equal to holding tbe Orioles ln ety people, wbo control Bel­ riers.' IH). Jack Yates did the tyre hit safely and Carl Men­ leaving amateur ranks. Be­ check in the relief role. Bill mont park, want their horse hurling job lor the winners in denhall made lt two runs for cause of his showing, Yoon- Insley started for the Keyport racing to he gotten out of the CASINO both Lnat&neet.—With- -the first Be!mar-with-a-Iong-home^un- cofski—has—been promised team in the Orioles game but way In the plsnt at Belmont -THEATER- half 'title already tucked under blast. Max Lupuloff followed another four-roonder en a he was replaced as pitcher by June 1. They have other Kcamburg Uie Btaefc thelT' belts, the Pirates have with a safe hit and stole sec­ St. Vick's card In two midway of the second Inning. interests ln the summer, so Air Conditioned weeks, Frank Boyle, hla The Dodgers jumped off to the track for the common now all but mathematically ond. Lupuioff went to third on Phone KEansbar* 6*0200 clinched the second half title an infield out. Hal Shumock manager reports*’ F art of a one-run lead against Deiter horse-players can operate dur­ also. No playoff should be erred on Winkle Taylor's the bout- was aeeu on TV Johnson, pitching for tbe Mat- ing June and July at Aque­ Fri.-Sat. July-lJ-14 heeded. grounder and Lupuloff scored. Channel 9. awan nine. Ditsle Jackson duct, the same time as Mon­ Robert Taylor, Rtchard Taylor was out fpr stealing. walked and scored on Larry mouth Park, until tbe elite of Todd* Dana Wynter u d T h eg am e with -the Terriers Nashua, the horse for whom over 11,000,040 was paid, will When the Keyport team Dane’s triple. -The lead Was the . Turf and Field Club re­ _ Edmund O'Brien was-played Tuesday, at the new came ln from the field, Shu short - lived for Matawan turn from their summer diver­ ■ ■ —lii— ,. , ‘ field on Middlesex Rd. The Plr- put his talents on display Saturday at Monmouth Park In the running of the $100,000 added Monmouth Handicap. Ue is shown mock and Manager Casey Da­ reached Insley for two -runs ln sions and are ready for anoth: D-Day the 6th o f June ates1 took charge at the start, above in a contemplative mood at the stabling area or the Ocean- vlno got Into a dispute over their half of the inning. The er-spell of thoroughbred rac­ their first three batters up, Ed CinemaScope port racetrack. ■______11 the error and Shumock left the Keyport starter walked Fred ing at Belmont Park ln Sep­ Cartoon Newi Flynn, Larry Bebr and Yates field. Cllffwood Pirates (4) Moser and Lou Mendlnl, but tember and early October, ft all hitting safely against Bill ab r Ang Scalzo tripled to start a pickoff on Mendlnl lessened can be seen ^that *he new Sun.-Moo. July 15-10 Bowie, Matawan pitcher, to Flynn, If r i Matawan Teams Play thingB for Keyport and scored tho blow when Rich Wenner, Aqueduct plant definitely will Jane Russell and score a run. In the second tbe Nashua In, Bebr, 3b , 3 0 third up, hit a homer. be a place for Just-the com­ Rlcbard Egan on a squeeze play. But Ed Os 3 1 Pirates added to their advant- trowski, Belmar pitcher, set- Yales, p Another hit and two walks mon fellow as there ls no in­ —In— agt.BUl Wathlngton and Garry Vena, o ~3 1 Needles Out Pogo Stick Softball tied down to fan two batters filled the bases with Orioles, crease ln the 16,800 seating ca­ R e v o lt o f Oarafano hit safely at the stertV to retire the side. Collins, 3b 3 1 but Insley saved himself with pacity ln the present Aque­ Bowie then tightened down to Nashua will be in but Need­ With Broadway comedian In the second the visitors Wathlngton, ss 3 0 two strikeouts. The Dodgers duct grandstand and the club­ Mamie Stover fan two men, but Flynn deliv­ les will 6e out of the 1100,000 Buddy Hackett acting as um­ scored four times and ended Oarafano, lb o o climbed back to tie their riv­ house will only go up to 4100 —also— ered a single and Behr a dou­ added Monmouth Handicap at pire a new way of playing all KBC chances. Two errors Szarto, rf a 1 als at the start of the second from the present 3400 for sill Bill Elliott and Tom Drake o 1 the- 61,000 capacity. .T h e $3 ble-to make the score, 3-D, Ior Monmouth Park Saturday. T h is soft ball, on pogo stloks, was and a walk filled the sacks Smith, ef “ on Chromy’s hit, a walk, John­ the* Pirates. was determined Monday after inaugurated July 4 by teams with Indian runners. McIntyre son’s error and a squeeze horse-playei'- can stand up, Sudden Danger Bowie then'held the Cllffwood the weights were announced, representing M c E 1 v a i n e- then tripled to score three 33 4 8 play. But the tie Was broken crane his neck a d d like lt. team ln check until the sixth, Nashua drew top weight of 129 Schanck Post 3318. Veterans runs and came home himself Keyport Cardinals (tl when Matawan canie to bat; . . . . ' ' Tue*.-Wed. July 17-11 when his control grew faulty pounds, one' pound more than of Foreign Wars,-Matawan as Mendenhall rolled out. ab r Don Zenl led off with a double NATIONAL AAU DECATH­ Howard Doff. Dana Andrews and' the Plrates-batted round he carried when Eddie Arcaro Borough, and Matawan Post Keyport picked up a run ln Leonardls. 2b and Insley was through on the LON championship again fs and Thomas Mitchell against him to make lt a rout. drove him to victory in the Su­ 176, American Legion. Tbe the second on a walk to Bob Stults, kf mound. Chromy came , on to being held on the campus of W hile the City Sleeps With' Yates Invincible on ihe burban Handicap. at Belmont game was called at the end Knapp, Bert Collins’ single Alger, Mi fan Moser, but Mendlnl, Wenr Wabash College. Crawfords- mound, they never were threat­ P ark on July 4. Needles, who of the fourth Inning because and an error. Ray LoPresto Jackson, s* ner and Pete Bennett connects Richard Wldmark of rain at which tlms the vllle, Ind., tomorrow and Sat­ ened. won the Kentucky Derby' this kept tbe Indians Jn check un­ L. Brown, lb ed for hits successively to urday. Any hopes Matawan Donna Reed . . Against the Cardinals it waa year, was assigned 117 pounds, score waa Ut I to I, til the fifth" when they scored R. Brown, p boost the Oriole lead to 4-3. High's Jack Kuhns may have much the same thing. The first Hugh Fontaine, the World As the playera hobbled again on two hit* ahd a hit Fitzgerald,- rf Bruce Qunkle’s homer add­ of qualifying for a place on B a c k la s h three batters to face Hay War I flying ace who trains around from base to base on batsman. In the sixth the Bel­ Jackson, cf ed a Matawan run in the the 1IA Olympic team will Brown, pitching for the Key­ Needles for the D A H Stable Uielr pogo sticks, a great .deal mar team broke Into a rush Rothenberg, * third and bits by Moser and depend on the outcome of his Mendlnl, a wild pitch and a Thnrs.-FrL-Sat. port team, got on base and of Jack Dudley, Stillwater, of fun was created for the of continued hitting th showing ln the decathlon. The July 1M0-U .■ ■■_ ^ Wathlngton scored them with Okla., and Bonnie Heath, Oca spectators; There were sever­ brought ln four runs and forc­ . M . t 1 squeete play accounted for first three high scorers quali­ Bart Lancaster, Tony Cutis a long blow to the outer end of la, Fla., said "No thanks” al “spills.” but the players ed Ray LoPresto to yield the the final Orlolt marker ln the fy for the team and tha next and Gina LoIlobrlgMa escaped Injury, although after Score by Innings: fourth, 'rtie last Dodger run th er park. After that, Brown s h o r tl y after the weights were pitching duties for the KBC to Cllffwood Pirates 400 OOd-4 three are alternates for the T r a p e z e the game several complained bis brother. Bob. The Belmar came in the sixth when Larry turned back the powerful Cliff Issued by John P. Turner, Jr.. Keyport Cardinal! 000 000—0 trip to Australia ln December. CtnemsSoep* Monmouth Park racing secre­ of being sore. Many comio sit­ team kept slugging away to □an* walked, advanced on a Jack has been on the scene at wood: batsmen with mastery, uations were created during wild pitch and Infield out, and Cartoon New* - N*T*Uy It wm» no use, however, for the tary." the end of th* gam*. Union Beaeh Uoa* (I) Crawfordsvllle for the past the game wblcb In a way re­ Keyport’s two final runs then scored on Wenner’a er­ Cardinals could not touch “He has been In five $100,000 sembled one of the old “Key-, ‘ ib l b ror. Ifates- racea In the last five months, came In tha * 1 g h & h when ISastmond, rf I 1 0 stone Cop” comedies. Every­ Bruce Phillips hit a3tfcms run Tha Keyport build-up to the said Fontaine crisply. "He one playing but the pitcher Koderlques, * . -1 1 1 with a man on base. . Tomlca, p, lb I • 1 Oriole game at Keansburg AIR CONDITIONED fc Legion Softballers won four of them. Needles has and catchers, were on pogo At the .end of ths game was at th* expense of Tommy had a hard spring and early Hourahan, lb, p 1 1 1 Plmy Ladies; Suffer sticks. Manager Davlno cautioned the O'Donnell, on the mound for summer of racing. He needs a The VPW team consisted of KBC players the team would Tyter, lb 1*1 the Athletics. O'Donnell pitch­ Tbe softball team of the La­ rest. We are not going to try Oeorge Leary, Michael P. have to do better next Sunday Forkel, lb I • 0 ed well enough to win most dies Auxiliary of Union Beach and beat Nashua." Kidsus. Donald I. Lewis, Ted or there would b* no point ln Trembley, *f 10 0 games, but not with Cbromy Pott 321,, American Legion, Both Nashua and Needles Oslpowlts, James Thomas, Os­ continuing. - ■ Walsh, If 10 0 wbo was ln invincible form. e y p o r t S t r a n D tallied in the last inning of drew three pounds over the car Butch, Dominick Mon so Tha box score: a a Ulna, s* J 0 0 This one got away from the their game with the male and Al Fields. Ths Legion welght-for-age scale. . Nashua Keyport ■. O. (4) Athletics hurler. Phone 7-0452 team of the post Sunday at Is a four-year-old and Needles was represented by Clarence - all r - - - * < The Dodgers gave Chromy cottage Park field to humble a three-year-old. The race la Sliilts, Robert Smith, Oeorge S c a lso , 3b 4 1 Cllffwost Indians (1) '• all the runs he needed ln the snd'humUlaieUismale L e - a mlle-and-one- Bucco, J.A. Compoly, 8.E. C. Davlno. at 4 1 Chamberlain, sa...... 1 0 1 himself led off with a hit. O'­ Ceatinuom Saturday — gtarUsg l:iS F.BC...... Nashua wil be yielding 11 Hughes, C.Q. Saunders and R. The men’s team blamed pounds to his principal pros­ Phillips,* « 1 Miller, K ... ,. ~~ 3 0 0 Donnell fam»d;Ben Ochlnegro their- defeat largely on the P. Welles. Besides Mr. Hack­ Wildman, lb 3 0 0 but Scully hit safely and Ins­ MKMKWMweaana 'mm* pective rivals, Mrs, John W. ett, Robert Zeigler alao acted Knapp, lta 1 1 tUp&al-calllng ol Umpire Ra- Collins, a* S • Perkins, o I B 0 ley walked to load the bases TdlerBeulUon whom they felt Galbreatli’s Summer Tan and as umpire. VFW state Com­ LAHCASTlR™*"CURIi5 Alfred . G. Vanderbilt's tflnd. mander Chailss Kinney, Ne-w- OMTtto, V « 0 Southerland, p .. ... * • y Chromy waa out trying to favored the ladles ln-the list TQ iaiM U O . *f • - , j i > i 'ateal home. Th* bases again Other" Important ''possibilities ark, also attended the game. Bhomook,**- 1 > x W LOUOIRKHDA taming rally. Scullion told Lowandowskl, lb , 1 1 0 were Ioided when WaUf Ken­ for the race Saturday are Jet Proceeds from the sale' of Boyce, rf, 3b them any gentleman umpire A. Davlno, V : ' 0 10 S u lliv a n , o t , i o" o nedy was hit "by; a pitched would be expected to favor Action at 1U pounds and Fish­ tickets will be divided equally ball. Ditsle Jackson delivered TRAPEZE R a y LoPresto, » 0 1 Youncofski, of i o o the- ladles. erman and Midafternoon at 114 between the Legion's Junior tha plncb single to score Scul­ pounds. Dedicate, who gave baseball team .and the build­ H a r t, 2b 1 0 0 However, a long home run ly and Insley but Kennedy —PI as Belecied Short Subjects— Nashua something of a tussle ing fund of the. V.F.W. I t 4 8 (Continued on page.seven! by M i l toorbase hits by Mary Stiles a b r Seora by InningsI SUNDAY-MONDAY JULY 15-11 and! Harriet Wright were favorable poundage of 110 and Reversal For Duke* Gaidar and MlUieux, two hors­ R. Mendenhall, lb Union Beach Llona 000 100—1 ( —AIR COOLED— | Continuous Sunday — Starting Ills P.M. largely, contributory to making In Softball Play Cllffwood Indiana 010 000—3 th*j male Leglonalres wish es who ran ahead of Nashua ln Koch, 3b Monmouth Festival Theatre 1 — Big Features McIntyre, ss they had gone fishing instead one race In Fiorlda, can enjoy Rain restricted play ln the Cllffwood Pirates (I) Studio at the Old Min the 107 and 106 figure respec­ C. Mendenhall, c' of-playing softball. Dora Wells Matawan - Keyport Softball ab : Tin ton Falls, N. J, e u M ju a -K a i stole two bases to add to the tively. ; League during the past week. Lupuloff, 3b Flynn, cf Now thru July 15th Kelly, 3b • ' discomfort of the men’s team. For the rest of tha week, The games that were played Behr. 3b .... THE RAIN MAKER ' ...... Ladles (11) rival owners and trainers will resulted in a still further Ely, lb ...... — Yates, p -. Sonunels, e t ‘8nperb” Asbjrj- park ab r h be deciding if they have enough tightening of league standings. Vena, o R a w h i d e ] Keyport Dukes were the Taylor, of ! - Press L. Bohuler, p a a 2 chance to pay the fees to enter COlllns, 3b main sulferera from a form alum , rf Resident Company o t Y l E A H S T j M; Oobel, o - i a 3 their horse against. Nashua. Wathlngton, ss Award Winning Aotors The race probably will end with reversal. They dropped from Hand, rf " WHUAM D W *tm •'WKliAM OASOAN 1 M. fitllea, aa...... s j - a Oarafanao, lb Startlnr July 17th D. -Wells, 2b s a field of from five to seven second to seventh place when Quinn, K " Smith, If l a they were upset by the Nik* Edwards, V . THE fOUR POS1ER TUESDAY-WEDKE6DAY JULY 17-18 H. Wrlcht, 3 l l horses out of the 33 nominated. Gratten, rf The New Jersey Futurity, a team, 13-11, and then the Ostrowsky, p • I miles West of < Special Kiddie Matinee Tuesday at 1:45 P.M . J. Kullberg, U 4 0 l Couccl brothers. Mat and B. Schuler, of five-and-one-half furlong event Red Bank ■ Thrill Hits — 1 I l l Moe, snuffed them out llor the 41 10 X - M l 13 oa Sycamore Ave. ... U. WOrocan, rf 4 l for horses bred In this state, 2 Atlantic Tile, 13-6. The Dukes Matawaa Terriers (0) TkjktU ~ €, Lambreth, rl 1 l 1 will b* run Wednesday. There are 41 ellglbles for this recovered somewhat from ab r h ft. 10—fl.io—|2.20—fl.10 their debacle by blanking Atco M. Eovlno,--Jb 1 0 0 At Tbe Box Office *> t t 11 1ft Tleros, 3b . foaled ln New Jersey and pres­ 8-0. 1 0 0 CaU-Eatontown 1-1(50 Cliffwood firemen bore clos­ Carnes, lb 1 0 0 Season Tickets 15% Discount ent prospects are for a rather Curtain a tlF .il. ab r h full field. er on the leaders when they Bowie, p 3 0 .: Coffey, rf. I 1 a upended the Nike team, 13-B S T A H D IH G S Oppltsl, rf 3 0 Friday and Saturdays Two of those named for the Itu u U y 't 1:41 T . M . and 10 P. M. 9* Brandlgan, 3b I 0 l Hansen-V a n Wlnkle-Munning Lon# Branch, 9: Atl. Hlft)t«nd«, X (Ocmtlnned bh page tevtn) Grogan^ ef S 0 l race are supplementary nom­ outlasted Atco, 10-8, ln a ding- Rod Bank, 10; WhttetvtUo, 6 inations and one of these, Mrs. Belmar, If: Koyport, 4 ■.Barry,o 1 a l dong affair. West Longig Branch, 0: o: LeonLeonardo. arc I T. Brown, lb I 0 a Anderson Fowler’s Roommate lU o d lo ia a i of S T Y W L P e t Enjoy Our Big Top Show* in Your Cars ls th* early choice for the Lon* Branch li. Adameca, p s a l Lkrry'i Barber Shop II 4 Rod B an k Beneath the Twinkle of the Stars R. Coffey, » - s i a stakes. Roommate was the - - Mill Dilry • 4 Looturdo * = n _ winner of the Cherry Hill M ...... I I I Atlantic Highland* „ S 4 0* MoManee, sa s - 0 l Cllffwood Flro Co. 10 ‘ W « t Lo& f B ranch $ i A WALTER RRADB THBATRB Stakes at Oarden State Park Paul’* Midtown • t D. Weber, If % 0 0 Koyport ...... It.: STARTING carrying the Olenelg Stable col Atlantic Til* t 7 WJilteavUk ______I I . p u k e * ...... • S Siuutay’a G i n n ors, nom de course of Mrs. H *V W *M — . 10 M T n B «lm ar at bong Branch Fowler. N ik a ____ _ II ,ns Rod Bank at Atlantic Highland* TONITE AtCO mitmHiM IT .wo Leonardo at Whiteavilla Rated as one of the top foea We»t Long Branch at Keyport PO * O N E VVEEK > EATONTOWN JTk€€PSR€PEATm for Roommate is Mr. Seynio Furnished apartm ent algns OPEN at 4:30- MOVIES al M O from the D Ai H ^table's string, to r sale at this office. Rend tb* Classified Ads ^ 0 UR BESTP€AL IS A T Mr, Seymo passed up the Tyro Stakes to await the, Futurity, S f r t o u A M C K * and off his winning effort over Where Comfort Adds to £njoympnt I'M TAKING TH E this oval, shapes up as a real Tel. EAtontown 3-P760 contender. TIP AND 6Q/NQ Show’s Nitely ai Dusk—Box Office Opens 7 P.M. Among the more highly re­ The Blgceat Bnrgln in Monmouth County *•» T H E R Z N O W . garded malo ellglbles are Mr, Our LOW LOW admisnlon prlce' 70o for adnlis a S A P ^ .... Kip, Willlo Rntncr, Knplchan, CINEMASCOPE Our Ouest, Charley Brook. THUR8. AND FBI. JULY 1I-1S Wolf Badgee, Poplar Bi-anoh Two exoltlng thrillers — Action at ll« peak . . . BURT TONY and War Ace Boy. From the "BRIDE OF THE MONSTER' filly division the list of prob­ Bela Lugosi able starters Includes Be Go­ "TIGERS CLAW" 1Urrj P,eI LANCASTER CURTIS ing, Covey Rise. Track Mnr- Extra Added FrJ, Evening Only ' tlnl, Sclisacard, Znso and Lady . One Ilonr of Your Favorite Color Cartoons GINA Boavcr. SATURDAY ONLY JULY 14tTl Joseph M, noebllng, one of All Technicolor Action Show . OCKANPODT, N. J . Mmm ih im i t*g inwi LOLLOBRIGIDA the State’s most prominent "Botany Bay" I "Powder River" breeders, has won the Futup- Leu than 3 mll'l from Girden Stats Phy.* Tumoff *105 lty three times, wllli Caolque A. L add-J. M ason > Rory Calhourn STAR of INDIA’ We are famous for a In 1947, Visible ln 10S1 and RACING NOW thru Aug.8 SUN- AND MON. ju i/y 1S-1S c o m a k a n C tIb s o I In 1DM. A year ago 1 Mickey Rooney and Wendell Corey complete "stock" of late WILDE WALLACE^ Carolyn K Stablo’s 111-Sag wns 13,200 »«*t (randitand and 9,000 Mat club* "THE BOLD AND THE BR^VE" lncolor the victor. h&uaa with oacalator and aUvator aarvk*, din* model used cars. Our —>1*108 — 2nd Technicolor Kill__ An added feature of Futurity Ing facilitla* and r*tt rootna on avary lava). m any repeat buyers will Day at Monmouth Park ls the Airy cafetarla on top lavtl.of grand»Un

socUted with John McWilliams, A.I.A., Metncfcen. Fred Fean- T b e bcil ebareh; eciabUahed about UN nfffdaUr in­ : G rtnd bittUflg otfcmontefl lor ‘.tiie modern education Shordmnd Memorial Gardens Association. ' - corporated In 1820, has had phenomenal growth daring, tbe Iasi bnUdinf of St John's Methodist Church, Keyport, will be held Tbe modern education tralldifir, pictured above* waa design­ ler, local architect, was consul taut for the project.; The low ooMtory bnOdlng was designed with function as the main ob­ 10 years. The building program which la being launched has on Sunday evening nt t special service a t 7:30 o'clook* The ed by A shock Ublnlnf, aon of a United Nations Bejwesentatlve been in progress for the past tive years. service will he held nt the alte of the new structure on Florence from India. Mr. Ublnlnl came to ihla country to study for Jhla ject. It meets all tbe requirements of tbe State of New Jersey Ays, This foor-tcK trait was purchased ft. year aro from the Doctorate la Architecture at Princeton University, and b at* for publlo schpol use. ~ *______• Lakeview Way, Is completed. «nfl ceilings, and when this Is section'of the house where tha Marvin* Honored Finish Outside Work m inister will live, — — He said the trim and windows completed, nailing on the plas­ | "'"TBE1 Church Of Our Saviour, Cheesequake, Members of the congregation At Houiewarming .. On Bayview Manse ter board. The m anse Is of are being painted, and with have worked on ih e house lin­ MataWakjournai ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mar- Has Assistant For Summer; News Items John Perkins, president of clear weather, this will be fin­ frame construction, covered by ger the direction of Sverre vln were guests of honor it a the board of trustees of the ished next week. Electrical dark red cedar shingles with a Aamot and Arthur Glbb, local P » ie Eight July 12, 1956 surprise housewarming supper William V. Rauscher, Jr., At­ Park, former residents ot Bayview Presbyterian Church. wiring was concluded Sunday white shingled roof. I t la of building contractor. Plumbing Saturday evening at their new by Harold HatlleTd. ’ lantic Highlands, a senior se­ Browntown. CUffwood Beach, reported to the IsWlt-level design with separ­ and heating is being done by , home on Woodbrook Dr., Mat­ minar student at Philadelphia Hal Meyers, Cheesequake. board at Its meeting on Mon­ Mr, Perkins announced that James Vena. awan. They received- many Divinity School, Is assisting who has been with the 78th day evening that the exterior tbe plan- of work for Saturday ate provision for a church of­ Post No. 176 Nine gifts. the Rev. Henry A. Male, jr., Division, UM. Reserves at work on the new manse, lo­ and Sunday Includes the stap­ fice and minister's study. . Six Furnished apartment signs Those attending were Mr, vicar of tbe Church of Our Fort Drum. N.Y.. has return­ cated on West Concourse at ling of Insulation to the walls rooms and a bath are ln the for sale at this office. . In Second Place and Mrs. Frederick Moog, Lit­ Saviour, Cheesequake, during ed home. While there he qual­ tle Silver; Mr. and Mrs, Paul July and August. ified for a medal ln m arks­ Royer, Shrewsbury; Mayor Matawan Post No, 178 team The Church of Our Saviour manship ...... and Mrs. Spafford W. Schanck Carl Kluge, Roselle, and lh the County Junior American Sunday School Is holding Its Mr. and Mrn. Rudolph Miller, annual picnic on Saturday at Miss Jane De Vlnney, Eliza­ Legion baseball league moved Dr. and Mrs. John Mohair, Metedeconk. All those de­ beth, were Saturday guests of Into second place Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mau­ siring to attend are nsked to Mr. and Mrs, Louis Blanken, when they defeated Long er, Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. meet at the church at 10 a.m. Cedar Grove. Sunday guests O. Stetler, and Mr. and Mrs. From Keyport, N. J. (Rollo Post House) Branch 4-1 at MHS field. The following Sunday School were, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. t»aul Blsh. pupils of the Church of Our Dayke, Cranfand^and- Dr. and Matawan put the game Mrs. L . M . Atkinson, ..Bugle- away In the first Inning. Hank Saviour attended the summer Bible School at St. Mary's wood. , , Direct To New York City's Business and Theatre Districts Cleary singled with two put Bicycles Allowed In Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ervin and stole'second. Dave Jones Episcopal Church, Keyport: Cl ip O ut and Save Jackie Sharp, Hannah Nor­ and daughters, Susan, Cheryl hit safely to score Cleary. Bob and Karen, Browntown, were Round Trip Fare Departures Prom Rew York City to Keyport DelU’s hit advanced: Jones to Keyport Day Parade man, Caryn, Garrett and Jac­ queline Cosgrove. A picnic guests of Mr. and M rs. Wil­ To New York City G rey h o u n d 30Uj St. Greyhound 34th third. A balk permitted Jones liam Mac Glllis, Engllshtown. - ONLY T erm in a l S treet to score. Rich Fariello scored was held on the closing day. A.M . * :» ♦ , t , 8:13, ft, fiiJO, I t , 11, I I Noon I At Tuesday’s meeting of the at a baroecue picnic and F .S L l* * * # 2, 4, 6, S, A.M. fUJ. 1, 1;U, A.M 9*, 10, 11, In the second for Post No. 176. Keyport Civic Affairs Commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Her- 12 Rffdnlgbt** 10:40, 11:40 swimming party on July 4. 12 Noon, 2, 1, 4, He singled, stole and came In tee, held In the Old Borough tog and children, Donna Lynn . Mrs. Joseph DeMauro and I P.M. 1:40, 2:40, 3:4*. I, U. 12:30 A.M., on Bill Kennedy’s safe blow. •Deaoies S al, Sea- aaS Bollflayi I 5:40. 7:40, Hall, it was decided that a ahd Alan and Frank Boyce, son, Vlnnltt. Newark, are • • +*Senday Oaly . 1 . 5 8 U:l511:15 A.M. 1:131:15 A.M. Monday j Jones scored again ln the bicycle group would be allowed Cheesequake, were dinner spending this week visiting at I *+tm. Sat,, Son. and Holiday* ■ plus nliu tax fourth on a walk, Jn/leld out to participate In tbe parade on guests Sunday of Mr, and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pe­ and Delter Johnson’s hit. Tony Keyport Day, Saturday. Aug. Mrs. John Boyce, Freneau. ter Perllll, Cedar Grove, Save Time - Save Money — Save Your Car — No Parking Problems Cogllano, winning pitcher for 4. All bicycles must be decor­ Miss Barbara Godfrey, Van- Matawan;; yielded an unearn­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnsen, Drop Us * Card at 2*5 Broadway, Keyport and We WJU Place Ton on OCtr MalUne List for Schedule Chances ated and a prize will be award­ ethel Dr., Cheesequake, Is on Browntown, spent th e week-: ed run to Long Branch In the ' - - I lI . : .» • *, ed to the rider of the best decor, two-week vacation with her end visiting at the home of Mr. sixth, grandmother, Mrs. John De- M tta w n (4) ated bicycle. . 1 and, Mrs. Nils Thomsen, raltus. Bayonne. Brooklyn. While there they at­ ab r h At the meeting, held on July M r. and M rs. B. C. Maccia, . Kenned/, u - 0. 1 Elbert VanCbarldorp and tended the wedding of Mlsa A FFll.l v l l- l> ROLLO TRANSIT . .. y Cedar Drove, were among lift Martha 'BJtueaal - (Mid—John Kennedy, lb ' t JO Howard Jeandron, parade co­ su ests who attended the 10th chairmen, announced that toe Filstad at the • 'Lutheran Phone KEYPORT 7-0797 7 - 0 3 6 0 ’ Cleary, 2 b , J 1 0 wedding anniversary dinner of Church and the reception Jonea, c a 1 1 parade would form at the Six the latter’s uncle and aunt, Comers, and the reviewing which followed at Sea Men's D eltz.cr > 0 1 Mr. and Mrs. Saverio DeMau­ Hall. Their daughter, Linda, stand will 1>e set up on t h e Cogllano, p 3 0 0 ro, Newark, held at Robin who had been spending, s Johnson, If ' , . a 0 1 grounds of the Keyport Library. Hood Inn, Clifton, on Sunday. week at the Thomsens return­ Fkrrlello, rf ■. . ' i . 1 0 Tbe parade route will be a? church ceremony with the ed home with her parents. Thaler, 2b .a 0 0 follows: Hobart St. lo Broad­ original attendants attending Mrs. Eugene Skowronek way, left on Broadway to Front preceded the dinner, was a dinner-truest Monday of ■ i ' :: ' ai 4 4 St., right on Front to Broad Mr. and Mrs.-Olaf Gilbert­ Mrs. • Benjaman Palkevlch, -: i. Lnt| Braneh (i) St., right on Broad to Jackson son,' Browntown, were among Rochelle Park. ab r h St., left on Jackson to Atlan- GO guests who attended the All day.guests July 4 ot Mr. Pornln, 2b ‘ - 3 0 1 tlce St., left on Atlantic to Sec­ wedding of the latter's cousin and Mrs. B. C. Maccia were Mabb, ss . 3 0 0 ond St., right on Second to Ful­ Mrs. Astrld Brennan and Val- Mrs. Vincent DeMauro and Quirk, 1)) : 3 0 1 ton St., left on Fulton to First eltlne Petersen, held at the children, Rose Ann and Jim, Winston, cf 3 0 0 St., up Flm t to Beach Park, bridegroom's home In Anna- Mr. and Mrs. Manny Val, Jr., Plogatore, it . 3 -0 0 Fire trucks and floats are to delle, S.I., on Saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -Kelson, c .0 1 turn left bn Church St. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MUko Stanco, Newark. 8 anti niece, Irvington, and Mrs. Sarcomo, 3b - 3 0 1 July 31 Deadline For Entries 1 0 0 Anna Oczkowskl, Browntown, Wollson.orf Organizations from surround­ were guests Sunday of Mr. Harold Simmons Is ' Johnson, rt _ a 0 0 ing towns are Invited to enter i 0 nnd Mrs. Eugene Skowronck, Feted On Birthday Ippollto, p ‘ 1 floats. All those Intending to Browntown. participate in the parade are Monday guests of Mr. and Harold Simmons, 168 Theresa 25 1 3 reminded to notify the commit­ Mrs. Peter Prlccaciante, Ce­ Ave., Keyport, wa$ the guest Long Branch 000 0010—1 tee by July 31, so final ar­ dar Orove,-were Mr. and Mrs. of honor at a party held Satur­ ..Matawan .... 311 OOOx—4 rangements can be mode. derald Pagano and children, day at the home of Bonnie Stanley Baker reported ap Barbara and Allen, Union. Qreatrex, 2 Hurley St., Key Cliffwood Supper plications lo enter the soap box Mr, nnd Mrs. John McCann, port, In ' celebration of his derby are available at Larry': Brooklyn, are visiting at the birthday. T he Women’s Society of Barber Shop, Smokey's Barber home ol Mr. and Mrs. George . Those present were Joseph CSrlstlan Service of Uie Cllff­ Shop, Costa's, Keyport Hartf Florida,- Cedar Grove. McGovern, Kenneth Bennett, wood Community Church will ware, Bayshore Hardware, nnd Mr. and Mrs. William J. Josephine Burlew, Oeorge Ralnaud, Browntown, were Ward, Keyport; Lee Craw­ hold a cafeteria supper Tuea- ^.a„c^,S Each en­ trant in the soap box derby Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs ford, Holmdel, and Odette Her day from 6 to B p.m. In Lhe will receive a miniature trophy William H, Thompson, Asbury tie, Hazlet. Sunday 8chool room. F ice coupons will be given with purchases nt the refresh In a Thumlerbhd Special V-8 engine' 325 eager " h o r « ." a w a it y o u r iattruatioiu ment and novelty stand. These TWO FIRST PLACE TROPHIES WON BY CORPS LOSE UGLY FAT coupons are to be deposited In " ' *AwiUU* In F«r4omttle FdrUn« Suiio« Wjg«ng In Ten Days the barrel next to the stand,, and there will be a drawing' Or Money Back during the evening and prlies For ihe sheer fun of driving donated by local merchants will U you ire overweight, her* 1« the flrat really thrilling newi to come be awarded. •long tn years. A ntw ft oonvenlent Mayor Charles E. Applegate way to get rid of extrs pounds easier than ever. «o you can be ai slim anil reported the fireworks display trim as you want This new product will be bigger and better than called DIATRON curbs ttoUt hunger A appetite. No drugs. 00 d iet, r last year and will start prompt­ • x e rrls c . A bsolutely h a rm le s s. wh< ly at 11 p.m. you taks DIATRON. you still enk, V your meals, still eat the foods you For any Information concern­ like but you simply don't have the ing Keyport Day,. Interested urge for extra portions and iuto matJcsJly >our vvelglii muJt come persons are asked to contact down, because, as your own doctor Mr, Jeandron, general chair­ will tell you. when you eat lens, you weigh leis. Exccii weight endansers man, or Mayor Applcgnle, pro- A lirad of you tlie highway unwinds like Beyond any doul>t tliis '56 Ford will your Heart, kidneys. .so no inntler grnm chairman. a ctirrlnnly coiled rope. But firmly under wliat you have tried befqre, get DIA- • TfcuntJeibli'd power capture for you the a d v e n tu r e of driving. TIION ind prove lo ^ourself ivhat It you ij a car d e s ig n e d lo take roads lite this Behind its giant Thunderbird engine driv- • .,,cl\.^ DIATri0N •» °n this in r.ny stride. Dfneath tliat gleaming Kurd GUARANTEE: You must lose welghl Open* a whole nsw world frifi is fu ll o f f u n agiiHit with the first, package you use or The hood, 225 eager horses await your orders. paL-kmfe c n s ti you 1101 hJnlnfr. Juat r*- ^NTtcrc a FutJ A’-8 is concerned, only turn the bottle to your druRRlxtt _snd of driving pleasure... Nudge the gas pedal. Gently, now . , . looltl Set your money back. liUtnON E x t& e is And the keys to a Ford , Tli.lt truck (hat was a l i c a d of us is now co st t3 .W end tl ,o!d with thli «tr!cf Quick Battery Service arC^Efti!*n® jou now at your Ford money hack Auarantrs byt m akei Ford the sa fe ly behind. See (hat flat “S" curve ahead? DrnlwBH Get beiiind tlie w heel of thU great Bmdford IIMm Stor.-M.MMn With Ford s low m iter of gravity and ball- Mill Orderi Kilted road car. Put it through its paces on any COLOT'S, Matnwan bejl-telling "8" ef alll joint front suspension, well follow its twist­ hi^liWiiy or byway. When you rctum to ing turns in sure-footed safety. There, we re your tlfalcr’s sliownxnn y \c think youll (hniiigh it, And it was fu n ! Qfircc that—Ford,, iiuj^etl, gwa first. ■&

