Arizona Administrative


Volume 92 Issue #5 May 1, 1992 Pages 79-100

Graham County became Arizona's tenth county in 1881 when the Eleventh Territorial Legislature established it, breaking tradition by naming the new county after the 10,713 foot high Mount Graham instead of a local Indian tribe. While it is unclear for Published by whom Mount Graham is named, it once was called Sierra Bonita. Marcos de Niza and Coronado both traveled along the Office of the the Gila River, which crosses the center of the county, about Secretary of State 300 years before American trappers. Camp Goodwin soldiers protected the first settlers from the bands of Apache Indians living in the area. The town of Safford was established in 1874 when a group of farmers, tired of being flooded out, decided to move upstream. After the county was established, the County Board of Supervisors met and organized for the first time in Safford. Two years ~a.:cr the county seat was moved to Solomonville where a new courthouse and jail were built on land donated by the town's namesake, J.E. Solomon, and his wife. In 1915, the county seat was returned to Safford. Graham County is home to Safford the Gila Mountains, the Gila River, and the Coronado National Forest. Contents: Graham* Governor's Executive Orders Governor's Proclamations Proposed Rules County Emergency Rules Permanent Rules Rejected Rules State Officials - Boards and Commissions Miscellaneous ) Arizona Administrative Register Schedule of Closing Dates, Issue Dates, and Hearing Dates

Closing Date for Closing Date Emergency Rules, Date of Issue for Permanent Rules, Issue Oral Proceeding* Number Proposed Rules and all other documents Date (on or after) Vol. 92 I Dec. 16, 1991 Dec. 17, 1991 Jan. 2, 1992 Feb. 3, 1992 2 Jan. 15, 1992 Jan. 17, 1992 Feb. 3, 1992 Mar. 5, 1992 3 Feb. 14, 1992 Feb. 17, 1992 Mar. 2, 1992 Apr. 2, 1992 4 Mar. 16, 1992 Mar. 18, 1992 Apr. 1, 1992 May 4, 1992 5 Apr. 16, 1992 Apr. 17, 1992 May I, 1992 June 1, 1992 6 May 15, 1992 May 18, 1992 June 1, 1992 July 2, 1992 7 June 16, 1992 June 17, 1992 July 1, 1992 Aug. 1, 1992 8 July 17, 1992 July 20, 1992 Aug. 3, 1992 Sept. 3, 1992 9 Aug. 16, 1992 Aug. 17, 1992 Sept. I, 1992 Oct. 2, 1992 10 Sept. 15, 1992 Sept. 17, 1992 Oct. I, 1992 Nov. 2, 1992 II Oct. 15, 1992 Oct. 16, 1992 Nov. 2, 1992 Dec. 3, 1992 12 Nov. 13, 1992 Nov. 16, 1992 Dec. I, 1992 Jan. 4, 1993 Vol. 93 1 Dec. 14, 1992 Dec. 15, 1992 Jan. 4, 1993 Feb. 4, 1993 2 Jan. 15, 1993 Jan. 18, 1993 Feb. 1, 1993 Mar. 4, 1993 3 Feb. 11, 1993 Feb. I 6, 1993 Mar. 1, 1993 April I, 1993 4 Mar. 15, 1993 Mar. 17, 1993 Apr. 1, 1993 May 3, 1993 5 Apr. 15, 1993 Apr. 16, 1993 May 3, 1993 June 3, 1993 6 May 14, 1993 May 17, 1993 June 1, 1993 July 2, 1993

Note: All agency rules filed pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 41-1001 through 41-1055, and A.A.C. Title I, Chapters I and 2, will be accepted for filing on any normal business day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Instructions for filing can be found in the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.), Title I. *No oral proceeding (public hearing) may be held on any rule until 30 days have passed from the issue date of the Register in which notice of the proceeding appeared.

Arizona Administrative Register The Arizona Administrative Register (A.A.R.) is an official publication of the State of Arizona. It is printed monthly and contains the Governor's Executive Orders and Proclamations of general applicability, summaries of Attorney General opinions, notices and summaries of proposed rules, notices and summaries of emergency rules, notices and summaries of temporary rules, a list of adopted (permanent) rules, a list of rules rejected by the Attorney General or terminated by the agency, and the Governor's appointments of state officials and members of the state's boards and commissions. Other documents may be included if the Secretary of State determines that publication of them would be in the public interest. Within each type of rulemaking category, rules are listed in the same numerical order in which they appear in the A.A.C. The Arizona Administrative Register is cited by volume and page number. For example: A.A.R. 87-5 refers to volume 87, page 5. An alternate citation to the same example would be 87 A.A.R. 5. Pagination of the Register is consecutive throughout each volume year. An index is published at least once each year.

Arizona Administrative Code The Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) is an official publication of the State of Arizona. The A.A.C. contains all rules promulgated by the regulatory agencies of the state, certified by the Attorney General, and filed with the Secretary of State. The A.A.C. uses a hyphenated numbering system. Each rule (Section) number is preceded by the letter "R" indicating "Rule." The first number following the letter "R" indicates the Title (subject area) in which the rule appears. The middle number indicates the Chapter (agency). The last number indicates the rule number. For example: A.A.C. R 1-2-101 is the citation for Rule 101 of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Arizona Administrative Code. Publication of a rule in the Arizona Administrative Code is prim a facie evidence in court of the adoption, amendment, or repeal of that rule as provided by A.RS. 41-1012.

The full text of all rules printed is available for inspection in the Office of the Secretary of State, Publications, Notary Public, Charitable Solicitation, and Telemarketing Division, 1700 West Washington, Suite IOI, and at the promulgating agency. In addition, the Arizona Administrative Code supplements, published four times each year, contain the full text of emergency and permanent rules on which changes occurred during each calendar quarter. Arizona Administrative Register Table of Contents

) Governor Executive Order 92-4 ...... 81 Executive Order 92-8 ...... 82 Executive Order 92-9 ...... 83 Exe cu ti ve Order 92-11 ...... 84 Executive Order 92-12 ...... 84 Proclamations Calling for the Fifth Special Session of the Fortieth Legislature ...... 85 Calling for the Sixth Special Session of the Fortieth Legislature ...... 85 Calling for the Seventh Special Session of the Fortieth Legislature ...... 86 Calling for the Eighth Special Session of the Fortieth Legislature ...... 86 Proposed Rules Title 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND OCCUPATIONS Ch. 9. Registrar of Contractors ...... 87 Ch. 11 . State Board of Dental Examiners ...... 87 Title 9. HEALTH SERVICES Ch. 3. Department of Health Services - Injury Control ...... 88 Ch.14. Department of Health Services - Laboratories ...... 88 Ch. I 9. Department of Health Services - Vital Records and Statistics . . 89 Title 12. NATURAL RESOURCES Ch. 7. Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ...... 89 Title 14. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS; CORPORATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS; SECURITIES REGULATION Ch. 4. Corporation Commission - Securities ...... 90 Title 18. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Ch. 2. Department of Environmental Quality - Air Pollution Control . . 91 Emergency Rules Title 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND OCCUPATIONS Ch. 31 . Department of Weights and Measures ...... 92 Title 17. TRANSPORTATION Ch. 4. Department of Transportation - Motor Vehicle Division ...... 92 Permanent Rules A list of rules certified and filed from March 17, 1992, through April 17, 1992 94 Terminated/Rejected Rules A list of rules terminated by the agency and rules rejected by the Attorney General and filed from March 19, 1991, through April 17, 1992 ...... 95 State Appointed Officials/State Boards and Commissions A list of officials and members of the state boards and commissions appointed by the Governor from March 19, 1992, through April 17, 1992 ...... 96 Miscellaneous Title 18. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Ch. 9. Department of Environmental Quality - Water Pollution Control ...... 100

The full text of all documents, including the economic impact, cost/benefit analysis, and the impact on small businesses, is available for inspection in the Office of the Secretary of State, Publications, Notary Public, Charitable Solicitation and Telemarketing Division, 1700 West Washington, Suite 101, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. Mimi Griffiths Division Director Publications, Notary Public, Charitable Solicitation, and Telemarketing

Vol. 92- May I, 1992 Page 79 Arizona Administrative Register Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process

The public is encouraged to participate in the rulemaking process by which administrative rules are adopted, .,, amended, or repealed. Listed below are some of the ways in which to participate (references are to the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.), a compilation of the laws of the state of Arizona).

* By inspecting a copy of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action filed with the Secretary of State, Publications Division, for publication in the Arizona Register (Register). (See A.R.S. § 41-1022)

* By making oral comments, if a public hearing is held, or written comments to the agency proposing the rule. In order for the agency to consider your comments, the agency must receive them before the rule is adopted, amended, or repealed. Your comments must reach the agency within the 30-day waiting period following Register publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action. Comments should be sent to the agency representative whose name and address are printed in the Notice of Proposed Rule making Action. (See A.R.S. § 41-1022)

* By requesting, in writing, an oral proceeding on a proposed rule within 30 days after the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action has been published if the agency has not scheduled a proceeding. (See A.R.S. § 41-1023)

* By submitting written comments to the Governor's Regulatory Review Council which are relevant to the Council's power to review a given rule. (See A.R.S. § 41-1052) The Council reviews the rule prior to the filing of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Action with the Secretary of State.

