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>> Reviews >> 35mm >> Leica R/8

Leica R-8

27 reviews 4.56 of 5 Write a Review >> Manufacturer Site MSRP: $ 2595.00

Click here for more Product Specifications information - Fast shutter, 32 seconds to 1/8000 second in half steps; synch time 1/250 for fast-moving subjects. - Three -metering modes: selective - setting can be stored, center-weighted-integral and multi-field for successful mastering of every light situation. - Four operating modes: manual, - and shutter-speed-priority and variable programmed automatic control - Stable and solid metal construction

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Review Date Reviewed by: Christian Nagel, Expert, from Karlsruhe, Germany April 15, 2002 Price Paid: $1200 at Ebay Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 6-10 years, Outdoor Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: I'm also using a EOS-1 with EF 28-70/2.8 L and EF 80-200/2.8 L. Used product for And a R8 + R7 with 4/35-70, 2.8/70-180 APO, Apo-Macro-Elmarit More than 1 year 100 and 2.8/24. And the R8 and its lenses is way ahead of the Canon L Series. It's well worth the price. The mechanics are also Visitors rate this review way ahead. Not only in sharpness or contrast. There is contrast 4 of 5, 1 votes and shadow detail, sharpness and smoothness at the same time and accurate bright colors ! It's built for a lifetime ! The EF Rate this review? 2.8/70-200 is a good lens, but compared to the Vario-Apo-Elmarit 5 Highest 70-180 just a cheap plastic lens. Chips and plastic are less expensive than brass and premium UD and fluorite glass. Contax + Zeiss Lenses are very good, but the Zeiss 100 macro 4 DVDs for $.49 >> and the corresponding zoom for the Leica APO 70-180 are no match for the leica lenses. The greatest advantage of a quality SLR-System is its flexibility. And that is inceased by premium APO Zoom-lenses and specialty lenses like macro ones. And there, Leica is top notch ! The R8 itself is great. One wheel or knob for one funktion. Fast and intuitive. Not like the Canon EOS-Series with displays and multi-funktion-knobs. The R8 is tough, reliable, easy to use and well balanced for heavy high performance zooms and big hands. The learning curve is as short as possible !

Strengths: Tough, intuitive, reliable, best lens system in the world, very flexible and well balanced

Weaknesses: No complaints ! You get what you pay for !

Similar Products Used: R7, EOS-1

Customer Service: Great. Equipment is checked for free. You only have to pay for repairs.

Review Date Reviewed by: Jason , Professional March 20, 2002 Price Paid: $0 Overall Rating 2 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, Outdoor Value Rating 1 of 5 Summary: Was given an R8 to take along on a photo shoot to the Everglades Used product for and the ten Thousand Islands for 3 weeks. Got some nice, usable Less than 1 month shots. Camera was nice to use. Extremely bright viewfinder. HOWEVER, I'll stick to my Contax RTS III's for my general Visitors rate this review photography and the Canon 1V for telephoto and when 2.6 of 5, 5 votes needed.

Rate this review? Leica lens prices are ABSURD!! Before rebates, if they are still 5 Highest giving them, (and they should be) here are some comparisons: 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Leica 50 1.4 - $1795. Contax, reviewed as the sharpest 50mm in Pop. Photg.-$385.

Leica 80 1.4 - $2795. Contax, considered "legendary" by portrait photogs - $865.

Leica 70-180 2.8 (are you sitting?) $5095. Yes, that's correct, a zoom lens in this range for more that 5 grand!! Canon 70-200 2.8 'L', AS SHARP AS THEY COME, $1200. Quite a price to pay to have that "Leica" hanging around your neck. Those kind of prices really tick me off. How can anyone support a company that wants to fleece their customers like this.

Sure, there are those who have an almost 'cult' type following for the 'M' series, but even these prices are absurd. And we are talking 35mm!!

I guess there 's a lot of money out there!

Strengths: bright viewfinder

Weaknesses: rediculously priced lenses.

