
Solar Moon of Intention • Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of • Issue #34 Sign up! • Unsubscribe • Change your address Trouble viewing? Click here to view online • Share!

Welcome to the Solar Jaguar Moon Edition of the Noos-letter

Welcome to the Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, the ninth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

"Do not underestimate the power of your own clear mind thought and actions. Through the synchronic codes of the Law of Time, we are all activating the noosphere, an invisible action to pay off in the manifestation of the Rainbow Bridge." –Valum Votan

We have now entered the third of seven Mystic Moons – the Moon of the Yellow Solar Seed. Yellow Solar Seed, Kin 204, is the galactic signature of the great Russian diplomat, scientist, visionary artist and peace worker, Nicholas Roerich, who shares his solar birthday (Gregorian October 9) with John Lennon.

Roerich and his wife, Helena, went to Central Asia in the 1920s in search for Shambhala, the enlightened society. The Roerich's returned from their journey with the Banner of Peace, which has since been adopted by the World Thirteen Moon Change Peace Movement as one of its official standards.

Song of Shambhala - by Nicholas Roerich

Shambhala is the fulfillment of the of , the . The Kalachakra ends in the yuga, the dark age of ignorance and destruction of the Earth because humans are living in artificial time.

 1987 fulfilled the cycle of prophecies of Kalachakra and Quetzalcoatl (Harmonic Convergence).  2012 signaled the closing of the cycle and the phasing out of a particular galactic beam, 5,125 years in diameter.  2013 opened the Seven Mystic Moons leading to Galactic Synchronization – the completion of the 26-year cycle of Harmonic Convergence. At this point a new galactic beam phases in.

How do we tune into this new beam?

First, by realizing that the universe is not at all like we think it is. And second, by recognizing that the majority of our thoughts and actions are merely a projection of different frequency beams that activate certain portions of our brain causing certain projections or conditioned patternings to arise.

This world is a mind matrix. All the thoughts, ideas, plans, decisions of how to live our lives are in our mind. Most of the thoughtforms we now have are embedded in an artificial matrix.

Through meditation and art we can transcend world awareness and penetrate the veil of Maya and attune ourselves to this new incoming beam. In transcending worldly awareness and tuning into forces and energies not of this world, then an entirely new and fresh perception of cosmos dawns.

Utilizing the codes and practices of the Law of Time helps us to lift our perceptions out of the conditioned matrix. The Law of Time is also a supreme system of self-organization.

In the pulsar geometry, the ninth tone (and ninth moon) represents the third of the 1-5-9-13 fourth-dimensional time pulsar. The ninth stage is the solar command tower.

"During this time (2013) we will see the actual beginning social organization according to the Law of Time which will be the 'kingdom of Shambhala on Earth.' The Warriors of Shambhala returning are all of the Earth Wizards and sympathetic spirits world-wide who hear and can heed the message of the Law of Time." –Valum Votan

The Seal of Revelation is the ordainment of the synchronic order of fourth-dimensional time. is the word of incantation. Telektonon is the word of prophethood granted. Shambhala is the word that unlocks the secret of the lost thirteenth moon.

Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Moving on through the Mystic Moons the treasures continue to open! Welcome to the synchronic view of this Solar Moon - the Third of the Seven Mystic Moons. In the Seven Mystic Moons we recapitulate the Seven Days of Creation. This moon re-enacts the power of the third day of creation: the power of Solar Flowering.

To recap, in the first Moon was the power of Resonant Spirit (such as the just as Cosmic Science (see CHC Vol. II) describes the "RANG" - the initial resonating sound vibration that creates the universe ("In the beginning was the word", "OM", etc.).

The Second Moon was the power of Galactic Abundance, establishing the myriad galactic orders into motion. 13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFT Blog by Red Queen This Moon corresponds to Kin 204, Yellow Solar Seed

• Energy Factored by Time = Art • The Pope, the Cube and 7 Mystic Moons "I pulse in order to target Realizing awareness I seal the input of flowering With the solar tone of intention I am guided by the power of universal fire"

So in this Moon we enact the power of Solar Flowering. Indeed we are galactic beings, and even (seemingly) closer to home we are of the Sun. Read More.

Solar Moon-At-A-Glance

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