
Unit Page Headword Part of speech Pronunciation Definition Sample Sentence Translation

Unit 1 All in Our Family

4 1.01 physical adjective /ˈfɪzɪkl/ related to the body I think physical fitness is φυσικός, -ή, -ό important, so I exercise every day.

1.02 appearance noun /əˈpɪərəns/ how somebody/something Helen keeps changing her εμφάνιση looks hair colour because she’s worried about her appearance.

1.03 emotions noun /ɪˈməʊʃnz/ feelings Young children show their συναισθήματα emotions more easily than adults.

1.04 diary entry noun /ˈdaɪəri ˈentri/ something you write on Do you write diary entries ημερολογιακή εγγραφή a page of a diary to remember something special?

6 1.05 relatives noun pl /ˈrelətɪvz/ people that are members Some of Anna’s relatives συγγενείς of the same family live in Oxford.

1.06 different adjective /ˈdɪfrənt/ not the same as other Our new home is different διαφορετικός, -ή, -ό things from our old one. It’s got a more rooms and a garden.

1.07 uglier adjective /ˈʌɡliə(r)/ more ugly This doll is uglier than my ασχημότερος, -η, -ο other doll.

1.08 nicer adjective /ˈnaɪsə(r)/ more nice Your picture is nicer than καλύτερος, -η, -ο mine.

1.09 cleverer adjective /ˈklevərə(r)/ more clever Fred is cleverer than his πιο έξυπνος, -η, -ο little brother.

1.10 friendlier adjective /ˈfrendliə(r)/ more friendly The people in this town are φιλικότερος, -η, -ο friendlier than the people in the village.

1.11 bigger adjective /ˈbɪɡə(r)/ more big Our school is moving to a μεγαλύτερος, -η, -ο bigger building.


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Unit 1 6–7 1.12 smaller adjective /ˈsmɔːlə(r)/ more small My feet are smaller than μικρότερος, -η, -ο yours.

1.13 stronger adjective /ˈstrɒŋə(r)/ more strong Edward was ill yesterday, πιο δυνατός, -ή, -ό, but today he feels stronger. ισχυρότερος, -η, -ο

1.14 older adjective /ˈəʊldə(r)/ more old Nadia’s parents are older μεγαλύτερος, than my parents. παλαιότερος

1.15 younger adjective /ˈjʌŋə(r)/ more young Tracy like playing with her νεότερος, younger brothers. μικρότερος, -η, -ο

1.16 taller adjective /ˈtɔːlə(r)/ more tall I think I’m taller than you. ψηλότερος, -η, -ο

1.17 shorter adjective /ˈʃɔːtə(r)/ more short Goats are shorter than πιο κοντός, -ή, -ό giraffes.

1.18 slower adjective /ˈsləʊə(r)/ more slow Cows are slower than πιο αργός, -ή, -ό, horses. βραδύτερος, -η, -ο

1.19 faster adjective /ˈfɑːstə(r)/ more fast Cars usually move faster γρηγορότερα than bikes.

10 1.20 use verb /juːz/ to write or say particular Use the in the box χρησιμοποιώ words to write sentences.

12–13 1.21 glasses noun pl /ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ something that you wear Grandma needs to wear γυαλιά over your eyes to help you glasses to read the to see better newspaper.

1.22 wavy hair noun /ˈweɪvi heə(r)/ quite curly hair Kate has got long wavy hair. σπαστά μαλλιά

1.23 blonde hair noun /blɒnd heə(r)/ hair that is a light yellow Everyone in Fiona’s family ξανθά μαλλιά colour has got blonde hair and blue eyes.

1.24 straight hair noun /streɪt heə(r)/ hair that is not curly Some people like my curls, ίσια μαλλιά but I want to have straight hair.


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Unit 1 12–13 1.25 curly hair noun /ˈkɜːli heə(r)/ hair that has lots of round My friend from Kenya has σγουρά μαλλιά curls got really curly hair.

1.26 famous adjective /ˈfeɪməs/ well-known; that many Agatha wants to be a διάσημος, -η, -ο people know about famous writer.

14–15 1.27 traits noun pl /treɪts/ particular parts of your The size of our noses and χαρακτηριστικά personality our skin colour are family traits.

1.28 inherit verb /ɪnˈherɪt/ to receive something that Judy inherited her κληρονομώ belonged to a family grandmother’s paintings. member who has died

1.29 combination noun /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn/ a mixture of two or more The combination of good συνδυασμός things put together weather and beautiful beaches brings lots of visitors to Greece every summer.

1.30 earlobes noun pl /ˈɪələʊbz/ the soft parts at the lower Jane has got big earlobes λοβοί των αυτιών side of each ear and she wears lovely earrings on them.

1.31 attached adjective /əˈtætʃt/ joined on to something My earlobes are attached συνημμένος, -η, -ο to the sides of my head.

1.32 hang verb /hæŋ/ to be attached to My dog’s hair hangs down κρεμώ something at the top with in front of his eyes. the lower part moving freely

1.33 fold verb /fəʊld/ to bend something over so We know our teacher is διπλώνω that it is on top of something angry when she folds her else arms and looks down at us.

1.34 thumb noun /θʌm/ a thick finger at the side of Tom put up his thumb to αντίχειρας your hand that is not in the show that everything was same line as the other four okay. longer fingers


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Unit 1 14–15 1.35 try verb /traɪ/ to see if you can do This dance is easy. Try it! δοκιμάζω something

1.36 unattached adjective /ˌʌnəˈtætʃt/ not joined on to something My cousins and my uncle ασύνδετος, -η, -ο, have got unattached ελεύθερος, -η, -ο earlobes.

1.37 rarest adjective /ˈreərəst/ most unusual The rarest birds in our σπανιότατος, -η, -ο country live high up in the mountains.

1.38 survey noun /ˈsɜːveɪ/ a study to find out about The class are doing a έρευνα, επισκόπηση things or people to compare survey to find out what the information about them students like to read.

16–17 1.39 writer noun /ˈraɪtə(r)/ a person who writes books, In her book, the writer is συγγραφέας articles or stories as a job describing her family.

1.40 classmates noun pl /ˈklɑːsmeɪts/ people in the same class at Simon can run faster than συμμαθητές school all his classmates.

1.41 (I) expected verb /(aɪ) ɪkˈspektɪd/ past simple form of expect; I expected to be home at περίμενα thought that something four, but the bus was late. would happen

1.42 happen verb /ˈhæpən/ to take place Tell me what happened συμβαίνει yesterday.

1.43 idea noun /aɪˈdɪə/ a plan or something you I’ve got a good idea for our ιδέα think of doing project.

1.44 woman noun /ˈwʊmən/ a female person over 18 The woman in the photo is γυναίκα years old my grandmother.

1.45 geneticist noun /dʒəˈnetɪsɪst/ a person who studies Pavlos asked a geneticist γενετιστής genetics as a job to find out where his grandfather’s family came from.


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Unit 1 16–17 1.46 explorer noun /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ a person who travels to I want to be an explorer to εξερευνητής different places to find out travel to interesting parts of about things there the world.

1.47 Explorer-in- noun /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r) ɪn an explorer who is working This Explorer-in-Residence απασχολούμενος Residence ˈrezɪdəns/ in an important position at teaches students about the εξερεύνητής a university physical traits of people from different countries.

Unit 2 Fresh Food

20 2.01 obligation noun /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn/ things you have to do Come with us if you like. υποχρέωση Isn’t an obligation.

2.02 frequency noun /ˈfriːkwənsi/ how often something Our basketball team wins συχνότητα happens games with great frequency.

2.03 express verb /ɪkˈspres/ to say what you think or Tracy is a quiet person and εκφράζω feel she doesn’t express her emotions in front of people.

22–23 2.04 green beans noun pl /ɡriːn biːnz/ long thin green vegetables Fresh green beans taste φασολάκια that have small beans good after you cook them inside whole and put some butter on them.

2.05 cucumber noun /ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ a long thin green vegetable Let’s have a cucumber αγγούρι that is white inside and is and tomato salad. eaten fresh in salad

2.06 lucky adjective /ˈlʌki/ with good luck Toby is lucky to have home τυχερός, -ή, -ό with a big garden.

2.07 grow verb /ɡrəʊ/ to make small plants get Christina grows vegetables μεγαλώνω bigger or to make plants in her garden for her family from seeds to eat.


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Unit 2 22–23 2.08 example noun /ɪɡˈzɑːmpl/ a model that you say or to Potatoes are one example παράδειγμα explain what you mean of what we can grow in our gardens.

2.09 onion noun /ˈʌnjən/ a hard round vegetable He’s not really crying—he’s κρεμμύδι that has many layers inside cutting the onions! and a purple or brown skin outside

2.10 cabbage noun /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ a vegetable with thick I eat a lot of vegetables, λάχανο green, white or red leaves but I don’t like the taste of that you can eat after cabbage. cooking or cut into small pieces

2.11 together adverb /təˈɡeðə(r)/ with others in a group Let’s go shopping μαζί together.