Similar Products Used: Contax RTS Canon 1V Contax G2

Review Date Reviewed by: Patrick Pevenage, Beginner, from Wetteren September 24, 2001 (Belgium)

Overall Rating Price Paid: $0 4 of 5 Photography Experience: Value Rating 0-1 years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Used product for At 45 years old, a beginner and yet a black Leica R8. I always 3 Months to 1 year wanted to take photos, and now I have the time (but not always the money). I went for a SLR, but came home with a Leica Visitors rate this review SLR. I love the lens, the sharpness, the contrast, the soul, the 2.67 of 5, 3 votes extravagant design. I buyed a Leica to have it forever. I love the old-fashioned features. (Re)winding manually, no auto-focus. Rate this review? Modern basics. No clics, a silent shutter, well built, and most of the 5 Highest people (in Europe by the way) don't know Leica. They think it's an old East-German name and they don't bother. So I can go on 4 DVDs for $.49 >> shooting. Most of the people don't like the design. Strengths: Easy to understand how it works. Aperture-priority is all I need. Well built. Very nice summicron 50 lens (that's all I need). Black paint is strong (thought I made a scratch, but no).

Weaknesses: A little big for my hands. It takes time to learn to handle it well (ergonomics). Always have to turn it on to see how many pictures left. No 100% viewfinder (why?).

Similar Products Used: Nikkormat FT3 (very good), Fujica (good for bric and brac), Leica Minilux zoom (made me turn to Leica forever).

Customer Service: Not needed yet.

Review Date Reviewed by: ubique, Professional, from Australia September 18, 2001 Price Paid: $0 Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, People Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: I have 2 R8 bodies, with the motor drive attached (not the Visitors rate this review winder)the R8 is superb. 3.33 of 5, 3 votes Only complaint I have is that you can't use AA batteries in the drive. Leica claims that AA don't last long enough, who cares? It Rate this review? would be nice to have them as a back up if the NM-HI 5 Highest rechargables suddenly went flat. The shape of the grip on the Motor drive is better than the motor winder and the camera itself, 4 DVDs for $.49 >> it's easier to hold and feels less likely to slip out of your hand. All the controls are in the right places. Overall the best Leica ever. I hope Leica see the light and make a digital back to fit the R8, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds being able to shoot film or digital with an R8 body.

Strengths: The TTL flash metering is so good I don't bother with my Minolta spot meter in the studio anymore. The Lenses are truly superb, sepecially the 70-180 f2.8 APO, the 28-70 Japanese built Leica lens surprised me, for portraits it is exceptionally sharp. I am not a fan of zoom lenses but Leica zooms ar as sharp as their prime lenses.

Weaknesses: Not being able to use AA batteries, Lithium batteries are expensive and don't last very long, and are hard to obtain in remote places. The rechargable motor drive solved most of the R8 battery problems. Pity Leica didn't give users the option of a AA pack for the drive.

Similar Products Used: Leica R3, R4, R6,R6.2, Canon F1, Nikon F4,and FE2, Olympus OM2

Customer Service: Customer service is outstanding in Germany, not so good in Australia, it takes about 3 months to get a camera back through the dealer network here.

Review Date Reviewed by: Wilson Chow , Casual, from Hong Kong August 17, 2001 Price Paid: $1070 at H.K. Overall Rating 4 of 5 Photography Experience: 2-5 years, Outdoor Value Rating 3 of 5 Summary: It is easy to understand to use the camera. I found one thing is not Visitors rate this review very wise that I need to change the ISO manually even I use the 4 of 5, 3 votes so called DX function, the DX function just show warning signal and not automatically change the ISO. Also, such a high grade Rate this review? camera body cannot provide 100% viewfinder field and non 5 Highest interchangable viewfinder prism head like F3 and LX. Anyway, this body should be suitable for those who like old style cameras 4 DVDs for $.49 >> and the price nowaday is afforable and comparable with other top classic cameras.

Strengths: Very solid body, good surface finishing, I really feel the deluxe design. If I am not wrong, R8 can compatible with all R lenses. All round functions are provided.

Weaknesses: The handle is a bit too big for small size Chinese people like me (I am 165cm tall). Thus, using motor drive for comfortable holding is recommeded when using heavy lenses. R8 is a bit heavy even without motor drive, weighs 890g.

Similar Products Used: Nikon F3P, Pentax LX, Ricoh XR 8. Other AF bodies.

Customer Service: No experience.

Review Date Reviewed by: Alex Ng , Intermediate, from HK SAR July 15, 2001 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 11-20 years, Other 4 of 5 Summary: Value Rating Most practical Leica SLR camera that I've tried, Excellent shutter 3 of 5 with AEL built in, great for portraits. Handles well but too heavy with the motor attached. Shutter locks to 1/250 of a second in P Visitors rate this review mode, nothing quite like those ETTL, or 3D balanced flash 2 of 5, 3 votes programs. The bottom line is, this is the best body to use with those unparelled Leica R lenses. Rate this review? 5 Highest Strengths: Convenient features, such as high flash sync speed, half step 4 DVDs for $.49 >> shutter speeds, Spot meter with AEL on the shutter, great handling, wonderful R series lenses.

Weaknesses: Way too heavy with the motor attached. Shutter delay too long without the motor, shutter bounce quite serious for modern cameras. Not very good coupling with the SF-20 flash. Program shift better than none.

Similar Products Used: EOS-1V, Dynax 9, F100, N-1

Customer Service: None required

Review Date Reviewed by: Vincent Cheng, Expert, from Penang, Malaysia May 30, 2001 Price Paid: $1500 at Penang Overall Rating 4 of 5 Photography Experience: 6-10 years, Outdoor Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: A big leap for Leica-R camera that put leica quite on par with other Visitors rate this review Japanese camera with all pro features you always wish for when 2 of 5, 2 votes using RE/R7/R5 and below. More importance here, Leica offer all first class quality lenses. You will love your R system now. This Rate this review? camera in fact is not heavy compared to other pro cameras. My 5 Highest only wish is that if this camera could be made smaller and the MD speed can be boost up to at least 5.5fps as I need this feature 4 DVDs for $.49 >> occasionally for birds in action. Bottom line, R8 is a great camera. You will love it.

Strengths: Solid built quality, ergonomic, simplicity and very beautiful camera! It has all the pro features required (wide shutter speed from 32s-8000 in half stop, 2nd sync flash, mirror lock-up..). Both auto and mannual features..

Weaknesses: A little too thick for my hand (not big nor bulky). With this size, I expect it has built in wider like other branded cameras do while keeping the option for mannual rewind. Also, quite dissapointed with the motor drive speed which could only reach 4.5fps. This is a suprise that such a big (pro-look) camera can only go up to 4.5fps when attached with MD.

Similar Products Used: EOS-1, EOS ELAN, Contax RTSIII, Contax S2

Customer Service: No error encountered so far after >100rolls of film.