* By petitioning an agency to adopt, amend, or repeal a rule. The agency must respond to the petition. (See A.R.S. § 41-1033)

Vol. 92- May I, 1992 Page 80 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

EXECUTIVE ORDER documentation regarding lead poisoning in NO. 92-4 children. * Evaluate current State laws, public policies GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON PREVENTION and procedures regarding administration of the State childhood lead poisoning OF CHILDHOOD LEAD POISONING prevention program, current prevention WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Health and activities, plans for expanding blood lead Human Services has declared that lead poisoning is one screening activities, mechanisms for of the most common and preventable pediatric health reporting and following cases with problems in the today and has revised elevated blood lead levels, mechanisms for downward the 1985 blood lead intervention level of 25 assuring diagnostic evaluation and medical ug/dl to 10 ug/dl; and management of cases, laboratory services, investigation and management of WHEREAS, the symptoms of lead poisoning are environmental lead hazards, education and silent and largely invisible at first, but without outreach activities and financing. appropriate interventions can result in decreased intelligence, developmental disabilities, behavioral * Solicit comments, opinions and disturbances and disorders of blood production; and suggestions from interested and involved public officials, public agencies, private WHEREAS, studies by the U.S. Centers for Disease groups, affected populations, and the Control and the Arizona Department of Health Services general public. have shown that blood lead levels in children under six years of age who reside in smelter communities are * Develop methods to encourage increased significantly elevated over those in non-smelter communication and cooperation among all communities; and public and private agencies concerned about the issue. WHEREAS, no current information exists concerning blood lead levels in Arizona children who * Develop a comprehensive state strategic ) reside in major population areas; and plan with proposed public policies for prevention of childhood lead poisoning in WHEREAS, Arizona residents have indicated a high the State of Arizona. degree of concern about the problem in general and J specifically about services for blood lead testing, paint * Consider any other issues, programs, or testing, soil testing, environmental evaluation and proposals that the Governor and the remediation of lead-based paint and lead-contaminated Chairperson believe are appropriately soil; and related to the responsibilities of the Task Force. WHEREAS, expanding the focus of prevention from merely identifying and treating individual children to * Submit a final report containing findings, preventing exposure to lead before children become recommendations, and proposed poisoned will require a shared responsibility among legislation to the Governor, the President of many public and private agencies; the Senate, and the Speaker of the House. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority 2. The Task Force shall be appointed by, and serve vested in me as Governor of the State of Arizona by the without compensation, and at the pleasure of the Constitution and laws of this State, I, Fife Symington, Governor. hereby create the Governor's Task Force on Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning and order and direct. 3. The Governor shall designate from among the membership a Chairperson. 1. The Task Force shall: 4. The Task Force shall meet at the call of the * Review the Centers for Disease Control Chairperson. statement on Preventing Lead Poisoning in Young Children, the U.S. Department of 5. The Task Force shall report to the Governor its Health and Human Services Strategic Plan initial findings and and recommendations no for the Elimination of Childhood Lead later than October 1, 1992, and submit a final l Poisoning, Arizona Department of Health report by January 1, 1993. The Task Force shall Services investigations, an'd other relevant complete its work no later than January 1, 1993.

Vol. 91 - May 1, 1992 Page 81 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Governor on these issues. When appropriate, hereunto set my hand and caused to be recommendations will be made for legislative _, affixed the Great Seal of the State of or administrative action. The Office shall be Arizona. committed to improving the quality of life for FIFE SYMINGTON all of Arizona's citizens by working to reduce Governor substance abuse and negative gang behaviors through the efforts of prevention, treatment, and enforcement. To meet this commitment, the DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this Office shall: twenty-second day of January in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine (1) Coordinate anti-drug and anti-gang efforts Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the at the State level to ensure the most Independence of the United States of effective use of agency resources and staff. America the Two Hundred and Input will be received from the Arizona Sixteenth. Drug and Gang Policy Council, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Criminal ATTEST: Justice Commission Drug Enforcement Task Force, Governor's Alliance Against Secretary of State Drugs and official bodies that represent the Alliance, Governor's Youth Commission EXECUTIVE ORDER Against Drugs, local "grass-roots" community organizations and business NO. 92-8 community. THE GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF DRUG (2) Mobilize communities to develop POLICY long-term comprehensive anti-drug strategies through the Governor's Alliance WHEREAS, Arizona has a commitment to reduce the Against Drugs and anti-gang strategies demand for drugs by empowering local people to work through local community organizations collaboratively to make needed changes in their and groups. In this role, the Governor's community and promote healthy lifestyles; and Office of Drug Policy will provide training, WHEREAS, Arizona has a commitment to provide technical assistance and possible funding education, prevention and treatment relating to alcohol opportunities for community drug and other drug abuse and participation in criminal street prevention and anti-gang programs. The gangs; and Office will work in conjunction with the WHEREAS, the efforts of State agencies need to be Arizona Prevention Resource Center. coordinated in order to utilize resources in the most (3) Serve as staff for the Drug and Gang Policy effective manner; and Council. WHEREAS, every aspect of a community is (4) Monitor community drug prevention necessary to be included in planning and delivering grants, high-risk youth grants and other multi-strategy, anti-drug services and gang prevention grants made available through the Drug and intervention services to meet individual community Free Schools and Communities Act. needs; and (5) Review agency drug budgets to ensure WHEREAS, the Governors Alliance Against Drugs coordination and the most effective use of unites the citizens of each community to prevent and resources. reduce the illicit use and harmful effects of alcohol and The Office may: other drugs throughout Arizona; (1) Provide fiscal support to the Governor's NOW, THEREFORE, I, Fife Symington, Governor Alliance Against Drugs (GAAD) and the of the State of Arizona, do hereby amend Executive official bodies that act for or represent the Order No. 90-12 in order to expand the mission and duties of the Governor's Office of Drug Policy: GAAD. The Governor's Office of Drug Policy shall (2) Coordinate statewide training and identify concerns and formulate issues of technical assistance to communities. importance to Arizona organizations involved (3) Plan and execute programs to reduce the in anti-drug and anti-gang efforts and advise the demand for drugs throughout Arizona.

Vol. 91 - May 1, 1992 Page 82 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

(4) Make and sign agreements and expend Motion Picture and Television Board and order and direct 'J funds necessary to the Office's purpose and that; programs. 1. The functions and purpose of the Board shall be: (5) On behalf of the Governor, seek and accept a. Advise the Governor on suggested policy private grants and federal and state relating to the State's development, resources to advance the purposes of the coordination, and implementation of a Office. program for the purpose of encouraging a viable motion picture and television IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have industry in Arizona. Such program shall hereunto set my hand and caused to be embrace all phases of production of motion affixed the Great Seal of the State of pictures and television activities. Arizona. b. Assist in identifying opportunities for more FIFE SYMINGTON activities related to this industry for the Governor State to pursue. c. Recommend both long range and short DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this term programs that will ·result in more thirteenth day of March in the Year of economic gain for the State. Our Lord One Thousand Nine d. Assist in educating ~tate, local, and private Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the officials and organizations regarding the Independence of the United States of desirable benefits and rewards that can America the Two Hundred and result from increased development of this Sixteenth. industry. e. Review the proposed budget and allocation ATTEST: of State funds to be expended by this RICHARD MAHONEY function and to make recommendations for ) Secretary of State changes where necessary. 2. The Board shall consist of not more than eleven EXECUTIVE ORDER members who shall serve at the pleasure of the NO. 92-9 Governor. The Governor shall annually appoint the Board Chairman. CREATING THE ARIZONA GOVERNOR'S 3. The Board shall meet at the call of the Board MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION BOARD Chairman and at such places within the State as the Board Chairman may designate. The Board (Supersedes Executive Orders No. 76-11, 77-1, 85-10 shall meet not less than once each quarter. The & 91-19) Motion Picture Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board. WHEREAS, it is believed that, through the 4. The Governor may designate not more than cooperative, combined and unselfish efforts of both twenty-five additional persons to serve as public and private interest in Arizona, the motion picture members of the Motion Picture and Television and television industry could be further developed as a Advisory Committee. Members of the major sector of Arizona's economy; and Advisory Committee shall meet at the call of the WHEREAS, the need for a team effort is recognized Board Chairman and shall make and that the efforts of all interests be channeled in a recommendations to to the Board concerning productive and an effective manner essential to success; the development, coordination and and implementation of a program to encourage a WHEREAS, it is desirable to establish an official, viable motion picture and television industry in formal institution and procedure within the state Arizona. government to accomplish these covenants; 5. The Department of Commerce shall provide NOW, THEREFORE, I Fife Symington, Governor of such staff services for the Board and Advisory the State of Arizona, by virtue of the authority vested in Committee as required to carry out the purposes me as Governor by the Constitution and by the statutes of and functions of this Order. ) this State, do hereby create the Arizona Governor's 6. This Order shall become effective immediately.

Vol. 91 - May 1, 1992 Page 83 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have (3) Ensure that information on and referral to hereunto set my hand and caused to be the State of Arizona Employee Assistance 7 affixed the Great Seal of the State of Program is available to all staff, as Arizona. appropriate. FIFE SYMINGTON (4) Develop a statement of policy setting forth Governor the Governor's expectations regarding drug use and the action to be anticipated in response to identified drug use. DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this twenty-third day of March in the Year (5) Make a good faith effort to ensure the of Our Lord One Thousand Nine initiation and maintenance of a "drug-free Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the workplace" through implementation of the Independence of the United States of Drug-Free Workplace Certificate as it America the Two Hundred and applies to the Office of the Governor. Sixteenth. The Governor's Office of Drug Policy (GODP) may: ATTEST: (1) Conduct supervisory training to assist in RICHARD MAHONEY identifying and addressing illegal drug use Secretary of State by staff (GODP may wish to include material on alcohol abuse in this training). EXECUTIVE ORDER (2) Make and sign agreements and expend NO. 92-11 funds necessary to the Office's purpose and program(s). ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AS A "DRUG-FREE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have WORKPLACE" hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of WHEREAS, the Office of the Governor of the State Arizona. of Arizona must be in the forefront of our state effort to eliminate illegal drugs from the state's workplaces; and FIFE SYMINGTON Governor WHEREAS, the use of illegal drugs by staff of the Office of the Governor, whether on or off the job, cannot DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this be tolerated; and twenty-seventh day of March in the WHEREAS, the Office of.the Governor of the State Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine of Arizona needs to establish a drug prevention program Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the for its staff that is humane, responsible, and effective; Independence of the United States of NOW, THEREFORE, I, Fife Symington, Governor America the Two Hundred and of the State of Arizona, do hereby establish the Office of Sixteenth. the Governor as a "drug-free workplace" and delegate the implementation and maintenance of this program to the ATTEST: Governor's Office of Drug Policy. RICHARD MAHONEY Secretary of State The Governor's Office of Drug Policy (GODP) shall: EXECUTIVE ORDER (1) Develop a plan for achieving the objective NO. 92-12 of a drug-free workplace within the entire Office of the Governor, with . due PROHIBITING THE FURNISHING OF COPIES, consideration of the rights of the PRINTOUTS OR PHOTOGRAPHS Governor's Office, and the staff member. WHEREAS, the City of Phoenix has received a (2) · Make every reasonable effort to ensure request from Local 485 International Alliance of Motion staff understanding of the Office of the Picture and Theatrical Employees, filed pursuant to Governor's drug-free workplace policy A.RS. § 39-121.03 requesting a ten page list of names, and document acknowledgement of addresses and phone numbers of persons employed by understanding by each individual staff South Pole Pictures, Inc., for the filming in Phoenix of a member. motion picture; and

Vol. 91- May I, 1992 Page 84 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

WHEREAS, the City of Phoenix Public The subject to be considered at the special session Information/Motion Picture Office believes that the list is shall be the establishment of legislative districts from requested for a commercial purpose and that the which members of the Arizona Senate and House of disclosure of the information would violate the privacy Representatives shall be elected, and matters necessary rights of the individuals named on the list and, therefore, for the conduct of the 1992 primary and general elections. would be a misuse or abuse of public records; and ' WHEREAS, the City of Phoenix has made IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have application to me, Fife Symington, Governor of the State hereunto set my hand and caused to be of Arizona, pursuant to A.R.S. § 39-121.03(B) affixed the Great Seal of the State of requesting that I, by Executive Order, prohibit the Arizona. furnishing of the list for the commercial purpose stated; FIFE SYMINGTON NOW THEREFORE, I, Fife Symington, Governor of Governor the State of Arizona, do hereby issue this Executive Order prohibiting the furnishing of copies, printouts or photographs of the list to Local 485 for the purpose stated DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix on in its application made pursuant to A.R.S. § 39-121.03. this twelfth day of February in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Independence of the United States of hereunto set my hand and caused to be America the Two Hundred and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Sixteenth. Arizona.

FIFE SYMINGTON ATTEST: Governor RICHARD MAHONEY Secretary of State ) DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this PROCLAMATION sixteenth day of April in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the * CALLING FOR THE SIXTH SPECIAL Independence of the United States of SESSION OF THE FORTIETH LEGISLATURE America the Two Hundred and OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA* Sixteenth. By the power vested in me by Article IV, Part 2, Section 3, and by Article V, Section 4, of the Arizona ATTEST: Constitution, I, Fife Symington, Governor of the State of RICHARD MAHONEY Arizona, call the 40th Legislature to meet in Sixth Special Secretary of State Session in the Capitol on Monday, the seventeenth day of February, 1992, at 11 :45 a.m. The subject to be considered at the special session PROCLAMATION shall be the establishment of Congressional Districts from which Representatives from the State of Arizona to * CALLING FOR THE FIFTH SPECIAL the United States House of Representatives shall be SESSION OF THE FORTIETH LEGISLATURE elected. OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA* IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have By the power vested in me by Article IV, Part 2, hereunto set my hand and caused to be Section 3, and by Article V, Section 4, of the Arizona affixed the Great Seal of the State of Constitution, I, Fife Symington, Governor of the State of Arizona. Arizona, call the 40th Legislature to meet in Fifth Special Session in the Capitol on Monday, the seventeenth day of FIFE SYMINGTON February, 1992, at 11 :30 a.m. Governor

Vol. 91-May I, 1992 Page 85 Arizona Administrative Register Governor

DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this twelfth day of February in the Year of tenth day of March in the Year of Our J Our Lord One Thousand Nine Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the and Ninety-Two and of the Independence of the United States of Independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred and America the Two Hundred and Sixteenth. Sixteenth.


PROCLAMATION * CALLING FOR THE EIGHTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE FORTIETH LEGISLATURE * CALLING FOR THE SEVENTH SPECIAL OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA* SESSION OF THE FORTIETH LEGISLATURE By the power vested in me by Article IV, Part 2, OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA* Section 3, and by Article V, Section 4, of the Arizona Constitution, I, Fife Symington, Governor of the State of By the power vested in me by Article IV, Part 2, Arizona, call the 40th Legislature to meet in the Eighth Section 3, and by Article V, Section 4, of the Arizona Special Session in the Capitol on Wednesday, the eighth Constitution, I, Fife Symington, Governor of the State of day of April 1992, at 11 :00 am. Arizona, call the 40th Legislature to meet in Seventh The subject to be considered at the special session Special Session in the Capitol on Tuesday, the will be appropriations and necessary statutory changes to seventeenth day of March, 1992, at 11 :00 a.m. address the overcrowding in the state's prison system. The subjects to be considered at the special session shall be the following: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be 1. The adjustments necessary to produce a affixed the Great Seal of the State of balanced state budget for fiscal year 1991-1992 Arizona. through, but not limited to, adjustments to appropnat1ons, transfer of funds and FIFE SYMINGTON amendment of related statutes; and Governor 2. To make appropriations and necessary statutory DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix this changes to address the overcrowding situation first day of April in the Year of Our in the state's prison system. Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Two and of the Independence of the United States of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have America the Two Hundred and hereunto set my hand and caused to be Sixteenth. affixed the Great Seal of the State of Arizona. ATTEST: FIFE SYMINGTON RICHARD MAHONEY Governor Secretary of State

Vol. 91 - May I, 1992 Page 86 Arizona Administrative Register Proposed Rules

) Unless exempted by A.R.S. § 41-1055, each agency shall begin the rulemaking process by first filing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with the Governor's Regulatory Review Council as specified by A.R.S. § 41-1052. The agency shall also submit the text of the rules being proposed, an estimate of the economic impact, and a cost/benefit analysis of the proposed action. Following the Council's review and approval of the rule, the Council shall forward the rule to the Office of the Secretary of State for filing anc publication in the Arizona Administrative Register. Under the Administrative Procedure Act (A.R.S. § 41 -1001 et seq.), an agency must allow at least 30 days to elapse after the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Register before beginning any proceedings for adoption, amendment, or repeal of any rule. A.R.S. §§ 41-1013 and 41-1022 and A.A.C. Rl-2-202.