2.12 dig verb /dɪɡ/ to make a hole in the The people are digging to σκάβω ground find the grave of an ancient king.

2.13 plant verb /plɑːnt/ to put seeds in the ground When you plant a potato, it φυτεύω to grow them into plants will grow and make more potatoes.

2.14 seeds noun pl /siːdz/ small hard parts of a plant Plant these small seeds σπόροι that a new plant can grow and they will grow into big from pumpkins.

2.15 water verb /ˈwɔːtə(r)/ to put water on plants to You need to water plants ποτίζω help them grow to keep them alive.

2.16 weed verb /wiːd/ to take wild plants out of a Derek is weeding his ξεχορταριάζω garden vegetable garden.

2.17 ripe adjective /raɪp/ ready to eat Tomatoes go red when ώριμος, -η, -ο they are ripe.


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Unit 2 22–23 2.18 pick verb /pɪk/ to take fruit or vegetables We picked some μαζεύω, κόβω (φυτά) from a plant or from the strawberries in the garden. ground

2.19 pumpkin noun /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ a big round vegetable that We can make pumpkin pie, κολοκύθα is hard and orange outside and then use the skin to and soft and yellow inside make a lantern.

2.20 lettuce noun /ˈletɪs/ a green vegetable with Wash the lettuce leaves μαρούλι leaves that you can eat in carefully and put them in salad the salad bowl.

2.21 chilli noun /ˈtʃɪli/ a small thin kind of red or Put one or two chillies in καυτερή πιπεριά green peppers that has a the sauce to make it spicy. very hot taste

2.22 aubergine noun /ˈəʊbəʒiːn/ a large vegetable that is We’re having fried μελιτζάνα purple outside and white aubergines with cheese inside and tomatoes for dinner.

2.23 courgette noun /kʊəˈʒet/ a long thin green vegetable Do you like my courgette κολοκυθάκι that is soft and white inside and cheese pie? which is usually cooked for eating

26 2.24 every day phrase /ˈevri deɪ/ on every day of the week I like to get up early every κάθε ημέρα, day. σε καθημερινή βάση

28 2.25 how often adverb /haʊ ˈɒfn/ used to ask about the How often do you go πόσο συχνά frequency of an activity swimming?

2.26 on (Fridays) preposition /ɒn (ˈfraɪdeɪz)/ happening on (a particular We sometimes go to a café την (Παρασκεύη) day of the week) on Saturdays.

2.27 once (a month) adverb /wʌns (ə mʌnθ)/ one time (in every month) Tom ges to the cinema μια φορά (το μήνα) once a month.

2.28 three times phrase /θriː taɪmz (ə happening three times (in Our team plays football τρεις φορές (a week) wiːk)/ every week) three times a week. (την εβδομάδα)

2.29 twice adverb /twaɪs/ two times I brush my teeth twice δυο φορές a day. 7

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Unit 2 30–31 2.30 kind noun /kaɪnd/ type What kind of vegetables do είδος you like?

2.31 enjoy verb /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ to have something good We really enjoyed the meal. απολαμβάνω that you like Thanks for inviting us.

2.32 watermelon noun /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ a big round fruit that is very To finish our meal, the καρπούζι hard and green on the waiter brought slices of outside with soft juicy red juicy watermelon for fruit inside dessert.

2.33 grains noun pl /ɡreɪnz/ small hard piece of food Farmers collect the rice σπόροι like seeds that grow on and clean the grains plants before they take the bags to the market.

2.34 roof noun /ruːf/ the top part of a building A bird made a nest on the οροφή, σκεπή that covers it roof of our house.

2.35 expensive adjective /ɪkˈspensɪv/ costing a lot of money It’s expensive to travel ακριβός, -ά, -ό around the world.

2.36 variety noun /vəˈraɪəti/ many different kinds of one The shops sells a variety of ποικιλία thing cheese from different areas of Europe.

2.37 available adjective /əˈveɪləbl/ ready to use or buy, etc. There aren’t many fresh διαθέσιμος, -η, -ο tomatoes available in winter.

2.38 flavour noun /ˈfleɪvə(r)/ the taste of something Some Mexican food has γεύση got a hot spicy flavour.

2.39 economy noun /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ the supply of money in the Buying everything from οικονομία process of making, buying other countries is bad for and selling things in a our country’s economy. country

2.40 problem noun /ˈprɒbləm/ a difficulty The dry weather is a πρόβλημα problem for farmers because the farms need water.


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Unit 2 30–31 2.41 solution noun /səˈluːʃn/ a way to deal with a Eating more fresh λύση problem vegetables is a solution to health problems.

32–33 2.42 opinion noun /əˈpɪnjən/ what you think of What’s your opinion about γνώμη something/somebody eating meat?

2.43 expressions noun pl /ɪkˈspreʃnz/ phrases that people use You can use expressions εκφράσεις often like ‘I believe’ to give you opinion.

2.44 introduce verb /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ to tell somebody about an Farmers have introduced παρουσιάζω, εισάγω idea, etc. for the first time new kinds of vegetables from other countries that they now grow locally.

2.45 wash verb /wɒʃ/ to use water to clean Remember to wash your πλένω something hands before you eat.

2.46 dirty adjective /ˈdɜːti/ not clean The potatoes are dirty, so βρόμικος, -η, -ο wash them well before you cook them.

2.47 convenient noun /kənˈviːniənt/ easy and quick to get Buying fast food is more βολικός, -ή, -ό convenient than cooking fresh food at home.

2.48 rubbish noun /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ things you throw away that Every day, I take out the σκουπίδια you don’t need or want rubbish and put it in the bin in our street.

2.49 positive adjective /ˈpɒzətɪv/ good or having a good My teacher always says θετικός, -ή, -ό effect something positive when we write our opinions.

2.50 point noun /pɔɪnt/ something that you write or That’s an interesting point χαρακτηριστικό say to give an opinion about growing food on the roof.

2.51 negative adjective /ˈneɡətɪv/ bad or having a bad effect I feel very negative about αρνητικός, -ή, -ό tinned food because I think it’s bad for us. 9

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Unit 2 32–33 2.52 appreciate verb /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ to understand how good I really appreciate your εκτιμώ something is help.

2.53 jalapeño noun /ˌhæləˈpeɪnjəʊ/ a kind of green pepper that How can you eat πιπεριές χαλαπένιο is long and thin and has a jalapeños? They’re too hot! very hot taste

2.54 environmentalist noun /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ somebody who does things A group of environmentalists περιβαλλοντολόγος to help the environment are teaching people to grow food on city roofs.

2.55 emerging adjective /ɪˈmərdʒɪŋ/ starting to become Michael is an emerging αναδυόμενος, -η, -ο something or developing young actor.

34 2.56 include verb /ɪnˈkluːd/ to put something in to make You can include some nuts περιλαμβάνω it a part of something else in the salad.

2.57 vote verb /vəʊt/ to choose one thing/person Let’s vote for places to go ψηφίζω you like best from a group and visit. of different things/people

Unit 3 A Long Time Ago and Today

36 3.01 unified adjective /ˈjuːnɪfaɪd/ connected together to You can put some ενοποιημένος, -η, -ο make one thing sentences together to make a unified paragraph.

38–39 3.02 spend time idiom /spend taɪm/ to use your time How did you spend your περνώ το χρόνο μου, time in London? αφειρώνω

3.03 electric lights noun pl /ɪˈlektrɪk laɪts/ sources of light that All our electric lights went ηλεκτρικά φώτα operate with power from off because of the storm. electricity

3.04 housework noun /ˈhaʊswɜːk/ work that you need to do in Mum and Dad have busy δουλειές του σπιτιού your home, e.g. cooking jobs, so we all help with and cleaning the housework.

3.05 make soap phrase /meɪk səʊp/ producing soap for My aunt makes soap from φτιάχνω (σαπούνι) washing clothes, etc. natural things and sells it on the Internet.


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Unit 3 38–39 3.06 soap noun /səʊp/ something that you use to Wash your hands with σαπούνι wash your body or other soap and water before you things eat your food.

3.07 do the phrase /du ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋ ʌp/ to wash plates, cups, You cooked the meal, so washing up cooking pans, etc. after I’ll do the washing up. using them

3.08 sew clothes phrase /səʊ kləʊðz/ to use a needle and thread My grandmother sewed ράβω ρούχα to put material together to clothes for people as her make things to wear job when she was younger.

3.09 useful adjective /ˈjuːsfl/ helpful It’s useful to know how to χρήσιμος, -η, -ο sew.

