SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 1 SG Michel Year Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: e-mail:
[email protected] phone: international: 61 7 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 INDIA List Structure: All commemorative & definitive stamps are listed in approximately SG number order Broken Sets Officials India used abroad Indian Convention States Indian Feudatory States Indian Expeditionary Forces/UN/Commissions/Postal Administrations To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. We obtain our stock from collections we purchase. We do not have an India supplier. We list all items we have in stock, including broken sets, and singles from sets. Unless indicated to the contrary: For se tenant issues, MUH / M / MNG issues are joined; FU / used are singles. For used issues se tenant, when available, prices are the same as MUH. Prices subject to change without notice. Please note that GST (currently 10%) is applicable from 1 July 2000. International sales are GST free. The prices in this list INCLUDE GST All prices are in Australian dollars. E&OE CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 2 SG Michel Year Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Currency - 12 pies (p) = 1 anna (a); 16 annas = 1 rupee (r) SIND PROVINCE EAST INDIA COMPANY ADMINISTRATION CREDIT CARDS: