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Research & Education Taste of Not all fish oils Makings of are created Og tidlig, tidlig er det på sommer’n a Norwegian men rop på høsten, så kommer’n.

equal – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson matpakke Read more on page 5 Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 32 September 9, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com A good place for kids to grow News Sending children to Norway sent an application to barnehage is a safe the U.N. Sanctions Commit- tee on Libya asking for Libyan decision, according funds that have been frozen in Norway since March to be re- a new study leased. “There are grave hu- manitarian needs in Libya, and Ke l s e y La r s o n releasing funds that can be used Copy Editor to the benefit of the people in the country is therefore a matter Seven out of 10 one-year-olds of urgency,” commented Prime attend barnehage, a Norwegian Minister Stoltenberg. state-financed day care option (blog.norway.com/category/ found throughout Norway. Parents news) can now send their youngest chil- Culture dren in good conscience, accord- ing to a survey by the Norwegian The comedy “Happy, Happy,” is Folkehelseomstittet (Public Health Norway’s candidate in the cate- Institute). gory of Best Foreign Language The study states that it is not Film at this year’s Academy harmful to send a one-year-old to Awards, reported the Norwe- gian Film Institute. The film will barnehage. There is no difference now be considered by members between children who have been at of the Academy of Motion Arts home or in barnehage during their Photo: Yngve Ask/Innovation Norway and Sciences, which nominates A new study by the Norwegian Public Health Institute shows children who go to barnehage are just as safe and linguistically five films among the submitted See > BARNEHAGE, page 6 prepared as those who spent their first several years at home. entries from different countries. (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Place of remembrance Let’s work together! Norway in the U.S. Norwegian architecture firm Snøhetta Raise funds for your Linie Award 2011 champion designs 9/11 Memorial Museum pavilion organization with the bartender Halvor Digernes will be guest starring at the legend- Norwegian American ary bar Death & Company bar Weekly in New York for a week starting Sept. 18 with his award-win- ning cocktails. Ke l s e y La r s o n (blog.norway.com/category/ Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager norway-in-the-us) Let’s work together! The Nor- wegian American Weekly wants What’s inside? to enter the fall season with a new News 2-3 burst of energy, and we want to Business 4 make sure that your organization Research & Education 5 does the same! Opinion 6-7 See > Funds, page 6 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 More “Drillo” for Norway Roots & Connections 10 Coach of national Obituaries & Religion 11 Image courtesy of Snøhetta Arts & Style 12 Artist rendering of the 9/11 Memorial Museum’s pavilion, designed by Snøhetta. team extends

In Your Neighborhood 13 Bi l l Os m u n d s e n contract to 2014 Norwegian Heritage 14 New York City Sports 15 UEFA On Sept. 11, 2001, the sunny, cident, it was closely followed by clear autumn morning in New United Airlines flight #175 which Norway was been given a boost $1 = NOK 5.3948 York City started out as any busy slammed into the South Tower. ahead of their crucial UEFA EURO updated 9/2/2011 commuter weekday. At 8:46 a.m., They were not coincidental acci- 2012 qualifier against Iceland Sept. In comparison American Airlines flight #11 dents – the U.S. was under attack, 2 with the news that coach Egil Ol- 8/2/2011 5.4165 slammed into the North Tower of the planes had been used as devas- sen has extended his contract until 3/2/2011 5.5475 the World Trade Center, almost tating bombs. after the 2014 FIFA World Cup. 9/2/2010 6.1434 initially perceived as an airline ac- Photo: Jarle Vines/Creative Commons See > SNØHETTA, page 12 See > drillo, page 15 Egil “Drillo” Olsen extends his contract. 2 • September 9, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Nye medlemmer strømmer til AUF Her er det billigst og dyrest å bo AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen tror ikke folk har meldt seg inn i sympati etter Utøya-mas- I den siste valgperioden sakren, men at det handler om en ny politisk har de norske generasjon. Han har fortsatt ikke full over- sikt over tallet på nye medlemmer. – AUF kommunepolitikerne har fått veldig mange medlemmer. Vi har ikke full oversikt fordi det strømmer på. Vi satt opp avgiftene er godt over 2800 medlemmer. Det utgjør over dobbelt så nesten én tredel av de medlemmene AUF hadde ved årsskiftet. – Jeg tror ikke på sym- mye som inflasjonen. patieffekt på meningsmålinger, eller sympa- Vannavgiftene stiger mest timedlemmer. Jeg tror folk støtter opp om de verdiene AUF og Arbeiderpartiet står for, sier AUF-lederen til NRK. Han mener det er VG en undervurdering av folk å si at de stem- mer på Ap fordi de synes synd på AUF og Av de tyve kommunene med høyeste Arbeiderpartiet. – Jeg tror denne ungdoms- avgifter, har 14 av 20 Ap- eller Sp-ordfører. generasjonen blir en av de sterkeste i norsk Foto: Johan Wildhagen/www.visitnorway.com Det årlige kommuneavgiftsbarometeret politikk noen sinne, sier Pedersen. (NRK) til Huseiernes Landsforbund (HL) avslører at kommunepolitikerne øker de kommunale sier utredningssjef Dag Refling i Huseiernes De 5 Rimeligste Kommunene PST får flere tips etter 22. juli avgiftene mye mer enn inflasjonen. Landsforbund. Kommune Avgifter KR Innbyggere – På samme måte som vannverk må slås Vanlige nordmenn engasjerer seg og tips- Fra i fjor til i år steg de kommunale sammen, viser hovedtallene for de kommu- Sola 5 845 23 514 mengden til PST har økt kraftig etter 22. juli. avgiftene med 4,5 prosent. Det er over dob- nale avgiftene at det er innbyggerne i de små 5 910 126 148 – Vi har en egen enhet som bare tar i mot belt så mye som inflasjonen, som er forven- kommunene som betaler mest. Det er van- Karmøy 6 110 40 184 tips, forteller PST-sjef Janne Kristiansen til tet å stige med to prosent. Klepp 6 409 17 540 Aftenposten.no. De fire siste årene har de kommunale skelig å finne statistikk som bedre underbyg- Ørsta 6 458 10 406 (Aftenposten) avgiftene økt med 24,9 prosent, mens inflas- ger at mange av landets kommuner må slå jonen i samme periode har steget med 10,4 seg sammen, sier han. De 5 Dyreste Kommunene Billigere å starte AS prosent. På toppen av avgiftsveksten kommer Inngangsbilletten for å starte et aksjeselskap Vannavgiften er den av de kommunale eiendomsskatten, som stadig flere kommu- Kommune Avgifter KR Innbyggere senkes fra 100.000 til 30.000 kroner, kunng- avgiftene som har steget mest, med 29,7 ner innfører. I 2001 hadde 26,3 prosent av Snåsa 18 877 2 161 jorde næringsminister Trond Giske (Ap) på prosent de siste fire årene. kommunene skatt på bolig. I år er andelen Tana 17 634 2 910 en pressekonferanse om aksjeloven. NHO – Det er for å si det rett ut vanvittig og kommet opp i 44,9 prosent. Samlet dro de inn Hof 17 070 3 091 applauderer og påpeker at organisasjonen totalt unødvendig. Men vi ser deler av år- over syv milliarder kroner i eiendomsskatt. Hurdal 16 976 3 091 har bedt om dette på vegne av bedriftene. – sakene: I Norge er det ufattelige 1500 van- – Vi mener det er mulig å påstå at kom- Lærdal 16 888 2 414 Nå blir det mye mer attraktivt for gründere nverk, altså over tre pr. kommune. Det koster munene nå melker innbyggerne sine gjennom English Synopsis: Muncipality taxes have increased å starte bedrift gjennom norsk aksjeselskap. så mye å drive og skriker på sammenslåing, stadig økte avgifter og skatt, sier Refling. significantly in the past four years, especially water Med lavere krav til aksjekapital og bortfal- taxes, and citizens are frustrated by growing costs. let av revisjonsplikten tror jeg vi ikke ser mange flere nye norskregistrerte utenland- Flere sier de vil ske foretak, sier Petter Haas Brubakk, direk- Fantastisk nyhet for folk flest tør for næringspolitikk i NHO. I 2010 ble det registrert 14.000 nye aksjeselskaper i Norge, stemme i år Nå ventes det både rentefest og boligjubel i Norge og 9.400 av dem hadde lovens minstekrav – 13 prosent av velgerne sier 100.000 kroner – i aksjekapital. Ne t t av i s e n (Adresseavisen) det er større sjanse for at de vil bruke stemmeretten Vil ha casino i I sin gjennomgang av utsiktene for den omsetningsvolumet. FrPs ordførerkandidat Carl I. Hagen er ikke økonomiske utviklingen de neste par årene, Uten justering for sesongvariasjoner og redd for å fronte partiets kontroversielle kul- har Nordea-økonom Steinar Juel nedjust- målt i volum omsatte detaljhandelsbedrift- turpolitikk, som avgift på bibliotekbøker og ert anslagene for den økonomiske veksten. ene for 1,3 prosent mindre i juli 2011 enn ja til kasino. Hagen ser ikke hva som er kon- For folk flest betyr det at alle med lån kan i juli 2010. Eksklusiv bensinstasjonene var troversielt i å kjempe for kasinovirksomhet forvente lave renter lenge, og at de med det en nedgang i omsetningsvolumet på 1,2 i hovedstaden. – Jeg har motsatt tilnærming: sparepenger fortsatt vil få lite igjen på å ha prosent i samme periode. Hva i all verden er kontroversielt med det? pengene i banken. Målt i verdi, og ikke justert for prisen- Det er vanlig i de aller fleste storbyer, også Den lave renten vil også føre til at bolig- dringer, omsatte detaljhandelsbedriftene for i våre naboland. Jeg ser ingen grunn til at prisene vil fortsette himmelferden. 0,2 prosent mindre i juli i år enn i juli i fjor. ikke aktører kan åpne kasino etter fastsatte – Boligprisene vil trolig forsette kraft- Ser man bort fra bensinstasjonene, var det en regningslinjer, sier Hagen. ig opp gjennom 2012 og 2013. Senere, når nedgang på 1,0 prosent i samme periode. (Dagbladet) renten kommer opp på et mer normalt nivå, Disse tallene er svakere enn mange ven- må det ventes at boligprisene kommer noe tet og legger ikke noe press på at renten må Foto: prokom.no Hver femte ordfører mener det er ned igjen, skriver Nordeas økonomer. stige med det første. vanskelig å få sykehjemsplass Juel og resten av Nordea-økonomene – Norges Bank har lagt til grunn at privat VG 20 prosent av norske ordførere og rådmenn venter at styringsrente vil holde seg lav forbruk vil stige 3½% i 2011. Utviklingen er mener terskelen er for høy for å få sykehjem- 81 prosent sier at det er like sannsynlig lenge. så langt svakere enn ventet og trekker isolert splass. Det går fram av en undersøkelse som som før at de vil bruke stemmeretten sin ved Vi tror ikke Norges Bank vil heve styr- sett i retning av at renteoppgangen som var NorgesBarometeret har gjort på oppdrag fra kommunevalget 12. september, viser målin- ingsrenten igjen før om et års tid, sier Steinar planlagt i den pengepolitiske rapporten fra Norsk Sykepleierforbund og Den norske gen Respons har gjort for Aftenposten. Ved Juel. – Videre renteoppgang i 2012 og 2013 juni, blir svakere, melder DnB Nor Markets. legeforening. – Likevel har det store flertal- kommunevalget i 2007 var valgdeltakelsen anslås også å bli langsom. I slutten av 2013 Den lave renten vil altså gi lave bolig- let av kommunene ingen planer om å op- 61,2 prosent. anslås styringsrenten å være 3 1/2 prosent, priser lenge. prette flere sykehjemsplasser, sier president Professor Hanne Marthe Narud tviler på skriver Juel & Co. – Lav rente ut 2013 tilsier at bolig- Hege Gjessing i Legeforeningen til Avisenes at valgdeltakelsen blir så høy som målingen Det påpekes imidlertid at finansuroen prisene i Norge vil stige betydelig de neste Nyhetsbyrå (ANB). Hun viser til en rapport kan tyde på. i høst har gitt høyere pengemarkedsrente 2 og et halvt årene. Vi venter en prisoppgang fra Senter for omsorgsforskning, hvor det – Jeg tror ikke valgdeltakelsen kommer går fram at antallet sykehjemsplasser skal i Norge. Likevel tyder nok en 3,5 prosents på omlag 10 prosent i 2012 og 6-7 prosent i til å havne over 70 prosent. Undersøkelser styringsrente at boliglånsrenten vil ligge 2013. Deretter vil en normalisering av renten holdes på dagens nivå. Gjessing og Syke- viser at mange unnlater å stemme, selv om pleierforbundets Lisbeth Normann peker rundt 5 prosent ved inngangen til 2014, hvis kunne gi en viss prisnedgang, skriver Nor- de sier at de skal det. Jeg er veldig skeptisk på at mange kommuner heller velger å satse Nordea-økonomene får rett i sine antagelser. dea-økonomene. til tallene som kommer fram i slike målinger, på omsorgsboliger enn sykehjem. – Men Onsdag melder Statistisk sentralbyrå Anslagene forutsetter av arbeidsle- omsorgsboliger kan ikke erstatte sykehjem- sier hun til Aftenposten. om at nordmenns shoppingfeber har avtatt. digheten ikke går mye opp, påpekes det. splasser. Så lenge omsorgsbolig ikke er om- English Synopsis: In a recent poll, 81 percent of vot- Omsetningsvolumet til detaljhandels- English Synopsis: Nordea economist Steinar Juel fattet av sykehjemsforskriften, vil det nesten ers said they are likely to vote in the local elections bedriftene gikk ned med 0,9 prosent fra juni lowered his projects for economic growth, which overalt være et mindre omfattende tilbud, on Sept. 12, but experts don’t expect more than 70 til juli i år, viser volumindeksen justert for translates into low interest rates for loans. The low sier Normann. percent of voters. In the local elections in 2007, voter sesongvariasjoner. interest rates keep the housing market hot in Norway, turnout was 61.2 percent. (Aftenbladet) De fleste bransjene hadde nedgang i and prices are expected to increase through 2013. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news September 9, 2011 • 3 News Team leader Casting the vote...on the web This week on Norway.com Norwegian-American Ship explosion in Sandefjord 12,000 voters in pilot project for electronic voting A tanker berthed at Olean Scandinavia student wins first prize in AS, a chemical plant near Sandefjord, U.S. National Technology exploded Aug. 29, causing a large area to be evacuated. The explosion took place in the anterior portion of the cargo hold, causing the ship to lean precariously. So far, there have been no reports of anyone hurt in the explosion. Bellona, an environmental group, took action in June against Olean, which was storing up to 30,000 tons of illegal hazardous waste. The ship that exploded was sent to pick up some of this waste. However, “It is too early to speculate what went wrong,” said the captain of the ship. (Aftenposten) Escape from Bolivia Stina Brendemo Hagen, one of the three Norwegian women arrested for drug Photo: Regjeringen.no smuggling in Bolivia, has fled the country. In May 2008, three young Norwegian women St aff Co m p i l a t i o n claiming to be on vacation attempted to Norwegian American Weekly leave Bolivia with 22.5 kilos of cocaine in their luggage. All were arrested, but one As of Sept. 1, approximately 12,000 project with e-voting in 10 municipalities for managed to escape to Norway by claiming Norwegian voters cast their vote on the In- the election this month. she had lost her passport. The other two Photo: Norway.org ternet for the municipal elections. The Nor- In August 2008, the Ministry of Local women, Stina Brendemo Hagen and Alise M. Isaksen after her high school graduation wegian government is conducting a pilot See > vote, page 15 Madelaine Rodriguez, remained in Bolivia this spring. Isaksen led her team to first prize in and were sentenced to over 10 years in the National Technology event. prison. Hagen, who was released on a bail of NOK 350,000 (approximately USD 64,900), Ro y a l No r w eg i a n Co n s u l a t e Ge n e r a l Norsk Høstfest is a “go!” did not check in with authorities on Monday Houston, Texas as she was supposed to and has probably fled the country for Brazil. Once in Brazil, it is Floods can’t dampen the thought that she will head to the Norwegian Alise M. Isaksen from Sugar Land, spirit of North America’s Consulate and attempt to obtain a passport. Texas, won the first prize in the National “We do not want to comment on what kind of Technology event for high school students in largest Scandinavian consular assistance she has received, but we Dallas, Texas, this summer. The competition, festival can say that a passport has not been issued in within the field of “science and technical vi- her name,” said Kjetil Elsebutangen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. sualizing” had all together 4,700 competitors No r s k Hø s t fe s t from 46 states in the U.S. as well as German Minot, N.D. (VG) students. Alise was the team leader and the driving force behind the team from Lamar Paintings missing after Oslo bombing How has the historic and devastating High School in Rosenberg, Texas. Concern is mounting about the fate of large flood that hit Minot, N.D., affected Norsk The National Technology event requires numbers of works of art owned by Norwegian Høstfest, North America’s largest Scandi- that the students perform independent re- government ministries or lent to them by the navian festival? Will there be a Høstfest in search on a topic within science, technology, Nasjonalmuseet (National Museum of Art, 2011? engineering or mathematics. The students Architecture and Design) and Public Art The answer is a resounding “YES!” have to document their research methods Norway (Koro), following the terrorist ­attack Sandbags, heavy equipment and lots of hard in Oslo on July 22. The buildings damaged and results, as well as producing a short film work on the part of volunteers, National in the bombing contained works by artists showing a neutral scientific presentation. Guard troops, city workers and crews res- including Munch, Christian Krohg and Anne Together with her teammates Maria Garcia, Photo: Norsk Høstfest cued the All Seasons Arena, Høstfest’s home, The show goes on! Norsk Høstfest will take place Katrine Dolven. Some 43 pieces loaned by Omar Ahmed, Derrik Arteaga and Mitchell from the clutches of the Mouse River. Ware- Sept. 28 – Oct. 1 in Minot, N.D. Nasjonalmuseet are missing, including works Williams, Alise preformed impressively in houses where Høstfest supplies are stored by Krohg, Dolven and Jakob Weidemann. A the competition. “We chose the scientific experienced water damage, but cleanup con- further 60 were undamaged. “It is too early field of energy from nuclear technology. Our Mark the dates on your calendar: Sept. tinues and all will be ready well before Høst- to give an overview,” said a spokeswoman short film can be viewed on YouTube” ex- 28 – Oct. 1 for family fun and entertainment fest time. So be assured: the show will go on for Statsbygg. See > student, page 15 as planned! See > Høstfest, page 7 (The Art Newspaper) Raise funds with the Norwegian American Weekly Share the Norwegian American Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time!