TITLE 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND R4-1 l-906. Triennial registration fees - denturist OCCUPATIONS Summary CH. 9. REGISTRAR OF CONTRACTORS The Board is amending the above rules to increase the triennial The undersigned hereby gives notice that, pursuant to the registration fees of dentists, dental hygienists and denturists statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 32-l 104(A)(5) and which were previously adopted as an emergency. 32-1105(A), the following actions are proposed: Governor's Regulatory Review Council Repeal: The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit R4-9-107. Change of address analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the Amend: Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. R4-9-104. Limited license classification Summary Opportunity for Public Comment The Department is repealing the above rule because it conflicts Notice is given that any person may file written comments on with A.R.S. § 32-1122(B )(I) which requires notice of address the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or change within 30 days. R4-9-104 is being amended to conform before, June 5, 1992. with its new heading. Contact: Cynthia J. Witting, Interim Executive Director, Governor's Regulatory Review Council State Board of Dental Examiners, 5060 North 19th Avenue, Suite 406, Phoenix, Arizona 85015, (602) 255-3696. The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the The Board has scheduled oral proceedings to be held at Arizona ) Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. State Board of Dental Examiners, 5060 North 19th Avenue, #410, Phoenix, Arizona at 9:30 a.m. on the 5th day of June, Opportunity for Public Comment 1992. Notice is given that any person may file written comments on Dated: March 5, 1992 /s/ Cynthia Witting, the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or Interim Executive Director before June 3, 1992. Filed in the Office of the Contact: Stephen M. Drollinger, Assistant Registrar, Secretary of State 4/16/92 Registrar of Contractors, 800 West Washington, 6th Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, (602) 542-1502, Ext. 470. TITLE 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND The Department has not scheduled oral proceedings but will do OCCUPATIONS so if five or more persons file written requests with the agency CH. 11. STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS contact person within 30 days after this Notice is published in The undersigned hereby gives notice that pursuant to the the Administrative Register. statutory authority of A.R.S. § 32-1207(A)(l), (8), (9), and Dated: March 9, 1992 /s/ Stephen M. Drollinger, (10), the following action is proposed: Assistant Registrar Repeal: Filed in the Office of the R4-11-110 I. Guidelines for the assessment of clinical Secretary of State 4/16/92 and professional performance Summary TITLE 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND The Board is repealing the rule that incorporated by reference OCCUPATIONS certain guidelines for evaluating quality of dental care. A CH. 11. STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS lawsuit against the Board by the Arizona Dental Association challenged the guidelines, and the guidelines are being The undersigned hereby gives notice that pursuant to the repealed to comply with the settlement agreement made with statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 32-1207(A)(l) and (11), the Arizona Dental Association 32- 1236(A), 32-1287(A), and 32-1287.06(A), the following action is proposed: Governor's Regulatory Review Council Amend: The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit R4-l 1-901. Triennial registration fees - dentist analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the R4- l 1-902. Triennial registration fees - hygienist Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992.

Vol. 92- May 1, 1992 Page 87 Arizona Administrative Register Proposed Rules

Opportunity for Public Comment Date: June 4, 1992 Time: 11:00a.m. Notice is given that any person may file written comments on Location: Arizona Department of Health Services the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or 1740 West Adams before June 5, 1992. 4th Floor, Conference Room A Phoenix, Arizona Contact: Cynthia J. Witting, Interim Executive Director, State Board of Dental Examiners, 5060 North 19th Avenue, Date: June 11, 1992 Suite 406, Phoenix, Arizona 85015, (602) 255-3696. Time: 11:00 a.m. The Board has scheduled oral proceedings to be held at Arizona Location: The Best Western Chilton Inn State Board of Dental Examiners, 5060 North 19th Avenue, 300 East 32nd Street #410, Phoenix, Arizona at 9:30 a.m. on the 5th day of June, Yuma, Arizona 1992. Dated: March 16, 1992 /s/ Gregg Jacquin for Dated: March I 6, I 992 /sf Cynthia Witting, Alethea 0. Caldwell, Interim Executive Director Director Filed in the Office of the Filed in the Office of the Secretary of State 4/16/92 Secretary of State 4/16/92

TITLE 9. HEALTH SERVICES TITLE 9. HEALTH SERVICES CH. 14. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CH. 3. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES LABORATORIES INJURY CONTROL The undersigned hereby gives notice that, pursuant to the The undersigned hereby gives notice that, pursuant to the statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 36-I 36(F), 28-692.03, 28-695, statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 36-136(F) and 36-168l(E), the 28-696, and 41-1003, the following actions are proposed: following action is proposed: Repeal: Adopt: R9-14-40 I. Scope of this Article Article I. Private Pool Safety Notice R9-14-4 I 0. Issuance: denial R9-3-IOI. Pool safety notice R9- I 4-412. Qualifications for a quality assurance Summary specialist Amend: The Department is proposing to adopt a new Chapter 3 entitled Article 4. Determination of B!Goo Alcohol "Injury Control" and, within the new Chapter, a new Article I, ~Concentration "Private Pool Safety Notice". A rule is being proposed setting R9-14-402. Definitions ,I forth the notice required to be given by persons entering into an R9-14-403. Chemical determinations of bleoo agreement to build a pool or contained body of water or entering alcohol GORlc:mt concentration by---aH into an agreement to sell, rent or lease a dwelling with a pool or analyst contained body of water. The proposed rule implements A.R.S. R9-14-404. Approval of bBreath testing and § 36-1681 (E) which requires the Department to approve a pool collection devices safety notice to be given under such circumstance. The notice R9-14-405. Testing procedures includes portions addressing pool safety and the R9-14-406. Permits R9-14-407. Qualifications responsibilities of pool ownership. R9-14-408. Applications processes Governor's Regulatory Review Council R9-14-409. Examination of appliGaals and quality assurance requirements for analyst_s_ The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit pgRJHt analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the R9-14-41 l. Revocation or suspension of permits; Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. appeals Renumber: Opportunity for Public Comment R9- I 4-402 to R9- I 4-40 I. Definitions R9- l 4-403 to R9- I 4-402. Chemical determinations Notice is given that any person may file written comments on of alcohol concentration the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or R9-14-404 to R9-14-403. Breath testing and before June 19, 1992. collection devices R9- I 4-405 to R9-14-404. Testing procedures Contact: Timothy J. Flood, M.D., Office of Chronic Disease, R9-14-406 to R9-14-405. Permits Department of Health Services, 3008 North Third Street, R9-14-407 to R9-14-406. Qualifications Phoenix, Arizona 85012, (602) 230-5886. R9- I 4-408 to R9- I 4-407. Application processes The Agency has scheduled oral proceedings to be held: R9-14-409 to R9-14-408. Examination and quality assurance requirements for analysts Date: June 2, 1992 R9-14-41 l to R9-14-409. Revocation or suspension Time: 9:00 a.m. of permits; appeals Location: Arizona State Building Summary 416 West Congress Street Conference Room 160 The Department proposes to amend Article 4, Determination of Tucson, Arizona Blood Alcohol Content, revising the heading to the Determination of Alcohol Concentration. The proposed rules

Vol. 92- May 1, 1992 Page 88 Arizona Administrative Register Proposed Rules

implement the provisions of A.R.S. §§ 28-691, 28-692.03, TITLE 9. HEALTH SERVICES 28-695, and 28-696 which require the Department to adopt CH. 19. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES, rules to prescribe standards and qualifications for the issuance VITAL RECORDS AND STATISTICS by the Department of permits to operators and analysts, for the approval of methods and procedures for the determination of The undersigned hereby gives notice that, pursuant to the the alcohol concentration of a person's blood and breath and for statutory authority of A.R.S . §§ 36-136(H)(3), 36-303, and the certification of instructors and training courses relating to 36-338(B), the following actions are proposed: devices used by holders of operator permits. The proposed rules Adopt: describe the chemical determination of alcohol concentration R9-19-112.0l. Amendments to death certificates by an analyst, approve the use of breath testing and collection by county registrars devices by an operator, set forth the requirements for testing Summary procedures, describe the application process and the issuance of The Agency proposes to adopt a new Section to prescribe the analyst permits, set forth the criteria for the revocation or standards with which a county registrar must comply in making suspension of permits and provide exhibits of standard additions and corrections to death certificates in the registrar's operational procedure checklists. In addition, provisions are possession in accordance with the authority granted by included for preliminary and duplicate breath tests also A.R.S. § 36-338(B), which was added by Laws 1991, Chapter mandated by the statues. 259, Section 1. Governor's Regulatory Review Council Governor's Regulatory Review Council The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992.