English Motors in performance ^ Ford goesfirst... i n s a f e t y i n e c o n o m y The Keyport Junior Drum and flu tie Corps won two /Irat place trophies on July A when they avaln reoelved first prlie for the most outMamllnr musical milt In the line of march at N O W ! A FORD with M R CONDITIONING costs less than many LINCOLN MERCURY (he July 4th cflebratlnn In UldreNeld Park. Ml** Muriel Fox. toft, drum majorette, nnd MIm Ann Holey, rfght, head majorette m edium -priced cars w ithout it * TRY ONE TODAY! of lhe twJrter.% wre plctnreil above dUplsylnjr the many tro­ NEW AND USED CARS phies the corpn won In I05S>M. The trophic* will be plaoed on display In tho store window of. Pete’s Appliances, West Front Oa Mtnmonlh Strict Orpoalta Carlloa Ti. - Bt., Keyport. . . On June 23 when the unit participated In the Mth anniver­ Red Bank 8-4648 6-0176 . sary celebration of (he Hprlnr/leld V l r e Department, members George S. Barrett And Son - Main St., Matawan, Tm:. were awarded flr»t pUrr for tho meat outntandlnf Junior Drum anil llutle Corps In tbe lint of march* . CHEAT TV, FORD THEATRE, CHANNEL 4 . t:M P.M. THU BDAYfl . ■ ■ • -V-Jt . • : Morganville Harvest Home Supper LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE REPORT o r CONDITION cf ‘TUB srepated by the Borough Engineer MATAWAN BANK" ef MaUwaa, isve been filed ln the office of tbe County of Monmouth, Rew ieney. a Borough Engineer at 121 Mala Street, For Aug. 2; Items In Area member of fee Federal Reserve a y* Matawan. N. J. and may be there MATAWAN'JOURNAL; tern, at th* <3ow of business o s Inspected by prospective bidders dvr* plans for tlie annual Har­ SERVICE HELP WANTED Juaa 90, 1SS4, published In * 0* ingig businessb u sin ess hour*.hours. ger Hauser, Morganvllle, and HOUSES FOR SALE cordanoo AVBh a caU m ade by tbe BHd* id must *be on standard proposal ■_«- i* i 05t P age Kill' vest Home sapper to be held l i r a . Albert Janwlch and CoRunlsduner «f Banking and intur* form,rm . ccopies o p u . of which------wtl!»- ---ba------fum* * - ance pursuant to the p rorlda ns ol on return ot-£pecifie*tlana ety -JortzChrlstlan Service of Guests at the July 4th open TYPIST towa 14SO Mailing address, Barry of the Federal Reser-ve Acl. ' - ji good order within five day* fnbtn are' on file io the office of the laid N fannan, floa l*f FrarthnM ASSETS date of owning of bids. Bids must be Engineer at 1U Main Street, Mata* the Morganvllle Methodist house at Qremlin Farm, the TO TAKE OUT to r bookkeeping dept ltuil - be Cash, balanoea with otb* ' enclosed tn sealed envelopes beating wan, N. J„ and may bo thero In* methodical and accurate. Immediate U N IO N BEACH, excellent Cuw 6o£. the name and addreaa of the bidder Church at the borne ol Mrs. home of F, . Z. ' Goosman, pennastsae front. 14* x t x kn o tty er banks. Including re- . tpccted by prospective bidders. EVEBY rlU AY permaneat position. Will IL. O idrt serve balances, and and the name of the propoied work Bids must be made on standard Raymond Weniel, Woolley- Co* Acromarine Bldg., port, pine living“ ■ - room.------1 large.... bedrooms.. on tho outside and must be aooom* Route 31, Included Mrs. Rosa­ combination kitchen and dinette, bath, cash item* to process ...... proposal form, copies of which will town Rd., Morganvllle. Mrs. TELSPHONB of collection ...... $ 701,199.38 isnled by a certified cbeck payable be furnished with Uie plans ana lie Scheurich, Mrs. Marilyn e r jt t o il h eat,t, garage-wlth aluminum rooted o iho uorough of Matawan . In the patio ,, uapftt rail - fenrc on . fully . . land United States Govern* sncdfU'fttlons by tlio Engineer if df« Carl Binger conducted the Scheurich, Mrs. Edward ICO* aiMa' « 1HV liatM ment obligations, direct sum of ot least lfr% of the amount sired, upon the payment of Ten Dol­ , FRAN & RAYS SALESMAN to take complete ch irn i$o* wide a 100' deep, bid. Bids must be delivered lo the business meeting and named Cllckner and daughter, Mary of Bearing machine departm estt «*• 13*00. Carlton U. Poling, Real Ea­ and guaranteed — lar* 1910.00); which sum will be re­ rations of States and Borough Clerk by or before the bour funded to contractors, uhn submit blria Mrs. Wencel, Mrs. John Bab- Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. ThomT pertence preferred but not essential st* flmkq 1. U Osborn BL, K q I w /L above named. Good Income; marvelous opportunity, Cail Keyport T-lSlt .. . will ;tlcal subdivisions .... an d wbo re tu rn th e d o cu m en ts in H#>d risky, Mrs. H.C. Quackenbush, K E 7-2734 . . . i bond*, notes, and The Borough Council reserve* th* order within ten (10) day* after lit* as Antisell and sons,, Carl, w jtl for right man. Write Box 678. Key* KEYPORT, attractive ...... 4»i room Mrs* I. Joseph Spurgat, Mrs. p o rt ______;______•______debentures ...... right to reject any or all bids if contract has been awarded. Tho de* Donald and Douglas. ' bungalow, oil heat, elcclnc stove, Corporate stocks (Includ­ deemed* to the best interest n t th e poult will not be refunded to parlir* Fred Marz, Mrs. Ernest Thom Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus RUSSELL'S RADIO MECHANIC to wort oa Chrysler screens. Venetian blinds, good ooctdi' in g $1,800.00 sto ck o t Borough *o-to-do. " who do not submit bids, Sealed pro* to a committee to plan the • car*; only firit clan mechanic* to tlon 99004. Carlton H. Poling, Real Federal Reserve Bank) 9.SM.06 J. FRANKLIN DOUINICK posals for thla vstnk must bear the Quackenbush, Alfred L. Con­ apply; high salary, cood working Estate Broker, 31 Osborn St., Key- L o an s a n d d isco u n ts ay< ville Independent • Flrehouse lord. Service en all makes. We go S car carafe, all Improvement*. 4 Sank premiaee the home of Mrs. William B. MALE or female. Apply Rollo Past years ou, full price 910,500. low 914,900.00, fumlUIture and Notice Is hereby given that sealed able ...... to the Uorough of Matawan, o r un lhe Ms.tawarvFrceho'.d Rd. anywhere, formerly of Cllffwood- •„y. House, d corners, Keyport. , wjU cash, tn the turn of at least te« XJlayton.-Qarden City, L.I M alaw an .------:------w jt£ monthly payments. See Wenner. fix tu re * .cn.M 44.17S.64 proposals are Invited and will be re* Broker. -Keyport 7-034. ______w |l l r ' reived by' the MaVot'and 110%) - p e r cent of -the amount - bid. - - Other committees will be an­ Saturd&y guests at the home APPLIANCE impair man, must be e* Ibtal Assets ...... |1.307,763.83 the Borough of Matawan, Monmouth The Borough reserve* the right lo C A R P E N T E R and! building co n tracto r perienced, vacation, good pay, H O U SE 4 large rooms, tile bath, tlie nounced.— — of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bond. J. O. U ctttv. Florence Ave, Key County, New Jersey, at a meeting reject any er all bid*. steady Job Cor right mjuL Call w kitchen. S car garage. Inquire 1 LIABILITIES to be beld ln the Borough Hall, Main -J. Franklin Dominick Plans lor a "Sample Party” Blossom Heights, were Ur. p o rt H ew B orne*, g a r a g e s : aXLsr Mjpointment Hlllcrest t-X 9 X . A m boy Atlantic Ave., Matawan, Call Mata- adooa and repair*. Easy * ----- Demand deposits of indi­ Street, Matawan. N. J., on Thursday Borough Clerk Appliance- Service, 174 New Bruns­ wan 1-3W any time. wll>* vidual*, partnerships J u ly M . IBM, a t e ig h t uala, partnership*, and tn the Borough of Malawan, with nor fasf tffldm l ndto end television corpora tions |,IU^U-*1 storm drains. choice this weekend. ments. . George Gaskins, a former cation, adtisnry capacity, peraon- ■ m r U a U u a n scrvice call Ib tm a l<3Ui wJU ality -Md background more essential fJOTsETT its ef United States Drawing*, Specifications and form Mrs. Mars reported a profit resident of Wickatunk, Wu re­ l-U M -U . w jH ______ent (including bids, ior the proposed work prepared than badness experience; flexible Cluuifled Adi Oet ftesults of $30.59 on the-recent demon­ turned to his home in Califor­ LANDSCAPma- Bauaim u l nub bo urx. C all K e y p o rt 7*07*4. w j l l BUNGALOW, 4 room^ heat, bath and postal savings) by Karl P. Heuser, Borough Engineer, nia after visiting relatives In te n nee ol tout ground* om spec- utility room; near route 33. CaU Deposits of State* and stration for the benefit of the iltr; to p ecrtV m a n u re , t e r t l l l « t, Dnw Wm. McGovern, Keyport 7-34C9.R, p o litical subdivisions .... kitchen fuhd.^ . \ this area for 'several days Lucia, Stone Rd. Tel Keyoort 7­ MEN ' . w jl^ Other deposit* (certified 1419. , w jtS -and officer*1 check*, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Rat- If you can quality by passing o>ou r 79,203.02 M T_s. _ Harry A. Ratcilffe cliffe ' entertained on July 4. sales ap titu d e te s t y ou w ill be glv< opened the meeting with a de- an apportunlty far a Uie time po* ~ T o u i ...... Guests ^ were Mr. and Mrs. TELEVISION SERVICE Situation Wanted 1 Deposit* - t4.OTM40.2e - votlonal -period; At ihe close altloo with excellent income; also Other UatoUUce ...... Henry Neiberlien and Mrs. Interested ln men with spare boar*. WILL we*h and iroo all type*‘ol1 cut of the business meeting re­ Call us for reliable TV service; tele* william Neiberlien, Marlboro; Write Dox D care of tbl* newspaper. tatnA also stretch curtain* to m! Total UsbUtUe* (not freshments were served by vision* antenna* repaired and tnstal* -*• . -___ __ • w j » own home, rrompt senrlce. Cal including subordinat­ Mr, and Mrs. Charles L led We repair'radio* and small JtouthJUnbw^^5S||- ...... “ i9J _ _ _ w jtt GARDENER, caretaker, bandy man ed obligations shown the hostess. Others attending electric appliance*. . 