ANXIETY Duncanville High School's Black Adminstrator Point to Some Serious Race Relation Problems in the Duncanville Pg.10 School System ?
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It's time for the Black Church to Expanded answer our Employment Section "Economic Prayer" pg.2 pg 19 VOLUME 1, NUMBER 9 2730 STEMMONS FRWY • 1100 TOWER WEST • DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 SEPT. 1992 Does the firing of ANXIETY Duncanville High School's Black Adminstrator point to some serious race relation problems in the Duncanville pg.10 school system ? Carl Shields: -_ The Community's DART reveals despairing Ij Banker disparity in minority Pg6 contracts, pg.3 church's lack of vision regarding economic development is devas From the tating because it is the only Publisher institution we maintain complete In the Hei-x control over. But when was the Thurman Jones last time St. Luke Conununity United Methodist Church—or ^.^TT^^^....^.^^ ..-.,^.,.^.^..^. any other African American Comerica and MON team up church for that matter—created a Our Economic job or economic opportunity for African American Youth outside its physical boundaries? Is there another African Ameri Comerica Bank and Minority Opportunity News team up Sep Prayer can controlled industry or busi tember 5 to enable a group of youngsters the chance to visit "The Real ness that deposits more dollars in McCoy" Exhibit at the Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History. Black Churches must get the bank than our churches? Why Over 100 kids from SL Luke Conununity Methodist Oturch do most preachers measure will now have the opportunity to experience this inspirational exhibit involved in community's success by building new build and revel in a rich slice of African American culture and ingenuity. The economic development ings or use the size of their 'Tieal McCoy" exhibit, on display at the museum'through September congregations as the yardstick of 7, details African American Invention and Innovation from 1619 SINCE MINORITY OPPORTUNTTY News accomplishment? through 1930-. sprang into existence ten months They constantly ignore "This is a great opportunity for these kids," said Randy Luster, ago, many have come to know unemployment which is the an active member of St Luke. "This gives them a chance to see positive me as publisher and commenta number one issue, not just in our images of themselves which will give them a sense of pride and tor. But aside from my hectic commuruty but in all communi dignity." duties producing a community ties. What if Revs. Zan Holmes oriented paper I an:\ also chairper Jr., E.K. Bailey, Tony Evans, son for economic development at CB.T Smith, M.L. Curry, Freddie St. Luke Connmunity United Haynes and K.D. Wesley, just to Realtors Organized for Faynily Outreach Methodist Church—a position name a few conununity leaders, I've now held almost two years. took a proactive economic devel Nexo Direction Recruits Volunteers Even though I consider myself a opment stance, causing business semi-success, n^y "Grand Illu opporturuties within their dete An innovative group of The new Family Outreach of sion" is shipv/recked and in a riorating vicinities. Is there realtors came together recently to form Southern Dallasisrccruitingvoluntcers perpetual state of confusion. something v/rong with buying a business network to support their real to be trained to deliver its prevention Sonrie patronize rriy eco your gas, groceries, apparel, estate activities. Called R,O.N.D- (Real services to families in Oak Qiff and nomic development administra leasing space and banking, with tors Organized for a New Direction), South Dallas neighborhoods, * tion by complimenting some of church owned businesses? the group is formed of realtors from The core service of Family Out our accomplishments: Producing Trust is a major consider some of the most respected firms in reach, Lay Counseling, Is a child abuse the '91-'92 and '92-93 Business ation when consumers decide to Dallas and have decided to imite and and neglect prevention program;in Directories; the series of work trade with a specific business—a put back into the communities by col which trained volunteer caseworkers natural extension of the bonding shops in '91—How to Buy a lectively assuming a leadership role, provide ongoing in-home services to House, Investments, How to Get that happens when church niem- thus offering better services. families under stress and having dif/i- Out of Debt; and lef s not forget bers fellowship. By now I hope Among RONIiys goals for the you understand the paradox. I culty fadng the demands of parenUng.; "Soko" (Swahili for market future of the organization arc: (1) Coop place)—A joint effort with the find myself in. Other volunteer opportunities erative Marketing—Increasing visibil American Heritage Conunittee Last month when I ap include leading parenting classes, staff where African American vendors proached Rev. Zan Holmes about ity in the community at large and of ing a stressline and presenting commu shared in proceeds of $10,000, resigning