Review Date Reviewed by: Christian Nagel, Expert, from Karlsruhe, Germany April 26, 2001 Price Paid: $1400 at ebay Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 2-5 years, Outdoor Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: The best manual camera on earth ! Solid like a tank, if you get Visitors rate this review used to this one, you won't feel the camera any more after a while. 5 of 5, 1 votes You have the choice of manual winding and rewindig or of motorized winding/rewinding. It's suitable for every situation and Rate this review? compatible with the best lenses on earth, e.g. the famous 5 Highest Apo-Telyt 180/3.4, the super sharp Apo-Macro-Elmarit 100/2.8, Summicron 90 and some very fine zooms (Apo-Elmarit 2.8/35-70, 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Vario-Elmar 4/35-70 and 4/80-200). To mention just some of them. I'm using it with the R7 as a second body. It is a very expandable camera system for life. I also use a Canon EOS-1 with the Sigma 2.8/14mm EX, the brilliant Canon EF 2.8/28-70 L USM and the EF 2.8/80-200 L when speed matters. But the feel and intuitive use of the Leica system can't be beat. The customer service is great. The check your cameras and lenses as often as you wish and the do only charge you if something is broken. Nothing compared to Nikon, Canon or Minolta. Canon CPS is also great, but you need a permission to join the CPS. And they won't check it for free as often as the Leica customer service does. And they are very fast : 1 to 2 weeks here in Germany. I had a few things that needed to be re-adjusted many months after the guarantee-period ran out, and they did it for free. So 5 stars for the Customer service. The R8 has everything a serious photographer needs : fast shutter speed, great lenses, it is tropicalized and very sturdy, it has all metering capabilities you need, it is very creative to use and very ergonomically. The price is OK compared to the top cameras of all other brands. It doesn't make sense to compare this manual and high quality SLR with an autofocus SLR. The systems are too different and no, really no AF-lens can compete with the mechanical and optical built-quality of a top-of-the-line Leica lens. Those AF-cameras and lenses won't last forever. The chances that a Leica system does are quite good.

Strengths: Rugged, sturdy, solid like a tank, the most ergonomic camera alive !, easy to use, very reliable and flexible, you get what you pay for ! Weaknesses: None

Similar Products Used: Canon EOS-1, Leica R7

Customer Service: Great ! Best service I've ever experienced ! Fast and friendly !

Review Date Reviewed by: Moth Ray, Intermediate, from Jakarta, Indoensia March 16, 2001 Price Paid: $1100 at Jakarta Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, Outdoor Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: I consider the R8 to be the best camera for me and that includes Visitors rate this review its value for money. It is surprisingly cheap in Asia (I bought mine 3 of 5, 1 votes new) but even in the USA it's still good value. The lenses are prohibitively expensive if bought new but are surprisingly cheap Rate this review? on the used market. It mat be considered big and heavy, 5 Highest considering it doesn't have a built-in motor or autofocus.

Strengths: 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Comfortable shape for my hands.

Controls well set out in general, although there are some oddities.

Any of the 3 metering methods (spot, matrix, center-weighted) can be combined with any of the 4 exposure mdes (manual, aperture priority, shutter priority, program)

Viewfinder display is clear and uncluttered.

Bright viewfinder and easy to use with spectacles.

Superb lenses that can be had for reasonable prices on the used market (but very expensive new).

Easy to use mirror & aperture pre-fire.

Very well-damped mirror and reasonably quite operation.

1st/2nd shutter curtain flash synch option.

Flash control very flexible, mainly because of SCA 3000 compatibility.

Range of shutter speeds from 16 sec to 1/8000 sec, selectable manually in half-step increments or automatically in stepless increments.

Max flash synch speed of 1/250 sec.

Provides "idiot-proof" control of exposure and flash in program mode. Very well suited to beginners (but probably more than a beginner would want to pay!).

Fully compatible with lenses for previous R cameras; the ROM insert is not needed unless you want automatic zoom flash.

Weaknesses: Cannot see frame counter unless camera is activated.

Totally reliant on batteries.

Operation and position of exposure compensation switch - uncomfortable to operate and doesn't work unless camera display is activated. Heavy compared with previous R models.

Expensive, except in Asia at the moment.

Not many R8 bodies or accessories have reached the used market yet.

Similar Products Used: Leica R7 Olympus OM-10, OM-2n, OM-2S

Customer Service: Not needed yet.