3.10 trade noun /treɪd/ a kind job, usually one Liz’s grandfather learned εμπόριο where you make things or to make shoes as his do something using your trade. hands

3.11 apprentice noun /əˈprentɪs/ a person who learns to do Jack is working as an μαθητευόμενος a job by working with apprentice cook in the somebody who has hotel kitchen. experience

3.12 fire noun /ˈfaɪə(r)/ a pile of wood or coal that We sat by the fire to keep φωτιά you burn for heat or to warm. cook food

3.13 mobile noun /ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn/ a small device used to I called my Dad on my κινητό τηλέφωνο phone speak with or send written mobile phone. messages to other people

3.14 computer noun /kəmˈpjuːtə(r) a game that you can play After I do my homework, I παιχνίδι στον υπολογιστή game ɡeɪm/ on a computer sometimes play computer games.

3.15 tell stories phrase /tel ˈstɔːriz/ to describe events that are Dad likes telling stories διηγούμαι true or made up to about his travels around entertain people the world.


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Unit 3 38–39 3.16 stories noun pl /ˈstɔːriz/ descriptions of events that I enjoy reading stories ιστορίες are true or made up to about people in the past. entertain people

3.18 age noun /eɪdʒ/ the number of years People of all ages enjoy ηλικία somebody has lived being with friends.

40 3.17 instead adverb /ɪnˈsted/ in the place of something It’s too cold for a picnic, so αντί else I’ll make dinner at home instead.

42 3.18 letter noun /ˈletə(r)/ a message that you write My cousin in Canada γράμμα on paper and put in an sends me letters and envelope to send by post photos.

44 3.19 modern adjective /ˈmɒdn/ having a new and different My grandma likes wearing σύγχρονος, -ος, -η, -ο, style modern clothes. μοντέρνος, -ος, -η, -ο

3.20 difficult adjective /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ not easy Driving a car is more δύσκολος, -η, -ο difficult than riding a bike.

3.21 expensive adjective /ɪkˈspensɪv/ costing a lot of money Computers were more ακριβός, -ά, -ό expensive ten years ago.

3.22 old-fashioned adjective /əʊld ˈfæʃnd/ having a style that is from I can’t wear these ντεμοντέ, the past; not modern old-fashioned shoes παλιομοδίτικος for school.

3.23 important adjective /ɪmˈpɔːtnt/ having a big effect on Good friends are more σημαντικός, -ή, -ό something/somebody important than money.

3.24 rubber noun /ˈrʌbə(r)/ a small piece of rubber Use your rubber when you γόμα, σβήστρα used to take pencil marks need to change your off paper answers.

3.25 typewriter noun /ˈtaɪpraɪtə(r)/ a machine with keys that Typewriters are heavy and γραφομηχανή you use to print letters on a difficult to use for writing. piece of paper


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Unit 3 46–47 3.26 contributed verb /kənˈtrɪbjuːtɪd/ gave something to help Everybody contributed συνέβαλε something else some food for the hungry families.

3.27 development noun /dɪˈveləpmənt/ the process of making of Engineers are working on ανάπτυξη something new or better the development of cars that move without a driver.

3.28 velocipede noun /vəˈlɒɪpiːd/ a basic kind of bicycle in Velocipedes were old- παλαιός τύπος the nineteenth century fashioned bicycles, usually ποδηλάτου with pedals on the front wheel.

3.29 cobblestone noun /ˈkɒblstəʊn/ made of small rounded You can walk on the καλντερίμι stones cobblestone streets in the old part of the city centre.

3.30 boneshaker noun /ˈbəʊnʃeɪkə(r)/ a vehicle that is old and We need a new car σαράβαλο, σακαράκα uncomfortable to ride in because this one is an old boneshaker.

3.31 penny- noun /ˈpeni ˈfɑːðɪŋ/ an old kind of bicycle with There’s an old penny- ποδήλατο αντίκα farthing one large front wheel and a farthing in the transport (με μια ψηλή και μια very small back wheel museum. μικρή ρόδα)

3.32 rubber adjective /ˈrʌbə(r)/ made of a strong material My dog loves playing with λαστιχένιος, ελαστικός that can bend easily a hard rubber toy. without breaking, which is made from liquid from inside a plant

3.33 push verb /pʊʃ/ to use your body to make We pushed the car to σπρώχνω something move forward make it start.

3.34 tricycle noun /ˈtraɪsɪkl/ a machine like a bike with When Susan was three τρίκυκλο three wheels years old, she learned to ride a tricycle.

3.35 pneumatic adjective /njuːˈmætɪk/ full of air Bikes with pneumatic tyres με πεπιεσμένο αέρα were easier to ride than bikes with wooden tyres. 13

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Unit 3 46–47 3.36 tyre noun /ˈtaɪə(r)/ a thick rubber cover around There’s a hole in one of my ελαστικά a wheel bicycle tyres. I need to get a new one.

3.37 handlebars noun pl /ˈhændlbɑːz/ the metal bars that you Keep your hands on the τιμόνι hold onto at the front of a handlebars when you’re bike to change direction riding your bike.

3.38 wheel noun /wiːl/ one of the round things on That car is very long and it τροχός a car, bike, etc. that goes has got six wheels instead around to make it move of four.

3.39 put verb /pʊt/ to place something Put your bicycle in the τοποθετώ, βάζω somewhere garden.

48–49 3.40 teacher noun /ˈtiːtʃə(r)/ a person who teaches Our English teacher is from δάσκαλος something to students, Ireland. usually in a school

3.41 benches noun pl /bentʃɪz/ long wooden seats for two We can sit on one of the παγκάκια or more people to sit on benches in the park.

3.42 slates noun pl /sleɪts/ a small flat grey stone used Many years ago, the πλάκες σχιστόλιθου for children to write on teachers gave slates to the children to write on in school.

3.43 chalk noun /tʃɔːk/ a soft white or coloured My teacher draws pictures κιμωλία stick for writing on a board on the board with coloured chalk.

3.44 quill noun /kwɪl/ a kind of pen made from a People had to use quill πένα, φτερό long feather pens and ink to write with before metal pens were made.

3.45 neatly adverb /ˈniːtli/ in a tidy way Put your clothes away νοικοκυρεμένα neatly.

3.46 memorise verb /ˈmeməraɪz/ to learn something so that I don’t like trying to απομνημονεύω, you remember the exact memorise grammar rules. αποστηθίζω words 14

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Unit 3 48–49 3.47 branches noun pl /ˈbrɑːntʃɪz/ parts of a tree that grow Nick cut the branches of κλαδιά out of the main part the tree to make it grow stronger.

3.48 punish verb /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ to do something that hurts My parents punished us by τιμωρώ somebody because they not letting us play have done something computer games because wrong we were fighting.

3.49 corner noun /ˈkɔːnə(r)/ a part of a room where two The TV is in the corner of γωνία walls meet our living room.

3.50 dunce’s cap noun /ˈdʌnsɪz kæp/ a pointed hat that a teacher I laughed at my bad test κωνικό καπέλο κακού gave to a child who hadn’t mark and said I needed a μαθητή (για τιμωρία) learned something in dunce’s cap. school

3.51 ashamed adjective /əˈʃeɪmd/ feeling shame or guilty Tom was ashamed to show ντροπιασμένος, -η, -ο about something his parents his school report.

3.52 silly adjective /ˈsɪli/ stupid or not important Don’t ask silly questions. ανόητος, -η, -ο

3.53 knowledge noun /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ everything that you know I want to be a teacher to γνώση about something share my knowledge with others.

3.54 hope noun /həʊp/ a feeling that something The teacher’s kind words ελπίδα good is possible gave him hope for his future studies.

3.55 implies verb /ɪmˈplaɪz/ gives an idea that Dad’s angry look implies σημαίνει something is true we’ve done something bad.

3.56 faith noun /feɪθ/ a feeling of trust in You have to have faith in πίστη something/somebody yourself to succeed.

3.57 historian noun /hɪˈstɔːriən/ a person who studies and Pausanias was a Greek ιστορικός writes about history as a job historian and traveller hundreds of years ago.


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Unit 3 50 3.58 sport noun /spɔːt/ games and activities We do a lot of sport at αθλητισμός, σπορ involving physical exercise school to keep fit.

Review Units 1-3 Review

52 R1.01 funny adjective /ˈfʌni/ that makes you laugh Our teacher tells us funny αστείος, -η, -ο stories and we all laugh.

Let’s 54–55 LT1.01 greet verb /ɡriːt/ to say hello to somebody My uncle greeted us when χαιρετώ Talk when they arrive we got off the bus.

LT1.02 formally adverb /ˈfɔːməli/ in a correct way for an He dresses formally to go επίσημα important event or with to work in the bank. important people

LT1.03 informally adverb /ɪnˈfɔːməli/ in a friendly way for every Some of our teachers meet ανεπίσημα day events or people you informally to chat together know well after school.

LT1.04 fine adjective /faɪn/ well; okay I feel fine today. καλά, εντάξει

LT1.05 agree verb /əˈɡriː/ to say something to show I think the cinema is συμφωνώ your opinion is the same expensive. Do you agree? as somebody else’s

LT1.06 disagree verb /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ to say something to show Tom says fast food is tasty, διαφωνώ your opinion is diffent from but his parents disagree. somebody else’s

LT1.07 generalisation noun /ˌdʒenrəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ a statement that is based It’s a generalisation to say γενίκευση on a few general examples that reports are difficult to and not exact information write.

LT1.08 boring adjective /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ not interesting I think museums are really βαρετός, -ή, -ό boring.

LT1.09 prepare verb /prɪˈpeə(r)/ to get ready to do We are preparing the προετοιμάζω something questions for our survey.

LT1.10 dinosaur noun /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)/ a large animal that lived There is a large model δεινόσαυρος thousand of years ago but dinosaur in the museum. doesn’t not live now 16

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Unit 4 Get Well Soon!

56 4.01 health noun /helθ/ a person’s physical and Getting enough sleep is υγεία mental condition important to good health.

4.02 illness noun /ˈɪlnəs/ the state of being ill Nigel is off school this ασθένεια, αρρώστια week because of his illness.

4.03 advice noun /ədˈvaɪs/ something you tell If you don’t feel better συμβουλή somebody to do to help tomorrow, go to a doctor them with a problem for advice.

4.04 effect noun /ɪˈfekt/ a result of something that Hot tea with honey has a αποτέλεσμα somebody/something relaxing efffect on me. causes

4.05 What’s the expression /wɒts ðə used to ask what’s wrong What’s the matter, Ted? Τι τρέχει; matter? ˈmætə(r)/ with somebody You look a bit sad.

4.06 hurt verb /hɜːt/ to feel pain Ow! My arm hurts. I think πονάω it’s broken.

58–59 4.07 amazing adjective /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ wonderful; surprising You’ll feel amazing after καταπληκτικός exercising for an hour every day.

4.08 speech noun /spiːtʃ ˈbʌbl/ a frame around words that Read the words in the συννεφάκι κειμένου bubble somebody says in a speech bubbles. cartoon drawing

4.09 ill adjective /ɪl/ not feeling healthy; not well Mum didn’t go to work άρρωστος, -η, -ο yesterday because she was ill.

4.10 a cold noun /ə kəʊld/ an illness that makes you I think I’ve got a cold. I κρυολόγημα sneeze and cough, etc. need some tea with lemon and honey.

4.11 germ noun /dʒɜːm/ a very small thing that can Have a shower every day μικρόβιο cause an illness to wash germs away .


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Unit 4 58–59 4.12 have entered verb /həv ˈentəd/ have come into When you have entered έχουν μπει the stadium, you’ll find us in the front seats.

4.13 tissue noun /ˈtɪʃuː/ a soft thin kind of paper Have you got a tissue? I χαρτομάντιλο that you use as a think I’m going to cry. handkerchief for your nose, etc.

4.14 sneeze verb /sniːz/ to make a loud nose with Hold the tissue over your φτερνίζομαι your nose when air comes nose when you sneeze. out quickly, e.g. when you have a cold

4.15 cough verb /kɒf/ to make a noise with your I can’t stop coughing. I βήχας throat, e.g. when you have need to drink some water. a cold

4.15 feel dizzy phrase /fiːl ˈdɪzi/ to feel as if everything is Sometimes I feel dizzy ζαλίζομαι going round and you might when I travel by bus. fall down

4.16 earache noun /ˈɪəreɪk/ a pain in your ear Frank is holding his ear ωταλγία, πόνος because he’s got earache. στο αυτί

4.18 stomach noun /ˈstʌmək eɪk/ a pain in your stomach Peter ate too much and πόνος στο στομάχι ache now he’s got stomach ache.

4.19 headache noun /ˈhedeɪk/ a pain for a long time in George played computer πονοκέφαλος your head games all day, and that caused his headache.

4.20 toothache noun /ˈtuːθeɪk/ a pain caused by a tooth I need to see the dentist. πονόδοντος problem in your mouth I’ve got a toothache.

4.21 first aid kit noun /fɜːst eɪd kɪt/ a box with things you need Remember to take a first κουτί πρώτων βοηθειών to find quickly if somebody aid kit when you go on a is hurt or ill trip.


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Unit 4 58–59 4.22 thermometer noun /θəˈmɒmɪtə(r)/ a small piece of equipment The thermometer shows θερμόμετρο that measures body 37°C, so you are OK. temperature

4.23 a temperature noun /ə ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ a fever; a body I feel really hot. I’ve got a πυρετό temperature that is higher temperature. than normal

4.24 bandage noun /ˈbændɪdʒ/ a piece of material that is Ben hurt his foot playing επίδεσμος tied around an injured part football. The school nurse of the body put a bandage on it.

4.25 plaster noun /ˈplɑːstə(r)/ a piece of material that is You’ve cut your finger. αυτοκολλητική ταινία stuck over a cut on the Wash it and put a plaster (δέρματος) body to keep it clean on it.

4.26 cast noun /kɑːst/ a hard cover made of Dennis had a cast on his γύψο plaster that is put on a arm for five weeks when it broken bone was broken.

4.27 medicine noun /ˈmedsn/ something that you take to This medicine tastes φάρμακα feel better when you have terrible, but I need it for an illness my earache.

60 4.28 yourself pronoun /jɔːˈself/ used to show that I hope you didn’t cut τον εαυτό σου/σας youcause something to yourself when you broke happen to you the glass.

4.29 treats noun /triːts/ extra things given to Too many sugary treats are λιχουδιές somebody to eat for bad for your teeth. something special

64–65 4.30 burn noun /bɜːn/ a mark on your body Pauline has a burn on her έγκαυμα caused by touching fire or hand because she very hot water, etc. touched the hot cooker.

4.31 broken leg noun /ˈbrəʊkən leɡ/ a leg with a bone that has Charles can’t walk σπασμένο πόδι broken because of his broken leg.


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Unit 4 64–65 4.32 scratch noun /skrætʃ/ a thin mark on your skin Ellie was playing with her γρατσουνιά where it is cut in a line on cat and she’s got a scratch the surface on her arm.

4.33 bruise noun /bruːz/ a blue or purple mark on Every time Jane plays μελανιά skin that has been hit volleyball, she come home with bruises on her arms.

4.34 cut noun /kʌt/ a mark on your body I got a cut on my hand τομή, κόψιμο (πληγή) caused by something when I was using the knife sharp like a knife in the kitchen.

4.35 myself pronoun /maɪˈself/ used to show that the I burnt myself on the τον εαυτό μου person speaking causes electric fire. something to happen that affects him/her

4.36 hurt verb /hɜːt/ to cause pain to somebody Matthew hurt his knee τραυματίζω when he fell.

4.37 himself pronoun /hɪmˈself/ used to show that a man Roger hurt himself when τον εαυτό του or boy caused something he walked into the window. to happen to him

4.38 herself pronoun /hɜːˈself/ used to show that a woman Bridget cut herself on a τον εαυτό της or girl caused something to piece of glass. happen to her

66 4.39 tickle verb /ˈtɪkl/ to touch somebody with My mum sometimes tickles γαργαλάω your fingers in a way that my feet to wake me up in makes them laugh the morning.

4.40 send verb /send/ to pass something on to We can send messages to στέλνω, εκπέμπω somebody/something our friends and family on our mobile phones.

4.41 centre noun /ˈsentə(r)/ a middle point where Nerve centres are part of κέντρο things meet the human brain.


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Unit 4 66 4.42 quickly adverb /ˈkwɪkli/ fast; adverb form of quick Let’s do our homework γρήγορα quickly, and then we can go out.

4.43 photic adjective /ˈfəʊtɪk/ caused by light Alexia is the only person φωτικός, -ή, -ό I know who is a photic sneezer.

4.44 iguana noun /ɪˈɡwɑːnə/ a large kind of lizard from Iguanas eat plants in the ιγκουάνα South America rainforests.

68–69 4.45 temperature noun /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ how hot or cold something/ Sea turtles don’t like θερμοκρασία somewhere is swimming in cold temperatures.

4.46 nerve noun /nɜːv/ something that sends The dentist touched a νεύρο messages to and from part nerve in my tooth and it of the body to the brain really hurt.

4.47 blood vessels noun /blʌd ˈvesls/ the tubes that blood goes You were lucky you didn’t αιμοφόρα αγγεία through inside your body cut a blood vessel on your arm.

4.48 serious adjective /ˈsɪəriəs/ important or dangerous Sam had some cuts and σοβαρός, -ή, -ό bruises after the football match, but they weren’t serious.

