TORRIVENT Has Amazing Versatility for ALL HEATING

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TORRIVENT Has Amazing Versatility for ALL HEATING TORRIVENT has amaz ing versatility FOR ALL HEATING AND VENTILATING NEEDS H ere's today's most adaptable large­ CHECK THESE TORRIVENT FEATURES : capacity universal heating and ventilating e QUIETER OPERATION -New, high-efficiency TRANE unit-the TRANE TORRIVENT! This Fans have low outlet velocities for whisper-quiet versatile unit is especially designed to pro­ operation. e MORE VERSATILE- Torrivent units heat, filter, clean vide maximum heat transfer for large air any combination of recirculated and outside air to capacities in all types of buildings . meet heating-ventilating requirements for buildings of every size and type. May be installed with or commercial, institutional and industrial. without duct work on floor, wall or ceiling. TORRIVENTcan be used for free delivery e MORE FLEXIBLE-Complete range of coil types and or for discharge into ductwork. Many sizes to meet every need. casings are available, with damper ar­ e WIDER RANGE- Nine sizes- 1, 2 or 3 fan models. rangements and discharge provisions e LONGER LIFE-Casing is of uniframe construction. Fan shafts are solid (not hollow), large diameter for to suit any job. minimum vibration. Fan bearings are mounted ex­ Ask your TRANE ternally for easy maintenance. Representat ive e LOWER COST-Greater coil and fan efficiency and multiple coil choice permit selection of equipment about TORRI­ that meets requirements exactly. No wasted VENT .. or write capacity! today for the de­ Branch Offices in all principal Cities tailed Technical Bulletin. Manufacturers of Equipment for Air Conditioning, Heating, TR-5723-R Ventilating. COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, TORONTO 14 OCTOBER, 1959 Seria l No 410, Vol. 36, No 10 EDITORIAL 334 SCHOOLS Churchill High School, Winnipeg Architects, Moody, Moore & Partners, Winnipeg 336 Beverley Heights Junior High School, Downsview Architects, Pentland & Boker, Toronto 338 Two Schools by Green, Blonkstein, Russell & Associates, Winnipeg Transcona Collegiate School, Transcona Shaorey Zedek School, Winnipeg 342 Aldergrove Hig h School, Longley, B.C . Architects, Duncan McNab & Associates, Vancouver 343 Clarke Road Hig h School, london Architects, Riddle, Connor & Associates, London & Sornio 344 Silver Heights Junior High School, St. James, Man. Architects, Smith, Corter, Searle Associates, Winnipeg 346 Two Schools by Storey & Morvin, Regina Pleosontdole School, Estevon Sheldon-Williams Collegiate, Regina 349 Aden Bowman Collegiate, Saskatoon Architects, Kerr, Cullingworlh, Riches & Associa tes, Saskatoon & Prince Albert 350 TWO PROJECTS Community Centre, Sturgeon foils Anglican Church, Schumacher Architects, Critchley & Deleon, North Boy 352 PRESENTATION OF RIBA ROYAL GOLD MEDAL TO LUDWIG MIES VAN DER ROHE 353 OTTAWA'S PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN WAY - Watson Bolhorrie 357 ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVANCY - Norman J. P. Melnick 358 VIEWPOINT COVER HI!NRY KAL EN 363 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DESK 365 INSTITUTE NEWS, NOTICES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 367 COMING EVENTS 368 BOOK REVIEWS 368 THE INDUSTRY 370 INDEX TO JOURNAL ADVERTISERS 78 PRENDERGAST SCHOOL, ST. BONIFACE, MANITOBA Architect• : The Institute does not hold itself responsible for the opinions Green, Blonkstein, Russel/ & Associate•, W innipeg expressed by contributors ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA EDITORIAl. BOARD ROBERT C. FA IRFIELD, CHAIRMAN WALTER B. BOWKER, MANAGING EDITOR ERIC R. ARTHUR, PROFESSIONAL ADV ISER J. D. Annett, Edmonton; Howard D. Chapman, Toronto; Peter Collin s, Montreal; Ronald A. Dick, Toronto; P. A R. Dickinson, Tc ronto; W. W. Downie, Halifax; Henry Fliess, Toronto; D. C. Haldenby, Toronto; Tin os Kartes, Saskatoon; Do uglas E. Kertland (F), Toronto; H. Claire MoH(f), Saint John; Earle C. Morgon (f), Toronto; Forsey Page (F), Toronto; S. M. Roscoe, Hamilton; Norman C. H. Ru sse ll, Winnipeg; Wm. J , Ryan, St. John's; l. E. Shore (F), Toronto; Denis Tremblay, Sherbrooke; John H. Wade (F), Victoria; John G . Wasteneys, Toronto; G . Everett Wilson, Toronto. J . f . SUlliVAN, PUBLISHER All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor ItiiJ*' :I Member of the Conadion EDITORIAl AND ADVERTISING OFFICES, 600 EG LINTON AVENUE EAST, TORONTO 12 Circulation Audit Board Incorporated. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa 336 Journal R A I C CHURCHILL CONSTRUCTION: HIGH SCHOOL The constmction of the school consists of a con­ crete pile foundation, with a structural concrete Winnipeg ground :floor. The superstructw-e of the audito­ rium is masonry bearing wall with long span steel joists, and the classroom wing has wood post and beam exterior walls, with first floor and roof of wood joists. Architects Mood'Y, Moore & Partner.r The exterior facings are brick and insulated Winnipe)(' metal panels, with the windows consisting of the usual clear glass vision sb·ip, wjth light directional glass block above. The interior finishes consist mainly of exposed concrete block and natural plywood on walls, The building is located on a large tract of land, mastic floor tile, and acoustic