Review Date Reviewed by: vipul Patel, Intermediate, from vipul patel March 9, 2001 Price Paid: $1855 at Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 2-5 years, Outdoor Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: If one really wants to learn and enjoy the photography this is the Visitors rate this review camera to buy. I am happy with the camera. 2 of 5, 1 votes Strengths: Rate this review? robust, perfect. stimulates your are controling the 5 Highest camera and not other way round

4 DVDs for $.49 >> Weaknesses: none

Similar Products Used: canon rebel

Customer Service: very good

Review Date Reviewed by: David , Expert, from Vancouver, BC January 15, 2001 Price Paid: $1350 at Tristate Camera Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 11-20 years, Fine Art Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: The R8 features some nice upgrades over the R6.2 like extended Visitors rate this review maximum exposure, a mirror lock-up button (you need an 4 of 5, 1 votes additional cable release on the 6.2), AE modes, though generally speaking I use the manuul mode. This is a "best of class" camera. Rate this review? The R6.2 is in my view the best available fully manual 35mm SLR, 5 Highest the R8 picks up where the R6.2 left off and is the best manual focus AE camera on the market right now. The Leica line of lenses 4 DVDs for $.49 >> is beyond compare. This system tripod mounted and loaded with slow, fine grain film will, in the right hands, yield results that compare very favorably with medium format negs. I regularly produce 9x13 enlargements that compare interchangably with medium format prints of the same size. I love this camera.

Strengths: Great ergonomics, great metering, fabulous lenses, excellent adjustable diopter.

Weaknesses: A little heavy, I am used to the R6.2, but most of my work is done on a tripod, so not a significant issue.

Similar Products Used: Leica R6.2 Pentax LX

Customer Service: Not needed yet

Review Date Reviewed by: Ian Alton, Intermediate, from Shrpshire January 15, 2001 Price Paid: $2000 at London England Overall Rating 4 of 5 Photography Experience: 11-20 years, Outdoor Value Rating 4 of 5 Summary: A wonderful camera, which does a great job of continuing Leica Visitors rate this review tradition of precision engineering at its best. Shame its battery 3.75 of 5, 4 votes reliant.

Rate this review? Strengths: 5 Highest Superb optics as always Easy to use 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Comfortable and not as heavy as my F5 Weaknesses: Useless when the battery goes flat

Similar Products Used: Nikon F5 Nikon F3 Leica M6ttl Bronica SQB Mamiya RB67 pro S Contax Aria

Review Date Reviewed by: C.H. Tso, Expert, from Hong Kong December 31, 2000 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 21+ years, Outdoor 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating With the motor-drive attached, this is the best camera I've ever 5 of 5 used. Worth every cent of the price.

Visitors rate this review Strengths: 3 of 5, 1 votes Wonderful ergonomics (the best of any camera I've laid hands on), especially with the motor-drive attached. Fits my hand like it's Rate this review? tailor made. 5 Highest Solid construction. Impeccable lens quality. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Weaknesses: Occasionally (yes, only occasionally) unacceptably slow shutter reaction when used without motor-drive - unlike all other cameras I've used, the R8 doesn't always release it's shutter when (or before) the button reaches the bottom. This is what happens: you press the shutter release, you feel (and hear) the button hit the bottom of it's travel, then after a fraction of a second, I'd say around 0.2 seconds, the shutter fires. I've missed more than a few potentially great shots because of this. All is well when either one of the shutter release buttons on the motor-drive is used instead.

Similar Products Used: Canon T90, AE1 Program, EOS 50; Contax RTS III and various other models; Pentax LX, ME Super etc; Leica M6 classic, various R models; etc etc

Customer Service: Very friendly, but not always efficient. Review Date Reviewed by: Bjornar Kleven, Expert, from Seattle, WA November 28, 2000 Price Paid: $1900 at Glazers Camera, Seattle Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, People Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: It is simple a great camera as all Leica's are including the M Rate this review? series. There is also the superb lenses and the Leica "feel" that 5 Highest have created a huge group of fellow photographer loyal to this brand. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Strengths: Extremely well built and easy to handle. Superb optics, easy flash metering,extremely bright viewfinder and great general design.

Weaknesses: None really.

Similar Products Used: Eos 1n, ELAN, Pentax, Nikon N-80, various M series,Fuji 6x4.5, R4,R5,R7, Rolleiflex,Olympus and a variety of other cameras.