4.49 prevent verb /prɪˈvent/ to stop something from You can prevent stomach προλαμβάνω happening aches by being careful with what you eat.

4.50 distant adjective /ˈdɪstənt/ far away The island is in a distant μακρινός, -ή, -ό, part of the ocean. απόμακρος, -η, -ο

4.51 conditions noun pl /kənˈdɪʃnz/ the way things are where People in countries near συνθήκες people live or work, etc. the Equator live in difficult conditions.


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Unit 4 68–69 4.52 ambassador noun /æmˈbæsədə(r)/ a person whose job is to The Irish Ambassador πρεσβευτής go to other countries to gave a talk to welcome represent his/her own everyone to the event. country

4.53 rescue noun /ˈreskjuː/ an act of saving people We thanked the firefighter διάσωση from a dangerous situation for the rescue of our cat from the top of a building.

70 4.54 basic adjective /ˈbeɪsɪk/ simple and most important Everybody needs to have a βασικός, -ή, -ό basic knowledge of first aid.

Unit 5 My Favourites

72 5.01 identify verb /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ to know what/who Can you identify the προσδιορίζω something/somebody is person in this painting? and say what they are called

5.02 entertainment noun /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ activities that people do to Book and music are my ψυχαγωγία have fun favourite forms of entertainment.

5.03 roller coaster noun /ˈrəʊlə(r) a small train that goes up Some people think a ride τρενάκι του λούνα-παρκ ˈkəʊstə(r)/ and down a very high track on a roller coaster is at a funfair exciting, but lots of people feel scared on it.

74 5.04 amazing adjective /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ wonderful; surprising The wax models were καταπληκτικός, -ή, -ό amazing because they looked like real people.

5.05 famous adjective /ˈfeɪməs/ well-known; that many The famous rock band διάσημος, -η, -ο people know about Red Hot Chili Peppers are in concert at the stadium next month.

5.06 cool adjective /kuːl/ interesting and fun; modern The Acropolis Museum is φοβερός, -ή, -ό, a really cool place to visit τέλειος, -η, -ο in Athens.


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Unit 5 74 5.07 actor noun /ˈæktə(r)/ a person who plays a part The actor who played ηθοποιός in a film or play Harry Potter was Daniel Radcliffe.

5.08 popular adjective /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ liked by many people What’s the most popular δημοφιλής TV programme in your country?

5.09 talented adjective /ˈtæləntɪd/ being naturally able to do Frédéric Chopin was a ταλαντούχος, -η, -ο something very well talented piano player and composer.

5.10 funny adjective /ˈfʌni/ that makes you laugh Nina Conti is a very funny αστείος, -η, -ο entertainer.

5.11 film noun /fɪlm/ moving pictures with sound I saw all the Harry Potter ταινία that tell a story shown on films and read all the TV or at the cinema books.

5.12 take photos phrase /teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz/ to use a camera to record We took lots of photos of βγάζω φωτογραφίες images of things you see mountains and castles on our holiday in Scotland.

5.13 superhero noun /ˈsuːpəhɪərəʊ/ a film character who has At the party, everybody υπερήρωας, special powers, e.g. extra was dressed up as σούπερ ήρωας strength, to help people superheroes.

5.14 pretty adjective /ˈprɪti/ attractive; quite beautiful Liz looked pretty in her ωραίος, -η, -ο, (usually for a girl or Cleopatra costume. όμορφος, -η, -ο woman)

5.15 handsome adjective /ˈhænsəm/ attractive; good looking The powerful king looked όμορφος, -η, -ο (usually for a boy or man) handsome in the painting, but he was really an ugly man.

5.16 athlete noun /ˈæθliːt/ a person who takes part in I enjoy running in races for αθλητής sport, especially on a fun, but I don’t want to be track, e.g. running, jumping an Olympic athlete.


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Unit 5 74 5.17 great adjective /ɡreɪt/ fantastic; very good Serena and Venus Williams υπέροχος, -η, -ο are great tennis players.

5.18 author noun /ˈɔːθə(r)/ a person who writes books George Orwell was an συγγραφέας as a job author who wrote famous books in the twentieth century.

5.19 wonderful adjective /ˈwʌndəfl/ amazing; fantastic We had a wonderful time θαυμάσιος , -η, -ο at the waxworks museum.

5.20 courtesy (of) noun /ˈkɜːtəsi (əv)/ free with kind permission Copies of famous Italian ευγένεια (from) paintings are on show, courtesy of the Louvre in Paris.

5.21 wax museum noun /wæks mjuˈziːəm/ a museum with life-size Madame Tussaud had a μουσείο κερινών statues of famous people travelling show of ομοιωμάτων made from wax waxworks before she opened her wax museum in London in 1835.

76 5.22 dream (of) verb /driːm (əv)/ to imagine something that I dream of travelling ονειρεύομαι you want to do around South America.

5.23 fans noun /fænz/ people who admire a Thousands of fans waited θαυμαστές, οπαδοί famous person or team to see the Rolling Stones on stage.

5.24 jungle noun /ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ an area of thick forest in a Tigers live in the jungles of ζούγκλα tropical country Asia.

5.25 adventure noun /ədˈventʃə(r)/ an exciting experience/ Exploring the dark cave περιπέτεια event was a real adventure.

5.26 profession noun /prəˈfeʃn/ a kind of job, usually one Olga stopped being a επάγγελμα that needs special training teacher to start a new profession as an author.


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Unit 5 78 5.27 TV show noun /ˌtiː ˈviː ʃəʊ/ a programme on TV Do you like watching TV τηλεοπτική εκπομπή shows where people cook different meals?

80–81 5.28 hobby noun /ˈhɒbi/ an activity that you do for Swimming and taking χόμπι fun when you are not photos are Vivienne’s working or studying favourite hobbies.

5.29 school noun /skuːl ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ a lesson studied in school Maths is the most difficult μάθημα subject school subject for me.

5.30 sport noun /spɔːt/ games and activities Do you enjoy team sports άθλημα, σπορ involving physical exercise like football?

5.31 writer noun /ˈraɪtə(r)/ a person who writes stories Kazuo Ishiguro is a famous συγγραφέας or articles as a job writer from Japan.

5.32 country noun /ˈkʌntri/ an area of land that has its Which country in the world χώρα own government, laws and would you like to visit? traditions

5.33 worse adjective /wɜːs/ comparative form of bad; Maths is bad, but history is χειρότερος less good worse for me.

5.34 the worst noun /ðə wɜːst/ superlative form of bad; Tom thinks reading is the ο χειρότερος από όλους worse than anything else worst of all the hobbies of the same kind because he prefers to do sport.

5.35 goblet noun /ˈɡɒblət/ a kind of cup that has a In the painting, the queen κύπελλο, κολονάτο long stem and a base was drinking from a silver ποτήρι goblet.

82 5.36 ancient adjective /ˈeɪnʃənt/ from thousands of years It’s interesting to learn αρχαίος ago about the lives of people in ancient times.

5.37 societies noun pl /səˈsaɪətiz/ groups of people who live Some ways of life in Asia κοινωνίες near each other as are different from those of communities European societies.


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Unit 5 82 5.38 juggler noun /ˈdʒʌɡlə(r)/ a person who throws The two jugglers at the ταχυδακτυλουργός things up in the air and circus were throwing catches them without chairs and tables to each dropping them other without dropping anything.

5.39 cycling noun /ˈsaɪklɪŋ/ riding a bicycle We often go cycling by the ποδηλασία river when the weather is good.

5.40 monocycle noun /ˈmɒnəsaɪkl/ a kind of bicycle with only A whole team of acrobats μονόκυκλο one wheel was balancing on a monocycle.

5.41 wire noun /ˈwaɪə(r)/ a long thin piece of metal The acrobat walked slowly σκοινί (ισορροπίας) like a rope across the high wire.

5.42 pole-climbing noun /pəʊl ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ using your hands and feet Some people do pole- αναρρίχηση σε στύλο to climb up a pole climbing as a sport in Canada.

5.43 balance verb /ˈbæləns/ to be able to stay in a Acrobats have to learn to ισορροπώ position without falling over balance on a rope high or hold something up above the ground. without dropping it

5.44 plate-spinning noun /pleɪt ˈspɪnɪŋ/ balancing a plate on We tried to do plate- στριφογύρισμα something and causing it spinning at home, but only των πιάτων to move fast in circles with plastic plates! (από ισορροπιστές πιάτων στο τσίρκο)

5.45 spin verb /spɪn/ to move round fast in a Can you make a plate spin περιστρέφομαι, circles on the end of your finger? στριφογυρίζω

5.46 gastriloquist noun /ɡæsˈtrɪləkwɪst/ a person who can make The amazing gastriloquist εγγαστρίμυθος sounds come from their made a sound like a stomach without moving motorbike engine. their mouth


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Unit 5 84–85 5.47 descriptive adjective /dɪˈskrɪptɪv/ that gives a description to I didn’t like the first part of περιγραφικός, -ή, -ό create a picture of the book because it was something with words too descriptive with no dialogues.

