5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020

CONTENTS (hyperlinks) A single person who stops  Newest entries appear at start of each section lying can bring down a  Some sections may have no entries in this edition tyranny"  Notes from compiler appear in red Alexander Solzenitsyn

Medical doctors refuting Coronavirus Action AI / Mind Control Analysis Big picture/overview Censorship Comment Conspiracy Control Crimes against humanity 5G rollout Disinformation Dissent Essential reading 5G / Coronavirus health aspects Hoax Covidiotic News Arthur Firstenberg: Effects of COVID-19 are similar to Programming the public for the NWO effects of radio waves. These [“Covid-19”] symptoms are Resistance all classic symptoms of radio wave sickness. When both Space the virus [Ed.: if you believe in it – I don’t] and RF radiation are present, the disease should be attributed to Solutions / inspiration both: Vaccinations Appendix: Coronavirus symptoms


Note: Director-General of WHO, Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the first WHO D-G who is not a medical doctor. He holds an undergraduate degree in biology, a masters degree in immunology of infectious diseases and a PhD in community health.

Anonymous doctor 21.4.20 - Respiratory doctor blows whistle on fake virus pandemic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVe3PQ-dHwY&feature=youtu.be Any incoming patient is labelled a Covid patient. Most patients were never tested but were recorded as Covid deaths no matter what they died of. They’re showing the numbers like a football game to scare yo. I’ve never seen bodies loaded into a tractor trailer. I really don’t believe that they were bodies. All this stuff is fake. There is no shortage of ventilators. This is not invasive ventilation – this CPAP of BiPAP* but we were not allowed to use them – they said it would cause the virus to spread. You have to let the patient crash and go straight to a ventilator. Everything that we would traditionally do, we’re not allowed to do. They’re not testing for a virus. This Covid test is different. They’re testing for an RNA sequence for a reaction to the virus. Then they put it in a PCR, which

2 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g amplifies it, so if there is one little shred of that RNA sequence from a damaged cell in you lungs or in your nasal passage, you’re going to test positive. That can come from cancer, radiation, from several things. And then you hear all this talk on the news about antibody therapy and people wanting to donate plasma but they’re not talking about the virus itself and that’s a big issue. Is this as infectious as they’re telling us it is? If so, these machines would all be in use and people would be dying and we’re not seeing that. This is unbelievable. Every bit of this has been created. … . I truly believe it is something else causing all this. H1N1 was a million times more scary compared to Covid-19. You cannot vaccinate yourself for a sinus infection. I’m not sure that this is a virus. Does this warrant shutting down the country? For all you Trump supporters out there, we’re doing the same thing they’re doing in France, Italy, the UK so does that mean Trump is really in charge of this whole thing? Because I really don’t think he is. I think he’s being told to do what he’s doing. I think this is Deep State. Illuminati stuff. They’re shutting the world down. The world. And they’re putting our kids and grandkids in severe debt for this scam that will never be paid off. Please ask questions, do your homework. Why are we having auto-manufacturers make ventilators? Who’s testing them? How much are we paying for them. Is this going to be another corporate bailout where they give themselves million-dollar bonuses while we starve? * The difference between CPAP, BiPAP and ventilators: https://aeroflowinc.com/need-ventilator- instead-bipap-cpap/ Atlas NEW – 26.4.20 - Former neuroradiology chief at Stanford Medical Center gives us the facts and the news is good: https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2020/04/26/stanford-medical-center-neuroradiology-chief- gives-us-the-stats-tells-americans-to-go-back-to- work/?utm_source=rsmorningbriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e400551e837 [Ed. The inclusion of items in this Briefing does not imply endorsement of the stated opinions.] Dr. Scott Atlas, the former neuroradiology chief at Stanford University Medical Center, wrote an op- ed at The Hill on Friday that every American should read. He lays out five key facts that no one is paying attention to. He calls on policymakers “to ignore the panic and rely on facts. Leaders must examine accumulated data to see what has actually happened, rather than keep emphasizing hypothetical projections; combine that empirical evidence with fundamental principles of biology established for decades; and then thoughtfully restore the country to function.” The bottom line is that the mortality rate for COVID is equivalent to the annual flu. Atlas makes the case that total isolation no longer makes sense and that it’s time for Americans to go back to work. Fact 1: The recent Stanford University antibody study concluded the death rate to be between 0.1 to 0.2 percent, in other words, right in line with the seasonal flu. Initial projected death rates from the World Health Organization “were 20 to 30 times higher.” Please take a look at the following statistics from New York City: Death Rate: Under 18 years old: zero and (0 per 100,000 in the population) 18 to 45 years old: 0.01 percent (11 per 100,000 in the population) 75 and over: 0.80 percent (death rate is 80 times that of 18 to 45 years old) Of all fatal cases in New York State: Over 70 years of age: 2/3 of all deaths Over 50 years of age: 95 percent Underlying illness: 90 percent Of 6,570 confirmed COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions to date: 6,520, or 99.2 percent, had an underlying illness. Dr. Atlas concludes that “if you do not already have an underlying chronic condition, your chances of dying are small, regardless of age. And young adults and children in normal health have almost no risk of any serious illness from COVID-19.” Fact 2: Hospitalizations in New York City as of Friday, April 24: 34,600 Under 18 years old: 0.01 percent 18-44 years old: 0.10 percent 65 to 74 years old: 1.7 percent Dr. Leora Horwitz of NYU Medical Center concluded: “age is far and away the strongest risk factor for hospitalization.” Dr. Atlas notes that early on, even WHO reported that 80 percent of all cases

2 3 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g were mild. It’s been said many times that 50 percent of all cases are asymptomatic. “The vast majority of younger, otherwise healthy people do not need significant medical care if they catch this infection,” Dr. Atlas said. Fact 3: The quarantines have prevented us from achieving herd immunity. This, Dr. Atlas points out is just “prolonging the problem.” In the last week or so, we’ve seen several studies showing that 30 percent or more of groups tested are found to have developed antibodies. For most people who test positive for COVID, “medical care is not even necessary. In fact, infected people without severe illness are the immediately available vehicle for establishing widespread immunity. By transmitting the virus to others in the low-risk group who then generate antibodies, they block the network of pathways toward the most vulnerable people, ultimately ending the threat. Extending whole-population isolation would directly prevent that widespread immunity from developing.” Fact 4: “People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.” This is something that we’re starting to hear about more and more. Due to COVID, people were asked to postpone elective surgeries and procedures. Not only that, many people have skipped appointments with their cardiologists and other doctors because they are afraid of contracting the virus in a medical facility. The fear factor has resulted in what could have been preventable deaths. Dr. Atlas writes: Critical health care for millions of Americans is being ignored and people are dying to accommodate “potential” COVID-19 patients and for fear of spreading the disease. Most states and many hospitals abruptly stopped “nonessential” procedures and surgery. That prevented diagnoses of life-threatening diseases, like cancer screening, biopsies of tumors now undiscovered and potentially deadly brain aneurysms. Treatments, including emergency care, for the most serious illnesses were also missed. Cancer patients deferred chemotherapy. An estimated 80 percent of brain surgery cases were skipped. Acute stroke and heart attack patients missed their only chances for treatment, some dying and many now facing permanent disability. This is one of the unintended effects of the quarantine and it’s bigger than you might think. I’ll be expanding on this subject in a post later today. Fact 5: We know that the elderly and those with underlying health issues are the most vulnerable members of the population. And those who fall into this category should absolutely remain in quarantine. “Knowing that,” says Dr. Atlas, “it is a commonsense, achievable goal to target isolation policy to that group, including strictly monitoring those who interact with them. Nursing home residents, the highest risk, should be the most straightforward to systematically protect from infected people, given that they already live in confined places with highly restricted entry.” We must “strictly protect the known vulnerable, self-isolate the mildly sick and open most workplaces and small businesses with some prudent large-group precautions. This would allow the essential socializing to generate immunity among those with minimal risk of serious consequence, while saving lives, preventing overcrowding of hospitals and limiting the enormous harms compounded by continued total isolation. Let’s stop underemphasizing empirical evidence while instead doubling down on hypothetical models. Facts matter.” President Trump was right to call for a quarantine. With the information that was available at the time, he really had no other choice. If he had done nothing, and the coronavirus had turned out to be far more lethal than what had been expected by the experts, or even as lethal as they’d warned, inaction could have been catastrophic. Knowing what we know now, however, it’s time for us to go back to work. Because America has another problem to deal with – its economy. Ayyadurai Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai ~ "Inventor Of Email! World Crisis & Political Power Structure" [Age Of Truth TV]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAE8C0iEoRQ (US) Dr.SHIVA LIVE: Time for Truth on Coronavirus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFczfwW99kU

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(US) Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai - Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns 'Deep State' Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress dissent: http://www.tathasta.com/2020/03/scientist-with- 4-degrees-from-mit-warns_19.html Bhattacharya Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of the Hoover Institution: The official virus narrative is false: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- UO3Wd5urg0&feature=emb_logo Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a senior fellow at both the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute. His March 24, 2020, article in the Journal questions the premise that “coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines.” In the article he suggests that “there’s little evidence to confirm that premise—and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high.” In this edition of Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson we asked Dr. Bhattacharya to defend that statement and describe to us how he arrived at this conclusion. We get into the details of his research, which used data collected from hotspots around the world and his background as a doctor, a medical researcher, and an economist. It’s not popular right now to question conventional wisdom on sheltering in place, but Dr. Bhattacharya makes a strong case for challenging it, based in economics and science. Berg (US) Dr. Eric Berg Important Lesson From the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyrcYVH6qtU Bhakdi Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi — one of the most cited research scientists in German history — published a video where he reiterates that “Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support his contention for COVID-19? […] The answer is simply: NO!” [emphasis mine] Bukacek NEW - Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5wn1qs_bBk&feature=emb_logo Buttar (ranked as one of top 50 doctors in US; best-selling author) Dr. Rashid Buttar: Virus Engineered – Fake Pandemic: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/03/dr-rashid- buttar-virus-engineered-fake-pandemic/ Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus Measures Are “Draconian” (Video): https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/03/30/renowned-microbiology-specialist-on- why-he-believes-coronavirus-measures-are-draconian-video/ 16.4.20 – EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGbYHJcMbz8 NEW 27.4.20 - LondonReal - Dr. Rashid Buttar - the coronavirus agenda - what the mainstream media don't want you to know: https://londonreal.tv/digital-freedom-platform- interview-1-dr-rashid-buttar/ 17.4.20 - True Earth , Another Truthful Doctor !! WOW ! it's spreading like a …: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D853TA_Dls Coldwell Why You CANNOT And Will NEVER “Catch” Coronavirus: https://drleonardcoldwell.com/2020/04/01/why-you-cannot-and-will-never-catch-coronavirus-video/ Coleman (UK) Dr. Vernon Coleman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ8sQQvqvrE&fbclid=IwAR3_9HibLMLoqLA2HjTjUwRMap- GYKKoK1q_3TDbdo4Q2QM2kW1gS9zjQ3s Cowan (US?) Dr. Thomas Cowan: CENSORED BY YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=jh1T4c3wP8I&feature=emb_logo NOW AT BRIGHTEON: Covid-19/Coronavirus Caused By 5G? Dr Thomas Cowan, MD - Joshua Coleman: https://www.brighteon.com/c32af45d-175c-4880-8398-938fb3483122

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Doctor Thomas Cowan M.D. Claims 5G Radiation Poisoning Could Be Causing Coronavirus: https://www.brighteon.com/ede0dbf9-a4d4-4a1c-bfd0-ce4de7dc9872 Dr. Thomas Cowan Covid19 fails Koch's postulates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=m3LgrcDAlJs&feature=emb_logo Coronavirus Fear, Germ Theory, Exosomes, and Resiliency - Thomas Cowan, MD, and Sayer Ji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvqNc4m5oOI&utm_campaign=Daily+Newsletter%3A+Coronav irus+-+Cowdan+- +Fixed+%28Ji2mSU%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily+Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWF pbCI6ICJhbGVjcmFtenVyYzMxMkBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJLMnZYQXkif Q%3D%3D Dove 18.4.20 - Dr Verné Dove BVSc Hons BAnimSc (Research: Veterinary Pathology) MVS (Veterinary Conservation Med.) MVS ( Veterinary Disease Surveillance) Dip. Conservation PhD candidate (Dolphin Health Assessment) Murdoch University, Australia Universidad de los Andes, Colombia 18th April 2020 I'm a Veterinary Surgeon who graduated from Melbourne University with a double degree ( 1st: Veterinary Science, 2nd: pathology/toxicology), I have two Masters degrees one of which is in disease surveillance (epidemiology), and I've been doing my PhD on epidemiology and risk assessment. I was also awarded a recent alumni achievement award from Melbourne University. I've been watching this outbreak since it started, and have correctly predicted its course. You are doing a fabulous job at slowing our curve, and I commend you on what you are doing as you have certainly bought us time. I have two urgent matters to bring to your attention. The first is it is unlikely a vaccination will work. Veterinarians are the only ones with a coronavirus vaccine, and what's been found in vaccinated animals that are subjected to infection with another coronavirus often results in worse pathology and they even have fatal consequences as demonstrated in a few studies. This makes prevention very difficult, and vaccine efficacy will be questionable. This means the focus will need to be on treatment/cure. The second matter is my current disease hypothesis that may result in successful treatment of critical cases. I have a crazy but very plausible hypothesis, and there's a toxicologist in the USA that has released a similar hypothesis this week, so that's at least 2 of us that believe this is plausible. My theory is that SARS-cov2 causes an increase in endogenous (produced in our body) carbon monoxide production in the body, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide toxicity fits with everything we are seeing. It fits with the high fatalities with comorbidities particularly diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It fits with cases overseas just dropping dead in the streets, it fits with the ground glass lung pathology seen. It fits with the symptoms, as carbon monoxide poisoning is often misdiagnosed as the flu, causes headaches, dizziness, fatigue, breathlessness. It fits with the lower than expected success with ventilated patients, as carbon monoxide actually increases in ventilated patients. It also explains the neurological signs seen in some patients, and it fits with the success seen with zinc. This is 100% a hypothesis, but I can't physically test it. It's simple though, doctors need to test for Carbon monoxide which is simple to do if they are looking for it. We aren't looking for it, so no one is testing for it. Up to now doctors have assumed this is a viral induced disease. I believe the virus does not mean to kill us, this is a mistake that has occurred in our bodies in response to the virus, causing a toxicity event. This is why most people are asymptomatic or have mild disease. So my theory in a nutshell is the virus causes our bodies to produce more carbon monoxide than usual, which inadvertently causes carbon monoxide toxicity. Treatment is relatively simple as its just in addition to what is already happening, with the addition of using a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. How I came up with this hypothesis. I lived in Bogota, Colombia for 3 years and suffered from altitude sickness. To me this sounds like and looks exactly the same as what I suffered. Carbon monoxide poisoning and altitude sickness present very similar. Humans produce endogenous carbon monoxide, so I started looking for instances where this carbon monoxide production could be exaggerated, and it all started to make sense. In addition in Bogota, the young coped very well, and travellers new to the region suffered greatly the older they were, so the age fits too with what we are seeing in cases. Whilst I plan to publish this in a formal paper this will take a month or two, and I would like Australia to have access to this knowledge on the off chance I'm right and we can save lives. It's

5 6 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g easy to test for, and if it is carbon monoxide toxicity, it's easy to treat. Carbon monoxide has been found to Increase in pathological conditions. It's not that hard a jump to think that somehow the virus induces certain people to get their carbon monoxide production into a slight overdrive. It doesn't take much to result in carbon monoxide toxicity. Erickson 22.4.20 - NEW - Dr. Erickson COVID-19 briefing pt. 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfLVxx_lBLU&fbclid=IwAR2ysHUBzaW8nCFTl_keORupApo2d EoMqgZw1ujxLfDsTqWARfEMKkqCwLU 22.4.20 - NEW - Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing, Pt. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb6j7o1pLBw&fbclid=IwAR2Hr6UPwpy0AP6tlVZwCZlWE7zdu Z__K8M22NHwpsVFgq2tMZgsOoSUVC8 Ioannidis (US) Prof. Ioannidis from Stanford is featured in a long interview where he reiterates that the data we have is gravely insufficient, and that the interventions that are being taken might be doing more harm than good — we simply don’t know. He is the author of the controversial article “A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data”. [Ed. The inclusion of items in this Briefing does not imply endorsement of the stated opinions.] NEW – 19.4.20 - In this video, a second Stanford University Medical Center doctor, Dr. John Ioannidis, urges America to open up the economy: Dr John Ioannidis announces results of COVID 19 serology study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVz7hTo1vkw&feature=emb_logo Jensen Minnesota Senator, Dr. Jensen said that he received a 7-page document from the MN Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of #COVID-19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not. Can we trust the death numbers we've been seeing?" https://www.valleynewslive.com/content/misc/Sen-Dr-Jensens-Shocking-Admission-About- Coronavirus-569458361.html CDC's guidance for certifying Covid-19 deaths not accurate -- no virus testing, only "suspected" cause required: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/cdcs-guidance-certifying-covid-19-deaths-not- accurate-no-virus-testing-only-suspest Dr. Scott Jensen explains that the CDC's present guidelines for determining "COVID-19 deaths" are not evidence-based, and may even have to do with the greater profitability of doing so. His testimony runs directly counter Dr. Fauci, who labeled any criticism of their highly controversial policy "conspiracy theory." Kaufman Dr Andrew Kaufman exposing the 'Covid-19' magic trick - the sleight of hand that transformed societyDr Kaufman M.D. explains how this is all fake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXargSbVp7E&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZzIxnCHVDM Dr Andrew Kaufman: A Breakdown on Current Testing Procedures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=Xr8Dy5mnYx8&feature=emb_logo Jaymie Icke Plandemic Podcast: Interview with a US Doctor: How Can You Make a Vaccine for Something Never Proven to Exist?: https://www.brighteon.com/f3a2113e-13cd-4dde-82fb- f19291dfc3cb JI: “Do you believe there is a virus in the first place?” Dr. K.: “No, I do not.” … Questions the idea that infections can be passed from person to person because no evidence for this has been provided. 7.4.20 - Medical Doctor Blows CV19 Scamdemic Wide Open - Andrew Kaufman M.D.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHuL7HOC5MI&feature=emb_logo Kelly Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA) – Dr. Robin Kelly: Webinar Covid19 5G and existing radio waves: https://www.aima.net.au/webinar-covid19-5g-and-existing-radio-waves/ Klinghardt (INT) Dr. Klinghardt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgj-VT5iVh0&feature=youtu.be Kyle-Siddell COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia… VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus:

6 7 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9GYTc53r2o&feature=emb_logo AND https://thecommonsenseshow.com/conspiracy-economics-education/bombshell-plea-nyc-icu- doctor-covid-19-condition-oxygen-deprivation-not-pneumonia-ventilators- may?fbclid=IwAR2eN51oPdv5ns7232FKVg64n7_C2G179G8jtMiC014lJd8jsr6GaNNU2nk COVID-19 is not a pneumonia-like disease at all. It’s an oxygen deprivation condition, and the use of ventilators may be doing more harm than good with some patients. The ventilators themselves, due to the high-pressure methods they are running, may be damaging the lungs and leading to widespread harm of patients. “In these nine days I have seen things I have never seen before,” he says. [See appendix for fuller summary of Kyle-Siddell’s observations and see below Joe Imbriano on 60 GHz] NEW - 17.4.20 - For the medical community!!! Could COVID-19 be causing DIFFUSION hypoxemia?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmRlvX3VrAQ Lee (UK) Dr. John Lee, retired professor of pathology and a former consultant pathologist for UK’s National Health Service, reiterates in an article that “Covid-19 deaths are a substantial over- estimate”, and that “the measured increase in numbers of deaths is not necessarily a cause for alarm, unless it demonstrates excess deaths [emphasis mine] – 340 deaths out of 46,000 shows we are not near this at present.” Levitan Coronavirus Patients - This is what I learned during 10 days of treating Covid pneumonia at Bellevue Hospital. … I realized that we are not detecting the deadly pneumonia the virus causes early enough and that we could be doing more to keep patients off ventilators — and alive. … Nick Caputo, an emergency physician in the Bronx. “Rich,” he said, “it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” … During my recent time at Bellevue, though, almost all the E.R. patients had Covid pneumonia. … During my recent time at Bellevue, though, almost all the E.R. patients had Covid pneumonia. … Even patients without respiratory complaints had Covid pneumonia. … And here is what really surprised us: These patients did not report any sensation of breathing problems, even though their chest X-rays showed diffuse pneumonia and their oxygen was below normal. How could this be? We are just beginning to recognize that Covid pneumonia initially causes a form of oxygen deprivation we call “silent hypoxia” — “silent” because of its insidious, hard-to-detect nature. … Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with fluid or pus. Normally, patients develop chest discomfort, pain with breathing and other breathing problems. But when Covid pneumonia first strikes, patients don’t feel short of breath, even as their oxygen levels fall. And by the time they do, they have alarmingly low oxygen levels and moderate-to-severe pneumonia (as seen on chest X-rays). Normal oxygen saturation for most persons at sea level is 94 percent to 100 percent; Covid pneumonia patients I saw had oxygen saturations as low as 50 percent. … Their pneumonia had clearly been going on for days, but by the time they felt they had to go to the hospital, they were often already in critical condition. In emergency departments we insert breathing tubes in critically ill patients for a variety of reasons. In my 30 years of practice, however, most patients requiring emergency intubation are in shock, have altered mental status or are grunting to breathe. Patients requiring intubation because of acute hypoxia are often unconscious or using every muscle they can to take a breath. They are in extreme duress. Covid pneumonia cases are very different. A vast majority of Covid pneumonia patients I met had remarkably low oxygen saturations at triage — seemingly incompatible with life — but they were using their cellphones as we put them on monitors. Although breathing fast, they had relatively minimal apparent distress, despite dangerously low oxygen levels and terrible pneumonia on chest X-rays. … Levitt 19.4.20 - 'No evidence that Covid-19 is causing huge loss of life': https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/sunday/audio/2018743210/no-evidence-that-covid-19- is-causing-huge-loss-of-life Radio interview (downloadable) Professor Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, says there is no clear evidence that Covid-19 is causing massive loss of life, despite evidence to the contrary in places like Europe and New York City. In fact, Levitt says it has not been a particularly bad year for flu

7 8 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g deaths. And the people who are dying from coronavirus are those who are at risk of death anyway. Professor Levitt believes we're been 'primed for Covid-19 panic.' “What you’re saying here is the case/fatality ratio. It’s the first time that the diagnosis has been by the presence of viral RNA on the person. There’s now lots of evidence that, for every symptomatic case, there might be as many as 10 asymptomatic cases. So I think that using the case/fatality ratio is a very, very dangerous thing. If you look at Germany, for example, they have a much lower ratio. Certainly my estimates very early on were that, the most well-defined epidemic so far has been in China, excluding Hubei, the province where it all happened. There were about 120 deaths in China from people who had left Hubei. And they were all very heavily controlled. And there the death rate is 0.84%. But I still think it depends how you define a case. I think there’s evidence now that if you check for coronavirus in places like New York or Germany, 15% of the population have coronavirus. So if you, instead of thinking about cases, think about population fatality rates, they are either five times less than flu or three times higher than flu. So in some ways we don’t yet know that. No one really knows enough about the virus to know what level of infection you need to have herd immunity. I’ve been looking at this whole question. Let’s imagine we have to let this thing burn itself out, we don’t have a vaccine. How many people would die until we had something like enough herd immunity to protect us? In some ways, Covid is a little bit nicer than influenza. Not as a disease – it’s an awful disease, as is influenza. But influenza tends to kill younger people. I think something like 25% of the influenza deaths are people under 70. Whereas for Covid it looks like only 10% are. So we don’t know yet. I think the answers will be coming very soon with the antibody testing. It will be very interesting to look back on this six months or a year from now. And we’ll probably say: how can we have been so fooled? Because there’s been a lot of very, very irresponsible reporting. Even in so-called high-quality journals like the New York Times. I saw an article there where they basically said that coronavirus was going to kill as many people as had been killed in Vietnam, the Korean war and something else. And of course, the number might be the same, but a person dying over the age of 80 is not the same as a soldier dying at the age of 20. Statisticians know this. Economists know this. There’s a very simple measure called “years of life lost”, where basically, if you die after the life expectancy for your country, that doesn’t count. And let’s say your life expectancy is 80 and you die at the age of 75, that costs five years. If you die at the age of 20, it costs 60 years. But it seems to me that, just out of a sense of fairness, we have to rank the unfulfilled life as being worth more than a very full life. Otherwise we will have no progress. The key question is going to be, in the 12 months, say from six weeks from now, let’s say 1 June. If we go back 12 months and ask, what are the total number of deaths in the world in that period? Is it significantly larger than it was in previous years? And I don’t know, but I would not be surprised if the excess was very, very small. It could be that I’m wrong, but not having immunity to Coronavirus is not a good thing. Let’s just see. It’s been very gratifying, for example… I was actually born in South Africa. And in South Africa there’s actually been a negative death rate from Coronavirus because of all the murders that didn’t happen. Just simply counting deaths is not the way to do this. You need to think about exactly who is dying ...” “So far, we don’t yet know. It’s not clear to me that total lockdown is needed or even desirable. I’m not saying that it’s not desirable. There’s no doubt that if you had total, complete lockdown and nobody was allowed to move, you would get rid of the virus. Maybe health professionals will recommend that. But you’re also doing a huge amount of psychological damage. Children – panic attacks are enormously common now. I have family members who are suffering from this. And then, of course, the economic toll. And again, if your country’s wealth drops by 1%, then the poor people feel 10%. The rich people feel nothing. Lohse “The director of the University Medical Center Hamburg, Dr. Ansgar Lohse, demands a quick end to curfews and contact bans. He argues that more people should be infected with corona. Kitas and schools should be reopened as soon as possible so that children and their parents can become immune through infection with the corona virus. The continuation of the strict measures would lead to an economic crisis, which would also cost lives, [emphasis mine] said the physician.’ (Via SPG)

8 9 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Mercola Surveillance: Dr Mercola - New App Requires Reporting of People Sneezing or Coughing: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/04/01/live-coronavirus- map.aspx?cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20200401Z1&et_cid=DM 495106&et_rid=841780283 Montagnier (France) Dr Montagnier on COVID19 and Oxidative Stress: (short) https://vimeo.com/397261221 (and long/full) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4fC9dBo6uQ&feature=youtu.be Nobel-prize-winner Dr. Luc Montagnier On Coronavirus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roYcVHcKGzY NEW - 27.4.20 – Nobel prize-winning scientist who discovered HIV says coronavirus was created in laboratory: https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/2020/04/nobel-prize-winning-scientist- who-discovered-hiv-says-coronavirus-was-created-in-laboratory/ n a highly significant development, Professor Luc Montagnier, the French scientist who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), has added his voice to those who believe the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Interviewed on the CNews channel in France, Montagnier asserted that the virus had been designed by molecular biologists. Stating that it contains genetic elements of HIV, he insisted its characteristics could not have arisen naturally. Asked by the CNews interviewer what the goal of these molecular biologists was, Montagnier said it wasn’t clear. “My job,” he said, “is to expose the facts.” While stressing that he didn’t know who had done it, or why, Montagnier suggested that possibly the goal had been to make an AIDS vaccine. Labeling the virus as “a professional job…a very meticulous job,” he described its genome as being a “clockwork of sequences.” “There’s a part which is obviously the classic virus, and there’s another mainly coming from the bat, but that part has added sequences, particularly from HIV – the AIDS virus,” he said. Growing evidence that the virus was ‘designed’ Montagnier also pointed out that he wasn’t the first scientist to assert that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Previously, on 31 January 2020, a research group from India had published a paper suggesting that aspects of the virus bore an “uncanny similarity” to HIV. Taken together, the researchers said their findings suggested the virus had an “unconventional evolution” and that further investigation was warranted. While the researchers subsequently retracted their paper, Montagnier said they had been “forced” to do so. In February 2020, a separate research paper published by scientists from South China University of Technology suggested the virus “probably” came from a laboratory in Wuhan, the city where it was first identified. Significantly, one of the research facilities cited in this paper, the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is said to be the only lab in China that is designated for the study of highly dangerous pathogens such as Ebola and SARS. Prior to the opening of this laboratory in 2018, biosafety experts and scientists from the had expressed concerns that a virus could escape from it. As with the paper published by the Indian researchers, however, the Chinese scientists’ paper has similarly been withdrawn. Involvement of the pharma industry Professor Montagnier has long demonstrated that he is not afraid to challenge the prevailing views of the scientific establishment. Previously, in an interview recorded for the 2009 AIDS documentary ‘House of Numbers’, he had spoken out in favor of nutrition and antioxidants in the fight against HIV/AIDS. As the co-discoverer of HIV and a Nobel prize winner, Montagnier’s statements in this interview gave valuable support to Dr. Rath and other scientists who, for years beforehand, had been warning the world about the pharmaceutical business with the AIDS epidemic. In a similar way, his assertion today that the coronavirus was designed by molecular biologists raises serious questions about the possible involvement of the pharmaceutical industry. As Montagnier infers, a manmade virus whose genome consists of a “clockwork of sequences” and includes elements of HIV could not have been assembled by amateurs. With estimates of the total global economic cost of the coronavirus varying from $4.1 trillion to $20 trillion or more, the ongoing questions about its origins are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.


