The Violet Hour Anthology 2017-18 © 2018 Michael Riedell’s UHS Creative Writing Class All rights remain with the individual authors Layout & Design by Blake More & UHS Creative Writing Class Funding for Poet Teaching and this anthology was provided by Mendocino County Office of Education California Poets In The Schools with help from the California Arts Council For information about California Poets InThe Schools, contact: CPITS 2131 19th Avenue #203 San Francisco CA 94116 415-221-4201 www.cpits.org The Violet Hour Anthology 2017-18 Table of Contents Luciana Allende, 8 Maria Andrade Gallegos, 18 Joshua Barrera, 28 amanda bednar, 35 Taylor Bowser, 45 Kenzie Bray, 55 Susana Correa-Avila Robb, 65 Dylan Deguzman, 77 Lucas Dhuyvetter, 87 Emma Dolan, 96 Mateo Flores, 106 Sylvia Fogle, 116 Indigo Funk, 125 Victor DeAnthony Galarza-Guevara , 135 Maya Halfacre, 145 Kailey Holmes, 155 Casserole Jones, 165 Cynthia Kachirisky, 172 Kaitlin Kendall, 182 Aeryn Kline, 192 Ava Larson, 200 Michael Leggett, 208 Lauren Lolonis, 218 Samantha London, 228 Jazmin Ramirez, 235 Carlos Rodriguez, 241 Dani Salazar, 251 Indigo Stewart, 261 Maria Tellez, 271 taylor jane travis, 281 Madison Valente, 289 Andrea Wagner, 293 Sasha Wilkins, 303 Michael Riedell, 213 Biographies, 318 Introduction It began like a prophecy fulfilled, with a solar eclipse. We stood at break together in a strange light, looking up at a celestial event some were calling The Great American Eclipse. Then, before the sun and moon were pulled apart again, we stepped inside the room that became Violet Hour. The name came from our studies of Sappho (630–570 BC), the famous lyric poet from the Greek island of Lesbos.
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