We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization gets $20 of the profit (It adds up quickly!) • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Want more information? Contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • September 9, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (September 2, 2011) Investing in the future Norsk Kr. 5.3948 Dansk Kr. 5.2445 Private equity creates growth and innovation Svensk Kr. 6.4036 Canadian $ 0.9818 Euro 0.7039 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo: Yngve Ask/Innovation Norway Private equity firms in Norway are creating growth and innovation through investing in buyouts and venture funds. Full Service Agency With Experienced Norwegian Speaking Consultants! Ra s m u s Fa l ck Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! Oslo, Norway information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Buyout funds were first introduced in new frame agreement means Aibel will de- Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE Norway ten years ago. According to the Nor- liver all services, engineering, procurement, Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean 1 (718) 979-6641 wegian Venture Capital & Private Equity As- fabrication, installation and commissioning. Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] sociation (NVCA), the private equity market The projects will be run from the main of- Verrazano TraVel & leisure is divided in two equal parts, namely the fice in Stavanger. According to the President 1 (718) 979-6641 venture funds and the buyout funds. Aibel has a large and skilled team that know MULLAVEY, PROUT,[email protected] GRENLEY & FOE In a typical leveraged buyout transac- Ekofisk well. a t t o r n e y s a [email protected] d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w tion, a private equity firm buys majority In August Aibel landed a contract from control of an existing or mature firm. This ABB for designing a platform for a large is distinct from venture capital in which the offshore wind connection in Germany. The Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, investors – typically venture capital funds or platform can receive electricity generated commercial transactions and estate planning. angel investors – invest in young and emerg- by three wind farms, totalling more than ing companies, and rarely obtain majority 200 turbines. It will be the size of a football 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 control. field and have its own accommodation on- One of the leading private equity play- board for 24 people. This is a concept which Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 ers in Norway is Herkules Capital. They can be used for wind farms with a sea depth were established in 2003 and have a capital of between 15 and 45 meters. It represents base of NOK 12.25 billion. Herkules ac- a wealth of possibilities for the future. The quires majority share in companies and has investment in offshore wind farms in Europe positive experiences from partnership with is huge and growing. Over 60 such farms are existing shareholders. They also have an in- planned in the German sector alone up until dustrial approach with focus on long-term 2030. The U.K. is following suit. value creation. Private equity means innovation and One of their investments is Aibel that growth! they bought up in 2007. The company has more than 4,000 employees in Norway and Rasmus Falck is a well-known entrepre- abroad engaged onshore and offshore with neurship advocate in Norway. He has been eight locations in Norway. They are also involved in initiatives like Connect, First located in Thailand, Singapore, U.K., Den- Tuesday, Forum for Entrepreneurship, Seed mark and Egypt. Forum, Venture Cup, Young Enterprise and Earlier this year the company was lately the Norwegian Business Angel Net- awarded a frame agreement for maintenance work. He is the author of the publications and modifications in the Great Ekofisk Area. “Hva gjør de beste bedre?” (“What are the Approximately 800 employees will be en- best doing better?”) and “Norwegian Ven- gaged in the contract. Yearly 200 modifica- ture Capital Guide.” He received his MBA tion projects of varying size are established from the Wisconsin School of Business in to be carried out at the installations. The Madison, Wis. Business News & Notes I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. Hydro celebrates 25 years in the Jotun owners to block $933 million bid Scott F. Peterson aluminum business Jotun AS, the paint company that’s the target of (206) 783-2195 On Sept. 1, Hydro celebrated its 25th anniver- a $933 million takeover offer from Orkla ASA 1713 NW Market St. (ORK), will block attempts by the Norwegian Seattle sary in the aluminum business when it merged maker of pizzas and bathroom cleaners to seize [email protected] with ÅSV. Hydro is today a focused aluminum company with operations throughout the value control, according to Chairman Odd Gleditsch. The Gleditsch family, which holds about 59 Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. chain, from bauxite mining to the sale of alu- minum products. percent of the voting rights in Jotun, wants to Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most remain long-term owners. major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. (Azom.com) (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research September 9, 2011 • 5 Research & Education Not all fish oils are created equal Popularity of fish oil has led to concerns of overfishing and mismanagment of fisheries, but Nordic Naturals explains its commitment to sustainable, ethical fish oil sourcing