Opportunity for Public Comment Opportunity for Public Comment Notice is given that any person may file written comments on Notice is given that any person may file written comments on the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or before, June 15, 1992. before June 12, 1992. Contact: Renee Gaudino, Office of Vital Records, Contact: Wynand H. Nimmo, Division of State Laboratory, Department of Health Services, 2727 West Glendale Department of Health Services, 1520 West Adams, Phoenix, Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85051, (602) 255-2501. Arizona 85007, (602) 542-6100. The Agency has scheduled oral proceedings to be held: The Agency has scheduled oral proceedings to be held: ) Date: June 2, 1992 Date: June 2, 1992 Time: 11 :00 a.m. Time: 11 :00 a.m. Location: University Medical Center Location: University Medical Center Duval Auditorium Duval Auditorium, 1st Floor 1501 North Campbell 1501 North Campbell Tucson, Arizona Tucson, Arizona Date: June 4, 1992 Date: June 4, 1992 Time: 9:00 a.m. Time: 9:00a.m. Location: Arizona Department of Health Services Location: Arizona Department of Health Services 1740 West Adams 1740 West Adams 4th Floor, Conference Room A 4th Floor, Conference Rooms A and B Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Arizona Dated: March 12, 1992 /sf Gregg Jacquin for Date: June 9, 1992 Alethea 0. Caldwell, Time: 11:00 a.m. Director Location: Northern Arizona University Filed in the Office of the Social/Behavioral Sciences Building Secretary of State 4/16/92 SBS - Room 110 (Auditorium) South Campus Flagstaff, Arizona TITLE 12. NATURAL RESOURCES CH. 7. OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION Date: June 11, 1992 COMMISSION Time: 11:00 a.m. Location: The Best Western Chilton Inn The undersigned hereby gives notice that pursuant to the 300 East 32nd Street statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 27-501 - 27-503, 27-507.01, Yuma, Arizona 27-508.01, 27-509, 27-510, 27-515 - 27-517, 27-651 - 27-653, 27-655 - 27-657, and 27-662, the following actions are Dated: March 18, 1992 /s/Gregg Jacquin for proposed: Alethea 0. Caldwell, Repeal: Director R12-7-189. Processor's reports Filed in the Office of the Adopt: ) Secretary of State 4/16/92 R 12-7-187. Injection project report

Vol. 92- May I, 1992 Page 89 Arizona Administrative Register Proposed Rules

Amend: Opportunity for Public Comment Rl2-7-135. Gas-oil ratio and potential test~ Rl2-7-136. Subsurface pressure tests and reservoir Notice is given that any person may file written comments on surveys the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or Rl2-7-137. Commingling of Gil production from before June 2, 1992. pools Contact: Steven L. Rauzi, Arizona Geological Survey, 845 Rl2-7-138. Casinghead gas North Park Avenue, Suite 100, Tucson, Arizona 85719, Rl2-7-139. Use of vacuum pumps (602) 882-4795. Rl2-7-140. Pollution~aRd surface damage. and noise abatement The Commission has scheduled oral proceedings to be held at Rl2-7-142. Measurement of oil the , Executive Tower, Room 500, 1700 __> Rl2-7-143. Oil tanks, aRd five fwalls. and fire West Washington, Phoenix, Arizona, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. hazards on the 6th day of July, 1992. Rl2-7-150. Capacity tests of gas wells and geothermal wells Rl2-7-151. Measurement of gGas from gas wells Dated: March 6, 1992 /s/ Jan C. Wilt and geothermal resources lG-----b@ Chairman meas11rnc:I Filed in the Office of the Rl2-7-152. Utilization of gas Secretary of State 4/16/92 Rl2-7-153. Non-hydrocarbon gas Rl2-7-160. Regulation of Gil production aoo-gas proc:l11stioR TITLE 14. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS; RI 2-7-161. Producer "s monthly report oil wells aRc:I · CORPORATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS; gas wells SECURITIES REGULATION Rl2-7-!83. Certificate of compliance and CH. 4. CORPORATION COMMISSION authorization to transport SECURITIES R 12-7-184. Recovered load oil RI 2-7-185. Transporter's and starer's monthly The undersigned hereby gives notice that pursuant to the report statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 44-1821, 44-1961(A)(l2) and Rl2-7-!86. Gas or geothermal purchaser's monthly . (13), and 44-1962(10), the following action is proposed: report R12-7-188. Refinery reports Adopt: Rl2-7-190. Gasoline plant reports R 14-4-130. Dishonest and unethical conduct Rl2-7-192. Books and records to substantiate Rl4-4-131. Supervision of salesmen reports Summary Rl2-7-193. Written notices, requests, permits and The Commission is proposing the above rules to: provide reports Rl2-7-194. Organization reports guidelines for dealers so that dealers making good faith efforts Rl2-7-195. Additional information may be required to comply with the guidelines will be deemed to have reasonably supervised their salesmen; and list those activities Summary deemed to involve dishonest or unethical practices in the securities industry as provided in A.R.S. §§ 44-196l(A)(l3) The Commission is proposing changes in the above rules: and 44-1962( 10). R 14-4- 131 adopts standards identical to the repeal of a rule which is redundant as the requirement for books federal standards. R 14-4- 130 applies to the conduct of dealers and records from refiners and processors to substantiate reports and salesmen. Rl4-4-130 also provides guidance to the is required in Rl2-7-192; adoption of Rl2-7-187 to define securities industry regarding practices which the Commission reporting requirements for operators of injection projects and finds objectionable so that the broker-dealer community may covers enhanced recovery wells, salt water disposal wells, and take such measures it deems necessary to eliminate and/or subsurface storage wells; and amendments to update and prevent such conduct. clarify language, edit for consistency and grammatical accuracy, account for currently accepted practices in the Governor's Regulatory Review Council regulated industry, incorporate language to include geothermal resources. The rules prohibit pollution; define the testing, Not applicable. measurement, production, reporting requirements for oil, gas, and geothermal operations; and require producers, purchasers, Opportunity for Public Comment transporters, refiners, and processors to keep accurate records. Notice is given that any person may file written comments on of operations in order to substan0ate the required reports. · the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or before June 9, 1992. Contact: Sandra J. Forbes, Assistant Director for Law & Policy, Arizona Corporation Commission, Securities Division, 1200 West Washington, Room 201, Phoenix, Governor's Regulatory Review Council Arizona 85007, (602) 542-4242. The Commission has scheduled oral proceedings to be held at The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit the Arizona Corporation Commission, 1200 West Washington, analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the . Phoenix, Arizona, at the hour of 9:30 a.m. on the 10th day of Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. June, 1992.

Vol. 92-May 1, 1992 Page 90 Arizona Administrative Register Proposed Rules

Governor's Regulatory Review Council Dated: April 3, 1992 /s/ James Matthews Executive Secretary The proposed rules with the economic impact, cost/benefit analysis, and impact on small businesses, were heard by the Filed in the Office of the Governor's Regulatory Review Council on April 7, 1992. Secretary of State 4/3/92 Opportunity for Public Comment TITLE 18. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Notice is given that any person may file written comments on the proposed rulemaking with the agency contact person on or CH. 2. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL before July 17, 1992. QUALITY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Contact: Martha L. Seaman, Manager, Rule Development Section, Department of Environmental Quality, 3033 North The undersigned hereby gives notice that, pursuant to the Central Avenue, Eighth Floor, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, statutory authority of A.R.S. §§ 49-104(B)(4) and 49-925, the (602) 207-2221. following action is proposed: The Department has scheduled oral proceedings to be held: Amend: Date: July 6, 1992 R18-2-102. Incorporated materials Time: 9:30 a.m. R18-2-801. Standards of performance for new Location: Department of Environmental Quality stationary sources Public Meeting Room R 18-2-803. Standards of performance for fossil-fuel 3033 North Central Avenue fired steam generators Phoenix, Arizona Rl8-2-901. Standards of performance for hazardous air pollutants Date: July 8, 1992 Summary Time: 1:30 p.m. Location: City of Tucson The Department is proposing to amend its rules on New Source Mayor and City Council Chambers Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emissions 255 West Alameda Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) contained Tucson, Arizona in Articles 8 and 9 of Title 18, Chapter 2, which consist almost entirely of federal regulations incorporated by reference, and to Dated: March 18, 1992 /s/ Edward Z. Fox, amend Article I to update the general incorporation statement Director that covers all of Chapter 2. All proposed revisions adopt Filed in the Office of the ) federal regulations by reference, current as of June 30, 1991. Secretary of State 4/16/92

Vol. 92- May 1, 1992 Page 91 Arizona Administrative Register Emergency Rules

Under the Administrative Procedure Act, an agency may determine that adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule is necessary for immediate preservation of the public health, safety or welfare and the notice and public participation requirements are .I impracticable. Under this determination, the agency may adopt the rule as an emergency and submit it to the Attorney General for review. The Attorney General certifies the rule and then files it with the Secretary of State. The rule takes effect upon filing with the Secretary of State and remains in effect for 90 days. An emergency rule may be renewed for one or more 90-day periods if the requirements of A.R.S. § 41-1026 are met. If the emergency rule is not renewed or the rule is not permanently adopted by the end of the 90-day period, the emergency rule expires and the text of the rule returns to its former language, if any.

