PRE-REGISTER NOW! Pre-registration is required for the Summit. Due to space limitations, registration will be closed when seating capacity has been Special Thanks to our Key Partner & Co-Sponsor reached. You may email your completed reg- Announcing the istration form to
[email protected], or fax it to us at 786-235-8290, or mail it to us 8th Annual at: Southeast U.S./Japan Association Florida-Japan Summit P.O. Box 226647 Thanks also for additional support from: Miami, FL. 33222-6647 Yes, I wish to attend the 8th Annual Florida- Japan Summit. Please bill me for _____ regis- trations, which includes admission to both the Presented by summit presentation and networking recep- tion. (Complimentary for SEUS/Japan mem- bers; $20 for non-members; and $10 for stu- dents.) In cooperation with Consulate General of Japan in Miami Name 在マイアミ日本国総領事館 The University of West Florida Company/Organization Address November 15, 2011 City State Zip 3:00PM to 5:30PM at Phone Fax The Florida State University Email Turnbull Conference Center 555 W. Pensacola Street For more information please contact us at: Florida Delegation, Southeast U.S./Japan Association - Tallahassee, FL 32306-1640 Tel: 786-235-8289 Fax: 786-235-8290 Tel: (850) 644-2589 Email:
[email protected] Jikei Group As the primary host and organizer of the Annual Florida-Japan Summit, Florida Dele- gation Southeast U.S./ T HE 8 TH A NNUAL F LORIDA - J APAN S UMMIT Japan Association is pleased to invite you to N OVEMBER 15, 2011 3:00 — 5 : 3 0 P M George Gabel join us for this impor- Chairperson tant annual event, to be The Honorable PROGRAM AGENDA The Honorable FL Delegation, held this year at The F.