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

In recent years, fish oil has been tout- ity. For example, for our Arctic cod liver oil, ed as a component for optimum health and Nordic Naturals only contracts with inde- wellness, providing an excellent sources of pendent fishermen who return to port daily vitamins A, D and essential omega-3 fatty to help ensure that our fish stay exception- acids. Norwegians have taken fish oil for ally fresh. The industry also now pays more generations (called tran in liquid form) for attention to using the entire fish. Nordic health and prevention of sickness. The grow- Naturals has been instrumental in making ing popularity of fish oil around the world this happen. Previously, fishermen had no has led to concerns of unsustainable fishing incentive to retain anything but the fish fillets and sourcing of this resource. while at sea due to Norway’s strict weight Since fish oil comes from fish, many limits on Arctic cod. Consequently, much of people assume that the sustainability of the fish went to waste, including the omega- fisheries is in jeopardy because of the high rich livers. By paying fishermen to save the consumer demand and growth in the fish oil whole fish, we were able to source fresh cold market. With a growing variety of fish oil livers for their oil. The result is fish that are supplements readily available through gro- entirely used for either human or animal con- cery stores and other vendors, how do you sumption. The livers get processed for their Images courtesy of Nordic Naturals determine which one is the best for your oil, while the fillets are air-dried outdoors, health and for the environment? becoming the traditional stockfish you find We recently interviewed Joar Opheim, throughout Europe. sustainable oils are typically of higher qual- form of fish oil products also matters greatly. the CEO and founder of Nordic Naturals, to ity, you get the best overall nutritional value New research shows that the triglyceride talk about his company’s commitment to sus- COF: When did sustainability for fish- for what you pay. form has a significant absorption advantage tainability and ethical sourcing of fish oil. eries come into existence? What was the over ethyl esters – up to 70 percent more. response among fisheries around the COF: What should Norwegian American But many manufacturers don’t return fish oil Christy Olsen Field: In your own words, world? Weekly readers know about the impor- to its triglyceride form after distillation – the what is sustainable fish oil and why is it tance of fish oils? form in which it exists in fish – due to the important? JO: The advent of truly sustainable fishing costs incurred in this process. Be aware of is hard to pinpoint exactly because it is an JO: Most people know that omega-3s are this when choosing a supplement. In the end, Joar Opheim: Concern about the sustain- evolving process, but certainly Norway was good for you, but may not realize that they your body must be able to easily metabolize ability of global fisheries is understand- among the very first nations in the modern are considered “essential” for proper health. the omega-3s you consume in order to get able, given the current exploitation of the era to adopt rigorous standards to protect its Essential fatty acids, as they are known, can- the health benefits. Along with sustainability world’s oceans. At the same time, it’s im- fisheries. It passed laws protecting Arctic cod not be made by the body, and must be gotten and triglyceride form, consumers should al- portant to keep in mind that fish oil for nu- in the early 19th century. Quotas were enact- through diet or supplementation. High qual- ways look for purity, freshness, and potency tritional supplements constitutes less than 3 ed in the 1970s, and the Marine Stewardship ity fish oil is considered the safest and most when purchasing a fish oil supplement. percent of the total global fishing industry. Council now regards its fisheries as “world effective way to get omega-3s because of the For more information about Nordic Nat- Of course, whatever that percentage is, the class.” Those are their words, not mine. As rigorous purification and dosing standards urals and their fish oil products, visit www. more sustainable we can make the industry, a result of this, Norwegian Arctic cod stocks entailed in manufacturing. The molecular nordicnaturals.com. the better. Practically, that means a compre- are the healthiest they have been in nearly hensive approach to sourcing fish, starting seventy years. So, by all accounts, Norway with wild-caught fish from healthy stocks, in has been a pioneer of marine resource sus- Job needed in New York areas that are not overfished. It also means tainability. using responsible fishing methods that don’t Caroline Arentz, a 29-year-old Norwegian with U.S. citizenship, destroy marine habitats, such as eliminating COF: Why should consumers choose sus- is looking for a job in New York , starting October 2011. bottom trawling and enforcing quotas and tainable fish oil? catch sizes. She has a bachelor’s degree in education with 5 years of experience JO: Sustainable fish oil is superior for a num- in elementary/junior high schools, and experience in IT and website COF: How was fish oil and cod liver oil ber of reasons: Sustainable oils are typically development. She is open to any opportunities! harvested before the introduction of sus- fresher, and therefore better for you, due to tainable fisheries? the quick processing time mentioned above. Please contact at [email protected] or +47 93 22 15 52. Environmental health is maintained due to JO: Cod liver oil has come a long way since the careful harvesting practices that come the 19th century, when it was first distilled with sustainability. And you can sleep easier LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. into the basic type of oil we consume today. knowing that you are supporting companies The main evolution in harvesting has been a whose products leave natural resources in Sales and Service greater attention to quality and sustainabil- tact for many generations. Finally, because The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 40 years on the air Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 KKNW – 1150 AM fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: [email protected] www.1150kknw.com 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 6 • September 9, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE A glance from the Norwegian money bin By Dr. Steinar Opstad, Ph.D.

I have learned that governmental debt not about the budget, but about welfare sys- countries could “hook up” to the system – this with all its new institutions, is a very inte- must be paid by the citizens, either now or tems. Whatever solutions might be decided in is how EEA (European Economic Area) was grated treaty for the European countries. The later. This is described in the so-called “Ri- Congress, this debate will continue. There is a formed. Norway now is the dominant par- task is too heavy and the timeline too short to cardian equivalence,” an economic theory in need for political cooperation, and it is hard to ticipant, together with Iceland (pop. 320,000) make it effective. public finance which suggests that whether see when that will happen. The new Tea Party and Lichtenstein (pop. 35,000). The third difficulty is currency – espe- government spending is paid by debt or tax group does not make an agreement on social If the growing financial crisis in the Euro cially the Euro. The economic problems with increase, the effect is the same. People will reforms more likely. zone is solved in a proper way, the fuse is still the common currency was underestimated have to pay in the end, no matter how. From One of the essential values we Norwe- short and can easily start another financial cri- and when some new member countries grant- my faraway observation post, is it hard to un- gians took from the U.S. Constitution when sis, like the one we had in 2008. Most experts ed themselves more welfare then what their derstand how U.S. politicians can play Rus- we wrote our constitution at Eidsvoll in 1814 on this side of the Atlantic are of the opinion production could carry, it results devestating sian roulette on how to solve the budget is- was the focus on equality and each citizen’s that a new crisis like this also is a threat to the effects for all involved. We have all witnessed sues and the growing U.S. public debt. With human value. When we take a bird’s-eye view U.S. economy. We are looking at Greece and the huge problems with Greece. balance in public budgets, the citizens pay the of the U.S. today, we see less equality than wondering if they must cut off their chin when Norway is, in one way, sitting on the public bill each year, while the debt is pushed what we have in Norway. We Norwegians they now shave down their public spending to sidelines with our huge bank account funds over to future generations. It is hard for me to have far from a perfect society, and there is balance their budgets. and oil income, and we are not as involved. understand that this is “the American way.” lots of political work to be done to improve We see the political focus in many Eu- But in reality, we are. Our customers in many The June 2011 figures from Federal the quality of life for all citizens. But we un- ropean countries move to conservative poli- of our export countries are unable to buy Reserve report a private wealth of USD 58 derstand we have made more progress with tics and solutions. One can wonder why, in some of our products. This is our headache, trillion, while the public net debt is around the ideals from 1814 than our model from a traditionally very liberal-oriented Europe. but a rather mild one. As Europe’s rich uncle, 11 trillion – around 18 percent of the house- Philadelphia. One part of the answer might be that so many we are involved in the European economic hold’s net property. The problem is therefore A very serious debt crisis shadows sev- jobs are lost in manufacturing. This is why nightmare, whether we like it or not. not the American economic behavior. In the eral European welfare states (happily not the more left-oriented governments in Europe last issue of IMF’s Finance & Development, Norway), but the Norwegian situation is a have been forced to take strong political ac- Steinar Opstad, born 1941 it stated that U.S. citizens must pay 20 percent minimal pleasure since the European debt tions; their supporters are disappointed and in Sarpsborg, Norway, is more in taxes than today if the present U.S. problems concerns us too. To be honest, the look to the conservatives for answers. More- the retired Vice President welfare system continues. This is in reality present Europe is an idea more than a piece over we look to recent European history – the of the Confederation of what the debt-debate is about. of geography. It might sound pompous, but Soviet Union collapses, the Berlin Wall is Norwegian Business and We must always remember that a wel- I think the Nordic model of cooperation (the down and Germany is united. Europe had to Industry. During his ca- fare state is only economically viable if it has agreements between Denmark, Finland, Ice- choose: absorption or expansion. The combi- reer, he was an educator broad political support. This is not the pres- land, Norway and ) should be the Eu- nation of absorption and expansion is more and communicator with ent situation in the U.S. In Norway, the op- ropean Union’s model as well. than the boat can carry and E.U. suffers from positions as a journalist, editor and profes- posite is true: We have a well-developed wel- More than 20 years ago, the draft for a at least three problems. sor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. from the fare state. The U.S. Social Security system, new Europe was on the drawing table, with Economic development is supposed to University of North Dakota. He is the author Medicare and Medicaid have always been the idea that Europe should have an inner nu- follow the same pattern, whether it’s south- of several professional books. He is also the disputed. This is why many Norwegians feel cleus of countries rather similar in structure, ern Romania or the tip of Danish Jylland. The founder of the American College of Norway that the U.S. discussions on budget balance is economy and politics. Around them other Lisbon Treaty (established December 2007) in Moss, Norway.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