9 10 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Frank Hahnel A real Doctor telling truth about #corona. It's all Fake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-1n9FVC6ro&feature=youtu.be He recommends quinine and zinc preventatively. If you can’t find quinine, he recommends 3-4 ounces Schweppes tonic water, which he says contains quinine. Dose for zinc: 50-100 mg zinc (for short time only). [Warning: Always consult your own physician] Pall Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University (US) NEW 22.3.20 - Argument for a 5G – COVID-19 Epidemic Causation Mechanism by Martin Pall, PhD: https://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/5g-covid-19- epidemic/ Prof. Em. Pall offers the theory that the suppression of the immune system by exposure to 5G towers could weaken the body and increase the detrimental effect of CoViD-19. “The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease. Let’s backtrack and look at the recent history of 5G in Wuhan in order to get some perspective on those questions. An Asia Times article, dated Feb. 12, 2019 (https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/02/article/china-to-launch-first-5g-smart-highway) stated that there were 31 different 5G base stations (that is antennae) in Wuhan at the end of 2018. There were plans developed later such that approximately 10,000 5G antennae would be in place at the end of 2019, with most of those being on 5G LED smart street lamps. The first such smart street lamp was put in place on May 14, 2019 (www.china.org.cn/china/2019- 05/14/content_74783676.htm), but large numbers only started being put in place in October, 2019, such that there was a furious pace of such placement in the last 2 ½ months of 2019. These findings show that the rapid pace of the coronavirus epidemic developed at least roughly as the number of 5G antennae became extraordinarily high. So we have this finding that China’s 1st 5G smart city and smart highway is the epicenter of this epidemic and this finding that the epidemic only became rapidly more severe as the numbers of 5G antennae skyrocketed. … “It is my opinion, therefore, that 5G radiation is greatly stimulating the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and also the major cause of death, pneumonia and therefore, an important public health measure would be to shut down the 5G antennae.” Raoult (France) Professeur Didier Raoult, Directeur de l'Institut Méditerranée Infection et spécialiste des maladies infectieuses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j37S3fuF3w8 NEW: Interview with Professor Didier Raoult in the Parisien newspaper 22 March 2020: https://thesaker.is/interview-with-professor-didier-raoult-in-the-parisien-newspaper-22-march-2020/ …The problem in this country is that the people that talk are abysmally ignorant. I did a scientific study of Chloroquine and viruses, which was published, thirteen years ago. Since then four other studies by other authors have shown that Coronavirus responds to Chloroquine. None of that is new. That the group of decision makers do not even know about the latest science takes my breath away. We knew about the potential effect of Chloroquine on cultured viral samples. It was known that it was an effective antiviral. We decided in our experiments to add a course of treatment of azithromicyne (an antibiotic used against bacterial pneumonia – ed). When we added azithromycine to hydrochloroquine, in treating patients suffering from Covid-19, the results were spectacular. … Sircus (US) Dr. Sircus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trmW7zE4SPg&feature=youtu.be NEW – 27.4.20 - 5G didn’t cause the coronavirus pandemic but it probably made it worse: https://drsircus.com/coronavirus/5g-didnt-cause-the-coronavirus-pandemic-but-it-probably-made-it- worse/ There are many frightening aspects to the pandemic but none speaks of more trouble than the synchronic occurrence of a new virus and the rapid installation of 5G. One could even stretch the imagine and see the virus running cover for 5G. The good news is it looks like the beginning of the end for the global lockdown. Doctors in and many others are showing its time to dial down the fear and free the population back

10 11 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g out into the sunshine to enjoy its anti-pathogenic rays. The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation. However, the bad news is that the 5G crisis is just beginning and Bill Gates is lusting for all to have the vaccine that will be developed, to tag us all. A global study published in Israel by Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israeli Space Agency and Council on Research and Development, shows that “the spread of the coronavirus declines to almost zero after 70 days—no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.” … Solaimanzadeh Dr. Isaac Solaimanzadeh, practitioner of Internal Medicine at the Interfaith Medical Center in Brooklyn, is supporting what Dr. Kyle-Sidell is saying in the video about coronavirus being something more like high altitude high altitude pulmonary edema than a viral driven pneumonia: https://drsircus.com/coronavirus/medical-gas-coronavirus-therapy/ Stilmann Dr. Stilmann on the connection between 5G and "coronavirus": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbd0R1- pXxs&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR16eP6NXYZ8ld8sn3SnfuanhVzlwqvbTlYFFu8GqIIwyNZKI3X kv9aWvAo Wittkowski Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns were lifted: https://www.thecollegefix.com/epidemiologist-coronavirus-could-be-exterminated-if-lockdowns- were-lifted/?fbclid=IwAR1UpPUdi14xHkEZcel6bLJ-71kcL4fVPb9JeJFWQ8xk9298gorpI2DIa1c “Going outdoors is what stops every respiratory disease” Transcript: https://ratical.org/PerspectivesOnPandemic-II.html Wodarg (Germany) Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international- news/disease/dr-wolfgang-wodarg-confirms-this-is-an-insane-panic/ Medical testimony by Dr. Wodarg on the "Corona Panic": https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/medical-testimony-by-dr-wodarg-on-the-corona- panic?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20Touching%20Base%202%20%28Jj32hS%29 &utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJzdG9wNWdh cHBlYWxAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJLMnZYQXkifQ%3D%3D Wolfe Dr. Darrell Wolfe: #236 - CORONAVIRUS PT. 1 - LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZWEZsWo1Gg&feature=youtu.be Young Coronavirus And Health Dr Robert O Young: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZswSYwnR724&fbclid=IwAR13Mi5cmJyd- FHRXYagtfhAydZHpj_ki6AktYlMDpuIkLk-kIPm6P7cKpg

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PROTEST AGAINST THE LOCKDOWN ON FRIDAY 1 MAY Piers Corbyn 28.4.20 - Article below [https://grist.org/climate/the-world-is-on-lockdown-so-where-are-all-the-carbon- emissions-coming-from/] is Utter complete total lies by/for globalist evil #BillGatesOfHell #Soros etc FACT a million years of DATA ( NOT #ClimateLies, #LockdownLies ....) PROVES world total Co2 levels are an EFFECT NOT CAUSE OF TEMPS. FACT Man's CO2 is only 1/25th of the rest of nature which is 0.04% of atmosphere so Man's CO2 is 1/70,000th of air, that's like one person in a football stadium. FACT #BillGates (alongside Soros) shovels money into (his) W.H.O (World Health Organisation)/UN, BBC, loads of media, ImperialCollege, #FakeScience, loads of VAX Labs (for VAX from which they intend to ultimately make BILLIONS) #GretaThunberg/XR, stacks of politicians and advisors WHO DON'T DECLARE CONFLICT OF INTERESTS, just about all NGOs and anybody ready to be bribed to lie.

11 12 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Their #CO2 con is brainwashing lies for world control and world fascism via #Convirus(es), #Vax and #5G Their first aim is genocide/depopulation of sub-Saharan #Africa. Their story: "We (WHO) must VAX Africa to save them from COVID19"; Reality: Their VAX, if not stopped, will kill/depopulate millions like BillGates racist Vax experiments in Guinea-Bassau (10x as many died after Vax than died without Vax) and India (mass killing and paralysis of children) from where he and all his VAX are now banned. Fact: Gates' VAX and 5G damage your immune system and reduce male fertility. FACT: 2 years ago Fauci (USA Deep State and tool of Gates) said Trump will have a Pandemic. Around April 26th Melinda Gates said people will drop dead in the street in Africa (presumably from the Covid19-illegally- made in-#Wuhan and #5G/4G+ Deadly cocktail) FACT BillGates never got his kids VAXed. JOIN/Organize #MayDayAgainstLockdown Fri May1 in your area GO @Piers_Corbyn Stand for health freedom - ACT NOW: Ask your mayor and your governor to reopen your town, city and state!: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/action/act-now-ask-your-mayor-and-your-governor-to-reopen-your-town-city-and- state/?utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%3A%20Social%20Distancing%20May%20Worsen%20Epidemic%20Outcomes%20%28SS57JZ%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&_ke=eyJrbF9lb WFpbCI6ICJzdG9wNWdhcHBlYWxAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20iLCAia2xfY29tcGFueV9pZCI6ICJLMnZYQXkifQ%3D%3D

Pétition Droit de soigner de mysmartcab https://noublionsrien.fr/

Voir aussi l’émission de Silvano Trotta Droit de soigner - Action Collective - Maître S.Manna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgamPDmKDoc

The GreenMedInfo Newsletter April 25, 2020

The global shutdown and indefinite suspension of most social and economic activity in the United States and abroad is predicated on the widely held assumption that the science on social distancing measures is settled, and that this singular strategy has been and will continue to be effective in "flattening the coronavirus curve." If only the science were that simple. In today's featured article, we report on compelling research from 2018 published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface that predicts a counterintuitive worsening of disease outcomes and the size of epidemics as a result of social distancing measures. I believe we have a right and even obligation to question health policy decisions and proclamations by elected officials and private and public health authorities when evidence is either lacking or contradictory, and when their implementation is having dire consequences to our socioeconomic, physical and psychological health and well-being, as well as to our civil liberties. If you are interested in going deeper into these topics, visit QuestioiningCovid.com -- a place where "Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic." Also, please learn more about our campaign with Stand for Health Freedom to educate mayors and governors about coronavirus facts and statistics which many are unaware of. Thanks for your interest in our work! Warm regards Sayer Ji

10.4.20 – Petition to White House: We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-call-investigations-bill-melinda-gates-foundation- medical-malpractice-crimes-against-humanity

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12 13 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g


****************A MUST, MUST, MUST MUST, MUST, MUST WATCH**************** 15.4.20 - 5G, The rise of the machines, extinction codes set, world dominance: Cyrus Parsa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=ZGQ2lhtzc_M&feature=emb_logo

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31.3.20 - Deep down the virus rabbit hole – question everything by Makia Freeman: https://thefreedomarticles.com/deep-down-virus-rabbit-hole-question-everything/ Watch out! The killer virus is coming! Well … maybe not. Behind any pandemic, there are always a long set of assumptions that underpin the medical reports and subsequent political and legal decisions. These assumptions are barely recognizable since they are routinely reported as facts. However, to truly justify everything that’s happening all over the world right now – social distancing, surveillance, censorship, lockdowns, quarantine, medical martial law, economic crashes, new digital currencies, governmental emergency powers – with mandatory vaccinations and human microchipping slated to come – those in charge at the Department of Propaganda have to convince you that those assumptions are facts. So, we’re going to take a journey down the rabbit hole to ask some fundamental questions not only about the coronavirus but also the mysterious entity of the virus itself. What is a virus? Can a virus cross from animal to human? Can it cross from human to human? Did you know the CDC admitted that their beloved PCR test is essentially useless, as it doesn’t tell you whether a virus is causing disease? Is it 100% proven that viruses cause disease in humans anyway? How do the competing theories of germ theory and host theory/terrain theory play into this? So, buckle up, open your mind and get prepared for a ride. …

G. Edward Griffin: it's never been this bad - elites hijacked staggering wealth!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCIpb6qShhA&feature=emb_logo

16.4.20 - Anthony Patch "Wi-Fi Biosensors": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPLbGn6rk9A He explains why WiFi is everywhere.

27.4.20 – The Atlantic Report - Planned Starvation of America!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=256&v=Q-D1AROQNGU&feature=emb_logo This is the latest from The Atlantis Report and it is scary. We've been hearing about the "Plandemic". We may start hearing about the planned famine. It feels like we're being herded into the Green New Deal, despite nobody having voted for it. It's like a slow motion trainwreck crossed with 9/11 and the film, 'Groundhog Day', with the TSA now everywhere, obliging you to wear a mask. Don't want to starve? You'll take that vaccine and chip, whether you like it or not. The Atlantic Report is calling this a "manufactured food shortage" in the making. He says hunger is what governments do to enslave their own citizens into submission and that this whole thing could also be an experiment to see how we react, to see how easy we are to control, to implement the next phase of Global domination. We cannot look away. We need to see where this psyop is heading and to do whatever we can to get our local governments to stop the lockdown as soon as possible. *** SELECTED QUOTES The US Government and bankers stole your pension, savings, future and they're about to starve you. To be clear, this was not caused by COVID-19. This was caused by federal and state governments shutting down all businesses and putting millions out of work. Never, ever, ever has the government just shut down the food supply because of the flu. This is all engineered. Food is a weapon.

13 14 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Quarantine is what you do to restrict the movement of a sick person. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of a healthy person. There is no rational basis to closing the slaughterhouses over a few cases of the virus, just as we don't close them every year for the flu. This is a deliberate attack on the food supply chain of the American People. Nothing is more tyrannical than threatening people with starvation. Why are we paying 25 million unemployed to sit at home watching TV, while at the same time, we are destroying our food supply due to lack of workers? But how else can you crash an economy if you don't bribe unskilled labor to stay at home? How does food processing not come under an essential job and therefore, still remain open? So, between higher food prices, unemployment and harder times ahead, they somehow thought, "Let's kill all our livestock and burn them in a pile!" Before the pandemic, 1 in 7 Americans relied on a food bank. Now, the demand has tripled. Millions of Americans are lining up for food. Meanwhile, millions of tons of food are rotting in the fields. Farmers are destroying produce, dumping milk and culling livestock because the pandemic has upended supply chains, making it impossible for many to get crops to market. We have long food bank lines and farmers destroying food. The National Guard has been deployed to the nation's food banks to ensure food supply chain networks are not severed and that the logistical pipelines of food to these facilities can continue dishing out care packages to the working poor. But how about deployments at meatpacking plants and dairies, chicken farms, etc.? What about help planting and harvesting? Or is this a planned famine? Is this the Department of Homeland Holodomor?

13.4.20 - Quarantiranny - Coronavirus & the Orchestrated Financial Fascist Coup Interview with Ernst Wolff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQf852vwp6E

27.4.20 - The Calm Before the Storm? Praying Medic: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the- calm-before-the-storm-praying-medic/ The roll-out of the Police State in response to the coronavirus and the crashing of the global economy has shaken many of us to our core - and that includes longtime proponents of Q, like Sean from the SGT Report. The bloom is off the rose of Q's Hope Porn, as far as Sean is concerned and the first third of his interview with major Q proponent, Dave Hayes, aka Praying Medic is almost tense enough to cut with a knife. He tells Praying Medic, "President Trump is surrounded by people who are true enemies to the Republic, one of which would be Doctor Fauci...we could go on to talk about the fact that this pandemic is now...a 'plandemic", as evidenced by the Rockefeller document from 2010, page 18, "Lock Step, more top-down authoritarian control on the back of a pandemic." Sean says, "Look, if I can figure this out, the President and the White Hats can figure this out. Why is the economy still shut down? Why did we give the bankers $2.2 trillion in stimulus?...Why in the heck is JP Morgan getting away with approving only 6% of the applications for Paycheck Protection Program, when they were given so much of that $2.2 trillion? To me, it just feels like another banker fleecing of this nation.' Praying Medic points to the fact that there are 160,000 sealed indictments on Pacer.gov and how unprecedented this is and he says that soon, there will be a spotlight on the corruption of the US' top universities. Trump has the authority to decide when every business in the country should re-open and he could tell every business to open tomorrow. "But he's not doing it" says Praying Medic. "Why is he not doing it? Because there are a whole lot of corrupt, swampy mayors and governors who need to be exposed. "The Governor of Michigan, for example - a Little Hitler just waiting for an opportunity to put her jackbooted thugs on the street to arrest people for going to a park and pushing their kids on a swing...you have to look at the big picture. Yes, it is horrible, that people are losing their jobs and their businesses are being shut down...it's terrible! But here's the thing: Trump would not do this if he was not absolutely convinced that he could rebuild the economy and rebuild these jobs and rebuild everything better than it was before the shutdown. As for people who just want to see and others perp-walked, "If you arrest a dozen

14 15 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g corrupt people, it's not going to make any difference, because there are going to be more corrupt people coming in to take their place and nothing is going to change... "The Plan is about reforming the institutions that perpetuated corruption over centuries. There have to be changes made to our system of government. Because we are a nation that is supposed to be governed by the People, it is the ignorance of average people that has allowed corruption to propagate. "The reason why corrupt people get away with what they do is because the people - the sheep are sheep! They're not awake. They don't know what's going on. They don't know how corrupt Hollywood is. They don't know how corrupt the media is. They don't know about corruption at Harvard and Yale and higher education. They don't know about the corruption in Washington, DC. "People are for the most part, they're blind. They do not understand the severity of the corruption. If they did, they would demand changes. They would stop going to the movies and stop buying John Legend's CDs and MP3s. They'd stop going to Robert DeNiro's movies, they'd not support Harvard anymore. "The people don't know the severity and the depth of corruption, so Q's operation is to help people wake up to the truth of corruption. The first part of Q's operation for the past three years - it's a public information operation - it is designed to help people wake up to the truth that there is evil and corruption in all parts of society and it needs to be dealt with... "As the people who are supposed to be 'We the People', we're the ones responsible for demanding reforms to institutions like colleges...we're responsible for electing people in Congress, and our senators and governors and mayors. "It's difficult to wait for the arrests, but the first part of 'The Plan'...is information. Now, we're going to get documents de-classified at some point. Now that they got rid of Dan Coats - who was a sleeper - and they've got Rick Grenell in as the Director of National Intelligence. "With Rick Grenell working with Attorney General Barr, we should start getting documents de- classified...the de-classification of the documents related to Spygate is going to objectively prove to average people that there's a degree of corruption in the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, State Department and the White House - under Obama. "So, FISA is the start. Because when FISA-related documents are de-classified, people can read them for themselves, they can see for themselves that there's corruption at all these government agencies and all these people who worked in the Obama Administration. That is going to help normies understand that, 'Hey, you know what? We voted for all these people and thought these people were great and they're actually kind of scumbags,' - like Trump has been saying, Jim Comey, top level of the FBI - they're scum. "DECLAS has to come, along with some indictments. I think we're going to see some indictments relatively soon, I'm not going to make a prediction on when - reasonably certain they're going to be FISA-related indictments - and that'll take out people like Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch - all those people in the FBI, DOJ, State Department, CIA - they'll be the first on the chopping block for the indictments "We know for a fact that John Huber's investigation into all matters related to Hillary Clinton; the Uranium One scandal and corruption at the Clinton Foundation, Huber's already done with that investigation and they've got the indictments, sealed and they're just waiting to unseal them. Barr told us Huber's investigation is over and they're just waiting to bring those to fruition. "Then we've got the investigation into the Department of Justice into the accomplices of Jeffrey Epstein. The day after Epstein was found dead in his cell, the Department of Justice put up a webpage and said, 'If you're one of Epstein's accomplices, don't rest too comfortably because we're asking for witnesses and victims to come forward and give us information about crimes related to Jeffrey Epstein and his accomplices.' So, the people who were Epstein's accomplices should not be resting to comfortably, because the DOJ is investigating them right now - and has been for quite a while. "It's hard to wait for the arrests but...I think George Soros and the Rothschilds and Bill Gates have got to be crapping their pants because they know Durham is coming...they're pulling out all the stops...They want this damned agenda to be forwarded but Trump is crushing them every day and more of that corruption is being exposed and it's going to continue to be exposed. "And they're gonna do more desperate things. I have no doubt, between now and November, we're going to see more desperate measures by this global cabal of creepy people and I don't even want to think about what they're going to try next but I'm anticipating they're going to try some more

15 16 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g stupid crap." Sean ends the show by saying, "We all just want to take our country back. We just want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and we are sick and tired of being governed by criminals who happen to be Satanists."

Makia Freeman articles Like Claire, Jon Rappaport and many others, my position is that this is a giant scam. Viruses have been demonized and misunderstood. I have outlined most clearly what is really happening in these 3 articles: https://thefreedomarticles.com/deep-down-virus-rabbit-hole-question-everything/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/covid-19-umbrella-term-fake-pandemic-not-1-disease-cause/ https://thefreedomarticles.com/how-to-create-your-very-own-fake-pandemic/

A great resource: Questioning Covid: https://questioningcovid.com/ Provided by GreenMedInfo. Good for them!

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Essential insights:

 MUST SEE On CV: COVID Action Platform - 'TELL ALL' Site Re: NWO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JbyeV-_5Lo&fbclid=IwAR11ZeO- fcNQK98D_jpbhYv9H2qfw2PwJZ02NlX0IJ_um4kwlLdo6dKwYx8  ANOTHER MUST-WATCH: A Russian view on the fake pandemic (11 mins): https://phibetaiota.net/2020/04/defdog-a-russian-view-on-fake-pandemic/ - there are four main purposes: o Depopulation o Political control over the remaining population o Deflation of the current financial bubble o Liquidation of geo-economic competitors  A MUST-WATCH: Here is where the whole conspiracy comes together: Black Nobility / Rothschilds / Rockefellers / Cecil Rhodes / colonisation / Round Table / Fabianism / Zionism / Bolshevism / Socialism / Communism / Federal Reserve / Great Depression / Council on Foreign Relations / Tri-Lateral Commission / Atlantic Council / NATO / Bilderberg / Aspen Institute / Bohemian Grove / Media control / League of Nations / UN / World Bank / IMF / eugenics / depopulation / radio / electromagnetic radiation / wireless technology / Tesla / 5G / space satellites / Deep State / vaccines / Bill Gates / “Coronavirus” / patents / Pirbright Institute / Qinetiq / Crown Agents / etc. (39 mins): https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/2020-02-29-her-royal-bioweapon- exposed-by-gabriel-mckibben-american-intelligence-media-americans-for-innovation-feb- 29-2020.mp4 Accompanying article: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2020/02/coronavirus-uncovers-rothschild- lord.html#return  A MUST-WATCH - 5G, The rise of the machines, extinction codes set, world dominance: Cyrus Parsa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=ZGQ2lhtzc_M&feature=emb_logo  David Icke censored interview with LondonReal: for full links, transcript etc. click HERE and HERE  Nich Begich - space/HAARP: Dark Journalist And Dr. Nick Begich COVID-19 5G DARPA AI Surveillance State!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niYUPV0LF0w  Ernst Wolff: #Corona: The Collapse of the System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3AKLyrBbW_t0s40Xun0bpzrU KIjNMHRXoDEtDyEpgx3fheD6L1ARN_pXw&v=8LYjOEib9iI&app=desktop  Anthony Patch: Please listen to what Anthony Patch said in 2014 about the Corona Virus and the vaccine:

16 17 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpdxTRpHSYQ&fbclid=IwAR1jxfdmTPpkCLadSGCDTe RwcdkC0ZxI9IIlnsFx1Jkp59RuCfNqRkyiF8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk33GlYxY14 Part 1: Apocalypse and the End Times - Anthony Patch - 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OYf87iMxD8 Part 2: Apocalypse and the End Times 2016 - Anthony Patch - 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlqZlQySO9s Part 3: Apocalypse and the End Times - Anthony Patch – 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK147OJO2k8

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How to download something from Youtube. It's easy: 1. You open this website: https://www.y2mate.com/en11/convert-youtube. 2. You paste the youtube link you wish to download. 3. You press download (bar starts to pre-download). 4. You press download again. 5. Ready to watch and store on your PC.

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26.4.20 – The Dollar Vigilante - We will need a miracle to avoid a worldwide greatest depression and famine of biblical proportions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_wURTQRERY

26.4.20 – Peter Hitchens: Don’t be fooled by the sunshine – there are only dark days ahead: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8257541/PETER-HITCHENS-Dont-fooled-sunshine- dark-days-ahead.html I have come to hate this beautiful weather, the loveliest spring for 50 years. I long to wake up to a filthy morning of dirty grey skies and miserable rain, like the one Tennyson described when he wrote ‘ghastly, thro’ the drizzling rain, on the bald street, breaks the blank day’. This is because I think the British people are lost in an unreal, sunshiny dreamtime of delusion, seeing the current crisis as a sort of holiday after which they can all amble off back to the world. They once knew, a world that died for ever some time ago. I am reminded of John Wyndham’s terrifying science fiction novel The Day Of The Triffids, in which everyone is captivated by an amazing, spectacular meteor shower – and all those who watch it late into the night, oohing and aahing with delight, wake up the next morning permanently blind. Except, in this case, we will all be permanently less free and permanently poorer. And that will, of course, include the sacred NHS, which the nation love-bombs every Thursday night but which is already so threadbare that it cannot properly equip its doctors and nurses. Just wait and see how much worse this gets in the coming era of post-shutdown austerity. Not to mention all the various zealots and fanatics who already see this new world as an opportunity to impose their various dogmas and fads on us. I won’t dwell yet again on the damage the Government has already done, and which deepens every day. I only say that without serious and angry opposition, this will only get worse. This clueless Cabinet is motivated only by fear. People who strove all their lives for office now have no idea what to do with the powers they thought they wanted, and are terrified of the responsibilities that came with them. They do not understand what they are doing and are not in charge of their own destiny. And until they are afraid of the wrath of the voters, or perhaps of the courts, they will continue to hide in their bunker, biting their nails and wondering how to get out of the mess they panicked themselves into a month ago.

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They cannot admit they gravely overestimated the danger of the virus, and gravely underestimated the damage they would do to the economy. Please write now to your MPs, reminding them that they were elected to put your case to the Government, not the other way round. Tell them that this has gone on long enough and is now bound to cost more lives than it saves, as well as all the other damage. And if you get a reply that has obviously been written by a machine, write again. This will at least keep within the bounds of constitution and law. For, if something does not give soon, I very much fear that millions will simply cease to obey rules which no longer make sense. Without a clear hope of release from house arrest and forced idleness, many people will despair. And it will be grim for us all if that happens. Congratulations to the Cambridge Union which on Thursday night held the first proper two-sided debate on whether shutting the country is the right response to Covid-19, so shaming Parliament and the BBC, which have yet to do so. To take part in this event on Zoom, I struggled into the traditional bow tie and dinner jacket, to pay tribute to the Union for doing its duty where others have failed. Another joy killed off by the panic... Last week I went to the blood bank to make my twice-yearly deposit of a whole armful of gore. I mention this not to boast but because, since I started doing it 50 years ago, I have greatly enjoyed it and can’t understand why more people don’t do it. The best bit of all nowadays is the text message telling you where and when your pint has been used, which arrives not long afterwards and provides a lovely warm glow. But it was a bit unusual, thanks to the virus panic. I usually go in London, but for various reasons could not, and so went in Oxford. The staff, as always, were a joy, full of humour and efficiency despite having to wear face-masks (it is physically impossible to stick a needle in someone’s arm while staying 6ft away from them. Try it if you don’t believe me). Only one thing dampened the occasion. I had that morning received a stern letter telling me that, thanks to the virus panic, I will be banned from giving blood once I reach 70, a date now alarmingly close. This is a reversal of a previous sensible policy which allowed regular donors to keep on giving to almost any age. I do hope it does not become permanent. If I ever do reach 70, I really do not want to be protected to death. Dismal news from the criminal justice system where – in a change of great importance – juries are no longer told they must be persuaded ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ that a defendant is guilty. They must merely be ‘sure’. These expressions do not mean the same thing. You may be ‘sure’ you want a pepperoni pizza rather than a vegan one. But the word touches a different bit of the brain from the one reached by the nagging, awkward phrase ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. There is some suggestion jurors were finding it hard to understand what ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ meant. Well, my reply to any such juror is that if you don’t know what it means, then you are not fit to sit on a jury, and should stand aside. Let’s put lockdown in the dock So many people were quick to go to court over the European issue, which is a far smaller matter than the current wrecking of our economy and throttling of our once-safe liberties. But, so far, there has been silence in the courts over the Government’s decision to put us all under house arrest, the first attempt in history to quarantine the healthy rather than the sick. I gather this is pretty certainly unlawful, as the 1984 Public Health Act was never designed to be used for such a wide purpose. But, if it is to be tested, a group of public-spirited citizens, helped by sympathetic lawyers, need to come together quickly to seek a Judicial Review of the shutdown in the High Court. They also need to win what is called a ‘preemptive order on costs’ to ensure the Government pays for the case, as is only right in a matter of such importance. I hope this happens. At last! TV’s realised we’re not idiots I am deeply engaged in the BBC2 series Devs, in which a secretive Silicon Valley company, apparently tinkering with the roots of the universe, is the sinister villain.

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This is partly due to its star, the extraordinary Sonoya Mizuno, above, a Japanese-born, British actress. But it is also because it doesn’t treat me as an idiot, which everything else on my TV (especially the so-called ‘News’) now does.

