Mrs. Maria KELO Director European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) Avenue de Tervuren 36/38, bte 4 1040 BRUXELLES B E L G I U M

Zaragoza (), 9 September 2013.

Dear Mrs. Kelo,

As I already anticipated in the email of 29th July, I am writing to you now to formally request the affiliation of this Aragon Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ACPUA) into ENQA.

The reasons that drive this request are very clear for us. Since it was started up seven years ago, this agency for the guarantee of quality has been growing as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was implemented in the Spanish region of Aragon to which it serves. Working in close and loyal collaboration with ANECA, whenever the occasion requires so, ACPUA has operated from its area, trying to observe and closely examine the often convoluted day to day of the adaptation of the Bologna Plan and specifically its quality assurance policies. Thanks mainly to a complete follow up of the university qualifications (we have followed and visited all the degrees and always published all the reports) and of the documentation and study of the regional university system, we believe to be considered by the society of Aragon as an essential instrument for the assurance and promotion of the quality of its .

In order to complete the consolidation of the Agency, in the past two years, and despite living an adverse economic situation, we have made an important effort to assume new challenges (such as the evaluation of Research University Institutes) and primarily to review and improve each and all of our procedures, with the aim of fully adapting them to the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

The establishment of a formal link with ENQA is for us a natural and necessary step within this improvement process. If we now also take into consideration the regulation on competences provided by the Spanish current legislation regarding the accreditation of university studies, then this step is almost decisive. I will not then conceal from you our desire of successfully overcoming in the near future the international assessment which is an essential requirement included in your Bylaws to access the status of full member. This is the unanimous feeling of our Board of Directors, the highest government board of the Agency, expressed in its last meeting held the 10th June.

Following the procedure established by you for these cases, I am pleased to inform you that our website address is and our contact person for everything referring to our relations with you is Mrs. Ana-Isabel Ortega, quality technician of

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ACPUA. Her contact details are the following: e-mail: [email protected] , telephone no.: +34 976 71 33 75 / +34 637 87 58 13.

Likewise, and in order to facilitate the task of examining this request for the Board of ENQA, below is some basic information of our agency:

1. ACPUA (origin and legal status). - ACPUA is the official agency for the evaluation of higher education in Aragon (Spain). It was set up in 2005 by Law of the regional Parliament. Its legal status is that of an autonomous body (public law entity), with own legal personality and its own assets and capacity to attain its objects. It performs its functions objectively, impartially and independently, recognised and guaranteed by law. It is governed by its own bylaws, approved in 2006 (Decree 239/2006, of 4 December).

ACPUA is a full member, together with ANECA and the rest of Spanish agencies, of the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU). It is the only Spanish agency that does not yet belong to ENQA, which is a member of the national Commission for the regulation of the accreditation of university studies (CURSA). And, among other networks, it also forms part of the ministerial commission that develops the Integrated Information University System (SIIU).

2. Aragon and its university system. - Aragon, an ancient and important Reign with a long university tradition which dates as far back as the Renaissance, is today an Autonomous Community of Spain which has extensive regional competences in the field of education and university quality. The region has 1,349,467 inhabitants, a per capita GDP of €25,540 (above the Spanish average and that of the EU27) and has an exceptional geostrategic position within Spain, as it is located in the intersection of the double axis of development and wealth of Madrid, , the Basque Country and Valencia. It also has a long border with France, which favours the cultural and economic osmosis with the regions of Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées.

Higher education in Aragon is imparted on-campus in two universities: one public (the ) and the other private (University of San Jorge), and also has in the area several important headquarters of the National University of Distance Education (UNED). The University of Zaragoza is one of the largest, oldest and most prestigious universities in Spain and currently has 66 degrees, 48 masters, 42 doctorates, 31,196 students, 3,648 teachers and researchers and 1,957 staff. The University of San Jorge, young and growing, has 11 degrees, 9 masters, 2 doctorates, 1,501 students, 212 teachers and researchers and 86 staff.

In the past years, the level of economic and social development achieved and the teaching and research excellence attained have contributed to the official recognition of a Campus of International Excellence, named Campus Iberus and formed by the University of Zaragoza and the non-Aragon universities of La Rioja, the Public

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University of Navarra, and the University of , all of them located in the strategic corridor of the Ebro valley, generator of intellectual and cultural links and synergies for centuries.

3. Mission and vision. - ACPUA has the aim of guaranteeing and promoting the quality of the university system of Aragon. Part of this aim is the development of useful links between the university, the social-productive fabric, the institutional decision-making bodies and the society of Aragon as a whole, as well as the promotion of the exchange of experience, not only with other national and international university systems but also with other educational levels (secondary education, vocational training, etc.).

In order to achieve this mission, ACPUA mainly develops technical assessment, certification and accreditation tasks. This activity of public service is complemented with research and prospective tasks and promotion activities for a quality education culture of higher education within the region.

Our vision at ACPUA is to be an agile and efficient agency that becomes indispensable in the area thanks to the seriousness and good operation of the activity it provides, without causing bureaucratic "overheating". By contributing the added value of the quality guarantee, we will be an essential reference for all the institutions and agents with education responsibilities in the region.

Furthermore, ACPUA is an open regional entity: it aims for the integration and interlocution with the main European and international university quality and assessment networks. We thereby aspire to become a qualified agency outside Aragon and a recognised interlocutor in the European scene on university quality and assessment.

To achieve this vision, ACPUA must abide in all its procedures and actions by the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). With transparency, independence of judgement and commitment with the accountability we sustain reflection, ongoing improvement and creativity.

4. Agency structure.- ACPUA is currently organised as follows:

 Governing bodies: o The Board of Directors is the highest organ, the Government board of the Agency, and it is chaired by the Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon. It is made up of Government representatives, representatives of the universities, social agents (business organisations, trade unions…) and experts. This Board of Directors is mainly in charge of dictating the general strategy of the Agency: approval of the programming and annual report on the activities, approval of the regional funding budget, etc.

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o The Director is the person who leads the management of the Agency and designates the members of the Assessment, Accreditation and Certification Commission, on the proposal of the Experts Committee. On the proposal of the Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon and after having taken into account the opinion of the Board of Directors, he/she is contracted for four years, extendable for another four more years. He/she will serve on a full-time basis and exclusively.  Advisory body: o The Experts Committee is the Agency consultative organ, and it is made up of National and International Experts who advise the ACPUA in order to increase its quality level and promote quality assurance procedures and activities.  Evaluation bodies: o The Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification Commission, is also composed by external experts who deal with the evaluation procedures as well with the establishment of internal protocols ratifying the results of the evaluations carried out by the subcommissions and panels. o The evaluations are made by the Evaluation Subcommittees and panels that are made up of external and independent evaluators from outside Aragon appointed specifically for each process.

5. With the vocation of offering a complete service in the region. - As already mentioned, ACPUA's main activity consists in the evaluation of the Aragon university system. Its action is complemented with studies and outlook-reports and activities to spread and promote a quality culture of higher education within the context (institutional, social and economic) of such system. The bulk of this activity produces:

. Evaluation campaigns the results of which are published on our website. . Technical reports related to the quality of higher education. . Prospective studies on emerging needs, trends and demands regarding higher education in line with regional strategies. . Conferences, seminars and workshops in collaboration with universities, research centres and stakeholders.

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See description of activities in annex "Description Activities.doc".

Regardless of the legal and administrative effects associated to this "production" (mainly linked to the results of the evaluations and to specific reports that we hand to the competent authorities in the field of higher education), at ACPUA we try for such to be able to generate second readings by other actors and aimed at improving the quality of the education system in Aragon: for the managers of the universities to draw particular recommendations and feasible proposals for improvement; for the students and their families to obtain clarifying information regarding the progress of the qualifications; for teachers and researchers to find sound documentation in the field of teaching and research; for the public authorities to find data of a strategic value in our reports.

We are very aware that this vocation of connecting the quality assurance activity (QA) with the reflection regarding the quality of higher education in the region requires for ACPUA to strengthen at least two significant links, internally and externally:

a) With regional stakeholders: to this regard, in the past years the Agency has intensified the relations and designed working-together formulas to organise events and carry out studies with relevant institutions and social agents such as the General Military Academy (the most significant military teaching centre in Spain, located in

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Zaragoza), the Economic and Social Council of Aragon, the Aragonese Employment Institute, business schools, teacher unions, etc.

b) With other Spanish quality agencies: thus, in 2012 ACPUA signed two collaboration agreements with ANECA that facilitate our participation in different national evaluation programmes. And in 2013 collaboration agreements have also been signed with the agencies ACSUCYL and UNIBASQ to boost synergies and save costs, - through joint collaboration, the exchange of experiences and the shared use of technical and staff resources,- assuring the maximum efficiency possible in the application of evaluation programmes.

All this information is completed with the documentation that we attach in the annex. It may also be extended and verified on our website. Naturally, I remain at your disposal to try and clarify any doubts and provide, orally or in writing, any additional information you may require.

We look forward to a positive answer and to establish a formal relationship with ENQA, which from Aragon we consider highly important.

Yours sincerely,

Antonio Serrano González Director

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Evaluation Programmes


FOLLOW-UP: Once the official degrees are registered the ACPUA is then in charge of their follow-up to ensure the correct implementation of the degree in accordance with the initial project submitted by the University Board.

This process has a strategic character for the ACPUA, it is considered as a key tool regarding the improvement of the University System and the assurance of the proper renewal of the registered degrees regarding the fostering of teaching at Universities. In the 2008/09 academic year ACPUA was the first agency that initiated the follow-up of registered degrees and the only one that issued evaluation reports for each degree of the academic year.

In the course 2009/10 the ACPUA was in charge of the follow-up of 79 degrees (28 bachelor degrees and 51 master degrees) whereas for the course 2010/11, when all the degrees where registered to the EHEA, European Higher Education Area, the ACPUA proceeded with the follow-up of 132 degrees (76 bachelor degrees and 56 master degrees). This information is public through the publication on the website as means of ensuring transparency and therefore includes the following review activities for each of the Official University Degrees:


1. Analysis of the Public Information available. 2. University Reports on programme development. 3. ACPUA report regarding the quality assurance of the verified study plan. 4. Visit to the institutions' programmes.

RENEWABLE ACCREDITATION After six years of the degree accreditation in the case of bachelor degree and four years in the case of a master, the process of renewal will proceed through an evaluation that will include a visit to the Institution. This process will be accomplished by the ACPUA in the Aragon Community and will end with a favourable or unfavourable report. In case of an unfavourable report and prior resolution of University Council the degree will be no longer included in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT) and the correspondent degree will be extinguished or expired. It is foreseen for this type of evaluation to start in the 2013/2014 course.

ARTISTIC STUDIES: The government regulation establishes that artistic master degree studies must be assessed by the autonomic agencies as the step prior to their authorisation. The ACPUA plans to soon launch this evaluation programme.

UNOFFICIAL QUALIFICATIONS: ACPUA has among its future objectives the development of an evaluation programme specific for university qualifications that are not included within the formal programme of qualifications regulated by the Spanish legislation for official qualifications.


TRAINING CENTRES: ACPUA evaluates and certifies the correct participation of the secondary education centres in the training centres of the students of the Teacher Master's Degree and of the pre-school and primary education with students training to obtain the Teacher Degree. Up until now 35 centres have been certified in the first edition of this programme.

DOCENTIA (Programme to support the Evaluation of the Education Activity) DOCENTIA program is promoted by ANECA to help Universities to commit to fostering the quality of their programs to evaluate the professional competence of their teaching staff. ACPUA is part of the Commission in charge of developing the mentioned programme.


ACPUA has positively evaluated the model of the University of San Jorge which has been followed-up for the past three courses and the implementation of which will be certified the following course.

AUDIT (Programme for the design of Internal Guarantee Systems) AUDIT is a programme promoted by ANECA which advises the university centres in the design of quality internal guarantee systems. ACPUA encourages the Aragonese universities to adopt this programme. So far, the USJ has developed a model applied to the entire institution whilst the University of Zaragoza has implemented it in two of its centres: the Engineering and Architecture School and the Higher Polytechnic School of Huesca.

Teaching staff

ASSESSMENT OF THE RESEARCH ACTIVITY: ACPUA will evaluate the research activities of the Zaragoza University contracted teaching staff as well as the teaching staff of the Defence University Centre (CUD). These evaluations take place after each six year (sexennial) research periods, and the aim is to achieve additional salary payments for the teaching staff who obtain a favourable report. Since 2006 ACPUA has published 7 evaluation announcements or calls in which it has evaluated a total of 956 research periods of which 74% have obtained a favourable evaluation report.

DEDICATION AND TEACHING: Since 2006 ACPUA verifies and authorizes the evaluation that the University of Zaragoza has submitted regarding the teaching and dedication of the teaching staff taking into account the additional salary payment.

