M'liimrjiith Cuunty'tt Great Market Place All the News of TUD lU'^istcrN Classified UKD HANK Department— und Surrounding Towns Uhf-rii tlku Seller finds Told fearlessly and Wilbout Bias. D BANK RE the Buyer. imuGil Weekly, Entered aa Second-Clawi Hotter it th« 1'ui.t- Subscription fitcoi One tfear S1.&0 VOLUME LV, NO. 41. ullico ut Hcii Hank. N. J., under the AC. cl Muitli 3. 1B7U. &ED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1933. Sii Months SI.00. Kinule Co^y 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8.

than any oilier single individual ia WANTKH lOJt A TOOK FAMILYv. ! i Merchants Bank responsible for this bank bein£ back Young People To Annual Report j George W. Bray Town Finances In No Decision Yet in business. The dopositois can (hank Caplain Kcnii.-tly Makes Aiipeiil For _,__,,.. On Sale Of Beer ' Back In Business ILE^'X^EiEIfli I Present Comedy Of The Fire Chief Dining Hoom 1'uniitnre. y Captain Robeii' A. Kennedy, 1 - For Freeholder Fine Condition .The Mayor and Council of RedReopened Institution Had anlinj; only p;irt of il, a:> v;ould have "June Time" Will be Given Fri- The Work of tlie Fire Depart- ^^[A%r,l^r\^T^ Candidacy for Republican No^i- .Red Bank Meets Its Pay Roll Ob, Bank to Meet Tonight to Auspicious Start Last Thurs;_ i bc-en tlic case if lhe b;mk had been day at River Street School by ment for the Past Year Sum- appeal for ;i coniriijun.,.. ..f .iini.-.i ] a!.lon Announcc? ^a=l rnday, hgalions by Borrowing $50,. j liquidated and hud ^onr out. uf busi-, Adopt Regulations and Fees— day—Deposits Over Seven ncf-'J-. f flonL wonder he fools happy Young People's Club of Re- marized by Edmund S. Crelin room furniture fo n family in un- Night—Arthur E. Johnson of ; 000 from the National States Several Applications Made. Times Size of Withdrawals. I even though he is tired and worn formed Church. —Fine Record Made. fortunate circuin:ii;inf<'i-. h<- f;i m- j Asbury Park a Candidate. j Bank of Newark. ily numbers ;\ix p f.nii- of j i out.' TJ)0 ou Tho mayor and council of llni Tlic bank of tho Merchants Tru:;l ] jjlirjn,r tnc p.iriy pall uf ThunrJ-iy ! Y "tf People's club of (he The following report, of thn work whom are children. Two chair-, aiej At ,-i mi din;; of the Vouni; Men's | Last week, in order to meet pay company of lied Bank had an aus- • moyn-un? ih(, ,jjrcrtois found time' fur j Reformed church of Ked Bank will of the Kcd Bank fire dcpaitmcnt for in the kitchen, nnd aside frr which, excepting ?94G, 1. sue or the eanipiii-ii will hi, 1 lie |, , | . ,, ;.. ,,, , rnjirrly v/nli th*. governin^ boards of nibor with the. air so heavily scented mud) j,,,.,,,.,. ,.ou|,| n,Jt ljn a,.rorded Hai tloy Capen, .John and Cedric Ry- wan cuvcrn.i by insurance. It wa? ;];:Li m v jint| d out that lidticlion of la.xe.,, and ai; my ira;-j i I,,,- ,.,),,;, |.- .,, |,,,..', money ah ,t r that its perfume; wus wafted outside-,„ th(, h;ink ,,,m,i,jyPPS f01. „„. p.irt der. Misses Florence Woollcy, Vir- 1 YlW tho van'ou ; i!)*""- until .May : necc:-;;-irv to lay 8,300 feet of 2 - incli and noticed by passer-by. -"^'lO' which they Imu" played in Krttin;,' the ginia Kceler, Leona and Alhcrta hose, 2.110 feet of chemical and '.Id a, as,,e...or in iuv. criiK t it xes j i,:,,,!; ,ujl |orate,l at Red Bank in 5. r r h K 1 l: ln!t 1: 'J'Jje whole tenor of Monday ni^ht'r. persons remarked lhat the whole at- • ll!in iy\ rj,,,.nc,j The rivc-raj;'- person Whiting and Jack. Loverside and boo.-t.er hour, rairfc about 316 feet of RichardC. Hackstaff, Rev. John '" "'" •>"''""' -' "' "' ' -i"^ «';-. .t,ve proof ,,r the soundness ot nH:rtin^ indicated Uiat the jiMlcn mosphcre was more like lhat of a h;1.. ,.,, ;,,,,., (jf ,lu.v .lh, nmoun, of Raymond Picrco' will take part in Judders, u-'c l.'i gailonw of foamitc and ci & ihis mu A. Hayes, William L. Russell' \Z,!'-ul!i i h-'v.-'c'.mi'pileV-wi't'i, tile •!,'','.• ,'!™v 'n l'""-'^™! - ' com mil t ee of tlie c ninr.il VtO.ii 1<1 he wedding than that of a hu: mess in- ;f.lr,,ical work necessary to the open- the one-act comedy, "Lotus Flower." S38 gallon^ of clicmical^. Tim characters in the other one-act and Alexander D. Cooper of ,ii...jn, ,,f my Mipiioi-ter:-." I '.vi't'i'i'ii'.iiihiiou'i 'ii'ii-un- 'thpr11!111100 h :; pntrustrjd wilh Krantin^ liccn:eH and \ t 11n r-y ^ f i o*Jf ooiiiia banki --'4. 1 ^nOvn --*-— on-u.j|.vie occasioi i • » i * n (he Wilbout I'he untiring efforts nf the lixin;; rc^ul.-ition-. '1'liorna.-, M. Gop- What mighg t bo described in. m ""- I h;>ntc employees worked continuous- comedy, "Heroine, Villain and Every- JIK.-I.-A-IIH cl;ief:; ,Tnd • every fireman, Red Bank on List. ; Mr. .lolin.-on'.; stateaicnl followi:,.\ ,„,...,, ,ulln!,or of muniCipaHtic'il thing," include:; Charlqs Reeves and Kill, eh:iirm;iM of thn p')lU:n rmnmU- day Jcceptjoji lou!; place, both insid o'clock in thr> morning together with the cilicient co-oper- The list, or Krar.d juror.; f-ir i he • nominatio•A; a .andidatn fuer lhfoer tlihc> K.'puijluan I |!;lvn cached the end of Ihcil' bor- Inn, brought thu mnUcr up. He EUHI and outside, thh e Ijuiidin^bildi . HHappy, ,,;, til ,,,,„„ ,,'dock ,,lc n(,x, ,norn_ I'olly I'ncalls, ation of tlie fire commis.sioners and April term tjf court wa;; drawn Jlmi- • hoiilers I wiil ba.-e my if Srec-| ii.win^ eaiiacily, ln these places sal-* nt; faces, hand shaking and eon- 1 that all ;ipptjca(ion:> [<> ;.-rjj| - Then they went, to a restaurant Committees wlio will aid in the thr. water and police departments, day by Sheriff Howard Height ami ai'^n on ;i|.jr.,i nl'.icinls, public employees, a plstfnim of strict he.' speeilio and i,,'wn''in>--. II- said \ K'atulatory ren.a.'ks we.e every- lrj |1;iv,. )nn[.,L .lft(,r v;)lich ,h(,y ^ not neglecting to mention the gen- h b f lih h production arf: Htage committee, Al- Jury Commissioner Wiiltani :-'i. lent w.lli elfieieiii'y •cnnoMiyill c.unit, y cm-a f-;| v,osrlin.i k"i:d •; leaclierare beins - anpaidd othein r scrip,"oschoopl that leqiie-i-' mnde ,,-'-r tlic if],-- where in rvidenee. i he directo.:; of ., ,,.w )ujUt..;- ,.]r,c), before rolurninq bert Hniffpn manager, Margaret Hen- eral Mipp'Ht of thn public at large. I Thompson of Red Bank. A t.'tsl "t tail.. I lielieve that tlie tini"- ("ill] f |.-r- I ley are not paid at all. Not nhonn or in o'hir v-M«l l;c hlon 'th" lmlk lla(l lll"° """; "' dtv"tc lo v.o.k at ci{,-lit o'clock. Hours al- net t, Louis firob; busiues:; com mi t- am sure Mich a report would not be '3a natnes were drawn and r hi.-, wi)) to anything except that nt applied on;.' a:; thin were put m by tee, E. Evelyn Matt son manager, pos"i!,]e. be reduced to --J when court opens. n, us fullest sen 1 expc,, llr oan from the in^ to tile jrood w'r.zlif.-i, ,-l cmjjloyoo.s for a week prioi r to Marjoric L'rickson, Edith Wolf, Pearl Through Ihc efforts of our /ire com- J 1'oni }led Bank.the name; of Kieli- i smaller loan from the National" n^ Hi.-,I ltli county i; lint h . ; ,.,,,, |,. | ,, f j. n them. None of them cornplairu-d ie opening of the institution. All missioner J. A. VanSchoick, there ai-'d C. Hackstaff, Ilcv. John A. Hayes, s ]n ( n(|w;i s rc 1Jse( Ralph, Grover Carter, Alfred Ralph, lir agricultural and rrrort eoni.ly. Ii '||lf, 1Money borrowed -from tha bar- Ytrnn n new alarm system in- Wiiliam L. Russell and Alexander IJ. d I 0P)ir:0Pdd to thth vutt el' s off MoiuiionMt t hh \ „-., lk |,an((i Cnahlo,l Bank stalled by our fire alarm inspector, Cooper were draw-n. The other niirnes 'coi'inlv for r support with the a-,-! i F. K. p,pr.vcr, which ban exceeded ex-

pcct.'itinii::. Jiy this new system, U, : :H|,I|l''lllTM U'Jjll. ll ouioie iioni.- and : i,v,r . • ' ,. , balance which divide.the boroti^h into zones, rif Apn] I hc ( is a it is possible to know in ju?t which verninent^f..r lhci]rr, to meet oilier bills. Another pay zone ih(- fire is located by the fust LHR Branch; Cnarfei !!>..: • ic liCoiilc. [ in]] date will occur Monday, April number .sounded and by tho next two. Branch; .'-.-unuel Tnu-e.SM, ! !'">. at. tho remdar meeting of tho number:; it is pr.snble. to tell the ex- "elmar: Daniel II. Hill, rfpt in- Lake; p_ * Dl O nriyoi- and council. It is believed :(:! Tl ; v wa: ln ; l; ; i M 1C nC Mia! I lie Seconii National bank anil Mr ,'• , ,- ,„ ,jr,,r-e" •-l"" - " '"•• " - - ' ' '" "' \ ••"'• <>!••" grateful to KcmMh Wyol- " '"' ,',, ,.'"" ' ... f, act location of the |jax in that zon*\ Jr. Robert Watkins, Ilclmar; Kruiik i abSIOil ST iciy OV M. No].. i,l (.,.I .h.i- no hein-e., wj|hnax! ,j n fpjnt f|f (,vciy ,„„,,„„„. ,,,r I-,,,. h.,T.in,, ,jIJIritI,,j hiu ..crvil.p.. j:-ehool, and Rev. Carman Irembath. by Lee, I.on" Branch; Willis A. Mount, rtu.-i. eoiupaiiy will 11" /->1 U di-int:; which wi'c replaced with ten Hirt; and William II. Thompson, u[ l;c f ho 1W W!i : 1 ! tin JJIPS by tlie water department, . 1 h" nccPs:-ity to borrow more money* ii 1 'd'luiiii:; e s thl:"'""i w» :"i < - " " * 'I'W* """ 1K.-1 refrained fronvtakitlK money cut ! KepUbllCan LlUD Fannin^dale ; lilaee .'.•,.',',V th.'• ro .-ib-d ,,r, " "fleetcl not alene by Ka,ly;(lf ,hp ,,.lIlk ,,,CiuI::c th,.yv ,;lllt ,he .small fire ln^s was also made i.-- Second Annual Presentation to t'"-'' i' }'«f-nt of .-alarics and wagca illl !(! n (li s ln alJ Joseph T. Smith. Spline ' 'l,l "„,'„.., i, ,.,',, ill,,-, l,nr- fo. '- " >-' 'K " " ''>' ''''I'py l institution to make a good showing Meeting Last Week! plm c bv over 100 inspections which for the last, half of March fell dua iiml ri Marry X. Johnson, Highland.-; 1-M be Given in School Palm Sun- A lire- W'T.,','0 .,,,,'I Vn-,1 t,\l- \-V,', ! '"" " '"'I'eful count-inanee., a:uIjThr, directors state that while they resulldd in the removal of nftny fire Barlialow, Lakc sixteen days a^o. but. tlTe money wa!5 1>J cv lc nc of A'l,:ir',lls Milit.iii. l-'air lltiven; Ailrian'i / due was not paid in full for Ihc las^ % ''lOthr-r Thuii-rduy tho J.a'-t yc.-ir or ,.,.. -J-hey say they want the depo.si- cles, spoke at the meetine. Mrs;. Jar- !:••! l"..i ill- ("'';. i amount of ihc li"" on>r; fee. Captain Robert A. Kennedy, who isE. Morcau:in, I'rcehcldFreehcld; Helena Mcl.'tMcl.'atr - i 'V' . '", """ , " "' ' ' '•"••." |--<""i o"fI '.];in-.•.iar.-n..,-,,,(h am|i . mthee lusfirst halnair.nif .ol!; nioic. It waa a condition utleily at:iol- lo f(,c[ frec lr, withdraw money dine is president of the United Wom- 11 0 01 A vr niincc wilh tho en's Republican clubs o[ Monmouth in charge of the unemployed. . ron, Fair Haven; Adelaide Steve,,;;,! i'-' ,''" , ' ' "' 'Y7 '" ! I>iil. Kcr example, all the police- vidc'"thaMv.eVa"nd vone' 'ofnoTnv re J > "'ncreal solemnity ;1,, make pui aliases not only because hli Mh tl1 (it,, at bu..,m u,i ulnolnv,ic.)wliich h,ia hepn ^ notk.t!lb|n Mncc hi H1 h, , f . interests county. Mrs. Margaret Opdyke of Co-opprnlion had by the LonK Branch; Dr. II. 11. Andcr.-on. ; " auditonu.u and there will | men were paid on the basis of* 1 c On rnl Cil public in general during lire preven- Allcntown; Frank Maiucci, Sl,,i,w :'>- Hirec per-fwrnancr.-;. Palm .Sunday j palrolman',; salary. In other word. 'il",' "' 'n "r , , ; , " the hanking holiday wa., declared. ,)f ,hc town but also because it will Keansburg presided at the meeting. : 1 ni 1 M al ; tion week, at which time inspections Lake Ausust K. Koppcr Colt's i ' "' '"- . Hall-past two o clock ,lu, chief, captains, lieutenants anil " •, ;, ' ,,:">'. " ,'.•*,,'! "The ice has been broken, one tend to brins about more cmploy- Van K. Halscy, chairman of the r rl :;amo course ia beinff fnlt-nvod in other departments. Thei • lli::IU'l' salaried ullifial:; arc {,-ottinn; awrence ,'•)."• cnly part nt whnt- t:' due tu Ihem^ '[tie employees >,{ the street and Carbide deparlnieut.3 and all other; rin(']'i.iia .--!.,,. Mi,crr |,,,,,,. because of tbe large number of p'.-i- ,.rivr. sent by Dean's,} convention to begin Friday evening. once "by Fair Hsiven, mice by Little Rumsuii (le-in of !h<. New J"i--ev I'athorinc Rrnv landed by \\ . Paul Stillman o£ Fish^ Kumnuti, dean ol ni^.vw •'•'-'•>. | i-,.t,,.,,i|t;i. .Irv i.h mailni. r nor.-, It.it'i ,.,•,,!.,,.(, r;ea i;.,n|; who is Dresden* j bar, was toastnumlcl.' Speeches ol i 'i ..iii-. i,,,, „[ i-,;..,,. «.,.... M-.I..,,..v ' i..inn, into is preuaent (W.rmnlaliu,, were made by \k'A}:l"!r " ! 1"\J.™1 \\wr "Wl^X '" ""• Atonal Slate bank. In talk. Chaiuiellor Maja Leon fcrrry; Thoin- j ,..|li:.M1' •; wiili a flopi^ter reporter Mr, l M;nic 1. Stilininn .slated that . he was vry as A. Mathin, srrretary of stale; . -i','r.l!'t''' ' ' " JuUgc Harold 13. Well.; «if 1 he cmirt ; I ^". :-..].iirr-*' Mi.-h:ie1 I1 ^!.'((( 1') Jiavc provided this acconw of errors and appeals, Judge Henry! . P.it-n niodatiou for Heil "liank not. only be^ j r;iu:-i' In1 considrnNl it a £ood in>* A^kerLion uf 1 he circuit CUUL-L and Mi. i . A <:h<n ). en .r:ui,T it war. ^latifyin^ to have becni roll bottk',1 beer at the .Strand ies-; The members of I h- bo.,,,1 of di- -^'i anls 1 rust, company, Chemical (off valves •''iuf :ei\icr to tlie town oC which ht$ taurant. of which he is part owne.. I rectors arc -Mayor Chailcs r.. Kir-:-j , ^ <-'"'"Pany of ^ew ng to assure bar a.^auciatinn, njtencd t \w. meeting , ^," \'\'\-,-v ... Hutflt ]'! Yoik nr of music lor the county, presented a -Allow me befo: with a .speech. He inionucd the is- .huno, .,.".".'.'." ,'. )?'!"'"' i is a icsident. Hecau^i; of unusual , Stadler's boat works asked for per-|]jsh, Kenneth H. M'clJueen, John' J. l - d Bank Lions club, Honey you that it is w:th great pride that Ur I >lm 1 Rho Mrc program of instrumental and vocvocaal guo.-!.s that. William A. Slovens, at-1 Si -l"!,'i „ I;,,.,! | condit inns it was noee^ary for Mr^ mission to sell bottled beer at its j Quinn, Frank E. Price and Warren : '<' ' "' ' P' - Kenneth H^ ] pernvUcrll to submib t a reportt '.".'." MI.-IKU'I I '• ••<•>• j Sti!!m:ni and the. other bank orTicialg selection's. The soloists on the pm- Lornoy-genoral, who was to II:IVI:;IC;- ^- 5^'^,,!,,,»,- Krill on I'.iveiside avenue, l'atnrk F-;II. Kmo.-k. T)ie board has elected -"''Qii'-en and family and John Him- the iiiuallCMt lire Ion* . . i-':';inri.- Jf*\ ''\. tf ;.;<> In con^idei'aljh! extrawork, ov, :ni eel as toa.-tnia;ier, was unable tu at- si' .hi'mr'. tu. i!o.= ..... Wil!i;uu • M l Kennedy wantrd a retail license for I Mayor Enslisb as chairman. Jh. ' • ^ .I,!,!,! in otli.M-1" wi>:d.; to "tjn out. of their the same purpose at his stores fin : McQueen, who was president of Iho ' •»•«. lend- . A Jeltei- of tribut >• in Jud^o •-'•• \ iiri'hfcn . i'.i'ii \\<. ut •• Lawrence from Ihe attorne-y-L:*.nof;iL [V ' ':tM!>;i-: • Mm C I'--I . w;i\," ,•!;•; thf ^•tvinL: ^ot!L-, in order tci Monniotith street and 1. Weinstein. hank when it wan closed December , V,--.-!.!,!!.-! IJKLrA** r^n I: waa read. ' si sim.m ' y.i]--1?/- .'..'..'. Jt'-,'i[ i ••"!!.-11111111.ilc the 11 itiir-iu-Lion. Th« nnolller Monmouth street business 1!,-;,1, 1031, is aKnin fillinB that posi- j ' OUtfirUl niKer Oil f A fountain pen, the .^ifl ' nf the -imja; j-.Tn'i.-t ni;t\nr and cctimci] and tho member** nan, made a similar .eoticst. The;,ion. Mr. Quinn is vice president.; Way Home Get.S Aid I Te" *,'! together with the untiring co-opera- -if llui 1KI:IPI of education of Reel ^roi:riy firm of Maltlicws &•- Korbc:s i Ed^ar MCCIPCP, who li;ts long hern [ ere made by the Red combined b-ir ;),-;:i()ciations, was ^ivrn [ -••• - • -o-«-e Bank, 15a ton town and Long Branch tion of all those, who were connected H;jiik 'Miit'- th;it they urn very grate- aHKon fur [ho ri^hl lo r-c\\ botlled an employee of thn baiiK, is . either directly, or indirectly there- lo Judf^R u.iwrcnec by the io;i.;inKt.: .|-» . » » beer, -Bt:ni;>min II. Crate .Sr, ar-ked tary-l fcnnuicf. These «(Jicers will Tliiyuiond Stewart, fourteen years club?. The Kcd Bank club report, was trr. The Count];- dub irio <>f Ilci! ; t* air rlaVCH, ful to Mr. S'. ilini-.m and the bank ((!(1 W;ts with. I'M thi^ ai'CiMnniodation. for a wholesalers licence. I continue to serve until the annual ' < 1'fturned tu lii.s home at I read by Miss Lois Hesse, who an- Thanking rach and every one whoBank entertained with ^fncrni v"c;il , • Mr. Gop.sili ;-:utl most of the appli- j meeting- of the stockholder*; in Janu- Afhury TarK Monday morning by nouiiced that the club wa:; niakin The cmplnyrr.i uf flic Water and j helped make my term as chief .such selections. Residences Leased J'od Bank policn after he had given .study of the various county ofliccs. •i WIM- di'imrtmi'iit:; of Red Bankard us wore faully becau:e, they tlidiary. EI pleasure, I respectfully submit tlie up walking from Ruin.^on to that I low the surrogate's ollice opeiate.s 1,1,US' INSTAl.l.MKI.N. .-till unpaid for the last, half off not contain ,'ili t)i/.- i\rr,\n'i inform^-; "Thi.s is one of the happiest above !"or your approval. niiiu li Hon. He advised thu^s who made )| of my life" repeatedly dpchiroil Mr. j'-'i'.v «nd had a:;ket! for aid frum a will be taken up at the next meeting •Not th Slirrwsbiu y a I 1'al Mairh and t hn (irnt haU' of April buti of tho club April 25th. Very truly yours, "ili-y w\\\ prubably get their money them to prepaniy^iew applicatinn^. I Quinn in responding to the conyratu- Rr-rl Uank resident. d S. OIllci'l'S I" H« Installeil Tlllirs- : hn.j been ri'iilcd In J; \. !•'. Mlll-pUy For this reason" and also hceaut-e. j latiuns showered upon him. lie The hoy had been enpa^rd in scH- M iFK Ca t h eri n c R uusell w;i.i n p- dn.v, Ajiril II. i ot Ni-w Yin-k. v.-lu. will liv, itln tl y Kx-Chief, next, few ila>'s. Theae de-* niore state le^islaliuu is expected tlie ! looked tired and worn, even hay- iny candy at KuniPun on Sunday. He pointepointod treasurer of ththee state orijan- 1 MM , , , ir r ,, ' Iho \oar nuiiii!, Currn.-cv I'urran, i aniin-nt:. are (inumvd differently mayor am. i council decided to waiLit t wardJ f= , but despite this there was that j --larted la walk home lute Sunday j i/.ation. The chairman o;I the various ' The. report win: accepted ami or- dercd IllcfJ. .'. Albert until tonighght bfrhrfitree ndojiSindoj^ ^ mnile? . in his appearancp e whirli showed lhat I ni;:t wa.j walking around one communities comprise Miss Lois r.od LauK lu.Ue ul 1,1..- «.ll I ' '>-:,. , ,.1,|(.,iri, .„ ,,,„ ,-,„,, ol-, ;,•;,„•.,, , „„ nis. Tliry an; ,.clf supporting-, pulann ami fees as io thp sale of "is wordy diil not bnlie ihis feelings, >'v]iji'.h in i]io morning when lie de-Hesse for Ked Bank, Miss Marion chairman of the lire committee of T : v"rT I '1 T -,;•. '••'i-v,,.,,, at 1'sir lluvn, lr,s „'„,.,! Th, ,,,.,,.y U- nrunUun thorn ,3 it lie council, said it. was the most < beer nffl'led Kank. "" is small wonder that he look:-; fided to a:;k for assistance at thoLippiiicott for Hamilton, Mrs. Viob- '•l-'i'" l-'ll ••'•'"•'r'"'•'" V'l " i-'li""' * "Iiii :-If.= H ll;il:''v i':l'il-' ..[!•••• !'.r'l from buyi'i-.f of walcr nnd . -^•-tory was taken by VAXMA^LIGHT SKK\'R'K. v. urk «••• cliii-'f nl ll»' I W I- , M.inii. wlii.-h opeiatin^ on a rc>- be :ifl UI tobr l Ul:lt in thflt pcritH| fluni olluM' loill'.os. I'l.lluwilil; t!|.' »t Mollv 1'itcher Hotel ' '" | Mank Piukei, the l^.sner butler, to r, Nrw ,li-r.-e\. Thr i. ,|. WO Si' ' '1 H'tO'l 1. t -IS ilv, Kills for water (•(-I'fnionif's ;m rut t'l I ;im iiit'lil will ho | he h:.snt I.ful three hours' Mcep. He . , , . Special Service Good Friday .Night I Kuril ! 'l-'l i'cr . ."-Vol : uM' for the past l(H a poljcc hoailqu:irtcl ; DKMOCHATIC M prcscnlod in Iho f.i'ill i.inin unit a Iho I"lcd Bank Junior Woman K lias been working nipht and ilay tu at Seabright Church. lhri'i- in.mill ; wo ifulcl out Satur- club will present their annual ICmdcv 'get (lie Ij.'ink opened, TJie _ ,. .supper will ho sorvoil. 'nio (.ilio.'is A candlc-litrht Coiniiumiun pcrvicc ; U'dfaro Cffrnniittcr nf <'niiiit.v an,i n i., ,•:-oot.'.i that enough fiance at the Molly Pitcher hotel I'Yi-1 person ha:; no idea nf the. vaMSATUIID.W NKillT AT Cil.OBK. to be insfallod HIT will tnko place Good Kridny night ] Moot Hero I«'rida\, April 1. 1 I'W I) Mr.U ( in.'lioy lo p;,y !!: sal.nios will havo day night. Miss Ruth Koulell amount of rod tape and other wmk Aiuilhcr Dance mid Knterfainnicnt nt the SeabriRhfc Methodi.st chinch. . , K:.nltPd Kulfr--Tlioin;is ('. MrWv. I I III on 'I,-OOIVO,| lie ore (he end of this general chairman of tlie dance com- that must be done tu t\ meet illi; of the welftWC cOliinilt-J KsU-omcd r.cndin^ Knight — - V.'I!1J;M« J- to liCil- , V.I Ok. such a feat. 1'IUIMUMI for This Week. Rev. Harry P. Folgcr, tho pastor, s 1(i ,•.,,.,.„„, .,,„, (, mit I on and is assisted by members !ec uf thn twenty atliliated Woninn's j The S'.illi'lnos of Iloil I'.ank's fl- will be. in charge. On Knster -Sun- lvv.u.l Wrin man Ninned. of thn other various committees. "Lawyer:; can usually find way., to. Another of the popular Saturday pemorratic clubs of Monmmitli conn- ., t s.ini'i ;| oon.iunni i.\ sh"\vn in an- day morning there svillt bo a i (1 Todlly Hoyt and his lied Coats will .save timo in an emergency, and ' ni-lu dances and'entertainment* at U'|J >uui iilii^ UltJi *; will Ut) U MllIlrl.'H: ... , , .i • ,i i r M, .Ml: . .1 ino I la' I, ..-vino at six o'clock.'' Tho r<- uh..- 5' 7' ll(; '"'f ."! "'r '"""fi''."' '' K: . I niln'1' \\ay Net m,Iv the Newark mipplly theh . niusio fof r iliinclnsdi . AA what Ml-. Quinn lias iluno in (his in- n,,, (;i,,iir. i,,,iol is plannni for (hi?S K Worllilrv. n::h Clerk I'. \\. ,,,n,.,,i,,,v „„„•... i, i._ „, ..?. >•'•<> '-''"lit I'-lks lioiiii! Miilay, Apul "',' . '. i h:-nk hui .•',",,'i.il wi'allhy rosident.-i lirogram of spocialty iniiiihrrs will st.-im-c l\as heen niarvchiils. IHit in -.vri-U- Tho siippoi- Ihis wock will lit. morn ing service, wil] ho at, eleven ,' - Mill. . r i-:.' K. t ti 7, at '_':;!D i>. M. Mrs. lttilif V. Liiw- s: oi .'^' j ' ] ot tin • •. I'lu.ii OMiisid.'i' it aa excel- hi: prcficnlecl. rinns are beini; mmln "ulci- to do it lie h.-til (n spend many | i, tiiiccl hy knockwui-.it anci potato o'clock, tlie ICpworth league fiervice 1 p(1 :1 renee of Kreehold, Mrs. Howard .1, .1,11 II. ! hi i:;hl last S:il liiilMV. ^':ic i" ;.',,.;.,",,; I' iH nuo.lnicnt to lo-in. money to to havn the, ballruom illiiininntcd hy | HlceplpKH nlfihts and to npply liimsolf ,.. ,i,,,i, siiarlirtti and meal balls. A at 6:15 o'clock in the evening" and M M 1,1,.. , cf the ollioo a: OIICI'. .Mrs. : ile.ij-hl of Ken dirt and Mrs. I'obert l n llrilllcl Iho Inwii. ihov have made offois to ^lomilnr evening service, at hair- : s,.^bul.),,1 ,,r Ul,, 1!:ulk wiMMh W^ (. ^™""" " '" '•"' is a nioinhoo "I" iho 1 ii'i I :i! lo oxoo- ' (ipntliglit for dnnnint;. iHHomitlincly lo ™noe,,tv-ito.l wnrl;. I(1(1( ,,. m.izl,_ ,.,,,,„ ]nlvv .„„, lNl,lly j ill ld nnke :-uc 11 loans sinofl last woek'ji Tin? members of ihc. u:;Ki:;tin£ coin- •Of c-oiii-KP, I know lat-k pretty ,j . . ded. Music pa.i .invffL ^.^^ . iho. mcciliiiR. llopoils of wclfarcj Mi'.-.-i'iniV - M..ni. M .II,T. [ lit Ho ooalniU loo WI'J 1 •' pro-idrllt of ; well,*' ho continued, ;in his I mmihrl irm wiM bc iuvar g | II .ii-llnn look |.l: mittPCB conipriHc, niu^ic, Mi:;;; JlutJi (•will be furnished by Harold l'>eni\\ v.htiiv- "WR lire alUmppy bci-ausft lh« bank jmil.,,ri. nf (.ri;ni()nipH nnd j,tr,n>]l yon the cost of a new ruof. Call us I iisilion will also ho asked on tho ir- mini and (Eleanor Ak'sainler; ie- is m iniHincKs again, hut I can well Tomlinsun will he manager of the af-on (he phone iind unr expert will port that distributio of relief funds lli'innoiatlo (lull iM elm:: |io'.|iu;..'li-r id Koau.-lnir,; t" imaginc that. Jack ir, happier than I r- j,. lli:;lil:iritN I av|ea,\cr -.' .V^-,l.^•lalllm Ij'Oiilimont.'-j, Misuse:; Joy co Morcer n examine your roof free of cliaiK'-. If it. Ashuiy Park had u::od in 1'ho ;',liro\vshiiry lioiti* cluli ; ilooood Mr... M.'i!:;n c. ilpdyl.o, \. li" any of Ihe rest, of us. This hank is it is in #ood conililion he will tell lias IVtilliin W nil inn Niunrs. ("hnirniaii, Marjorie. Kulil ami Min- 'hrivinj,' iiairic.,' lahon off 111); petition will hnlil its S'lU'lli;; lliootno;- al IhI ho o ; hass l.ooIi,a n VI li;: j; a'-iin'.: p bis baby, ;ui to speak. It IM almost yon so. If not, he will make our jortc PciTlnn llammoiul; onicrtftin- IJUVII l»riiH« Seocls. in favor of the city manager plan ^•hiowshury llrolmuse on I il'.ad ' loo : i,-,,-,- Iho d.'ith of Henry T A.-U- 'I'll,. lliL'.liliniil l.i.\].iiyis' u.ssocia- like hi.1) own flesh nnd blond to him, Our nunny nnd .shady lawn mix- le.cummendations. Obion Hooting inent, MitiHcs; June McVey chairman, Conipnny, phono. Heel Hank 313S or ct inn. strcol, Shrewsbury, Ki i.I;iy iii'.Jil at jornoiu. Mr. I'.-:u11;111 i; jilllili.llor oi Imu lei., ..!>laMII d a pet ll inn sie.nr.,1 I believe, lie took the lead in found- tures, composed of Native and Im- 1 Jonn Kmith and licit ty Ackonnan. Atlantic IIi(;llland:i ,1-10. - Advcrlise- eif'llt ii'cloi'k. Th. lilo'-lni;;- I, lioiiu; a Koali-'lilll:; woekly m \\ sp.i po'\ in;; It. f. dont believe anybody frit ported gra:;ses. produce excellent IT- '['hei'c will b(j ii. ptipular priced firj- • •'til;;, i'ricoci lowc;;(. iti ycw.s\ I*"red mcnl. 1 held for the sclootioa an.I oildir." \ ]' i; c\|'0o;od that tho appaint- chargn worse than he did on December "j;><|, Cmirl Alllninuc Diiiic.i . I->. Wikoff Co.--Advertisement. uiout- of eandidato- Jlilonts will ho aia.to poonis no:;! o il, VXW, when Iho hank waa cloned be I '>>tuUy ;;a A nieotint: o[ tlio lol owner:; In \ Many of the yolllip'i' sol of Kod 1 1 1 cause ur unfortunate liiuuirinl devel- K'lir View ecnictery U>r the rleiltnn ;f;ni)t air phiniiio); lo nJtonil (lie I i ii '. Ill- ; t-i i i' i- i I i;r .;r i.t JiJ n. MieUey Moiisei and I'rtrr Ituhhit Bluo riate Dinner, ;jr» Cents. A now ;;oi Ies oi : (.'oh i.- ti"\\ "j.oll | >'mv! solo'y lo. I liti";/ ..'l.o,l )o.- Pi " • »i iir 'lli.' :i M.i-ii ,,[) IDS c:\Unl a of ll'uiilcci will ho held al Iho oi'me- • .-prinK danco of Iho Middlesex clvip- nt 'I'*:'ley's. Alway'j the newc.it and opment::. A I. l\a!sin':j Cut Kale Drug Store in the Hid IhniK loiiliiin:; and loan ^lonl Kn,i ovolt tory nn Monday, April Id, JiCW, nl ,,,,. ,„• „,„ r.en^'v.m Court oollo e \,\< .'i i.r; !• •! I'l i'i: in ;h!, April 71 11, innfit. clru'cr cirntionM in Miuilpr cards "The very next day nfier (lie hank tJ Yuut- choice uf K jissooial ion This sotio. I:, eoini.i JiOII o'clock, i'. M. • ,t win. !i In,,.' th-- !.Mltcr will bn lire now lihowiin;. Scatter joy with win; closed he started a movement to sluvo V(*(;t:tal»lrii( hrcatl, hutlcr, (\VA- I'la A" g( l , e, iilumnae Satunlay iii;;hl, April'Jli, at if Iv.i • •la I', id Vniir I mm. II. Lufburrow, Seoirtary. 1,1. 'ii. ; r.\ I i,\ri! •! i..i, i liii'.c hem Kai.tej tard;.-. Peter Hahhil, ;II»1 It, Very few people of ilnl the Mnlly PHcher hiilel. llancin;; "I;." All inve.liiieiil nl il inoulli Pi I i[i lecdlli;: I , \'ll,llh' 11 j'-r-rt, tea, eoffee, or milk. All for oPt•-Aclvcrll.'ionirnl. 1 Ml(-ltey MmiiT iin» \\on- wil li lhe j r : ••Hi tp liil'iMt. • i'i .i'i ji'inui,; innnict- |. |uiew tll(ll a ,,f will be. from nine to three. Keiierva- Class "A " shines laalines for .5:.'i.n cute:d. stock of Muster lhinj;.i for tlio I'.llHlr., |'l .''••,! i..: was bein/; dune until the first, news' IJIuo rinlo Pinner, :ir> (>n(n. tioii:i may be made with Hie clniir- in :i |>|>i i.siiiinti'ly i:i-'i inniilli.. The lo iilfi-r \ij:i'l'.. l,,,n.- incil. -,lioop lilddies. Dunt fall to :>oe them. MVl- 1 of it was made by Knstcr Canis At Kutiiin'u CM llalr. IJllli' .SIore uiiili, Miss l.atlla K. I 'feiffer, Kl Mai- investor ill Clan., "I ." i hares pays .'V.! t.inin o and nl hor I oil ill .oi . "I low - I"W. IV liroad !;trcet, Krd .Hank. - in our usufil Inrjii* nssort ment of rx- Ilinchconnlte. Your choice or misiln, pi'e niniilli lor iilioul T'.i iiioiilbs. Tli:.: I IUIOO-I, I'lo,I |. Wil,oil I". Ad- r\ lot S.klv. Advfiiirvinna. Tho J;r;;isler live months ;tj;o. Then* kel streel, Pcrlh Amlmy. J'-lui\i> (lc;,tj;n:i nnd ;'^L^%. liiink !isn;i-,l, 7!l Newman Bprlni'.-i .V V.IHIM, llalilhm liiai1,, I1, t). 1!7,, VVikoii t !n. Hod L' ink. phone, aa^. -M nl s :,n P :,!. call • Mi'l i.-i. it i .--I. Tiulmi':*, f,x t\rf O.-car I lerse, the sole agent in the land William Mulliner weio the jury-; Kdward Asuy and Secretary JWlpli &• thr K'1.! l'ank <".vrir club n :-ultett in United Slates for the Walsrodr men from .Shrewsbury townshij)! Sickles as captains of tho teaniK. the ,.!( !-, ioTi t,f U'.-ilU'r Xolili.' L jn Miinkcirso yiov/ifor, n German prod- drawn lor the May term of the petty) Airs. Theodore JSlranee of lOaton- 1 idf'til Krcd ('uliir:;!')!! vice! net, strutcd a new industry at rted jury. . Mown waa recovering Ironi an attack •lent, iViij.-iinin K move, 1,201) Tied I'ank ap{;re::ation two of three There were eleven eases of small- Charles Scliock rented his pool- feet of sewage pipe out into thn tames nt. Lniif,' Bnumh. The Tied jx al llrd Rank'and a hospital was rntim at Katontowii to J(;re. Thump- ocean for an outlet for a new sew- " Bank howlcrn went to !/in^ I^ranch '•inii built in Shrewsbury township ago system at Ocean Grove. r ,-MI and look a job as inotormnn on Easter by . ;|;i£i\ Jn ihe ^]oujt wne tlcor^e r the palient.s. Several homes were •;li- lted Bunk-Lung Branch trolley George W. llorria of Beltuni Hawl'.iii;-. Kjank Iknvkim-. KiunU isriuitincd and (hem was a deckled line. bought ten acres of land on Church Wati=, Man Hnviland anil Billy drop-off in business due to the epi- Hev. A. B. McLaurin, pastor of Ihc street at that place from his father':, Greeting member::. The l.ong nranch liowl- demif. C'.-ntral Uaptlst church of Atlantic, estate. He proposed to develop tile j rrs wci'i- •Cllarrilru Wuullry. Leon Miss Mamie Clause of lied Bank Highlands, cleared his church of a property an building sites. i Cuhbr.rly, (Mark J,:im\ IJ;jrry Van- and Benjamin Franklin of Eaton- debt of $1T,000 during the past years. Norris Pippitt of Atlantic High-' Bi-uni and ll.iny Woolb'y, wn were married at the bride's Members of the First Methodist lands was injured when several heavy \ KT these exquis- Cn-.viiy * PitrhtM- •ild mi) their homo by llcv. I-', n. Harbaugh of [church of Red Bank tendered a planks struck him when they slipped ; lock < f wa "!!.'. iTir [?i-- ami liar- lied Hanii. They were attended by ccption to their new pastor, Rev. Al- from llio ftccund Jloor of a building ; 1 ite flowers car- s. o -• ,\.- Inn y i V i ;il .'in ;IIJC- .Miss Jvvilio AVood and Henry Smith. fred VVagg, and hi. ) family. where he was working. il ihnn Slti,- 'J'he New lCra ^tonument associa- Fred M. Truex o£ Newark, son "t William C. Wolcott of South street | ry your 10 a s I c r lli'ii. J.:, nf llnl rank tinii held its annual meeting at Jacob j VV. A. TnieK of Red Bank, was nicet- outran two unknown highwaymen sajiv. You'll fiii'l wa.-1 tlv if. .!ii in adver- Deuenrin^':; at Ued Llank. John Holdt i ins with considerable success a:; an and foiled their attempt to hold him j L'ST think <>/ all the gn», clcr- t i;-( .1 tin their was electerl prosidont, John Miller I architeel. up. Mr. Wolcott ::aiU lie had $100 on niosl inrlusivc time lo I nl, .ii'pl.'iy room, j vice, president, Henry Schocnlcin acc- Dr. Benjamin F. King tendered his prraon at. Urn time. j J tririlv, and groceries you use! The ;tnnu:]i nt" Trinity j rotyry. ;iinl Philip Kuhl treasurer. resignation a membeb r of IhIhc Tim property un Spfinp litrcoL j And the laundress you hnve to octiuii in l<>\\:\ rillli-h ml Thomas H.; Mh's Cecelia C. Minion, daughter ^ slirevi.bUry township board of edu- known an tiie fort was sold by J. i'• rant ;ciiini v.-.'.rdoii. I of Jaiiu-.rn Mintnn uf KoU Bnnk, and ait I j Howard Mel'ntyrc to> Jacob Bnisch pay! It's much more economical Oauirl iJ, juivir wariicn, jjs:uic 1/uiit; of DunHIen wore mar- James Kiiifr, Jr., of Marlboro cut | \uv 53,000. Tlie fiulo made by to let UB ».'ii I'l-iy. Hrnry ripd by liov. COOI-RC L. Dobbins. Thn one o[ liia foes nearly oil v liile William N. Worthier. H. Curii.- 1 AlUii.rc, W. H. ceremony was witnessed by Ihc par- John H. Cook, cdilor of The, Re,; you'll have more time for interest- : chopping wood. Place Your Oi'der .Innes, .li . Heckles and onU of the bride and ^ruom. Juniesi il. lJe^nan of Rfd Hank j i:;ter, was in India and he sent a ing things. Holaie r Vunnnrn r vc'\ryim'n. * j j^ suh.-iciiplion paper was started I was rrappolntcd counsecounsell for Eaton- lengthy letter for publication, telling Now For l'he annual clri.t i i *if liornuRh of- at Shrpwi_;bury fo rp-iniburne Claf-|iown linvn.ship. el some of the queer thint;.s they did Hi-lals at. Seahrighl Ihi- hoUcst onro Wiiiio, >-i'Nton of the KpiFcopal j Mr;;. Mary lilizabeth Murri;; of in that land. Easter Delivery. I'vrr hr'Ul in Hie hhoron^l' i up tn that church at that place, for expenses ; f,,rd iVi'cA. from the effects of ^- Ncwlon IDoiTniUii was ele<:le,I pres- time. r.cpmt.1; wri llcptirls worn (Mirrrnt that a incuiiftl by him in cpnneciion with ! ach trouble. ident of the Red Bank Prenbytcrian Korku ilariiMl—BiiUims replaced—liviry- I'm of mniii'y li;irl lioon UPPII truiit and Pptp) Iltj^pr.s of New York in a pool LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY r , match of inn points. Joseph Stein- sie Htrykcr and MI'H. Tunis Hicklcs. ship, died at the •home of her daugh- GARMENTS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, an ;idurrr,5 by Pi'. \\ ;ilt-;o]' "Tho Old Oaken Bucket"' v ter. She was 77 years old. .MriiilMTs 1 )ori>ls' Tr'lcjrraph Drlivi'r.r Assn, \t. Mason. !bei>Twaa rcforrc, Fred Curtis mark- Thr wedding of Miss by a (jiiartet composed of .Mr. and The Keel Bank lod'fcn of KIUR re- THEFT OR MOTH DAMAGE. PLACE I'HONE KED BANK 35!>. Elizabeth cr anci pel Fisher panic keeper. .1. Klwood Harvey was appointed Mrs. hMward Tilton,. Miss Hid wart peated it-s recent minstrel PIKJW for postni;iptor ai Little Silver, succeed- and David Buck. Ihe benefit of the Ohio flood sufferers THEM IN OUR COLD STORAGE ing John T. Lovett. 1J. G. Irwin was The Red Bank Progressive leapuc .and ?300 was realized. appointed postmaster at Seabright had a banquet at the Giobe Jiotcl at, . Benjamin MUls was rJcrtrd rnptJ VAULT. to hUceeedd Chnrler> L. Waters. which more' than 100 persona were i and. Thonian Compton manager of Eniilr li'iench, son of W. A'. French, present. The members of the league (thc MiddJctown townr-hip hi^'h ?chcul bought, a liuiineioliip ill the buiinc3s wciii in nytnpatUy with -'niciwl'-'iv hn^nhal) tpf\in: " \ of Henry A. Curtis, dealer in musical KoosoveH'.'i Bull Mo.o^r* p»rly. The Philip Jiatinint*, fnrcninn a.I Ki.innr':! j instnimonls. Tho. new firm was dinner conim'utcc consisted of Har- | factory, completed a new house on , known as Curtis &. French. ry A. Hawkins, Cicorge \V. Bray, Joel i Bridge avenue for his own oc:upamry. ; Work w;\:s started" on'moviiiK the McQueen, Benjamin H------. Kord, -Sec - I Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Patterson, , Atliiniie. Highlands Methodist church j icy Tuthill, Harry Murford, George j wlio had been living at New York, j summer terms from l'lrst avenue to the corner of •[•, union, Molt V . pach and Nicli- : moved to their Shrewsbury homr. ! Third and. Mount, avenues. John olas Butterbath. A large German flag was presented . Geary had the contract. j The pupils of the I^iLLlc Silver . (o Ihc KintradU singing society of. Edward Fcnton, Jr., was robbed of | school who had perfect attendance Red Rank liy Carl Munch. | a gold watch, chain and locket, a fjold | records for the ppast nionth were ! Raffalo Santan^clo wn.i eloctnd j i-carl pin and a ring by a farmhand | Madeline. Lippincott, Sarah Sham- i chief ranker (jf the Ucd Bank lodge.. Cleaners - Dyers - Launderers who came to work on the place a few panoic, Ward and Veto Parro, ]»ob- of Forcstora of America. Ulays previously. rrt, i^van.^, Mary Kvau^, Amiio El- Charlco E, Burd. a grnnral contrac- 70-76 White St., Phone 2800. Red Bank, N. J. I Henry R. White, Isaac H. Adlcni. -rim, Irene Iford, Sarah Lippincott, tor, ojjoned an oflice near the Red FoiwaLi Morris, . Gc.orgc V. Snedcn 'jrranlt Cook, William n. Carhart, Bank railroad station. ] and William Hoffman were elected Willie Reynolds, Junior Harvey," "Mra. Mary Scott, mothnr of Frank trustees nr the Red Bank Presbyter- Bdna Roynold.'s Richard Parker and Scott of Hotiddon's Corner, foil and ian church. Raymond Cook. broke her hip. Patronize Local Enterprise The Red Bank Electric Light com- Thr yim;iK social ?iit or Atlantic Aiex h. McClcfs in^tallPd a Irtc- pany sold ils plant, machinery, rvan- j i-jiphl^ntlH enjoyed dance at tlje phonc in \\\e> liolmdcl poatoHko. ehise and personal properly lo Lane j Majestic theater. "I'll c on the corn fe Harrison of Asbury Park for $18,- mittcc were Helen /.ea, Alice and j Margtii'Pt Purvis, Gertrude and j Kdward VanBracklc of Keyport Emma Irwin, AKUCS Vaughan, Alice I was appoinlcd .station nj:cnt at Haz- Hemingway, Bvfilyn Mulligan, Mary ! lftt in place of 1\ O. Wcigand, who BurU. Ccrtnidc VanNotp, Hattic Tu- was tran.sl'criTcl to Point, Pleasant. men, Florence Lurch, Blanche Rob- Elwo'ul Uunyon of Bolford gave up erts and Hazel Morris, rlrrkinp in IGUward Bodine'B store nt Frank Gerbach, who had recently I hat plecn to take a painting job in rcsipned ns a member of the llifih- the new Kior? of M. Ijcvirn:. landn board of health, wa.s succeeded Saniurl Bennett, sold III3 carrmtn by Jacob S. Hoffman. William "M. J >MM eni] ftijny l.he nifnrt hiiE-.incpr. to ,1. lOdpar Brower. Mr. 1 HcniiPf^py wan secretary, Kimun Kl^'tnc Otl I^rowf1!- h;u\ born messenger on the I Straus inspcclor, Dr. J. M. Of»fpr- all xumrhcr, l^>. Bui Ftcnmborlt Sra Bird. Jmann hor-niph physician and Vincent in±c lltJ.s furnace Mr.1*. r>ridpri. T'onnor, a well known I Haven.1;, (VaJvin Pai'Jtf?!1, .Samuel Von- jili-in a-utonmhc hoi resident of Hca(lden'?; Cornrr, died in ! tor and William Beige other meni- hrr .rii)ili year. JJcalh was dun lo I bcrp of the board. bumchiti.-. j Tht1 stocUbnldcr? of the -newly or- j Prrpni a I ion? for thr, new elect i tr • £iini7.rd bink at Keunsburg elecU-U \ ruiUvay in i un from Nort h 1 ,oni;• Thoniiis Collins, Charles n. Snydcr, j Hrnnfh In i;ed Bank wore in ariuai h Inward R. Roberts, William Gobi- j 'lulus. Frank R. Hill, FJdward Comp-. ;in tlicit you base the UN? of A lamp was Installed in the Kan -- lunmrv prartjcalJy trcr all > tun, Jacob Schnoor, George Henry,! Haven Kpincopal church in momoty 'Antuiiius Gibson, L. C. I?aynor,.J. l..\ Lirii'.T. A in.'-derate down of Ralph Trafford at the lSaster ser- jWcbaicr, Charles O'Neil, Christopher j vices. ! Hciscr mid Lewis h. ScuHhorp as ill-j Start the New Deal ltl (nil. ^ on have A l.-iiKn number of friends of Uov. f-r, nrr rrn William V. Wilson paid him n Mil- I The civic committee, of the Kiiv^s M w-ntlirr wlicn pri:c vi;-it at his -New Monniouth ! rviughterp of, America was ende;iv- ; \ y.Mjr hast'merit liomc. i orlnp to secure a' recreation e.pntvr Iy inaHf availnhW Mr:=. Nancy Scobcy, thr oldcsl i P:;-( for Kirl." of*'this community. Prom-! With A Square Deal idr.nl of Scobeyvillo, died following I incnt in tho movement were Mr.s.' an ilinear, of only four days. . jCharlrs \V. Pjttcr, Miss Eleanor Ar-' I n>\v:iinilh. hr. Helen Gibaon, Mr:'.! Tlilrt.v Yiyirs Ai;n. I ftrnvy ,'i. U'hitc, Jloracc P- Cook and ; independent Engine com pan v nf 'Higmuml lilirncr. j By Buying lied ilfink dofr.'itMl Uclicf Ens-i2!P J A public mooting was held -it Ihcj company in ,a liuwlin^; niaU'h for n I Rerl r.,nik town hall to receive nub- : :-ilvrj* rii)). Tlie jjaiiH's worn I'nllcil | Kcj-lptiun:; for the Ohio flood runvrws' oil llio Sheridan hotel alloys. On the and $117 was realized. Ilornep ] >, j wiiuii UK 1 ''.'nil WIM P Lianici Wynibs. L'ook was chairman of tho mertin;;, ' Jacob I'rick, clitu lu« llubbinn, Wll ] lr»ball nirdnnll nccrclary and A, FAMOUS ' H;un Cuicliin and Louis Toiley, The Max Wni:; treasurer. por ^ulli.n of ' Hi'licf l.n)wli:rs wviv, Joseph iInner, Honor pupils at the Tinton Fnlbs ! attondnuts. came unmnnascanlc• and turned lur- { Jn|ni I 'j'afo, a ucphnw of IjOtii.s UP. | Pr;iir. ;i I'road street fruit, dealer, IT- Lrn \. Ilollywond up hiri pi (I iirii'Mt t lom an ei^ht, IIIOIIUJO' vi^it idtion a:; ^.v> i;;!;in! Stove, Nut aid Egg *?•• lo li.ily. i)rln;;iiiif with him a youn^ aloe M the Red Bank rnMro;ul Mat inn Ilalifin hiido. The couple, were stny- ID lake, ;i Miniilur position with Die iiift l rinporarlly wllh t ho RriMun's Penn?ylviini;i railroad company at it:- uncle hr-i in o they went to Hath, Nrw York olllce. Maine, whero the proom \v.i;; to cn> S E Va n Allen smiU: r4nrto Pea - - •*$9*50 .for cash, IT. Hmriy .'ircn-lnry, Knui-h I,. Cowait CVitholic. chinch h;td n. n^rpltmi In I |]c;i;.iji«J' iiii'l Harry WortliJry raj- HI. Mary',', hnll JII Ibat phice. wbirf) liiin. The t'liib had'lflU members. was liil'};ely nltonilnl. 'Vhf b;ii| \\:, Mi:-n t" i ii io (iohiliMiis, daughtnr of drcoratr-d for the, oce.aplou by .lain), Mr.- Cari.hrfr < iflilhau;-, and Charles H. Huffman. j II. While, ,i.ii of li'inuiel T. While, OF MONMOUTII CUUNT> ] Mr.s?'Annn Clnrk of At Untie. Hi^h- Imlh of Allan;lc Illj'hlnnils, wrro land:'", willow of (loor^o Clnrk, died WML luaitie.l at tbo (!rhih;ui.'i cottn^t.' by of purrtlyids. She wftH 45 yenrri old. Kev. Julin Palnior, pastor of U\n At- Mrs. Clarlt wan tin; daughter of Mr. 47 Monmoutli Street lanfh- Hii:h);uid-i Pi'OHhytnrinn chiitrh. and Mrn. Jacob Qiiackonljiinh of tliat A \nitty w:tn lick! In r-cJohraflufi nf Coal ice llhe »i"ine ,•..Tiling (,f Mntthow Koilly Red Bank, N. n 1 I'jdwmd Hritton 1 Inrd. sun of John f J'VHJ ll'iwn, who Ii;id })crn in nnd Ocvinulc Hun] of Wrn\. Tlnl 53 Morford Place, Red Bank Florida iliirinj.; ihe wlnlrr. Music: Bunk died nf piipumoiibi. Un wim li!) fnr (inm-inc was furnished hy Jnlm ' yeftrH old, He wnu n tnlo^rnjth ojinf- PHONE 1721. d \ ,rw\i\ ntor for tlm Po;i|,il Telegraph coin-