24.4.20 – Dr. SHIVA LIVE: The REAL EVIL - Bill Gates & Robbie F. Kennedy, Jr.- Two Heads of the Same Coin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvwqZevr1dI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2riLPCpiAK47qqhsIt5 0Xot7fd3uuc0ftUa9aNxhhO77zWDs3McT5TOLk

8.4.20 – Dr Sircus - Do you trust world health authorities?: https://drsircus.com/general/do-you- trust-world-health-authorities/ There is something extraordinarily chilling about what is happening to the human race. The coronavirus has struck with unprecedented scale and ferocity. Actually it is more accurate to say that health officials have struck the human race with a ferocity that is catastrophic. No event in living memory has been suffused with as much human and economic misery as the current panic pandemic. The public is shell-shocked by the prospect of losing everything -– jobs, incomes, status, personal property, a future with freedom. The large-scale shifts happening on all levels of life are happening in an unclear information environment that is designed to confuse and panic us. The corporate controlled media is using fear over a bug to induce mass hysteria to scare us into accepting the worst kinds of intrusions into our lives. After decades of lying to us about everything the media is leading us to the slaughter house, all for good reason they say. Do you trust them? The majority of people did not trust the media before the virus so is there any reason to trust them now? Americans’ trust in mass media was already down to 41% before the virus struck. “Anyone who has the virus and dies will be counted as a COVID-19 death, regardless of what actually killed them. Have you noticed that there are things that we’re not allowed to talk about anymore? It seems all these new social norms and cultural taboos that have arisen in the past few weeks have also created a raft of new thought-crimes: Things that must not be spoken for fear of being pounced on by health officials. Everywhere around the world the economic, political and psychological toll of fighting the virus is growing. It is becoming increasingly clear that things are getting more and more difficult to bear. World health authorities are the ‘scum of the earth’ and are now threatening to come into our homes and drag out family members. They did this in China and the maniac in the video (WHO health official) wants it done to the rest of us. For the full Tucker Carlson video see here. Read on and decide for yourself whether my four letter word was appropriate. My apologies for using such hard language but I do not know of any better way to express the threats being made by these officials. Dr. Michael Ryan, epidemiologist and executive director of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program, in the video above said, “In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units. Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them and isolate them.” Maria Van Kerkhove, another infectious disease epidemiologist and COVID-19 technical lead for the WHO Health Emergencies Program, tweeted a similar refrain: “Find, test, isolate and treat every case and trace every contact, engage all people, physical distancing, hand hygiene, all-of- society, all-of-government approach, etc. = comprehensive strategy to beat #COVID19.” Of course this would probably involve the military and the police because health officials have something to fear, especially in America, and that is an armed populace; some of who will come out shooting before they will let anyone drag family members away. Those who resist putting their economies into instant cardiac arrest are being attacked as heartless. Professor Wittkowski, PhD, for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says that social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus. Innovating for the Demise of Humanity

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“Whether or not the virus was engineered (scientists swear it wasn’t) – it shouldn’t take Perry Mason to conclude that a virulent coronavirus outbreak which started near a biolab that was experimenting with — coronavirus — bears scrutiny.” The American and world economy is about to die from the coronavirus and many people are going to die because of it. Coronavirus is an extinction level event for modern economies not because of the virus itself but because of the medical and governmental response to it. “When a society reaches even about 25% or so of sudden, irreversible, long-term, hardcore unemployment, the economy is more or less finished. It cannot recover for generations. That number means that huge numbers of businesses are shuttered, jobs are destroyed never to come back, incomes vanished, savings gone, homes foreclosed on. It is the end of families, relationships, stability, hope,” writes Umair Haque. The world economy is undergoing the largest shock in history. It’s a shock faster, bigger, and more devastating than any war. Health officials are offering the world a brutally cruel shutdown foisted on them by politicians the world over who are rolling over to public health officials who pretend to know what they are doing based on models that are proving to be wildly inaccurate. Projections Are Questionable About 1 million adults in the US seek care in a hospital due to pneumonia every year, and 50,000 die from this disease. Pneumonia is called “coronavirus” if the patient is tested and the virus is discovered. published, “If it’s true that the novel coronavirus would kill millions without shelter-in-place orders and quarantines, then the extraordinary measures being carried out in cities and states around the country are surely justified. But there’s little evidence to confirm that premise—and projections of the death toll could plausibly be orders of magnitude too high.” Just so happens that the dangers of the coronavirus has been downgraded. Epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, who created the highly-cited Imperial College London coronavirus model, which has been cited by organizations like The New York Times and has been instrumental in governmental policy decision-making, offered a massively downgraded projection of the potential death-toll last week. Ferguson’s model projected 2.2 million dead people in the United States and 500,000 in the U.K. from COVID-19 if no action were taken to slow the virus and blunt its curve. The model predicted far fewer deaths if lockdown measures — measures such as those taken by the British and American governments — were undertaken. Now he calculates that only 20,000 will die in England instead of the projected 500,000. Many are afraid of a mandatory vaccine more than the virus itself. The mainstream media if having a field day with the virus and even turning it into a racial issue when saying, “among roughly 40 million black Americans are deciding minute by minute whether to put their faith in government and the medical community during the coronavirus pandemic. Historic failures in government responses to disasters and emergencies, medical abuse, neglect and exploitation have jaded generations of black people into a distrust of public institutions.” And there are probably 100 million white people feeling the same way Killing from a Distance https://banned.video/watch?id=5e8639d5d753df001e1eb96d&fbclid=IwAR2q26Tt0hajIIYCvf4fQIpg YMVQssOEHhdGYLAxGdUZLoecs14lj1vp3hY In 2015, 215 scientists from 41 countries communicated their alarm (about the potential of 5G) to the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO). They stated that “numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF [electromagnetic fields] affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. As already stated, more than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF/MW radiation. Effects include:  Alteration of heart rhythm  Altered gene expression  Altered metabolism  Altered stem cell development  Cancers  Cardiovascular disease  Cognitive impairment  DNA damage

20 21 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

 Impacts on general well-being  Increased free radicals  Learning and memory deficits  Impaired sperm function and quality  Miscarriage  Neurological damage  Obesity and diabetes  Oxidative stress  Autism  ADHD  Asthma  Negative altered mental states, including increased depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies Of course you will never read anyone dying from 5G or anyone dying of CT and PET scans and never anyone from near lethal dosages of radiation used for the treatment of cancer. They lie and never stop lying so it is hard to believe anything the press says about the coronavirus or anything else today. The health consequences of 5G will never be made pubic. Censorship is easy in today’s digital age thanks to Google, Facebook and YouTube. It has been clearly stated in front of a congressional committee that no tests for safety have been conducted exactly because it is dangerous. If it was safe why wouldn’t they test it? Conclusion “This is going to be the hardest and the saddest week of most Americans’ lives, quite frankly,” said Vice Adm. Jerome Adams with the young and old being hit the hardest. Many believe that a collapsed economy would kill and maim far more people than the Chinese virus ever could. What are hungry Americans going to do when the food banks don’t have any more food for them? Health officials are breaking the world and they think it is the exact right thing to do.

28.4.20 - Bill Gates: Phase 2 is a bio terror attack: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/04/bill-gates-phase-2-is-a- bio-terror-attack.html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=487064993f- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd-487064993f-387838753 For generations the public has been controlled through fear. The progression of perceived enemies has evolved over time. We were once told our enemies were nation states and we had to duck and cover because the enemy could strike with great devastation at a moment’s notice. While this outside threat, used to instill fear and bolster the military industrial complex was very effective, this enemy could only last so long and was merely a stepping stone. The fear of an outside threat later evolved into terrorists who had no borders, which justified military expansionism globally. We were told They hate us because were free, gradually we became less free as the government has erected a police state and a surveillance state to protect us from the very terror threat they created. Now we are told our enemy is invisible yet everywhere; we are told our way of life will never be the same, much like we heard in the aftermath of 9/11 — and boy were they right! The public has been conditioned to live in a constant state of fear, we have been conditioned to rely on the government as our only solution for safety. This is a solution we have been warned about for hundreds of years. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

28.4.20 – Jean-Jacques Crèvecœur - https://pg185.infusion- links.com/api/v1/click/4998710197747712/4811673281232896 Tu l'as probablement remarqué : j'ai repris le combat dans le contexte de cette « crise » du coronavirus, alias COVID-19. Et ce courriel rapide te lance une invitation à rejoindre la chaîne YouTube de Thierry Casasnovas qui m'invite à décrypter pour vous le sens, les risques et les retombées de cette « pandémie » COVID-19.

21 22 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Ça se passe ce mardi 28 avril à 20h (heure de Paris) - 14h (heure de Montréal) sur sa chaîne YouTube. Pour y participer en direct (ou pour le revoir plus tard si tu n'es pas libre), clique sur ce lien

Jusqu'à présent, mon engagement a consisté à essayer de rétablir les faits et de remettre les choses en perspective. Car une fois de plus, nous sommes face à un pandémie de mensonges médiatiques, sanitaires et gouvernementaux. Alors, ne me faites pas dire ce que je n'ai pas dit ! Je n'ai jamais dit que personne ne mourait pendant cette crise du COVID-19. Évidemment. Par contre, ce que je tente de dire depuis près de trois mois, c'est que nous n'avons pas plus de morts qu'en 2019 ou en 2018. La seule différence, c'est que les autorités sanitaires et politiques ont décidé de nous terroriser avec des statistiques qui sont, en tous points, semblables à celles des années précédentes ! On sait, par exemple, que 12.500 personnes meurent chaque mois dans les EPHAD (en France). On sait que 1.000 personnes meurent chaque mois dans les résidences pour personnes âgées au Québec. Le savais-tu, ça ? Les médias ont-ils pris la peine de te le dire, ça ? Alors, les seules questions que nous devrions nous poser, ce sont :  Pourquoi, cette année, subissons-nous ce terrorisme médiatique ?  Pourquoi, si les choses ne sont pas plus graves que les années précédentes, nous a- t-on forcés à arrêter nos activités ?  Pourquoi nous bassine-t-on les oreilles depuis des mois avec un vaccin qui ne viendra pas alors que des remèdes simples et peu coûteux existent et ont fait leurs preuves ?  Pourquoi nous effraie-t-on déjà avec la perspective d'une seconde vague alors que nous sortons à peine de la première ?  Pourquoi Bill Gates est-il devenu le commandant en chef des opérations sanitaires mondiales pour terrasser ce pauvre coronavirus ? Et quelle légitimité a-t-il ? Et finalement, la question centrale sera : « Mais qu'est-ce que cette bande de @&#*§&*% nous prépare pour notre avenir ? » Car, une telle mise en scène anxiogène de chiffres de mortalité, aussi bien coordonnée, n'a pas été orchestrée par hasard. Elle poursuit un but très précis. Et la bonne nouvelle, dans tout cela, c'est que ces gens qui se croient tout puissant ne se cachent même plus pour faire état de leurs objectifs. Toutes les preuves sont là. Il suffit de les rassembler et de connecter les faits, les uns après les autres… C'est ce que je ferai avec Thierry Casasnovas tout à l'heure… T'inviter à prendre du recul, à sortir de tes émotions de peur et à te remettre à réfléchir sur le plan global qui est en train de se dérouler sous nos yeux, mais que peu de personnes discernent… Notre but : c'est que nous, en tant que citoyens, connaissions À L'AVANCE, les coups suivants de l'adversaire, pour pouvoir les déjouer et les désamorcer. Comme aux échecs : anticiper ce qui se prépare est la meilleure façon de rétablir nos droits fondamentaux et de défendre nos libertés qui sont bafouées depuis des dizaines d'années.

27.4.20 – Dr. Sircus - 5G didn’t cause the coronavirus pandemic but it probably made it worse: https://drsircus.com/coronavirus/5g-didnt-cause-the-coronavirus-pandemic-but-it-probably- made-it-worse/ There are many frightening aspects to the pandemic but none speaks of more trouble than the synchronic occurrence of a new virus and the rapid installation of 5G. One could even stretch the imagine and see the virus running cover for 5G. The good news is it looks like the beginning of the end for the global lockdown. Doctors in California and many others are showing its time to dial down the fear and free the population back out into the sunshine to enjoy its anti-pathogenic rays. The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation. However, the bad news is that the 5G crisis is just beginning and Bill Gates is lusting for all to have the vaccine that will be developed, to tag us all. A global study published in Israel by Professor Isaac Ben-Israel, chairman of the Israeli Space

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Agency and Council on Research and Development, shows that “the spread of the coronavirus declines to almost zero after 70 days—no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.” Epidemiologist Mihai Grigoriu concludes that with the French study, corroborated by findings from a Stanford antibody seroprevalence study in Santa Clara county, “the case for extreme measures collapses like a house of cards.” Grigoriu says that since the virus has already spread widely in the general population, efforts to stop further spread are both futile and destructive. A new study out of Stanford University further undermines the case for the far-reaching and excessive lockdown policies thrust upon the American people. As “the first large-scale community- based prevalence study in a major US county completed during [the coronavirus] pandemic,” the study’s estimate “represent[s] the best available current evidence.” And its results suggest “that the infection rate is much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases,” 50 to 85 times more widespread in fact. 5G Is Not Safe No Matter What They Say Eighty percent of the in vivo studies showed responses to exposure, while 58% of the in vitro studies demonstrated effects. The responses affected all biological endpoints studied. The easiest way to sustain the conclusion that 5G is not safe is remember that there is not one official study to prove it is safe. If there is no study then no one can say its safe. 5G is stealing onto the scene hidden behind a mountain range of concern over the coronavirus. “5G is being erected in our area. We are being fried nightly and are unable to sleep in our bedroom with the windows covered. Electrical sensations, tingling numbness, extreme nausea, headaches, ears burning and ringing. Fever without infection. This is a nightmare that cost us 1100 dollars in hotel expenses. This is devastating our lives.” If one has recently had a 5G installed recently in front of your home or apartment and you are feeling similar symptoms what are you going to do? Well we know what some people will do. 5G phone masts are being set alight in the UK. The BBC reports that at least three 5G towers were set alight within the last week, and police and fire services were called to extinguish the flames. The New York Times wrote, “Across Britain, more than 30 acts of arson and vandalism have taken place against wireless towers and other telecom gear this month, according to police reports and a telecom trade group. In roughly 80 other incidents in the country, telecom technicians have been harassed on the job.” Is this the beginning of a 5G rebellion? The Government of Slovenia has stopped the implementation of 5G technology. The minister of public administration, Rudi Medved said, “the questions about the harmful effects of 5G technology are legitimate”. State of 5G deployments report reveals that as of January 2020, commercial 5G networks have been deployed in 378 cities across 34 countries. Some 5G pundits contend that the new network generates radiofrequency radiation that can damage DNA and lead to cancer; cause oxidative damage that can cause premature aging; disrupt cell metabolism; and potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins. Could it also cause flu infections to get far worse? The Times talked about, “The Internet conspiracy theory that links the spread of the coronavirus to an ultrafast wireless technology known as 5G. Under the false idea, which has gained momentum in Facebook groups, WhatsApp messages and YouTube videos, radio waves sent by 5G technology are causing small changes to people’s bodies that make them succumb to the virus.” A 2002 Russian study that set out to explore the effects of 42 GHz frequencies determined that when healthy mice were exposed to them, they had a drastic reduction of activity with cells involved with immunity: about 50%. In other words, 42 GHz frequencies, close to the middle of the 5G spectrum, cause mice to suffer from immune system problems. The Times takes us for idiots. What is being put out is not that 5G is making the virus spread. It is that it is affecting people, especially the most vulnerable with dangerous radiation at the same time they are being hit by the virus. 5G is not everywhere but it is in the areas with the highest death rates starting with Wuhan China, northern Italy and New York, just to mention a few of the almost 400 cities already covered with 5G. A small town north of San Francisco recently blocked deployment of small cell towers over community health concerns. There is no scientific evidence that links the coronavirus pandemic to 5G, nor any immediate

23 24 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g negative health effects to 5G according the mainstream media but they really do not know that they are just saying that. Most logical conclusion to make? 5G is too dangerous to test. 5G Corona Virus Pandemic “Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.” We are going to be cooked by frequencies that we are in love with. We are going to be exposed with invisible radio frequency emissions and for the most vulnerable we could expect almost instant negative effects. However, we lust after faster Internet and are not too concerned about negative health affects. But anyone who has a device to turn Wi-Fi frequencies into sound knows the horrible feeling when they can hear the emissions. China carriers will deploy a total of 500,000 5G base stations this year. By the end of March, Chinese operators had already installed 198,000 5G base stations and had 50 million 5G users. 5G uses unique radio frequencies that are higher and more directional than those used by 4G. The directionality of 5G is important because 4G towers send data all over, which can waste power and energy and ultimately weaken access to the internet. 4G networks use frequencies below 6 GHz, while 5G will use much higher frequencies in the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range. [Ed. In fact, 5G comprises earlier generations of wireless technology so it will use subGHz and higher frequencies, all of which are desvastating to our biology.] The 60GHz Oxygen Absorption Band The promotional materials from Telecom companies brag that 5G messes with oxygen molecules. When you hit oxygen molecules with 60 GHz millimeter wave emissions it affects the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules. The 60 GHz range is known as the Oxygen Absorption Band. At 60GHz, 98% of electromagnetic energy is absorbed by O2. When 5G reaches the frequency band of 60 GHz, the ability for a person’s blood hemoglobin to bind with oxygen is hindered and this might explain, in part, why people in Wuhan just fell down dead in the streets, which is not a normal thing we see with viral infections. Poor immune function and ill health combined with environmental stress such as heightened EMF exposure might create a perfect storm where the virus has an easy way to get into the body and reproduce faster. 5G EMF exposure might make us more susceptible to viral illnesses. Many of the areas hardest hit by COVID-19 have recently implemented 5G. No One Dies from Radiation It is important to note, when trying to decide to trust the public narative and the entire panic inspiring predictions from health authorities that it is impossible, under the present paradigm to report on any deaths related to radiation exposure. No one dies of CT and PET scans nor from near lethal exposure of radiation treatments for cancer; you will almost never read a patient dying of radiation exposure. And you will never read of anyone dying from the intense 5G roll-out around the first world. “1889 marks the beginning of the modern electrical era and also of a deadly flu pandemic, which followed the advent of electricity throughout the globe. Says Arthur Firstenberg, author of The Invisible Rainbow. “Influenza struck explosively and unpredictably, over and over in waves until early 1894. It was as if something fundamental had changed in the atmosphere. . .” During the first world war, governments on both sides of the conflict installed antennas which eventually blanketed the earth with strong radio signals–and during the later part of 1918, disaster struck. The Spanish flu afflicted a third of the world’s population and killed around fifty million people. “Outside of the U.S., scientists recognized electricity as one of its causes. Like those suffering today from “chronic fatigue,” patients felt weak and exhausted, unable to concentrate. They had headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters in the eyes, racing pulse, pains in the heart region and palpitations; they were depressed and had anxiety attacks. Dr. George Miller Beard noted that the disease spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines; it often resembled the common cold or influenza and commonly seized people in the prime of life.” New Images of Pathology From a Virus? Is it possible that the freaky pathology found in coronavirus patients is a result of both the virus and 5G frequency exposure? The coronavirus is not like other viruses, the effects on human physiology are unique to this infection. Doctors are reporting bizarre, unsettling cases that don’t seem to follow any of the

24 25 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g textbooks they’ve trained on. They describe patients with startlingly low oxygen levels — so low that they would normally be unconscious or near death — talking and swiping on their phones. Asymptomatic pregnant women suddenly in cardiac arrest. Patients who by all conventional measures seem to have mild disease deteriorating within minutes and dying at home. It was “as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are stuck on a plane at 30,000 feet and the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen,” said Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD, an emergency room and critical care doctor at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn. Reports of strokes in the young and middle-aged in many hospitals are the latest twist in our evolving understanding of the mysteries of covid-19. Once thought to be a pathogen that primarily attacks the lungs, it has turned out to be a much more formidable foe – affecting nearly every major organ system in the body. The range of symptoms and organ failures is broader than doctors would expect from a lone virus but combine a new virus with a new frequency, which massive amounts of people are being exposed to, and we might have a broader understanding of what just happened to the world. Conclusion and Suggested Treatments Hydrogen inhalation therapy, PEMF devices that put out the Schumann Waves and sodium bicarbonate (which increases oxygen and cell voltage) would be the main therapies I would focus on to mitigate the harmful effects of 5G. As history has shown us, when new frequencies are put out into the atmosphere people have to adapt. Some do not and die. 5G promises to win the prize as most the most threatening electromagnetic frequency. Health will be more difficult to attain because of it. For many health could become out of the question. Many of the vulnerable will die. We must remember that the coronavirus is not the only threat. There are lots of viruses, bacteria and fungus, both inside and outside of our bodies, all looking for the opportunity to take us down. Now we will have high frequencies to sleep upon as they surround and penetrate each and everyone of the trillions of cells we call us. Just like one must be prepared for a sudden change in society when 5G comes to your front door best to be prepared and monitor any changes in one’s body.

28.4.20 - The most tragic case of governmental, medical, and media malpractice in the history of the world: https://townhall.com/columnists/douglasmackinnon/2020/04/28/the-most-tragic-case-of-governmental-medical-and-media-malpractice-in-the-history-of-the-world- n2567752?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=04/28/2020&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e400551e837&recip=28831344

Just over two months ago, I spoke with an infectious disease doctor who not only believed that millions of Americans had already been exposed to COVID-19, but that the lockdowns were counterproductive and we needed to let herd Immunity take hold in our nation. Two months ago. With each passing day, we are told that multiple more Americans were in-fact exposed to the virus than the “experts” suspected. Or more to the point…guessed. I will keep asking this question until the groupthink-thought-police come to arrest me: “When has it ever been sound medical or governmental practice to sacrifice – and destroy – the economic, mental, and physical well-being of the 99 percent to MAYBE protect and save the one percent...or less? When?” This same doctor I spoke with also stressed to me that the “experts” our nation and the world relied upon to shut it down, could not answer one simple question. That being: Is COVID-19 less or more lethal than the Hong Kong flu pandemic (H3N2) of 1968? A pandemic that mirrored COVID- 19 in that it was highly infectious and was primarily lethal to those over 65 with pre-existing conditions. A pandemic that infected millions of Americans and killed approximately 100,000 out of a then population of about 200 million. A pandemic which worldwide, killed upwards of 4 million people. As of this writing, worldwide, there have been approximately 210,000 deaths. And does anyone else find it troubling and highly suspicious that the United States alone is responsible for slightly more than one-quarter of all deaths worldwide? How could we possibly account for one-quarter of all the COVID-19 deaths in the entire world? Easy, if say, you start counting pianos falling out windows and dropping on people as COVID-19 related deaths.

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As we are also learning with each passing day, in order to justify their highly controversial, extremely punishing, draconian lockdowns, the handful of politicians, officials, and experts who upended our lives and ordered those lockdowns, are being very creative and very liberal as to what constitutes a COVID-19 fatality, all of which begs the question: Are there any ethical and honest reporters left within the mainstream media who could investigate this clearly duplicitous – but officially condoned – counting method? The little real anecdotal evidence accidentally seeping into mainstream media indicates that the actual fatality rate in our nation from COVID-19 is less than the fear-merchants are displaying on their “Death Dashboards.” Potentially, far less. Unbiased professional reporting could tell us the real numbers. But then, that’s the rub. Much of the liberal mainstream media signed up for team “Doom and Gloom” from day one. At first, they did so to create as much fear and panic as possible so they could use COVID-19 as the mother of all click-bait cash cows. Once that was accomplished, many in that same liberal media chose to keep the fear-mongering going as a political tool. Tens of millions of now desperate, depressed, angry, unemployed Americans, coupled with thousands of small business owners now out of business, have been told for weeks to “suck it up and do as you’re told” by politicians, academics, federal officials, media talking-heads, and celebrities who either have guaranteed, gold-plated jobs and healthcare plans, or seven-figure salaries, and millions in the bank. The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits “cruel and unusual punishment” to be inflicted upon criminal defendants. And yet, that same Constitutional consideration is not being afforded to those tens of millions of Americans whose lives have been negatively affected, or even destroyed, by draconian lockdowns which do amount to the most “cruel and unusual punishment” in the history of our Republic. And then, from within that, tens of millions of Americans numbers, comes the – purposely – uncounted number of our fellow citizens who have died as a direct result of the lockdowns. Deaths from suicide, stress, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, or those who had serious pre- existing medical conditions but were scared away from the hospitals and life-saving treatment. Do those deaths count? Are those lost Americans of any importance? Do facts even matter when COVID-19 has been turned into a political football? If they still do, then some of those facts are blaring that the fatality rate for this virus is 10 to 40 times lower than the “World is Ending” estimates spit out by faulty computer models. Dr. Scott W. Atlas – the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford Medical Center – recently looked at the numbers in New York City, a city that became the epicenter of the virus in the United States. Dr. Atlas – who is predictably shunned by the mainstream media because he does prefer using actual facts and statistics – recently reported that the rate of death for all people ages 18 to 45 is 0.01 percent. For people under 18, the rate of death is zero per 100,000. And of almost 8,000 NYC COVID-19 deaths fully investigated for underlying conditions, 99.2 percent had an underlying illness. The truth must matter more than flawed computer models and experts and officials drunk on power. Will anyone be held accountable for what will surely come to be known as the most tragic case of governmental, medical, and media malpractice in the history of the world? I doubt it.

27.4.20 – Power in the hands of autocrats relieves us of our freedom: https://townhall.com/columnists/jamesmccoy/2020/04/27/power-in-the-hands-of-autocrats-relieves-us-of-our-freedom- n2567667?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=04/28/2020&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e400551e837&recip=28831344 … Free market economist Frederick Hayek held forth that socialistic economic planning, regulation, and intervention pave the way to totalitarianism by building a power structure that will inevitably be seized by the most power-hungry and unscrupulous. Hayek is quick to point out that emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberties have been taken away. It is a very short and slippery slope to an authoritarian dictatorship. The USSR, and Nazi Germany labeled themselves as socialist governments. Venezuela has been transformed from a democracy to a socialist dictatorship within a decade. Cuba, China, and North Korea would label their forms of government as communist, but in the truest sense of the word they are simply socialist dictatorships.

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Socialism is simply the government control and administration of all means of production and distribution of goods—the economy. Accordingly, this is what gives these types of governments such ultimate dictatorial power and control. Our COVID-19 crisis is giving to citizens of the United States a chance to taste the Democrat power and control of socialist authoritarianism prior to our upcoming election. …

25.4.20 - The catalyst effect of COVID-19: https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2020/04/25/the- catalyst-effect-of-covid-19/ … Given all of this, we have three goals we ought to pursue right now. One, consider collaboration free of trade economy norms. We don’t need cryptocurrency, or even basic income, as much as we need institutions of sharing and free services like transit, medical care, education, food and housing. Develop these ideas, even if they seem far-fetched right now – they won’t for long. We really do need Getgee – it’s a shame it received no support because it would be very useful right now. It is long past time to disrupt the Silicon Valley vapour capitalists and put collaborative economies under control of local networks. Two, watch out for and combat the still present and very dangerous endosocial extremism arising in places of collapsing economic power, including the desperate attempts at transcendental totalitarianism. Do not confuse shared responsibility for keeping us all safe with totalitarianism. Infecting your neighbours has nothing to do with exosocial collaboration or combating tyranny. Autogenocide in the name of the old god Economy is a sign of endosocial extremism and cruelty, not exosocial connection and altruism. Three, we have never in the history of humanity had an opportunity like we do now to be free of endosocial extremism. This is the moment I have been waiting for, and hopefully you have as well. We can prevent power structures from returning by establishing exosocial collaboration and refusing to allow autogenocidal actions like pollution to be re-normalized. It is futile to weed without planting; now is our window to plant the seeds of a better world. Here are a few of the opportunities we are being given in various parts of the world and which we can try to establish and defend in all parts.  The fact that pollution increases COVID-19 deaths has been used to limit vehicle traffic and reclaim city streets for physical distancing of bikes and pedestrians. Vehicle traffic has always increased deaths from pollution, not to mention the astronomical amount of deaths caused by vehicle accidents; reclaim all city streets and never give them back.  Pollution is so unhealthy every day that the COVID-19 shutdowns of industry have, in some regions, potentially saved more lives than were lost to the pandemic. Pollution needs to continue to be recognized and treated as a global health emergency on par with the pandemic.  Public transit is free in some places to reduce contact with bus drivers. Don’t ever let it be unfree again. Providing free streets for vehicles and charging for public transit is taxing the necessities of the poor for the autogenocidal luxuries of the wealthy.  Food banks are receiving more government funding in places; food stores ought to be free, filled with healthy, locally produced food. Think of the carbon footprint reduction, medical care reduction, and general increase in happiness and competence that would be caused by universal access to fresh, healthy food and universal ability to grow and share food locally, perhaps in the laneways and parking lots freed from vehicle traffic. Why should every child have a right to education but not food? How is free health care effective if healthy food, air and water are unattainable?  Evictions have been stopped in some places and those without homes are suddenly being housed to prevent COVID-19 deaths. Poverty and lack of housing has always been lethal; eradicate poverty and universalize access to homes.  Some people have acknowledged that releasing the majority of prisoners will create no social ill and prisons are inhumane. Some are even acknowledging the extreme mental distress and increased tendency to violence caused by social isolation. Use this opportunity to re-examine the goals and methods of archaic and cruel prison punishments and construct rehabilitative alternatives which focus on harm prevention.  The Canadian government and others have rejected IP [intellectrual property] protection for necessary COVID-19 treatment and supplies; abolish IP while crediting creators and we will

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see an explosion in creativity and scientific advancement. COVID-19 is hardly the only emergency facing the world.  The vital need for knowledge emanating from transparent, two-way, epistemic communities and facilitated by knowledge bridges is finally being recognized. Ignorance is lethal. Knowledge needs to be a human right. Establish protection and support for this right in all areas of social collaboration, including corporate and governance activity.  Health is, at least for a moment, being prioritized over industry. This is a sign of the weakening of industrial endo-idealism. This must be recognized as the moment of sublation it is; do not allow this moment of victory over industrial endo-idealism to blind us to its potential replacement by a transcendental mono-empire. Be aware of these attempts, such as Google and Apple surveillance justified by the pandemic, and instead, seize the moment to establish exosocial collaboration.  Transparent, collaborative knowledge with two-way epistemic communities are providing the information on health guidelines. All science needs to be open and collaborative and unfiltered through political and corporate interests. Cancer and many other diseases could also be greatly reduced with the same transparency and prioritizing of health over industry.  We are seeing an example of governance by epistemic communities, Knowledge regarding the pandemic is global and transparent. Policy implementation is under networked regional authority which consults and defers to regional experts informed by that global knowledge. This is the new method of collaborative governance that I described a decade ago and wrote in Binding Chaos. For this method to work, knowledge (not simply speech or information) must be a human right.  Tourism has all but halted. Some states, such as the US, and China, will attempt to use this to entrench totalitarianism and greatly restrict ability to move. Let’s instead try to create a new habit of slow travel; let’s forfeit the social media selfies and work on creating true links of friendship, mutual aid, trust and discovery when we are guests in other people’s communities and homes.  Worry about supply chains is suddenly causing questioning of international forced dependency on trade. This is a window to encourage collaboration through networked development of strength and support, not hierarchical development of enforced dependency.  Airbnb and others have taken a huge economic hit. This could be an opportunity to develop Getgee and networked control of our own service industries, instead of apps controlled in Silicon Valley. These and many other opportunities for great social change are being presented where just a few months ago the same ideas were dismissed as utopian and unrealistic. These aren’t even the biggest opportunities, however. The greatest social change of the last months has been the redirection of social approval from endosocial destroyers to exosocial creators. Instead of powerful endo-ideals and men with guns, the world is looking to actions coming from caregivers. The focus on essential services has highlighted the real contributors to social health. Saving lives is finally being recognized as more valuable than ending them. The crisis conditions highlighted now have always existed for some. It is time for the world to see and acknowledge those that are always required to live in circumstances deemed unacceptable for the majority. In Canada, the federal government provided a temporary relief payment of $2000 a month for many people. Ineligible were the majority of those who are always forced to live far below the poverty line on pensions, disability payments and social assistance. The latter are still expected to live on a payment as low as $593 a month (depending on the province). The poor are the negative image who are dehumanized every day under wealth endo-idealism. Also dehumanized are those who are victims of the industrial endo-ideal. In Korea, that is victims of Samsung, and in Canada it is victims of resource corporations. These victims are not only not compensated for their injuries, they are silenced by media and the public and ignored by government. In a world free of endosocial extremism, all have equivalent value. The pandemic we are facing is indeed a huge disaster. It is not the reason we are seeing these great social changes, however. I have been presenting huge social disasters in the hopes that people may be inspired to social change for years, and it has never worked. The world has clearly understood for many years that we are facing extinction, Genocides and atrocities, including caging children in concentration camps and state organ trafficking, have been ignored all over the

28 29 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g world. Everyone knows that corporations are killing people and the earth for no apparent reason. The world is finally convinced that every single institution of power is involved in atrocities towards the most vulnerable, such as child rape and trafficking. As was my worst fear, exposure simply normalized it instead of stopping it. It is not the size or horror of this pandemic that has brought social change. The change is a direct result of the collapse of endosocialism under what was intended to be a global mono-empire. A mono-empire cannot hold its shape as an endogroup, even with the support of the most extreme totalitarianism. As long as we are trapped in endogroups, people have proved throughout history that there is no atrocity or horror they will not normalize and justify. The fact that this current pandemic is suddenly creating sweeping changes in most populations is because of the lifting of the veil of endoreality. Those who were the invisible negative image of industrial or wealth endo-idealism are finally being seen as those endogroups weaken. The most industry-worshiping states still devalue our elders and instantly cast all those who are ill as the negative image. This has produced attempted terrorist attacks on hospitals and blocking access to them which we have seen in Brazil and the United States. As explained in The Creation of Me, Them and Us, the act of falling ill is enough to cast a person as the negative image in an industrial endogroup. This has been obvious for years through the condemnation of the ill to poverty and social ostracization but it becomes more evident as hospitals are threatened with bombs and hospital workers are evicted and shunned. The violence and disinformation attacks are a domestic escalation of the attacks by foreign interests suffered by caregivers in organizations such as MSF and the White Helmets [Ed. Beware misinformation: the “White Helmets” is a terrorist organisation created by the US and Britain!] for years. The current domestic escalation is a sign of the extreme effort being expended in trying to hold the last endogroups together. Every threat to an endogroup results in increased violence towards its own weakest members, the negative image. All externally directed atrocities eventually come home to roost, including genocide. Unfortunately, endogroups are not the only major social problem we need to contend with. We have also created a large population of people who can only exist on secondary euphoria, that obtained from destruction and the suffering of others. Exosocial collaboration greatly increases during times of disaster, but so does the feeding frenzy of those who have an overwhelming craving for the suffering of others. The shame killings described in The Creation of Me, Them and Us, and in much more detail in Abstracting Divinity, are a feature of every endogroup collapse. Those who crave the pain and destruction of others exist freely due to the cloak of endoreality which shields them from accountability. Their actions are depicted as necessary and unavoidable instead of the simple cruelty they are. We can combat these people by naming their actions and their guilt. Those that block transparent information and try to instigate an autogenocide of as many people as possible through encouraging uninformed action are cruel for their own gratification. This applies not only to COVID-19 but to all the branches of autogenocide we are facing. Their reflectors, those who attribute all virtue to their endo-ideal and reject all guilt by their endo- ideal will have a very difficult time attributing the correct motivation to these lethal actions and will diminish such cruelty as much as possible. We are governed by information and our belief in and acceptance of that information. Transparent, verified information and knowledge bridges are the most important tools available to us today. Endoreality, which assigns all ownership, virtue, credit and victimhood to the endo-ideal and all vice, guilt and punishment to the negative image, acts to shield the endo-ideal from their own guilt and persecute the negative image. Endoreality is the primary tool of tyranny and the means to keep the world in chains of our own creation. We are seeing the darkest part of the night before the dawn. It helps to understand what we are seeing and the desperation driving the current extreme actions of those upholding the last endogroups. The most dangerous time in any endogroup occurs on its destruction. We are living in a time of potentially unprecedented global exosocial collaboration but also a time of great danger. We need to understand the danger but also to understand that it will pass. The world is living through a time of great pain but great pain is always a motivator for exosocial expansion. The tearing of endogroup bonds and former euphoric connections results in a global need to create new connections. We have an opportunity to create those connections with discovery, with creation and with each other, through altruistic and power-free interactions. Let’s care for each other, beware of dangers and, at the same time, plant the seeds for the new world we want to grow.