As a difference to the research activity evaluation where the evaluation is made individually for the person interested the certification process consists on the evaluation of the implementation of the criteria that the University has implemented regarding the evaluation of the teaching staff who assumes this process.

In the last call the ACPUA certified the process for which the Zaragoza University evaluated 2,035 applications as favourable and 14 as unfavourable.


University Research Institutes

CREATION: This program consists on a mandatory report prior to the setting up or affiliation of the Universities Research Institutes. Since the ACPUA initiated its activity it has evaluated or affiliated to the IUI 5 setup applications.

PERIODIC EVALUATION: However the Universities Research Institutes that are already established will be subject to evaluation every 5 years. At the end of 2012 ACPUA carried out the first periodic evaluation of 6 university research institutes of the University of Zaragoza. All the evaluations turned out to be positive although the reports stated proposals for improvement which were welcomed by the institutes.

EVALUATION FOR THE FINANCING: The government of Aragon assigns the Agency the management of the evaluation of the research university institutes. In the light of the results of this evaluation the Government of Aragon assigns the financing to such.

Support to decision-making regarding HEI

ACPUA carries out decision-making reports regarding the Higher Education Institutions. These activities have a great added value for the university programming of the Autonomous Regions and only acquire significance from the knowledge and close connection with the region.

AUTHORISATION OF STUDIES AND DEGREES: The Aragon Government exercises the competences for official undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral qualifications authorization in Aragon, and the ACPUA report is a prior requirement. All the Official University degrees registered in the European Higher Education Area as well as most study programmes, before their implementation, have received an ACPUA previous report, therefore the volume of the reports adds up to 207.



The University of Zaragoza has five affiliated centres, one of which is private. The first evaluation of its feasibility plans is going to be evaluated during the year 2013.

PROSPECTIVE REPORTS: So far, and always upon prior official request, several reports have been carried out regarding the supply and demand of university studies in Aragon (see the agency's website).

REGIONAL FINANCING MODEL So far, the report corresponding to the 2006-2009 period has been drafted.

Exchange and dissemination

The actions of dissemination carried out by the Agency are of great significance for the region as they favour the meeting and discussion within the university context, promoting and spreading quality culture in the Aragonese University System.

COURSES AND SEMINARS: Initiative to promote quality university culture in collaboration with other institutions. Among others, the following should be noted: o November 2012: Quality in the University Centres of Defense. A guarantee of future. o June 2012, Menéndez Pelayo International University: University and Territory: Programming and Accreditation of Studies. o February 2011: "New studies within the EESS: Verification, modification and follow-up of official degrees".

ACPUA SEMINAR ON UNIVERSITY QUALITY (MONTHLY) Monthly activity launched in mid-2012. So far, 12 seminars have been carried out. ctivaUniversitariaAragon/AreasTematicas/Jornadas/ci.Seminarios- ACPUA.detalleDepartamento?channelSelected=0

DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERS: In this sense, in the past years the agency has intensified the relations and designed working-together formulas to organise events and carry out studies with significant institutions and social agents such as the General Military Academy (the most important military education centre in Spain, located in Zaragoza), the Economic and Social council of Aragon, the Aragonese Employment Institute, the Aragonese Statistic Institute, Business schools, teacher unions, etc.


Studies and analysis

The ACPUA contributes to the improvement of the quality and competence in the Aragon University System by elaborating criteria for action or action guidelines through consultancy services and evaluation reports.

Currently these studies are currently focused on four main lines:

TRANSIT TOWARDS UNIVERSITY The Aragon law on universities (LOSUA) commissions the Aragon Agency for the Quality Assessment and Accreditation "the analysis of the problems that arise in the transit from secondary education to the higher education" and the "study of the preferred degrees for students studying secondary education in Aragon". To fulfil this important objective, the Board of Directors of the ACPUA held in December 2012 decided for the first time to expressly include the problematic of the transit to the university within the plan of activities to be developed by the entity on the upcoming years.

So far a preliminary workshop was organised in February 2013 with the people responsible and teachers from both levels of education (secondary education and higher education) in order for the communication of their specific experiences or concerns and the corresponding dialogue between all the parties to facilitate an initial first-hand diagnosis or mapping of the main problems that Aragon has today regarding its university students.

A new workshop related to this matter has been programmed for the second semester of the year.

EVALUATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES The current design of the curricula adapted to the new structure of the European Higher Education Area requires for the studies to be aimed at the students acquiring capacities. A degree must provide the students with the capacities and knowledge defined in the curricula which must train the individuals on some specific foreseen career profiles. However, in practice the adjustment between the competences foreseen in the design of the degree and the actual career capacities is not perfect. Furthermore, the necessary career profiles and capacities demanded by the society today will not exactly coincide either with the foreseen and current career profiles and capacities.

Concerned about this issue, the Agency carried out a pilot project that had the aim of developing some guidelines for the evaluation of capacities and foreseen learning outcomes, through the participation of a sample of undergraduate degrees implemented in the courses 2008/09 and 2009/10 in the University of Zaragoza.


After the project's success, this line of activity is still considered to be of interest.

SERVICE MAPPING ACPUA has included within its plan of activities for 2013 the mapping of the different services offered by the Aragonese universities (research management units, research transfer units, external practices management units, etc...). These services are usually left aside from the Agency's evaluation activities yet they are highly important services for the day to day management of the institutions and therefore the knowledge of their operation is considered as a priority at ACPUA.

LABOUR INSERTION The current legislation on the academic reordering of the official university studies includes, as a compulsory point of the internal quality guarantee systems associated to the degrees, the existence of procedures to measure the insertion of the university students into the world of work.

In the Autonomous Community of Aragon the Observatory of University Employment is an information system of the University of Zaragoza and the Aragonese Employment Institute. Out of the close collaboration between this Observatory and ACPUA a project emerged that included a survey regarding the labour insertion of the university graduates who finished their studies in 2008/09.

The field work was carried out between December 2010 and March 2011, for a target population of 3,671 university students who had previously accepted subsequent contacts on behalf of the University. A total of 1,675 surveys were finally carried out through the CATI, with 1.8% error for the entire sample and 95% confidence level.

This study can be consulted on ACPUA's website.

Bodies and Networks

The ACPUA actively participates in the official bodies and networks of Agencies, maintaining a position of reference within such. In this sense it is worth mentioning that regarding its role of reference in the field of follow-up of degrees, ACPUA holds representation before the CURSA (University Committee for the Regulation of monitoring and Accreditation), being the only agency that does not belong to ENQA which is in such Committee.

SPANISH NETWORK OF UNIVERSITY QUALITY AGENCIES (REACU) Since 2008 ACPUA is a member of REACU. REACU was created to increase interaction between quality agencies and to set up the conditions for a mutual recognition of their decisions.


Its objectives are: o The promotion and development of cooperation, experience and information exchange, especially methodologies and good practices. o Collaboration in fostering quality assurance in higher education in the Spanish University System. o Act as a forum in which quality assurance standards, procedures and guidelines are proposed. o To promote a quality assurance system development and implementation in the agencies.

UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE FOR THE REGULATION OF MONITORING AND ACCREDITATION (CURSA) Since 2010 ACPUA is one of the members of CURSA, a vacancy reserved for the Spanish Quality Agencies. This Committee gets together representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Universities, Autonomous Communities and agencies to create the criteria for the monitoring or follow up and renewal of the accreditation degrees as well as to resolve any problem that may arise during the process. The ACPUA is part of this committee, which has a limitation of members, due to its experience in the follow-up of degrees as the first agency in Spain that started with that process.

INTEGRATED UNIVERSITY INFORMATION SYSTEM (SIIU) The SIIU is a data source of the University System, organized in 5 areas: academic, human resources, economic grants, scholarship and R&D. This system is supported by a web platform developed by the Minister in which Universities publish their data previously validated by the Autonomous Community and checked by an alert system that guarantees the quality of the data. This system should allow obtaining comparable data because they are submitted to a Quality Control and a centralized calculation. ACPUA collaborates with the design of this system thorough its participation in national and autonomous meetings being considered that it will obtain the indicators for the follow-up through this system.

ARAGON OPEN DATA The Government of Aragon has launched an initiative to create a catalogue of open data. ACPUA has been invited to participate in this project that will be developed in the upcoming years.

AGREEMENTS: ACPUA considers of vital importance the development of synergies with other entities through the signing of agreements. So far agreements have been signed with quality agencies in Spain (ANECA, UNIBASQ and ACSUCyL) and works are being conducted on the development of cross-border cooperation programmes.


Internal Activities

The ACPUA is committed to continuously improving its activities and therefore carries out a series of actions among which is the path undertaken for the integration in ENQA, The fostering of transparency and available public information and the implementation of Quality Guarantee systems under recognised standards.

ISO 9001 ACPUA is committed to quality and to a continuous improvement of its activities. To this end since 2009 it has implemented a quality certification in accordance to UNE ISO 9001:2008.

CHARTER OF SERVICES The ACPUA has designed a charter of services which states its commitment of providing services for citizens. Furthermore, the files have been registered in the Data Protection Agency.

ACPUA ON THE NETWORK The development of ACPUA's website as main tool to assure the transparency and the information to the society is a priority objective which is developed in three main axes:  Towards the web 2.0 (updating and improvement of ACPUA's website).  Opinion barometer on the University System of Aragon.  Documentary forum "Bolonia x Aragon".

REGULATORY REFORM The adaptation of the Agency's legislation regarding its creation and action to the European standards is a priority, and to this regard the actions are focused on:  Proposal for the reform of degree VI of the Aragonese law on universities (LOSUA).  Preparation of a draft of new bylaws.



PERIOD ACTIVITIES 654321 121110987 EVALUATION PROCESSES EVALUATION OF DEGREES Follow-up of new degrees NEW: Review of the follow-up protocol Follow-up 2011-2012: ACPUA reports Follow-up 2011-2012 Visits Follow-up Public Information 2013-2014 NEW: Accreditation renewal (pilot) EVALUATION OFEVALUATION DEGREES NEW: Design and development of the protocol NEW: Accreditation renewal EVALUATION OF INSTITUTIONS AND CENTRES Evaluation of IUI Evaluation of 2 IUIs (IUCA, CIRCE) NEW: Meta-evaluation of the evaluation process for IUIs NEW: Review of protocols NEW: Evaluation for the financing of ICMA/ISQCH NEW: Certification of Secondary Education Centres NEW: Design and development of the protocol NEW: Certification of Secondary Education Centres NEW: Certification of the pre-school and Primary Education Centres

EVALUATION OF AND CENTRES EVALUATION INSTITUTIONS NEW: Design and development of the protocol NEW: Certification of the pre-school and Primary Education Centres



OF TEACHING Dedication and teaching supplement

ANECA/REACU Programmes Follow-up and Certification DOCENTIA (USJ) REACU

ANECA/ NEW: Pilot Certification AUDIT (UZ/USJ) Report on the situation of the external evaluation of the quality

TS REPORTING OR REP Reports of authorisation, modification or suspension of degrees/centres NEW: Analysis of feasibility plans of the affiliated centres NEW: Guidelines for the analysis of feasibility plans of the affiliated centres NEW: Evaluation with committees of the plans Analysis and prospective reports requested by ACPUA EUROPEAN STANDARDS AND REGULATORY REFORM

S NEW: Proposal for the reform of qualification VI of the LOSUA NEW: Preparation of a draft of new bylaws REGULATION STRATEGIC ACTIONS OF EXCHANGE AND DISSEMINATION Initiatives for the promotion of quality university culture NEW: "The quality of the south" Evaluation and actions for improvement in Mediterranean universities NEW: Seminar "From corporate social responsibility to university social responsibility"

SEMINARS Events in collaboration with other institutions NEW: ACPUA seminars on university quality Promotion of studies, analysis and prospective regarding higher education in Aragon NEW: ACPUA programme on transit to university NEW: Study on the academic performance by call NEW: Mapping of university services and units Programme of visits PROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS Learning outcomes Participation in official bodies and networks CURSA (University Committee for the Follow-up and Accreditation) REACU (Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies) Establishment of formal relations with ENQA

NETWORKS NEW: SIIU (Integrated University Information System) NEW: Collaboration agreement with AERES OFFICIAL BODIES AND OFFICIAL BODIES NEW: Technical stay at AERES ACPUA on the network NEW: Towards the website 2.0

WEB NEW: Opinion barometer on the University System of Aragon NEW: Documentary forum "Bolonia x Aragon" INTERNAL ACTIVITIES ISO9001 Certification: 2008 Internal audit Accreditation Renewal

INTERNAL ACTIVITIES INTERNAL Occupational Risk Prevention Meetings with ACPUA bodies Board of Directors Committee of experts CECA Meetings (Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation Committee) ACPUA MEETINGS ACPUA