5.48 cliffhanger noun /ˈklɪfhæŋə(r)/ a story that is exciting Ian Rankin’s crime stories αγωνιώδες φινάλε, because you can’t guess are real cliffhangers that δραματική στιγμή what will happen in the end always have a twist at the end.

5.49 try verb /traɪ/ to make an effort to do You never know what you προσπαθώ something can do until you try.

5.50 role model noun /rəʊl ˈmɒdl/ a person that you admire People who are kind to πρότυπο and try to be like in some others are the best role way models for children.

5.51 inspire verb /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/ to give somebody an idea We asked the author what εμπνέω to do something inspired her to write her books.

5.52 biology noun /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ the study of living things I want to study biology and βιολογία to be a scientist one day.

5.53 biologist noun /baɪˈɒlədʒɪst/ a person who studies The marine biologist told βιολόγος biology as a job us all about the sharks.

Unit 6 Wonders of the Sea

88 6.01 octopus noun /ˈɒktəpəs/ a sea creature that has Octopuses seem to be χταπόδι eight long arms very clever animals that remember things and work out how to do things.

90–91 6.02 pollution noun /pəˈluːʃn/ the process of making the The rubbish that comes ρύπανση air, water or land dirty from ships and from people on the land is causing sea pollution that poisons fish.


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Unit 6 90–91 6.03 resource noun /rɪˈsɔːs/ something that is available We can make things that πόρος to use we need using the resources that we can find around us.

6.04 layer noun /ˈleɪə(r)/ one level of something that Put a layer of cream on top στρώμα is made up of different of the fruit salad. levels

6.05 zone noun /zəʊn/ one part of a place that has Passenger planes are not ζώνη, περιοχή different features or a allowed to fly over the war different use from other zone. parts

6.06 sunlight noun /ˈsʌnlaɪt/ the light from the sun All plants need sunlight to (ζώνη με το) φως του grow.

6.07 middle adjective /ˈmɪdl/ the part in the centre Easter Island is in the μέσο middle of the Pacific Ocean.

6.08 twilight zone noun /ˈtwaɪlaɪt zəʊn/ the area deep below the Not many fish live in the ζώνη του λυκόφωτος surface of the sea where twilight zone because it’s there isn’t much light too dark to find food.

6.09 mysterious adjective /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ strange Octopuses produce a μυστηριώδης mysterious black cloud of ink when they are in danger.

6.10 completely adverb /kəmˈpliːtli/ totally Lots of these words are εντελώς completely new to me. How can I remember them all?

6.11 whale noun /weɪl/ a very large fish-shaped From the island on the φάλαινα animal that lives in the sea west of Scotland, we saw two whales blowing water into the air.


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Unit 6 90–91 6.12 squid noun /skwɪd/ a sea creature that has a A squid has eight legs like καλαμάρι large body and many long an octopus, but it aso has thin legs to move in the two longer tentacles. water

6.13 dolphin noun /ˈdɒlfɪn/ a large fish-shaped animal Dolphins are clever and δελφίνι that lives in the sea quite friendly animals.

6.14 fish noun /fɪʃ/ an animal that lives in The sea was so clear ψάρι water and can breathe that we could see fish underwater through gills at swimming next to our boat. the side of its head

6.15 turtle noun /ˈtɜːtl/ an animal that lives on the Sea turtles go back to the θαλάσσια χελώνα sea or land and has a hard place where they were cover on its back to protect born to leave their own it eggs in the sand.

6.16 shark noun /ʃɑːk/ a large fish with sharp The surfers got out of the καρχαρίας teeth and a big fin on its sea quickly when they saw back the shark near them.

6.17 sea sponge noun /siː spʌndʒ/ a sea creature that lives on Divers from the island of σφουγγάρι θάλασσας rocks underwater and has Kalymnos collect sea a body full of holes sponges to sell to people for their baths.

92 6.18 throw verb /θrəʊ/ to drop or place something Be careful not to throw πετάω carelessly somewhere bottles and other rubbish on the beach.

6.19 breathe verb /briːð/ to take air into your body I can’t breathe in this café. αναπνέω and let it out through your The air is full of smoke. mouth or nose

94 6.20 plastic adjective /ˈplæstɪk/ a strong material made We must stop using so πλαστικός, -ή, -ό from oils processed by many plastic bags. chemicals to make things


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Unit 6 94 6.21 biodegradable adjective /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbl/ that can be changed into a We should buy things in βιοδιασπώμενος -ο, -η natural state and doesn’t paper bags because damage the environment paper is biodegradable.

6.22 respect verb /rɪˈspekt/ to take care not to do harm You must respect the area σέβομαι to something that is that you live in. important

96 6.23 oil spill noun /ɔɪl/ an area where oil is There was a huge oil spill πετρελαιοκηλίδα dropped on the surface from the ship that crashed of the sea into the rocks.

6.24 rubbish noun /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ things that you throw away Don’t leave any rubbish in σκουπίδια the park after your picnic.

6.25 overfishing noun /ˌə ʊ v əˈf ɪʃɪŋ / the process of catching too Overfishing must stop or υπεραλίευση many fish that means they some kinds of fish will don’t have time to disappear. reproduce

6.26 banana skins noun pl /bəˈnɑːnə skɪnz/ the yellow outside part of Don’t throw banana skins φλούδες μπανάνας bananas on the street. Somebody will fall and get hurt.

6.27 can noun /kən/ a metal container for food Would you like a can of κουτί or drink lemonade?

6.28 newspaper noun /ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)/ some printed sheets of We don’t buy so many εφημερίδα paper with news and other newspapers now that we interesting things on them can read the news online.

6.29 reproduce verb /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs/ to produce young animals Pandas are disappearing αναπαράγω of the same kind because it’s difficult for them to reproduce.

6.30 tankers noun pl /ˈtæŋkəz/ large ships that carry oil, Many oil tankers travel δεξαμενόπλοια petrol or gas from Africa to European ports every day.


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Unit 6 99 6.31 corals noun pl /ˈkɒrəlz/ small hard animals that She wore a beautiful κοράλλια grow on rocks in the sea necklace made from pink corals.

6.32 individual adjective /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ separate Every individual child is ξεχοριστός, -ή, -ό, different from others in μεμονωμμένος, -η, -ο, some way.

6.33 polyps noun /ˈpɒlɪps/ very small sea creatures Polyps are so small and πολύποδες like tiny tubes they eat even smaller creatures.

6.34 transparent adjective /trænsˈpærənt/ that you can see through Some jellyfish have διαφανής completely transparent bodies.

6.35 depend verb /dɪˈpend/ to be affected What we will do this εξαρτώμαι, βασίζομαι (by something else) weekend depends on the weather.

6.36 algae noun /ˈældʒiː/ tiny plants that grow in Some kinds of fish eat φύκια water or wet places algae from the bottom of the sea.

6.37 current noun /ˈkʌrənt/ the movement of water in a The strong current was ρεύμα particular direction pulling the small boat out to sea.

6.38 tentacles noun pl /ˈtentəklz/ the long thin parts of a sea The octopus picked up the πλοκάμια creature that it uses like shell with its tentacles. arms

6.39 plankton noun /ˈplæŋktən/ tiny plants and animals that Did you know that huge πλαγκτόν live in water whales eat tiny plankton?

6.40 colonies noun pl /ˈkɒləniz/ small groups of plants or Ants live in colonies. αποικίες animals that live together in a group

6.41 reefs noun pl /riːfs/ long lines of rocks near the Australia has got coral ύφαλοι surface of the sea reefs along its east coast.


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Unit 6 99 6.42 tourism noun /ˈtʊərɪzəm/ the business of providing The Greek economy τουρισμός services to visitors who are depends on tourism. on holiday

6.43 job noun /dʒɒb/ work that you receive A lot of young people have δουλειά pay for jobs in hotels and restaurants during summer.

6.44 predict verb /prɪˈdɪkt/ to say what will happen in The government predicts προβλέπω the future that more tourists will visit to the islands next year.

6.46 cool adjective /kuːl/ not warm; a bit cold I’m hot and thirsty. I need a δροσερός glass of cool water.

6.47 definition noun /ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn/ meaning Do you know the definition ορισμός of the plankton?

100–101 6.48 afraid adjective /əˈfreɪd/ having a fear Most people are afraid φοβισμένος, -η, -ο of snakes.

6.49 flatter adjective /ˈflætə(r)/ comparative form of flat; It was easier to ride our πιο επίπεδος.-η, -ο more flat than something bikes on the flatter road else than on the hill.