Customer Service: Superb service and warranty. They seem to really go out of their way to please and even take the time to talk to the users over the phone or during their Leica days at a variety of Leica dealers every year where they also provide free testing and simple cleaning at no cost. Just great.

Review Date Reviewed by: David Almy, Professional, from Annapolis October 22, 2000 Price Paid: $1800 at Tamarkin New York Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, Other Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: This is a german-designed and built camera which, selectively, Rate this review? has some of the highest performing optics available for 35mm 5 Highest photography. Like most high-end products, you pay more for this additional incremental performance gain, which can be negated 4 DVDs for $.49 >> by sloppy technique. But if you are careful, the camera, and its lenses, are capable of extraordinary performance. An under-rated camera, overall, and taylor made for those who are very serious about both the craft and aesthetics of photography.

Strengths: Best lenses (on a case by case basis) available for any SLR, best manual focusing SLR, brightest viewfinder in any SLR, great ergonomics, metering modes, internal flash meter, forces you to think, smooth.

Weaknesses: Forces you to think, slightly larger than average body, tain't cheap.

Similar Products Used: Nikon F5, F3.

Customer Service: Excellent, human.

Review Date Reviewed by: Olson John, Professional, from Connecticut August 19, 2000 Price Paid: $1800 at Tamarkin Overall Rating 5 of 5 Photography Experience: 21+ years, Other Value Rating 5 of 5 Summary: If you can afford one, and you are playing around with anything Rate this review? else, get serious about your craft and treat yourself to this 5 Highest wonderful tool!!

4 DVDs for $.49 >> Strengths: Easiest, Best Balance of Conventional Control and Electronic Enhancements of ANY camera made to date!! This camera is a real pleasure to use. I just finished shooting ALL DAY with this camera and did not experience the slightest eye or arm/hand fatigue. The available lenses are of course, the reason for even considering this fine camera in the first place - truly remarkable. For those who question justifying the price for Leitz optics need only to spend a minute with a Leica produced or slide in the darkroom - using a fine grain focuser. You will be amazed!!

Weaknesses: None

Similar Products Used: All Tokyoflexes & Contax - The Contax Lenses were also great!

Customer Service: No Need thus far.

Review Date Reviewed by: Miles Smiles, Expert, from Music City, Pangea July 3, 2000 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 2-5 years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating The R8 is a very potent camera, with perhaps the best ergonomics 2 of 5 on any manual focus SLR. Sadly, the camera has been plagued by its reliability problems. As a result, user opinions are divergent. Rate this review? For those that have received a faulty unit, the R8 is a nightmare. 5 Highest On the other hand, those who have not had problems with this camera hail it as the best SLR ever built. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> The camera is into its forth year since introduction, and hopefully Leica has successfully addressed the initial reliability glitches. Leica is a company that has amazing engineering creativity and potential, yet its quality control and logistics efficiency have not caught up. Small production runs and heavy depedence on component suppliers limit the company's quality control and pricing flexibilities. Fortunately, they have recently hired a senior manager from Carl Zeiss to head manufacturing logistics activities. Hopefully Leica can again restore the reputation that it deserves.

The R8 really is a very well designed camera.

Strengths: None

Weaknesses: None

Similar Products Used: None

Review Date Reviewed by: Paul Hein, Professional, from Ballwin, Missouri May 7, 2000 USA

Overall Rating Photography Experience: 5 of 5 21+ years, Other Value Rating Summary: 5 of 5 A superb photographic instrument. Principal objection is high price, but with discounts, not much more than top line Japanese Rate this review? models. 5 Highest Strengths: 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Superior automatic flash system a big advantage over previous Rs. Also, the shutter release is very smooth. I can get better slow speed exposures with this camera, with less camera shake, because the shutter release is very silky. Auto exposure is right on; good choice of metering methods regardless of exposure method selected.

Weaknesses: Has to be turned off manually! How silly, when tahe R3, R4, R5 (I have no experience with R6, 7) turned themselves off--and on--automatically.