TITLE 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND /s/ OCCUPATIONS Attorney General CH. 31. DEPARTMENT OF WEIGHTS AND Filed in the Office of the MEASURES Secretary of State 3/20/92 The undersigned hereby certifies that the attached rules, TITLE 17. TRANSPORTATION pursuant to the authority vested in this agency by A.R.S. §§ CH. 4. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 41-2065(A)(4), and (D), 41-2083, and 41-2122, were: MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION Repealed The undersigned hereby certifies that the attached rules, R4-31-709. Unbranded motor fuels pursuant to the authority vested in this agency by A.R.S. §§ Adopted 28-202 and 28-3003, were: R4-31-702. Material incorporated by reference R4-31-709. Record retention requirements Adopted Amended Rl 7-4-437. Cargo tanks and cargo tank motor R4-31-701. Definitions vehicles; definitions R4-31-710. Oxygenated fuel blends R17-4-437.0l. Cargo tanks and cargo tank motor R4-31-71 l. Retail oxygenated fuel labeling vehicles; application for a certificate of R4-31-712. Distribution of oxygenated fuel compliance R4-31-715. Motor fuel storage tank preparation for Rl7-4-437.02. Cargo tanks and cargo tank motor alcohol oxygenated fuel vehicles; suspension and revocation of a R4-31-718. Requirements for gasoline products certificate of compliance Rl 7-4-437.03. Cargo tanks and cargo tank motor Summary vehicles; certification requirements for inspectors ,, These emergency rules comply with changes in the statutes R17-4-437.04. Cargo tanks and cargo tank motor which require all gasoline supplied or sold in nonattainment vehicles; inspections, testing and audits Area A (primarily Maricopa County) between October I and March 31 contains a minimum oxygen content of 2. 7 % oxygen by weight and have a vapor pressure of no more than ten Summary pounds per square inch. Other changes stipulate record The Department has adopted the above emergency rules to retention requirements, labeling requirements to include a define and set terms not defined by statute and standardize and statement that gasoline is oxygenated and will reduce carbon clarify the language used in Rl 7-4-437.01 through monoxide emissions from motor vehicles, and to list Rl7-4-437.04. R17-4-437.0l specifies the information which exceptions to ASTM vapor pressure requirements. must be provided to the Motor Vehicle Division to obtain a Finding of Emergency certificate of compliance, sets the certificate fee, allows a prorated fee, specifies where certificates are to be kept, requires The Department has determined that the adoption of the rules is the Division be given access to records, and provides for immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, notification to the Division upon sale, transfer or change of health, and safety; that notice and public procedure thereon are address by the certificate holder. R-17-437.02 sets the bases for impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to public interest; and suspensions and revocations of certificates of failure to comply that the rule change must be adopted as an emergency rule with safety or other requirements imposed by statute or these without the notice provided by A.R.S. § 41 -1022. Valid for 90 rules. This rule also establishes the procedure for citations for days after filing pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1026. certain violations and the criteria for out-of-service violations. R17-4-437.03 specifies the educational and trammg The above referenced rules were promulgated subject to requirements which must be met for a person to obtain certification by the Attorney General on August 23, 1991. Department of Public Safety certification as a cargo tank inspector. The rule also provides for substitution of specific Contact: Dick Wolfe, Deputy Director, Department of Weights work experience for the inspection course and establishes and Measures, 1951 West North Lane, Phoenix, Arizona minimum passing scores and the form application. 85021, (602) 255-5211. RI 7-4-437.04 specifies the bases for and nature of compliance /s/ Raymond Helmick, and primary inspections for cargo tanks and cargo tank motor Director vehicles, maintenance, retention and audit of required records.

Approved and certified pursuant to Finding of Emergency A.R.S. § 41-1041 this 20th day of The Department has determined that the adoption of the rules is March, 1992 immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace,

Vol. 92 - May I, 1992 Page 92 Arizona Administrative Register Emergency Rules

health, and safety; that notice and public procedure thereon are /s/ Paul R. Hammock, impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to public interest; and Division Director that the rule change must be adopted as an emergency rule without the notice provided by A.R.S. § 41-1022. Valid for 90 Approved and certified pursuant to days after filing pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1026. A.R.S. § 41-1041 this 9th day of April, 1992 The above referenced rules were promulgated subject to certification by the Attorney General on August 20, 1991. /s/ Grant Woods Contact: Allen Reed, Executive Hearing Office, Attorney General Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division, 1600 West Grand Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, (602) Filed in the Office of the 255-7737. Secretary of State 4/9/92


Vol. 92- May I, 1992 Page 93 Arizona Administrative Register Permanent Rules

After at least 30 days have passed after publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking in the Arizona Administrative Register, a state agency may adopt, amend, or repeal a rule and then submit it to the Attorney General for review and certification. (A.R.S. § J 41-1031) Rules reviewed and approved by the Attorney General are then filed with the Secretary of State and take effect upon filing unless the agency specifies a later effective date. The Secretary of State publishes the full text of all pennanent rules in the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) which is updated by supplements published four times each year.

This section of the Register lists all pennanent rules filed during the time shown below. The rules are listed by rule number and show the type of action (amended, adopted, repealed), the effective date of the action, and the volume, page number and issue date of the Register in which the notice of proposed rulemaking appeared. The rulemaking action is coded as follows: A = adopted; AM= amended; R = repealed; # = renumbered

The table below lists all permanent rules filed from March 19, 1992, through April 17, 1992

Rule Action Effective Register Notice Rule Action Effective Register Notice Date Vol.:Page# Date Date Vol.:Page# Date Title 4. COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS, AND R4-13-41 l. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 OCCUPATIONS R4-13-412. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-164. A 4-9-92 91 :88 6-3-91 R4-13-413. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-l3-401. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-414. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-401. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-415. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-402. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-416. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-402. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-417. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-403. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-418. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-403. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-507. AM 3-20-92 91 :175 11-1-91 R4-13-404. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-602. AM 3-20-92 92:12 1-2-92 R4-13-404. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-37-304. A 3-20-92 92:13 1-2-92 R4-13-405. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 Title 9. HEALTH SERVICES R4-13-405. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R9-27-301. AM 3-31-92 91:177 11-1-91 R4-13-406. R 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R4-13-406. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 Title 14. PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATIONS; R4-13-407. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 CORPORATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS; R4-l3-408. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 SECURITIES REGULATION R4-13-409. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R14-2-102. R 4-9-92 91:27 2-1-91 R4-13-410. A 4-9-92 91:89 6-3-91 R14-2-102. A 4-9-92 91:27 2-1-91

Vol. 92- May 1, 1992 Page 94 Arizona Administrative Register Terminated/Rejected Rules

Terminated Ru les: An agency shall terminate a proposed rulemaking if the agency does not wish to permanently adopt the rule. Within 120 days after publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking in the Register or after the close of the record for the proposed rule, whichever is later, an agency shall either adopt the rule and submit it to the Attorney General for certification or terminate the rule by filing a Notice of Termination with the Secretary of State. A.R.S. § 41- 1024. The rules terminated during the time shown below are listed in the left-hand column. Rejected Rules: If the Attorney General determines that a rule does not meet the requirements of A.R.S. § 41-1041, the Attorney General may reject the certification of the rule, state the reason for rejection, and return the rule to the agency. The Attorney General also send the Secretary of State a copy of the rejected rule. Any rejections by the Attorney General received during the timeframe shown below are listed in the right-hand column.

TERMINATED RULES REJECTED RULES The table below lists all terminated rules filed The table below lists all rules rejected by the Attorney March 19, 1992, through April 17, 1992 Genera/filed March 19, 1992, through April 17, 1992

Rule Proposed Date Register Notice Rule Proposed Date Register Notice Action Termination Vol.:p. # Date Action Rejection Vol.:p. # Date Filed Filed

R6-3-701(A) AM 3-31-92 Emer./NA

Vol. 92-May 1, 1992 Page 95 Arizona Administrative Register State Appointed Officials/State Boards and Commissions

The following list contains the names of all state officials and members of state boards and commissions who were appointed by the governor and whose notices of appointment were filed in the Office of the Secretary of State from March 19, 1992, through April 17, 1992. The expiration date of the terms of office appears on the same line as and to the right of the name. For a complete list of the governor's appointments of state officials and members of boards and commissions, please refer to the latest edition of the Semi-Annual Index to the Arizona Administrative Register.

