Holland & Knight 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 100 I Washington, DC 20006 I T 202.955.3000 I F 202.955.5564 Holland & Knight LLP I www.hklaw.com Christine Moseley Shiker 202.457.7167
[email protected] November 29, 2011 VIA HAND DELIVERY D.C. Board of Zoning Adjustment Suite 210 441 4th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 Re: Board of Zoning Adjustment Application 18283 (1250 New Hampshire Ave., NW) Prehearing Submission Dear Members of the Board: On behalf of the International Monetary Fund, enclosed please find an unbound original and twenty copies of the prehearing submission in support of the above-referenced application for special exception and variance relief. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to have staff contact me. Sincerely, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP OQ~ Christine Moseley Shiker Enclosures cc: Joel Lawson, Office of Planning (Via Hand Delivery; w/enclosure) Karen Thomas, Office of Planning (Via Hand Delivery; w/enclosure) Martin Parker, DDOT (Via Hand Delivery; w/enclosure) BOARDOFZONINGADJ1JS'l'Mlt'd:.L ~ofC;, 3 Board of ZoningBoard Adjustment of Zoning Adjustment CASENO, District of Columbia J J 1 District of Columbia CASE NO.18283 EXIIIBITNO,v ~ 5 Case No. 18283 EXHIBIT NO.25 25 ", - ':' : ''1 BEFORE THE BOARD '.·.,.'·.I . (,_:L,_ Lt. l L:; d/i OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT Hr>,.. ,·u ' "9. ft'<·1·. 0 • ,-0""' FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 201 I i , , ~ hll .r-.; APPLICATION OF THE BZA APPLICATION N0.18283 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND HEARING DATE: DEC. 13, 2011 1250 NEW HAMPSHIRE A VENUE, NW ANC2B STATEMENT OF THE APPLICANT I.