94,080,034,M were Mrs; RusSell VanPelt, Holmes and son. Robert, and lor farm estate, permanent,soma b elo w ) ...... Mr. and Mrs. Karl Woolley. stock, no milking; own 3 room apart* Mrs.' Hannah Lambertson, VILLAGE TELEVISION ment. Wife avallabfe part time. Write U SED C A R S CAPITAL ACCOUNTS . Mr, and Mrs. Charles Osar t 150,000.00 VMrs. Eleanor Perrlne, Mrs. Box 43T R . D. t M a ta w a n o r c a ll Qf ngUQmiJg Convertible, l»t(L good C ap ital' 100,000,00 have moved.. into their new 20 E. FRONT ST. W hitney < a511, w j l l _ ru n S u rp lu s -Ralph Howardson. Mrs. Gar­ home on Station Rd., Wicka- tires, radio and heater, cood Undivided profits 57.7ftU.TS ret Woolley and Mrs. Ken­ K E Y P O R T PUBLIC Health nurse or registered ring condition. C all M a ta w a n 1*458:1. tunk. ' ■ n o n e in te re s te d tn b eco m in g ac* J-a . w}12 Total Capital Account* 9 307,158,13 neth Woolley. On Wednesday evening the KEYPORT 7-3081 credited public'* health nurse.' CaU - ' ivjtt Matawan Public Health Association Morganville Cub Scouts soft­ M ataw an 1*1095 b etw een 0 a.m . an d F O R SA LE Total UsbtUtle* and Mr. and Mrs. H arry A. Rat- ball team met a Keyport team BAILING, plowing. discing, corn 12 noon, Monday, Thursday or ttldajr. Copilal Account* ...... 4.3U7.703.9S cliffe were supper .guests of on their home field at the planting, cultivating, cnowing and C t't t& ttf t» i Mrs. Mabel • Boyce on July weed spraying; also other type* of AWNINGS ‘‘Hils bank'* cnpital oon* firemen’s fair grounds field. tractor work. Bernard Prels, Old M A T A W A N Door hoods and patio covers. Free slsts of: . -4th. Mrs; Florence MacManus. Mr. and ■ Mrs. L e s te r Bond Tennant Road, MorgaovJUe. Call esUmalea. Bob' Orr, Aluminum Common stock with ' who also was a guest, was M ataw an l*0085*R*l. . w jtf P ro d u c ts . CaU K ey p o rt 7*tUlO. . total par value of . entertained at a picnic on UNDERGARMENT CO. ______■- w | 8/30 9150,000.00 _ celebrating her birthday. LICENSED boarding home for the M EM ORANDA SANK BY M AIL July 4th when their guests aged, both sexes, all races wel­ Asscla pledged or as­ 'Saturday guests at the were. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wash­ come Mrs.Mil. Hazel(tazei Baldwin,caiawin, Proprie-rr OPERATORS Aluminum Windowa - 1 ' w jtf sig n ed to s e c u re UablU* home. of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- burn and daughters, Helen to r. C all M aU w an 1-2357-M*!. ties and for other pur* SEPTIC tank and cesspool cleaning, EXPERIENCED ’ , Venetian Blinds p osea ...... 9 ISM>W,00 'as’ Antlseir Included Mr. and STEADY WORK fre* Estimates -N o Money Down and Gall. Marlboro: Mr. and modem equipment! reasonable (a) Loons as shown m ight malt* t r i p M rsr George Miller, Bogota; rates CaU Van Kevport M937-R OOOD PAY K arl A. F ran t* . K ey p o rt 7-3403. W»alhor condlttom that a Mrs. Joseph Vota and sons 7:45 a.m. to 4:16 p.m. - abovQ'ore after dedue* . Frank"'Linden Antisell, who is ADDITIONS, alterations, building re­ USED refrigerators in Rood condi­ tioti of re serv e * of ...... U.498.8.1 Joseph, Phillip, B 111 and i Day Week- ...... (b) SceutlUe* a* - shown ------stationed at the U. S. Navy pairs, carpentry, masonry and rbof* B Johnson Ave., Matawan . tion 140 05 and up. Pete’s Ino. l o t h t bonk tllWwll mvi* no d«loy or Steve, ond Mr, and Mrs. Mar­ Ing. brick porches, cement walks etc. M ataw an 1*1071 o o rn e i W F ro n t an d M ain Sta.. Key* abovu are after deduc CaH Keyport 7-1310-R. wjlO p o rt. C all K ey p o rt 7*2700, w jlf Uon of reserve* of *~..c 17.03Q.fl2 Air; Force Base, Norfolk. Va.. tin Marz and daughter, Judy. ~______. J w jtf V .ACCOHDIONS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chance On Tuesday Ra'.ph and John HAIRDRESSER, experienced, good We, M. F. STEVENSON, Prosldenl. hardthlp wh*n you mall your S p o ilt. ' DITMARS & IX11NINC NEW and used, bought-Rold-rented i nnd C, W. MANDEV1LLE. Cashier, ot and sons Andrew and Thomas, Babrlsky, Morganvllle, a n PAINTERS & DECORATORS salary, steady or weekends. Cull paired and exchanged N, J. M K ey p o rt 7*1404, C rea tiv e H a ir S tylists. the -above-named bank do solemnly Hicksville, L. I.; and WUlam Harvey 'Morrell, Matawan, at­ Interior fc Exterior . stc Center, 42 Brotid St.. Keyport. Tol swear that Uie above abitemejU 1* Many of our tuilomw* find this o wf* ond Time Payments Arranged - . • w jia K E y p o rt 7*1470 L esio n s on *11 in ­ Blrkel, Valley Stream, L. I. tended a baseball game at true, and that it fully and. correctly K E Y 7-50(12 OR 7>2U W OqOK 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Apply in strument*. wjif represents the tru* *tato of the sev* Mr’ Birkel remained for a Yankee Stadium, New York. Wjlf person, must have transportation, SALT h*y, baled. Call ... Keyport 1* eral matter* herein contained and set •aiy way to do th»lr banking. Brookdale Nuralnjf Home, Highway 1100, S w a rts e r* F a rm Suppll“ Ilea, wjlf week’s visit. The Morganviltej Jndepen XALL. Parts Unlimited, Prospect 4 33 at Main St., Keyport. CaU Key* forth, In the best of our knowledge „Q3S8 for radio and televlsloh serv­ USED television tela In jcood condi­ ■ Miss Charlene Holmes has dent Volunteer Fire C o .' will ice.'* -Antennas installed and .repaired p o rt 7*4133. •______w jl2 •nd r ^.v^NSON tion. Bargains from 925 and up. -r- president been spending a week with oeiebrate Its 40th anniversary (5 and up. Call Asbury Parit Sales R E G IS T E R E D nuran 11 p.m . to . Pete's 1 Ino, corner W. Front and with a dinner at Coby's Res­ Room for discounts on all radio, TV a.m. shift, good pay. must hav* Main Sts.. Keyport. Tel Ke: 14700- C . W. MANDEVILLIC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Trolak. tubes, parts and accessories. -AM transportation, Brookdale Nursing ' r Cashier Beilemawr. Mrs. Charles U taurant, South Amboy, on Sat­ service calls |2t7S. guarantee B0 days. Home, Highway 35 at Main St., Kcv* STORAGE tank MO gallon on treille Correot^-Attest: , urday. Members of the Ladles For Cliffwood and Asbury Parte Serv­ port. CaU K ey p o rt T-41S3. w jtf 950 for quick uala. Inquire Orr*s ’ ftjtafford Wk Schanck Holmes and son, Robert, and ic e Shop* ' c a ll P ro s p e c t • 4*0358. 727 Paint Shack. Highway M. Union Peter J. Rollo Jflrs. Rcinke Janssen, Mata- Auxiliary and husbands also Cookman Ave., Asbury Park. wJ28 SECRETARY, general office work, Bcach or call Keyport 7*1D1». wjta " Adie O. Shults .. 4 or 5 d ay week, p e rm a n e n t po* D ire cto r* wpp,-ma(le the trip by car on will attend the affair to which BULLDOZING, lots cleared, cellars. sltlon to right party. CaH Keyport BABY carrlogc. good condition, rea- THI tanka and septic* dug; lots, garacei aonable. CaU K ey p o rt 7-30S3*J. State of New Jorier, Saturday. ' the Marlboro Township Com T^OW ^oirJCeanfilM u^^ County of Monmouth, tst — Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wool­ mltteemen have been Invited and coops Riled and graded, drive­ FARMER'S & MERCHANTS bank Sworn lo snd subscribed before me way* ' cindered, graveMJ and grad stock. Bid 36, ask 43.- CaU Loni« n n th is 9 th' d ay of J u ly , 1058, and. 1 ley and daughter, Doris, Rah­ Robert S. Smith ls ln charge ed. Blue stone, road gravel, ma*on LEGAL NOTICE B ran ch 0-0007. 111 cand. washed gravel, till dirt and top h e re b y c e rtify th a t 1 am n o t - s n of» MATAWAN way, Wtre recent guests at of arrangements. soft Dump trucks for hire. Eekci fleer or director of thi* bank. Charter No. 2242*W a fte r 0 p.m . " ASSETS wan, N. J. on Thursday July Cash, balances with ofh* " types of ' antique*. T Doll*, O TALL toy*: a t &,TO o'clock P.M. Daylight Sav­ BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, garage, two er banks, including re­ furniture, china, glassware and old ing Tlmfl, f*ta. pledged or as- •Igncd to secure liahili- lies and for other pur* P»*«« ...... - ...... 9 245,000.00 (a) Loins a* shown above are sfter deduc­ tion o f re se rv e s of 19,581.M A WEYERHAEUSER MODULAR HOMI (hi Securities as shoun above are after dedue* " Uon o f re s e rv e s of ..„ 19.949 94 can b * framed in 3 days... (») (2) Real eitate loan* 2 o r Jnaorvd undrr Titles If, VI. and Vlfl of tt«e Na* and completed at your leisure (tonal H ousing A c t' 34,095.14 ( a i <3) Ls>ans in su red o r SuaranUn5 by Veter* an»' Administration— When you buy a W eyerhaeu*er . insured or guarantefd ordy i « 7 , n i . w M odular Home, the entire basic i ■» M) Frd«rra) II '/Utfllg structure is delivered to your Adrnlnlxtradi/M .....M ir 1 . repslr and rnod^rni/a. building site in one order . . . tlon l;u.ta‘|mrnt Joauj. not bs loose lum ber, but aa fac- to Hie estent (o v rtt-n h y IsmUrtnr- lory-assembled well sections 1‘9 iS h - *»♦* UOUOAY SCOAN •nd pre-cut parts. Thu* the en­ rr thin ‘ LI/t!!cd plete it for you. All of the ma* .x-aiitiful d«if m in th*» M orlnU r lin« -\\m * jn|« from traditional !• mod«ra, fa almost *of fttale* (liwfuii.inX leriala used are t o p q u a l i t y . sn d %',r+ snd floor plan yeu may d * * in . 1 rUiijantfi-d") 9 81 OBT INTO AN The lum ber L* kiln-dried, snd I. J. liO N A LD U IL L K K , <**».»♦», precislon'cut' td W eyerhaeuser o i live au > v « -n am rd b an k , do O LD S M O B I L_ E * etsndard*. i n n c o w w t i b ' 71* Iy *v>rar th a t th« ab»r\-e s ta irm » n t I* tru* to lfr»* t*'.! i f iny kno'Airdg* Mall the coupon today fo r f. O. *5*. **** »nii lxir• •*, #»<»•*«• f|(HM r n r .n w - book, and the name of you/ JOHKPJI fSAIKfl . M o d u la r H o r e f L u m b e r D ealer* YlObh w . M AG if AN DlltCU'ft ftUle of |«ew Jrrwv, W IYIRHAIUSIR f>un1y Of Mor.nn*uth. *i JOHNSON - GIBB MOTOR CO. to »i*4 au t* trr» U d t*^<<*»e m * lliu Vtr. (imf tA Jul>, 19M, an d I MODULAR HOMES t'ti'ii? m lily th a t I aro r*«t ut- .... J t tMf bsr.ii 108 Mats Street, Matawan Pfcoae Matawan 1*1040 Ho(ai> Mta Amm'iiiI it*II I >(y f<,rri»nli»l'/0 rr j/tre s M ay 'il. IM7 j l i tJ ! -60 11 W l - M !vl M,,U| ■aBsrasraasasaaaMi