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A VOIR ABSOLUMENT !!! Le Peuple se reveille: https://www.facebook.com/LePeupleSeSoutient/videos/180057146445163/ Essential viewing if you speak French. What he says is so important and touching.

27.4.20 - The UK’s Covid-19 response is being led by a secretive, incompetent cabal. No wonder our policies have been such a shambles: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/487021-uk-covid19- policy-sage/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Email The clandestine scientific body SAGE, which has helped shape the British government's Covid-19 policy, has serious questions to answer about corruption, incompetence and chaos. They were a mysterious cabal of individuals plotting behind closed doors, whispering about initiatives to implement on an unwitting British population. Now the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE) has finally been forced into the light. Up until a few days ago, their identities were being kept secret because of an alleged fear of being lobbied. Their job is to meet twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays) to discuss Britain's response to Covid-19. The government's own website lists them as “a formal part of the UK government’s emergency response structure.” Now they've been stripped of their camouflage. But it's no wonder the members of SAGE wanted to remain faceless and lurk in the shadows. Even though some spin is now being applied to whether he was officially part of SAGE or just attended the meetings, Downing Street data scientist Ben Warner is one of them. He was in the room, having his say and being part of the discussions. Anyone with a modicum of awareness will find that shocking, given that his brother Marc has benefited massively from the UK's pandemic response. Marc's company Faculty has recently been awarded the contract to be part of the new government app, which will mine the confidential data of Covid-19 hospital patients. The deal was done, bypassing the normal tender process or any parliamentary scrutiny, because ministers used obscure statutory powers given to them in 2015. Faculty already had a contract in place to help build a £250 million artificial intelligence lab for the NHS. Ben, who used to work for his brother's company, was recruited by Boris Johnson's right-hand man Dominic Cummings. It's no surprise to hear that Cummings is also part of SAGE. Alleged corruption – that’s the first charge which requires answers. Another indefensible clanger from SAGE involves the 17.5 million antibody tests which the government ordered and paid for from China. Only, they didn’t work. As Professor John Bell of Public Health England (but not of SAGE) explained: “We see many false negatives… and we also see false positives. This is not a good result for test suppliers or for us.” The government is now wasting more valuable time and effort trying to get a refund, while the country reels from a rising death toll, which has now topped 20,000 and is on course to be the highest in Europe. But Professor Sharon Peacock of SAGE proclaimed in the last week of March that finger-prick tests would be “a game changer” and that people would be able to pop into a pharmacy for a quick and easy check. Professor Peacock has a webpage telling all and sundry about her academic credentials and about her role at the “esteemed” University of Cambridge. She has 25 years of experience, has trained 22 PhD students and authored over 400 scientific articles or book chapters. With all this supposed knowledge and experience, why didn't she pipe up at one of the many SAGE meetings and voice concerns about these tests not working before we bought 17.5 million of them? How can an expert in that field be aware enough to speak out in public but not be aware enough to ascertain how accurate the tests are? That's the second charge: incompetence. Alongside Professor Peacock at SAGE are several other academics with grandiose titles, representing Oxford University, Imperial College, King's College and the University of Edinburgh.

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The group also features individuals such as Professor Charlotte Watts, chief scientific adviser at the Department of International Development, and Emma Reed, the director of emergency response and health protection at the Department of Health. With this menagerie of grandiose titles, professorships and links to venerated institutions, why has the UK's response been so amateur? Abu Dhabi, which has nothing like the renowned establishments or academic pedigree of the UK, bought its police officers helmets which can scan the temperatures of 200 people per minute from five metres away. It identifies possible Covid-19 victims, who are then hospitalised. Their force is also out delivering gloves and masks to people who need them, and they have set up testing centres in the most populated areas so that people can line up and get checked instantly. Over here, under the guidance of SAGE, Britain's initiatives are embarrassing. A website opened at 6am one day last week to allow key workers to order a home test. By 6:02am, it had run out and had to be shut down. The option to book a test involves having to drive to a car park somewhere, while someone from the army leans through your window to take a swab from your mouth. What if you suspect you have the virus but don't own a car? That's if you can even get an appointment, as they were all gone in a matter of minutes – except in Scotland. The tests were only supposed to be for key workers, but the website has no way to properly check this, so anyone can sign up – and clearly they have, meaning lots of key workers are left whistling in the wind. There is also a shortage of masks; the UK public were told not to buy any, so that medics could get them instead. Why didn't any of SAGE’s luminaries speak out or see this coming? Why didn't they do what other places like Abu Dhabi have? They built a 127-bed temporary hospital complete with air conditioning, ventilators and a full staff to operate it. Meanwhile, the UK’s Nightingale temporary hospital in East London, with space for 3,600, had only 26 patients last week, because there are no staff to work there. That's the third charge: overseeing chaos. Britain's academics and universities are standing on the shoulders of giants who built the country into what it is. Those giants are ordinary, working class folk, the ones who right now are dying in vast numbers. Every member of SAGE should hang their heads in shame. If they could see that clear errors were being made, they should have spoken out and sent up a flare immediately. If they didn't see the errors, then they shouldn't be involved in decision making ever again. Either way, when the British people needed their academics and scientists – who have benefited from all their historic tax contributions – to deliver, they didn't. Lions led by donkeys and dunderheads.

11.4.20 - The speed at which the British media became McCarthyite authoritarians has been almost as fast as the spread of Covid-19: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/485531-british-media- authoritarianism-covid-19/ While many pontificate about what Covid-19 might mean for the future – of work, travel etc – little attention has been paid to the future of British media, which has become the cheerleader and bullhorn of state authoritarianism. Britain has long prided itself on being the bulwark of democracy, and at the core of this claim has been its free press. The right to speak truth to power, to challenge government and the establishment and hold them to account; the defence of democratic rights like free expression and speech, free association and assembly; these things have always been upheld as an example to the world to be cherished as indispensable to a free society and defended at all costs. But since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the British media has turned ‘Chinese’. This has nothing to do British journalists’ or editors’ fondness for Chinese cuisine. It is the remarkable speed at which they have embraced the authoritarian non-democratic practices they like to attribute to the Chinese Communist Party.

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In an era when “unprecedented” has become the adjective of the year, this turnabout has been truly unprecedented. A year ago, the Guardian and others condemned the Chinese government for introducing a social credit system that forbade 23 million citizens from buying travel tickets because the state decreed they were not behaving properly. The British media attacked this move as a fundamental attack on the autonomy of the individual and the freedom of movement in China. Read more However, one year later, as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded, this same media was at the forefront of the clamour for the government to start behaving like Beijing: the Sun newspaper reported uncritically how British Transport Police had been deployed to enforce a ban on “unnecessary travel.” The Guardian – the defender of the right to travel in China – dutifully announced and endorsed a government decree “advising” the UK public to avoid all non-essential travel. The BBC unquestioningly reported the London mayor proclaiming that key workers and “nobody else” should be using public transport. Freedom of movement in Britain? Forget it. In a flash, the British government has restricted travel for almost 60 million citizens – the same number of people quarantined in China’s Hubei province – and hardly a voice is raised in protest in the media. The lack of dissent in the media is not surprising, given that they had been in the vanguard of demanding a state clampdown. One of the most notable and disturbing developments of the government’s daily press briefing was how journalist after journalist spoke out calling for a lockdown to be put in place – or asked why one hadn’t been implemented earlier. This was unprecedented: representatives of the free press standing up and demanding that the government bring the police in to get tougher with transgressors of social distancing. Initially, the lines of attack by the media followed the previously existing culture war. Remain- supporting papers could not resist politicising a medical crisis to plough their political predilections. Toby Helm of the Observer, for example, was quick to argue that "Brexit means the coronavirus vaccine will be slower to reach the UK." He claimed Covid-19 was payback for Brexit since, apparently, the vaccine (which does not yet exist) will “cost more here because of the UK pulling out of the European Medicines Agency on 30 December.” Also on rt.com This Covid-19 sermon on the BBC was biased, patronising & insufferable virtue signalling – we shouldn’t be forced to pay for it While the culture war battle lines remain, the media’s politicisation of the medical crisis united them into an undifferentiated authoritarian mob – carrying pens and laptops rather than pitchforks – that demanded tough draconian action by the government, from introducing social distancing and restricting movement to shutting down the economy, which is truly unprecedented. And now that they’ve got it, they have become an indispensable part of the government’s propaganda bullhorn and surveillance. The media’s role in politicising the Covid-19 crisis is an important development. Their abandonment of the critical role of speaking truth to power is irresponsible and a betrayal of the principles of a free press. Demanding draconian steps, while not taking responsibility for outcomes or having to deal with the consequences, is morally bankrupt and unforgivable. The idea that they can now criticise the government for the devastating economic and social consequences of the lockdown – a policy they have championed and demanded from the outset – is just staggeringly arrogant and hypocritical. Read more But the worse thing by far – and this is what will truly determine the future of so much – is that their conversion to authoritarianism is being justified as an inevitable outcome of the pandemic. “It is the pandemic that forced us to demand a lockdown, my lord” is their defence. But pandemics don’t shut down economies, governments do. And they do so with greater ease when there are no critical voices demanding alternatives or caution. The lockdown and its consequences belong to the government and the media. This was not an accidental outcome. It is an outcome the media ought to have questioned and debated openly and without political bias. The stakes are just too high. What we should draw from this is that the freedoms that underpin the role of a free press – freedom of thought and speech – are not optional extras, peccadilloes we indulge in when times are good. They are foundational, especially in crises like Covid-19. They are indispensable tools we need to ensure we deal rationally and democratically with a health crisis. The virus, and

32 33 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g especially man-made decisions taken over it, will impact all of us directly way beyond the immediate challenge of dealing with the threat of death. Unfortunately, the British media’s critical faculties have gone into self-isolation. The banner of critical and open debate (with outspoken exceptions like the excellent mainstream iconoclast Peter Hitchens) has had to be carried by smaller media outlets like Spiked and the Spectator instead. Whether the mainstream media will return to play its historic role or remain furloughed is an open question. But whatever happens, they should be held to account just as we will do to our politicians and experts in the months ahead.

27.4.20 - AI healthcare shouldn’t get more trust than self-driving car; it’s useful amid pandemic emergency, but speed is not always good: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/487033-ai-healthcare- pandemic-emergency/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Email AI is now being used to triage Covid-19 patients. But we must bear in mind that the pandemic is no reason to self-isolate our critical faculties and accept AI in healthcare as the future without question. The Covid-19 pandemic has turned into a gateway for the adoption of AI in healthcare. Staff shortages and overwhelming patient loads have fast-tracked promising new technologies, particularly AI tools that can speed triage. But this accelerated process contains dangers: regulatory oversight, which has hampered innovation in healthcare over the years, nevertheless remains critical. We are not dealing with harmless standards – this is about life and death – oversight and rigorous testing is vital. The experience of the Royal Bolton Hospital in the UK provides one example, where a pre-Covid- 19 trial, initiated by Rizwan Malik, the hospital’s lead radiologist, aimed to test whether a promising AI-based chest X-ray system could speed up diagnosis times. Patients were having to wait several hours for a specialist to examine their X-rays. An initial reading from this AI-based tool, it was hoped, would dramatically shorten diagnosis times. After four months of reviews from multiple hospital and NHS committees and forums, the proposal was finally approved. But the trial never took place because the Covid-19 pandemic struck. In the face of the pandemic, regulatory procedures were jettisoned. Within weeks, the AI-based X- ray tool was retooled to detect Covid-19-induced pneumonia. Instead of a trial to double-check human diagnosis, the technology is now performing initial readings. If this speeds up diagnosis, that is to be welcomed. Many more healthcare facilities around the world are turning to AI to help manage the coronavirus pandemic. This has ignited an AI healthcare ‘arms race’ to develop new software or upgrade existing tools in the hope that the pandemic will fast-track deployment by side-stepping pre-Covid-19 regulatory barriers. Covid-19 has certainly speeded up AI in healthcare. Before the pandemic, AI in healthcare was booming. According to the British Journal of General Practice, in 2016, healthcare AI projects attracted more investment than AI projects within any other sector of the global economy. And it is not surprising why. In specific areas, AI tools like machine learning have the capacity to simultaneously observe and rapidly process an almost limitless number of inputs beyond human capability. Furthermore, these systems are able to learn from each incremental case and can be exposed, within minutes, to more cases than a clinician could see in many lifetimes. AI-driven applications are able to out-perform dermatologists at correctly classifying suspicious skin lesions. AI is also being trusted with tasks where experts often disagree, such as identifying pulmonary tuberculosis on chest radiographs. AI can’t replace doctors What this shows is that AI in healthcare excels in areas with well-defined tasks, with clearly defined inputs and binary outputs that can be easily validated. They can, in short, support doctors, but not replace them. And this is where it gets complicated and a great deal of caution needs to be exercised. The real problem facing AI in healthcare, and all AI-led innovation in general, is the identification of what problem is being solved. The deployment of AI tools in the Covid-19 pandemic has mainly been based upon supporting poorly resourced or over-stretched services. AI systems are ideally suited to situations where human expertise is a scarce resource, like in many developing TB-prevalent countries where a lack of radiological expertise in remote areas is a real problem.

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But AI tools are not the same as human intelligence. They are algorithms designed by humans. An AI system, for example, could never replace a surgeon precisely because when the body is cut open, things might not meet pre-programmed expectations. Surgeons need to think on their feet. Algorithms rely on people sitting on their rear ends programming them. But in many cases, the people creating algorithms to use in real life aren’t the doctors that treat patients. Programmers might need to learn more about medicine: clinicians might need to learn about the tasks a specific algorithm is or isn’t well suited to. Many algorithms are intricately based on difficult to deconvolute mathematics. They are not transparent. Indeed, many companies developing these have every interest in keeping them so to protect their intellectual property. How does any regulator who cannot unpack the inner workings of an algorithm approve a trial that relies on AI? What happens when an AI-healthcare tool misdiagnoses a patient that not only puts them at risk but impacts their ability to get health insurance after treatment? The issues of privacy and misdiagnosis are areas that remain fraught with risk and difficulty. The biggest impediment to AI’s widespread adoption remains the public’s hesitation to embrace an increasingly controversial technology. And for good reason. Being diagnosed by a machine or a computer interface is not going to build trust. Dehumanising healthcare through AI will be resisted for a very good reason: doctors are human, computers are not. Healthcare is not an exact science and much of it cannot be reduced to algorithmic certainty. Instincts and experience are more important. As Dr. Lisa Sanders, an associate professor at the Yale University School of Medicine, the inspiration behind the Netflix docuseries Diagnosis, puts it: diagnosing a patient is a “conference between two experts… I am the expert on bodies, how bodies work, how bodies don’t work and what we can do about it. What the patient is the expert on is that body and how that body feels… There is no one who can tell you how the patient feels except the patient.” There is no doubt that AI healthcare can add enormously to the future of healthcare. Its deployment in the Covid-19 crisis reveals some of this potential. But it needs careful consideration because it has implications that go way beyond healthcare. Emergencies require speed, but speed can result in bad outcomes. Like anything new, this requires constructive scepticism, not blind faith. ______BACK TO CONTENTS ______


24.4.20 - Economic destruction is a preview of the green new deal economy: https://www.technocracy.news/economic-destruction-is-a-preview-of-the-green-new-deal- economy/

In 2014, Obama was talking about a flu epidemic. What a coincidence!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFQTYlRTJlE

24.4.20- Judy Mikovits Key Witness in FBI Investigation of Fauci Before FBI’s Comey & Holder ‘Covered It Up’: https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/04/judy-mikovits-key-witness-in-fbi- investigation-of-fauci-before-fbis-comey-holder-covered-it-up/

23.4.20 - HIV/AIDS Research Pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits Blows Whistle on Dr. Fauci: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/hivaids-research-pioneer-dr-judy-mikovits-blows-whistle-on-dr- fauci/

The plan to genocide most of the human population / Nouveaux éléments pour comprendre l'Opération en cours... Accablants !: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujLgT8R Wuxg&feature=youtu.be Unwritten directions have been promulgated to not resuscitate the handicapped, even if

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they are only 30 or 40 years old. … It is all about terrifying the population so that they jump on the first vaccination for idiots available. John Roberts of Fox News told a technican at the White House to take off his mask because the coronavirus was a con.

21.4.20 - Fiona McMurdo - Real Estate Mortgages/Gold Standard: https://www.facebook.com/fiona.mcmurdo.1/videos/2778354845610373/

26.4.20 – Anna von Reitz: Is Uniform Commercial Code Being Hijacked?: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/04/anna-von-reitz-is-uniform-commercial-code-being-hijacked/ Phi Beta Iota: Weak signals of continuing subversion of the US Congress which has in the past been complicit in all manner of Wall Street crimes against the public. The Uniform Commercial Code may have just been re-defined to allow banks to seize assets from individuals who have lost everything because of bank fraud. See below for a comment and links from Anna von Reitz. They are trying to rewrite their contractual obligations to all of us by making up new legal terms and changing the Uniform Commercial Code after the fact. They are trying to claim that the banks invested in us and our assets when in fact they solicited our investments in them under false advertisement and cheated us out of any equitable They are trying to pull this off right in front of our faces using another “legal” sleight of hand when we have been owed lawful contracting processes throughout. Prior to 2015 when we brought our first international claims and Notices they were operating under one version of Article 9 and after 2015 they changed Article 9 to try to benefit themselves again and now this—- third strike. Please publish this far and wide together with the fact that we do not accept their offer and are grandfathered in and do not accept any new interpretation of Article 9 recognizing the banks as investors in our assets nor do we agree to any representation of us. We are here to settle our own scores with the banks and we note that we own all incorporated entities worldwide that have been chartered under our delegated authority. The vermin just changed the Law/legal Definition AGAIN, now on UCC § 9-607 – 9-610 to a NEW term “Investment control”. The Banks did not investment anything in people, they only extract -ed all people assets, HJR192 credits, $IOU’s, Trust, Bond, Gold, Slavery fund, etc: Cornell.edu just changed the legal definition of the UCc 9-607… to Investment Control. Below is the old or current definitions: § 9-607. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT BY SECURED … www.law.cornell.edu › ucc › 9-607 APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF COLLECTION OR ENFORCEMENT; LIABILITY FOR DEFICIENCY AND RIGHT TO SURPLUS. › Uniform Commercial Code … U.C.C. – ARTICLE 9 – SECURED TRANSACTIONS (2010 … www.law.cornell.edu › ucc 9-607. COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT BY SECURED PARTY. § 9-608. APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS OF COLLECTION OR ENFORCEMENT; LIABILITY … 1309.607. (UCC 9-607) Collection and enforcement by … law.justia.com › jd_1309607-581d

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(UCC 9-607) Collection and enforcement by secured party. (A) If so agreed, and in any event after default, a secured party: (1) Uniform Commercial Code § 9-607. Collection and … advance.lexis.com › lpadocument Uniform Commercial Code § 9-607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party, NY CLS UCC § 9-607. Summary. (a) Collection and enforcement generally.

This was posted by Robert David Steele. It concerns the US national debt. It is owed to the American people and they can forgive the debt. Video - Anna Von Reitz - The National Credit: https://phibetaiota.net/2018/10/anna-von-reitz-video-4-minutes-to-donald-trump-on- national-credit-and-debt-includes-one-pager/ THEY used The United States of America [Unincorporated], as the Credit Account in their Double Accrual Accounting System adopted in 1946. We got all the assets and credit accumulation, while they kept the debt as a control mechanism. The two sides of the ledger were never reconciled, with the result that we got richer and richer and had the full benefit of all accruals and interest undisturbed, while they did nothing but gather debt, debt, and more debt. This is anti-intuitive until you realize the aims of the Vermin. First, the Popes and the British Monarchs, had to demonstrate their stewardship of our assets. What better than to keep our assets locked up and earning interest? Second, by keeping our credit and assets pooled they could form a gigantic investment fund they controlled. This allowed commodity and resource rigging on a vast scale, culminating in the establishment of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which allowed them to control currency supplies and values worldwide. Third, they established so-called “Private Placement Trading Platforms” – this allowed them to invest our assets by “blocking accounts” for specific periods of time and leveraging the assets in those accounts via pre-determined contracts based on fractional reserve banking conventions. This allowed them to profit 5-10X the asset value, without actually moving or risking the original underlying assets. Fourth, the runaway accrual of debt on the USA, Inc. and UNITED STATES, INC. side of the ledger let the politicians Poor Mouth for increased taxes. “The National Debt” also justified paying more and more to the “government” and the widespread belief that we were deep in debt then made bankruptcy of the government corporations seem reasonable, if not inevitable. And what was this all leading up to? The Secondary Creditors --we are the Priority Creditors-- were counting on us not claiming our assets. When the bankruptcy of the “United States of America, Inc.” settled in 1999, the World Bank (one of the original perpetrators) stepped forward and claimed approximately $387 billion worth of American gold confiscated by FDR as “unclaimed” property. All the schemers counted on pulling the same schtick on a much vaster scale now-- and got caught. needs to work with us and the Historic Trust Association we have formed including the D’Avila Trust. We have the proof, the standing, and the assets. He has the personnel. We need ten Forensic Auditors, a dozen Treasury Agents and a hundred Marines. We each hold separate keys to the same lock. Let’s boot it up and get going. Anna von Reitz UPDATE 2: From Robert Steele to Wayne Jett, an economist and author of The Fruits of Graft. Visit him at http://classicalcapital.com/, his answering remarks published with permission. Wayne, We might have done this already, as I recall you said there is no documentation to support this. Am having another go. More people are surfacing who claim that their family trusts were stolen and treated as “abandoned assets” and I just think there three major crimes going on right under our nose:  Monetizing children  Monetizing the elderly (drug them, make them wards of the state, steal their estates  Outright theft of assets with complicity of the courts and audit firms

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Interested in anything you can teach me on the fly. Here is what was posted today [this post]. Robert Robert, I’ll make a few comments to begin, and we’ll see whether it brings us closer to understanding what you are seeking. To the three major crimes you list, I would add: monetizing learning.  Quality education in private schools, beginning in kindergarten, is at a cost so high today that even upper middle class, high income couples are stripped of much or all of their accumulated life earnings by the time their children are educated for productive work. Now, moving to the Anna von Reitz commentary, I do not think her reasoning is sound in certain of her premises. Yes, I agree that the US dollar is a promissory note. But she appears to understand the dollar as issued by the government and, therefore, as government debt. I’ve made the point previously that the dollar is the Fed’s promissory note; thus, everyone using the dollar (as they are required to do by “legal tender” laws) is exchanging productive efforts for the Fed’s promise to deliver equal value at some later time. Yet the Fed simultaneously is making each dollar worth less and less on a daily basis, so that ultimately the Fed will be issuing mountains of worthless paper promises which, all will agree at the time, are worthless. It is a substantially different circumstance that the Fed (a privately owned corporation) is the debtor – not the federal government. The USG has borrowed many of those Fed notes in order to buy goods and services, and has paid many of those notes back to the Fed just for the privilege of borrowing them. Now we get to the point AvR makes (also erroneous) that the national debt is “owed to ourselves” and, therefore, can be forgiven simply by a good will meeting of minds producing no harm, no foul. Consider that the national debt is represented by Treasury bills and bonds. Many pension plans, insurance companies, businesses and individuals have bought such federal securities as the “safest, most reliable” investment possible. Defaulting on government bonds would destroy not just China’s national treasury but all of these private and public American and other investors as well, each of whom invested real productive effort in earning the dollars (Fed notes) into buying those USG securities. Default produces lots of real pain; not at all the easy outcome AvR describes. I hope that is a start. Let me hear from you when convenient, as I think about it further. Wayne UPDATE 3: A very page for monitoring and understanding Q Anon posts is here. Below is just one recent extract: Yes, I’ve seen that Q post and fully agree. But the ultimate scam is that every “dollar” is ultimately a Fed promissory note that will not be paid – and we have never known how many dollars the Fed is issuing to its owners out the back door, and being used to buy real assets and services in enormous quantities. The Fed gives its owners a free call upon every asset and talent in the world. W UPDATE 4: Michael Kearns, a PhD (all but dissertation) and a long-standing professional intelligence officer with both US and Australian credentials, has sent in the below. We had NO IDEA: In reality what happened in the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 1783, (8 stat 80) is, the United States of America became an agent of the Crown of Great Britain for two reasons; to provide “essential governmental duties” to the “free, sovereign and independent” “people of the United States;” and to provide administrative democratic control (mob rule) over the “inhabitants of the United States” for collecting taxes and forwarding the same to the Crown of Great Britain. PDF (2 Pages): EXTREMELY DANGEROUS POLITICAL INFORMATION There is something here. We are not sure what. This needs Presidential attention (which it may already have) and a greater public discussion.

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28.4.20 - Act against conspiracy theorists (German): https://www.oe24.at/coronavirus/Corona- Cobra-Einsatz-gegen-Verschwoerungstheoretiker/428011447

27.4.20 - Dr. Tedros Says the World ‘Should Have Listened’ to the WHO, Gets Absolutely Dragged In Response: https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/04/27/dr.-tedros-says-world-should-have-listened-to-the-who- gets-absolutely-dragged-in- response?utm_source=rsmorningbriefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e400551e837

27.4.20 - 'People are being murdered in New York hospitals and no one cares' – whistleblower: https://www.davidicke.com/article/568959/insane-murder-going-nyc-hospitals-rn- discloses “Patients are left to rot and die.” “People are being murdered and no one cares.” The patients give consent because they are scared and they have no family with them. They are put straight on ventilators and not on CPAP or BIPAP. The ventilators are making people worse. In New York they are not using the treatments that have been successfully used elsewhere. Instead they are laughing about those treatments. A nurse says it’s a nightmare out of a horror movie. No one is being held accountable. Hundreds of nurses are waiting in hospitals to be called to help, but they are not being called. She recommends that people buck the system, ask for records and transcripts. Demand the medication that you want your family member to receive. Those speaking out are losing their jobs.

The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism by Rosemary Frei: https://off- guardian.org/2020/04/23/the-seven-step-path-from-pandemic-to-totalitarianism/ As if it was planned in advance, billions of people around the globe are being forced step by rapid step into a radically different way of life, one that involves far less personal, physical and financial freedom and agency. Here is the template for rolling this out. Step 1 A new virus starts to spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic. International agencies, public-health officials, politicians, media and other influential voices fan fear by focusing almost exclusively on the contagiousness of the virus and the rising numbers of cases, and by characterizing the virus as extremely dangerous. Within a few days governments at national and local levels also declare states of emergency. At lightning speed they impose lock-down measures that confine most people to their homes – starting with closing schools – and shut down much of the global economy. World markets implode. The stunned, fearful and credulous public – convinced over the previous few years that their bodies do not have the natural ability to react to pathogens by producing antibodies that confer long-lasting immunity – largely complies willingly. The first weekly virtual class on local emergency and crisis responses to COVID19 is held for mayors and other city officials around the world. Coordinated by a handful of American organizations in the academic, medical, financial, political and transportation spheres, the classes feature guests ranging from Barack Obama to Bill Gates.

Step 2 National, state/provincial and municipal leaders, as well as public-health officials, start daily press briefings. They use them to pump out frightening statistics and modelling asserting the virus has the potential to kill many millions. Most of this information is hard to decipher and sheds little real light on the natural course of the virus’s spread through each geographic area. Officials and media downplay or distort inconveniently low death tolls from the virus and instead focus on alarming statistics produced by compliant academics, social-media influencers and high- profile organizations. The main message is that this is a war and many lives are at stake unless virtually everybody stays at home. Mainstream media amplify the trope that the world is at the mercy of the virus.