6.50 holes noun pl /həʊlz/ spaces in the surface of Tortoises dig holes in the τρύπες something ground to put their eggs in.

6.51 connect verb /kəˈnekt/ to join together All living things are συνδέομαι connected to each other.

6.52 oceanographer noun /ˌəʊʃəˈnɒɡrəfə(r)/ a scientist who studies The oceanographer ωκεανογράφος ocean life explained why we must protect our oceans.

102 6.53 article noun /ˈɑːtɪkl/ a piece of writing that I read a newspaper article άρθρο gives information about about sea pollution. something


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Review Units 4-6 Review

105 R2.01 knife noun /naɪf/ a device with a sharp side Be careful! Don’t cut μαχαίρι used for cutting yourself on the bread knife.

Let’s 106–107 LT2.01 suggestion noun /səˈdʒestʃən/ an idea for a plan; a piece Let me make suggestion. πρόταση Talk of advice Why don’t we go for a walk?

LT2.02 feel sick phrase /fiːl sɪk/ to have a stomach ache Please stop the car. ανακατεύομαι, I feel sick. μου έρχεται εμετός

LT2.03 interrupt verb /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt / to stop somebody when Please don’t interrupt me διακόπτω they are talking when I’m working.

LT2.04 reply verb /rɪˈplaɪ/ to give an answer to Tom replied politely when απαντώ something that was said or his friend asked for help. written

Unit 7 Good Idea!

108 7.01 invention noun /ɪnˈvenʃn/ something new that has Bicycles were a very εφεύρεση been made for the first useful invention. time

7.02 bullet train noun /ˈbʊlɪt treɪn/ a train that travels We travelled from Tokyo in τρένο μεγάλης extremely fast a bullet train. ταχύτητας

110 –111 7.03 electricity noun /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/ a type of energy that runs Imagine how difficult life ηλεκτρισμός through electric wires was in the past without electricity.

7.04 battery noun /ˈbætri/ a small device that I need a new battery for μπαταρία provides electricity to make my MP3 player. a machine work

7.05 imagination noun /ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn/ the ability to think of new You need a good φαντασία ideas and situations imagination to be a writer.

7.06 creativity noun /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ the ability to use skills to You need creativity to δημιουργικότητα make new things become a good artist.


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Unit 7 110 –111 7.07 rub out phrasal verb /rʌb aʊt/ to delete a pencil or pen Use a pencil so that you σβήνω mark on paper can rub out your mistakes.

7.08 fail verb /feɪl/ to not do something When the first explorers αποτυγχάνω successfully after trying to tried to walk to the South do it Pole, they failed to get there.

7.09 succeed verb /səkˈsiːd/ to do something in the way The Wright brothers πετυχαίνω that you were trying to do it succeeded in flying a plane in 1903.

7.10 public adjective /ˈpʌblɪk/ for everybody to see The rock star has stopped δημόσιος, -α, -ο doing public performances since his accident.

7.11 flight noun /flaɪt/ a journey in a plane, The pilot gave us some πτήση helicopter, etc. information about the plane’s position during our flight.

112 7.12 solve verb /sɒlv/ to find an answer to a The invention of buses and λύνω problem trains solved the problems of using horses for public transport.

7.13 mention verb /ˈmenʃn/ to say or write something You didn’t mention that you αναφέρω about something/ used to live in Italy. somebody

116–117 7.14 put verb /pʊt/ to place Put your hands on your τοποθετώ, βάζω shoulders.

7.15 turn verb /tɜːn/ to make something move Turn around and look at γυρίζω round in a circular direction the back of the room.

7.16 lift verb /lɪft/ to move something to a Lift the bag from the floor ανυψώνω, σηκώνω higher position and place it on the table.

7.17 move verb /muːv/ to change position Move your arms from right κουνιέμαι to left.


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Unit 7 116–117 7.18 use verb /juːz/ to make use of; to operate You use a racket to hit the χρησιμοποιώ something ball in tennis.

7.19 hula hoop noun /ˈhulə huːp/ a large circular plastic ring Can you balance a hula χούλα-χουπ used for exercise or games hoop around your waist?

7. 20 waist noun /weɪst/ the middle part of your Hugo is wearing a belt μέση body around his waist.

7. 21 invent verb /ɪnˈvent/ to make something that’s a Did you know the Chinese εφευρίσκω completely new idea invented the umbrella nearly two thousand years ago?

7. 22 clue noun /kluː/ something that gives Can you give me a clue στοιχείο, ίχνη information that helps you what’s in that box? solve a problem

7. 23 rucksack noun /ˈrʌksæk/ a large back that you can I can carry the food in my σακίδιο carry on your back rucksack for the picnic.

118–119 7. 24 creative adjective /kriˈeɪtɪv/ having skill and Tessa is very creative—she δημιουργικός, -ή, -ό imagination to make designs and sews her own something new clothes.

7. 25 teenager noun /ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/ a person from 13 to 19 The café next to the school έφηβος years old is popular with teenagers because they can meet their friends there.

7. 26 Wristies™ noun pl /ˈrɪstɪz/ a kind of gloves without Wristies™ keep my hands γάντια χωρίς δάκτυλα fingers that cover your warm in winter when I’m wrists to keep them warm cycling and I can hold onto the handlebars easily.

7. 27 ice lolly noun /aɪs ˈlɒli/ a kind of sweet made from It’s hot. Would you like an γρανίτα a frozen drink on a stick ice lolly or some ice cream?


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Unit 7 118–119 7. 28 blind adjective /blaɪnd/ not able to see Sarah is blind and her dog τυφλός helps her to walk around outside.

7. 29 Braille noun /breɪl/ a special kind of printed Blind people can learn to Κώδικας Μπράιγ writing that blind people read books that are written (το σύστημα γραφής και can read by feeling the in Braille. ανάγνωσης των τυφλών) shapes made on a page

7.30 success noun /səkˈses/ a positive result that you The ‘hands-on basketball’ επιτυχία wanted and tried to get was a great success that made it easy for players to score more baskets.

7.31 industrial noun /ɪnˈdʌstriəl a person who creates Industrial designers are σχεδιαστής βιομηχανικών designer dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ plans for new things to trying to find new shapes προϊόντων produce in factories for cars to make them move faster.

7.32 series noun /ˈsɪəriːz/ a number of different The company will add a σειρά things of the same kind new camera to its that are made as a set successful series later this year.

120 7.33 floor noun /flɔː(r)/ the lower surface of a room Please pick up your toys πάτωμα from the floor.

7.34 entirely adverb /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ completely My desk is entirely εντελώς covered in notes for my projects.

122–123 7.35 fair noun /feə(r)/ an event where people can We listened to the author εκδήλωση, έκθεση show and present different talking about her new book things to the public at the book fair.

7.36 material noun /məˈtɪəriəl/ something that you need to Parents can use materials υλικό make or do something like cardboard boxes to make toys for their children.


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Unit 7 122–123 7.37 vacuum noun /ˈvækjuəm an electric machine for Sophie uses her vacuum ηλεκτρική σκούπα cleaner ˈkliːnə(r)/ cleaning carpets and floors cleaner to clean her pet’s hairs from the carpet every day.

Unit 8 That’s Really Interesting!

124–125 8.01 fossil noun /ˈfɒsl/ a part of a dead animal or In the natural history απολίθωμα plant that has become part museum, there were of a rock after thousands of fossils of small creatures years that lived two million years ago.

8.02 southern adjective /ˈsʌðən/ in the south part of an area Southern Europe has a νότιος, -α, -ο warmer climate than the northern countries.

126 8.03 collect verb /kəˈlekt/ to find things of a particular Marios collects cards with συλλέγω kind and make a collection cartoon characters from of them as a hobby his favourite TV programme.

8.04 musical noun /ˈmjuːzɪkl ɡruːp/ a smalll group of people Garry and Martin played μουσικό συγκρότημα group who play musical their guitars together in a intruments and/or sing musical group when they together were teenagers.

8.05 take photos phrase /teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz/ to take pictures with a Helen loves taking photos βγάζω φωτογραφίες camera of famous buildings.

8.06 enjoy verb /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ to have or do something Do you enjoy ice skating? απολαμβάνω that you like

8.07 avatar noun /ˈævətɑː(r)/ a picture that represents You never know what the άβαταρ somebody who is playing other players look like in a computer game when you only see their avatars in the game.

8.08 compete verb /kəmˈpiːt/ to take part in a game and I can’t compete with my ανταγωνίζονται try to win sister in this game. She’s too fast. 37

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Unit 8 126 8.09 point noun /pɔɪnt/ a number added to a score Kirsty got nine out of ten πόντος in a game or competition points in the singing competition.

8.10 score noun /skɔː(r)/ the number of points each The score was still 1–1, so σκορ, βαθμολογία team/player has at the end the teams had to play for of a game/match extra time.

