Congressional "Record-Rouse
16010 CONGRESSIONAL "RECORD--ROUSE. OcToBER 1, EhfERGRNeY REVI:NUE LEGISLATION. Arthur Freeman to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical 1\Ir. THO:UP 0~ submitted three RmPndruents intended to Re, ene Corps. be prormsed by biro to the bi!l (H. R .. IS: !n) to inc:rense the ~...,t·edric- L. Conklin to be an assistant surgeon Ln the l\Jedical inter-na I re,·enue. and for other ptu-po. e . which were referred Reserve Corps. to the· Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. A. CoDtee Thompson to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical l\Jr. WII .. L1A~1S snbmitted six Rmendments intended to ·be Resel'Ve Corp . proposed by him to the bill (H. n:. 1 91) to increase the POSTMASTERS, internHl revenue. and for other purposes. which were referred ALABAMA. to the Collillilttee on Finance aud ordered to be prilited. C. N. Parnell, Maplesville. RECESS. GEORGIA. Mr. KF..llX. I move that the Senate take a recess until George G. Brinson. Millen. to-morrow nt 11 o'clock a:. m. Emma Pettis, Spring. The uwtiou was agreed· to; and (at 4 o'clock and 45 minutE:'.s MISSISSIPPI, p. m .. Thursday. O<:tuber 1, 1914) the Senate took a recess until Edga-r G. Harris, Laurel. to-~orrow, .Ii'riday~ October 2, 1914, at 11 o'c.lvc.k a . .m. MTSSOURI. J. Vance Bumbarger, Memphi . NO'MINATIOXS~ NEBRASKA. Execncti~e nomination recei<t:ed by the Senate- October 1 ( le'g H. C. Letson, Red Cloud. islu.ti re day of SeptemlJ~r 28).
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