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Simultaneously, central banks and governments hand out massive amounts of cash largely to benefit the big banks. And they bring in giant private-sector financial firms to manage the process despite these global companies’ very poor track record in the 2008-2009 crash. Governments also rapidly start to create trillions of pounds’ worth of programs that include compensating businesses and workers for their shutdown-related losses. Step 3 There is a concerted effort by all levels of government and public health to very rapidly ramp up testing for viral RNA, along with production of personal protective equipment. They push aside the need for regulation, including quality standards and independent verification of tests’ rates of accuracy, by insisting that fast approval and roll-out are imperative for saving lives. Models are released that predict snowballing of numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths even under best-case scenarios. At about the same time, public-health officials significantly loosen the criteria for viral infections, outbreaks and deaths, particularly in the oldest members of society. That increases the numbers of cases and deaths ascribed to the new pathogen. The media continue to clamour for more testing and for severe punishment of people who aren’t completely compliant with the lock-down measures. As a result, there’s little backlash as police and military with sweeping new powers enforce these measures and give stiff penalties or even jail terms to those who disobey orders. States also monitor with impunity massive numbers of people’s movements via their cellphones. Vast human resources are focused on tracking down people who have had contact with a virus- positive individual and confining them to their homes. Thus the portion of the public exposed to the virus remains relatively small. It also contributes to social isolation. Among many effects, this enables those in control to even further erase individual and collective choices, voices and power. Step 4 When the numbers of cases and deaths start to plateau, local officials claim it’s too early to tell whether the virus has finished passing through their population and therefore, restrictive measures must continue. An alternative narrative is that if such measures aren’t kept in place there will be a resurgence of cases and deaths. Yet another is that the continuing climb in elderly persons’ deaths means all bets are off for the time being. They admit that initial models incorrectly predicted there would be a tsunami of cases, ICU admissions and deaths. However, they assert more time is needed before it can be determined whether it’s safe to loosen some of the restrictions and let children return to school or adults go back to work. Officials do not try to calculate the overall skyrocketing cost to their populations and economies of the shut-downs and other measures against, nor do they discuss what cost level may be too high. They and powerful media organizations also push for the massive virus-testing over-capacity to be used to surveil the general population for viral DNA in their bodies. At the same time, the roll-out begins of widespread blood testing for antibodies to the virus. Meanwhile, new data are published showing the virus has a high capacity to mutate. Scientists and officials interpret this as meaning a larger medical arsenal will be needed to combat it. Image source: The Spectator Step 5 About two or three weeks later, the dramatic increase in testing for viral DNA produces the desired goal of a significant upsurge in the number of people found positive for the virus. Public-health officials add jet fuel to the surge by adding to their case and death tallies the large number of people who are only suspected – and not lab-test-confirmed – to have had an infection. Politicians and public-health officials tell the populace this means they cannot return to their jobs or other activities outside the home for the time being. Governments work with public-health agencies, academics, industry, the WHO and other organizations to start to design and implement immunity-passport systems for using the results of the widespread antibody testing to determine who can be released from the lock-downs. This is one of many goals of the seven steps.

39 40 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Meanwhile, government leaders continue to highlight the importance of vaccines for besting the virus. Step 6 Large-scale human testing of many different types of antivirals and vaccines begins, thanks to a concerted push from the WHO, Bill Gates and his collaborators, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, governments and universities. Large swaths of the population don’t have the antibodies to the virus because they’ve been kept from being exposed to it; they eagerly accept these medications even though they’ve been rushed to market with inadequate safety testing. They believe these medical products offer the only hope for escaping the virus’s clutches. Step 7 Soon the new virus starts another cycle around the globe – just as influenza and other viruses have every year for millennia. Officials again fan the flames of fear by positing the potential for millions of deaths among people not yet protected from the virus. They rapidly roll out virus and antibody testing again, while companies sell billions more doses of antivirals and booster vaccines. Governments simultaneously cede control of all remaining public assets to global companies. This is because local and national governments’ tax bases were decimated during Step 1 and they’re virtually bankrupt from their unprecedented spending in the war against the virus in the other steps. The overall result is complete medicalization of the response to the virus, which on a population level is no more harmful than influenza. This is coupled with the creation of permanent totalitarianism controlled by global companies and a 24/7 invasive-surveillance police state supported by widespread blossoming of ‘smart’ technology. The key players repeat the cycle of hysteria and massive administration of antivirals and booster shots every few months. And they implement a variation of steps 1 to 7 when another new pathogen appears on the planet. Sounds far-fetched? Unfortunately, it’s not. With the arrival of COVID19 many countries quickly completed Steps 1, 2 and 3. Step 4 is well under way in a large number of jurisdictions. Step 5 is on track to start in early May. Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist in Toronto, Ontario. You can find her earlier article on the novel coronavirus for Off-Guardian here, watch and listen to an interview she gave on COVID19 and follow her on .

FROM A CORRESPONDENT https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/04/26/new-meaning-genocide/ A ploy perceived is no longer a ploy. What is the meta-script… https://www.unz.com/ishamir/enough-is-enough/ (as Israel Shamir has coyly put it) behind this impressive global production? The dark intimations that in “elite” circles there may be an *intense interest in reducing the excessive number of useless eaters* to a smaller and more docile cohort of helot-like servants are not without empirical basis. Why the fanatical insistence on mass vaccination on a global scale, for our own good of course, although the concept would not even pass the scrutiny of an alert high school biology student, who is* well aware that vaccination does not work for prospective or mutated new viruses.* Or are we all expected now to fall prey precisely to Covid-19 and be vaccinated willy-nilly against its ravages?* On whose authority are wealthy private individuals with no medical training but close financial ties to the pharmacological industry https://www.businessinsider.com/how-bill-gates-is-dealing-with- coronavirus-outbreak-2020?r=MX&IR=T#microsoft-cofounder-bill-gates-criticized-president- donald-trumps-decision-to-cut-us-funding-for-the-who-in-a-tweet-on-april-15-gates-called-the- decision-dangerous-and-said-the-world-needs-who-now-more-than-ever-1 announcing public health policy measures and determining the particulars and duration of their application? * What arcane foreknowledge enabled them to presciently predict the current pandemic

40 41 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g hopkins-and-gates-foundation-hosted-coronavirus-pandemic-simulation-last-october/ of its appearance?* May the health and welfare of billions of human beings be safely entrusted to self-proclaimed “philanthropists” whose actions are driven entirely by the profit motive

Hijack of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC1Z7Fo5mgk Many readers of this Briefing will know that the 5G Space Appeal was hijacked by Club of Rome globalists led by Nicolya Christi at the end of 2019 and that Arthur Firstenberg unethically effectively merged the 5G Space Appeal with stop5ginternational, a globalist front organization, despite my strong and repeated warnings that doing so would bring the Appeal into disrepute. Nicolya Christi and the other members of stop5ginternational assured me that she had quit and that they had severed their relationship with Christi, but whaddya know? They’ve just brought out a feel-good (but of course totally devoid of any action) video of scenes of landscapes and animals and people around the world asserting that they don’t consent to 5G. And guess who is credited at the end? Nicolya Christi! What a bunch of liars! They’re up to their necks with the globalists and some of the executive team are actually in support of the NWO! Watch out for their manipulations, folks! They’re on the same team with Lynne McTaggart and Bruce Lipton (see earlier briefings and https://emfmadness.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/gift-of-a- global-plague-you-are-an-evil-woman/.

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FROM A CORRESPONDENT Manifestation Internationale Stop 5G du 25 Avril 2020 interrompue par la police diplomatique ONU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCr4UDnyadQ&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1xYFJcpkxHsV DV7LA_Dck1aD3hw6k5fsk09o1OeAsyJHmg-U2XPsZI_yA Tous les samedis, le 4 du mois depuis un an, le groupe "4G bien Assez" manifeste sur la Place des Nations, il a toute les autorisations mais avec la pandémie du COVID-19 il y a maintenant des restrictions : il ne faut pas être plus que 5. Malgré cette limitation respectée, la police de l'ONU, qui

41 42 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g s'appelle "Police Diplomatique" est intervenue sur la place des Nations pour faire un contrôle d'identité poussé et mettre en garde le cameraman si la diffusion de la vidéo ne respectait pas les Nations Unis, et en particulier l'OMS sur la politique sanitaire du virus Covid19. Il est en effet désormais strictement interdit d'évoquer un lien entre le virus et la technologie 5G. Officiellement, la technologie n'est pas néfaste, et les émissions pulsées et dirigées de 60 Volts par mètre sont tolérées par la commission européenne alors que les scientifiques préconisent 0,6 Volt. Switzerland – it’s prohibited to mention any link between the virus and 5G.

22.4.20 - Mike Bloomberg to Lead Cuomo's 'Tracing Army': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuvKfOSIYRQ Apr.22 -- New York is building a “tracing army” to track the origin of individual coronavirus cases and reduce the spread, so the state can focus on reopening, Governor Andrew Cuomo said. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will lead the effort. Michael Bloomberg is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News.

FROM A CORRESPONDENT "TRACING ARMY" now called "CONTACT TRACING" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuvKfOSIYRQ https://www.corbettreport.com/stop-calling-it-contact-tracing-propagandawatch/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Tracing+Army https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=contact+tracing https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=contact+tracing+canada

25.4.20 - The [US] Constitution was Made for Covid-19 by Penny Young Nance and Mario Diaz: https://townhall.com/columnists/pennyyoungnance/2020/04/25/the-constitution-was-made-for-covid19- n2567536?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e40055 1e837&recip=28831344 The genius of the U.S Constitution is that it was designed to withstand the pressures of crises. It was a document born of conflict, and the Founders wrote it intending to curtail the human excesses and abuses that tend to come to the surface in times like the one we are living right now. Fear, insecurity, and perceived need shake us to the core as human beings and, if we are not careful, these times may push us to be willing to enter into oppressive agreements that will ultimately enslave us. It’s part of the human condition that men love power and find it difficult to resist overreach. That is why, now more than ever, we must cling to the principles of liberty embodied in our Constitution. In times of crisis, the overextended hand of nanny state makes citizens feel safe, but that same power can easily morph into a fist. “We the people” must vigilantly guard against the attacks that will inevitably come with the challenge of Covid-19. The tension between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, between the states and federal government, is by design. It is supposed to be challenging to “get things done” in government. Sure, crises require sacrifices, but we must be careful to preserve the structure that protects our liberties in the long run. The late, great Justice Antonin Scalia once said, “It isn’t the Bill of Rights that produces freedom. It’s the structure of government that prevents anybody from seizing all the power. Once that happens, you ignore the Bill of Rights. So, keep your eye on the ball.” Keeping our eyes on the ball demands, we do NOT ignore some unnecessary actions by public officials against places of worship, for example. A Mississippi church has had to sue after congregants to its drive-in service were ticketed $500 for attending. Though the drive-in church is an ingenious way for people to practice their religious convictions while adhering to the social distancing parameters that this virus demands, here comes the unnecessary threat of the state to impose its power and put “we the people” on our place. We are thankful that the U.S. Department of Justice recognizes the serious threat to the constitutional structure these sorts of action present. Americans do not lose constitutional rights during crises. “There is no pandemic exception,” DOJ writes in its statement of interest in the case, “to the fundamental liberties the Constitution safeguards.” Another case out of the district court in the Western District of Kentucky illustrates the severity of the violations we are witnessing.

42 43 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

On Holy Thursday, an American mayor criminalized the communal celebration of Easter. That sentence is one that this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel, or perhaps the pages of The Onion. But two days ago, citing the need for social distancing during the current pandemic, Louisville’s Mayor Greg Fischer ordered Christians not to attend Sunday services, even if they remained in their cars to worship – and even though it’s Easter. The mayor’s decision is stunning. And it is, “beyond all reason,” unconstitutional. It is a great tribute to our Constitution that these checks and balances are working to create the friction necessary for Americans to take notice of the deeper issues at stake here. But we must take note and demand much better from our public officials. Federal and state executives would be wise to take a step back and consider the long-term implications of the actions they are taking. They must preserve and respect the constitutional structure that guards our liberty. The American spirit in 2020 still shouts, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" as Patrick Henry did in 1775. No exception for Covid-19. Penny Nance is CEO and President of Concerned Women for America. Mario Diaz, Esq. is General Counsel for Concerned Women for America.

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Ye shall know them by their fruits – one of the thousands of organisations working to carry out the genocide on this planet: Globalvisionsharing – Andras Laszlo, son of founder of the depopulationist Club of Rome in Hungary and founder of Club of Budapest, Ervin Laszlo: https://www.globalvisionsharing.com/andraslaszlo/#bio-Andras From 1993 to 1997, he acted as Deputy to the President of the Club of Budapest and gained expertise in the organization of international conferences, colloquia and concerts (Budapest, Brussels, Paris, Strasbourg, Frankfurt). From 1997 to 1998, he was appointed Vice-President and Managing Director of the Club of Budapest Foundation. He was honored and fortunate to work with so many outstanding visionary icons: Ervin Laszlo (President of CoB), H.H; The XIVth Dalai Lama, Maurice Béjart, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Riane Eisler, Rivka Golani, Jane Goodall, H.E. Vaclav Havel, Hazel Henderson, H. E. Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Miklós Jancsó, Gidon Kremer, Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi, Zubin Mehta, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, Robert Muller, Edgar Morin, H.E. Karan Singh, Peter Russell, Sir Georg Solti, Sir Edmund Sternberg, Liv Ullmann, Sir Peter Ustinov, Elie Wiesel, Betty Williams, Muhammed Yunus, to name but a few Honorary Members of the CoB. [Ed. They may not know what they have signed up to, but some of them do – one case in point being Lynne McTaggart, author of the recent article “Gift of a Global Plague”: https://emfmadness.wordpress.com/2020/04/12/gift-of-a- global-plague-you-are-an-evil-woman/. Nice.]

Documentary - Out of the Shadows: https://feeds.captivate.fm/thomas-paine/ On Hollywood and paedophilia

German version of Out of the Shadows - Doku deutsch 2020 - Out of Shadows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpDK0QUObvI

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Information: http://toxi.com/5g

MUST-WATCH (VERY SHORT) - Reprise: Mobile phone vs. steel wool: how your iphone will damage your brain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UdkaypjXBo

43 44 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

A pot-pourri from 5G Mediawatch 8.4.20 - Emperors Not So New Clothes - The outcome will be the same for those who do not listen!! Worse!!: https://www.5gmediawatch.com/post/emperors-not-so-new-clothes-the-outcome- will-be-the-same-for-those-who-do-not-listen 1918 Radio - Tesla - Marconi: Spanish Flu https://vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla/Nikola%20Tesla%20Part%2001%20of%2003/view Feb. 26, 1935: Radar, the Invention That Saved Britain: 1939-45 Pilots Eyes Were Cooked Who Faced The Radar Beam waves https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pandemic-timeline-1930-and-beyond.htm Mobile Phone Evolution - DiS Ease Correlation https://www.tigermobiles.com/evolution/#footer https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/basics/past-pandemics.html 1973 - First Mobile Call. Dr Martin Cooper 1G Voice - 1981 2G Voice - Text - 1991 3G Internet - 2003 SARS : https://www.history.com/news/sars-outbreak-china-lessons 4G Digital Migration - 2009 - H1N1 Outbreak? Same As 1918 H1N1 5G Corona Virus - Covid 19 - Government Lies As They Know Whats Coming Man and Women operate at approximately 7Hz Schuman Resonance. As Does The Earth. Anything That Impacts Our Natural Frequency Causes Us Dis Ease.. Resonance Beings of Frequency: Watch https://www.5gmediawatch.com/post/resonance-beings-of-frequency Read: The Invisible Rainbow - Firstenburg

23.4.20 - Ireland - Government taken to court, 5G, vaccines, build our own army: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_EYW3lptO8&feature=youtu.be

19.4.20 - 5G on hold in Belgium after complaints from municipalities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G0glzSwnVc&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3q97MCwKutIXz aa62dztrQjjOFENq5v_GPczpAUEYk_k2UX3wLn1ccW08

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24.4.20 - CDC's numbers 100% destroyed by factual evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlnNZ9RrS9Q&feature=emb_logo

9.4.20 – Here’s where those 5G and coronavirus conspiracy theories came from: https://fullfact.org/online/5g-and-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories-came/

Protect yourself from conspiracy theories - Download The Conspiracy Theory Handbook: https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/conspiracy-theory-handbook/ Conspiracy theories attempt to explain events as the secretive plots of powerful people. While conspiracy theories are not typically supported by evidence, this doesn’t stop them from blossoming. Conspiracy theories damage society in a number of ways. To help minimise these harmful effects, The Conspiracy Theory Handbook, by Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook, explains why conspiracy theories are so popular, how to identify the traits of conspiratorial thinking, and what are effective response strategies. Das Handbuch über Verschwörungsmythen: https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp- content/uploads/2020/04/ConspiracyTheoryHandbook_German.pdf

The online magazine The Conversation is another mouthpiece for the NWO agenda: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-how-economic-rescue-plans-can-set-the-global-economy-on-a-path-to-decarbonisation-135909?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20- %201599615322&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20- %201599615322+CID_dc826135707a845c93357eb06cc200b1&utm_source=campaign_monitor_uk&utm_term=Coronavirus%20how%20economic%20rescue%20plans%20can%20set%20the%20global%20economy%20on%20a%20path%20to%20decarbonisation

44 45 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

28.4.20 – Mike Adams of NaturalNews has turned out to be controlled opposition. He’s gone full disinformation, surprisingly. All his articles are all fear-porn and pushing the fake pandemic narrative: FACT CHECK: The “two doctors” featured in popular video from California were actually spouting statistical nonsense… don’t be fooled: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-28-two-doctors-california-statistical-nonsense- coronavirus.html

Gates Notes: The first modern pandemic: The scientific advances we need to stop COVID- 19: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/Pandemic- Innovation?WT.mc_id=20200424000000_Pandemic-Innovation_BG-LI_&WT.tsrc=BGLI [Ed. The first scientific advance we need is euthanasia for bill Gates!]

ABC TV Web Site, ‘Media Watch’: The Central Western Daily promotes the idea 5G could be destroying local plant life even though 5G is yet available in the area: https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/5g/12190382 Ed. This is why it is a big mistake to focus exclusively on 5G. There are no standards for 5G. Telcos are calling 4G+ 5G. 5G itself includes the same frequencies as 4G and 3G. So it is a big mess. Let’s make it clear:  ALL wireless technology kills.  There is NO safe level for exposure to wireless technology.  It is ALIEN to our biology. ALL wireless technology must go. ALL mobile / cell phones must go. Please stop focusing only on 5G. It suggests that if we stopped with 4G everything would be okay. ALL wireless technology has been killing us for 20 years. We have the health results now and they could not be more devastating. Please stop talkinga bout 5G and start talking about “wireless technology”. And please smash your cell / mobile phone ASAP.

And here you have the perfect example of the problem with focusing on 5G: https://imhu.org/integrative/5g-impacts-covid-19/ This article suggests that if we just stayed with 4G, everything would be okay. 31K studies say not. And we have the health results of 20 years of wireless technology. It is projected that the autism rate in the US will soon be every second baby, from something like 1 in 150K 20 years ago. That is just ONE example of the devastating health impacts of wireless technology. At least 100 million people were already debilitated by wireless technology before 5G. So how many more millions or billions are going to be affected by 5G?? Excerpt from article: “What is the appeal of 5G? Most cellphones and internet providers currently use 4G, which is a less intense radiation of radio and microwave frequencies using a maximum of 8 gigahertz frequencies (GHz). 5G, using frequencies above 24 GHz reaching up to 72 GHz,

45 46 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g promises dramatically faster internet speeds, instantaneous communication, and the ability to network everything, like home appliances, via the internet. Still today, there has been little testing done independent of industry to find out the biological implications of exposing life forms to this radiation.” LIES: 4G is not a “less intense radiation”. ALL exposure to electromagnetic radiation is a killer. “there has been little testing done independent of industry …” There are over 31K studies on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields: University of Aachen EMF Portal: https://www.emf- portal.org/en.

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27.4.20 – Max igan - Wake Up! This plandemic is fake - break the lockdown now or face mass famine across the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Z_1xXU3lfjM&feature=emb_logo

28.4.20 - Carlson demolishes virus hysteria and lockdown policy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxPz8T65Bx4&feature=emb_logo

Novak Djokovic's wife is shamed with a 'False Information' badge by Instagram for spreading coronavirus 5G conspiracy theories, after the tennis world No 1 revealed he's an anti- vaxxer: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-8240029/Novak-Djokovics-wife- shamed-False-Information-badge-Instagram-5G-conspiracy.html  Novak Djokovic's wife Jelena has been criticised for sharing information on 5G  A post by her on April 1 has been tabbed up as 'false information' by Instagram  The video was of an American physician linking 5G to the coronavirus pandemic  She later said that she was not 'claiming it to be true or not' in a statement

26.4.20 – Stop 5G Protest In Australia during lockdown police turn up and make arrests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrApC4IeWhU&feature=youtu.be

27.4.20 - Die Lüge hinter der Maskenpflicht: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQRo13ik_Gc&feature=youtu.be

25.4.20 - Police clash with anti-lockdown protesters in Germany as more than 100 are arrested after Angela Merkel said the country is easing social distancing measures too quickly: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 8257013/Germany-police-arrest-100-protesters-Berlin- demonstrating-against-lockdown-measures.html  Protesters were heard shouting 'I want my life back' during the demonstration in central Berlin  Around 180 police officers were scrambled to the event, which led to more than 100 people being arrested  Germany has been under lockdown since March 17 but some states have been easing their  The protest came after Angela Merkel warned 'We are in for the long haul' and that 'we must not lose energy'

25.4.20 - 'There is no pandemic': Jeremy Corbyn's conspiracy theorist brother Piers leads 50-strong anti-lockdown protest and rants about 5G before being dispersed by police for breaking social distancing rules: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8257133/Jeremy- Corbyns-brother-Piers-73-leads-protest-against-coronavirus-lockdown.html Piers Corbyn spearheaded the rally against lockdown in Glastonbury, Somerset A video posted online shows Mr Corbyn giving a speech at the event today

46 47 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

He said: 'Lockdown is achieving the opposite of what it was intended to achieve'

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Summary of Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (8 languages): https://www.5gexposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/English-Summary-of-The- Invisible-Rainbow-A-History-of-Electricity-and-Life-3.pdf (links to all 8 languages) or at https://phibetaiota.net/2020/02/arthur-firstenberg-the-invisible-rainbow-a-history-of-electricity-and- life-radiation-sickness-explains-all-past-and-present-flu-outbreaks-including-wuhan-virus-and- radiation-sickness-on-cruise-shi/

Una historia de electricidad y vida: Video - Libro de Arthur Firstenberg. El Arcoiris Invisible: Una historia de electricidad y vida: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ueei7Buwpb8&list=PLvjgztX_Uo3Z1v5XL2THK7VgkpklOj5SL& index=14&t=0s El arco iris invisible - Una historia de la electricidad y de la Vida (Resumen -13 páginas): https://secureservercdn.net/ content/uploads/2020/03/El-arco-iris-invisible-Una-historia-de-la-electricidad-y-de-la-Vida- Resumen-13-páginas-.pdf L'arc-en-ciel invisible Une histoire de l'électricité et de la Vie Résumé informatif (Resumen - 7 páginas): https://secureservercdn.net/ content/uploads/2020/03/El-arco-iris-invisible-Una-historia-de-la-electricidad-y-de-la-Vida- Resumen-7-páginas.pdf

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7.3.20 - What happens with the 5G frequency of 60GHz to the oxygen and to our biology corona virus COVID-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=qGf- wqThz6I&feature=emb_logo

21.4.20 - Le coronavirus est une inflammation vasculaire systémique plus qu’une pneumonie https://www.lesoir.be/295919/article/2020-04-21/le-coronavirus-est-une-inflammation-vasculaire- systemique-plus-quune-pneumonie Les premiers patients présentaient surtout des pneumonies difficiles à traiter, a indiqué l’Hôpital universitaire de Zurich (UZH) dans un communiqué. Puis, par la suite, les médecins ont constaté de plus en plus de cas de troubles cardio-vasculaires et de défaillances multiples d’organes sans lien apparent avec la pneumonie. Bien plus qu’une pneumonie, la maladie COVID-19 est une inflammation vasculaire systémique, selon une étude de chercheurs zurichois. Cela explique pourquoi elle provoque autant de problèmes cardio-vasculaires et de défaillances d’organes vitaux. Les premiers patients présentaient surtout des pneumonies difficiles à traiter, a indiqué l’Hôpital universitaire de Zurich (UZH) dans un communiqué. Puis, par la suite, les médecins ont constaté de plus en plus de cas de troubles cardio-vasculaires et de défaillances multiples d’organes sans lien apparent avec la pneumonie. …

20.4.20 - Coronavirus: the puzzle of why the risk of death is greater for men and for the elderly: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-the-puzzle-of-why-the-risk-of-death-is-greater-for-men-and-for-the-elderly- 135176?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20-%201599615322&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20- %201599615322+CID_dc826135707a845c93357eb06cc200b1&utm_source=campaign_monitor_uk&utm_term=Coronavirus%20the%20puzzle%20of%20why%20the%20risk%20of%20death%20is%20greater%20for%20men%20and%20for%20the%20elderly … Recent studies have shown that gender is a risk factor, too. Men are at a greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than women.

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Data from China shows that men have 1.65 times the risk of dying from COVID-19 and in New York city, the rate is 1.77 times greater. Yet overall, men and women have roughly similar risks of getting the virus. A declining immune system? The ability of the human immune system to fight off pathogens declines over time and is significantly reduced in those over 70. Recent results show that in bad cases of COVID-19, there is a severe deficiency in certain classes of immune cells that fight off infections. These immune cells are known to be less active in the elderly, suggesting that an age-related decline in immune function may put the elderly at risk of more severe COVID-19 disease. Yet many of the most severe cases of COVID-19 are associated with over activation of the immune system. The immune system is composed of many different parts and so it is possible to have suppression of one component and over-activation of another. But if the age-dependency of COVID-19 disease was specifically due to immune function, we would expect babies to also show severe disease, as their immune systems are still developing. This is what is seen in most seasonal flu epidemics, where those under two and those over 65 are at a greater risk of severe disease. Changes in ACE2 levels? In contrast to the flu, the 2003 Sars epidemic showed a fatality rate that increased with age similar to COVID-19 (4.26% for those under 44, rising to 64.2% for those over 74) and a 1.66 times greater fatality rate in men compared with women. The absence of severe infection in babies suggests that the age and gender disparity for COVID-19 may not be due to differences in immune response but rather something specific to the Sars viruses. …

24.4.20 - Potential Wuhan Coronavirus Treatment Uses UV Light to Disinfect Lungs: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/04/24/potential-wuhan-coronavirus-treatment-uses-uv-light-to-disinfect-lungs- n2567591?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e40055 1e837&recip=28831344 … Well, Dr. Birx must have missed the press release, published by the AP on April 20th, announcing the novel treatment developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai that administers ultraviolet light inside the bodies of patients inflicted with respiratory infections. The research team at Cedars- Sinai is currently working with the FDA to explore an expedited regulatory process to use the treatment as a possible medical intervention for those suffering from the Wuhan coronavirus. [Aytu BioScience, Inc. (the “Company”)], a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing novel products that address significant patient needs announced today that it has signed an exclusive worldwide license from Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize the Healight Platform Technology (“Healight”). This medical device technology platform, discovered and developed by scientists at Cedars-Sinai, is being studied as a potential first-in-class treatment for coronavirus and other respiratory infections. ... The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus. ... “Our team has shown that administering a specific spectrum of UV-A light can eradicate viruses in infected human cells (including coronavirus) and bacteria in the area while preserving healthy cells,” stated Dr. Pimentel of Cedars-Sinai. Ali Rezaie, MD, one of the inventors of this technology states, “Our lab at Cedars-Sinai has extensively studied the effects of this unique technology on bacteria and viruses. Based on our findings we believe this therapeutic approach has the potential to significantly impact the high morbidity and mortality of coronavirus-infected patients and patients infected with other respiratory pathogens. …

Autopsy reveals horrific way the first American died from coronavirus: https://au.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-the-horrific-way-first-american-died-002850692.html The first American to die from coronavirus passed away because her heart ruptured attempting to fight the virus an autopsy has revealed. It was believed the first coronavirus death in the country was on February 29 in Washington but autopsies have recently revealed the first death due to the virus happened weeks earlier. Californian Patricia Dowd, 57, died on February 6 of a suspected heart attack but officials now say the woman had COVID-19.

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Patricia Dowd, 57, died on February 6 of a suspected heart attack but officials now say the woman had COVID-19. Source: Facebook A forensic pathologist who reviewed Ms Dowd’s autopsy report published in the San Francisco Chronicle said the heart “muscle was infected, causing her heart to rupture”. Dr Judy Melinek told The Mercury News there was an indication Ms Dowd’s heart had weakened. “The immune system was attacking the virus and in attacking the virus it damaged the heart and then the heart basically burst,” she explained. Before Ms Dowd was found dead "she had flu-like symptoms for a few days, then appeared to recover," the Times reported. Rick Cabello, Ms Dowd's older brother, said she was in good health and her family believed she died from a heart attack. "She was an athlete in her high school days, she was always active," Mr Cabello told CNN on Wednesday. Five days before her death, her brother said she called to cancel plans "She wasn't feeling well, which was very unusual for her, I remember her specifically saying 'I'm not feeling well,'" Mr Cabello said. On the day of her death Ms Dowd began working from home at 8am, two hours later she was found dead. Ms Dowd’s husband requested the autopsy as his wife was in overall good health and exercised regularly before becoming unwell. It’s still unclear how Ms Dowd contracted the virus and there was no recent travel that would have exposed her to coronavirus.