•)• • M'-tnil RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 5,1933. Page Three

ploypd ffirmcrSj they built new position was too strong. And now postal adminiatration of the past New Corporations. of siock will be issued, with par will 1! i(| .: stock issued Rotarians Listen schools and sanitary * dwellings for finally, irind^nburg wan forced tr> ap- thirteen years. value. Ey.m UT. IC.-irk'j;^ of I-; oit :i ;!!!• uf\ I-Mward workers and employees; they pro- point Hitler as chancellor. Over \. Oii'i iif:WGpai>&r if iliat country Articles of in cor par Mi on wrre.tiled j V\ .r f,f , is thn nltor- " " .e workers against exploita- night Hitler attained the goal that he Wednesday with the • secretary nf i< the itUnmfy fnr 'he ':*.'J r ' established stale instttu- had been seeking for years, and charges that intentional misprints In Papers were n!so /i!ed by tht' ind nr-v. To Timely Address SSM the welfare of Invalids, which Hindenbur&j had three times certain issues, intended to raise their state by the Mmun < at': ~~ .. «.• jtion'childres lon rand molhers. But that all refused to grant him. And—I call j value to collectors, yielded a profit Hov.- <•:{ n ma (xtrn pock<;t money Keyport. Twenty-five hundred !•!•(• Profetsor from Columbia UlU-' wu a very hard taHlt. The trend of your attention now—one can say, an | or 3,000.000 lit 'about $300,000.) a restaurant at Matawnn. Ilin;: Tile rcr.—-Advertisement time them. For apparently unimportant event i vertity Gives First Hand Pic- tnany y the sulTerin^ Germany brought this victory. I am thinking | ' had to pay reparations, for many of the elections for the di ' ture of Germany Today—New hd t it in the By Quinton James. yeara Germany had to Buffer the in- smn.ll state of Uppe, with popula- Officers Unanimously Elected. tolerance of the former enemies, and tion of 500,000 people. Jn this cane Going right ahead with its five- already in 1928 a tremendous eco- Hitler has shown himself again as a year plan for philately, Soviet Russia ; The Red Bank BoUrians assigned nomiic de-pressidi 'on fellfll upon my coun- brilliant psychologist. He in very the larger part of their luncheon try, and brouighg t a great misery up- able to count with public opinion and announces two new isaues. hour Thursday to Dr. Heinz Nftz- on it. public mood. You will remember One commemorates the fifteenth Bchke, a professor at Columbia uni- And with the growing world crisis that tho numbers of hifj followers de- anniversary of the red army, ob- versity, who spoke on the political the opposition grew. It was never creaBed last fall, and that Hhortly be- served on February 23. Each of its conditions in Germany. The _ Regis- dead. We must consider that there fore Christmas a split threatened his was always unrest, movement, strug- party. In the middle of January the ter takes pleasure In presenting the gle. The history of the German Re- elections 1or the diet of Lippe wore doctor's address verbatim. public is the history of a permanent held. Hitler staked everything on I am very thankful to have an op- revolution of 73 years. But now at the outcome of these elections, deliv- portunity of speakin~.~- g abou- t the po- - *-'10 beginning °f the world crisis, ered not less than twelve campaign fjUcaY'c'onditlonin'n (Jermany, pariic- [starting in Germany in 11)28, as I just (speeches personally in this small days on-whfch sym-(pointed out, the opposition grew In state, thus getting in a nlo.se touch with practically every citizen. The result was a small increase in the Nazis influence. But nevertheless, Hitler could face his opponent!) with the assertion, "My party is still in- ent government, but In spite of (hat tie party was only for some years in creasing. I am the hope of the pco- ; I will endeavoen r to givg e yoy u a possipossi - \ the governmeng t and even the righg t S'e. Make me chancellor."— Aiid j blv true picturit e of ththe presenntt situ-itu1 parties took part in the Hermblican (tier became chancellor. ation of Germany. I want to spenk [government, during some years. But ' seven values in divided, the left side | about Germany as objectively as pos- ;anyway, tho rtfoperation of thR Ger- You all know that fclnce this time r sible not for Germany and not I man people dictated the further de- his work has been the tack of fight- :;hrjv» in£ a liianch of the army aa it i ji< aenlrmt Germany. I want to tell you 1 velopment. ing for absolute power, /or dictator-1 wa""s^ in tv*^,1918; >.«ith—e nright,h---, "a—s -i~t —is —now - -. . { The size nf the Communist party, ship. He difjHoIved the ReiohHtag | Thn 3 kopec is devoted to the in- | whay iiti\, t unit}'*--**'—*-*'happened . l« 9 . - , •_- But at first I have to apologize for depending entirely on .Moscow, in- agagainsa t thee wishes of hiiss feJJoiJow miminn- '. fantrv, r,k cavalry, 10k artillery, 15k ; my bad English. There are days on . creased to an alarming degree, isters and cleaned all official pouts tankr,, 20k aviation, 30k navy and | from Republican elements. He cen-i instructional department. sored the press, and suppressed all \ his more radical opponents. On i Th* e other, •t o~~- be issue,d in Apri. • l in i March 5 the election took, place and i celebration of the tenth anniversary I! Women's left Germany last fall. And Klncc ; Ijlini; against the disparaging and un- of civil aviation and airmail, con- put Hitler and his nationalist allies I Winsome Parchment that time the German history has run ! just paragrajiha of thu Veill:iKail!ts in a parliamentary majority of 52 per :sist.<; of five airmail values, 5, 10, 20, very quickly. And even for me an n Treaty, for instance that Goermany 1 cent. This day probably will stand' DO and 80 kopec. Styles Punched German it IH very hard to HOC alone haa been cuiltcy y for thee outu - out in historsty a3 the day on which The designs for the first four Oxford through'ththrough .