(Regd. No. 349/2013) Tourism & Culture, Archaeology & Museums, Archieves D-Block, 1st Floor, A.P. Secretariat Chandana Khan, IAS Hyderabad - 500 022 Special Chief Secretary to Government Phone: +91-40-2345 4384 Fax: +91-40-2345 4966 e-mail:
[email protected] www.aptourism.in MESSAGE Editor Sabbella Sivannarayana Reddy For many of us, travel is fun. It’s an adventure - an opportunity to explore new M.A., M.P.Ed., N.I.S(Yoga), P.G.D.J., Places, or perhaps revisit favorite haunts. In either case, travel provides an opportunity to learn something new. Learning something new is always an exhilarating experience. Our discovery of East Godavari through "Godavari" is defenately an eye opener. East Godavari is a beautiful region & has got variety of Tourism attractions like Serene beaches, ancient temples like Draksharamam, Samalkota, Antarvedi, Sarpavaram, Ainavilli & Ryali etc, besides ever attractive & Mysterious Eastern Ghats claded with Lush green Coringa forests, whose charm can be enjoyed thoroughly at Maredumilli & Rampachodavaram. Finally a Journey on launch to papikondalu hills will provide a memorable event to the visiting tourists. GODAVARI The book takes us on a guided trip through many of the famous and fabulous sites by Sabbella Sivannarayana Reddy in this lush and lovely land. My special thanks to the authors S. Sivannarayana Reddy who has magically brought the sights, sounds and people of East Godavari vibrantly to life, and Mr. Vadrevu Venkateswara Rao has done an admirable job in translating "Godavari" into English…a boon to all of us, who can enjoy the brilliance of this book to its fullest extent.