8.11 together adverb /təˈɡeðə(r)/ as a group or pair Let’s go cycling together μαζί this weekend.

8.12 co-operate verb /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/ to work together to do The parents co-operated συνεργάζομαι something more easily with the teachers to plan the school concert.

8.13 controller noun /kənˈtrəʊlə(r)/ a device that you use to This game has four ελεγκτής control movements on a controllers so that four computer game people can play together.

8.14 screen noun /skriːn/ the part of a TV or We have a large TV screen οθόνη computer where you can to watch films in our living see pictures or words room.

128 8.15 comic noun /ˈkɒmɪk/ a magazine that has Do you like reading comics κόμικ stories in pictures with or books? speech bubbles

130 8.16 seashell noun /ˈsiːʃel/ a hard shell that a small I love collecting pretty όστρακο, κοχύλι creature lives inside in seashells at the beach. the sea

8.17 trilobite noun /ˈtraɪləʊbaɪt/ a fossil of a small sea You can see the shapes of τριλοβίτης creature that lived millions tiny trilobites in the rocks of years ago near the sea.

132 8.18 insect noun /ˈɪnsekt/ a small animal with six legs There’s a net over the έντομο and wings that can fly bedroom window to keep insects out.


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Unit 8 132 8.19 dinosaur noun /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)/ a large animal that lived There were many kinds of δεινόσαυρος thousand of years ago but dinosaurs; the biggest doesn’t not live now were 40 metres long and the smallest was only 50 centimetres.

8.20 soft toy noun /sɒft tɔɪ/ a toy that is made of soft There are lots of soft toys λούτρινο παιχνίδι material, often shaped like in the baby’s room an animal

8.21 pair noun /peə(r)/ two things of the same I need a new pair of ζευγάρι kind, often as part of one sunglasses. thing that you wear

134 8.22 website noun /ˈwebsaɪt/ a place on the Internet that You can find the meanings ιστοσελίδα has information about of words in a on somebody/something a website.

8.23 letterbox noun /ˈletəbɒks/ a small plastic box with a a Agnes wrote her name on γραμματοκιβώτιο notepad, pen and rubber the notebook in the stamp inside, which is letterbox that she found in used to play a game the forest.

8.24 stamp noun /stæmp/ a tool with a rubber surface The woman in the bank σφραγίδα that prints words or used a rubber stamp to put numbers onto something the date on the papers.

8.25 stones noun pl /stəʊnz/ small rocks Dad has a collection of πέτρες different kinds of stones from places he has visited.

8.26 arrive verb /əˈraɪv/ to reach a place The plane arrives in φτάνω Madrid at 17.30.

136–137 8.27 origami noun /ˌɒrɪˈɡ ɑːmi/ a hobby from Japan that You can make a mobile for οριγκάμι involves making shapes your room with origami from paper animals.


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Unit 8 136–137 8.28 dragon noun /ˈdræɡən/ an imaginary, fire-breathing Dragons are usually scary δράκος creature like a big lizard creatures in children’s with wings books, but some writers make them friendly.

8.29 employ verb /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ to pay somebody to do a The company employs fifty προσλαμβάνω job people.

8.30 palaeontologist noun /ˌpæliɒnˈtɒlədʒɪst/ somebody who studies The palaeontologist found παλαιοντολόγος fossils as a job the skeleton of an ancient man in the desert.

139 8.31 geode noun /ˈdʒiːəʊd/ a round rock that has Look carefully and you can γεώδες crystals around an empty find geodes near the lake. space inside it

Unit 9 The Science of Fun

140 9.01 force noun /fɔːs/ a physical effect that The force of moving δύναμη makes things move downhill makes a bike move fast.

9.02 caption noun /ˈkæpʃn/ words written under a Let’s see who can write λεζάντα picture to describe it the funniest caption for this cartoon.

142–143 9.03 push verb /pʊʃ/ to use your hands or other I tried to push the door σπρώχνω parts of your body to make open, but it was locked. something/somebody move forward

9.04 pull verb /pʊl/ to use your hands or other Hold onto the rope and τραβάω parts of your body to make pull yourself up the rock. something/somebody move towards you

9.05 skater noun /ˈskeɪtə(r)/ a person moving on roller The skater pulled herself πατινέρ skates or ice skates back to stop moving across the ice.


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Unit 9 142–143 9.06 forwards adverb /ˈfɔːwədz/ in a direction going straight The man was diving εμπρός in front forwards into the sea.

9.07 backwards adverb /ˈbækwədz/ in a direction going straight The roller coaster started προς τα πίσω back to move backwards when it got to the top of the track.

9.08 spin verb /spɪn/ to move round fast in a I feel dizzy when I spin περιστρέφομαι, circular direction around quickly. στριφογυρίζω

9.09 fall over phrasal verb /fɔːl/ to fall when you hit your Put your toys away so you πέφτω κάτω foot on something when don’t fall over them. you are moving

9.10 balance verb /ˈbæləns/ to keep your body up You must learn to balance ισορροπώ without falling yourself to ride a bicycle.

9.11 down adverb /daʊn/ towards the ground Put your bag down on the κάτω chair.

9.12 rub verb /rʌb/ to move backwards and Johnny rubbed his hands τρίβω forwards against anther together to keep warm. surface

9.13 friction noun /ˈfrɪkʃn/ the force of two things You can light a fire using τριβή rubbing together friction if you rub sticks together on a stone.

144 9.14 gravity noun /ˈɡrævəti/ the force that pulls things The force of gravity causes βαρύτητα towards the ground on things to fall down when Earth you drop them.

148 9.15 direction noun /dəˈrekʃn/ the way that somebody/ We got lost because we κατεύθυνση something is moving were going in the wrong towards a position (e.g. direction. left, right, forwards, etc.)

9.16 lean verb /liːn/ to bend or move from a I leaned against the wall κλίνω, γέρνω straight position while I was waiting for the bus.


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Unit 9 150 9.17 steep adjective /stiːp/ used to describe a hill, It’s really difficult to cycle απότομος, -η, -ο mountain or road, etc. that up a steep hill. goes up or down very quickly

9.18 loop-the-loop idiom /luːp ðə luːp/ a movement up and down They held on tight as the κάνω τούμπες, in the shape of a circle roller coaster did the πετώ ανάποδα loop-the-loop.

9.19 inertia noun /ɪˈnɜːʃə/ the force that keeps Everybody must wear seat αδράνεια something going straight belts in a car or they will on after it starts moving, or be thrown forward by keeps something in one inertia if the car stops place when it isn’t moving suddenly.

152–153 9.20 action noun /ˈækʃn/ something that somebody The action of pushing the δράση does ball made it move around the pole.

9.21 tetherball noun /ˈteðəbɔːl/ a game played with a ball You must make the ball παιχνίδι Tetherball that is tied by a rope to a swing around the pole to (με μπάλα δεμένη pole or tree win at tetherball. με σχοινί σε στύλο)

9.22 critically adverb /ˈkrɪtɪkli/ seriously, in a way that We need to think critically κριτικά decides the good or bad before giving an opinion. points of something

9.23 unexpected adjective /ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪd/ not expected; surprising The news that Lia was απροσδόκητος, moving to Germany was απρόοπτος unexpected.

9.24 unusual adjective /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ strange It’s unusual to see planes ασυνήθης, flying over this part of the ασυνήθιστος, -η, -ο city.

9.25 Theoretical adjective /ˌθɪəˈretɪkl/ a scientist who studies Albert Einstein was a Θεωρητικός Φυσικός Physicist theories of physics theoretical physicist.

9.26 spiral noun /ˈspaɪrəl/ that moves in a circular Some fossils form spiral σπιράλ pattern patterns in the rocks.


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Unit 9 152–153 9.27 telescope noun /ˈtelɪskəʊp/ a device that you look Sometimes I look at the τηλεσκόπιο through which makes stars and the moon things that are very far through my telescope. away look bigger

Review Units 7-9 Review

157 R3.01 noun /ˈɒpəzɪt/ something that has a Light is the opposite of αντίθετο completely different dark. meaning from something else

Let’s 158–159 LT3.01 conversation noun /ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn/ a talk between two or more We had an interesting συνομιλία Talk people conversation about horse riding.

LT3.02 professional adjective /prəˈfeʃənl/ connected with a paid job Martina used to be a επαγγελματικός, -ή, -ό that requires training or professional tennis player, skill but now she’s a coach.

LT3.03 meaning noun /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ what something means or Do you know the meaning έννοια represents of the word ‘inertia’?

LT3.04 noun /ˈspelɪŋ/ writing words using the Our teacher gives us συλλαβισμός correct letters in the spelling tests once a week. correct order

LT3.05 pronunciation noun /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/ the correct sounds to make French pronunciation is προφορά when you say words difficult for people from other countries to learn at first.


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