has been the best place for his daughter. “My Every subscription keep this 122-year- < barnehage < funds From page 1 wife and I both had long periods of leave and From page 1 old newspaper going strong, and we are com- lots of quality time with Linnea, but now that mitted to being a voice in the Norwegian- first 18 months of life, when it comes to both she has turned one I think it is very healthy This fall, we are offering a subscription American community. We appreciate every for her to be there. From the very first day we subscriber and advertiser, and we would love language and safety. drive that benefits you, too. Are you are a Previously, there has been some skepti- saw that she learned from and was inspired member of a Sons of Norway lodge, Scandi- to have more people join our community of by the older children. And she is so social – readers! cism about whether it could be harmful for navian club, bygdelag, or church with strong children to be separated from their parents at it is obvious that she is glad to be with the Norwegian-American ties? Introduce your This offer is easy to put into motion: other children,” he said to Aftenposten. simply contact us at (800) 305-0217 or email such an early age. Skeptics believed that par- fellow Norwegians to the Weekly as a fund- ents should wait until children were at least One-hundred-thirty children took part raiser, and we can help you raise funds! [email protected] to let us know you’re in the study through FHI. The parents of interested. Then you can announce it in your two years old before letting others take care For every new subscription your orga- of them, and that it is harmful for children to five-year-olds were asked to fill out a survey nization sells ($55 in the U.S. and $75 in newsletter, at meetings, during special events, about how their children were linguistically or offer it as a thank-you to new members. spend up to 40 hours a week in barnehage. Canada), your organization keeps $20 – that “We have no evidence that suggests it is and socially. The answers were compared means you keep upward of 35 percent of the We would be delighted to send you a packet with information about where the children that includes some sample copies of the pa- harmful for most children to start barnehage profits! Twenty dollars adds up fast, and the at 12 months. We have no evidence that chil- were watched over in the period from zero money can be put to use for programming, per, subscription forms, and more informa- to 18 months old. tion about this special promotion. dren who have been at home up to 18 months scholarship funds, and other great causes that are better prepared than children looked af- One of the conclusions was that children your organization supports. Plus, your lodge For details and to request informa- who were looked after by someone other than tion, please contact Subscriptions Manager ter by others,” said researcher and specialist members stay in touch with news from Nor- in clinical psychology Synnve Schjølberg, to parents are less anxious and sad than those way and the Norwegian-American commu- Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or email Kelsey@ who were watched at home. The research- norway.com. Aftenposten. nity every week. Inger Bygland Grosch, mother to Chris- ers took into account the parents’ level of tiane (15 months) and Caroline (3 years) is education, total family income, whether the one of the parents who is relieved to hear of child had siblings, whether they were twins Sign up for our e-Newsletter! the findings from FHI. Her children go to the or triplets, if there had been medical com- Måltrosten barnehage in Voksenkollen. “Oh, plications at birth, and whether the children it was nice to hear. After the debate, which grew up in a bilingual household when they Sent every Friday, we share the week’s best stories, has been in the media before, I felt guilty be- analyzed their findings. news from the Norwegian American Foundation and cause my kids started barnehage at the age The Ministry of Education asked FHI to look at how the day in barnehage influenced special offers. It’s a great way to introduce friends to of 14 months. There have been so many as- sumptions,” she said to Aftenposten. the youngest children. Minister of Education the Norwegian American Weekly! In the next neighborhood over, Tor Asb- Kristin Halvorsen said the survey shows that jørn Hegge sits with his daughter Linnea Car- parents safely and with good conscience can oline (13 months) on his lap. He also thinks both deliver their smallest children to barne- It’s free and easy to sign up. Visit www.norway.com hage when they leave for work. She will and click on eMail Newsletter Signup. it’s good to hear that research now shows that it is not harmful to submit a one-year- now request more information about how old to barnehage. At the same time, he states services for children under 18 months can be that he has always been sure that barnehage further improved. UPDATE norwegian american weekly September 9, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] CEO and Executive Director, NAF Dear Editor, of why Norway’s reaction to the tragedy was Dear Editor, Kim Nesselquist [email protected] I feel compelled to comment on Solveig so widely admired all over the world. We do The Puget Sound Ski for Light is hold- Managing Editor Torvik’s critical comments regarding “The not fight violence with violence nor do we ing its annual Dinner and Dance fundraiser Christy Olsen Field [email protected] mother of all system failures” (Aug. 26 is- give up our independence and become pris- on Sept. 17. Ski For Light is an non-profit Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager sue) I read it over several times and she re- oners of fear and protection. She is critical of cross-country ski organization, providing ally is missing the whole point the leaders in Norway’s celebration of the common good pleasurable winter experiences for individu- Kelsey Larson [email protected] Norway wanted to make. versus the American ideal of the individual. als with blindness and other disabilities. Ski Assistant Layout Editor Our nephew Egil Aasheim who lives They are two very different systems. And for Light is a national organization in the U.S. Harry Svenkerud [email protected] in Oslo with his wife and two sons had just I disagree that somehow Norway’s “rosy with several chapters, and it’s patterned on For advertising, call (206) 784-4617 emailed us a very moving tribute to “being view” is more naive and thus worse than the the original program in Norway. Throughout Contributing Editors Norwegian” and how proud he was of Nor- opposite view she expresses. the winter, Puget Sound Ski for Light meets Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. way’s leaders after the 7/22 tragedy. In his Norway today is encouraging open dia- at Trollhaugen every other Saturday. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. email he quotes Nordahl Grieg’s poem writ- logue between different groups in a more Ski for Light relies on the generosity Carla Danziger McLean, Va. ten in 1936 titled “Til Ungdommen” that was diverse popoulation. It is possible to live and support of donations made by individu- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway sung in unison by 200,000 people gathered at side by side peacefully even if one disagrees als and groups, and we hope you can join us Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Rådhusplassen in Oslo the day after the attack and it is OK to have different points of view for our annual Dinner and Dance fundraiser. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. and goes straight to the core: DEFENDING expressed in a civilized manner and with re- It takes place Sept. 17 at Leif Erikson Lodge Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway HUMANITY WITH PEACEFUL MEANS spect. Extremism of any kind will never be in Ballard, starting with a Happy Half-Hour, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. IS THE ONLY SUSTAINABLE SOLU- tolerated in Norway’s society. I think our and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., with Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. TION. The Norwegian legacy is standing up leaders in Norway deserves tremendous re- a menu of open-fire cooked salmon and cod. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. for the core values of humanity. spect and admiration for how they handled Admission is just $20 per person, and the Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. In the same issue as Ms.Torvik’s com- the aftermath of this horrible tragedy. evening will be filled with great music pro- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. ments are King Harald’s speech as well as July 22 will forever be to Norway what vided by Nordic Reflections and friends. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. comments from Jens Stoltenberg and the 9/11 is to Americans. And the leaders re- People are still talking about the fun ev- David Moe Juneau, Alaska contrast between her comments and their sponse to the massacre was not only admira- eryone had last year, so join us for a terrific Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, views are stunning. ble but spoke volumes of the values Norway celebration! Please call Leif Erikson Lodge Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. What Ms. Torvik is expressing is what has and will help them as they move forward at (206) 783-1274 or me at (206) 362-0629 John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. many Americans are saying, people who do after this tragedy that brought everyone to- for reservations and more information. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway not know Norwegian values, and think that gether. Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway Norwegians are naive and have a “rosy view” We were immensely proud of our coun- See you there! of the world. They are, of course, entitled to try of birth. Erling Berg their opinions. However it is unthinkable for Seattle, Wash. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you a Norwegian to give in to fear and to give Med vennlig hilsen, have a question or comment about news coverage up their freedom and open society. It simply Kristin and Tor Aasheim Write to us: Letter to the Editor call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly is not in our DNA. Whereas she is entitled Minneapolis, Minn. reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right to her views, she is missing the very point or email [email protected]. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and < Høstfest letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian From page 3 Seasons Arena magically transforms into a Høstfest activities. General admission is free American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Scandinavian extravaganza, with entertain- to active-duty military personnel and their not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by ment by top performers, a vast International families during Military Days, which run all with a Nordic touch. The 34th annual Norsk the paper’s editorials should be directed to the Marketplace, and an ocean of booths featur- four full days of Høstfest. In addition, Family publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published Høstfest will bring history and heritage alive ing artisans and crafters from both sides of Fun Days take place at 3 p.m. all four days of weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks for four full days this fall. the Atlantic, selling handcrafted items and Høstfest; families (parents accompanied by Things begin rolling Sept. 27 with a of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • demonstrating their skills. kids) can enjoy Høstfest general admission Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Great Hall of the Vikings opening concert Look for exciting new acts and exhibits, for a $20 charge. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription by country singer Martina McBride. Other Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, along with returning favorites. Free stages Come to Norsk Høstfest and you’ll see US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Great Hall stars during the week include feature entertainment by the Oak Ridge why the American Bus Association has once SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Trace Adkins, the Judds, and the Gaither Boys, Norwegian country artist Bjøro Haa- again included the festival among its Top gospel group, returning for a Gaither Høst- Formerly Norway Times land, Williams & Ree (the Indian and the 100 tourist destinations in the U.S. Western Viking & Washington Posten fest Homecoming. On Saturday afternoon, White Guy comedy team), the Lowe Fam- Yes, North Høstfest is a definite “go” all-time Høstfest favorite entertainer Charley ily entertainers, and the Telegraph Road and this year. Don’t miss it! Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Pride performs for his many fans. Tickets to Boundary Water Boys bands. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven each of these performances are $58 and $65, For the cost of daily general admission For further information, visit hostfest. which includes general admission. ($35), you can catch any or all of Norsk com or call the Norsk Høstfest office at (701) NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. For the rest of the week, Minot’s All Høstfest’s free stage acts and partake in 852-2368. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • September 9, 2011 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Let’s make matpakke for lunch Smørbrød, the Norwegian sandwich, offers endless combinations for a delicious lunch

Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor

Summer is drawing to a close: Folks are home from vacation, and people everywhere are going back to school and work. Adults, kids, college students and other busy Norwegians are preparing for this time of year by creating matpakker to take with them for lunch. What is a matpakke? Read all about it here… and maybe you will come up with some new ideas for your own quick and easy pack-lunch! What is a matpakke? This just means “packed lunch.” Think of it as a Norwegian-style sandwich. It is open- faced, and isn’t stacked to the ceiling with vegetables and meats like American sandwiches often are! Instead, two or three ingredients in modest amounts usually suffice for this sand- wich. The good news: Most Norwegians pack two or three of these instead of just one! What do I need to make the best matpakke? Start with some delicious sliced bread, homemade for best results, or perhaps some hearty Wasa crackers as your base, then what- ever ingredients tickle your fancy! Here are some common matpakke materials in Norway:

Cheese (brown or white) Hard-boiled egg Deli-cut meats (especially ham) Butter Cucumbers Jam Peppers Other spreads, such as leverpostei (liver Lettuce paté) or kavier (caviar in a tube). These Tomatoes might be hard to find in the U.S., so check Spinach with your favorite Scandinavian store! Pickles

Once you have assembled your sandwiches, layer a piece of matpapir to keep the sand- wiches separate. Matpapir is a thin piece of wax paper or tissue, and it goes in between each smørbrød to make sure the ingredients don’t mix. Remember, don’t put another slice of bread on top of your sandwiches…Instead, put your matpapir on top, then stack the next open-faced sandwich on top of that. Pack two, three, or four of these with different ingredi- Photo: Tine ents to enjoy a variety-filled lunch hour! A simple, satisfying pålegg (topping) for your sandwich: white cheese and slices of red pepper. Not sure what to try? Here are some of our staff’s own favorite combinations: • Brunost og jordbær syltetøy: A sweet surprise! There is something magical about the combination of the sweet taste of strawberry jam with traditional tang of Nor- wegian brown cheese (also known as gjetost). It’s an unusual combination for the non-Norwegian palate, but definitely a favorite. NORDIC DELICACIES • Smør med egg og agurk: Hardboil an egg, and slice it thinly. Slice a cucumber in the same way. Butter the bread and apply the egg and cucumber. So delicious! “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” • Leverpostei: (liver paté) with pickles or pickled beets. Savory and satifying.

6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 On our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/naweekly), we asked our friends about Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 their favorite combinations. Brunost tops the list (with one suggestion of topping it with a www.nordicdeli.com slice of a homegrown tomato!), followed by smoked salmon with scrambled eggs, shrimp with mayonnaise and lemon, and capers and chives as garnishes. God appetit! Grandma’s Dark Rye Bread got lutefisk? Recipe by Beatrice Wishart, grandmother of Kelsey Larson

This hearty, satisfying bread makes the perfect base for Norwegian smørbrød. The reci- pe is a favorite of Kelsey’s great-grandmother, who immigrated to the U.S. in 1912 from the island of Averøy, near Kristiansund, Norway. Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up this fall? Contact us with the event information for our event calendar! 1 cup warm water 1 tsp salt Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. 2 Tbsp sugar 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp. molasses 1 pkg dry yeast 1 1/4 cups hot water 2 cups white flour 2 Tbsp melted butter Advertise in the Weekly! 1 1/2 cups dark rye flour 3 cups white flour, approximately Reasons to advertise: In a small mixing bowl, add sugar to warm water. Dissolve. Sprinkle yeast over water. Reach over 20,000 • Affordable! $10/col inch for Set aside. Put 2 cups white flour and the dark rye flour in large mixing bowl. Add salt and mix. Norwegian-American readers B&W, $15/col inch for color EVERY week! Add molasses thinned with hot water. Add melted butter. Mix. Add yeast. Mix. Gradually • Free ad design add remaining flour until rather stiff dough is formed. Knead with dough hook or on a lightly • Best of all, support the floured board, about 8 to 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Put dough in greased bowl and only Norwegian-American let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk. newspaper! Punch down and knead lightly. Divide into three equal portions. Shape into loaves and place in three 9x5 greased loaf pans. Let rise. When double in size, bake at 375°F for about For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] 50 minutes. norwegian american weekly September 9, 2011 • 9 travel Museums found only in Norway Visit a museum you are unlikely to find anywhere else in the world but Norway

Vi s i t No r w a y www.visitnorway.com

Learn more about Norway, its culture and its people through these excellent mu- seums. This list is categorized by city and region for your reference.

In Oslo

Munch Museum Discover the work of Norway’s most famous artist at the Munch Museum, which houses the world’s largest collection of paint- ings by the master of expressionism. Online: www.munch.museum.no

Viking Ship Museum The Vikings were expert seafarers. At Photo: CH/www.visitnorway.com the Viking Ships Museum you can see the The Norsk Oljemuseum (Norwegian Petroleum Museum) in Stavanger explains how oil and gas are created, discovered and produced, and what they are used for. The museum also provides information about technological advances and the way petroleum influences Norwegian society. remains of the impressive ships that carried them on their raids to Europe and further afield. for the last two decades of his life. and-white pattern that is now famous all over tain house at the Lofotr Viking Museum. Online: www.khm.uio.no/vikingskipshuset Online: www.troldhaugen.com the world. Online: www.lofotr.no Online: www.selbu.kommune.no Fram Museum Morgedal Ski Museum, Telemark Check out the ship Norwegian explor- In Stavanger Morgedal is known as the cradle of er Roald Amundsen sailed on to reach the Elsewhere in Norway modern skiing, and the Morgedal Ski Mu- South Pole at the Fram Museum. He was the Norwegian Petroleum Museum seum recounts the development of the sport first man ever to do so. The discovery of petrol in the North Sea Lofotr Viking Museum, Lofoten over the last 4,000 years. Online: www.fram.museum.no/en in the late 1960s changed the fortunes of Take a trip back in time and experience Online: www.vest-telemark.museum.no Norway forever. The Norwegian Petroleum life as a Viking in this 83-meter-long chief- Nobel Peace Center Museum is a fun place to learn about this See > MUSEUMS, page 15 From Fridtjof Nansen to the Nobel success story, and oil in general. Peace Prize, awarded every Dec. 10 in Oslo. Online: www.norskolje.museum.no Discover the history of Norway as a nation A Piece of Norway in America of peace at the Nobel Peace Center. Norwegian Canning Museum Online: www.nobelpeacecenter.no Before that fishing was the mainstay of the Norwegian economy, and Stavanger was Ski Museum at Holmenkollen a center for the export of brisling. See how “Norwegians are born with skis on their “Norwegian sardines” were gutted, smoked feet” is a typical Norwegian saying. Find out and tinned before being sent on their journey more about the nation’s most popular sport at to the far corners of the world. the Ski Museum at Holmenkollen. Online: http://www.museumstavanger.no/ Online: www.holmenkollen.com museene/norsk-hermetikkmuseum/

Folk Museum Check out the Folk Museum, one of the In and near Trondheim largest of its kind in Europe, which boasts an impressive collection of buildings from all Stiklestad over Norway, as well as dozens of different Stiklestad in North-Trøndelag is the bunader (traditional costumes). battlefield where King Olav Haraldsson (lat- Online: www.norskfolkemuseum.no/en er known as St Olav) fell on 29 July 1030. Learn about this key event in the introduc- Photo courtesy of Vesterheim tion of Christianity in Norway. In and around Online: www.stiklestad.no Vesterheim Museum Decorah, Iowa Buekorps Museum Rockheim You might have heard them march in the All you ever wanted to know about Nor- streets of Bergen. Find out more about the wegian rock and pop music is at Rockheim, a Vesterheim uses the story of Norwegian-Americans to explore aspects of identity and boys’ brigades, a tradition unique to the city. brand new building in the harbor area. culture common to everyone. The museum cares for over 24,000 artifacts. Founded in Online: buekorps.webs.com/english.htm Online: www.rockheim.no 1877, Vesterheim is the oldest and most comprehensive museum in the U.S. dedicated to a single immigrant group. This national treasure includes a main complex of 16 Troldhaugen Selbu Museum historic buildings in downtown Decorah, Iowa. Join a tour of Edvard Grieg’s home in Part of the Selbu Museum, the Knitting Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Troldhaugen, the villa where the great Nor- Collection features woollen socks, stockings Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] wegian composer lived with his wife Nina and jumpers displaying the starred black- 10 • September 9, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch It,s back to school! The Wheels on the Bus

The Wheels on the Bus is a popular children’s song in English, but did you know Time for school it is also popular in Norwegian? Here are the Norwegian words. The tune is a little different, so watch the YouTube video to get it right! (www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aC- Do you walk to school? Do you ride a school bus? Do you AYpNMKw) get a ride from your mom or dad or ride your bike? Children in Norway started school the end of August. Many Hjulene på bussen de går rundt og rundt, have new clothes and new backpacks. Many wait for the bus to rundt og rundt, rundt og rundt, Hjulene på bussen de går rundt og rundt, come to the end of their road to pick them up. Gjennom hele byen. But the buses aren,t yellow like American school buses. They often look like tour buses with fancy seats! In the winter, Dørene på bussen de går opp og igjen, many children ski to school or take a spark (kick sled). Many opp og igjen, opp og igjen. children walk. Dørene på bussen de går opp og igjen, Ask your parents and grandparents how they got to school Gjennom hele byen. when they were little. Don’t believe them if they tell you they Pengene på bussen sier klirr, klirr, klirr – walked to school… up-hill both ways! klirr, klirr, klirr – klirr, klirr, klirr. Pengene på bussen sier klirr, klirr, klirr, Gjennom hele byen. Viskerne på bussen sier svisj, svisj, svisj Mammaene på bussen sier bla, bla, bla – svisj, svisj, svisj – svisj, svisj, svisj A typical Norwegian school lunch – bla, bla, bla – bla, bla, bla Viskerne på bussen sier svisj, svisj, svisj, Mammaene på bussen sier bla, bla, bla, Gjennom hele byen. Most children bring their lunch to school and eat Gjennom hele byen. it in their classroom. They carry a plastic or metal Vinduene på bussen, de går opp og ned, lunchbox (like this one) and often have their own opp og ned, opp og ned water bottle. They get fruit and milk at school. A Pappaene på bussen sier hysj, hysj, hysj Vinduene på bussen, de går opp og ned typical lunch (matpakke) is often one or more slices – hysj, hysj, hysj – hysj, hysj, hysj Gjennom hele byen of bread with some sort of spread (pålegg) on top. Pappaene på bussen sier hysj, hysj, hysj, Can you guess what these spreads are? Have you Gjennom hele byen. Sjåføren på bussen sier “ta plass bak!”, ever tried any of them? “ta plass bak!”, “ta plass bak” Beibi’ne på bussen sier wæ, wæ, wæ – Og sjåføren på bussen sier “ta plass bak!” Makrell Ost Kaviar wæ, wæ, wæ Gjennom hele byen Leverpostei Peanutt smør Salami Beibi’ne på bussen sier wæ, wæ, wæ, Gjennom hele byen. Sheet music is available at: mamalisa.com/?t=em&p=2557&c=52 Asbjorn Erik Oscarsen San Francisco CA Agnar Pettersen Everett WA Annette Minkler Mount Vernon WA Roald Amundsen Laura Olufsen Burnaby BC Can South Pole Expedition Centennial 13. september 1911 – 2011 Aslaug Haugen Sandnessjøen Norway From the journal of Solveig Larsen Norton Lewistown PA 9 september – lørdag Rachel Thompson Avste kl ½ 8 fmd efter en frykteli natt. 9. september Hawthorne CA Ole Søholt Galesburg ND ”Kaisa” en tispe såmm tillhører Prestrud Evelyn Arnstdatter-Olsen Brown Arcadia MI Peter D Sund, Jr. Olympia WA flyr nemli å dette satte alle sinn i bevegelse. Leif Holmes Stanwood WA Conrad Byre Appleton MN Ingen a åss sov ett minutt. Har i dag skutt Emma Paasche Santa Rosa CA JulieAnn Herset Kila MT 14. september henne da de ikke var muli å manøvrere me Gunvor Ronhovde Tacoma WA Trygve Sørensen Narvik Norway henne. Likeledes ble ”Kamilla”s 3 små Reidar Hansen skutt. Vi får nu ro til natten tænker jei. De 10. september Everett WA Patricia Ann Garner Olympia WA har gått fårhållsvis bra fårr annen dag å være Olufine Veland Everett WA Erling Olgraff Oslo Norway – 13.5km. Halvor Hinderlie Sveio Norway Laura Henriksen Cashton WI September 9 – Saturday Hilmar K. Waage Laurel MT Patrick Johansen Shiels Pelham NY Set off at 7.30 am after a horrible night. Allen Hammon Seattle WA “Kaisa,” a dog belonging to Prestrud flew Alfred Hagen Auburn WA 16. september around making a great disturbance. None of John E. Johansen Alta CA Melvin M Holland Tacoma WA us slept for a minute. Have shot her today as Louis Kristiansen Kent Lakes NY Jon Saatvedt Columbia City OR Arlene Kvithyll it was not possible to do anything with her. 11. september Two Rivers WI Bjørn Arne Bamer Oslo Norway At the same time, “Kamilla’’’s three small Kari Pederson Blaine MN Henry W Larsen North Hills CA puppies were shot. I think we’ll have peace Rev. H. Alfred Weltzin Viroqua WI Sigrun Hojem Woodin Concord MA tonight. It has gone relatively well, being Mabel Grytnes Poulsbo WA only the second day. 13.5 km. Anund Roheim Black Eagle MT Petra Scalfaro Chicago IL Want to see your birthday in the Brought to you by the Fram Museum in Oslo Olav Magnus Thompson Whiting NJ Norwegian American Weekly? Anne Nordby St. Paul MN 12. september Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Let us help with your next fundraiser! John Arthur Garner Olympia WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Just A. Johansen Sacramento CA least one month in advance. See page 3 for details. norwegian american weekly September 9, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Henry “Junior” Christianson Pray and you shall be given December 9, 1928 – August 5, 2011 In Norway during World War II, I This is what I learned: God is not a spent some time in the woods, together “bellboy” who will come running, take Henry “Junior” Christianson of Elgin, cards. Henry enjoyed playing with and tell- with others, hiding from the Nazis. I your orders and be promptly back with Ill., died Aug. 5, 2011 at Maple Crest Manor ing stories to his grandchildren, great-grand- had to see a doctor because of an infec- what you asked for. He has His own in Fayette, Iowa. He was 82. children, nieces and nephews. tion, and decided to use an old bicycle ways, His own means, and His own Henry was born Dec. 9, 1928 to Henry, Henry is survived by two sons, Craig traveling by night. My main concern timing. While He hears our prayers, Sr. and Mathilda (Halverson) Christianson. Christianson (Beth Schott) of Elgin, Iowa, was that the bicycle tires could endure His answers might not always be the Henry served in the U.S. Army in Korea. and Clete Christianson (Susie Thorson), the four-hour ride. They were old, and way we expected. After being discharged from the Army, of Elgin, Iowa. He is also survived by six he worked in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for a few grandchildren: Kelsi Christianson, Cody new tires could not be bought any more. “As the heavens are higher than years. He was united in marriage to LaVonne Steffans (friend, LaCreasha McNeese), I remember praying, praying hard, as the earth, so are my ways higher than Muller on April 6, 1957, at St. John Lutheran Blaine Evermann, Corey (Amy) Thorson, I rolled down the hills. I scarcely had your ways, and my thoughts than your Church in Farmersburg, Iowa. Three sons Sheena Thorson (Bill Bouzek), Dustin (Jai- time to close my prayer with Amen thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9) were born to this union. He also worked for mie) Thorson; six great-grandchildren: Lily, before my front tire exploded with a Jesus taught us to pray: Your will Farm Service in Elkader, Iowa. Henry and Tyler, Cole, Hailey, Karleigh and McKen- loud BANG! So much for the power of be done. When our will and His will are LaVonne farmed together for over 40 years zie. He is survived by his siblings: Millard prayer... I had some “words” with the on a collision course with our prayers, near Gunder, Monona and Elgin, until they (Millie) Christianson, Delores (Fred) Waalk, Lord that evening. He graciously answers our prayers ac- retired to Elgin in 2004. They remained here Betty (Bob) Kurdlemeyer, Velma Larson and I did arrive safely to the doctor, cording to His own will, because His until they entered Maple Crest Manor in Oc- Charles (Irene) Christianson, two brothers- even if I had to walk for three hours, will is our ultimate good! Pray with tober 2010. in-law Merle Gregerson, John Henry Muller, and also safely back into the woods. courage, pray in faith and you shall re- Henry loved being on the farm and and one sister-in-law Iva Ann McClimon. And that was really the intention of my ceive according to God’s will. around his animals. He enjoyed having Henry was preceded in death by his wife, prayer. friends and relatives visit them on the farm, LaVonne on April 8, 2011; one son, Curt and their door was always open for a card Christianson, in infancy; his parents, two game, snack (which always turned into a borthers, Elmer and Clifford Christianson, Join a fi nancial services organization meal), or just sitting and visiting. He was and four sisters, Hazel Kjosa, Geneva Lantz, an avid hunter, fisherman and loved to play Marjorie Martie and Agnes Gregerson. focused on what matters to you. Arden Aanestad Experience what makes Thrivent Financial for Lutherans different. Died Aug. 27 We help our members support the causes that are important to Working for DuPont in the 1950s, Arden Birds topped the list of Arden Aanestad’s them—in their communities, Aanestad was at the forefront of a chemical wide range of interests, his children said. their congregations and around the world. revolution on U.S. farms. Once an avid hunter of ruffed grouse and A trained bug expert with a knack for ducks, he traded a gun for a camera in middle If you’re not a Thrivent Financial business, he made an early fortune by man- age, and ultimately won a number of photog- member, now is a great time to ufacturing poisons that killed insects and raphy awards. become one. weeds. But in retirement he built a three-de- Aanestad grew up in north-central North For more information, cade legacy of volunteerism to protect birds, Dakota and learned to hunt with his grand- visit us at Thrivent.com. trees, prairie grasses and wildlife. father, Helge Aanestad, a fire-and-brimstone “There was a complete paradox there,’’ Lutheran minister. Jennifer said her father Find us on Facebook! said his son, Chris Aanestad of Hopkins. asked to be buried at the foot of his grand- Thrivent.com/facebook “Once he was done with the business, he father’s grave at Roselawn Cemetery in Ro- Follow us on Twitter! went full on into nature.’’ seville – a tribute to the elder’s influence. Thrivent.com/twitter Aanestad, who died Aug. 27, was 86 and On 200 family-owned acres near Emily, Join our community! fighting cancer. Minn., Aanestad worked with a local forester LutheransOnline.com Aanestad co-founded Castle Chemi- to plant and harvest trees to benefit wildlife. cal Co. in 1960, then retired at age 55 and Started in the 1970s, it was one of the first devoted the rest of his life to environmen- private sustainable forest plans of its kind, tal causes. He was a birder, a forester and a his children said. In 2009 he was named Out- park naturalist for 30 years at the Richardson standing Tree Farmer by the Minnesota State Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) Nature Center in Bloomington, Minn. Even Tree Farm Committee. 26239C N12-10 201001915 his home in Edina was a sanctuary of ponds, Aanestad was also a master bird bander bluebird houses, a bog, butterfly garden and who contributed 25 years of research data to Funeral Home feeders. the Migratory Avian Production Survey and SOlie and Crematory “It’s a crazy yard,’’ said Chris, one of to Project Feeder Watch for Cornell Univer- four children raised by Arden and his wife, sity. Honoring • Caring • Serving Phyllis. “Educating people about the natural 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 In the late 1970s, Aanestad’s expertise world was his passion,’’ said Jane Votca, in pesticides earned him a trip to the Soviet interpretive naturalist at Richardson Nature Union on a goodwill tour organized by for- Center. Let us help with your next fundraiser! mer U.S. Agriculture Secretary Bob Berg- Votca said she got hooked on watching Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, land. birds after Aanestad caught a tiny warbler and benefit your organization at the same time! Jennifer Aanestad, a career naturalist and held it up to her ear. “I heard the heart herself, said her father always defended his beat and it was one of my most memorable We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian work as necessary to feed the world. But she experiences,’’ she said. organizations: thinks he was motivated in retirement partly He was preceded in death by his wife, • For every new subscription you sell, your organization by a realization that farm chemicals were Phyllis Adele Aanestad, and is survived gets $20 of the profit • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, “part of the destruction of some animals.’’ by his children, Leslie Thoreson, Jonathan or however you like The pesticide DDT, banned in 1972 as Aanestad, Jennifer Aanestad and Chris • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian a threat to bald eagles and other raptors, was Aanestad; 10 grandchildren; a brother, Rob- heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about one of the poisons he dealt with. Son Jona- ert, a sister, Corrine; and numerous nieces Norway and the Norwegian-American community than Aanestad of Wayzata said his father was and nephews. He is also survived by his an early doubter about DDT. companion Marge Thomas. For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 12 • september 9, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Image courtesy of Snøhetta Snøhetta designed the 9/11 Memorial Museum’s pavilion houses an auditorium for public programming, space for contemplation, a counter for refreshments and a private suite reserved for victims’ family members. Two of the original steel tridents from the fallen World Trade Center’s towers will be placed inside the pavilion and will be visible through the grand glass atrium.

< SNØHETTA From page 1 tured Joseph C. Daniels, president and CEO When I arrived at the second floor of- concept was modified and scaled down. A of the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum. fices, the elevator opened to a lobby area and substantial portion of the building plan was Within two hours both buildings would Daniels discussed what has been done in the was an open doorway which I entered and eliminated in reverence for the grounds. This collapse. The North Tower, where the plane nearly 10 years to commemorate the Sept. 11 found an expansive work area with absolute- was to be a sacred, but living, site. Finally had severed stairway escape routes, lost the disaster. ly no one in it. No receptionist, just an open the work became one building, the portal and most: 1,366 people. The South Tower lost On Sept. 12, which is the 10th anniver- room with large long tables and a sitting area. welcoming center to the 9/11 Museum. 600. An estimated 200 people simply leapt sary, much of the work will be completed and There were two other glass enclosed rooms, Looking at the building itself I was fas- out of windows rather than be burned alive. eight acres of the original 16-acre field will one being a self-service coffee room and the cinated with how they lifted up one side of Two hundred FDNY (Fire Departments be dedicated and will feature two enormous other presumed for small meetings. Eventu- the box-like structure, which sets it off-kilter. of New York City) would respond. They water pools, covering one acre each. ally someone wandered through this unusual By doing so, they reveal a welcoming glass- would also suffer a devastating loss of 343 The waterfalls and reflecting pools are setting and asked if they could help me. enclosed entrance. I asked Molinar how they lives. NYPD, the New York Police Depart- set in the original footprint of the World Meeting with Molinar in this large work arrived at such an innovative design. Her ment, lost 60. Trade Center’s Twin Towers. Inscribed in space I soon became acquainted with another response was that no one was completely People I know, who lived close by in bronze around the reflecting pools are the noticeable difference employed at Snøhetta: responsible. It was really a group creation; the NOHO/SOHO area and all the way up names of every person who died in the ter- A very democratic approach to all their de- something that was met at these long tables to lower Midtown, witnessed this plume of rorist attacks of Feb. 26, 1993, (when a truck sign work. The long tables in the room where that you see when you enter Snøhetta. acrid air and smoke. The heavy air was a mix bomb was detonated in one of the WTC ga- we met would often be filled with architects, Then we strolled through the large work of concrete, steel, fuel and burning bodies. rages) and the Sept. 11 attack. some junior and some senior, but each of room, where we met, into a hallway. Look- The devastation spread to nearby buildings More than 400 swamp white oak trees them would have an equal say or contribu- ing down from the second floor, through but miraculously each twin tower simply were planted to give sense of rebirth in and tion to the building design. The result of this brass marine windows, you could see the collapsed into its own footprint. around the pools and welcome center. The community type of creativity, not practiced great Cunard lobby which is the building People from all over the country came entrance to the underground museum is de- by most architectural firms, has resulted in they were housed in. Such liners were as to help in the aftermath. It was an American signed by Snøhetta, the Norwegian architec- some really innovative buildings. the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth were tragedy, but even more so, it was a New York tural firm based in Oslo and New York City. Notable projects that put Snøhetta on booked there long ago. You have to have a tragedy – burdened and absorbed by hardy The Museum Pavilion is the primary the world stage were two worldwide com- sense of reverence for that. New Yorkers. structure above ground at the memorial site, petitions. The new Bibliotheca Alexandrina The passageway opened up to a another The wound left in lower Manhattan has serving to guide foot traffic and to provide a library in Alexandria, Egypt, and the Norwe- large room occupied by a team of architects taken years to heal. Everyone felt the impor- visual point of reference within a large area gian National Opera and Ballet in Oslo. at work at their computers. I mentioned to tance of somehow memorializing the site. surrounded by several high towers. Its low, Bibliotheca Alexandrina was an attempt Molinar that the world has changed since I There have been many designs considered, horizontal form can be seen easily from all to recreate the famous library that existed was a Navy draftsmen. many starts and stops to finally arrive at the directions and provides a sense of intimacy during Alexander the Great’s time – 332 “I guess all of the design work is done elegant and living in an otherwise capa- B.C. Snøhetta created a space befitting the on a computer now. I still rather work on a memorial which will cious urban space. great library of the past, which can seat 3,000 drawing board,” she agreed. open to the public Snøhetta’s Museum Pavilion The fact that a people in the great reading room. Snøhetta is named for a snow-topped Sept. 12, 2011. includes two large steel Norwegian firm won An equally majestic space was created mountain in Norway. The name is a com- I was aware this prestigious hon- for the Norwegian National Opera and Bal- pound of snø (snow) and hette (hood) – or of some of the me- columns from the original or, when there were let, with a “roofscape” that allows visitors to mountain with a hood of snow. If you would morial activities World Trade Center buildings, certainly many New stroll from the interior over and above the like to read more about Snøhetta, the archi- through 9/11 Me- York- and U.S.-based exterior of the building. The main hall ac- tects, and view their work online you can morial and Museum which convey strength, firms, caught my at- commodates 1,350 people. visit their website: www.snoarc.com. (www.911memorial. fortitude, resilience, survival, tention. The next day For the 9/11 Memorial Museum Pavil- The 9/11 Memorial will be open to the org). I have also been I called them and ar- ion, Snøhetta entered a worldwide competi- public on Sept. 12, 2011. It is necessary to involved with the Al- and hope. ranged for a meeting, tion with 35 other contestants and won. make reservations online to visit the 9/11 liance for the Arts in at their downtown of- They began with a large building of Museum, and visitors must reserve a specific New York City, I was fices on Broadway in nearly 30,000 square meters to house two date and time. Tickets are free through the delighted to receive an invitation to a pre- New York. I met with cultural institutions, the International Free- memorial’s online reservation system, so sentation that the Alliance held for the 9/11 one of the senior architects named Elaine dom Center and the Drawing Center. This visit www.911memorial.org. Memorial and Museum. Presented June 29 Molinar, who is the Director of Practice led to a long series of modifications. at the New York Times Center, the event fea- Management. Through a process of deliberation this norwegian american weekly s Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us September 9, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Hipp, hipp for Sigdalslag 100 hundred years old and getting stronger Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California 6 – 9 p.m. on Oct. 6, located at the Minne- Premiere of “Don’t Hug Me, I’m sota Valley Country Club in Bloomington, Pregnant” Minn. The program includes a presentation Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 by Norwegian explorer Frode Saugestad North Hollywood, Calif. and photographer Per Breiehagen. RSVP The World Premiere of Phil Olson’s musi- by Sept. 30 to (612) 280-8774 or email cal comedy “Don’t Hug Me, I’m Pregnant” [email protected]. will be presented Sept. 30 – Nov. 20 at the Secret Rose Theatre at 11246 Magnolia Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Clara October 8 is 8 1/2 months pregnant when a freak Edina, Minn. snow storm hits Bunyan Bay. She goes into The Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis labor and her husband, Gunner, will have presents its fall Lutefisk and Meatball Din- to deliver the baby in the bar. For details, ners on Oct. 8 at the Lutheran Church of call (323) 822-7898 or DontHugMe.com. the Good Shepherd, located at 4801 Ave. S, Edina, MN 55410. Serving Times: Photo: Gary Erickson Nordic Cup Golf Tournament 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Admission is $18 From left: Earl Knutson, Karen Olson, Judy Sosted and Donna Kuhlenkamp. October 3 per person, and tickets are required. Order City of Industry, Calif. your tickets early by mailing a check – made payable to the Norwegian Glee Club – to Ga r y Er i ck s o n Save the date! The Nordic Cup charity golf Sunburg, Minn. tournament benefits the Norwegian Sea- the Norwegian Glee Club, PO Box 23053, men’s Church in San Pedro and SCAN Richfield, MN 55423-0053. Deadline for ordering tickets is Oct. 5. Questions? Con- Norwegian bygdelag (area associations) just entertainment. More than 130 Norwe- (Scandinavian Center at Nansen Field) and takes place Oct. 3 at the “IKE” golf course tact Earl Evenstad at (612) 861-4793 or are functioning well in America. They serve gian citizens came from Norway. During this Robert Olson at (612) 866-0687. Check out as a Gordian knot, something difficult to un- Sju Lag stevne, more than 18 workshops and in Industry Hills at Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry. The net proceeds of our website: www.norwegiangleeclub.org. tie. Bygdelags here were created by Norwe- presentations were scheduled. These ranged $12,000 from Nordic Cup 2010 were split gian immigrants as a means by which to bind from Rev. Grant Aaseng, Alexandria, Minn., evenly between the church and SCAN, and Oregon families and friends together who stemmed speaking on his experience as a participant was a tremendous financial help for both Daughters of Norway Agne Mathilde from similar locales in Norway. Judy Sosted, in the Norwegian reality TV show, “Alt for organizations. Admission: $150 per person Wergeland Lodge Institution Ceremony the president of Sigdalslaget, testified to their Norge,” to an abundance of subject material (including lunch and dinner). For informa- October 2 effectiveness: “We’re 100 years old! That’s including “The Kensington Rune Stone,” tion, contact Paal Berg at (562) 716-9414 Eugene, Ore. an accomplishment,” she declared. “Skogfjorden, the Norwegian Language or [email protected]. The Daughters of Norway Grand Lodge in- Interviewed at the July 2011 Sju Lag Camp,” and genealogical workshop topics. vites you to attend the Institution Ceremo- (Seven-lag) stevne (annual meeting) in Far- Vice president Knutson provided anec- Illinois ny of the new Agnes Mathilde Wergeland go, N.D., Sosted stated: “Considering (our) dotal proof of the level of contemporary in- A Taste of Norway at Minnekirken Lodge #52 in the Willamette Valley. Join lag almost disappeared some years ago, it terest in the lag. A visit to the stevne’s genea- September 17 us Oct. 2 at 3 p.m. at Bethesda Lutheran fell to just eight members, it has recovered.” logical research room opened the door on the Chicago, Ill. Church, 4444 Royal Avenue, Eugene, OR. In fact, this lag’s membership provided image of more than 100 individuals actively Minnekirken’s Festsalen needs a make- Refreshment after the ceremony. A woman a phenomenal number, 200-plus, of the 500 engaged in family history research and in the over. Help finance the transformation and of Nordic descent, or a woman who is/ total registrants for this centennial stevne. use of the Sju Lag’s bygdebøker (area farm have fun too! On Sept. 17 from 3 to 7 p.m., was married to a man of Nordic descent or “We have Sigdalslag members in 20 and family published histories and genealo- come to Minnekirken to enjoy a Taste of who has a relative of Norwegian descent is states and in Canada,” pointed out Sosted. gies) collection. The level of activity was ob- Norway. Reasons to attend: Fellowship, encouraged to join. RSVP by Sept. 25 to (541) 554-2777. She attributed her lag’s recovery to the fact served to be fairly constant throughout. great Norwegian food, entertainment, a raffle. See the exciting plans for Festsalen Sigdalslag became conjoined with six other Sju Lag provided a well thought out Pennsylvania lags to form Sju Lag. process for promoting socialization: a hos- and participate in choosing decor! Come Rosemaling and Woodcarving at LOV Sigdalslaget was formed in 1911 in pitality room. It was inventoried with free, to Norwegian Memorial Lutheran Church, October 9 – 22 Fergus Falls, Minn. Its continuity becomes freshly made coffee, cookies, cakes and bars. located at 2614 N. Kedzie Blvd. Chicago, IL 60647. For more information, call (773) Susquehanna, Pa. more evident with the knowledge that char- On the opening morning, Hadeland Lag’s 252-7335. Take rosemaling classes with master painter ter members of 1911 have descendents today Doris Cleveland offered her fresh vaffel- Eldrid Arntzen, all levels welcome! Cost is who are maintaining that family’s member- hjerter (heart waffles), each vaffel topped Minnesota $125/week, with a possible flat plane wood- ship. Sigdalslag vice president, Earl Knutson, with a huge dollop of whipped cream and a “A Don’t Hug Me County Fair” carving class to be added. Please join us at stated that, although he can’t be absolutely strawberry as large as a small child’s fist. Through October 16 the relaxing Sons of Norway recreational certain as to having a continuous chain from During her interview, Sigdalslag presi- St. Paul, Minn. center Land of the Vikings, located at 461 charter membership involving his Sigdal an- dent Sosted expanded on the subject of her The Twin Cities Premiere of Phil Olson’s Big Valley Rd, Susquehanna, PA 18847. tecedents, very early lag pictures exist which lag’s resilience in developing lag growth. musical comedy, “A Don’t Hug Me County For information, contact Bev Budrick at verify his great-grandfather, grandfather and She vocally highlighted with pride the atten- Fair” will be presented Sept. 8 – Oct. 16 (570) 461-3500, [email protected]. another relative as being Sigdalslag stevne tion the lag is directing to youth. Childhood at Cabaret Theater at Camp Bar at 490 N. attendees. development of shared-through-time, cultur- Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101. It’s County Washington The purpose of a stevne includes in part al values begins at the lag level with unique Fair time in Bunyan Bay, Minnesota, and Puget Sound Ski for Light Fundraiser forming events and experiences which make classes. “Sju Lag has developed daily work- it’s the Miss Walleye Queen competition. September 17 it possible for members to participate in col- The winner gets her face carved in butter at Seattle, Wash. legial socialization, education and sometimes See > SIGDALSLAG, page 15 the State Fair! For reservations, call (800) Join us for the annual Puget Sound Ski For 982-2787. Visit DontHugMe.com. Light Fundraiser Dinner at Leif Erikson Puget Sound Ski for Light Lodge! Featuring open fire-cooked salmon Launch of “Norwegians Worldwide” and cod, and entertainment by Nordic Re- October 6 flections and friends. Happy Hour starts at Dinner & Dance 6 p.m., and dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Ad- Support this great cause: Bloomington, Minn. Music by Nordic Reflections & great food! Nordmanns-Forbundet/Norwegians World- mission: $20 per person, which benefits the wide and the Norwegian Honorary Consul- cross-country ski program that provides a ate General in Minneapolis invite you to pleasurable winter experience for the blind September 17 at 6 p.m. a reception celebrating the launch of the and disabled individuals. Please join us for Leif Erikson Lodge new membership magazine “Norwegians a terrific celebration! Questions? Call- Er 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, WA 98107 Worldwide.” The celebration takes place ling Berg at (206) 362-0629 or Leif Erikson Lodge at (206) 783-1274 for reservations. $20 per person Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 RSVP to Erling Berg (206) 362-0629 to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! or Leif Erikson Lodge (206) 783-1274 Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 14 • september 9, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner The boys from Vangen: Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Written by Leif Halse Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice the good, the bad and the unexpected! their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