Similar Products Used: Pentax, Contax (years ago! IIa), also use old Retina IIIC occasionally.

Customer Service: Haven't needed any

Review Date Reviewed by: Terry , Intermediate, from Sherman Oaks, CA U.S. February 26, 2000 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 21+ years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating Simply put, I love using the R8. The learning curve upon taking it 5 of 5 out of its box is so minute compared to Nikon's and Canon's SLR bodies' multiple dials and buttons and their settings, the R8 is a Rate this review? dream come true for me. And the lenses? Dazzling, just like the 5 Highest rangefinder lenses I use on my M6! The R8 is not for those who have small hands, however, so be sure to sample one in a 4 DVDs for $.49 >> camera store before buying it. Strengths: Ergonomics (A+), overall operation (A+), ease in learning how to use (A+), metering (A+), and lenses (A+).

Weaknesses: None!

Similar Products Used: Nikon F100

Customer Service: Good. Would be excellent but for some unreturned calls.

Review Date Reviewed by: Kirk Tuck, Professional, from Austin, Texas January 16, 2000 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 11-20 years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating If you are a doctor, lawyer or rich guy, please buy a bunch of these 5 of 5 and then get tired of them so I can buy a bunch of slightly used bodies at a lower price! Rate this review? 5 Highest Strengths: Lenses perform better than the nikon or contax lenses I have owned. Body fits my hands and working style perfectly. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> No one has mentioned the built in flash meter which is terrific and so easy to use.

Weaknesses: None

Similar Products Used: Nikon F5, Original Canon EOS 1, Contax RTS 3 (three of which died in mild studio use in less than a year!!)

Customer Service: All my dealings with Leica over the years have been exemplary.

Review Date Reviewed by: Han Marcolina, Casual, from Bangkok, Bangkok December 20, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 6-10 years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating They should get rid of "Proverbial Quality Made In Germany" 5 of 5 found in all their documentation. Best camera and lenses, customer service is tops. Let the product Rate this review? speak for itself. 5 Highest Strengths: 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Ease of use. Very easy to use. Everything on the camera speaks for itself. Very logical

Weaknesses: Some battery drainage occurred. Professionally resolved. Compliments to Leica.

Similar Products Used: Minolta X-700

Customer Service: Outstanding. You pay a good price, you get better service than you would expect.

Review Date Reviewed by: Joseph Placz, from Nordland, WA USA October 23, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 6-10 years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating The name of Leica says it all. Great reputation, excellent quality. It 5 of 5 is not cheap, but worth every penny of it. You get what you are paying for. Rate this review? 5 Highest Strengths: quality, dependability, choice of lenses. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Weaknesses: none

Similar Products Used: Canon, Pentax

Customer Service: Never needed

Review Date Reviewed by: Dan Dalal, Intermediate, from San Jose, CA USA August 16, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 11-20 years, Other 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating A very heavy, tall camera, but very egronomically correct feeling to 5 of 5 hold. Viewfinder and dials are all very well placed and provide the info required to take a shot. Have not used the second curtain or Rate this review? other specific features yet, relying on my Contax G2 and Contax 5 Highest T2 for everyday photography. Photos are slightly better than my G2, with a bit more color definition and sharpness. The 3yr 4 DVDs for $.49 >> warranty is best in industry...Nikon F5 or Canon EOS systems cant touch Leica's warranty!

Strengths: Solid feeling. You can tell a German camera vs. a Japanese camera right away in your hands! Of course, the Leica lens!

Weaknesses: Nope! With the passport warranty, does it really matter? ;-)

Similar Products Used: Nikon 6006 Contax 167MT

Customer Service: No need so far!