25.4.20 – Study shows direct correlation between 5G networks and “coronavirus” outbreaks http://www.radiationdangers.com/5g/study-shows-direct-correlation-between-5g-networks-and- coronavirus-outbreaks-2/ Study of the correlation between cases of coronavirus and the presence of 5G networks. Author: Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. Original Spanish version available at www.tomeulamo.com/fitxers/264_CORONA-5G-d.pdf I am inserting the English translation at the end of this document as it is a whole document itself, of 15 pages. Click here to go to document below. COMMENT ON THIS STUDY FROM PETER TOCCI (Peter has written a series of excellent articles about electromagnetic radiation and wireless technology) But all this Corona stuff rings a bell in my head similar to all the “5G” nonsense. In other words, why is the COVID blather any different from all the flu blather we’ve had for over a hundred years? In order to demonstrate that any virus causes flu, one must purify and isolate the culprit, somehow breed it into a clinical volume (titer) of virus particles and then apply Koch’s postulates? There is no ‘test” I've seen that gives viral load in an individual. To my knowledge, PCR will not do it. It was designed as a research tool, not a diagnostic tool. So I suggest they have no idea about “confirmed” cases. (On the CDC site, Corona can lead to both pneumonia AND hypoxia. But if you just go ahead on an undifferentiated diagnosis with a rote ‘treatment’ for “COVID-19”, yes, you could kill someone.) And as far as “5G” and incidence/deaths, raw numbers mean NADA. Several parameters must be taken into account, not just freaking “5G.” And What Do YOU Mean When You Say “5G”? :-) The San Marino/5G ‘argument’ is specious, even as a “correlation” (which means very little by itself anyway) because there's no data point/control. In other words, what if good old 4G radiation had been proportionately increased in the area without any “5G” (whatever that means)? It seems quite unlikely that industry would have bothered to install MMW in that little burg. Too remote. Maybe, but here in the United Snakes, at least, only highly populous areas, such as large cities and large, dense

49 50 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g neighborhoods, are candidates for test rollouts. Don’t forget the backhaul issue. So San Marino needs to be checked for the KIND of “5G” it got, no? Could easily have been 4G5G, which could have been installed on existing macro towers. This MUST be established to have any meaning whatsoever :-) Moreover, Italy has the first or second oldest population in the world, and the elderly are most vulnerable. Overall, here are the breakdowns that mean something anyway: Has anyone bothered to check these things out in re San Marino? Or is it just another case of “5G Crisis!”?

24.4.20 - A Vital Paper: David Crowe challenges the discovery of the COVID-19 virus by Jon Rappoport: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/04/24/a-vital-paper-david-crowe-challenges- the-discovery-of-the-covid-19-virus/ Canadian author and independent researcher, David Crowe, has spent several decades analyzing and torpedoing SPECIFICS of conventional medical research. At the deepest level. I’m talking about, for example, the mainstream claims of discovering new viruses. Crowe doesn’t lay on vague brushstrokes. He goes to the core of fabrications and exposes them, chapter and verse. His new paper, which he continues to update and expand, is: “Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory”. Here I quote from the section of his paper where he takes up the question of discovery—have researchers actually found a new virus which they assert is the cause of a new pandemic, COVID- 19? At the end of this article, I list the published papers Crowe refers to by number, as he takes apart the very basis of the COVID illusion. David Crowe: “Scientists are detecting novel RNA in multiple patients with pneumonia-like conditions, and are assuming that the detection of RNA (which is believed to be wrapped in proteins to form an RNA virus, as coronaviruses are believed to be) is equivalent to isolation of the virus. It is not, and one of the groups of scientists was honest enough to admit this”: “’we did not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in blood’” [2] “But, despite this admission, earlier in the paper they repeatedly referred to the 41 cases (out of 59 similar cases) that tested positive for this RNA as, ‘41 patients…confirmed to be infected with 2019-nCoV’.” “Another paper quietly admitted that”: “’our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates’” [1] “Koch’s postulates, first stated by the great German bacteriologist Robert Koch in the late 1800s, can simply be stated as”: “* Purify the pathogen (e.g. virus) from many cases with a particular illness. * Expose susceptible animals (obviously not humans) to the pathogen. * Verify that the same illness is produced. * Some add that you should also re-purify the pathogen, just to be sure that it really is creating the illness.” “Famous virologist Thomas Rivers stated in a 1936 speech, ‘It is obvious that Koch’s postulates have not been satisfied in viral diseases’. That was a long time ago, but the same problem still continues. None of the papers referenced in this article have even attempted to purify the virus. And the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is ‘isolation’).” “Reference [1] did publish electron [microscope] micrographs, but it can clearly be seen in the lesser magnified photo, that the particles believed to be coronavirus are not purified as the quantity of material that is cellular is much greater. The paper notes that the photos are from ‘human airway epithelial cells’. Also consider that the photo included in the article will certainly be the ‘best’ photo, i.e. the one with the greatest number of particles. Lab technicians may be encouraged to spend hours to look around to find the most photogenic image, the one that most looks like pure virus.” “There is no way to tell that the RNA being used in the new coronavirus PCR test is found in those particles seen under the electron micrograph. There is no connection between the test, and the particles, and no proof that the particles are viral.” “A similar situation was revealed in March 1997 concerning HIV, when two papers published in the same issue of the journal ‘Virology’ revealed that the vast majority of what had previously been

50 51 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g called ‘pure HIV’ was impurities that were clearly not HIV, and the mixture also included microvesicles that look very similar to HIV under an electron microscope, but are of cellular origin.” [5][6] References: 1. Zhu N et al. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020 Jan 14. * https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2001017 2. Huang C et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet.2020 Jan 24. * https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext 3. Chan J F-W et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster. Lancet. 2020 Jan 24. * https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30154-9/fulltext 4. Rivers TM. Viruses and Koch’s Postulates. J Bacteriol. 1937 Jan; 33(1): 1-12. * https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC545348/ 5. Gluschankof P et al. Cell membrane vesicles are a major contaminant of gradient-enriched human immunodeficiency virus type-1 preparations. Virology. 1997 Mar 31; 230(1): 125- 133. * http://davidcrowe.ca/SciHealthEnv/papers/277-Microvesicles-Gluschankof.pdf 6. Bess JW et al. Microvesicles Are a Source of Contaminating Cellular Proteins Found in Purified HIV-1 Preparations. Virology. 1997 Mar 31; 230(1): 134- 44. * http://davidcrowe.ca/SciHealthEnv/papers/278 —end of Crowe article excerpt— In a half-sane world, David Crowe’s analysis would provoke an open honest discussion and debate among all sorts of scientists and researchers, and the repressed truth would tumble out and be confirmed. Of course, we do not live in that world. Instead, we have mistake-prone researchers and outright liars welcomed into the hallowed pages of medical journals. They are enabled by editors who look the other way. The consequences, of course, aren’t merely academic. A planet can be placed on lockdown. Do I really need to say this at this late date—without the discovery of an actual disease-causing virus, the whole “pandemic” falls apart. The whole “spreading virus” assertion falls apart.

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HOAX https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/coronavirus/video-2159464/Video-Sky-News-presenter-chokes-reading- tributes-coronavirus-deaths.html?mwv_rm=rta-fallback

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Yes, you too can look like a complete moron, covering your face for no reason and damaging your health by increasing your exposure to carbon dioxide. These stupid things don’t protect you from anything – see here. I even see idiots wearing them while driving.

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Wise government/media edicts compiled: https://www.brasscheck.com/video/time-for-a- laugh/?omhide=true

20.4.20 - Coronavirus conspiracy theories are dangerous – here’s how to stop them spreading: https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-conspiracy- theories-are-dangerous-heres-how-to-stop-them-spreading- 136564?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20- %201599615322&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20April%2021%202020%20- %201599615322+CID_dc826135707a845c93357eb06cc200b1&utm_source=campaign_monitor_uk&utm_term=Coronavirus%20conspiracy%20theories%20are%20dan gerous%20%20heres%20how%20to%20stop%20them%20spreading … For example, the introduction of 5G in 2019 coincided with the origin of COVID-19 and hence is interpreted to be causally related. But by that logic, other factors that were introduced in 2019 – say, the global phenomenon of Baby Yoda – could also be interpreted as a possible cause of COVID-19. Correlation does not equal causation. The 5G conspiracy theory is also immune to evidence, despite having been debunked extensively. To illustrate, some of the countries worst affected by the pandemic (such as Iran) do not have any 5G technology.

27.4.20 – A message about suicide to the pod people wearing masks by Jon Rappoport: https://nomorefakenews.com/ In my city, there are two tales of food. One is East Germany, before the Wall went down. By which I mean, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. There the NATURAL Health people, drab loons in a mental inversion layer, stand in line outside the stores on yellow tape. Six feet apart, they wear masks and gloves. They are silent. When they finally enter to shop, they’re presented with carts which have been sprayed with disinfectant. Inside the Whole Foods, aisles are marked with one- way traffic signs. But we’re all in this together. A few miles away sits a typical supermarket. Big parking lot, 20 aisles inside, thousands of items, a tiny fraction of which are organic. No lines outside, no yellow tape, no carts covered with glistening disinfectant. Half the check-out people wear masks, the other half don’t. Maybe a quarter of the customers wear masks. People actually talk to each other. Contrasted against Whole Foods and TJ’s, this place feels like Paris in the 1920s. Here, life, such as it is, flourishes. Over in East Germany, it’s dead. It may be organic and non-GMO there, but it’s a decaying psychological fungus. OK, let’s dive in. Desperate times call for surreal measures. In today’s episode of damn the torpedoes, apocalyptic fakery, and I’ll take the Fauci special on rye with extra ham and cheesy case numbers… —The pod people think rebels against the system are dangerous. That’s what robots always think. They’re hooked up to the system. They suck energy from it. They give everything they have to it. For them, this is life. The people who have been planning this takeover operation for a long time knew they had to bring populations to the point at which MINDS would no longer function. Minds would become containers for propaganda. The owners of those reshaped minds would be able to realize one thing: their survival depended entirely on AUTHORITY. We were NEVER all in this together. The pod people were and are in this together. The robots are together. They’re the army under the control of the operators. Dear Pod People: You’re sincere. We get it. You can stop now. You’ve already won a gold star on the blackboard from the teacher. I won’t try to make a distinction between the junk science you worship and actual science. You’re too far gone for that. You’re in a box. You’ve been in that box for a long time. It’s created by the “authorities in charge,” and their super-coiffed high-priced press hookers. The order to go on lockdown was just another piece beamed into that box, and you stood at attention. Yes sir.

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Even some of you anti-vaxxers are in the box. What did you think you were saying about viruses with your stance on vaccines? Let me translate. You were saying, “We can deal with viruses, we don’t need your toxic vaccines to gain immunity.” But now, all of a sudden, with this fake ghost virus, you fold up like puppets. You ask your masters to pull on the strings so you can put on your masks. All along, you’ve had a piece of mind control stuck in your domes you didn’t know about. I mean, really. To all you pod people: you needed a new religion at this late date? I’m sure some of you were actively against the Iraq war under Bush 2. You bucked the artificial consensus. But now, you salute and enlist. Can you back up just a step and take a peek at yourselves and glimpse how ridiculous you look, in lock-step, masks on, gloves on, trudging 27 feet apart down the middle of some deserted Main Street? I’ll even bet there are long-time JFK assassination researchers in masks. For decades, they’ve combed through one false trail after another, traveled through halls of mirrors, finally arriving at the door of the CIA…but now, after three sentences from that petty bureaucrat Fauci, they’re in the cult. Bingo, bango, bongo. “Going pod” is quite a phenomenon. Yesterday, the person was living a regular life. Then, all of a sudden, with no apparent thought involved, the robot-ness grips him. “Yes,” his wife says. “He seems to be the same person, but he isn’t. I don’t care what anyone says. For God’s sake, I’ve been sleeping in the same bed with the man for twenty years. I should know. This is someone else.” Her oh so reasonable therapist—played by Leonard Nimoy in the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers—tells her: “I understand. Look, people are under stress these days. Social changes are dislocating our sense of Place. Your perception about your husband is actually a symptom of a wider unrest. I’m not asking you to change your process. Just be with this odd new sensation you have. I guarantee it’ll fade. You’ll see him as he was again.” “No. I won’t. My husband is somebody else. He’s a…replacement.” An old grizzled cigar-smoking tobacco-spitting two-gun rancher isn‘t out on the range anymore herding cattle and swigging whiskey. He’s sitting in a barn, mask and gloves on, next to a placid cow. He’s waving a wand at her. “Hmm, Bessie’s temperature seems to be elevated a tenth of a degree. Maybe she has the COVID. I better call the public health people. They should come out and disinfect the whole ranch. We’ll shut down for a month and stay indoors and play with the Lego Harry Potter set…” A wan thirty-year-old with a degree in biology from Harvard shows up in a New York 7-Eleven wearing five translucent plastic shower curtains. He clomps down aisles and tosses items into a briefcase containing chlorinated wood chips and dried dog turds. He’s concluded that his whippet, Phillip, was infected, then recovered, and is therefore immune. The whippet antibodies may be protective. “Today, on deserted Jones Beach, a lone lifeguard ventured out into rough waters to save an unresponsive swimmer. Unfortunately, the lifeguard, wearing a hazmat suit, sank below the waves. A roving team of Long Island public health police rescued and revived him. The swimmer turned out to be a blow-up doll equipped with a homemade ‘virus sensor.’ It was being operated remotely from a beachfront cottage by a PhD biologist, who was carrying out locally funded research for a group of worried New Yorkers. They were trying to determine whether it was safe to sneak out of the city and take up residence in their summer homes on the Island shores…” Hail to the pod. You belong to the system. You take your energy from it. You give everything you have to it. Let’s follow the wan fellow back home from the 7-Eleven. He trips and stumbles into his apartment, picks up a bottle on a table and sprays his shower curtains with triple-strength Roundup. He lies down on the carpet and rolls around. Then he sits up, strips away the curtains, and looks into the living room. His wife, wearing a leopard-skin bikini, is transfixed before an altar topped with a doll- figure of Tony Fauci. She’s silently weeping. Is it the impending divorce? Is it straight-out worship? Tune in next week, when Fauci tries to hold a poker party with 16 of his closest friends on a yacht beyond the three-mile limit, and a special ops team boards the vessel and carts him off to the presidential suite at Walter Reed Hospital, where mind control specialists try to reinstall his basic program. Can they find three active brain cells to rub together? And where is Phillip the whippet? He’s gone missing in a junkyard in Union City. He’s hanging with rebel dogs. Phillip finally removes

54 55 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g his mask and we see, for the first time, that…he’s the animated rabbit from Episode One, who made a fortune selling Chinese ventilators… “Say, Bob, we can’t write this stuff for the show. They’ll never let it get past the networks censors.” “Bill, lost your marbles? Don’t you remember? There is no show. The season was cancelled by the lockdown. We’re doing this for a little independent video platform.” “Right. Forgot. I’ve been drinking heavily. Let’s work a different twist with Fauci. Transform him into a guy who’s a victim of the lockdown. You know, a Trading Places deal. He’s now living in one room in the back of a store that’s closed for business. He’s broke. He’s already spent his government check. He’s trying to borrow money for food. He’s lost his glasses and sold one of his shoes.” “Yeah. Then he comes back, episode by episode, a rags to riches story line. He makes a desperate and successful contact with the governor of Illinois and shows him how to dig his state out of a budget deficit of three hundred billon—with federal coronavirus dollars.” By this time, both writers are so drunk they can’t maintain their fragile hold on plot. They just sit in their chairs and stare out the window. A voice speaks from Bob’s pocket. “Bob, this is your cell. You left your house this morning. We’ve traced your movements to a colleague’s house. Lockdown code violation. You could be a spreader. Do not exit the premises. A team will arrive shortly to take a swab for rapid qPCR. You will shelter in place until the results are reported. Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. Make a pot of coffee. Your blood alcohol level is point twelve.” Bob dozes off. He dreams he’s sitting in a large office high above a city. Looking down through the window, he can see lines of people wearing masks. They move slowly along a boulevard toward a papier mache sun at the horizon. Next to him, on a small table, is a simple black box. Embedded in top of the box is a bulbous red button. Tony Fauci is standing before him. “You know what happens if you press the button?” Tony says. “The beaming shuts off.” “The what?” Bob says. “From the satellites,” Tony says. “The message.” “What message?” “’The virus, the virus, the virus.’ That’s what we’re beaming. As you can see, it’s very effective.” “You’re selling a virus?” “No, you idiot. We’re selling a story about a virus. That’s all it is. That’s all it ever was. You’re either inside or outside the story. Go ahead. Press the button.” “What happens if I do?” “That’s the question, isn’t it? At this point, people are talking story to themselves. We provided the stimulus. I don’t think we need the beaming anymore. Go ahead.” Bob presses the button. He wakes up. Three men are standing over him. One is pointing a fever wand. “Ninety-nine point two,” he says. “Look, sir, this is a first offense. We’re going to leave you here. No test, no foul. Don’t leave the house for eight days. Understand?” Bob nods. He looks over at Bill, who’s fast asleep in his chair. “Eight days. I stay in this house.” “That’s right, sir. And don’t press the red button.” Bob jerks upright in his chair. “How do you know about that?” he says. The man frowns. “It’s a phrase going around. Just something people say. It means don’t panic.” “What else are they saying?” “We hear all kinds of things. Love your mask. Green stripe.” “What does that mean?” “There’s a rumor you’ll be seeing stripes on your cell phone pretty soon. Red stripe means stay at home. You won’t be able to get into office buildings. Green stripe means you’re immune. You can go anywhere, within limits, of course.” “How do I get a green stripe?” “Who knows? It’s just a rumor. The CDC has codes. We haven’t seen them yet.” “I just had a dream about Tony Fauci.”

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“Yeah. We hear that all the time. Lots of people are dreaming about Fauci. He could probably run for president, if he wanted to.” “He told me to press the red button and I did.” “What happened?” “I woke up.” “Well there you go.” “Go where?” “Stay in the house.” The men left. Bob called his agent. “Listen, Harry,” he said, “I have an idea for a series, when all this dies down. A Saturday morning cartoon. A little twerp who lives in a land of zombies runs for president. He’s the only candidate. The zombies just have to press a red button and he wins.” “And how much have you been drinking, Bob?” Harry said. “Little bit.” “Call me when you’re sober.” “Don’t know if it’ll ever happen.” “Lot of that going around.” While Bill slept on, Bob spent the rest of the afternoon drinking and wandering aimlessly around the house. At some point, his sense of time fell apart, and he was only conscious of flashes: He was sitting in a warm bath, wearing an old Army helmet and smoking a cigar. He was General George Patton. Contemplating the problem of defeating a force of pod people. He was still wearing the helmet, and he was standing naked in the middle of the street at night, and neighbors were coming out of their houses. They were laughing at him. He was STILL naked at night, standing on the lawn of the local sheriff’s house. Dennis the sheriff, in his bathrobe, holding a pistol, was saying, “You mean I’m the boss of this county, Bob? I can do anything I want to?” “Right, Dennis. It’s an old law. Something I remember from a history class at Princeton. You can end the lockdown. Hell, you can shoot down the drones.” “I could make a stand. I could be historic. And it took a naked television writer to wise me up…” Dawn. Neighbors, close to a hundred of them, tightly packed, are standing on Bill’s lawn. Bill is sleeping in a folding chair. STILL naked, a drink in his hand, Bob is giving a little speech. “…That’s what I’m trying to tell you. They sold us a friggin’ story about a virus. That’s all it is. Dennis is ready to unpress the red button. Set us free. We have to back him up. We can’t leave him with egg on his face…” Bob is sitting in a café. It’s open for business. The tables are full. Waitresses are rushing around, serving breakfast. Music is playing. In uniform, Dennis the sheriff walks through the door. Applause. “You’re all deputized!” he says. “You’ve got nothing to lose but your masks!” Cheers erupt. Feet stamp the floor. Bob looks at himself. Now he’s dressed in a suit and tie. He wonders how that happened. He’s back at Bill’s house watching TV. Bill is nowhere to be seen. On the screen, two local news anchors are smiling and scratching their faces. One sneezes. The other says, “Who cares?” Bob hears an explosion outside. He runs into the street. There, lying in pieces, is a bird-sized drone. A grinning neighbor is holding a shotgun. “All you have to do is cough and they show up,” he says. “So it’s a not a bad idea to cough,” Bob says. “Yeah, if you’re armed.” Bob looks around. The sun is shining. “It’s a new day,” he says. He hears a voice in his head. “…used to work for Google…just hacked into five satellites…changed the message…GO BACK TO WORK. OPEN THE ECONOMY. TAKE YOUR FREEDOM.” Bob shouts, “We don’t need any messages! Shut the whole thing down! We’re already free!” Quiet. Quiet in his head, quiet on the street. The sun is shining. It’s a new day.

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A few miles away, at a local Stasi health food market, a checkout clerk suddenly yanks off his bandana-hairnet, his medical mask, his gloves, spits on his hands, rubs them together, and shouts: I’M OPEN HERE. PAPER OR PLASTIC? STEP RIGHT UP. I’LL TAKE CASH WITH GERMS ON IT. LET’S MOVE. NO FEAR. SCREW FAUCI. SNAP OUT OF IT, PEOPLE. Pause. Then customers make a mad rush for his lane. People outside the store break their line and come striding inside, grabbing carts. Running through the parking lot, a creature dressed in black with clinking nose-and-ear rings pulls a can out of her pocket and expertly sprays the store window—OPEN FOR BUSINESS FUCK THE LOCKDOWN. In the woods at the edge of the lot, a wan 30-year old wearing five translucent shower curtains leans against a tree and vomits. Weeping uncontrollably, he feels a spell and a curse leaving his body. At last. The sun is shining. It’s a new day. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOT…BALL? NASCAR? No, Virginia, it’s not Utopia, but it’s not Hell, either.

______BACK TO CONTENTS ______


23.4.20 - Fear explodes across Europe as thousands of birds drop dead from the sky: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2020/04/fear-explodes-across-europe-as-thousands-of-birds-drop- dead-from-the-sky/ (Strange Sounds) 200 ducks in Denmark, hundreds of herons in Turkey, thousands of swallows and swifts in Greece, 1000 starlings in Rome… Birds literally fall dead from the sky, and nobody knows why. [Ed. Don’t they? I do. Because they are being deliberately killed with malice aforethought, that’s why.]

25.4.20 – Hundreds of birds found dead on cruise ship open decks: http://emrabc.ca/?p=17641 Video: https://twitter.com/CrewCenter/status/1254175175572062208 Hundreds of birds were discovered dead on a cruise ship open deck by the crew, yesterday morning. A crew member who wishes to remain anonymous recorded a video of the sight which appears as if the birds had dropped down dead from the sky. There were many birds flying around the ship the night before “It was a beautiful night and we couldn’t believe our eyes when we woke up this morning and see so many dead birds all around the ship’s open deck” the crew member says. “We wake up with announcements asking to not go to the open decks. To not touch the birds, and to feed them. I thought that the poor birds we’re alive and I didn’t went there. I love animals and I didn’t want to see them and couldn’t help in anything. I still can’t stop to cry and nobody give reasonable explanation” says another crew member. All the crew are stressed from the sight and don’t know how to the birds have died. They say this is the first time they see something like this happening on a cruise ship. Later the dead birds were removed and the decks were thoroughly cleaned.

8.4.20 - UN has massive arrears/ deficit at record levels: UN Controller's briefing on the financial situation of the organization: http://webtv.un.org/watch/un-controllers-briefing-on- the-financial-situation-of-the-organization-8-april- 2020/6148399534001

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24.4.20 - A Great Business Exodus From China by Sarah Lee: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/sarahlee/2020/04/24/a-great-business-exodus-from-china- n2567594?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e40055 1e837&recip=28831344 [Ed. Bit late now – China has already been allowed to steal the West’s and Japan’s intellectual property through Western greed.] As the world begins to heal from the COVID-19 outbreak, news broke Wednesday that a U.S.-based rare-earth materials mining company, MP Materials, was granted a U.S. Department of Defense contract to begin the process of bringing the mining of these elements back to the U.S. and away from China, which had been producing roughly 80% of the world’s supply. These elements are crucial in the development of technological products, notably in high-tech security and defense systems, and the move to bring the supply chain home is a hallmark of a great exodus of business and manufacturing out of mainland China, and not just by the U.S. A new report by global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney indicates U.S. companies had already began leaving China during the trade war between the two nations that began in 2019, and that chances are good even more will leave due to the pandemic that originated in Wuhan. The Kearney report notes a “dramatic reversal” in a trend over the last five years as U.S. manufacturing began to grow relative to manufacturing exports from Asian countries, with imports from China hit particularly hard. "Three decades ago, U.S. producers began manufacturing and sourcing in China for one reason: costs,” said Patrick Van den Bossche, a Kearney partner who helped write the 19-page report. “The trade war brought a second dimension more fully into the equation?risk?as tariffs and the threat of disrupted China imports prompted companies to weigh surety of supply more fully alongside costs. COVID-19 brings a third dimension more fully into the mix, and arguably to the fore: resilience?the ability to foresee and adapt to unforeseen systemic shocks.” But the U.S. is not alone in reconsidering China as a hub for business. Earlier this month, Japan was reportedly intent on using state funds to help fund $2 billion needed to get their multinational corporations out of China. According to Bloomberg, Japan felt the pain of having supply chains located in China during the pandemic, a criticism the Trump administration also voiced as the U.S. lacks in medical supplies like masks and personal protective equipment for health care providers. “China is Japan’s biggest trading partner, but imports from China slumped by almost half in February because many factories were closed. Those closures meant Japanese manufacturers had no place to go for supply,” Bloomberg reported. Additionally, some of the largest tech producers of phones and computers began signaling in March they were interested in exploring development of supply chains outside of China in nations such as nearby Vietnam and India. Covid-19 is hastening such moves. Eric Tseng, chief executive officer of Taipei-based Isaiah Research, said some companies had been holding back from making any major supply-chain decisions, waiting to see if there would be any lasting resolution to the Washington-Beijing trade spat. “But coronavirus risks people’s lives. Now A lot of companies will accelerate their departure,” he said. For its part, the U.S. – with the US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement freshly in hand – may be looking to its immediate neighbors to the north and south when scouting potential new sourcing locations. The Heritage Foundation produced a report this week encouraging exactly that. Strengthening our partnerships with Mexico and Canada will allow us all to rely less on China in the global supply chain. Lessening vulnerabilities to U.S. supply chains is a key pillar of our economic reconstruction. China cannot be trusted to control important industries. Binational

58 59 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g manufacturers in North America are uniquely suited to fix this problem. Companies were already moving production out of China and into Mexico before the pandemic. The United States and Mexico need to accelerate this trend. The Federal Communications Commission has also recently begun asking questions of Chinese- owned telecom companies “demanding explanation of why the FCC should not initiate proceedings to revoke their authorizations” because of potential threats they pose to national security. China, once a nation built explicitly for business, has tested the world’s patience in their careless approach to containing the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, they are about to find themselves begging for customers.

24.4.20 - Swiss Federal Council to proceed with 5G expansion despite concerns: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/swiss-federal-council-to-proceed-with-5g-expansion-despite-concerns-- 1335867?fbclid=IwAR0f6BkPB3oafKENow_irdPWzSXQNncwvY49-wVcGZr86MdPEp90MmFAS3Y The Swiss Federal Council has decided to proceed with the expansion of 5G networks, despite concerns among part of the population and at some cantonal governments. It said that the fifth generation of mobile communications plays an important role in continuing the process of digitization. The Federal Council based its decision on the report of the “Mobile Communications and Radiation” working group, which assessed the expansion of 5G and its impact on health. The report said that the consequences on health from radio frequencies under the limits established in the regulation on protection against non-ionising radiation (NISV) have not been consistently proven. The Federal Council will put in place the six measures suggested in the report to expand mobile networks, including a simplified implementation of the NISV, further development of techniques to monitor the effects of exposure to radiation on health, and improving information to the population about mobile radiation. The Federal Council wants to maintain the limit to protect the population from non-ionizing radiation, but the working group was unable to agree on a recommendation on this point. The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) will develop guidelines for the new adaptive antennas, which send signals in the direction of the user, following measurements to test the impact of the radiation on the population. Until then, adaptive antennas must be considered as conventional antennas, the Council said. [Ed. It is not at all clear to me that this last bit means. In January, the Office for the Environment said that adaptive/directional antennas may not be used until procedures for their use within the Swiss exposure limits had been put in place. Yet now we are told that they intend to take measurements to test the impact of the radiation on the population”. How are they going to do that (which, by the way, is illegal under international law, to experiment on humans without their consent) if the antennas are not in use? So, perhaps, what this means is that they are reversing what was said in January and now they will be treating these antennas as conventional antennas, not subject to specific rules. As usual with the Swiss authorities, it is as clear as mud.]

24.4.20 - Swiss Federal Council Refuses to Loosen Radiation Limits But to Proceed with 5G: https://ehtrust.org/swiss-federal-council-refuses-to-loosen-radiation-limits-but-to-proceed-with-5g/ Swiss Federal Council refuses to back down on radiation limits but will proceed with 5G expansion despite opposition by some cantons and thousands of citizens According to Telecom Paper the Swiss Federal Council will not loosen their strict radiation limits but still has decided to proceed with the expansion of 5G networks, despite concerns among part of the population and some cantonal governments that have passed actions to halt 5G until safety research is performed. News headlines read “Swiss refuse to back down on 5G radiation standards, hampering rollout.” The Swiss Cantons of Geneva, Jura, Kriens, and Neuchatel had voted to halt the 5G rollout (no new permits) until safety is assured. Over 260 municipalities in Italy and many cities in Ireland, Greece , Slovenia, PaPua New Guinea and the UK have taken action to halt the 5G rollout until safety is assured. In the United States, cities from Santa Barbara, California to Keene New Hampshire to Clearwater have taken action to halt 5G. In Byron Shire Mullumbimby, Australia citizens are peacefully protesting because the town of Byron Shire passed a resolution to halt 5G. Yet, 5G equipment is being placed on cell equipment. Despite industry claims of “no proof of harm,” the reality is that scientific research has found a myriad of harmful effects from wireless frequencies. There simply are no studies in humans nor in

59 60 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g animals that have been completed where living beings were exposed to 5G for a lifetime. However there are studies that have investigated the frequencies to be used in 5G. The Swiss Federal Council based its decision on the report of the “Mobile Communications and Radiation” working group, which assessed the expansion of 5G and its impact on health. However, the members of the group were not in agreement and could [not] decide on a recommendation as to if and how radio-frequency radiation limits should be changed. The Swiss government has a radio-frequency radiation limit more protective and stricter than most countries and industry wants the country to loose their limits (allowing increased levels) in order to deploy 5G. The working group divided into various recommendations that ranged from increasing the allowable radiation limits to maintaining limits and imposing stricter procedural measures. However, the Federal Council stated they wanted to maintain the current radiation limits to protect the population from non-ionizing radiation. The decision of the Swiss Federal Council is detailed online here. This summary showcases how the Swiss government has more protective measures in place for children and neighborhoods. it also states very clearly that there are effects “other than thermal effects.” “Because there are various well-supported observations from research that there are other effects than thermal effects, the NISV also sets precautionary values. These so-called system limit values (AGW) for mobile phone radiation are around 10 times lower than the emission limit values and amount to 4 to 6 V / m. They do not have to be observed everywhere, but only in places with sensitive use. These include in particular apartments, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, permanent workplaces and children’s playgrounds, i.e. places where people spend a long time. The investment limits in these places are intended to keep the long-term exposure of the population low.” The Federal Council will put in place the six measures suggested in the report to expand mobile networks, including further development of techniques to monitor the effects of exposure to radiation on health, and improving information to the population about mobile radiation. The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) will develop guidelines for the new adaptive antennas, which send signals in the direction of the user, following measurements to test the impact of the radiation on the population. Until then, adaptive antennas must be considered as conventional antennas, the Council stated.

22.4.20 - Reaktion auf Proteste: Schweizer Bundesrat lässt 5G-Risiken überprüfen und lehnt Grenzwerterhöhung ab: https://www.diagnose-funk.org/publikationen/artikel/detail?newsid=1556

28.4.20 – UK - Health chiefs admit they 'don't know' how many British children have died from an inflammatory syndrome linked to coronavirus - despite 'some' youngsters mysteriously dying with no underlying conditions: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article- 8264135/UK-says-children-died-syndrome-linked-COVID-19.html [FROM A CORRESPONDENT: A recent article states that there is an inflammation of blood vessels. In real medical language, this is called RADIATION INDUCED VASCULOPATHY.] Yesterday the alarm was raised about a sharp rise in young children falling ill with a Kawasaki-like disease At least 12 youngsters have needed intensive care and one required life support when their organs failed Mr Hancock told LBC Radio 'we have lost some children' to a disease 'we think is caused by coronavirus' Officials will not say how many British children have been affected by the illness or what age patients are Health chiefs today insisted they are 'unaware' of any deaths in British children from a serious 'inflammatory syndrome' thought to be linked to the coronavirus - despite Matt Hancock admitting that 'some' youngsters have mysteriously died with no underlying conditions. Doctors were yesterday issued an alert about a sharp rise in the number of infants being admitted to intensive care across the UK with the Kawasaki-like disease. Officials have refused to say how many British children have been affected by the illness but at

60 61 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g least a dozen have fallen critically unwell, according to reports. One child needed to be put on a form of life support after their heart and lungs began to fail. The majority of the patients are thought to be under the age of five. The illness appears to be similar to Kawasaki disease - which causes blood vessels to become inflamed, and toxic shock syndrome - an overreaction by the immune system which causes the body to attack its own organs. The Health Secretary was quizzed on LBC about the inflammatory syndrome and admitted he was 'very worried' by the mysterious complication. He was also asked about how many children had died from coronavirus. He originally said all the deceased youngsters had 'significant underlying health conditions' but then backtracked immediately after host Nick Ferrari questioned him about the new inflammatory illness that had prompted the national alert. Mr Hancock then admitted 'some' children with no health woes had succumbed to COVID-19. The Department of Health today insisted that Mr Hancock was not referring to children who have died from the inflammatory syndrome potentially linked to the disease - and was discussing COVID-19 deaths in general. Mr Hancock revealed some of the children who needed intensive care from the inflammatory syndrome tested negative for the coronavirus, further complicating the diagnosis. And he told LBC they were looking into the situation with 'great urgency'. Officials have yet to offer any clarity on exactly what the symptoms are, despite pleas from paediatricians to paint a clearer picture so they can look out for them. Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome, combined, cause harmful internal swelling, fever and breathing problems - all hallmark signs of COVID-19.

22.4.20 – Data analysis - Magda Havas - Covid-19 cases per million are 95% higher in US states with 5G: https://magdahavas.com/is-there-an-association-between-covid-19-cases-deaths- and-5g-in-the-united-states/ … The average (mean) number of covid-19 tests per 1 million people is similar for the have (with 5G) and have not (without 5G) states. Covid-19 cases per million are 95% higher and covid- 19 deaths per million are 126% higher in states with 5G. Whether these results are due to some factor other than 5G and whether this association will persist as time goes on remains to be seen. Here is another way of looking at the data. Note the log scale. …The current radio frequency guidelines in the U.S. do not protect public health. They are based on a heating effect for short-term exposure. If you live within 400 m of a cell phone base station you have a greater risk of developing cancer and a greater risk of neurohormonal dysregulation and this is based on similar frequencies currently emitted by 5G antennas. Numerous scientific studies document impaired immune function, which could make individuals more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Covid-19 had a great impact on the elderly as they often have suboptimal immune function. Sage and Kerst (March 27, 2020) provide a list of more than 20 studies documenting a “disrupted immune function from exposure to low-intensity non- ionizing radiation (radiofrequency radiation).” This disruption occurs at levels well below the FCC guidelines. Scientists have been signing petitions and appeals to place a moratorium on the deployment of 5G and to establish safer RFR guidelines that truly protect public health. But no one is listening. People in positions of power think they can ignore the science and the scientists and eventually we will just go away. Unfortunately it doesn’t

61 62 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g work like that. You can’t break a natural law … you just end up paying the price for your actions. In this case, what this means is increased chronic illness among young and old alike and a greater susceptibility to biological vectors from bacteria, to viruses, to moulds and parasites. The body has a harder time healing when it is constantly bombarded by radio frequency radiation (RFR). Also, with 5G, numerous “small cell” antennas will be placed on lamp poles and traffic lights and power lines near people’s homes and hence they are likely to be exposed to even more radiation. This is one reason why scientists are so concerned. The difference in government’s response to covid-19 and exposure to RFR is that covid-19 is like a cruise liner striking an iceberg and leaking water to the point that–if measures aren’t taken immediately (lockdown for example)–the liner will sink with the loss of lives. Exposure to RFR is more like a small leak that goes unnoticed until it is too late.

27.4.20 - Tyson Foods CEO has a dire warning about the food supply chain: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2020/04/27/tyson-foods-ceo-has-a-dire-warning-about-the-food-supply-chain- n2567720?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=04/28/2020&bcid=61d724a167febce3dc451e400551e837&recip=28831344 … Now, Tyson Foods is facing a new set of challenges. In small communities around the country where we employ over 100,000 hard-working men and women, we’re being forced to shutter our doors. This means one thing – the food supply chain is vulnerable. As pork, beef and chicken plants are being forced to close, even for short periods of time, millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain. As a result, there will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed. Tyson Foods has a responsibility to feed our nation and the world. The government bodies at the national, state, county and city levels must unite in a comprehensive, thoughtful and productive way to allow our team members to work in safety without fear, panic or worry. The private and public sectors must come together. As a country, this is our time to show the world what we can do when working together. In addition to meat shortages, this is a serious food waste issue. Farmers across the nation simply will not have anywhere to sell their livestock to be processed, when they could have fed the nation. Millions of animals – chickens, pigs and cattle – will be depopulated because of the closure of our processing facilities. The food supply chain is breaking. We have a responsibility to feed our country. It is as essential as healthcare. This is a challenge that should not be ignored. Our plants must remain operational so that we can supply food to our families in America. This is a delicate balance because Tyson Foods places team member safety as our top priority. …

27.4.20 - Do Russian grain export limits threaten global food security?: https://www.rt.com/business/487049-russia-grain-exports- ban/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Email With the coronavirus crisis already triggering concerns over food security, some saw the depletion of Russian export quotas for grain as a new and alarming signal. What happened? Earlier this month, the Russian government approved seven-million-ton caps on exports of certain crops. The restrictions, intended to secure the domestic food market, apply to such essential crops as wheat and maslin, rye, barley and corn. The new quotas are effective from April 1 to June 30, and members of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union are excluded from the restrictions. These allowances have been used up rapidly and were finally “fully exhausted” on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. What does the quotas’ depletion mean? Reaching the threshold does not warrant an immediate ban on exports or suspension of grain imports, as traders usually file customs declarations in advance. In fact, shipments are still in progress and are not expected to stop until at least the end of May. “The quotas were accounted from the [customs] declarations, but actual exports in accordance with those quotas have not happened yet,” President of the Russian Grain Union (RGU) Arkadiy Zlochevskiy told RT. According to analysts’ estimates, actual April exports will stand at around four million tons of grain, including over three million tons of wheat, and the rest of the shipments go to their buyers next month. Thus exports may not actually be halted before June.

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“The world is not going to be left without Russian grain,” Oleg Sukhanov, head of the grain desk at the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies, said in a comment to RT. Should we start worrying about food supplies & prices? As Russia is the leading global exporter of wheat, the restrictions imposed by the country amid the coronavirus crisis may cause concerns. Analysts stress that there is no reason to worry until the end of May, when the actual shipments reach the introduced limits, and even after that the market is not expected to face any major shortages. “The quota volumes are irrelevant for the wheat market, as the exports [under the quota] are the same as they would be without it,” said Andrey Sizov, the head of agriculture consultancy SovEkon. While Europe is not the main destination for Russian grain shipments, top importers like Iran, Egypt and Turkey could be forced to switch to other sources. As such, the restrictions are not alarming in terms of shortages, but they could damage Russia’s business image, making it look like an unreliable supplier, according to Sizov. Grain prices rose sharply earlier this month amid expectations of Russia’s restrictions. The depletion of the quota is unlikely to drive prices higher, Sizov says, as weather conditions – on which the new crop depends – are now the main factor impacting the market. Many countries, including Russia, have been suffering from a dry season this year, which can really ramp up grain prices. On top of the dry season, the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on agriculture, as the subsequent lockdowns have severely disrupted the global supply chain. According to Ben Aris, editor-in-chief of bne IntelliNews, the disruptions triggered food security concerns, forcing Russia to resort to export restrictions. Despite some nations having already faced shortages of flour, the situation is far from being dire, he noted. “All countries have their strategic grain reserves, which should be sufficient in order to get through the year and make sure that no-one actually runs out bread,” he said.

27.4.20 - Several Washington state sheriffs begin refusing to enforce the governor’s lockdown: https://needtoknow.news/2020/04/several-washington-state-sheriffs-begin-refusing-to-enforce-the-governors- lockdown/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=several-washington-state-sheriffs-begin-refusing-to-enforce-the- governors-lockdown Sheriffs are given power by voters, and that is where their loyalty should lie. The sheriffs of Snohomish, Okanogan and Walla Walla counties take the declared pandemic seriously, but stop short of enforcing actions that violate the constitutional rights of citizens. Most law-enforcement officers do not want to arrest people who are trying to earn an honest living and trying to put food on the table for their families. Without a court order, the governor has no authority over sheriffs or their deputies. Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney posted a letter on Facebook stating: “We have the right to peaceably assemble. We have the right to keep and bear arms. We have the right to attend church service of any denomination. The impacts of COVID 19 no longer warrant the suspension of our Constitutional rights.” -GEG To date, three county sheriffs in Washington State broke ranks and announced they will not enforce some of Governor Inslee’s executive orders relating to his several, and increasingly frequent lockdown orders–proclaimed under the auspices of state of emergency declarations to the COVID-19 situation. The dominant subject of dissent among these law enforcement officials centers around what are regarded as unconstitutional intrusions by the governor enacted against the citizens of their respective counties and the inconsistency of regulations applied unequally by the state. It is my belief that unless a strong reversal of Governor Inslee’s resolve to remain steadfast in his prosecution of ordinary Washingtonians is not fielded soon, the “insubordination” as he claims will only grow and serve to weaken his position, adding spark to a movement against him and his office if it continues in its present form for months. The time has come for the governor to put his ego aside. For if he chooses to adversarily engage these sheriffs and others who will come to join them he will lose in the courts of public opinion of these various counties. …

27.4.20 - Illinois COVID-19 task force admits the numbers are seriously rigged: https://needtoknow.news/2020/04/illinois-covid-19-task-force-admits-the-numbers-are-seriously- rigged/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=illinois-covid-19-task-force-admits-the-numbers-are-seriously-rigged

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Illinois Department of Public Health Director, Dr. Ngozi Ezike, says that ANYONE who dies after testing positive for the virus is classified as having died from the coronavirus. “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means that if, technically, even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death. So, everyone who’s listed as a COVID death doesn’t mean that that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of the death.” That’s what she said. -GEG

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Schiller Institute: Conference: Mankind’s Existence Now Depends on the Establishment of a New Paradigm!: https://schillerinstitute.com/blog/2020/03/29/conference-mankinds-existence- now-depends-on-the-establishment-of-a-new-paradigm/ [Ed. This is the agenda of the depopulationist Club of Rome.]

Coronavirus "Food Collapse" & "Famine" as Key Drivers for NWO Revolution (((They've))) been "blocking food supplies" as a template of social chaos, disorder, bankruptcy, dispossession, starvation, and genocide since the French Revolution https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/04/food-collapse-as-key-driver-for-new-underworld- order-revolution/ "About France, Webster writes, “The conspirators blocked food supplies and held up National Assembly reforms. On July 22, 1789, a [false flag] incident called the ‘Great Fear’ was instigated whereby unknown ‘messengers’ arrived in towns all over France calling on the people to arm themselves as ‘brigands are coming.’” Then, under a false edict from the King, they were instructed to burn the chateauxs. At the same time in 1789, Masonic plotters purchased and hoarded grain, thus setting off hunger in critical parts of France, such as Paris. The modern-day template of the Great Fear is lugenpresse driven paranoia about catching a cold. Not only is a state-by-state reopening now not likely to happen, but the tactics are shifting “somehow” to food shortages. As in the 1789 Great Fear, workers are reluctant to return to work. It would be revealing to dig deeper to determine if provocateurs and agitators are behind this." " ... Dairy farmers are dumping as much as 3.7 million gallons of milk daily into lagoons and manure pits. Much like livestock farmers who don’t know where to send their animals, farmers of fresh produce from Florida to Arizona are facing the prospect of having to toss huge shares of their crops this year, because they can’t find buyers amid the scamdemic. Produce farmers in places like Florida and California are also concerned about possible shortages of seasonal workers." As this commenter says, "It's all by design" ... "The UN Is Now Admitting That This Coronavirus Pandemic Could Spark Famines Of “Biblical Proportions” https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/04/the-un-is-now-admitting-that-this-coronavirus-pandemic-could- spark-famines-of-biblical-proportions/

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Song – Do You Hear the People Sing? From Les Miserables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaYNVOdxp-c Learn the words. If enough people learn them, you can hum them in public, find another dissenter and do a spontaneous flashmob (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0ca5Zbi9s0)

Do you hear the people sing? Do you hear the people sing Singing a song of angry men? Lost in the valley of the night It is the music of a people It is the music of a people

64 65 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Who will not be slaves again! Who are climbing to the light

When the beating of your heart For the wretched of the earth Echoes the beating of the drums There is a flame that never dies There is a life about to start Even the darkest night will end When tomorrow comes! And the sun will rise.

Will you join in our crusade? They will live again in freedom Who will be strong and stand with me? In the garden of the Lord Beyond the barricade They will walk behind the plough-share Is there a world you long to see? They will put away the sword Then join in the fight The chain will be broken That will give you the right to be free! And all men will have their reward!

Do you hear the people sing? Will you join in our crusade? Singing a song of angry men? Who will be strong and stand with me? It is the music of a people Somewhere beyond the barricade Who will not be slaves again! Is there a world you long to see?

When the beating of your heart Do you hear the people sing Echoes the beating of the drums Say, do you hear the distant drums? There is a life about to start It is the future that they bring When tomorrow comes! When tomorrow comes!

Will you give all you can give Will you join in our crusade? So that our banner may advance Who will be strong and stand with me? Some will fall and some will live Somewhere beyond the barricade Will you stand up and take your chance? Is there a world you long to see? The blood of the martyrs Will water the meadows of France! Do you hear the people sing Say, do you hear the distant drums? Do you hear the people sing? It is the future that they bring Singing a song of angry men? When tomorrow comes! It is the music of a people Tomorrow comes! Who will not be slaves again Tomorrow comes!

When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes

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2020 - Prospects of 5G Satellite Networks Development by Valery Tikhvinskiy and Victor Koval: https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/prospects-of-5g-satellite-networks- development?fbclid=IwAR3xkVTIrA4ePc-AS5d4ap4AWCJyn2FaPdUZZKJ9Nig9VIoTY- oRoTXg0ug Download document: https://www.intechopen.com/chapter/pdf-preview/70821 Abstract In the future, 5G networks will represent the global telecommunication infrastructure of the digital economy, which should cover the whole world including inaccessible areas not covered by 5G terrestrial networks. Given this, the satellite segment of 5G networks becomes one of the pressing issues of development and standardization at the second stage of 5G networks development in the period 2020–2025. The requirements for 5G satellite network will be determined primarily by combination of key services supported by 5G networks, which are combined by three basic

65 66 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g business models of 5G terrestrial networks: enhanced Mobile Broadband Access (eMBB), Massive Internet of Things connections (mIoT), and Ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC). 3GPP as leading international standards body has identified several use cases and scenarios of 5G satellite networks development. 5G satellite networks are understood to mean networks in which the NG-RAN radio access network is constructed using a satellite network technology. The chapter has discussed the spectral and technological aspects of 5G satellite network developments, issues of architecture and role of delays on quality of services of 5G satellite segment, and possibility of constructing a 5G satellite segment based on distributed and centralized gNB base stations. The issues of satellite payload utilization have considered for bent- pipe and on-board processing technologies in 5G satellite segment. Excerpts … The concept of 5G satellite component considered nowadays rests upon the following preconditions [3]:  5G satellite component is to be integrated into other mobile and fixed networks, but not as autonomy one for the provision of 5G services. The integration of satellite and terrestrial 5G segments forms the key aspect of this vision;  Satellite communication systems are fundamental components for reliable delivering of mobile services, not only in Europe, but also in other regions of the world as by continuum over time and at a reasonable price;  5G satellite component will facilitate universality of 5G networks as well as the solution for various issues dealt with maintenance of multimedia traffic growth, global coverage, M2M, and critical telecommunications (emergency and natural disasters) in optimizing costs for end-users;  Satellite component may become a part of configuration for 5G hybrid network, consisted of combination of broadcasting and broadband infrastructures, run in a manner to ensure uninterrupted and online convergence of 5G services for all end-users. The requirements for 5G satellite component will be defined by, first of all, the aggregate of services carried out by 5G, consolidated in the families of usage scenarios of 5G terrestrial segment [4, 5]: enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC or mIoT), and Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC). The potential of satellite networks to uphold the key scenarios for 5G applications is specified by already existing characteristics applicable to modern satellite networks as well as tendencies in satellite technology development in future:  eMBB scenario. According to this scenario, satellite networks are capable of maintaining data transfer at speed up to several gigabits per second, meeting the requirements for extended services of mobile broadband eMBB. Nowadays, satellite technologies can broadcast thousands of channels with the content of high bandwidth (HD and UHD). In its turn, this potential can be used to support the mobile network services of future generation. At present, satellites are being used as transport networks within 2G/3G in many regions of the world, whereas high-throughput satellites (HTS) of modern and future generations on geostationary and non-geostationary orbits can maintain transport infrastructure of mobile networks 4G/LTE and 5G in future.  mMTC scenario. Satellite communication systems are already keeping up the technology of SCADA and other global applications for cargo and object tracking in the context of IoT devices mass use. Their capabilities can be scaled up to support devices and services of IoT within the direct control channel or as a feedback line with IoT and M2M devices from remote locations, ships, and other carrying vessels.  uRLLC scenario. Satellite communication systems gained notoriety owing to its and their satellite communication systems gained notoriety by owing to its and their ability to meet the case concerning the requirements for network signal delays, aiming at procuring critical and highly reliable communications. The principal users of these networks are international broadcasters, mobile network operators, governmental bodies, and commercial users. The applications that turn out to be more sensitive to signal delays can be bolstered via new medium and low earth orbit satellite networks, which will to be deployed. 5G satellite networks are such networks, where radio access network NG-RAN is designed by means of satellite network utilization. Technical specifications of 3GPP [3] identified several cases for 5G satellite network use, presented below.

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1. Case 1. Roaming between terrestrial and satellite networks. In this case, 5G satellite network operator provides data services delivery on globally coverage basis. An operator of terrestrial 5G network, in its turn, concludes roaming agreement with the operator of 5G satellite network operator as well as the other terrestrial network operators. User terminal exploits 5G satellite network only in the absence of radio coverage by terrestrial 5G networks. 2. Case 2. Broadcast and multicast with a satellite overlay. In this case, the operator of 5G satellite network provides video broadcasting or any other delivery of services within the global territory. The existing terrestrial mobile networks, supplying broadcasting services, can rely on 5G satellite network aiming at meeting its primary objectives related to the expansion of radio resource, broadcasting content, and ensuring global access to content. 3. Case 3. Internet of Things with a satellite network. In this case, 5G satellite network operator provides the delivery of IoT-services globally. Space segment of 5G satellite network uses low-orbiting satellites so as to ensure radio connections for IoT devices with low power consumption. 4. Case 4. Temporary use of a satellite component. In this case, a number of 5G network operators with access to the satellite component grant access to their network with a minimum set of service (such as voice, messaging, and mail) so as to provide to each user devices under the satellite coverage a guaranteed access. 5. Case 5. Optimal routing or steering over a satellite. The 5G networks will combine available terrestrial and satellite network components to optimize the connectivity of user devices in accordance with the requested QoS. Depending on the quality requirements to QoS- parameter 5QI as well as bandwidth, the optimal traffic routing is secured within the territories of joint radio coverage (of satellite and terrestrial networks). In a 5G network with satellite access, user devices with terrestrial access and supporting satellite networks access will be capable of dual connectivity with a satellite access network and a terrestrial access network. A 5G network with satellite access will be capable of establishing independently uplink and downlink connectivity through the 5G satellite and 5G terrestrial access networks. 6. Case 6. Satellite transboundary service continuity. This case provides for 5G global satellite network within the territory of a few countries. According to the prerequisites established by legislation of the relevant states, subscribers’ traffic is to be terminated in user location, within the licensed network. Consequently, in compliance with this statement, 5G satellite network is being designed as access network to respective terrestrial networks, covering the territories of various states. Therefore, it can also be used as autonomous 5G network on neutral territories. 7. Case 7. Global satellite overlay. In this case, global low-orbiting satellite network will be utilized as the overlaying network of terrestrial data network. The topology of communication links will be defined on basis of minimizing delivery time of protocol data unit. Thus, the main idea considers that delay of signal propagation equals the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s) in airspace, whereas in optical fiber, this parameter achieves up to 2/3 of speed of light. Based on the above, time duration equals 1 ms correlates with propagation distance of 300 km in airspace and 200 km in optical fiber (excluding curvature of circuit). With more large distance between the source and recipient of a message (reaching several thousand km), the difference in time delivery may be significant and actually for a series of applications in banking, burs exchange, and industry fields. 8. Case 8. Indirect connection through a 5G satellite access network. This case will be assumed that mass user devices will be deprived access to satellite interface. Interaction of these 5G user devices with satellite networks is carried out through relay user units (Relay UE), supporting satellite interface. This relay UEs can function separately or will be set into rescue vessels, air planes, and railway carriages. While implementing these indirect connections of 5G user devices through satellite access networks, it is vital to solve the issues dealing with security, tariffing, etc. 9. Case 9. 5G fixed Backhaul between NR and the 5G core. This option considers the use of satellite network by organizations of transport channels Midhaul, Backhaul between stationary base stations gNB and 5G core network. The interfaces between the 5G core and NR are transported directly over the satellite link.

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10. Case 10. 5G Moving platform Backhaul. This case considers the utilization of satellite network for transport link organizations in 5G network (Moving Platform) such as Midhaul, Backhaul between moving gNBs and 5G core network. Moving 5G base stations can be placed on river and maritime vessels, trains, etc. 11. Case 11. 5G to premises. This case implies that 5G satellite network interoperates with non-3GPP technologies (for instance, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16). It is using a home/office gateway unit to combine the available signals from 5G satellite network and to present modern Wi-Fi coverage within the premises. 12. Case 12. Satellite connection of remote service center to off-shore wind farm. In this use, case 5G satellite network based on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite used for set up satellite link connection with local control center in the wind power plant communication network includes a 5G satellite user device. It will be provided low satellite communication latency and high uplink/down data transmission volume. However, these cases do not finish and limit possibility of 5G satellite segment applications and will be proceeded in 3GPP study in Release 17 on 5G evolution. The main flaw of satellite segment consists in increased delay of information transfer owning to distance between user units and gNB base station. The requirements submitted to the quality of service for data transfer within 5G satellite segment also depend on the relevant number of satellites in operation. The minimum quantity of satellites in operation needed to maintain radio coverage for orbits of different heights [6] is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Minimum satellites needed to maintain global radio coverage. The signal delays forming for different satellite orbits and satellite limits on satellite segment delays are presented in Table 2. Additionally, the indicated delays are summarized with 5 ms delay, added by satellite. Therefore, maximum delay limits reach 30, 90, and 280 ms.

Table 2. UE to satellite propagation delay. Other QoS-requirements (Default Priority Level, Packet Delay Budget, Packet Error Rate) for 5G satellite segment have set in 3GPP technical specifications. 3. Spectrum aspects of 5G satellite segment use On the one hand, spectrum and wide bandwidth for 5G terrestrial networks will require utilization of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) bands to provide data transfer speed reaching up to 20 Gigabits per second in 5G radio interface connect with the process of delivery of the extended broadband mobile access (eMBB) service. On other hand such requirements to use frequency channels with bandwidth from 50 up to 400 MHz for eMBB-services can provide only in mm-wave bands which already utilized within satellite networks. That is why mm-wave bands in nearest future will turn out to be the most requested in 5G and satellite communications. World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) allocated of additional mm-wave frequency bands 24.25–27.5 GHz, 37–43.5 GHz, and 66–71 GHz for 5G terrestrial networks on a global basis. In a series of countries and regions, frequency bands of 45.5–47 GHz and 47.2- 48.2 GHz received complimented allocation to terrestrial segment of IMT. This decision WRC-19

68 69 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g will be allowed to use some part of mm-wave bands on spectrum sharing basis for 5G satellite and 5G terrestrial network segments. Table 3 shown the basic frequency bands allocated to fixed and mobile satellite services, sited within the band from 10.7 to 275 GHz, designed for satellite networks and satisfied the needs for 5G channel bandwidths [7].

Table 3. Frequency bands allocated to fixed and mobile satellite services. The analysis of spectrum bands within 12.5–86 GHz has revealed the availability of frequency bands with total bandwidth equals 17.75 GHz in up-link (UL) bands and within 10.7–76 GHz – the availability of frequency bands with total bandwidth equals 20 GHz in down-link (DL) bands for satellite networks. In order to ensure the provision of services in the field of mass deployment of IoT devices in 5G satellite segment, it was suggested that part of S-band should utilize as a potential option with 30 MHz bandwidth [8]:  uplink (IoT device–satellite) in band: 1980–2010 MHz;  downlink (satellite–IoT device) in band: 2170–2200 MHz. The connection between satellite 5G base station gNB and feeder link of satellite network can be performed in one of the fixed satellite service bands. Furthermore, the study of most popular frequency bands, namely Ka-band (28 GHz) and Q/V- bands (37–53 GHz), has exposed the following features which are to be considered while elaborating the solutions for 5G. While considering the use of Ka-band for 5G satellite segment, one should bear in mind that:  Ka-band is a traditional satellite band, enhancing access for satellite networks;  a part of this band has allocated for 5G terrestrial networks on a global basis by WRC-19;  a few national administrations are reviewing this band in terms of 5G terrestrial networks use. While considering the use of Q/V-bands (37-53 GHz) for 5G satellite network, one should bear in mind that:  V-band has not been used yet for satellite applications, in particular, for feeder lines of satellite network;  a part of V-band has been added into bands which has allocated for 5G terrestrial networks on a global basis by WRC-19;  3GPP accelerates common efforts on joint researches as well as study of requirements attached to satellite as well as terrestrial segment of 5G in V-band in Release 17. Thus, 5G satellite segment can be constructed as the multiband one, as well as 5G terrestrial segment, which was divided into frequency bands lower 6 GHz (FR1) and higher 6 GHz (FR2) also. 4. Satellite segment architecture for 5G networks The main standardization body – 3GPP responsible for technical specifications on 5G equipment and 5G infrastructure conducted first studies regarding 5G satellite segment use, while elaborating Release 14 within Technical report 3GPP TR 38913 [4].

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5G satellite options, presented by 3GPP related to the deployment of 5G satellite segment, are designed for 5G services delivery in areas, where their provision by 5G terrestrial segment is impeded as well as for the services supported by satellite systems. According to Report [4], 5G satellite segment is to complement 5G services, which delivering especially on road, rail and waterways as well as in rural regions, where access to 5G terrestrial segment is unavailable. 5G services supported via 5G satellite segment go beyond data and voice communications, providing connection with IoT devices and М2М, access to broadcasting services and a number of other services, that is tolerant of signal delays. Partnership project 3GPP has come up with three options in respect of deployment, shown in Table 4 [4].

Table 4. Satellites and frequency band options for 5G deployment. The satellite orbits, shown in Table 4 and in Figure 1 enable using:  Geostationary satellites (GEO), located at an altitude of 35,786 km, providing full coverage of the Earth by a constellation ranging from one up to three satellites between 70°N and 70°S;  Medium Earth orbit (MEO), located at an altitude of 8000–20,000 km over the surface of the Earth, providing full coverage of the Earth by satellites ranging from 10 up to 12 satellites.  Low Earth Orbits (LEO) at an altitude of 500–2000 km above the Earth secures the continuity of coverage by satellite network with satellites ranging from 50 up to 100 satellites.

