7112 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26ra MAY 1983 NATIONAL PARKS AND RESTORMEL BOROUGH COUNCIL ACCESS TO THE HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 The Restormel Borough Council. Public Path Extinguish- COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1949 ment Order (Colon No. 7) 1983 GWENT COUNTY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order made on 23rd May 1983 is about to be submitted to the Secretary NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE of State, Department of the Environment for confirmation, COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1949 or to be confirmed as an unopposed Order by the Council of the Borough of Restormel. Survey of Rights of Way The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- Notice is hereby given that the Gwent County Council, tion, will be to extinguish the public right of way running pursuant to section 32 of the above Act, have prepared via the footbridge across the railway line at Quintrell definitive maps showing footpaths and bridleways situate Downs, Newquay. within the former County Borough of Newport together A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has with statements containing particulars thereof. been deposited and may be inspected free of charge at Copies of the Definitive Maps and statement have been the Council Offices, 39 Penwinnick Road, St. Austell, be- deposited at the County Planning Department, Gwent tween the hours of 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. on Mondays to County Council, County Hall, Cwmbran, which may .be Fridays. inspected free of charge during normal office hours Mon- Any representations or objections with respect to the days to Fridays. Order may be sent in writing to> the Solicitor and Admini- M. J. Perry, Chief Executive Officer strator, Restormel Borough Council, 39 Penwinnick Road, County Hall, St. Austell, Cornwall, and should state the grounds on Cwmbran, Gwent NP44 2XH. (741) which it is made not later than 27th June 1983. If no representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Restormel Borough Coun- cil may instead of submitting the Order to the Secretary of State, Department of the Environment, themselves con- HIGHWAYS ACT firm the Order. If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State COUNTY COUNCIL any representations which have been duly made and not withdrawn will be transmitted with' the Order. HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 David Brown, Chief Executive The Hampshire ( and Deane Borough No. 35) 39 Penwinnick Road, (Parish of Ecchinswell and —Part of Footpath St. Austell, Cornwall. No. 11) Public Path Diversion Order 1982 24th May 1983. (790) Notice is hereby given that on 9th May 1983 the Hamp- shire County Council confirmed the above-named Order. The effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert the ROCHDALE BOROUGH COUNCIL public right of way in the Parish of Ecchinswell and Syd- monton described in Part I of the Schedule hereto to the HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, SECTION 116 AND TWELFTH route described in Part n. SCHEDULE A copy of the confirmed Order and map contained in it has been deposited at the office of the Chief Executive and Notice is hereby given that the Rochdale Borough Council Clerk to the Council, Borough pursuant to arrangements made under section 101 of the Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke ; Ecchin- Local Government Act 1972 with the County Council of swell Post Office, Ecchinswell, Newbury, Berkshire, and at Greater Manchester, in exercise of the powers of the said my office, where they may be inspected free of charge be- County Council, intend to apply to the Magistrates' Court tween 9 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Copies of at Rochdale, on Monday, llth July 1983, at the hour of the Order may be purchased from me. 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for an Order under section 116 The Order becomes operative as from 6th June 1983 but of the Highways Act 1980, authorising the closure of a if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question passage at the rear of the property numbered 298 York- the validity thereof or of any provision contained therein shire Street, Rochdale, for its whole length, a distance of on the grounds that it is not within the powers of the approximately 6-5 metres. Highways Act 1980, as amended, or on the grounds that The effect of the said Order is shown on the plan which any requirement of the Act, or any regulation made there- may be inspected free of charge at the office of the Chief under has not been complied with in relation to the con- Executive and Town Clerk, The Rochdale Borough Coun- firmation of the Order, he may under paragraph 2 of cil, Town Hall, Rochdale, and the Information Office, Schedule 2 to the Act as applied by paragraph 5 of Schedule Municipal Buildings, Smith Street, Rochdale, during normal 6 to the Act, within 6 weeks from 26th May 1983 make office hours. application for the purpose to the High Court. John Towey, Chief Executive and Town Clerk R. A. Ley land, County Secretary Town Hall, The Castle, Winchester. SO23 8UJ. Rochdale OL16 1AB. 19th May 1983. (789) SCHEDULE Part I. Description of Site of Existing Path That part of the footpath in the Parish of Ecchinswell TEWKESBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL and Sydmonton in the Borough of Basingstoke and Deane NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER shown on the definitive map of Public Rights of Way pre- pared under Part IV of the National Parks and Access to HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 the Countryside Act 1949 as Footpath No. 11 which Tewkesbury Borough Council (EHU 18 Churchdown Hill, commences at a junction with Road C155 and runs west- Hucclecote) Public Path Extinguishment Order 1983 wards for approximately 170 metres. Notice is hereby given that on 20th May 1983, the Council Part II. Description of Site of Alternative Highway for the Borough of Tewkesbury confirmed the above-named Order. A 4 metre wide gravel track which commences at a The effect of the Order as confirmed is to extinguish that junction with Road C1SS approximately 44 metres north part of pubk'c footpath EHU 18 Churchdown Hill, Huccle- of the eastern end of the path described in Part I of this cote, hi the County of Gloucester, running from a point Schedule and runs generally west-south-westwards for at grid reference SO.882S 1838, eastwards for approximately approximately 40 metres then continues on a 1-8 metre 30 metres and thence northwards for approximately 60 wide earth path south-westwards for approximately 40 metres to a point at grid reference SO.8827 1846. metres then west-south-westwards for approximately 86 Copies of the Order as confirmed and the map contained metres to rejoin the existing path. A total distance of in it have been deposited at the Council Offices, Glouces- approximately 166 metres. ter Road, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, and at Parton 18th May 1983. (779) Road Library, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester,