Michael E. McGuire 22 Essex Street, Apartment# 2 Beverly, MA 01915 (520) 465-5554
[email protected] Education. Ph. D., Boston University (2012) Dissertation: “An Ephemeral Relationship: American Non-governmental Organizations, the Reconstruction of France, and Franco-American Relations, 1914-1924.” B.A., History, Vassar College (1998) Publications (Articles). “Cultures de guerre in Re-conquered Districts: Transatlantic Remobilizations of Liberated paysans, 1917.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 42 (Summer 2016). “La reconstruction transatlantique du paysage français: le rôle des ONG américaines dans la restauration des zones rurales dévastées en France” Pour mémoire 14 (printemps 2015). “‘A highly successful experiment in international partnership?’ The limited resonance of the American Committee for Devastated France.” First World War Studies 5 (April 2014): 101-15. Publications (Edited Works). As It Actually Was: A History of International Relations through Documents, 1823-1945. 5th Ed. (General Editor) New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Encyclopedia of the Modern World. (Author of 410 new entries and Contributing Editor to thousands of others). New York: Facts on File, 2007. Publications in Progress (Book Manuscript). “Transatlantic Transformations: The ‘Hidden’ American Reconstruction of Devastated France and Franco-American Relations in the Great War Era, 1914-1929.” Faculty Appointments. Visiting Lecturer, International Relations, Boston University (Fall 2014-present) Visiting Instructor, Salem State University (Fall 2012-present) Instructor, Marian Court College (Spring 2014-June 2015) Special Instructor in History, Emmanuel College (Fall 2010-Spring 2012) Instructor in History, Simmons College (Fall 2011-Spring 2012) Instructor in International Relations, Boston University (Summer 2010 and 2011) Instructor in History, Emmanuel College (Fall 2007-Summer 2010) Instructor in History, Northeastern University (Fall 2006, Spring 2008) Instructor in History, Boston University (Summer 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007) Selected Conference Presentations.