Figure 1. Typical earth orbit of communication satellite. The frequency bands, specified in Table 4, are applicable solely to a part of satellite bands (Figure 1), whereas modern satellite networks are deployed in broad spectrum of frequency bands, including L-band (1–2 GHz), S-band (2–4 GHz), C-band (3.4–6.725 GHz), Ku-band (10.7– 14.8 GHz), Ka-band (17.3–21.2 GHz, 27.0–31.0 GHz), Q/V-bands (37.5–43.5 GHz, 47.2– 50.2 GHz and 50.4–51.4 GHz), and higher. The system architecture of 5G satellite segment is being constructed based on the use cases, mentioned in Section 1 of this chapter and two satellite technologies:

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1. The architecture based on the technology of bent-pipe (with invisible satellite transponders without On-Board Processing) – this option envisages signal reception from user devices, its amplification, its transfer on other frequency and relaying in the direction of satellite gateway. 2. The architecture based on the technology of On-Board Processing (with satellite transponders, complimented with data processing on board) – this option implies signal reception from user devices, its regenerations, including modulation and demodulation, encryption and decryption of these signals. The architecture on-board processing also provides for the partial allocation of base station equipment on the board of a satellite. In December 2017, 3GPP in scope of work on Release 16 was published Report on using satellite access in 5G [3]. The Report submitted new business cases of 5G satellite segment utilization, including Internet of Things alongside with the requirements for performance of cross-border connections and the key characteristics for satellite segment of 5G: types of orbits, coverage area, and signal delays during propagation, network architecture for 5G satellite segment. In accordance of proposed solutions, 5G satellite segment is inculcated into the integrated radio access network (5G RAN), which will be used satellite infrastructure and 5G core network (5G Core). 5G core can be linked up with the other generation RANs, in particular, 4G RAN, apart from satellite segment for 5G. System architecture of 5G satellite segment, which is to be set up in accordance with the technology of bent-pipe (with transparent satellite transponders) when signal use solely to amplification and signal conditioning on retention of a modulation type has shown in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2. Signals relay architecture for 5G NR radio interface.

Figure 3. Relaying architecture based on 5G user device with UE relay. As one can see in Figures 2 and 3, bent-pipe architecture refers to the architecture where the satellite transponders are transparent: only amplify and change frequency but preserve 5G waveform. One of the important features of 5G radio access network design is that gNB base stations have a distributed architecture (Figure 4) and consist of a central module gNB-CU and one or more distributed modules gNB-DU(s) [9].

Figure 4. Architecture 5G base station gNB.

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The gNB-CU and gNB-DU modules are connected by a logical interface F1. The distributed module gNB-DU supports one or more cells and can only be attached to one central module gNB- CU. This architecture of the gNB base station allows to implement the concept of building an integrated 5G radio access network by placing the gNB-CU and gNB-DU modules at earth stations and realization of F1-interface as a space link based on bent-pipe technology. System architecture of 5G satellite segment when gNB-CU and gNB-DU modules connected each other through F1-interface by satellite links for on bent-pipe technology has shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Architecture 5G base station gNB with F1-satellite interface. Next options of bent-pipe architecture of 5G satellite segment has used for retranslation NG1 and NG2 interfaces, which connecting 5G base stations gNBs to 5G core. This architecture of 5G satellite segment is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Signals relay architecture for NG1 and NG2 interfaces. In case where 5G user device (UE) has opportunity to use satellite modem with non-3GPP radio interface for bent-pipe architecture of 5G satellite segment, the architecture option of such segment could design as shown in Figure 7. 5G satellite segment architecture shall support different configurations where the radio access network is either a satellite NG-RAN or a non- 3GPP satellite access network, or both.

… Download the entire document here: https://www.intechopen.com/chapter/pdf-preview/70821

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19.4.20 - The overlooked cure for everything? Master Mineral Solution (MMS) by Jim Humble, UPDATE 2 Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) all physicians authorized: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/04/yoda-the-overlooked-cure-for-everything-master-mineral-solution- mms-by-jim-humble-dirt-cheap/

20.4.20 – Heat body core in a sauna, vaporize virus?: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/04/yoda-heat- body-core-in-a-sauna-vaporize-virus/ All coronaviruses are extremely temperature (heat) sensitive and therefore cannot live in tropical climates. This is a well known fact (but kept totally hidden by the media and their medical accomplices) and scientifically provable in less than 90 minutes by placing an infected and sick person in a hot sauna bath long enough to raise their body’s core temperature by 2 degrees (60 to 90 minutes). That is sufficient to instantly kill the coronavirus and the patient walks out of that sauna bath completely cured. I know from my own personal experience that this is indeed true, as I have successfully taken this treatment twice in the past. The results and effectiveness are nothing short of astonishing.

Good website for information and recommendations about electromagnetic radiation and

72 73 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g health: Radiation health Risks: https://www.radiationhealthrisks.com/

You should NEVER hold a mobile/cell phone to your head, and NEVER use Bluetooth earphones or Apple earbuds because you are microwaving your pineal gland and your brain! Video showing radiation from “smart”phones & Bluetooth Earbuds, plus the solution of air tube earphones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB_OYdoFwf8 The 9 best air tube headsets: https://www.radiationhealthrisks.com/best-air-tube-headsets/ Ferrite beads to prevent radiation from reaching your torso: Air Tube Headset

For a detailed review of 9 different quality brands of air tube headsets please see my article entitled “The 9 Best Air Tube Headsets – My Top Picks!” Now lets get into more detail about Air Tube Headsets. Air Tube headsets are the best way to use your cellphone and know for sure the radiation is not being emitted right next to your head. Your head is the most vulnerable to RF Radiation. The idea behind an Air Tube Headset is that zero radiation goes up the cord and into your ear because about mid way up the headset are the speakers, and then from the speakers to your ears are air tubes. So no wires go to your head. It works similar to a stethoscope. The above left image is a picture of a very top of the line Air Tube Headset that you can get on Amazon. This next link is a link to a more moderately priced Air Tube Headset that seems to still be good quality. Both are great and you can’t go wrong with either. And the more honest manufacturers recommend that you have a Ferrite Bead on the base of the cord anyway, because radiation will still travel up the cord to the speakers. With the cord leaning against your body radiation will still be radiating into your body, it just won’t make it to your head. I prefer just a normal corded headset with a Ferrite Bead attached to its base. So be sure to get a ferrite bead to install on the base of the cord, even with an Air Tube headset. For sure the safest route would be an Air Tube Headset with a Ferrite Bead attached to the base of the cord. The sound is great with them.

23.2.19 - Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing the Body's Electrical Circuitry | Electricity of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPDPrXEAe1s&feature=youtu.be Fascia are simply semiconductors.

We are all in this together: the frequency of love | David Icke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=gfka6Afey5U&feature=emb_logo

13.4.20 - Preparedness: How to begin “square foot” gardening: https://www.naturalblaze.com/2020/04/preparedness- how-to-begin-square-foot- gardening.html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscriber s&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=b4f42cc330- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd- b4f42cc330-388367887

18.4.20 - New technology could allow you to “hack” your dreams and control lucid dreaming: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2020/04/18/new- technology-could-allow-you-to-hack-your-dreams-and- control-lucid-dreaming/?utm_source=Waking+Times+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=16aa00c384- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_25f1e048c1-16aa00c384-54797653

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Jake Anderson - MIT scientists are building a wearable device that allows you to "hack" your dreams.

Steven Whybrow: Navigating the matrix with natural law principles (episode 1) - the power of emotional intelligence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY9vWOpgPzM

Steven Whybrow: Navigating the matrix with natural law principles (episode 2) - the Icke- onic factor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMeWKOMikL0&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3B8M9rrrYJEH xe51vFW0loheiJohPCuHnZpFQT4OxbkzoUaJJbzqyoCYo

LondonReal Brian Rose – Reconnect: https://londonreal.tv/reconnect-the-movie/ A Journey with Ayahuasca Reconnect is London Real’s fifth feature-length documentary film and documents Brian Rose’s journey to Costa Rica where he participates in multiple ceremonies with the plant medicine Ayahausca. The movie stars Graham Hancock, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dennis McKenna, Sadhguru, Dorian Yates, Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Michael Pollan, and Dan Pena. As the founder and host of London Real, Brian Rose has spoken to over 600 of the greatest minds on the planet for the past eight years including Dan Peña, Dan Bilzerian, Robert Kiyosaki, Jocko Willink and more. Watch Reconnect now and share in Brian’s story through his Ayahuasca ceremony and beyond to his integration exclusively here on London Real.

13.4.20 - Our plan vs. His plan -- Ole Dammegard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obiATvDSNcQ

13.4.20 – London Real - Dr. Joe Dispenza: Create a wall of armour for your immune system: how to protect against Covid-19: https://londonreal.tv/create-a-wall-of-armour-for-your-immune- system-how-to-protect-against-covid-19-dr-joe- dispenza/?__s=4vcvlkdwq35c2krzmpkj&utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20 20-04-13+Joe+Dispenza+LIVE&utm_content=Going+LIVE+with+Dr.+Joe+Dispenza%21%C2%A0

6.4.20 - How beautiful do you want your future after 'COVID-19' coronavirus Ole Dammegard Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc1ok0bAIhQ

Documentary: The Connected Universe: https://www.documentarymania.com/player.php?title=The+Connected+Universe For those of us who may not have had a chance yet to see this documentary it is well worth the watch as a reminder how mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and scientifically connected in the greater macro and micro quantum universe. It’s one of the best one’s I’ve seen explaining a larger, more wholistic view of unified sciences, theories and research. The Resonance Foundation has also opened all their online courses and programs for FREE given the current circumstances mankind is facing... The Connected Universe This fascinating journey of exploration of the connection of all things in the Universe is narrated by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart. With the lens of science, the film reveals the mechanism linking everything in the cosmos. Related Searches: Science, Physics, Culture, Ideas and Movements, Quantum, Einstein, Nassim Haramein, Max Planck, https://www.documentarymania.com/player.php?title=The+Connected+Universe If you’re interested in learning more about the “Connected Universe” & “Quantum Unified Sciences” and the profound quantum sciences discovered behind it, that unfortunately today’s present text books in our industrialized society just cant keep up with, well then take a step forward today and brush up on your cosmic connection here through a series of collective minds sharing their collective insights together!

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This is truly a precious gift to the people of the world - “Thank You Nassim and Team at The Resonance Foundation” https://www.resonancescience.org/

30.1.09 - Courage is infectious: I'm Spartacus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8h_v_our_Q

2.5.06 – Article: Beyond Hope By Derrick Jensen: https://orionmagazine.org/article/beyond- hope/ … When we realize the degree of agency we actually do have, we no longer have to “hope” at all. We simply do the work. We make sure salmon survive. We make sure prairie dogs survive. We make sure grizzlies survive. We do whatever it takes. When we stop hoping for external assistance, when we stop hoping that the awful situation we’re in will somehow resolve itself, when we stop hoping the situation will somehow not get worse, then we are finally free — truly free — to honestly start working to resolve it. I would say that when hope dies, action begins. PEOPLE SOMETIMES ASK ME, “If things are so bad, why don’t you just kill yourself?” The answer is that life is really, really good. I am a complex enough being that I can hold in my heart the understanding that we are really, really fucked, and at the same time that life is really, really good. I am full of rage, sorrow, joy, love, hate, despair, happiness, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and a thousand other feelings. We are really fucked. Life is still really good. Many people are afraid to feel despair. They fear that if they allow themselves to perceive how desperate our situation really is, they must then be perpetually miserable. They forget that it is possible to feel many things at once. They also forget that despair is an entirely appropriate response to a desperate situation. Many people probably also fear that if they allow themselves to perceive how desperate things are, they may be forced to do something about it. …

9.4.20 - Robert Steele: Holistic Appraisal of Health Solution for Virus: https://phibetaiota.net/2020/04/robert-steele-holistic-appraisal-of-health-solution-for-virus/ Argyrol has been in clinical use for over 118 years and was in hospitals and pharmacies. first aid kits and most home medicine cabinets until about 25 years ago. Argyrol is immediate to manufacture and market in all jurisdictions [according to Pat Smith who was the Glaxo-Smith Klein Technical Director for South Africa]. In it’s heyday Argyrol had multiple headquarters in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and South Africa; to all appearance Argyrol was ubiquitous. Argyrol ships through customs globally without impediments. Argyrol is recognized as not new nor alternative and for that reason, can be used off-label [being tested now in Kenya against HIV by doctors and public health personnel at their request]. Christine the owner has used this drug personally to nebulization four years. The dosage was over 2.5mLs daily. The same dosage amount after four years was administered rectally for an additional year. Daily administration of Argyrol resulted in no heavy metal toxicity, no staining of my mucosa of my throat and absolutely no other reactions of discomfort or irritation to rectal tissue from daily administration of Argyrol at all. She was monitored by her physicians with blood tests and PET scans with no irregularites observed. The only first reaction was the Jarisch Herxheimer (Healing crisis) which subsided within a few days. Were there to be bottles of OTC Argyrol Anti-Infective in the hospital pharmacies for respiratory wards, in the pharmacies and everywhere else as there was less than 25 years ago, there would be no global fear gripping individuals without ANYTHING to militate against pandemic pathogens engaging with their bodies on their mucous membranes, for God’s sake and definitely no reason to shut down the entire global economy for ‘the pestilence that stalks in darkness’ noted in Psalm 91:6. How do we look after 25 years without OTC Argyrol? I rest my case.

30.11.03 – Robert David Steele - Review: The Tao of Democracy–Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World That Works for All: https://phibetaiota.net/2003/11/the-tao-of-democracy-using- co-intelligence-to-create-a-world-that-works-for-all/

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Tom Atlee, the author of this book, gets credit for defining a “bottom up” approach that is sensible and implementable. This book focuses on what comes next, after everyone gets tired of just “meeting up” or “just blogging.” This book is about collective intelligence for the common good, and it is a very fine book.

From: The Handbook for the New Paradigm: "Remember that we are not to consider the actions or the reactions of the other side. We are going to be dreaming within little known possibilities; therefore all things are possible. The contingent plans of the other side can only work in their known reality. You are going to be setting up a reality that is far outside anything that they have even considered. It is this level of creativity that we are striving to encourage you to reach...Remember your imagination is the entry point to the "mind of God" which is infinite potentiality. The invocation of His Presence when "two or more are present," is true to a degree you limited ones have not yet perceived."

Mark Passio – The “Lost” Principle Of Care: https://lovetruthsite.wordpress.com/2016/09/25/mark-passio-the-lost-principle-of-care-2/

Birth of a New Earth - A Vision for the Future: https://www.birthofanewearth.com/1/a-vision-for- the-future/

Coronavirus free breathing exercises by Patrick McKeown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiwrtgWQeDc

Wim Hof's tips for Covid-19 quarantine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFPjKxiXORU

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Ed. I am speculating here but feel I should share this. Make of it what you will and please do your own research. I feel sure that the space aspect is crucial and still people are not paying attention to that. From what I hear from two good sources (Daniel Estulin and Joe Imbriano), the globalists will start their planned population cull for real in September. I feel that this is correct because the plannedemic legislation included rolling out 5G as fast as possible and the lockdowns were intended to enable them to do this unhindered. The UK and Switzerland have both announced that they expect to have a vaccine ready by September/October. Both initiatives are associated with the Jenner Foundation and therefore the Pirbright Institute, which holds patents on the coronavirus. So it is all very suspicious, isn't it? Something tells me that the vaccine is part of an electromagnetic radiation weapon. Once the vaccine is inside of you, they can trigger it and they may do this with the satellites. So we must make sure that the vaccine never becomes possible.

24.4.20 - Mandated Vaccinations, What You Will Need to Say “NO!”: https://needtoknow.news/2020/04/mandated-vaccinations-what-you-will-need-to-say- no/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mandated-vaccinations-what-you-will-need-to-say-no Link to form: https://www.freedomtaker.com/ Jerry Day has created a notice-of-liability to give to anyone who tries to force vaccines on you. Even though they refuse to sign, that shows they have been informed that vaccines can cause damage. He offers a second document that lists the reasons individuals have the right to reject vaccines. He says the documents act as an insurance policy if anything goes wrong with a forced vaccine, because it is proof of your objection to the vaccination and, thereby, makes the administrators of the vaccine personally subject to penalty and prosecution. In other words, If you do not object and make your position clear, you may be presumed to agree with unconstitutional laws and harmful public policy.

28.4.20 – Next in coronavirus tyranny: forced vaccinations and ‘digital certificates’: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/04/next-in-coronavirus-tyranny-forced-vaccinations-and-digital-

76 77 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g certificates.html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=134651538f- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd-134651538f-388367887 In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC were frantic to “do something” about the virus. Unfortunately, the hastily developed and rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received the swine flu vaccine than in the general population. That sad history may soon repeat itself. Right now, governments and private industries are working to rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a “digital certificate” proving he has been vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they have been vaccinated. …

22.4.20 - Plan in place – already bought the syringes - It begins: Chicago official confirms CDC plot for mass vaccination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=YpIabs5fVSI&feature=emb_logo

Two documents to help prevent forced vaccinations: 1. Conditional acceptance of vaccination - Agreement between vaccine providers and vaccinated party: this is long so it is attached to the end of this document. Click here


I do not know what is in your vaccine. I do not believe your vaccine is safe. I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials. I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents. I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the ailment they are purported to mitigate. I know that adjuvants are put into vaccines to “shock” the immune system into extreme response, and that causes biological “crisis”, stress and damage to the immune system, the blood and the whole body. I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by media which receives billions of dollars in pharma advertising annually. I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by government in which pharmaceutical regulatory agencies are largely run and controlled by pharma industry executives, loyalists and lobbyists. I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year. I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of polio and other diseases and injuries in India, Asia, Africa, The Philippines and many other locations. I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from the harm vaccines are causing. I know that taxpayers have paid billions of dollars to families who's members were injured or killed by vaccines. I do not trust the vaccine industry, government agencies or international agencies which seem to be acting on behalf of vaccine sales and promotion and suppressing information of vaccine hazards. I know that most vaccines have not been tested or proven safe. I know that under current law all physicians and healthcare workers must have my consent to administer medicine to me. My consent is hereby denied and refused. I know that if someone is not a doctor, such as an elected official or bureaucrat, they may not administer medicine at all, much less “mandate” medical treatments for the general population.

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I know it is possible to mitigate and control all contagious diseases with safer and more effective means than vaccination. Anyone who claims privilege to inject materials in my body without my consent is my enemy and is criminal. I will treat anyone who threatens to violate my body as a criminal assailant. No, you may not vaccinate me or my children. If you try, I will exercise my right to self defense against you and your accomplices to any extent I deem necessary to protect ourselves. Forced vaccination is not authorized or permitted under Law. If there is a code or statutory “mandate” for forced medication, it is unconstitutional, unlawful and unenforceable. You may not attempt or threaten non-consensual vaccination, and if you do, you will be dealt with in a manner to restore rule of law, justice and to protect our right to personal physical security. Your ignorance of vaccine hazards and medical rights and your inability to understand the facts above do not give you any immunity or any license to commit the crime of forced non-consensual medication. Can you name every ingredient of your vaccine? Presumably not. Can you predict the physical effects of each of those ingredients? No. Can you predict the consequences of combining those ingredients? No. Have you offered to personally take full responsibility to pay for any harm your vaccine causes? No. Therefore you do not have the slightest authority or privilege to forcibly administer vaccines. If you fail to immediately cease all threat of vaccination against me and my family, I cannot assure your safety.

24.4.20 - Mandated vaccinations. What you will need to say “NO!”: https://needtoknow.news/2020/04/mandated-vaccinations-what-you-will-need-to-say- no/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mandated-vaccinations-what-you-will- need-to-say-no Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhxjqAt779A&feature=youtu.be Informational document in French on vaccines: http://c.21- bal.com/buhgalteriya/1195/index.html

The document below is downloadable from: https://fonds-josefa.org/wp- content/uploads/2019/11/Certificat_expertise_aluminium.pdf

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Document to help prevent forced vaccinations: Conditional acceptance of vaccination - Agreement between vaccine providers and vaccinated party: see next page.

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Herein the terms “administration” and “administrators” refers to all parties providing and/or “mandating” vaccine services and products including vaccine Manufacturers, Marketers, Lobbyists, Distributors, Hospitals, Clinics, Physicians, Nurses, Government Agents and Agencies, Healthcare Providers, Elected Officials, Enforcement Persons, Agencies and Programs, and all other parties bringing “mandated” vaccines to application or to market in any way.

This is agreement between the parties identified herein who on one hand, will receive vaccinations or be affected by the consequences of vaccination including the vaccinated party/s their guardians, representatives and all persons of common interests and, on the other hand, the administrators and providers of the vaccine/s in all the various capacities. Those parties shall be identified at the end of this document.

Individual intended for Vaccination:______Circle one: Adult Minor

Parents' or Guardian's Names and/or Head of Household: ______

Children's names (all family members):______




Other contacts if available:______

Name of vaccine to be provided______

As administrator of this vaccine I hereby agree to and with the following representations, stipulations, terms, declarations and positions:

1. I am aware and understand that vaccines are not a perfect or fully proven method of disease control.

2. I am aware and understand that vaccines are not 100% effective.

3. I am aware that vaccines have not been tested enough to show that they are 100% safe and effective.

4. I am aware and understand that vaccines can cause death or injury and disease which seriously and negatively affects the lives of vaccinated individuals, their families and their communities.

5. I am aware and understand that vaccines, when causing disease and injury, can cause major costs to individuals, families and communities, which costs are solely the responsibility and liability of the causing agents which are the administrators and providers of a harming or ineffective vaccine.

6. I am aware and understand that vaccines cause risk which is the sole responsibility of the administrators and providers of the vaccine.

7. I am aware and understand that no one may be forced, coerced or compelled to accept

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medical treatment or foreign substances inserted into their bodies without full voluntary consent under full disclosure and that administering a treatment, harmful or otherwise, without consent of all affected parties is unlawful and unethical.

8. I am aware and understand that vaccinations do, on occasion, cause harm, injury and disease including the disease they are intended to prevent.

9. I am aware and understand that there are particular dangers and hazards of combining more than one vaccination in one or sequential administrations and some of those hazards and dangers are not well understood and have not been fully researched, tested or proven safe or effective.

10. I understand that individuals have different physiologies and that a vaccination which may be harmless to one individual may be quite harmful to another individual.

11. I am aware and understand that, prior to administration of any vaccination, administrators of vaccinations must and shall disclose to all interested parties all known and presumed risks, hazards, harm and failures of vaccinations and all contents of the proposed vaccination/s including all trace chemicals, adjuvants, components and contaminants whether or not administrators consider those elements to be of consequence so that the recipients of vaccinations can make fully informed decisions with regard to accepting vaccination.

12. I am aware and understand that administration of vaccinations without full disclosure and full voluntary consent of all interested parties and imposing risk and hazard in that way represents criminal violation, malpractice and major liability of the administrators of the vaccination to the vaccinated party/s should any negative consequences arise.

13. I am aware and understand that any person who attempts to enforce a “mandate” in forcing or coercing vaccination or any other medical treatment upon any unwilling or uninformed party, whether or not that “mandate” is provided in law, codes or regulations, is personally fully liable for any and all harm, loss, damage, negative consequences of the vaccination upon the vaccinated party and all other interested parties. That liability extends to all administrators of that “mandate”, all legislators who were involved in the creation of that “mandate” and all companies and individuals who promoted that “mandate” through lobbying or other political action and all parties who participate in the enforcement of the “mandate”.

14. I understand that, as an administrator or provider of any “mandated” vaccination I am assuming all liability, obligation and responsibility for any and all negative and/or unintended consequences of the administration of the vaccine and that I must “make whole” the recipients of the vaccine, their guardians, families and community for any and all financial and personal harm, damage and losses caused by the vaccine and any and all harm which may be reasonably attributed to the vaccine. I understand that this is necessary because laws to not adequately protect vaccine recipients and, in fact, put the public at risk of uninsured harm from vaccines.

15. I am aware and understand that I must disclose all risks of vaccination prior to administration of the vaccine and, because vaccinations do pose risks, I must allow the recipients, guardians and families to refuse the vaccination at their sole discretion, and that disclosure of hazards and risks does not absolve me from any responsibility, liability or accountability for negative consequences of the vaccinations I administer.

16. If a person suffers any disease or injury at any time after vaccination and not before vaccination and that disease or injury cannot be affirmatively attributed to any particular cause other than the vaccination, then I agree that it is reasonable to presume that the injury or disease was or may have been caused by the vaccination and I will so presume

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and accept that theory in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary.

17. If the vaccine recipients, guardians, family members and interested parties of the vaccinated party should, after the vaccination, submit claims for harm, loss, damages, injuries or disease which they reasonably suspect to be caused fully or partially by the vaccination, then the claims must and shall be paid and delivered by the administrators of the vaccination (above) to the claimant/s without challenge within 30 days from submission of each claim and any challenge to the claim/s must be made through formal written process and/or non-binding arbitration. Refusal or obstruction of service of claim shall not reduce obligations and shall be cause for escalated claim.

18. I am aware and understand that all administrators of vaccinations are responsible for any emotional distress caused by their vaccinations and are liable for compensation for such emotional distress caused to the victim/s.

19. Administrators of vaccinations hereby agree that they will allow and facilitate recording, videotaping, documentation and investigation of all services, processes and facilities associated with the administration of the vaccine and that administrators of vaccinations will not refuse or obstruct that information gathering for any reason reasons such as “privacy,” “security” or “proprietary.”

20. I am aware and understand that any failure or refusal to sign this agreement causes suspicion of intention to do harm to the vaccinated party and others and to avoid responsibility for potential harm that may be caused by vaccination, and I am aware and understand that failure or refusal of signature of this agreement by any administrator of vaccines is cause for rightful refusal of vaccination by the intended vaccination recipient with law, code, regulations, contracts and “mandates” notwithstanding.

21. Any threat of consequence for refusal of vaccination/s, such as removal from school, quarantine, “child endangerment,” criminal prosecution, “civil penalty” etc. is coercion, is offensive, inappropriate, unlawful and/or violates parental rights. There is no law and can be no valid law which would rightfully grant authority over any individual to determine medical treatment for any other party who is in possession of their faculties. Refusal of vaccination does not in any way imply poor judgment, diminished capacities or social irresponsibility because there are extensive public records showing harm, injury and death caused by vaccines.

22. I am / am not (circle one) claiming that I personally have the right and authority to force medical treatment and vaccinations upon the party (above) whom I intend for vaccination without his/her consent. If I claim that authority, then I will provide all legal and official reference which bestows that authority upon me specifically against the intended recipient of the vaccination. I understand that I must provide evidence of authority to the satisfaction of all interested parties before the person intended for vaccination may be vaccinated because the interested parties presume that no such authority exists nor can exist, and, in many cases, the harm caused by vaccinations cannot be reversed.

23. I understand and agree that the person intended for vaccination is not responsible to gather signatures on this form. The parties intending to vaccinate must acquire and share this form, sign it and deliver it to any party intended for vaccination upon request. At such time as the duly signed forms are delivered to the person intended for vaccination, those agreement forms will be signed by the person intended for vaccination or by his/her guardian and one copy will be returned to each administrator of the vaccination/s. If one of the requested administrators above fails to sign and return the form, all agreements are void and vaccination is rightfully refused.

24. Refusal to sign this form is indication of deceit, bad faith and hypocrisy on the part of a vaccine administrator who may recommend vaccination as “safe”, but, at the same time,

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deny responsibility for the hazards. If vaccinations are “safe” then refusal or hesitation to sign this form is firm indication of misrepresentation with the assertion of “safety”.

If this form is refused or not signed by any vaccine administrators listed above, then refusal of vaccine is rightful and refusal must be presumed and honored. Vaccination does pose risks, therefore administration of vaccine without signature on this agreement by all parties called for herein or and/or without fully informed consent by all interested parties constitutes criminal assault, malpractice, intentional harm and violation of rights against the vaccinated parties and all other parties of common interest by the administrators and providers of the vaccine whether any harm is caused or not by the vaccination, therefore, without fully informed consent by all interested parties, major obligations and liabilities arise from non-consensual vaccination whether or not the vaccination causes physical injury,r disease or other damage.

I agree that refusal to sign this form constitutes admission and warning to the prospective recipient of vaccination that vaccination may cause harm and should be avoided in order to protect the health and safety of those receiving treatment.

Refusal by any administrator of a vaccine to sign this form is grounds for the intended recipient of the vaccine and their guardians to refuse vaccination pending the necessary safeguards and insurance provided by the responsible party/s.

This agreement is separate and distinct from any benefit/s, or “necessities” that may be attributed to vaccinations and vaccination programs. The public may only protected when to do so does not violate the rights of an indiviual.

Any vaccine which is not fully tested and shown, by rigorous testing, trials, certifications and general administration to be free of risk and which is accepted as such unanimously by the scientific and medical communities, or which is not being administered and “mandated” by a licensed physician to a consenting patient may not be administered lawfully or without major liability and penalty for administering medicine without a license and/or without the consent of the patient. Non-consensual medication violates the United State Constitution, medical codes of ethics and a number of international treaties and laws.

NOTICE: A separate agreement must be signed for each individual intended to be vaccinated and for each separate vaccine even if separate vaccines are “combined” in one treatment.

By signing this form I agree to accept full liability and be personally responsible for all harm, hazard and damage and loss caused by the vaccine and vaccination which I am administering.

I understand that the intended vaccine recipient accepts vaccination on the condition that it is proven safe and effective to all reasonable expectation and insurance is provided to cover all possible future claims of damage.




Signatures, identification and contacts for responsible parties (vaccine administrators):

Authorized Officer of Vaccine Manufacturer, Name:______

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Driver's license number:______

Alternate contacts and identification:______


Authorized Officer of the Organization Administering Vaccinations, Name:





Driver's license number:______

Alternate contacts and identification:______


Authorized and Accountable Officer of any “mandating” government agency, Name:





Driver's license number:______

Alternate contacts and identification:______


Individual Administering the Vaccination to the Vaccine Recipients (Nurse, Healthcare Provider or

Other, Name:______




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Driver's license number:______

Alternate contacts and identification:______


Elected officials, bureaucrats and enforcement personnel supporting “mandate” of medical treatment and/or vaccination (attache additional sheets as necessary):





Driver's license number:______

Alternate contacts and identification:______


Authorized Officer responsible for distributing the Vaccination to healthcare facilities and providers:


Print name:______

Direct Contact information: ______




When the party intended for vaccination is able to confirm and assure the safety and effectiveness of the offered vaccination, receives insurance or bonding for all possible harm and damage, receives a complete list of all ingredients, adjuvants and contaminants of the vaccination, and receives full identification and contacts of all responsible parties (above) the party intended for vaccination will determine whether it is appropriate, prudent, safe or necessary to provide consent to be vaccinated.

IF THE AGREEMENT ABOVE IS NOT SIGNED, the administrator offering or “mandating” a vaccine is required to sign the following statement exclusive of all statements above:

I decline to sign the above agreement because I am unwilling to accept personal liability for the harm, damage and/or loss that my vaccine may cause.

85 86 5G / Coronavirus Briefing 28 April 2020 Available at http://toxi.com/5g

Print name______



Phone contact______

Driver's License Number______