STORE OPEN TIL 9 P.M M onday, Tuesday, W ednesday, Thursday N. J. State Highway 36, Keansburg tiMO P.M. Friday Saturday 'til 6 P6M.

' Top Q uality m eats, dairy products , fruits and vegetables* • groceries arid" household needs at year round l o w p r i & $ , NEW LOW PRICE FRESH DRESSED

■■ 's‘ l *« d o u a * k 2 MKET

Lowest price in over 10 years. Now Regular Top Quality Ii thetlm e to stock your freezer with < u „ "" M«». RlADY TO COOK these top quality — fresh dressed — plump — tenderturkeys—- a t' the Avg. Wt. 4 t/ft lbs. peak of their goodness. • Ib. tiKS Small—■ Lean —/Mild Cure — Boneless ■ ^**61* A V G . W T . SMOKED BUTTS 2 lbs. < 5 9 * Armour1* Star — Slfinleii . _ . ~ Armour't Star — Mild Cura , ' ’ FRANKFURTERS With that open fir* flavor «* 4 9 * SLICED BACON ‘ Sweat Smolta flavar _ Ib. 5 9 * Swifr. PremiuA_ * , , Hi Hat — Fre>h ' • HS 8T - . . J . ~ n ' BOLOSNA ^ 1 LIVERWURST any SliePiece K»4 9 * S A L A D S P" Macaroni, Potato,Cob Slaw - lb. ? 9 * ° ° W o r by ' Chi'°Bo 77* III * * f° T«nt/or,^f p . 7 " n « W ' * r “ w « .f „ b ' : ° U n : Hygrade’* VacuumPackad — Sliced V , Grand Union - Quick Fro«en - r . V - . a i l . family, v-.j f/o«», j . 0 Silver L O A V E S Bologna. Olive, Pickle * Pimento *r Plain 6«. 2 5 HAHDnPI^ Fll I ETC ' Nt 9 lb 7 0 # «*£**“ **«*. C » ’«• » „ . "Introducing" - Grand Union - Quick Froian ' ' i n t / U V V l V F l t L C I J . L "• # T ■ ' "Ibltttl o r " ‘ ’ Goldon Brown — Haafand Serve

ANY 4 FOR *1 ,0 0 ANY 5 FOR *1. ANY 6 FOR *1 .0 0 D el M o n te Grand Union .. . Southern Star 16 ox. PINEAPPLE * GRAPEFRUIT...... DRINK CRUSHED PINEAPPLE «an BONITO FLAKES A rm o u r Grand.Union F re s h p a k 1 16 01, 18 o i , 10 ox.' can can CORNED BEEF HASH SWEET POTATOES GRAPE JELLY i " F re s h p a k Wayne County . O c e a n S p r a y — 5* P a c k D eal p*< Lqfc- 16 •*. SALAD DRESSING i«- CIDER VINEGAR bot. CRANBERRY SAUCE •an C r o i t e & B lack w ell K le e riw a y G r a n d . 10'/, •!. ,kg. of j a r . pkq, of BARBECUE RELISH GARBAGE BAGS... 20'« FACIAL TISSUE u 400'| ' i»s " '

Top Q uality

Fresh F ruitpjand Vegetables F!:. LARGE SIZE #% HONEYDEW MELON ~ 3 9 i Golden Green Crisp .

T u t* T reat PEACHES 2 2 9 P E P P E R S For Tatty Salads 2 2 9 < Garden Fresh ' . t B o s to n ' BEETS Sweet and Tender b u n ch ■5* L E T T U C E Presh.Crlsp Leaves head'6 / Dairy Foods Baked G oods —r-rritriftinfr^ Slletd Proceitod N a n c y Lynn AMERICAN CHEESE > For StndwUhai or Cold FUtoi . Ib. 49*

ziWgg gruyere ' F*r Summer Stticla . 4 ot. pig 39* Danish Coffee Ring Im •■ch 39 Kraft's Niweit ' PARTY SNACKS G*«»n, JD*U. Chlr», Cl«m( OnToo^; i os. p ig , 19* ^Nancy Lynn P_«VorU* SWISS , »• 69^ B Plain , Half & Half Donuts doz 2 5 ty . m}1 ' Ijj

^ eligliifuii^Co^!!§ffjL^^f#efaiiil TIME SAVING APPLIANCES FOR COOL COOKING Misses' Baby Doll Pajamas

ROTO BROIL "2 S lic e " ... King Size Cooker-Fryer — Supreme Rotisserie...... flip Flop TOASTER No one need to spend lhe summer over a hot itova wllh a Cooker-Fryer on hand. This It a marvelous buy I It roast*, Preparing summer meal* In the Rotlssorie is a real |oy. Has a • A beavllful table accitiory. Door* and top flnlihtd In friet, cooks, ileami, blanches, stows, aiid bokesl Equipped built-in 4-hour automatic timer and heat switch. Equipped • Chrome plate, Balance of Tooster In black bgked ervamel, j with a fully automatic temperature control. — . . with 2 trays and Ratinerle spit. Adjustable broiling levels. • Heavy gauge steel. Underwr Iter* approval, ■ . All chromefmlih. Portable bakelite hon- ,,- l Snug fit, heat reilitant, general utility gldu ®*“" \ eactionly cover. Round pouring edge makes straining f \ wf dies remain cool for easy carrying, Tray ™ and pouring easy. Complete Instructions *r # W m can be used on top ol broiler to fry and f t A ’V and recipe book. » * * ” toast, keep foods hot. . m T fo t m ’ *1.97 ...... V USUAUY $14.95 to $19.95 USUAUY $33.95 to $69.95 USUAUY $2.49 to $2.59

ROTO BROIL Duo-Matic Skillet ■>* $1.59 High Dome, Chrome or Copper Cover ' Roto-Broilette Indicator IRON , USUALLY $2.98 . Non-AufomoHc Hits beautiful Skillet can be used right oft the table. H eep- TM* is an Inlra-red ovon toailer. It broils, roods, grills and loolr ot this low price for cod cotton Plisse orotes for eosy cleaning. The bottom unit I* removed with a toasts. Cooks In a (iffy. You'll be waiting for the second piece Ideal for *ummer vocotloners and every day um at' hoiM. Pajamas In a lovely print lhat every girl will simple turn of the wing nut fastener ond become* an outo* of toast before the ordinary tooster con deliver Ihe first piece. Nichrcime heating unit, Steel sole plate, ihell and brockft. *vcnt. Mother will like the (act that they wash malic Hot Plate.'Built-in thermostat for posl- f|ffc Toast* 4 dice* ot once. Hanay for heating gQty - Highly finished In chrome plate, - iand dry rapidly ond do not need to be ironed. live heat control, Maintains proper tens- froienwaffles, baking p lu a pies and other peroture automatically. A beautiful, useful, Q | prepared foods. Grand for steaks, chops, , iKhonly • lasting appliance. . m • m m small roasts. ' * # • 4 - CMpItt* ■ * \ . x USUAUY $7.93 l»$9.95 *3.37 ' v ‘1 ' USUAUY $14.95 to $19.95 USUALLY $4.91 • • • • M M * ••••••••••••••••

Smart Striped Pajamas • with Short Sleeves S»ie$ 6 foM

lew only $1.59 USUALLY $2.98 You can buy several pairs al this low price. Coal cotton plisse, easy wash­ ing, fast drying and never needs ironing. Snap front closing. 3 Speed ROTO BROIL Window Exhaust Fan Electric Skillet 20" Size Insulated Picnic Bags ... This is one for the most popular household appllohce*. Ideol Just right for cooling oil. New rotary switches in hondy con­ America's motl famous and popular insulated corty-alli. for preparing summer meals. It has a built-in thermostat, trol box. Adjustable extension panels to cover entire width Wonderful plastic bogs lor keeping foods and beverage!. Bakelile handle and legs thal keeps heat away from your ol window. One yeor guarantee lor motor ond switch. 20" hoi or cold ond fresh lor hours. Scuff-resistant, duroble, wash* loble. Removable plug. E-Z-Vue tempera- (J(|) July aluminum fon blade with rubber mounted g |(|j gg|y able. Zips around three sides for easy ac- f |( || gu|y ture chort ond large temperature selection hub for real air moving efficiency and quiet ' ^ — _ cess. Seamless, leokpiool Inner bog ol dial for all recipes. M g operotion. Q C walerprool, washable Koroieol, Convenient D | J lid lop opens wide, USUALLY SI4.95 to $39.95 USUALLY $29.95 to $39.95 USUAUY $! * • »••••••••••••••.• •••••• I Have Fun in the Sun! * Watch That Cut! ’ I y Little Girls' Sea N Ski Tanning Cream * J&J BandaM Plastic Strips I Jor $1.10 plus tn I Coppertone liquid Suntan Oil-4 0 1 , bor. * Short-Sleeve Pajamas I Package of 33 - 39/ .. $1 .0 0 plus lu * 1 Stitt 4 to 6 I * I Torlon Suntan lotlon-4 0 1 . bottle Packoge of 47 - |9f y * Washes and EveUent lor paito and picnic dining. Mode 60# Plus tsji " > & manner. I * <4 dwroble Styrene In gay color*. Guard dgolnst sunburn. Protect yiurseti te ready id toke core of those cuts and brulte*, dries rapidly. I M tw fy * USUAUY n t with sunton

Old-fashioned, overloaded hone wiring is usually

vacations begin in a Chevy the reason that appliances take forever to operate/ I'**-

. • You'll love to travel in it, because it iovca to travel/ W hen you Whoa there 1 Before you go heaping ment. Lie down on the job. End up w asting' get this Chevrolet out on the road, you’ll w ant to keep go in a - abuse on a slowpoke coffeemaker or a considerable time and money. J and so w ill the whole fam ily. . toaster that won’t toast, consider this: .So if you suspect that y o u r horn# hat , Of course, ovon in a Chevrolet th« Tho fact is, few cars at any T o d a y , three out oj every jour homes happiest vncntibns may involve out-dated wiring, better do something' U t Trico hold tho road with Chevy’s ono or two minor problems. I,iko ar# plagued by over-loaded wiring. graco, with its solid feeling of about It. Call in a qualified electrical con­ fidgety Bmnll fry who want gal- stability. And with horsepower This m eans all the appliances in these tractor for a .free w iring check up. You’ll Ions of water and keep asking lip to 225, Chevrolet movos out If you’re almoat thcro. Tho big h o m e s d o n o t get sufficient electricity to Bee how little it costs to enjoy all the ad­ liko a whiplash, for safer passing. things, though, aro beautifully operate properly. They balk at this treat- It s no wonder that so many peo­ vantages of modern, a d e q u a t e w ir i n g taken caro of by this roomy Chev­ ple who used to buy higher priced rolet's smooth nnd easy way of cars are changing to .Chovroletl ffoing. That’s for sure. stop by soon for a ride. , Am.rlM'ii larg.lt iwlng o*r- ' ' JCP&L_ 1 minion mortown,r« uwn any othw CONOIflONINO-TlMfHATUMI MACI TO 0«DE«-AT NIW low COST. H r UI DIMONSrtATII Jersey Central Power * Lljht

