M'liimrjiith Cuunty'tt Great Market Place All the News of TUD lU'^istcrN Classified UKD HANK Department— und Surrounding Towns Uhf-rii tlku Seller finds Told fearlessly and Wilbout Bias. D BANK RE the Buyer. imuGil Weekly, Entered aa Second-Clawi Hotter it th« 1'ui.t- Subscription fitcoi One tfear S1.&0 VOLUME LV, NO. 41. ullico ut Hcii Hank. N. J., under the AC. cl Muitli 3. 1B7U. &ED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1933. Sii Months SI.00. Kinule Co^y 4c. PAGES 1 TO 8. than any oilier single individual ia WANTKH lOJt A TOOK FAMILYv. ! i Merchants Bank responsible for this bank bein£ back Young People To Annual Report j George W. Bray Town Finances In No Decision Yet in business. The dopositois can (hank Caplain Kcnii.-tly Makes Aiipeiil For _,__,,.. On Sale Of Beer ' Back In Business ILE^'X^EiEIfli I Present Comedy Of The Fire Chief Dining Hoom 1'uniitnre. y Captain Robeii' A. Kennedy, <jvcr-i ;;cf. their- niutify bacJ; insijmd of %t>1 - For Freeholder Fine Condition .The Mayor and Council of RedReopened Institution Had anlinj; only p;irt of il, a:> v;ould have "June Time" Will be Given Fri- The Work of tlie Fire Depart- ^^[A%r,l^r\^T^ Candidacy for Republican No^i- .Red Bank Meets Its Pay Roll Ob, Bank to Meet Tonight to Auspicious Start Last Thurs;_ i bc-en tlic case if lhe b;mk had been day at River Street School by ment for the Past Year Sum- appeal for ;i coniriijun.,.. ..f .iini.-.i ] a!.lon Announcc? ^a=l rnday, hgalions by Borrowing $50,. j liquidated and hud ^onr out. uf busi-, Adopt Regulations and Fees— day—Deposits Over Seven ncf-'J-. f flonL wonder he fools happy Young People's Club of Re- marized by Edmund S. Crelin room furniture fo n family in un- Night—Arthur E. Johnson of ; 000 from the National States Several Applications Made. Times Size of Withdrawals. I even though he is tired and worn formed Church. —Fine Record Made. fortunate circuin:ii;inf<'i-. h<- f;i m- j Asbury Park a Candidate. j Bank of Newark. ily numbers ;\ix p f.nii- of j i out.' TJ)0 ou Tho mayor and council of llni Tlic bank of tho Merchants Tru:;l ] jjlirjn,r tnc p.iriy pall uf ThunrJ-iy ! Y "tf People's club of (he The following report, of thn work whom are children. Two chair-, aiej At ,-i mi din;; of the Vouni; Men's | Last week, in order to meet pay company of lied Bank had an aus- • moyn-un? ih(, ,jjrcrtois found time' fur j Reformed church of Ked Bank will of the Kcd Bank fire dcpaitmcnt for in the kitchen, nnd aside fr<nu beil-i | '•' pulili-an club ;jt."its headquarters. | i oil ohliaul ions, the fiorou'-h of lied Bank will hold a : pedal meelin;,' lo- fICHrnt ;L HlsM to make rule:; and regulation:-! picioUfi re-opening )»r,l 'Diui-day. a ijUrrk;d conffirf;nc{?. The public did I three-act comedy, "June the" \}-,]ri yr;ir \yas made Monday there, is no other furniture in Ihe en- Front iitci'l last Friday j I -.auk boViov.'cd S-VJ.'WO from tho Na ami to llx license, fi-e.i for Inc. sale Continuously from nine o'clock in tlie .n() t |mvc tQ wait:lon,, to lind out Time," Friday night ot the Kivcr night to the: mayor and council by tire house. Any kind of : einnd-luj c t, A; :i--.-svir 'if".',':i: \V. l.iray of iioiia) .Stale hank of Newark. Ofte' n nf beer. According to a recent ant of morning until nix o'clock in the i:vo it wah nbouf, Tor a Jar^e street school auditorium. Tlic main Edmund S. Crelin, whoso term as chniry for dinm" will 1 n U'-'t Hank and Ar'ln: K. .h,lin:'on play \yill be presented together with chirf DI the department expired last il, iiie pnsl the borough haa reccivcj • congress beer cfin be Hold on intr the building' wan well nigh Tilled Ktod in Uir7^ k a ihuTt time welcomed. Am-orie drsiiinj; lo in;,k"j"f A; bury I'aik ;ini]OMnceil Ihcir l;:jf:.r loans, bin. never under ti i witli patrons and well wishers. 1 here , . hearing two comedy specialities. Miss Mar- work: thu Friday. FnuvtM-' i ui)ii]'n:;iUun:i to ;:f. ll ;) ltrl such pifts can do fo by not ify m_- | <:andida<:ir., for thr- riopiibliian fret- • ..-.•,„„. rnTum.-.li.ncrr, as those whi^.cU was ii steady stream o[ cjr-po.;, ••-•itr,, :;" . 'I ion Lina. Turner, professional dra- Captain Kennedy at bis ollire at tbe j holder nnmiiiiii ions. beer have bren V at. Red Hank. "Service charge;; on t:; of In:;:-; It is wi; h pleasure that. I .submit ii-i week;; I inn.action ncecs* Money put. in the bank wan matics coach and a graduate of the town hall. lie will provide niei-ii.; to I Mr. Cray in a sta'r •nl. lend at liecaur.Q of the fuel Lhat legislation that $]00 h;ive be the following inport of our flrn de- on this subject w'i'; fixperted to be.and onc-lialf times at, large as with- , Th,,,,0 w:ia m,Irh f;,Voiablo. com- LitUe Theater of the New Jersey parfmciii for iho year ending April convey the fumiturc to lhe I-.MH ,l!m niclins ::inl, ".M the inn | 'n,,. hnrnuu'h bonowerl tho-money college for Women at New Brun^1 hall. ' ' ....... enacted after Monday flight the may- dra ment on this action. The opinion was 1, YS.Y4. my fiieuds anil at the request off j f,„,,( , i]th e \i.Nationall KKtatt e bank on B» or and council deckled at their lepj- There were floral tributes j general dial it. would encourage wick, ia in charge of the coaching The drjjarlment during the year veral of the Iiepuhlicin leaders, I,,,,,lc herau;,c tlie municipal funds work. ular menUn£ til .that time, lo defer of them in the form (if I thrift. ;jnd' savin-' and <-ilr:o was callnd upon to a:«a.»^r 22 general R, n , . ii.i.io.inee my .'undid,, ;.• lor free-1 :,,,. lin,., ,„, m ,,„ Krc.ond National nctinn on I lie applications until (o- shoes, with the words ".Success" nnd • )v;.liV<\\n,, The cast for the main play com- alarms and 44 still iis whichh re- ! T nlght. It \H ^enei.'flly anticipated that, "Oood Luck" inscribed upon them, j Ml._ M'cQuoon, in talking- with a pii.'ies Mi^se.'j Elizabeth Emery, Ella sulted in a total IOHJ by HIT of $11.- New Grand Jury ^[^XX^ ^L^: S i ,ZUTTl' ^SuS tho tcRii-Uiiuvf'. wiM ir-avf tlie nvittrr Tim lobby w;is t uinsfoi mod into an :,.,.„,.;,,.,. ,',.p,Jlter, said that, too Ucy, FrtHla, Ritter, Inez Lawyer, 4OC.91 ;i\] f>r which, excepting ?94G, 1. sue or the eanipiii-ii will hi, 1 lie |, , | . ,, ;.. ,,, , rnjirrly v/nli th*. governin^ boards of nibor with the. air so heavily scented mud) j,,,.,,,.,. ,.ou|,| n,Jt ljn a,.rorded Hai tloy Capen, .John and Cedric Ry- wan cuvcrn.i by insurance. It wa? ;];:Li m v jint| d out that lidticlion of la.xe.,, and ai; my ira;-j i I,,,- ,.,),,;, |.- .,, |,,,..', money ah ,t r that its perfume; wus wafted outside-,„ th(, h;ink ,,,m,i,jyPPS f01. „„. p.irt der. Misses Florence Woollcy, Vir- 1 YlW tho van'ou ; i!)*""- until .May : necc:-;;-irv to lay 8,300 feet of 2 - incli and noticed by passer-by. -"^'lO' which they Imu" played in Krttin;,' the ginia Kceler, Leona and Alhcrta hose, 2.110 feet of chemical and '.Id a, as,,e...or in iuv. criiK t it xes j i,:,,,!; ,ujl |orate,l at Red Bank in 5. r r h K 1 l: ln!t 1: 'J'Jje whole tenor of Monday ni^ht'r. persons remarked lhat the whole at- • ll!in iy\ rj,,,.nc,j The rivc-raj;'- person Whiting and Jack. Loverside and boo.-t.er hour, rairfc about 316 feet of RichardC. Hackstaff, Rev. John '" "'" •>"''""' -' "' "' ' -i"^ «';-. .t,ve proof ,,r the soundness ot nH:rtin^ indicated Uiat the jiMlcn mosphcre was more like lhat of a h;1.. ,.,, ;,,,,., (jf ,lu.v .lh, nmoun, of Raymond Picrco' will take part in Judders, u-'c l.'i gailonw of foamitc and ci & ihis mu A. Hayes, William L. Russell' \Z,!'-ul!i i h-'v.-'c'.mi'pileV-wi't'i, tile •!,'','.• ,'!™v 'n l'""-'^™! - ' com mil t ee of tlie c ninr.il VtO.ii 1<1 he wedding than that of a hu: mess in- ;f.lr,,ical work necessary to the open- the one-act comedy, "Lotus Flower." S38 gallon^ of clicmical^. Tim characters in the other one-act and Alexander D. Cooper of ,ii...jn, ,,f my Mipiioi-ter:-." I '.vi't'i'i'ii'.iiihiiou'i 'ii'ii-un- 'thpr11!111100 h :; pntrustrjd wilh Krantin^ liccn:eH and \ t 11n r-y ^ f i o*Jf ooiiiia banki --'4. 1 ^nOvn --*-— on-u.j|.vie occasioi i • » i * n (he Wilbout I'he untiring efforts nf the lixin;; rc^ul.-ition-. '1'liorna.-, M. Gop- What mighg t bo described in. m ""- I h;>ntc employees worked continuous- comedy, "Heroine, Villain and Every- JIK.-I.-A-IIH cl;ief:; ,Tnd • every fireman, Red Bank on List.
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