tile ceilings. with a pleasant view overlooking the Hed River. The school serves the suburban disb·ict of River­ MECHANICAL: view in Winnipeg for Junior and High School The building is heated by steam from a large grades. The school is planned on a two-storey boiler room m1cler the auditorium. The classroom basis for economy, but the auditor.ium and en­ heating units under the windows heat and venti­ trances are at a split level between the two class­ late each indjvidual room. rooms, creating an easy half-flight access to either classroom .floor from entrance. The auditorium walls are windowless to take the abuse of sport­ ing activities, with outside light brought in from General Cot$tracto-rs the roof by large plexiglass skylights. The audi­ Originat schoot torium can be divided in two in a matter of sec­ North American BtJitdings Ltd onds by a large Modernfolcl door, which is one Winnipeg of the largest in Western Canada. The large class­ East ctassroom 1/JW$g addition room wing and auditorium were constructed in 1953 with the east classroom wing added in 1958. ll1 yatt Con.rtrttctiot~ Co. Ltd Winnipeg H ENRY KA LEN 338 Journal RA I C BEVERLEY HEIGHTS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Downsview, Ontario Beverley Heights Junior High School is one of the first of the junior schools to be completed for the Township of North York under the new system of tri-level education. This school will accommodate over 1,000 students in grades 7, 8 and 9. Facilities provided include boys' and girls' gymnasium with Architects stage facilities which can be opened into one Pentland & Baker laxge room for auditorillln use or spectator games; Toronto student lunchroom with ki.tchen and self-service machines, a library, two workshops, two home economics rooms, two music rooms, two art Gerterat CottJractor rooms, two science rooms, special typing class­ Lavern Asmussen Ltd rooms and 18 standard classrooms. Mechanical & Electrical The building was planned as a long two-storey Leah, Kobayashi & Associates classroom unit with the gymnasium and attendant Toronto facilities located on one side of this "spine" and the lunchroom and library on the other. Gym­ Strttclttrat Consultants nasium, lunch rooms, administration and staff C. D. Carruthers & Walttlce accommodation axe all located centrally and ad­ Toronto jacent to the entrance hall, making their use con­ venient to members of the community and stu­ dents at evening functions. An interesting mural in ceramic glazed tile is at the front of the build­ ing and with the low long suspended canopy, features the main entrance. PANDA ~~·--- ..........= -~ October 1 9 S 9 339 PANDA The school site comprises approximately 7;1( inside in the entrance hall and stairway; else­ acres on high ground east of Jane Street and north where the material is exposed block with a paint of Wilson Avenue, with a commanding view to or glazed finish. Plaster has only been used in south and west. The playing field is to the west of administration offices and wood panelling in the the school and at a lower level, the bank between Ubrary. The simple planning and structure has the levels providing for future spectator bleach­ been enl1anced by the use of colour. The gym­ ers. Parking and paved play areas are to the front nasium ceiling is finished in a black and white and rear of the building. checker board pattern, daylight being supplied The building is a precast concrete post and through domes in the roof. These give adequate beam structure with brick spandrels and end and pleasant illumination with no danger of walls. The natural brick is carried through to the breakage. Gymnasimn PANDA ~ / ,, ,. -- j J ... I STAGE TWO SCHOOLS By GREEN, BLANKSTEIN, RUSSELL & ASSOCIATES AUOtYORlUM GYMNASIUM Winnipeg Left TRANSCONA COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, TRANSCONA, MAN. An "L" shaped building with two storey classroom section and one storey auditor­ ium. There are thirteen standard classrooms and shop, science and home economics rooms, and the auditorium. Construction: reinforced concrete bored piles; reinforced concrete floors; wood roof on structural steel frame. The classroom section is curtain wall with wood siding spandrels and continuous glass sash. Contractor: Pearson Construc­ tion. Botto·m, SHAAREY ZEDEK SCHOOL, WINNIPEG An irregular shaped rectangular building with centre court and part basement, con­ taining eight classrooms, two kindergarten rooms, chapel, kitchen and offices. Con­ struction: reinforced concrete piles and cais­ sons; reinforced concrete main floor; wood roof on structural steel frame. Exterior is curtain wall with some face brick. Contrac­ tor: John Miller & Sons Ltd .. --·-· . ~ j' . -l I :CLASSROOM I K INDE~ KINDERGARTEN . I [CLASS~M i f. 1 I --- _ , ____. - -- ! :CLASSROOM OPEN C OURT .cLASSROOM iCLASSROOM J l • ' I I ---,,.---.....1 - C HA PEL f: ... ENRY KAL£N •' '" "" ,....,. 342 Journal R A I C ALDERGROVE HIGH SCHOOL Langley, B.C. Architects Duncan McNab & A ssociates Vancouver General Contractor Coyne & Ratcliffe Construction Company Vancouver NOVA STUDIOS The school is developed around a landscaped interior court mercia! rooms, music, sewing and foods rooms; library, which provides an exterior extension to the cafeteria.
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