O nly franchhed Chevrolet'deaths U P f f display this Jamous trademark "ESa#

JOHNSON—GIBBS MOTORS CO. If you spot these symptoms call your elxtrical contractor ,IQ8 Mjtfn Street, Matawan Phone Matawan 1-1040 >vi*i Mraf M.W ifcrliifcfftf TV ptefvr. W ; ' '■ • - - ''l , for a free wiring dwck?B$. Raise Vaccine Age oosta, there, was less than one Contest W inner To SOCIOLOGIST SCOFFS AT SUPERSTITION Rome Sees American N .J. Btae Cross Rate cent.left for reserve for^the Starting yesterda/, per­ security ofeoroUed persons, THS ) sons la New Jersey^. wtrt ■••TbVpl^i; rfervaa.it pi# B^jCri|j^|Priifess Way Of Marketing are 16 through 19 years of Annonhctd end of last .yatt" amounted to MATAWAN JOURNAL' age, were eligible to re* about *1,000,000 which repre­ 'Over 100 girls from all pirts The "American Way" Super­ cehre Salk vaccine. Other of; $ew;; Jersey ?*re expected The New Jersey Department sents only about two months July IX, ISIS P age Thlrteea market In Rome, Italy,' first p e rsess 'ic Iq w 15'and preg­ o t Banking anil Insurance has or plan’s payments to hospi­ to filter -tiie Jersey state V. 8. food store to be set up nant .women continue tobe granted [adjusted rates to the Seafood Princess contest this tals ln the event of an emer­ The U'.S. Marine Band la and demonstrated abroad, had eligible as before. lliere are New Jersey Blue Cross Plan gency. Already, it has dimin­ year. according to Contest approxim ately 325,009 per* This was done'after pxtenslve credited with having origina­ Director' Axel B. Carlson, sr. a “tremendous" reception ished -during— the- first— five from the Italian public; \ ions In New Jersey Between review o( data by actuaries months ot 1050 by i500,000. Tba ted' iRe^eustonrontwiaingat- The contest will be held ln tfie ages of 15 and 19. of the plan in consultation with attending during the, playing conjunction with the Ocean That was the report brought need for rate adjustments ts from Rome by Lansing P. Extension ef the agev.llm- actuaries of the Department evldeut. The plan has an obli­ of tha ‘‘Star Spangled Bali- County Big Sea Day festivi­ It, effective July 11, w as an* of Banking and Insurance. Tbe kner" in 1808, Audiences later ties at Point Pleasant Aug. .18. Shield, president, of the Orand gation to the subscribers and Union Company, and newly; bounced by Dr. Daniel findings of both groups sup­ to the hospitals, and must be followed suit. The field will be narrowed Bergsma, State Commis­ ported the need for an adjust down to 20 finalists ln prelim­ elected president of the. Inter­ protected in the case of emer­ national Association ol Chain sioner of Health, who Is em­ ment of rates to Insure the gencies or economic change inary judging, according to powered by law to estab* financial soundness of Uie plaTT 7 Mr. Carlson. T he finalists Stores. Mr. Shield arrived in for Uie security of the sub­ New York by air on June 24 llsb the eligible (roups, ln dealing with,Its contracting scribing publlo.” C o o l \ will be guests of honor a t the through 19 yean of age, In Governor’s reception and after a month's stay ln Romd, hospitals. Mr. Shield served as chair­ New Jersey. . , Studies were made by the The first Marine Corps Re­ luncheon at the Beacon Man­ Dr. Bergsma also announ­ Y o u r H o m e or H oteland meet Gov. Rob- man of the comm ittee of the plan and the hospitals ln ro- cruiting Station, was Tun Ta­ National. Assoclatlon-.of-Food ced that tho State Depart* leronce.to. the. comprehensive vern,' Philadelphia.____ -ert- B. MeynGr-who - Is serving m ^ t_oflIealth will “hot buy as grand m arshall of the par­ Chains which co-operated with benefits now rendered to plan W it h a any portion of tho next al­ patients by the hospitals 1 to ade. • the.U.S. Department' of Agri­ lotment of Balk vaccine to A panel of newspaper repre­ culture In setting up tht 10,- avoid any loss being Incurred 00n square foot, "American New Jersey. "The State De* by the hospitals and without sentatives and heauty experts partraent of Health has pro­ Window will pick the new seafood prin­ Way” food store ln Rome. It reducing benefits to subscrlb Join was the outstanding attraction vided all tbe vaccine re­ ers. ■ our cess at ceremonies conducted quested by municipalities at the Point Pleasant Beacb of the 25th-anniversary meet­ for first and second inocula­ John S. Thompson, president Fan boardwalk. The new princess ing of the International Asso­ tions - In - publlo -polio - elln* of Hospital Service I'lan of Clothing Club ______F r o m < will be crowned by Miss Joan ciation of Chain Stores and lcs,M Dr. Bergsma said. New Jersey, . In announcing Mehok, Elberon, the 1955 win­ tbe Third International Con­ rate adjustm ents granted hy KE 7 ‘2000 ner. gress on Food Distribution held the New Jersey .pepartmont ln Ronl'e In June. W. S. WALLACE M.lss Seafood Princess will of Banking and Insurance com­ reign over the state's commer­ More than 100.000 visitors Teachers Complete mented, "The adjustments av­ 2 4 w. m o m s t . cial fishing Industry for the thronged the " American Way’ erage only, about one cent a Supermarket during the first day por enrolled person." HARDWARE CO. coming year. The contest is Study Program..... KEYPORT 7-0700 W FHONT t>TK EET sponsored by the New Jersey three days It was open to the The adjustments on month­ State Commercial Fishing In­ Italian* public,, Mr. Shield said. ly group rates are effective On dustry with the co-operation Visitors...strenmed through at Twenty-two M o n m o u t h anniversary dates falling on of the New Jersey State De­ the rate of 1200 an hour, County school teachers com­ and after Nov. 1, 1050: Now partment of Conservation and Ropes had to be put up to pleted-. last. week a two-wcel: rates schedules are: Full fam­ Economic Development. control the crowds. study program held at Little ily with m aternity, $0.20; hus­ Silver at which they were The princess will be hon­ Dr. Joseph B. Maler, Bothers assistant professor-of soci­ ‘Publlo 1 response was trem­ band and wife with no mater Ross W. Maghan Agency ored ln a two-mlle street par­ ology,defies a doable jinx as he scoffs-afFrlday the 13th while endous," Mr. Shield said. "It taugfit How j to find out what nlty, 16.16; parent- and child­ ade following her selection, standlnr under a ladder and loaded paint oan. A teacher in far exceeded our expecta- makes children act as they ren, no maternity, <4; single and will officiate at numerous Batters Newark College of Arts and Sclencees, Dr. Maler urges tlons." . do. 12.60. Real Estate—Insurance believers in Friday the 13th hoodoo to relax tomorrow. Other* Each memher of tho group events throughout tbe state wise,* he says, they n a y becom e over w orrisom e and actually Mr. Shield added that the Quarterly rates for subscrib­ during her reign. She will re­ dangerous to themselves, thereby adding to "the undeserved Italian housewife was "dumb­ is to go back to his or her ers who nre not mombcrs of MATAWAN 138 Main S t MA 10003 ceive, In' addiUon .to . her reputation of F riday th e 13th.'* school and conduct workshops groups are; Full family with founded” a t the variety of among 10 or l2 other teachers. crown, a $500 UJ3. 'defense merchandise on display In matorully, $2 1 ; husband and bond, and other prizes. ■ If you are real)y convinced - "The prophecy that Friday Those who atended the ses­ wlfo with no m aternity, that tomorrow, Friday the single store. Normally, be Big...sea day officials have the 13th will be had. Is a self- said, she has to spend an hour sion were taught how to keep 120.10; parent and ohlldren announced that a total of 29 13th, Is an unlucky day, may­ fulfilling prophecy. It may be case histories of child be­ wltli no m aternity, $13.20; sin­ be you better stay in bed. to three-and-a-half hours dal awards will be made during caused by the non-ratlonal be­ ly visiting six to 19 specialty havior. ' gle, 110.35. Tho new adjusted That’s the advice of Dr. Jo­ havior ot superstitious people the festivities. In addition to shops to buy food for the f a m ­ Teachers will relay this In rates for direct payment con seph B. Mater, assistant pro­ who act on the ‘evil’ they feel the princess award, 23 awards i ly table. Here she saw every­ formation to their Individual traots will tako effect on an fessor of sociology at Rutgers will be presented to top en­ Is present on that day, and thing she needed,in one place groups In the fall and then nlversary dates falling on and trants in the parade, which Newark College of Arts and thus help to bring about pre­ lead- regular discussions of after Nov, 1, 1P50. Sciences. - cisely ,piat which they want to She also discovered that has an early Jersey Shore through the supermarket an subsequent records. All Infor­ escape," Dr. Maler notes. Since 1053, when the pre­ Americana ' Theme, while Dr. Maler points out that American housewife Is able to mation Is confidential. Last sent Blue Cross Subscription * a genuine three others will go to contes­ magical beliefs and rituals The Rutgers sociologist spend less time shopping for year there were 15 such are not restricted to primi­ Contract went Into effect, pay­ tants In t h e beard growing feels that superstitions, will food ln a week than she spends groups. ments to hospitals by the Now contest sponsored by the Old tive societies and that the evil continue to te with us for ln a single, day. \ The program Is sponsored Jersey Blue Cross Increased Timers’ Club. ; i attributed to some hoodoos ac­ long time. "You may observe “The most frequently heard by the Walter Rcade Founda­ 36.4 per cent by the end of tually may be brought 'about that the tendency of people to Permaglas Competition in1 the seafood comment by Italian house tion, Monmouth . County Ed- 1055 and hospital authorities princess contest is open to all by persons wbo believe In be ‘superstitious* Is propor­ wives,” said Mr. Shield, "was ucatlon Association Child nnd them . . say Uie peak of rising cost ia girls who live In New Jersey, tionate to the degree to the United States must be Youth Study Program . Tlie not In sight," Mr. Thompson glass-lined water heater Requirements are that they . “Think of lucky and unlucky which their actions stand ln wonderful place for the house­ fpundatlon donated 11000 a the control of unforeseeable revealed. Continuing, Mr must be single, between the days, magic numbers, black wife’.” year for three years toward Thompson added, "ln Bplto of ages, of 17 and 25, and not be cats, umbrellas opened \ in­ factors," be declares. Once the "American Way’ the program. This Is the sec­ wonder drugs, the length of for only a . professional model. Entry doors, knocking on wood, and "There ara insecurities ln Supermarket opeped, ' Mr ond year. hospital stay Is Increasing, blanks may be obtained from tho like,” he declares, “and every way of life. Supersti­ Shield said, comment was un­ The workshop was led tills and cost the plan an addition­ the Department of Conserva­ you cannot escape the lmpres*. tions persist hr cause they sup-' iversally favorable. Prior to year by Dr. Daniel A. Pres­ al 12,000,000 In payments to tion and Economic Develop­ slon tbat modern society Is not' ply certain satisfactions, re­ the opening, a Communist cott and Mrs. Prescott, con­ hospitals last year." ment, State House, Trenton, so far removed from beliefs store hope and confidence newspaper ln Rome carried sultants at the University of At plan headquarters hospi­ Or Ocean County Big Sea Day; In other than natural causes. where there was none before an editorial branding Uie pro­ Maryland. ■ - talisation figures show that the THI QlAJt-UNID Ino., 600 . Arnold Ave., Point The business about Friday the It’s easier and more comfort­ ject "American propaganda' Among Uiose participating number of eases hospltnllzod TANK P v w t by Pleasant. 