241 Bridge Over the Rainbow. Animal Burials and Animal Cemeteries in Post-Socialist Estonia Marju Kõivupuu Centre of Culture and Landsape, the School of Humanities, Tallinn University
[email protected] Ritual burials for animals have been practiced both ancient advanced cultures (like Egypt) and prehistoric peoples. As a factor accom- panying the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 19th century, cemeteries for pets began to appear in the vicinity of bigger cities, and pet culture as a whole formed a separate economic branch. In industrial society the topic of pets became so important that in 1978 Errol Morris produced his widely acclaimed documentary Gates of Heaven, which focused on the business of animal burials. This article reviews the change in animal burial practices, focusing on the practices found in post-socialist Estonia, where the phenom- enon is rather new because of various socio-cultural reasons. As a result of this newness, the phenomenon is causing opposing opinions in society. Key words: Death culture; anthropomorphism; pet culture; pet cemeteries; popular religion. Introduction The best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of her master. – Anonymous Animals have their own culture, history and ethnology, and animals have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years (Premack & Premack 2002: 350–351). Animal history and culture as a subject of study in ethnology (i.e. the relationship of people and animals through the ages, values, qualities and meanings ascribed to animals) are human-mediated and constructed. Every generation has had its own point of view of animals as crea- tures who do not have all that we have as humans, such as language, consciousness, intellect and morality.