M PL I la 53 -270 Seo 1) Lv og MPI—Ph / 93 — 80 October, 1993 Paul Dirac and Igor Tamm Correspondence Part 1: 1928 — 1933 Commented by Alexei B. Kojevnikov 1 Max—Planck-Institut fur Physik Werner—Heisenberg-Institut Postfach 40 12 12, Fohringer Ring 6 D — 80805 Miinchen Germany Abstract These letters between two famous theoretical physicists and Nobel prize winners, Paul Dirac (1902 — 1984) of Britain and Igor Tamm (1895 — 1971) of the Soviet Union, contain important information on the development of the relativistic theory of electrons and positrons and on the beginnings of nuclear physics, as well as on the life of physicists in Europe and the Soviet Union during 1930s. Willininilalixiinilrnuiuilm eenzsema 1Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. On leave from the Institute for History of Science and Technology. Staropansky per. 1/5. Moscow, 103012. Russia. email addresses, permanent:
[email protected] ; present:
[email protected] OCR Output OCR Output1. Introduction to the Publication Brief Description This paper publishes the correspondence between two famous theoretical physicists of this century. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac is known as one of the key creators of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics, the author of Dirac equation and of The Principles of Quantum [Mechanics. To lay audiences Dirac is usually presented as the one who predicted anti-matter, or, more precisely, the first anti-particle — the positron. ln 1933 he shared the Nobel prize with Erwin Schrodinger "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory”. Igor Evgen’evich Tamm worked on both particle theory and solid state theory, but received his Nobel prize in 1958 for the theoretical explanation of a non-quantum effect — Cherenkov radiation.