13th Is, cf course, ‘bosh!’ ing to ‘explain’ something by and advising readers to stay out of each 1000 persons enrol­ Entry blanks also are being were Miss Kathleen Ecklmt “But," he adds “what the having a pat answer like ‘It’s away. After the food store Keyport, county helping led between 1053 and the end ovu distributed for the parade. sociologist cannot overlook is bad luck’ than to find the-real opened, however, even the of 1050, Jumped from UB to Competition will be in seven teacher who acted as co ordl- 3,000,000 the fact that lots ot people be­ reason," Dr. Maler said. Communist press said It was nator of activities; Miss Elsie 133. This means Uiat one out 1 classes. Antique autos, classic lieve ln and act on that ‘bosh.’ , So if you tend to be wary PAMIUIt cars, general entries, munici­ all right to attend. Bahrenburg, Raritan Town of about every seven persons To people who are 'supersti­ of Friday the 13th this year, Originally scheduled to re ship; Mrs. Warena Fallon entered a hospital, pal entries, commercial en- tious.,' this. Is a selrous mat­ relax,, you, may:;ben adding to main open ,fo*, Jupt th*.. weolf Keyport; ,}£ls*,Marie Koskey “Receipts from subscribers VttMgllS trjee/- ift ji^l;;-fljarohing:- bands. ter. ; So serious1 that they tend Its undeserved Yeputatfort. v df the; congress,' the U- 8 /.Su­ a Raritan Township resident in 1055 were spent nearly as modal POCA Entry blanks may be obtaln- to he worrisome, tighten up perm arket In Rome was kept who teaches In Little Silver; fast as they came tn, with 03.4 KEYPORT LUMBER ’ ed from the Ocean County and actually may be danger Fine Matawan Woman open for two weeks, through Mrs. Gladys Palumbo, Rari­ cents out of every dollar be­ 30 Big Sea Day offices, ■ ous to themselves...... July 1. It was stocked with tan Township; Mrs. Burtlna ing paid out on claims. With And SUPPLY CO. $200 For Accident more- than 5000 staple, proces­ Parcels, Keyport; Miss Nina only six cents out of each dol­ GALLON Read the. Classified Ads "The specific association of Tel. MA 1-1872 Cliffwood evil with Fridays goes back Fines of $100 on each of two sed. fresh a n d frozen food Reins, Raritan Township. lar spent on plan operation to some religious traditions ln counts, one for driving while products supplied by sea and our culture," Dr. Ualer con­ on the revoked list and anoth­ air from the United ' Statos. tinued. He pointed out that er for leaving the scene of an Meats and some fresh fruits some people believe that the accident^ were imposed on and vegetables were obtained F rid a y 'th e 13th jinx began at Mrs. Ruth Crawford. Mill Rd. ln Italy. ' the time of the Crucifixion Matawsn, by Magistrate Stan­ While the store was stocked which took place on a Friday ley Stillwell, Holmdel Town­ and manned as though ready after Christ met with his 12 ship, Juy 2. for business, no food was sold. disciples. There had been 13 A third count of failing to However, models shopped the ln the room. keep to the right side of the supermarket to demonstrate Fridays have persisted as road w as dismissed. Mrs. how a customer selected dark days through other cir­ Crawford was arraigned hy lterrfa In a, self-service m ark­ cumstances. For example, ln Keyport State Police for caus­ et. 18th Century England lt was ing an accident on Route 34 Noting that no food store ln the day when criminals were on June 16. Italy today “remotoly com­ hanged. Since hangings were Mrs. Crawford was headed pares" with the “Amorlcan well attended, they made ex­ W a y " Supermarket, Mr. north, according to state po­ Shlold said that he considered lujtldiigine! A finest qualify 4»tran» cellent hunting grounds for lice, but veered into the south* —lorSistor ZcnilhZenith backed by an frotvcladIronclad pick pockets. bound lane of the highway, hit­ lt "one of the best oxamples jlO-dty money-bick guarantee .rf/u// The result was that people of teamwork between govern­ faiisfiction/yet telling for bne* ting a car driven by Edward Tounh iho price of many comparable had two bad; associations with Spagnulo, Normandy Beach. ment and Industry; one that should certainly be continued. laldi. w*So small, *uso iigmlight it vancan bejfWj« v* Friday, the hangings and the Mr. Spagnulo turned his car ibidden behind I min'i necktie... chance of being robbed of He went on to say that he v m in a woman's hairt Operates around and pursued the Mata* r only about lOtf a week. their purses. ■ wan woman, intercepting her felt that food Industry, leaders Each Ume an unfortunate and .Uktnff her keys away to of the 35 nations represented thing happens on Friday, tbe get her car off the load while at tbe congress went home superstition is reinforced. Such the officers were being sum­ convinced that adoption ot au- permarket techniques In their f a y time pffyw w 'i orrottg a situation occurred on “Black moned. ■, F riday.” Sept. 54, 1889, when Matawan Township First countries would result ln more Keyport Jewelers & Opticians there was a severe financial economical distribution of 49 W. Front Bt. Kcipoil Aid Squad took Mr. Spagnulo crisis. and his wife to a Keyport phy* food and thereby greatly im' slclan for treatment or injur* prove the standard df living, les. Mrs. Crawford also was The International Associa­ BOTTLED GAS treated for shock. tion of Chain Stoes, said Mr Shield, plans to set up an In­ W YOU OWN ANY CAR UOISTIMD IN NIW JIRHY— Lawrance Washington, a ternational service bureau at any saska, any model, any jrMr—that’, how taueh moiuy you brother of Oen, Oeorge Wash­ the association's headquarters can win la Plymouth's eioiHng now oonbat, tbe big 110,000 ington, was a Marine Corps ln Paris to help food chains New Jeney Llocnas Number Jackpot I It’, euy to enter— ESSOTANE officer,______. ” | all over the world to develop SALES and SERVICE supermarkets. and your duncaTof winning are brighter than trtt, tine* ' "With the world demand for all prties will go to New Jenejr retldentsi Increased standards of living.’'' he said, "there Is a great ob­ ENGINEERS ligation for food merchants AND everywhere to organise and 1 K E 7-2000 develop efficient and econom­ Enter Plymouth’s 10,000 Mew Jersey license Humber Jackpot May! 26-28 W. Front Si. Keyport ical production and dlstrlbu SURVEYORS tion systems which can deliver 1ft PR I Z l I 2 n d p H i e i * 1 ,0 0 0 t a l k merchandise to the consumer Aid 3 0 tmtk pities at lowered cost.” If A A A WpH»l *500 Mth Frank Allen Foia Orand Union's {hlef execu • f M O O — «r«N«l ELSIE SAYS! A iiociatei tlve said that he and other 4||, p rim 9 3 0 0 Mib Don't ask for fust any milk U. 8. delegates to the congress ln Rome had been very much CASH Sfbprliei * 2 0 0 ta a li fetal el *10,000 but demand a product that KEYPORT 7-1211 impressed with tiie agrlcultur has been a standard of excel­ al possibilities of southern It­ aly, HBHI'S A il YOU DOi Take your rcglitrstiori card (or lence for nearly 100 years. "Properly developed" said any otW legs! proof ot owner*hip) to auy Plymouth Mr. Shield, “southern Italy could become the Florida of ikalcr's, aad register your csr’s IIc'-tim niuninx (ANY ASK FOR BORDENS that nation." 6A * AT AU, JUST IO IT'S RlOISTBftlD IN NIW Adoption of the supermarket JftftllY). Then fill In tho il/nplu wilry Maiik, wmitletlng 6 A. Ni. te U V tR Y . technique of food distribution, dw> sfcsUmrnt,tfcsUmrnt,si “I°I liko Plymouth's I’luh-UattonPu*M)atton DrlvbiiDrlrlaj development of improved rail U« aom. • .** b SS words or less. Tlie re's nothing if VuyT BORDENS DAIRY PRODUCTS 1 communications and creation fifrK measy—snd !i*s fun! Arm Available To Homes And Stores In of food freetlng and other pro­ cessing facilities ln tho area leeeoropUuJtckpot ruU*at yoour (Uftkr's m *, . KEYPORT MIDDLETOWN would be necessary 7-3630 . them Jor ths other nine May Need Magnesium Main St. Keyport quantity should be frozen? If months, ask yourself these you use them fresh three questions: How ofton will tiie With abnormal, cool, cloudy family enjoy eating snap weather this year, many veg­ beans? How many packages etable crops such as toma­ arc needed each meai? If you toes, eggplants, peppers, SAFE BUY USED CARS want to Bcrve snap beans sweet potatoes, and others do once a week and you use one not seem to be growing prop­ 35 — ALL MAKES AND MODELS Dackage per meal, you will erly. If the trouble starts with need 36 packages for nine the lower leaves turning yel­ 1955 DeSoto Loaded months. You may want to lowish or lighter green, espe­ 1955 Dodge 1954 Mercury tuck in a few extras for com* cially between the veins In the pany. The 36 packages will leaf, a lack of available mag­ 1955 Mercury 1953 Pontiac take one cubic foot of freezer nesium in tho so)l might be TERMS - TO - SUIT ■ spacc. , Do you want to use suspected. If this should oc­ that' much space lor snap cur. have the soil tested Im­ ", 7 SCHANCK & S1HLER beans? Your answer may de­ mediately to find out the , - - . B >\» - MERCURY . Bervloo . ■ . i pend on the site of the lreez- amount of magnesium er and how well the lamuy present. - Show Room Used Car Lot likes snap beans. If a soli Test ln the spring J O Lafayette Place .... Highway 34 showed 00 to 70 pounds of Enjoy one of America’s gieat magnesium an acre, lt could FReehold 8-1250 MAtawan 1-4239 freedoms. AKend tbe church be that available magnesium of your choice this weokend. now -Is down to possibly 20 pounds. Tills would9 Indicate that some of the material had been leached out of reaoh of BIG NEW 1956 NO-DEFROST plant roots. Tills also would happen In' dry weather during which the materlnl would be available in small quantities, FOR SERVICE but not enough for the use of rapidly growing plants. > To correct this condition, ap­ ply 200 to 400 pounds of dolo- mltic or high magnesium hy­ drated lime, or 130 to 200 founds ot Epsom salts as a side-dressing along tho row nnd cultivated in just before . v ‘r ; ' a rain or Irrigation, advises Monmouth County Agent M. A.Olark,. - . • In the dry weather 'wlle: spray schedule Is being follow, ed, 20 pounds of Epsom salts ln 100 gallons of spray mater­ ial applied , to the. leaves should provide Immediate magnesium for growing plants, Epsom salt Rpray can be used not only for tomatoes, but for peppers, eggplants, cu­ cumbers, melons, and. other crops showing magnesium de- ficlenoy. P e r W e e k Painting PartneT* after small down payment Charles Dltmnrs, 37 'Wash­ Double Trade-in ington St., and Ed Lehnlng, West Front St., both of Key­ Allowance on Your port, have gone into partner­ Old Refrigerator. . . ship in a painting and decora­ ting business. Limited Time Only. Furnished apartment slgnl for sale at this office. LOWEST PRICE E V E R /