„e- events. Awfully manyy break of the World war. This party I Germany as a Republic buried ht-r- tt thi hv "hows only little social inclination, ; self. A democratic machine has ::-how an airplane flying over some and awfully important things have Soviet development; the airplane in Novel happened. favoringg the industrial leaders and j transformed itself into a diclator- Women's . You all know that the recent events bi ld In recent timei a It ship. And his next gain will be the the fifth hovers a section of the Materials showbig land-ownerss a growin.g tendency towards one party form of government sim- arctic. Parehment In Germany, now front news in all h i S tho papers, have been marked by two monarch)'. Its leader in Hugonbcrg, ilar to the one party state of Italy. Charming I Strap k ••' outstanding facts: The one is ththe and its militaristic organization the But there are some hindrances. We Many countries surcharge stamps naming of Hitler as chancellor, the Steel Helmet, a German veterans' must consider, on the one hand, that Colors for Street, Afternoon, Sunday Nil to b{; used by government oiHciaIs! second one is the election of March Hindenburg is still living, and he is 1 5 which put Hitler and his nation-1 And finally, the mast important op- [not a Hitlerite. He lias persons In and departments. The practice en- a'llst allies in n. parliamentary ma- ' position party: the Hitlerites. It the cabinet in whom he places grejt ables the budget lorlty of 52 per cent. On the same seldom happens in the course of his- faith: Vice Chancellor von Papen and director, or who- dav on which your people in com- tory that one party causes such a j the Minister of Defense von Blorn 3g ever is in charge mon celebrated the inauguration of sensation as the Hitlerites did. In a j berg. On the other iiand^ there air of such matters, vour new president, one part, of the , very short time they became the ; leaders'of the German Na'tional pai to learn just how Visca Cloth German people celebrated the "day most revolutionary of all German j ty in the present government; Hu much post age nndnl in p of awakening" with big lires along parties. They succeeded in increns- genberg as minister of commerce Chamois NEWEST SILKS: Acetat erforate*! trim and the German borders, another part ing the number of their adherents ' and economics, and Seldte as mm- each agency uses. crepe, rough . crepe, san Btaved at home and.had to see how to seventeen millions in the,last elec- ister of labor, who do not fully agree At the same time FaiUe p; with Cuban the voung German republic was tion. They are now by far the strong- with the Nazis in many respects. crepe. ami n u-r<*w Uw. The oxford haa Petaline Ihr e.|\liBh punch work -with broken Thene recent events are ob- . est party Germany ever had. "I am thinking fo- r .instance of the be mailed abroad, some- SMARTEST STYLES: Jack jecls of hope and high exultation for I What is its program? You all know Jewish question. It is very import- Crochet et effecls, riiflT sleeves, lirown stitching. All sizes. millions of Germany, and cause tor- that its fulfnafne is: The National antt 7(Il thinkthinkftna) thatt \hlthe German'NaGerman Na- \^ that cannot be done under the ror and fear for Innumerable others Socialistic Party. Its nationalism is ' tfonal party is not a really anti-Sem- I United fetatcs system. Cloth tone trimmings, organdie outside and inside of Germany's bor- the basis of the whole program, and , itic one. Another difference is the ' Tne li)31 Imlo-China. issue has been trims. ders Two Germanics are existing in this nationalism is a philosopby of i problem of monarchy. I dont be- surcharged "Service." and the Papu- our 'country The symbols of the race. It is the belief that the race ' lieve that Hitler will establish a new ' an 1932 issue "O. R." FASHION COLORS: a one are Weimar, a small town in is. the fundamental factor in the life.; monarchy, firstly because it would The Fez dawn blue. prav. i . rose, middle Germany, Germany's sanctu- fit the human society. And almost (diminish his own power, and second- Women's Gray, ary where Goethe, the greatest Ger-tfall points of its program arc depend- i ly a great rdeal of his followers are Collectors who have been vexed beige, aqua. man genius was living, and theSing on this philosophy of race, not) not monarchists. But I must admit by certain philatelic practices in Tarns Blaelv or I5ei

The nhnvr whrM'H !H»I!I hove the fash innahle npilce hoofs and smart narrnw loo?. All frizes in workmen. for unrest. time; all arc tested. They are as IM:H'c48

jority'of this Reichstag. This Is in short an outline of the Geman constitution. And it worked verv well till about M30. Tin this , S r majority of the RelchBt«B. , Specialized at Our Famously Lciw Prise S^er^Mi Novdty cabinet And always the readiness Tnd wl llncness of the German par- Slipons Tnd wl llncJi n uh a coalition played For The Palm Sunday Fashion Parade! ties to Join such a coalitionh pyht n. very mportant role In the short history of the Gorman Republic. Lot me any, now a few words about the character of these parties which You Couldn't Ask for Smarter I mainly found the coalition cabinet Irom 1018 till about 1930. A party of great influence was In Dresses at a Much Higher Price © tho first years of the young Republic the State Party, formerly called the Democratic Party, which has now ut- terlv shrunk In numbers. . It is re- .. And We've Got Every Style publican, that means it imp lies a government formed by the people and responsible to the poop o, and It You Can Possibly Want... is democratis, in other words liberal, defending tho equality and the free- d°ToK°ethee'rerwltCh this party worked Wear these frocks, and the Center. The Center holds, as the name implies, an Intermediate posi- every one will know tion between right and left. It If) tho they're new because of only party based on religion, namely on Catholiscium as a view of life. the 1933 lines. Perhaps this Is the reason why tho Center waB able to maintain itself constantly, while other parties either Materials are sand lost great numbers of their constitu- cntu or gained in an ovorwholmine crepes, flat crepes, triple •way The Center often succeeded, for lmitance, under the leadership of sheer and waffle cloths, BrUenlng in maintaining tho decid- ing liey position in tho ItolchntafC and in plain pastel shades thorohy wielding a great influence. and prints. And finally thu Ihlrd Important arty: The Sucliil Democratic Parly, t wan the gientest opponent of thn There arc short sleeves femperor'B goVRrninent. before the war. In 11)10 It beca'mo tho largest party ... elbow lengths and I'liiiliil f<">l nnd romalnnd no until 1032. But It d Itimi '/'(>'' A did not.nuccccd In

Colt'* Neck achoolbouM Tuteday Mtddlttoira wer« gu«(ta of Mrs. J. Friday and Monday in an automo- held at the home of Mia. Raymond Activities Of night of last week. The roll was N. Voorheeg of Keansburg Thursday bile accident case. McCue of Oceanic on Tuesday night, AtllL REDUCED called, refreshment! were served and of last 'week. The hostess served a ^•he Hall association held an "April April 18. MIBS Helen Kelly of this Atlantic Grange plane were maxh for an Barter par- •bad dinner. Fool" dance Saturday night at the place will preside at the meeting. ty ne*t Tuesday night. Later the Miss Jean White, who la a. student headquarters. Mrs. Catherine Oakes has. entire- members attended the grange meet- at the Northfleld seminary, Massa- The Young Men's Christian asso- ly recovered from injuries she suf- ? Address Made by EJlwood Dotsff- ing. chusetts, is •pending a few days ai ciation of Port Hancock gave an ap- fered In a recent fall. laiss, County Farm Demonstra- the guest of Mrs. C. A. Geran. Be preciation party Thursday night in Mr. and Mta. Edward Stlllwoll had tion Agent, at Meeting Last fore coming here Miss White spent honor of Mrs. Mary Sigourney Sllcer as their guest last week W. B. Asay Batteries G>""-i>ippe