C J Ramstead North Shore State Trail

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C J Ramstead North Shore State Trail AREA POLICE DEPARTMENTS: AREA INFORMATION: EMERGENCY INFORMATION: MEDICAL/ HOSPITALS: IN AN EMERGENCY, CALL 911 Grand Marais: 218-387-3030 Visit Duluth DULUTH SILVER BAY inset 218-722-4011 or 1-800-438-5884 Cook Co. Sheriff: 218-387-3030 St. Mary’s: 218-726-4000 Bay Area Health Center: 218-226-4431 Arnold C.J. Ramstad/ 1 Two Harbors: 218-834-5566 visitduluth.com St. Luke’s: 218-726-5555 North Shore Lake Co. Sheriff: 218-834-8385 GRAND MARAIS TWO HARBORS Cook Co. North Shore: 218-387-3040 280 State Trail Silver Bay: 218-226-4486 Two Harbors Chamber of Commerce 241 218-834-2600 St. Louis Co. Sheriff: 218-726-2360 Lake View Memorial: 218-834-7300 G 252 Duluth: 218-727-8770 twoharborschmber.com State Patrol: 218-723-4888 10 SEE INSET Silver Bay - Beaver Bay Area Chamber 1-800-777-7384 (Two Harbors #) k DNR CONSERVATION OFFICERS: e e Cr River Cr Duluth: 218-525-2800 Heart of the Arrowhead Association Grand Portage CANADA State Park r 218-353-7359 Pigeon e 218-729-9675 Parkway t s e 218-525-6024 ty i Hawk L m 218-729-6579 Lutsen - Tofte Tourism Association P o r t a g e A Ridge 218-624-5703 218-663-7804 or 1-888-616-6784 G r a n d 218-729-4994 61north.com SUPERIOR DULUTH 12 9 37 Two Harbors: 218-834-4653 Grand Marais Visitor Center R e s e r v a t i o n Skyline 218-834-1406 218-387-2524 or 1-888-922-5000 218-360-1175 I n d i a n Grand Hartley grandmaraismn.com 16 Portage Park Tischer 61 Tofte: 218-663-7183 G E HIKING 17 T A Grand Marais: 218-387-9751 P O R Mineral Center 218-475-0121 23 SUPERIOR Cr AN D G R U of MN - TRAIL Duluth C.J. Ramstad/ 37 Tom Lake River North Shore Swamp State Trail WEST TISCHER RD M . Northern 17 61 T Light Lake Brule F O R E S T 280 l F O R E S Amity Trai 252 12 Trout Flute Park G Lake 16 Grand Marais Elbow River S T A T E MARTIN RD. RD DULUTH JEAN 10 TATE Reed River Lutsen S Gunflint L Caribo TOURISM INFORMATION: LAKE Sawbill Park u P 26 Hovland ar (Local snowmobile maps available) DULUTH king 8 28 Schroeder 14 ing Visit Duluth B A Y L E 14 17 41 Trail 8 21 West Superior Street nt ce in Miles Ely nfli Devil Track Lake Kodonce River 14 27 31 55 Suite 100 u Devil Isabe G State Wayside F O R E S T Judge C.R. Magney State Park DistanTomahawk Jct. Duluth, MN 55802 18 Track ll 74 78 91 95 119 PAT Park 61 a 800-4DU-LUTH Monker 39 35 39 52 56 80 Lake Fi 218-722-4011 nland visitduluth.com Silver Bay 24 63 11 15 28 32 56 9.8 8 12 Two Harbo P 20 83 31 35 48 52 76 Cascade 44 Two Harbors Chamber of Commerce 4 Turtle Lake Little Devil Track River River Pequayan Tr. rs Pking. 17 37 61 100 48 52 65 69 93 RJ Houle Information Center Holly Mark Lake French Ri. Parking 1330 Highway 61 Lake TRAIL 6 34 37 57 81 102 68 72 85 89 113 7.2 Jct. Two Harbors, MN 55616 I O N AL Croftville Duluth & Parking Lake Clara 21 55 58 78 102 141 89 93 106 110 133 800-777-7384 7.6 ake N A T Devils Track Falls Mistletoe Pike L State Wayside Park 218-834-6200 (visitor information) Lake 7 5 26 60 63 83 107 146 94 98 111 115 139 inset 218-834-2600 (for the chamber direct) Lutsen Grand Marais HIKING 40 74 77 97 121 160 108 112 125 129 153 twoharborschamber.com P White 4 14 19 oplar Halls Pond G, M, L, S Pine P Vat L Lake Cr. Trail Silver Bay Chamber S Ui lP E R I O R River Tra Box 26 n ard Lake se 7 ut L A K E S U P E R I O R Silver Bay, MN 55614 MistletoeL Deer Y 61 800-777-7384 (Two Harbors) 4.6mi. silverbay.com River Caribou Temperance Grand Marais Chamber Cascade River State Park WARM SEASON USERS: Fall colors are usually quite spectacular Lake PO Box 1048 Barker Lake M, L Since you will travel through remote, because the Trail follows maple covered N Grand Marais, MN 55604 forested country side, you should take a ridges. Birch/Aspen stands are also SUPERIOR 1-888-922-5000 2 inset PAT BAYLE map, a compass, extra food, clothing and widespread. 218-387-2524 Lutsen 4 Trail STATE FOREST Gunflint water. Tell someone where you are going and grandmarais.com Trail Creek River when you will be back. During insect season, Fishing enthusiasts will find the Trail a good L be prepared for usual Northwoods walk-in access to remote, lightly fished River u 4 ts Blin e M, L 8 conditions. streams. Since 95% of the land is for public d n 9.7mi. Tr. Sixmile use, hunters can also pursue their sport using Devil Track Lake Devil 36 Lutsen A 6.6 mile portion of the C. J Ramstad/North the trail as a walk-in access to many areas. Tempe ra Poplar Track n G, M, L 18 FOR MORE INFORMATION: c e River Shore State Trail is now open for ATV use. This portion connects with 60 miles of GIA C.J. Ramstad/North Monker DNR Parks and Trails Area Office Tofte Shore State Trail Lake ATV trails. WINTER USERS: The same safety and logistical suggestions 218-834-1431 (office) 61 The portion suggested for summer hiking apply to winter users, except that the need Trail 7 8 218-834-1439 (trail conditions) FINLAND and horseback riding is from the town of to protect ones self from the cold is obvious. Ray Berglund 7.2 P Finland to Cook Co. Rd. #6, north of Grand The trail is groomed for snowmobiling in its State Wayside Park E R I O R Devil Track River Information Center STATE FOREST S U P Little Marais, approximately 70 miles. The trail entirety on a weekly basis. Stay on the trail Baptism Minnesota Department of Natural 7.2 HIKING between Finland and Duluth is hikeable but or intersecting trails at all times. Use caution TRAIL Resources C.J. Ramstad/North Shore State Trail SUPERIOR occassional wet areas may be encountered. in the vicinity of active logging operations. 2 Silver inset C.J. Ramstad/North 6 Plan ahead for refueling. Information Center Box 40 G, M 2 Shore State Trail NATIONAL Lynx Camping is suggested at the trail shelters 500 Lafayette Rd. Trail Tofte Leskinen along the trail. Camping is also allowed on Stewart 201 FOREST St. Paul, MN 55155 G,M,L,S Lake adjacent public land except where posted as Creek 6 Stewart Finland 7 prohibited. Respect all private property signs Check out the DNR’s website for more 651-296-6157 Temperance River as well as other restriction signs that may be information regarding accessible recreational 1-888-MINNDNR opportunities. mndnr.gov State Park SUPERIOR posted. The rest of the trail may be hiked, HIKING TRAIL Grand Marais but the visitor should be ready to cross or C. J Ramstad/North Shore State Trail Schroeder 61 G, M, L, S avoid wet areas which make for hard travel. River 1 River DNR Parks and Trails G,M,L Topographic quadrangles can be obtained UNITED STATES 1568 Highway 2 12 Lindstrom for all areas the trail traverses, although 3 older versions may not show modern trail NATIONAL GRID (USNG) Two Harbors, MN 55616 2 4 EMERGENCY SIGNS River alignment. 218-834-1430 218-834-1439 Two Harbors Corridor inset Since the trail is used for snowmobiling in USNG emergency signs are 3 posted along the trail, and updated trail condition message Tettegouche State Park winter, hikers can stay on the trail by during winter season 12 61 NOTE: following periodic snowmobile trail signs. should be used as a Trail These consist of chiefly State Trail and No location reference when mndnr.gov/state_trails Some private lands exist Motorized vehicle signs, directional arrows calling 911. within the and small diamond shaped orange blazers on Superior Hiking Trail Association shaded areas shown for state trees and posts. In places the Trail follows P.O. Box 4 11 forest & state park lands. Knife Two back-country roads for distances. These too 731 7th Avenue are posted with the above mentioned signs River Harbors Please be aware of Two Harbors, MN 55616 your surroundings. and blazers. Since the trail goes through G, M, L, S forested areas, logging activities will 218-834-2700 periodically be taking place. Use caution shta.org when travelling these areas. MAP KEY TRAIL FEATURES TRAILS AND THEIR PERMITTED USES TRAIL SYMBOLS FACILITIES • Scenic overlooks, rivers and lakes C. J. Ramstad/North Shore State Trail C.J. RAMSTAD/ G Gasoline • Over 146 mile trail corridor Parking M Meals • Rustic campsites, rest areas, NORTH SHORE parking lots and bridges. C. J. Ramstad/North Shore State Trail STATE TRAIL Campground L Lodging • Hiking, backpacking and horseback rail T F I N L A N D Saw Moose Walk Snowmobile riding on 75 miles. Other Snowmobile Trails S T A T E Tooth S Trail Shelter- Repair F O R E S T • Snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.
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