Review Date Reviewed by: Samuel Blade, Expert, from New Orleans, LA August 5, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 11-20 years, Other 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating Jonathan, relax man, by the way, I tried your beloved RTS III. I 5 of 5 agree it is very nice, with some great features and the lenses are exceptional, BUT in my climate, the RTS III gave me soo many Rate this review? electrical problems. Maybe it's the humidity. But it seemed as 5 Highest though I had a new problem every month. It drove me crazy, so I traded it in toward an R8. The R8 has handled the heat and humidity without a hitch. I even got caught in a nasty downpour of 4 DVDs for $.49 >> rain and I thought for sure I would have problems, but to my surprise not a one! In regards to Minolta parts in the R8, sorry you're wrong, that was the R7 and back that used the Minolta XE body. The R8 is Leica's first SLR since the SL that they manufacture and designed. As to the construction being done in Portugal, I don't know for sure but when I inquired with Leica, I was told that only the compact binoculars were being produced in Portugal. Here's the kicker, Leica's 3 year Passport Warrenty covers everything including abuse such as water damage, drop damage and such. There is not a better warranty out there, it was definitely a strong point for me after my RTS III experince. Don't get me wrong, I'd own Contax before Nikon or Canon, their lenses don't compare. But Leica glass has such wonderful color and a quality that almost illuminates. Leica gives me what I want, durability, great glass, and a great warrenty. Over the long haul, it's not that expensive to own given the high resale value.

Strengths: Construction,Finder,Ruggedness,Lenses

Weaknesses: Could be lighter

Similar Products Used: Contax RTS III, EOS 1N

Customer Service: no problems

Review Date Reviewed by: Johnathan Blakey, Professional, from NY, NY August 4, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 21+ years, Fine Art 1 of 5 Summary: Value Rating I'm a big fan of Leica's M cameras. On the other hand, I'm not so 1 of 5 passionate when it comes to the R line.

Rate this review? The R cameras, unlike the Ms, are not unique in the world of MF 5 Highest 35mm SLR. There are plenty of substitutes out there which offer much better bang for the buck. My favorite, which I intend to get, is 4 DVDs for $.49 >> the Contax RTS3. It is simply the most hefty and solid 35mm camera I have had a chance to handle. The quality of build is extremely high on the RTS3, unlike the R8 which is only good. Besides, Zeiss optics for the Contax are as good as Leica, if not better as several magazine tests have indicated.

The R8 is also overpriced considering that it shares many key components with Minolta bodies. From what I've heard talking to Leica reps, most of R8's production is done in Portugal, and only the final inspection takes place in Germany. (Same for M6, but to lesser of a degree.) The bottom line is: don't ever get a Leica SLR. There are much better ways to spend you money. If you want Leica, go for the M6. The R8 carries the Leica name, but not much in substance.

Strengths: Great lenses

Weaknesses: Too expensive for what is offered, build quality is very good, but not best I've tried,

Similar Products Used: Contax RTS3 Nikon F5

Review Date Reviewed by: Bill , Professional, from West Palm Beach, Florida August 2, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 21+ years, People 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating A sturdy SLR with a great viewfinder, and easy to hold and use. 4 of 5 Leica lenses are expensive but really have unmatched color fidelity and contrast. I can be a tough critic, but the stuff works well, Rate this review? not a lot of bells and whistles like Canon or Nikon, just solid body 5 Highest and great lenses. I've tried the other brands, give me Leica day-in, day-out. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> Strengths: Construction, lenses, viewfinder, ergonomics.

Weaknesses: none

Similar Products Used: EOS 1, F5

Customer Service: Exceptional, though I've never had a problem with the camera.

Review Date Reviewed by: T. Thiam, Casual, from OKC, OK US July 20, 1999 Photography Experience: Overall Rating 2-5 years, Landscapes 5 of 5 Summary: Value Rating As you know Leica is the top off the line in 35mm SLR, expensive, 3 of 5 less choice of lens ( 1 lens maker dare to lanch a len for Leica), this is what you need to think about. Rate this review? 5 Highest Strengths: Solid and beautiful shape, very good in handle. 4 DVDs for $.49 >> The best is you can use leica lens(nonsense!) Weaknesses: Too heavy, rom system is not that efficient.

Similar Products Used: None

Customer Service: good

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