Model IH-14N N o w O n l y ' ON TOP . . , big Automatic Defrost Btfrigerator with Revolving Shelves lh a t b rin g the food around to you . . . adjustable and removable door shelvei . < • fold-away bottle raoks , . . adjust­ able shelves move up and down while leaded with food . . . ice oream and froftn Juice bar. Rot. Val, t329.es You Get Clean, Quick ON BOTTOM , . . true Zero Degree i . . L . W O O L L E Y lood Freeier holds up to 130 'lbs. Model LB10N (Not Him.) Heat For Cooking E.R. P E T E R S O N • . . sep arately insulated . . . sep ar­ ately re frig erated . , . ro llo u t food COME IN TODAY! AT TIIIS LOW ., Prompt, Efficient fre e ie r baskets . . . foot pedAl open­ rlU C E THEY’LL GO FASTI ing! 1 Service 75 Main Street RD 1, Box 454 AVAILABLE IN YOUB CHOICE OF 5 G-E MlX-On«MATCII COLORS! KEYPORT GAS CO. PETE'S INC Affiliate of ' Matawan Matawan KEYPORT LUMBER 1-0802-R KEAItiBURG , „ „ „ „ KIYP0RI SUPPLY CO. 1-0817 iS iiS .." * 44 WESt mow S! T r l . M.ilrtw.in MS72 Ki 61100 , KE 7-2700 Cii If wood, N. J. New Jersey O-K Thlnllne Air Condltlener DptclillaU