MET a 2 2 1980 FILE Public Hearing at the Hour of 2:15 P.M

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MET a 2 2 1980 FILE Public Hearing at the Hour of 2:15 P.M REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND The regular meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 2, 1980 was adjourned by the Secretary of the Board due to the absence of all the members of the Board until Tuesday, January 8, 1980 at the hour of 2:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened on Tuesday, January 8, 1980, at the hour of 2:10 p.m. in the office of the Board, Room 376, 66 Jack London Square, Second Vice President Smith presiding. Commissioners present: Creque, Eng, Rodriguez, Soda and Second Vice President Snith - 5 Commissioners absent: Connolly and President Berkley - 2 Also present were the Executive Director; Director of Administrative Services; Port Attorney; Deputy Port Attorney Thomas Clark; Chief Engineer; Assistant Chief Engineer; Director of Properties; Director of Aviation; Airport Manager; Manager of General Aviation; Port Environmental Planner; Director of Public Relations and Advertising; and Secretary of the Board. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 4, 1979; the adjourned regular meeting of December 11, 1979; and the regular meeting of December 18, 1979 were approved as submitted and ordered filed. Mr. Joseph M. Colwart, Janitor, was awarded his ten-year service pin. E.10A90 OF Pf)WT GOMM/SSIONERS MET A 2 2 1980 FILE Public Hearing At the hour of 2:15 p.m. the Board held a public hearing on the proposed development plan as submitted by Dormer Corporation concerning development of a vacant parcel between the Portobello Complex and Jack London Village. The hearing was held by the Board to receive comments on the project in association with the draft environmental impact report prepared by the Port. Comments received, both written and oral, with replies will be incorporated into the final environmental impact report for the project. At the hour of 3: 140 p.m. the hearing was continued until 2:00 p.m., January 22, 1980, with written comments receivable until January 28, 1980. Airport Sterile Concourse, Security Enforcement Fees was the sub- ject of a memo to the Board from the Director of Aviation, recommending approval to establish the per passenger security fee at $.18 for 1980. It was noted that the fee is computed each year based on annual changes in police, facility support costs and passenger counts. The recommendation was approved on passage of an ordinance to print. 1980 Airline Rates Charges was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Executive Director, recommending approval to establish certain rates and charges for the following year which will be charged to the airlines. The charges are established for landing fees, into-plane fuel delivery and space charges. It was noted that the basic average rate has not increased but that the total monies received will increase due to the increased space occupied. The recommendation was approved on passage of an ordinance to print. January 8, 1980 - 2 - PSA First Supplemental Agreement For Certain Conditions Relative to Leasehold was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Executive Director, notifying the Board that PSA has requested certain changes in the agreement providing for the assignment of the Exxon fuel tank lease at the airport to PSA. It was recommended that the Board approve the requested changes. The changes deal with a method of establishing value of the facility, the right of PSA to assign the facility to a wholly-owned subsidiary, and the Port now has the option to purchase without the 5-year time constraint. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 25741. Supplement National Airmotive Lease was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Director of Properties, notifying the Board of the ground lease for 100,000 sf of land area at the North Airport, which expires nn January 31, 2000, with three 5-year options to extend the term of the lease upon approval by the Port and an option to add 100,000 sf of land to their premises. National Airmotive now wishes to add the additional area and in exchange for making the three 5-year options to extend the term unilaterally, they have agreed to a basis for setting the rental for these option periods. The rental for the first option period, commencing February 1, 2000 would be at fair rental value of the land at that time, and for the subsequent two 5- year periods the rental would be adjusted by a percentage of the Consumer Price Index from February 1, 2000. It was recommended that the Board approve the additional 100,000 sf of land area to their agreement; adjust the rental for the present premises to $1,367 per month, February 1, 1980 and to $2,734 per month when the additional 100,000 sf of land area is added to the premises; modify the lease extension options by making them unilateral; and January 8, 1980 - 3 - establish the basis for setting the rental for the option periods. The recommendation was approved on a motion by Commissioner Rodriguez, seconded and passed unanimously. Contract Completion, Channel and Water Quality Control Improve- ments at Pumphouse No. 4, was the subject of a memo to the Board from Port Supervising Engineer Roy A. Clark, recommending the contract with James L. Ferry Son, Inc. be accepted as complete as of December 4, 1979, with a contract price of $46,245.72. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 25731. Electric Service to FAA Glide Slope and MALS-R, Runway 11 was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Supervising Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, recommending approval to execute a utility service agreement which will provide electric service to their Glide Slope and MALS-R facility being installed on Runway 11. The Federal Aviation Administration will pay an installation charge of $21,500 and will be; charged for power consumed under the Ports standard rate schedule. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 25732. Contract Completion, Yard Improvements, Ferry and Dolphin Streets was the subject of a memo to the Board from Port Supervising Engineer Roy A. Clark, recommending that the contract with Bay Cities Paving and Grading be extended through November 5, 1979 and accepted as complete as of that date with a contract price of $717,887.15. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 25733 for extending time and Resolution No. 25734 for accepting work. Award of Contract, Construction of Access Road to Container Freight Station, Middle Harbor Terminal was the subject of a memo to the Board from Port Supervising Engineer Paul H. Sorensen, notifying the Board of the January 8, 1980 4 six bids received and recommending award of the contract to Gallagher Burk the low bidder at $108,383. The recommendation was approved on passage of Resolution No. 25744. Port of Oakland Tariff No. 2, Revision of Dockage Application was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Manager, Marine Terminals Depart- ment, recommending approval to amend the tariff to apply dockage rates for a period of 24 hours per vessel, no matter how many times it changes berths. The recommendation was approved on an ordinance passed to print. Port of Oakland Tariff No. 2, Application of Per Container Wharf Demurrage and. Storage Rates was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Manager, Marine Terminals, recommending approval to clarify the language for application of per container wharfage rates and to establish a new basis of per container wharfage computation. The recommendation was approved on an ordinance passed to print. Port Of Oakland Tariff No. 2 Increase in Wharf Demurrage and Storage Rates was the subject of a memo to the Board from the General Manager, Marine Terminals, recommending approval to increase Wharf Demurrage and Storage Rates by 7-1/2%. The recommendation was approved on passage of an ordinance to print. Amendment to Port Ordinance No. 1696 was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Manager, Marine Terminals, recommending approval to add certain areas of the Inner Harbor area to the ordinance which establishes parking restrictions on the streets within the Port Area and provides penalties for violation. The recommendation was approved on passage of an ordinance to print. Personnel Items contained in a memo to the board from the Personnel Department, recommended the appointment of Henry P. Inocencio, as January 8, 1980 - 5 Youth Aide, Class "A", effective December 23, 1979, at $7.60 per hour; Peter Isganitis, as Equipment Mechanic, effective December 17, 1979, at $1574 per month; Stella Jacobs, as Youth Aide, Class "C", effective December 26, 1979, at $4.23 per hour; Ellen Bezemek, as Legal Stenographer, effective January 2, 1980, at $1176 per month; Maria Angle, as Intermediate Stenographer Clerk, effective January 9, 1980, at $1035 per month; Leo Anderson, Duncan Gould, Ras Medura, Jose Vega, James Duncan, Steven McCoy, Phillip Peay, Conrado Perdiguerra, Jose Ramirez, Wendell Walker, Vadine Bizzle, Lowell Horan and Steven Clough as Youth Aides, effective January 1, 1980, all employees trans- ferring from the CETA program; and Marsha Andrade, Port Job Researcher, effective January 1, 1980, at $1285 per month. Also recommended was an increase in salary rate "c" for the following positions: Port Maintenance and Construction Supervisor; Chief Building Maintenance Engineer; Utilities Supervisor; Port Maintenance Foreman; Port Garage and Maintenance Foreperson; Port Senior Building Maintenance Engineer; Port Utilities Foreman. The increases are intended to put the salaries in a proper relationship to the positions being supervised. Further recommended was an amendment to Resolution 25320 to reflect the salary rate "c" for employment of Reception Dispatch Clerk Sandra La Gardo; the retitling of two of the existing Youth Aide, Class "A" positions to Youth Aide, Class "AAA" at the same $11.34 per hour salary rate and redesignating the remaining two positions of Youth Aide, Class "AA" to an intermediate salary rate of $10.42 per hour; and the termination of Janitor Anthony Wells and \Youth Aide, Class "B" Bernard Dawkins.
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