Harald Sæverud: One of Norway’s greatest contributors «VENT TIL NESTE KORSVEG!» “JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL WE MEET Steinar kommer i full fart bortover mot AGAIN!” to music brønnen. Omkring den er det blank is. Stei- Steinar runs at full speed toward the nar kaster seg til side, men Larris kommer ut well. Around it is pure ice. Steinar jumps to I recently picked up an old copy of a på isen og renner i full fart mot brønnstok- the side, but Larris runs out onto the ice at 1997 magazine called “Listen to Norway” ken. Han veiver med armene og prøver å få full speed and heads right for the well. He and wondered if there was any sort of re- balansen igjen, men mister fotfestet på isen. waves his arms and tries to keep his balance, Så stuper han rett framover og detter ned i but loses his footing on the ice. He falls source available in 2011 for music lovers. brønn-holet. headfirst down into the well hole. Imagine my delight when I found the web- Raskt som et lyn er Steinar borte ved As quick as lightning, Steinar is beside site www.listento.no, produced by MIC brønnstokken. Han greier å få tak i beina på the well. He manages to grab hold of Lar- (Music Information Center Norway). Their Larris. «Dra meg opp!» kommanderer Lar- ris’s leg. “Pull me up!” commands Larris. goal is to “promote Norwegian music of all ris. «Bare om du tar tilbake orda dine om “Only if you take back what you said about genres and styles.” den ødelagte hoppløypa, og dessuten lover å the ruined ski jump tracks, as well as prom- Funded directly by the Norwegian Min- være skikkelig. Men ellers går du rett i brøn- ise to behave yourself. Otherwise, you’ll go istry of Culture (about NOK 8 million per nen!» svarer Steinar. right into the well!” answers Steinar. year, or approximately USD 1.5 million) Så må Larris love å være grei gutt, det So Larris has to promise to be a good with additional funding from the Ministry of Photo: Gyldendal nytter ikke noe annet. De andre hjelper til boy; there is no use trying anything else. The Foreign Affairs, they focus mostly on mak- Harald Sæverud, who lived 1897 – 1992, is one med å hale han opp. «Å hei å hå, ta i og others help to haul him up. “Oh hi, oh ho, ing information available on the web as well of the greatest contributors to Norway’s music. dra!» synger de og ler og har det morsomt. grab tight and pull!” they sing, laughing and as providing travel support for Norwegian Men Larris, stakkar syns ikke det er så svært having a good time. But poor Larris doesn’t bands and performers who want to travel Siljustøl, Harald Sæverud’s adult home morsomt, så han ler ikke. Han er mørk i think it is very funny, so he doesn’t laugh. overseas. Additional sites include www.mic. in Bergen, was a wedding gift from his blikket, men må bite sinnet i seg for denne He looks miserable, but he has to contain his no and www.ballade.no. wife’s family and today is open for guided gangen, han lover seg sjøl at ved neste kors- anger this time. He swears to himself that There was also an article in that 1997 tours. (Troldhaugen, the home of Edvard veg skal «Vangsguten» få bank, det kan de the next time they meet, the Vangen boy will magazine (“Born in a Graveyard” by Lorentz Grieg, is also in Bergen and open to the stole på. get a thrashing, he can count on that. Reitan, available at www.listento.no) about a public). Siljustøl became a great inspiration man, toted by the author as being “as Nor- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen to Sæverud, and his music began to absorb wegian as Greig,” so I asked my Norwegian the inspiration of the nature that surrounded husband about him. “Have you ever heard of Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. him and his home. When he studied in Ber- Harald Sæverud?” www.astrimyastri.com lin his professor had told him, “there is so It wasn’t the first time he looked at me as much rock in your music,” so it is no sur- if he wasn’t sure what planet I’d come from, prise that he chose to build of granite in a and I was reminded once again of the culture Deb Nelson Gourley presents Kings of Norway country where rock never lies far beneath the Written and illustrated we absorb from childhood. “Of course,” he Kings of Norway includes 3 CDs that surface. by Anders Kvåle Rue said, “everyone knows who Harald Sæverud feature bilingual text, bilingual audio and full- His love of music inspired Sæverud to was!” Remembering that “Gilligan’s Island” color illustrations of 57 kings and one queen who co-found the Norwegian Ny Musikk organi- and “Hogan’s Heroes” (TV programs from ruled Norway from circa 875 to present. Ideal for zation (www.iscm.org) before World War II, my childhood) had been just as foreign to first-year Norwegian classes and heritage/cultural and in the years that followed, especially the programs. Includes text and audio of both him, I set out to find out more about this 1950s, he received many high honors for his Astri, My Astri and Astri, Mi Astri. great and legendary Norwegian musician. work. He was made a member of the Swed- For all ages on both sides of the Atlantic! Born in 1897 in a house built on the sight ish Musical Society (1952), and the follow- of an old graveyard near old Gallows Hill ing year was put on the payroll of the Nor- • 58 bilingual stories & audio in English and Norwegian in Bergen, (Bergen was also the birthplace • Book includes 3 CDs — hear all stories in both languages wegian government, receiving knightbood in of Edvard Grieg), he composed for most of • Hardcover, 128 pages, all in full color, illustrated the Order of Saint Olav, first class in 1957. • $29.95 (1 book & 3 CDs) with FREE shipping in the USA his life, exploring many different kinds of I also learned that Bergen was home music. During World War II, he composed Astri My Astri Publishing to the first permanent orchestral society in Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com three “war symphonies” as his own personal Norway, the Bergen Philharmonic Orches- 602 3rd Ave SW [email protected] form of resistance; “Kjempeviselåtten” (Bal- Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 tra (www.harmonien.no), also believed to be lad of Revolt) is his best known work from one of the oldest in the world. Norway’s first that time. He composed music for Ibsen’s Norway.com national theater was established in this city Royal Norwegian Consulates “Peer Gynt” and although many were skep- surrounded by fjell and fjord, so it is no sur- tical about trying to fill Grieg’s shoes (Grieg Organization of the Week in North America prise that it fostered two of Norway’s great- had also composed music for “Peer Gynt”), est composers. Sigdalslag HAWAII there were many who, in the end, considered My Norwegian musical education is Sigdalslag is a fraternal organization Sæverud’s work even better. just beginning, but this has been a wonderful formed in 1911 by Norwegian- “This music is for the theatre and it Consul Nina Hamre Fasi start. With many samples of Harald Sæver- Americans who had roots in Sigdal, speaks with dramatic impact,” said Swedish Royal Norwegian Consulate ud’s work on YouTube, I have lots of listen- Norway, or in the neighboring areas of composter Sten Broman. Eggedal or Krødsherad. 949 Wainiha Street Honolulu, HI 96825 Sons of Norway Building, B-20 For more information, Tel.: (808) 593-1240 1455 W. Lake Street Visit http://www.sigdalslag.org or Fax: (808) 396-9484 Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 call (651) 483-9261 Email: [email protected] (612) 339-7829 www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations By appointment please norwegian american weekly s Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports September 9, 2011 • 15 sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings

8/26 Brann 1 – 1 Tromsø Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Molde FK 21 44 8/27 Vålerenga 3 – 2 2. Tromsø IL 20 36 8/28 Start 1 – 0 Sarpsborg 3. SK Brann 21 35 8/28 Lillestrøm 0 – 3 Sogndal 4. Stabæk Fotball 20 33 5. Lillestrøm SK 21 32 8/28 Viking 1 –0 Stabæk 6. Strømsgodset TF 20 31 8/28 1 – 1 Strømsgodset 7. Rosenborg BK 19 30

8/28 Ålesund 1 – 3 Molde 8. FK Haugesund 21 30 9. Vålerenga Fotball 20 29 8/29 Rosenborg 7 – 0 Odd 10. Viking FK 21 26

Photo: Fotball.no 11. Fredrikstad FK 20 24 “Drillo” (on the right) with general manager Nils Johan Semb at the press conference when the well- To read more about football in 12. Ålesunds FK 19 24 liked national soccer coach extended his contract to 2014. Norway, visit 13. Sogndal IL 20 23 www.uefa.com 14. Odd Grenland 20 23 < Drillo 15. IK Start 21 17 From page 1 16. Sarpsborg FK 20 16 end on a high note. This will be my last con- Goats Gruff.” Later on, a children’s ensem- Olsen’s deal was due to expire after tract as a coach.” ble would present the story in the form of next summer’s tournament in Poland and It had been announced in November a short play at one of the evening banquets. Ukraine, which Norway hopes to reach by 2009, upon Olsen extending his previous Instruction of this nature not only fills in the winning qualifying Group H − they are level contract, that Ståle Solbakken would succeed stevne day for children with extended, atten- on ten points with Portugal and Denmark at him in 2012. However, when Solbakken took tion holding time, but lays the foundation for the summit with three games remaining. charge of Bundesliga club 1. FC Köln earlier a future tradition of attendance, participation “I felt I was still motivated,” said the this summer after leaving FC København, and cultural assimilation. 69-year-old, who is in his second spell in Olsen was free to extend his stay as Norway The three Sigdalslag vice presidents, charge of the national team. “I hope to lead coach. Norway to the FIFA World Cup finals and Earl Knutson, Karen Olson and Donna Kuhlenkamp, sat together with president Sosted during one quiet moment and con- Sports News & Notes templated the exquisite, hand-embroidered Great finish for Bovim success in the Tour de France. Coach Kurt Asle lag banner hanging before them. Crafted and Norway’s Ingvill Måkestad Bovim ended on Arvesen believes that Hushovd will win the paid for by Sigdøler in Norway, a prektig an impressive 6th place in the women’s 1500m coveted jersey of this year’s championships, silkefane (a splendid silk banner) was pre- final at the the World Championships in Daegu, but Boasson Hagen could be the winner in next sented in 1914 as a gift to visiting Norwe- South Korea. Prior to the championships, few year’s Summer Olympics in London. gian-Americans. The banner was given in had believed Måkestad Bovim would even (NRK) part in appreciation for the more than NOK reach the final, and her results were less than a 20,000 that had been raised by Sigdøler in the second from a medal. Rowing: Tufte ready for semifinal Photo: Gary Erickson U.S. and sent to the needy in their old home (Norway Post) Norwegian rower Olaf Tufte is ready for the Hadeland lag’s Doris Cleveland shared her Nor- areas. President Sosted pointed to the names single sculler semifinal at the World Rowing wegian vaffelhjerter (heart waffles) with the Sju- of three distinct geographical areas appear- In top form for World Championships Championships in Bled, Slovenia. He came lag stevne attendees. ing on the same line embroidered upon the Norwegian cyclists Edvald Boasson Hagen and second in his quarter final heat. Norway’s Svein face of the banner. “The lag decided to elect Thor Hushovd are front-runners for the UCI Urban Ringstad and Are Strandli are also ready < sigdalslag one vice president to represent each of the Road World Championships in for the semifinals in the light-weight double three areas,” Sosted said. The officers were sculler class. From page 13 Sept. 19 – 25, coming off a terrific season with asked what they might say to charter mem- (Norway Post) shops for children, workshops during the bers if they could experience such a opportu- < Museums stevne that introduce them to music, dance nity. “Thank you!” said vice president Earl From page 9 you can learn about one of Norway’s most and Norwegian literature – folktales,” she Knutson. “Tusen takk,” said vice president famous exports, salted split cod, the fish used said. Children’s groups this year were to be Karen Olson. “We kept the history alive,” said president Judy Sosted. Norwegian Olympic Museum, to make bacalao among other dishes. taught the classic story of “The Three Billy Learn about the 1994 Lillehammer Win- Online: www.visitkristiansund.com ter Olympics, the largest sporting event ever hosted on Norwegian soil, at the Norwegian Whaling Museum, Sandefjord Olympic Museum. Whaling is a controversial topic these Online: www.maihaugen.no/no/Norges- days, yet it remains an important part of the AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS Olympiske-Museum Norwegian heritage. Find out why at the Norwegian Whaling Museum! SAS now offers nonstop flights NEWARK – OSLO. Call for details Klippfisk Museum, Kristiansund Online: www.hvalfangstmuseet.no At the Norwegian Klippfisk Museum Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide! < Student 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 From page 3 Chicago, Ill. Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] Alise Isaksen graduated from high school this spring with top grades and is plains the Norwegian-American who is the now off to University at Cockrell School of granddaughter of Tove and Alf Isaksen from Let us help with your next fundraiser! Mechanical Engineering at the University of Skudeneshavn, Rogaland. Her father moved Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, Texas, Austin. to Houston in 1985 and married Tamara from and benefit your organization at the same time! We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian < vote organizations: From page 3 participation. • For every new subscription you sell, your organization The municipalities chosen for the pi- gets $20 of the profit lot include Bodø, Bremanger, Hammerfest, Government and Regional Development • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, Mandal, Radøy, Re, Sandnes, Tynset, Vefsn or however you like established a project to implement trials and Ålesund, with almost 168,000 voters. • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian with electronic voting for the 2011 munici- At the time of press, the electronic votes heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about pal elections this month. The goal of the e- counted for 75 percent of the ballots cast be- Norway and the Norwegian-American community voting project is to provide better access for fore election day. voters to cast their ballot and increase voter For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 Not for Profit Retirement & Assisted Living Community serving Seattle for over 50 years!

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