Term expires Term expires

AGING, ADVISORY COUNCIL ON ARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKETETAL DISEASES, ADVISORY COUNCIL ON Hinds, Frank E. (Symington) 12-31 -94 6030 West Riviera Drive, Glenddale 85304 Brickman, Linda (Symington) 1-16-95 Succeeding Louis McClennen P.O. Box 30278, Phoenix 85046 Lofgren, Robert E. (Symington) 12-31-94 Reappointment 2411 South Newberry Road, Tempe 85282 Caldron, Paul H. (Symington) 1-16-95 Reappointme/11 3521 East Rockledge Road, Phoenix 85044 Reappointment Lowell, Joan (Symington) 12-31-92 Pearlmutter, Lori L. (Symington) 1-17-94 2601 East Thomas Road, #100, Phoenix 85016 1701 North Old Ranch Road, Tucson 85745 Succeeding Bart Baker Smith, David Wayne (Symington) 1-17-94 Meredith, Keith E. (Symington) 12-31-94 University of Arizona, 512 Administration, Tucson 85721 971 I North Horizon Vista Place, Tucson 85737 Succeeding Mildred Brown Smith Rogers, Martha (Symington) 12-31 -94 AUTOMATION OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE P.O. Box 522, Yuma 85366 Hann, J. David (Symington) 7-1-94 Succeeding Belly J. Liggins 6115 North Camelback Manor, Paradise Valley 85253 Succeeding Les Shroyer

BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EXAMINERS, BOARD OF AGRICULTURE ADVISORY COUNCIL, DEPARTMENT OF Bourgeois, Sister Sybil (Symington) 1-16-95 1825 West Northern, Phoenix 85021 J Scott, Colin L. "Bill" (Symington) 12-20-97 Reappointment P.O. Box 206, Casa Grande 85222 Olivas, Dr. Louis (public member) (Symington) 1-17-94 Office of the Provost, ASU, Tempe 85287-2203 Succeeding Robert Ellis Schackner, Robert A. (Symington) 1-16-95 13016 North 28th Place, Phoenix 85032 APPRAISAL, STATE BOARD OF Succeeding Carol Humbert Vroman Englehorn, Con Arthur (Symington) 1-16-95 Venable, Gilbert (public member) (Symington) 1-16-95 245 West Roosevelt, #B, Phoenix 85003 1825 North 16th Avenue, Phoenix 85007 Requires senate confirmation Reappointment Francy, Robert (Symington) 1-16-95 Counseling Credentialing Committee 20644 North 39th Avenue, Glendale 85308 Schackner, Robert A. (Symington) 1-16-95 Requires senate confirmation 13016 North 28th Place, Phoenix 85032 Messing, Jeffrey (Symington) 1-16-95 Succeeding Carol Humbert Vroman 5612 North 21st Place, Phoenix 85016 Requires senate confirmation Social Work Credentialing Committee Bourgeois, Sister Sybil (Symington) 1-16-95 1825 West Northern, Phoenix 85021 Reappointme/11 ARCHEOLOGY ADVISORY COMMISSION Substance Abuse Counseling and Treatment Credentialing Committee Kenny, Brian W. (Symington) 1-16-95 Dupree, Richard W. (Symington) 1-16-95 619 East Jensen Street, #89, Mesa 85203 P.O. Box I 1337, Tucson 85734 Succeeding Cindy Myers Reappointment Pfeiffer, Rozanna M. (Symington) 1-16-95 Jackson, Travis (Symington) 1-18-93 1738 East Lester Street, Tucson 85719-3731 PHS Indian Hospital, Rt I, Box 12, Parker 85344 Succeeding Anne Woosley Succeeding Phillip H. McAvoy Sullivan, Martin (Symington) 1-16-95 22 East Monte Vista Road, Phoenix 85004 Succeeding Margaret T. Bender CHILDREN'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH COUNCIL Thompson, Raymond H. (Symington) 1-16-95 Carter, Stephen (Symington) 1-18-93 2680 East Cerrada el Ocote, Tucson 85718 7638 West Dreyfus Drive, Peoria 85381 Reappoilllment Succeeding Alan M. Altman ( j

Vol. 92- May I, 1992 Page 96 Arizona Administrative Register State Appointed Officials/State Boards and Commissions

COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION COUNCIL ON Neihart, James E. (Symington) 1-16-95 Kepner, Margaret H. (Symington) \ 1-16-95 P.O. Box 26936, Tucson 85726 7471 East Rio Verde Drive, Tucson 85715 Reappointment Succeeding Dorothy Jeffers Requires senate co11firmation McKinley, Joseph W. (Symington) 1-16-95 Warner, Carolyn (Symington) 1-16-95 11250 North 92nd Street, Scottsdale 85260 P.O. Box 32232, Phoenix 85064 Porter, Lupe (Symington) 1-16-95 Reappoi111me11t 2102 West Willow, Phoenix 85029 Requires se11ate confirmation Reappointmelll Thompson, Margaret E. (Symington) 1-16-95 Rt. 2, P.O. Box 1048E, Safford 85546 Reappointment COMMUNITY COLLEGES OF ARIZONA, STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR EDUCATION, POSTSECONDARY, ARIZONA Hoover, Evangelina "Conkie" (Symington) 1-19-98 301 Kofa Avenue, Parker 85344 COMMISSION FOR Succeeding Grace Francis Holland, Clyde (Symington) 1-16-95 Requires se11ate confirmatio11 P.O. Box 15600, Flagstaff 86011 Senne, Melba Ruth (Symington) 1-18-99 Hom, Patty J. (Symington) 1-16-95 Rt. 1, Box 508, Clifton 85533 4928 West Soft Wind Drive, Glendale 85310 Succeedi11g Peggy Crotts Succeeding Bill Williams Requires se11ate co11firmation Miller, Frances B. (Symington) 1-17-94 5003 Raffaele Drive, Sierra Vista 85635 Petito, Christine Maria (Symington) 1-17-94 5680 North Placita Parda!, Tucson 85718 COSMETOLOGY, BOARD OF Gibson, James E. (Symington) 6-22-94 1627 Entrada Tercera, Tucson 85718 EDUCATION, PRIVATE POSTSECONDARY, BOARD Succeedi11g Kathlee11 DeF/oria FOR Gibbs, William H. (private postsecondary, BA or higher) (Symington) 1-18-93 P.O. Box 52069, Phoenix 85072-2069 COTTON RESEARCH AND PROTECTION COUNCIL Succeeding Harold O' Don11ell Graham and Greenlee County Requires senate confirmation Mattice, Warner (Symington) 12-31-94 Box 655, Pima 85543 Succeedi11g Jay D. Co/viii EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF Yuma/La Pas and Mohave County Bennett, Kenneth Roy (Symington) 1-16-95 Sharp, Clyde T. (Symington) 12-31-94 1826 Oaklawn, Prescott 86301 37259 Ea~t County Fifth Street, Roll 85347 Requires senate confirmation Maricopa County Kellis, Raymond S. (Symington) 1-15-96 Youngker, Charles K. (Symington) 12-31-94 8332 North 50th Drive, Glendale 85302 HCO, Box 6, Buckeye 85326 Succeeding Sidney R. Grande Succeeding Norman Knox Requires se11ate confirmation Ullman, James A. (Symington) 1-18-93 One Renaissance Square, Two North Central #1600, Phoenix 85004-2393 CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION Succeeding Rita Nader Requires senate co11firmation Gordon, Frank X. (Symington) 1-18-93 321 East Marlette, Phoenix 85012 Succeeding Ray Haire Hedtke, Elaine (Symington) 1-18-93 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING COUNCIL, P.O.Box 27210, Tucson 85701 ARIZONA Succeeding Peter Ronstadt Labor and Community-Based Organizations Roberts, Reed (Symington) 12-31-93 1754 C. Tuckey Lane, Phoenix 85016 Reappointmelll DEAF AND BLIND, ARIZONA STATE SCHOOL FOR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Borland, Betty Lou (Symington) 1-2-95 ENVIRONMENT, ARIZONA COMMISSION ON THE 1173 Angus Way, Yuma 8'5364 Armer, Jr., Walter D. (Symington) 1-20-97 Reappointment 2880 North Longhorn Circle, Tucson 85749 Chiaro, Dr. Kenneth R. (Symington) 1-4-93 Succeeding Jack Metzger 1255 North Stone Avenue, Tucson 85710 Requires se11ate confirmation Succeeding Bruce Weir Harrison, Timothy Jon (Symington) 1-16-95 Supalla, Dr. Sam (Symington) 1-2-95 5175 West Paseo del Campo, Tucson 85745 ) 9830 North High Meadow Trail, Tucson 85741 Succeeding Shirley McMaho11 Succeeding Armin Turechek Requires senate confirmation

Vol. 92- May l, 1992 · Page 97 Arizona Administrative Register State Appointed Officials/State Boards and Commissions

FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, BOARD LOTTERY COMMISSION, ARIZONA STATE OF Finennan, Jess (Symington) 1-16-95 Keller, Jack A. (Symington) 1-1-96 4041 North Central Avenue, #A-145, Phoenix 85012-3329 7540 East Edgewood Circle, Mesa 85208 Succeeding Wayne Brown Succeeding Anne Abbey Requires senate confirmation Messinger, Paul R. (Symington) 1-1-96 7601 East Indian School Road, Scottsdale 85251 Succeeding Thomas A. Carrick MEDICAL RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, BOARD OF EXAMINERS GAME AND FISH COMMISSION Hunter, Tim B. (Symington) 1-16-95 Johnson, Mary Naomi (Symington) 1-20-97 1501 North Campbell Avenue, Tucson 85724 156 North First West, Snowflake 85937 Reappointment Succeeding Phillip W. Ashcroft Johnson, Rosann K. (Symington) 1-16-95 Requires senate confirmation 2325 East Hennosa, Tempe 85282 Succeeding Joyce Kilcoyne Staley, Eleanor J. (Symington) 1-16-95 HANDICAPPED, GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION ON 2503 East Lee Street, Tucson 85716 EMPLOYMENT OF THE Reappointment Lawrence, Bill (Symington) 7-1-94 Channel 3 TV, 3435 North 16th Street, Phoenix 85016 MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, GOVERNOR'S HEARING IMPAIRED, COUNCIL FOR Hagenah, Philip (Symington) At the pleasure Decker, Patricia (Symington) 8-27-93 550 West Portland, Phoenix 85003 5530 North Ultima, Tucson 85718 Long, Kee (Symington) At the pleasure Reappointment P.O. Box 210, Window Rock 86515 Rutz, Rebecca S. (Symington) 8-27-93 Morgan, Michael D. (Symington) At the pleasure 1501 North Oracle Road, #707,Tucson 85705 P.O. Box 26642, Prescott 85312 Reappointment

HISTORICAL RECORDS ADVISORY BOARD, STATE MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION BOARD Hoober, David H. (Symington) 6-30-94 Chanen, Steve (Symington) At the pleasure 3909 East Heatherbrae, Phoenix 85018 3300 North Third Avenue, Phoenix 85013 Reappointment Reappointment Fannin, Robert P. (Symington) At the pleasure HOMELESS TRUST FUND OVERSIGHT Quarles, Brady and Fannin, One East Camelback Road, #470, Phoenix 85012-1649 COMMITTEE Reappointment Hubbard, Lois J. (Symington) 1-18-93 1130 Hancock Drive, Bullhead City 86442 Succeeding Ron Morriss PHARMACY, ARIZONA STATE BOARD OF Noel, Michael W. (Symington) 1-20-97 INDIAN AFFAIRS, COMMISSION OF 1601 East Placita Pluma, Tucson 85718 Gilmore, Joan (Symington) 1-2-95 Requires senate confirmation P.O. Box 5386, Leupp 86035 Succeeding Anselm Roanhorse, Jr. Grant, Lynella (Symington) 1-2-95 PHYSICAL THERAPY EXAMINERS, BOARD OF P.O. Box 9870, Phoenix 85068 Driskell, Cynthia (Symington) 1-20-97 Succeeding Sylvia M. Boutilier 40415 North 70th Street, P.O. Box 530, Cave Creek 85331 Honahni, Daniel (Symington) 1-2-95 Succeeding Blair J. Packard P.O. Box 2816, Tuba City 86045 Requires senate confirmation Reappointment Patch, Ray (Symington) 1-3-94 Rt. I, Box 23B, Parker 86344 Succeeding Delia Antone POWER AUTHORITY COMMISSION, ARIZONA Walden, Richard S. (Symington) 1-19-98 P.O. Box 7, Sahuarita 85629 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ADVISORY Reappointment COUNCIL, ARIZONA Requires senate confirmation Garrett, Dennis (Symington) 8-27-92 620 West Washington, Room 434, Phoenix 85003 Succeeding Peter Ronstadt PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, LOCAL BOARDS LIQUOR BOARD, STATE Emergency and Military Affairs, Firefighters, Department of Tidwell, James M. (Symington) 1-17-94 Hall, Major Jeanette (Symington) 1-19-95 P.O. Box 2540, Globe 85502 Department of Emergency and Military Affairs Succeeding Victor A. Hansen 5636 East McDowell Road, Phoenix 85008 r --'I Requires senate confirmation Succeeding Daniel R. Angulo

Vol. 92 - May I, 1992 Page 98 Arizona Administrative Register State Appointed Officials/State Boards and Commissions

RACING COMMISSION, ARIZONA Bouwer, Dr. Hennan (Symington) 1-16-95 Condon, Walter F. (Symington) 1-20-97 4331 East Broadway, Phoenix 85040 7310 North La Oesta Avenue, Tucson 85704 Succeeding Karl Kohlhoff Reappointme/11 Requires senate confirmation Requires senate confirmation Rodriquez, John H. (Symington) 1-17-94 1727 East 26th Place, Yuma 85365 RESIDENTIAL UTILITY CONSUMER BOARD Reappointment Spezzano, James (Symington) 1-20-97 Requires senate confirmation 550 Hagen Drive, Lake Havasu City 86403 Succeeding Wilma Brummett Requires senate confirmation WESTERN INTERSTATE COMMISSION FOR RESPIRATORY CARE EXAMINERS, BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION (WICHE) Mendola, Frank P. (Symington) 6-30-94 4202 East Coolidge Street, Phoenix 85018 Gutierrez, Jaime P. (Symington) 3-25-96 1700 West Washington, Phoenix 85007 RETIREMENT SYSTEM BOARD, STATE Reappointment Barr, Reginald E. (Symington) 1-16-95 2950 East Third Street, Tucson 85716 Succeeding Paul Felix Requires senate confirmation Bums, Susan R. (Symington) 1-16-95 SENATE CONFIRMATIONS 955 East Lobster Trap Lane, Tempe 85283 Bohn, Mark C., State Board of Tax Appeals Reappointment Cole, Dalton H., Community Colleges of Arizona, State Board of Requires senate confirmation Directors for Stiteler, John B. (Symington) 1-16-95 Cowan, Charles, Director, Department of Transportation 1221 East Osborn, #IOI, Phoenix 85014 Succeeding Douglas G. Martin Dale, Maurice, Arizona State Boxing Commission Requires senate confirmation DeLong, William J., State Personnel Board Feeney, Harold E., Superintendent, Banking Department SPACE COMMISSION, ARIZONA Garrahan, Melinda L., Land Department Board of Appeal$ Hellon, Toni, Commission on Trial Court Appointments, Lewis, John (Symington) 1-17-94 Pima County University of Arizona, Lunar and Planetary Lab, Space Sciences Building 92, Tucson 85721 Hoover, Evangelina, Community Colleges of Arizona, State Board ) of Directors for STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL COMMISSION Ijams, Maxine N., Board of Psychologist Examiners Kellis, Raymond S., State Board of Education Baker, Jacob M. (Symington) 1-17-94 Lane, Walter, State Board of Appraisal 716 Bow Maker Trail, Cottonwood 86326 Reappointment Marshall, Gordon, Industrial Commission of Arizona Requires senate confirmation Munk, Gary Eldroe, Residential Utility Consumer Board Clements, David (Symington) 1-17-94 Owens, Major General Donald L., Director, Department of 2022 South Cathy Avenue, Tucson 85710 Emergency and Military Affairs Succeeding Russell F. Flippen Rizzo, Richard J., State Board for Vocational and Technological Requires senate confirmation Educaton Roe, William G., Arizona State Parks Board WATER QUALITY APPEALS BOARD Salvatierra, Richard, Commission on Trial Court Appointments, Blunt, Arthur Paul (Symington) 1-18-93 Pima County 6900 East Camelback, #1007, Scottsdale 85251 Tidwell, James M., State Liquor Board Requires senate confirmation Zanes, Mary Beth, State Liquor Board


Vol. 92 - May I, 1992 Page 99 Arizona Administrative Register Miscellaneous

Editor's Note: In the best interest of the public and at the request of the Department of Environmental Quality, this notice below is being printed for public information purposes.

AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT APPLICATION The rules reflect changes made in response to comments FEES received through January 1992, as well as lower initial and maximum fees, and a lower hourly rate for processing APP'S. The lower hourly rate and fees result from DEQ deciding not to To All Interested Parties: include any indirect administrative expenses as costs to be recovered. Effective April 12, 1992, the Arizona Department of A summary of written and oral comments and DEQ's response Environmental Quality has repealed A.A.C. Rl8-9-123, to them is in a rulemaking docket at the agency at 3033 N. relating to aquifer protection permit (APP) application fees and Central Ave. Phoenix. enacted a new Rl8-9-123 and Rl8-9-123.l, pursuant to the authority of A.R.S. §§ 49-203(A)(7) and 1991 Arizona If you have any questions regarding these rules, please call Session Laws, Chapter 280, § 5. A copy with changes marked Mark Lewandowski at DEQ at (602) 207-2230 or is available from the Department. 1-800-234-5677, ext. 2230.

Vol. 91 - May I, 1992 Page 100 - )

) State of Arizona Office of the Secretary of State Publications, Notary, Charitable Solicitation and Telemarketing Division 1700 West Washington, 7th Floor Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2808 (602) 542-4086


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