at term's end, he asked fering an aggressive corporate reloca nity education programs. All Family displaying their goods to mem me to reconsider. Why have an tion network service. (2) Education— Outreach services are delivered by bers and friends of St. Luke economic development ministry Sponsoring industry-related, as well as, trained volunteers and arc provided during a three day exhibit. And if the board of trustees, adminis community based education. Encour free of charge to the community'. there have been other small trative board and council on aging and enabling others to enter the Anyone interested in learrting milestones. ministries refused to see the Big real estate field. more about volunteer opportunities So whaf s the dilemma? Picture of jobs and business Those interested in member should call Rhonda Miles at 361-5230. Sitting here thinking about opporturuties? ship should contact Vera Reece at 380- the tidal wave of economic de Don't get me wrong; I 1496 or Carrie McPherson 2464467. Free Hepatitis spair that continues to flood our want the job. But I caimot accept Screening community, I can't help but feel it in good conscience unless we we have the m,eans at our dis make a conviction to change our posal to provide the relief we mode of thinking and take ad Free blood tests for hepatitis B clamor for. vantage of our spiritual base—by and C will be offered Sept. 23-26 at The A major source of my doing our part in fostering eco Jobs for Justice Rally (continued on next page) confusion is St. Luke's $1,000,000 nomic opportunities in our budget—almost solely dependant community. Sept 12 on donations. I find this particu I would like to know your larly disturbing because church and your church's opinion on A conference on the Jobs Crisis members and the community are this issue of empowering our is scheduled for 11 am at the Carpen Publisher Editor-in-Chief deprived of the "opportuiuty" to conununity. ters' Hall, 3206 Pleasant Valley Ln. The Thurman R, Jones Jim Bochum be "resourceful within." hall is off Mayfield near Cooper and I- In short, all our funding is Managing Editor external, paralyzing the conarhu- Write pr Call: 20. Participants are actively being Jason Webster sought from unions, churches, civil nity because of our unwillingness Thurman R. Jones Business Editor Randy Luster to be good stewards of what God Minority Opportunity Nezos rights organizations, and especially the unemployed people themselves. Staff Writer ..„._ „„.Agaitha Richardson has blessed. Not only St. Luke but 2730 Stemmons Staff Writer Angela Ransome many of the 250 African Ameri 1100 Tower West Leafletting at Texas Employment Cen Staff Writer Sonia Jordan can churches in the Dallas area Dallas, Tx 75207 ters begins August 17th and will con Photographer ..„ Derryl Barnes The African American Voice Mail 380-7377 tinue each Monday. (317) 572-4355. L '^m^^.^^^.'o' i^..)> ^okm^i^rim^ ] (cqnt. from previous paje); .< J * •: 4 morejnformation contact the Dallas University iof-Texas. Southwestern Urban League at 528-S038 or drop by Medical Center at Dallas. No appoint the office located al 3625 N. Hall St., ment i9 necessary.;;::;v';""' ;;-\s^; 4, K' ;^^ •.;;:• ,^suit^ e 700 in the Oaklawn area. The medical cpmmuni^ is ex-., tremcly concerned about hepatitis B:, and C because both cause chroriic hepalitis-*a serious and potentially fa Delta Sigma Theta tal liver disease thai can lead to cinrho-;^ sis and liver cancer,'' said Drv William Sorority Receives M. Lee, professor of internal medicine who is supervising tlio UT Sduthwest- Aiuard cm screening. For more infonnation on the screening call (214) 6S8-3323. The Dallas Alumnae chapter of Delta Theta Sorority, Inc. received the National Program Planning and Development Award at the4l5t.Na-' Urban League iHoha l convention in Baltimore, Maryf '• landj'f:" ••-^•.•t;.>•,,;;""• ^--S-' '"'•^^ -"^''•'••' ''A Sponsors Conference li" ; J The chapter was chosen out of 7^7 <^^^P*ers to receive this top The Dallas Urban League ward in all three areas ofjhe pro utter Despair-/fy Young Adult Council is sponsoring > gram: School America, Summit III; the 30th annual''Minorities InCorpo-;; Preparing Our Sons; for Manhood, New DART disparity study discovers rate America'', (MCA) Conference on •-,; and the AIDS Communify Education Sahirdayv September.19 at Xhiion Sta-;- Project. Shirley Fridia is the director discrimination in minority contract awards tionjocated at'^10C):Sputh:Hquston^^^^ of all of Metropolitan Dallas Alum- Street iri'downt6wnDallas.^^;--^^-::|^„:f--^^^^^^ ^: nae chapter mandatory program. By Donita Marston i: J-;- :;-The conference has a threefoldf ^' ;>^4Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, THE DICTIONARY DEFINTS DISPAKTIY as in Croson Decision, further impeding missionrl) to'enlighten'participants ^^^• Inc. is a national non-profit organiza equality or difference, and I'm sure we progress for minority businesses seek oncareerandeducational alternatives; :• tion; whose purpose is to provide can agree that disparity is a term well ing work with DART.