Socialism for To-Day
Socialism for To-Day by Henry Noel Brailsford. Independent Labour Party Publication Department 14 Great George Street, Westminster LONDON, S.W. I 1925 By the same Author : The War of Steel and Gold. A Study of Economic Imperialism. Bell & Co. 4s. 6d. A League of Nations. Allen & Unwin. 5s. Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle. Home University Library. 2s. 6d. I.L.P. PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT 14, Great George Street, West¬ minster, London, S.W.i. A History of British Socialism, by Max Beer. Labour Movement Edition. The 2 vols., stout paper covers, 10s. 6d. Vol. I. Mediaeval Communism to the Birth of Chartism, with an introduction by R. H. Tawney M.A. J Vol. II. The Growth of Chartism to 1918. J. Keir Hardie : A Biography, by William Stewart, 3s. 6d. The Meaning of Socialism, by J. Bruce Glasier, is. and 2s. 6d. The Case for Socialism, by Fred Henderson, is. and 2s. 6d. Education : The Socialist Policy, by R. H. Tawney, is. Socialism and Co-operation, by Leonard Woolf, is. Women in the Socialist State, by Mrs. H. M. Swanwick, M.A.,' is. The Fascisti Exposed. A Trans¬ lation of Giacomo Matteotti’s An anno di Dominatione Fas- cismo, with portrait, 2s. 6d. The Labour Bookshelf. (Post free on application.) Contents I•—The Achievement of Capitalism. Capitalist discipline, 7—A New Morality of Orderly Work, 9—The Test of Social Utility, 11—Distribution of Capital, 12—End of Pioneering Phase of Capital¬ ism, 13—What the Advocate of Capitalism Must Prove, 15. II.—From Competition to Combination. Belief the Basis of Institutions, 17—The Cost of Competition, 18—Inefficiency under Competition, 20 —Price-fixing Associations and Limitation of Output, 22—Trusts, 24—Competition and Wages, 25—The Chaos of Competition and Combination, 26.
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